YEAR EST 1998 S 25
The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County celebrated 25 years of service in 2023 The organization founders were : Lawrence H Hoover, Jr , John L Vincie, III, Phillip C Stone, Jr , and Andrew M. Huggins. The idea was that joining generous donors together can do something wonderful for a community.
Since our establishment twenty-five years ago, The Community Foundation and our partners have achieved so much together. We managed the funds that housed monies for A Dream Come True Playground and the Turner Pavilion. Together with generous donors, we gave hundreds of thousands in scholarships to high school and college students. We gave millions to nonprofit agencies. It’s heartening to know that 25 years later, we still carry the vision of the founders and founding board of making Harrisonburg and Rockingham a better place to live, play and work.
As you’ll see in our Annual Report, we detail not just our work in 2023 but since our start in 1998. This edition is special because it is a celebration of The Community Foundation and our partners’ accomplishments thus far. We are honored to work with you all and continue the legacy of trusted, knowledgeable, and collaborative charitable giving.
Kevin Flint, CFP ® Board Chair
$74.9M total grant distributions since 1998 inception
$ 7 . 5 M given back by the community and sponsors during Great Community Give
52,046 books mailed
3,837 children served
TCFHR and Virginia Department of Education scholarship funds distributed the past 10 years
320 current active funds
218 participants attended
Excellence in Nonprofit Leadership workshops
We are just getting started!
Revlan Hill Executive Director
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KevinFlint,CFP® CHAIR CertifiedFinancialPlanner™Professional HessFinancial
CynthiaPrieto VICE CHAIR Retired PrincipalatHarrisonburgHighSchool
LindsayBrubaker SECRETARY Attorney BotkinRosePLC
EllenBrodersen TREASURER Retired C P A atClark&Bradshaw,P C
DonnaHarper PAST CHAIR VicePresidentforAccessandEnrollmentManagement JamesMadisonUniversity
AndeBanks CityManager Harrisonburg,VA
TedByrd Retired FarmManageratAdInfinitumLLC
TrishDavidson AssistantCountyAdministratorforFinanceandOperations RockinghamCounty,VA
BethDriver AttorneyandPartner EvansDriver,PLC
LeslieDutt AssociateDirectorEngineering Merck&Co
CaryHevener Retired ChiefFinancialOfficeratTSSi
KristianHorneber Controller JamesMadisonUniversityFoundation
HuiHeSono,PhD,CFA ProfessorinFinanceandInternationalBusiness JamesMadisonUniversity
GannonIrons FinancialAdvisor EdwardJones
CharlesMartorana Retired ValleyRegionPresidentatBlueRidgeBank
MikeMehling ApplicationManager-CRM JamesMadisonUniversity
AlanShelton Retired SeniorFoodScientistatCargill
MatthewSunderlin AttorneyandPresident Clark&Bradshaw,P C
2023 SPONSORS PLATINUM: GOLD: ntelos Wireless Foundation SILVER: Ann Marie Leonard Chester and Nancy Bradfield Clark & Bradshaw, PC. Dr Charles and Mary Henderson Estland F&M Bank InterChange Group, Inc. LD&B Insurance and Financial Services, Inc Park View Federal Credit Union Trumbo Electric, Inc. MEDIA PARTNER: Daily News-Record PHOTOS: TDC Marketing (Day-of album) Merv Webb (Landscape photos) See more of our generous sponsors on pages 3-4. Page 2
REMEMBERING Making it Easy to Give Back
1998 - 2002
State Corporation Commission certified The Community Foundation.
Emily Purdy was hired as first Executive Director.
The IRS determined TCFHR to be an exempt organization as described in section 501(c)(3). Forever Fund – CD & Vergie Lantz Family, an endowment for four local charities.
Forever Fund – Marion James & Anna Ressler Hess Memorial Scholarship, the first endowed scholarship.
2008 - 2012
First significant grants totaling $181,500 to support improvements at Rockingham Memorial Hospital.
Dream Come True Playground Fund was established, in partnership with the City of Harrisonburg, Parks & Recreation, and seven Girl Scouts and their families.
