Hermes Issue 4

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The Official Newspaper of IELMUN 2013


The Delegate’s Ball Winter is Coming! Ielfun & The Survey Eve’s fall onto Earth Eve’s fall onto Earth Man sieht sich immer zweimal im Leben

Yine Bekleriz



onte was the name of the place where the participants of IELMUN experienced real fun in Istiklal Avenue. The party began at 21:00 when the Director General Yiğit Akdemir and her beautiful partner started dancing a waltz. A couple of minutes later, first the orga team members and then every participant of the conference joined them. After thirty minutes the music changed from waltz into rock n’ roll when the delegates really started to enjoy themselves. As time passed the music changed once again, but this time to pop and even house. During the ball we, as all participants, could experience the devel-

opment of the music culture through years. The ball venue had two different floors. On the first one people could dance the whole time, whereas on the second one people could sit, talk and relax while enjoying the great views of the sea and the Bosphorus. Actually, the event was supposed to end at 1:00 a.m. However, due to wishes the orga team decided to continue until 1:30 a.m. I, as a press team member, can surely say that the delegate’s ball was amazing and I am pretty sure that all delegates are looking forward to enjoying tomorrow’s farewell party!



s we wrote on our last issue UNCIO passed the statement “Among all organs of the UN to be established all member states shall be equal which includes having exactly the same rights and powers ” with 2/3 majority. As a response, delegations of the UK, USA and USSR called the representatives of France and the Republic of China to unite and write a declaration. The declaration demanded that the signatories to be the permanent member states of UN and the right of veto. The delegate of France expressed that the countries that oppose the declaration are not aware of the fact that these 5 countries are the only countries that are capable of eliminating threats. Afterward

USSR declared war on Japan and gave their support to Kurdish and Azeri minorities living in the northern parts of Iran. The representative of the Republic of China stated: “In case of any threats to world peace we are the countries that have the power to start and end wars; therefore, we will not accept to have the same rights as others. We are trying to define the differences between member states and bring a balance of powers into UN. ” After an hour of this heated debate, Syria announced a new declaration stating that lack of co-operation and inequality would result in member states reconstructing another international organization without these five countries. Baffled by the declara-

tion France warned the delegates to “not to wake the dragon.” Game of Thrones references continued with the delegate of the USA saying “In the game of thrones you either die or win”. The delegate of Saudi Arabia broke his silence by saying “This is something more than bone and muscles. This is an idea and ideas can’t be killed.” After that Iran claimed that these countries hold power simply because of the very existence of Iran and all the other countries. USA immediately gave a theatrical response: “Imagine that the floor is a world map and Iran is a person who’s afraid of a mouse. The Captain America comes to the rescue and puts Iran on a chair. Now that Iran is in a higher position they believe that they are stronger than us.”

The delegate of Iran acting against the agreement that they signed in 1941 wound up with the USSR and USA withdrawing their ambassadors. After all, the delegate of UK stated the obvious by saying: “UK, USA and USSR… The letter U comes from united. We should stand united against our enemies.” Later on the date showed the 29th of May which meant that fighting between nationalists and French mandate has occurred in Syria. In the middle of all of these intense discussions the President of the USA entered the committee room as a guest speaker. Mr. Truman simply said: “The peace is needed.” He explained that he was in a meeting with the other presidents and as a result of their meeting they had come to the conclusion that veto power and

permanent members are crucial for the stability and sustainability of world peace and the UN. Mr. President further explained that every member state should consider the opinions of these five countries now. If they do not, it would be too late for the member states when they are in need of help. After this insightful speech, delegates reargued the issue and they finally managed to compromise. At the end of the day, the American and Soviet embassies in Iran have been reopened and the crisis is resolved. Final decision of the committee is to have 6 permanent members with veto rights. 5 of them will be USSR, USA, UK, France and China and the 6th one will be chosen by GA every 3 years.

IELFUN “Your source of FAKE news”


erious cases of upset stomachs caused half of the IELMUN delegates to be hospitalized, yesterday. The astonished doctors in the hospital identified the problem as over consumption of Biscolata biscuits. Such a coincidence, that all of the Orga and Staff Team are the ones who suffered most from the illness.”


he ambitious Sri Lankan delegate of the Environment Committee left the conference with fury upon learning that MUN is a simulation and none of the resolutions apply to real life. The delegate’s last words were: ‘I was lied to; I thought we were making a difference!


ELMUN is mourning the death of the South Korean delegate from the Human Rights Committee, who was not asked to the Delegate Ball and was so embarrassed and hopeless that she found the remedy in committing suicide. All states’ flags are dipped.”


he ‘vampires vs. werewolves’ themed mock debate held in the CSW went out of hand when all of a sudden the delegate of Netherlands revealed himself as an actual vampire and attempted to bite his fellow delegates. The day was saved by Ayhan Abi, the cook, who brought in garlic from the kitchens.

