Volume 8 Issue 37

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Husbands don’t have to support wives CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

It continues, “ The presumption of advancement (by which, for example, a husband is presumed to be making a gift to his wife if he transfers property to her, or purchases property in her name) is abolished. The abolition by subsection (1) of the presumption of advancement does not have effect in relation to anything done before the commencement of this section, or anything done pursuant to any obligation incurred before the commencement of this section.” Homosexual acts were controversially decriminalised in the Turks and Caicos Islands and other Caribbean British Overseas Territories of Anguilla, Cayman Islands, and Montserrat, under the United Kingdom's Caribbean Territories (Criminal Law) Order, 2000, which came into force on January 1st 2001. That law stated: “Notwithstanding any statutory or common law provision in force in the Territory to the contrary, a homosexual act in private shall not be an offence provided that the parties consent thereto and have attained the age of eighteen years.” Under the new proposed law in the Turks and Caicos Islands, the age has been lowered to 16-years-old. The existing laws which makes homosexuality legal, goes on to say: “An act which would otherwise be treated for the purposes of this Order as being done in private shall not be so treated if done when (a) more than two persons take part or are present; or b) in a lavatory to which the public have or are permitted to have access, whether on payment or otherwise.” Under the new law, Section “a” has been removed. The old law also states that A man who is suffering from severe mental handicap cannot in law give any consent which, by virtue of paragraph (1) of this article, would prevent a homosexual act from being an offence, but a person shall not be convicted, on

account of the incapacity of such a man to consent, of an offence consisting of such an act if he proves that he did not know and had no reason to suspect that man to be suffering from severe mental handicap.” It continues: “It is hereby declared that where in any proceedings it is charged that a homosexual act is an offence the prosecutor shall have the burden of proving that the act was done otherwise than in private or otherwise than with the consent of the parties or that any of the parties had not attained the age of eighteen years. For the purpose of this article a man shall be treated as doing a homosexual act if, and only if, he commits buggery with another man or commits an act of gross indecency with another man or is a party to the commission by a man of such an act.” The Equality Bill, which was published for consultation earlier this week, is intended to clarify the fundamental rights of everyone in the TCI, starting with the areas of services, public functions, and the work-place. After enactment, over time and subject to further consultation, the scope of the Bill will be gradually extended to other areas of daily life, according to a Government press release. The Bill explains the characteristics that must be protected from discrimination: age, disability, marriage, political opinion, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex (gender), and sexual orientation. The Bill supports the requirements of the 2006 and 2011 Constitutions, and the Turks and Caicos Islands commitments under the European Convention on Human Rights, through which all individuals should be entitled to go about their ordinary daily lives without fear of discrimination. Ultimately, it is intended that all nondiscrimination provisions in TCI law will be brought together under this Equality legislation. Governor Ric Todd said: "The Constitutional provisions and those of the ECHR are expressed in a very



To work 6 days per week 7 am to 2:30 pm Contact Management at 941-3321 The Proprietors, Strata Plan No. 38 (The Grandview on Grace Bay)


to work 5 days per week 4 hours per day Contact Management at 941-3321 The Proprietors, Strata Plan No. 38 (The Grandview on Grace Bay)

general way and do not make it clear how the existence of these rights affect individuals and those involved in providing services and transacting in the public arena, and how those rights can be enforced. Accordingly, it is prudent for more detailed provisions to be made by Ordinance, providing greater certainty and clarity as to the rights and obligations individuals and others have under the nondiscrimination provisions of the Constitution and the ECHR." Furthermore, as part of the ongoing development of the Bill, there will be consideration of what additional powers and / or functions should be given to the Human Rights Commission to ensure better compliance, and enforcement, of the Bill. This will include what, if any, powers should be included in the Bill and those that maybe required to be made, at a later date, by way of amendment to the Human Rights Commission Ordinance in line with the 2011 Constitution. Subject to consultation, it is proposed that the Bill will be signed into law in early October. However, not all of its requirements will commence immediately. According to the release, the Government recognizes that a period of adjustment

and preparation will be necessary in some areas, and proposes to allow generous lead-in times, where appropriate. For example, those provisions that may require changes in service delivery or improved access to public spaces for the disabled will be delayed until supporting explanatory regulations have been prepared and agreed subject to further consultation. The Government said it would like to have the views from the public on the Bill and in particular any provisions thought likely to cause difficulties. In particular, the Government would welcome views from the business community on what lead-in times they may need before making changes to services or access for the disabled. Similarly, the Government would welcome the views of the disabled, their families and friends and interested parties, and any other individuals with the protected characteristics, on how long they think lead-in times should be before the provisions of the Bill are implemented. The public are invited to provide written comments on the Bill and to submit these to either the Consultative Forum, or to the Human Rights Commission, who will forward comments to TCIG for consideration.



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point of the super rich must always be a dream, but the point of being successful and comfortable The Interim Administration has made a policy must at all times be attainable by our people. TC Invest was an entity that came out of it decision, as part of dismantling all of the predecessor, the institutions that have been Development Board, and put in place by successive was strategically to make political governments, but sure that Turks and Caicos especially those by the PNP, Islanders were given a leg to scrap TC Invest as we up on the ladder of success. knew it. They took one of One section provided loans the arms, Inward for housing, student loans Investment, unto themselves and small business to manage for and on behalf development. But of equal of the people of the Turks importance to upward and Caicos Islands. From mobility, was the inward the very beginning, I was investment arm. This arm totally against such a move, was specifically charged because I knew from with going out into the firsthand experience, the market and look for and importance of that encourage persons and institution to the lives and businesses to set up shop wellbeing of the people of ROYAL ROBINSON here so that the spin off can our country. CONTRIBUTER benefit Turks and Caicos These people have no clue Islanders. There must of as to why these institutions course be a nexus and connectivity to whatever were built here, and cannot appreciate the happens in this country that directly and usefulness of them to us the people of this country! All they can see is that the government indirectly benefits Turks and Caicos Islanders. The Interim Administration, in its wisdom is supposed to be pumping money into these has decided to take inward investment from out institutions. Their aim and object is to defund of the orbit of a statutory authority and put it everything, let them wither on the vine, all in the interest of financial prudence. What they have under the control of the CEO who has only run not factored into the mix is that it is the the last entity that he was responsible for into the responsibility of any good government to look ground before leaving it high and dry. Having out for the welfare of the people that it gutted the “real” Turks and Caicos Islanders from the mix and put in their “girl Friday” at the helm, represents. It must be remembered that it is the middle they are making a mess of the “Russian satellite”! I was never so embarrassed for my country class, particularly of entrepreneurs, that provide as when I read the document that was produced the glue that drive the economy. We have to understand that for now, the bulk of our people, by the Inward Investment Unit called “Public once educated and trained in the various fields of Consultation Review – Skyline Proposal Mixed endeavor, return home, will have to find Use High-Rise Development”. The first thing themselves in that middle band. That is where the that caught my eyes was the way the location of load is carried. It is this group of persons that the unit was spelt. Providenciales is spelt provide the glue that keeps a society together and PROVIDENCIEALES in the logo of all places. functioning! So is this group that special This is not good, and it does node bode well for attention must be paid to make sure that we can us. If we are to be putting our best foot forward, continue to develop as a country. Reaching the then we cannot send out to the world, as our first point of contact, something like this!


Turks and Caicos Sun Suite # 5, Airport Plaza Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 946-8542/ (649) 241-1510 Fax: (649) 941-3281 Email: sun@suntci.com Read us online at www.suntci.com

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Hayden Boyce Senior Editor: Vivian Tyson Journalist/Web Designer: Patrina Moore-Pierre Graphics Editor: Joleen Grant Office Manager: Dominique Rigby Distribution Manger: Kelano Howell Advertising and Marketing ManagerPatrina Moore-Pierre The Turks and Caicos SUN is a subsidiary of The SUN Media Group Ltd. We are committed to excellence in journalism, educating and informing our readers, serving and satisfying our advertisers and assisting in the overall development of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

When I now read the document itself, it was perforated with bad grammar, spelling errors, syntax problem just for starters. Sentences made no sense whatsoever! It seemed as if a Primary School student was just making a hatchet job of “cut and paste”! To refer to number of levels in a high-rise property as “stories”, can be nothing less than an “Alice and Wonderland Story”! This is something that I saw. Just think of the numerous pieces that have that previously had been sent in our names. What make this thing so embarrassing is that it came out under the direction of the Governor and it is on a presentation such as this that he is making crucial decisions for and our behalf! We know that many persons in the country have a negative view of the proposed 28 storey development that is slated for the Grace Bay area of Providenciales. The least that the report should have done was to prepare a fair, balanced and objective view of what the situation was. It is people like these that are giving Turks and Caicos Islanders a bad name in every sense of the work! You could have called Clayton Been many things. But you surely could not call him a producer of bad, ill-prepared presentations for anyone to read! Helena J. Robinson would roll over in her grave if he did something like that. This level of incompetence is what they were accusing Turks and Caicos Islanders of. With work like that, no wonder why we cannot attract persons to our shores. When they see things like that, they relegate them to the trash bins, places that they really deserve to be. For those persons out there who do not believe what I am saying, send a request and I will send you the document.

Royal Robinson was a former Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance and Health in the Progressive National Party (PNP) Administration.


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Sean Pratt remanded to jail in e Bahamas until next April Local businessman Sean Pratt has been denied bail and remanded to Fox Hill Prison in The Bahamas until April 25, 2013, after pleading not guilty to charges relating to $2.5million worth of cocaine. Pratt, 41, faces charges of cocaine possession with intent to supply and conspiracy to possess cocaine with intent to supply. He is represented by Ian Cargill and returns to court for trial on April 25, 2013. But the 44-year-old Dominican man who was charged along with

Pratt, pleaded guilty and on Wednesday received the mandatory minimum sentence of four years in prison for having cocaine worth $2.5million. Police arrested Jose Cabrera, of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, on suspicion of drug smuggling at North West Cay, off Great Inagua, on August 30. Law enforcement officers dug up six crocus sacks containing 140 kilos of cocaine after Cabrera showed them the hiding spot on the cay.

The court heard that Cabrera and others buried the drugs on the cay several months earlier when they encountered bad weather. Cabrera said that he did not know he was in Bahamian territory because he was lost. Cabrera said his boss sent him to retrieve the drugs when he was arrested, the court heard. Cabrera, who did not have a lawyer, pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to possess drugs with intent to supply, cocaine possession with

Haitian Consulate to open in Turks and Caicos Islands by November The opening of a Haitian Consulate on Providenciales is intended to take place by the end of November 2012 and will offer Haitian residents in TCI the ability to process official documents locally, and have formal representation on the ground. The Consulate will be staffed by 4 diplomats. As well as providing a document issuing service, the TCI based Haitian representation will be tasked with building links, both cultural and commercial, with the local communities and between the two countries. News of the Haitian Consulate opening was announced by Governor Ric Todd who met a delegation of Haitian Government officials on September 11th to discuss matters of mutual interest between the TCI and Haiti. The Haitian party consisted of Jacques Nixon Myrthil, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; HE Antonio Rodrigue, Ambassador to the Bahamas and TCI; and Fortune Dorlean, Legal Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After meeting the delegation the Governor said: ‘I am delighted that the Haitian people living in the TCI will soon have formal government representation from a Provo based Consulate. This will for example ensure that it is much easier for Haitians to obtain official documentation. The Consulate will also provide a focal point of contact for TCIG with the Haitian Government and facilitate the showcasing of the significant contribution Haitians make to the TCI. I look forward to joining the opening of the Consulate soon.’

Man stabbed by a woman A 33-year-old male received a stab wound to the upper left chest area of his body during an altercation with a 33 year old female in Providenciales on Wednesday evening, September 12th, 2012. According to police reports, the male was immediately taken to the Cheshire Hall Medical Centre where he was stated to be in stable condition. The female is presently in police custody. Investigations are ongoing in this matter.

Sports Commission Director Alvin Parker placed on administrative leave Alvin Parker, the Director of the Turks and Caicos Islands Sports Commission, has been placed on administrative leave. According to reliable sources, the decision to place Parker on leave stemmed from an ongoing investigation into financial irregularities at the Sports Commission. The source told The SUN that the police are also involved in the investigation which was discussed at a meeting of the Sports Commission’s Board of Directors a few days ago.

Sean Pratt

intent to supply, conspiracy to import cocaine and importation of cocaine when he made his initial appearance before Deputy Chief Magistrate Carolita Bethell on September 4.



Applications are invited from interested and suitably qualified individuals for the position of Special Projects Consultant, FortisTCI, Providenciales.

OBJECTIVES & PURPOSE OF THE JOB • Responsible for the efficient, effective and safe construction and installation of production assets of Fortis Turks & Caicos. • As a member of Management Team, to understand the corporate vision and successfully gain support for the implement that vision.

MAIN DUTIES/KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: • To provide detailed supervision of contractors involved in the construction and installation of large generation assets as determined by and normally under the general direction of the Vice President of Production & Engineering. • Responsible to see that all construction of civil, mechanical and electrical assets at the plant site is completed in a safe, efficient and effective manner. • Responsible to see that projects are brought in on budget and on time. • Responsible to see that the plant site is secure at all times. This includes seeing that the plant and yard is prepared to deal with hurricane season and to develop and implement a plan for recovery of the plant site after a hurricane. • Responsible to see that in all situations all construction activity is performed consistent with best practice concerning safety, environment, quality, budgetary control and reporting standards. • Be familiar with all Company Policies and procedures (including those established by past practice) relating to the position and to observe and enforce

compliance with these policies and procedures. • Responsible to see that statistical records required by the company are kept with respect to building projects and building maintenance as well as develop and maintain reports that will keep senior management updated with the progress of construction projects at the plant. • Be responsible for facilities management of PPC assets. • Operate Company vehicles as required. • Perform other duties as may be assigned from time to time. ACADEMIC/WORK EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: • Diploma in (Electrical, Civil or Mechanical) Technology (3 year program), or equivalent. • Extensive experience in Power Plant operation and construction. • This position requires 20 to 25 years’ experience in the construction management field. • Mid-level management experience is required (minimum 10 years)

CORE COMPETENCY SKILLS: • The Language of work will be English. The ability to write comprehensive reports as well as the ability to make verbal presentations in English is required. • Computer literacy is required (familiarity with Excel, Word, MS Project.) • Health must be good • Must to able to carry out the physical work of the classification.

COMPENSATION Grade 15 (US$79,000 - $98,750.00 per annum) (based on qualifications and ability) Deadline for submission of applications is September 28, 2012. Kindly submit applications stating qualifications and work experience to: Director, Human Resources FortisTCI Limited P. O. Box 132, Providenciales Email address: hrapplications@ppcltd.tc fax: 649-941-4304

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Local businessman John Hartley faces multi-million judgment in Miami BY HAYDEN BOYCE PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Local businessman and economist John Hartley will have to pay out close to $15million after a Florida court handed down a judgment against him on Wednesday September 12th, 2012. The judgment, which was handed down in the United States District Court Southern District of Florida by judge James Cohn, was brought by multi-millionaire Edward Burger as trustee of the 2009 Hubbard Family and some other investors, as a result of Hartley’s involvement in a scam in which he and some of his friends were sued for selling elite shares in an electric-car company that they didn’t actually own. The businessman and investors sued Hartley under Section 10(b) of the Securities and Exchange Act to recover substantial damages from Hartley related to $4.525 million which they invested to acquire shares in a company called Praetorian and/or G. Power, based on false representations that such interests would provide indirect ownership of Series A Preferred shares in Fisker Automotive Inc. After making the investment, the businessmen never received the closing documents reflecting their shares in Praetorian. According to a copy of the

court judgment which was obtained by The SUN, the complaint alleges that Mr. Hartley was a founding partner and member of Praetorian Fund, and that along with other defendants Mattera, van Siclen, G. Power, and Praetorian Fund, “caused various documents to be prepared to promote the sale of shares in the LLC entity which would own the Fisker shares.” The investors allege that a Private Placement Memorandum and subscription documents provided to them prior to their investments “represented that G. Power already owned $20 million in shares of Fisker.” They contend that as a director of Defendant Praetorian Fund, Mr.Hartley made misrepresentations contained in these documents and he participated in the scheme to deceive them. Furthermore, the Amended Complaint contends that in early January 2011, Mr. Hartley and van Siclen met with a trustee of the Plaintiff 2009 Hubbard Family Trust, and discussed the investment, representing what a great investment it was. The investors allege that Mr. Hartley continued to cover up the fact that G. Power did not own any shares in Fisker. Mr. Hartley opposed the Motion for Summary Judgment and has crossmoved to dismiss the Amended Complaint. However, the judge stressed that the undisputed facts before the Court

establish that Mr. Hartley, in conjunction with Mattera and van Siclen, conspired to solicit investors to invest in various G. Power entities to capitalize The Praetorian Global Fund. The judge said: “The uncontroverted testimony of van Siclen is that Mr. Hartley participated in the drafting of the Private Placement Memorandum and subscription documents that were provided to the Plaintiffs which contained the false statements regarding the Fisker shares. Mr. Hartley, along with van Siclen, personally met with a representative of the Plaintiff 2009 Hubbard Family Trust in January 2011, a meeting Local businessman and economist John Hartley wherein Mr. Hartley affirmed his conspiracy with other defendants who partnership with van Siclen and did commit tortious acts within Florida. Mattera, promoted what a great “Even if the Court does not have investment it was, and represented that personal jurisdiction over Mr. Hartley the closing had yet to take place. via the Florida Long Arm Statute, the Mr. Hartley also responded to Court still has personal jurisdiction by email inquiries from the Plaintiffs virtue of Federal Rule of Civil regarding the status of the closings. Procedure 4(k)(2). Mr. Hartley is also Thus, the Court finds that Plaintiffs alleged to have been a founding partner have established the existence of a and director of Defendant Praetorian conspiracy amongst the Defendants and Fund. Id. After at least one Plaintiff that Mr. Hartley may be held jointly wired funds to the escrow agent, and severally liable for the actions of located in Florida, Mr. Hartley, along the Defendants.” with van Siclen, is alleged to have The judge said he agrees with the met with a co-trustee of the 2009 investors that they have established Mr. Hubbard Family Trust wherein he Hartley’s liability for his own emphasized what a wonderful fraudulent misrepresentations, adding investment it was. Mr. Hartley is also that the undisputed record before the Court reflects that Mr. Hartley alleged to have made repeated participated in drafting the Private representations to the Plaintiffs that the Placement Memorandum and other Fisker shares were owned by G. Power. subscription documents which Id. These specific allegations coupled misrepresented that G. Power II already with the allegations of conspiracy owned $20 million Fisker Shares, when regarding Mr. Hartley and the other Defendants is sufficient for the it did not in fact own any shares. The judge continued: “In his Court to conclude that Mr. Hartley has Motion to Dismiss, Mr. Hartley ignores sufficient minimum contacts with the United that Plaintiffs, in part, base their fraud States as a whole to justify personal claims on his own conduct. In an attempt to minimize his own actions, jurisdiction. Accordingly, the Court rejects any Mr. Hartley argues that he cannot be assertion by Mr. Hartley that the Court held liable based on the January 2011 dinner because “it took place, at its is without jurisdiction over him. highest, in a social context, and at its Accordingly, the court finds that Mr. Hartley has failed to demonstrate good lowest, in a haze of alcohol.” The judge also noted that even if cause to have the admissions the allegations of the Amended withdrawn or amended pursuant to Complaint are insufficient to establish Federal Rule of Civil Procedure.” Ironically, Hartley is one of the that Mr. Hartley himself operated a business or himself caused tortious directors of the Conch Farm who are conduct within Florida, the Court still trying to sue the Turks and Caicos has personal jurisdiction over him Islands Government for US$50million. based on Plaintiffs’ well-plead His wife Monique Allen, is the lawyer allegations that he participated in a who filed the case against TCIG.


