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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020

Website: www.suntci.com

VOLUME 16 - NO. 26

Email: sun@suntci.com

Tel: (649) 348-6838


Fax: (649) 941-3281




he Turks and Caicos Islands will be implementing a set of strict new rules for visitors, including mandatory travel insurance along with certified, valid proof of a negative COVID-19 test instead of the 14-day quarantine, when the country re-opens it borders on July 22nd, 2020. The country has also unveiled ‘TCI Assured’, a quality assurance portal, under which all visitors must be certified. The new measures were announced by Premier Sharlene Robinson and Minister of Tourism Ralph Higgs during a national press conference at the Premier’s office in the Hilly Ewing Building on Leeward Highway, Providenciales, on Thursday, June 25th, 2020. “We have agreed that once our borders are opened, all arrivals in the immediate period would have had to undergo testing for COVID-19 at their place of origin. That test would have had to be done 72 hours before travel. In addition, all non-national arrivals will also have to have travel insurance to be allowed entry. We remain heartened that the TCHTA by its public announcement a few weeks ago has secured medical evacuation services. This additional assurance has certainly been welcomed by the medical staff,” the Premier said, adding that TCI is gradually moving to the full re-opening of the economy, it must

TCHTA’s Community Staples Mission to impact 10,000 lives locally

The Turks and Caicos Hotel and Tourism Association (TCHTA) recently launched its Community Staples Mission which will impact approximately 10,000 lives locally by providing essential food items for persons in need during the COVID-19 crisis.

be stressed that COVID-19 remains a threat and it is likely to remain so until a vaccine is found. She added: “Through the Grace of God, and through the hard work of our health care professionals in particular, and through the vigilance and sacrifice of the people, we have done well in managing this

This initiative is in partnership with the Turks and Caicos Islands Government (TCIG), Tropical Shipping and local NGOs. (See page 24 & 25 for more photographs). Pictured is CEO of TCHTA Stacy Cox, Sheba Wilson Director of Human Resource

crisis. We must not lose our early gains and while we prepare for an outbreak with the increase in our medical capacity through the procurement of critical personal protective equipment (PPEs), health staff, in country testing, infrastructural upgrade to the hospital and through the procurement of oxygen generation to extend ventilator

for the Grace Bay Club, TCHTA President Todd Foss, Karen Whitt, of The Hartling Group, Nikheel Advani, COO of Grace Bay resorts and Chairman of the TCHTA and other members of the association. care, we need to remain alert and guarded. We cannot relax ourselves. We see that the virus is here and it is up to all of us whether it remains contained or it spreads. I must say as I always do, that the government reserves the right to roll back and impose any measure to contain the spread. We rely on you our most valuable partners.” Continued on page 2

Ruth Forbes appointed president and CEO of Fortis TCI as Eddinton Powell retires FortisTCI President and the end of this year, reporting to the service, communications and CEO Eddinton Powell will retire Board of Directors. Mr. Powell will human resources functions. Prior from the company after serving for also remain a Director on the Board to joining FortisTCI, Mrs. Forbes 13 years, and will be succeeded by until that time. worked as a Senior Auditor at PWC Ruth Forbes as President and CEO, Mrs. Forbes is a native of (formerly PriceWaterhouseCoopers). effective August 2, 2020. the Turks and Caicos Islands and She has a Diploma in Business The announcement was from the island of North Caicos. Administration (Honors) from made earlier today by Gary Smith, She joined FortisTCI in 2006, and University of Technology, Kingston, Chair of the Board of Directors of currently serves as Senior Vice Jamaica and a Bachelor’s degree in FortisTCI. Effective August 1, 2020, President of Corporate Services Accounting from Barry University, Mr. Powell will transition into the and Chief Financial Officer, where Florida. She is also a Certified role of Strategic Advisor through she oversees the finance, customer Management Accountant (CMA).

FortisTCI President and CEO, Eddinton Powell and Senior VP of Corporate Services and CFO Ruth Forbes

Continued on page 2

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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020



Continued from page 1

Tourism Minister Higgs said having consulted widely with a number of testing providers in the United States and in conjunction with local medical businesses, they are confident that testing is readily available in all of the marker places that frequent Turks and Caicos Islands. “We are confident that that pretesting information can be communicated to the destination in a timely fashion and in an authentic way,” he added. Higgs added that consultation was made widely with insurance providers locally, regionally and internationally and they’ve analyze what neighboring destinations are doing in respect to these measures. “I am pleased to say that we are not alone in these requirements; most destinations in the region are now requiring visitors to their shores to be tested before they leave their home countries at least within a 72 hour window and we are requiring 72 hour. They are also requiring insurance before you enter their respective countries.” Meantime, Higgs said he is pleased that the health protocols that were introduced by the Ministry of Health in wide consultation with the private sector have so far kept the TCI destination relatively safe. He continued: “We are one of the countries that have recorded the smallest COVID-19 cases in the region and one of the highest recovery rates in the region. With that being confirmed, we focused our intentions on protocols that will govern the reopening of our borders.” Higgs stated that to arrive at an agreed set of protocols they had consulted widely, locally and overseas. “We had meetings and consulted with the public and

transportation sector including, taxi drivers, VIP transporters, mass transportation providers and Community Cab providers. We met with restaurant operators; we met with Spa and Wellness operators, Water Sports association locally in Providenciales and in Grand Turk. We met with the airlines locally and international providers and we also consulted widely with our hotel partners including villa operators and small Inn operators and we meet quite largely with persons from across the community virtually. We sought the input from all of our stakeholders and persons who provide services for the tourism accommodation sector,” he explained. Higgs said it was important before opening to ensure that all of the protocols that were established locally were working. “Unilaterally we collectively agreed that the 22nd July was an ideal date to reopen our borders as it provided us the window to ensure that all of the protocols that were established locally were working; increased capacity in our medical professionals, local testing etc, and it also gave us a window to have the protocols that will govern this sector once the destination is opened. We feel that these measures along with the local protocols that have been established will help to ensure the safety of our guests and the safety of our visitors,” he continued. In addition, Higgs noted that leading up to the closure of the borders as a result of COVID-19, the government made funding available to keep the destination visible in the market place during this period. “The Tourist Board with its stakeholder partners in the private sector, principally the TCHTA and its associated members continue to send

very positive messages to the market Upon arrival to the airport, visitors can place even during this COVID-19 expect to present their TCI Assured pandemic to assure them that we’re certifications to local authorities, all perusing protocols that would ensure of whom will be wearing personal the safety of our people and the safety protective equipment, before of our guests on their arrival,” he said. proceeding through immigration Higgs stressed that international where temperature checks will also travelers arriving to the Turks and take place. Caicos Islands must be certified by Higgs added “Once you arrive TCI Assured, a quality assurance at the airport in Providenciales you will portal which will be available on the present a certificate, the TCI Assured Turks and Caicos Islands Tourist Board certificate to show that you would website (www.turksandcaicostourism. have meet all of the requirements for com). entering the Turks and Caicos Islands. “I am also pleased to advise Your certificate will be processed that the Ministry Tourism in broad by local officials and then you will consultation with our stakeholder proceed on your journey in the Turks partners and the Ministry of Health and Caicos Islands.” have developed a portal and this will The Minister of Tourism stated be the electronic vehicle by which that all business providers in Turks passengers traveling to and from and Caicos Islands will be required overseas to the Turks and Caicos to display the TCI Assured symbol Islands will communicate their status which shows that they are certified to and their readiness to travel to the provide service to the public and they Turks and Caicos,” he said. have met all of the protocols and are He added: “TCI Assured in compliance with the protocols to Program is a program that will be provide services to guests. available digitally. It will be uploaded He continued: “We have on the Tourist Board website and our engaged on a very aggressive campaign stakeholders’ website and it’s a portal to keep the destination visible and that once you have made your booking leading up to July 22nd opening of our you can go now and fill in the box borders we have every reason to believe and communicate your pre-testing that persons will continue to patronize certificate, your insurance information our destination. Obviously the and you can communicate any pre- numbers will not meet pre-COVID-19 travel requirements to local authorities numbers, but in time we will see our via the TCI Assured portal.” destination return to pre-COVID-19 The certification sticker will numbers and we feel assured that we be provided only after visitors have have all of the systems in place that provided proof of negative COVID-19 will help to mitigate against any fallout PCR test results from an accredited of the COVID-19 pandemic.” facility at least 72 hours prior to their Higgs stressed that safety and arrival to the destination, proof of health remain top priorities for the medical insurance, and a completed Turks and Caicos Islands and a suite of health screening questionnaire. systems will mitigate risks and protect A 14-day quarantine period the destination, its people, and its will not be required for visitors once guests as travel reopens. they have tested negative for the virus.

Ruth Forbes appointed president and CEO of Fortis TCI as Eddinton Powell retires

Continued from page 1

“On behalf of all employees and its customers are admirable and the Board of Directors, I want and I am confident that she will to congratulate Ruth Forbes on continue to advance FortisTCI as an her appointment. Ruth brings innovative and sustainable energy tremendous experience and personal leader in the Caribbean. “I extend acumen to this important position, my congratulations to Ruth, as well as well as strong connections to the as my thanks to Eddinton for leading communities on the islands,” said the progressive transformation of Gary Smith, Chair, FortisTCI Board the electricity sector in the Turks and of Directors. “I also wish to thank Caicos Islands.” Eddinton Powell for his contribution In response to her to the electricity sector in the Turks appointment, Mrs. Forbes said, “I and Caicos Islands and wish him am pleased to have been selected well in his retirement.” as Mr. Powell’s successor. I am also Barry Perry, President and thankful to the Board of Directors CEO, Fortis Inc., stated, “Ruth’s and Fortis Inc. for their confidence insights and vision for the company in my ability, and to Mr. Powell

for his leadership. Our company is respected as a trailblazing utility both regionally and internationally. In my new role, I will continue our drive toward excellence with the FortisTCI team, while bringing value to our stakeholders. I must also acknowledge and thank my family for their unwavering support.” Speaking about the announcement, Mr. Powell said, “It has been an honor to serve as the CEO of FortisTCI for the last 13 years. My love and respect for the Turks and Caicos Islands are deep and abiding. As I move into a new phase of my life, I leave behind a strong company

and a talented team that will achieve great things. I know that Ruth will do well in her new role, and I wish her all the very best on her journey.” Mr. Powell joined FortisTCI in 2007 as President and CEO, after serving as Senior Vice President and CFO at Caribbean Utilities Company (CUC) in the Cayman Islands, a Fortis company. He began his career in the utility sector at CUC in 1982, and currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Caribbean Electric Utilities Corporation (CARILEC), and will continue in that role until December 2020.

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020

The health and safety of our customers and staff remain our top priority during this time, and we thank you for your patience as we work together to stem the spread of Covid-19. Please be advised that Provo Water Company's Grace Bay Office on Grace Bay Road will re-open to customers on Monday 11th May from 9.00am to 2.00pm Monday to Friday. The following precautions will be taken:•

Covid-19 Regulations requires every person in a public space to wear a face mask.

Each customer must sanitize his/her hands upon entering the payment centre.

Only one (1) customer at any time will be allowed to enter our payment centre.


Our Customer Service Department will continue to serve customers from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Customers seeking to establish a new service, reconnection, account changes or queries can contact Customer Service Department at 649-946-5202 or email customerservice@provowater.tc for assistance. Staff will remain available for emergency assistance, please call


to report a fault, broken water line

or outage. We are encouraging customers to utilize our

My Account Portal

either via our website or at https://provo-

myacct.smartgridcis.net to view water bills, make payments, view water usages and update account details. Customers can continue to make payments via our payment vendors:•

CIBC First Caribbean, Scotia Bank and RBC Caribbean

Graceway IGA stores during their hours of operation.

We appreciate your cooperation with these pro-active measures that will remain in place until further notice.

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


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‘Disheartening’ to see people demonstrating for stimulus, says Premier When asked if she will address the taxi drivers who were Premier Hon. Sharlene protesting outside her office while Cartwright-Robinson said it’s she was conducting the press “disheartening” to see people conference, the Premier said she will in the Turks and Caicos Islands not. demonstrating for stimulus money. “No I’m sorry I won’t,” she “It is really disheartening said. to see the people demonstrate for She added: “Let me clarify, stimulus,” she said during a press when I said no I won’t. I’ve had conference on Thursday June 25th. appointments where persons have “There is absolutely no doubt in the asked to come into my office to government’s mind that people are speak to me and the taxi drivers were hurting and that’s why in this period a group. As recent as Saturday there we’ve still allocated $15million that was a young lady that sought to lead we really can’t afford to help those demonstration and I sat for an hour persons that are hurting. There are and waited. I remain totally available systems that have been put in place, to persons in the office to discuss there are policies and how much whatever issue, especially to explain we’ve demonstrated that we want to the stimulus or to understand where get these monies into persons’ hands they are. I will not go to the sidewalk.” and you will keep seeing me come The Premier stated that back and say we’ve changed this and she met with the taxi drivers in a we’ve change this.” meeting ahead of the protest and she By Todeline Defralien

is still awaiting some information from them to move forward. “It was probably about a week ago when a particular issue was raised as to what are challenges for them, then in that meeting several other issues were raised and I literally said to them help me to help you by providing me with the information as to how widespread this is so that we can address a policy to get the monies in your hands,” she explained. “Even while they demonstrate out there I’m still waiting for information that is not tedious, just to understand what is the position of the majority of their numbers as it relates to National insurance and having a valid business license, so that we can tailor a policy as this government has always been doing straight through to make sure that the monies get in their hands,”

Premier Hon. Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson she explained. The Premier assured that as soon as the taxi drivers provide that information, the government will tailor a policy that can assist them. “I’m sure when they are through demonstrating they will provide that information,” she said.

Taxi drivers pleading for stimulus funds from TCIG

By Todeline Defralien

Several Taxi drivers throughout Providenciales, who have been without work since the end of March 2020 when the country locked down, came out in numbers to stage a peaceful protest demanding promised stimulus funds from the Turks and Caicos Islands Government. The protests began on Thursday June 25th, 2020 and continued the following day in front of the Premier’s Office in the Hilly Ewing Building, on Leeward Highway, Providenciales. Taxi driver, Cadron Delancy told The SUN they are fed up and want their stimulus funds to feed their families. “We’re having a protest in regards to our stimulus package what we have yet to receive and most of us put it in from day one from when it came out. Since then they sent us another form to fill out. We did that and then they told us that we will get it by a certain time and that didn’t happen. We are here because we’re just getting tired and fed up with (how) they are playing with us,” he said during an interview on Friday June 26th. He added: “A lot of us have bills to pay. We have a lot of stuff going on with us and we have families and we haven’t worked in

over three months, because before the airport really closed, things were already shut down for most of us. (We have) no money coming in but we’ve been spending money buying food for our families and trying to survive. Some persons like myself are trying to hold off on paying a little on the power, because you’re trying to manage the little that we have and that’s all gone.” Delancy added that some of them are also facing eviction and are not able to take care of themselves and their families. “Persons like myself are facing eviction. My power is off, the water about to go off and the internet was off before the power and yet the stimulus package that was promised to us but I’ve yet to receive and there is so much red tape that they are trying to put out there to make it so difficult for us and we feel like they don’t even want to give it us. Now it like they are trying to put all kind of restrictions out like, if your NIB was not paid up to date you don’t qualify or that they need proof of your status,” he explained to The SUN. Meantime, the driver said a letter was written to the Premier and it was hand delivered to her office but she said she is yet to receive it. He continued: “We’ve been

Taxi drivers protest outside of the Premier’s Office on Leeward Highway.

trying to get a meeting with the Premier to sit with the taxi drivers but they had a meet and put some representatives from the Taxi drivers association in a meeting with some other departments and just gave them some instructions as to what would happen when the country open back up, but that was not what we really wanted to sit down for. We wanted to state what our situation is and why is it so difficult for us to receive our stimulus package. We’ve been trying to get other meetings with her (the Premier) but with everything they are just delaying or asking to give them time.” Delancy said he believes the government officials are not really feeling what they are feeling because their situations are probably so much better than theirs. “This is our first move just to come out and protest about it. We were hoping that she would respond to our protest and come and tell us what to do or find the most simple way to actually work with us instead of just leaving it up to the Civil Service and letting them to carry the blame, as if they don’t report to the leader.” He continued: “She saw us when she came in, so if she really wanted to do something for us, the people who hired her, because I think that’s something that they

forget that the people hired them and they work for us. I guess when they get in those positions they settle down as if it was passed down from them like some families would do. It’s like, you know you made a mistake or you could do better but instead of you trying to correct it and actually show that you’re here for the people, you (Premier) rather standoff like you have to find a way to deal with us. So it’s either we going to suffer or you going to decide when you gone deal with us.” Delancy said although the country is going to open, it will not get back to normal, especially for their sector. “Being in this business for a while. you know that if the majority of the hotels are closed and they’ve been laying off workers, there’s no way you’re going to see a whole heap of people jumping up to say ok Turks and Caicos is open and we’re going to jump on planes and just go there, because those persons are looking out for their safety too. Our job is difficult as it is now because you can go to work and be out there parked at your position for hours and you might not get a job, or sometimes you might get a job and that job might only be $20 for spending all day just to wait for that job to come,” he added.

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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


Deputy Attorney General leaving by Hayden Boyce Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

Deputy Attorney General Dr. Michael Dillon is leaving the post which he has held since 2016. The Deputy Attorney General’s post is currently being advertised, paying a salary of $106, 395.00 per year ($8,866.25 per month) plus allowances. Up to the time of writing, it could not be confirmed whether Dillon resigned or if his contract was not renewed. When contacted by The SUN, Dillon stated: “It has been a great honour to serve as the Deputy Attorney General of the Turks and Caicos Islands. I have very much enjoyed the opportunity to serve the wonderful people of these beautiful islands in this capacity and I hope and believe that I have made a real and lasting difference and contribution.” He said the role of Deputy Attorney General is very challenging, but there is great job satisfaction

from advising the country on so Rhondalee Braithwaite-Knowles, many crucial matters. QC, stated: “It has been a pleasure “I have been extremely lucky working with Dr. Dillon in his to have served as the Deputy to capacity as Deputy Attorney General. Honourable Rhondalee Braithwaite He has worked hard and shown true Knowles OBE, QC and I have learned dedication to duty during his time so much from her wisdom and in the Attorney General’s Chambers. judgement. She is a true treasure I wish to thank him for his efforts to the Turks and Caicos and all and his camaraderie. I know that Islanders should be proud that they I can speak on behalf of the entire have such an accomplished local AGC team and the Government Attorney General, the first of all the in wishing him well in his future Dr. Michael Dillon, outgoing Deputy Attorney Overseas Territories,” he said. endeavours and I know that he is General Dillon said he has been capable of meeting the challenges of and practical analysis of the current fortunate to spend two terms as whatever comes next.” law of Ireland, England and Wales, Deputy Attorney General, but it is As Deputy Attorney General, United States of America, Canada, time to begin a new chapter in his Dr. Dillon, who has worked in Scotland, South Africa, Australia and life “with new possibilities”. Ireland, the United States of America, New Zealand. He added: “I will always England and Wales, and Australia, He has expertise in criminal be grateful for the time in this role, was responsible for the management law especially involving any issue for my professional and personal of the legal and administrative work of intoxication or mental disorder, friendships with the Chambers flow within the Attorney General’s significant Judicial review experience, colleagues and the Attorney General Chambers. commercial law including franchise in particular and the welcome the Dillon is from Dublin law and breach of confidentiality, Turks and Caicos Islands afforded Ireland where he authored the first mental health law, administrative me. It has been the honour of my and leading textbook on the law of law, professional negligence, life.” intoxication, Law of Intoxication as financial services law, personal Commenting on Dillon’s a defence to violent and non-violent injuries, human rights and civil departure, Attorney General Hon. offences as an exhaustive liberties, and constitutional law.

Man arrested for murder after fatal stabbing on Grand Turk At 8.20 p.m. on Saturday, June 20th, 2020, Grand Turk Police were called to reports that a 51- year-old man was stabbed. The stabbing took place in North Back Salina - The Garden. The victim was transported to the Cockburn Town Medical Centre and later succumbed to his injuries.

Officers have arrested 51-yearold Phillip Smith on Suspicion of Murder. Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting said: “On behalf of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force, I would like to extend condolences to the family and friends of the man who died in this incident. My thoughts and

prayers are with all of you. My Officers on Grand Turk are carrying out a thorough investigation to establish the full circumstances of what happened last evening. Although we currently have a man in custody, we need additional information from anyone present at the time of the incident. Your assistance in this investigation

help or you can call Crimestoppers anonymously”. Anyone with information can contact police on 911 or contact the Grand Turk Police Station at 9462299. Alternatively, people can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 1-8008477 (TIPS).

the key board

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•Must be able to work in a high pressure environment and demonstrate calm and effective leadership Salary based on experience: $1,100-$2,000 monthly, plus service charge. For further information on the above positions please contact us by using the details below.Candidates must be available to work 6 days a week, weekends, and holidays. Positions marked with * are currently held by a work permit holder. However, qualified belongers are encouraged to send a cover letter & resume with the following attachments: Valid Police Record, Passport Bio Page, Proof of TCI status i.e. PRC, Belonger Status Card or Naturalization Certificate. Human Resources Amanyara Resort Northwest Point, Providenciales E: amanyarahrassistant@aman.com Prospective applicants are also asked to send copies to the Labour Board. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


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TCI $46 million behind what was collected last year, says Premier Robinson By Todeline Defralien

The Turks and Caicos Government has collected $46 million in cash behind what was collected during the first period last year, according to Premier and Minister of Finance Hon. Sharlene Cartwright -Robinson. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic there has been hardship in these islands but the Premier assured that the Turks and Caicos Islands is still doing well in term of cash management. “We’re about $46 million behind what we would have collected last year in the first period equal to this year,” she said during a press conference on Thursday June 25th. She added: “There are persons even though we’ve given the extension for business licences

and even though we’ve offered waivers, there are still a number of corporate citizens who went ahead and still paid. The majority of what we’ve taken in is a lot of fees in relation to the hotel sector, but it’s been more with excess cash I should say from statutory bodies, so that’s what’s keeping us for now, but we’re about $46million behind and we have to remember that last year we’ve introduced an amnesty program so that may not be the best measurement.” The Premier, who is also Minister of Finance, said despite the decreases in cash flow, Turks and Caicos Islands is still doing well in term of cash management. “We are still doing well in term of cash management bearing in mind that we have the encumbrances of capital programs that continue over the last years

and a part of the cash that is available to us now will have to be used toward the stimulus and not just the cash stimulus but also the capital program that we have as part of the stimulus program.” The Minister of Finance said $15million was allocated for the employee stimulus package. Government has approved $6,500 and that’s $1,200 at each person. “We’ve approved about 6,500 and that $1,200 at each person. Remember that is the employees that I reported on, the self employed and business is just now being progressed because that would have opened June 1st.” Premier Robinson said the second round of cash stimulus will be for the sectors that were impacted outside of hospitality industry. She continued: “While persons would say well there were

other people that were impacted because we shut the country down, they’re correct and I think in almost every major address as I said our challenge was simply finding the resources to be able to offer that to the other sectors.” The Premier noted that the hospitality sector is the hardest hit and they are going to be the longest impacted. “They were pulled out first because we would have closed the borders. After we introduced the lockdown and shut down/ shelter in place law, then we impacted the local economy, but again, you will see they come back even quicker than the hospitality sector. We still feel an obligation and we have to compensate those for the weeks that they would have been closed and impacted,” she said.

No pay cuts for Public Servants There will be no pay cuts for anyone employed in the Turks and Caicos Islands Public Service during the Coronavirus pandemic, according to Premier Hon. Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson. Robinson revealed this at a press

conference at her Office on Thursday June 25th. “No we are not considering any cuts for anyone that’s employed in the Public Service, we need to allay those fears whether it’s at Cabinet level or otherwise,”

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she said. “The Cabinet agreed on certain internal control measures for us, the Ministry of Finance to go forward on and we will make those announcements shortly. But no we are not cutting anyone’s salary in this pandemic.”

BUTTERFIELD GOLD GROUP OF COMPANIES POSITIONS AVAILABLE Butterfield Gold One (1) Labourer Applicant must be physical, able-bodied individuals capable of lifting heavy loads and assist with any mason work. Wages: starting from $7.50 per hour Rosie’s Delight Restaurant One (1) Labourer Washing pots, plates & kitchen utensils Cleaning stove & Kitchen equipment Mopping the kitchen floor Remove garbage Wages starting from $7.00 per hour Application forms available from Butterfield Gold Human Resource Department. Only applicants selected for interview will be notified. Submit applications to by July 2, 2020 to: Butterfield Gold Ltd., Human Resource Department Town Center Mall Providenciales Tel: 649-946-4211 Labour Commissioner Employment services Sammy Been Building Airport Road Providenciales

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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


10-year National Physical Sustainable Development Plan for the Turks and Caicos Islands The Turks and Caicos Islands Government (TCIG) has commissioned the internationally renowned EDSA Inc, a Planning and Urban Design Consultancy firm based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida to prepare a 10-year National Physical Sustainable Development Plan (NPSDP) for the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI). The Plan will be an update of the expired 1987 National Physical Development plan. The NPSDP would be a Master Land Use Zoning Planning tool intended to guide and direct future physical, social and environmental development in the islands. It is meant to be a strategic planning tool for facilitating and giving directions to decisions, so that it can contribute to economic efficiency and the achievement of social goals and objectives, while preserving the natural environment. Most importantly, the NPSDP will be a strategy for sustainable development that brings together the aspirations

and capabilities of the government, civil society and the private sector to create a vision for the future. The Consultants commenced work on the Plan in late 2019 and made two visits to the islands in January and February 2020, when meetings were held with key public and private sector stakeholders and carry out ground trothing exercises. The Consultants intended to make further visits to the TCI during the months of April, May and June 2020 to continue their work on the Plan, but was unable to do so due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the globally-implemented travel ban. The official launch of the NPSDP was scheduled to take place in June of 2020, but this had to be rescheduled due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the international closure of borders. However, work on the Plan continues and the Consultants are scheduled to complete their work on the Plan by October 2020.

Phase one of the project is completed - Site Inventory and Analysis Report Draft. Presentation of phase one findings will be presented via the project website, virtual zoom meetings and virtual videos. The Department of Planning has established the NPSDP official website - https://planning.gov.tc/, that will be used as a public awareness tool to educate the general public on the Plan preparation process and afford them the opportunity to interact with the Consultants by asking questions, completing surveys and making comments. It will also provide an avenue for stakeholders, grassroots organizations, political and religious organizations and the general public to express their desires and aspirations for the future development of their country. The public is encouraged to visit the website https://planning. gov.tc/ and let their views be heard.

No more first time work permits No more first time work permit applications will be accepted until further notice. This was stated in a press release from the Ministry of Immigration, Citizenship, Labour and Employment Services and the Labour and Employment Service. Applications received at the Labour Department prior to the cessation will be reviewed for a final decision by both the Board and the

Commissioner of Labour. The Hon Vaden Williams, Minister of Immigration, Citizenship, Labour and Employment Services, stated: “In light of what is taking place globally, this measure, although ‘temporary’, is necessary at this time. Once circumstances begin to improve globally and within the Turks and Caicos Islands, we will revisit First Time Work Permit Applications.” The release stated that

Director of Women’s Football Program The Turks and Caicos Islands Football Association (TCIFA) is seeking an experienced individual to fulfill the role of Director of Women’s Football. The successful applicant will oversee and be responsible for the development of Women’s Football in the Turks & Caicos Islands with objective of increasing the number of female participants, as well as, raising the quality, technical, and tactical ability of female players at all levels, ranging from Grassroots to the Youth and Senior National Teams.

Job Description & Responsibilities:

- Devise, develop, and implement a TCIFA Development Plan in relation to the development and growth of Women’s Football - Produce, annually, key objectives and performance indicators in relation to Women’s Football development and submit quarterly reports - Responsible for and overseeing the coaching of all age groups within the Women’s Football program, including but not limited to the Senior and Youth National Teams - Provide the players withing the Women’s Football Program with structured and appropriate coaching by imparting knowledge of the game and strategies for success - Design and implement technical and tactical training sessions for individual and team practices - Identify and recruit in line with the TCIFA’s policy, Volunteer Coaches to assist with the coaching of female players within the Women’s Football Program - Coordinate, supervise, and assist the Volunteer Coaches working with the female players within the Women’s Football Program - Assist in identifying player pathways for players within the various TCIFA programs - Create opportunities for Football scholarships for the elite female players within the Women’s Football Program - Forge and establish links with overseas Clubs, Colleges, and Universities to create Football opportunities that would be beneficial to the TCIFA and its players - Identifying players for the Women’s Senior and Youth National Teams - Responsible for continually and consistently developing your own coaching skills and acumen by attending all coaching education courses organized by

persons and agents with the “Right to Work within the Turks and Caicos Islands” are requested and reminded to register as unemployed with the Labour Department either through email at jobregistration@gov.tc; phone number (649) 348-9340 or (649) 3482372; drop off at the Department in Grand Turk or Providenciales or at the District Commissioner’s Office in the Islands.

