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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020

Website: www.suntci.com

VOLUME 16 - NO. 27

Email: sun@suntci.com

Tel: (649) 348-6838


Fax: (649) 941-3281


BEACH ACCESS WILL NOT BE BLOCKED Attorney General clarifies controversy over beach access in Grace Bay

by Hayden Boyce Publisher & Editor-in-Chief


ttorney General Hon. Rhondalee Braithwaite-Knowles, OBE, QC, says public access to the worldfamous Grace Bay beach will not be impeded if developers are granted approval to lease a small piece of Crown land to build a luxury hotel there. “The land in question is a portion of a beach access but does not include the entire beach access and if approved, would not impede public access to the beach,” the Attorney General told The SUN in an exclusive interview.

A rendering of the proposed beach access

A rendering of the luxury hotel AG-Rhondalee-Braithwaite-Knowles

Attorney General Braithwaite-Knowles explained that John “Brother Will” as indicated in the Public Notice, Williams, whose company Williams the Crown Land Unit received Drafting Ltd., is the architect for the an application for a lease over a $35million, seven-storey, 87-room, portion of land comprised in parcel Five Star, European Plan (EP) hotel, 60905/204, to support a commercial said the developer intends to fully development. develop the beach access before As required by law, she said, construction starts and will ensure the application was considered by that there no blockage whatsoever. the Crown Land Advisory Panel, “I can tell you that this then by the Cabinet to determine beach access will be the best this whether the land was available for country has ever seen,” Williams such development and whether to told The SUN. issue a public tender notice.

“In the interest of transparency and in keeping with the requirements of the Crown Land `Ordinance, the Cabinet approved the issuance of a public tender notice for 0.22 of an acre portion of the parcel that is the subject of the application. As shown on the map attached to the Notice, the land in question is a portion of a beach access but does not include the entire beach access and if approved, would not impede public access to the beach,” the Attorney General stressed.

John “Brother Will” Williams Continued on page 2

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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020



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She explained that the main leased) for commercial purposes. running water, electricity and 24purpose of the tendering process The Cabinet, under the Crown Land hour security, as the beach access is to invite anyone interested in Ordinance, has authority to either will be open 24/7. developing the land, to submit a grant a lease of Crown land or reject “The developer wants the competing bid without disclosing any application or bid received. Any public to know that he will build the details of the application to written complaints received by the this first within 6 months after the obtain the best offer for Crown Land, Crown Land Unit, as an objection agreement of the lease for the 0.22 without breaching confidentiality to the application, will also be taken acres which will be added on to his requirements. into account by the Crown Land development. He is asking this to be “Transparency also assists Advisory Panel and the Cabinet, a clause to his contract to prove to in mitigating against nepotism and in accordance with the law,” the the public that he is serious about corruption, and affords the Cabinet Attorney General, said, noting that this development,” Williams said. with the opportunity to consider the expression “PT” means that only He added: “Turks and Caicos any objections, which may arise, a portion/part of the parcel is being Islanders, let me draw this to your and to ensure that the land is put considered not the entire parcel. attention, we have numerous to the best sustainable use,” she said, Meantime, in a Facebook amount of development on Grace adding that an invitation to tender post, Williams said the beach access Bay beach at the moment and for the parcel of Crown Land is by will be a significant boost for Grace not one of the developers have no means an agreement to lease Bay, and will contain a local and developed a public beach access for that land. tourist information office, male and all the years they have been living “Additionally, Crown Land female bathrooms, a paved parking and doing business on the beach cannot be sold (and can only be lot, an exterior shower, seating area, and this developer has guaranteed

to develop a 5-Star public beach access..” “The public beach access 60905/204 have 4.20 acres ...the acreage that will be developed for the public beach access and the acreage of 0.22 that the developer is requesting in order to change the shape of his lot 60905/16 which shapes like a letter “P” at the moment. By adding the 0.22 acres will give the developer a better shape lot to accommodate his approved outline development which we are now in the process of submitting for DDP and Building permit. Please be aware that in return for the 0.22 acreage lease he will develop the remainder acreage of 1.35 a 5-star beach access, as you can see in the drawings, for the public.”

PNP Leader addresses issue of nationals stranded in the USA of persons into the country ahead of our international border being opened. If the protocols and On Thursday, 2nd July 2020, procedures worked previously a number of Turks & Caicos Islanders, for the entry into the country of mainly NHIP patients and persons British soldiers, Cuban medical staff, who had recently received COVID-19 students studying in the UK, and negative test results (including three TCI residents who found themselves mothers with new-born babies), outside of the country when the were prevented from boarding a borders were closed, we see no TCI Government chartered flight reason why the same protocols and that was sent to Ft. Lauderdale to procedures could not have worked facilitate their return home. for the NHIP patients and COVID-19 The reason for this is because free Turks & Caicos Islanders seeking the Government opted to deny to return home at this time from the permission to allow the flight to United States. enter the country with the persons Unless bringing those onboard, resulting in them being persons back now puts them and/ currently stranded in the United or the country at grave risk, and we States. have seen no evidence to think this The Progressive National is the case, the Progressive National Party is of the strong view that those Party is calling on the Government Turks & Caicos Islanders seeking to to not leave those persons (mainly return home yesterday, should not NHIP patients) who are seeking have been left stranded in the United to return home from the United States, particularly when there are States stranded for another day, let existing protocols and procedures alone another 20 days when the in place to accommodate the entry international border is scheduled to By Hon. Charles Washington Misick - Opposition Leader

Ministry of Health and Ministry of Tourism responds to repatriation flight The health and safety of all residents remain the number one priority of the Turks & Caicos Islands government. Since the closure of the national and international borders, the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Tourism have worked collaboratively to facilitate the repatriation of TCI residents who wished to return home. Protocols have been established and are known by stakeholders in the relevant agencies, airlines and departments which all have a role to play in the entry of these flights. This process has seen the successful and safe repatriation of hundreds of returning residents from the UK, USA, Bahamas, Jamaica, and the Dominican Republic including students, minors, police recruits and others. The current situation is regrettable for the inconvenience caused to the returning residents

who were affected. Unfortunately, all of the established protocols which have been implemented to ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of all of residents desirous of returning to the TCI, as well as all residents currently in country, were not adhered to. The government is committed to ensuring that these residents are able to return, having completed all of the necessary requirements at the earliest possible opportunity. Any inconvenience caused is regrettable. All persons who are eligible to return to the TCI are reminded to register with the Tourist Board by emailing travel@ turksandcaicostourism and must provide the following information. •Your name •Number of persons in your party •Contact details •Country of departure

be open and to make arrangements for them to be returned home within the next 24 hours. As this situation has left Turks & Caicos Islanders, including new-borns, stranded outside of the country, we are also calling on the Premier to: a) inform the public on the factors and reasoning that she and her Government took into consideration when they chose that option over letting those persons return home under the existing protocols and procedures that are in place, and for her to also inform the public on what led to the breakdown between the Ministry of Tourism (the department that arranged the flight) and the Ministry of Health (the department that withheld the permission for the persons to return home) and how much the blunder of chartering a flight to Ft. Lauderdale and having it returned empty caused the country. The Progressive National Party believes that governments