SEEKS Engineer - $8.00 per hour Labourer Carpenter Mason Painter Electrician Public Area Supervisor Please contact 231-2158



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Planning Department says 28storey hotel would be excessive The Turks and Caicos Islands Planning Department has advised the Interim Government that a move from a maximum height of seven (7) storeys to twenty-eight (28) storeys as being proposed by Hugh McLean Skyline hotel project, would be excessive and would have enormous impacts on the island of Providenciales and on the entire country. According to the Department, increases in height and density of buildings should be gradual in order to ensure compatibility with the existing environment and infrastructure. In light of this, the Planning Department suggests a reasonable and gradual increase. For example, from seven storeys’ to ten storeys. Regarding the proposed 28-storey hotel, the department also notes the lack of specific information of the development including (but not limited) to the specific parcels of land - the location, size, zoning in question, the desirability of producing an updated National Physical Development Plan before a decision and the need for formal submission of an outline planning application. This was all contained in the public consultation report which was released by the Interim Government. The Skyline Proposal outlines a mixed use development project that proposes 3 high rise buildings. The first being a 28 storey tower that will house a 200 room hotel and 96 condo units on the top floors. The second and third phases will each consist of a 20 storey condominium tower with 156 units

each. This will give a total of 512 rooms and the largest conference space on the islands. The report concluded that there is a widely accepted need for diversification of the tourism product in the Turks and Caicos Islands and particularly on Providenciales. The consultation notes that the investment in the proposed mixed use development has considerable potential to create jobs and additional economic activity for the islands. It also recognizes the acute challenges of competing land users and the scarcity of prime coastal lands. Thus an increase in the height of buildings and density, particularly tourism related development is arguably inevitable. In February 2012 Mr. Hugh McLean met with Government officials to discuss a development project for the Turks and Caicos Islands. Mr. Mclean submitted an outline proposal for a Mixed Used Development that includes an EP Hotel, Conference Centre, Retail and Professional Offices. The proposal outlines expanding and diversifying the current tourism product offering on TCI and brings the potential of increased tourism development and conference facilities, as well as providing a number of jobs. The Government recognized that the proposed development was complex and exceeds the current building height and density requirements, as set out in the TCI development manual. The project’s high rise concept is in excess of density restrictions as referenced in the planning development manual. Due to the unusual and controversial nature of the project, and its potential benefits,

G & G Construction Seeks

ONE LABOURER Salary $5.00 per hour Contact 242-0388

Ricardo Fulford Consultant Services on behalf of

Estel Plumbing is seeking employment for the following: 1) PLUMBER

Tropical Bar is seeking employment for the following: 1) WAITRESS Interested candidates may apply through fulfordricardo@yahoo.com.

were unable to make an informed decision based on the available information supporting it. There was also a broad view that no decision should be made without supporting technical information from an environmental impact study and planning assessment were made and submitted to the public. Another prevalent theme in the submissions was concern about the environmental impact of the project and whether it was in the right location. Government departments and the public at large noted a wish to access or comment on the project on the basis of a building outline and the block and parcel numbers. Considerable concerns were raised on the impact a “high rise” would have on the low density tourism model currently in practice, which is paired to the “Beautiful by nature” motto of the tourism product. It was argued that the reputation and “brand” of TCI would be undermined by the proposal. The question of how many jobs would in practice be obtained by islanders and permanent residents was a particular theme. It was noted that the mixed use project provided a secondary platform for commerce and business linkages.

A Message from

The Turks & Caicos Islands National Insurance Board TCI BANK Limited

Recovery of Funds The Turks & Caicos Islands National Insurance Board is pleased to inform the General Public that the Board has recovered a total of $9M from TCI Bank Limited. This amount comprises the $5.5M debenture which has been paid in full; and $3.5M recovered in the first dividend payment of twenty cents (US$0.20) on the dollar ($1.00) on the $17.3M in deposits held with the bank. The Board is awaiting the payment of interest and the reimbursement of legal costs incurred in relation to the recovery of the debenture.

his clients:

Ricardo Fulford Contracting is seeking employment for the following: 1) DOMESTIC WORKER

the Governor decided to consult the public and all appropriate stakeholders to inform in decision making. The developer presented the proposal to Advisory Council, both political parties and the public at large. The pubic consultation on 18th July was well attended by member of the community. One hundred and ninety persons signed in during the public consultation with an estimated four hundred people in attendance. In total over seven hundred written submissions were received on the Skyline proposal. Some 610 submissions were collected by the developer, in favour of the mixed use high rise concept of the resort. There were 195 email submissions to the Investment Unit and Governor’s Office mainly in objection to the project. The largest majority of feedback collected by the developer illustrated 3 options to: keep project as proposed, decision with the planning board and to reduce the height of the proposed project to 21 storeys. In over 75% of these submissions all 3 boxes were ticked, with 589 persons agreeing to the project and the decision taken by the planning board. Many respondents felt that they

We are awaiting further tranches as the liquidators continue to finalize the closure of the Bank.

Toyota Construction Seeks 2 Waitresses 1 Domestic Worker 2 Salon Manicurists / Nail Technicians Salary $5.00 per hour Contact 244-0979

The Board encourages all depositors and other creditors of TCI Bank Limited who have not yet received a payment, to lodge and actively pursue their claims. You may obtain further information at www.tcibpliquidation.com


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Cable television and internet provider WIV has chopped seven employees from its roster, representing 18 percent of its overall workforce. Tom Jaskiewicz, Chief Operation Officer for the organization said that the staff axing was restricted to the technical operations section, affecting field and construction technicians as well as dispatchers. He said the exercise which had already been completed, did not affect the newsroom element of the company, adding that there were no cuts on the horizon for that department. Jaskiewicz said he could not speak to whether or not competition from People’s Television (PTV) was undercutting WIV’s bottom line hence its decision to cut cost. He told The SUN that the exercise became necessary since the demand in the technical area was down and that the company was not where it would like to be financially, and that, while the cut was regrettable and difficult for the company, it had to take viability into consideration. “The (decision taken was due to the) down turn in the economy, which has not recently happened but was certainly the cause. It was a difficult decision, but necessary in order for us

to move forward. That downturn in the economy produced less volume of work, and we continued for an extended period of time to hope to increase levels of work and such, and we just realized that we could not continue on our current path. “We have obligations to customers, vendors and staff, primarily. And it became increasingly more and more difficult as our business went on. We have adapted a new business plan to move things forward. We’ve lost good people, and I want to move this business to a point, should business pick up we can call these people (redundant workers) again,” Jaskiewicz explained. Saying that he entered into the redundancy decision cognizant that the affected staff had families, Jaskiewicz, reiterated that in order for WIV Cable Television to move forward, it was necessary to shed its staff complement. He further told this newspaper that the redundancy exercise was the first of a three-plank turn-a-round plan. “We have a three-step plan on how we are going to move forward, and this was phase one of that plan. Going forward, phase two is going to address the technical aspect of our product, to get it beyond reproach; to get it to a point where we are supplying customers reliable, good services they paid for. And that is also to strengthen our focus on technical operations on internet connectivity.

“We are going through a rebranding process – still maintaining WIV as our name – but opening up our business line of work and WIV Media, which will do commercial ads assertions over 10 over our channels, not just WIV4. My job looks at efficiencies and operations, and also looks at available additional revenue streams weren’t there before,” Jaskiewicz. Jaskiewecz explained that in recent time, WIV Cable had been making the company more efficient by equipping the staff to be multifaceted to point of a customer service agent having the ability to give technical solutions over the phone on problems addressable from the office using available software, instead of having to dispatch a technical staff to a home or business. He said that after reorganizing the company’s operation it was discovered that some staff members had just one job to do for entire day, and after searching for ways to see how best they could address such a situation, they came up empty-handed, and so the best bet was the let them go. He said the change in focus at WIV would ensure a more sizable slice of the market share as well as increased revenue intake. “Cable TV has shrinking margins. Costs continue to rise, and we cannot continue to pass that on to the subscriber because they would leave most certainly because of that. We have

Tom Jaskiewicz, Chief Operating Officer for WIV Cable TV.

high-speed internet, we have HD channels, which are not offered out there – we are the only ones island that do offer them. “Our plan is to expand our HD Channel line-up; to increase our speed in data and to be technically beyond reproach, and the business aspect of WIV is addressing that. We have also increased our bandwidth from Miami, and we will increase that in getting that service out to businesses,” he said. He said while the company was able to pay its staff and other bills, it was not in the desired financial place. “We are holding our own; we will continue to move forward. This plan would help us do that. To ignore it would put into a foolish state. It is not reactionary but necessary,” Jaskiewicz said.


We are currently seeking a qualified to fill the position of Pipe Fitter:

REQUIREMENTS: • Minimum of 5 years experience in waterworks and piping networks. • Must be available for emergency maintenance calls on evenings and weekends according to rotational schedule. WORK ENVIRONMENT: • Hot, dusty and wet conditions including open and confined spaces • Active roadways and associated traffic noise levels • Remote locations

JOB DESCRIPTION: The Pipe fitter is responsible for installing, repairing and maintaining pipes, fixtures and other plumbing used for water distribution in residential, commercial and industrial connections.

MAJOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ARE TO: 1. Fill pipes or plumbing fixtures with water or air and observe pressure gauges to detect and locate leaks. 2. Reads and follows installation plans and establish the sequence of pipe installations. 3. Measure, cut, thread and bend pipe to required angle, using hand and power tools or machine such as pipe cutters, pipe threading machines and pipe bending machine. 4. Use hand or powered tools to excavate trenches and ditches 5. Cut openings in structures to accommodate pipes and pipe fittings, using hand and power tools. 6. Repair and maintain plumbing, replacing defective washers, replacing or mending broken pipes. 7. Attend Emergency callout when necessary. 8. Carry out all other duties as directed by the Supervisor. Salary Range: US$ 12.00 - $15.00 per hour All applications must be submitted September 24th, 2012. Turks & Caicos Islanders need only apply.


PROVO WATER COMPANY LTD. P.O. Box 39, Grace Bay Road Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Fax: (649) 946-5204 Email: K.Clarke@provowater.tc


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Sky Cruise could start flying before winter BY VIVIAN TYSON SUN SENIOR EDITOR

Sky Cruise Airways – the locallyowned airline making its bid to fly nationally, regionally and internationally, could begin its operations before the end of the fall, a reliable source told The SUN. The airline, which this newspaper understands to have cleared all its regulatory hurdles, is now in the middle of its recruitment exercise, and the full complement of staff should be in place possibly before the end of September. A source close to the airline’s operation said that some of the individuals being recruited were either currently employed in the local aviation industry or once worked in the area. The airline was scheduled to make its inaugural takeoff on or about Easter this year, but its efforts were hampered by local aviation bureaucracy. After almost two years of making its bid, Sky Cruise was recently

granted clearance from both the Local Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and Air Transport Licensing Authority (ATLA), in order for it to be fully certified to operate in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The source said that Sky Cruise will operate two flights out of Florida, including from Fort Lauderdale. It is also scheduled to fly to a number of regional destinations, including Jamaica (Kingston and Montego Bay), Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. Locally, it will fly between Grand Turk and Providenciales. Sky Cruise will become the third domestic carrier and the second to operate out of the Turks and Caicos Islands in almost four years. The now defunct Sky King Airways, which was bought by leading domestic airlines Air Turks and Caicos, is the other airline that flew regionally. Sky Cruise Airways is owned by Sky Blue Aviation Limited, a company which was registered on April 8th 2011 with offices at P.O.B 209, Logberg Corporate Services, Chancery Court,



The Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police are seeking interested persons to fill the position of PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER

RESPONSIBILITY As PR Officer, the incumbent will be required to undertake the : • Preparing and distributing press releases to the media locally and internationally. • Arranging and assisting at press conferences on behalf of the Police Department. • Act as the liaison between the News Media and the Police Department. • Attend major scenes including serious accidents. • Preparing Annual Reports that are to be released to the public. • Releasing information under the direction of the Commissioner of Police or the Deputy Commissioner of Police. COMPETENCIES The position will require the incumbent to: • Demonstrate exceptional oral and written communication skills. • Display a high level of confidence, integrity and professionalism. • Demonstrate excellent planning and co-ordination skills. • Be available for duty 24 hours per day due to spontaneous activities. • Be able to work in stressful situations QUALIFICATIONS: The incumbent: • Should be versatile in audio visuals and Public Speaking. • Should have experience in Public Relations. • Should hold a degree in communications, journalism or mass media.

SALARY attached to this position is $25,000 per Annum plus Applicable Allowances. Salary MAY be negotiable depending on education and experience. Interested persons should submit their Application and attached Resume to: A/Insp. Dwight Gardiner – OIC Human Resources, or Sgt. Curvalene Skippings - Human Resource Officer Police Headquarters, Church Folly, Grand Turk TCI TEL: 946 2731 Ext 30312, Fax 9462099, Email: dwight.gardiner@tcipolice.tc or curvalene.skippings@tcipolice.tc Deadline for Submission: SEPTEMBER 26, 2012

on Leeward Highway, which is the law office of TWA Marcelin Wolf. Shaun Malcolm, former Chairman for the People’s Democratic Movement, is one of the local partners in the venture along with Joshua Harvey. The SUN has been reliably informed that Sky Cruise Airways is being backed by a consortium of exceedingly wealthy Canadians with vast knowledge and experience in the international aviation business. The new airline plans to operate 19-seater DH6, 30-seater Jetstreams and CRJ-2000/700 airplanes, with varying capacities of between 50 and 72 seats. After Sky Cruise went public with its bid to operate locally, it was met with strong opposition from its future competitor Air Turks and Caicos, which told an open forum convened by the ATLA and the CAA, that the domestic market could not sustain another airline because it was

shrinking and operational costs were always rising. Air Turks and Caicos also told the forum that Sky Cruise could put the domestic aviation industry in a tailspin by undercutting airfares now being charged by that airline with prices masquerading as introductory fares, but which could become permanent. The introduction of Sky Cruise into the local and regional marketplace should bring competition especially to the routes that Air Turks and Caicos currently flies. And customers could see a play-out similar to that of the telecommunications industry, with the introduction of Digicel that signaled the dismantling of the then Cable and Wireless’ monopoly. Air Turks and Caicos already has domestic competition in Caicos Express, which originally operated between Providenciales and Grand Turk via Salt Cay, but was granted license earlier this year to operate directly between the two major islands.


1 Hair Stylist SEEKS

Salary $100.00 per week Mon-Fri Contact 341-9222 DELUXE CAFÉ SEEKS

1 Domestic Worker Salary $5.00 per hour Please contact 241-4072

MANAGER Wanted an experienced senior manager to handle multiple projects in the private sector. Must be a college graduate, demonstrate competency in the daily management, supervision, coordination and completion of projects with international experience. Position requires significant administrative and financial responsibilities. Must be an excellent communicator with good computer, planning and administration skills. Salary commensurate with experience. Please submit applications to the Human Resources Manager, P.O. Box 124, Regent Village, Providenciales or by fax 649-946-5191 by October 1, 2012. Suitable applicants will be contacted by email or telephone to schedule an interview.

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Mark Simmonds is new UK mp for Turks and Caicos islands British Prime Minister David Cameron has appointed 48-year-old chartered surveyor Mark Simmonds as the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State in the Foreign Office, replacing Henry Bellingham who was fired last week for under-performing. Simmonds, who assumed the new role on September 5th, will be responsible for Turks and Caicos Islands, the other British Overseas Territories, the Caribbean and Africa. Simmonds was a member of the shadow health team when the Conservative Party was in opposition but missed out on a role in the coalition government after the 2010 General Election. In 2012 he apologised to the UK Parliament for failing to declare £50 000 pounds that had been paid to him by Circle Healthcare, when speaking in support of the Health and Social Care Bill in Parliament. Born in Worksop, Simmonds went to Worksop College, then Trent Polytechnic, where he obtained a BSc (Hons) degree in Urban Estate Surveying in 1986. He became an Associate of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors in 1987. He worked as a surveyor for Savills from 1986–88, then was a Partner in Strutt & Parker from 198896. He was a Director of Hillier Parker from 1997-9, then Managing Director

Mark Simmonds

of Mortlock Simmonds from 1999 until becoming an MP, becoming Chairman. He contested the Ashfield seat in 1997. Simmonds was promoted to Shadow Health Minister in 2007. Simmonds is married to Lizbeth Hanomancin Garcia and they have two daughters and a son. One day after he took office, Simmonds faced questions in the House of Commons about the Turks and Caicos Islands. On September 6th, MP Andrew Percy asked him what representations he has received on the proposed imposition of value added tax in the Turks and Caicos Islands; and if he will make a statement. Simmonds responded: “During the

White Sands Beach Resort is hiring a

GENERAL MANAGER Santa Maria Gaming Saloon reporting directly to the Owner.

The General Manager, Santa Maria Gaming Saloon, leads the overall operation for the Santa Maria Gaming Saloon. The individual oversees gaming operations, monitors security and risks, expertise in marketing, slot expert, gaming experience, delegates work, sets schedules, maintains budgets, hires employees, and ensures patron satisfaction. The General Manager, Santa Maria Gaming Saloon, is a results oriented leader with demonstrated ability to envision a longer term strategic direction, develop tactical goals/objectives, and execute.

Experience/Education: At least 15 years’ experience in casino and gaming environment including Office administration and bookkeeping procedures, Hospitality industry, Casino industry service, Casino marketing, Casino accounting, Slot machines, Slot machines – information systems (hardware/software), Gambling sociology, Business knowledge strategies, and Payroll and HR related policies Have successfully built at least 3 businesses, in the past 15 years, of projected revenues in the hundreds of thousands At least 10 years’ staff management, training and supervision experience, of teams of at least 25 employees or more. At least 3 years’ experience in event planning and management. Must have obtained a bachelor’s degree in business administration or a combination of work/experience will be considered. Skills: Good people skills, Excellent customer service, Advanced leadership skills, Teamwork and teambuilding skills, Expert Analytical, math and problem solving skills, Decision making skills, Strong 360 degree leadership and communication (verbal, written, listening, presentation) skills, Troubleshooting skills, Effective verbal and listening communication skills, bilingual English and French, Spanish nice to have, Attention to detail and high level of accuracy, Good planning and organizational skills to balance and prioritize work, Computer skills including ability to operate computerized accounting (e.g. QuickBooks), payroll administration, spreadsheet (e.g. Excel) and word processing programs, and email at a highly proficient level Work environment: Willingness to work long hours, overnight shifts if required, and inconsistent shifts. Please submit resumes to White Sands Beach Resort at whitesandsresort@hotmail.com .

visit of the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, my hon. Friend the Member for North West Norfolk (Mr Bellingham), to the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) in June this year, the implementation of VAT was raised with him. It was also a topic for discussion during the recent visit to London by the leader of the Progressive National Party, Dr Ewing. We received copies of letters sent to the TCI Government on this subject, together with correspondence from members of the public. The British Government has consistently made it clear that the introduction of VAT is a decision for the TCI Government. We support their decision to introduce VAT on the basis of an assessment that it will provide a more stable, fairer and broader based system of revenue. The VAT Bill was signed into law by the Acting Governor on 18 July 2012.” Percy also asked Simmonds what arrangements his Department made for monitoring the 9 November 2012 elections in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Simmonds replied: “The Turks and Caicos Islands Government is inviting, with our financial support, observers for the forthcoming elections. They have agreed with the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (UK) to organise an observer mission including UK and regional monitors.

Percy also asked Simmonds what steps he is taking to strengthen relations between the UK and its Overseas Territories, to which the new minister replied: “We want the Territories to be vibrant and flourishing communities, proudly retaining aspects of their British identity and generating wider opportunities for their people. Our strategy for the Territories is based oh three practical policy goals: to strengthen the engagement and interaction between the UK and the Territories; to work with Territories to strengthen good governance arrangements, public financial management and economic planning where this is necessary; and to improve the quality and range of support available to the Territories.” He said the UK Government announced specific plans to support the exchange of expertise between UK and Territory public servants through a Jubilee Programme supporting training and work placements and support the Territories to engage productively with the wider world, particularly the EU and the Commonwealth. He also noted that from this year the UK will upgrade the annual ministerial meeting with Territory leaders to give it a mandate to lead work to review and implement the commitments in the White Paper on Overseas Territories.


