,KASI 13 November 2015 | Boland
VISION Mbekweni/Khayamandi
Tel: 021 870 4600 | 021 887 2840 | bolandkasi@media24.com
DA supporters celebrate their victory in Fairyland.
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Shock defeat for ANC in Boland
Zuko Gwada (left) shares a joke with the DA’s Thandi Mpambo-Sibhukwana and a DA supporter during the election.
The African National Congress (ANC) suffered a shock defeat in the Drakenstein ward, which has historically always been an ANC stronghold. A closely contested by-election took place in the Fairyland area of Paarl East on Wednesday after its councillor Sonwabo Lumko (Ward 14) had been ousted from the ANC and the community. Lumko made the headlines in the news on various occasions this year after the broad community began to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with him. He was, among other things, accused of stealing building material from a low-cost housing building site for his own use. There was also a general feeling among his constituents that Lumko did not have their concerns at heart and that he had just become a councillor to enrich himself. After an investigation into these allegations against Lumko by the ANC he was suspended. The final results showed that the DA won by a staggering 504 votes. In total they had 1 884 votes to the ANC’s 1 380. This also means that the DA’s support has increased by 11% while the ANC’s support decreased by 16%. Ward 14 in the Drakenstein Municipality was contested by the ANC’s Sangolomzi Ganandana, Jo-Ann de Wet of the Democratic Alliance and Anwar Romes of Die Volkstem van Suider-Afrika. Voter turn-out for a municipal by-election was very good, with 59% of the community casting their votes. In two other by-elections, which took place on Wednesday, the DA were also victorious in Bredasdorp and Oudtshoorn.
JoAnn de Wet casts her vote during Wednesday by-election in Ward 14. PHOTO: OTHO VAYO
Residents shut services down OTHO VAYO RESIDENTS of Fairyland and Siyahlala were at it again last week when they shut down all municipal services in their area. They seem divided on whether suspended former Ward 14 councillor Sonwabo Lumko should continue to assist the community at the Mbekweni Municipal offices or not. The area has been hit by a wave of protests since calls for the head of Lumko first emerged, after they accused him of corruption regarding
his house, which they said was built with bricks stolen from a housing project meant for the poor. Afterwards, his house was set alight and burnt to the ground. Subsequently, 19 people were arrested and charged with public violence and arson, and the trial is ongoing. After an investigation by the ANC, Lumko was suspended by the organisation and fired as ward councillor. But now, some in his constituency feel he still wields too much power, although he has been stripped of his
duties. According to Zoliswa Gcelu, 63, although Lumko was no longer in power in the area, he seems to pull the strings when it comes to delivery of essential services. “He is interfering in the work of the municipal offices,” Gcelu said. “Everytime people go to the Mbekweni office he is always there, and pokes his nose in the affairs of people.” Gcelu said they will stop all deliveries and dispatches in the area until such time as Lumko is nowhere near to the municipal offices.
Fairyland residents were allowed to collect only chronic medication from the local clinic. PHOTO: OTHO VAYO
,KASIVISION | Mbekweni/Khayamandi
2 13 November 2015
Western Cape government opens
new R35 m psychiatric facility Western Cape Minister of Health Dr Nomafrench Mbombo,and Donald Grant, Minister of Transport and Public Works, this week visited the site of the new R35 million psychiatric unit at Paarl Hospital. The construction of this facility is a direct response to the need for a dedicated Psychiatric Ward at the hospital. This infrastructure will assist in managing the high number of psychiatric patients at this facility. “This much needed upgrade to the psychiatric ward at the Paarl Hospital will now ensure that all mental health patients get enhanced care at this facility,” said Minister Mbombo in her keynote address. “We are determined to provide the best possible
mental healthcare, treatment and rehabilitation services – equitably, efficiently and in the best possible interest of the mental healthcare user.” The state-of-the-art facility will feature: V A new 30 bed ward (17 male beds, 10 female beds, and three low care beds) V Day areas for living and rehabilitation V Outdoor areas that include courtyards and verandas V 4 consulting rooms V Service areas Construction of the new psychiatric building at Paarl Hospital is being undertaken by the Department of Transport and Public Works as the
Minister Grant and Minister Mbombo at the site of the new Psychiatric building at the Paarl Hospital. PHOTOS: WESTERN CAPE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AND PUBLIC WORKS
implementing agent for the Depart- Minister Grant, Minister Mbombo, Paarl Hospital CEO Dr Breslau Kruger (back) ment of Health’s infrastructure and project leader Wayne Taylor at the site of the new building. budget. “During my budget speech earlier this year,” Mbombo said, “I announced that my department will be managing a budget of R826,28 million on behalf of the Department of Health, for the building and refurbishing of health facilities. The new psychiatric building at the Paarl hospital is testament to how committed we are to delivering essential health facilities where they are most needed. “Construction of the new psychiatric building at Paarl Hospital began in October 2014, and is due for completion in March next year, on schedule and within the allocated budget. The building’s design is, in essence, a simple courtyard plan which re- Paarl Hospital CEO Dr Kruger with Ministers Mbombo and Grant. sponds to both the scale and layout of the existing hospital in a sympa- five provincial strategic goals has led munities.” thetic manner, and is said to be con- to the development of a departmental “Once commissioned,” Mbombo ducive to mental healing.” vision to lead in the delivery of gov- added, “patients will have access to Said Grant: “The Western Cape ernment infrastructure and related multi-disciplinary care at Paarl HosGovernment is committed to deliver- services, and our mission to deliver pital. Together with Transport and ing quality health facilities, on time, infrastructure and services to pro- Public Works we are able to deliver where they are needed most. Our mote socio – economic outcomes and quality infrastructure to all the peocommitment to giving effect to the safe, empowered and connected com- ple in this province.”