Hon. Charles Washington Misick Leader of the Progressive National Party (PNP)

should never abandon their people, especially in times of crises. This PDM Government owns the country, and particularly those persons stranded at the Ft. Lauderdale airport yesterday, an apology and an explanation of why such a thing occurred, and we are further calling on them to do so, and to cover all expenses resulting from their blunder including the safe return of these residents as soon as possible.

Premier speaks to returning residents and repatriation flight By Premier Hon. Sharlene Robinson I regret yesterday’s experience for Turks and Caicos Islanders and returning residents who were unfortunately not allowed to travel on a flight home from Florida. While I was unaware of the scheduled flight, I note that there has been no such previous experience having had a number of these flights Premier Hon. Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson arranged from multiple destinations already. a flight to repatriate these individuals. This of course has prompted And as soon as Health is in a position my full attention and I immediately to approve, we will assist in bringing called for a full inquiry as to what everyone. has led to this rather unfortunate My Government has experience. Even ahead of a full Report, established clear protocols and we will it appears that there has been a serious ensure that all are reacquainted so that breakdown in communications above we are able to keep us all safe. anything else. I want to assure everyone that In addition to the request this matter is being addressed with for information surrounding what the urgency it deserves at this very transpired, I have also requested the moment – even as I speak. relevant agencies to reach out to all In this crisis, and always, we those affected and to enquire of their shall never abandon our people. Our needs. policy decision was always clear – bring We have also moved to identify our people home.

JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020

The health and safety of our customers and staff remain our top priority during this time, and we thank you for your patience as we work together to stem the spread of Covid-19. Please be advised that Provo Water Company's Grace Bay Office on Grace Bay Road will re-open to customers on Monday 11th May from 9.00am to 2.00pm Monday to Friday. The following precautions will be taken:•

Covid-19 Regulations requires every person in a public space to wear a face mask.

Each customer must sanitize his/her hands upon entering the payment centre.

Only one (1) customer at any time will be allowed to enter our payment centre.


Our Customer Service Department will continue to serve customers from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Customers seeking to establish a new service, reconnection, account changes or queries can contact Customer Service Department at 649-946-5202 or email customerservice@provowater.tc for assistance. Staff will remain available for emergency assistance, please call


to report a fault, broken water line

or outage. We are encouraging customers to utilize our

My Account Portal

either via our website or at https://provo-

myacct.smartgridcis.net to view water bills, make payments, view water usages and update account details. Customers can continue to make payments via our payment vendors:•

CIBC First Caribbean, Scotia Bank and RBC Caribbean

Graceway IGA stores during their hours of operation.

We appreciate your cooperation with these pro-active measures that will remain in place until further notice.

JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


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Government proposes idea to get stimulus money to taxi operators after receiving requested information The Government of the Turks and Caicos has proposed to local taxi operators, whose representatives met with Premier Hon. Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson, a proposal that will allow them to access some of the stimulus money that Government has allocated to the hospitality sector, to help cushion the fallout of the health pandemic. Many taxi operators have been unable to access the available stimulus money because there was a high rate of delinquency in National Insurance Board (NIB) payments and also incidences of operating without business licences. Without those being up-to-date, the taxi operators were unable to qualify for the stimulus benefits, even though Government has allocated the money. Premier Cartwright-Robinson, who is also Minister of Finance, has said that she will seek adjustments at the policy level, if the taxi operators who have arrears on national insurance, agree to a good faith payment plan to settle those arrears over the next year. She reminded them that she has no authority to completely waive fees owed to the National Insurance Board (NIB). “We are very aware of the plight of many of these taxi operators; and they are no doubt hurting, like many sectors, as a result of this pandemic,” the Premier said. “We are clear in our minds that politics is about people. And we have already demonstrated our determination to find solutions to get monies to the

A meeting the Premier Honourable Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson and Group of Taxi Operators including, Mr. Sonny Forbes, Mr Martin Theodore and Ms. Onemia Walkin on July 2nd 2020 at the Office of the Premier, Local Government and Community Affairs, Hon. Hilly Ewing Building, Upper Level, Leeward Highway, Providenciales. people as evidenced by the several they needed to do,” the Premier said. policy shifts to assist in the processing Premier Robinson continued, of the employee grant. We must also “Both meetings of June 9th and July continue to bear in mind that there 2nd were productive and as stated in are rules and systems in place to a press briefing last week, I invited the ensure fairness and to guard against Taxi Operators to help me to help them. abuse. Many make this about a $1,200 In the Meeting of June 9th, Mr Sonny grant but it is so much more. It is a Forbes accompanied by Ms. Onemia $15 million Cash Program which the Walkin, Mr Martin Theodore, Mr. Ron Opposition dubbed as an election Higgs and Ms Bloneva Greene met me gift. This program is bound to see as a group that was said to have been increased audit scrutiny and hence the elected by Taxi Operators to bring to need to be ever more vigilant in the my attention the challenges that the administering of this fund,” she added. Operators were facing.” The Premier met with the taxi She added: “I sought drivers group, headed by Mr. Sonny additional information and received Forbes, at her office on Thursday, July the requested information on June 2nd and this meeting followed the 29th. I must acknowledge that there initial one of June 9th, 2020 where she were two correspondences sent by the requested certain information to assist Group’s Secretary, one undated and in the crafting of and possible policy one as recent as June 29th, but neither responses. provided the information requested. “We had a very open and Mr Forbes on June 29th provided productive session. As eager as they the information and the Team met were to be able to access the funding, with me yesterday where I shared a they were very cognizant of the things draft proposal. The policy proposals


HS Limited is seeking a suitably qualified individual to fill the following position. Only candidates who meet the minimum requirements will be considered.