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Non-performing TCInvest Loans sold to a specialist debt recovery firm Eighty non-performing Turks and Caicos Investment Agency (TC Invest) loans have been sold to a specialist debt management company by the Turks and Caicos Islands Government (TCIG). The Outstanding Loan Company Limited (TOLCO) will shortly begin to issue communications to the loan holders and begin the debt restructuring process in earnest. This separate from the transfers of ‘performing’ loans out of Government management currently being processed by the commercial banks. This work started in May 2012 and is planned to complete by the end of September 2012 when TC Invest will finish its winding up activities. Money raised from this sale will be used by the Government to pay off its debts related to the original financing of these loans and held by the Caribbean Development Bank, European Investment Bank and National Insurance Board. It will also remove these as contingent liabilities on the public sector and

put TCIG in a stronger position when negotiations have to be started on replacing the loan guarantee in advance of is expiry in 2016. TC Invest was wound up by TCIG due to the uncertain nature of its liabilities to non-performing loans, and a desire to better manage its relationships with inward investors through the CEO’s office. After the election this arrangement will continue as one of the roles of the Deputy Governor. The Government also announced earlier this year inward investment, business licensing and small business support would be brought back into the heart of Government. “Unfortunately, over time TC Invest became a multi-million dollar financial liability and become no longer able to achieve what it was set up to do – support business development here in the TCI,” said Philip Rushbrook, Governor’s Office. “Most of its loans were to private individuals for non-business related borrowing and its portfolio did not have enough well performing loans to repay back the



Responsibilities: The successful applicant will be responsible for the general cleaning of communal areas, sweeping and mopping of floors, cleaning of windows and removal of trash. The applicant will also be responsible for any other duties assigned in regards to general cleaning. Requirements: The successful applicant must be able to work with little to no supervision, capable of performing manual labour outside on a daily basis, should be physically fit, hard working and reliable. Wages: $6.00 per hour

Interested applicants should contact Veronica Rigby via email by September 24, 2012 at ronnie@habgroup.com or by fax 649-9465191. Suitable applicants will be contacted by email or telephone to schedule an interview.



Needed to handle multiple desalination plants and waste water treatment plants in the private sector. Must have proven and verifiable track record demonstrating competency in the daily management, supervision, coordination of work. Candidate must be able to develop detailed technical and commercial reports for corporate headquarters executive staff. Position requires significant administrative and financial responsibilities. Must be computer literate. Excellent communication, planning and administrative skills are essential for this position. Please submit applications to Dempsey & Company, P.O. Box 97, Caribbean Place, Leeward Highway. All employment decisions will be made by our corporate offices located in the USA. Closing date for applications is September 17th, 2012. Salary commensurate with experience.

debts to the international banks. Further, at a time when financial prudence is required to restore the Islands’ public finances it was not realistic to expect the Government to be exposed to further and growing financial risk. Governments should not be in the lending business, that is what banks are for.” TOLCO is a specialist mortgage and loan stabilization group operating within Caricom and other Caribbean countries. Spokesman Kelvin Latta of TOLCO said, “We will use our experience to work with clients to reschedule and stabilize as many loans as possible. In those cases where this is not possible then the foreclosure process will be a

measure of last resort.” This expansion of TOLCO's portfolio will form the basis for increased participation in securitized lending and loan management in Turks and Caicos and elsewhere in the Caribbean. Kelvin Latta added: "It has been refreshing to work with both TC Invest and TCIG representatives in the stabilization plan for both nonperforming and performing loans and to be able to offer a range of options to improve the active collection of outstanding loan repayments. We share the common belief that loan origination and management belongs in the hands of private industry and is not a good use of precious government tax revenues.”


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Ossie Simons to run At-large as an independent candidate Businessman and retired banker Oswald Simons will be running as an At-Large candidate in the November 9th general elections. “I believe that my life experiences and training have made it possible for me to serve you in the capacity of an elected representative for our entire country. I am therefore asking you here and now for your vote,” Simons said in a press release officially announcing his candidacy. He added: “My vision for our country in the near term is debt reduction and financial solvency followed by a period of financial growth and consolidation and eventual financial independence. Concurrent with the improving financial condition of our Country must be the improving financial position of our people together with their better employment opportunities and education. It is my view that tough choices lie ahead in these areas both at national and individual level. I can assist in these decisions.

These and other important issues mentioned in the “objectives” are set out in my abbreviated resume which I attach for your information and which will be discussed further in my detailed declaration in due course.” Listed among Simons plans are the Resolution of our health care and health care coverage, making it available and affordable to all citizens and residents, the attraction of solid and beneficial inward investment, and the proper level of infrastructural improvements, continuing growth and improvement of our tourism industry. He added: “These are and will continue to be contributing factors in our recovery and our journey to political and financial maturity. I know that the majority of the electorate are staunch party supporters but I trust that those of you across the TCI who know me and are prepared to consider an alternative to total party domination in our politics over the next four years will consider a vote for me as a vote for a change for better.

Maranatha High School


A Seventh-day Adventist Institution Is seeking to employ a

Suitable candidate should be: • Mature and responsible • Preferable a Seventh-day Adventist Duties will include general classroom cleaning and other areas of the school. Interested person should send application to: The Principal Maranatha High School P.O., Box 825 Providenciales or Email: contact@maranathahigh.com




RAMP AGENTS/AIRCRAFT CLEANERS/SECURITY AGENTS/CUSTOMER SERVICE AGENTS • Good command of the English Language • Willing to work shift pattern including weekends and holidays • Clean Police record • Valid driver’s license Ramp Agent Starting salary $7.00 per hour Cleaners starting Salary $10.00 per aircraft Security Agent salary $7.50 per hour Submit application along with photograph to: General Manager TCA Handling Town Centre Mall Providenciales Tel: 649-941-5353

Oswald Simons

For the benefit of those who are not familiar with Oswald Simons, I urge you to read my attached abbreviated resume and ask questions of folks who know me.”

Simons is the brother of Queen’s Council Carlos Simons, the deputy leader of the Progressive National Party. Ossie said he is experienced in banking, debt and financial management, real estate and property development and that he is a proud Family man guided by solid Christian values, a good listener, who will hear and respond and who is honest and reliable and possessing excellent life skills. His past activities include Chairman Turks and Caicos Islands Investment Agency and Director TCIG Financial Services Commission and his current activities and associations include the Masonic Fraternity, board member British West Indies Collegiate since inception, Board member of Turks and Caicos Tennis Federation and Turks and Caicos Tennis Club and Voluntary Tennis Coach for beginners and intermediate players.


Page 15



PDM holds three major rallies BY CYNCLAIR MUSGROVE

The People's Democratic Movement was on the move last weekend when the At Large candidates joined constituency candidates on Provo, South Caicos and North Caicos for three massive rallies. The six constituency candidates of Provo addressed members of their districts at a mass rally on Thursday night. This was the first time since being nominated that candidates got to speak publicly about issues that are relevant to their constituents. The 5 At Large candidates shared the stage as well presenting a united unit. The common issue addressed by all candidates was Jobs; education, immigration and health care were also pressing concerns. Each speaker assured the crowd that they will be canvassing the respective areas to hear directly from the residents. The crowd was hyped by PDM music and words of encouragement from their leaders. Bells Rang, as the People’s Democratic Movement cut the ribbon marking the official opening of the PDM South Caicos Branch Office. Supporters and onlookers alike were reminded that this was not just a political office, but a Beacon of Hope for the People of South Caicos. Branch Chairman, Charmaine Elliott and the Executive Team thanked Mr. Trevor Saunders and Ms. Muriel Moonie

Hanchell for this generous donation – A fitting location for our PDM South Caicos Branch Headquarters. The office is located in Trench Town, South Caicos, South an area that has traditionally been a PNP stronghold. PDM is determined to get its message of hope and opportunity to all across the Turks & Caicos Islands and what better place to start but in South Caicos. In remarks made by Edith Cox, the PDM Candidate for South Caicos said, “This was a symbol of what the PDM stands for – Freedom, Justice and Equality for all the people of South Caicos and the Turks and Caicos.” The Party Leader, Deputy Leader and other members of the Fantastic Five were on hand for the opening and to congratulate and support the PDM Executive of South Caicos and to be part of this historic event showing PDM’s commitment to the people of South Caicos. The oldest member of our community, 99 year old Ms. Lila Basden was also on hand to witness this dream come true for the PDM and to lend her support. Later in the evening, droves of PDM supporters and spectators gathered in Conch Ground at Seaview Market for a Grand Rally, in true PDM style. The crowd listened patiently to the issues. Constituency Candidate for Blue Hills Goldray Ewing spoke and told the people of South Caicos that this

was their time and that they should not be left out. He stated that a vote for change in south Caicos is necessary for the people to move forward. At Large Candidate Josephine Connolly told the crowd that she looked in her dictionary for the word Integrity, and next to the word was Edith Cox. She noted that Edith Cox is the right choice, the only choice for South Caicos. At Large Candidate Samuel Harvey and Derek Taylor also spoke to South Caicos people on making sure that the right choice was made come November 9th, 2012 and that a vote for Edith Cox was the only choice to be made. Ms. Sharlene Robinson a lady of the soil spoke to the people, saying that “no matter where she roams, South Caicos is the place she calls home!” She told them that Edith Cox has been a beacon of strength in the island for many years, the people has called on her through bad times and good times; that Edith has never left South Caicos in spirit, that she always was one of the persons that you could look forward to holidays, vacation, birthday, anniversaries, and other occasions to be there in support of the old, young, middle age and babies. She stated that Edith Cox is now asking them to help themselves, to want more for themselves, to want more for their island and to want more as people of South Caicos because they deserve so much more. Ms. Robinson stated that a vote for Edith is a vote for Change & Opportunities in South Caicos. The crowd acknowledged these words by the ringing of bells and the cheering. Edith Cox took the stage to large cheers and ringing of bells. It was clear that there was overwhelming support for her in the island of South Caicos. She represents the change the people of South Caicos have been looking for, for many years, She urged people to exercise their democratic right on November 9, 2012. The choice is up to my people, stated Edith “Look around you! If you like what you have you keep it, and if you don’t, change it!” she told the people. A Vote for Edith Cox, is a vote for change and opportunities. Edith simply wants opportunities for her people in South Caicos, - job opportunities, opportunities in Education, opportunity to have ample basic health care, the opportunity to be confident that tomorrow will be better than today. Edith did not neglect to let the crowd know how we got to this point and that we are at a defining time in our country. The choice we make now will determine the future of our country. The Leader Hon. O. O. Skipping then took the stage and told the people that he flew over South Caicos and didn’t like what he saw but that South Caicos has the potential and is destined for a big change and bigger things. The PDM party intends to take South Caicos in the right direction by first of all focusing on the building of the South Caicos Airport. He stated that without the opening of the Airport that

none of the hotels that have been under construction can open and that this is hindering the growth of the island. He told the people to get ready for the opportunities that will be made available to them. . The Leader Hon. Skippings told the crowd that it is time that the people of South Caicos be released from the chains that they were put in that is holding them back and vote Edith Cox the woman that would bring change & opportunity to the island. Other speakers included party trustee Mr. Herbert Been, Maxavano Thomas, PDM National Treasurer and Charmaine Elliott, Branch Chairperson of South Caicos. In attendance were party supporters from Grand Turk, Providencailes, North and Middle Caicos and Salt Cay. The meeting ended with the sound of bells and cheers from the supporters and the prayer by the South Caicos Branch Vice-Chairperson Patrice Thomas. In North and Middle Caicos, green minus yellow leaves blue! The green isle is certainly turning blue as the campaign season kicks into high gear. PDM executives along with the 5 At Large candidates joined constituency candidate Ashwood Forbes on North Caicos on Saturday for a cook out on Hollywood Park in Whitby. The fund raiser was well supported by residents and visitors alike. Branch chair for North Caicos Patsey Gray congratulated the hard working committee and was delighted with the turn out by the community. Residents of North and Middle Caicos proved on Saturday night that they are seeing clear blue. With a newly composed rally cry, folks from North, South, East and West all chanted "PDM the right direction!" The 5 At Large candidates joined constituency candidate Ashwood Forbes at the mic to speak directly to the people of District 4. Jobs with proper representation, agriculture and local tourism are three main issues addressed by the candidate. According to Forbes, "The people of North and Middle Caicos have been without onthe- job representation for the past nine years, and a PDM Government would look into these injustices as a matter of priority. The PDM government would certainly look into the diversification of the economy in the area of agriculture and give the farmers of North and Middle Caicos the much needed assistance in terms of technical assistance and low interest loans. We, the PDMs will also market North and Middle Caicos as a local tourism destination." After three years of no elected government, Forbes says he is working assiduously to ensure a win in District 4. This candidate declares that he is not afraid to take on his challenger. He relishes the opportunity to defeat the nephew since the uncle has been missing in action some three years. Forbes says that the people of North and Middle Caicos deserve a fighter who will be there through the good and bad times.


SOUTH EASTERN ELECTRICAL 1 Maintenance Worker Salary $5.00 per hour Contact 231-9150

Page 16

Career Opportunities

Grace Bay Club is looking for candidates that have the requirements listed along with an outgoing professional manner. They love to work with different types of people, meet challenges with a positive attitude and live the standards of our organization. Their management style is one that balances a commitment to people and their development with business/financial accountability and delivers an exceptional guest experience KITCHEN HELPER Requirements: • Assist with Food & Beverage service • Receive and store supplies. • Stock cupboards, refrigerators and salad bars • Clean food preparation and storage areas • Assist with food preparation • Work with minimal supervision Qualified Belongers need only to apply. Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience

BARTENDER Requirements: • Applicant must be a minimum of 19 years of age. • Be fluent in written and spoken English. • Possess a High School Certificate. • Have two years experience as a Bartender, or one year as a Bar back in a five star-hotel upscale environment. • Perform specified Bartender duties, including food and drink orders, preparation, and serving. • Direct and assist the Bar back and beverage servers. • Follow specific cash and system handling procedures. • Be responsible in the serving of alcohol and the laws and regulations surrounding it. • Maintain ongoing knowledge of the hotel operations. • Maintain the cleanliness, working order, and presentation of the bar top, tables, service areas and outlet itself. Qualified Belongers need only apply. Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience LABOURER Requirements: • Operate, maintain and repair the property’s heating, ventilation are conditioning and refrigeration systems • Perform Laundry and Kitchen services • Perform preventative maintenance on the hotel’s systems • Pool cleaning, chemical testing, adding chemical as required. • Maintain the proper use, cleaning, maintenance and storage of all tools. • Responsible for cleaning grease traps, lift stations, checking & treatment of sewage treatment plant. Qualified Belongers need only to apply Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience

DOMESTIC WORKER/HOUSEKEEPER Job Requirements: • Ensure the cleanliness of all hotel areas • Assist in all Housekeeping responsibilities, cleaning of all guest rooms, stocking amenities and linens. • Perform specified server duties, including food and drink orders, preparation and serving. • Ensure inventory is used properly and in supply at all times. • Possess knowledge of proper cleaning supplies and chemical handling. Qualified Belongers need only to apply Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience COOK: Job Requirements: • Middle level culinary skills • Dependable, proactive, organized, team player. • Education from a formal culinary program • At least two to three years cooking experience; preparing international breakfast, lunch and dinner in regional cooking environment. • Sanitation certificate. • Ability to plan, organize and execute meal plans • Must speak and read English fluently. Additional languages an asset. Qualified Belongers need only to apply


Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience Salary Range: Commensurate with experience

RESTAURANT SERVERS: Job Overview: Qualified individuals should have a minimum of 3 years restaurant experience. Individuals must possess strong work ethics; have a working knowledge of fine dining steps of service, and the ability to provide our guests with an outstanding dining experience. Servers should be industry professionals with excellent food and wine knowledge. Job Requirements: • Responsibilities include setup, organization and cleanup of service areas. • Responsible for staying current with daily menu items and changing wine lists. • Must be able to work as part of a motivated, high energy team that takes pride in their work. • Lifting of trays loaded with food, plates and glassware required. • Responsible for responding to any situation at any given time in a professional and courteous manner. This may include answering any questions posed by guests • Stack, lift, and carry trays in a systematic and safe manner. • Clean and retrieve tables in a neat, timely and professional manner. • Receive, process, and present all food and beverage orders according to Grace Bay Club standards. • Responsible for using suggestive selling techniques, when appropriate, and doing so in a courteous manner to up sell and, in turn, increase the average check Qualified Belongers need only to apply Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience POOL & BEACH ATTENDANTS Job Requirements: • The candidate must have good communications skills and must be able to work in a fast paced environment. • Individual is responsible for the set up and breakdown of the pool and beach umbrellas & beach beds. • 1-2 year related experience and/or training. • Provide towels/chairs/umbrellas to guests. • Perform side work including the folding of towels, preparing water and fruit skewers • Clean ashtrays, straighten chairs, and keep all outside beach and pool areas free of debris. • Must be friendly and guest service minded. • Must be able to carry heavy loads and work outdoors for long hours. Qualified Belongers need only to apply Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience RESTAURANT MANAGER Requirements: • At least 5 years of 5 star Food & Beverage experience. Caribbean experience considered an asset. • At least 5 years five star restaurant management experience. • Degree in hospitality desirable. • International experience and multi-lingual to assist our International clientele would be an asset. • Knowledge of fine wines. • Energetic, positive visionary leader, dedicated to motivating and developing team members. • Must be competent with a PC and Micros experience is an asset. • Assists with strategy, budgeting, cost management and delivering on objectives. • Exceptional communication and customer service skills and lives the standard of the organization. Qualified Belongers need only to apply Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience HOUSEKEEPING SUPERVISOR Requirements: • Possess 2 years experience in a Supervisory role at a high-end resort • Possess knowledge of proper cleaning techniques, requirements, and use of equipment • Assisting the Executive Housekeeper in the


day –to-day management and operation of the Housekeeping Department • Possess knowledge of proper cleaning supplies and chemical handling. • Assist the Executive Housekeeper to supervise the Housekeeping Staff, ensuring the standards of the hotel are met • Assist with administration duties, such as timesheets and tracking lost and found property. • Perform the Executive Housekeeper’s duties when not unavailable Qualified Belongers need only apply. Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience

SPA THERAPISTS Job Requirements: • Grace Bay Club is looking for a Massage Therapist/Esthetician who is an enthusiastic team player with excellent customer service. • The therapist will be responsible for administering professional facial, massage and body treatments to our guests. • Must have a thorough knowledge of the skin with numerous massage modalities. • Must possess a general understanding of body treatments and be willing to train in our spa’s specific facial, massage and body treatment offerings. • Must possess excellent communication skills and be able to learn the product and service knowledge necessary to effectively provide wellness solutions to meet the needs of our guests. • The Therapist will be required to properly care for equipment, perform prep work, clean and restock spa rooms • Assist in all areas of the spa operation as requested by Supervisors or coaches. • Be flexible with your schedule, supporting the needs of the spa. • Build respectful and cooperative relationships with colleagues and leaders. • He/she must maintain the standards of Grace Bay as found in the standard operating procedures of the department, an as they are amended from time to time. Education and Experience: • Secondary level education is required. Good writing, reading, listening and basic computation skills are necessary. • Previous experience in a 5 star spa is required. • International qualifications (or qualifications equivalent to international standards) are required in Esthetics and Massage Therapy. Qualified Belongers need only apply. Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience KIDS TOWN COORDINATOR Requirements: • Seeks to optimize all sources of revenue generating opportunities for KT (i.e. holiday camps, after school clubs, retail, etc.) • Inventory/ordering of all KT supplies (books, toys, VIK, retail, arts & crafts, water sports equip) • Ensures a safe and clean environment in Kid’s Town and Tree house at all times • Accommodates and anticipates the specific wants/needs of guests and seeks to develop a positive relationship with each guest, and their families • Ensures the safety, well being and personal growth of campers and co-workers • Interacting with children and organizing their activities on a day-to-day is the key task performed by children’s activities co-coordinators. • Be able to motivate children to take part in various activities. • The successful applicant should be extremely caring and should have intrinsic inclination for children • Must have First Aid Certification and should be a strong swimmer. Qualified Belongers need only apply. Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience

Interested persons can contact our Human Resources Department no later than October 5, 2012 @ (649) 946-5050 Ext. 1050 Email: veronica.clare@gracebayclub.com Fax: (649) 946-5758 P.O. Box 128 Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies


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PDM Leader Oswald Skippings says certain highranking British politicians want to get rid of him BY VIVIAN TYSON SUN SENIOR EDITOR

Leader of the Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM) Oswald Skippings said that a number of persons, including high-ranking British politicians, were trying to eject him as party leader and replace him with another leader they believe could be easily manipulated. Speaking at the party’s first political rally in Providenciales on Thursday, September 6, Skippings said that the main reason some wanted to see his political exit was that he was a bit too vocal on the issues affecting the Turks and Caicos Islands, much to their dislike. The former Chief Minister accused powerful British politicians and others of trying to mount another attempt to take over the Turks and Caicos Islands, and this time they were using the Harold Charles-led Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) to do so. “This man’s (British politician’s) attempt to control the country has not stopped. It has been elevated by this administration, and the ‘PPs’ (PPP) is the tool to make it happen. And he has got a strategy – they say, ‘promote Charlene (Cartwright-Robinson – Deputy Leader) and get rid of Skip’. He has got a strategy that he thinks can work. And they got all the money

Oswald Skippings

they want behind him (Charles). But I like to tell him tonight, that Charlene is PDM,” Skippings reminded his detractors. The PDM leader also accused Charles of making attempts to use the Haitian community to achieve power, with little or nothing for them in return. “He (Charles) is using his Haitian People; he is using them, just like the PNP used them and used the Turks and Caicos people. Look at the hundreds of Haitians who thought they had Belonger status. When the crunch time came and they tried to vote because they thought they were Turks Islanders, they were not. Every Haitian that the PDM gave Belonger status to, can vote. And that (using of the Haitian

White Sands Beach Resort is hiring an

ASSISTANT MANAGER reporting directly to the Owner.