Turks and Caicos Sun

Suite#5, Airport Plaza Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 348-6838 Fax: (649) 941-3281 Email: sun@suntci.com Read us online at www.suntci.com Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Hayden Boyce Graphic designer Information Technology and Production Manager: Kelano Howell Todeline Defralien Reporter

The Turks and Caicos SUN is a subsidiary of The SUN Media Group Ltd. We are committed to excellence in journalism, educating and informing our readers, serving and satisfying our advertisers and assisting in the overall development of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

the TCIFA and participating in Continuing Coaching Education Programs - Be aware of and promote the TCIFA Codes of Conduct for Coaches, Players, and Parents - Assist the General Secretary with administrative matters when required and requested - Assist the General Secretary and Technical Director with the organization of courses, seminars, and events - Undertake any other duties that might reasonably be deemed within the status of the job and appropriate to the post - Carry out all duties regarding relevant legislation and the TCIFA’s policies and procedures Requirements - A US Soccer “B” License, a UEFA “B” License, or its equivalent. - 5 years’ experience in Coaching, specializing in coaching female players of different age levels and abilities. - Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) - Excellent verbal and written communication skills - Willingness to work outdoors, in all weather conditions - Ability to work individually and as a team member - Must be flexible and adaptable to change - Must be able to work under pressure The Director of Women’s Football will be required to work, under the supervision of the General Secretary and Technical Director, for approximately 44 hours per week. However, during match days and other business events, he/she may be required work outside normal office hours, either in the evening and on weekends, to a high standard and have a flexible attitude. Salary $2,500.00 - $3,000.00 per month, commensurate upon experience and qualifications Please direct all applications to: Oliver A. Smith General Secretary Email: olivertcifa@gmail.com The above-named position is currently held by a work permit holder. The TCIFA invites and encourages all prospective applicants who are Turks & Caicos Islanders to send their application to the Immigration Board & Labor Commissions. We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Deadline: July 1, 2020

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020

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On Friday, June 19th the TCC distributed over hundred and twenty (120) care packages to employees in need. Each box contained daily staple food and household items such as: rice, flour, sugar, salt, milk, tuna, vegetable oil, eggs, onions, apples, oranges, bleach, detergent, toilet tissue, water and few other staple goods. At the food drive COO, Armando Pizzuti stated that “during these unprecedented times where the entire world economy is adversely effected it is important for the TCC to stand behind its employees and provide assistance in any way possible.” On hand was the Director of Human Resources,

Beryl Charles who was elated to distribute the packages. Mrs. Charles said “I am very proud of the items being distributed today to our most needy employees. It is heartbreaking to hear the hardship some persons are facing and I was so excited to contact persons with good news of these staple packages. We could not provide each employee with a care package today, but we will continue in the future.” Employees were extremely grateful to receive their very thoughtful baskets and commented that the items provided will go a long way with helping to feed their families over the next weeks. One employee stated “This package came just in time for Father’s Day!”

Alexandra Resort alexandraresort.com +1.800.284.0699 +1.649.946.5807

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While another said “My kids are going to be so happy for this food.” Thanks to the management and staff who came out to assist with packing and distributing the items. Your help ensured a consistently steady and orderly flow. TCC also expresses thanks to the TCHTA for the effort placed on ordering and delivery in the TCI of these important food items. The executive management team continues to extend wishes for good health and safety to all its team members and families and looks forward to being back together again as a corporate family very soon.

Blue Haven Resort bluehaventci.com +1.855.832.7667 +1.649.946.9900

Ambergris Cay Resort ambergriscay.com +1.833.313.3172

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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


MPs and public must be educated on Public Order and Criminal Justice Bill 2020, says Attorney General members. “The process of debate in the Honorable Members of the House Mr. Speaker is triggered by the House of Assembly and the general presentation of a Bill but it allows for public must be provided with more proposals for improvement of the Bill information the on Public Order and when they come to the House. In the Criminal Justice Bill 2020, according course of the debate in the second to Attorney General Hon. Rhondalee reading and also in the course of Braithwaite-Knowles, OBE, QC. the debate in the Committee of the During the reading second whole House, through that process reading of the Bill in the House of Mr. Speaker a Bill either succeeds or it Assembly on Monday June 22nd, fails and most Bills goes through that the Attorney General said: “Mr. process and are improved from the Speaker there has been a lot of public proposal that was initially submitted commentary on this Public Order to the House. This Bill is no different and Criminal Justice Bill. However, Mr. Speaker.” it is important Mr. Speaker for the She added: “The sort of Members of this Honorable House information that would normally be as well as members of the public to provided during the debate in the be provided with more information House has not been provided and on the Bill, how it came about and it is important to do so and so that what it seeks to do. Extraordinarily the debate in House is informed. The in this case the Bill was put into Hon. Premier has already indicated, the public domain before the Clerk considering the strange way in had the opportunity to publish it which this particular Bills has gone the usual way, and so it started a forward, that the government has public discourse which was certainly decided to allow for additional outside of the House and was not time for additional consultation on informed by anything that was said the Bill, including not only further in the usual way in terms of the consultation with those who have introduction of legislation in the been consulted already, but for wider House.” consultation and that is also a part of Braithwaite-Knowles added the legislative process in the House that the purpose of the House of of Assembly.” Assembly is to be a represented She continued: “Mr. Speaker body of the people and to debate as a premise as well it’s important important matters of interest to the to know that criminal law in respect people or of concern to the people, of public order offenses is intended including motions for Bills brought to penalize the use of violence and by the government or indeed private or intimidation by individuals or a By Todeline Defralien

A glimmer of light in UK gloomy lockdown

group. That’s the intention of Public Order offences Mr. Speaker and the Public Order and Criminal Justice Bill is no different.” Braithwaite-Knowles revealed that the Bill was drafted by an external consultant drafter, a former Attorney General in a Caribbean Overseas territory, as part of a project to address issues flagged by the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands’ Police Force to reform areas of criminal law in the Turks and Caicos Islands to aid in policing. She said, “The project covers a range of areas of reform and are not limited to the three Bills which I spoke of earlier that are currently before the House. The Venerable Witness Bill, The Sexual Offences Bill and this Public Order and Criminal Justice Bill. Those other Bills are being drafted by the external drafter and once they are ready they will be brought forward. They form a part of the government’s legislative agenda and they have been given priority treatment on the agenda, considering the purpose for which they are designed.” In addition, BraithwaiteKnowles stated that the elected government is very keen to modernize and expand the law dealing with threats as a deterrent to an increase in threatening behaviour which has recently been on display in these islands in conjunction with a public awareness raising campaign. That public awareness raising

Attorney General Hon. Rhondalee Braithwaite-Knowles, OBE, QC. campaign will begin as a part of the further consultation process to be applied. The proposed Public Order and Criminal Justice Bill 2020 is part of the elected Government’s plan to “modernise and expand the law dealing with threats – as a deterrent to an increase in threatening behaviour recently displayed in the islands”, while at the same time seeking to introduce a range of new provisions relating to public order, offensive messages and telephone calls, and measures to protect witnesses, jurors and judicial officers from intimidation and harm. The Attorney General said that on May 15th, 2020 consultation was initiated with the legal profession, through the Bar Council and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, law enforcement through the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force, and the Judiciary.

AMBITIOUS T&C ISLANDER LAWYER SOUGHT – PRUDHOE CARIBBEAN Our focus is on complex disputes work across a wide range of areas. We are also known for our commitment to pro bono work on issues impacting the TCI community. We are seeking one T&C Islander eligible for TCI Bar Admission and awaiting his or her period of supervised practice. Start date can be flexible for the right candidate. The position is not available “remotely” and is likely to include a period of work experience in a pre-eminent set of criminal law Barristers’ chambers in London (costs would be covered by the firm) and for which timings would obviously be subject to the impact / disruptions of the COVID-19 virus issues.

On Sunday, 16th February 2020, just before the UK Covid-19 lockdown which will last for about 100 days from March 23rd to July 4th 2020 , the Bishop of Southwark, The Right Reverend Christopher Chessun visited the local borough of Croydon at St Mary Magdalene (CofE) to present a prestigious honour (The Lancelot Andrewes Award) to local resident of Croydon Mrs Eileen O. Walkin for Christian services to her community. This award is of interest to the Turks & Caicos Islands because, although Eileen was born in Barbados and came to England UK in September 1965. She is married to Christian writer, Newton Walkin, a native of Bottle Creek, North Caicos. Newton is the author of several books, last book entitled: PRAYING FOR MIRACLES, published (2011) in the USA by Xulon Press, pp534. The Christian couple have been married for over 38years and live in Croydon, South London. Lancelot Andrewes(1555 -25

September 1626) was an English Bishop and scholar, who held high positions in the Church of England during the reigns of Elizabeth I and James I. During the latter’s reign, Andrewes served successfully as Bishop of Chichester, of Ely, and of Winchester and oversaw the translation of the King James Version of the Bible (or Authorised Version). In the Church of England he is commemorated on the 25 September with a Lesser Festival. The citation on the award Medal reads: “The Lancelot Andrewes Medal, Presented by Christopher 10th Bishop of Southwark in recognition of Zeal for the Gospeland Godly service”. The presentation of this award has appeared in the Church of England monthly magazine The BRIDGE, March 2020 (page 3 bottom left). Website: www.prayingformiraclesministries.org www.prayingformiraclesministries.com

The ideal candidate would have an existing interest in judicial review and other administrative and regulatory work and a willingness to appear in proceedings adverse to Caribbean governments. Also, a wish to “start at the beginning” in terms of advocacy experience (including criminal work at trial and appellate level). Excellent opportunities exist for involvement (at the appropriate level of responsibility) in non-TCI work around the Caribbean Region and beyond. Subject to the start date for any successful candidate, application for admission is unlikely to be sought until a minimum of 3-months after resumption of in-person court hearings. Any discussions with regard to this advertisement would be entirely confidential. Tim Prudhoe can be contacted on tim@ prudhoecaribbean.com so as to arrange a phone call or inperson meeting. The target date for expressions of interest is Friday July 17th, 2020.

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


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Employee at Cheshire Hall Hospital Cafeteria tests positive for COVID-19 An employee from the utilize the opportunity to conduct to undergo a COVID-19 test out catering department at Cheshire Hall the usual deep sanitization and an abundance of caution, which Medical Centre has tested positive for cleaning above the normal robust returned a positive result,” the press COVID-19 on Saturday, June 20th, environmental procedures and release stated. 2020, according to a joint statement controls in conjunction with TCIG “All other employees within from TCI Hospital and Government. Environmental Health Department. the small department deemed close The employee is the confirmed TCI Hospital in collaboration contacts are presently asymptomatic COVID-19 case referenced in the with the Ministry of Health has and have been quarantined as a TCI Government recent statement commenced front line worker precaution. Our thoughts are with that contracted the virus within the COVID-19 screening in keeping with our valued staff and the newly community. regional and international screening diagnosed person for a complete Since becoming aware of the of front line workers. The screening recovery during the home isolation result, the Ministry of Health - Public commenced with those departments period. Health team commenced contact with the highest priority due to more There have been no changes tracing and all of the relevant frequent patient exposure. to the current status of clinical information needed to assist was Since the onset of the operations at Cheshire Hall Medical provided. Persons deemed close COVID-19 peak period, employees, Centre and the facility continues contacts of the employee have been patients and visitors have been to enforce visitor restrictions, use quarantined and testing is ongoing. subjected to a COVID-19 screening of Personal Protective Equipment The source of the transmission questionnaire and temperature and other Infection Prevention is under investigation by Public screenings in order to access the and Control (IPC) measures along Health. This is the first TCI Hospital health care facility. All patients with reduced patient volumes employee who has tested positive for have been required to present to for outpatient services to ensure COVID-19. the emergency department entrance, compliance with social distancing The release stated that the and staff have a dedicated entrance measures and avoid patient affected employee was not responsible and are also screened. clusters. These are all precautionary for food production. However, “The employee was measures to reduce the risk of the Refresh Cafeteria at Cheshire asymptomatic while at work and disease transmission and exposure Hall Medical Centre was closed as therefore would have passed the to employees and patients. Further a precautionary measure, whilst screening process. On the day the updates on any clinical service the necessary due diligence steps employee became symptomatic, the changes will be provided as the continue with catering staff. During employee presented to an offsite situation evolves.” the closure period, the hospital will clinical facility and was required The TCIG Environmental

Opposition Leader accuses Premier of sneaking through the Public Order and Criminal Justice Bill 2020 Opposition Leader Hon. Washington Misick accused Premier Hon. Sharlene Cartwright- Robinson of sneaking through the Public Order and Criminal Justice Bill 2020 through inappropriately without the proper process and procedure. Misick made his statement during a debate of the Bill in the House of Assembly on Monday June 22nd, adding that she had no intention from day one to have consultation. “The Premier wanted to move this Bill at one sitting through the three stages didn’t have the respect for the Leader of the Opposition or for the country for that matter to even ask someone’s opinion, so there is absolutely no intention from day one to have consultation and this is just a farce today, because she’s been caught really trying to sneak something through inappropriately without the proper process and procedure.” Misick said he will not stand for it or allow the Premier to mischaracterize his position as it relates to this Bill. “Mr. Speaker, I initiated a communication with the Hon. Premier in relationship to this Bill especially based on the frenzy in the public domain over the Bill and I think to go beyond the first reading of this Bill is not wise and it is an infringement, in my view, on the rights of the minority of this House. Given the weight of the Bill before us, the impact on the communities across these islands I think it is a disservice to this country and an infringement on the rights of the minority to proceed beyond the first reading of this Bill today and even the presentation for a second reading and it is not something that I can support,” he explained. The Opposition Leader added that a Bill of this nature requires consultation by the entire public of these islands. He continued: “Faulty premise always leads to a faulty conclusion. A Bill of this nature requires consultation by the entire public of these islands and it is clear that the Premier had absolutely no intention of involving the public in this debate. Education is not one-sided and with due respect the Hon. Attorney General (Hon. Rhondalee Braithwaite-Knowles, OBE, QC) is a learned attorney and I have

Opposition Leader Hon. Washington Misick tremendous respect for her views, but her views are not the only ones, and she is not the only person who’s capable of providing education on the law or particularly on the Bill in front of us.” Misick rejected the notion of making a presentation of the Bill is to educate him or the public. “I have a constituency like the Premier has and I should be entitled to take advice from those people who have put me here and including legal advice. I don’t have the benefit of the Attorney General in the Cabinet. I think it’s a travesty. I don’t want to debate the legislation I just think procedurally it is wrong and I am appealing to you as the Speaker of this House to mediate in this situation because it cannot be right that something that is going to have long lasting impact on the lives of people to be rushed through,” he said. The Leader of the Opposition stressed that brining in the Public Order and Criminal Justice Bill, it is critically important to get it right. “Mr. Speaker I don’t want to leave the impression that there was some kind of dialogue or consultation going between myself and the Premier. The Premier is the Premier of this country, the leader of government business in this House and crime is a serious problem in this country and brining in a Bill like this it is critically important to get it right in two points, to make sure that the rights of people are protected but also to make sure those persons who would commit crime in this country are punished,” he explained.

Health Department in collaboration with the Facilities Management Department has secured an external caterer to prepare patient meals given the closure of the Refresh Cafeteria. The external caterer has been briefed on the Infection, Prevention and Control (IPC) protocols and patient dietary requirements. Internal arrangements will be made for food distribution to patient rooms as a patient safety measure. Employees were notified of the internal positive case upon receipt of the information, and have been encouraged to continue to adhere to the established stringent internal IPC measures within and outside of the workplace. The COVID-19 pandemic is dynamic and the science continues to evolve. The general public is encouraged to maintain strict compliance with public health measures. These include wearing a mask or face covering during appointments to the hospital, contact the Ministry of Health Hotlines on 232 9444 or 333 0911 if you feel you may have symptoms of COVID-19 and ensure you call and reschedule your outpatient appointment.

Front line workers being tested for COVID-19 Following the commencement of in-country testing for Covid-19, testing of front-line workers has commenced effective June 8th 2020 and is presently ongoing. The Ministry of Health said testing is being conducted by the Turks & Caicos Islands National Public Health Laboratory (NPHL) with the following groups being prioritized; suspected cases of Covid-19, contacts of confirmed cases, clients being referred overseas through the Treatment Abroad Programme, domestic travelers and frontline workers in that order. The method of Covid-19 testing being utilized by the NPHL is PCR (polymerase chain reaction)

which is the gold standard test for the diagnosis of Covid-19. As a part of the testing protocol, frontline workers will be tested once. Subsequent tests will depend on the development of symptoms. The turn-aroundtime, which is the amount of time between the receipt of a specimen by the lab and the availability of results, is approximately 48 hours. This turnaround time applies to all samples, however urgent samples have a faster turnaround time. Persons with symptoms of Covid-19 (which include fever and other respiratory symptoms such as cough and shortness of breath), are reminded to stay at home and contact the Ministry of Health hotlines on 232 9444 or 333 0911.

The School for Field Studies, South Caicos Several Openings: Center Director,Marine Operations Coordinator, Dive Safety Officer, Student Affairs Manager and Program/Waterfront Assistants Job Summaries and Qualifications: Center Director – PhD required (30K per year, currently held by work permit holder); Marine Operations Coordinator and Dive Safety Officer – BS degree, experience with facilities and vehicle/vessel maintenance (21K per year, currently held by work permit holders). Student Affairs Manager – BS degree, EMT, experience facilitating group safety and dynamics (21K per year, currently held by work permit holder). Program/Waterfront Assistant – BS degree in Marine Science or similar (10K per year, new position). All positions required to live on-site, minimum Dive Maters SCUBA certified unless otherwise stated, prior experience living/working at a field station and boat handling is preferred. To Apply: Please send your CV to HHERTLER@FIELDSTUDIES.ORG Start Date: Immediately

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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


Nursing home ‘Homely Haven’ officially opens By Todeline Defralien

Turks and Caicos Islands first private geriatric nursing facility ‘Homely Haven’ officially opened on Monday June 15th, 2020. TCI HomeAid Care was formed by local Registered Nurse/ EMT, Cleola Been with experience in Mental Health Nursing that loves helping others, and believes it to be a mission in life. TCI HomeAid Care was formed with one goal, to deliver the highest quality of in-home care. With over 20 years of experience in Registered Nursing, there are things she has seen firsthand that she wanted to see changed. It was her plan for TCI HomeAid Care to offer only the best of service, so only the best caregivers where hired to match the culture that the company intended to build. Owner, Cleola Been told The SUN, “Words can’t express how excited and ecstatic I am to have seen my dream become a reality. I’ve been talking about this for many years and to see it finally materialize is surreal. I’m blessed beyond measure to have achieved this goal and I could not have done it without the strong support system that I have in my life.” Homely Haven is geared towards care for the elderly, especially those persons who are at a

Homely Haven disadvantage where adequate care is not being afforded to them. She added: “The feedback from the community has been extraordinary. All very positive comments and many were in awe after viewing the facility. We were definitely welcomed and praised and we would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the many supporters that gave us an overwhelming positive response.” Been stated that the facility is everything that she expected it to be but she also have aspirations to go even further with time. “The process of putting this all together was challenging at times as we were met with some obstacles along the way and even some disappointments, but we were able

Owner of TCI HomeAid Care, Cleola Been to overcome them swiftly and all in all it took us about a year to get to this point without any financial aid,” she added. Homely Haven is a 24hr round the clock long term care facility and currently has the capacity to house six clients but can go up to eight. “Residents can look forward to 24-hour long term care provided by trained professionals, full meals according to their dietary needs including healthy snacks, accompanied doctor visits by a health professional, proper management and monitoring of medication along with blood pressure and blood glucose management, records of care, daily programs such as yoga and knitting just to name a few. One

hundred percent holistic care. They will only need to bring clothing. We provided everything else,” Been explained. Been said they have gone to every extent to ensure the safety of both clients and staff in all aspects of Homely Haven. The facility consist of central air-conditioning, cable and internet, electric hospital beds, air mattresses, in house laundry, bedside tables, non-skid floors, recliners, commodes, shower chairs, hydraulic lift, cameras in all bedrooms for continuous monitoring, all the comforts of home with exceptional care to accompany it. Homely Haven is located at 51 Robinson Road, Norway, Five Cays, Providenciales.

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


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Page 14


JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


Report from June 24th Cabinet meeting His Excellency the Governor, Nigel Dakin, chaired the 23rd meeting of the Cabinet on Wednesday 24 June by video-conference. All members were present. At this meeting, Cabinet: •Were updated and discussed Covid-19 related activities being undertaken by the Ministry of Health including confirmed cases and associated contact tracing; infrastructure works; National Public Laboratory; National Epidemiology & Research Unit; Primary Health Care; staffing issues; procedures for returnees currently in quarantine; public

gatherings in breach of current protocols; compliance work; Cuban health professionals; and public communications work.

Government chartering a new course for 2020 and beyond to make the economy of the Turks and Caicos Islands more resilient and sustainable.

for tourism industry providers to demonstrate that they are compliant with Covid-19 protocols. Members agreed on urgent next steps.

•Granted permission for the Ministry of Finance to use a withdrawal •Approved amendments to •Discussed matters relating to HM warrant to reduce government the Company (Amendment) Prison and urgent action required. expenditure and approved the Regulations to establish a penalty implementation of additional regime (outside of summary •Discussed provisions for returning internal control measures to reduce convictions and automatic striking) residents and unemployed workers costs, to identify supplementary for companies which have failed needing to return home. funding required in support of to file their Beneficial Ownership Covid-19 related work. information as required by the law. •Were updated on illegal fishing in TCI waters and steps required for •Approved the Establishment •Noted an information paper on the the disposal of confiscated items. of the Turks and Caicos Islands development of the TCI Assured Government - Economic Council Certification program in support •Received an update on plans for to produce a detailed road map of pre-travel information which further consultation on the Public that will be presented to the will be asked of visitors to TCI and Order Bill 2020.

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


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Local Media visits operations supported by UK Special Assistance Force via helicopter L

ocal media personals had the opportunity up close to get a greater insight into the development of the TCI Regiment, disaster preparations and the works of the UK Security and Assistance Team

(SAT) on Thursday June 25th. In addition, followed was a This was carried out in a three helicopter tour on the Royal Naval hour engagement which included a Merlin took place over the Island of briefing on the TCI Regiment by Lt. Providenciales and a flyby over RFA Col. Ennis Grant and a briefing by Argus. the UK SAT team in Providencailes. Due to COVID-19 restrictions

the media was not able to board the off shore ship but the experience was one to never forget. These photographs by The SUN captured the tour. Photo Credit: Todeline Defralien

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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


Understanding Migraine Headaches Migraine headaches is a such as before menstruation or on common affliction of many. In fact, weekends following a stressful week about 12% of the western population of work. There are four different is said to suffer from migraines. phases of migraines though persons These headaches and recurrent and may not always have all phases every can be debilitating. Women are three time they have a migraine. times more likely to get migraines Up to 24 hours before than men and most persons with a migraine, you may get early migraine headaches have a family symptoms such as food cravings history of the condition. and mood changes! This is called the prodrome. Right before the What causes migraines? headache, one may experience what is known as the aura where they The cause of migraine may get nausea, visual disturbances headaches is not completely such as blurred vison or flashing understood, it is believed that it is lights and even extreme fatigue. multi-factorial and reasons such as Then the headache hits. This is genetics and environment play a usually a throbbing moderate or role in its occurrence in individuals. severe headache that is on one side The mainstream thought is that of the head though it can become there is a chemical imbalance in generalized. During the headache, the brain leading to a fall in the persons may complain of sensitivity transmitter called serotonin. This to light or sound. The headache affects how one perceives pain can last hours or even days! After but also affects nerves in the brain. the headache has subsided, one may This hyperexcitability of the nerve experience postdrome effects such as causes an increase transmission of exhaustion. pain which tends to be in the area innervated by the nerve, hence it How are migraines diagnosed? tends to affect one side of the head, at least in its initial stages. To make a diagnosis, your doctor will take your medical history and What are the symptoms of do a physical and neurological migraines? exam. Most times the diagnosis is obvious, however an important part Migraines are more common of diagnosing migraines is to rule in the morning; people often wake out other medical conditions which up with them. Some people have could be causing the symptoms. As migraines at predictable times, such, depending on the merits of

your case, you may have blood tests, an MRI or CT scan, or other tests requested. How are migraines treated? There is no cure for migraines. Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms and preventing additional attacks. A big part of managing migraines is avoiding getting them. This can be achieved in patients who have triggers, figure out what they are, and avoid them. Common triggers include: •Stress and anxiety •Lack of sleep and overexertion or fatigue •Bright or flashing lights, loud noises and strong smells •Certain medications such as the oral contraceptive pill •Smoking tobacco and excess alcohol •Skipping meals •Certain foods and food additives such as chocolate, cheese. some fruits and nuts, MSG, pickled foods and processed meats.

By Dr. Marsha Barnett

frequently, medications can be used daily to try and avoid getting the headache in the first place. BOTOX can also be used to treat migraines. In most patients, one session causes a vast reduction in the number of headaches over a 4-6-month period. This can be life changing in chronic migraine sufferers. Certain natural treatments, such as vitamin B2and coenzyme Q10, may help prevent migraines. If your magnesium level is low, you can also try taking magnesium. Although there are herbs that are purported to help migraines, most are not scientifically proven and may interact with other medications. Therefore, always check with your health care provider before taking any supplements.

When you do get a headache, there are pain killers that can be *Dr. Marsha Barnett is a general used to relieve the headache. Some practitioner who also specialises are regular pain killers such as in dermatology. For questions ibuprofen but others are pain killers or comments, please contact used specifically to treat migraines. her at drmarshabarnett@gmail. Also, in persons who get debilitating com or at Associated Medical headaches or get them Practices - 946-4242. The Work of the Court Continues Remotely In keeping with Practice Direction No. 3 of 2020 issued on 23rd April, 2020 the work of the Court will continue remotely, as far as is practicable. All persons are therefore encouraged to continue to submit documents by email to the following email addresses, unless you are directed to deliver hard copies of documents:

NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC COURT OPENING HOURS & PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES The public is advised that with effect from Monday 22nd June, 2020until further notice, the Registries of the Supreme and Magistrate’s Court in Grand Turk and Providenciales will be open to servethe public between 9:00am and 4:00pm on weekdays. Please note the following: 1.You will only be allowed entry to the Court building if you fall into one of the following categories: a)You are an Attorney at Law or party in a case that is listed and you have been advised to attend Court in person. b)You have a confirmed appointment or have been advised by Court personnel to attend the building. c)You are dropping off documents as directed by the Registrar/Clerk of Court. 2.You must wear a mask. You will not be permitted entry to the building unless you are wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth. 3.You will be required to sanitize your hands before entering the building. A sink has been set up at the Registry in Providenciales with soap and water for you to wash your hands. Our Court Security at the Registries in both Grand Turk and Providenciales will also be available to spray your hands with hand sanitisers before entering the building 4.You must speak with the Security before you proceed to any Court Room. 5.Not more than 2 persons will be allowed to enter the Registry office at any one time. A tent has been erected at the front entrance of the building at the Registry in Providenciales. You will be asked to wait in the tent until you are ready to be attended to. Proper social distancing protocol will be observed and must be adhered to.

Supreme Court: Magistrate’s Court:

supremecourttci@gov.tc magistratecourttci@gov.tc

Do not copy or send documents to be filed to the personal email addresses of court staff or any other court email address, unless directed by the Court to do so. Court hearings will continue by video unless the Courtdirects parties to attend in person. Payments Payment of filing fees, fines, maintenance and other payments that are being made into Court are to be made via on-line transfer to the Treasury. If you cannot make on-line payments, please call the contact numbers provided below for an appointment to attend the Registry. Contact Information If you wish to make any enquiries about your case, if you have any questions or if you wish to make an appointment please call or send an email to the contact information provided below. Please note, that if you are calling about an existing matter, we recommend that you have your file number and the names of the parties available. Supreme Court Email: supremecourttci@gov.tc Telephone: Providenciales 338-4203/232-2460 Grand Turk 338-3972/231-7409 Magistrate’s Court Email: magistratecourttci@gov.tc Telephone: Providenciales 338-4201/4205 or 232-7240 Grand Turk 338-3967/232-3949 REGISTRAR 22nd June, 2020

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


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LOCAL NEWS A review of the Public Order and Criminal Justice Bill 2020. Do not fear. Your Freedom of Expression is protected by the Constitution The Public Order and Criminal Justice Bill 2020 is getting a lot of attention from residents. Personally, I believe all Parliamentarians should meet with constituents before a bill is debated in the House of Assembly so that they can hear the view points from others. Unfortunately, I believe that some of our politicians believe that the fact we vote for them, gives them the right in the House to represent us without consulting us. I read the Bill multiple times so I can gather my own thoughts on it rather than reading what others had to say.

not do anything with it. With this proposed Bill, a threat does not have to be in writing any longer and so voice notes can be used as evidence against someone that threatens you. Television and radio broadcasters are excluded in Section 10 Section 10 excludes television broadcasters.

specifically and radio

Protection of jurors and judicial officers

Clarification of same dwelling and separate dwellings There has to be clarification of dwelling. The offenses cannot be committed if both individuals are in the same dwelling or in separate dwellings. This is very confusing. For example if a neighbor sits on his porch and say some abusive words to his neighbor, there may be no grounds for the neighbors to pursue a case against his neighbor. Section 5 and Section 4 are similar except …..

