T O A L L 2 0 2 4
T O A L L 2 0 2 4
Taysia Howard
Brogan Cash
Arthur John Leavenworth - Eureka Lodge #195
Arthur John Leavenworth - Eureka Lodge #195
Ashlyn Smiley Claude and Frances Warren Scholarship
Vincent Tran Community College Transfer Scholarship
Gaudeor Rudmin Community College Transfer Scholarship
Landon Medley Community College Transfer Scholarship
Mason Lynn Debi Emrich Memorial Scholarship
Alexa Dingus
Dennis R. and Patricia R. Early Scholarship
Zulidayana Loya-Menjivar Early Ace Scholarship
Vanessa Ramirez-Santibanez
Early Ace Scholarship
Calvin Young Early Ace Scholarship
Jathan Engle
Brandon Pettit
Emory & Henry College Scholarship
Emory & Henry College Scholarship
Juliana Groves Fund for Education Scholarship
Nick Galasso Fund for Education Scholarship
Olga Reyes
Sarah Layman
Harold & Faye Teer Scholarship
Laymon H and Ruth S Lantz Scholarship
Allie Cooper Leo Slusher Award
Miguel Resendiz-Perez
Macaela Walker
Fernando Sanchez
Yaseen Mousa
Luis A. Mendez, Jr. Scholarship
Marion James & Anna Ressler Hess Memorial
Northeast Neighborhood Endowed Scholarship
HEF - Glen K. Shomo III Virginia Tech Engineering
Natali Katykhin
Thaneisha Cedeno
HEF - Sherry Burcham Anderson Memorial Scholarship
HEF – Gregory S. Kuykendall Memorial Scholarship
Logan Whiting Just One Scholarship
Kendal Brown Bev Good Memorial Scholarship
Marquise Brock Randy Michie Memorial Scholarship
Caroline Shanholtz
Elizabeth Strickland
Victor Bullard
Paul Mitityuk
Iris Canuto Celestino
Zury Marroquin
Minerva Clemente
Olga Reyes
HEF - Jordan Garber Memorial Scholarship
Matthew Mahnesmith Memorial Scholarship
HEF - Haas Scholarship
Ronnie Brunk Memorial Scholarship
Samuel R. Bowman II Endowed Scholarship for BRCC
Samuel R Bowman II Endowed Scholarship for BRCC
Samuel R. Bowman II Endowed Scholarship for BRCC
Samuel R. Bowman II Endowed Scholarship for JMU
Zion Vartanian Society of Seniors Foundation Scholarship
Ransom Satterfield
Grayson Long
Elizabeth Smith
Malaina Ritchie
Carrie Miller
William Eberly
Kerrigan Bauserman
Ryan Quimby
Steve May Runner of the Year Award
W.P. & T.M. Phillips Memorial Scholarship
W P & T M Phillips Memorial Scholarship
W.P. & T.M. Phillips Memorial Scholarship
W.P. & T.M. Phillips Memorial Scholarship
W P & T M Phillips Memorial Scholarship
W.P. & T.M. Phillips Memorial Scholarship
W P & T M Phillips Memorial Scholarship