2003 - 2007
Keystone Supporters contributed $5,000 or more to support TCFHR during its infancy.
Received first Lead Trust, the I Joseph Driver Charitable Lead Annuity Trust.
Received Council on Foundations National Standards Seal of Excellence for Community Foundations.
Farmers’ MarketTurner Pavilion Fund was established to build the local Farmer’s Market.
Forever Fund – Harold & Faye Teer – established to support education for 1st generation students.
Forever Fund – Wallace & Carolyn Hatcher- an endowment to benefit Eastern Mennonite School.
Anonymous donor offered $250,000 match to help build the Community Endowment, a Forever Fund.
First gift of real estate, Breezy Hill. Home place of Zane Showker. Breezy Hill gifted to Virginia NeuroCare. Professional Partners in Philanthropy established to support the work of TCFHR. The Valley Responds – our community adopted Long Beach, Mississippi, to assist with rebuilding their community after Hurricane Katrina.
Giving Back publication created for donors to assist them in learning about the needs of local nonprofit organizations.
Forever Fund – an endowment for Your Economic Success.
Barbara Stoltzfus
Brown Edwards
Denton Family Foundation
Dick Myers Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram Fiat
Premiered the film, The Ultimate Gift, a film about the true meaning of life.
Forever Fund - Zane Showker Greenway Endowment – an endowment for beautification of Blacks Run.
E&M Auto Paint
Flora Pettit
Frazier Quarry
Harman Construction
Jim and Stephanie Higgs
Kensington Strickland Group
Larson Wealth Management
Myers Ford
Paul and Sherry Cline
Roger and Sonja Bible
The Myrias Group
Weaver’s Flooring America
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Thank you everyone for a wonderful 25 years
2013 - 2017
Hired first staff CPA. TCFHR was approved by the VA Department of Education to accept donations for the state’s Education Improvement Scholarship Tax Credit Program. City of Harrisonburg gifted the Eastham House to TCFHR.
Renovations were completed and the Plecker Center for Community Philanthropy was dedicated with thanks to the generosity of the City and many donors.
Forever Fund Hildred Neff Fund – an endowment for animal welfare.
Forever Fund – Joe B & Pat Morton – an endowment to support our community.
Forever Fund - Excellence in Nonprofit Leadership Endowment established for the training of nonprofit leaders.
For a full list of our Forever Funds, visit our website, 2023
COVID-19 Community Response Fund created.
Partnered with City of HB and Rockingham County to establish the HB CARES Fund and Rockingham County CARES Fund. Together, these funds granted $472,700 to local nonprofits.
Board approved revised mission – We make it easy to give back to the community we love.
Forever Fund – Polly & Fred Scott Endowment –for the benefits of our community.
2018 - 2022
Great Community Give surpassed $2 million goal during one day of local charitable giving.
Inaugural year of Great Community Give. Raised $50,000 for the Northeast Neighborhood Association to purchase the Dallard-Newman house. Appleseeds Foundation assets transferred to TCFHR.
Published the Giving Back Guide in the Daily News-Record for the first time.
Inaugural year of the Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.
Gifted Free Clinic Building to RMH Foundation/Sentara.
Forever Fund – Earlynn Miller Arts Endowment – an endowment for the arts.
Forever Fund – Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library – an endowment to encourage reading to children from birth to five years old.
SPONSORS FRIENDS OF THE COMMUNITY: Blue Ridge Insurance Services DuPont Community Credit Union Edward Jones Stern & Heatwole Financial Group P C Stoneburner Inc Summit Community Bank Glass and Metals, Inc. IT Decisions Nielsen Builders, Inc.
Insurance Page 4
We started 2023 at the Nonprofit Showcase hosted by HarrisonburgRockingham Chamber of Commerce. Amanda Bomfim and Revlan Hill shared The Community Foundation’s services and projects with attending nonprofits, businesses, and community members.
Being trustworthy is a core value of The Community Foundation, our staff, and our Board. We preserve donor intent and hold ourselves accountable to those who place their trust in us. In 2023, we celebrated our recertification with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations and the Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency.
The Community Foundation welcomed 25 new funds in 2023.