Diabetes in pregnancy could be a warning sign of future problems Stellenbosch University researcher Dr Ankia Coetzee looks at the implications that diabetes during pregnancy can have for mother and baby. Current guidelines grouping all cases of diabetes diagnosed in pregnancy together as gestational diabetes (which occurs only during pregnancy) are putting the health of women with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes at risk. “When diabetes is diagnosed during pregnancy it is classified as gestational diabetes,” says Coetzee. “This does not make provision for women who had undiagnosed type 2 diabetes before falling pregnant.” Coetzee, who is with the Division of Endocrinology at Stellenbosch University’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
(FMHS), is leading an ongoing study into the prevalence of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes in pregnant women at Tygerberg Hospital. “In general,” she says, “gestational diabetes goes away spontaneously after pregnancy, and therefore treatment is stopped after delivery. “But this can have serious implications for patients with type 2 diabetes whose blood sugar levels remain high after pregnancy.” Untreated diabetes can cause serious health problems including strokes, heart attacks and blindness in the long term. There is no formal data on the prevalence of gestational diabetes in South Africa, but global statistics suggest that one in every
10 pregnant women could have it. Recent studies have also shown that gestational diabetes, traditionally regarded as a milder form of diabetes, could have serious implications for both mother and baby. “There is a higher risk of birth complications, as babies born from mothers with gestational diabetes usually are bigger, making them prone to birth injuries,” Coetzee points out. “They also have an increased risk for jaundice and respiratory problems after birth. Women who had gestational diabetes, and their babies, are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.” Coetzee’s study will not only provide accurate data on the prevalence of gestational diabetes, but determine the percentage of these women who’ll remain diabetic after
pregnancy, and to identify the risk profile for women that develop type 2 diabetes later in life. This will help doctors identify patients with type 2 diabetes earlier and ensure women get the treatment they need. Warning signs Coetzee says pregnant women with any of the following criteria should be screened for gestational diabetes at 24 weeks of pregnancy: V High body mass index (>40) V Carried a large baby during a previous pregnancy V Family history of diabetes V Previous diabetes in pregnancy V Advanced maternal age (>40years) V When glucose is detected with a urine test at any time during pregnancy
,KASIVISION | Mbekweni/Khayamandi
13 November 2015 3
Makapula High students learn essence of compassion On Friday 30 October, Thando Trust held a Compassion Day at the Makapula High School. The trust has been in contact with the school for several months to plan this special day of serving. The Grade 11 class (110 students) was selected to take part in this event. The purpose of this day was for students to learn and gain responsibility, leadership and appreciation for their educators, fellow students as well as school property. The seniors of the school next year and the leaders of tomorrow, they had to learn that these things start with you. Students were divided into groups to start the clean-up. Students cleaned the classrooms, taking out all the desks, washing the floors and windows; some groups painted the bathroom
facilities and library walls on the outside. The students really enjoyed the opportunity to serve the school and to work with each other, and learnt to respect and look after the property they have. Certificates were given to the students to show appreciation for their hard work. De Jonker Kwikspar and Stellenbosch Super Spar donated the food and cold drinks for each student, while Build-It was responsible for the materials that were used. The aim of compassion days with Grade 11 and Grade 6 learners is to help them understand their responsibility towards themselves, their peers and the community as a whole.
Grade 11 learners of Makapula High take responsibility for their school.
The Thando Trust recently held a compassion day at Makapula High in Kayamandi.
Makapula High’s Grade 11s give their school a much-needed paint.
In terms of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ‘Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others’. The same document also speaks of disability being an evolving concept and that disability results from the interaction between people with impairments and the attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinder full and effective participation in society on an equal basis.
Ngokwamalungelo abantu abakhubazekileyo nabagogekileyo ngokwamalungu omzimba abhalwe kumqulu wamalungelo eNdibano yeZizwe eZimanyeneyo “Abantu abakhubazekileyo nabagogekileyo babandakanya bonke abantu abakhubazeke nabagogeke ixesha elide ngokomzimba, ngokwengqondo, ngokucinga, nangokungakwazi ukuva okunoku bangela ukuba umntu athinteleke okanye kubengumqobo ekubeni athabathe inxaxheba ngokugcweleyo ekuhlaleni ngokulingayo nabanye abantu”. Kwa eli xwebhu linye likwa thetha ngokukhubazeka nangokugogeka njengento eguquguqukayo kwaye iziphumo zayo zibangela ukuba kubekho uqhogwano nothethathethwano phakathi kwabantu abakhubazekileyo nabagogekileyo ngokwamalungu omzimba. Lento ke ithi ibangele ukuba kubenzima ukuba abantu abakhubazekileyo nabagogekileyo bathabathe inxaxheba ngoku khululekileyo nangokulingayo kwizinto zoluntu.
In terme van die Verenigde Nasies Konvensie op die Regte van Persone met Gestremdhede ‘Sluit persone met gestremdhede welke persone in wat lang termyn fisiese, geestelike, intelektuele of sensoriese gebrekke het wat in hul interaksie met verskeie struikelblokke hul volle en effektiewe deelname in die samelewing op ‘n gelyke vlak met ander verhinder.’ Dieselfde dokument verwys ook na gestremdheid as ‘n ontwikkelende konsep en dat gestremdheid die gevolg is van interaksie tussen persone met gestremdhede en die houdings en omgewings stuikelblokke wat volle en effektiewe deelname op ‘n gelyke vlak in die samelwing verhinder.
