Tatnall Fall Reopening Guidelines

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LEARNING SERVICES & MENTAL HEALTH Learning Services, counseling, and mental health will be an integral part of the Tatnall experience.

LEARNING SERVICES Learning Services team members will be observing students on campus and in their online classrooms to provide support as students and families transition back to campus and between virtual and inperson instruction. One-on-one and small group meetings will take place in-person—according to social distancing protocols—or via Zoom. Parents are encouraged to reach out to the Learning Services Team with questions: TEAM MEMBER NAME



Karen Coviello . . . . . . . . . . karencoviello@tatnall.org . . . . . . . Early Childhood Casey Chipman . . . . . . . . . . caseychipman@tatnall.org . . . . . . . Lower School, Department Chair Doug Lambe . . . . . . . . . . . douglaslambe@tatnall.org . . . . . . . Middle School Kathleen Maloney . . . . . . . . kathleenmaloney@tatnall.org . . . . . Middle School Jen Farina . . . . . . . . . . . . . jeniferfarina@tatnall.org . . . . . . . . Upper School

COUNSELING & MENTAL HEALTH To promote mental health and well-being, all students will have regular check-ins with their homeroom teachers and advisors. Students and families seeking additional support can contact a counselor who can meet one-on-one, in small groups, or virtually. For counseling support, please email Rebecca Whitesell, M.A., LPC, NCC, (rebeccawhitesell@tatnall.org) or Casey Chipman (caseychipman@tatnall.org).

TECHNOLOGY If a student has difficulty accessing the internet and any virtual learning tools, such as MyTatnall, Google Classroom, Turnitin, etc., the student and/or parent should contact the teacher via email or phone. You may also email Geoff Weyer, Director of Technology (geoffweyer@tatnall.org).

ATHLETICS If you have a specific question about athletics, please email Athletic Director Pat Jones (patrickjones@tatnall.org).

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