WSVA 550
Thank you to all at WSVA 550 for your continued partnership and friendship. Hear us live every first Monday of each month discussing the latest in local philanthropy.
We had the greatest pleasure of hosting the Young African Leaders Initiative Network (YALI) and Center for International Stabilization Recovery (CISR) in March 2023. We shared our experience hosting Great Community Give and our support for the YALI Network in hosting a giving day in Africa
In March 2023, The Community Foundation welcomed Anna Wagner, CPA as our new Director of Accounting to succeed after Tammy Duxbury’s retirement. The Community Foundation is in great hands as Anna takes the lead in Accounting and is a joy to work with. Thank You Tammy for your amazing contributions and continued friendship!
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The Community Foundation enjoyed many updates with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. On January 12, 2023 WHSV-TV 3 shared a Sentara Community Impact Story about the program. In March 2023, we began the Dolly’s Read Aloud Tour in partnership with Massanutten Regional Library. In June, The Community Foundation collaborated with an anonymous donor for a $250,000 match gift towards establishing a Forever Fund. Our staff continues to work hard to reach the match goal, so that our area’s preschool children may forever benefit from free, age-appropriate, and quality books
The Association of Fundraising Professionals, Shenandoah Chapter hosted the 31st annual National Philanthropy Day on November 20, celebrating philanthropy in the Shenandoah Valley. The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County is honored to partner with the AFP, Shenandoah Chapter as a sponsor for this event each year.
The Community Foundation started renaming our endowments ‘Forever Funds’. Why are they called Forever Funds? They are community capital that will stay local and benefit our area FOREVER! To help inform our community on the importance of Forever Funds, we created an incredible video with Estland. We premiered it at our 25th Anniversary event held on October 5 (see page 8). You can now see the video on our YouTube channel. We have three more amazing videos on the way. Stay tuned!
Among the forever funds established in 2023 were the Donna F. Simmons Family Endowment and the Harrisonburg Rockingham Food Pantry Endowment. The purpose of the Donna F. Simmons Family Endowment is to support organizations in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County that assist: people experiencing homelessness, elderly citizens with limited financial resources, and boys and girls needing social, educational or developmental support. The Harrisonburg Rockingham Food Pantry Endowment supports food pantries in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County who provide food assistance to our neighbors in need
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The 2023-2024 Giving Back Guide was distributed through the Daily NewsRecord and features sixty-six local nonprofit organizations’ funding needs. The Guide connects the greater community with causes that matter by showing how donations and gifts will make the greatest impact The Community Foundation encourages the community to give towards these projects all year long until nonprofits’ goals are met. Both online and print versions of the Giving Back Guide are available.
On November 7, The Community Foundation hosted a nonprofit workshop called, “Email Marketing Doesn’t Need to be Scary!”. This session was presented by TDC Marketing. The purpose of the workshop was that nonprofits left feeling less overwhelmed and more prepared to share their organization's story using email. This workshop was provided by Excellence in Nonprofit Leadership, an initiative of The Community Foundation
In 2018, The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County received a $10 million gift from an anonymous donor with instructions for the gift to benefit nonprofit organizations in Highland County, Virginia The gift established a Forever Fund called The Little Swiss Fund, whose monies are annually invested and distributed to benefit Highland County nonprofit agencies with 501(c)(3) taxexempt status. Grants from the 2023 distribution totaled $401,555 to thirteen organizations.
The Community Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of individuals who are community leaders in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County. Members of the board are chosen for their knowledge of the community’s charitable, civic, and educational needs
In 2023, we welcomed three new board members to the team: Ted Byrd, Retired, Farm Manager at Ad Infinitum LLC; Beth Driver, Attorney and Partner at Evans Driver Attorneys at Law; and Hui He Sono, PhD, CFA, Academic Unit Head & Professor of Finance and International Business at James Madison University.
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On October 5, TCFHR hosted a celebration of their 25 years of service to the Valley. The evening at Explore More Discovery Museum was filled with joyous conversation and heartening speeches by past and current TCFHR leaders. Donors, professional advisors, partners, board members, past leadership, and staff joined to share our love for the place we call home.
