Medical & Wellness Directory 2016-2017

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WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK STATE-OF-THE-ART SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY At CHRISTUS St. Vincent Neurosurgical Associates we understand that persistent back pain can be debilitating and can often prevent you from participating in your everyday activities. CHRISTUS St. Vincent offers the latest minimally invasive spine surgery technology and techniques that allow our physicians to treat your back condition and get you back to doing the things you love. For our patients, minimally invasive technology means less time in surgery and a faster time to recovery.


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Medical directory » Listing of health care providers in Taos County

robin Martin Owner cHris baker Publisher

eating your way young

cHris Wood Advertising Manager

Horses as healers at Equine Spirit Sanctuary

daMon scott Editor scott gerdes

all tHings integrative, local group to host health symposium

Special Sections Editor Jordan Miera Copy Editor karin eberHardt

tHank you Taos County!

integrated HealtH care... What if?

Advertising Production Manager Graphic Design Cover Design

up in sMoke, to vape or not to vape

periMenopause, a midlife metamorphasis

survive & tHrive in your first yoga class

cover Shree Yoga by Tina Larkin

Some of the articles in The Taos News’ 2016-2017 Medical and Wellness Directory are written by local health care professionals and represent a wide spectrum of opinions and practices. The viewpoints of the authors are strictly their own and not endorsed by The Taos News.



is a publication of the taos news • 5 7 5 . 7 5 8 . 2 2 4 1 taosneWs.coM

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The Original Fountain of Youth Ojo’s sacred waters have been healing body, mind & spirit naturally for centuries.

Purchase spa treatments and soak for half price plus a complimentary receive robe and locker.* *Visit for De-stress for Less Special details.

New Farm-to-Table Restaurant Dishes from Ojo’s 2-acre Farm


Just South of Taos via W. Rim Road/285

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There’s a story behind every smile & Team

..and everyone wants to have a smile they feel good about, no matter their age, gender, profession, or circumstance. Understanding that simple fact has allowed us to provide not only exceptional results, but a pleasing experience as well. so whatever the story may be...

...We would like to be part of yours .




13 37 G u s d o r f R d , Su ite A w w w.k e lli e h a r r i s d d s .c o m Most insurance accepted 6

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Integrative Medicine (IM) integrates complementary/alternative healing modalities with traditional allopathic medicine in order to enhance patient care. IM facilitates individuals on their pathway to healing body, mind and spirit, integrating evidence-based practices while respecting cultural healing traditions.

Contact Information e-mail: phone: 505-591-8028 toll free: 800-914-5810

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE de TAOS Integrative Medicine de Taos (IMdT) is a newly established n o n - p ro f i t . I M d T a i m s t o provide a platform for ongoing Integrative Medicine symposia in Taos and the Enchanted Circle through collaboration with established Integrative Medical conferences.


Loretta Ortiz y Pino, MD

Jim Cardasis, DO

• • • •

Luis Constantin, MD Rob Hawley

Fred Peralta

Wanda Lucero

Our goal is to enrich the health of our community while stimulating Taos’ economic development by bringing the most current information in this emerging field and making it widely available to our Taos community. Our work forges a strong network between Taos CAM practitioners, physicians and licensed health care practitioners. IMDT envisions a world that combines a growing knowledge of integrative medicine and the healing arts. By providing access to a variety of healing modalities we aim to create healthy communities and personal empowerment. Learn about upcoming conferences. Visit our website at 2 0 16 -2 0 17 M e d i c a l + W e l l n e s s D i r ec to ry


PHYSICIANS directory

A wide variety of physicians, MD/DO, in this directory maintain hospital privileges at Holy Cross Hospital and/or St. Vincent Hospital (in Santa Fe). However, patients needing hospital services should contact each physician to verify if they have current hospital privileges. Area code is 575 unless otherwise noted.



Holy Cross Hospital laboratory serviCes Jack S. Garland, MD 1397 Weimer Rd., Taos • 758-8883

HigH road derMatology Laurie Good, MD 330 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos 758-9519 Santa Fe office: Laurie Good, MD Timothy Busch, PA-C 1651 Galisteo, Suite 5 (505) 983-0286

CARDIOLOGY Cardiology serviCe, Holy Cross Hospital Geilan Ismail, MD Louis Constantine, MD 1397 Weimer Road, Taos • 758-8883 taos MediCal group Christopher Wyndham, MD 1399 Weimer Rd., Suite 200, Taos • 758-2224 New MexiCo Heart iNstitute 835 Spruce St., Suite A, Española (505) 984-8012 2085 South Pacheco St., Santa Fe (505) 984-8012 502 Elm St. NE, Albuquerque (505) 841-1000 2240 Grand Blvd., SE, Suite 102; Río Rancho (505) 841-1000 105 Mills Ave., Suite 200, Las Vegas 505-984-8012

COLONOSCOPY, UROLOGY & UPPER ENDOSCOPY taos surgiCal speCialties, Holy Cross Hospital Aiden O’Rourke, MD Ryan Murphy, DO Alden Cockburn, MD Michael Darnell, MD 1399 Weimer Road, Suite 600, Taos • 751-0334 FaMily praCtiCe assoCiates oF taos Del Endres, MD Alana Benjamin, MD Lucas Schreiber, MD Marc Steinberg, MD Zachary Engelbert, DO Ellen Warren, MD Olan Bassett, MD Abraham Balsamo, PA-C Charles Bonfanti, PA Beverly Teagle, CNP Donna Naranjo, PA-C Josh Nguyen, PA-C Gina Torres Balsamo, PA-C 630 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Suite 150, Taos 758-3005

a better you Marshall Reich, MD, FACS Debra Reich, Paramedical Aesthetician Northstar Plaza, State Road 522, Suite 67B, El Prado • 776-8332 raMoN saNCHez, Md 1399 Weimer Road, Suite 200 Taos • 758-2224

DIABETES MANAGEMENT Holy Cross Hospital 1397 Weimer Road, Taos • 751-5769

EMERGENCY ROOM Holy Cross Hospital eMergeNCy dept. Per Bjorkman, MD Chris Gutierrez, MD Linda Lynch, MD Jonathon Rudolf, MD Jennifer Siegel, MD John Wells, DO Jimmy Andazola, PA-C Bea Balsamo, PA-C Christa Castro, PA-C Leigh Trivino, PA-C Martha Miller, CNP 1397 Weimer Road, Taos • 758-8883

ENDOCRINOLOGIST taos MediCal group Neal Friedman, MD 1399 Weimer Road, Suite 200, Taos • 758-2224

FAMILY PRACTICE el CeNtro FaMily HealtH CliNiCs Peñasco Medical Clinic Amanda Goertz, MD David Gould, PA 15136 State Road 75, Peñasco 587-2205 Directory, continued on page 10


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A To Smile. Smile. A Reason Reason To A Reason To Smile.

Dr. Justin Nylund, Dr. Tom Simms, Dr. Rory Yurkovich

1392 Weimer Road 1392 Weimer Weimer Road Road 1392 1392 Weimer Road 575.758.8654 Suite A 575.758.8654 Suite Suite A A 575.758.8654 575.758.8303 575.758.8303 Suite B 575.758.8303 Suite Suite B B 575.758.8303 2 0 16 -2 0 17 M e d i c a l + W e l l n e s s D i r ec to ry


Española Bond Medical Clinic 711 Bond St., Española 505-753-9503 Española Main Clinic 2010 Industrial Park Rd., Española 505-753-7395 Embudo Medical Clinic 2243 State Road 68, Rinconada 505-579-4255 Taos Medical Clinic Alfredo Vigil, MD Joanna Hooper, MD Ruthie Guzman, CNP Sandra Whitney, CNP Gina Torres, PA-C Erick Struck, LISW Eleanor Romaro, therapist 1331 Gusdorf Road, Taos 758-3601 FaMily praCtiCe assoCiates oF taos Del Endres, MD Alana Benjamin, MD Lucas Schreiber, MD Marc Suiteinberg, MD Ellen Warren, MD Olan Bassett, MD Abraham Balsamo, PA-C Charles Bonfanti, PA-C Beverly Teagle, CFNP Donna Naranjo, PA-C Josh Nguyen, PA-C Gina Torres Balsamo, PA-C 630 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos 758-3005 MoreNo valley HealtHCare CliNiC Dennis Cohen, MD Erin Santistevan, RN Margaret VanAntwerp, FNP Diana Louise Lewis, FNP 11 Elliot Barker Lane, Angel Fire 377-3301 presbyteriaN MediCal serviCes/ Questa HealtH CeNter Gina Perez-Baron, MD Tamaki Harrold, CNP Tyler Morgan, DDS 2573 State Road 522, Questa • 586-0315 taos aestHetiCs MediCal CeNter Ellen Warren, MD 630 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Suite. 150, Taos 751-4472 priMary aNd iNtegrative Care taos HealtH systeMs 1329 Gusdorf Road, Taos 737-3415 willow CliNiC Caroline Colonna, Chinese herbs, Dipl Ac, CH, DOM 1103 Don Juan Valdez Lane, El Prado • 758-5070

GENERAL SURGERY taos surgiCal speCialties Holy Cross Hospital Aiden O’Rourke, MD Ryan Murphy, DO

Alden Cockburn, MD 1399 Weimer Road, Suite 600, Taos • 751-0334

HEALTH CARE CLINICS el CeNtro FaMily HealtH 15136 State Road 75, Peñasco • 587-2205 1331 Gusdorf Road, Taos • 758-3601 Questa HealtH CeNter 2573 State Road 522 • 586-0315 taos/piCuris iNdiaN HealtH CeNter 16 Spider Road 110, Taos Pueblo • 758-4224

HOSPITALIST Holy Cross Hospital Tze Yong, MD Mary Seiler, MD Cipry Jaramillo, MD John Foster, MD Kim Adler, CNP Joanne McGrew, CNP 1397 Weimer Road, Taos • 758-8883

HOSPITALS CHristus st. viNCeNt regioNal MediCal CeNter 455 St. Michaels Drive, Santa Fe • 505-913-3361 española presbyteriaN Hospital 1010 Spruce St., Española • 505-753-7111 Holy Cross Hospital 1397 Weimer Road, Taos • 758-8883 los alaMos MediCal CeNter 3917 West Road, Los Alamos (505) 662-4201

INFUSION CLINICS Holy Cross Hospital 1397 Weimer Road, Taos 751-5813 soutHwest Care CeNter 649 Harkle Road, Santa Fe (505) 989-8200

INTERNAL MEDICINE taos MediCal group Michael Kaufman, MD Jemery Kaufman, MD Robert White, MD Deborah Van Willigen, MD Bonnie Kaufman, LISW 1399 Weimer Road, Suite 200, Taos • 758-2224 Directory, continued on page 12