Part 1V of the Bill protects Section 5 and Section 4 are witnesses, jurors, judicial officers similar except that that behaviour from intimidation and harm. This and words do not need to be aimed The purpose of this Bill is is a good thing but can also be a at anyone in particular. to create new Public Order offences bad thing. For example, if someone By Drexwell Seymour and to control the dissemination writes and exposes witnesses, jurors Section 6 referencing is of offensive messages and false and judicial officers in prejudice, misleading information. that person can possibly be guilty of Fundamental rights and causing intimidation for expression Section 6 makes reference freedoms of the individual How does a Bill get to the his opinion. The persons may claim to intent for section 5 but section House of Assembly? they are intimidated. 5 in itself does not use the words “1. Whereas every person intentional. However, section 4 uses in the Islands is entitled to the When the Attorney General Abusive and insulting words the word intentional but section fundamental rights and freedoms appeared on Financially Speaking can be subjective 6 does not make any reference to of the individual, that is to say, the radio show (a program that I host section 4. It does make reference to right, without distinction of any every Tuesday on RTC) she explained The Bill has the words abusive section 2 and 3. kind, such as race, national or social the process. The Government of the and insulting multiple times. What origin, political or other opinion, day presents to the AG a legislature is considered insulting to one party Meaning of menacing can be colour, religion, language, creed, agenda. The Attorney General’s may not be considered insulting to open to interpretation association with a national minority, Chambers then draft legislations the other party and therefore this is property, sex, sexual orientation, based on the agenda of the very subjective. There is reference to birth or other status, but subject to Government. Once the legislation menacing in Section 10 but there is respect for the rights and freedoms is finalized, it goes to Cabinet for Proving that the message cause no clarification on what is meant by of others and for the public interest, approval. Once Cabinet approves it, distress will be hard to prove menacing. This word can be open to each and all of the following, it then goes to the House of Assembly to interpretation by the victim, the namely— for Debate for three readings. If Section 9 prevents someone Police and the judicial system. approved in the House, it becomes from sending a message that (a)life, liberty, security of the person an ordinance and the Governor is offensive, false, indecent or How do you prove that you and the protection of the law; assents to the new Ordinance and it threatening. However, the sender knew the information sent becomes law. can only be guilty if there is proof was false? (b)freedom of conscience, of Therefore any Bills presented that the sender cause distress or expression and of assembly and to the House of Assembly are bills anxiety to the recipient. This can be Section 10 also prohibits association; and that the Government initiates. After a pro and con. messages from being send knowing all, one of the main purposes of a Interpretation of it was false. This is very subjective (c)protection for his or her private Government is to enact laws. immediate is missing because one can send information and family life, the privacy of his or thinking it was true. How do you her home and other property and Threats no longer have to The Bill stated that the threat prove the person knew it was false? from deprivation of property save in be in writing only of violence has to be immediate. the public interest and on payment What is the definition of immediate? Conclusion of fair compensation, Based on our current laws, if This is open for interpretation by the the subsequent provisions of this a person makes a threat against you, Police, the Courts and the Defense. As you can see, there are Part shall have effect for the purpose that threat must be in writing. As a More clarity is needed on this. merits and demerits in this Bill. I of affording protection to the result of this, it is very challenging to believe that most people are concern aforesaid rights and freedoms, and persecute people if the threat is not Proving it was intentional that this bill will limit their rights to related rights and freedoms, subject in writing. Quite frankly, very few express how they feel. A lot of section to such limitations of that protection people put threats in writing. There has to be intention in this bill will be difficult to hold up as are contained in those provisions, Many people have received by the offender to cause a person in court as you have to prove it was being limitations designed to ensure threats by voice notes on their harassment, alarm of distress. How intentional and you cause distress etc. that the enjoyment of the said telephones but the justice system do you prove it was the intention Furthermore, please note that your protected rights and freedoms by does not allow that in court. I of the offender to cause harassment, freedom of expression is protected any individual does not prejudice recalled a very popular criminal had alarm or distress? This may be very by the Constitution. Please see an the rights and freedoms of others or a voice note with threats on it and difficult to prove. excerpt from the Turks and Caicos the public interest.” (source :Turks it became viral however, they could Islands Constitution below. and Caicos Islands Constitution) Purpose of the Bill

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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


How Walter Rodney sees the role of history Rupert Lewis in his book “Walter Rodney’s Intellectual and political thought,” quoted Rodney as saying it is the people who make history. Rodney further writes that the task of the historian is to look at West Indian society from within, rather than from without, and emphasise what was going on within the region. This would lead to the presentation of new heroes with whom the West Indian people would identify themselves. I think that these are important statements about the role of history in society and who its creators are. The fact that Rodney sees the people as the makers of history is enlightening, because traditionally, it was thought that history was made by great men such as generals, and important politicians, while the ordinary people were merely onlookers. Here, recognition and prominence are given to the people. And when West Indian society is seen from within, our way of seeing is not tarnished by outside influences, so that an objective view is presented. Rodney further notes that the people must be informed to be better able to define their image of the good society. My view is that history does this by educating the society about its legends, culture, traditions, its great men and women, and from this creates an image of a better society. Through history, its adherents gain knowledge and understanding. They become aware of what triggers events, how similar occurrences were

dealt with, and so portray an image of a people, who are courageous and competent, because of being inspired by the accomplishments of those who went before. This accumulation of experiences and strategies, provides a backdrop to what Rodney refers to as the historical dimension which enables an understanding of current issues of underdevelopment reflected in the unequal relationship between local economies and world capitalism. Through this historical dimension, we develop a certain perspective which broadens our ability to analyse issues more deeply. We are able to compare what happened, with what is happening, and make intelligent projections accordingly. This enables us to see current issues of underdevelopment in the context of what our societies experienced earlier, and realise how other cultures converted our civilisation into properties to be exploited for their benefit, and still do in a more sophisticated way. We are then able to craft solutions which remove us from our psychological state of denial. Rodney then advances the idea of a “living history,” which reflects the present. By this he means, a history which focuses on current developments and issues. The past is not neglected, but rather used to inform and explain the present. Also, living history interprets and provides reasons for why certain issues have developed, and suggests solutions, providing models for how to approach and successfully deal


Location: Kew Town, Black Crown Road, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Is looking for an Upholsters to make, repair or replace upholstery for household and office furniture, boats and vehicles. Responsibilities: • Fit, install and secure materials on frames using hand tools, power tools, glue, and etc. • Mount materials or work pieces onto equipment. • Take work orders • Keep files in order Requirements: • Must have Minimum 5 years experience in this area • Must be able to work 6 days a week, including holidays if required • Must be customer service oriented • Must be able to work with little to no supervision • Must have knowledge in fabrics • Certified or Associates degree in the field is a MUST Starting Salary is $7.00 per hour to be paid weekly. Qualified applicants should send a copy of their application and current Police Certificate to: Sandccreative2018@hmail.com And send a copy of your application to the Turks and Caicos Islands employment Services. This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder.

NOTICE Regulation 8 of the Physical Planning (Development Permission) Regulations, 2014 An Application, REGISTERED PR 14903, by Zens Ltd. for the development of Residential Complex containing 30 units: Twelve (12) Two Bedroom, Twelve (12) One Bedroom Units, Six (6) Studio Units, Administration Building, Gazebo and Outdoor BBQ, Gym, Swimming Pool & Deck, Maintenance Building and Ancillary Facilities. has been submitted to the Department of Planning for consideration of Outline Development Permission on parcels 60905/186, Leeward Going Through, Providenciales. Anyone wishing to make representation(s) may do so in writing to the Director of Planning, South Base, Grand Turk or through the Department of Planning, Emily House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, within twenty eight (28) days of publication of this Notice. Date:

with any new challenges. For Rodney, history is seen as decolonisation, an instrument of global change, and the building of consciousness. In this sense, I see it as all encompassing. Indeed, particularly for the West Indies, it is the study of history that has brought the idea of decolonisation to life, and at the forefront of West Indian political, economic, and social development. Decolonisation uses the subject matter and methodology of history to reinterpret and advance knowledge through research that is By Oliver Mills more favourable to the colonised. This knowledge looks no longer seen as compliant, but critically on issues and how they assertive in defending our rights and were previously interpreted, and interests. provides a more progressive and For the Turks and Caicos sympathetic way of looking at, and Islands, our history should be an valuing the contribution of West instrument of re-education, and Indians, debunking the ideologies transformation. Our educational that were crafted by certain countries system should seriously educate its to devalue their culture and image. clients in their cultural and historical Most importantly traditions. It should transform the decolonisation liberates the mind curriculum to make it more relevant from the mental slavery of the past, to the real needs of the country as and encourages a positive image of some of our more forward looking who we are as West Indians. This schools already do. And history develops our self-confidence in seeing should be a compulsory subject. ourselves as being just as competent History should be used to as those who tried to devalue us and teach critical thinking, stress the role make us feel we were never capable of of the country in the region and the any important achievements. world, and deal with areas such as Through decolonisation, our the contribution of our prominent consciousness as West Indians is citizens to the development of our enhanced, and we become more self- political and social institutions. assured. We begin to play significant History teaching should stress roles on the global stage through political awareness, and how to international institutions, and this cultivate a decent, educated society changes the perceptions that some where there are no knees on other global actors had of us. We are peoples’ necks.

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


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It is time for Valued Added Tax (VAT) to be revisited duty, NHIB, NHIP, Hotel and tourism tax. TCI import food and beverages, tobacco, clothing, We all know direct taxation manufacture and construction is always a controversial subject, materials, primarily from some of but there is never a perfect time to our top trading partners like the address it, especially now. United States and The Bahamas. Nevertheless, it may resonate Indicators from the TCIG with an even greater audience, Department of Statistics 2019, especially those who are struggling showed that our total imports was financially right about now. $487.6 million dollars. That’s no For those of you who are not chump change for a country of this familiar with the term (VAT) or Value size. added tax, it is a tax that is charged TCI could be considered a on all imported goods with the one trick pony in terms of export. exemption of select items. With the exception of the fishing In cases where a concession is industry, the local brewery and water made, a (CPF) or customs processing plants, there is nothing else of any fee is still applied. With this system, it significance as it relates to domestic avoids the need for a resale certificate. production. Tax cascading is avoided by applying Therefore, high demands are the tax only to the difference (“value placed on citizens to import their added”) between the price paid by basic necessities. With that being the first purchaser and the price paid said, how could the average citizen be by each subsequent purchaser of the required to pay the same import tax same item. as big corporations? It puts an undue In addition, there are other hardship on citizens, especially the categories of taxation like, stamp marginalized communities. By Ed Forbes A concerned citizen of Grand Turk

In a developing country safety net and a short-term response such as Turks and Caicos Islands, the to an economic crisis like the one we government should create public are in now. Such funds would also policies to support and encourage provide workers with transitional locals to spend more on imports. income until they can find a new job. This will have to include revising the Both employees and businesses will existing 30% import tax or duties on be responsible for contributing to most goods. this fund, especially since many Big corporations should be of these larger corporations have in a different import tax category already negotiated huge tax breaks. then local citizens, even if it’s broken By doing so, when down into a two-tiered approach catastrophes such as a devastating based on the size of the businesses. hurricane or a pandemic like the Given the fact, that imports is a huge current COVID-19, which can cripple bolster to the country’s revenue, an economy and the job market, other sources of expendable income we would be in a better position to will need to be exploited. assist the working class. Use of our With the country’s primary sinking funds or surpluses to provide workforce being tourism-related, stimulus checks, could be a last resort one suggestion, if it hasn’t already or to provide further support for the been done, would be to conduct poor and small business assistance. a comprehensive study on direct Furthermore, funds that taxation. This will determine if were already earmarked for major implementing a sustainable and capital projects would not have to reasonable unemployment insurance be delayed for too long. So, my point tax trust fund would be beneficial to is, do we cater to the masses or a the people. select few? Definitely something to It is my opinion that such consider once the country rebounds. funds would provide a good social Your thoughts?

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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020

We hire smiles!!!

Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villages and Spa, the only 6 Diamond All-inclusive property in the Caribbean is inviting applications from Turks and Caicos Islanders for the following vacant positions. We hire the personality and train the individual. Applicants must have a clean police record and a good command of the English language both written and spoken. In addition candidates must be able to work nights, public holidays and week-ends. The Resort thanks everyone for their interest in advance and advises that applicants will be contacted for an interview via Text Message. The Food and Beverage Department requires: 

The Laundry Department requires:

Director Food and Beverage

Reports to:

General Manager

Reports to:

Plans and directs the functions of administration and planning of the Food and Beverage Department to meet the daily needs of the operation. Clearly describes, assigns and delegate’s responsibility and authority for the operation of the various food and beverage sub-departments, e.g., restaurants, banquets, etc. Develops, implements and monitor schedules for the operation of all restaurants and bars to achieve a profitable result. Applicants should satisfy the following criteria:  College or University Degree (Hospitality Management,) and or equivalent experience.  Demonstrate knowledge of an ability to manage Food & Beverage operation, obtained through hotel school, university and / or equivalent experience and apprenticeship training  Minimum of five (5) years’ experience as a Manager in Food and Beverage The Director of Food and Beverage position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder. Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. Should a suitable local applicant not be found a permit application will be submitted. The salaries for the positions indicated above are negotiable and dependent on experience. The Housekeeping Department requires:     

Houseman Room Attendant Public Area Cleaner/Attendant Turn down Attendant Shift Leader

Reports to:

Executive Housekeeper

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift and bend.  No allergies to chemicals or dust Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position

The Weddings Department requires: Wedding Steward Assistant Wedding Manager

Under the guidance and supervision of the Assistant Wedding Manager within the scope of established Sandals Resort & Spa policies, the Steward will ensure that all aspects the Weddings operation are performed accordingly.

This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder The Maintenance Department requires:            

Electrician Mechanic A/C Technician Senior Stove Technician Room Technician Carpenter Pool Operator Senior Plant Operator Painter Shift Leader Supervisor Technician

To work closely with the Rooms Division to ensure that the physical appearance in and around the room is as per the Resort’s established quality and standards; to ensure that the furniture, fixture, A/C’s, plumbing and equipment are properly maintained, and to provide a prompt and efficient response to all guest service requests in a timely and courteous manner. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Must have a minimum of a high school diploma and/or a certificate in a field of engineering from a recognized Vocational Training Institution  Basic computer literacy and internet knowledge is preferred  Physically fit with the ability to lift and bend

The range for these positions is $6.25 to $13.00 per hour.

The Watersports and Catamaran Departments require:       

Boat Captain First Mate Deckhand/Lifeguard Shift Leader Scuba/ Dive Instructor Supervisor Watersports/ Pool/ Beach Attendant

Under general supervision, ensures the safety of patrons of an aquatic facility by preventing and responding to emergencies.

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The range for these positions is $6.25-$6.50 per hour The Concierge Department requires:

Reports to:

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs.  No allergies to chemicals and ability to handle heat  Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position.

Reports to: Watersports Manager

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs.  No allergies to chemicals  Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position.

 

The Laundry Attendant is responsible for the finishing process of linen ensuring the highest quality production is achieved.

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

Reports to:

Laundry Manager

Reports to: Chief Engineer

The Room Attendant assumes primary responsibility for guestroom cleaning and servicing. The Housemen are responsible for delivering clean linen and clearing dirty linen from Room Attendants’ trolley. The general maintenance of all corridors and walkways on assigned floor/section are also the responsibility of the Housemen. The Public Area Cleaner/ Attendant is responsible to service all other areas and offices.

Laundry Attendant

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Boat Captain License (Required Boat Captain) (preferred First Mate)  Certified PADI/NAUI Instructor; (Scuba, Dive Instructor and Shift Leader)  First Aid & CPR Certified; These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

Storeroom Controller Shift leader

The ranges for these positions are $7.25 to $13.00 per hour

Concierge Manager

To maintain an effective and detailed control on the movement of beverage items/guest supplies, from ordering to placement in rooms. Maintains standards of quality and presentation and assists with guest services. To work closely with Concierge and Housekeeping to ensure that Guests receive friendly, efficient service from the point of arrival until departure in regards to stocking and restocking of rooms, assistance with luggage, location of amenities, delivery of WOWs, and TLC calls, to assist in the Concierge when needed.

The Grounds Department requires:   Reports to:

Grounds Supervisor Groundsman Grounds Manager

Grow and propagate plants; cultivating, and harvesting horticultural specialties, such as trees, shrubs, flowers, mushrooms, and other plants.

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  High School diploma / certificate  Knowledgeable about inventory / accounting  Understand ordering and receiving processes

This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder however more than one is required recruitment is ongoing to fill these positions. The range for these positions is $6.25 to $6.75 per hour.

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Supervisory certification and experience leading a grounds team (Supervisor only)  Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs.  No allergies to chemicals  Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position.

This position is currently held by Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The range for these positions are $7.25- $9.00 per hour

Applications giving full details of qualifications and experience should be sent to: mmvaughn@grp.sandals.com or placed in the secure drop box at the service gate or Fax to: 941-4870 Attn: M McClean-Vaughn The Labour Commissioner The Human Resources Labour Department Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands

and and should reach not later than July 14th, 2020

Department Beaches Turks and Caicos P.O. Box 186 Lower Bight Road

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


Page 21

We hire smiles!!!

Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villages and Spa, the only 6 Diamond All-inclusive property in the Caribbean is inviting applications from Turks and Caicos Islanders for the following vacant positions. We hire the personality and train the individual. Applicants must have a clean police record and a good command of the English language both written and spoken. In addition candidates must be able to work nights, public holidays and week-ends. The Resort thanks everyone for their interest in advance and advises that applicants will be contacted for an interview via Text Message. The Front Office Department requires:

The Butler Department requires:     

Reports to:

Is responsible for all aspects of guest care during stay, assisting in all areas of hotel and continual improvement of skills through training and practice; is instrumental to achieve our goal in providing the highest professional standards in Butler Service to our guests and thus exceeding the guest expectation. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Holder of a certification from the Guild of Professional English Butlers.  Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs.  No allergies to seafood

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Associates Degree or higher preferred;  Minimum three years’ work experience managing a Front Office team;  Certification in Customer Service The Front Office Manager position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder. The salary for this positions ranges from $28,000.00 to $35,000.00

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders and persons with on island status (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

The Front Office Department requires: Reservationist Supervisor

 

The range for these positions is $6.25 to $7.50 per hour The Dining Room Department requires:

Reports to:

Managing Director

Supervises and ensures the smooth operation of the Front Office. Ensure personnel are executing their duties in an efficient, effective, professional and courteous manner. Directs and coordinates the activities of the Front Desk, Reservations, Bell Desk, PBX, and Airport Operation.

Reports to: Butler Manager

     

Front Office Manager

Butler Junior Butler Shift Leader Junior Butler (formally Room Service Server/Waiter) Supervisor

Reports to:

Server Waiter Waitress Banquet Server Cleaner Labourer

Front Office Manager

Represents the company throughout the guest’s stay, ensures guest satisfaction by meeting and exceeding their expectations. To work closely with all department to ensure that Guests receive friendly, efficient service from the point of arrival until departure. To deliver the highest level of professional and exemplary customer service to all guest. To conduct themselves with unquestioned integrity at all times while coordinating guest entire vacation experience through a seamless process. Ensuring the delivery of genuine service that enhances every vacation experience.

Restaurant Manager

To provide prompt, courteous and professional service to all patrons; monitoring service standards and assisting where possible, ensuring the smooth flow of the restaurant operation and enhancing the guests’ experience. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Two years’ experience within a casual restaurant setting preferred  Physically fit  No food allergies

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  High School graduate  Computer literate  Excellent Customer Service Skills This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The Spa Department requires:

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

Gym Attendant (Cleaner) Spa Therapist

 

The range for these positions is $6.25-$6.50 per hour

Reports to:

The Kitchen Department requires:

The Spa Therapist is responsible for the comfort of the guests of the spa while performing treatments. Direct all efforts toward guest satisfaction achievement of Spa standards, and profit maximization. As part of the Spa Team it is imperative to work harmoniously to achieve the highest standard of service. Under the guidance and supervision of the Spa Manager within the scope of established Sandals Resort policies, the Spa Attendant (Cleaner) will ensure that all aspects of Spa cleaning duties are performed accordingly

     

Chef Cook Grade 1,2 and 3 Pastry Chef Sous Chef Executive Sous Chef Assistant Pastry Chef

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs.  No allergies to chemicals  Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position.

Reports to: Executive Chef Under the guidance and supervision of the Executive Chef, Executive Sous Chef and Sous Chef, and within the limits of established Sandals Resorts policies, procedures, oversees and directs all aspects of the kitchen operation at the level of standard and quality established by the company. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Culinary institution or equivalent technical schooling or apprenticeship training;  Three to five years’ culinary experience hotel/resort.

The range for this position is $6.25 to $6.75 per hour

Assistant Food and Beverage Manager Assistant Director of Food And Beverage Restaurant Manager Food and Beverage Manager

    Reports to:

The Photoshop Department requires:

Reports to:

This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder.

The Food and Beverage Department requires:

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

 

Spa Manager

Director of Food and Beverage

Plans and directs the functions of administration and planning of the Food and Beverage Department to meet the daily needs of the operation. Clearly describes, assigns and delegates responsibility and authority for the operation of the various food and beverage sub-departments, e.g., restaurants, banquets, etc. Develops, implements and monitor schedules for the operation of all restaurants and bars to achieve a profitable result.

Shop Attendant Sales Representative Photoshop Manager

All photoshop attendants/ Sales Representatives are Customer Service Representatives with additional responsibilities; therefore they should provide the highest level of customer service. Promote and sell all items in the photoshop while displaying pride and confidence in the product and the company. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Certification in the field of Retail  One (1) year experience in a similar position

Applicants should satisfy the following criteria:  College or University Degree (Hospitality Management,) and or equivalent experience.

 

This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

Demonstrate knowledge of an ability to manage Food & Beverage operation, obtained through hotel school, university and / or equivalent experience and apprenticeship training Minimum of five (5) years’ experience as a Manager in Food and Beverage

These Manager positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders and persons with On Island Status (however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. Should a suitable local applicant not be found a permit application will be submitted. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Minimum three experience as Restaurant Manager in an international first-class hotel/resort.  Experience managing a restaurant with over 300 persons seating area

The range for these positions is $6.25 to $13.00 per hour

The Restaurant Manager position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder (however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The salary for these positions ranges between $23,000.00 and $38,000.00

Applications giving full details of qualifications and experience should be sent to: mmvaughn@grp.sandals.com or placed in the secure drop box at the service gate or Fax to: 9414870 Attn: M McClean-Vaughn The Labour Commissioner The Human Resources Labour Department Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands


Department Beaches Turks and Caicos P.O. Box 186 Lower Bight Road

and should reach not later than July 14th 2020

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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020



TCHTA’s Community Staples Mission to impact 10,000 lives locally

he Turks and Caicos Hotel and Tourism Association (TCHTA) recently launched its Community Staples Mission which will impact approximately 10,000 lives locally by providing essential food items for persons in need during the COVID-19 crisis. This initiative is in partnership with the Turks and Caicos Islands Government (TCIG), Tropical Shipping and local NGOs. The first distribution took place this week, with subsequent distributions to follow through at least the next three

months. Orders placed for the first round of distribution will impact approximately 10,000 lives. The goal of this humanitarian effort is to extend compassionate service to the communities and work and provide a visible ray of hope to those who are directly or indirectly dependent on the largest local economic driver tourism. The TCHTA Community Staples Mission was created to assist with the pandemic relief effort. Nikheel Advani, COO of Grace Bay resorts and Chairman

of the TCHTA is the visionary behind this initiative and hopes this much-needed assistance provides peace of mind to those in need during this unprecedented time of great hardship. This initiative is not only open to local businesses, but also to anyone looking for ways to help others in need. The TCHTA has partnered with the Social Welfare Department to identify persons in need, with packages donated to the wider community being distributed through the Department.

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020



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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020

Life after lockdown alte T

ape marks off distance between worshippers, mannequins serve as placeholders at cafes and robots serve drinks at bars. After months of lockdown, countries around the world are returning to a version

of life altered by coronavirus precautions. Restaurants, movie theaters, shopping malls and museums are reopening but must follow certain rules as governments ease restriction put in place to help prevent the spread of the

virus. To maintain social distancing at a restaurant in Amsterdam, customers dine in individual glasshouses lining a waterfront. At a shopping mall bathroom in Paraguay, black

A man wearing a mask has a haircut with a barber wearing a protective suit to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus as people practicing social distancing are reflected on a window in Manila, Philippines on Monday, June 8, 2020.

A robot known as “Alexia” waits on customers at a bar at Plaza del Castillo square, in Pamplona, northern Spain, Friday, June 5, 2020.

A student wearing a face mask amid th to his teacher at a rural school near Em 2020.

Circles designed to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus by encouraging social distancing line San Francisco’s Dolores Park, Thursday, May 21, 2020.

Customers drink a toast through plastic protector against the coronavirus infection at Kichiri, an “izakaya” restaurant chain in Tokyo Thursday, June 4, 2020.

Customers seated in small glasshouses e in Amsterdam, Netherlands, Monday, Ju

Jayden Deltoro, left, watches “Trolls World Tour,” while wearing a protective mask amid the coronavirus pandemic, at the Four Brothers Drive-In Theatre, Friday, May 15, 2020, in Amenia, N.Y.

Members of the Cape Town City Ballet Company, wearing face masks and shields and practicing social distancing as they practice after the company returned for their first day back at work after more than two months in lockdown in Cape Town, South Africa, Friday, June 5, 2020.

People drink soft-drinks as they practice the Paragon Cineplex movie theater in Ba

Teachers show to Oumou Salam Niang, 6, how to use a mask during the first day of school after the lockdown, at a primary school in Barcelona, Spain, Monday, June 8, 2020.

Wearing face shield, mask and gloves, an employee cleans a face mask vending machine at the Siam Paragon shopping mall in Bangkok, Thailand, Tuesday, May 19, 2020.

Signs, for customers to observe social distancing measures, are seen on the road as a restaurant worker wearing a protective face mask and shield against the spread of coronavirus, waits for customers at a restaurant on Istiklal street, the main shopping street in Istanbul, as shops reopen, Monday June 1, 2020.

Shoppers maintain social distancing as they walk in line to enter reopened Shibuya 109, a landmark and fashion building in Shibuya shopping district June 1, 2020, in Tokyo.

Muslims pray spaced apart to help curb in Bekasi on the outskirts of Jakarta, Ind

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


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ered by the coronavirus LOCAL NEWS

tape marks off urinals to encourage safe social distancing. Signs prevent close seating at a movie theater in Bangkok. Many governments started lifting lockdowns as they faced political backlash and historic

he coronavirus pandemic pays attention mpalme Olmos, Uruguay, Monday, June 1,

enjoy lunch at the Mediamatic restaurant une 1, 2020.

economic recessions. In just a few months, the pandemic has killed at least 410,000 people worldwide and infected about 7.4 million, according to a tally kept by Johns Hopkins University.

Some experts worry that a surge of the coronavirus in underdeveloped regions with shaky health systems could undermine efforts to halt the pandemic.

A urinal is marked with black tape to prevent use as a measure to encourage safe social distancing in a shopping mall bathroom in Asuncion, Paraguay, Friday, A waitress carries menus and hand sanitizer at a seafood restaurant in Marseille, southern France, Tuesday, June 2, 2020. June 5, 2020.

Graduating seniors of Brophy College Preparatory waits their turn to walk down Display mannequins are placed between customers at the Cafe Livres in Essen, the aisle to the stage individually during Diploma Days due to the coronavirus Germany, Wednesday, May 20, 2020. Thursday, May 28, 2020, in Phoenix.

People ride a train with seats arranged for social distancing measures during social distancing during a mock movie at the first day of a more relaxed coronavirus lockdown in Manila, Philippines on angkok, Thailand, Monday, June 1, 2020. Monday, June 1, 2020.

Wearing masks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, Thiago do Nascimento, right, and Keilla de Almeida kiss during their drive-thru wedding at the registry office in the neighborhood of Santa Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Thursday, May 28, 2020.

Moenchengladbach players celebrate in front of the cardboards with photos of Moenchengladbach fans displayed on the spread of the coronavirus during a Friday prayer at the Al Barkah Grand Mosque the stands at the end of the German Bundesliga soccer match between Borussia Moenchengladbach and Union Berlin in donesia, Friday, May 29, 2020. Moenchengladbach, Germany, Sunday, May 31, 2020.

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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


The coronavirus pandemic means that many of us will be spending more time at home, and working remotely. And with schools closed and students taking online classes, this extra time at home could mean an increase in energy usage, and added costs to our electricity bills. But that doesn’t have to be the case. FortisTCI encourages you to practice energy conservation as much as possible.

• Turn off lights when not in use. • Use energy-efficient compact fluorescent or LED bulbs • Set your air-conditioning thermostat to a comfortable 78 degrees, and use a ceiling fan to help circulate air. • Turn off televisions and other electronic devices when not in use.

Monitor your daily usage with the My Online Account web portal. Sign up at www.fortistci.com, where you can also find more energy-saving tips.


