Ready or not, the seasons are changing in Taos.
Fall is a favorite time in Northern New Mexico,
with crisp warm days and cool, clear nights. It’s
also the time to prepare to hunker down for the
winter — weather stripping windows and doors,
composting the garden, putting up firewood.
In a way, it makes sense that in this edition of
Enchanted Homes we focus on small homes
– houses that can embrace us during a long
winter, places to snuggle into, as well as enjoy
all year long.
Our feature story on page 54 is about Susan
Embry’s home north of town, what she calls her
“little box in the sage,” that has all she needs to
be comfortable – in her words, to “own less and
live in smaller spaces.”
On page 38, longtime Taos home designer
Donna LeFurgey sits down with Enchanted
Homes to talk about the benefits, challenges
and realities of designing a home that is 1,700
square feet or less.
Real estate veterans Page Sullivan and Mary
Gugino join in a conversation about buying and
selling small homes