Gaebler Capstone

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Center For Empowered Women Women’s Shelter

Kelsey Gaebler 2020

Contents Programming: - Research - Location - Space Requirements

Schematic Design: - Concept - Diagrams & Sketches

Design Development: - Floor Plans - Renderings - Re ected Ceiling Plans

Technical Drawings: - Sections - Elevations - Detail


Research W h a t i s a Wo me n ’s S h e lt e r ? A place that provides protection and refuge for women who are suffering from domestic violence. Some faculties are used for transitional housing, for women who are trying to start over from their previous life. It is a place that helps women who are struggling to have a place to stay and be able to move forward from their current situation.

1 in 4 Women

1 in 9 Men

Endure severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact sexual violence. And/or intimate partner stalking with effects including injury, fearfulness, and PTSD.

C y c l e o f A bu s e

4 3


Tensions Building

Tensions Increase, breakdown of communication, victims become fearful and feels the need to placate the abuser


Incident is “forgotten”, no abuse is taking place. The “honeymoon phase”

2 Reconciliation

Abuser apologizes, gives excuses, blames the victim, denies the abuse occurred, or says it wasn’t as bad as the victim claims.


Verbal, emotional & physical abuse. Anger, blaming, arguing. Threats. Intimidation

Pr og r a ms O ff e r e d at W o me n ’s S h e l t e r s: 24 Hour Crisis Line - Community Outreach Program - Child and Youth Services Residential Programs

Ch il d a n d Yo u t h S e rvi ce s t y pi ca l l y pro vi d e : • • • •

Individual and Group Counseling Recreational and Play Activities School Support while residing at Shelter Parenting Support for Mothers

R e s i d e n t i a l P r og r a ms : • • • • • •

Safe, Secure, Refuge 24/7 days a week Informal, Con dential Support and Crisis Counseling Financial, Legal, and Housing Information and Referrals Information on Community Resources and Referrals Emergency Transportation Safety Planning

T he W om e n’ s S afe H ou s e H ea l t h S t r a t e gy of V iol en c e Pr ev e n ti o n an d I nt e rv e nt i on : 1. Primary Prevention - Activities that are taken place before violence has occurred to reduce the possibility of an initial perpetration of victimization. 2. Secondary Prevention - Immediate responses after violence has occurred to address the short-term consequences of violence and help to decrease the prevalence after early signs of the issue. 3. Tertiary Prevention - Long-term responses after violence has occurred to deal with the consequences of violence.

D e m og r ap hi cs Domestic Violence can occur at all Familial Levels Couples, In-Parent-Child relationships, sibling relationships, and dating relationships “Women are more likely to stay in an abusive relationship if they are nancially dependent on their partners, have children with their partners, or have been in a relationship for a long period of time” (Galano, 2013)

D e si gn Co n s i d e r a t io n R e s e ar c h: 1. Find the balance between connection and privacy - where a community can thrive, children can play, and be able to choose the level of engagement. 2. Provide Individual Flexibility so Residents can create a new home - it is important to leave the room for personalization to encourage residents to make shelter. It helps with transition if they are able to make a new place more comfortable. 3. Foster Physical and Emotional Security - if a women does not feel safe in a shelter, she will leave and seek shelter in other unsafe conditions. Create a sense of safety through warmth. Brightly lit and welcoming entrance.

Ps y ch ol og ic al N e e d s : • Personal Space and Density • Control and Choice • Sensory Considerations • Spatial Clarity and Organization • Stress Reduction • Comfort • Hominess’s

F u nc t io n a l N e e ds : • Effective Communication • Connection to the Outside • Treatment and Care • Safety • Maintenance


Location of Shelter

Planned Parenthood

Goodwill Retail Store

Legal Services Eastern MO

S t . L ou is , M O Central West End. Forest Park Ave. St. Louis, MO Close to Barnes Jewish Hospital, and Children’s Hospital. Near Saint Louis University. Next to marketplaces, health clinics, clothing stores, and the Metro Link.

W h a t d o e s t h is lo c a t io n m at t er ? The location is convenient and close to services that may be needed by women and girls which include police, legal support, health facilities, schools, marketplaces, or commercial areas, and access to public transit.