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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


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CORPORATE FLIGHT DEPARMENT CHIEF PILOT Minimum Requirements: Must hold an Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) MEL rating. Have flight department and aircraft management experience, current First Class Medical and have no accident or violation history. The position mandates the following minimum requirements: • 5500 Hours Total Flying Time • 3000 Hours Pilot-In-Command (PIC) Total Time • 2500 Hours Multi-Engine (MEL) Total Time • 150 Hours Instrument Total Time • 100 Hours Piper Navajo Total Time We are accepting pilot applications from qualified candidates. Salary for this position begins at $60,000.00 per annum and will commensurate with qualifications and experience. MASSAGE THERAPIST Job Requirements/ responsibilities: •Must have a minimum of 5 years’ experience in a luxury resort and spa. •Graduate from an accredited school of massage and esthetics with a massage certification and esthetic certification. •The ideal candidate needs to be qualified in Deep tissue massage, Swedish massage, Hot Stone Massage, Prenatal massage and Reflexology. Esthetic treatments such as facials, body scrubs and wraps. •Must possess excellent communication skills. •Must be a team player. •Must have a keen desire to serve the public. •Training and experience in recognized professional product modalities welcomed. •You will be required to work weekends and public holidays. •Candidate will be required to perform mobile services on board yachts, location and in room treatments. •Professional training for product lines will be provided. •Reception and treatment booking experience required. •Serve as a catalyst to promote spa services to hotel guests. •The position is commission based. Salary range for the line positions listed above begin at $6.25 per hour and will commensurate with qualifications and experience. SECURITY OFFICER Reporting to the Director of Security, responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following: Position Description Security Officer is responsible for: insuring a safe environment for all guests and associates; patrolling; documenting; reporting; and following-up on safety and security hazards or infractions. This individual may also be required to carry out more general guest service tasks, such as delivering items to guest rooms. A Security Officer must demonstrate the ability to remain calm in emergencies, and balance excellent guest and associate relations skills with safety and security. The successful applicant must be available to work multi shifts, holidays, weekends and overnight. Job Requirements •Guest Oriented with previous resort/hotel experience is a MUST •Must have working knowledge of all procedures and processes in Loss Prevention •Must be computer literate with excellent communication, written and oral skills •CPR and First Aid Certification Preferred •A valid TCI driver’s license Salary commencing at $8.00 per hour. Belongers only need apply STEWARDS To maintain the kitchen and restaurant work area, equipment and utensils: Duties also include washing of dishes, pots, pans and trays by hand; sweeping and moping of floors and banquet set up and break down. Salary Scale: $6.50 - $7.00 per hour. Belongers only need apply. LABOURER RESPONSIBILITIES To assist in maintaining the grounds. Must be able to lift 50lbs., bend, and stand for long periods of time. Must be able to speak English. Salary Scale: $6.50 - $7.50 per hour. Belongers only need apply ISLAND HOST RESTAURANT SUPERVISOR Reporting to the Food & Beverage Manager, responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following: RESPONSIBITIES: •Lead and manage the day to day operations of the restaurant ensuring all service standards are followed •Lead and support all Food & Beverage departments in the achievement of their financial and operational targets •Assist with training and development of all Colleagues to ensure career growth •Follow department policies, procedures and service standards •Follow all safety policies REQUIREMENTS: •Proven food and beverage management experience •Familiarity with restaurant management software •Communication and team management abilities •Availability to work within opening hours (e.g. evenings, holidays, weekends) •Up to date with food and beverages trends and best practices •Requires fingering, grasping, lifting, pushing and carrying up to 50 lbs. Salary range for this position begins at $9.00 per hour and will commensurate with the qualifications and experience of the successful applicant. RESPONSIBILITIES To prepare hot foods on range and or grill and ensure consistent quality following

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020

recipe cards and production standards; must be knowledgeable of food preparation and preparation methods, understand sanitary food handling techniques and knowledge of the safe operation of kitchen equipment. Salary Scale: $8.00 - $10.00 per hour. Belongers only need apply AIR CONDITION TECHNICIAN Reporting to the Chief Engineer, responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following: RESPONSIBILITIES: •Installing, troubleshooting, repairing and maintaining the refrigeration and air conditioning systems •Fabricate and assemble refrigeration and air conditioning systems. •Carry out all necessary changes to air in the system, test lines, components and connections for leaks. •Install expansion and control valves on units and adjust and replace parts as needed. REQUIREMENTS: •Must possess a minimum of 6-10 years 4-star background in same or similar position •Certification or diploma from a formal Electrical or Technical Institution is required. •Must be highly organized individual. •Must be computer literate and have excellent, clear communication skills written and oral Salary range for the positions listed above begin at $9.00 per hour and will commensurate with qualifications and experience. BAR SUPERVISOR To ensure a quality bar experience for our guests. Will be responsible for supervising all bar staff; inventory control, cash handling and maintaining a courteous and efficient operation. Must be knowledgeable of bar operations and guest relations; have the ability to remember, recite and promote menu items, effectively solve guest complaints and concerns in a friendly and positive manner. A minimum of one year experience as a supervisor with cash handling responsibility is preferred. Salary Scale: 12.00 - $15.00 per hour COMPUTER PROGRAMMER & IT SPECIALIST To provide support analysis and management and assist in the planning, developing, installing, configuring, maintaining and supporting hardware, software and communication systems in order to maintain the stable operation of the information systems and networks of our Hospitality Group. Job Description: •Assist in analysing the IT needs of the Group and determining the immediate and long-range software and hardware requirements. •Maintain, secure, troubleshoot and administer Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Internet (Cable/DSL/Wi-Fi connection) and IPTV •Maintain & evaluate computer hardware, communication equipment, networking software, operating system and application software. •Network administration and management. •Maintain control records, implement & secure network traffic and optimize server performance. •Perform and ensure System/Data back-ups and its recovery operations; •Provide problem solving services and assist network users on system & software such as PMS, POS Software and Telephone Billing System. •Interact and negotiate with vendors, outsourcers and contractors to seek products and services. •Provide on-call technical support. •Follow all safety policies Requirements: •Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or Information Technology •5 plus years Working Experience in IT •Knowledge of VLAN and switch management technology •Strong customer service orientation •Microsoft Server Administrator, Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft SharePoint •Knowledge of Apple Macintosh Operating System •Knowledge of IQWare and/or Visual One would be a distinct advantage •Keen attention to details •Highly self-motivated and directed Salary entry point is $31,000 per annum and will commensurate with qualifications and experience. GARDENER To qualify for this position, you should be able to push/pull carts weighing up to 150 lbs. You must be able to ensure the cleanliness of all areas assigned, which may include, walls, floors, gardens and grounds. You must be able to stand for long periods of time and also have the ability to climb ladder several times each day. Salary range for the positions listed above $6.50 to $8.00 per hour will commensurate with qualifications and experience. ROOM ATTENDANTS To ensure the cleanliness and orderliness of the assigned guestroom, work areas and equipment. Must be able to push and pull carts weighing up to 150lbs and be able to climb flights of stairs several times daily. Salary range for the positions listed above begin at $7.00 per hour and will commensurate with qualifications and experience Interested persons may contact out Corporate HR department office or by submitting your resume with qualifications and experience to: hr@wihl.com Please also submit a copy of your completed application to our labour department. Closing date July 2nd,, 2020

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


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Black artists call on Hollywood to prove Black Lives Matter More than 300 Black actors and filmmakers, including Idris Elba, Queen Latifah and Billy Porter, on Tuesday asked Hollywood to divest in the police and invest in anti-racist content. An open letter addressed to “Our Allies in Hollywood” attacked what it called the industry’s “legacy of white supremacy” and said Hollywood “encourages the epidemic of police violence and culture of anti-Blackness.” The letter, organized by the group Hollywood 4 Black Lives, was written in the midst of a cultural and political reckoning in the United States about systemic racism and mass protests about the killing of Black people by police. Specific demands included abolishing the employment of police officers on sets and putting pressure on Los Angeles city authorities to reduce budgets for policing. It called on the movie and television industry to “end

the intentional glorification of police brutality and corruption in our storytelling” and for studios to employ more Black people with executive, budget and green lighting powers. Long-running police TV shows “Live PD” and “Cops” were canceled earlier this month. Multiple celebrities, including talk show hosts Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon, and “30 Rock” creator Tina Fey have issued public apologies for wearing black face or depicting white characters made up as Black people. “It is time for Hollywood to acknowledge its role and take on the responsibility of repairing the damage and being a proactive part of the change,” Tuesday’s letter said. According to a report on diversity in Hollywood published in February by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), people of color took 27.6% of lead roles in top films for 2019, almost triple the percentage in 2011.

Actor Idris Elba arrives for the world premiere of the movie “Cats” in Manhattan, New York, U.S., December 16, 2019. Heads of movie studios were 91% white and 82% male, according to the UCLA report. Signatories to Tuesday’s letter included campaign groups Black Lives Matter and Color of Change, as well as actors Viola Davis, Tiffany Haddish, Janelle Monae, Mahershala Ali, Laverne Cox, Cynthia Erivo and “Black Panther” star Chadwick Boseman.

Jimmy Kimmel apologizes for use of blackface in sketches

Jimmy Kimmel apologized Tuesday for his 1990s blackface impressions of NBA player Karl Malone and other Black celebrities but said his delay in addressing the subject came in part to avoid handing a victory to his foes. “I apologize to those who were genuinely hurt or offended by the makeup I wore or the words I spoke,” the ABC latenight star said in a statement. It’s part of the entertainment world’s continuing reckoning triggered by the protests against police treatment of Black Americans. On Monday, four episodes of the comedy “30 Rock” were pulled from circulation because they featured characters performing in blackface. Kimmel’s impersonation of Malone, which he started on radio and then brought to television on Comedy Central, was criticized by Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity, among others. The two men feuded on air and online two years ago when Hannity objected to a Kimmel joke about Melania Trump’s accent. Fox News’ website on Monday had a story about Kimmel using a common slur against Black people on a 1996 comedy song, and about times Kimmel had imitated the voices of Black personalities. Kimmel said that he had never considered his Malone skits would be seen as anything other than an imitation of a fellow human being, “one that had no more to do with Karl’s

skin color than it did his bulging muscles and bald head.” He also said he didn’t consider his impersonations of Black people in racial terms. “Looking back, many of these sketches are embarrassing, and it is frustrating that these thoughtless moments have become a weapon used by some to diminish my criticisms of social and other injustices,” Kimmel said. He said he had long been reluctant to address the subject, “as I knew doing so would be celebrated as a victory by those who equate apologies with weakness and cheer for leaders who use prejudice to divide us. “That delay was a mistake,” he said. Kimmel also had a warning for critics who might use his past against him. “I know that this will not be the last I hear of this and that it will be used again to try to quiet me,” he said. “I love this country too much to allow that. I won’t be bullied into silence by those who feign outrage to advance their oppressive and genuinely racist agendas.” Kimmel made his announcement as he is beginning a summer-long vacation. He’s an important figure at ABC; he was just named host of this fall’s Emmy Awards and he has taken over Regis Philbin’s role for the network’s summertime remake of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.” ABC had no comment about his statement. Last weekend, Fox

Disney to revamp Splash Mountain to feature company’s first Black princess

Crowds walk along Main Street toward Cinderella Castle and Tomorrowland at Disney’s Magic Kingdom on the final day before closing in an effort to combat the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in an aerial view in Orlando, Florida, U.S. March 15, 2020. Walt Disney Co (DIS.N) said on Thursday it will renovate its Splash Mountain theme park ride to feature Tiana, the entertainment company’s first Black princess and the star of 2009 animated film “The Princess and the Frog.” The announcement follows criticism of the current theme for Splash Mountain, which is based on 1946 film “Song of the South.” A recent online petition argued that the film promoted racist stereotypes. Splash Mountain, “will soon be completely reimagined” with a story that features Princess Tiana preparing to attend a Mardi Gras performance, Disney said in a blog post. “Tiana is a modern, courageous and empowered woman, who pursues her dreams and never loses sight of what’s really important. It’s a great story with a strong lead character, set against the backdrop of New Orleans and the Louisiana bayou,” the company said. Hollywood companies including Disney are revisiting works from the past in light of renewed calls for racial justice following the death of African American George Floyd in U.S. police custody. The petition on Change.org said Splash Mountain was a “beloved classic” at California’s Disneyland, Walt Disney World in Florida and Tokyo Disneyland. But “its history and storyline are steeped in extremely problematic and stereotypical racist tropes from the 1946 film Song of the South.”

Vera Lynn, voice of hope in wartime Britain, dies at 103 Jimmy Kimmel at the Walt Disney Vera Lynn, the singer who became a Television 2019 upfront in New York. symbol of hope in Britain during World War Two and again during the coronavirus pandemic with News Channel guest Kat Timpf her song “We’ll Meet Again”, has died at the age of mocked Kimmel’s explanation 103. that he was taking the summer Known as the Forces’ Sweetheart, Lynn off to spend time with his struck a chord with soldiers fighting overseas and family. Kimmel has a son born with the public back home with songs such as “The in 2017 with a rare heart defect; White Cliffs of Dover” that gave voice to the hopes after Timpf was done, host and fears about the conflict with Nazi Germany. Greg Gutfeld pointed out the To mark her 100th birthday in 2017, a giant condition. image of Lynn as a young woman was projected “I had no idea,” Timpf on to those white cliffs and a new album released. said. “I’m very sorry and I’m an She was back in the headlines as recently idiot.” as April when Queen Elizabeth used words from The “30 Rock” episodes Lynn’s song to tell the country “We will meet were pulled at the request of again” and urged people to show resolve during series creator and star Tina Fey. the coronavirus lockdown. While the comedy ended a “Dame Vera Lynn’s charm and magical seven-year run on NBC in 2013, voice entranced and uplifted our country in television series never truly die, some of our darkest hours,” Prime Minister Boris and episodes are still shown in Johnson wrote on Twitter. “Her voice will live on television syndication and on to lift the hearts of generations to come.” streaming services including Lynn was born Vera Welch on March 20, Hulu, Amazon Prime, iTunes 1917, the daughter of a plumber in London’s East and Peacock. End, and was singing in working men’s clubs at Fey, who portrayed the age of seven. Liz Lemon in the series about She began radio broadcasts and singing the backstage world of a with bands in the late 1930s. But it was her television show, said in a note to wartime songs that won her fame and led to British distributors that “I understand tanks trundling into battle with “Vera” painted on now that ‘intent’ is not a free their sides and more than 1,000 written offers of pass for white people to use marriage from servicemen. these images.”

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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


Black culture in fashion seeks to move from the runway to the control tower More than 40 years after Beverly Johnson became the first black model to grace the cover of Vogue, the fashion industry is facing its own reckoning over racism and exclusion. Anna Wintour, regarded as one of the most influential figures in fashion, has apologized for “hurtful and intolerant” mistakes by the magazine during her 30-year tenure as Vogue’s editor-in-chief. But Black members of the industry say real change must come from corporate boardrooms that often exploit Black culture but do too little to support its creators. “I think fashion is a great example of a platform and business that loves Black culture, loves the Black body, but doesn’t want to pour back into the Black community financially,” said Emil Wilbekin, the former editor-in-chief of Essence magazine. As mass protests took place nationwide this month about the killings by U.S. police of unarmed Black men and women, Johnson proposed the Beverly Johnson Rule.

It would require fashion and beauty companies to interview at least two Black professionals for openings on executive boards and other influential positions. “I believe that the door has been cracked open just a little bit,” said Johnson, who first graced the Vogue cover in 1974. Washington Post fashion critic Robin Givhan said she can spot the lack of diversity in luxury brands by looking at their end products. Egregious missteps in recent years include Prada’s 2018 keychain of a monkey with inflated lips and Gucci’s 2019 “black face” high-neck sweater with a mouth cut out and trimmed in red. “There’s really only two that have men of color at the helm. Olivier Rousteing at Balmain. And Virgil Abloh who designs the menswear for Louis Vuitton,” Givhan noted. “The place where the changes really have to happen are in executive suites, because that’s where the decisions are made about what the designer looks like, and

A movie poster for “Gone with the Wind” sits in a front yard of a home damaged by Hurricane Katrina in Chalmette, Louisiana, in St. Bernard Parish September 28, 2005.

‘Gone with the Wind’ returns to HBO Max with commentary on brutality of slavery Movie classic “Gone with The film “presents the the Wind” returned to the HBO Max antebellum South as a world of grace streaming platform on Wednesday, and beauty without acknowledging the along with two extra features discussing brutality of chattel slavery upon which its depiction of race in the Civil War this world was based,” TCM host and era. film scholar Jacqueline Stewart says in The Oscar-winning 1939 the introduction. film was pulled two weeks ago as the “Eighty years after its initial United States began a mass reckoning release, ‘Gone with the Wind’ is a film with systemic racism triggered by of undeniable cultural significance. nationwide protests over police It is not only a major document of brutality. Hollywood’s racist practices of the past HBO Max, a unit of but also an enduring work of popular WarnerMedia, said at the time that it culture that speaks directly to the would return with a discussion of its racial inequalities that persist in media historical context. and society today,” Stewart added. On Wednesday, the film set on Stewart recalled that the film a Georgia plantation was accompanied won eight Academy Awards, including by a four minute introduction and a best picture, and set a milestone when recording of a panel discussion about supporting actress Hattie McDaniel, the movie at the Turner Classic Movie who played a maid, became the first (TCM) festival in 2019. African-American actor to win an Oscar.

the designer is then the person who is able to determine what the runway show looks like and what the advertising campaign looks like,” Givhan said. Stylist Law Roach, who has worked with singers Zendaya, Ariana Grande and Celine Dion, said he sometimes feels as if he does not exist in the industry. “Have I ever been introduced as the assistant and my white female assistant as me? Absolutely, a thousand percent,” said Roach. He said that at fashion shows in New York, he had been asked “to see my ticket or to see my text message with my seat assignment lots and lots of times.” One of the first steps Roach will take to bring about change is to do better at championing Black brands. “I’m holding myself accountable as somebody who has the power to make a difference in someone’s career and life. I’m A model presents a creation by designer Virgil holding myself accountable to make Abloh as part of his Fall/Winter 2020 collection sure that I do it more frequently for show for fashion house Louis Vuitton during Men’s people who look like me,” he said. Fashion Week in Paris, France, January 16, 2020.

Dixie Chicks Emily Robison (L) and Martie Maguire (R) joke with Natalie Maines during their performance at the opening night of the Nokia Theatre L.A. Live in Los Angeles October 18, 2007.

Dixie Chicks drop Dixie from name; country group tries to ‘meet the moment’ Country music trio Dixie Chicks on Thursday changed its name to simply The Chicks, the latest move in U.S. pop culture to drop associations with the nation’s racist past. “We want to meet the moment,” the band said on its website, without further explanation. The word “Dixie” is associated with the U.S. southern states where chattel slavery was legal and which seceded from the union and fought as the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. This month, country band Lady Antebellum changed its name to Lady A, also because of the associations of the Antebellum period with slavery. The Dixie Chicks formed in Texas in 1989, and became one of the biggest names in country music.

The female band was shunned by country radio stations in 2003 after singer Natalie Maines said she did not endorse the U.S. invasion of Iraq. The band responded in 2006 with the Grammy-winning single “Not Ready to Make Nice.” Musicians, television shows and movies have all been forced to re-examine the messages they are sending out in the wake of a national reckoning over systemic racism in the United States triggered by mass protests against police brutality against Black people. The classic Civil War movie “Gone with the Wind” returned to the HBO Max streaming platform on Wednesday, accompanied by an introduction acknowledging the brutality of slavery.

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LIFESTYLE Beware second wave of coronavirus, medics warn Britain A second coronavirus wave is a real risk for Britain and local flare-ups are likely, major health bodies said on Wednesday, in one of the strongest warnings yet to Prime Minister Boris Johnson as he eases lockdown to help the economy. Britain has one of the world’s highest death tolls from COVID-19 but infections have fallen. The government plans to lift many restrictions in England from July 4 to help an economy facing the deepest contraction in three centuries. With fears of renewed spikes of infections concerning leaders around the world, some of Britain’s most eminent health leaders want urgent preparations for such a possible scenario. “The available evidence indicates that local flare-ups are increasingly likely and a second wave a real risk,” the medics said in

a letter in the British Medical Journal. It was signed by 15 of the most eminent health professional groups and trade unions including the heads of the Royal College of Surgeons, the Royal College of Physicians, the Royal College of Emergency Medicine and the British Medical Association. European nations emerging from shutdowns are nervously watching a new outbreak at a meatpacking plant in Germany, where two municipalities have regressed to lockdown. Announcing that England was emerging from “hibernation”, Johnson is letting pubs, restaurants and hotels reopen from July 4. He urged vigilance but said the government did not believe there would be a second peak likely to overwhelm health services. The official death toll rose by 154 to 43,081 on

Wednesday. Including deaths from suspected cases, the toll is over 54,000, the second highest after the United States. “RIGHT WAY TO GO” Despite the high death toll, the International Monetary Fund forecast on Wednesday that Britain would suffer slightly less severe economic damage this year than most other big A triage nurse waits for patients in the Emergency Department at Frimley Park Hospital in Surrey, Britain, May 22, 2020. European economies. “Science is still and-trace system. Output is expected to driving decision-making,” The medics’ letter fall 10% this year compared he said at a news conference. called for a review focusing with just under 13% in “The stepwise approach of on “areas of weakness” to France, Italy and Spain. the UK is the right way to prevent a second wave. Germany, which has a much go.” In response, a lower death toll, is forecast Johnson, who was spokesman for Johnson said to suffer an 8% hit, similar himself treated in intensive authorities would continue to the United States. The head of the care for COVID-19, has faced to guarantee resources for World Health Organisation criticism for imposing the health and care services emergencies programme lockdown too late, failing while working closely with Mike Ryan said every to supply enough protective the National Health Service government would face equipment to medical staff to prepare for the winter. and dithering over a testsetbacks.

Flu vaccine was disappointing vs. some strains last season The flu vaccine did a disappointing job last winter in the U.S., and officials worry that might be a bad sign for the fall. Flu vaccines had been about 60% effective against the type of flu that caused the most lab-confirmed illnesses last winter, but last season’s vaccine was only about half that good, according to study results reported Wednesday. Against another major type of flu, vaccines have already been only around 30% effective. The new results may be a sign of shrinking effectiveness against a number of strains, and “that’s concerning,” said Brendan Flannery, who oversees the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s system for evaluating the vaccine. The results come as health officials are gearing up for a critically important flu vaccination campaign, with a record 180 million doses being prepared. U.S. health officials fear a second wave of coronavirus infections, and reducing flu illnesses could help reduce patient traffic if COVID-19 causes doctors’ offices and hospitals to become overwhelmed. CDC numbers indicate that last winter’s flu season caused somewhere in the neighborhood of 22 million medical visits, 575,000 hospitalizations and likely more than 40,000 deaths. Vaccines against many infectious diseases aren’t considered successful unless they work at least 90% of the time, but flu is particularly

Latin America’s COVID-19 deaths seen hitting nearly 390,000 by October

The death toll from the coronavirus in Latin America is expected to skyrocket to 388,300 by October, with Brazil and Mexico seen accounting for two-thirds of fatalities as other nations in the region contain their outbreaks, researchers said on Wednesday. The region has emerged as a new global hotspot for the fast-spreading pandemic as deaths surpassed 100,000 this week and cases have tripled from 690,000 one A patient receiving a flu vaccination in month ago to 2 million. Mesquite, Texas. High poverty levels and large challenging, partly because the informal sectors - which mean many virus can quickly change. Overall, workers cannot afford to quarantine flu vaccine effectiveness averages - have combined with overcrowding around 40%. Last season’s was 39% in cities and inadequate public healthcare, particularly in isolated overall. Last winter’s flu season rural communities, to hamstring featured two waves, each dominated Latin America’s fight to stem the by a different virus. Both flu bugs are contagion. Brazil is expected to exceed considered dangerous to children, and it was a very bad flu season for 166,000 deaths and Mexico 88,000, according to the forecast from the kids. Health officials reported 185 University of Washington’s Institute U.S. flu deaths in children this past for Health Metrics and Evaluation flu season, the second highest total (IHME). Argentina, Chile, Colombia, in a decade. And officials believe that because of reporting lags, additional Ecuador, Guatemala and Peru are each forecast to see over 10,000 cases may still come in. Most of the children who fatalities, while 15 nations including died were not vaccinated. But how Paraguay, Uruguay and Belize are well the vaccine performs in kids seen with fewer than 1,000 deaths each. remains a large concern. “Several Latin American A Type B flu strain ended up causing most early season illnesses countries are facing explosive and the bulk of illnesses in children trajectories, while others are over the entire winter, Flannery said. containing infections effectively,” The vaccine was about 39% effective said IHME Director Dr. Christopher Murray. against that strain in children.

IHME researchers warned that the loss of life could surge even higher than the alreadygrim forecast if mandates on mask wearing and social distancing are relaxed. In a worst-case scenario, the COVID-19 death toll could climb to 340,476 people in Brazil and 151,433 people in Mexico, the report said. The leaders of Brazil and Mexico have been chastised for not taking the virus seriously enough and pushing for a reopening of their economies before the virus has been tamed. “Brazil is at a grim tipping point. ... Unless and until the government takes sustained and enforced measures to slow transmission, the nation will continue its tragic upward trajectory of infections and deaths,” Murray said. As Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has continued to downplay the seriousness of the health crisis, Latin America’s largest nation has tallied nearly 1.2 million cases and 53,830 deaths. Transmission could be cut in half in communities where people are wearing masks when leaving their homes, according to the IHME. “Increased testing and use of masks are important tools in reducing the toll of this pandemic in Mexico, in addition to keeping healthy distance,” said Dr. Rafael Lozano, director of Health Systems at IHME.

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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020



Scarce medical oxygen worldwide leaves many gasping for life

Guinea’s best hope for coronavirus patients lies inside a neglected yellow shed on the grounds of its main hospital: an oxygen plant that has never been turned on. The plant was part of a hospital renovation funded by international donors responding to the Ebola crisis in West Africa a few years ago. But the foreign technicians and supplies needed to complete the job can’t get in under Guinea’s coronavirus lockdowns — even though dozens of Chinese technicians came in on a charter flight last month to work at the country’s lucrative mines. Unlike many of Guinea’s public hospitals, the mines have a steady supply of oxygen. As the coronavirus spreads, soaring demand for oxygen is bringing out a stark global truth: Even the right to breathe depends on money. In much of the world, oxygen is expensive and hard to get — a basic marker of inequality both between and within countries. In wealthy Europe and North America, hospitals treat oxygen as a fundamental need, much like water or electricity. It is delivered in liquid form by tanker truck and piped directly to the beds of coronavirus patients. Running short is all but unthinkable for a resource that literally can be pulled from the air. In Spain, as coronavirus deaths climbed, engineers laid 7 kilometers (4 miles) of tubing in less than a week to give 1,500 beds in an impromptu hospital a direct supply of pure oxygen. Oxygen is also plentiful and brings the most profits in industrial use such as mining, aerospace, electronics and construction. But in poor countries, from Peru to Bangladesh, it is in lethally short supply. In Guinea, oxygen is a costly challenge for governmentfunded medical facilities such as the Donka public hospital in the capital, Conakry. Instead of the new plant piping oxygen directly to beds, a secondhand pickup truck carries cylinders over potholed roads from Guinea’s sole source of medical-grade oxygen, the SOGEDI factory dating to the 1950s. Outside the capital, in medical centers in remote villages and major towns, doctors say there is no oxygen to be found at all. The result is that the poor and the unlucky are left gasping for air. “Oxygen is one of the most important interventions, (but) it’s in very short supply,” said Dr. Tom Frieden, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the U.S. and current CEO of Resolve to Save Lives. Alassane Ly,

Medical workers offload cylinders of oxygen at the Donka public hospital where coronavirus patients are treated in Conakry, Guinea, on Wednesday, May 20, 2020. a telecommunications engineer and U.S. resident who split his time between the Atlanta suburbs and his homeland, boarded a flight to Guinea in February. He promised his wife and young daughters he’d be home by April to celebrate Ramadan with them. Then he fell ill. Struggling to breathe and awaiting results for a coronavirus test, he went with his brother-in-law on May 4  to a nearby clinic on the outskirts of Conakry. But they weren’t equipped to help. His condition worsening, he tried  the  Hospital of ChineseGuinean Friendship, which also turned him away, his family says.  Finally, his brother-in-law drove him through curfew checkpoints to the intensive care unit of the Donka hospital for the oxygen  he had sought all day. It was apparently too little and too late. Within hours, he was dead. Six weeks later, his coronavirus test came back positive. His death has sparked a furor in Guinea. The country’s health minister, Rémy Lamah, maintained that Ly got excellent care at Donka. But when  Lamah himself came down with coronavirus this month, he, like other top government officials, went to a military hospital only for VIPs. Ly’s widow, Taibou, said if Lamah was so confident about Donka, he would have gone there himself. She accepts her husband’s death as God’s will, but said she cannot accept a medical system that failed. “One life is not worth more than another,” she said from her home in Atlanta. “They will have to live with their conscience.” For many severe COVID patients, hypoxia — radically low blood-oxygen levels — is the main danger. Only pure oxygen in large quantities buys the time they need to recover. Oxygen is also used for the treatment of respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, the single largest cause of death in children worldwide.

Yet until 2017, oxygen  wasn’t even on the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines. In vast parts of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Asia, that meant there was little money from international donors  and little pressure on governments to invest in oxygen knowledge, access or infrastructure. “Oxygen has been missing on the global agenda for decades,” said Leith Greenslade, a global health activist with the coalition Every Breath Counts. The issue got more attention after British Prime Minister Boris Johnson  narrowly survived a bout of coronavirus, crediting his recovery to the National Health Service and “liters  and liters  of oxygen.” But Johnson is a prominent figure in one of the world’s richest countries. After the AP report came out Wednesday, WHO said it is working with partners to increase access to medical oxygen for people sickened by the new coronavirus in developing countries. Director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that at the current rate of about a million new COVID-19 cases every week, the world would need about 88,000 large cylinders of oxygen every day. “One of the most effective ways of saving lives is providing oxygen to patients who need it,” Tedros said. Unlike for vaccines, clean water, contraception or HIV medication, there are no global studies to show how many people lack oxygen treatment — only broad estimates that suggest at least half of the world’s population does not have access to it. In the few places where indepth studies have been carried out, the situation looks dire. In Congo, only 2% of health care facilities have oxygen; in Tanzania, it’s 8%, and in Bangladesh, 7%, according to limited surveys for USAID.  Most countries never even get surveyed. In Bangladesh, the lack of a

centralized system for the delivery of oxygen to hospitals has led to a flourishing market in the sale of cylinders to homes. Abu Taleb said he used to sell or rent out up to 10 cylinders a month at his medical supply shop; now it’s at least 100. Courts have sentenced about a dozen people for selling and stockpiling unauthorized oxygen cylinders, often at exorbitant prices. Tannu Rahman, a housewife, waited three days to get a cylinder of oxygen for her brother-in-law, who has been infected with coronavirus in the capital, Dhaka. Rahman said they were in complete despair as “nobody came forward,” even though she offered to pay twice the regular price. Finally, she managed to buy a cylinder at three times the price, but her brother-in-law is now in the hospital in critical condition. “We don’t know what is waiting for us,” she said. “We are very worried.” In Peru, which recently surpassed Italy in its number of confirmed COVID-19 cases, the president has ordered industrial plants to ramp up production for medical use or buy oxygen from abroad. He allocated about $28 million for oxygen tanks and new plants. Some hospitals have oxygen plants that don’t work or can’t produce enough, while others have no plants at all. In the city of Tarapoto in northern Peru, relatives of COVID patients who died from lack of oxygen protested outside a hospital with a plant that does not work, banging pots and pans. The government has flown in tanks of oxygen by air and is expected to install a new plant. Annie Flores has lost two relatives to COVID oxygen shortages. She said the family embarked on a desperate quest to buy oxygen after being told the hospital didn’t have any. Price gouging was rampant, with tanks going for six times the usual amount. She said her sister-in-law’s aunt died Sunday, 30 minutes after an oxygen provider refused to refill a tank the family had bought elsewhere. “I’m anxious and having panic attacks,” said Flores, a special events planner. “The amount of oxygen being brought here isn’t enough.” In Sierra Leone, neighboring Guinea, just three medical oxygen plants serve 17 million people. One inside the main Connaught Hospital broke down for nearly a week, as COVID cases mounted. Even now, with the plant working again, there are shortages of cylinders to fill.

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020



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Sahara dust shrouds the Caribbean on its way north

A view across Isla Verde beach as a sand storm from the region of the Sahara Desert sweeps over San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 23, 2020. A massive plume of Saharan dust has shrouded swathes of the Caribbean, turning blue skies into a milky-brown haze and sparking health warnings across the region as air quality fell to unhealthy levels. Strong warm winds over the Sahara desert typically whip up sand at this time of year and carry it thousands of miles across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas. This year, the dust is the densest in a half a century, according to several meteorologists. The thick smog has sharply reduced visibility. Jamaica’s Blue Mountains, usually a prominent sight towering over Kingston, were hidden behind an oppressive white cloud. “I’m not sure if it’s sneaking in through the vents, because the air inside doesn’t feel the same,” said Sarue Thomas, 31, from her office in Kingston, where temperatures exceeded 30 degrees Celsius and the air was stiflingly thick. “This is something that we’ve not ever seen before,” said Thomas, adding that her threeyear-old son had developed a dry cough. “It’s the worst I’ve seen since we’ve kept records,” said Evan Thompson, director of the meteorological service division in Jamaica. “We are seeing a much thicker mass of dust particles suspended. It is a lot more distinct and noticeable.” The dust cloud moved into the eastern Caribbean at the weekend and by Tuesday had smothered Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico and eastern Cuba, continuing its advance up and westward toward Central America and southern United States. Officials across the region warned locals to remain at home when possible and wear a face mask, especially if they already had a respiratory condition, as the dust was a powerful irritant and could contain pathogens as well as minerals. “The use of a face mask is recommended in this situation, in addition to already being necessary for prevention of COVID-19,” said Cuba’s top weather man, Jose Rubiera, on his Facebook page. “Those with asthma and people with allergies should be careful and stay at home.” The Saharan dust typically “helps build beaches in the Caribbean and fertilizes soils in the Amazon” in addition to affecting air quality, according to NASA, which has captured satellite images of the plume.

