2 minute read
volcom - product catalog
from Cody_Portfolio
by tamuccdesign
Deliverables: 12-page product catalog
Choose an existing e-commerce client and create a 12-page catalog showcasing this client’s style through appropriate graphics, photos, and content.
The goal for this project was to create a themed 12-page catalog using an established brand as the client while utilizing the grid and understanding how different elements fit together on the page. The primary focus of this project is to understand how brands can visually communicate through a catalog of products utilizing lifestyle photography, page layout, brand elements, relevant photography, and a memorable product showcase.
This project began with choosing a client that appealed to the designer. In the end I settled on Volcom because the brand always had a place in my childhood as an iconic skateboarding icon. From there I needed to decide what products I was going to be listing in the catalog and settle on some design standards for branding. Word mapping is a huge help when you need to break down a brand and really understand the possible design solutions.
research + conclusions
Research Summary:
Research the brand and its current standards. Define appropriate color palette, visual elements, consistent voice, neutral yet definitive themes, typographic choices, and apply them accordingly.
Throughout my research I was able to narrow down my focus on which products I wanted to build the catalog around. I felt that it would be worth trying to focus on something different than the expected skateboarding route. Research about the brand helped me create consistent visual treatment to Volcom’s photography and color palette when it came to winter themed elements.
The mind map broke down Volcom to a simplistic level. I needed to gather research on current branding and prepare branding that matches it for the catalog. Much of the relevant data came directly from their website where their primary sales outlet lies. There, was able to quickly decide on visual branding choices.
Volcom consistently used their logo’s typeface in other areas outside of logotype. tried to stay away from this to avoid confusion of heirarchy between visual elements.
Cool, Neutral Colors
Striped textures with photo-collage elements for consistent call-backs to snowboarding and brand. distressed textures. All defining visual elements used in Volcom’s branding.
The mind mapping and word listing I conducted let me examine the brand as a whole and decide how I wanted to choose my products and branding. Volcom was consistently grunge themed and frequently used photocollage in much of their branding so those were two consistent elements I could use throughout the catalog. I liked the idea of choosing snowboarding because it felt like an unexpected choice for a south texas designer. This meant that I could use more blues and greys in my color palette, and incorporate snow texture into my treated photos. I wanted the overall design to feel inclusive so I needed the branding to be neutral but accurately representative of Volcom. A direct result of the mind mapping was the development of ideas for the cover of the catalog. I followed the mind mapping with branding so I could make use of the ideas I had for the cover.
“Torn” paper photo-collage to support lifestyle spreads and consistency of voice.
Snow powder texture for added grunge elements