This is Frog. And this is his swamp.
So he gathered up his materials . . .
ck ! a r C Pinch!
and soon he was ready to get going!
“Bear is going to love this.� Frog told himself.
But Bear did
not love it.
“MY CAVE!” shouted Bear. “What have you done to my lovely, dark cave?!”
“Et voila! Such great angles, such wonderful form . . . quite an improvement on your old look, wouldn’t you say Snake?”
But it seemed that Snake did not agree.
“I suppose that anything can be art, really. That’s the wonderful thing about it!” cheered Frog excitedly.
Unfortunately, not everyone agreed.
“FROG!” Moose groaned. “You’ve made a real mess! We think it might be best if you pack up your things and take yourself back home.” The other animals nodded and grumbled in agreement.
Finally, after a busy day’s work, Frog posted and handed out his invitations.
Dear Friends,
I hope you will join me
for the grand opening of . . .
My Great Art Show!