More than US$14m in losses for Caribbean Airlines

The state-owned carrier, Caribbean Airlines (CAL), has recorded a loss of more than US$14 million in just over a onemonth period, as a result of the impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Allyson West, has said. She told the senate that the airline, during the period March 23 to April 30, had estimated its losses at US$14.2 million. “The financial impact to Caribbean Airlines Limited from losses arising from the COVID-19 pandemic took effect from the beginning of March 2020, prior to the closure of our national borders,” she told legislators, adding that demand for air travel had “already been reduced significantly”. “The impact was further exacerbated following the closure of our borders at midnight on March 22. As a wholly owned state enterprise Caribbean Airlines Limited has complied with government policy during the COVID-19 pandemic and maintained all of its staff on payroll.” She said in addition to

Caribbean Airlines. that measure, notwithstanding before interest and taxes (EBIT) the fact that air travel is severely of TT$121 million Revenue for restricted at present, CAL is also the period was TT$2.3 billion up required to keep its aircraft leases 3.8 per cent. up to date and ensure also that “It has truly been a the planes are air worthy and breakout year for Caribbean all of its systems functioning in Airlines. Another strong readiness for the resumption of financial performance means we flights. can continue our investments Last November, the into new planes and services for airline reported its unaudited our customers, building a better summary financial results for place to work for our employees, January to September 2019, and supporting communities showing it continues to achieve across the Caribbean through an operating profit and is net sponsorship, economic activity, income positive. and global connectivity,” Garvin The unaudited results Medera, the airline’s chief for the nine months ending executive officer, said then. September 2019 show earnings

Virgin returns to the Caribbean in August

Virgin Atlantic Virgin Atlantic announced yesterday that it would resume its flights to the Caribbean in August. The airline had earlier announced that services from London Heathrow are expected to resume from July 20. Virgin Atlantic said flights from Barbados to London Heathrow will start on August 2. It said flights from Antigua, Montego Bay, and Tobago will return in October and that its Barbados-based Caribbean Ticket Office will re-open on August 4, to support bookings and enquiries. “As countries around the world begin to relax travel restrictions, we look forward to welcoming our customers back on-board and flying them safely to many destinations across our network. From 20th July we are planning to resume some services and then from

1st August onwards, we will which will support a successful resume passenger flying to 17 and safe restart of international additional destinations around air travel for passengers and the world including Barbados, businesses,” he added. Tel Aviv, Miami, Lagos, and San The airline said to Francisco,” said Juha Jarvinen, ensure the health and safety of the airlines’ chief commercial customers it is implementing officer. additional measures to offer “However, we are peace of mind in the airport monitoring external conditions and when taking to the skies. extremely closely, in particular It said these include the travel restrictions enhanced and thorough many countries have in cleaning practices at check place including the 14-day in, boarding gates and onquarantine policy for travellers board including the use of entering the UK. We know that electrostatic spraying of highas the COVID-19 crisis subsides, grade disinfectant on-board air travel will be a vital enabler in all cabins and lavatories, of the UK’s economic recovery. ensuring no surface is left “Therefore, we are untouched. calling for UK Government The airline said to continually review its safe distancing will also be quarantine measures and adhered to wherever possible, instead look at a multilayered particularly at check-in and approach of carefully targeted boarding and where not public health and screening possible, masks will be required. measures, including air bridges,

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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


Caribbean Investment Holdings Limited - Agreement to acquire Scotiabank’s licenced Belize banking operations Caribbean Investment Holdings Limited announced that it has reached an agreement for the purchase of Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. from Scotiabank Caribbean Holdings Ltd., a subsidiary of The Bank of Nova Scotia, for an initial purchase price of up to US$30.5 million. The acquisition is subject to regulatory approval and customary closing conditions. The acquisition will be effected pursuant to a share purchase agreement among the Company, the Seller and BNS dated 19 June 2020. Under the terms of the Agreement the Company will acquire all of BNS’s licenced banking operations in Belize through the acquisition of the entire issued share capital of SBL. Under the terms of the Agreement the Company will pay the Seller an initial consideration of up to US$30.5 million at closing of the transaction. The Initial Purchase Price amount includes both the expected shareholder equity of SBL of US$28.5 million and a premium of US$1.5 million.

In addition to the Initial Purchase Price, the Company may be required to pay up to an additional US$4.5 million in the event that the shareholders equity of SBL exceeds US$28.5 million as a result of any regulatory change occurring between signing and closing of the Agreement. Any Additional Consideration will be payable upon the agreement or determination of the post-closing consideration adjustment process. The consideration up to and including US$30.5 million will be payable by the Company in US dollars. Any consideration payable by the Company over that amount will be denominated in Belize dollars. Accordingly, the overall maximum consideration payable for the Acquisition is US$35 million, which represents a Substantial Transaction for the Company for the purposes of AIM Rule 12. The Company will satisfy both the Purchase Price and any Additional Consideration by using available cash resources of CIHL, which the Board has made available for

Trinidad’s borders to remain closed

Trinidad Prime Minister Keith Rowley Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley says the borders of the twin island republic will remain closed as long as health requirements related to novel coronavirus (COVID-19) remain in place. Speaking during a media conference in Tobago on Saturday, the Prime Minister said while some Caribbean countries have started to reopen their borders, his administration is determined to take a cautious approach. “We want to keep our borders where it is because the pandemic is raging. The closure of the borders is not meant to penalise anybody, it’s not meant to lock us in here and make us prisoners. It’s meant to keep the virus out, and the virus travels by way of people. It is normal common sense,” he said. As it relates to travel exemptions, the Prime Minister added that priority will be given to those citizens who left temporarily to work abroad or receive medical treatment.” Meanwhile, as of Monday, bars, beaches, rivers, casinos, private members clubs, cinemas and gyms will resume operations, as the

country moves into the next phase of the gradual reopening of the economy. Restaurants will also be allowed to restart dine-in services. All establishments will be required to close at 10 p.m. There will also be a full reopening of all malls, including food courts. In addition, the zoo and amusement parks will reopen, while team sports will recommence without spectators. Horse racing will also resume, but physical distancing rules must be observed. The details were released by the Prime Minister who also said that educational institutions will only be allowed to reopen for the purposes of examination. However, daycares and pre-schools will remain closed until September. He also said that transport will now operate at 100 per cent capacity, while congregation in public spaces will be increased from ten to 25 people. To date, Trinidad and Tobago has recorded 123 positive COVID-19 cases. There are currently six active cases.

synergistic acquisitions in the banking and financial services sector in the Caribbean and Central America. The Agreement is subject to regulatory approval and customary closing conditions. In addition, the Agreement has a condition that the notional aggregate consideration shall not exceed US$35 million. The Agreement has a long stop date for closing of 12 months from the date of the Agreement. The Company will make a further announcement regarding closing in due course. In addition to the Agreement, upon closing SBL and BNS will enter into a transitional services agreement which will run for a period of up to 18 months from closing, and, SBL, The Belize Bank Limited and BNS (or its nominee) will enter into a foreign exchange and deposit commitment arrangement relating to the deposit of Belize dollars with SBL and BBL, and, the sale of US dollars and purchase of Belize dollars by SBL and BBL, allowing BNS to extract US dollars from Belize over time following closing of the Acquisition. SBL represents Scotiabank’s banking

operations in Belize. It has been in Belize since 1968, and currently has 9 branches and 21 ATMs. SBL offers a complete range of retail and commercial banking services across Belize, including online banking and electronic cash management. For the financial year ended 31 October 2019, SBL recorded a profit of US$5.30 million, and revenues of US$36.52 million. As at 31 October 2019, SBL had assets of US$389.9. Reasons for the Acquisition The Board of CIHL has been exploring potential acquisition opportunities in line with its previously disclosed expansion strategy. The Board of CIHL believe that the purchase of SBL is an opportunity for the Group to expand its existing banking operations in Belize and that there are synergies between the Group’s current banking operations and the operations of SBL. As a consequence of the Acquisition, the Group’s banking operations in Belize will be significantly expanded. The Acquisition is expected to be immediately earnings enhancing to CIHL.

Trelawny mom killed execution style in front of daughter Investigators from the Falmouth Criminal Investigation Branch say they are following leads into the gruesome killing of a mother in full view of her 10-year-old daughter by an armed robber who invaded their home Friday night. The intruder reportedly held the woman at gunpoint and robbed her of cash and other valuables before shooting her, execution style, after she rejected his demand for sex. The deceased has been identified as 36-year-old Tamara Geddes, who was unemployed and of Reserve in this north western Jamaica parish. “A number of community members have been expressing concern and have been very cooperative with the police. So there are a number of investigative avenues that are being pursued simultaneously, based on what they have told us,” commander of the Trelawny Police Division Superintendent Kirk Ricketts told the Jamaica Observer. A pall of gloom blanketed the family home which the mother and her daughter shared with other family members. Yesterday, grief-stricken relatives and friends milled around the yard where the tragedy unfolded. A shocked sister, Nadine Geddes, reflected that it was deja vu for the family as only late last year tragedy also struck when her brother, Gregory Geddes, who was 37, was fatally stabbed during a dispute with a bartender at a bar in Martha Brae in the parish. “He (Gregory) was just buried on the 29th of February this year,” the bereaved sister said. An uncle of the deceased, Dave Williams, was at a loss over

Tamara Geddes, who was shot dead Friday night

the killing of the siblings in rapid succession. “It is about... call it six months apart. Why, why, why? Why we?” he questioned. The despondent uncle recounted that Tamara was a jovial individual. “I was at my home when I got a phone call from my son that they killed my niece. It is like me just sad from there... can’t sleep. She was one of my favourite nieces. She is very humble, jovial, a nice person. Anywhere she is you are always entertained. Never expected this, to the type person she was,” Williams said, looking into space. Nadine Geddes also described her sister as jovial and fun-loving. “She was jovial, love to party. Words can’t describe how the incident has left the family,” she said, her face etched in grief. She explained that like other family members, she was downstairs, “but never heard any explosion”. “It was not until the 10-year old raised an alarm,” she bemoaned. According to police reports, around 8:30 pm Geddes was in her bedroom with her daughter when an intruder, who brandished a handgun, entered through an open door.

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Bunting to lead Caribbean will have a different tourism Opposition campaign product after COVID outbreak

The acting Secretary General of the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO), Neil Walters, says tourism in the Caribbean and the rest of the world will be considerably different as countries begin to reopen their borders to international traffic following the forced closures occasioned by the onset of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Walters predicts closer alignment of tourism and health functions as destinations seek to reassure potential visitors that their health, safety and wellbeing are being taken seriously. The CTO official said the virus, in addition to pausing in tourism activity, hurting Caribbean economies and disrupting lives, also allowed Caribbean countries to retrain workers across the sector and improve the product.

“But one thing that has become critical is that the tourism that emerges from this pause will be different from the tourism that paused at the end of March. And the key way it will be different is that now tourism will be living and functioning with COVID-19. That means that there will be a significant integration of tourism and health functions across the world – not just in the Caribbean – and the Caribbean as arguably the most tourismdependent region in the world has had to do the same thing: integrate tourism functions to ensure the safety and health of visitors and locals alike,” said Walters who was speaking in the final episode of the CTO podcast, COVID-19: The Unwanted Visitor. “Although it has been economically impactful, that

pause has actually given our destinations the chance to get that new process right, to work on getting it right, and to ensure that they reopen in a way that there’s a level of comfort on all sides.” The acting secretary general also emphasised the level of collaboration among member countries, saying he hopes this will continue. “I’ve been very heartened by the level of collaboration that I’ve seen throughout this process. I hope that collaboration continues. That is the way this region and the brand Caribbean will become stronger. Even in the face of all the uncertainty we faced recently, that collaboration is key. I think that once we continue that collaboration, the spirit that it has been done in so far, the region which we live in will bounce back,” he says.

in Jamaica

Peter Bunting

Leader of the main opposition People’s National Party (PNP), Dr Peter Phillips says the party’s campaign for the upcoming general election, will be spearheaded by his main rival Peter Bunting. Bunting joins Phillip Paulwell and Lisa Hanna – who has been appointed chief campaign spokesperson. Phillips, made the announcement in a press release Saturday evening. “Bunting has been officially added to the team and will help to drive a sophisticated and effective campaign to lead the PNP team to victory,” Phillips said. The PNP president also said both Paulwell and Bunting will be responsible for directing all aspects of the election campaign and will direct a savvy campaign by consolidating the diverse energies and talents of the PNP. “Effective Monday, June 22, Peter Bunting, who is known for his strident interventions on crime and push for education, will also assume the role of Leader of Opposition Business in the House of Representatives,” continued the statement. Bunting replaces Dr Morais Guy who has asked to be relieved of this duty in order to focus on the campaign as chairman of Region 2 and the important role of shadow minister of health, especially as the country faces a second wave of the dreaded coronavirus. Phillips expressed confidence that with the new appointees, added to the team of campaign workers, the party is assured victory to reinstate good governance across all sectors. The Aedes aegypti mosquito spreads dengue, chikungunya and Zika. Despite widespread speculations that countries. mosquito breeding grounds, general elections in Jamaica will be held in 2020, The PAHO Update said, Castellanos said. These include the elections are not constitutionally due until “The COVID-19 pandemic is uncovered water containers, March of 2021. placing immense pressure on old tires, and trash with any health care and management recipients that can hold water. systems worldwide. “If we all act systematically to Notwithstanding the impact eliminate mosquito habitats, of COVID-19, there is a crucial we can strike a blow against need to sustain efforts to dengue by reducing the risk of address dengue” and other transmission,” he added. mosquito-borne diseases using Countries in the Prime Minister the Integrated Management Americas, the PAHO update Andrew Holness on Strategy to prevent and control said, were “urged to make Sunday announced a State of Public Emergency in them. This strategy covers effective use of available management, epidemiology, resources, as staff, equipment, sections of the Corporate patient care, laboratory, and supplies are likely to be Area, stating that the current state of crime integrated vector management, diverted to provide response in some police divisions and environment. to the COVID-19 epidemic could spiral to “chaotic “People who have within countries”. The aim is ends”. symptoms of dengue, including “to reduce the transmission and During a press Jamaica’s Prime Minister fever and severe headaches, strive to identify early predictors briefing, Holness said should seek medical attention of severe dengue disease at the there has been an increase Andrew Holness in gang activities in and be alert to warning signs primary healthcare level”. Kingston as well as extortion in the market district for severity in dengue such as Cases of chikungunya and the South Coast Highway project. persistent vomiting, intense were reported in 11 countries and So far this year, the police say there has abdominal pain, and dizziness,” territories, with 95% per cent of been an increase of nearly 100 per cent in murders said Dr Luis Gerardo Castellanos, the cases in Brazil in 2020. Zika in the Kingston Western police division, adding that who heads PAHO’s unit on cases were reported this year in 22 more people were murdered up to June 6 when neglected, tropical and vector- Brazil, Bolivia, and Guatemala, compared with the similar period last year. borne diseases. at a much lower level than 2016, The latest state of emergency means the Being confined at home when the disease was identified entire capital has been placed under the security measure. during the pandemic is also a and caused more than 650 000 The State of Emergency will remain in effect good opportunity to clean up cases.

Dengue cases decline in the Americas, but still need attention More than 1.6 million cases of dengue have been reported in the Americas in the first five months of 2020, drawing attention to the need to continue eliminating mosquito vectors of disease even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. “While social distancing measures are in place, households should be encouraged to work together in and around their homes to get rid of stagnant water, reduce and dispose of solid waste, and to ensure proper covering of all water storage containers. These measures can be done as a family activity,” according to a recent epidemiological update on dengue and other arboviruses from the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO). dengue cases, there were also 37 279 chikungunya cases, and 7 452 Zika cases reported to PAHO. The numbers so far in 2020 show a 10 per cent relative decrease compared to the same period in 2019, which was an epidemic year. PAHO’s figures show that 580 people have died from dengue so far in 2020. Most cases of dengue in the Americas were from Brazil, with 1 040 481 cases, representing 65 per cent of the total. Other countries with significant numbers included Paraguay, with 218 798 cases (14%), Bolivia, with 82 460 cases (5%), Argentina with 79 775 cases (5%), and Colombia with 54 192 cases (3%). High dengue incidence rates were also reported in Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua, with fewer numbers in other Central American and Caribbean

Jamaica’s PM declares emergency to curb crime

for 14 days.

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Scientists just beginning to understand the many health problems caused by COVID-19 Scientists are only starting to grasp the vast array of health problems caused by the novel coronavirus, some of which may have lingering effects on patients and health systems for years to come, according to doctors and infectious disease experts. Besides the respiratory issues that leave patients gasping for breath, the virus that causes COVID-19 attacks many organ systems, in some cases causing catastrophic damage. “We thought this was only a respiratory virus. Turns out, it goes after the pancreas. It goes after the heart. It goes after the liver, the brain, the kidney and other organs. We didn’t appreciate that in the beginning,” said Dr. Eric Topol, a cardiologist and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, California. In addition to respiratory distress, patients with COVID-19 can experience blood clotting disorders that can lead to strokes, and extreme inflammation that attacks multiple organ systems. The virus can also cause neurological complications that range from headache, dizziness and loss of taste or smell to seizures and confusion. And recovery can be slow, incomplete and costly, with a huge impact on quality of life. The broad and diverse manifestations of COVID-19 are somewhat unique, said Dr. Sadiya Khan, a cardiologist at Northwestern Medicine in Chicago. With influenza, people with underlying heart conditions are also at higher risk of complications, Khan said. What is surprising about this virus is the extent of the complications occurring outside the lungs.

Kahn believes there will be a huge healthcare expenditure and burden for individuals who have survived COVID-19.

U.S. puts sanctions on five Iranian ship captains for bringing oil to Venezuela

LENGTHY REHAB FOR MANY Patients who were in the intensive care unit or on a ventilator for weeks will need to spend extensive time in rehab to regain mobility and strength. “It can take up to seven days for every one day that you’re hospitalized to recover that type of strength,” Kahn said. “It’s harder the older you are, and you may never get back to the same level of function.” While much of the focus has been on the minority of patients who experience severe disease, doctors increasingly are looking to the needs of patients who were not sick enough to require hospitalization, but are still suffering months after first becoming infected. Studies are just getting underway to understand the long-term effects of infection, Jay Butler, deputy director of infectious diseases at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told reporters in a telephone briefing on Thursday. “We hear anecdotal reports of people who have persistent fatigue, shortness of breath,” Butler said. “How long that will last is hard to say.” While coronavirus symptoms typically resolve in two or three weeks, an estimated 1 in 10 experience prolonged symptoms, Dr. Helen Salisbury of the University of Oxford wrote in the British Medical Journal on Tuesday. Salisbury said many of her patients have normal chest X-rays and no sign of inflammation, but they are still not back to normal.

A health worker takes care of a patient infected with the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), inside an Intensive Care Unit of the University of Chile’s clinical hospital in Santiago, Chile, June 18, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gives a news conference 2020. about dealings with China and Iran, and on the fight against the “If you previously ran 5k coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, in Washington, U.S., three times a week and now feel June 24, 2020. breathless after a single flight of The United States on Wednesday imposed stairs, or if you cough incessantly sanctions on five Iranian ship captains who and are too exhausted to return delivered oil to Venezuela, and Secretary of State to work, then the fear that you Mike Pompeo reaffirmed Washington’s backing for may never regain your previous Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido. health is very real,” she wrote. Speaking at a news conference, Pompeo Dr. Igor Koralnik, chief said the ships delivered about 1.5 million barrels of neuro-infectious diseases of Iranian gasoline and related components, and at Northwestern Medicine, warned mariners against doing business with reviewed current scientific the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas literature and found about half Maduro, whose ouster Washington seeks. of patients hospitalized with “As a result of today’s sanctions, these COVID-19 had neurological captains’ assets will be blocked. Their careers complications, such as dizziness, and prospects will suffer from this designation,” decreased alertness, difficulty Pompeo said in a statement later. concentrating, disorders of “We will continue to support the National smell and taste, seizures, strokes, Assembly, interim President Guaido, and the weakness and muscle pain. Venezuelan people in their quest to restore Koralnik, whose findings democracy,” Pompeo added to reporters. were published in the Annals President Donald Trump’s administration of Neurology, has started an is seeking to block Iran’s energy trade and also outpatient clinic for COVID-19 bring down Maduro. It has threatened reprisals patients to study whether these and warned ports, shipping companies and neurological problems are insurers against assisting the tankers. temporary or permanent. Venezuela’s exports are hovering near their Kahn sees parallels with lowest levels in more than 70 years and the OPEC HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. member’s economy has collapsed. Yet Maduro has Much of the early focus was on held on, frustrating the Trump administration. deaths. In a statement on Twitter, Venezuelan “In recent years, we’ve Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza called the sanctions been very focused on the “an excess of arrogance” and “more proof of the cardiovascular complications of Trump hawks’ hatred of all Venezuelans.” HIV survivorship,” Kahn said. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi wrote in a tweet that Washington’s action signaled the failure of its pressure campaign and said Iran and Venezuela “remain steadfast in countering unlawful American sanctions.” Iran has sent five tankers since April to the socialist government of fuel-starved Venezuela. Museum of Natural History places one figure on horseback The shipments have done little to alleviate hours(AMNH) for 80 years, depicts and the others walking alongside, long lines at gas stations. the former leader on horseback and many of us find its depictions In an interview with news site Axios towering over a black man and a of the Native American and Native American man -- who are African figures and their published on Sunday, Trump played down his both on foot. placement in the monument January 2019 decision to recognize Guaido, speaker of the opposition-held National Assembly, Citing the ongoing racist.” movement for racial justice, the New York City authorities as rightful leader. Trump has been disappointed museum said: “We also have agreed to the museum’s request by the inability of his policy to oust Maduro, U.S. watched as the attention of to remove the statue, officials have said privately. the world and the country has “It explicitly depicts The United States and most other Western increasingly turned to statues Black and Indigenous people as countries have recognized Guaido as the OPEC and monuments as powerful subjugated and racially inferior,” nation’s interim president since January 2019, and hurtful symbols of systemic Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a regarding Maduro’s 2018 re-election as a sham. racism.” statement. But Maduro has retained the support of The Roosevelt statue, “The City supports the the military as well as the backing of Russia, Cuba, it added, “has long been Museum’s request. It is the right China and Iran. controversial because of the decision and the right time to The White House said on Monday that hierarchical composition that remove this problematic statue.” Trump had not lost confidence in Guaido.

New York City to remove Roosevelt statue over racism concerns New York City announced Sunday it would remove a statue of former US President Theodore Roosevelt long criticized as a racist and colonialist symbol, but the move drew criticism from Donald Trump. The decision comes with the United States gripped by widespread protests against racial inequality -- sparked by the killing in police custody of George Floyd, an unarmed black man -- with demonstrators toppling a number of statues of figures with racist legacies. The bronze sculpture of Roosevelt, which has been at the entrance of the American

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020

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‘Coming back and biting us’: US sees virus resurgence

A coronavirus resurgence is wiping out two months of progress in the U.S. and sending infections to dire new levels across the South and West, with administrators and health experts warning on Wednesday that politicians and a tired-of-being-cooped-up public are letting a disaster unfold. The U.S. recorded a oneday total of 34,700 new COVID-19 cases, the highest level since late April, when the number peaked at 36,400, according to the count kept by Johns Hopkins University. While newly confirmed infections have been declining steadily in early hot spots such as New York and New Jersey, several other states set single-day records this week, including Arizona, California, Mississippi, Nevada, Texas and Oklahoma. Some of them also broke hospitalization records, as did North Carolina and South Carolina. “People got complacent,” said Dr. Marc Boom, CEO of the Houston Methodist hospital system. “And it’s coming back and biting us, quite frankly.” The virus has been blamed for over 120,000 U.S. deaths — the highest toll in the world — and more than 2.3 million confirmed infections nationwide. On Wednesday, the widely cited University of Washington computer model of the outbreak projected nearly 180,000 deaths by Oct. 1. California reported over 7,100 new cases, an all-time high. Florida’s single-day count surged to 5,500, a 25% jump from the record set last week and triple the level from just two weeks ago. In Texas, which began lifting its shutdowns early on, on May 1, hospitalizations have doubled and new cases have tripled in two weeks. Gov. Greg Abbott told KFDA-TV that the state is facing a “massive outbreak” and might need

Members of Orange County Fire Rescue and volunteers pass out personal protective equipment (PPE) items including disposable face masks, reusable masks and hand sanitizer to small businesses Wednesday, June 24, 2020, in Orlando, Fla. new local restrictions to preserve hospital space. The Houston area’s intensive care units are nearly full, with coronavirus patients filling about 1 in 4 beds, and two local public hospitals are running at capacity, Mayor Sylvester Turner said. “We need everybody to behave perfectly and work together perfectly” to slow the infection rate, Houston Methodist’s Boom said. “When I look at a restaurant or a business where people ... are not following the guidelines, where people are just throwing caution to the wind, it makes me angry.” In Arizona, emergency rooms are seeing about 1,200 suspected COVID-19 patients a day, compared with around 500 a month ago. If the trends continue, the state will probably exceed its hospital bed capacity within the next several weeks, said Dr. Joseph Gerald, a University of Arizona public health policy professor. “We are in deep trouble,” said Gerald, urging the state

to impose new restrictions on businesses, which Gov. Doug Ducey has refused to do. Infectious-disease expert Dr. Peter Hotez of the Baylor College of Medicine in Texas said he worries that states will squander what time they have to head off a much larger crisis. “We’re still talking about subtlety, still arguing whether or not we should wear masks, and still not understanding that a vaccine is not going to rescue us,” he said. The Texas governor initially barred local officials from fining or penalizing anyone for not wearing a mask as the state reopened. After cases began spiking, Abbott said last week that cities and counties could allow businesses to require masks. Both Abbott and Ducey are Republicans. Some business owners are frustrated that officials didn’t do more, and sooner, to require masks. “I can’t risk my staff, my clientele, myself, my family and everybody else in that chain just because other people are too

inconvenienced to wear a piece of cloth on their face,” said Michael Neff, an owner of the Cottonmouth Club in Houston. He closed it down this week so staffers could get tested after one had contact with an infected person. North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat, ordered people to wear masks in public as the daily count of hospitalizations and new cases hovered near records. In Florida, several counties and cities recently enacted mask requirements and cracked down on businesses that don’t enforce social distancing rules. In a sign of the shift in the outbreak, New York, Connecticut and New Jersey announced they will require visitors from states with high coronavirus infection rates to quarantine themselves for 14 days. That is a turnaround from March, when Florida issued such an order for visitors from the New York City area, where cases were soaring. Cases are also surging in some other parts of the world. India reported a record-breaking oneday increase of nearly 16,000 cases. Mexico and Iraq hit new highs as well. But China appears to have tamed a new outbreak in Beijing, once again demonstrating its ability to quickly mobilize its vast resources by testing nearly 2.5 million people in 11 days. China on Wednesday reported 12 cases nationwide, down from 22 the day before. In Europe, countries are easing or increasing restrictions as the outbreaks evolve. John Nkengasong, chief of the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said the outbreak on the continent is “picking up speed very quickly” as more countries loosen lockdowns. Worldwide, more than 9.2 million people have been confirmed infected, and close to a half-million have died, by Johns Hopkins’ count.

Coronavirus may have infected 10 times more Americans than reported, CDC says Government experts to a small group of reporters believe more than 20 million on Wednesday night, said the Americans could have contracted estimate was based on the the coronavirus, 10 times more number of known cases, between than official counts, indicating 2.3 million and 2.4 million, many people without symptoms multiplied by the average rate of have or have had the disease, antibodies seen from the serology senior administration officials tests, about an average of 10 to 1. said. “If you multiply the cases The estimate, from the by that ratio, that’s where you get Centers for Disease Control and that 20 million figure,” said one Prevention, is based on serology official. testing used to determine the If true, the estimate presence of antibodies that show would suggest the percentage whether an individual has had of U.S. deaths from the disease the disease, the officials said. is lower than thought. More The officials, speaking than 120,000 Americans have

died from the disease since the pandemic erupted earlier this year. The estimate comes as government officials note that many new cases are showing up in young people who do not exhibit symptoms and may not know they have it. Officials said young people with no symptoms, but who are in regular contact with vulnerable populations, should proactively get tested to make sure they do not spread it. “We have heard from Florida and Texas that roughly

half of the new cases that are reporting are people under the age of 35, and many of them are asymptomatic,” one official said. The CDC has sent 40 response teams to help deal with the outbreaks, they said. More than 36,000 new cases of COVID-19 were recorded nationwide on Wednesday, just shy of the record 36,426 on April 24, concentrated on states that were spared the brunt of the initial outbreak or moved early to lift restrictions aimed at curbing the virus’ spread.