Experience/Education: •At least 8 years’ experience managing a beach resort. •At least 5 years’ supervision experience, of teams of at least 5 employees. •At least 3 years’ experience in event planning and management. •Must have obtained a bachelor’s degree in hotel administration or a combination of work/experience will be considered. Responsibilities: •Staff supervision for housekeeping, maintenance, security, bar and restaurant operations •Responsible for accounting, sales, purchasing and security. •Responsible for overall site maintenance, including hotel rooms, pool, landscape, storage, bar and restaurant sites •Responsible for inventory management and control for hotel amenities, bar and restaurant supplies •Experience in managing, planning and organizing of special functions including wedding, private parties.

Skills: •Display a high level of energy, have an entrepreneurial spirit, be a motivational leader, effective communicator, effective in providing exceptional customer service and ability to improve the bottom line. Work environment: Willingness to work long hours, overnight shifts if required, and inconsistent shifts. Please submit resumes to White Sands Beach Resort at whitesandsresort@hotmail.com

People) ain’t gonna work because the Haitian People are not as stupid as they think they are. “Corruption has not stopped just because the PNP (Progressive National Party) has left office. Now, those who persist in buying out our airport; who have ended up owning everything through their loan to own scheme; who have engineered this corruption from England; who have masterminded the hospital deal, have now pledged their support behind Mr. Charles and all the money that they (PPP) need. I want you to know what you are up against this election,” Skippings warned. He told the sizable gathering that while money was expected to flood the campaign to prevent him from assuming the leadership of the country, there was a bloc of advocates that he could depend on, which he said was the electorate. “My people, God has broken the PNP’s strong hold on this country, but that is only half the strong hold; the other half is one man called Ashcroft – the British half - and that can only be broken by you on November 9. That is why they would do any and everything to get me out of the picture, and by extension to stop the PDM,” he said. Skippings also bemoaned what he described as the opportunities implemented by the PDM for young people that were now being dragged from under their feet. “It is unbearable and intolerable, and no longer can we sit by and allow

this unconscionable negligence towards our young person, that has taken place in the last nine years, by the PNP administration. We cannot allow it to continue. They (people) were bamboozled; they were misled; they were used; they were bribed with BET (Black Entertainment Television shows); they were bribed with ‘bling bling’, while their heritage was being ripped from under their feet. “There is too much at stake, and if this is allowed to continue our youth will be a stateless group of persons. We have to ensure that our youth get the jobs they deserve; the pay that they deserve; and the opportunities and real economic empowerment that they deserve; not only be employees, but to become employers and business men and women in their own country – that is what true development is all about,” Skippings reiterated. The primary purpose of the rally was to introduce, especially the six Provo candidates to the voting populace and to allow them to declare their plans for the country and their respective electoral districts. The candidates are Ezra Taylor – Leeward; Sonny Forbes – the Bight; Oral Selver – Cheshire Hall/Richmond Hill; Goldray Ewing – Blue Hills; Sean Astwood – Five Cays; and Delroy Williams – Wheeland. The five At Large Candidates also spoke at the event. They are Skippings, Cartwright-Robinson, Derek Taylor, Josephine Connolly and Sam Harvey.


HAB Limited is seeking a suitably qualified individual to fill the following opening. Only candidates who meet the minimum requirements will be considered:


JOB DESCRIPTION • Provide technical assistance and advice to developer’s management team including review of design drawings and recommendations of installation methods and materials. • Provide daily review of on-site activities of main contractors personnel for new build projects. • Supervision of developer’s maintenance personnel in respect of existing properties. • Preparation and review of preventative maintenance programs for all MEP Systems for all properties. REQUIREMENTS

• Minimum 10 years MEP experience. • Certificate/Degree in Engineering or related field preferred. • Knowledge of all technical aspects of MEP. • Must have extensive MEP experience in commercial construction. • Proficiency in MS Office, AutoCAD Design Review and MS Project. • Strong problem solving and analytical ability skills. • Excellent oral and written communication skills.

The salary range for this position is $60,000 - $80,000 per annum, commensurate with experience, training and education. Interested applicants should contact Veronica Rigby via email by September 24, 2012 at ronnie@habgroup.com or by fax 649-946-5191. Suitable applicants will be contacted by email or telephone to schedule an interview.

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Police spokesman Paul Baker resigns suddenly after poor performance and strong media criticism After a mere seven months on the job as Media Relations Officer for the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force, Paul Baker resigned suddenly and left the country. Baker, who was appointed on February 27, this year, tendered his resignation and left the country shortly thereafter, forcing the force to once again begin another hunt for a replacement, and also to lessen the burden on Social Media Officer, Kevin Clarke, who has been saddled with that added responsibility. Baker’s departure was made public through a media advisory issued by the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force on Thursday, September 13. The media advisory stated in part: “Please be advised that Mr. Paul Baker - Media Relations Officer - has tendered his resignation and is leaving the organization. At this time the Media Relations responsibilities will be handled by PC Kevin Clarke working in concert with the Senior Management Team of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police until a replacement is identified. “Please be advised that the advertisement for a Media Relations Officer has been forwarded to Media outlets for publishing and announcement with a closing date for

applications of September 26th, 2012.” Baker was constantly criticised by local journalists for the poor quality of his press releases. He was also under pressure from members of the police force who felt he was being overpaid (in the region of US$5000) for a job that could have been done by a trained police officer. On September 5th , SUN Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Hayden Boyce, who said he was always appalled by the extremely poor quality of Baker’s press releases, wrote Baker an email stating: “I hate to tell you this Paul, but what you send out to the media on a daily basis hardly ever constitutes serious crimes. So what your email below confirms beyond doubt is that for yet another day you've had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do. Be forewarned that I intend to officially write the Commissioner of Police and other authorities to let them know how unfair it is that tax payers' money is being used to pay you in these times of struggle to do an exceptionally mediocre job and irk the living daylights out of media personnel .Put differently and bluntly, someone else in the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force or one of the many local journalists whose common sense you continue to offend with your putrid press releases, should have been

$3000 REWARD

Payable for the return of tWo (2) lARgE WooDEn bAthtubs (MAnufActoRED by hinoki). These two bathtubs were stolen from a villa under construction in the Turtle Tail area recently. Please call 231 4669 with any information. A reward will be payable upon the successful recovery of the items."

Paul Baker

doing your job.” Commissioner of Police, Colin Farquar while stating that there was a number of variables that triggered Baker’s departure from the force, said that it was always the notion that he would assist in initiating some of the institution’s social programmes and depart anytime he so desired. “It was always the intention that he would have helped start our programmes, because he is from the UK, so we knew he wasn’t going to be with us for a long time. So we just wanted to have him on board and help us to get our programme started, because we always knew he would have left sometime in the future,” Commissioner Farquar said. Asked as to the state of the programmes Baker implemented, Commissioner Farquar disclosed: “There’s still a long way to go; its work in progress. Our media outreach with the different media houses is still ongoing. The press release that we send out, can we modify them? Can we improve those? We are still

working on that.” The SUN caught up with Baker via social media site Facebook to explain his departure. He indicated however, that he was in the process or readjusting in the UK, and was not in a position to give specifics at this time. In the meantime, Commissioner Farquar maintained that in recent time the information arm of the police force had become more efficient, after concerns were raised by the various media houses regarding lack of proper information. He also assured that greater effort would be made to dispatch press information in an even timelier manner. “A year and a half ago we were putting out media releases that were mostly just about serious incidents. We were asked how we could provide a 24-hour recap, which we did. And then, there were some media houses who said that we were providing too much of the minor stuff, ‘so let’s have the more serious matters’. But it is one of those things to find out what everybody needs because it is quite labour intensive for us so supply a lot of information, and so we want to make that we provide enough information, but not overwhelming either,” Commissioner Farquar explained. Meanwhile, Commissioner Farquar said that the force was actively trying to recruit an information officer to implement a series of programmes that have been conceptualized recently. He stated also that one of the prerequisites for employment was that the successful candidate - which he hope would be local - must have close connection to the community, knows the islands very well and come with new ideas aimed at bolstering programmes that are already in place.


GET OVER 300 CHANNELS: PREMIUM CHANNELS INCLUDED. Don’t miss out on our LIMITED SPECIAL! No need to buy equipment. Call (954) 380-5903. Or email us at admin@satserv.biz Independent satellite installer wanted in your area call (954) 380-5903 or email us at admin@satserv.biz

CACTUS BAR & GRILL Is looking for

Executive Chef Sous Chefs Waitress/Waiters Helpers Bartenders To work 6 days per week Salary based on experience. Contact Angela or Gregory Lightbourne at 346-8933/347-2180

DELICIOUS DISHES SEEKS 1 DOMESTIC WORKER Salary $6.00 per hour Contact 242-1415 or 347-0720


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Digicel and Building Materials make presentation to Ona Glinton School Digicel and Building Materials Do it Center, collaborated to donate over 100 Back to school kits to the students of the Ona Glinton Primary School on the island of Grand Turk. The presentation was made to the Principal of the School Mrs. Gwen Harvey on Friday, September 7, 2012. The School kits which are intended to be distributed to the neediest of students consisted of notebooks, pencil cases, pencils, sharpeners, erasers, school glue and other essential school supplies. Digicel and Building Materials Do It Center

collaborated on the effort in order to make sure that students receive some of the basic tools they need to perform in school. According to Head of Marketing for Digicel, Ava-Dayne Fulford, “Digicel is aware that times are difficult for many families and we understand the immense struggle parents face to provide essentials for their little ones to attend school. We are pleased that between Digicel and our partner Building Materials Do It Center over 100 students who truly need assistance will be helped by our donation. ” Principal of the School, Mrs. Gwen Harvey says

of the donation, “We are indeed grateful and appreciative to Digicel and Do It Center for their act of kindness towards our students. There are a number of students who were in need of school supplies and we are glad that those needs were met.” The Ona Glinton Primary School has a school population of approximately, 270 students. The school faced tragedy in 2010 when the main classroom block which also housed the computer lab and tuck shop were destroyed by fire. Today, the school is still in need of assistance to rebuild and replace valuable teaching equipment.

Beach House Turks and Caicos partners with Kazz Forbes for exclusive fashion line Beach House Turks and Caicos, Grace Bay’s first authentically boutique hotel, has partnered with Kazz Forbes, proprietor and principal fashion designer of Saint George Fashion House (SGFH) to design and produce an exclusive Beach House Resort Collection for men and women. Born on the island of South Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands,

Kazz Forbes debuted as a fashion designer on an international stage showcasing his flair for elegant and chic designs at Caribbean International Fashion Week 2011, in New York City. Forbes was named as the official swimwear designer for the Miss Earth Canada Pageant in Montreal shortly after. Most recently, Mr. Forbes premiered his ‘Island Breeze: Turks and Caicos’ resort collection opening the

RESTAURANT MANAGER HAB Management Limited is seeking an extroverted, bright, dynamic Assistant Restaurant Manager to assist with the management of our restaurant operations.

Main Duties • Assist restaurant owners with daily restaurant management. • Communicate to owners all matters relating to the restaurant. • Responsible for greeting guests in a warm and friendly manner. • Maintain a regular presence on the dining room floor and oversees the host stand. • Control the flow of work in the dining room by seating guests and handling the reservation book. • Assist with the training, scheduling and supervising of staffs. • Oversees the staff to ensure quality food and professional service is extended to all guest. • Must be a customer service advocate, maintaining a high level of customer service standards. Requirements • Must be suitably qualified. • Must have five years or more experience in hotel food and beverage industry. • Must have a strong working knowledge of dining room procedures, policies and EPOS system. • Strong organizational skills required. • Excellent oral and written communication skills required. • Must be willing to work unsociable hours and a variety of split shifts. • Excellent people skills in order to communicate well with guests and staff. Salary for this position starts from $36,000.00 per annum, commensurate with experience, training and education.

Interested applicants should contact Veronica Rigby via email by October 1, 2012 at ronnie@habgroup.com or fax 649-946-5191. Position is available immediately. Only persons selected for an interview will be contacted by email or telephone to schedule an interview. Belongers preferred.

designers’ presentation of Caribbean Fashion Week 2012, Kingston, Jamaica. “With his credo of ‘Edgy. Sexy. Bold.’ and his expertise in Caribbean resort wear, Kazz Forbes is a perfect fit for Beach House” says Gillian Vernice, Director of Hotel Operations at Beach House. “I was introduced to Kazz at the TCI Top Model contest and instantly felt a connection. The Beach House Collection will complement our existing line of fashion, gourmet and decorative products, which we currently offer in our boutique at the hotel.” The new Beach House Collection by Saint George Fashion House, to be completed later this year, will feature

more than 30 different pieces ranging from swim wear to elegant evening attire. Items will initially be available for purchase at Beach House Turks and Caicos and eventually online through www.beachhousetci.com. “Combining the design esthetics of Saint George Fashion House and Beach House, along with the infusion of the beauty, luxury and lifestyle of our Turks and Caicos Islands; I am indeed excited and thrilled to begin the production of this Saint George Fashion House for Beach House collection.” says Kazz Forbes, who designs and manufactures the products locally in Turks and Caicos Islands.


Salary $5.00 per hour Belonger need only apply Contact: 242-9831




• Good command of the English Language • Willing to work shift pattern including weekends and holidays • Clean Police record • Valid driver’s license Ramp Agent Starting salary $7.00 per hour Cleaners starting Salary $10.00 per aircraft Security Agent salary $7.50 per hour

Submit application along with photograph to: General Manager TCA Handling Town Centre Mall Providenciales Tel: 649-941-5353

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One mOre night

And i'd be waking up, feeling sat

isfied but guilty as hell

like we going You and I go hard, at each other to war we keep throwing things gh, You and I go rou and slammin' the door nal we You and I get so, damn dysfunctio stopped keeping score t we can't do You and I get sick, yah I know tha this no more you again But baby there you again, there making me love you using my head Yeah I stopped using my head, let it all go body like a Got you stuck on my body, on my tattoo stupid, feeling stupid ling And now i'm fee crawling back to you to die, that I'll So I cross my heart, and I hope ht only stay with you one more nig es tim lion mil a it d sai I And I know re night But i'll only stay with you one mo y keeps on Trying to tell you no, but my bod telling you yes lipstick got me Trying to tell you stop, but your so out of breath g probably hating I'd be waking up, in the mornin myself

But baby there you go again, the re you go again making me lov e you Yeah I stopped using my head, using my head let it all go Got you stuck on my body, on my body like a tattoo And now i'm feeling stupid, fee ling stupid crawling back to you So I cross my heart, and I hop e to die, that i'll only stay with you one more night And I know i've said it a million times But i'll only stay with you one mo re night Yeah baby give me one more night Yeah baby give me one more night Yeah baby give me one more night But baby there you again, there you again making me love you Yeah I stopped using my head, using my head let it all go Got you stuck on my body, on my body like a tattoo Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah So I cross my heart, and I hop e to die, that i'll only stay with you one more night And I know i've said it a million times But i'll only stay with you one mo re night (yeah baby give me one more


So I cross my heart, and I hop e to die, that i'll only stay with you one more night And I know i've said it a million times But i'll only stay with you one mo re night (I don't know, whatever..


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Chris Brown has new tattoo, and it looks like a battered Rihanna Recent photos of Chris Brown show the singer with a new neck tattoo, and "Domestic Violence Victim Trigger Warning" doesn't even begin to describe it. Brown's neck is now inscribed with a drawing of a mangled female face. The portrait unmistakably resembles the police photos of a beaten Rihanna leaked after the gruesome 2009 incident, where he repeatedly punched her and smashed her face into the window of their car before the Grammys, and for which he was sentenced to five years' probation and six months of community service, which he has since completed. TMZ has sources "really close to Chris" saying that any resemblance is entirely coincidental, and Brown's publicist has denied to EW.com that it was ever meant to resemble her. But even if the image is unrelated to the violent incident, the face in the tattoo does share Rihanna's basic facial features, and the injuries are remarkably consistent with the leaked abuse photos. The singer's representative is denying that the woman on his neck has any relation to his ex-girlfriend. "His tattoo is a sugar skull associated with the Mexican celebration of the Day of the Dead and a MAC cosmetics design he saw,"

Brown’s tattoo is reminiscent of Rihanna’s battered face

the rep said. "It is not Rihanna or an abused woman as erroneously reported." Brown himself took to Twitter saying, "I'm an artist and this is art. Dia de los Muertos." Even if the bizarre tattoo is an unintentional reminder of that night, the fact that Brown found this particular image of a beaten woman to be so profound and meaningful that he wanted to ink it into his oftphotographed neck is deeply unsettling at least. After the slamming reports that his neck tattoo resembles Rihanna's face,

Morgan Freeman is alive, no matter what Facebook says LOS ANGELES- - Breathe easy, Morgan Freemanfans - the internet has once again failed to kill off the "Shawshank Redemption" star, despite its best efforts. Freeman was once again the victim of an online death hoax this week, after a Facebook page announcing the 75year-old actor's demise amassed more than 842,000 "likes." "At about 5 p.m. ET on Thursday, our beloved actor Morgan Freeman passed away due to a artery rupture," the page reads. "Morgan was born on June 1, 1937. He will be missed but not forgotten. Please show your sympathy and condolences by commenting on Morgan Freeman and liking this page." That truly would be sad news, if there were a shred of truth to it. However, the actor's spokesman told TheWrap that Freeman is, in fact, alive and well. Rumors of the actor's demise, meanwhile, seem immortal. In late 2010, the actor was the victim of another prank claiming that the actor had died in his home. Freeman has also been the target of perhaps nastier scuttlebutt over the years. Media reports that the actor planned to wed his step-granddaughter E'Dena Hines became so ubiquitous earlier this year that he was forced to issue a public statement to the contrary. "The recent reports of any pending marriage or romantic relationship of me to anyone are defamatory fabrications from the tabloid media designed to sell papers," Freeman said. "What is even more alarming is that these fabrications are now being picked up by the legitimate press as well."