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If you’re into games, there’s no better place to be than Taos Mountain Casino. We have over 200 of today’s most popular slots. Daily promotions, bingo, and some of the friendliest staff you’ll find anywhere. And of course, Blackjack. And best of all, it’s a place where you can just be yourself. Join our Player's Club Hail Creek and Hwy 64





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tHe birtH CeNter at woMeN’s HealtH iNstitute, taos HealtH systeMs Susan Akins, RN, CNM Naomi Hannah, RN CNM Tim Moore, MD, OB/GYN Martha Morgan, MD, OB/GYN 1331 Maestas Road, Taos • 758-5001

taos ortHopaediC iNstitute Dan Guttman, MD James H. Lubowitz, MD John B. Reid III, MD Sean Marvil, MD 1219-A Gusdorf Road, Taos • 758-0009

ONCOLOGY New MexiCo CaNCer Care assoCiates Eric Bernstein, MD, MPH Kathryn Chan, MD Scott M. Herbert, MD Timothy Lopez, MD Karen LoRusso, MD Leanna Scott-Timperley, MD Carolyn Phillips, CNP Jennifer Porter, CNP David Snyder, MD 490 A West Zia Road, Santa Fe 1337 Gusdorf Road, Suite O, Taos • 505-913-8900 CHristus st. viNCeNt regioNal CaNCer CeNter Kathryn Ruste Chan, MD Bryan Goss, MD Scott Herbert, MD Timothy Lopez, MD Karen LoRusso, MD Donald Shina, MD David Snyder, MD Jennifer Porter, CNP Michelle Stratton, CNP 490 West Zia Road, Santa Fe • 505-913-8900

OPTOMETRISTS/ OPTICIANS/ OPTHAMOLOGY botwiN eye group Mark Botwin, OD 444 St. Michaels Drive, Bldg. A, Santa Fe 505-954-4442/800-473-0988 eye assoCiates oF New MexiCo Angela Bratton, MD Terri Oneby, OD 1399 Weimer Road, Suite 300, Taos • 758-0621 real eyes Robert Ratzlaff, OD 1353 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Suite C, Taos • 758-3215 suNsHades oF taos Ashley Pulis, OD 108 West Plaza, Taos • 751-1565 taos eyewear Jane Compton, OD Cruz Alta Plaza, 710 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Suite. F 758-2205/758-8758

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Mogul MediCal urgeNt Care William Blevins, MD Spike Lynch, MD Linda Lynch, MD T. Quigley Peterson, MD Paul Mikkelson, MD Christa Castro, PA Resort Center, Taos Ski Valley • 776-8421 Center for Physical Health Taos Health Systems Kathy Alcon, PT, MS, WCS, CLT Terri Aronovitz, PT, MSPT Robert Drenning, PT, MPT Robert Niemeier, PT, DPT Angelo Pompeo, PT, DPT Marcia Ready, PT 1398 Weimer Road, Taos 737-0304 1307 Paseo del Pueblo Norte El Prado (North Side Health and Fitness Center) 758-1004 11 Elliott Barker Lane, Angel Fire 575-377-1900

OTOLARYNGOLOGY New MexiCo siNus iNstitute ear, Nose aNd tHroat speCialists Albuquerque Clinic: Ian Alexander, MD Shane Gailushas, MD Charles Gasser, MD Jesse Knight, MD Byron Erstine, DO Norman Bowers, MSPAS, PA-C Jeff Davis, MSPAS, PA-C Steve Harris, MHS, PA-C Jared Johnson, MSPAS, PA-C Steven Lauer, CNP Olivia Peña, MSPAS, PA-C Mary Pickard, MSPAS, PA-C 8200 Carmel Avenue NE, #102a • 505-514-0767 Taos Clinic: 224 Cruz Alta Road 208-7762 soutHwesterN ear, Nose & tHroat assoCiates Roger Wiggins, MD David Brown, MD Matthew Hinsley, MD Lily Love, MD Peter Shepard, MD Thomas Thomason, MD 1620 Hospital Drive, Santa Fe 835 Spruce St., Unit A, Espanola 108 Legion Dr., Suite. B, Las Vegas 118 Central Park Square, Los Alamos • 505-982-4848 Directory, continued on page 18

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Eating your way young

By EllEn Wood

We all need nourishment in the form of food; we just don’t need as much of it as some of us eat. Sometimes we stuff ourselves, stretching our stomachs so more food is required to be satisfied. That’s one way to get old and unhealthy fast.

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The one well-studied and proven technique you can use to turn back the clock is calorie restriction. That’s something that all the scientists and researchers who study anti-aging agree upon, based on the results of numerous studies. I’m definitely not talking about starving yourself, or leaving the table still hungry — I am suggesting, though, to stop before you’re full. There’s a Japanese practice called “hara hachi bu,” translated “belly 80 percent full.” Since it takes about 20 minutes for our stomach to communicate its ‘fullness’ to the brain, it’s best to stop when you feel 80 percent full. (You can take a guess as to what 80 percent feels like.) Have you ever eaten until full, only to find yourself feeling over-stuffed 20 minutes later? This Confucian teaching is designed to keep the belly from being too full. It’s practiced by the Okinawans in Japan, who are documented as having incredible longevity. So the next time you sit down to eat, play with the experience of what it feels like to be 80 percent full. Another way to eat a sufficient, but not excessive, amount of food is to take your time and chew thoroughly. By slowing down and chewing thoroughly you get more of the nutrients than if you gobble your food, and

your stomach has a chance to tell your brain that it’s had enough. Changing your diet to a healthier one can also help you grow younger. More scientific support for just how significant dietary changes can be in helping us grow younger comes from Cynthia Kenyon, Ph.D., geneticist and director of the Hillblom Center for the Biology of Aging at the University of CaliforniaSan Francisco. Her lab research has shown that reducing carbohydrates influences two key genes in the body that govern longevity and youthfulness. Limited carbohydrate consumption proved in the lab to turn down the gene that controls insulin production, and when that gene was “off,” another gene was switched on — one that acts like an elixir of life. She said this second gene, DAF 16 (which she dubbed Sweet Sixteen), brings many antiaging benefits, such as boosting compounds that make the skin and muscle-building proteins work properly, and stimulating the immune system. Reducing carbohydrates and increasing antioxidants also lessen the impact of free radicals. Those are the rascals that lead to inflammation, which is a key component in most common diseases associated with aging today.

‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.‘ — hippocrates

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soutHwesterN ear, Nose & tHroat assoCiates, HeariNg & balaNCe aNd sleep CeNter Hearing & Balance: Kathleen Weidner, Au.D Danielle Morgan, Au.D Brett Adams, Au.D Maureen Coleman, HIS Sleep Center: Pat Donahue, RRT 1919 5th St., Suite A, Santa Fe Satellite offices: 1620 Hospital Drive, Sante Fe 835 Spruce St., Unit A Española 108 Legion Drive, Suite. B, Las Vegas 118 Central Park Square, Los Alamos Hearing and Balance: 505-946-3955 Sleep Center: 505-438-3101

PEDIATRICS FaMily praCtiCe assoCiates oF taos Del Endres, MD Alana Benjamin, MD Lucas Schreiber, MD Marc Suiteinberg, MD Ellen Warren, MD Olan Bassett, MD Abraham Balsamo, PA-C Charles Bonfanti, PA-C Beverly Teagle, CFNP Donna Naranjo, PA-C Josh Nguyen, PA-C Gina Torres Balsamo, PA-C 630 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos 758-3005 Holy Cross Hospital, CHildreN’s HealtH Vladimir Spira, MD Sarah Smith, DNP, MSN, CPNP 1329 Gusdorf Road, Taos • 737-3422 taos CliNiC For CHildreN & youtH Sylvia F. Villarreal, MD Sarah Drenning, CPNP 1393 Weimer Road, Taos • 758-8651

PODIATRY FaMily Foot Care Douglas Tozzoli, DPM PC 1337 Gusdorf Road, Suite O, Taos 751-0800 iN MotioN Foot & aNkle CeNter William J. Blake, DPM Jason Rockwood, DPM Chad Squire, DPM Edward Williams, DPM Spencer Mortenesen, DPM Thomas Chambers, DPM Gregory Rowe, DPM 1399 Weimer Road, Suite 400, Taos • 751-0123 New MexiCo Foot aNd aNkle assoCiates Joel Wilner, DPM, FACFAS Ronald Wilner, DPM 665 Harkle Road, Santa Fe 505-983-7393

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RADIOLOGY Holy Cross Hospital iMagiNg taos HealtH systeMs Paul Johnson, MD Peter Selzer, MD John Whitaker, MD 1397 Weimer Road, Taos • 758-8883 saNta Fe iMagiNg 1640 Hospital Drive, Santa Fe 505-983-9350 x-ray assoCiates oF New MexiCo 490 W. Zia Road, Suite A110, Santa Fe 505-983-9139

SEXUAL ASSAULT NURSE EXAMINER PROGRAM (SANE) Holy Cross Hospital 1397 Weimer Road, Taos • 751-8990

URGENT CARE FaMily praCtiCe assoCiates oF taos Del Endres, MD Alana Benjamin, MD Lucas Schreiber, MD Marc Suiteinberg, MD Ellen Warren, MD Olan Bassett, MD Abraham Balsamo, PA-C Charles Bonfanti, PA-C Beverly Teagle, CFNP Donna Naranjo, PA-C Josh Nguyen, PA-C Gina Torres Balsamo, PA-C 630 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos 758-3005 Holy Cross Hospital 1397 Weimer Road, Taos • 758-8883 taos urgeNt Care Debi Sanchez, MD Judy Lockwood, CFNP Mary Harrison, CFNP Erika Lucero, PA Marti Miller, CFNP Rana Russell, CFNP 330 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Suite C Taos • 758-1414 Mogul MediCal urgeNt Care CliNiC William Blevins, MD Spike Lynch, MD Linda Lynch, MD T. Quigley Peterson, MD Paul Mikkelson, MD Christa Castro, PA Resort Center, Taos Ski Valley 776-8421 Directory, continued on page 44

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Family Practice Associates of Taos Our Medical Team Offers Complete Family Care Daily Walk-In Clinic, MRI, X-Ray & Colonoscopy Also Available

Ellen Warren, MD Lucas Schreiber, MD Marc Steinberg, MD Alana Benjamin, MD Olan Bassett, MD

Zachary Engelbert, DO Del Endres, MD Charles Bonfanti, PA Abe Balsamo, PA-C Gina Torres Balsamo, PA-C

Donna Naranjo, PA-C Josh Nguyen, PA-C Bev Teagle, CNP

Family Practice Associates of Taos

SAME DAY WALK-IN CLINIC Mon.-Fri. 8-11:30am & 1:30-4:30pm Sat. 9-11:30am 630 Paseo del Pueblo Sur


Se Habla EspaĂąol

Mountain Home HealtH Care, inC. Home town, non-profit Home Health & Hospice Care Agency 39 years of service in Taos County - providing quality and comprehensive community based medical care in the home for qualifying individuals.