COOK Job Description •Prepare food items of consistent quality in accordance with production requirements and quality standards of the restaurant while maintaining a safe sanitary work environment. •Setting up workstations with all needed ingredients and cooking equipment. •Organize all the various prep items needed from different areas to ensure that all items are in place and ready for service. •Inform the Manager of any shortage of supplies that need restocking before items completely run out. Requirements •Applicants must have a minimum of three (3) plus years culinary experience preferably in hotel food and beverage industry. •Comprehend and follow recipes and cooking techniques. •Must have thorough knowledge and understanding of food service sanitation standards. •Must be able to work on a full-time basis, varied shifts, split shifts, nights, weekends and holidays as required by management. •Must be able to understand/speak/read/write English proficiently. •Work with minimal supervision. The salary range for this position is $30,000 - $35,000.00 per annum, commensurate with experience and qualifications. Please submit applications to: Veronica Rigby, HS Ltd, P.O. Box 124, Regent House, The Regent Village, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, Tel: (649) 946-5126; Fax (649) 946-5191; Email: ronnie@habgroup.com. Interested Belongers must also submit copies of their application to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2. Position currently held by a work permit holder. Closing date for application is 17th July 2020.

will now be taken to the Cabinet for consideration. I did share publicly that I had requested certain information and once provided, I would seek to assist and I am happy to report that the information was received on Monday past. It is now up to the taxi operators themselves to do the right things to be able to access the stimulus money.” In recent days, a few taxi operators (including a member who had attended the first meeting with the Premier) had staged protest demonstrations because of their frustrations with not being able to access stimulus money. But the remainder of the group representing the taxi operators maintained ongoing discussions on the matter with the Government. Premier Robinson stated: “We are happy that the dialogue continued with the Group despite losing one of its key members who acted as Secretary. We can achieve so much more together when we dialogue.” With the onset of the pandemic, the Government allocated money to cushion the effects to certain categories of workers and small businesses that were hardest hit. As a result of COVID-19, the Government has been spending in excess of the original budget, at a time when its own revenues have dramatically plummeted. ‘We understand the difficulty of the times, but our first mission, even if it’s against many odds, is to ensure that the engines of this economy are kept afloat,” the Premier said.


HS Limited is seeking suitable applicants for the following position:

CLEANERS The applicants will be responsible for the daily cleaning and upkeep of the exterior of a commercial plaza. Duties will include sweeping, mopping, cleaning of windows and doors, removal of trash and cleaning of restrooms. Undertake any other duties as required as it relates to the general cleaning of the plaza.


The applicants must be able to work with little to no supervision, must have knowledge of proper cleaning techniques, must be able to speak, read and write in English and understand verbal and written instructions, should be physically fit, hardworking and reliable. Starting wages: $6.50 per hour

Please submit applications to: Veronica Rigby, HS Ltd, P.O. Box 124, Regent House, The Regent Village, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, Tel: (649) 946-5126; Fax (649) 9465191; Email: ronnie@habgroup.com Interested Belongers must also submit copies of their application to the Commissioner of Labour& Work Permit Board Zone 2. Position currently held by a work permit holder. Closing date for application is 17th July 2020.

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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


TCI records second COVID-19 death

The Turks and Caicos Islands has recorded a second death from the COVID-19 virus. The patient was an elderly resident who was admitted with other underlying medical conditions for care at the Cheshire Hall Medical Centre, according to a press statement from the Ministry of Health. The patient, whose identity and gender were not released, succumbed to illness on Monday, June 29th, 2020. The country’s first confirmed death from the virus was in early April. Meantime, TCI currently has 28 active confirmed cases, two of which are under hospital care, the Health Ministry said, adding that a Public Health Team is continuing its implementation of aggressive contact tracing and control measures. On Sunday, June 28th, authorities confirmed 13 new cases of the deadly virus, which were in addition to the 12 cases announced

the previous day, bringing the total number of positive cases since the virus started to 41. Speaking at a national press conference on Monday, July 29th, 2020, Premier Sharlene Robinson said the new figures are “in and of themselves troubling”. She contended, however, the figures “speak to the success of the aggressive measures we have in place to manage the virus”. She added: “We are satisfied that the elaborate system of contract tracing has worked well in this instance, and that success has minimized the likelihood of further spread.” The Premier noted that the 13 new cases were discovered because of the success of TCI’s extensive contract tracing which was done following the finding that 11 of the 12 cases announced on Saturday were as a result of a “work-related activity” where a number of persons were gathered.

“Not only are we prepared to say that it is work-related and is not as a result of a party, we are also prepared to say that all of the active cases are on the Island of Providenciales,” the Premier revealed. “What we are dealing with here is a significant outbreak on Providenciales linked to one hot spot. This also brings in focus the success of the overall strategy to build our island testing capability,” she continued. “Before we had that ability, people who were identified during contract tracing would have been placed in quarantine and not tested unless they were symptomatic,” she said. “With in-country testing and under our very own testing strategy, we were able to find positives (cases) that were asymptomatic.” Because of this information, she said, the entire Turks and Caicos Islands society is “safer as a result because it allows us to take the decisive measures to stop any

community spread”. Premier Robinson noted that in the past, the public would have seen the numbers in quarantine increase and a number for suspected cases, because overseas laboratories would only test those who were symptomatic. “In our new reality, you will not see suspected cases rise alongside quarantine numbers,” she continued. “But...our hospital has capacity and it is important to note that only one of the work cluster has had to be hospitalized and this is because of underlying conditions.” She said this latest development calls for reflection; greater enforcement of measures that are known to have worked; greater vigilance; and greater discipline on everybody’s part. “What it does not call for is panic. And while there is need for serious concern, more importantly there a greater need for vigilance,” Premier Robinson stated.

Delayed business opening, restricted travel and new curfew A sharp spike in COVID-19 cases cased a one-week delay in the opening of certain businesses, a new 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew, and restrictions on travel to and from the island of Providenciales. After health authorities confirmed 13 new cases on June 28th, 2020, Cabinet had an emergency meeting, after which Premier Sharlene Robinson said it was determined that there was no need to invoke emergency powers. However, she said, given that there is an identifiable hot-spot in Providenciales, it was necessary to take a series of actions specific to Providenciales as part of a “localized response”. During a national press conference on July 29th, the Premier announced the imposition of a curfew on the Island of Providenciales from 10 p.m. to

5a.m. every night starting from June 30th, 2020 at 10 p.m. until 5 a.m. on July 13th, 2020. She also announced the delay in the reopening of businesses, which were slated for July 6, 2020, by a further week until July 13th, 2020. These businesses include hotels, dine in restaurants, casinos, bars and discotheques, gyms, spas and fitness centers. Gatherings inclusive of churches, weddings, funerals, social gatherings will be once again limited to 10 people, and that will remain in force until July 13th. As it relates to activities on a public beach, no gathering of not more than 10 persons outside the same household may be permitted at a beach, and the recommencement of sporting events and contact sports was also delayed until Monday, July 13,