Space Requirements 1.

Housing Area - 20 bedrooms - En-suite Bathrooms


Shared Spaces - Social Spaces


Quiet Sitting Areas - Meditation Room


Multiple Children’s Program Rooms - Tech Lounge


Two Kitchens - Residents’ Use - Industrial


Bright Communal Dining - With view of Outside


Exercise Room


Outdoor Living - Dining Area - Lounge Space


On site Trauma-speci c primary health clinic


Multi-purpose Room - Event Space


Mental Health Counseling


Children’s Healing Program


Tech Centre - Safe Computers


Unique Legal Support - High Risk Cases


Staff Areas - Of ces - Living Area - Break-rooms

Schematic Design

Concept Women’s shelters are needed because the rate of abuse towards women is still growing each year in the United States. One in four women will experience some type of violence in their life time. To be able to create a space where abused women can go and feel safe will help the need for Women’s Shelters. Empowerment by de nition means the process of becoming stronger and more con dent especially when claiming one’s rights. Empowering women through this space is the central theme of this design. With the use of bright bold colors that symbolize strength, con dence, and safety will aid in empowering the women who seek shelter. Along with the use of pop art artists as inspiration. Sister Mary Corita Kent was a pop art nun during the 1960’s who used her art as a symbolize for social injustice. Creating pop art serigraphs as a tool for activism, she became a powerful voice for peace and justice. Pulling inspiration for this design from her artistic techique of applying everyday items into meaningful and empowering art.

Conceptual Diagrams

Yarn Material adds interest to stair rail

Wood planks to construct the step, each wood plank placed at different depths

Yarn Construction Inspiration Image

Stair Construction Inspiration Image

Conceptual Diagram

Wood Frame Headboard with yarn installation for design element

Ribbon/Yarn Inspiration

Headboard Construction inspiration. Integrating a nightstand.

Bubble Diagrams

Design Development

First Floor Plan 7 8 6

10 9


11 12

17 13



4 16 3 1

Floor Plan Key: 1. Reception 2. Lobby 3. Security Of ce 4. Commercial Kitchen 5. Communal Kitchen and Dining 6. Child Care 7. Computer Room 8. Counseling 9. Health Clinic 10. Beauty Room 11. Employee Lounge 12. Private Of ces 13. Exercise Room 14. Meditation Room 15. Restrooms 16. Event Space 17. Courtyard



Lobby Area

Communal Kitchen & Dining


Re ected Ceiling Plan - 1st Floor

Materials & Furniture Selection Arc-Com Bali/Berry Outdoor Fabric

Sherwin Williams 6603 Wall Paint

TileBar Kitchen Tile

DesignTex Score/Daisy Booth Fabric

Sherwin Williams 6887 Wall Paint

Maharam Burst/Esplanade Wall-covering

Sherwin Williams 1668 Wall Paint

TileBar Barberry/Nocciola Outdoor & Kitchen Tile

Arc-com Fiji/Fiesta Outdoor Fabric

Sherwin Williams 6840 Wall Paint

DesignTex Bocce Blocks/ Sun ower Wall-covering

Patcraft Top stitch/Yellow Carpet Tile

Sherwin Williams 7006 Wall Paint

Stone Source Revival/Ivory Flooring

Brentano Theo/Bright Red Chair Fabric

Summer Classic Outdoor Sofa

Herman Miller Outdoor Table & Chair

Custom Table & Tupp Stool

Herman Miller Chair & Custom Bench

Second Floor Plan 3






6 2 4


Floor Plan Key: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

TV Area Kids Hangout Resident Room - Single Resident Room - Double Laundry Storage Courtyard Open Below Stairs to First Floor

Resident Room

Arc-Com Bali/Berry Outdoor Fabric

Sherwin Williams 6603 Wall Paint

DesignTex Score/Daisy Booth Fabric

Sherwin Williams 7006 Wall Paint

Stone Source Giocare/ Leather Bathroom Tile

Shaw Terrain II/Orchard LVT

Herman Miller Desk & Chair

Re ected Ceiling Plan - 2nd Floor

Technical Drawings

Section Perspective & Building Sections

Reception Desk Elevation & Detail

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