The draft Stellenbosch Municipal Disability Policy was approved at the 35th Council Meeting held on 28 October 2015 and therefore, written public comments are requested, prior to the final approval of the policy. This policy aims to define and translate the human rights of persons with disability into specific measures and programmes to ensure that maximum potential of persons with disabilities are realised. In doing so, the policy will guide such programmes and projects to ensure they are aligned to support full participation and equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities. Access to the policy can be gained as follows: 1. Accessing the municipal website www.stellenbosch.gov.za; 2. Request via email to fiona.kruywagen@stellenbosch.gov.za; 3. View and peruse at any local library.
Lo Mgaqo-Nkqubo ka Masipala waseStellenbosch osaqulunqwayo wathi wavunywa kwi ntlanganiso yeBhunga lika Masipala yama 35 eyayi banjwe ngomhla wama 28 Oktoba 2015. Uluntu ke ngoko luyacelwa ukuba luphawule okanye lihlomhle ngokuvakalisa izimvo zalo phambi kokuba lo Mgaqo-Nkqubo uphunyezwe. Injongo yalo Mgaqo-Nkqubo kukuba uchaze kwaye uguqule amalungelo abantu abaphila nokhubazeko nokugogeka kwamalungu omziba abe ziinkqubo ezayakuqinisekisa ukuba ziphuhlisa ubume nezakhona zabantu abaphila nokukhubazeka nokugogeka kwamalungu omzimba. Ngokwenjenjalo lo Mgaqo-Nkqubo uzakuthi ube ngumkhomba ndlela kwinkqubo ne projects ukuqinisekisa ukuba zilungelelwanisiwe ukuxhasa intatho nxaxheba nokuziswa kwamathuba kubantu abaphila nokukhubazeka nokugogeka kwamalungu omzimba. Olu xwebhu lo Mgaqo-Nkqubo lungafumaneka ngezindlela zilandelayo: 1. Luyafumaneka kwi website ka Masipala ethi www.stellenbosch.gov.za; 2. Ungalucela nge email ku fiona.kruywagen@stellenbosch.gov.za; 3. Lujonge kwaye ulihle amahlongwane phezulu nakweliphina ithala lee ncwadi.
Die konsep Stellenbosch Munisipale Beleid op Gestremdheid is tydens die 35ste Raadsvergadering op 28 Oktober 2015 goedgekeur en daarom word publieke insette versoek alvorens die beleid finaal goedgekeur word. Hierdie beleid het ten doel om die mense regte van persone met gestremdhede te definieer en programme te verseker wat sal bydra tot die realisering van maksimale potensiaal van persone met gestremdhede. Die beleid het ten doel om sodanige programme en projekte te belyn met volle deelname en gelyke geleenthede vir persone met gestremdhede. Toegang tot die beleid kan verkry word deur: 1. die munisipale webtuiste te besoek by www.stellenbosch.gov.za; 2. ‘n kopie per epos te versoek van fiona.kruywagen@stellenbosch.gov.za; 3. of ‘n kopie by u plaaslike biblioteek te besigtig.
Written comments on the Stellenbosch Municipal Disability Policy may be submitted by no later than 11 December 2015 and addressed to:
Izimvo ezibhaliweyo malunga nalo Mgaqo-Nkqubo woKhubazeko ka Masipala wase Stellenbosch zingathi zifakwe ungagqithanga umhla wama 11 Dicemba 2015 kwaye zithunyelwa kule dilesi ilandelayo:
Geskrewe insette op die beleid moet teen die laatste 11 Desember 2015 gerig word aan:
The Director: Planning and Economic Development 58 Andringa Street Stellenbosch 7600 or via email to michelle.aalbers@stellenbosch.gov.za
Ku Mlawuli: Icandelo loCwangciso noPhuhliso LwezoQoqosho 58 Andringa Stellenbosch 7600
Nge email ku michelle.aalbers@stellenbosch.gov.za
Die Direkteur Beplanning en Ekonomiese Ontwikkelings Dienste Andringastraat 58 Stellenbosch 7600 of per epos aan michelle.aalbers@stellenbosch.gov.za
Acting Municipal Manager Stellenbosch Municipality Notice No 32/2015
uMphathi Masipala Olibambela Stellenbosch Municipality Notice No 32/2015
Waarnemende Munisipale Bestuurder Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit Kennisgewing No 32/2015
4 13 November 2015
,KASIVISION | Mbekweni/Khayamandi
Protests continued at CPUT’s Wellington campus this week. PHOTO: TANDY-LEE MARINUS
MARYKE SWART Ongoing student protests for the #feesmustfall campaign reached boiling point at Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) Wellington Campus on Monday last week when police had to use stun grenades to disperse roaring crowds. Despite the President’s announcement of a 0% increase in class fees for the 2016 academic year - which was thought to bring an end to nearly two weeks of fierce protest by uni-
versity students nationwide - some university students continued protesting this week. This time they demand free education and that outstanding class fees be written off, as students whose fees aren’t paid in full won’t be allowed to register in 2016. According to a Wellington police spokesperson, around 70 students gathered at the gates of CPUT on Monday and attempted to break down a locked gate where vehicles were parked. “Information was received that
the students wanted to set the vehicles alight,” the spokesperson said. “Subsequently, members of the SAPS Public Order Police were deployed to restore order. The students were warned to disperse, but didn’t cooperate. Public Order Police members had to use stun grenades to disperse the crowd.” The same morning students were instructed by their protesting counterparts to leave their hostels, which were locked. Protesting students told their
Get new Smart ID Card now The Department of Home Affairs started replacing the green barcoded identity documents (IDs) with smart ID cards and this process is currently in full swing at Paarl’s Home Affairs Office. The new ID cards have better security features and will be extremely difficult to forge. Paarl’s Home Affairs office earlier this year underwent some major software upgrades, and friendliness and efficiency is the new name of their game. Gone are the days of the green ID booklet, and welcome to the 21st century’s new Smart ID Card. This nifty-looking card replaces your existing green ID booklet and contains all of your necessary personal details. No more extra photos, sheets of paperwork or messy ink-filled fingers. The Department of Home Affairs’ plan is to issue the Smart ID Card to all South Africans over the next five years and to phase out the existing green ID book. You should take note of the following: V If you are a first-time ID applicant (16 years or older) or a pensioner (60 years or older), the new ID-smart card is free of charge. V Pensioners applying for their new ID smart cards should please take note that their applications will be accepted and processed in their month of birth. V You do not need to bring your own photos or fill out tedious forms. The new system takes
care of that. V If you have lost your ID, and fall outside the afore-mentioned category, the amount payable is just R140. V With the latest system in place at your Home Affairs office, you will receive your new ID smart card within two weeks of applying. V If there are long queues, you will still have to wait quite some time to be served. The Home Affairs office will be open Mondays-Fridays from 08:00-16:00, and Saturdays from 08:30-12:30. Offices are situated on the corner of Castle Street and Berg River Boulevard, Paarl. Unfortunately, since the Paarl office converted to the smart card system, they have received an influx of applicants who daily come to there offices. Also due to this influx everyone cannot be accommodated within the office and they are unfortunately asked to queue outside. The entrance is manned by one security official who does access control for all clients who enter and exit the office. On certain days the office has to limit the number of clients queuing to access services by cutting the queue, before official closing time, because the Smart ID Card system can only process a certain number of applications up to 12:30. For any queries, contact Janine Arends on 021 870 4419 during office hours.