2020, at 5 a.m. of incoming repatriation flights to Premier Robinson also said ensure adequate management of the there will be an imposed restriction capacity of public health officials to on travel from Providenciales. monitor the surveillance measures “A person desirous applied to persons under quarantine of returning to his home in orders until July 13, 2020. In this Providenciales may travel from regard, the Ministry of Health is to any of the other islands into issue additional guidelines to the Providenciales, however, from aviation industry and the public to 30 June 2020 until 13 July 2020, govern the application for approval except for essential travel, a person of flights. We must emphasize that shall not be allowed to travel from all the new measures and extensions Providenciales to any of the other apply to only Providenciales. All islands. Commencing 13 July the other islands will continue as 2020, a person who is desirous of they are and move to Phase 3 on returning from Providenciales to an 6th July. While the focus right now island he ordinarily resides on may remains on containing the spread travel from Providenciales to his in Providenciales, we also want to home: Provided that an airline shall emphasize that cases can remain maintain a travel log and reduce hidden and that people on the the number of persons to permit other islands must not operate from physical distancing,” she stated. a place that the virus is not on their “We have also agreed for a Island,” the Premier added. greater scrutiny and prioritization

No positive cases from returning students Premier Sharlene Robinson said there have been no positive cases from returning students, but confirmed that there was a positive case from a returning resident from United States of America.

“I can say that the facility and they are good and returning resident was a return well where they are now, so I just resident from the United States, wanted to dispel that as well,” she please have mercy on our students said during a press conference on it is not them. We haven’t had Monday June 29th at her office. any positives out of that. They “The good news about were tested before they left the the returning resident who came

from the United States is that they were already in quarantine as is required for returning residents and they were tested. The resident was asymptomatic at the time but was tested because of our protocols.”

JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


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All returning residents tested prior to release from quarantine. All returning residents are being tested prior to being released from quarantine, says Minister of Health Hon. Edwin Astwood. During a June 22nd, 2020, ministerial statement in the House of Assembly, the health minister also said that the Ministry of Health, through the National Public Health Laboratory, has been carrying out wider testing following the priority sequence of; suspected cases, contacts of cases, treatment abroad patients, domestic travelers, returning residents from regional and international countries, and frontline workers. “I do not understand why persons would misrepresent the facts and state that the Minister, and persons in the Ministry of Health are not speaking the truth about testing

being conducted in the Islands. In addition, why are they hoping that the Ministry fails in protecting and Mitigating against the COVID-19. The Coronavirus is no respecter of persons. It does not care if a person is PDM or PNP, Methodist or Baptist, local or foreigner. It only cares about biology and infectivity. There is also a move to villainize the Minister of Health and the Ministry, and to turn the public against us. Why?” Astwood said the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Tourism are working together with regards to returning residents and it is expected that additional flights will arrive from the US and other locations soon. “The utilization of several facilities is in place in Providenciales.

Due to the volume of residents returning in a relatively short time, persons who can safely quarantine at home will be allowed to do so under the supervision of the Public Health Team. With the demands on this group of health professionals, the much needed additional Public Health manpower has been approved, and recruitment Minister of Health, Edwin Astwood is to commence immediately. We urge all our returning residents to strictly Caicos Islands on Monday, June 15th, adhere to the established guidelines 2020, Professor Ian Cumming and Dr. for the 14 days quarantine, both those Autilia Newton from Public Health quarantined at the facilities and those England have arrived in country and at home. It only takes one infected will be providing technical support to person disregarding the guidelines to the Ministry of Health with specific re-infect the population of the Turks focus on public health response, and Caicos Islands,” he added. laboratory testing and surveillance/ The health minister said that epidemiology, and will also give in addition to the 20 Cuban medical support to the team from Cuba in professionals who arrived in Turks and integrating into the Hospital.

Risk taken to open TCI borders By Todeline Defralien As places around the world continue to see a second wave of the coronavirus, such as Turks and Caicos Islands source markets, Minister of Tourism Hon. Ralph Higgs said risks must be taken to the reopening of borders. “I’m sure you can appreciate that with everything there are some risks, you can’t close yourself and have no risks,” he said during a press conference on Thursday June 25th, 2020. He added: “In many of our

source markets there seem to be a COVID-19 virus to our shores,” Higgs spike, but we believe that the pre- added. “If someone does get in, we travel checks or test which confirms are taking measures to address that that you’re not a carrier, will be a situation very rapidly. This is a very strong mitigating measure and we fluid situation and we’ll keep our eyes believe with the mandatory medical on what is happening in our source insurance requirement, if someone markets and what is happening locally slips through the cracks the insurance and we will constantly assets those will be there to help mitigate any cost situations and our actions will always associated with taking care of them be in the best interest of the health and have them evacuated or medivac and safety of our people.” out of the country in very short order.” Higgs said that TCI can “We are taking every possible appreciate having an economy that measure to make sure that we have provides for the wellbeing of its people systems in place to identify or eliminate is also critical. persons who would be carriers of the “Would we wish there was no

RECRUITMENT Security Officer/Asset Protection Officer The areas of responsibility for this position include the protection and safety of property assets, employees, guests, accident and fire prevention and response. The ideal candidate must exemplify excellent customer service and create a positive atmosphere for guests and employees and be available to work a rotating and flexible schedule. Duties and Requirements: •A minimum of 5 years’ experience •Able to work flexible hours, holidays and weekends. •Willing to walk/run through dark bushy areas to carryout checks. •Highly trained in security procedures and martial arts. •First Aid training is preferable •Ability to communicate effectively •Physical ability to run, walk, jump and bend •Must be able to disarm intruders if needed without weapon •Willing to work long Shifts (up to 14hrs) and split shift during the night. •Willing to work in all weather conditions •Ability to respond to patron problems effectively Salary range: USD14,000 to USD15,000 per annum and is based on experience andqualification. Position currently held by a work permit holder. ONLY CANDIDATES MEETING ABOVE REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS WILL BE CONTACTED Candidates should apply via e-mail at info@santralmanagement. com for consideration. Please also attached a valid police clearance. Prospective applicants who are Belongers kindly send copies of your application to the board and the Employment Services Department. Application deadline: July 15, 2020

Ralph Higgs, Minister of Tourism increase in cases or any spike in cases in our markets places, yes. Is it going to happen? Perhaps yes, but we are 100% certain as is other destinations that the measures that they are taking are the best measures that they can take humanly to protect their citizens in their tourism sectors,” he said.