Brown took to Instagram to show off more ink he'd recently gotten, again putting him alongside his ex-girlfriend. The tattoo is a fighter jet at the top of his stomach and was appropriately captioned "Fly." Rihanna also recently got a tattoo that incorporated wings, a goddess,

near the same place as Brown's, right above her rib cage. The singer revealed her "underboob" tattoo on Instagram on Sept. 9. "Goddess Isis - Complete Woman - Model for future generations#GRANGRANDOLLY - always in and on my heart #1lo," tweeted Rihanna, a tribute for her late grandmother. The tattoo gossip adds to recent assumptions that Rihanna and Brown are well on their way to getting back together. Rihanna recently appeared on OWN for a sit-down conversation with Oprah, where she stated she still loves him. "We've been working on our friendship again. Now we are very, very close friends. We built a trust again," Rihanna said. "We love each other, and we probably always will, and that is not anything that we are going to try to change. That is not something you can shut off if you are ever in love.

THE IT/IP ENGINEER Position Available

Primary Objective of the Job: The IT/IP Engineer will be responsible for the real-time management of all IT/IP based local and wide area networks which support the technical operations and services of Digicel TCI. Main Duties & Responsibilities: • Design IT/IP Network Architecture • Responsible for the design, installation and support of all IP based systems to support the technical operations of the business. • Design IP Numbering an addressing schemes, Development, Configuration and Implementation of IP based systems • Perform dimensioning and capacity planning of IP network • Implement and Support Cisco Call Manager PBX system. • Responsible for the operation and maintenance of all IP based systems, which include Cisco network devices, SUN Solaris servers. • Responsible for the operation and maintenance of all IP based services, IP traffic management utilising VLANs and routing protocols (RIP, OSPF), also DNS, Microsoft ISA 2004 Web PROXY, and NTP applications. • Perform all required software and hardware upgrades for above mentioned systems and services • Provide on-call support for after hour outages & planned works, including creation and submission of required forms • Develop and schedule preventative

and corrective maintenance policies and procedures, such as regular backups, hardware/software upgrades, and spares inventory, to ensure high availability of all IP based systems. • Ensure that Digicel TCI continue to operate on secure local and wide area networks with the implementation of VPN technologies and firewall policy management • Provide proactive support of WAN data and voice links (VSAT, leased lines) to provide 100% availability of all IP services, including VoIP, PRI, ITP (SS7 over IP) and internet, and to ensure continued connectivity to other Digicel locations and external parties • Ensure adherence with IP Security Established standards and policies as they relate to new and existing LAN and WAN network infrastructure, IP traffic, and network configuration procedures • Ensure that network metrics are closely monitored and captured so as to provide proactive network management, as well as regular feedback on network performance in the form of reports to management • Provide IT/IP Support to other departments and external parties as required • Provide support for VAS sytems.

Academic qualifications and experience required for the job • 3-5 years’ experience in IT/IP based network design, implementation and administration • CCNA, CCNA Voice and Microsoft MCSE certification and Solid hands on experience with Cisco devices • In-depth knowledge of switching, routing, LAN and WAN technologies • Hands on experience with UNIX and/or Linux systems to support applications Splat and Solaris. • Design, implementation and operational knowledge of network security (VPN, firewall management, intrusion detection) • Minimum of a Bachelors Degree in Computer Sciences or equivalent field

Interested Applicants should forward their resumes to hrtci@digicelgroup.com before September 30, 2012

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FUN and Games





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ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Regarding your upcoming challenges, the Aries Lamb should very quickly size things up and allow you to make the best possible use of whatever resources you have on hand. Good luck. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) You rarely blame others for missteps that worked against you. But this time you need to lay out all the facts and insist that everyone acknowledge his or her share of the mistakes. Then start again. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You might want to start making vacation plans. And don’t be surprised by unexpected family demands. Maintain control. Be open to suggestions, but don’t get bogged down by them. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Work with both your Moon Child and Crab aspects this week to keep both your creative and your practical sides balanced. Your intuition sharpens, giving you greater insight by the middle of the week. LEO (July 23 to August 22) The Big Cat finally should have all the information needed to move on with a project. If not, maybe you’ll want to give everything a new and more thorough check before trying to move on. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Too much emotional pain caused by someone you can’t win over as a friend? Then stop trying to do so. You have other things you need to work on this week. Go to it, and good luck. LIBRA (September 23


Way back in the ‘30s, a team known as the Four Horsemen, comprised of Willard Karn, Hal Sims, David Burnstine and Oswald Jacoby, dominated the world of bridge. For years they rode roughshod over all opposition, winning most of the important tournaments. All four have passed on to happier hunting grounds, but the tales of their exploits linger on. Today’s hand was played by Karn. West led the queen of clubs, which held, and East won the club continuation with the ten, cashed the ace (on which West discarded a diamond) and returned his last club. Karn ruffed with the jack as West discarded

to October 22) It’s a good time to reassess where and how your strengths can help you build, and where your weaknesses can hinder you. Remember to build on your strongest foundation. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) That personal matter that seemed so hard to deal with should be less confusing now. Don’t rush. Let things happen easily, without the risk of creating even more puzzlement. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Change continues to be a strong factor in many important areas. Keep on top of them, and you won’t have to worry about losing control. A personal situation takes on a new look. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) A business offer sounds intriguing. But if you don’t check it out thoroughly, you could have problems. Take a set of questions with you when you attend your next meeting. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Your selfconfidence should be coming back. That’s good news. But it might be a bit over the top right now, so best to let it settle down before you start making expensive decisions. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Your life, your decisions. Good enough. But be sure you have all the facts you need to put into the decision-maker mixing bowl and hope it will come out as it should. BORN THIS WEEK: You find much of your creativity with new people who give you much to think about. © 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

another diamond. Karn played a spade to the queen and led a heart, winning with the queen. He now had the K-2 of trumps and guessed well to play the deuce, felling East’s ace. East returned a spade to dummy’s ace, on which South discarded a diamond, and Karn then made the key play of the jack of diamonds. East ducked and so did South, West contributing the ten. A heart to the king drew the last trump, and declarer’s diamonds won the last three tricks. When the play is analyzed, it is found that the spade finesse, the deuce-of-hearts play and the jack-of-diamonds finesse were all absolutely essential. Furthermore, the timing also had to be perfect. The spade had to be led at trick five so that trumps could be initiated from dummy, and the queen had to be finessed so that the South hand could not be forced to ruff later on. Furthermore, the jack of diamonds had to be finessed to overcome the queen and ten with one stroke. No defense stops the contract. If West keeps his diamonds, South establishes the suit by ruffing the third round in dummy. ©2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

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•Mugabe’s disparaging remarks about Jamaican men spark anger, debate READ ON PAGE 34

Canada imposes visas on St. Lucia and St. Vincent Citizens of St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines (St. Vincent), Namibia, Botswana and Swaziland now require a visa to travel to Canada, Citizenship, Canadian Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced. For the first 48 hours, or until 11:59 p.m. September 12, 2012, citizens of these countries who are in transit to Canada at the time the visa requirement takes effect will be able to receive a Temporary Resident Permit on arrival in Canada, free of charge, if they are not otherwise inadmissible to Canada. "We continue to welcome genuine visitors to Canada," said Minister Kenney. "These changes are necessary to protect the integrity of Canada's fair and generous immigration system by helping us to reduce an unacceptably high number of immigration violations." These changes will allow Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and its partners to ensure that those seeking to visit Canada intend to return to their country of origin, rather than overstaying or committing other immigration violations.

A key reason why the government has imposed visa requirements on St. Lucia and St. Vincent is unreliable travel documents. In particular, criminals from these countries can legally change their names and acquire new passports. In some instances, people who were removed from Canada as security risks later returned using different passports. In the case of Namibia, Botswana and Swaziland, human trafficking, especially of minors, and fraudulent documents are of significant concern. The St. Lucia government Wednesday expressed its disappointment at the decision by Canada to impose visa requirements on nationals entering the North American country. In a brief statement, the Kenny Anthony administration said it is “disappointed and dismayed by the decision of the Government of Canada to impose visas on St. Lucians who wish to travel to Canada. “The Government of St. Lucia deeply regrets that the Canadian Government did not give it an opportunity to address the concerns regarding the claims of “unreliable

travel documents” allegedly held by some St. Lucians,” statement said, promising that a “full statement will be issued by the government subsequent to the receipt of a letter from the Canadian government conveying its decision”. There has also been an unacceptably high number of asylum claims from St. Lucia and St. Vincent, with about one and a half percent and three percent of the population of these countries making asylum claims in Canada over the past five years. The African country that has the highest immigration violation rate is Namibia, with eighty-one percent in 2011. Seventy-one percent of travellers from Namibia made asylum claims in 2011. "These changes are necessary because all the countries concerned have an immigration violation rate of over thirty percent, well above the level we deem acceptable for countries benefiting from a visa exemption," said Minister Kenney. Canada regularly reviews its visa requirements toward other countries. Countries are aware that they have a responsibility to satisfy certain conditions to receive a visa exemption.

This visa policy change means that nationals from St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Namibia, Botswana and Swaziland who want to travel to Canada will first need to apply for a visitor visa and meet the requirements to receive one. It is up to the applicants to satisfy visa officers that their visit to Canada is temporary; they will not overstay their authorized stay; they have enough money to cover their stay; they are in good health; they do not have a criminal record; and they are not a security risk to Canadians. These requirements are the same for anyone who wants to visit Canada. Applicants from St. Lucia and St. Vincent can now submit their applications by mail or in person to the Canadian visa office in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. Applications will be accepted by the visa office in Pretoria, South Africa, for those from Namibia, Botswana and Swaziland. In the months ahead travellers to Canada will be able to apply online for all temporary visas. This decision will further strengthen the immigration and asylum systems, and it complements the measures the government is implementing this year under the Protecting Canada’s Immigration System Act, which recently received Royal Assent. "The Government of Canada remains committed to protecting the integrity of our immigration system and welcoming bona fide visitors from around the world."

Haiti PM sues US newspaper for defamation MIAMI— Haiti's prime minister has sued a HaitianAmerican weekly newspaper for defamation over its reporting on the sale of a telecommunications company acquired by the Haitian government. In the lawsuit filed Monday in Miami federal court, Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe and South Florida businessman Patrice Baker said HaitiObservateur's reporting on the sale of Haitel was "outrageous, scandalous and reminiscent of a tabloid publication." The Haitian telecom shut down earlier this year because it couldn't pay its debts. It was then acquired by the Haitian government. Messages left Wednesday for Leo Joseph, a HaitiObservateur reporter named in the lawsuit along with the Brooklyn, N.Y.-based newspaper, were not immediately returned. In an article written in French for HaitiObservateur's Sept. 12 edition, Joseph said Lamothe has not answered questions about the sale, though the prime minister has "cried 'defamation' accusing Leo Joseph and the weekly of spreading lies against him." The newspaper has been publishing since 1971 and serves Haiti's large diaspora communities in New York, Florida, Montreal and the Caribbean. On its website, the paper says it has a weekly circulation of 75,000. According to the lawsuit, most of the paper's

online readership comes from Florida, which is home to the largest Haitian-American population in the U.S. "The newspaper spread false information about the prime minister and we are taking legal measures to request that they be retracted or appropriate remedy is given," said Salim Succar, special adviser to Lamothe. Haiti-Observateur published articles in August and early September that "began to spread false and defamatory statements" about Lamothe's and Baker's roles in Haitel's sale, the lawsuit said. The lawsuit said that the newspaper falsely and maliciously reported that Lamothe and Baker orchestrated Haitel's sale, and that Lamothe fixed Haitel's $25 million sale price and stands to receive the "lion's share" of the proceeds. Haiti-Observateur repeated the false and defamatory statements after Lamothe and Baker requested a retraction, according to the lawsuit. The Haiti-Observateur articles implicate Lamothe and Baker in illegal business practices, racketeering, corruption and conspiracy, which has damaged their reputations in their political and business communities, the lawsuit said. Lamothe, a former telecommunications executive, took office in May, filling a nearly three-month vacancy after President Michel Martelly's first prime minister resigned after just four months on the job. Lamothe's lawsuit is not the first time that

Martelly's government has accused the HaitianAmerican media of defamatory reporting. In January, a Miami law firm representing Martelly sent letters to Orlando-based website Defend Haiti complaining about "false assertions" in its articles about funding for the Haitian government's education initiatives. The letters asked for retractions and threatened legal action if "this smear campaign" continues. Defend Haiti said the letters were Martelly's attempt to intimidate Haitian-American journalists. The Haitian government dropped the matter after the website's attorney responded, refuting the allegations of defamation and pointing out that Defend Haiti's reporting was protected under U.S. law, said Samuel Maxime, Defend Haiti's founder. However, Maxime also stopped reporting on the issue. He said journalists in Haiti have reported being harassed, and he worried that his family in the Caribbean country might be threatened. "You know, it's Haiti, and even if you get to the bottom of the story and you find wrongdoing about something, is anything going to be done? Probably not," Maxime said. "We realized this was a very sensitive issue with them and just decided that until we are able to actually report something even stronger that could spark some action to just leave it alone," he said.


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Caribbean could be cut from EU bilateral aid BRUSSELS, Belgium – Concern is being voiced by the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group of states over a new European policy that may result in the exclusion of some countries from bilateral aid. The Europe Commissions Agenda for Change outlines an altered approach towards European aid to the former European colonies, according to ACP Secretary General Dr Mohammed Ibn Chambas. The proposed policy would see EU development assistance delivered “more efficiently” by concentrating on key

priority areas and targeting resources towards least developed countries, while cutting allocations to upper middle income and high income countries. “The inclusion of the element of graduation, linked to a differentiated approach with respect to access to resources, in our view is not within the spirit of the Second Revision of Cotonou,” Dr Chambas said. “We believe that ACP countries that have achieved favourable economic performance should be supported to transition into a more stable and sustainable growth path. Countries should

not be unduly punished because they have been able to ensure growth and prosperity through discipline, sound governance and prudent economic policies,” the ACP Secretary General added. Specific vulnerabilities faced by Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are not reflected in the economic classification of countries, it is argued. Countries in the Caribbean are most likely to be at risk of exclusion from EU bilateral aid under the proposed policy, as well as several countries from Africa and the Pacific. The ACP group of states is calling on

the European Union to refrain from taking any unilateral measures that would modify the legal framework of the 2010 revised Cotonou Agreement. “The dialogue on this issue is continuing in Brussels and we hope that a mutually acceptable solution can be found soon,” Chambas said. As the largest donor of development aid worldwide, the European Union allocates more than EU22billion (one euro = approximately US$1.25) to ACP countries within the 10th European Development Fund framework covering 2008 to 2013.

Study shows Caribbean coral reefs close to collapse A new study reported in Britain’s Guardian newspaper reveals the grim fact that less than 10 percent of coral reefs in the Caribbean show living coral cover and are on the verge of utter devastation. Carl Gustaf Lundin, a director at the International Union for Conservation of Nature, which published the research, told the British newspaper that global warming, pollution and overexploitation are the main causes for the damage to reefs. "The major causes of coral decline are wellknown and include overfishing, pollution, disease and bleaching caused by rising temperatures resulting from the burning of fossil fuels," Lundin said. "Looking forward, there is an urgent need to immediately and drastically reduce all human impacts if coral reefs and the vitally important

fisheries that depend on them are to survive in the decades to come," he stressed. The study noted that in the 1970s, 50 percent of the reefs showed coral that was alive and continuing to grow. In stark contrast, the latest survey found that only eight percent is covered with living coral growth. Scientists participating in the study also warned that there was no evidence that coral death would be slowing. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration points out that global warming is a big factor with coral reefs, as more bleaching and infections break out when temperatures rise. Additionally, more carbon dioxide in the air alters the chemistry of the oceans, and slight changes in acidity could alter the growth rates of coral.

ScienceDaily, in reporting the work of researchers of Australia's Great Barrier Reef, nevertheless offered a more optimistic scenario in quoting Terry Hughes of James Cook University. "The good news is that, rather than experiencing wholesale destruction, many coral reefs will survive climate change by changing the mix of coral species as the ocean warms and becomes more acidic." Hughes theorizes that different living coral species may become more dominant and that the threat to coral reefs is not as severe. He nevertheless noted that local factors like pollution and overfishing also need to be addressed. The International Coral Reef Initiative indicated that damage to reefs also threatens the livelihoods of 500 million people around the world who live and work near them.

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Cayman Islands bans talking, texting and sending bbms on phones while driving Drivers in the habit of chatting on a hand-held cell phone while driving best get out of it in the next two weeks. It will be against the law to talk, text, or send Blackberry messages (bbms), while driving a car in the Cayman Islands, effective 21st September according to a statement released by Cayman Islands Deputy Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly’s office. According to a report in the Caymanian Compass newspaper, the ban on using hand held and certain types of hands-free cell phone devices takes effect as part of a number of changes to the Cayman Islands Traffic Law passed last year by the Legislative Assembly. “Too many people have become too accustomed to checking e-mail or sending a text while behind the wheel, even though it’s as dangerous as drinking and driving,” Deputy Premier

O’Connor-Connolly said. “We have lost enough of our youth to speeding, and it our hope that this law will be a preventive measure and that over time it will change the attitudes of our citizens.” The new offence of using a mobile telephone while operating a vehicle has been added to the Traffic Regulations, which had not been made public by press time, and carries a $150 fine. Royal Cayman Islands Police Service Superintendent Adrian Seales said that police would begin a public campaign warning drivers about the partial cell phone ban and other changes to the Traffic Law that will affect them. That campaign would include roadside flyer distribution and warnings distributed to drivers caught talking on hand-held cell phones while driving.

“There’s some public education we will do before we go out swinging our bats, so to speak,” Mr. Seales said. “We’ll be as flexible as we can, because it may be a cultural thing for people to get used to.” The Traffic Law does provide some exceptions in using mobile phones while driving, including the use of certain approved hands-free devices and using a hand-held phone to call 911 in case of emergency. There is also a change in the regulations to ensure that driving instructors are properly licensed and regulated. But the law will grandfather in current driving instructors, who will be subjected to testing from to time to time to determine their suitability to instruct students, Mr. Dixon said. Also, John Felder, chief executive officer of Cayman Automotive, will no longer be getting turned down at the

Mugabe’s disparaging remarks about Jamaican men spark anger, debate KINGSTON, Jamaica and we are leaders, but everyone is entitled to Comments by an African their own opinion," leader portraying the men Cocoa Tea said. of Jamaica as chronic Glen Harris, a drunkards and labourer and father of unambitious pot smokers two children, said he have become the talk of felt irritated when he towns across this heard about the Caribbean island. People Z i m b a b w e a n are debating the matter on president's chiding street corners, in letters to remarks on a local the editor and on radio talk radio program. Like the shows. large majority of In unscripted asides Jamaica's population, during a roughly threeHarris is black. hour speech last week at a "This is an African research exposition, leader talking like this? Zimbabwean President Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe Black man should Robert Mugabe said stick up for each other. Jamaican "men are always drunk," have We're all Africans," he said on a Kingston no interest in higher education, and people street of low-slung concrete buildings and sheet metal fences. freely smoke marijuana. Although some foreigners have an "The men want to sing and do not go to colleges, some are dreadlocked. Let us image of Jamaica as a laid-back, sunnot go there," Mugabe told the crowd at soaked slice of paradise where unhurried the University of Zimbabwe in Harare. people smoke marijuana without a care, His comments in a mixture of both marijuana use is illegal and many English and the Shona language were islanders are socially conservative corroborated by The Associated Press churchgoers who quietly endure after speaking to several reporters who stereotypes of their country. Still, a few Jamaicans aren't aggrieved attended the gathering. with Mugabe, who received a top Over the years, Mugabe has government honour during a 1996 visit. repeatedly made disparaging remarks They note that their island is the largest about dreadlocked Rastafarians, whom he producer of marijuana in the Caribbean once described as having "moths and and that far more women graduate from mud" in their hair. Rastafarianism, best university than men, and say Mugabe may known for its ritual use of marijuana and have a point, even if he was being overly the dreadlock hair style worn by followers, broad by disparaging Jamaican men. emerged in Jamaica in the 1930s out of "Is President Robert Mugabe really on anger over the oppression of blacks. A to something? Certainly, his observation small minority of Jamaicans are adherents. that our 'universities are full of women' Reggae singer Cocoa Tea, a while our 'men want to sing and do not go Rastafarian who performed in Zimbabwe to colleges' is a truism, which none can last October, told the Jamaica Star tabloid deny," Northern Caribbean University that Mugabe's comments were "not a true administrator Vincent Peterkin wrote in a reflection of us as people." letter to the editor of The Jamaica Gleaner "Jamaicans are way better than that newspaper.