counterparts they would be forcibly removed from their rooms if they did not do so willingly, or if they tried to sneak back into their rooms. Most hostel students who live nearby have returned home, while others are staying with friends until things have calmed down and there is more certainty on when academic programmes continue. Meanwhile it remains unsure when exams will commence. Late Monday evening the university’s vice-chancellor, Dr Prins Nevhutalu, released a statement inform-
ing students and personnel that classes and work are scheduled to commence the following day. This attempt and a scheduled senate meeting to address the new exam timetable and other academic issues were, however, sabotaged by a group of protesters on the Bellville campus. As result, students and staff were yet again sent home. The campus has been closed since then. CPUT spokesperson Lauren Kansley said exams remain postponed until further notice.
Work has begun on building a new school for Nompumelelo Educare Centre in Mbekweni, for children between the ages of 2 and 5. Demand for places at the old school has grown enormously in recent years and children have been looked after in containers. Earlier this year Hope Through Action Foundation, a UK charity that built the Mbekweni Sports Centre, was approached for funding to build a new school and most of that funding has been received from donors in the UK. This work has now started and the school will have four brand new classrooms with four upstairs community rooms with additional teachers recruited from within the community. The contract to build the school was awarded to Intastore, with director Boet Marx. Funds are still required to completely finish and equip the school, but in 2016 the children will already begin learning at the school. The principal aim is to prepare the children well for their future life at school and outside. Here at the back from left are Boet Marx (Director Intastore) Jeff Spinks (Hope Through Action), Schalk Burger (Shiloh Synergy) and Rene van der Dussen (Intastore). At the front are Dorina Wilson (principal of crèche), Lindiwe Mahanjane (school principal).
Man struck and killed by train OTTO VAYO
the community. The dead man was lying face down with his An unknown man was hit and cell phone on top of his legs and killed by a moving train on his ear phones next to him. Monday evening between Locadia Tongwe, who knew Mbekweni and Wellington. the deceased, said: “We washed According to eyewitnesses, cars together at Paarl Mall, but the man from Zimbabwe was I do not know his real name. I sitting between the railway last saw him on Saturday at lines when the train, which work. He was fine and he was was travelling towards Welalways a really nice person. lington, hit him. He died on the “We are both Zimbabwean. I scene. think he has three children Weziwe Mbumba (32), who back at home. I still don’t besaw everything, said: “I was lieve he is no more despite lookstanding near the shack where The body of a Zimbabwean man lies next to the ing at his dead body.” I normally charge my phone railway tracks near Mbekweni after he had been Riana Scott, spokesperson when I saw this guy sitting be- struck by a train. PHOTO: OTTO VAYO for Metrorail Western Cape, tween the railway lines. confirmed the incident. I asked people to try and attract tween the shacks and the railway “The police were called to investihis attention and warn him of the line had already been completed, we gate the incident and an inquest danger. We threw stones at him to would no longer have such cases. docket was opened. try and get him away from the rail- Every few weeks someone dies un“Three trains were delayed as a way line. der the wheels of a train,” she added. result of the police’s investigation. “Despite our attempts to lure him When Kasi Vision arrived at the The scene was handed back to Metto safety, he was struck by the train. scene, Metrorail security personnel rorail for the resumption of normal “I believe if the safety wall be- were at the scene with people from train traffic at 20:44.”
,KASIVISION | Mbekweni/Khayamandi
13 November 2015 5
Racism case in Stellenbosch referred for hearing to equality court The alleged case of racism against the Paul Roos Gimnasium in Stellenbosch was referred for trial to the equality court. Regional magistrate Alric Amos on Thursday 12 November decided that the case will be heard in the equality court on 21 January 2016. A group of about 20 protesters again gathered in front of the Stellenbosch Magistrate’s Court building in support of Pamela Dyani (43) of Kayamandi. Dyani accused the rector of Paul Roos, Jannie van der Westhuizen, of discrimination and racism after he allegedly told her to enrol her son at a school in Kayamandi “because that’s where he belongs”. “This response was racially motivated when the rector told me that I should enrol my child at a school in Kayamandi.” This comes after Dyani challenged the school when her son, who was a pupil at Rhenish Primary, was not accepted this year for Gr.8 at Paul Roos Gimnasium, due to not meeting certain requirements as set by the school. She also claims her son was rejected because he is black.