MINISTRY OF INFRASTRUCTURES, HOUSING AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Applicant: Zens Ltd. Agent: Archipelago Development Application No. PR 14903 Date: June 16, 2020 Type of Development: Residential Complex containing 30 units: Twelve (12) Two Bedroom, Twelve (12) One Bedroom Units, Six (6) Studio Units, Administration Building, Gazebo and Outdoor BBQ, Gym, Swimming Pool & Deck, Maintenance Building and Ancillary Facilities. Dear Madam/Sir, Re:

Regulation 8 of the Physical Planning (Development Permission) Regulations, 2014

Your development is a type which requires advertising pursuant to the provisions of the subject regulation. Please be advised that your application for consideration of development permission cannot be considered until such time that you advertise your development in the following media for a period of twenty-eight (28) days: •TCI Islands Gazette •Local newspaper in circulation on the Islands •Erection of a notice on the development site with the date of erection, in a prominent location that it can be easily read •Service of notices to all parcel owners within two hundred (200) feet of the parcel(s) for development The applicant or his agent must provide the Department of Planning with evidence of all the notices, publications and a photograph of the advertisement sign on the site. The aforementioned twenty-eight (28) day period will not run until submission of evidence of the last publication or service of notice. Attached is an example of the typical wording of a notice. Respectfully, _________________ Audi Malcolm Planning Technician For: Director of Planning

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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


Parties during pandemic ‘very worrisome’, says Premier By Todeline Defralien Following the easing of restrictions after two months of lockdown several residents have been hosting parties, but Premier Hon. Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson said these activities are “very worrisome”. “The parties are very worrisome and I don’t want the islands outside of Providenciales to think that we don’t know that they were doing it as well, but I think this experience, though it was work- related, still shows how easy we can fall afoul. These were ten people in a work setting, but ten people we’ve heard the numbers how it ballooned by who those persons would have been in contact with. That’s the challenge for contact tracing,” she said during a press conference on Monday June 29th at her office.

She added: “I don’t know right off what the penalties are, but if you look at every regulation that we’ve passed there’s obstruction and there’s enforcement and it tells you of anyone who is in violation and in any of these provisions and that’s what the penalty is set out. At the end of the day there’s enforcement that has to be strengthened in particularly with social distancing.” The Premier stressed that with the newly formed COVID-19 Task Force the Police will be fully engaged in policing these protocols. “When you look at the numbers even for those who are quarantined in a facility or quarantined at home, those are difficult to manage with the Public Health Team who has to continue to manage them. When we see as well the regulations that I would have

announced, that the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and her team will be looking to see how we can regulate even closer flights that are coming in to make sure that we can manage what is happening for those persons who are in quarantine,” she explained. Meantime, Robinson noted that she is aware of the bad behavior by residents during lockdown and with the easing of restrictions. She said, “We have heard of some of the bad behavior and we’ve actually seen some people actually film some of the bad behavior and we’ve actually had people who were quarantined at home meet by family members and embraced publicly. Those are the kind of things that impacted other countries in the worst kind of way.”

Premier defends mandatory testing 72 hours prior to arrival By Todeline Defralien Premier Hon. Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson has strongly defended the new policy which mandates visitors to have a valid and certified negative COIVD-19 test 72 hours prior arrival in the Turks and Caicos Islands. During a press conference on Monday June 29th the 72-hour window was to avoid serious risks. “If you expand it to a few more days and you’re going to have an even greater risk. Imagine you have a person and you expand it to five or seven days and they still go back about their normal life, you’re still importing a greater risk for this country. At the end of the day, testing is not as difficult in some of our source markets,” she said. She added: “When the Minister

of Tourism and Minister of Health did this work, it didn’t happen over a week or two, it happened over a considerable amount of time looking at testing availability in our source markets, looking at travel insurance whether its readily available and we explored all of it together with the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) and other Caribbean countries.” Premier Robinson said she is aware of countries that moved away from pre-testing and are considering it again. We’ve had countries that moved away from pre-testing and now we have for example, The Bahamas considering it again, but the closer you get to the travel date it’s safer for the jurisdiction. At the end of the day that’s what we’re trying to achieve and we know that there are testing options that are available.

Tourism (ministry) has carried out these consultations and we are making them available but they are going back again. We wanted to test the responses and the feedback and they are going back on terms of consultation,” she explained. The Premier stressed five to seven days out will make nonsense of asking persons to test before they come to the TCI. “Five to seven days out, it will make nonsense of asking people to test before they come here, because you can walk out with five or seven days to a vacation unless you are self quarantined at home, you’re still bringing a great risk,” she ended. In addition, the country has also unveiled ‘TCI Assured’, a quality assurance portal, under which all visitors must be certified.

Turks and Caicos Sun

Suite#5, Airport Plaza Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 348-6838 Fax: (649) 941-3281 Email: sun@suntci.com Read us online at www.suntci.com Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Hayden Boyce Graphic designer Information Technology and Production Manager: Kelano Howell Todeline Defralien Reporter

The Turks and Caicos SUN is a subsidiary of The SUN Media Group Ltd. We are committed to excellence in journalism, educating and informing our readers, serving and satisfying our advertisers and assisting in the overall development of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

for diagnosing and treating patients at multiple locations. The responsibility of the Jobholder will be to:

Paradise Smiles Dental Office is looking to fill the following positions:

DENTAL NURSE/THERAPIST Job Duties: •Checking gums and fixing teeth with oral abnormalities •Taking and developing dental x-rays •Educating patients on oral hygiene •Developing care plans for maintaining good dental hygiene •Providing dental Treatment to kids. •Fluoride administration and sealant applications •Administering local anesthetic •Removing stains and plaque •Preparing and maintaining dental instruments, supplies and equipment. Basic Pay will start at:$2,600 per/month. The position is currently being held by a work permit holder, applicants who are Turks & Caicos Islanders should also send copies of their CV to the Immigration board. General Dentist Job Duties:The jobholder must have a Degree in Dental Surgery (D.D.S.) or Dental Medicine (D.M.D.) as they will be responsible