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esterday in the second coffee break, you could see excited press team members running in the garden while holding lots of papers and asking questions to the delegates. They were making a survey with the delegates in the third day of the conference aiming to understand how satisfied they were with the general flow of the conference. We hope you will enjoy reading the results!

Did the dormitories and the food meet up to your expectations? A)Absolutely (%33) B) Kind of (%58) C) Horrible (%9) Did the Orga Team have a friendly attitude towards the delegates? A)Such sweeties (%55) B)Mediocre (%27) C) (No comment) (%18) Did the Speakers’ Night attribute to your general MUN knowledge? A)Absolutely (%44) B)It was OK(%19) C)Booring! (%37) Just how much did you love the Press Team? A) Too much (%61) B) I’m neutral (%39) C) Hate your guts (%0)

Eve’s Fall onto Earth


he orient and occident are considered to be opposites, the two different lobes of the brain which are loosely connected, even in the globalized and interactive world of our day. However, the commonalities of these two poles are more than we realize; we often seem to forget that both are the habitats of the same species: us, humans. Although the western civilization appears to be modern and pragmatist while their eastern counterpart is viewed as more mystical and primitive, this approach does not change the fact that they share their crude material. The evidence to this equivalence surfaces in times of war, crime, hunger, disaster, and despair. And in both cas-

es chiefly women and children are the victims of unjust treatment. The IELMUN ‘13 Conference features many topics concerned with the treatment of women (and children) in underdeveloped and developing countries: health, education and protection in military conflict and operation. These issues have been discussed in the GA and CSW, which is, as you know, a special committee formed to tackle the problems women have to face everywhere, every day. It is unbelievable and deeply disturbing that in the year of 2013 we still hear and read about (or even witness) the abuse of women all around the globe. This kind of news is so common that we cannot even act surprised anymore;

the majority of people are impassive to the crime, others are capable of justifying it somehow. Even in the supposedly developed countries, if a woman is raped, she sure asked for it. Female and male colleagues don’t earn the same amount of money even though they are doing the exactly same job. The number of women in congress and/ or parliament is disturbingly low. There are hundreds of stereotypical assumptions and prejudices that degrade women and cause them to be objectified. And all of this happens in the so-called women’s rights sympathizer part of the globe thus one becomes afraid to find out what is going on in the other part where all hell is loose.


Currently the Eastern World is not having its best days at all. The Middle East is caught up in an unsolvable catastrophe and though very little attention is given to them, women are suffering. The ongoing violence in Egypt and Syria has a lot of impact on them; aside from the threat of losing their lives every single day, Syrian women have to fear the death of their husbands for more than one reason. Because of the conditions in the country, most of them are dependent on their husbands and if they are left widowed, there is a very high chance that they will be forced to be sex workers. In Egypt, many women have been raped and abused during the protests, coup and the following conflicts. We constantly hear about Indian women being gang raped in different cities and

some of the offenders are just set loose. These women are not necessarily terrorists; they do not support a military intervention OR the Muslim Brotherhood, they are not immoral prostitutes, etc. They are merely human and they are trying to survive in horrible conditions. Advancements in technology, art and science are all very necessary and promising; however, building up a modern and developed world is not limited to them. Such a world needs to be able to assess its own actions, see its faults, and fix them. Currently it is the age-long issue of the mistreatment of women that needs a fix and we are hoping that the occident will lead the way for the orient in their search for a solution.

Man sieht sich immer zweimal im Leben


ie Kommission für Verbrechensverhütung und Strafrechtspflege ist wahrscheinlich eines der engagiertesten Gremien von IEL MUN 2013. Die Delegierten stiegen gleich am ersten Tag eifrig in die Debatte zum ersten Tagesordnungspunkt ein und verabschiedeten zur Rekapitulation der Maßnahmen gegen Menschenhandel bereits am zweiten Sitzungstag erfolgreich einen Resolutionsentwurf, der dann auch vom WiSo verabschiedet wurde. Zum zweiten Tagesordnungspunkt persönlicher und institutioneller Cybercrime als Bedrohung der internationalen Sicherheit gab es zunächst noch nicht so viel

