Tatnall Fall Reopening Guidelines

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ON-CAMPUS EXPERIENCE: AT A GLANCE FACE MASK POLICY It is Tatnall’s policy that all visitors, faculty, staff, and students in grades kindergarten through 12 will wear a face mask while in any campus building, during arrival and departure, and outside when social distancing is difficult to maintain. Students should be sent to school with a clean mask or face covering daily. Students do not need to wear a mask when playing outside or while participating in PE class when proper social distancing can be maintained. We recommend choosing a face mask/covering with at least two layers of fabric. The face mask/covering should cover the student’s nose and mouth without large gaps. It should have ear loops or ties so the fit can be adjusted if needed. Bandanas and masks with vents are not acceptable. To review the full face mask policy, including recommendations for PK3 and PK4 students and medical exemptions, please click here.

PRE-ARRIVAL SCREENING Before arriving at school each morning, students, faculty, and staff will be required to complete a Daily Home Screening via the SchoolPass app (more information below). Students must take their temperature before arriving at school and enter the information into the app. Body temperature must be under 100.4° F, per CDC guidelines. Any student who answers any screening question affirmatively is expected to stay home and email the school nurse, Mary Garrett (marygarrett@tatnall.org). Faculty and staff will help the school nurse verify that students completed the questionnaire before they enter the buildings every day.

SCHOOLPASS SchoolPass is a student safety and communications platform that helps automate student arrival, attendance, and dismissal. The goal is to make the process easier, safer, and faster. SchoolPass provides many products and services; however, Tatnall will be implementing the following SchoolPass features:

Daily health prescreenings

Automated arrival and dismissal

Robust emergency management and communication system


© 2020 MHR Technologies, Inc. Proprietary and confidential SchoolPass™ - A registered trademark of MHR Technologies, Inc.

We are still working out some logistics with the SchoolPass app and will supply additional details as soon as possible.

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