Since 1998, The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County has been a champion for this community, always thinking of donors’ interests and highlighting area needs In honor of our 25th anniversary, TCFHR announced to nonprofit organizations in the summer that we would award a special $25,000 grant to a selected nonprofit. Nonprofits who applied to TCFHR’s Giving Back application would be considered.
The event committee reviewed 66 worthy applications and selected nine for the full TCFHR Board to consider. The Board then selected three finalists. It was then the event attendees’ turn to decide. Attendees were integral to the
festivities, as they would determine the nonprofit awardee of a $25,000 grant by an anonymous ballot vote. As the event ended, TCFHR staff announced with a drumroll that the nonprofit with the most votes was First Step: A Response to Domestic Violence, Inc. The $25,000 grant will go towards their project, Emergency Crisis Intervention and Advocacy Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence. At 6:59 PM, Candy Phillips, First Step Executive Director, answered the call. On speakerphone with the audience, Candy heard as the attendees applauded.
The Community Foundation would like to thank all our partners for an incredible 25 years. It is an honor and absolute privilege to serve this community, and we appreciate your continued support
Venue: Explore More Discovery Museum
Flowers: Blakemore's Flowers
Musicians: Tiller Strings Violin Shop
Catering: Magpie Diner Photography: TDC Marketing Printing: PXI
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Great Community Give celebrated its sixth year on April 19, 2023. Thousands of donors gave back to the home we know and love. The Community Foundation owes the success of Great Community Give to event volunteers, event sponsors, donors, participating nonprofits, and community members of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County.
148 participating nonprofits
$2,000,545 raised New Record!
$7.5 million all-time giving total
Best participation so far! (includes sponsorship dollars)
of total fees were covered by generous donors
The average donation amount (online and offline combined)
Save the date!
Great Community Give is scheduled for April 17, 2024. Early Giving begins on April 3. We are excited to celebrate local nonprofits with you!
The Harrisonburg Rockingham Child Day Care Center is extremely grateful for the support of the Great Community Give! It is such an exciting day watching all the donations being given to so many organizations. The funds raised for our program were used for new classroom furniture, sand for the sandbox, classroom supplies and support for the sliding fee scale Thank you for supporting our program so that we can continue to provide highquality childcare to children
-Delores Jameson, Executive Director
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The Community Foundation manages merit based and financial needs based scholarships inhouse and is an approved scholarship foundation for the Virginia Department of Education. To learn more about our scholarship programs, visit
Often merit based and financial need based scholarships are created in the name of the donor or by families who wish to memorialize a loved one. Other scholarship funds have been established by individuals who simply want to extend a helping hand for college-bound or vocational students. Each scholarship expresses a deep belief in the power of education to help students achieve their academic dreams. We are grateful to say that in partnership with donors, we awarded $246,765 in college and vocational scholarships to 61 students in 2023!
New Scholarship: Ronnie Brunk Memorial Scholarship
Gifts to this fund honor the memory of Ronnie Brunk. All gifts will be used for the purpose of providing scholarship opportunities for adult vocational students at Massanutten Technical Center. Scholarships are awarded to students taking courses in HVAC, electrical, plumbing, welding, or building trades.
Student Spotlight: Guillermo Lopez
We are authorized to accept donations for the state’s Education Improvement Scholarships Tax Credit Program (EISTCP) Gifts to this program provide scholarships for qualified, low-income students at nonpublic PK-12 schools in Virginia. Individual or business donors receive a state tax credit equal to 65 percent of the donation. We distributed $547,107 in scholarships to 205 PK – 12 students through EISTCP, attending 4 local private schools. Fifty-seven donors participated in EISTCP in 2023. Thank you to all that made this possible!
Guillermo, a firstgeneration student, graduated from Bridgewater College in May 2023. He was a four-year recipient of the Harold & Faye Teer Scholarship, which assisted him in continuing his studies.
Congratulations Guillermo!
$793,872 in scholarships to 266 students
Congratulations to all 2023 scholarship recipients!