Redebedarf, doch nach einem erschreckenden Gastbeitrags aus Amerika haben die Delegierten die Gefahr aus dem Netz erkannt und angeregt darüber debattiert. Nach einem gescheiterten Antrag Syriens auf Ausschluss der Presse, wegen der Befürchtung es handle sich um eine NSA-Agentin, haben die Delegierten über den Wert pornografischer Inhalte und deren Bedrohung für die internationale Sicherheit beraten. Der Resolutionsentwurf Pakistans zu dem aktuellen Tagesordnungspunt ist auf jeden Fall sehr hochkarätig und verdient von allen Delegierten höchste Beachtung. Heute, am letzten Sitzungstag

von IEL MUN 2013 sind wir uns alle ein Stückchen näher gekommen und sind zu einer großen Familie geworden. Im Besonderen möchte ich an dieser Stelle noch einmal das Engagement des Delegierten Indonesiens, des Delegierten Pakistans, des Delegierten Italiens, des Delegierten Syriens, des Delegierten Chiles und des Delegierten ihrer Majestät erwähnen, die sich aktiv in alle Debatten mit eingebracht haben und in den Lobbyphasen auch die Presse eines Blickes gewürdigt haben. Um nun endlich zum Schluss zu kommen. Man wird sich vermissen. Und eine Drohung oder nicht: Man sieht sich immer zweimal im Leben.

Feiern über Istanbuls Dächern Am gestrigen Abend feierten die Teilnehmer von IEL MUN 2013 gemeinsam auf dem Delegiertenball. In einem netten Club mit einer wundervollen Aussicht auf die Skyline Istanbuls bei Nacht haben die Delegierten, Journalisten und Orga-Team Mitglieder bei Snacks, Getränken und toller Musik einen netten und erlebnisreichen Abend gehabt. Dank des Orga-Teams hatte die feierwütige Meute noch die Chance eine halbe Stunde länger zu feiern. Der Delegiertenball hatte sowohl für Tanzsüchtige, Standardtänzer, Feiermuffel und Redenschwinger etwas zu bieten, wodurch alle mit einer zufriedenen Lächeln für eine kurze Nacht ins Bett stiegen und hochmotiviert und ausgeschlafen den letzten Sitzungstag genießen können

Keine Resolution in der Europäischen Kommission


m dritten Sitzungstag der Europäischen Kommission ging es weiterhin um den zweiten Tagesordnungspunkt „Einwanderung in die EU-Staaten und Beschluss einer gemeinsamen Position bezüglich künftiger Migranten/ Asylsuchenden“. Es wurde auch während dieser Sitzungen keine Resolution verabschiedet, stattdessen bildeten sich zwei „Lager“ innerhalb des Gremiums, die jeweils einen Resolutionsvorschlag einreichten. Einer der Konfliktpunkte in den Lagern war die Drittstaatenregelung, da die südeuropäischen Staaten für eine Änderung der Regelung plädierten, während die anderen Staaten diese befürworteten. Die Regelung hat finanzielle Folgen für die betroffenen Staaten. Einige Staaten warfen sich vor sich nur die Pralinen aus der EU zu nehmen, das heißt nur die für sie positiven Dinge zu befürworten. Des Weiteren sollen die Sicherheitsstandards an den Grenzen der Mehr-Schengen-Länder durch Verschärfungen der Kontrollen erhöht werden.

Krisensitzung im Sicherheitsrat


ezüglich der aktuellen Krise, die vom Sicherheitsrat behandelt wird, wird hier kurz ein Überblick über die aktuelle Lage in Syrien geliefert. Der US-Amerikanische Präsident Obama hat wegen des vermuteten Giftgaseinsatzes in Syrien eine Strafaktion angekündigt um die Notlage vor Ort eventuell etwas zu entschärfen. Er erwartet bis zum Wochenende eine Zustimmung vom Senat. Das Vereinigte Königreich hat inzwischen seine Unterstützung zurückgezogen, nachdem das Unterhaus in London dagegen gestimmt hatte.

er Sicherheitsrat hatte am gestrigen Tage die Ehre einem Gastvortrag eines syrischen Delegierten zu lauschen, der über die aktuelle Lage in Syrien und das Meinungsbild der Regierung referierte. Der Sicherheitsrat befasst sich momentan mit der aktuellen Lage in Syrien und versucht eine militärische Intervention von Seiten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika zu verhindern. Der Gastredner aus Syrien hat die Delegierten im Sicherheitsrat darauf hingewiesen, dass die syrische Regierung gegen die Rebellen im Land aktiv vorgehen muss, da sonst die Staatssicherheit gefährdet ist. Sehr zu bedauern war, dass sich der Delegierte der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika nicht sonderlich aktiv zu diesem Thema geäußert hat. Doch wahrscheinlich wurde ihm vom Präsidenten höchstpersönlich empfohlen mit diesem heiklen Thema vorsichtig umzugehen. Die internationale Presse wacht weiterhin mit Argusaugen über den Sicherheitsrat und ist gespannt, ob eine Lösung der Krise für den heutigen Tag zu erwarten ist.