Hospice Care

Compassionate terminal care to those wishing to die at home with personal dignity.

Home Health Care

Supportive and instructive Nursing, Physical Therapy, & Home Health Aide care.

Personal Care Services

(PCO Program)

Customized daily living assistance for eligible clients to maximize individual potential and independence.

Private Duty Services


Broad range of quality personalized services. Providing peace of mind by allowing individuals to remain independent and enjoy living where they want to... at home. 575.758.4786 • 630 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Suite 180 (Located behind Family Practice Associates of Taos) 2 0

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Horses as healers at Equine Spirit Sanctuary by ruTh bourgeois

In today’s modern world, often some of the most innovative and successful healing modalities are based on age-old concepts. Whether a person desires healing for physical, mental, emotional or spiritual issues, horses offer an almost magical quality not found in conventional therapy. Equine-assisted therapy is gaining more and more recognition and validation as scientific tests prove the validity and the merits of what many of us have known for years — simply, it harnesses the connection between people and horses, and everyone benefits. Numerous methods and models have been developed for equine-assisted therapy. At ESS, we have spent years creating and building two distinctly wonderful programs designed to bring horses and people together in a healing, safe environment. We recognize horses as being sentient, beautiful creatures that have much to teach us. Our programs focus on the value of the experiential learning, experiencing that involves the physical, emotional and intellectual body. Focusing on the energy field of horses and persons, learning to be present in the moment, and an enhanced awareness of self and life are just a few of the things that create a setting in which healing can take place. Ther apeuTic horseback riding, horses helping kids

Therapeutic horseback riding has long been recognized as a valuable way to improve balance, joint mobility, coordination, muscle tone and posture. It is beneficial to children and adults with disabilities such as cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, muscular dystrophy, brain injuries, and other physical or mental impairments. A walking horse’s movements are three-dimensional: up and down, side to side, and back and forth. These movements are synchronized 2 2

in a precise and repetitive pattern, much the same as the human gait. The rider responds to the movement with improved body symmetry, improved muscle tone, increased head and neck control, and improved balance. Riding horseback provides the rider with strong sensory input in the areas of the brain that register touch and motion stimulation, making it an excellent therapy. It is also good for the cardiovascular system and provides the rider with aerobic exercise. The Horses Helping Kids and therapeutic riding programs are seasonal, from May/June through October. Applications for this year’s program are now being accepted. Volunteers are needed for this program. Volunteer training will be held every Wednesday afternoon from 1 to 3 p.m.

in May. equine spiriT connecTions

ESS’s other program, Equine Spirit Connections, introduces horse activities to persons of all ages, all abilities and backgrounds to experience the healing qualities of horses. Clients first do basic groundwork, including grooming and leading exercises. They learn about the nature of the horse and how to be safe around horses. Then mounted work is added, if appropriate for the client, to build upon this foundation. Potential benefits that carry over into the client’s day-to-day lives include learning to focus, think and communicate more clearly, gain self-control and selfconfidence and enhanced self-esteem. Whatever the interest the client may have, the program is sure to be of great benefit. The Equine Spirit Connections program is offered year-round, weather permitting, as it does not always include riding.

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About EquinE Spirit SAnctuAry

Incorporated as a 501c3 non-profit in 2005, ESS is a licensed horse rescue in addition to an equine center that offers programs for people. Almost all of the herd of 20-plus equines were either rescues or unwanted horses who found a home at ESS. Many horses do not have the appropriate temperament to work with disabled persons or to be lesson horses. The ESS program horses have been handled consistently and given extensive training before they are deemed safe to be used in the programs. This sometimes requires a great deal of time, patience and expertise. The horses are not considered tools for therapy. They are considered valuable partners and members of our team. Safety for both horses and humans is the most important aspect of the ESS programs. ESS is located at 13 Los Caballos Road, Ranchos de Taos (formerly Thal Equine Veterinary Clinic). The facility includes a classroom and offices for indoor work, a hospital barn, turnouts for the horses and an outdoor arena. to lEArn morE About thESE progr AmS And thE work of ESS, EmAil ruth, or cAll (575) 758-1212.

photoS courtESy EquinE Spirit SAnc tuAry

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We’re right there with you...

Wherever you want to go.

The official calendar for Taos Enjoy a more intuitive calendar experience with images, videos, maps and links to find your favorite events and happenings.

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Serving Our Community for 16 Years

Licensed Massage Therapists

Kyoko Hummel

Brenda Archuleta

Manuela Maeder

Ahalya Frontino

Amelia Raymond






M A S S AG E & FAC I A L S 7 Days a Week 824 Paseo del Pueblo Norte 575.751.4040

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El Centro Family Health Affordable, Accessible, Quality Health Care in Northern New Mexico

Rio Arriba Health Commons 505.753.7395 Española—Bond Medical Clinic 505.753.9503

Taos Medical Clinic 575.758.3601 Embudo Medical Clinic

505.579.4255 Truchas Medical Clinic


Coyote Medical Clinic 575-638-5487

Peñasco Medical Clinic

Española Dental Clinic 505.753.9454

Peñasco Dental Clinic 575.587.2809

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All things integrative: Local group to host health symposium BY SCOTT GERDES

Patients are more than the sum of their illnesses and injuries. While Western medicine is often very effective in treating a disease and helping heal broken bones or torn ligaments, it does not treat the whole person. In the Enchanted Circle, that’s where Integrative Medicine de Taos (IMdT) comes in. Conference Project Director Alana Grier and Dr. Loretta Ortiz y Pino of 365 Days of Wellness envision bringing annual integrative medical conferences to Taos as discussed in Rob Hawley’s article in this publication, “Integrative health care: What if?”

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NATIONAL LAB WORKERS W/CANCER SANDIA (1946-1994)… LOS ALAMOS (1943-1995) Thank You Americans. You worked at least a year providing for our national security at the AEC/DOE Labs. You later got cancer. Now I will help you or your direct survivors as I’ve done for 2,200 NATIONAL WORKERS W/CANCER very LAB happy families, 800 of them in New Mexico. $150,000 to $400,000 SANDIA (1946-1994)… LOS ALAMOS (1943-1995) lump sum entitlement awards are available for 23 common types of cancer. Let me ask a few simple questions for five minutes. give You worked at least a year providing for ourI’llnational security at the you a free and frank assessment as to AEC/DOE Labs. You later got cancer. Now I will help you or your direct whether I can help. I’m not a lawyer survivors as I’ve done very happy 800 of them in New and for this2,200 is no lawsuit. I amfamilies, a national Mexico. $150,000expert to $400,000 lump sum entitlement on EEOICPA entitlement. You awards are availget me, theofprofessional, lowa paid able for 23 common types cancer. Let not me aask few simple questions paraflunkie. I unravel the frustrating for five minutes. I’ll give you a free and frank assessment as to whether tape soand youthis don’t to. Nobody I can help. I’m notred a lawyer is have no lawsuit. I am a national expert does it better. You get paid directly by on EEOICPA entitlement. You get me, the professional, not a low paid the U.S. Treasury. If so, then you pay paraflunkie. I unravel the frustrating tapefees. so you don’t have to. Nome just 2%. No red appeal body does it better. You get paidprint. directly by the U.S. Treasury. No fine

NATIONAL LAB Thank YouW/CANCER Americans. WORKERS SANDIA (1946-1994)… LOS ALAMOS (1943-1995) Thank You Americans. If so, then you pay me just 2%. No appeal fees. Already got Noyour fine$100,000 print. RECA

award as a uranium miner, miller You worked at least a year providing for our national security at the AEC/DOE Labs. You later got cancer. Now I will help you or your direct survivors as I’ve done for 2,200 858.756.1494 858.756.1494 very7 days/7 happy families, 800 them in nights, phone right now! Internet? Type inof FROWISS.ORG B. FROWISS, SR.Email: FROWISS@FROWISS.ORG New ALBERT Mexico. toCA $400,000 P.O. BOX 909$150,000 RANCHO SANTA FE, 92067 lump sum entitlement awards are available for 23 common types of transporter? I might able Already got youror $100,000 RECA awardnow as abeuranium miner, miller to get you another $50,000 under or transporter? I might now be able to get you another $50,000 EEOICPA Part B, plus up to $250,000 under EEOICPA Part B, plusPart up toE $250,000 added benefits added Part E benefits (impairment or survivor survivorawards). awards). (impairment or

7 days/7 nights, phone right now! Internet? Type in FROWISS.ORG ALBERT B. FROWISS, SR.


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To assist in raising funds for future conferences, IMdT will hold its first Taos Health Symposium from July 10-14 at the Sagebrush Inn & Suites. Offered are three sponsorship levels ranging from $200-$1,000. Individuals wanting to attend specific events will be charged nominal fees. Details can be found on the website, The conference is primarily focused on doctors. The community-focused “Taos Talks,” slated for July 10, from 4-6:30 p.m., is a presentation by Taos experts on integrative medicine. Admission is $20. Also on July 10, from 7-8:30 p.m., Jason Pfeifer and his Taos Improv Group use laughter as medicine during the Improv Medicine Show. Admission is $10. The documentary “Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare” with a panel discussion afterward is scheduled for July 12, from 7:159:30 p.m. Admission is $20. A community cannabis panel will take place July 14, from noon to 2 p.m. Admission is $12. The schedule for the Community Health Fair on July 11-14 at the Sagebrush Inn is Monday through Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., and on Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. It is a free event. A GROWING TREND

There are at least 60 programs within U.S. universities that now offer integrative medicine. “It is really growing, as are big national organizations,” says Dr. Ortiz y Pino. “We want to tap into that.” The University of New Mexico will be at the Taos Health Symposium to present SIMPLY Botanicals during its concurrent SIMPLE Conference on July 11-14. SIMPLE (Symposium of Integrative Medicine Professionals in the Land of Enchantment.) The event features renowned speakers and authors in the field of integrative medicine. Geared more for doctors, SIMPLE is sponsored by the UNM School of Medicine, Continuing Education and Professional Department and IMdT.

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Grier and Dr. Ortiz y Pino see Taos as the perfect place to bring an annual integrative medicine conference. They believe when outside practitioners come to Taos, they will see what a tremendous resource of local integrative medical practitioners are already here. Working with UNM and their SIMPLE “Conference, IMdT’s goal is not only to support the many similar, established conferences in the country, but to put Taos on the integrative medicine map. “They are always looking for different places to hold their conferences and we want them to consider Taos as a new destination,” Grier says. Organizers are expecting a minimum of 250 and up to 300 doctors plus their families. “We are hoping to eventually bring two to three conferences a year and we’re trying to create a network of various practitioners in the area,” Grier adds. IMdT also hopes to expand the network of local complimentary and alternative practitioners and strengthen their connection with medical professionals. COMMUNIT Y BENEFITS

Not only does IMdT see this and future health conferences as economic boosts and public forums, it’s a chance for Northern New Mexicans to be educated about new, cutting-edge treatments and creating convenient access to those treatments. Another goal of the group is to influence health insurance companies to start covering more of these services. “Initially, the conferences are to raise awareness,” Dr. Ortiz y Pino says. “Longer term, we envision an integrated medicine clinic (an all service-in-one-building idea). We see Taos as a hub for this.