Department of Vehicle Licensing when he goes there to register his electric vehicles. The new Traffic Law contains definitions of terms such as “electrically powered vehicle”. The definition of “motor vehicle” has been changed. Under the Traffic Law (2003 Revision), a motor vehicle was defined as any mechanically propelled vehicle manufactured or adapted for use on roads. This definition has been reworded to add electric vehicles that are intended for use on roads. Mr. Felder has brought in a number of electric powered vehicles within the past year for sale in the Cayman Islands. Some are able to be driven on main thoroughfares. Others are considered “neighbourhood electric vehicles” and can only be used on local properties, parking lots or side roads.

Barbados Government re-assures free university education for nationals BRIDGETOWN, Barbados – The Barbados government has given an assurance that university education would remain free to nationals even as it noted a significant increase in financial contributions to the University of the West Indies (UWI) in recent years. Finance and Economic Affairs Minister, Chris Sinckler, addressing supporters of the ruling Democratic Labour Party (DLP) on Sunday night, said that Prime Minister Freundel Stuart will meet with UWI officials to discuss outstanding arrears, estimated at more than 100 million dollars (One Barbados Dollar = US).50 cents) owed to the university with campuses in Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago. Sinckler said that Stuart administration would meet “every possible commitment” to the nationals attending the UWI, adding “there is no person or institution or political party in this country that can challenge or contradict the absolute commitment of the Democratic Labour Party to public education in this country”. But he made it clear that some changes would have to be made and taxpayers have a responsibility to ensure that “every single cent is spent right and properly”. Sinckler said that UWI budget accounts for almost half of the national programme budget of the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development which is more than the funds spent on all the other establishments within the educational system here. The Finance Minister said that between 1999 and 2003, the government spent an average BDS$55 million on meeting its obligations to UWI, a figure he said that has increased to BDS$127 million between 2010 and 2011. Sinckler also accused past administrations of putting the bulk of the education budget into the Cave Hill campus of the UWI, while Trinidad and Tobago had been putting funds in primary, secondary and immediate post-secondary establishments. “They were building infrastructure, building capacity,” he said, adding “10, 15 years down the road now the script has flipped a bit. They are now spending a lot more money on university education because they know that the people coming through the system are properly prepared to go into the university matriculating at the correct level, and able to get out of the university, because they can handle the work. “Put yourself in the situation in which Barbados is now on the front end of the world’s greatest recession, understand what we are dealing with. When you hear people talking about the Government owing the university BDS$150 million in arrears, understand that this massive expansion in the university population, when it should have been slowing down because of the recession… it was actually going up. “When you add the tuition, which is another BDS$30 or BDS$40 million, we are talking about BDS$170 million odd for the University of the West Indies, every year, for one year,” he added. Sinckler said that for the nine years prior to 2007, Barbados gave the UWI a total of BDS$543 million and is now being asked to meet that same target in three and a half years.




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• NYC Board of Health passes soda ban • OJ Simpson Dream Team denies bloody glove tampering

Prince William and wife Kate considering legal options after topless photos published in France LONDON — A French magazine on Friday published what appeared to be photos of Prince William’s wife Kate sunbathing topless at a private house in southern France, prompting a strong condemnation from the royal family. Officials said the royal family was considering legal action for a “grotesque and totally unjustifiable” invasion of privacy in the same country where William’s mother Princess Diana died while fleeing paparazzi. The couple was “saddened” by the use of the photos, which appear genuine, royal officials said. The first major press incident involving William and Kate brought back memories of Diana being hounded by paparazzi in France in the hours and days before her fatal car crash there in 1997. The revealing pictures of Kate in Closer, a popular gossip magazine, were blurry and shot from a distance.

The publication claimed they were taken on a guesthouse terrace in France where the couple vacationed earlier this month. Royal officials, who demanded anonymity in line with palace policy, condemned the decision to publish the images. “Their Royal Highnesses had every expectation of privacy in the remote house. It is unthinkable that anyone should take such photographs, let alone publish them,” a St. James’s Palace official in London said. “The incident is reminiscent of the worst excesses of the press and paparazzi during the life of Diana, Princess of Wales, and all the more upsetting to the Duke and Duchess for being so.” The palace official said representatives of the couple were consulting with lawyers. “We feel a line has been crossed with their publication,” the official added. William and Kate, now formally

known as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, were touring the Far East and South Pacific to mark Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee when the photos were published. No major British publication carried the photos, including the topselling U.K. tabloid The Sun, which last month ran photos of a naked Prince Harry cavorting in a Las Vegas hotel room. The British press has been more cautious than usual in the last year because of the phone hacking scandal, which has uncovered widespread intrusion into the private lives of numerous celebrities, politicians and even crime victims.

A French lawyer who is expert in media law said the couple would have clear grounds for an invasion of privacy case. Last week, French first lady Valerie Trierweiler won a judgment of 2,000 euros after the publication of photos of her in a bikini. “French magistrates take into account the victim’s behavior, when the person is flaunting themselves on camera. Kate Middleton will get damages because she’s not behaving in this way,” said the lawyer, Anne Pigeon-Bormans. It is common for women in Europe to sunbathe topless, both in private gardens and on public beaches.

Obama holds narrow edge over Romney US President Obama holds a narrow three-point advantage over Mitt Romney among Americans most likely to vote in November, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll. With their back-to-back political conventions behind them and the general election season fully engaged, the poll found Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney running essentially even among those seen as the most probable to vote. The president has 49 percent and Mr. Romney has 46 percent, a difference within the margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points on each candidate. Mr. Obama has an advantage among likely voters of 12 percentage points among women, the poll found, while Mr. Romney holds the upper hand among men by eight percentage points. Mr. Obama leads his Republican rival across all ages of voters, except those who are 65 or older, who favor Mr. Romney by 15 percentage points. The poll found that Mr. Obama holds an advantage of 21 percentage points over Mr. Romney among voters whose household income is under $50,000. Mr. Romney has an edge in higher income groups, including leading Mr. Obama by 16 percentage points among voters whose household income is more than $100,000. Among a wider sample of registered voters, which included fewer voters who identified themselves as Republicans, Mr. Obama has a stronger command of the race. The poll found that 51 percent of those voters supported Mr. Obama and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., while 43 percent supported Mr. Romney and Representative Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin. This is the first New York Times/CBS News poll of the election cycle to take a measure of those considered most likely to vote, using a model known as the probable electorate. The poll found that the overall framework of the race is largely unchanged from earlier in the year. About one-quarter of likely voters surveyed said their lives were better off and about one quarter said their lives were worse off, while nearly half said their lives were about the same. Yet deep anxieties continue to infuse the electorate. When likely voters were asked about the trajectory of the United States over the last four years, 35 percent said the country was better off, 41 percent said the country was worse off and 23 percent said it was about the same. The nationwide telephone poll was conducted from Sept. 8 to Sept. 12 among 1,170 registered voters and 1,162 likely voters who were weighted by a calculation from responses to questions about voting history, attention to the campaign and likelihood of voting.

Followers of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr burn the U.S. flag during a demonstration as part of widespread anger across the Muslim world about a film ridiculing Islam's Prophet Muhammad, in Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, Sept. 13, 2012.

US embassy clashes spread across Muslim world

CAIRO - Demonstrators furious at a film they say insults the Prophet Mohammad clashed with police near the US embassy in Cairo on Friday before a nationwide protest called by the Muslim Brotherhood which propelled Egypt's Islamist president to power. Protesters also clashed with police in Yemen, where one person died and 15 were injured on Thursday when the US embassy compound was stormed, and crowds gathered against the California-made film in Malaysia, Bangladesh and Iraq. According to Al-Jazeera, protests were also taking place at US consulates in India and Qatar, while thousands gathered to protest at the Swiss embassy in Tehran, where US interests are dealt with. Hundreds tried to reach the US consulate in Jerusalem Friday but were turned away by Israeli police. The film was blamed for an attack on the US consulate in Libya's eastern city of Benghazi that killed the US ambassador and three other Americans on Tuesday, the anniversary of the Sept 11, 2001 al-Qaida attacks on the United States. Egypt has said the US government, which has condemned the film, should not be blamed for it, but has also urged Washington to take legal action against those insulting religion. President Mohamed Morsy, an Islamist who is Egypt's first freely elected president, is having to strike a delicate balance, protecting the embassy of a major donor while also showing a robust response to a film that angered Islamists. The Muslim Brotherhood called for a peaceful nationwide protest on Friday. Speaking at a campaign rally in Colorado on Thursday, Obama said he had ordered his administration to do whatever was necessary to protect Americans abroad and that aides had been in contact with other governments "to let them know they've got a responsibility to protect our citizens."

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Hillary Clinton tries to calm anti-US sentiment as protesters storm embassy in Yemen U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton took strong steps Thursday to distance the U.S. government from a movie that has sparked protests throughout the Muslim world, calling the film “disgusting and reprehensible” but also condemning violence in response to it. “The U.S. government has absolutely nothing to do with this video. We absolutely reject its content and messages,” Clinton said. “But there is no justification — none at all — for responding to this video with violence.” Clinton spoke two days after U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, an attack that analysts said was staged by militants to coincide with a demonstration against the controversial movie. Protests denouncing the film also have raged outside the U.S. Embassy in Cairo for three days. Demonstrators

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham

on Tuesday breached the walls of that heavily guarded compound, pulled down an American flag and destroyed it. In Sanaa, Yemen, hundreds of demonstrators converged Thursday on a usually sealed-off street in front of the U.S. Embassy on for a protest that also turned violent, witnesses said. Protesters stormed a wall, set fire to a

NYC Board of Health passes soda ban The New York City Board of Health on Thursday approved Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s controversial proposal to ban the sale of large sugary drinks in restaurants and other venues, a sweeping initiative that backers hope will reduce obesity and critics decry as government run amok. Beginning March 12, the city will prohibit restaurants, mobile food carts, delis and concessions at movie theaters, stadiums or arenas from selling sugary drinks in cups or containers larger than 16 ounces. The city will begin fining sellers for violating the ban in mid-June. The proposal passed by a vote of eight to zero, with one abstention, one absence and one vacancy on the board. Dr. Thomas Farley, the board’s chairman, called the vote “historic.” Opponents said they are exploring all possible paths to prevent the new ban from taking effect next year, including the possibility of a legal challenge. Recent polls show a majority of city voters oppose the initiative. Opponents have complained that the deck was stacked against them because every member of the board is appointed by the mayor. Adding to that perception, before the board voted, the administration delivered a 20-minute presentation rebutting the critics’ points. After more than 38,000 oral and written comments, the administration proposed no changes to the initial proposal that was made public in May. Joel Forman, a board member, said there is “overwhelming” evidence that obesity is a major health problem in the city and nation. “I can’t imagine the board not acting,” he said. “I laud the proposal and I support it.” Dr. Forman said he hopes the initiative will “spread nationally.” Pamela Brier, a board member, described the initiative as “terrific” and said she wholeheartedly supported it. “It’s hard to do – there are a lot of unhappy people,” she said, noting the criticism. She said she hopes the ban becomes the “new norm.”

building inside the compound, broke windows and carried away office supplies and other souvenirs before being pushed back and dispersed by Yemeni security forces. “We want to expel the American ambassador,” said Abdelwadood alMutawa, a protester who was walking out of the embassy compound. He said he was motivated by reports of the movie mocking the prophet Muhammad. “We cannot accept any insult to our prophet,” Mutawa said. “It’s a red line.” Another protester said that some of the security forces protecting the building appeared sympathetic to the demonstrators’ cause. “Some soldiers were telling me, ‘These are dogs, and we cannot accept insulting our prophet,’ ” said Yusef Mohammad. Smaller anti-American protests were reported in Iran and Bangladesh. Yemen’s president, Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, quickly issued an apology to the United States for the damage to the embassy and ordered an investigation into the incident.

“The Government of Yemen condemns any and all acts of violence against diplomatic personnel and facilities,” a statement from Yemen’s government said. “We strongly urge all those that would wish to incite others to violence to cease immediately.” But the violence in Yemen again raised questions about whether vulnerable Middle East governments are willing or even able to protect American targets in their countries. It was a further measure of the depth of anger about the film, which was reportedly made in California, although much about its origins remains unknown. President Obama spoke by phone with Libyan President Mohamed Yusuf al-Magariaf late Wednesday, accepting condolences for the American deaths in Benghazi and expressing appreciation for the cooperation between the United States and the people and government of Libya in the wake of the attack, the White House said.

OJ Simpson Dream Team denies bloody glove tampering Members of the O.J. Simpson defense “dream team” were back in action 17 years after the legendary murder trial, this time defending the name of their late colleague, Johnnie L. Cochran. It all started last week in New York, when former Simpson prosecutor Christopher A. Darden contended to a law school audience that Cochran had tampered with the infamous “bloody glove,” a key piece of evidence in the murder case. During the trial in the stabbing deaths of Simpson's former wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Lyle Goldman, Simpson tried on bloody gloves. He held up his hands in front of the jury box to let everyone see the leather bunched up around his broad palms and that they wouldn't fit. That demonstration became a powerful symbol for the defense, summed up by Cochran: “If it doesn't fit, you must acquit.” Simpson was found not guilty. During a panel discussion about the trial Thursday at Pace Law School in New York City, and later with an interview with Reuters, Darden suggested the gloves had been manipulated by the defense. “I think Johnnie tore the lining. There were some additional tears in the lining so that O.J.'s fingers couldn't go all the way up,” he said. On Monday, Cochran’s co-counsel on the Simpson case, Carl Douglas, expressed outage at the claim and slammed Darden. “He lost and he should get over it and go on with his life. It is an insult to the dignity and integrity of one of the greatest lawyers in America to imply that he did anything unethical during that historic trial,” Douglas said. Douglas said he was intimately involved in the glove testimony and said there is no evidence the defense tampered with the evidence. “We were under the watchful eye of a sheriff’s deputy and court staff every moment the glove was being examined,” he added. “The very first time Mr. Simpson placed his hand inside the murder glove was when all of American saw that it did not fit his massive hand. I am offended for Mr. Darden to suggest otherwise.” Another Simpson defense attorney, Shawn Holley, added: “Mr. Darden's self-serving assertion that Johnnie Cochran tampered with the glove -- or any piece of evidence -- is false, malicious and slanderous.... Almost 20 years later, it seems Mr. Darden is still trying to exculpate himself from one of

O.J. Simpson at his 1995 trial

the biggest blunders in the history of jurisprudence.” Darden declined to comment further to The Times on Monday. The glove incident was seen as a pivotal moment in the 1995 trial. At the time, Darden tried to explain why the gloves would not fit Simpson by bringing in expert Richard Rubin, who “testified that moisture had caused the extra-large leather gloves to shrink nearly a full size and lose much of their elasticity,” according to a Times report. Rubin said “the gloves in their original condition would easily go onto the hand of someone of Mr. Simpson's size.” Rubin testified that gloves can shrink up to 15% if they are drenched in moisture. Even if stretched, they could never return to more than 92% of their original size, he said. “These gloves,” Rubin added, “will never return to their original size and shape.” During the trial, prosecutors tried to prove the gloves were owned by Nicole Simpson and that O.J. Simpson used them in the murders. The left-hand glove was found outside the townhouse of Nicole Simpson, a short distance from her body and that of Goldman. The right-hand glove was found on Simpson's estate. Both were smeared with blood, but the only DNA results came from the right-hand glove, which contained genetic material consistent with both victims and with O.J. Simpson. In both the civil and criminal trials, defense attorneys argued that former LAPD Det. Mark Fuhrman planted the glove at Simpson's house.


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UN watchdog agency rebukes Tehran The UN nuclear agency has rebuked Iran for failing to stop atomic activity. The board of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) expressed "serious concern" about Tehran's refusal to suspend uranium enrichment. Iran insists that its nuclear programme is peaceful in purpose but the US, Israel and other states fear it is building nuclear weapons. Thirty-one out of 35 member states voted in favour of the resolution, one voted against and three abstained. Cuba opposed the measure and Egypt, Ecuador and Tunisia abstained. All four countries are members of the Non-Aligned Movement, of which Iran is currently the rotating president. Another member of the movement, South Africa,

had introduced an amendment on a minor change of wording that resulted in a delay of several hours. A total of six resolutions against Iran have been passed by the UN Security Council, four with sanctions attached. The IAEA's resolution was proposed by the United States, China, Russia, Germany, France and the United Kingdom. This move is a display of unity by the six world powers, says the BBC's Bethany Bell, in Vienna. It also increases the pressure on Iran at a time when Israel has stepped up hints about a possible military strike, our correspondent adds. The US and EU have also imposed additional, unilateral sanctions that have targeted Iran's vital oil exports.

Last weekend, EU foreign ministers said they were considering additional measures. On Thursday, in its statement to the board, the 27-nation bloc described Iran's "procrastination" as "unacceptable". "Iran has not engaged seriously and without preconditions in talks aimed at restoring international confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of its nuclear programme," it said. The IAEA has held a series of high-profile meetings with Iran that began in January to agree how to carry out its investigations. But its Director General Yukiya Amano said this week that no concrete results had been achieved and called the lack of progress "frustrating".

