The Great Community Give Summary Report
6.24.2020 MISSION Strengthening our communities through purposeful giving and active engagementÂ
Thank You!
Leaderboard Winners! Leaderboard Prizes provided by our Platinum Sponsors, F&M Bank and Harrisonburg Radio Group
Medium/Large Nonprofits - Most Dollars Raised: First Place: Massanetta Springs Second Place: Boys & Girls Club HR Third Place: Blue Ridge Christian School
Small Nonprofits - Most Dollars Raised: First Place: Our Community Place Second Place: Arts Council of the Valley Third Place: Girls on the Run of the Shenandoah Valley
Medium/Large Nonprofits - Most Unique Donors First Place: Explore More Discovery Museum Second Place: Cornerstone Christian School Third Place: Redeemer Classical School
Small Nonprofits - Most Unique Donors: First Place: H-Rock Young Life Second Place: New Creation Third Place: Open Doors, Inc.
Fundraising Together Harrisonburg and Rockingham County has shown up and showed their love for the past three years. See below for the total dollar amount fund raised for years one through three of Great Community Give.
$2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
The blue line represents cumulative dollars raised for local nonprofits. The red line represents the amount fund raised per year. Over the past three years, Harrisonburg and Rockingham has raised a total of $1,617,336 for nonprofit organizations serving our area during Great Community Give.
Running Donations Below is a graph that shows donation dollars throughout the day of Great Community Give on June 24th. The blue bars represent the donation amounts within those hours. The red line represents the cumulative donation amount given throughout the day. As you can see, donation amounts steadily increased throughout Great Community Give. The largest increase was from 9:00am to 10:00am, which was the Coffee Hour Power Hour for Most Dollars Raised. The Harrisonburg and Rockingham community raised $158,000 during that hour. The second largest increase was from 12:00pm to 1:00pm, designated as the Lunch Break Power Hour for Most Dollars Raised. Within that hour, community members raised $123,000 for local nonprofits.
Fundraising Together Gifts per Hour Below is a graph that demonstrates the number of gifts given every hour of Great Community Give on June 24th. The blue bars represent the gift counts for each hour. The red bars represent the total or cumulative number of gifts given throughout the event. The numbers on the left hand side represent the blue bars and the numbers on the right hand side of the graph represent the red bars. We can see that the biggest spike in donations came between 11:00am and 12:00pm. There were 1,225 gifts given during this hour. This was the hour for Brunch Time Power Hour for Most Unique Donors. The second largest hour for most gifts was 1:00pm to 2:00pm with a gift count of 771. This hour was designated as the Matinee Power Hour for Most Unique Donors. We are happy to report that we exceeded our unique donor goal for the entire day (4,500) and engaged with 4,582 different donors throughout Great Community Give.
Connecting Community to Causes What do your donations mean for local nonprofits? Read below to find out. "VCC raised over $8,500 in association with the Great Community Give campaign. The money raised supports our Rockingham County work including monitoring of forested buffers along Blacks Run in Purcell Park, monitoring of a 300+ acre easement adjacent to Shenandoah National Park, and allows us to invest time investigating several potential new conservation properties in the county. We're also working on developing on-site educational programming that will be available to Rockingham County students in the coming years." Scott Kelly Board Member, Valley Conservation Council
"The Great Community Give funds will allow the Bicycle Coalition to transition our Bikes for Refugees Program into "Bikes for Neighbors" where we will broaden our reach beyond local refugees to community members who need a bicycle for transportation. The program provides bicycle safety education on an as-needed basis and students receive a bicycle, lock, lights, and pump with their bicycle. Additionally, funds will allow us to continue to advocate for safe streets for everyone in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County. Safe Streets and safe places to bike and walk that often entail greenways, and other places physically separated from cars." Kyle Lawrence Executive Director, Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition "The donations we received will help us to provide individuals who are living on the streets and in encamplements bus tickets, socks, hand sanitizer, masks, sunscreen, and food. By helping individuals meet their everyday needs, we build trust and relationships with them so that we can better help them get back on their feet. We are so grateful for our community's support!" Nicky Fadley Executive Director, Strength in Peers "The impact for Girls on the Run is HUGE!!! It ensures that we will be as widely accessible as is possible with covid in the coming months and enables us to continue our long standing mission of never turning a girl away based on financial need. The money we raised will provide 143 FULL scholarships! In reality, it will likely be spilt between full and partial conservation properties in the county. We're also working on developing on-site educational programming that will be available to Rockingham County students in the coming years." Dia Russell Program Director, Girls on the Run of the Shenandoah Valley
