Vision for bern

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OUR VISION The Editors’ vision is at the heart of the work of each media team. Here are our opinions on how to make our products unique.

The General Concept of the Media Team We do EYP for certain reasons. We like getting to know new people, travelling, getting involved in European politics but the most important of all is that we like stepping out of our comfort zones. As our life vision is about reaching beyond limits, we will push our media team to do better than their bests. Nevertheless like chemistry, we cannot get what we want without giving the necessary activation energy. Therefore we’ve planned innovative trainings and teambuilding activities in order to create a team whose every member is enthusiastic about getting out of their comfort zones. This will give the media team members the opportunity to look around from a different perspective. Also, we believe that everyone is special and there is a talent hidden in every person. In our time together, we’d like to help our media team members to discover, shape and utilise their hidden talents by giving them personal and group tasks other than just writing articles and taking photos. This will not only create a unique connection between the editors and the journos but between the all members since everyone will be collaborating. Furthermore, you might have noticed that we did not mention any magazine names or how many issues we’d like to produce. Throughout our past experiences, we’ve realised that if journalist have a say in important decisions, they care more about the outputs of the media team. This is the reason we did not come up a name and the number issues. After the selection is complete we will create a facebook group immediately to start getting to know each other and decide on the name of the media team, the number of the issues we’re going to produce, the content of the issues and personal projects. Finally, we consider the media team as a symphony orchestra with lots of different instruments and the editors as the conductor of this group. More than ten journalists and a video editor will create lots of different and unique content throughout seven days of the session. And as it is conductor’s job to create harmony among the orchestra, it is our job to make sure every noise in this orchestra of media team members is heard. A Magazine That Gets Read, Not Thrown Away As Souvenir There is this thing that both of us noticed at each session we have attended in many different positions; every time the new issue of the session magazine comes out, participants are very eager to get a hold on it and run towards the journalists to get that issue. Once they get their hand on the issue, they take a look at the cover and skim through the pages rapidly. Then, they close it, put the issue in their bags, probably not to be read again. Our main aim at this session is to make the issues full of very interesting articles and different concepts, and also, create issues that look beautiful and appealing, Once the participants take the first glance on them, we want the issues to catch their attention. In order to achieve this aim, we have several ideas. More Useful and Selective Brainstorming Having beautifully edited pages or amazing pictures is important, but we consider the content of the articles the most crucial part in a magazine. Without articles that are of the highest quality, participants won’t show interest in the issues. We believe that pre-session brainstorming is the most important activity to obtain this high quality in our articles. We plan to encourage our journalists on thinking about possible article subjects before the session already, holding Skype group meetings discussing the raw ideas on topics that could prove interesting for delegates. Having the selection pro-

cess 3 months prior to the session is a great opportunity of getting to know the journalists and their working methods better and start thinking about impressive article themes. Video Editor We know that it is the video editor’s role to take videos at the session and edit them. But more often than not, the video editors do this by themselves in the corner of the journo room with their headphones on, isolated from the whole team. We want to have the video editor integrated in our team, working together with our journalists, brainstorming video ideas all together. We plan to work side by side with the video editor and make sure that all the output from the media team have a similar approach and vision. Topic-Related Articles Generally the journalists never mention the committee topics right after they write first article at the first issue about them. As the delegates keep discussing this topic throughout the whole session, we believe that as the media team, we need to bring something more for the participants about the problems they need to find solutions for. In a designated part inside our first two issues, the journalists will have the chance to share their ideas further about their committee topics from different perspectives. The day after the second issue will be handed out to the delegates, we plan to have workshops organized by the journalists with delegates, at which the journalists will have the opportunity to present their thoughts on the topics and discuss them with the delegates. We believe, this activity will bring deeper approaches towards the topics and more creative solutions to the final resolution. Social Media Social media has a huge effect on EYP as we promote our organisation almost entirely through these platforms. Therefore it becomes essential for a media team to use the social media effectively. As we know the importance of PR for the national committees and organisers for future events, we are planning to assign a social media assistant who is going to be responsible for uploading pictures, tagging people (Yes! It is a huge issue which is often forgotten and causes a big decrease on the popularity of the uploaded pictures), live streaming important events, publishing online issues, being in charge of the media team’s official Instagram and Facebook accounts. As for Instagram, we are planning to shoot short funny videos of both officials’ team and delegates that will draw attention to the session. Photography We think that having good pictures are essential for a beautiful magazine. Both of us have been interested in amateur photography for a long time, and know the tricks for taking good pictures. Also, editing pictures is very important. We aim to have an intensive photography workshop during the journo training one day before the session to enable our team to capture and only use the highest-quality pictures possible. Through these main points and side ideas in the next page, we believe that we will be a productive, cooperative and unique media team which brings all of the participants of the sessions together.

IDEAS GA Timeline


uring our past experiences, we’ve noticed that most of the participants lose their attention for one second and never catch it again during the General Assembly. To make sure participants can follow the discussions easier, the media team will be responsible of GA timeline which consists of short overviews of points made in the debate.

Only Journo Photos!


riginal is the new sexy. Everyone can find pictures from google and use them. That’s why we will take a different path by using only the pictures taken by the media team. Besides, people give more importance to media team outputs when they see themselves inside them. Therefore we will prevent our outputs to be just souvenirs by using only journalist photos.

Article Classification


n order to make it easier for readers to understand what the article contains, we will use new methods like having different colour labels for different topics and time labels for how long they need to spend to read the article.



tatistics are boring. Unless they are given with fancy cartoons and even fancier fonts. We will enjoy the benefits of technology up to its biggest extend to make sure readers love what we create. Therefore, infographics are planned to cover a big place in our outputs.

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