•Provide a full range of extensive treatments (preventative, restorative and surgical), examples include the giving of injections for infiltrations and nerve blocks, the extraction of teeth, the cutting of cavities with high speed rotary instruments. •Plan the appropriate order of treatment, implement, and interpret / refine as treatment progresses to final stage. •Discuss specific treatment plans, if appropriate, analyze patient information and adapt for individual needs. •Analyze patient information and adapt treatment if appropriate. •Treat patient groups including children and adults and those with multiple complex needs. Understand the needs of patients with anxiety and disabilities and carry out their treatment accordingly. Basic Pay will start at $3,500 per month This is a new position; applicants who are Turks & Caicos Islanders should also send copies of their CV to the Immigration board. Please submit all CV’s to the following email below. 23 Parade Avenue, Town Center Mall Downtown, Butterfield Square, Providenciales Turks & Caicos Islands (649) 946-5302/431-5302 Ruth-Ann Missick Bld. Grand Turk Turks & Caicos Islands (649) 431-5317 Email: paradise.smiles12@gmail.com Website: www.paradisesmilesTCI.com

JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020

ambergris cay resort



alexandra resort


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beach house turks




blue haven resort


On Friday, June 19th the TCC distributed over hundred and twenty (120) care packages to employees in need. Each box contained daily staple food and household items such as: rice, flour, sugar, salt, milk, tuna, vegetable oil, eggs, onions, apples, oranges, bleach, detergent, toilet tissue, water and few other staple goods. At the food drive COO, Armando Pizzuti stated that “during these unprecedented times where the entire world economy is adversely effected it is important for the TCC to stand behind its employees and provide assistance in any way possible.” On hand was the Director of Human Resources,

Beryl Charles who was elated to distribute the packages. Mrs. Charles said “I am very proud of the items being distributed today to our most needy employees. It is heartbreaking to hear the hardship some persons are facing and I was so excited to contact persons with good news of these staple packages. We could not provide each employee with a care package today, but we will continue in the future.” Employees were extremely grateful to receive their very thoughtful baskets and commented that the items provided will go a long way with helping to feed their families over the next weeks. One employee stated “This package came just in time for Father’s Day!”

Alexandra Resort alexandraresort.com +1.800.284.0699 +1.649.946.5807

Beach House Turks & Caicos beachhousetci.com +1.855.946.5800 +1.649.946.5800

While another said “My kids are going to be so happy for this food.” Thanks to the management and staff who came out to assist with packing and distributing the items. Your help ensured a consistently steady and orderly flow. TCC also expresses thanks to the TCHTA for the effort placed on ordering and delivery in the TCI of these important food items. The executive management team continues to extend wishes for good health and safety to all its team members and families and looks forward to being back together again as a corporate family very soon.

Blue Haven Resort bluehaventci.com +1.855.832.7667 +1.649.946.9900

Ambergris Cay Resort ambergriscay.com +1.833.313.3172

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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


69% of COVID-19 cases asymptomatic, majority females majorities are in the age group of 3444. This is similar to other countries Some 69% of COVID-19 in the region, so that middle set cases in Turks and Caicos Islands of age with a few outlays on the are asymptomatic and a majority younger end and the older end. We of them are females, according to are developing the epidemiological Director of Health Dr. Nadia Astwood. information that we have and we “Through the ability to will be discussing that further. It was test we were able to detect both very hard to do analysis when we’ve symptomatic and asymptomatic had such a small number of cases, so cases. In terms of asymptomatic we are working with Public Health cases we’ve had 69% of the 29 that England who is working with our was identified over the last week epidemiological team to develop the and of those, 31% was symptomatic. picture that we’ve been presented So it really is a credit to our ability with over the last week with the to test locally that we were able data,” she explained. to identify these asymptomatic Meantime, Astwood said a persons who might have spread the number of persons have visited their disease to others unknowingly,” she clinic settings for testing voluntarily. said during a press conference on “We’ve had persons who Monday June 29th at the Premier’s would have come to the clinic Officer in Providenciales. settings to present with symptoms The Director of Health added and signs. Ideally, it would have that the majority of positive cases been better through the hotlines. are in the 34 to 44 age group. We still encourage people to call “We have done analysis the hotlines, but we are aware that on age and sex and the majority people are reluctant to come forward of patients are females and the and hence my statements on stigma By Todeline Defralien

and discrimination because we really don’t want to have any barriers to person’s engaging with use. It is better to call us even if you have mild symptoms, because we would like to assist you. We would like to be able to test you and give you that information and we would like to support you should you become positive and then prevent any further spread.” Asked if there is a target set for testing, the Director of Health said priority would be the persons who are sick or asymptomatic, people who are traveling for treatment abroad, contacts of positive persons and frontline workers. She added: “We have already Director of Health Dr. Nadia Astwood commenced front line worker with persons. We are well underway testing and we’ve started with police with that testing and we would and carious sections of government, receive a bit of a setback because of including our health care workers this currently situation, but we are who are in the frontline whether progressing that forward in terms they’re in the TCI Hospitals, private of ensuring that those persons who sector or government sector, because closely interact with other especially these are the persons who are in the people/ potentially sick people are frontline and closely interacting tested.”

Charlie’s Depot donates $22,510 worth of protective equipments to TCIG By Todeline Defralien

Charlie’s Depot is stepping up to help the Turks and Caicos Islands Government and its community to weather the COVID-19 pandemic by donating $22,510 worth of protective equipment to TCIG. The presentation was made during the official opening of Charlie’s Depot, the branch’s new store in Providenciales on Friday June 26th, 2020. A total of 695 masks, 10,000 facial mask, 5000 gloves, 640 hand sanitizers and 200 face shields were donated. Owned by Charlie Mahtani, the local company saw it fit to provide these necessary equipments Charlene Higgs. Director of Health Disaster, Education & Training at Turks and Caicos Islands as an appreciation for the first Government, Minister of Health Hon. Edwin Astwood, Jacky Ganglani and Sushil Kumar of Charlie’s responders as they put their lives as Depot and other representative and Dierin Longmire. government and the Ministry of and the wonderful staff at Charlie’s risk to take care of residents. Commenting on the Health Agriculture Sports and Depot for these wonderful gifts and donation, Minister of Health Human Services want to thank, the no doubt that we will put it to use.” He added: “We know the Hon. Edwin Astwood said, “The owners of Charlie’s, management

pandemic is not over. These things are much- needed and these devices will be used not to just protect the staff, but to protect the whole country. This is for the whole country, our visitors who will be coming July 22nd and all of our residents here in Turks and Caicos Islands. The frontline workers need this equipment, need these hand sanitizers and face shields so that they can go out and continue to keep each and every one of us safe and coronavirus free.” “We really do appreciate this and this means a great deal to the Ministry and a great deal to those frontline workers who will be better equipped to go out there and do contact tracing and investigate suspected cases. This is needed, so thank you very much for stepping up and for your corporate social responsibility here in Turks and Caicos Islands and we really do appreciate it,” he said.