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SUNRISE SPRINGS RESORT A Wellness Oasis in Santa Fe

A new sister resort to Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Sunrise Springs is a new spa resort in Santa Fe that specializes in integrative wellness. Whether you are looking to simply rest and revitalize or immerse in a deeply transformative experience, we invite you to become inspired at our serene, natural oasis. Our integrative spa services include sleep, stress and nutrition consultations, Ayurvedic medicine, skin care and therapeutic massage. Activities range from meditation, yoga and fitness, to puppy therapy, gardening and culinary and expressive arts classes. Call 877.977.8212, or visit for Grand Opening Rates on day escapes and all-inclusive wellness experiences.

505.780.8145 sunrisespringsNM

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We’re right there with you...

Whereever you Wherever wantyou towant go. to go.

The official calendar for Taos Enjoy a more intuitive calendar experience with images, videos, maps and links to find your favorite events and happenings.

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Dr. Ramon L. Sanchez, Dermatologist Diplomat American Boards of Dermatology, Dermatopathology and Pathology Clinical Professor, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas

Will attend Dermatology Clinic on March 18, April 8,and May 20 2016 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

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For appointments call Taos Dermatology at (575) 779-0361 or (409) 763-2452

Shaman—18 year experience with advanced healing techniques Ceremonies Performed in a Contemporary Hogan

Unlike energy work, shamanic healing mends the soul. Common causes to a wounded soul are:

• Trauma from injury, shock, violation, betrayal, abandonment, grief… • Stress from relationships, job, PTSD… • Recovery from addiction, surgery, trauma, divorce… The reactions to these experiences are stored in us and over time, erode and sometimes fracture the layers of our soul. This damage interrupts the fundamental ability to function with joy and ease causing emotional and sometimes physical pain. Shamanic healing literally removes the debris of erosion, repairs the fractures, and mends the soul. In turn, joy is restored and the physical pain related to the emotional pain alleviated.

Rev. Shaman Sandra Chestnutt 575-779-4253 2 0 16 -2 0 17 M e d i c a l + W e l l n e s s D i r ec to ry

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Concierge Therapy‌ Psychotherapy that is confidential, discrete, private, and takes place your home... For individuals, couples, and families who desire anonymity.

Barbara Hope, LCSW, LISW Psychotherapist Practice Taos Limited Taos, NM 87571 575-224-1132 3 4

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Proud Proud to to be be a a part part of of the Española Proud to be acommunity. part of the Española community. Proud to be acommunity. part of the Española the Española community.

The providers and staff at Presbyterian Medical Group at The providers and staff at Presbyterian Medical Group at Española Hospital have a long tradition of caring for the people Española Hospital long tradition ofMedical caring forGroup the people The providers andhave staffaat Presbyterian at of The northern Newand Mexico. Our services include: providers staff at Presbyterian Medical Group at of northern New Mexico. Our services Española Hospital have a long tradition include: of caring for the people Española Hospital have a long tradition of caring for the people

of northern New Mexico. Our services include: · Neurology · Family medicine of northern New Mexico. Our services include: · Neurology · Family medicine · Endocrinology · Internal medicine Neurology Family medicine Endocrinology · Internal medicine ·· Neurology · Family medicine · Urology · Pediatrics Endocrinology · Internal medicine Urology Pediatrics ·· Endocrinology · Internal medicine · Sleep Disorders Center · Women’s care Urology Pediatrics ·· Urology · Pediatrics Sleep Disorders Center · Women’s care · Nutritional counseling · Heart care ·· Sleep Disorders Center · Women’s care Sleep Disorders Center · Women’s Nutritional counseling Heart carecare · Rehabilitation services · General surgery ·· Nutritional · Heart care Nutritionalcounseling counseling Heart care Rehabilitation services · General surgery · Radiology, lab and · Orthopedics ·· Rehabilitation services · General surgery Rehabilitation · General surgery Radiology, lab services and Orthopedics ultrasound services · Podiatry · Radiology, lab and · Orthopedics · ultrasound Radiology, lab and Orthopedics services · Podiatry · ultrasound Same Dayservices Care Clinic · Pulmonology · Podiatry services · Podiatry · ultrasound Same Day Care Clinic Pulmonology · Pulmonology

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Norah K. Bishop, P.T. The Only Facility in Taos County Providing Aquatic Physical Therapy (On-Site)

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Nothing makes you feel good like a bike ride. For all your service needs, accessories, and your next bike purchase Taos Cyclery has you covered.

Cool new location, same great shop. Taos Cyclery is now in El Prado. 1103 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Suite 3A | Just north of El Meze restaurant 575-758-5551 |

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Moving forward, we plan to adhere to the following three-part plan: We will update and reprioritize the list of medical equipment purchases and building maintenance and repair needs. The list will take into consideration new items that will be identified during the budgeting process for our upcoming fiscal year. We will have about $300,000 to $500,000 in a contingency fund just in case something breaks that we had not planned to replace. Over the first 1 1/2 years, we plan to spend $2 million to $2.5 million — making a huge dent in the backlog of needed projects. The rest of the money will be spread over the remaining 2 1/2 years. Of course, this spending schedule depends on the ability of Taos County to issue bonds guaranteed by the mill levy revenue. While we work to make sure our list is prioritized properly, we will also work with Taos County to determine exactly how the money will be transferred to the hospital, as well as the process by which equipment purchases and needed repairs are prepared and presented to the county commissioners. As we understand the process, all purchases/expenditures that we want to make will be debated in open session with the county commissioners. Once approved, all projects will be listed and tracked on the Taos Health Systems website, It’s a brand new era at Holy Cross Hospital/ Taos Health Systems and we have a new a commitment to excellence. We are committed to making Holy Cross Hospital your hospital of choice. We believe our commitment to excellence is an opportunity to create an aligned culture that is accountable to achieving outcomes together so that everyone from our employees, board of directors, physicians and medical staff, managers/directors and administrators are all on the same page working together with the same goals and values. It all comes back to making health care better. Working together, we can create great places for employees to work, physicians to practice medicine and patients to receive care.

Taos Health Systems is the central hub for health care in north central New Mexico. It is home to more than 80 physicians, covering a variety of ever-expanding specialties that include internal medicine, cardiology, family practice, wound care, obstetrics and gynecology, orthopedic, vascular and general surgery, urology, cosmetic, medical and pediatric dermatology, and a fully staffed emergency department. The hospital also offers imaging, laboratory and infusion services, as well as integrative health care. Incorporated in January 1980 as a 501(c) (3) private, nonprofit charitable organization, Taos Health Systems became the parent company of Holy Cross Hospital. It has since grown to include Women’s Health Institute and the Birth Center, Taos Surgical Specialties, Center for Physical Health, and High Road Dermatology; as well as primary and integrative care. Holy Cross Hospital was established in 1936. Today, the hospital is a not-for-profit 29-bed, acute-care, full-service facility that is DNV accredited and ISO 9001:2008 certified. Our commitment to excellence is a promise that you will always receive great care in Taos. For more information about the array of services we provide, our commitment to excellence, and/or mill levy updates visit our website,

Photos courtesy holy cross hosPital

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We’re right there with you...

Wherever you want to go.

The official calendar for Taos Enjoy a more intuitive calendar experience with images, videos, maps and links to find your favorite events and happenings.

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DreamTree Project a community for youth

If you know a teen or young adult who needs housing and support, we are here. Emergency Youth Shelter, ages 12 - 17. Transitional Living Program, ages 16 - 24.

Dreamtree Project 128 La Posta Rd.


(located behind Albertsons)

If you’re looking for a safe place call 575-758-9595 Call 575-758-9595 Text 575-770-7704

Trusted Eye Experts. Your Eye Care Professionals Refractive Surgery • Cataract Surgery • Cornea Retina • Glaucoma • Routine Eye Exams General Ophthalmology • Award-winning Optical Shop 575.758.0621 1399 Weimer Rd. Suite 300 in Taos 2 0 16 -2 0 17 M e d i c a l + W e l l n e s s D i r ec to ry

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MiCHael darNell, Md 1399 Weimer Road, Suite 600, Taos 751-0334

JoHNsoN veteriNary CliNiC, iNC. Timothy Johnson, DVM 24987 U.S. Highway 64 west, El Prado • 758-7343

DENTAL HEALTH aNgel Fire FaMily deNtistry Strider McCash, DDS 27479 U.S. 64, Angel Fire 377-1383 el CeNtro FaMily HealtH peñasCo deNtal CliNiC Greg Bauer, DDS Arturo Sisneros, DDS 15136 State Road 75, Peñasco • 587-2809 eMbudo deNtal Care Richard Padberg, DMD, FAGD 1102 State Road 68, Embudo 505-579-4680 • keitH JaMesoN, dds 2451 U.S. 522, Questa 586-0259 Mark NieMieC, dds 1399 Weimer Road, Suite 800, Taos 613-1391 NortHerN New MexiCo CeNter For CosMetiC deNtistry Kellie Harris, DDS, FAGD Kayci Harris, DDS 1337 Gusdorf Road, Suite A, Taos • 751-9661 presbyteriaN/Questa deNtal CliNiC Tyler Morgan, DDS 2573 State Road 522, Questa • 586-0045 red river FaMily deNtistry Richard Brown Jr., DDS 612 W. Main St. (Miner’s Mall), Red River 754-2300 MiCHael rivera, dds 107 Plaza Garcia, Suite E, Taos 758-0531 taos deNtal group Justin Nylund, DDS C. Tom Simms, DDS Rory Yurkovich, DDS 1392 Weimer Road, Suite A, Taos 758-8303 taos FaMily deNtistry iNC. Kathleen Rogers, DMD 1335A Gusdorf Road, Taos 751-9333 taos sMiles Jeff Hammerman, DDS, MAGD 1027 Salazar Rd., Suite 1, Taos 758-1100

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MediCiNe wHeel eQuiNe CeNter, llC Bessie Babits, DVM San Cristobal • 779-2466 salazar road veteriNary CliNiC Susanne Felser, VMD Trisha Albin, DVM, CVA Kim Sides, DVM 1025 Salazar Road, Taos • 758-9115 taos veteriNary CliNiC, p.C. Ted Schupbach, DVM Jeff Tidwell, DVM 41 State Highway 522 north, Taos • 758-7310 tHree roCks veteriNary serviCes Large farm/ranch animals Gaven Kuykendall, DVM 575-313-1530 •


Complementary health care — including holistic alternatives, Oriental medicine, and massage and massage therapy, energy healing — is often best used in conjunction with Western medicine. Different fields of complimentary medicine have different certification processes and due diligence on the part of the patient is sometimes required in order to find out whether certain options are indeed the best for one’s own health. Talk to your physician and verify a health care provider’s credentials to the best of your ability.