A complaint was also lodged with Minister of Education in the Western Cape, Debbie Schäfer, leading to an investigation into the matter. The minister found the school criteria to be fair and Dyani’s appeal was dismissed. Van der Westhuizen previously said that he and the school reject any form of racism. “At school there is no place for discrimination or racism.” According to the school they received 502 applications for Grade 8 this year and only 244 were successful. At a previous hearing, advocate Johan du Toit, for Van der Westhuizen, said his client (Van der Westhuizen) does not need to appear before court as the decision not to admit Dyani’s son, was not his, but that of the school’s governing body. Dyani said that she will now also consult with her attorney to challenge the decision of the Western Cape MEC for education who confirmed that there was nothing wrong with her application and take it to the High Court.” In her letter to the MEC of education, Dyani said:” How is Paul Roos
A petition is signed by a representative of the Stellenbosch Municipality, Mayoral Committee Member of finance Nyaniso Jindela (front right). Holding the petition is councillor Franklin Adams who handed over the document.
SEARCH FOR MISSING MAN CONTINUES The family of a 32-year-old man from Mbekweni is still hoping for his safe return after he apparently ran away on Monday morning. It is alleged that Wandisile Sinyameko (32) told a colleague on Monday that it would be his last day of work. At around 11:30 he left work and has not been seen since. The family reported him missing to police during the week. Sinyameko has a tatoo on his right shoulder of the number 28, according to the description his family gave of him. Anyone with information of his whereabouts is requested to contact the Mbekweni police on 021 868 9900. V On Tuesday morning at 04:00 an unknown man was hit by an oncoming train near Daljosaphat railway station. According to Mbekweni police spokesperson the deceased also had a tatoo on his right shoulder and is believed to have been around the same age as Sinyameko, although his identity could not yet be established owing to the severity of his injuries. Police are awaiting fingerprint results from the Forensic Pathology Unit to confirm the identity of the deceased. The investigation continues.
A group of people protested outside the court. declared as a national school that accepts learners from outside Stellenbosch and has the guts to refer my son to Kayamandi, whilst boys from other schools are not referred to their home town?” The couple has also laid a complaint with the SA Human Rights Commission, which is still under investigation. On Thursday, after the case was heard, Franklin Adams of Stellenbosch Against Racism handed a petition to a representative of the Stellenbosch municipality, Mayoral Committee Member of finance Nyaniso Jindela, in which they expressed their dismay at discriminatory practises in general in local Model C schools. “We want you as Mayor and Council to undertake a formal investigation in the discrepancies between local scholars and those of outside our town for admission, “was one of the claims in the petition.
Pamela Dyani (left) and her husband, Mzimasi, arrive at the Stellenbosch Magistrate’s Court. In the background s the rector of Paul Roos, Jannie van der Westhuizen. Dyani had earlier also appealed to Debbie Schäfer, Western Cape Minister of Education, who dis-
missed the claims that the refusal for admission of Dyani’s son was unlawful.
Liquor licences holders, ensure that you renew your liquor license before 31 December 2015 in order for it to be valid for the year 2016. If an annual renewal notice is not received, the onus is still on the liquor licence holder to pay the prescribed renewal fees on or before 31 December, annually. Failure to renew your licence by 31 December 2015 may lead to the lapsing of your liquor licence or penalty charges for late payment of your liquor licence. All payments should be made into the Western Cape Liquor Authority's bank account. For any clarity regarding the renewal processes, contact the Western Cape Liquor Authority's offices on 021 204 9805 or 021 204 9700 or Liquor.Enquiries@wcla.gov.za
Dranklisensiehouers, maak asseblief seker dat u dranklisensie voor 31 Desember 2015 met die oog op die jaar 2016 hernu word. Indien 'n jaarlikse hernuwingskennisgewing nie ontvang word nie, rus die verantwoordelikheid steeds op die dranklisensiehouer om die voorgeskrewe hernuwingsfooi voor of op 31 Desember elke jaar te betaal. Indien u sou versuim om u lisensie teen 31 Desember 2015 te hernu, kan u dranklisensie moontlik verval óf kan u beboet word vir die laat betaling van u hernuwingsfooi. Alle fooie moet in die bankrekening van die Wes-Kaapse Drankowerheid inbetaal word. Vir enige verduideliking van die hernuwingsproses, kontak gerus die kantoor van die WesKaapse Drankowerheid by 021 204 9805 of 021 204 9700, of stuur 'n e-pos na Liquor.Enquiries@wcla.gov.za.
Mnini-welayisenisi yokuthengisa utywala, qinisekisa ukuba uvuselela ilayisensi yokuthengisa utywala ngaphambi kwama-31 Desemba 2015 khona ukuze ibe yesemthethweni ngomnyaka ka2016. Ukuba isaziso sokuvuselela sonyaka awukasifumani, iseluxanduva lomnini-layisenisi yokuthengisa utywala ukuba ahlawule imirhumo yonyaka emiselweyo ngowama okanye ngaphambi kowama-31 Desemba, minyaka le. Ukungaphumeleli ukuhlawula ilayisenisi ngowama31 Desemba 2015 kungakhokelela ekuphelelweni lixesha kwelayisenisi yokuthengisa utywala yakho okanye intlawuliso zemidliwo ngokuhlawula emva kwexesha ilayisenisi yokuthengisa utywala. Zonke iintlawulo mazenziwe kwiakhawunti yebhanki yeWestern Cape Liquor Authority. Ukuba ufuna ingcaciso malunga nenkqubo yokuvuselela, qhagamshelana neeofisi ze-Western Cape Liquor Authority kwezi nombolo 021 204 9805 okanye 021 204 9700 okanye Liquor.Enquiries@wcla.gov.za
Your prescribed fees should be paid into the Western Cape Liquor Authority's bank account.