Connecting Community to Causes What do your donations mean for local nonprofits? Read below to find out. "VMRC did not participate actively for itself this year, but we participated by encouraging our residents to support the United Way’s efforts to address issues of racism. We received $2,385 from our residents to support the United Way’s emphasis during the Great Community Give. It’s a testimony of their willingness to address some difficult challenges in our community and nation." Les Helmuth Executive Director, Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community "More than 70 people and educators who pledged matching funds donated to the Scholars Latino Initiative during the Great Community Give, in most cases also giving extra to cover platform and payment fees and, in all, contributing more than the value of two SLI college scholarship awards." Christopher Clymer-Kurtz Director of Development, Shenandoah Valley Scholars' Latino Initiative
"The funds that Hope Distributed received through the GCG as well as numerous other community funded grants will help us continue to provide food and much needed relief to families in need. It will also allow us to grow our, “Hope on Wheels” program in which we take food directly to those in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County who cannot find transportation to one of our food pantries. We could not do what we do and meet our mission without the kindness of those in our community." Jeff Wilhelm Executive Director, Hope Distributed "Eastern Mennonite School expresses deep gratitude for our partnership with donors through the Great Community Give. Their gifts help us create a learning community where every student belongs, thrives, and lives God’s call. Donations to the COVID-19 Aid Fund support: technology investments so students can thrive remotely and in person during the coming school year, professional development for faculty to adjust to these changes, safety precautions in the school facility, and financial aid to back our commitment that no family needs to withdraw from the school as a result of COVID-19. The Great Community Give helped keep us #FlamesStrong!" Trisha Blosser Development Officer, Eastern Mennonite School
Connecting Community to Causes What do your donations mean for local nonprofits? Read below to find out. "This year for the Great Community Give, we raised a total of $13,000 for our Have a Heart Fund. This fund is specifically designated for providing lifesaving diagnostics and treatment for our animals with special medical needs. This fund has helped animals suffering from conditions like broken bones, severe abuse and neglect, heartworm and dental disease, amongst other treatable and curable conditions. Without access to this fund, we would not be able save the ones most in need. So far this year, we’ve helped 840 animals; and with this fund, we will save many more!" Tiffany Corbin Marketing and Fundraising Manager, Rockingham Harrisonburg SPCA "Wow! Our hearts are full, and so will the plates be of thousands of our neighbors in need. We give our thanks to the Harrisonburg community for their compassion and participation in the Great Community Give. With the gifts contributed in just one day, the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank will provide more than 50,000 meals to Harrisonburg-area children, seniors and other individuals in need of food assistance, many for the first time in their lives. Although times are difficult, you are providing hope for your neighbors in need—like Noor, a college student, and her family. COVID-19 has presented new challenges for them, like putting her mother out of work for 10 weeks and forcing her 13-year-old sister to stay inside for three months due to a heart condition. Noor's message to all Food Bank supporters is a heartfelt, “Thank you.” In turn, we thank you for extending neighborly love to families like Noor’s. As she said, “we really need it.” Sarah Mallan Development Coordinator, Blue Ridge Area Food Bank "It is difficult to articulate precisely how meaningful this year’s Great Community Give is for NewBridges Immigrant Resource Center. Like many organizations, we are facing the challenge of cancelled or postponed fundraising events while increasingly lengthy delays and closures in immigration processing have