365 days oF wellNess Online health and wellness programs, coaches, workplace evaluations. health screenings. Loretta Ortiz y Pino MD, FAAP, CMS-CHT — hypnotherapy Alana Grier CPC, CHt, LMT, RYT — wellness and yoga therapy Jason Pfeiger CPCC — lifestyle/time management, cancer support Cindy Brown CPC, CHt — life transitions, career development Wendy Wagner Ph.D., CPC, CHt — elder transition Vittoria Totaro CPC, CHt — stress reduction Suki Totaro CPC, CHt — career Karen Koyote MA, MS, CPC, CHt — wellness, fitness, healthy aging (505) 818-9898 allergy solutioNs oF New MexiCo 522 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos • 770-1418 a beautiFul braiN Teri Kent, MSHS 4170 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Ranchos de Taos • 613-5694 all is well, llC Catherine Ralston, medical intuitive 119 Quesnel, Taos • 758-9773

auroMesa Traditional Ayurveda, meditation and Tibetian healing yoga 101 Coyote Loop, Arroyo Hondo • 776-2212 Joey blue, lisw Psychotherapist, intuitive and energy healing Taos 758-9511 paMela byers, iarp Reiki master, holistic coach 770-6640 Crossroads CliNiC oF Natural HealtH Lilly Marie Blecher, ND, DOM 1331 Maestas Road, Taos • 343-7588 karla Joy deMers, slCs Intuitive energy healer Ranchos de Taos • 758-9511 eartH walk MediCiNe Reverend Shaman Sandra Chestnutt • 779-4253 eQuiNe spirit saNCtuary Provide opportunities for healing and therapy with horses for persons of all ages; provide other physical, mental and spiritual therapy programs for people based on interactions with horses. 13 Los Caballos Road, Ranchos de Taos • 758-1212 stepHaNie gutz, lCsw, lisw Psychotherapy, energy healing 1219 Gusdorf Road, Suite E, Taos 779-3391 i aM tHat i aM MiNistries Spiritual healing, T’ai Chi Sensei Anthony R. Sanchez, master healer/teacher Susan Hannah Sanchez Heart of the Sacred Healing Center, 522 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos • 779-1363 • 751-1335 JoNi MaCCraCkeN, lCsw Energy healing/psychotherapy 136 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos • 770-3126 tHe MaNdala CeNter retreat FaCility 96 Mandala Road, Des Moines, NM • 278-3002 boNNie MCNairN, lMt #3439 1332 D Gusdorf Road, Taos 758-3868 • MediCa Nova Integrated and educational medicine Angelika Maria Koch, DNM, LCH 61 Blueberry Hill Road, Taos • 751-2067 MouNtaiN yoga, oM HatHa yoga, llC Monica Martin, 770-6339 Allison Burke 779-4918 94 State Road 150, Venado Plaza, Ste. 1B Move iNto balaNCe, FeldeNkrais studio Prisca Winslow 1335-J Gusdorf Road, Taos • 779-7169 New liFe pregNaNCy CeNter 105 Bertha Rd., Suite D, Taos • 758-2899 oCeaN oF souNd Carrie Moon, Vibrational sound medicine, cranial sacral therapy • 613-0559 saCred traditioNs Sunny Redmond Homeopathy, Shamanism, cranial sacral therapy, applied kinesiology, specialty in trauma, end-of-life care • Taos • 758-7723 saNtosHa yoga 1203 King Drive, Suite B, Taos 758-YOGA (9642)

iNNer FarMaCy Ayurvedic Consultation & Ayuryoga Jodey Simmonds: 415-612-0181

sHeila sHortell Massage, Reiki, reflexology, herbology, shiatsu, nutrition, bio-mat 1021 Salazar Road, Taos 224-7290

iNtegrative MediCiNe de taos A platform for ongoing integrative medicine symposia in Taos. • 1-800-914-5810

soNJa’s skiN saloN Foot massage, facials, skin care, skin products & makeup 330 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos 758-7580

JiN sHiN Jyutsu Kate Harris 414 La Lomita Road, Taos 751-1422/770-1341

taos CeNter For Natural HealiNg Christine Ciceri, DOM Karen Zakar, DC Margaret Hansen, DC Christele Semaille, DC Anne Thrun, LMT, CST Patrice Johnson, LMT Helen Tracey, LMT Robin Cunningham, CH, LMT, SF, RRMT, CSH 219 Calvary Road, Taos 751-1616

kHalsa HealtH CeNter Bodywork, emotional therapy, energy medicine, Kundalini yoga, Pilates Harbhajan Khalsa Rajinder Khalsa Northstar Plaza, Suite C 65 State Road 522, El Prado

Directory, continued on page 58

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health care...What if?


What if we could bring together a variety of healing disciplines into one process that addressed your health care needs on all levels? What would this look like and how might this be accomplished? Today, the understanding of just what “medicine” is and how it might be provided is changing. We are juggling terms like “alternative medicine,” “complimentary medicine,” “integrative medicine” and “holistic medicine” in an effort to describe the phenomenon of the influence of herbal medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, yoga, meditation, massage, chiropractic, prayer and other systems and knowledge on our current medical system in the United States. Much of this juggling of terms is due to the growing use of 4 6

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non-mainstream medical practices and how they impact the current medical care system and its providers. Medical doctors are seeing a growing use of these “alternatives,” although they have generally not been educated about them and are unsure of how they might affect the therapies they are administering to their patients. Understandably, being people of science the first concern is that these unregulated and scientifically undocumented practices could be harming their patients. However, there is growing awareness that not only will patients use them regardless of their doctor’s opinion, but that many of these practices have real value in health care.

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JUST 60 MILES FROM TAOS The sale and consumption of marijuana is legal in the State of Colorado. Sale of marijuana for non-medical purposes is illegal in New Mexico. It may not be brought across the border. Purchase and consume at your own risk in Colorado and according to the laws of that state. 2 0 16 -2 0 17 M e d i c a l + W e l l n e s s D i r ec to ry

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One of the results of this dilemma is that medical science has made efforts to document the presence of these other systems with the intention of determining the usefulness of integrating them into health care. We see this in the creation of the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health (, the growing number of medical schools offering specialties in integrative medicine, and organizations that certify medical doctors such as the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine. How might the future of our medical services be shaped by these trends? As the awareness of the value of non-mainstream medical knowledge increases, growing numbers of conferences and symposia on integrative medicine are taking place, and now even here in Taos. IMdT (Integrative Medicine de Taos) is a newly formed nonprofit organization that has invited the University of New Mexico to hold its biannual SIMPLE symposium (Symposium of Integrative Medical Professionals in the Land of Enchantment) to Taos on July 11-14. While the SIMPLE symposium is directed at doctors gaining CME’s (Continuing Medical Education credits), the IMdT board is expanding the activities of the symposia to include the community of Taos by holding a Health Symposium available to the general public. The Taos Health Sympo-

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sium will feature “Taos Talks” by experts on alternative medical topics, Taos Community Health Fair featuring display space for local practitioners and products, The Improv Medicine Show — a health-care comedy, a community cannabis panel and presentation of Escape Fire, a documentary film on how we can rescue our broken health care system. Imagine, someday in the not too distant future, a visit to your doctor includes not only all the usual high-tech tests, but recommendations from a panel of diverse health care practitioners including an herbalist, chiropractor, acupuncturist, nutritionist and naturopathic doctor with a treatment plan that could include diet and lifestyle changes, herbal therapies, stretching, massage, meditation as well as appropriate drug therapies. The board of IMdT has a vision that bringing integrative medical conferences to Taos will fuel our local economy, attract medical care professionals and educate both professionals and the public about the value of integrated health care. Integrative Medicine de Taos is pioneering changes for the future of medicine.

For more inFormation visit the imdt Web site at

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Fees based on ability to pay. Accepting most insurances, private pay, Medicare & Medicaid. 2 0 16 -2 0 17 M e d i c a l + W e l l n e s s D i r ec to ry

4 9


To vape or not to vape BY SCOTT GERDES

Flavors like banana, birthday cake, peach schnapps, almond and coffee have become the designer darlings of the vaping world. But putting fancy tastes aside, are electronic cigarettes (often referred to as e-cigs or vaping) really a safer alternative to smoking tobacco and a promising way to help you quit? No adult needs to be hammered on the head with the statement, “Smoking is bad for you.” We all know that. But an addiction has a way of justifying bad behavior, and nicotine is an addiction. The no ash, no tar, faint smell, no smoke e-cigs now flooding the market are touted as a less harmful way to satisfy a nicotine craving, but is it true? E-cigs use a battery-powered heating element designed to vaporize a liquid solution containing nicotine, which provides a smoker’s high without the tar and cancerous chemicals found in tobacco. Supporters argue

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e-cigs can help smokers give up tobacco, the second-hand smoke is nonthreatening and it is rare for people who don’t already smoke to start. Mat and Shalmai Hollingshead opened Taos’ first e-cig establishment, BeeLiquid Vaper’s Lounge at 108C Civic Plaza Drive, in 2012. Other such shops that have opened in Taos since include Vape Bros. Lounge, Atomized Vapors, Vape Taos and 420 Gear. BeeLiquid focuses on making their own “juice.” Their “handcrafted e-liquid” is made from vegetable glycerin (a clear, odorless liquid produced from plant oils, typically palm oil, soy or coconut oil), propylene glycol (a clear organic compound found in hair products and cosmetics — to name a few applications — that holds and dissolves active ingredients equally in the medium, acts as an emulsifier and excipient, and reduces freezing point), extracted nicotine and food flavoring. Taoseña Emily Wilde put down the tobacco cigarettes and reached for a personalized vaporizer two years ago. And while it hasn’t helped her kick the nicotine habit, she says, “I noticed easier breathing within two months, and I stopped coughing.” Mat Hollingshead is confident research will show that e-cigs are a safe alternative. “It’s infinitely better for you,” he told The Taos News in 2013. “It doesn’t have the carcinogens that cigarettes do; it doesn’t have the tar and the ash and the lingering smoke and smell ... We have so many people coming in saying, ‘Oh my gosh, I can run again. I can ride a bike, I can breathe.’”