Reopening of Old Airport Road Magistrate’s Court The Judiciary of the Turks recommendations in these and Caicos Islands will formally COVID-19 times. relocate the Magistrate’s Court, According to a government now housed in the Supreme Court press release, the renovation Building, to the court building on follows complaints of poor air Old Airport Road, Providenciales quality and mould infestation. on July 6, 2020. This extensive renovation, which The Judiciary has has now been completed, addresses undertaken an extensive the past concerns of mould renovation of the said court infestation. Internal and external building: the floor plan of the renovations have now eradicated building has been fundamentally any potential mould issues. changed to make it fit to purpose. The current concerns The public waiting area was during the COVID-19 pandemic extended and fitted with air have also been addressed: Highconditioning, we introduced a Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) new registry area and made the filters will be installed in the offices for staff more spacious building to purify circulating and responsive to health air; plexi-glass shields are being

installed in the building to protect in-person court users; and strict sanitization measures will continue to be observed daily. We will also be monitoring the temperature of court users. The current Practice Direction on using the courts during these extraordinary times remains in place. The Judiciary requires, in line with Government directives, that masks be worn to access the court building and in the court room. Hands will be sanitized at the entrance to the court building. Security measures have also been put in place both inside and outside the court building.

The Judiciary assures the general public and staff that the renovated court building has passed inspection by the Environmental Health Department. The inspection report dated 25/06/2020 states: “The Environmental Health Department team were extremely pleased to see that efforts have been made to conduct extensive renovations of the entire Court House. The odor, presence of mold/causes of mould and signs of leaking that existed during past inspections are no longer present. EHD is satisfied with the renovations done to the building in order to make it a safe working environment…”

JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


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Too much garbage in the country says PNP Leader

that’s what we have to start to address in this country.” Leader of the opposition Misick stated that people are Progressive National Party (PNP) says trying to help themselves by building there’s too much garbage in the Turks shelter out of bits and pieces of and Caicos Islands which he described materials that they can scrape together as “one of the filthiest small countries” but the country must organize a he has ever seen. community where persons who are The former Chief Minister legally here have access to proper made the observations while housing. participating in a clean-up campaign “There has to be a conversation in Five Cays, Providenciales, last as to how that is going to be done, but weekend. unless that is done, the shanties that Misick said environment we see developing are going to turn remediation is something that must into a shanty (town) and we have to take place over a period of time because stop it. I don’t want to say that it’s too there is so much garbage. late, but the longer that we wait the “In this country we brag that more expensive that it’s going to get it’s beautiful by nature, but when and the more intractable it’s going to you look around it’s really one of the get. I think that we need to deal with filthiest small countries that I’ve ever the situation and deal with it now. seen. The community, governments, We’re trying to help out but this is just civil society and everybody are to the tip of the iceberg,” he said. stretch hands across to each other now Misick stressed that this and see what we can do to clean up this initiative has nothing to do with environment. Part of what we ought politics but an efforts to make the to be doing during this period while Turks and Caicos Islands a better and we’re waiting for our visitors to come, clean place. is to actually use some of that stimulus He said, “Yes we represent money/fresh money to pay people to the Progressive National Party but as clean up so that we can mediate the I said in the beginning, it’s not about degradation that we see all over the politics and it’s not about the party it’s landscape of Turks and Caicos,” the about everyone having a safe, clean PNP leader community. It is up to people like He continued: “I think myself in public life and it’s up to people that there’s going to have to be an like the government to make sure that organised process to clean up the we have a disciplined community. place. Everybody who is legally in the This is a community effort so whether country has a right to a certain basic you want to make a contribution in human necessities; clean water, a clean cash, by making available equipment safe place to live, access to education whether it’s a truck, bulldozer or a and access to good healthcare and front hand loader or even providing us these are basic human rights. Whether with labour please do.” you own a property or not, it’s a basic Misick further added that this right to have access to an affordable initiative will continue indefinitely and decent clean place to live and for the next several months and they By Todeline Defralien

New digital payment protocol for TCIG The Accountant General’s Department has implemented an online payment feature that would allow remote payments of all TCIG vouchers directly to Treasury’s bank accounts. As such, the Revenue Department is issuing taxpayers with digital remittances for tax payment purposes. Please be reminded that transfer of funds to TCIG’s account through their bank must be accompanied with the relevant remittance or voucher to show proof of payment to the Accountant General’s Department forthwith. Please note that failure to provide the receipt as proof of payment to the Accountant General’s Department will result

in payments not being captured in the correct tax period and will delay timely reconciliation with the relevant remittance or voucher. If you have not received confirmation and proof of payment for funds forwarded to the Accountant General’s Department, please resend the transfer receipt along with the relevant payment document. All proof of payment receipts, vouchers, completed remittances and any queries should be sent to treasuryreceipts@gov.tc. Contact can also be made to any of the following numbers: • (649) 245-8245 • (649) 242-8246 • (649) 245-8247 • (649) 244-8248

will repeat this exercise from one community to the next. “We want to change the face of this island and we want to start to work on peoples’ mind because if you live in garbage, that’s the way, you’re going to think. We have to rise above Hon. Charles Washington Misick Leader of the Prothat and enhance the five star imagine gressive National Party (PNP) that we like to brag about.” Washington Misick, PNP voluntary effort and what we are Leader, said that persons in authority doing is appealing to the community are not focused on taking the necessary not to dump and we’re appealing measures that needs to be taken. to the authorities to make sure that “I don’t want to say that people they put proper signage in these areas aren’t doing their job, but that’s what warning people that dumping will be it amounts to. The planning laws are prosecuted and then to follow up on there and the public health laws are the threats. There is absolutely no way there to punish people and we need us volunteering is going to be able to to start making sure that we’re getting clean all this up. This is going to be the jobs done properly. This is a total a long term project and it’s actually mess.” going to require millions of dollars and Misick noted that it is not so the organisation and mobilization of much about what they’re doing but, government joint up departments of it’s about the consistent neglect over government in order to get this done,” the many years, where places like he explained. these that have important heritage Hon. Josephine Connolly -PNP significance are left to be degraded by At Large candidate said she is happy to garbage and old vehicles. stand with her colleagues to take on “We spent three weekends here this initiative. (in Five Cays) cleaning up the place “Five Cays is a beautiful place and we’ve also had some participation and we’ve discovered these wells in from the residents and it’s been an the early days people use to use these extensive clean up. We’ve been taking wells for fresh water and one of the old vehicles and garbage here for the things that we would like to see and do last three weekends and it seems to is to clear up these wells so that people be no end to it. If you were to take a can have access to these wells. I believe cursory walk through the constituency there are five of these wells but they in that way you will see that even just need a little bit of cleaning and I though we’ve moved so many vehicles am happy to stand with my colleagues and garbage, there is so much more to to take on this initiative because I move.” strongly believe that cleanliness is next Asked how long this task to godliness. We will continue and will take to complete, the PNP leader do our best and we will be back next stated that it is certainly beyond their Saturday and we’re not only going to voluntary effort. do this area, we will go through other “It is certainly beyond our areas also,” she said.