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The Community Foundation sends grants to nonprofit organizations every month of the year. However, each fall, competitive grant awards are distributed from several Forever Funds held at TCFHR. These grants require the submission of an application for eligibility, and awards are determined by Grants committees. Most of these
Forever Funds were created with estate gifts given by local individuals who had a passion to support our community forever, providing The Community Foundation the ability to address changing needs. Per TCFHR policy, grants are made without regard to factor of gender, race, religion, national origin, or sexual orientation.
2023 Competitive Grants Recipients
Community Endowment
Valley Program for Aging Services for Meals on Wheels
Valley Arts & Culture Fund
Oasis Fine Art & Craft for Beyond Restaurant Mural
Rockingham Ballet Theatre for Costume Storage Improvement
Janet Sohn Endowed Fund
The Salvation ArmyHarrisonburg for Emergency Shelter
Mary Spitzer Etter Endowed Fund
Arts Council of the Valley for Development of New Arts Council of the Valley website
Alvin J. Baird, Jr. Program Endowed Fund
Blue Ridge Free Clinic, Inc for A Free Clinic Bridge to Health
Cross Keys Equine Therapy for Parent/Grandparent Caregiver Trauma Group
Earlynn J. Miller Fund for the Arts
Arts Council of the Valley for ACT ONE
OASIS Fine Art & Craft for Wild and Wonderful - Animals “Captured” in Paint!
Virginia Quilt Museum for Creating a multi-purpose space for hands-on learning and programs
Harrisonburg Dance Cooperative for Sprung Subfloor
Hildred Neff Memorial Fund
Wildlife Center of Virginia for Treatment of Sick, Injured, and Orphaned Wildlife from Harrisonburg and Rockingham County
Cat’s Cradle for Pet Retention for Low-Income and Other Vulnerable Populations
Anicira for Operation Free Pet Healthcare
2023 local competitive grants total
The Community Foundation’s competitive grant applications open July 1 and close on September 1 of each year. For more information on our available grants, please visit
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The Community Foundation distributed more than $7 million in grants during our fiscal year that ended June 30, 2023 (FY23). Grants are made from various types of funds we manage in house on behalf of donors. Here is how donors with funds held at TCFHR gave back in FY23.
FY19: $6,899,370
FY20: $5,063,889
We make it easy to give back to the community we all love through comprehensive and trusted charitable giving. We partner with donors, professional advisors and nonprofits to fund local needs through community endowments and support to charities.
The Community Foundation team is always happy to provide insight into the challenges our community is facing right now and which organizations are delivering services to alleviate those needs
Pass-Through $431,594
Scholarship $249,859
By expertly managing these funds in-house or with local financial advisors, we’re able to power the arts, faith-based initiatives, environmental grants, human services, domestic and wildlife animal organizations and educational initiatives that help to strengthen our community and make it a vibrant place to live and work
To learn more about our funds, please contact our team at 540-432-3863 or visit
Agency Advised Funds: $540,720
TCF Discretion Funds: $425,453 Designated Funds: $1,097,914
Field of Interest Funds: $663,178
Fundraising Project Funds: $39,323
*In fiscal year 2022, TCFHR received a one-time estate gift for the benefit of 10 area nonprofits which increased grant expenses by $9.6 million.