Jailed doctor who helped nab Osama bin Laden says Pakistan sees US as worst enemy The jailed doctor who helped the U.S. military locate the compound of Osama bin Laden now says Pakistan views the United States as its "worst enemy." Medical doctor Shakil Afridi also says in an exclusive interview with Fox News that Pakistan's claims of cooperation with the U.S. are a sham to collect billions of dollars in aid. Afridi said Pakistan's powerful Inter-Services Intelligence agency is openly hostile to the U.S and prevents the CIA from interrogating militants captured by Pakistan. "I tried to argue that America was Pakistan's biggest supporter—billions and billions of dollars in aid, social and military assistance—but all they said was, 'These are our worst enemies. You helped our enemies,'" Afridi told Fox News in an interview from inside Peshawar Central Jail, where he is being held. Pakistan views Afridi as a traitor for cooperating with the U.S. He

supposedly led a fake vaccination drive to get DNA samples from children in the compound in Abbottabad where the al-Qaida leader was hiding. The CIA reportedly used the genetic information and compared it with other bin Laden family members to confirm Osama was inside. Afridi told Fox he was never aware the CIA was closing in on bin Laden. "I didn't know about a specific target apart from the work I was given to do," he said. " I was aware that some terrorists were residing in that compound, but I didn't know whom. I was shocked. I didn't believe I was associated in his killing." Afridi described being held in the basement of ISI headquarters at Apbara, in the capital city of Islamabad. He said during the 12 months he was held by the ISI he was tortured with cigarette burns and electric shocks. He was also blindfolded and handcuffed for months

Woman finds exboyfriend living in her attic Rock Hill, N.C., A woman knew something was in her attic when she heard a thump and then saw some nails start popping out from her bedroom ceiling one night. Tracy, a mother of five, thought it might be an animal. She sent her older sons and nephew to check it out, she told WCNC-TV in Charlotte. She told the Charlotte Observer she thought "there was some poltergeist stuff going on." And what they found was surprising. It wasn't an animal. It was the woman's ex-boyfriend. He came down from the attic without any explanation and left with a smile before police could arrive, the Observer reports. The man had been living in the attic for about two weeks, WCNC reports, noting that the ex-boyfriend was recently released from jail. "He had packed all the old coats and jackets into the heating unit and was sleeping in the heating unit," said Tracy, who did not reveal her last name. There were also large plastic cups containing human waste, which explain how he relieved himself in his rooftop hideaway, WCNC reported. Tracy's nephew told the Observer the man was able to peek through an air vent in the ceiling of the woman's bedroom. "It's got me flabbergasted," she told the newspaper. "How can you look at someone through an air vent?" Another mystery is how the man got in and out of the attic because the only access is through the lower level of the house. She and the man had dated for about a year more than a decade ago, she told the Observer. She had called it off after he became involved in petty crime, she said. He helped her install some doors in her house about a year ago and that was the last she saw of him—until she saw him come down from her attic. Tracy has changed her locks, the newspaper reports. But her children are still afraid to sleep in their bedrooms.

and placed in solitary confinement, he said. He told Fox News the ISI has "a regime of perpetual torture and interrogation for large numbers of detainees." The spy agency tells detainees to feign illness when CIA interrogators visit and to make false and misleading statements to U.S. visitors. Why did he help the U.S.? "I have a lot of respect and love for

your people," he said, adding that he was "proud to work with" the CIA. His current jail cell at Peshawar, about 120 miles north of Islamabad, is larger and has more amenities than his ISI basement cell, including a bed, a bathroom and ceiling fans. He told Fox News that he is being held on "fabricated allegations" and needs financial, diplomatic and legal help for his case.

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JFK workers arrested for stealing booze from AA planes Eighteen New York airport workers have been arrested and charged with stealing more than 100,000 mini bottles of liquor and other duty-free items valued at over $750,000 over the past five months, according to authorities. The John F. Kennedy International Airport workers include 15 present and former food and beverage truck drivers as well as three security guards. "The defendants arrested in Operation Last Call violated and sold out their position of trust and access to the secure areas of the airport, including access to commercial aviation, all for personal greed," Inspector General Robert Van Etten said in a news release. "More egregious, is the conduct of three security guards employed to secure, protect and report crime at JFK International Airport but who also were involved in selling out their positions of trust to line their pockets." Officials allege that Sky Chefs truck drivers would remove the unsold liquor bottles from the plane and either transport them to their own personal cars or sell them to co-workers on the

loading docks, instead of transporting them back to the storage facility. They further alleged that security guards were given some of the bottles in return for not carefully inspecting the vehicles at checkpoints. "If a terrorist wanted to breach airport security, the alleged actions of these defendants gave then a backdoor opportunity to do so," Queens District Attorney Richard Brown said. The accused workers allegedly sold the mini bottles of booze. Officials said in a news release that depending on the brand of liquor, the black market prices ran from 55 cents for a bottle of Baileys to $1.25 for a bottle of Courvoisier. In flight, those drinks are sold for $7. Investigators believe the theft ring may have been operating for several years. The scheme was uncovered when the Port Authority Inspector General's office "developed information" that employees were stealing alcohol at the airport. Investigators spent months conducting surveillance and made 57 undercover buys of more than 57,000 mini bottles.


The successful candidate will assume the role of AREA MANAGER for Sun Oil Turks and Caicos Limited, reporting to Management at Sun Oil Limited in the Bahamas. This position is responsible for managing all aspects of the business including but not limited to Operations, Sales, and Business Development. The successful candidate must be able to demonstrate exceptional leadership skills, ability to work will within a team environment and must possess strong work ethics. A successful work experience in the petroleum industry would be an asset. Core Responsibilities • Safely manage the petroleum operations inclusive of the import, storage and distribution of petroleum products. The products include gasoline, diesel, jet a1, propane (LPG) and packaged lubricants. • Manage all aspects of local business development and customer service. • Comply and maintain all accounting and internal control requirements. • Ensure company’s compliance with all local laws and regulations.

Job Minimum Requirements • Must be a Turks and Caicos Islander with a right work within the country. • A Bachelors degree in a technical or business field of study. • 5 years minimum work experience in a similar management capacity. • Excellent computer skills with working knowledge of Microsoft Office Programs. • A strong appreciation for safety and compliance with procedures and regulations. • A strong mechanical aptitude with some experience with equipment maintenance and repairs. • Strong leadership skills with the ability to effectively lead the local team. • Excellent verbal and written communication skills. • The ability to work flexible hours, holidays and weekends.

Benefits include: Competitive salary and benefits package, commensurate with work experience and qualifications. Interested persons should apply no later than September 30, 2012 to: jobs@sunoilbahamas.com

Most of the accused were arrested on Wednesday after they were called "to attend an important security meeting at the airport," according to the DA's office. The 18 defendants range from ages 20 to 64 and some could face up to 15 years in prison. The various charges include criminal possession of stolen property, bribe receiving and grand larceny. "What is extremely troubling in

this post-9/11 world is that all of these individuals had unfettered access to the secure aeronautical area of the airport and that gives pause for concern that they could have or would have sold out their access and trust for more nefarious or sinister purposes," Van Etten said. Authorities vowed to "bring justice to those who corrupt the integrity and security of our airports and facilities."

Nation says goodbye to moonwalker Neil Armstrong

From left, astronaut Buzz Aldrin, Annie Glenn, astronaut and former Ohio Sen. John Glenn, and singer Diana Krall, stand during the opening processional at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, Thursday, Sept. 13, 2012, during a national memorial service for the first man to walk on the moon, Neil Armstrong.

WASHINGTON — The nation bid farewell Thursday to Neil Armstrong, the first man to take a giant leap on to the moon. The powerful of Washington, the pioneers of space, and the everyday public crowded into the Washington National Cathedral for a public interfaith memorial for the very private astronaut. Armstrong, who died last month in Ohio at age 82, walked on the moon in July 1969. "He's now slipped the bonds of Earth once again, but what a legacy he left," former Treasury Secretary John Snow told the gathering. Apollo 11 crewmates Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins and Mercury astronaut John Glenn and about two dozen members of Congress were among the estimated 1,500 people in the cavernous cathedral. A moon rock that the Apollo 11 astronauts gave the church in 1974 is embedded in one of its stained glass windows. "You have now shown once again the pathway to the stars," Eugene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon said in a tribute to Armstrong. "As you soar through the heavens beyond even where eagles dare to go, you can now finally put out your hand and touch the face of God." Cernan was followed by a slow and solemn version of the song "Fly Me to the Moon" by singer Diana Krall. The service also included excerpts from a speech 50 years ago by John F. Kennedy in which he said America chose to send men to the moon not because it was easy, but because it was hard. NASA administrator Charles Bolden, a former astronaut, said Armstrong's humility and courage "lifted him above the stars." Bolden read a letter from President Barack Obama saying, "the imprint he left on the surface of the moon is matched only by the extraordinary mark he left on ordinary Americans." Armstrong commanded the historic landing of the Apollo 11 spacecraft on the moon July 20, 1969. His first words after stepping onto the moon are etched in history books: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Armstrong insisted later that he had said "a'' before man, but said he, too, couldn't hear it in the recorded version. Armstrong and Aldrin spent nearly three hours walking on the lunar surface and left behind a plaque that read: "Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the moon. July 1969 A.D. We came in peace for all mankind." In all, 12 American astronauts walked on the moon before the last moon mission in 1972.




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Sony unveils $1000 NEX-6 mirrorless camera with Wi-Fi sharing and apps READ MORE ON PAGE 41

inner and faster iPhone 5 is here Last year around this time we all thought we'd already be talking about the iPhone 5, but when Apple showed off its new phone, it was the iPhone 4S instead. Today the company once again held the tech world captive while it presented its new smartphone, and this time it is indeed the muchanticipated iPhone 5. Key upgrades to the iPhone 5 include: A larger, 4-inch Retina display, updated camera technology featuring panorama mode, 18% thinner and 20% lighter design than the 4S, and an all-new processor offering up to double the speed for apps and games. The iPhone 5 will cost the same as the iPhone 4S when it came out a year ago: $199 for 16GB, $299 for 32GB, and $399 for 64GB, all with new 2year agreements through the carrier of your choice. Pre-orders will open on Friday, September 14, with phones shipping on September 21. The next iPhone As the myriad rumors leading up to the event have indicated, Apple's new handset is indeed a complete redesign, though it's not necessarily as big of a change as we saw when the rounded iPhone 3GS form factor was abandoned with the more industriallooking iPhone 4. The iPhone 5 looks a lot like its predecessor, though its body has been stretched to accommodate the larger, 4-inch screen. The rear of device does away with the monotone coloring of the iPhone 4, instead favoring a two-tone look, with a middle section set off by a no-gloss matte finish on the black model, and a brushed aluminum back on the white version. The screen is by far the most noticeable change, and although Apple devotees have enjoyed upgrades along the way — like ultra-sharp Retina display technology — the iPhone 5 is the first phone to break the 3.5-inch display barrier that has been in place since the original iPhone. The new 4-inch screen also features Retina resolution (326 pixels per inch), and while it may not be as large as some of its Android competitors, the new screen's added real estate will definitely please iPhone fans hungering for extra pixels. The larger screen affords an extra row of apps on the phone's home screen, meaning an additional four icons on each page. The new phone is 18% thinner and 20% lighter than the iPhone 4S, making it the thinnest and lightest iPhone yet, despite its larger size. Finally, 4G on an iPhone

The other very important feature of the iPhone 5 is its support of 4G LTE, bringing it up to par with the latest Android smartphones on the market. Of course, whether or not you'll be able to benefit from this inclusion is largely up to your provider's coverage area. The iPhone 5 will be available through Sprint, AT&T, and Verizon, so you'll have plenty of choices in this regard. The iPhone 5 also features an upgraded processor — Apple's new A6 — which offers up to double the graphical performance for apps and games. Photo buffs will be pleased to learn that the new handset's camera capabilities have received a bit of an overhaul as well. The lens remains the same 8 megapixels, but features a new dynamic low-light mode for optimal photos in imperfect lighting conditions. The camera is also 40% faster than before, and also features a new built-in panorama mode which can capture multiple shots and stitch them together, resulting in a huge 28megapixel image. The iPhone 5 can capture 1080p video with the rear-facing lens, and 720p video with the front camera. Throwing away the standard iPod connector that has been part of the iPhone line since its inception, the new phone features a "Lightning" port, which is 80% smaller. Apple assures us that a plethora of new Lightningcompatible accessories are already on the way, but if you have been collecting charging cords over the years, Apple has also created an adapter to ensure they dont go to waste. iOS 6 adds new features The next evolution of Apple's mobile operating system, iOS 6, will see its debut on the new iPhone as well. We've already learned a great deal about iOS 6, including its support of offline maps for navigation, but we learned a few more details today. For example, the virtual assistance application Siri will be getting an upgrade, making it more useful for sports scores and movies. You'll also be able to launch apps just by asking Siri to do it for you. HOW IT STACKS UP Screen Size Galaxy Note II - 5.5 inches, 1280 x 720, 267ppi Galaxy S III - 4.8 inches, 1280 x 720, 306 ppi Motorola RAZR HD - 4.7 inches, 1280 x 720, 312ppi Lumia 920 - 4.5 inches, 1280 x 728,

332 ppi iPhone 5 - 4 inches, 1136 x 640, 326ppi Operating system Galaxy Note II Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Motorola RAZR HD Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich Galaxy S III - Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich Lumia 920 - Windows Phone 8 iPhone 5 - iOS 6 Cameras Lumia 920 - 8.7 megapixels (rear), 1.3 megapixels (front) Galaxy Note II - 8.0 megapixels (rear), 1.9 megapixels (front) Galaxy S III - 8.0 megapixels (rear), 1.9 megapixels (front) Motorola RAZR HD - 8.0 megapixels (rear), 1.3 megapixels (front) iPhone 5 - 8.0 megapixels (rear), 1.2 megapixels (front) Battery Galaxy Note II - 3,100mAh (No official stats given) Motorola Razr HD - 2,530 mAh (10 hr video playback, 6hr web browsing, 6hr GPS usage) Galaxy S III - 2,100 mAh (No official stats given) Lumia 920 - 2,000 mAh (10hr 3G talk time, 67hr music playback, 6hr video playback) iPhone 5 - (8hr 3G/LTE talk time, 10hr web browsing via wifi) Size

Galaxy S III - 70.6 x 136.6 x 8.6 mm, 133g Motorola RAZR HD - 67.9 x 131.9 x 8.4 mm, 146g Galaxy Note II - 80.5 x 151.1 x 9.4 mm, 180g Lumia 920 - 70.8 x 130.3 x 10.7 mm, 185g iPhone 5 - 58.6 x 123.8 x 7.6 mm, 112g New iPods also on the way! It wasn't just the iPhone that got a refresh today: Apple's iPod line is also poised for all-new versions of the iPod touch and iPod nano. The new iPod touch takes after its popular sibling, the iPhone 5, with Apple adding a 4-inch Retina display onto the flagship device in its hit personal media player collection. The new iPod touch also packs a 5 megapixel camera capable of recording 1080p video on the fly, Siri, Apple's famed virtual assistant, and a newly trimmed down aluminum design. The iPod touch will take after the smaller members of the iPod family, featuring a wide choice of color, so you can finally tote around that pink iPod touch you've had your heart set on all this time. The new touch goes on sale in October, priced at $299 for 32GB of storage and $399 for a 64GB model, but you can preorder it today. Apple also showed some loved to its diminutive iPod nano, slimming it down to a wafer-thin 5mm and boosting its display size to 2.5 inches, and adding an FM tuner and support for bluetooth headphones. The new iPod nano will come in seven colors, and retail at $149 in October.

Feds demand LCD maker pay $1 billion SAN FRANCISCO — Federal prosecutors are seeking harsh sentences against a Taiwan company and two of its former executives, saying they participated in the most significant price-fixing "cartel" ever prosecuted in the United States. The U.S. Department of Justice on Tuesday demanded AU Optronics Corp. pay $1 billion and the two former executives each serve 10-year prison sentences for illegally fixing computer screen prices. The company's lawyers are arguing for a fine of no more than $285 million and significantly lighter, but undefined, prison terms for the executives. A federal jury in March found the company, along with Hsuan Bin Chen and Hui Hsiung, guilty of price fixing. Six other Asian LCD screen makers have paid a combined $860 million in fines after pleading guilty.

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Fed announces new round of bond buying to spur growth WASHINGTON — The Federal Reserve launched a new campaign to stimulate the economy Thursday that it said would continue until its help was no longer needed or its efforts became counterproductive, opening a fresh chapter in its five-year-old response to the financial crisis. The Fed said that it would expand its holdings of mortgage-backed securities and potentially take other steps to encourage borrowing and financial risk-taking. But perhaps more significant than those details was the basic change in its approach, for the first time pledging to act until the economy improves rather than creating programs with fixed endpoints. In announcing the new policy, the Fed sought to make clear that its decision reflected not only an increased concern about the health of

the economy, but an increased determination to respond – in effect, an acknowledgment that its approach until now has been flawed. The Fed also acknowledged its limits. “Monetary policy, particularly in the current circumstances, cannot cure all economic ills,” the Fed chairman, Ben S. Bernanke, said at a press conference. The Fed’s policy-making committee said in a statement that its efforts would continue for “a considerable time after the economic recovery strengthens.” Specifically, it said it would act until the outlook for the labor market improves “substantially,” although it did not offer a numerical target. In a separate statement, the Fed said its senior officials now expected the economy to expand between 1.7

Sony unveils $1000 NEX-6 mirrorless camera with Wi-Fi sharing and apps

If there is one company that knows how to make lust-worthy mirrorless cameras without skimping on image quality, it’s Sony (SNE). Since the launch of the NEX-5 in 2010, Sony has seen somewhat of a renaissance with its camera business. The company once crowded out by the likes of Canon (CAJ) and Nikon (NINOY) has refined its APSC sensor-based mirrorless cameras again and again. On Wednesday, Sony announced the Wi-Fi and app-equipped NEX-6, a cross between the recently announced NEX-5R and last year’s flagship NEX-7. Striking a balance between size, function and price is never an easy task. The NEX-6 has virtually all of the hallmarks of a mirrorless camera that will grow with amateur photographers and feel at home for seasoned pros. The NEX-6 sports a 16.1-megapixel APS-C CMOS sensor, a dedicated PASM and secondary wheel dial (features missing from the lower-end NEX-5R and higher-end NEX-7), ISO 100 to 25,600, 2359k dot OLED electronic viewfinder, 3-inch tilt-able touchscreen for autofocusing and taking shots, 1080p HD video recording, pop-up flash, SD card Memory Stick Duo slot and of course, built-in 802.11 Wi-Fi and Sony’s curated PlayMemories camera apps. While anyone can take great photos with the NEX-6 thanks to the DSLR-sized sensor and quality Sony lenses, the most alluring features are the Wi-Fi and camera apps. Armed with the knowledge that transferring photos off the memory card and onto smartphones and tablets can be a major hassle, Sony equipped the NEX-6 with Wi-Fi Sharing. While the NEX-6 won’t be able to share any photos directly to Facebook (FB) or Flickr as on the Samsung (005930) NX1000 Smart Camera, Sony’s new mirrorless cam does have the ability to download photo editing apps that allow for Instagram-like filters and effects. Sure, a high-end smartphone could probably out-feature the NEX6 when it comes to instant sharing over 3G/4G LTE or photo app editing selection, but let’s be honest: Photos from a phone won’t be nearly as crisp as photos from an interchangeable lens camera. Look for the NEX-6 to hit stores in mid-November for about $1,000. Sony’s press release follows below.

percent and 2 percent this year, down from their June projection of growth between 1.9 percent and 2.4 percent. The officials continued to predict that the unemployment rate would not fall below 8 percent. “The weak job market should concern every American,” the Fed’s chairman, Ben S. Bernanke, said at a press conference following the statement. “The modest pace of growth continues to be inadequate to generate much improvement in the current rate of unemployment.” Fed officials predicted that growth would be somewhat faster in coming years, and that unemployment would decline somewhat more quickly, presumably reflecting the impact of the measures the Fed announced Thursday. “The idea is to quicken the recovery, to help the economy begin to

grow quickly enough to generate new jobs and reduce the unemployment rate,” Mr. Bernanke said. In its measures, the Fed said it would add $23 billion of mortgage bonds to its portfolio by the end of September, a pace of $40 billion in purchases per month. It would then announce a new target at the end of this month, and every subsequent month, until the outlook for the labor market improves “substantially” and so long as inflation remains in check. The statement did not further explain either standard. The Fed’s statement made clear, however, that it would continue to stimulate the economy even as the recovery strengthens, suggesting that it is now willing to tolerate somewhat higher inflation in the future to encourage growth in the present.

ai billionaires $7.2 billion bid for F&N muddies Heineken deal Thai billionaire Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi launched a $7.2 billion offer to buy out other shareholders of Fraser and Neave Ltd (F&N), potentially derailing Heineken NV's bid to take full control of F&N's prized beer business. Charoen's bid for the Singapore conglomerate a fortnight before a key F&N shareholders vote has raised doubts on whether the sale of the group's 40 percent stake in Asia Pacific Breweries Ltd (APB) to Heineken is a done deal as predicted by industry watchers just a week ago. TCC Assets Ltd, a firm controlled by Charoen, offered to pay S$8.88 for the F&N shares that the billionaire did not already own. But industry watchers say the Thais need to pay more if they are serious about gaining full control of F&N. "The offer is not convincing and runs the risk of being voted down by the F&N board," CIMB Research analyst Donald Chua, who has a target price of S$9.85 for F&N, wrote in a note. The offer sparked a rally in F&N shares on Thursday, which ended 4.8 percent

higher at a record S$8.92. Since the offer restricts the Thais to buying F&N shares on the open market at prices not exceeding S$8.88, they will now need to raise their offer if they want to build their interest in F&N, traders said. The 36.8 million F&N shares that changed hands on Thursday included block deals totaling 23.8 million shares priced at S$8.88 or below, traders said. Charoen, Thailand's third-richest man, controls 30.36 percent of F&N, the bulk of it through Thai Beverage PCL. He needs a simple majority of votes at the meeting on September 28 to overturn the deal that F&N's board and the Dutch brewer reached on August 18. That means Heineken needs to rally shareholders with a collective interest exceeding Charoen's stake to push through its $6.3 billion purchase of all the shares in APB, including F&N's stake in the maker of Tiger beer. Under Singapore law, a bidder must make a mandatory offer for a company if its stake reaches 30 percent.