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‘An over-indulgence of Anything, even something As pure As wAter, cAn intoxicAte.’ — criss JAmi, “venus in Arms”

While no one is saying e-cigs are a cure for damage caused by cigarettes, the vapor certainly isn’t exacerbating an illness. Despite that, no observational data examining the long-term health effects of e-cigarettes exist. On the other side of the fence, however, are scientists and doctors who argue the devices should be steered clear of because their risks are unknown, and they encourage non-smokers to become addicted to nicotine. And some opponents claim that the fruity and candy flavors are being catered to children, although no one under 18 can legally buy it. Shalmai Hollingshead wholeheartedly disagrees with the notion that the candy- and fruit-flavored juices are made with kids in mind. “Most adults really like the candy and fruit flavors; they are very popular,” she says. “We make e-liquid for the adults, not kids.” Shalmai says their customers were already cigarette smokers. Although critics portend e-cigs as a “gateway” to tobacco use among young people. In teens, nicotine consumption has been shown to hamper brain development. All that being said, the jury’s still out on whether e-cigs can help a wannabe nonsmoker kick the nicotine habit. Some research suggests they may be as effective as the patch, though a recent study in 2014 by JAMA Internal Medicine found that e-cig use didn’t motivate people to change their smoking habits 5 2

— one year later, they weren’t more likely to quit or even smoke less. Another smoking cessation study reported in Nov. 2013 by “The Medical Letter” (an independent, non-biased publication that reviews pharmaceuticals for physicians provided by Dr. Lucas Schreiber of Taos) found that the percentage of patients who quit smoking tobacco cigarettes at six months was slightly higher with the e-cig (7.3 percent) than with the nicotine patch (5.8 percent) or placebo device (4.1 percent). The results, the article cited, “were not statistically significant.” “The most common adverse effects reported during clinical trials of e-cigarettes were mouth and throat irritation and dry cough,” the latter report disclosed. “In non-smokers, repeated exposure to nicotine in ecigarettes could result in addiction and might increase the risk of ischemic (an insufficient supply of blood to an organ) vascular events.” Also, the FDA doesn’t regulate the products yet (although the regulatory agency is expected to do so), meaning unless disclosed by the maker, you don’t really know what ingredients are in the “juice.” Until longer-term studies prove they are safe and can help you quit, suggests using established methods instead, such as a combination of counseling and smoking cessation medication. »

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PERIMENOPAUSE A midlife metamorphosis


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Perimenopause, also called “climacteric,” refers to the years leading up to a woman’s last menstrual period or menopause. The word menopause is derived from the Greek meno (month, menses) and pausis (pause.) Perimenopause is not a point in time, but a process that may vary in length and symptoms from woman to woman. It usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, and lasts on average between six to 13 years. During this process, a woman may experience undesirable symptoms that may include hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, osteoporosis, weight gain, mood swings, fuzzy thinking, depression and insomnia. STIGMA AND ATTITUDE

Perimenopause encompasses the gradual change in ovarian function signaling the end of a woman’s reproductive years, while emotionally allowing her to explore new aspects of herself, a sort of “midlife metamorphosis.” At such time, a woman may need to re-evaluate her life path and allow herself to play out her innermost desires. Such process, however, is often thwarted by patriarchal prejudices that often lead women to feeling inadequate or even worthless. Because menopause usually signifies a woman’s failure to reproduce, in our society a woman needs to work hard to reconcile letting go of her reproductive years and accepting her sexual and creative powers. Perimenopause is the perfect time to let go of the patriarchal belief that associates sexuality with sexual reproduction. Sexual desire and functioning in humans is not necessarily related to the reproduc-

tive cycle. In fact, women possess the only human organ whose sole function is to generate sexual pleasure. Menopause, while the end of a chapter in a woman’s life, should not be construed as the end of a woman’s sexual life. THE AGING FACTOR AND POWER OF BELIEF

Women’s transition into menopause was not as traumatic in ancestral cultures mainly because aging was not considered to be a failure. A study conducted among Tarahumara Indian runners in Mexico is quite insightful in this regard. This tribe believes their best runners to be men in their 60s. Researchers confirmed the “older” runners were indeed faster and possessed more endurance than the younger ones through measuring the runners’ lung capacities, cardiovascular fitness and endurance. This belief is totally foreign to our current ageist society’s belief that athletes are old when they reach 40 years of age. This study also points out that all the tribe members held that belief. The power of sharing a strong belief is reflected in the positive outcome of mindful practices such as prayers, positive thinking, visualization and meditation. CREATING HEALTH DURING PERIMENOPAUSE

The bottom line is there is a way to create health during perimenopause and a lot of it has to do with one’s attitude. I am not a big proponent of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) because I believe in the power of the majority of healthy women to self-regulate. Women need to start reprogramming themselves to believe they are just as beautiful, vibrant and worthy at age 60 and above as they were in their 20s, 30s or 40s. My personal experience 2 0 16 -2 0 17 M e d i c a l + W e l l n e s s D i r ec to ry

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article support imagery......

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‘I’m what Is known as perImenopausal. perI, some of you may know, Is a latIn prefIx meanIng ‘shut your flIppIn’ pIe hole.’’ — CrIss JamI, “Venus In arms” indicates that if a woman believes she can change the way she looks and feels about herself, she will be able to at any age. Perimenopause is a great time to start. Chinese mediCine and perimenopause

Fortunately Chinese medicine and nutritional supplementation can help. In Chinese medicine, how a woman experiences perimenopause is a reflection of how strong her kidney energy or “Qi” is (also known as adrenal function in Western medicine) combined with how strong her nutritive (“Ying”) Qi is. A strong Ying Qi is a result of a balanced diet, good sleep, daily exercise and positive outlook on life. There are many herbal and nutritional remedies available to restore kidney Qi and adrenal function. When kidney energy is out of balance, one can also experience fear, anxiety, renal and sexual dysfunction as well as sleeplessness and depression. In addition to herbal and nutritional supplementation, a good mindfulness practice — that may include yoga, qi gong, running or a

combination of them — can further restore balance by helping manage stress levels. Such practices not only work on restoring kidney energy but, also kidney “Jing” or inherited Qi, the life force passed on through genes. In fact, recent studies prove that our genetic predisposition can be modulated by our lifestyle. in ConClusion

Perimenopause and menopause are natural processes that may become problematic when not understood or tackled properly. Natural medicine has a lot to offer to help women cope with this process. I encourage women to familiarize themselves with all the natural options available to them not only to treat symptoms of perimenopause but, to enhance the quality of their lives and their communities at large. Caroline Colonna is a doctor of Oriental Medicine who has 20 years of experience practicing acupuncture, herbal, nutritional and lifestyle medicine at Willow Clinic in Taos. Contact her at for further information on perimenopause, menopause and other anti-aging protocols. 2 0 16 -2 0 17 M e d i c a l + W e l l n e s s D i r ec to ry

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total HealtH & wellNess CeNter oF taos 622 A & B Paseo del Pueblo Sur • 737-5810 taos tHerapeutiC Massage Bonne McNairn, LMT, BCTMB 1332-D Gusdorf Rd., Taos • 770-4031 wHolistiC HealtH Debra Sherry, DMH Homeopathy, nutrition, Heilkunst practitioner 107 Plaza Garcia, Unit B, Taos • 505-603-9888 willow CliNiC Caroline Colonna, Chinese herbs, Dipl Ac, CH, DOM Acupuncture, herbal, nutrition, lifestyle and functional medicine. Iinsurance accepted. 1103 Don Juan Valdez Lane, El Prado • 758-5070

advaNCed Massage tHerapies Cranial sacral & Thai massage Patrick Shaw, LMT North Star Plaza, 65 State Highway 522, Suite C1, El Prado • 586-1726/770-5020 katHy duNbar’s body MeCHaNiCs Massage therapy, myofascial release, orthopedic massage, exercise and fitness Angel Fire • 595-5230 el MoNte sagrado spa 317 Kit Carson Rd., Taos • 737-9880

aero-spa oF taos 522 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos • 770-8611

esseNtial Massage aNd spa tHerapies Kyoko Moriyasu Hummel, LMT Manuela Maeder, LMT Brenda Archuleta, LMT Autumn “Ahalya” Frontino, LMT Amelia Raymond, LMT Elizabeth Burgess, LMT Deborah Curtis, LMT Ashley Beyer, B.E.S.T therapy Tulsi Rose, LMT Ramona Lujan, LMT Sabrina Gzaskow, LMT Meredith Slater, LMT Michelle Blanton, LMT Carol Lesser, LMT 824 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos • 751-4040

agape Massage Elizabeth Squires, LMT 118 Este Es Rd., Taos • 770-6356

iNNer rHytHMs polarity tHerapy Cat Hale, PTP Taos • 779-2810

aHaNa Massage Medical massage, cranial sacral therapy, visceral manipulation, nerve pain, headaches Athena Swinford, LMT Ranchos de Taos • 776-7239

iNNovative tHerapies Terri Picard, LMT Taos • 770-7914

MASSAGE & WELLNESS absolutely woNderFul Massage Abeille-Abigail Kaelin, LMT 98 State Road 150 #10, Taos • 770-0375

aNgel Fire Massage tHerapy at aNgel Fire resort Norma Hoffman, LMT Inn Business Center, Bldg. 3469, Suite 6 Angel Fire Hwy. 434 • 377-2613 auroMesa Traditional Ayurveda, meditation and Tibetian healing yoga • 101 Coyote Loop Arroyo Hondo • • 776-2212

iNspiratioNs day spa Jacqui Croat, LMT 522 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos 770-2194 JessiCa iNC. Jessica Birnbaum LMT Taos • 770-6762 oJo CalieNte MiNeral spriNgs resort & spa 50 Los Banos Rd., Ojo Caliente • 800-222-9162 or 583-2233

baliNese Massage Kirstie Segarra, Ph.D, LMT Taos • • 770-1274

saloN MarJorie — aveda CoNCept 237 Ledoux St., Taos 751-7246

walter breNNaN, lMt Taos • 779-1301

darrell sCHauerMaNN, lMt Ranchos de Taos • 758-1686

CatHleeN’s MouNtaiN day spa 300 W. Main St. #16, Red River • 770-2772

sHeila sHortell Massage, reflexology 1021 Salazar Rd., Taos 224-7290

CertiFied advaNCed rolFer & MoveMeNt teaCHer Marilyn Grimes • Taos • 758-4439 ColoNias CHiropraCtiC CeNter Kathy Jackman, LMT Abigail Kaelin, LMT 98 State Road 150, Suite 7, El Prado 776-1117

sHree yoga taos Jamie Rose Wilson, LMT 112 Camino de la Placita, Suite C, Taos • 758-8014 berNiCe saNdoval, lMt 522 Paseo del Pueblo Norte Taos • 770-7118 Directory, continued on page 60

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Psychotherapy Services Drug/Alcohol Counseling Therapy for Anxiety, Depression Post-Traumatic Stress Family/Couples Mediation and Therapy

Suzanne Lovelace, LPCC 30 Years Experience Insurance & Medicaid Accepted 575-779-4382

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Our integrative medicine group welcomes Andrea Whyte Griffin, D.C. to our team of caregivers who seek to understand and resolve the underlying causes of your pain including nerve, joint, and myofascial pain. We collaborate to address the pain and to teach you how to help yourself. Our team also includes:

Lucy Whyte Ferguson, D.C. Lynn Sellyei, D.C. Kathy Jackman, L.M.T Abeille Kaelin, L.M.T. Arthur “Spike” Lynch, M.D.

