FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS WHAT HAPPENS IF A MEMBER OF THE COMMUNITY TESTS POSITIVE FOR COVID-19? In the event a community member tests positive for COVID-19, the Division of Public Health (DPH) will notify the school nurse within 24 hours. Health information will remain confidential. The school nurse will work with Tatnall’s DPH liaison to support case investigation and contact tracing. DPH will instruct the person who tests positive to self-isolate for a period of time consistent with the presence of symptoms and/or the time of the COVID test. We will take any classrooms or school spaces that have been compromised offline for 48 to 72 hours. We have predetermined backup spaces.
WHAT IS THE PROTOCOL FOR THE “CLOSE CONTACT” OF A PERSON WHO TESTS POSITIVE FOR COVID-19? The school nurse, our part-time contact tracing hire, and DPH will work together to identify the close contacts who will need to self-quarantine and assess for symptoms. DPH will immediately notify anyone identified as a close contact and give them further instructions regarding quarantine.
WHO IS CONSIDERED A CLOSE CONTACT? A close contact is anyone who has been within six feet of a person with COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes. Following masking guidelines and maintaining social distancing protocols may prevent some people from being considered close contacts. Each positive test result will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
WHAT HAPPENS IF SOMEONE BECOMES ILL DURING THE SCHOOL DAY? Anyone experiencing symptoms of illness at school must see the school nurse immediately. The nurse will assess the person’s symptoms to determine appropriate next steps. If COVID is suspected, the person will be isolated in the Health Office and a family member will be contacted. Parents and guardians are expected to pick up their child(ren) within an hour of being notified.
HAVE TATNALL TEACHERS BEEN TESTED FOR COVID-19? Yes. We are requiring all faculty and staff to take an at-home COVID-19 test before returning to campus. We will not permit any faculty or staff member who tests positive to return to campus until they have followed the appropriate quarantine and health guidelines, and test negative. In addition, the State of Delaware has committed to test 25% of teachers on a weekly basis. This means all staff will be tested at least once a month after their initial at-home test.
ARE MASKS REQUIRED ON CAMPUS? Yes. Please refer to Tatnall’s Face Mask Policy for full details.
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