Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day in Taos is a time of joy and wonder that matches any season anywhere in the world. When the temperature dips in the Enchanted Circle, the twinkling lights come on.
Whether the light is generated by the power grid or by candles in a paper bag matters not, the feel of the holidyas in Taos is electric. Kicking off early with the charitable and fashionable Festival of Trees and Wreaths (page 10), the holiday season doesn’t let up until the last dance is finished at Taos and Picuris Pueblos on New Year’s Day.
Every weekend has something to offer holiday revelers, from time-honored traditions such as Lighting Ledoux and Bonfires on Bent, to events that express the true meaning of the season (giving), such as Taos Feeds Taos (page 26) and numerous toy drives (page 36).
This issue of Taos Aglow also offers some holiday reading tips (page 22), recipes (page 44) and other traditions like biscochitos (page 46). Want to know when and where to volunteer thi