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(575) 776-1117

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spirits oF beauty saloN aNd day spa 330 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Suite B, Taos • 758-1178


taos aestHetiCs MediCal CeNter Ellen Warren, MD 630 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Suite 150, Taos 751-4472

ColoNias CHiropraCtiC CeNter Arthur Lynch, MD Lucy Whyte Ferguson, DC Andrea Whyte Griffin, DC Lynn Sellyei, DC, MSA Kathy Jackman, LMT Abigail Kaelin, LMT 98 State Road 150, Suite 7, El Prado 776-1117

taos CeNter For Natural HealiNg Christine Ciceri, DOM Karen Zakar, DC Margaret Hansen, DC Christele Semaille, DC Anne Thrun, LMT, CST Patrice Johnson, LMT Helen Tracey, LMT Robin Cunningham, CH, LMT, SF, RRMT, CSH 219 Calvary Road, Taos • 751-1616 taos HealiNg arts Julia Ruth Claus, LMT Dory Hulbert, LMT Daniel Pretends Eagle, LMT Tiffany Jama, LMT 308-B Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos • 758-7975 taos Mobile Massage Taos • 751-1924 taos roCks Ana Chavez, Taos • 751-3309 taos sage waters Massage aNd spa Energy work and healing for humans and animals Lee Hester, HTACP, ESMT II, LMT Taos • • 758-4634

riCHard HeNdreN, dC 726 C Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos • 758-9006 el CeNtro CHiropraCtiC Janet Lewis, DC 623 D Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos • 758-2944 sMalliNg CliNiC, llC Gerald Smalling, DC, CCST 1337 Gusdorf Road, Suite U 751-4325 taos CeNter For Natural HealiNg Margaret Hansen, DC Christele Semaille, DC Christine Ciceri, DOM Karen Zakar, DC Patrice Johnson, LMT Ana Beluche, LMT Anne Thrun, LMT, CST Helen Tracey, LMT 219 Cavalry Road, Taos 751-1616

taos spa & teNNis Club Massage Services 111 Doña Ana Dr., Taos • 758-9030

taos CHiropraCtiC HealtH CeNter Doug Christian, DC, APC, CCEP Thomas Krieger-Fritsch, DC, APC Jennifer Christian, DC Keith Christian, DOM 813 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos 758-8498

taos tHerapeutiC Massage Bonne McNairn, LMT, BCTMB 1332-D Gusdorf Rd., Taos • 770-4031


taos yoga tHerapy Monique Parker 208 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Suite 103, Taos • 613-0519

taos ColoNiCs Charlene Daniels 208A Paseo del Cañon, Taos 741-0699

taos sCHool oF Massage 94 State Road 150, El Prado • 758-2725

traNsForMatioNal body work Judah Botzer, LMT 324 Kit Carson Rd.751-0779


giNNy waterstreet, lMt Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner Eagle Nest • 613-2090

río graNde alCoHolisM treatMeNt prograM 224 Cruz Alta Rd., Suite J, Taos • 737-5533

you! taos day spa 1027 Salazar Rd., Suite J, Taos 751-9837

tri-CouNty CoMMuNity serviCes 105 Paseo del Cañon West, Taos 758-5857

Mary tara Massage & eNergy work Mary Tara, LMT Taos, near Taos Plaza 758-1741

Directory, continued on page 66

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710 Paseo Del Pueblo Sur (Between Albertsons & Bealls)

(575) 751-0214 We accept most insurance and major credit cards. OPEN: Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:30pm 2 0 16 -2 0 17 M e d i c a l + W e l l n e s s D i r ec to ry

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Yoga not only helps you feel better physically, it also contributes to overall well-being, such as stress reduction, increased selfacceptance and overcoming fear — including the fear of trying something new. Following are some tips to help you not only survive, but thrive in your first yoga class.

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Feeling like a newbie around experienced pr actitioners

I took my first yoga class in the early ‘90s when I was living in the Caribbean. Upon entering the studio, any nervousness I felt was exacerbated when I discovered the teacher deep in meditation and one of the students standing on her head. The class hadn’t even started, yet they already appeared to have been practicing for hours. During the class, the teacher directed us into exotic- and foreignsounding postures that were unfamiliar to me. I sheepishly copied the other students, who looked serene balancing and twisting with perfect poise. I felt self-conscious, as if everyone was watching and secretly judging me. As a result, I pushed myself too hard and found myself competing with the other students. After over two decades of practice (and teaching), here’s some things I’ve learned about being a novice: • Give yourself permission to be a beginner. Even your teacher took her first class once. • Most students aren’t looking at you, but are preoccupied with their own poses: breathing, muscle engagement and alignment. As your proficiency increases, the more inwardly focused you will become. • Don’t compete with others. Yoga is an individualized practice; everyone is at different levels of fitness with varying physical issues. • Overexertion is the antithesis of yoga. When you push yourself into poses, the body reacts by creating tension.

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Studio etiquette: How not to be a jerk on tHe mat

Just as there are rules on the slopes, such as skiers in front of you always have the right of way, there is “Yoga Etiquette.” As a new yogi, in the throes of developing self-awareness, you may inadvertently be insensitive to your fellow practitioners. Here are some guidelines that will help you from disturbing the peace: • Remove shoes before entering class — yoga is practiced barefoot. • Chitchat outside the studio. • Avoid snapping your mat as you roll it out and/or unnecessarily cramping your neighbors. • Arrive on time — Late arrivals are a disturbance. • Refrain from wearing strong scents: perfume, hairspray. • Turn off your cell phone. Yoga classes are device-free zones.

• Wear appropriate clothing. • Don’t walk on other peoples’ mats — they may be made out of thermoplastic elastomer, but to others they are sacred spaces. Pr acticing Self-accePtance like a SeaSoned yogi

When you engage in a new activity there is a learning curve — that period of time where you acquire new skills, comprehend new lingo, and experience your body in a new way. It takes time and can be frustrating. Your yoga instructor may offer modifications or adjustments. This isn’t a critique. It’s a way of teaching you the proper and safe way of executing a pose for you at this time. If constructive criticism hits a nerve or you become defensive, accept that you cannot learn anything new without first making mistakes. Seasoned yogis make practice look easy, not because it is, but because self-acceptance is a steep mountain slope.

Monique Parker owns Taos Yoga Therapy and Svastha Yoga Institute, the US-affiliate school of Svastha Yoga & Ayurveda in Chennai, India, and

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Caroline Colonna, DOM

Doctor of Oriental Medicine  Acupuncture  extensiVe chinese herbal pharmacy  Personalized Nutrition Plan  Easy detox for weight loss & hormonal balance  PAIN & inflammation  accident  sports injuries  personalized movement regimen  advanced blood analysis

Insurance accepted VA Authorized

(575) 758-5070

Located Next to Orlando’s in El Prado

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vista taos reNewal CeNter Jeff Lamure, executive director Robert Mooney, MD Alana Smith, LCSW Aaron Austin, MA, LCDC, LPC-I 259 Blueberry Hill Rd., Taos • 758-5858; 877-772-2616

MEDITATION auroMesa Traditional Ayurveda, meditation and Tibetian healing yoga 101 Coyote Loop, Arroyo Hondo • 776-2212 sage iNstitute For Creativity, CoNsCiousNess aNd eNviroNMeNt Sean Murphy, executive director, 575-224-1838 Hollie Laudal, curriculum director,575-758-4520 Heart of the Sacred Building, 522 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos • 720-273-0570 taos MouNtaiN saNgHa traNsCeNdeNtal MeditatioN, tHeravadaN buddHisM 522 Paseo del Pueblo (Look for roadside sign: Taos Center for Mindfulness and Meditation) Email:

LAY MIDWIVES taos HoMebirtH & MidwiFery Nicole Maillis LM, CPM Marcy Andrew, LM, CPM Dorothy Kaeck, LM, CPM Madrona Bourdeau, LM, CPM 4151 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Ranchos de Taos • 758-1388

NURSE MIDWIVES tHe birtH CeNter at woMeN’s HealtH iNstitute, taos HealtH systeMs Susan Akins, RN, CNM Naomi Hannah, RN CNM Juliet Labreche, MD, OB/GYN Tim Moore, MD, OB/GYN Martha Morgan, MD, OB/GYN; 1331 Maestas Road, Taos • 758-5001

taos CeNter For Natural HealiNg Christine Ciceri, DOM Karen Zakar, DC Margaret Hansen, DC Christele Semaille, DC Anne Thrun, LMT, CST Patrice Johnson, LMT Helen Tracey, LMT Robin Cunningham, CH, LMT, SF, RRMT, CSH 219 Calvary Road, Taos • 751-1616 taos CHiropraCtiC HealtH CeNter Keith Christian, DOM 813 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos • 758-8498 oliver MCCrary, doM 218 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos • 751-0377 MeridiaN tHerapy Chinese acupuncture treatment Lynn Sellyei, DC MSA 94 State Road 150, Suite 3 El Prado • 315-651-1957 Maia saraNteas, doM 94 State Road 150, Suite 7 El Prado • 779-0161 wHite CraNe CliNiC Japanese acupuncture Carl Wagner, DOM, Dipl Ac 1332 Gusdorf, Suite E, Taos 758-2700 willow CliNiC Caroline Colonna, DOM, Dipl Ac, CH Acupuncture, herbal, nutrition, lifestyle and functional medicine, insurance accepted 1103 Don Juan Valdez Lane, El Prado • 758-5070 wiN sMitH, doM, bs, dipl, aC Acupuncture, naturopathic medicine, natural biologic remedies Taos • 758-2038



aura FitNess 1337 Gusdorf Road, Suite S, Taos • 758-9733

astrid brouwer, doM Acupuncture and Herbology 623 A Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos 770-5918

CrossFit taos 1103 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, El Prado • 224-6398

selaH CHaMberlaiN, doM 206 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos 751-3284

Curves For woMeN 1350 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Suite A, Taos 751-1113

Crossroads CliNiC oF Natural HealtH Lilly Marie Blecher, ND, DOM 1331 Maestas Road, Taos • 343-7588

deliberately Fit 324 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos 758-2900

tHe HealtH aNd loNgevity CliNiC Jim Dixon, DOM, Dipl Ac, CH Allergist, Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Qi Gong 408 Perry Lane, Taos • 758-3638