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Sonia Bien-Aime plays key role in organising FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup

The tournament, which took place from August 19th to September 8th, saw Mrs. Bien-Aime travelling to Tokyo, Japan on August 16th, where she was based three weeks. Read more on pg 42

Provo Roadrunners

Provo Roadrunners staging 5k, 10k and half-marathon By Leanne Maurer Higgs

In September 2010 a friend from Washington, DC said: “Leanne …… I challenge you to join me for a half marathon.” She became my running mentor and helped me develop a training schedule. A couple of friends trained with me locally and in February 2011, I met the challenge and we successfully completed the Disney Princess Half Marathon. Before returning to Provo, I found myself committed to another half marathon in Disneyland and my support base broadened from 2 people 7 as people started to notice our group runs on Saturday mornings. The challenge now after completing

the Coast to Coast Half Marathon in September 2011 was for me to mentor others. Several people joined me as I trained for yet another half marathon - this one being the Rock and Roll Half in Washington DC. Out of this latest group of people training one joined me for the run and we crossed the finish line together proudly displaying a full size Turks and Caicos Islands flag. We are both what is known as ‘connectors’ and so once back in Providenciales the word got out and ‘voila’ the Provo Roadrunners was born. A Face Book page https://www.facebook.com/ ProvoRoadrunners was created to efficiently get information to the group. Weekly group runs on Saturday soon blossomed to four morning runs,

Monday to Thursday. The runs begin at 5:30 am, with a meeting time set for 5:20 am. The distances are normally 3 – 4 miles ..designed so that it can be completed by 6:30am, so that everyone get home in time to make their morning commitments. For some of the morning runners this was not possible for four days, so there were additional evenings set up. These runs would start at 6:30 pm and end at 7:30 pm. Friday and Sundays are always REST days since Saturday is a time when the morning and evening groups combine and cover a longer distance. Routes are chosen from various areas of the Island based on safety, lighting and parking. So if you are up and out on the street at 5:30am, please slow down when approaching any group of runners you may find on the road. The rules are simple. Credit can be given to the late Tanka Williams for two of the three simple Rules for the Club 1. Stay focused. 2. No excuses. 3. We don’t take hostages. Everyone in the group has their own reason for being there. The group is about promoting healthy lifestyle changes through physical activities like walking, running or cycling. It’s about people helping people to move and supporting each other along the way…. a multicultural, multilingual group sharing recipes, encouragement and general information about what works for them. Current membership is 145 and growing steadily. Being a part of the group gives one the motivation and accountability that often expires long before reaching their goals. It is about a healthy lifestyle change. Like us on FB or email us at provoroadrunners@gmail.com Check out our website at http://provoroadrunners.weebly.com/ Training is currently taking place for an “in-house” 5K, 10K, Half Marathon here in Providenciales on Saturday September 22, 2012. Come out and join in the fun. Walk, walk/run, run or cycle. Just move! Once you get it in your “blood” Provo Roadrunner-it is very contagious!

Women’s League football training getting intense

Although the Women’s Football League is not due to start until the end of October, the interest has been so high since the International Festival in July that players have been coming out to train earlier than anticipated. With so many new players involved TCIFA Technical Director Matthew Green arranged a practice game for players who are hoping to make the cut for the AFC Strikers and Hurricanes teams. The game played on the association’s artificial pitch was a high scoring affair as AFC Strikers defeated AFC Hurricanes 6-4. The evenly fought contest gave many new players an opportunity to play 11-a-side football for the first time. Strikers opened the scoring when Kadine Delphin beat the offside trap and passed the ball to Trincy Reid who scored from close range. Sarah Cenary soon evened things up as she was allowed too much space in the penalty box and shot into the bottom left corner. The Strikers regained the lead as Yarielca De La Cruz scored from the penalty spot and her sister Yarileny extended the

Women’s Football

lead as she converted Jenny Fluerenvil’s cross from the right wing. The goal fest continued as Sarah Cenary added two more goals to tie the game at 3-3. Both De La Cruz sisters scored again as Yarileny finished off a well timed pass from Fluerenvil and Yarielca followed up a defensive error to give their

team a 5-3 lead. However, the Hurricanes were not finished and a strong run from Cenary saw the ball fall to Edwine Rousseaux whose long range effort sailed into the goal. A tense final few minutes ensued before the game was effectively ended when Yarielca De la Cruz scored from the penalty spot after she was fouled whilst through on goal. Green was very pleased with what he saw. “Women’s football continues to grow in our islands and I am very happy with the level of play. Both teams played attractive football; they kept possession well and were comfortable on the ball.” MVP was Juhnee Dickenson who attends Wesley Methodist School. The Women’s league is due to commence on the 28th October with a Fun Day scheduled for the 14th October.

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Sonia Bien-Aime plays key role in organising FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup

Sonia Bien-Aime, Secretary General for The Turks & Caicos Islands Football Association (TCIFA) recently returned from Japan – following her second tour of duty with the Organising Committee for the FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup. The tournament, which took place from August 19th to September 8th, saw Mrs. BienAime travelling to Tokyo, Japan on August 16th, where she was based three weeks. “This was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had throughout my football administration career. I was very lucky to have been chosen from amongst the committee members to act as an ambassador for FIFA and also to work as Match Commissioner in three different cities, with sports professionals from all over the world,” Mrs. Bien-Aime said. While in Japan, Bien-Aime was appointed to the Hiroshima Big Arch Venue in Hiroshima, Japan (August 18th to August 24th) for the first round of competition for the Group D category; appointed as Match Commissioner to matches held in Saitama, Japan (August 27th); appointed to quarterfinals in Tokyo Japan (August 30th); along with being chosen as Match Commissioner for the 3rd and 4th place match between Nigeria and Japan (September 8th) Of the appointments, the Secretary General said that she was particularly “blown away” the news

Sonia Bien-Aime

of her final appointment, given that it was a task of great importance and one of major responsibility. The fact that she was chosen from a pool of experienced Match Officials - some of whom had served on other committees, speaks volumes. This assignment, along with the others says a lot about Mrs. Bien-Aime that which she brings in term of leadership style and professionalism to the world’s most loved sport. “I have received a lot of excellent feedback from

the Japan Local Organizing Committee, FIFA Staff and the General Coordinators for the Competition, which have encouraged me to continue my work to improve my Member Association (the TCIFA), the Caribbean Football Union (CFU) on which I serve as a member and for myself, as an individual,” said the General Secretary. Bien-Aime went on to add that she is eager to attend the commencement of meetings in a few months to start the preparations for the next U-20 Women’s World Cup which is be held in Canada in 2014. Other members appointed to the Organising Committee for the FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup include: Chairman - David Chung, Oceania Football Confederation President, Deputy Chairman – Senes Erzik, UEFA 1st Vice President and Honorary President Turkish FA, Bangladesh’s Mahfuza Akther. Members are Mozambique’s Palmira Francisco, former USA national team player, April Heinrichs, Coach for South Africa’s Senior Women’s National Team, Fran Hilton-Smith, New Zealand’s Shelley McMeeken, Italy’s Marina Sbardella, Colombia’s Celina Sierra, Germany’s head of women’s soccer, Heike Ullrich, China PR, Xue Li. Advisors to the committee are former Japanese football player, Kozo Tashima and Canada’s IOC Member, Walter Sieber.

Traditional Karate Do promotes 13 Juniors By Vivian Tyson

Thirteen students from the Traditional Karate Do Ryobu Kai martial arts school were promoted to higher belt class on Monday (September 11) at the school’s Graceway Sports Centre location in Providenciales after successfully sitting their examinations in the summer. Instructor Charles Forbes, in a post presentation interview, said that promotion is held twice per year. He further explained that the majority of students showed great inclination to learn, and so, when exams are given, there is almost a one hundred percent pass rate. He said that once the students train consistently and do not miss promotions, they could attain the Black Belt rank within a six-year minimum. The promotion was held among the juniors, and according to Forbes, the membership of that class fluctuated between 35 and 40 students. He also pointed out that the Traditional Karate Do Ryobu Kai martial art school also hosts senior classes. The Traditional Karate Do Ryobu Kai instructor also pointed out that while some may look at Karate as mere fighting, the art

Garrick Tull (L) collects his certification from Sensei Charles Forbes during the promotional exercise. Assisting Forbes is Sempai (Senior Student) Lisa Small.

builds character, since it is designed to teach overall discipline and respect for others and for self. Sensei Charles Forbes engage in a demonstration with Sempai (Senior Student) Lisa Small. “Often times when you take up Karate, people think more of kicking, Red, Brown and Black. punching or fighting. But it is more five percent brawn. The beginner level of the A number of parents turned out to than that. Karate is about teaching Traditional Karate Doe Ryobu Kai, watch their children evolved from a you discipline, to follow instructions, to respect yourself, to respect others, like a number of similar martial lower rank belt class to a higher level, to be clean – all of those things are institutions is the White Belt. The some using camcorders, cell phones, instilled in our kids. And we always second promotion would be Yellow, ipads and cameras to capture the tell them, its 95 percent brain and and then Orange, Green, Blue, Purple, moment.




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Andy Murray wins US Open, first Slam READ MORE ON PAGE 44

Dwyane Wade says LeBron can get better CHICAGO -- LeBron James already has won three NBA MVP awards and recently earned his first NBA championship, but teammate Dwyane Wade believes James will get even better. The sky's the limit," Wade told ESPNChicago.com on Wednesday after a promotional appearance for his new book, "A Father First." "He's been very good. He has three MVPs. I don't know statistically how much more he can do, but I think just his dominance of a game and starting to really understand everything about the game now. It's starting to all come together. That's the scary part." Wade can see James' confidence building as the years pass. James became the first player since Michael Jordan in 1992 to win a regular-season MVP award, an NBA Finals MVP award, an NBA championship and an Olympic gold medal in the same year.

LeBron James

"It's here. This is the time," Wade said of James. "(He's) 27, you won a championship, you had success, it's not going to go anywhere. You can see him now taking that next step to that next elite

Dismal Pakistan crash to record Twenty20 loss DUBAI - Pakistan went from the sublime to the disastrous against Australia on Monday, recording their lowest Twenty20 international total and suffering their heaviest defeat in the shortest form of the game. Mohammed Hafeez's side were bowled out for just 74, giving Australia a crushing 94-run win three days after Pakistan had secured the three-match series with victory in a super over following a seven-wicket success in match one. Pakistan's score was below their previous lowest 89 against England in 2010 and the loss eclipsed their worst in terms of runs, beating the 48run defeat they suffered to England in 2009. They also equalled India's score of 74 made against Australia in 2008, the lowest total by a leading cricket nation and sixth-lowest score by any side in a Twenty20 international. "It is a wake-up call for the whole team as in this last game we couldn't meet expectations," Hafeez told reporters. "Australia played better cricket than us today, their openers were outstanding and we didn't play smart cricket, losing too many wickets in the first six overs. Australia captain George Bailey was delighted with the World Cup in Sri Lanka starting next week. "It was a great win," he said. "We've worked really hard since the opening game, we were good the other night and tonight we were better. "Momentum is important and confidence is important but now we have got to go out and replicate that in Sri Lanka." After Australia reached 168 for seven, Pakistan's top-order folded in limp fashion against aggressive bowling from fast bowlers Mitchell Starc (3-11) and Patrick Cummins (3-15). The Australia total was founded on their highest partnership for all wickets in T20Is, 111 between openers David Warner (59) and Shane Watson (47) from just 64 balls. Spinners Shoaib Malik and Raza Hasan were both hit for three sixes in an over and Warner and Watson struck 11 sixes between them.

level. I thought he proved it this whole season. I thought he was dominant from Game 1 all the way until the end, and he proved that that's not easy to do and there's not many that have ever done it."

Wade also said he has no problem with James continuing to work out with Oklahoma City Thunder star Kevin Durant during the offseason. Wade believes James is just doing his part to grow the league as it pertains to training with Durant. James' Heat beat Durant's Thunder in five games in the NBA Finals last season. "They worked out last summer; they've got a great relationship," Wade said. "It's just two of the best players taking things from each other, in a sense, and seeing the other person's work ethic so they push each other to be good, and I think on the other end it's LeBron being kind of the veteran in the sense that KD is the future of this game as well. "He's not afraid to say, 'Listen, let's go work out in the gym together. Let's make each other better.' It's a good thing."


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Andy Murray wins US Open, first Slam NEW YORK -- His considerable lead, and a chance at history, slipping away, Andy Murray dug deep for stamina and mental strength, outlasting Novak Djokovic in a thrilling five-set, nearly five-hour U.S. Open final Monday. It had been 76 years since a British man won a Grand Slam singles championship and, at least for Murray, it was well worth the wait. Ending Great Britain's long drought, and snapping his own fourfinal skid in majors, Murray finally pulled through with everything at stake on a Grand Slam stage, shrugging off defending champion Djokovic's comeback bid to win 7-6 (10), 7-5, 26, 3-6, 6-2. "Relief is probably the best word I would use to describe how I'm feeling just now," Murray said, adding: "You do think: Is it ever going to happen?" Yes, Murray already had showed he could come up big by winning the gold medal in front of a home crowd at the London Olympics last month. But this was different. This was a Grand Slam tournament, the standard universally used to measure tennis greatness -- and the 287th since Britain's Fred Perry won the 1936 U.S. Championships, as the event was known back then. "He deserved to win this Grand Slam more than anybody," Djokovic said of Murray, who will rise to No. 3 in the rankings behind No. 1 Roger Federer and No. 2 Djokovic. Murray vs. Djokovic was a test of will as much as skill, lasting 4 hours, 54 minutes, tying the record for longest U.S. Open final. The first-set tiebreaker's 22 points set a tournament mark. They repeatedly produced fantastic, tales-in-themselves points,

Duck breaker: Andy Murray wins his first Grand Slam at the fifth time of asking

lasting 10, 20, 30, even 55 -- yes, 55! - strokes, counting the serve. The crowd gave a standing ovation to salute one majestic, 30-stroke point in the fourth set that ended with Murray's forehand winner as Djokovic fell to the court, slamming on his left side. "Novak is so, so strong. He fights until the end in every single match," Murray said. "I don't know how I managed to come through in the end." But as the finish approached, Djokovic -- who had won eight consecutive five-set matches, including in the semifinals (against Murray) and final (against Rafael Nadal) at the Australian Open in January -- was the one looking fragile, trying to catch breathers and doing deep knee bends at the baseline to stretch his aching groin muscles. After getting broken to trail 5-2 in the fifth, Djokovic had his legs massaged by a

trainer. "Well, any loss is a bad loss. There is no question about it," Djokovic said. "I'm disappointed to lose the match, but in the back of my mind I knew that I gave it all. I really, really tried to fight my way back." No one had blown a two-set lead in the U.S. Open title match since 1949, and Murray was determined not to claim that distinction. When Djokovic sent a forehand long on the final point, Murray crouched and covered his mouth with both hands, as though even he could not believe this moment had actually arrived. The 25-year-old Scot took off his sneakers, grimacing with each step as he gingerly stepped across the court. Djokovic came around to offer congratulations and a warm embrace, while "Chariots of Fire" blared over the Arthur Ashe Stadium loudspeakers.

LeBron X sneaker, with works, to cost $270 It won't be the $300 sneaker, after all. After The Wall Street Journal reported last month that the new LeBron signature shoe would retail for $315, the cost of the shoes became a hot debate among the media and general public As it turns out, the shoe, a version of the LeBron X, will be sold in a pack for $270, Nike spokesman Brian Strong confirmed to ESPN.com on Thursday. Nike had previously said that, at the time of the report, a price had not yet been set. Sources say the majority of the LeBron X shoes that will hit the market on Sept. 29 will retail for $180. But the Nike+ enabled version of the shoe, which allows for technology to be embedded in the mid-sole of the shoe, will be sold with the sensors, the adapter and charger -- together called the Sport Kit -- for $270. Should consumers already own the kit, the Nike+ enabled LeBron X also will be sold separately for $200. The Nike+ version allows the athlete to measure various metrics, including vertical leap, and sync it with the Nike+ basketball app. Between its Nike, Jordan and Converse Brands, Nike owns roughly 95 percent of the United States' basketball shoe market.

Murray was one of only two men in the professional era, which began in 1968, to have lost his first four Grand Slam finals -- against Djokovic in the 2011 Australian Open, and against Federer at the 2008 U.S. Open, 2010 Australian Open and this year's Wimbledon. The other guy who began 0-4? Ivan Lendl, who just so happens to be Murray's coach nowadays. Murray's forehand is one of the improvements he's made under the tutelage of Lendl, who sat still for much of the match, eyeglasses perched atop his white baseball hat and crossed arms resting on his red sweater -- in sum, betraying about as much emotion as he ever did during his playing days. During the post-match ceremony, Murray joked about Lendl's reaction: "I think that was almost a smile." The lack of a Grand Slam title for Murray, and for his country, has been the subject of much conversation and consternation in the United Kingdom, where the first of what would become tennis' top titles was awarded at Wimbledon in 1877. Djokovic, in contrast, was bidding for his sixth major trophy, fifth in the past two seasons. He had won 27 Grand Slam hard-court matches in a row. Murray and Djokovic were born a week apart in May 1987, and they've known, and competed against, each other since they were about 11. Before Saturday's semifinals in New York, they shared a computer and sat together to watch online as Murray's Scotland and Djokovic's Serbia played to a 0-0 draw in a qualifying match for soccer's World Cup.

Serena Williams wins 4th U.S. Open title NEW YORK-- American star Serena Williams claimed her fourth career U.S. Open title Sunday, gutting out a three-set victory over world No. 1 Victoria Azarenka of Belarus. Williams turned it on down the stretch, winning the final four games of the final set to outlast Azarenka 6-2, 2-6, 7-5 at Arthur Ashe Stadium in Flushing Meadow. It was the 15th career Grand Slam title for the fourth-seeded Williams and her fourth victory in six finals appearances in New York, but her first title there since 2008. Last year, Williams was outset in the final by Australia's Samantha Stosur. The match had been set for Saturday, but was washed out due to heavy rain and strong winds in New York. Azarenka -- appearing in her first-ever U.S. Open final -- was seeking her second career Grand Slam title as well as her second of 2012 after winning the Australian Open in January. She reached the final by besting Russia's Maria Sharapova Friday, 3-6, 6-2, 6-4. Azarenka also topped Sharapova in the Melbourne finale. Williams, meanwhile, gained the championship round with a 6-1, 6-2 rout of Italy's Sara Errani in Friday's semifinal. She collected her 14th career Grand Slam title at Wimbledon in July and followed that up with an Olympic gold medal last month in London.



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