Adventures de Taos, the 2013 theme for the town of Taos’ visitor outreach efforts, a trilangual phrase for an area that is all about the balance between our three cultures: the ever-present American Indians, the long-standing Hispanics and the johnny-come-lately gringos.
And while the Adventures de Taos theme may be intended to place a foothold in the imaginations of potential visitors to our area, this publication, turns its attention inward, on the stories of some of those who call Taos home.
These stories provide a more in-depth look at how a community strives for harmony in a valley far removed from many of the “first-world” problems found in our nation’s more urban areas. Some of this information, may in fact, prove valuable to visitors.
Life in Taos is beautiful but it’s not always a picnic. It’s remote and rugged landscape ensures a juxtaposition of sweeping vistas and dreams swept away. For many though, the stars align and Taos is a magical place to call home. The adventure,