U voorgeskrewe fooi moet in die bankrekening van die Wes-Kaapse Drankowerheid inbetaal word.
Umrhumo wakho omiselweyo kumele ukuba uhlawulwe kwiakhawunti yebhanki ye-Western Cape Liquor Authority.
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,KASIVISION | Mbekweni/Khayamandi
6 13 November 2015
Cape Winelands District Municipality and partners host a job readiness camp The Cape Winelands District Municipality (CWDM) partnered with various stakeholders to host a job readiness camp in Bainskloof from 19 to 22 October. This camp took place in partnership with the Department of Social Development (DSD), Koinonia, the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS), CapeNature and the Department of Labour. The project focuses on the holistic skills development of young people to prepare them for adulthood, make them employable and positive, and to encourage healthy decisions. Forty (40) youngsters between the ages of eighteen (18) and twenty four (24) from the Stellenbosch and Drakenstein areas were selected to join in this adventure. The programme included training in life skills, character development, leadership, entrepreneurship and skills development. They were coached on how to be self-confident and apply their interpersonal and communication skills, such as CV writing and interviewing skills. A media session gave them an insight on how to work on radio, whilst DCAS taught them the different games within the indigenous games programme. The next step will be to place these youth as volunteers with different organisations in order for them to gain experience in the workplace. The CWDM places its youth high on the list of priorities and supports initiatives to generate strong leaders for the future.
Members who attended the job readiness camp in Bainskloof.
Career Counsellor, Marietjie Beylefeld from the Department of Labour addressing the youth at the camp where job readiness was discussed.
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Denovan Daniels of Jordan Winery presenting a tasting to Heinrich La Fleur, Anrico Solomons, Chriswin Willemse, Felicity Seholoba and Elvezo Barry.
Guild steps up development to unlock work opportunities The Cape Winemakers Guild in partnership with Wine Training South Africa (WTSA) has stepped up initiatives to give cellar workers access to formal training and education that will unlock greater work opportunities for them in the wine industry. The skills development programme for cellar workers is an extension of the highly successful Protégé Programme for aspiring winemakers and viticulturists and is integral to the Guild’s commitment towards transformation in the wine industry. With the successful SETA accreditation funded by the Guild, WTSA is now a certified training provider and has begun a pilot programme with six cellar workers. All participants have completed SKOP 3, the third tier training module for cellar workers, and are now part of a 15 month programme working towards acquiring a National Certificate in Winemaking Level 3, a registered qualification under the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). A mentor has been allocated to every learner for guidance and skills training in the work place for the duration of the learnership. Mentors include a former
Guild protégé, Tamsyn Jeftha, assistant winemaker at Boschendal. Gary Jordan, a longstanding member of the Guild, has also taken one of the learners under his wing at Jordan Wine Estate. In addition to the National Certificate in Winemaking Level 3, the WTSA is part of a national work group involved in the development of a new Assistant Winemaker Level 4 qualification. Initiated by Elsenburg Cellar Technology students in 1987, the WTSA programmes empower cellar workers without formal winemaking training. The three-tier training modules, SKOP 1, 2 & 3, essentially provide introductory, intermediate and advanced courses, which are presented at Elsenburg Agricultural College, as well as centres in various towns in the Boland and West Coast, Northern and Southern Cape. Over the past 28 years the WTSA programmes have produced numerous winemakers and assistant winemakers at leading cellars and with the Guild’s involvement, more opportunities are now being created for cellar workers who would otherwise not qualify for formal training in winemaking.
,KASIVISION | Mbekweni/Khayamandi
13 November 2015 7
Drive responsibly and save your life One of the solar installations on the roof of a house in Enkanini..
iShack leads to energy award for Stellenbosch Municipality Stellenbosch Municipality recently received a highly commended award from the South African National Energy Association (SANEA) in recognition of an innovative solar power project providing energy to 750 iShack households – which translates to about 1 700 residents – in the informal settlement of Enkanini. “Research showed that the most urgent need among residents of Enkanini was electricity. The municipality was in no position to provide electricity and therefore investigated alternative methods of energy provision,” explains André Treurnicht, Manager in the Treasury Office of the Municipality. It was decided that the provision of solar energy could be a viable alternative to conventional electricity,” In 2013 service providers were invited to tender for the project of supplying energy. The tender was awarded to the Sustainability Institute Innovation Lab (SIIL), which in 2013 had applied for, and received, a R17 million grant from the Green Fund. “The project is a social enterprise that delivers free-for-service-off grid solar electricity to the residents of Enkanini. User-fees are kept as low as possible to cover the running costs without extracting profits,” explains Damian Conway of SILL. “Residents join the service on a voluntary basis.” The objective is to demonstrate a large scale, sustainable model for incremental informal settlement upgrading using off-grid solar technology. “The sustainability focus of the project is social and financial – it has to be financially self-sufficient in the long run,” says Conway. The project has built-in socio-economic benefits for the community. Carefully selected locals are trained by SILL to do the installation and maintenance work. Financial selfsufficiency relies on all users paying their service fees and on the free basic electricity (FBE) subsidy from the municipality. This means that in this instance SILL is a service provider to Stellenbosch Municipality in the delivery of a basic energy service, although the bulk of the running costs are still covered by the end-users. SIIL has a service level agreement (SLA) with the municipality whereby the municipality subsidises the running costs of the solar electricity service to each end-user. This enables the end-user fees to be R49 lower than what they would be without the subsidy. According to Conway it is the stated intention of the Department of Energy that the FBE subsidy should be used for this kind of off-grid electrici-