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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


Newborn baby ‘mauled to death’ in operating theatre by stray dogs A newborn baby has been mauled to death by a pack of dogs in India, police say, after a stray entered the operating theatre through an open window. The incident at a small private hospital in Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh, has sparked public outrage and led to the closure of the facility by state authorities. The baby’s family and staff at the Akash Ganga Hospital disagree over precisely what happened at around 8.30am on Monday, with the administration saying the child was stillborn. But neither party disputes the fact that a dog was able to enter the hospital and inflict brutal injuries to the baby’s body before it could be chased away by horrified onlookers. Initial charges of causing death by negligence have been brought against the hospital, investigating officer Ved Prakash Panday told the AFP news agency. “The family alleged the baby was left unattended inside the theatre with windows open, leading to the attack,” he said, adding that police awaited a postmortem report before any arrests would be made.

baby was stillborn and therefore already dead at the time the dog inflicted the injuries. But local officials said an initial investigation pointed to the fact that the child was alive after the birth. A full report, including the results of a post-mortem, was to be produced within three days, said district magistrate Manvendra Singh. The state health ministry did not respond to requests for comment on Wednesday, but the Press Trust of India reported that the district’s India has an estimated 50m stray dogs, more than any other country. Chief Medical Officer, Dr Chandra The child’s father, Ravi Kumar says he rushed back to the Shekhar, visited the premises on Kumar, had come to hospital with theatre. “I saw my child lying on Monday night and sealed it until his pregnant wife Kanchan going the floor in a pool of blood,” he said. further notice. into labour. “He had bite marks on his chest and CCTV camera recordings He told the Times of India left eye. He was lying still with no were also seized from the hospital, the nursing staff told him his wife movement. The dog [then] again police said. In the meantime, an would need a caesarean, and that she tried to enter the theatre while I initial charge sheet - known in India was taken to the operating theatre. screamed for help.” as a First Incident Report (FIR) - has He says hospital staff Kumar said he confronted been filed against one doctor and informed him the procedure had hospital staff, who “instead of the hospital administration, based been successful, and that his wife feeling guilty, offered me money and on Kumar’s formal complaint. had been moved to rest in a ward asked me to remain silent over the Superintendent of Police while the child was still inside the incident”. Anil Kumar Misra said a probe was operating theatre. It was then, with Staff claimed, both in underway and “action will be taken the father waiting outside, that the comments to the family at the time on the basis of the investigation attack allegedly took place. and later in a statement from the report”. Hearing a commotion, hospital administration, that the

Migrant workers need support, jobs at home after pandemic disruption: ILO The U.N. labour agency appealed to governments on Wednesday to support tens of millions of migrant workers forced to return to their homelands due to the coronavirus pandemic only to face unemployment and poverty. Governments should include returning workers, many of whom had lost jobs overnight, in their social protection measures and reintegrate them into national labour markets, the International Labour Organization said in a report. “This is a potential crisis within a crisis,” Manuela Tomei, director of the ILO’s conditions of work and equality department, told a news conference. There are an estimated 164 million migrant workers worldwide, nearly half of them women, accounting for 4.7% of the global labour force, according to the ILO. Many work in health care, transport, domestic work and agriculture. Their remittances are key for their families and economies back home, Tomei said, citing a report from the World Bank that a $100 billion drop in remittances was forecast by year-end. Nearly a million migrant

Migrant workers and their families wait in lines outside a railway station to board a train to their home state of West Bengal, in Ahmedabad, India, June 18, 2020. workers have returned to they are not able to take their South Asia alone, said Michelle social security entitlement and Leighton, chief of labour that is a function of the need migration at ILO. for cooperation between the They include 500,000 sending and receiving countries,” Nepalese who returned from Leighton said. India, more than 250,000 Large numbers of Bangladeshis from the Middle migrant workers in the Gulf are East, 130,000 Indonesians, affected by job losses, with more 100,000 Burmese and 50,000 than 90,000 believed to have left Filipinos, mostly seafarers, ILO Kuwait since April, said Ryszard figures show. Cholewinski of ILO’s Beirut Ethiopia expects from office. 200,000-500,000 migrants to But not all left jobless return by year-end, Leighton in the Gulf want to repatriate, added. he said, adding that the United “There are serious Arab Emirates and Bahrain have problems with their eligibility relaxed restrictions on changing for social protection, when employers. they come back, for instance

Judge rules Bolton can publish book despite efforts to block it Former national security adviser John Bolton can move forward in publishing his tell-all book, a federal judge ruled Saturday, despite efforts by the Trump administration to block the release because of concerns that classified information could be exposed. The decision from U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth is a victory for Bolton in a court case that involved core First Amendment and national security issues, even as the White House pledged to keep pursuing the onetime top aide. And the judge also made clear his concerns that Bolton had taken it upon himself to publish his memoir without formal clearance from a White House that says it was still reviewing it for classified information. “Defendant Bolton has gambled with the national security of the United States. He has exposed his country to harm and himself to civil (and potentially criminal) liability,” Lamberth wrote. “But these facts do not control the motion before the Court. The government has failed to establish that an injunction will prevent irreparable harm.” The White House signaled the legal fight would continue, saying it would try to prevent Bolton from profiting off the book. President Donald Trump tweeted that Bolton “broke the law by releasing Classified Information (in massive amounts). He must pay a very big price for this, as others have before him. This should never to happen again!!!” In the meantime, though, the ruling clears the path for a broader election-year readership and distribution of a memoir, due out Tuesday, that paints an unflattering portrait of Trump’s foreign policy decision-making during the turbulent year and a half that Bolton spent in the White House. Bolton’s lawyer, Chuck Cooper, applauded Lamberth for denying the government’s attempt to “suppress” the book. Publisher Simon & Schuster said the decision “vindicated the strong First Amendment protections against censorship and prior restraint of publication. While declining to halt the book’s release, Lamberth did suggest that Bolton may have left himself open to potential criminal prosecution by publishing classified information and that the government may prove successful in preventing Bolton from benefiting financially.

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WORLD NEWS Trump says would consider meeting Venezuela’s Maduro: interview

EU travel recommendations may impede Americans and Russians

The European Union (EU) hopes to reopen borders for outsiders from July, but will review individual nations’ COVID-19 situation fortnightly, according to diplomats and a document laying out criteria that could keep Americans and Russians out. The 27-nation bloc is eager to restart tourism, which US President Donald Trump has taken a massive hit during US President Donald Trump has said he the coronavirus pandemic, but would consider meeting Venezuelan President fears of second spikes have so Nicolas Maduro and indicated that he is not far only allowed for partial and entirely confident in the country’s opposition patchy reopening of borders leader, according to an interview published with multiple health and Sunday. security curbs. A power struggle has been raging in Draft recommendations Venezuela since Juan Guaido declared himself from the EU’s current presidency acting president in January 2019 in a bid to Croatia, seen by Reuters, suggest oust Maduro, who had started a second term allowing non-EU nationals in following elections boycotted by the opposition from countries with stable or and internationally dismissed as fraudulent. decreasing infections, and those Nearly 60 countries -- including the with a “comparable or better United States -- recognized Guaido, but China epidemiological situation” than and Russia backed Maduro -- whose regime has Europe. been hit by sanctions from Washington. That epidemiological But despite tensions, Trump told news site Axios criteria is defined as between he would be open to a meeting. 16-20 new cases of infection “I would maybe think about that... reported over 14 days per Maduro would like to meet. And I’m never 100,000 people. opposed to meetings -- you know, rarely opposed Nations would also to meetings,” the president said. be assessed for their records “I always say, you lose very little with on testing, contact-tracing meetings. But at this moment, I’ve turned them and treatment, reliability of down.” data, and reciprocal travel Ties between Washington and Maduro’s arrangements for EU residents, socialist government had frayed even further according to the document, to in May when Venezuela detained 52 alleged mercenaries, including two retired members of the US military, accusing them of orchestrating a maritime “invasion” with US support. Washington denied any involvement. But despite his government’s consistent backing of the opposition leader, Axios said that during the interview, Trump “indicated he British Prime Minister doesn’t have much confidence in Guaido.” Boris Johnson dismissed The president said he was “firmly against criticism on Wednesday of what’s going on in Venezuela,” but -- referring his government’s plans to to the recognition of Guaido -- added: “I was OK implement local lockdowns if with it... I don’t think it was very meaningful one there are flare-ups of the novel way or the other.” coronavirus and of an app to The interview came as the White House trace the spread of the virus. was handling the fallout from explosive claims At prime minister’s in a book by Trump’s former national security questions in parliament, the advisor John Bolton, who was a key player on opposition Labour leader Keir many diplomatic fronts. Starmer suggested both systems According to excerpts published by Axios, were not yet ready before Bolton wrote that Trump “thought Guaido was England eases its coronavirus ‘weak,’ as opposed to Maduro, who was ‘strong.’” lockdown from July 4. The president also called Guaido “the In response, Johnson Beto O’Rourke of Venezuela,” according to the said: “We have a very effective Bolton excerpt, referring to the Democratic cluster-busting operation which presidential candidate who dropped out early in is designed to ensure that we the race and was repeatedly mocked by Trump. keep those outbreaks under During the Axios interview, Trump control. slammed Bolton as a “nutjob” who may be “I am not going to the “dumbest human being on Earth” over his pretend ... that this thing is backing of the Iraq War. beaten or that the virus has

Tourists are seen by the Bridge of Sighs a day before Italy and neighbouring EU countries open up borders for the first time since the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak hit the country, in Venice, Italy June 14, 2020. be debated by envoys in Brussels on Wednesday. Based on the latest update by the bloc’s European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the proposed methodology could rule out travellers from the United States and Mexico, most of South America, South Africa, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan, among others. The United States, where President Donald Trump banned European visitors at the start of the crisis, has by far the highest number of deaths and cases in the world. [nL4N2AY3AS] EU diplomats stressed, however, that the travel criteria could still change and that the recommendations will be nonbinding.

“It seems there is a lot of wishful thinking in these recommendations. They are also causing much controversy. July 1 may slip and many countries may go their own way in any case,” a diplomat said of the proposal by the European Commission. The proposal, aimed at promoting a coordinated approach, would cover Europe’s Schengen zone of normallyinvisible borders that brings together most EU states as well as Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Lichtenstein. A major achievement of post-World War Two European integration, it has suffered a major setback in recent months as countries brought back border controls to contain the virus.

British PM Johnson dismisses criticism on local lockdowns, coronavirus app gone away ... We have to remain vigilant and local councils will be supported in doing their vital work in implementing local lockdowns,” he added, challenging Starmer to find any other country that has a functioning tracing app. A spokesman for Starmer pointed to Germany, which has had a large number of people downloading its app, and a number of countries “which are far ahead of us in terms of developing their apps”, such as Singapore and South Korea. “We’ve spent 12 million pounds on an app which hasn’t even been launched,” the spokesman told reporters. “I think it was another example of a dodgy answer from a prime minister who wasn’t on top of the detail.”

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


IMF downgrades outlook for global economy in face of virus The International Monetary Fund has sharply lowered its forecast for global growth this year because it envisions far more severe economic damage from the coronavirus than it did just two months ago. The IMF predicts that the global economy will shrink 4.9% this year, significantly worse than the 3% drop it had estimated in its previous report in April. The IMF said that the global economic damage from the recession will be worse than from any other downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s. For the United States, it predicts that the nation’s gross domestic product — the value of all goods and services produced in the United States — will plummet 8% this year, even more than its April estimate of a 5.9% drop. That would be the worst such annual decline since the U.S. economy demobilized in the aftermath of World War II. The IMF issued its bleaker forecasts Wednesday in an update to the World Economic Outlook it released in April. The update is generally in line with other recent major forecasts. Earlier this month, for example, the World Bank projected that the global economy would shrink 5.2% this year. “This is the worst recession since the Great Depression,” Gita Gopinath, the IMF’s chief economist, told reporters at a briefing. “No country has been spared.” The IMF noted that the pandemic was disproportionately hurting lowincome households, “imperiling the significant progress made in reducing extreme poverty in the world since 1990.” In recent years, the proportion of the world’s

population living in extreme poverty — equivalent to less than $1.90 a day — had fallen below 10% from more than 35% in 1990. But the IMF said the COVID-19 crisis threatens to reverse this progress. It forecast that more than 90% of developing and emerging market economies will suffer declines in per-capita income growth this year. For 2021, the IMF envisions a rebound in growth, so long as the viral pandemic doesn’t erupt in a second major wave. It expects the global economy to expand 5.4% next year, 0.4 percentage point less than it did in April. For the United States, the IMF predicts growth of 4.5% next year, 0.2 percentage point weaker than in its April forecast. But that gain wouldn’t be enough to restore the U.S. economy to its level before the pandemic struck. The association of economists who officially date recessions in the United States determined that the economy entered a recession in February, with tens of millions of people thrown out of work from the shutdowns that were imposed to contain the virus. The U.S. government has estimated that the nation’s GDP shrank at a 5% annual rate in the January-March quarter, and it is widely expected to plunge at a 30% rate or worse in the current April-June period. In its updated forecast, the IMF downgraded growth for all major countries. For the 19 European nations that use the euro currency, it envisions a decline in growth this year of 10.2% — more than the 8% drop it predicted in April — followed by a rebound to growth of 6% in 2021. In China, the world’s second-largest economy, growth

Rohingya refugees tell Malaysia how dozens perished during four-month voyage

Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Rohingya refugees are seen on a boat while being rescued by attends a session on the first day of the fishermen near the coast of Seunuddon beach in Aceh, Indonesia, Munich Security Conference in Munich, June 24, 2020. Germany Survivors from a boat crammed with over this year is projected at 1%. 300 Rohingya Muslim refugees told Malaysian India’s economy is expected authorities that dozens of their people perished to shrink 4.5% after a longer and their bodies were thrown in the sea during a period of lockdown and a slower tortuous four-month voyage. recovery than was envisioned in The head of the Malaysian Maritime April. Enforcement Agency (MMEA) described the ordeal In Latin America, where suffered by Rohingya whose damaged boat had most countries are still struggling made land on the Malaysian island of Langkawi to contain infections, the two on June 8, with 269 people aboard. largest economies, Brazil and More than 300 Rohingya had been Mexico, are projected to shrink transferred to this boat from a larger “motherboat” 9.1% and 10.5%, respectively. half-way through a voyage that began close to the A steep fall in oil prices Myanmar-Bangladesh border back in February, has triggered deep recessions in MMEA Director General Mohd Zubil Bin Mat Som oil-producing countries, with told a news conference on Wednesday. the Russian economy expected “But some died at sea. They were thrown to contract 6.6% this year and overboard,” he said, later telling Reuters that those Saudi Arabia’s 6.8%. that perished had fallen sick, without elaborating The IMF cautioned that further. downside risks to the forecast The fate of close to 500 Rohingya who had remain significant. It said the remained on “Motherboat 1” after the transfer at virus could surge back, forcing sea was unknown as authorities have been unable renewed shutdowns and possibly to track the vessel’s location, he said. renewed turmoil in financial The Rohingya had risked the perilous sea markets similar to what occurred journey having lost hope of making a better life in January through March. The in the refugee camps in Bangladesh, where many IMF warned that such financial had found sanctuary after fleeing their homes in turbulence could tip vulnerable Myanmar following a military crackdown in 2017. countries into debt crises that Mainly Muslim Malaysia is home to the second would further hamper efforts to largest number of Rohingya refugees after recover. Bangladesh. Its updated forecast But in recent weeks, the Southeast included a downside scenario Asian country has turned away at least two that envisions a second major boats and detained hundreds of Rohingya and outbreak occurring in early 2021. undocumented migrants, amid heightened public Under this scenario, the global anger towards foreigners who have been accused economy would contract again of spreading the coronavirus and burdening state next year by 4.9%, it estimates. resources.

West faces ‘light Cold War’ with China, Blair’s institute says Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s institute said on Wednesday that China’s newfound global clout means the West faces a “light Cold War” or at least big power rivalry with the People’s Republic. U.S. President Donald Trump has repeatedly confronted China over trade and its handling of the coronavirus outbreak, though Beijing has cast Washington’s fears over its clout as anti-Chinese hysteria. The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change said polling showed that China is considered to be a force for bad in the world by more than half of people in the United States, Britain and France, Blair’s institute said. China’s economic and military rise over the past 40 years is considered to be one of the most significant geopolitical events of

recent times, alongside the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union which ended the Cold War. “We are now dealing not with a rising China but a risen China and this rise is both inevitable and right,” Blair, who served as prime minister from 1997 to 2007, said in the research. “Given the deep economic links between China and the West, Cold War analogies are misleading and dangerous,” said Blair who will speak at a virtual Reuters Newsmaker event on Thursday. China in 1979 had an economy that was smaller than Italy’s, but after opening to foreign investment and introducing market reforms it has become the world’s second-largest economy. It is now the global leader in a range of 21st Century technologies such as artificial intelligence, regenerative medicine

and conductive polymers. Blair said China’s leadership had moved to a much more combative posture globally while consolidating power in the hands of the Communist Party at home. The United States is likely to try to contain China’s rise, for example by countering it in the South China Sea, or there could even be global or Asian geopolitical contest, his institute said. Less likely, it said, were cooperation, a full Cold War or a military conflict. To cope with the “risen China”, the West should seek to cooperate, compete and, when necessary, confront Beijing. “The USA, Europe and our Asian allies should stand together so that any partnership with China comes from a position of strength,” Blair said. “We will have to live with

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair speaks during an interview with Axel Threlfall at a Reuters Newsmaker event on “The challenging state of British politics” in London, Britain, November 25, 2019. the reality that we will in some areas have to be prepared to confront China where its actions conflict with the reasonable interests and values of the wider international community,” he said.

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


GOVERNMENT VACANCIES (APPLICATION DEADLINE: 10TH JULY 2020) JOB REFERENCE NO: CBB1-20-28 JOB TITLE: Registrar of Lands MINISTRY: Attorney General Chambers DEPARTMENT: Land Registry LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 9.5: $68,982.50 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: The Land Registry is created under the Registered Land Ordinance, as such the Registrar of Lands is a creature of statute responsible for the administration of the Land Registry in accordance with the Ordinance. JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB2A-20-2 JOB TITLE: Deputy Attorney General MINISTRY: Attorney General Chambers LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: $106,395.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: This managerial position has system wide responsibility for the efficient administration of the Attorney General’s Chambers and resolution of complex legal matters arising in the area of or connected with the Public Service, civil litigation (including Judicial Review) and International Mutual Legal Assistance. JOB REFERENCE NO: CBB1-20-32 JOB TITLE: Chief Valuation Officer MINISTRY: Attorney General Chambers DEPARTMENT: Valuation Department LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 9.1: $59,552.50 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: This is a senior managerial position with national responsibility for shaping the land development, acquisition, disposal, and valuation policy of the TCI. JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB2A-20-4 JOB TITLE: Threat Lead – National Security MINISTRY: National Security Secretariat LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 10.1- $73,185.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: The National Security Secretariat is a critical and growing unit, designed to identify and focus effort on those issues that threaten the security of the Turks and Caicos Islands JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB2A-20-5 JOB TITLE: Senior Administrative Officer MINISTRY: National Security Secretariat LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415.00 JOB SUMMARY: This is a senior administrative position, which has responsibility for the smooth operation of administrative functions in the office and provides support in resource management of finances, human resources, facilities and purchasing. JOB REFERENCE NO: APB2A-20-6, APB2A-20-8, APB2A-20-9, APB2A-20-14 JOB TITLE: Head of Section – Construction Technology, Customer Service, Automotive, Cosmetology MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 7.1 - $41,205.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: The Head of Section is responsible for developing, implementing and maintaining systems to effect operational efficacy in admissions, registration training, assessment, certification as well as records management.

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JOB REFERENCE NO: APB2A-20-10 JOB TITLE: Enterprise Supervisor MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8.1 - $51,147.50 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: Under the general direction of the Dean, Enterprise Supervisor manages the Training Based Enterprise to support the training programmes, internship and incubator by the provision of quality industry-based training opportunities, while ensuring the financial viability of its operation. JOB REFERENCE NO: APB2A-20-11 JOB TITLE: Assessment Monitoring Officer MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: Reporting to the Dean or Registrar, the Assessment Monitoring Officer is responsible for managing the administrative functions of all assessments for certification. JOB REFERENCE NO: APB2A-20-12 JOB TITLE: Training Supervisor MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum allowances JOB SUMMARY: The Training Supervisor is responsible for planning, organising, coordinating, leading and supervising training and development within the TVET Institute.. JOB REFERENCE NO: APB2A-20-13 JOB TITLE: Maintenance Supervisor MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: Reporting to the Dean of the institute, the job holder is responsible for the security and maintenance of the institution’s property, buildings, equipment, machinery and grounds in an environmentally friendly manner. JOB REFERENCE NO: APB2A-20-15 JOB TITLE: Financial Manager MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum JOB SUMMARY: Reporting to the Dean of the institute, the job holder is responsible for compliance with the TCI TVET Institute and TCI Public Service budgetary and financial policies such as revenue generation, cost containment and delivery of other budget targets. They will provide advice to the Dean and Heads of Department on financial matters and ensure that the financial and budgeting procedures and practices are appropriate.

For full details regarding this position please visit our website at https://www.gov.tc/government-vacancies Please note: (Applications that are not accompanied by all required supporting documents will not be processed). (APPLICATION DEADLINE: 17TH JULY 2020)

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JOB REFERENCE NO: APB2A-20-16 JOB TITLE: Career Development Officer MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum JOB SUMMARY: Under the supervision of the Dean, the job holder is responsible for the coordination, implementation and administration of counselling programmes to facilitate the psychological, social, emotional and career development of learners. JOB REFERENCE NO: JOB TITLE: MINISTRY: DEPARTMENT: LOCATION: SALARY:

APB1-20-17 Administrative Officer Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services & TCI TVET Institution Providenciales Grade 5.1 - $26,650.00

JOB SUMMARY: This is an administrative position, which has responsibility for the smooth operation of administrative functions in the office and for dealing with information that is sensitive and/or confidential. For full details regarding this position please visit our website at https://www.gov.tc/government-vacancies Please note: (Applications that are not accompanied by all required supporting documents will not be processed).

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


Grand Turk $106,395.00 per annum plus allowances

JOB SUMMARY: This managerial position has system wide responsibility for the efficient administration of the Attorney General’s Chambers and resolution of complex legal matters arising in the area of or connected with the Public Service, civil litigation (including Judicial Review) and International Mutual Legal Assistance. JOB REFERENCE NO: APB2A-20-18 JOB TITLE: Director MINISTRY: Governor’s Office LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: $85,000.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: To provide executive support to the Governor of TCI and to provide the critical interface between the Governor’s Office and the TCIG, Institutions of Good Governance, TCI business organisations, Non-Government Organisations, and, in due course to the Legislative Assembly and Cabinet. JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB2A-20-19 JOB TITLE: Superintendent of Prisons MINISTRY: Home Affairs, Transportation and Public Utilities DEPARTMENT: Her Majesty’s Prison LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 10 - $73,185.00 per annum and Allowances


JOB SUMMARY: The Superintendent of Prisons has national responsibility for the effective management of Her Majesty’s Prison Service in the Turks and Caicos Islands.


For full details regarding this position please visit our website at https://www.gov.tc/government-vacancies

JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB2A-20-2 JOB TITLE: Deputy Attorney General MINISTRY: Attorney General Chambers

Please note: (Applications that are not accompanied by all required supporting documents will not be processed). (APPLICATION DEADLINE: 17TH JULY 2020)

BUILDING COORDINATOR REQUIRED For a large private family estate in Providenciales operated by Samuel Gillespie. This position requires the successful applicant to live on the employment premises to service the needs of a busy household. Job duties to include but are not limited to the following: •Overseeing on-going construction projects, general repairs to roofs and wooden structures on the premises •General electrical repairs to and maintenance of water pump, electronics, equipment and machinery •Maintenance of multiple pools (five) and hot tubs (two), including maintenance and repairs to pool pumps,filtersand proper application of pool chemicals •Contribute to verbal and written evaluations and communications as requested •Maintenance of building fixtures and fittings, Irrigation and landscaping systems •Responsibility for handling general custodial and maintenance emergencies The Property rents up to ten weeks a year, therefore, this position also requires supervisory and liaison skills with third party villa rental management staff and international guests during rentals. The On call 24/7 for emergency repairs during rentals. Applicant must have: •Excellent interpersonal and communication skills in English •Excellent carpentry and electrical skills •Ability to operate tools and machines common to the building trades •Knowledge and experience in maintaining hot tubs, pools, pool pumps and filters as well as proper application of pool chemicals •At least ten years’ in building maintenance for a large private family villa •A valid driving licence with a clean record and the ability to operate a manual shift, right-hand drive vehicle •A clean police record and the flexibility to work six days a week Salary is $2,136.75 per month. This advertisement is for a work permit renewal application. All suitably qualified TC Islanders are requested to submit resumes/portfolios via email to:contact@stanbrooks-law.com or delivery: Stanbrooks Law Third Floor Graceway House Providenciales

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


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•preferrably hold a Master’s Degree or its equivalent, and professional certifications in either law, accountancy, auditing, management or public administration or similar; •preferrably have a minimum of 12 years professional experience in law, accountancy, auditing, general management or public administration, including at least five (5) years at a senior managerial level; •preferrably have gained overseas work experience, ideally in the British Overseas Territories, or experience in working closely in other cultural settings. Key Competencies and Other Desirable Qualities:

Vacancy Announcement Director, Turks and Caicos Islands Integrity Commission

The successful candidate should – • possess and demonstrate the highest standards of integrity, probity and understanding of fiduciary responsibilities to the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands; • have proven knowledge of public sector anti-corruption issues, policies and practices;

The Turks and Caicos Islands Integrity Commission invites applications from suitably qualified candidatesfor the position of Director.

• have knowledge and understanding of global anti-corruption and good governance laws and regulations and ethical codes;

Primary Responsibilities:

• have knowledge of current “best practices” in ethics and compliance programs, policies and procedures;

The appointee will – a.have the overall responsibility of the day-to-day administration of the Integrity Commission’s offices; b.manage, supervise and assist personnel in ensuring that the Commission effectively and efficiently discharges its mandate as an anti-corruption agency and an institution protecting good governance, through: (i) the promotion of IIntegrity, Honesty and Good Faith in Public Life of the TCI; (ii) the robust implementation of, and compliance with, the provisions of the Constitution of the Turks and Caicos Islands, The Integrity Commission Ordinance and integrated Codes of Conduct for Persons in Public Life, The Political Activities Ordinance, The Bribery Ordinance, and to the extent relevant to the Commission, such other Ordinances that the Commission may be mandated to implement and oversee. Other Key Responsibilities: The appointee will also be expected to – • Oversee and sustain the systems and procedures of the Commission for its continuing effectiveness and efficiency, and where necessary, develop new ones; • Oversee the policies and strategiesof the Commission, and develop, as necessary, new ones aimed at strengthening the Integrity Commission’s anti-corruption efforts, and ensuring its sustainability; •Oversee the asset declaration and compliance screening processes, ensuring due process, management and administration in accordance with the requirements of the Ordinance;

• have good knowledge of investigative strategies, principles and methods; •demonstrate excellent inter-personal relationships and management skills, respect for confidentiality, discretion and tact, conflict resolution skills, and the ability to lead a specialist, multi-disciplinary team working to tight deadlines, often in the difficult and challenging circumstances of a small island environment; •demonstrate suitability for a role that involves driving forward good governance, integrity and anti-corruption messages in the sensitive political and fragile financial milieu of a small British Overseas Territory; •demonstrate the ability to rapidly attain a good knowledge and appreciation of TCI law as it pertains to corruption and integrity in public life, and a willingness to subscribe to and champion the vision and mission of the Commission, and to articulate its policies and values in the public fora. Term of Contract This Director’s contract will be for a two-year period. There will be an option for renewal subject to satisfactory completion and to such terms as may be mutually agreed. Remuneration An annual basic salary will be paid in the range of $110,000 to $121,000, depending upon the qualifications and experience of the successful candidate. An annual housing allowance of $14,400 will also be paid. Location The Director may be based at the Commission’s Office in Grand Turk or Providenciales. Wherever based the Director will have to visit the other office with regularity.

•Oversee the investigative process ensuring the proper investigation of allegations of fraud, financial crimes, corruption and misconduct within the TCI Public Service;

Special Requirements under S. 39 of the Integrity Commission Ordinance

•Support TCI government departments and public bodies in the implementation of anti-corruption measuresand best practices, and, tocontinually enhance the ethical work environment within the TCI’s Public Service;

The successful candidate will be required to subscribe to an oath of secrecy, andto file with the office of the Governor of the TCI, a Declaration of Income, Assets and Liabilities pursuant to Section 39 of the Integrity Commission Ordinance.

•Oversee the proper management and maintenance of a fit-for-purpose computer and information communication/technology system;

Application Deadline and Procedure

•Ensure the security of the Commission’s offices and all of its assets, whether on or off the premises, including but not limited to computer and other IT equipment and infrastructure, manuals and electronic files; •Prepare and present the Commission’s annual budget to the Ministry of Finance and the relevant Committees of the TCI House of Assembly; •Ensure the proper management of the Commission’s finances within the framework of the TCI’s Public Finance Management and accountability ordinances. Professional Qualifications and Experience: The successful candidate will –

The deadline for the submission of applications is August 14th, 2020. Applications, accompanied with a Cover Letter outlining why the Candidate believes he/she should be considered for the position of Director, should be addressed as follows: The Secretary Integrity Commission of the Turks and Caicos Islands Franklyn Missick Building Grand Turk Turks and Caicos Islands Via Email: Secretary@IntegrityCommission For information about the TCI Integrity Commission, please visit its website at www.IntegrityCommission.tc

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Commercial litigation and insolvency associate attorney required This is a work permit renewal advertisement Prudhoe Caribbean is seeking an experienced associate lawyer to fill an existing position in a specialist commercial litigation and insolvency practice. The right candidate will be eligible to appear in courts around the Caribbean Region.

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020

Qualifications and experience The University of West Indies Legal Education Certificate (or else willingness to obtain such) would be a preferred qualification, as would current INSOL membership and active participation in that or an equivalent specialist practitioner body with international reach. Barrister / court advocate / solicitor (the latter with significant advocacy experience).

Preference will be given to a suitably qualified and experienced Turks & Caicos Islander. It is to be stressed that this is not a “starter” position but will instead involve aspects of training Turks & Caicos Islander staff (both attorney and non-attorney).

If any interested party is in doubt as to his or her eligibility as a result of the required skills and experience, then he or she should feel free to arrange a confidential discussion (whether inperson or by phone) via the email address provided below.

Current admitted status at the TCI Bar or else eligibility for admission required. Experience of videolink / “remote” hearings preferred, also admission in at least 2 other prominent offshore jurisdictions.