NortHside HealtH & FitNess CeNter 1307 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, El Prado Find Northside Health & Fitness Center on • 751-1242

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OjO Caliente Mineral SpringS reSOrt & Spa 50 Los Banos Drive, Ojo Caliente • 800-222-9162 taOS pilateS StudiO 1103 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, El Prado • 758-7604 taOS Spa & tenniS Club 111 Doña Ana Drive, Taos • 758-1980

HEARING AIDS preMier Hearing Center 1350 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Suite 3, Taos 1651 Galisteo St., Doctors Park, Suite 7, Santa Fe 7920 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Suite A, Albuquerque 751-9327, 505-988-4327 or 505-299-4327 Sandia Hearing aidS New Taos Office: 1337 Gustorf Rd., Suite O San Isidro Plaza 3454 Zafarano Dr., Unit B, Santa Fe 800-646-1984 SOutHweStern ear, nOSe & tHrOat aSSOCiateS Hearing & Balance Center Kathleen Weidner, Au.D Danielle Morgan, Au.D Brett Adams, Au.D Maureen Coleman, HIS 1620 Hospital Drive, Santa Fe 835 Bruce St., Española 108 Legion Dr., Suite. B, Las Vegas 118 Central Park Square, Los Alamos 505-946-3955

HERBS AND HEALTH FOOD anCient ritualS apOtHeCary Overland Ranch complex 1405 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, El Prado Cid’S FOOd Market 623 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos • 758-1148 iriS Herbal prOduCtS 3204 State Road 522, Questa • 586-1802 native SCentS 1040 Dea Lane, Taos 758-9656/800-645-3471 taOS FOOd CO-Op 314 Paseo de Pueblo Norte, Taos 758-3840 taOS Herb CO. Cruz Alta Shopping Center 710 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos 758-1991

wHite Crane CliniC Carl Wagner, DOM 1332 Gusdorf Road, Suite E, Taos • 758-2700 willOw CliniC Caroline Colonna, DOM 1103 Don Juan Valdez Lane, El Prado • 758-5070

HOME HEALTH CARE SUPPLIERS & PROVIDERS a&r MediCal Supply 710 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Cruz Alta Shopping Center, Taos • 751-0214/377-5172 aaa HOMe Care In-home assistance with ADL’s for the disabled & elderly in Northern NM 931 Calle Conquistador, Taos • 758-2902, 866-929-2902 anCianOS, inC. Congregate meals, home-delivered meals, assisted transportation, homemaker services and respite inhome care in Taos, Chamisal, Questa and Amalia. Phill Lovato Senior Center, 601 Lovato Place, Taos • 758-4091 ideal HOMe Care, inC. 105 Paseo de Cañon West, Unit D, Taos • 751-7405 MOuntain HOMe HealtH Care 630 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Suite 180, Taos • 758-4786 OptiOnS HOMe Care 24-7 in-home care 1335 Gusdorf Road Suite S, Taos • 737-5539 SCrubS direCt 730 St. Michaels Drive, Santa Fe • 505-438-3309 taOS MediCal Supply 622 A&B Paseo del Pueblo Sur Taos • 737-5810 walgreenS 811 Paseo del Pueblo Sur • 758-1704, fax 758-3185 Zee MediCal Provider of van-based first aid, safety, and emergency products and services For van service call: 888-225-5933; For web inquiries call 800-435-7763

INSURANCE beaudry inSuranCe agenCy 603 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos • 737-8106 blue CrOSS blue SHield OF new MexiCO Albuquerque • • 800-835-8699 brOwn & brOwn inSuranCe 627 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos • 758-2244 2 0 16 -2 0 17 M e d i c a l + W e l l n e s s D i r ec to ry

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Farmers Insurance Group Dennis L. Santistevan 330D Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos 776-3224 Thomas E. Gutierrez 1033 Paseo del Pueblo Sure, Suite F, Taos 758-4618 Joella Montoya 107 Plaza Garcia, Suite A, Taos 758-0939 HIGHer Ground Insurance, Inc. 705-B Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos 737-5885 Insure new mexIco — medIcaId (centennIal care) 888-997-2583 molIna HealtHcare 400 Tijeras Ave. NW, Suite 200, Albuquerque 505-342-4660 800-377-9594 new mexIco HealtH excHanGe 855-996-6449 new York lIFe Insurance, Jean rael • 758-1023/586-2336 peoples Insurance 1356 Paseo del Pueblo, Sur, Taos Inside Peoples Bank South 758-4500 758-8331 río Grande Insurance servIces oF santa Fe, Inc. 224 Cruz Alta, Suite F, Taos 758-7447 state Farm wanda lucero 211 Kit Carson Road, Taos or 737-5433 andrea suazo 1010-B Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos or 751-9500

PHYSICAL THERAPY nora k. bIsHop pHYsIcal tHerapY Located in the Taos Spa & Tennis Club 111 Doña Ana Drive, Taos737-0715 center For pHYsIcal HealtH taos HealtH sYstems Kathy Alcon, PT, DPT, WCS, CLT, physical therapist director Terri Aronovitz, PT, MSPT Robert Drenning, PT, MPT, OCS Demian Knight, PT Robert Niemeier, PT, DPT Marcia Ready, PT Main office: 1398 Weimer Road, Suite 203, Taos 737-0304 North Side: 1307 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, El Prado 758-1004 Angel Fire: 11 Elliott Barker Lane 377-1900 taos pHYsIcal tHerapY Inc. sports reHabIlItatIon Alicia Esparza, MPT Linda Crooks, PTA Ron Holmes, PT 414 Sipapu St., Taos 758-8761

PSYCHIATRY/ PSYCHOTHERAPY/ COUNSELING/SOCIAL WORKERS a port In a storm Page Mastor, Ph.D 1337 Gusdorf, Suite H, Taos 737-9352 aGave HealtH 1509 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos 758-7263 JIll ansell, mFa, ma, lpcc 705C Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos 770-6800


JoeY blue tHerapIst Joey Blue Simone Esquibel 822 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos 758-9511

sav-on pHarmacY In albertson’s 710-A Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos 758-1203

sandI bodGe, lpcc 1331 Maestas, Taos 770-2404

smItH’s Food & druG centers 224 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos 758-4823

connIe croom, ms, lpcc 705-C Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos 770-4316

walGreens pHarmacY 811 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos 758-1704

mIcHael cummInGs, pH.d 338 Randall Lane, Taos 758-0345

walmart dIscount pHarmacY 926 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos 758-2743

elIzabetH dInsmore, pH.d 119 Cruz Alta Road, Taos 758-9732

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FaMily MediatioN serviCes David Stewart 705 Felicidad Lane, Taos • 737-9348


doN Flory, pH.d 11 Catalina Court, El Prado • 751-3848

alCoHol aNd drug abuse HelpliNe 1-800-962-8963

robert FraNkliN, Md 401 Acoma, Suite 105, Taos • 737-0240 bruCe grossMaN, lpCC 631 Kit Carson Road, Taos • 758-7835 stepHaNie gutz, lCsw, lisw Psychotherapy, energy healing 1219 Gusdorf Road, Suite E, Taos • 779-3391 NaNCy HazeN, Family Counselor 308 Río Lucero Road, Taos • 758-1494

eNipC (eigHt NortHerN iNdiaN pueblos CouNCil) beHavioral HealtH prograM Lower Alcalde Road, San Juan Pueblo 505-852-2788 taos CouNty alCoHolisM prograM 758-8876 alCoHoliCs aNoNyMous • 758-3318 aMigos uNidos, iNC. Family services; mental health counseling; mediation; juvenile delinquency and child abuse prevention; and early intervention; life skills. 1331 Gusdorf Road, Taos • 758-9412

Josie leNwell, Ma, lMFt 3006 Cottontail Road, Taos • 751-0407

CoMMuNity agaiNst violeNCe (Cav) 945 Salazar Road, Taos • • 758-8082 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 758-9888

suzaNNe lovelaCe, lpCC 26 Eototo Road, El Prado • 779-4382

FaMily MediatioN, david stewart 705 Felicidad Lane • • 737-9348

williaM kotsCH, pH.d 705-C Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos • 770-1873

goldeN willow retreat A sanctuary for loss, transition and recovery Arroyo Hondo • • 776-2024

JoNi MaCCraCkeN, lCsw Psychotherapist/energy healing/coaching Taos • 770-3126

NatioNwide alCoHol aNd drug reHabilitatioN direCtory/HelpliNe • 505-718-4340

Carole pozzi, lMFt Counseling/energy healing/training 94 State Road 150, Taos • 770-1379 praCtiCe taos liMited, CoNCierge tHerapy Barbara Hope, LISW, LCSW 827 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos • 224-1132 barbara sHerMaN Marriage and family therapy 711 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos • 751-3847 MoNa silkwood, lpCC Family counseling 125 La Posta Road, Taos • 505-259-1019 taos First steps, CaNCer support serviCes Holy Cross Hospital 413 Sipapu St., Taos • 751-5764 tri-CouNty CoMMuNity serviCes 413 Sipapu St., Taos • 758-5857 Caryle zoruMski, edd, lpCC 515 Gusdorf Road, Suite 1, Taos • 751-0449


poisoN & drug iNForMatioN CeNter 1-800-432-6866 rape Crisis Ctr HotliNe 758-9888 or 758-2910 substaNCe abuse HelpliNe • 1-800-962-8963 taos alCoHol & drug prograM tri-CouNty CoMMuNity serviCes 413 Sipapu St., Taos • • 758-1125 taos suiCide preveNtioN CeNter • 758-9888

VITAMINS & FOOD SUPPLEMENTS Cid’s Food Market 623 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos • 758-1148 taos Herb Co. 710 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Suite. J, Taos • 758-1991 total HealtH & wellNess CeNter oF taos 622 A & B Paseo del Pueblo Sur • 737-5810

taos retireMeNt village Independent, home health, assisted and skilled care 414 Camino de la Placita, Taos • 758-8248

walgreeNs 811 Paseo del Pueblo Sur • 758-1704 tHe HealtH Mill™ Liz Winslow Fruits, RN, GCFP • 613-2828

valverde CoMMoNs Adult co-housing community 600 Valverde St., Taos • 758-1290

willow CliNiC Caroline Colonna, Chinese herbs, Dipl Ac, CH, DOM 1103 Don Juan Valdez Lane, El Prado • 758-5070 2 0 16 -2 0 17 M e d i c a l + W e l l n e s s D i r ec to ry

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It’s never too early to let The Taos News know that you want to be included in next year’s Medical and Wellness Directory.

In fact, let us know about any changes that your practice may experience throughout the year: new physicians, retirements, address, phone or website changes as soon as it happens. We’ll make sure to keep that notice and make changes to next year’s listing. Just email with any changes, additions or requests you may have.


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