ty service, in the absence of grid connectivity. “As far as we are aware Stellenbosch Municipality is the first municipality in the country to find a way, compliant with the Municipal Finance Management Act, to allocate the subsidy to the running costs of an urban off-grid service, delivered by a private service provider,” says Conway. “It is an innovative precedent that will hopefully be followed by other municipalities to serve their constituents while they wait for grid connections, which can often take many years.” iShack clients pay a monthly service fee of R130 per month for 11 months of the year. December is free or discounted pro-rata. “Quite a few residents struggle to keep up the monthly fees and for them we are trialling a Pay-As-YouGo package, which is more flexible, though similarly priced,” says Conway. Each household gets a separate solar home system installed in their home. This includes two inside lights, an outside security light, a television and a plug box for cell-phone charging and other low-energy appliances – such as radios and music amplifiers. “To date, the TV has been provided on a rental basis and is included in the price, but we are in the process of reviewing this aspect. Ideally the end-user should purchase their own TV and TV licence. In order to get the demonstration project established, SIIL has provided a very cheap rental service during the first two years of operation. Also, since the technology is all quite new, we wanted to protect the clients by taking responsibility for dealing with suppliers for maintenance and warrantee issues.” According to Treurnicht, benefits of this project include: reduced financial burden on municipal emergency services (reduced risk of shack fires); fewer respiratory health problems; fewer incidences of illegal electricity connections and associated risks as well as capacity building and skills development. “The iShack project is not the answer to Stellenbosch’s great housing needs. But the SILL project helps to bring dignity to lives of residents,” says Conrad Sidego, executive mayor of Stellenbosch. “The advantages of reduced shack fires ties in with the Municipality’s vision of being the safest valley. Furthermore, skills development is extremely important in helping people to lift themselves out of poverty. And with the expected rise in solar energy installations, those who are trained in installing and maintaining the system, are being prepared for the future.”
ER24 is urging motorists to be alert while driving. A number of people have either been injured or killed in collisions across several parts of the country in just over a week. ER24 attended to incidents that claimed the lives of at least 17 people. Just over 80 people sustained minor to critical injuries in these collisions. Incidents included that of three people who died and four others who were injured in a head on collision in Cape Town, a woman who sustained fatal injuries after she lost control of the vehicle she was driving in Bloemfontein, three people who were killed and a woman who was injured in a collision in Gauteng and one person who was killed and 13 others who were injured in a taxi rollover in KwaZulu-Natal. Below are some tips: ) Ensure that your vehicle is roadworthy. ) Refrain from speeding. ) Be mindful of other road users. ) Do not drive while under the influence of liquor. ) Do not allow yourself to be-
Do not end up like this – drive carefully, especially in the coming festive season. PHOTO AS PER ILLUSTRATION come distracted while driving. ) Keep a safe following distance. ) Do not become aggressive or resort to road rage. ) Refrain from skipping stop signs and red traffic lights. Be cautious when changing lanes. ) Avoid texting and driving and talking on your cellular phone while driving. ) If there are children in the vehicle, ensure that they are appropriately restrained.
With the festive season fast approaching, people are urged to plan ahead. If you are driving to your destination, remember to conduct a safety check on your vehicle prior to leaving. Check if any of the tyres need replacing and that wiper blades, headlights and signal lights are working. ER24’s Emergency Contact Centre can be reached 24 hours a day on 084 124 for any medical emergency.
Vusi Thembekwayo assists aspiring entrepreneurs Dreaming of starting your own business is one thing. Having the vision and the guts to do it is quite another. These are the wise words of Vusi Thembekwayo, one of South Africa’s most successful entrepreneurs. Together with South African whisky industry pioneer Andy Watts of Wellington, they will offer one lucky Three Ships consumer an all-expenses-paid mentorship and a R100 000 capital injection in starting or strengthening his or her business. The nationwide competition is running from now until 31 December and consumers need to register their business ideas online (www.threeshipswhisky.co.za), along with the unique code found on Three Ships whisky bottles in-store and on the branded glasses when purchasing a tot of whisky at participating taverns and restaurants. The business proposals can be concepts, potential start-ups or relate to existing businesses. All entries will be judged on merit. The 10 finalists will present their business plans to Vusi and Andy in a final event, which will be streamed live online in February next year. Vusi and Andy, although working in different industries, are both pioneers in their own right, pushing boundaries and leading the way for others to follow. Andy has achieved many firsts for the South African whisky industry and his vision and dedication in turning the country into a serious contender globally has certainly not been an easy, smooth ride. A professional cricketer who happened to be at the right time and place when starting his career in whisky-making, he has taken some bold steps over the past 25 years in
Vusi Thembekwayo and Andy Watts two different types of entrepreneurs with one goal. creating whiskies that would only be consumed years later – not knowing that they would then be applauded by whisky lovers the world over. Vusi’s journey was also not a straight trajectory and he had to confront many challenges, which he now believes all contributed to the person he is today. “There were times in my life when I survived only on the passion that drove me, when I slept in my car at my first office.” At the age of 15, encouraged by one of his teachers, Vusi started public speaking and at the young age of 17 was ranked first in Africa for motivational speaking and received a 3rd in the world at the English Speaking Union International Competition. Vusi was forced to drop out of university at the end of his first year because of financial constraints. Ever the solution-seeker, Vusi used his international networks (gained through public speaking) and began recruiting learners in South Africa for jobs in the UK and Australia. This initiative birthed his first company - GPSA (Global Professionals South Africa) - a global recruitment agency that he ran from his town-
ship bedroom. Vusi then sold a portion of his business to a Johannesburg based digital agency in an effort to digitise his company. Too early for the digital revolution and having poorly chosen partners, Vusi was soon out of business and money. At the age of 22 Vusi received a life-changing opportunity – he was offered a position at a corporate finance company. Here he refined his skills in corporate finance and became one of the go-to leverage finance guys in the team. Vusi went on to become an executive at this company – one of the largest consumer goods businesses in Africa – where he started, grew and managed a multimillion dollar portfolio. Today Vusi has garnered numerous awards as a business person and entrepreneur. He is a global business speaker who has singlehandedly rewritten the rules of success for professional speakers in Africa. Vusi’s three top tips to be successful: VStop thinking and start doing. Nothing we see, do, buy, experience wasn’t at some point in someone’s imagination VStart with what you’ve got. Don’t wait for the big break, the funds or a partner or you will never get to the point of actually starting VHave courage. No excel spreadsheet will tell you what is to come. Your costs will be double, the customers you have now will change their minds, you will lose your friends and put pressure on your family. Life as you know it will change completely. If you want to step out of the comfort zone into the uncertainty of entrepreneurship, it is a very different life, but deeply rewarding.