Job description The successful applicant will have a minimum of 5 years’ postadmission experience in practice and will have a proven track record of the following: 1. Working within insolvency and receivership proceedings (preferably for an Office Holder such as an Insolvency Practitioner). 2. High-value commercial litigation with cross-border and post-judgment elements. 3. Exposure to private international law issues. 4. Working under significant pressure of time demanding onshore and other clients. 5. Demonstrably high proficiency in legal research, attention to detail and written English (court and arbitral drafting). 6. An interest in pro bono (in particular human rights) work as part of a committed team.

RECRUITMENT Security Officer/Asset Protection Officer The areas of responsibility for this position include the protection and safety of property assets, employees, guests, accident and fire prevention and response. The ideal candidate must exemplify excellent customer service and create a positive atmosphere for guests and employees and be available to work a rotating and flexible schedule. Duties and Requirements: •A minimum of 5 years’ experience •Able to work flexible hours, holidays and weekends. •Willing to walk/run through dark bushy areas to carryout checks. •Highly trained in security procedures and martial arts. •First Aid training is preferable •Ability to communicate effectively •Physical ability to run, walk, jump and bend •Must be able to disarm intruders if needed without weapon •Willing to work long Shifts (up to 14hrs) and split shift during the night. •Willing to work in all weather conditions •Ability to respond to patron problems effectively Salary range: USD14,000 to USD15,000 per annum and is based on experience andqualification. Position currently held by a work permit holder. ONLY CANDIDATES MEETING ABOVE REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS WILL BE CONTACTED Candidates should apply via e-mail at info@santralmanagement. com for consideration. Please also attached a valid police clearance. Prospective applicants who are Belongers kindly send copies of your application to the board and the Employment Services Department. Application deadline: July 15, 2020

Remuneration package on offer will depend on demonstrated and relevant experience as well as attitude to a challenging and rapidly evolving area of practice. Subject to the current travel restrictions being lifted, overseas travel will be required, usually on short notice, as well as Court appearances throughout the Region on both a “first advocate” and supporting junior lawyer basis. At present, such hearings may be via videolink / “remote”. Hours of Work would reflect the demands of court work and preparation for same. As noted above, preference will be given to suitably qualified and experienced Turks & Caicos Islanders. Qualified and experienced applicants should submit their CV / Resume via email to tim@prudhoecaribbean.com with a copy to the Labor Department Please note that only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

MINISTRY OF INFRASTRUCTURES, HOUSING AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Applicant: Zens Ltd. Agent: Archipelago Development Application No. PR 14903 Date: June 16, 2020 Type of Development: Residential Complex containing 30 units: Twelve (12) Two Bedroom, Twelve (12) One Bedroom Units, Six (6) Studio Units, Administration Building, Gazebo and Outdoor BBQ, Gym, Swimming Pool & Deck, Maintenance Building and Ancillary Facilities. Dear Madam/Sir, Re:

Regulation 8 of the Physical Planning (Development Permission) Regulations, 2014

Your development is a type which requires advertising pursuant to the provisions of the subject regulation. Please be advised that your application for consideration of development permission cannot be considered until such time that you advertise your development in the following media for a period of twenty-eight (28) days: •TCI Islands Gazette •Local newspaper in circulation on the Islands •Erection of a notice on the development site with the date of erection, in a prominent location that it can be easily read •Service of notices to all parcel owners within two hundred (200) feet of the parcel(s) for development The applicant or his agent must provide the Department of Planning with evidence of all the notices, publications and a photograph of the advertisement sign on the site. The aforementioned twenty-eight (28) day period will not run until submission of evidence of the last publication or service of notice. Attached is an example of the typical wording of a notice. Respectfully, _________________ Audi Malcolm Planning Technician For: Director of Planning

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


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DATE OPEN: June 15, 2020 START DATE: ASAP POSITION: Housekeeping Attendant PROPERTY: West Bay Club



POSITION: Public Area Attendant PROPERTY: West Bay Club Job Overview: A Public Area Attendant will support general resort operations by cleaning and maintaining all indoor and outdoor common resort areas and maintaining resort quality standards. The Public Area Attendant’s main responsibility will be maintaining resort interior by dusting and polishing furniture, counters, mirrors, fixtures; washing floors, windows, counters, walls, and woodwork; sweeping, scrubbing and mopping floors; cleaning and vacuuming carpets; re-supplying restrooms and locker rooms with necessary paper products. Also, they will be removing trash and maintaining interior appearances by picking up debris, emptying containers, transporting materials to disposal area; recycling materials. They will also be required to serve precautions required to protect hotel and guest property, and report damage, theft, and found articles to supervisors. This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $6.50 - $7.00 per hour DATE OPEN: June 15, 2020 POSITION: Cook


Job Overview: Ensure that all stocks are kept under optimum condition, miseen-place is always freshly prepared and on time, dishes are being prepared to the correct recipe and to the correct quantity, dishes reach the hot plate or passé correctly garnished, the correct portion and size, presented on the correct serving dish in the prescribed manner. Must attend all training classes required. Report any shortages promptly to the Sous Chefs. Education and/or experience: Language skills required: read, write and speak English. Formal training in culinary arts considered highly desirable. Food and wine knowledge and creativity. At least 6 years practical culinary experience. Physical requirements: Stand and walk, stoop, bend or crouch. Occasionally lift and/or move to 50 pounds. Schedule varies. Full time. Week-end and holiday work required This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $24,000 - $26,500 per annum

The National Security Secretariat Turks and Caicos Islands Government


Applications are being sought for the permanent appointment of five (5) full time posts within the Turks and Caicos Islands Regiment. These include: 1.Major (Second in Command) •The Second in Command is the Units Operations Officer and also responsible for all Administrative and Human Resource matters. They deputize for the Commanding Officer when required. •Annual Salary - $49,150 2.Lieutenant / Captain(Troop Commander x 2) •The command and administration of a Troop of up to 20 Marineson and off operations. •Annual Salary - $43,600 3.Warrant Officer First Class (Regimental Sergeant Major and Training Warrant Officer) •Maintenance of Discipline in the Regiment. •The delivery and facilitation of all training programs as well as providing and/or identifying continuous capacity building opportunities for members of the regiment whether locally, regionally or intentionally. •Annual Salary - $38,800 4.Warrant Officer Second Class (Chief Clerk) •The daily administration of the Regiment including Information Management and Performance Management System of the TCI Regiment. •Annual Salary - $34,000 Persons appointed to these post will work closely with the Commanding Officer in establishing the Regiment over the next financial year. They will help set the ethos of the Regiment and be instrumental in building a new and exciting capability for the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Job Overview: We are looking for a professional Housekeeper able of attending to our facilities with integrity and attention to detail. The goal is to create a clean and orderly environment for our guests that will become a critical factor in maintaining and strengthening our reputation. Responsibilities: •Perform a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing •Ensure all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards •Protect equipment and make sure there are no inadequacies •Notify superiors on any damages, deficits and disturbances •Deal with reasonable complaints/requests with professionalism and patience •Check stocking levels of all consumables and replace when appropriate •Adhere strictly to rules regarding health and safety and be aware of any companyrelated practices This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $7.25 - $8.25 per hour DATE OPEN: June 15, 2020 POSITION: Laundry Attendant


Job Requirements: •Ensure the hotel has adequate amounts of linen and towels and all time •Assist in all Housekeeping responsibilities, cleaning of all guest rooms, stocking amenities and linens •physical stamina and mobility including ability to reach, kneel and bend •Ability to lift, push and pull required load (usually about 30lbs) •Ensure inventory is used properly and in supply at all times This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $6.75 - $7.25 per hour

Interested persons can contact our Human Resources Department no later than July 3, 2020 @ (649) 946-5050 Ext. 1020 Email: humanresources@gracebayclub.com Fax: (649) 946-5758 P.O. Box 128 Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies

Members of the Regiment will receive training and support from the British Armed Forces, the British Defense Attaché as well as from the Bermuda Regiment. Officers will attend the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. The Regiment will be built to support the TCI’s National Security Strategy. In particularly, supporting the Maritime Police in protecting TCI’s borders as well as responding to matters related to Disaster Resilience and Recovery which include natural disasters, major accidents and major epidemics. Moreover, the Regiment will further seek to recruit forty (40) Reservist Troops (part time). The permanent cadre of staff will be instrumental in this recruitment and training program. The Regiment will be operational by the end of this Financial Year. The successful candidates will have: •TCI Islander status (preferred).Applications from British Overseas Territories Citizen’s or British national’s accepted. •All positions will be based in Providenciales, not least because of close working with the Maritime Branch. •For the officers we are looking for leadership potential. Do not be put off if you have no uniformed experience. •Our preference, for the Warrant Officer role, is more than 5years’ experience in a military force. •For the Chief Clerk, excellent administrative, IT and project management skills are desirable. •For the officers, a degree is preferred but not mandatory. •All must pass an initial medical and fitness test, and annually thereafter. We are looking for physically robust individuals. •Selection for all will – following a paper sift –be through a two-day selection board run by the UK military. •These roles are full time with normal working hours; however, when required the role may be 24/7. •Roles are open to men and women. •Applications should be sent to Stephen Brown (Stephen.Brown6@ fco.gov.uk). Cut off time is 5:00pm on Friday 3rd July, 2020. •Applications should include CV and covering letter outlining past experience, the role you are interested in, why you believe you will be an asset to the Regiment and confirming that you fulfill all the eligibility criteria.

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South Side Seafood

Location: 26 Aviation Drive, South Side Plaza, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Labourer To ensure premises is clean and maintain, dispose of garbage and any other duties as necessary Salary is $6.25 per hour To work 5 days a week Please Contact: 231-6318 This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Belongers must submit their application to the Labour Board


Glamour Girl

Sharol Newman Location: Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Domestic Worker Must be able to do general cleaning, honest and trustworthy To work five days a week, Monday to Friday, 4 hours per week Salary is $600.00 per month Please Contact: Sharol Newman at 1(649) 231-1458 This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020

Renarda Williams

Location: North Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a New Vacancy: Carpenter Reports to: Project Manager Duties include: Installing structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials Salary: $8.00 per hour Schedule: 6 days per week Must be able to work 7:00am to 3:00 pm or as so instructed by the Supervisor Please Contact North Caicos Contracting at: 946-7437 This position is new Interested Belongers must submit their application to the Labour Board



Location: Grand Turk Is seeking PADI DIVE INSTRUCTOR Required The successful candidate will have: •MSTD PADI Master Dive Instructor certification •Mature and flexible attitude •Experience in a resort type environment, ideally in the Caribbean •Excellent written and spoke English •Excellent references Interested candidates should apply in writing with a cover letter and resume and references to info@bohioresort.com. This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Prospective applicants who are Islanders can send copies of their applications to the Labour Board

In South Caicos Is seeking the following: 2 Masons to build and repair concrete structures (1 work permit renewal, 1 new position) Salary: $10 per hour 1 Carpenter to build, assemble, install and repair wood fixtures and structures (new position) Salary: $12 per hour 5 Labourers to assist with construction work and clean construction site (4 work permit renewals, 1 new position) Salary: $7.50 per hour Must work 5 days per week Please Contact: 243-1051 Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders are encouraged to send a copy of their application to the Labour Board

In South Caicos Is seeking a Handyman/ Labourer Duties include keeping the church building and grounds clean as well as performing any necessary maintenance and repair work Must work 5 days per week Salary: $7.00 per hour Contact: 243-1051 This position is currently held by a work permit holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders are encouraged to send a copy of their application to the Labour Board

Island Life/Blythe Malcolm

Square One Barber and Grooming Shop



SECURITY SERVICES NEEDED In Grand Turk Duties: Secures premises and personnel by patrolling property; monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry Salary $7.00 per hour To work 5 days per week Please Contact: 241-2518 This position is currently being held by a work permit holder Interest Turks & Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


Blythe Malcolm

CARE TAKER WANTED In Grand Turk Salary $400.00 per month To work 5 days per week Please Contact: 232-1336 This position is currently being held by a work permit holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

Location: Family home, Murray Hill, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Domestic worker Must be able to do general cleaning, speak English, honest and trustworthy Hourly rate: $6.25 To work 5 days per week This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

Location: Hospital Road, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Store Clerk Duties: Attending to customers, cashier packing goods, inventory control and stocking shelves etc To works 6 days per week Hourly rate: $6.25 This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

Ronlee James


LEEWWARD HIGHWAY IS SEEKING TO EMPLOY A HOUSEKEEPER Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting, and polishing Laundering sheets, towels, personal clothing and other housework The housekeeper is responsible for ensuring the cleanliness of the household according to set standards Salary starts at $ 6.25 hourly Please Contact: 231-0338 This position is currently being held by work permit holder Belongers are encouraged to send the resumes to the Labour Board

Mrs. Mellisa Rolle-Ariza

Location: Home in Breezy Brae, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking employment of Caretaker Hours of work: 8:00a.m to 5:00p.m. Monday-Friday (may work some holidays) Remuneration: $6.25 per hour Duties include: Care of three children to ensure baths and meals are prepared, general house chores, dishwashing, sweeping, cleaning Contact: 649-441-8054 or mrolle4@hotmail.com This position is currently held by a work permit holder Belongers are kindly asked to submit application to the Labour Department/Board

Location: South Dock, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Labourer To ensure premises is clean and maintain, dispose of garbage and any other duties as necessary To work 5 days a week Salary is $6.25 per hour Please Contact: 431-7820 This position is currently held by Work Permit Holder Interested Belongers must submit their application to the Labour Board

Location: 648 Blue Hills Road, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Is seeking: (1) Nail Technician - $7.50 per hour •Duties include basic manicures, artificial nails, gel nails, nail repair, nail wraps and nail polishing. Is seeking (1) Hairdresser - $7.50 per hour •Typical duties include shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, braiding, hair coloring, and weaving All persons must be able to work 6 days a week Nail Tech position is new and the Hairdresser position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Please Contact: 333-8814 Interest Turks & Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board #195260

Address: Breezy Brae, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Mechanic Duties: High skill in Mechanic Auto, gasoline diesel, excellent knowledge of mechanical, electrical and electronic components of vehicles To work 5 days/week Salary: $500/bi-weekly Please Contact: 649-242-3875 This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Applicants who are Turks and Caicos Islanders can send a copy of their applications to the Labour Board

North Caicos Contracting Ltd.

Audrey Ewing

Location: 31C Airport Road, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking Two (2) Barbers Salary -$6.50 per hour • Cut and trim hair using clippers, razors and scissors • Shape and trim beards and moustaches To work 6 days per week Please email applications to squareonebarbers@yahoo.com These positions are new positions and work permit renewal Interested TCIslanders are invited to also send copies of their applications to the Labour Board

Location: #32 Leeside Avenue, Long Bay, Providenciales, TCI Is seeking a Domestic Worker Must be able to do general cleaning, speak English, honest and trustworthy To work 5 days a week Salary is $6.50 per hour Please Contact: 232-2623 This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

Hubert Been

Ed Forbes & Art Forbes

Marilene Pierre

Location: Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos Islands Is seeking a Mason Duties: Layering building materials such as bricks, concrete, tiles and other construction materials Salary is $10.00 an hour To work 6 days a week Please Contact: 244-9149 This position is new Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

Location: Middle Caicos Looking to hire 2 live-in Part Time care takers Patient is a 90 year old elderly woman, very coherent and independent but with beginning stages of dementia. Ferry Transportation is also included Requirements: -Basic English is a must. -light cooking and cleaning -Valid work permit or status card Contact Ed Forbes 649-244-3171 or Art Forbes 649-232-1220 Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

Location: #1 Blue Hills, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Caretaker Duties may include cooking, complete light housekeeping duties To work 5 days per week Please Contact: 346-8736 Salary is $6.25 per hour This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Applicants who are Turks & Caicos Islanders should also send copies of their application to the Labour Board



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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


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No name, no pint: new rules for England’s pubs after lockdown Drinkers in England’s pubs will have to give their name before they order a pint, and there will be no live acts or standing at the bar, the government said in advice for reopening the sector next month. Pubs, restaurants and hairdressers will have to keep a record of customers for 21 days to assist the state health service’s test and trace operation, which aims to identify and contain any local flare-ups of COVID-19 and stop a second wave of infections. Live performances, including drama, comedy and music, will also not be allowed, the government said. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Tuesday said that pubs, restaurants and hotels could reopen in England on July 4, easing the coronavirus lockdown that has all but shut the economy. He also reduced social

distancing from 2 metres to 1 metre in a change that will allow many more pubs and restaurants to reopen. The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) said that 75% of pubs in England – 28,000 in total – would be able to reopen. Under 2 metre social distancing rules, only a third of England’s pubs – 12,500 – would have been able to reopen. “As an industry we will be doing everything we can to ensure both our customers and staff are safe in our pubs,” said BBPA Chief Executive Emma McClarkin. “We do have significant concerns over the collection and storage of personal customer data when visiting the pub.” The government said it was consulting on the design of a data-collection system that was in line with legislation. “Many businesses like hairdressers and restaurants

A barmaid pours a pint at the Green Vic, at a pub in London aiming to be the world’s most ethical pub, in Shoreditch, London, Britain July 5, 2019. already record customer data through bookings,” said a spokesman for the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. “Businesses will temporarily be required to hold customer information like a person’s name and phone number so they can help the NHS Test and Trace Service if there is ever a local outbreak.”

How to control college costs in the age of COVID-19

Tina Smets had long thought about getting a college degree, but that seemed impossible. As a mom of three kids, waitressing nights at a local restaurant in Kearney, Nebraska, the 31-year-old did not want to saddle her young family with tons of student debt. But then she heard about “Nebraska Promise,” a new University of Nebraska program that covers tuition for families below a certain income level. “I don’t think I would have considered it otherwise,” Smets said of her planned business administration degree. “I actually didn’t believe it at first.” Stories like Tina Smets are becoming more common in this strange coronavirus era. Facing the prospect of declining enrollment, many colleges are becoming more creative in order to attract and keep potential students. “Every senior leadership team is on their whiteboard right now, thinking about eight or nine or 10 different options to help more students be able to enroll,” said Jim Hundrieser, vice president for consulting services at the National Association of College and University Business Officers. The University of Nebraska program covers tuition for families earning less than $60,000 a year. The University of Maine is offering in-state pricing for out-of-state students whose colleges have had to shut down. Some schools have frozen their tuition rates, including the University of

Minnesota, Colorado State and the University of Colorado. Some colleges offer discounts for students hurt by the economic crisis, such as the 30% tuition discount offered by Georgia’s Thomas University for online undergraduate programs. The measures are aimed at stemming a fall enrollment decline of up to 20%, according to a survey by consulting firm Simpson Scarborough. More students are considering a gap year, and the number of international students could drop through the floor. “Families don’t want to pay tens of thousands of dollars a year just to have their kids stay home all day,” said Mark Kantrowitz, publisher and vice president of research for Savingforcollege.com. As a result, many colleges are proving more flexible on admissions and pricing, welcome news for incoming students. Tuition and fees have rocketed more than 25% in the last decade, according to The College Board, leading to a whopping $1.6 trillion in student debt.

Hannah Carlile, a masters student, relaxes on the steps of the Faye and Joe Wyatt Center for Education on the campus of Peabody College at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, U.S., September 18, 2018.

year, according to the College Openings Update from the National Association for College Admission Counseling. Last year? Only 422, said Kantrowitz. Financial aid will also be affected by the crisis. Original offers for the upcoming academic year as calculated using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)are based on financial data from 2018. So if your family’s financial circumstances have changed, you can appeal the award in a bid to secure more aid. “COLLEGES NEED With some colleges STUDENTS” behind the eight-ball because of squeezed budgets, most students There are other potential can take their time in order to silver linings. For those whose make the right call financially. dream college might be just a “Out of 4,000 bit beyond reach, this could be institutions across the country, their lucky year. “This is going to maybe 400 or 500 require be the best year to be admitted that you make your decision off the waiting list,” Kantrowitz by a certain date,” Hundrieser said. “Colleges need students, said. “But the other 3,500 are and it will be easier to get in.” very understanding with what Currently, 776 colleges families are facing and want to report having space available for help as you consider all your the upcoming academic choices.”

Your Money: Why you might be afraid to spend your stimulus check

A local store is shuttered due to the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Matawan, New Jersey, U.S., April 1, 2020. If you got your stimulus payment this week from the IRS and it is still in your account, are you afraid to spend it? Many recipients immediately deployed the money they received as part of the CARES Act - up to $1,200 per adult and $500 per child - for urgent necessities, including food, rent and unpaid bills. Some did not even have the deposit register before it was swept away to cover overdrafts, unless they use a bank which pledged not to do this. If you are lucky enough to not to need the money right away, it may just sit there staring at you from your balance sheet. There are all sorts of suggestions for ways to make use of it: buy gift cards from local businesses, prepay your mortgage or fund a Roth IRA contribution - but that may not encourage you to budge. When it comes down to it, you may be too anxious to spend it anyway. Sarah Newcomb, director of behavioral science at fund research firm Morningstar, studies how people react to sudden influxes of cash, known as the windfall effect, and this is not it. “This is different, coming at a time when people are feeling financially stressed,” Newcomb said. People generally put found money in a category of “fun” and spend it accordingly. When it is expected money like a tax refund, they tend to be practical and do things like pay down debt or make a large planned purchases. Newcomb said she did not yet know what she was going to do with the deposit that had just landed in her own account. Her behavior is akin to those she has studied - it is not something she is going to spend frivolously. “I had thought, if I get anything, I want to find a family that needs it, and give it to them,” Newcomb said. “But once it hit my bank account, it was there. It’s hard to let go of money when you feel scared.” Personal finance guru Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, chief executive of AskTheMoneyCoach.com and author of “Zero Debt,” is a proponent of simply saving it. Do not tie it up in prepayments and do not feel bad about not contributing it back to the local businesses. “It’s nobody’s job individually to act as a financial Hercules. You don’t have to singlehandedly hold up the U.S. economy,” KhalfaniCox said. “Right now, we just don’t know how protracted this crisis will be, and more people will be better off conserving cash.” Not spending has consequences, too. The government intended the stimulus to help get the economy going again. People need money to move and change hands, and every transaction that gets halted ripples out to affect many people. One way Newcomb has found that shifts behavior in situations like these is to turn anxiety into excitement - a theory called anxiety reappraisal in a paper by Harvard Business School professor Alison Wood Brooks that Newcomb cites in her work. “If we could trust that we will find a solution to the virus, then I think we would all feel easier about letting that money go. There has to be a sense that you’re going to be OK. That’s the missing piece,” Newcomb said.

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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020




Zoom plans to roll out strong encryption for paying customers

Toyota holds $293 million stake in Uber, governance report shows

Toyota Motor Corp holds a $293 million stake in Uber Technologies, as it partners with the ride-hailing company to further expand into new mobility services, Toyota’s latest corporate governance report released on Wednesday showed. The Japanese automaker has also unloaded shares in some of its suppliers, adjusting its portfolio to reflect partnerships with rival automakers and technology firms as it transforms into a mobility services company, the report showed. Reporting the total size of its stake in Uber, which became a listed company last year, Toyota said it held 10.25 million shares valued at 31.15 billion yen ($292.46 million) as of March 30. That is around 0.6% of Uber’s outstanding shares, according to a Reuters calculation. Toyota, one of the world’s biggest automakers, said

Video conferencing provider Zoom (ZM.O) plans to strengthen encryption of video calls hosted by paying clients and institutions such as schools, but not by users of its free consumer accounts, a company official said on Friday. The company, whose business has boomed with the coronavirus pandemic, discussed the move on a call with civil liberties groups and childsex abuse fighters on Thursday, and Zoom security consultant Alex Stamos confirmed it on Friday. In an interview, Stamos said the plan was subject to change and it was not yet clear which, if any, nonprofits or other users, such as political dissidents, might qualify for accounts allowing more secure video meetings. He added that a combination of technological, safety and business factors went into the plan, which drew mixed reactions from privacy advocates. Zoom has attracted millions of free and paying customers amid the pandemic, in part because users could join a meeting - something that now happens 300 million times a day without registering. But that has allowed opportunities for troublemakers to slip into meetings, sometimes after pretending to be invitees. Gennie Gebhart, a researcher with the Electronic Frontier Foundation who was on Thursday’s call, said she hoped Zoom would change course and offer protected video more widely. But Jon Callas, a technology fellow of the American Civil Liberties Union, said the strategy seemed a reasonable compromise. Shooting-star German Safety experts and law enforcement have payments provider Wirecard on warned that sexual predators and other criminals Monday admitted 1.9 billion are increasingly using encrypted communications euros that auditors say are to avoid detection. missing from its accounts likely “Those of us who are doing secure “do not exist”, fueling fraud communication believe we need to do things suspicions that saw its CEO about the real horrible stuff,” said Callas, who resign. previously sold paid encryption services. The group withdrew “Charging money for end-to-end preliminary results for 2019 encryption is a way to get rid of the riff-raff,” and the first quarter of this including spammers and other malicious users year as well as financial targets who take advantage of free services. for 2025, and said: “Potential Zoom hired Stamos and other experts after effects on the annual financial a series of security failures led some institutions to accounts of previous years ban its use. Last week Zoom released a technical cannot be excluded.” paper on its encryption plans, without saying how The scandal marks a widely they would reach. stunning fall from grace for “At the same time that Zoom is trying the Bavarian start-up, set up in to improve security, they are also significantly 1999 and once seen as a darling upgrading their trust and safety,” said Stamos, a of the fintech scene owing to former chief security officer at Facebook. the global increase in electronic “The CEO is looking at different arguments. payments. The current plan is paid customers plus enterprise Wirecard’s revelation accounts where the company knows who they followed the resignation of are.” the company’s founder and Full encryption for every meeting would chief executive Markus Braun leave Zoom’s trust and safety team unable to add on Friday after the firm was itself as a participant in gatherings to tackle abuse hit with fresh fraud allegations in real time, Stamos added. that have left it struggling for An end-to-end model, which means no survival. one but the participants and their devices can see Auditors Ernst & Young and hear what is happening, would also have to said on Thursday that 1.9 exclude people who call in from a telephone line. billion euros ($2.1 billion) From a business perspective, it is hard to were missing from Wirecard’s earn money when offering a sophisticated and accounts, and Braun resigned expensive encryption service for free. Facebook is the next day. planning to fully encrypt Messenger, but it earns “The Management enormous sums from its other services. Board of Wirecard assesses on Other providers of encrypted the basis of further examination communication either charge business users or act that there is a prevailing as nonprofits, such as the makers of Signal. likelihood that the bank trust

it had reduced its shareholdings in 24 companies and increased them in 10, including two listed companies. In the past year, it took a stake in rival Suzuki Motor Corp as the pair deepen cooperation around the development of lower emission vehicles. Toyota sold its stakes in cutting tool manufacturer OSG Corporation, Nippon Steel Corporation, automotive lights and interior mirrors maker Ichikoh Industries, and transmission belt maker Mitsuboshi Belting. “If Toyota determines a shareholding is no longer meaningful or the meaning of a shareholding has been diluted due to changes in business environment or other reasons, (it) will proceed with the sale of such shares,” the automaker said in the report. Toyota currently has an interest in 174 firms, including

The logo of Toyota carmaker is seen on a car in Nice, France, April 8, 2019. 65 listed companies, compared with 200 firms in 2015, of which 80 were listed companies. Toyota’s biggest shareholders remained the same, although investors including Nippon Life Insurance Co [NPNLI.UL], JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. (JPM_pd.N) and State Street Bank and Trust Company [STTBT.UL] slightly increased their stakes, the latter two through proxy Mizuho Bank.

Scandal-hit Wirecard admits missing 1.9 bln likely gone

Wirecard account balances in the amount of 1.9 billion EUR do not exist,” the Wirecard statement said. “The company previously assumed that these trust accounts have been established for the benefit of the company in connection with the so called Third Party Acquiring business and has reported them as an asset in its financial accounts.” From humble beginnings processing payments for porn and gambling sites, the firm entered Germany’s prestigious DAX 30 index with great fanfare in 2018 after elbowing out traditional lender Commerzbank. But since then Wirecard has been dogged by a series of articles in the Financial Times alleging accounting irregularities in its Asian operations.

On Sunday, the Philippines central bank said that none of the missing $2.1 billion had entered the Philippine financial system. The names of two of the country’s biggest banks — BDO and BPI — were used to try to mislead eventual investigators, it added. Both BDO and BPI have said that Wirecard was neither a client nor a business partner, the central bank said. They informed Ernst & Young that documents attesting to the presence of the supposed funds were “spurious”, the central bank added. The company’s four board members -- including Braun -- have been under investigation since early June by Munich prosecutors for “market manipulation”, and Wirecard’s headquarters were searched as part of the probe.