Bunların dışında Ekonomik ve Sosyal Konseyde, alt komite CSW’den onaylanarak gelen bir kararname incelendi, tartışıldı ve reddedildi. Kararname hakkında yapılan tartışmalar esnasında İngilizce’den Türkçe’ye çeviri yapması gereken çeviri sorumlusu, bir ara yanlışlıkla İngilizce metni ün, oturumların 3. her nasılsa İngilizceye çevirmeye gününde, EKOSOS’ta yeni bir tartışma konusu- başladı. Uyarılana kadar duruna geçildi: Bitki ve vahşi hayvan- mu fark etmeyen arkadaşımız, salonun neşeli gülüşmelerle ların doğal yaşam alanlarından dolmasını sağladı. yasadışı yollar ile çıkarılmasının Bütün bunların dışında yaşanan ve buna bağlı ekolojik bozulmaların önlenmesi. Oturumlarda sık başka bir olay ise oturma düzeninin değiştirilmesi oldu. Gereksiz sık eğlenceli diyaloglara rastyer kaplayan boş delege masa ve landı. Örneğin bir delege kararnameye fotoğraf konulması öner- sandalyeleri ayrı bir yere kondu. isini öne sürdü ve ardından başka Böylece delegeler birbirine daha bir delege buna şiddetle karşı çık- yakın oturma imkanı buldu, bu tı: “Facebook mu oğlum burası!”. da doğal olarak etkileşimi art-

Delege Balosu


tırdı. Oturumlar bittiğinde bütün katılımcılar okul bahçesine akın etti ve daha önce belirlenen noktalarda ayakta durarak “IELMUN 2013” yazısı oluşturdular. Ortaya çıkan manzara çarpıcıydı. Son olarak delegeler Taksim’deki delege balosu için belirlenen mekana geldi. Eğlenceden yorulan ve biraz hava almak isteyen katılımcılar için üst katta bir teras bile mevcuttu. Baloda açılış vals ile yapıldı, ardından günümüz pop-tekno parçalarıyla canlı ve neşeli bir atmosfer yaratıldı. İnsanlar eğlenceye doydu, fakat balo bitiminde herkes çok yorgundu, tabiri caizse insanların gözünden uyku akıyordu.

HERMES MEDIA TEAM Editress Duygu Söyler Layout Artist R. Tamer Özgen Video Editress Giz Belkaya

Journalists Deniz Parmaksız Merve Çolak Suzan Şan Gökberk Erdoğan Jeremias Knoblauch Runa Fälder Sarah Kubat

Special Thanks to Murat Abi & Cyprus Delegate of HR for being awesome

YINE BEKLERIZ Gökberk Erdogan


er gün bir başka bu şehrin ruh hali. Kimi zaman mutlu, kimi zaman hüzünlü, gururlu, sakin, kasvetli, agresif,sarhoş, aşık, gergin, ve bazen de ağlamaklı. Yukarıya doğru uzanıp bulutları şöyle bir silkelesem yağmur yağacak sanki. Gerçekten yaşıyor mu İstanbul ki duyguları olsun? Yoksa ben, onu bir ayna misali kullanıp kendi ruh halimi mi yansıtıyorum bu şehre, Haliç’e yukarıdan bakarken? İstanbul’da mı oturuyorum, yoksa İstanbul’u mu yaşıyorum aslen? Kar beyazı martılar uçuyor “mavi” sözcüğüne anlamını veren berrak suların üstünde. Ben, ciğerlerimi bu deniz havasıyla dolduruyorum. Tüyler-

im diken diken oluyor, belki yüksekten baktığımdan, belki de esen serin meltemdendir. Dünya dönmeye devam ediyor ve zamanla çoğu şey değişecek. Biliyorum. Ama İstanbul’ da hep aynı kalacak bir şey varsa o da bu şehrin çelişki ve zıtlıkları içinde barındırması olacak. Kuleler, minareler ve gökdelenler, saraylar ve gecekondular, yaz mevsiminde kapısından içeri girdiğinizde sizi serin esintilerle karşılayan taş binalar ve silueti bozan beton yığınları, tepeler ve düzlükler, inişler ve çıkışlar...Geleneksel ve modern, kaos ve düzen, siyahi ve beyaz, doğu ve batı, Asya ve Avrupa. Bu yönüyle insana benzer İstanbul. Biz insanlar da yalnız

kaldığımızda tartışmaz mıyız kendi kendimizle? Evim, bu sene olduğu gibi bir sonraki sene de bir büyük MUN organizasyonuna ev sahipliği yapacak. Eğer seneye bize katılmak isterseniz, Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi’nin uçtuktan sonra Eminönü’nde yere indiği noktada durun ve başınızı biraz yukarıya kaldırın. Aradığınız şey, altı köşeli Yahudi yıldızları, aradığınız şey buram buram eski kokan taştan bir bina. Yeterince dikkatli bakar ve istekli olursanız, beni bile görebilirsiniz, çünkü ben tıpkı bugün yaptığım gibi, seneye de aynı gün, aynı balkonda oturup size el sallıyor olacağım.

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