,KASI 13 November 2015
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Entries for the world’s most beautiful half marathon opens
Siyabolela Ngudlela (15, left) from Groenhuewel Primary became the double Destiny champion after competing in Stellenbosch at the Destiny SA Championships. He participated in the full contact kick boxing and jui jitsu categories. With him (right) is Tiisetsang Khathali (17) of Klipheuwel, who won a third title at the Destiny SA open in jui jitsu.
The third and final wave of online entries for the 2016 Old Mutual Two Oceans Half Marathon open at 10:00 on Saturday 14 November (tomorrow). A limited number of entries have already opened for Blue Number Club members (runners that have completed more than 10 ultra or half marathons), while a further limited number of entries was available to members of South African running clubs on Wednesday 11 November. The balance of the 16 000 entries will be made available from 10:00 on 14 November, and the entry limit is expected to be reached within hours. General entries for the half marathon have moved to a Saturday subsequent to feedback from runners who found it difficult to enter on a week day due to work obligations. The half marathon will take place on Easter Saturday, 26 March 2016. Half marathon participants do not need to qualify to run, but they may submit their best 10 km, 15 km or 21.1 km times achieved from
1 July 2015 to improve their seeding. South African half marathon entrants are not required to belong to a running club and will be prompted to purchase a temporary license for R35 upon entering, if necessary. Runners who don’t already own a RaceTec timing chip will also be prompted to purchase one for R120. The cost of a half marathon entry is R140 for South African residents. Entrants may purchase a technical running t-shirt from Adidas as part of their entry, at an additional R289. Online queueing system In an effort to alleviate pressure on the online entry system, and to give runners a fair chance to enter, the organisers are once again making use of an online queueing system that was successfully implemented in 2014, ahead of the 2015 Old Mutual Two Oceans Half Marathon. For more information on the entry process, dates and deadlines, please visit www.twooceansmarathon.org.za.
Dreaming big with local soccer club Soccer may be seen as a male-dominated world, but for Nomvano Mbathiso (39) getting the youth off the streets to play soccer was an initiative she now plans to turn into a business. With the assistance of the Small Business Academy (SBA) of the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB), where Nomvano is a participant in the fully sponsored small business development programme, she has acquired the skills to establish what started out as a mere labour of love into a fledging nonprofit business. Nomvano is one of 22 small-business owners from Mitchell’s Plain, Langa, Philippi and Khayelitsha participating in the SBA, sponsored by (among other entities) the Distell Foundation and ABSA. The programme aims to advance the sustainability of small businesses operating in townships by fuelling their growth and potential for job creation. The participants will complete the intensive nine-month course on 20 November. The Try Again Football Club (Ayatshisa Mateki), based in Siqalo Informal Settlement near Samora Machel in The Try Again Football Club (Ayatshisa Mateki), based in Siqalo informal settlement near Samora Machel in Philippi, Philippi, has the potential to not only is a strong example of the development of soccer and the role the sport plays in townships. change the lives of children and youths of the area, but the employment status My husband under-13, under-15 and under-17 team. Spon- as a non-profit organisation, but to receive of Nomvano herself. The club’s name and I felt a need sorship has provided basic equipment, and preferential tax treatment, grow her memberreflects Nomvano’s understanding that to offer these currently they are using the open space near ship and ensure a steady stream of income as in soccer, as in life, there are ups and young people a the R300 in Mitchell’s Plain for practice and well as robust marketing efforts to secure spondowns, and that one should never give safe haven and matches. sors.” up trying to succeed. a purpose in According to SBA programme manager EdThe development programme presented by “I am also unemployed, having lost life to try and ith Kennedy, non-profit organisations play a USB academic staff offers workshops and lecmy job two years ago. Among other keep them significant role in society as they take a shared tures in financial and business management, things, I sold fish and chips to make ends meet. I know what it is to have nothing Nomvano Mbathiso who believes soc- from turning to responsibility with government for the social in labour legislation and HR issues, marketing, and to struggle to survive. In our area cer can teach the youth much more drugs, alcohol and development needs of the community. customer service and the use of social media. and crime.” “The SBA programme is designed to assist peo- Each participant is matched with an alumnus unemployment, especially among the than just sporting skills. There are ple in growing their small businesses,” Kenne- of USB to mentor them - an approach which youth, is increasing and there are so many children on the street without any formal currently 52 active members and the club has dy says. “We have so far been able to teach Nom- has proved to be one of the most valuable beneeducation and young adults without any jobs. four divisions including a senior team and an vano skills, not only to register her business fits of the programme.