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


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Chuck E. Cheese parent files for bankruptcy, another casualty of pandemic Restaurant chain Chuck E. Cheese parent CEC Entertainment filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Thursday, making it the latest casualty of the COVID-19 pandemic that has crushed entertainment and leisure industries globally. The company described the current crisis as the “most challenging” in its history and said it would use the bankruptcy proceedings to continue talks with stakeholders and landlords, as well as restructure its balance sheet. CEC listed both assets and liabilities in the range of $1 billion to $10 billion, according to the bankruptcy filing in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas. U.S. and international franchise partners as well as corporate entities outside the United States are not part of the process, it said. Chuck E. Cheese and Peter Piper Pizza locations will continue to re-open as per government guidelines, CEC added. As of Wednesday, 266 Chuck E. Cheese and Peter Piper Pizza restaurant and arcade venues were re-opened, with

Brazil suspends WhatsApp’s new payments system

Brazil’s central bank effectively suspended a newly-launched system allowing users of Facebook Inc’s WhatsApp messaging service to send money via chats, ordering Visa (V.N) and Mastercard (MA.N) to halt payments and transfers via the system. The central bank said in a statement that rolling out the service without previous analysis by the monetary authority could damage the Brazilian payments system in the areas of competition, efficiency and data privacy. The system, launched last week in a nationwide rollout, allowed users to transfer funds to individuals or local businesses within a chat, attaching payments as they would a photo or video. The central bank’s move is the latest A Chuck E. Cheese restaurant is pictured in Oceanside, California, U.S., January 18, setback in payments for owner Facebook, which 2017. the company expecting to terminated its earlier decision pared back its plans for a global payments maintain ongoing operations to merge with Leo Holdings system called Libra after meeting stiff resistance in the locations throughout the (LHC_u.N), a blank check from regulators. WhatsApp has over 120 million users in Brazil, its second-largest market behind Chapter 11 process. company. India, where it has also struggled to roll out a Irving, Texas-based CEC As of March, CEC and its payments system. was taken private by Apollo franchisees operated 612 Chuck If Visa and Mastercard do not comply Global Management (APO.N) E. Cheese and 122 Peter Piper with the order, they would be subject to fines in 2014 in a $1.3 billion deal, Pizza venues, with locations in and administrative sanctions, the statement including debt. 47 U.S. states and 16 foreign said. It has since sought to countries. A WhatsApp spokesperson said the broaden its appeal beyond PJT Partners is serving messaging service would continue working with children and teenagers, as a financial adviser, while FTI “local partners” and the central bank to provide expanding its alcohol offerings Consulting is its restructuring digital payments for its users in Brazil using a for adults. adviser, it said. business model open to more participant, which Last year, the company would address regulators concerns on market concentration. Earlier on Tuesday, before Visa and Mastercard operations with WhatsApp were suspended, the central bank issued regulation saying it could require market participants to receive previous approval to operate in payments. Twitter Inc (TWTR.N) on WhatsApp launched its Brazil services Tuesday placed a warning notice without requesting central bank authorization, on a tweet by President Donald as it was operating as an intermediary between Trump threatening “serious consumers and financial institutions. force” against protesters in the Some observers called the regulator’s U.S. capital, the second time it decision an overreaction, while others said has used the label since it began WhatsApp presented a potential risk in terms of challenging Trump’s tweets in market concentration and privacy. May. “It is a bit odd that the central bank “There will never be decided to suspend WhatsApp as the regulator an ‘Autonomous Zone’ in is already able to oversee all market participants Washington, D.C., as long as I’m which joined WhatsApp,” said Carlos Daltozo, your President. If they try they co-head of equities at Eleven Financial. will be met with serious force!” “Besides that, WhatsApp is open to form new the president said in his tweet, partnerships.” which Twitter said violated its WhatsApp started its operations in policy against abusive behavior. Brazil in partnership with fintech Nubank, state Trump posted the controlled lender Banco do Brasil SA (BBAS3.SA), message after anti-racism U.S. President Donald Trump walks to Air Force One from the Marine One helicopter Visa, Mastercard and lender Sicredi. protesters on Monday declared as he departs on a day trip to Arizona and a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border, leaving In a separate setback for the venture a “Black House Autonomous Washington from Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, U.S., June 23, 2020. A Twitter spokeswoman supporters and deride opponents. on Tuesday, Brazil’s antitrust watchdog, Cade, Zone” - referencing a Seattle area After the company last blocked WhatsApp’s partnership with credit and taken over by activists known said teams within the company’s as the Capitol Hill Organized safety division informed Chief month started applying labels to debit card operator Cielo (CIEL3.SA) to process Protest (CHOP) or Capitol Hill Executive Jack Dorsey of the his messages, Trump announced the payments. As Cielo is already Brazil’s largest Autonomous Zone - in front of decision before applying the plans to scrap or weaken a law that has protected internet payment processor, a partnership with the St. John’s Episcopal Church near notice. biggest messaging service could pose a market Facebook, which has companies in order to regulate the White House. Police cleared the White taken a more hands-off approach social media platforms more concentration risk, Cade said. Shares in Cielo soared 30% on the day WhatsApp announced House area on Tuesday and to speech by political leaders, aggressively. Twitter’s first public payments service in Brazil. blocked access to the site, where left the same post untouched. The central bank’s move comes as the At least 150,000 people interest notice against Trump law enforcement had used violence to disperse protesters had liked Trump’s tweet and also involved a threat of force regulator prepared to launch its own instant 33,000 retweeted it before against protesters, who have payments system in November, called Pix, earlier this month. Twitter said it hid Twitter restricted engagement, been demonstrating against joining more than 980 participants. “It is complicated when the regulator Trump’s tweet behind its according to the most recent racial injustice since the May 25 “public interest” notice because image captured by the Internet death of George Floyd, a Black also becomes a player and seems to be more worried about its own payment system,” said it included a threat of harm Archive’s Wayback Machine. man, in police custody. Trump had used the a source at a financial institution that has against an identifiable group. His post on Facebook received phrase “when the looting starts, partnered with WhatsApp. The label restricts distribution of 12,000 comments. The WhatsApp spokesperson said it was The warning escalated the shooting starts” to threaten tweets by public officials which violate Twitter’s rules, while Twitter’s challenge to Trump, deadly force against protesters committed to working with the central bank to leaving them online to allow for who has used the platform in Minneapolis, where Floyd integrate systems once Pix became available. unimpeded for years to rally died. scrutiny.

Twitter again slaps warning on Trump tweet threatening force against protesters

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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020

are in alignment with all assigned resorts •Oversee and manage that each direct report implements BE’s processes and procedures that fully achieve the appropriate control of all operating expenses. •Safeguard the resort’s assets by establishing, monitoring and enforcing internal controls. •Ensure that the established controls and procedures in respect to areas of responsibility are always being complied with. •Assists with developing Strata budget and manages Strata Costs. •Keep owners and executives informed and provide timely response to queries from the same. •Develop, implement and enforce policies and procedures that improve the operations and effectiveness of the resort. •Perform other duties as directed by the General Manager or any other authorized executive.

JOB VACANCY Beach Enclave is a collection of private luxury villa resorts nestled on North Shore, Grace Bay and Long Bay Beach. We are seeking determined and energetic professionals who are dedicated to providing discreet yet personalized and attentive service that define the Beach Enclave experience.

Remuneration Package: $96,000 per year, commensurate with experience and qualifications.

BE Properties Ltd is looking for a CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER. Reporting directly to the Board, the COO will oversee the Operations across all Beach Enclave properties and is responsible for reaching financial targets as well as propose and implement the brand strategy.

MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN- Will be responsible for assisting with overseeing general maintenance and upkeep of the property as well as the equipment of the property, all electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems, and special development. This individual must possess the following skills:

Experience& qualifications •Experienced hospitality executive with minimum 10 years five-star international management success – Caribbean experience desirable with 3-5 years management in each departmental discipline. Thorough knowledge of resort front office, housekeeping and F&B procedures, operations and equipment, engineering, and information technology with the ability to execute all aspects •Financial, Business and/or Hospitality Management degree or equivalent experience, with a passion for customer service •Exceptional leadership skills with a proven record of providing consistently high guest experience standards balanced with operational efficiencies. •Proven ability to develop business plans and budgets, and effectively monitor performance to meet objectives •Energetic, results driven leader with collaborative approach; focused on empowering people; developing skill in others through coaching, training, and experiential learning. •Successful resort design and pre-opening experience. •Caribbean experience, within a recognized luxury brand. •Bachelor or University degree in Hospitality.

•Maintain and service all pools, hot tubs and spas and all said equipment •Service all HVAC and refrigeration equipment as necessary •Maintain and repair as necessary all cabinetry, doors and windows – made of the finest quality woods, spray and stain as necessary •Maintain and repair as necessary all golf carts •Maintain and repair as necessary all watersports equipment •Maintain and repair as necessary all a/c systems •Maintain and repair as necessary all black out shades •Complete all maintenance requests work orders on a timely basis •Preferably at least 5 years’ experience in a luxury hotel •Plumbing experience preferred •Housekeeping experience is a plus •Must have knowledge of pest control •Computer literacy would be an advantage but not essential with the ability to record and present invoices and purchases in an accurate manner THE CANDIDATE MUST ALSO: •Be willing to work flexible hours, weekends, holidays etc. •Be able to work within a team, be reliable and trustworthy •Be extremely well presented and have a good command of English •Must possess a clean driver’s license to run errands

Summary of duties and responsibilities •Promote a culture of results-oriented performance throughout all properties. •Create budgets for approval. Plan, coordinate, and execute the annual budget process. •Provide managers and other direct reports with annual and quarterly goals and objectives for assigned property. •Create and maintain synergies among all properties in all areas including sales, maintenance, financial processes etc. •Maintain high brand Quality Assurance results including inspection/audits. Conduct quarterly audits at designated hotels for compliance with all brand requirements •Partner with the sales and revenue teams to ensure that revenue and sales strategies

Salary: $20K – 25K per annum based on qualifications and experience. Must be prepared to carry out duties when guests are not in house Please apply in writing to Human Resources, Beach Enclave, International Drive, email: hr@beachenclave.com. Qualified candidates will be contacted for an interview. Potential candidates should also submit copies of their application to the Labor Board.

• Must be proficient in the use of computers and technology in teaching and learning environment • Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications PRIMARY: 37 Cooper Jack Bay Road, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Email: principal@precioustreasuresschool.com, Tel: 1-649-941-5186 Web site: https://precioustreasuresschool.com/welcome/

INVITES applications from suitably qualified persons to fill the following positions for the 2020/2021 academic school year. TRAINED SPECIALIST TEACHERS SECONDARY LEVEL: SUBJECTS: • • • • •

Mathematics Humanities Sciences – Biology, Chemistry, Physics English language & English Literature Business Education, Information Technology & Computing • Spanish and or French Qualification must include but not limited to the following: • Master or equivalent in educational studies • Appropriate Teacher training qualifications • Experience in working with International Curriculum • At least Five years’ experience Teaching in the specialized subject area at the IGCSE examination level • Output driven and possess an excellent pass rate in the subject of specialization • Excellent documentation and reporting skills • Possess strong abilities in 21st century teaching methodologies • Possesses mature, caring, and loving disposition • Exemplary written and oral communication skills


Qualification must include but not limited to the following: • A minimum of First Degree or equivalent in educational studies • Appropriate Teacher training qualifications • Experience in working with International Primary Curriculum • Output driven • Possess strong abilities in 21st century teaching methodologies • At least three years’ experience in similar position • Possesses mature, caring and loving disposition • Clean police clearance certificate • Willing to work long hours and on public holidays • Must be proficient in the use of computers and technology in teaching and learning environment • Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications ANCILLARY: CLEANERS: - Person will be responsible to keep classrooms and Toilets clean at all times - Be willing to work until late evenings and on non-school days if required - Person will be responsible to maintain school surroundings and do minor repairs and maintenance. - Salary $6.50 per hour Applications should be submitted to the HR Department no later than June 30th 2020: P.O. Box 293, 37 Cooper Jack Bay Road, Providenciales.

JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020


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No. 1 Novak Djokovic, wife have virus after his exhibitions

Top-ranked tennis player Novak Djokovic announced Tuesday he and his wife tested positive for the coronavirus after he played in a series of exhibition matches he organized in Serbia and Croatia with zero social distancing amid the pandemic. Raising questions about the full-fledged return of tennis, including the U.S. Open planned for August, Djokovic is the fourth player to come down with COVID-19 after participating in matches held in Belgrade and Zadar, Croatia. The others were three-time Grand Slam semifinalist Grigor Dimitrov, Borna Coric and Viktor Troicki. “We believed the tournament met all health protocols and the health of our region seemed in good condition to finally unite people for philanthropic reasons,” Djokovic said in a posting on social media Tuesday. “We were wrong and it was too soon.” The rest of his Adria Tour, which was supposed to head to Bosnia next, was called off. “Unfortunately, this virus is still present, and it is a new reality that we are still learning to cope and live with. I am hoping things will ease with time so we can all resume lives the way they were,” Djokovic said in a statement released earlier. “I am extremely sorry for each individual case of infection. I hope that it will not complicate anyone’s health situation and that everyone will be fine.” Djokovic, who stands third in the history of men’s tennis with 17

Grand Slam singles titles, has been in the news frequently in connection with the COVID-19 outbreak, which led to the suspension of the ATP and WTA professional tennis tours in March. Plans were announced last week for the sport’s sanctioned events to return in August. In April, the player who has won five of the past seven Grand Slam tournaments and is 18-0 this year was criticized for saying he would not want to take a vaccine for the virus in order to be able to compete, even if it were mandatory for travel. In May, when he was staying in Spain, Djokovic broke local lockdown rules by practicing at a tennis club about a week before it was allowed. More recently, he complained about the U.S. Tennis Association’s plans to try to protect people from the virus during the U.S. Open with such measures as limiting the size of players’ entourages, going so far as to say he didn’t know whether he would go to the tournament in New York. The U.S. Open is scheduled to begin Aug. 31, without spectators, and the French Open — postponed from May — is supposed to start Sept. 27. “This situation is exactly why we have created a comprehensive health and medical plan with the input of our Medical Advisory Group, as well as other experts, that was approved by New York State,” the USTA said in a statement Tuesday that wished the ill players well. “The

Flurry of positive coronavirus tests in athletes hurts U.S. restart plans Hopes that sport in the United States might soon return to business as usual suffered a blow on Friday as athletes from golf to hockey tested positive for the novel coronavirus, triggering a shutdown of some facilities. The PGA Tour, which only restarted last week after a threemonth COVID-19-forced hiatus, confirmed its first positive test, removing Nick Watney from secondround play at the RBC Heritage in Hilton Head, South Carolina. Over a 24-hour period, Major League Soccer (MLS), National Football League (NFL), National Hockey League (NHL) and Major League Baseball (MLB) confirmed positive tests, and those sports pondered return-to-play scenarios. Leagues are doing extensive testing for coronavirus even among players not showing symptoms. This followed leading U.S. health official Dr. Anthony Fauci on Thursday casting doubt on whether the NFL would get on the field this season. The MLS and NBA were paying particularly close attention to Friday’s events as many of the positive tests occurred in Florida

Test tube with Corona virus name label is seen in this illustration taken on January 29, 2020. where both leagues have announced plans to restart their seasons at Orlando’s Walt Disney World. Florida is one of several U.S. states where COVID-19 cases have recently surged. The MLS is scheduled to return on July 8 with a World Cupstyle tournament featuring all 26 teams. The league, which has said that the health and safety of players and staff were the priority, did not immediately respond to questions about whether the spike in Florida cases would prompt a rethink of those plans. Inter Miami said on Thursday that one of their players had tested positive for the virus.

Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic, left, talks to children in Zadar, Croatia. Novak Djokovic has tested positive for the coronavirus after taking part in a tennis exhibition series he organized in Serbia and Croatia. creation of a controlled U.S. Open play — was canceled. environment, including official Djokovic, who is not showing hotels, transportation, food, medical symptoms of COVID-19, said he will and safety protocols, enables us remain in self-isolation for 14 days. to mitigate potential risk, and “It was all born with a appropriately respond to any issues.” philanthropic idea, to direct all Djokovic found himself raised funds towards people in need defending the lax arrangements of and it warmed my heart to see how his exhibitions, which were meant everybody strongly responded to to raise money to help those affected this,” Djokovic said. “We organized by the pandemic. The stands the tournament at the moment when were packed, and players casually the virus has weakened, believing interacted with fans and each other that the conditions for hosting the off the court. Djokovic and other Tour had been met.” players were seen hugging each Both countries eased their other and partying in night clubs lockdowns ahead of elections held and restaurants. in Serbia last Sunday and scheduled After Dimitrov said he tested for July 5 in Croatia, and much of positive over the weekend, the final the Balkans is experiencing a spike of the competition in Croatia — in in new COVID-19 cases since the which Djokovic was supposed to strictest measures were lifted.

Tiger skipping next week’s tournament in Connecticut

Tiger Woods will remain idle as the PGA Tour heads to Connecticut next week. The reigning Masters champion sat out last week’s Charles Schwab Challenge at Fort Worth, Texas, and this weekend’s RBC Heritage at Hilton Head, S.C. The two events marked the tour’s return to action after a two-month shutdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Woods, 44, let the deadline pass for entry Friday afternoon for The Travelers Championship at TPC River Highlands in Cromwell, Conn. A strong field includes Northern Ireland’s Rory McIlroy, Spain’s Jon Rahm and Americans Brooks Koepka, Dustin Johnson, Jordan Spieth and Phil Mickelson. Woods has competed in just two official events since October, tying for ninth at the Farmers Insurance Open in San Diego in January, then placing 68th (last among those who made the cut) in the Genesis Open near Los Angeles in February. Before the tour shut down, Woods sat out several events, including the Players Championship, due to stiffness in his surgically repaired back. The Players

Tiger Woods tees off the 9th hole during the final round of the Zozo Championship, a PGA Tour event, at Narashino Country Club in Inzai, Chiba Prefecture, east of Tokyo, Japan October 27, 2019. Championship in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., was abandoned because of the pandemic after the first round was played March 12. Woods returned to action unofficially when he teamed with Peyton Manning to beat Mickelson and Tom Brady in a charity matchplay event on May 24. Woods’ schedule decisions might be influenced by the tour’s revised schedule, with only one major event to be played during the 2019-20 season. The postponed PGA Championship will be held at TPC Harding Park in San Francisco from Aug. 6-9.

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WORLD SPORTS New York City Marathon canceled because of coronavirus

Runners on the upper level of the Verrazano Bridge at the start of the 36th New York City Marathon. The New York City Marathon, the world’s largest marathon, was canceled Wednesday because of the coronavirus pandemic, with organizers and city officials deciding that holding the race on Nov. 1 would be too risky. New York Road Runners announced the cancellation of the prestigious marathon, set to celebrate its 50th anniversary, after coordinating with the mayor’s office and deciding the race posed too many health and safety concerns for runners, volunteers, spectators and others. “While the marathon is an iconic and beloved event in our city, I applaud New York Road Runners for putting the health and safety of both spectators and runners first,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a statement. “We look forward to hosting the 50th running of the marathon in November of 2021.” Last year’s marathon included a world record 53,640 finishers. Joyciline Jepkosgei of Kenya, the women’s world record holder in the half marathon, won last year’s race, her first-ever marathon, upsetting four-time champion Mary Keitany. Geoffrey Kamworor, also from Kenya, won the men’s event for the second time in three years. “Cannot wait to compete in my next NYRR event, when it is safe to do so,” U.S. marathoner Emily Sisson tweeted Wednesday, adding a heart emoji. Entrants for the 2020 race will be offered a full refund of their entry fee or a guaranteed entry to either the 2021, 2022 or 2023 marathon. The 2021 New York City Marathon is scheduled for Nov. 7. Runners registered for the 2020 marathon and others will be invited to participate in a virtual 26.2-mile race from Oct. 17-Nov. 1. Further details will be released in July. The last time the New York City Marathon was canceled was in 2012, after Superstorm Sandy caused extensive damage in the city. This year’s Berlin Marathon also was canceled Wednesday because of the pandemic. That race, one of the fastest marathons in the world, had been scheduled for Sept. 27.


JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020

Rope found hanging in Wallace’s garage was coincidence NASCAR went to Talladega Superspeedway on heightened alert after Bubba Wallace, its only Black driver, took on an active role in a push for racial equality. Wallace had successfully called for the ban of the Confederate flag and received threats. Fans paraded past the main entrance of the Alabama track displaying the flag, and a plane circled above the speedway pulling a Confederate flag banner that read “Defund NASCAR.” So NASCAR moved quickly when one of Wallace’s crew members discovered a rope shaped like a noose in their garage stall. The sanctioning body called in federal authorities, who ruled Tuesday the rope had been hanging there since at least last October and was not a hate crime. U.S. Attorney Jay Town and FBI Special Agent in Charge Johnnie Sharp Jr. said the investigation determined “nobody could have known Mr. Wallace would be assigned” to that same stall. NASCAR said it was the lone garage stall with a pull down rope that resembled a noose. NASCAR has defended its reaction and insisted it would call the FBI again. A defiant Wallace said there is no confusion and the rope had been fashioned into a noose. “I wanted to make sure this wasn’t just a knot,” Wallace said on CNN. “It was a noose. Whether it was tied in 2019 ... it is a noose.” Wallace never saw the rope. He said NASCAR President Steve Phelps came to see him Sunday night at the track with “tears running down his face.” “The evidence he brought to me was that a hate crime has been committed,” said Wallace, who instantly began to fear for the safety of his family. Even after the FBI concluded that it was not a hate crime, Wallace remained angry

Bubba Wallace takes a selfie of himself and of other drivers who had pushed his car to the front in the pits at Talladega Superspeedway before the NASCAR Cup Series auto race in Talladega Ala., Monday June 22, 2020. at what he perceives as constant tests of his character. He holds no ill-will toward NASCAR. “I stand behind Steve and I stand behind NASCAR,” he said. “NASCAR was worried about Talladega. We had that one circled on the radar with everything going on.” NASCAR opened the Talladega gates to 5,000 fans, its highest number so far during the coronavirus pandemic. Since finding his voice over the last month, the 26-yearold Mobile, Alabama native has embraced an international role in NASCAR’s attempt to push past its rocky racial history. Wallace has worn an “I Can’t Breathe” shirt, raced with a Black Lives Matter paint scheme in Virginia and successfully lobbied for the Confederate flag ban. NASCAR assigned security to Wallace at the track. The first word of the incident came in a sharply worded statement in which NASCAR said it was “angry and outraged” over the “heinous act” that the series directly linked to racism. The FBI sent 15 agents to Talladega for Monday’s rescheduled race at the same time the industry rallied around Wallace. In an unprecedented show of solidarity, every team member on pit road lined up behind him during the national anthem.

Phelps has taken exactly nine questions about the finding in Wallace’s garage and none provided any details of the incident. Because of health protocol restrictions, a limited number of personnel have access to the garage. Only a handful of Wallace’s crew members and NASCAR saw the rope. Roughly 48 hours after the discovery, federal authorities said video confirmed the rope “was in that garage as early as October 2019” hanging from a garage door. The rope was referred to as a noose, but can be used as a handle when closing the door. Phelps continued to call it a noose after authorities said no charges would be filed, and held firm in that NASCAR is investigating why the rope was tied that way. He was pleased it wasn’t a hate crime directed at Wallace, but insisted NASCAR would have conducted its investigation the same way even now knowing it was just a coincidence. “We would have done the same investigation. It was important for us to do,” he said. “The evidence was very clear that the noose that was in the garage was in there previously. The last race we had in October, that noose was present. The evidence we had, it was clear we needed to look into this.”

Lakers’ Bradley opts out of NBA’s restart, cites son’s health The Western Conferenceleading Los Angeles Lakers will be without a starter when the NBA season resumes, as guard Avery Bradley announced Tuesday that he will not join the team next month in central Florida. Bradley told ESPN that his decision was made out of concern for the health of his 6-year-old son, Liam, who has dealt with respiratory problems. Bradley and his wife have three children. After a four-month hiatus prompted by the coronavirus pandemic, the NBA will send the top 22 of its 30 teams to the Walt Disney World Resort near Orlando, Fla. Training camp is due to run July 9-29 with games to commence on July 30.

“As committed to my Lakers teammates and the organization as I am, I ultimately play basketball for my family,” Avery Bradley said, per ESPN. “And so, at a time like this, I can’t imagine making any decision that might put my family’s health and well-being at even the slightest risk. “As promised also, I will use this time away to focus on the formation of projects to help strengthen my communities.” Last week, Bradley joined with Brooklyn Nets guard Kyrie Irving in fronting a coalition of NBA players asking the league and the players union to focus on social reform and anti-racism causes. The rules of the paused season will allow the Lakers to

replace Bradley on the roster, and multiple media outlets reported that free agent JR Smith could be a top target. Smith won an NBA championship alongside current Lakers star LeBron James in 2015-16. However, the 34-year-old veteran last appeared in an NBA game in November 2018. Bradley, 29, averaged 8.6 points and 2.3 rebounds for the Lakers in 49 games (44 starts) this season. He missed 13 games in November and December due to a hairline fracture in his right leg. A 2010 first-round pick of the Celtics (19th overall) out of Texas, Bradley played seven seasons in Boston before splitting the past three seasons between the Detroit

Cleveland Cavaliers’ rookie Kyrie Irving (R) dribbles around Boston Celtics’ defender Avery Bradley during the second quarter of their NBA basketball game in Cleveland January 31, 2012. Pistons, Los Angeles Clippers, Memphis Grizzlies and the Lakers.

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Report: Ryder Cup will be postponed until 2021 The Ryder Cup matches scheduled to be held Sept. 25-27 in Wisconsin will be postponed until next year due to the coronavirus pandemic, The Guardian of London reported Monday. According to the newspaper, the official announcement regarding the event at Whistling Straits in Kohler, Wis., is expected to come next week. The move also would have a permanent effect on the Ryder Cup schedule, per the Guardian, with the biennial matches moved to oddnumbered years moving forward. The 2022 event, scheduled for Marco Simone Golf and Country Club in Rome, would be moved to 2023. The next U.S. home series after Whistling Straits would occur in 2025 at Bethpage Black in Farmington, N.Y. The 2026 event, set for Adare Manor in Ireland, would instead be held in 2027 — the year of the Ryder Cup’s 100th anniversary. GolfChannel.com reported that a PGA of America spokesman declined to comment on the Monday report. The Ryder Cup switched from being played in odd-numbered years to being held in even-numbered

years when the 2001 edition was postponed to 2002 in the wake of 9/11. The reported 2020 postponement comes after much discussion about whether the Ryder Cup should be contested with no fans on the course or with a limited gallery. Either option would severely diminish one of the event’s top attributes, a partisan crowd cheering on the home team and attempting to rattle the visiting team. However, with coronavirus cases on the rise in much of the United States and with travel restrictions still in place, Ryder Cup organizers decided to wait a year, according to the Guardian. The seven-day average of new COVID-19 cases has risen over the past week in Wisconsin, according to the state’s Department of Health Services. Team U.S. star Brooks Koepka said last week of the Ryder Cup, “I don’t want to play if there’s no fans. ... The fans make that event. The fans make that special.” Team Europe star Rory McIlroy of Northern Ireland said in late May, “I think the majority of players would like to see it pushed

back until 2021 so that they can play in front of crowds and have the atmosphere that makes the Ryder Cup so special. The players are the ones that make the Ryder Cup. If they are not on board with it and don’t want to play, then there is no Ryder Cup. “I see it being pushed back until 2021, and honestly, I think that will be the right call.” Team Europe won the most recent Ryder Cup, beating Team USA 17 1/2-10 1/2 in September 2018 at Le Golf National near Paris. Earlier Monday, the PGA of America confirmed that the PGA Championship would be held without fans this summer at San Francisco’s TPC Harding Park. The event, originally scheduled for May 14-17, will be played Aug. 6-9 as the lone major of the 2019-20 PGA Tour season. The PGA Tour was shut down in mid-March due to the pandemic, but it restarted — with no fans present — at the Charles Schwab Challenge, June 11-14 in Fort Worth, Texas. Fans will be allowed to return to courses beginning with the Memorial Tournament, July 16-19 in Dublin, Ohio.

General view of the Ryder Cup before the announcement. The season-ending FedEx Cup playoffs are set to be contested from mid-August to early September. The U.S. Open at Winged Foot Golf Club in Mamaroneck, N.Y., was postponed from mid-June to Sept. 17-20, and the Masters was pushed back from early April to Nov. 1215 in Augusta, Ga. The Open Championship, scheduled to be held July 16-19 at Royal St. George’s in Sandwich, England, was canceled.

U.S. threatens to pull WADA funding as war of words escalates The United States is threatening to cut off funding to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) unless it immediately enacts serious reforms, according to a report by the White House’s Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP). If WADA does not “change its way of doing business” the agency could soon find itself out of funding and out of business, warned Travis Tygart, the head of the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA). The 19-page report seen by Reuters contains a series of recommendations to the U.S. Congress that are highly critical of WADA, particularly its handling of the Russian doping scandal, and questions its use of taxpayers money. The U.S. is the largest single contributor to WADA, paying over $2.7 million to the 2020 budget of $37.4 million, half of which comes from the International Olympic Committee (IOC). “The United States Government has a duty to ensure that American taxpayer dollars are spent effectively for the purpose to which they are appropriated,” the report said. “American taxpayers should receive a tangible return on their investment in WADA in the form of clean sport, fair play, effective administration of the world anti-doping system and a proportionate voice in WADA decision-making.” The report details WADA’s investigations into

A woman walks into the head office of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in Montreal, Quebec, Canada November 9, 2015. the Russian doping saga that began in 2015 when a WADAcommissioned report detailed state-sponsored doping in Russian athletics. Russia is currently appealing a four-year ban from competing under its flag at major international sporting events, including the Olympics. The suspension was imposed last December after WADA found that Moscow had provided it with doctored laboratory data. “ONDCP hopes that WADA’s new leadership will implement necessary reforms to repair the damage done to WADA’s reputation and credibility in the wake of the Russian doping scandal,” read the ONDCP report. “However, the U.S. Government will not rely merely on hope but will continue to insist upon structural reform of WADA and closely scrutinize.”

told Reuters on Wednesday. “They (WADA) have got to change the way they are doing business or they are going to start losing funding.” WADA immediately condemned the ONDCP report, saying it was deeply flawed. “It is very unfortunate that the report was written without due regard for the facts or context and with the clear intention to discredit WADA,” WADA said in an email to Reuters. The exchange is the latest salvo in a battle over control of the global antidoping effort. The Rodchenkov AntiDoping Act, named after the whistleblower Grigory Rodchenkov who helped expose Russia’s state-sponsored doping, is currently moving through the U.S. House and Senate. If the bill is passed it would give the U.S. Department of Justice the ability to go after WAKEUP CALL and prosecute those defrauding sport through doping in much Tygart, one of WADA’s the same manner FIFA officials fiercest critics, labelled the were punished for corruption in report another “wakeup call”. soccer. “It is a damning report,” Tygart

Athletics: Briton Farah targets one-hour world record in Brussels Long distance runner Mo Farah makes his trademark “Mobot” pose during a parade of British Olympic and Paralympic athletes through London September 10, 2012. Four-times Olympic champion Mo Farah says he is targeting the one-hour world record at the AG Memorial Van Damme meet in Brussels on Sept. 4, as he returns to the track for the first time since switching to road racing in 2017. Athletes try to cover as much distance as possible in one hour in the event. The men’s record of 21.285 km was set by Ethiopia’s Haile Gebrselassie in Ostrava in 2007. The Brussels event is part of the revamped calendar of athletics meetings announced by the Diamond League due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “Together with my training partner Bashir Abdi I’m going to attack the hour record at the AG Memorial Van Damme,” Farah, 37, said in a statement here on the event’s website. Ethiopian world half-marathon record holder Ababel Yeshaneh and Birhane Dibaba will attempt to break the women’s record of 18.517km set by Dire Tune in 2008.

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JUNE 26TH, 2020 – JULY 3RD, 2020

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