effectively reduced our program-related income. In previous years, the Great Community Give occurred immediately following our largest fundraising event of the year – and truthfully, we were never able to give this “online day of giving” much attention. So it was to our extreme gratification that we were able to pull off our most successful Great Community Give so far, raising nearly $14,500 in donations and securing a power-hour prize! Thank you to all the staff at The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg / Rockingham County for finding a way to hold this event for our community and for the wonderful communication leading up to and throughout the event. We are so grateful for your commitment to local nonprofits and our community." Leah Hackman Financial Specialist, NewBridges Immigrant Resource Center
Connecting Community to Causes What do your donations mean for local nonprofits? Read below to find out. "Skyline Literacy is very grateful for all the community contributions through the GCG. We surpassed the amount raised last year and we were very excited about the new strategies implemented and the collective effort from the board, staff, and volunteers for the GCG 2020 outcome. The money fundraised will be instrumental to continue our services as we continue providing ESL, One-on-One, and Citizenship classes in Zoom platforms. Our goal is to serve 250 students for the next coming school year. For the summer and fall semester, we are expecting to serve 100 students who are going to receive classes and materials free of charge. The GCG along with other findings will pay for enrollment and free material. Students' goals are to become citizens, improve language skills for employment or career advancement, be more se-sufficient in financial management, and get involved in their's children education. These are some of the goals stated for our learners when they registered in our programs. Thanks to The Community Foundation's continuing support." Nelly Shenk Executive Director, Skyline Literacy
"So many kind and thoughtful friends of Explore More supported our cause with incredible generosity during this year’s Great Community Give - it was a magical day! Children learn through play, and now more than ever, children need play to better understand what this pandemic means, not to mention the release and freedom play provides, especially in stressful or scary situations. At Explore More, we continue to find new and innovative ways to bring engaging learning experiences to children, despite the challenges presented by COVID-19. Through our “Explore More at Home” initiative, families can bring the Museum home through virtual themed activities, videos, and hands-on discovery kits. We have also opened for summer camps, altering the program as needed to ensure for the utmost safety and well-being of our campers and staff. Finally, as we continue to look forward, we are installing a brandnew hand washing exhibit and additional “germ buster” educational materials. We believe it is our duty to play an important role in helping children stay safe, not only while they are in the museum, but also in their daily lives. Through these new interactive experiences, children can learn what role they play in keeping each other safe and healthy. These are trying times, for sure, but thanks to YOU, the POWER of PLAY is alive and well for children in the Shenandoah Valley!" Kelly Snow Development Director, Explore More Discovery Museum
Thank you to all of our Partners! Abe Shearer, Partner with Strategent Financial, LLC and our wonderful emcee Ann Marie Leonard Appeal Production Association of Fundraising Professionals Atlantic Union Bank Wealth Management Bank of the James Barbara & Karl Stoltzfus Blue Ridge Insurance Services, Inc. Brown Edwards Cargill Chester and Nancy Bradfield Chick-fil-A Harrisonburg Clark & Bradshaw, PC Classic Kitchen & Bath Daily News Record Darrin McHone Charitable Foundation Denton Family Foundation Dick Myers Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Fiat Dr. Charles & Mary Henderson Dynamic Aviation E&M Auto Paint Estland Design Evermore Construction F&M Bank Flora Pettit Frazier Quarry George & Ann Pace Graves Light Private Wealth Management Harman Construction Harrisonburg Radio Group iHeart Media Interchange Group IT Decisions Janney Montgomery Scott Jennifer PeeksMease and her students Jim & Stephanie Higgs John and Vivian Knepper Charity Fund Kendra Plowman-See Lantz Construction Company Larson Wealth Management LD&B Insurance and Financial Services Massanutten Resort Myers Ford Myrias Group Nielsen Builders, Inc. nTelos Wireless Foundation Paul & Sherry Cline Pilgrims Pride Rockingham Insurance Roger & Sonja Bible Sam Johnson, Lead Digital Marketing Specialist at Immerge Tech Stern & Heatwole Wealth Management Summit Community Bank The Board of The Community Foundation Trumbo Electric Valley Engineering Weaver's Flooring America WHSV-TV3
Thank you to the Great Community Give Planning Committee
Amanda Bomfim, Toni Bentel Bailey, Revlan Hill, Mike Mehling, Kay Harrison, Amy Rush, Sarah Von Schuch, Alan Shelton & Susanne Myers (not pictured)
Thank you to our Media Partners! Appeal Production Daily News Record Estland Design Harrisonburg Radio Group iHeart Media WHSV-TV3
Thank You Harrisonburg and Rockingham County!
A trusted philanthropic partner growing permanent funds for our community