Agency Fund Distributions $540,720 Animal Related $94,389 Arts, Culture $140,851 Civic $437,171 Disaster Relief $113,488 Education $2,151,785 Environmental Initiatives $32,570 Faith Based $1,017,859 Healthcare $236,792 Historical Preservation $404,656 Human Services $843,258 Recreation $450,800 Scholarships $622,600 Youth Human Services $208,363 Grand Total $7,427,691 Elderly $101,030 Mental Health $31,359
FY22: $16,105,285* FY23: $7,427,691
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July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023
The Community Foundation’s complete, audited financial statements for each of the fiscal years presented and Form 990’s are available at our office and online at
Statement of Financial Position 2020-21 $74,205,759 $68,152,988 2021-22 Total Assets $75,456,741 2022-23 $7,874,895 $9,473,668 Total Liabilities $7,955,128 $66,330,864 $58,679,320 Net Assets $67,501,613 Statement of Activities 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 $14,906,604 $16,191,195 Contributions, net $11,333,021 $11,671,212 ($7,357,741) Investment Return, net $5,171,425 $45,286 $241,542) Other Income & Support $85,963 Revenues Total Revenues $16,590,409 $9,074,996 $26,623,102 Expenses $5,958,171 $16,325,991 Programs and Grants, net $7,322,483 $227,246 $286,841 General & Administrative, net $317,318 $65,916 $113,708 Fundraising $128,315 Total Expenses $7,768,116 $16,726,540 $6,251,333 Change in Net Assets $8,822,293 ($7,651,544) $20,371,769
CHANGE IN ASSETS OVER FIVE YEARS FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 $52,759,817 $54,691,642 $74,205,759 $68,152,988 $75,456,741
Donor Advised $20.6M Field of Interest $10.4M Designated $7.0M
Scholarship $2.6M TCF Discretion $0.6M Public Project Fundraising $0.5M Other U S Equity 52.36% Fixed Income 24.78% Int'l Equity 11.48% Cash & Equivalents 8.88% Alternatives & Other 2 50% 2023 INVESTMENT POOL ASSET ALLOCATION Page 13 1 1 1 1 2 1 Presented net of agency fund activity 2 In fiscal year 2022, TCFHR received a one-time estate gift for the benefit of 10 area nonprofits which increased grant expenses by $9.6 million.
Agency $6.8M
i n P h i l a n t h r o p y
2 0 2 3
P r o v i d i n g f i n a n c i a l a n d p r o f e s s i o n a l s u p p o r t t o T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n
Atlantic Union Bank
Dante Jackson
Estland Vada Kelley
Graves Light Lenhart Private Wealth Management
Asa W. Graves, VII
Ashley “Ash” P. Heatwole
J. Douglas Light
Jeffrey G. Lenhart
A. Wesley Graves, VI
Hess Financial
Stephan Hess, CFP ®
Kevin Flint, CFP ®
Robyn Hill, CFP ®
Derek Hess, CFP ®
Lantz & Gochenour Investment Group of Janney Montgomery Scott
Michael C. Gochenour
Mary Bryant Via
Sipe Kiser Investment Group of Wells Fargo Advisors
Ed Sipe
Marshall Kiser
Stern & Heatwole Financial Group
Strategent Financial, LLC
Dale S. Lam
Abe J. Shearer
Andrew Lam
The Myrias Group
Andrew M. Huggins
Christopher R. Goehner
Nicole C. Tayman
Joshua Kyger
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Scan Me! Learn more about TCFHR
The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County P.O. Box 1068
Harrisonburg, VA 22803
Confirmed in Compliance with National Standards for US Community Foundations
We make it easy to give back to the community we love
Harrisonburg and Rockingham County is a place where its people and the greater community prosper generation after generation.
Thank You
to our fund holders and the charitable individuals and businesses that support the work we do We truly appreciate your continued support of our mission! We also express our gratitude to the Keystone members who gave generously to operations to help establish The Community Foundation while it was in its infancy. These individuals and businesses believed in The Community Foundation before it had a proven track record. Please visit to know these charitable individual and corporate contributors.
All featured photos in this publication were professionally taken by TDC Marketing.
Starting a fund at TCFHR is easy. You can open a fund with as little as a $5,000 charitable donation, but typically funds are between $10,000 and $1 million.
Scholarship Fund minimums are $25,000.
Create a Forever Fund. Now is the time to plan for the future. We can help you create a personal legacy that will continue to support your charitable interest forever.
Amanda C. Bomfim Director of Marketing & Program Initiatives
Amy E. Lemmons Grants Manager & Accounting Assistant
Ann B. Siciliano Director of Program Services
Anna E. Wagner, CPA Director of Accounting
Revlan S. Hill Executive Director
Contact us for information on the VA Department of Education Tax Credit Program – tax smart giving.
Support the Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Endowment and help double your gift, and, at the same time, make books free for the children in our community
Charitable giving is our business. Let us know how we can help you.
W o r k w i t h
T r u s t e d G i v i n g