Turks and Caicos Islands Court of Appeal sits virtually for first time by Hayden Boyce Publisher & Editor-in-Chief The Turks and Caicos Islands Court of Appeal recently conducted virtual hearings by video-link for the first time, with President Sir Elliott Mottley, QC, sitting in Barbados, His Lordship Neville Adderley in The Bahamas (L-R) President of the Turks and Caicos Islands Court of Appeal, Sir Elliott and His Lordship Humphrey Mottley, QC; His Lordship Neville Adderley, and His Lordship Humphrey Stollmeyer. Stollmeyer in Trinidad. The change is a result magistrates the authority to preliminary arguments, of the COVID-19 virus which sit and hear cases while they Mitchell said, among other has rendered close-proximity are not physically in the Turks things, that they would use meetings unsafe, especially for and Caicos Islands. the occasion to work out persons like the three judges Andrew Mitchell, QC, is a responsible and efficient who are all over 65 years old. representing the Attorney timetable that will permit The Turks and Caicos General along with Quinn the Court of Appeal judges to Islands Constitution makes Hawkins, Kate Duncan and dispose of this appeal as soon provision for judges of the Letisha Williams, while as it practically possible. Court of Appeal to sit outside Queen’s Counsel Ariel Misick Misick said there was of this country’s territorial and Selyvn Hawkins of the not urgency which dictated boundaries. lawfirm Misick & Stanbrook, that the Court of Appeal The judges heard are appearing on behalf of should abandon the normal preliminary arguments in the the defendants in the SIPT processes of an appeal hearing appeal which the Attorney trial who challenged a new and deprive the defendants of General brought against regulation which states that a reasonable opportunity to a decision by High Court “the courtroom shall include prepare and present their case. Judge Her Ladyship Tanya any place, whether in or The substantive Lobban-Jackson who ruled outside the Islands, the judge appeal will commence on July as unconstitutional, a new or magistrate elects to sit to 21st, 2020. The SIPT case is regulation which sought to conduct the business of the expected to resume in early give judges (other than those court”. September, 2020. in the Court of Appeal) and During the

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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


Rock House emerging as inspirational force in the Turks & Caicos

Rock House is emerging as an inspirational force in the Turks and Caicos Islands, following the past few months when the country’s tourism businesses were forced to close, according to Mark Durliat, CEO & Developer, Grace Bay Resorts. Durliat made his assessment in an update of the resort project for the month of June, 2020. “During what has been an incredibly challenging time for the hospitality & tourism industry in the Turks & Caicos Islands, we decided that a message of hope and positivity was long overdue. And in doing so we felt the need to remind Aerial photos of Rock House. ourselves of the beauty of the Turks “As you will see from the while new protocols have been & Caicos and its storied history as a attached aerial photography, the implemented and the project special destination for second home project has advanced considerably, adapts to our new environment. ownership,” he said. with several homes reaching roof Whereas these guidelines have Durliat added: “We are level and the resort main pool and added unexpected new steps to pleased to see Rock House emerging its adjacent building advancing our processes, the construction as an inspirational force in the Turks considerably. With the majority of continues unabated and the project & Caicos, following the past few cottages sold - only 7 of 28 cottages is advancing well.” months when our tourism businesses remain - we are expecting strong Although it should be were forced to close. With the recent interest once activity returns to the normal to expect the closure of announcement of the reopening country.” works to cause some delays to the of our economy to our travelers on Durliat added that since the resort project completion timeframe, July 22, the spirit in the country has reopening of the construction site on Durliat said they remain focused on grown enormously while Rock House May 11, the safety of their working their target date of 2021, with a goal actively builds on this excitement.” men and women on site has been of late summer/fall. Meantime, Durliat stated prioritized. “Naturally, we will know that their resort real estate team He said, “Since the reopening more as we learn what unseen continues to field inquiries and are of the construction site on May 11, challenges this health crisis may expecting that the return of tourism the safety of our working men and have brought, but for the moment all to TCI’s shores will restore inquiring women on site has been prioritized, signs are positive for Rock House. We buyers to this amazing resort project. following local health guidelines, will keep you updated on this in the

Mark Durliat, CEO & Developer, Grace Bay Resorts weeks and months that follow. We hope you enjoy this update. Thank you to our owners and supporters and we look forward to welcoming you back to the Turks & Caicos soon,” Durliat concluded. Rock House will feature 37 studio suites and one- and twobedroom ridge and beachfront cottages, all of which will also be for sale. Highlights will include a 100-foot infinity pool perched on a 25-ft limestone cliff, a Beach Club and a jetty. Additional amenities will include a signature restaurant offering 180-degree views of the ocean, a spa, fitness center, tennis courts and jogging trails.

Flow celebrates graduates of scholarship program Company invested over $500K in Education in Turks & Caicos

Flow 2015 Scholarship have always been proud to support Awardees, Shawn Gardiner and education and the youth in the Vincent Zamora are now graduates TCI. Since the inception of the from the British West Indies program in 2008, we have seen Collegiate Year 11 program. They exceptional performances from all are the final students who benefited of the scholarship recipients as they from Flow’s scholarship program pursue their goals of higher learning. which has invested more than Shawn and Vincent have continued $500,000 in educating students that tradition and the entire Flow since its inception in 2008. family congratulates them on the Shawn and Vincent who successful completion of their both topped the 2015 Grade Six respective programs.” Achievement Test were awarded She added, “I am also very full five (5) year scholarships to the pleased with the number of parents schools of their choice. Though and students who took advantage Shawn Gardiner faced with the challenges of of the free access to our educational by providing this convenient online finishing their studies online due to portal, Flow Study. I know the last access to enable our students to the COVID-19 pandemic, both have few months have been exceptionally continue to study especially those successfully graduated. challenging for parents, teachers studying for their upcoming CAPE Flow TCI Country Manager, and students and we are happy to & CSEC examinations. I know that Joanne Missick said “At Flow, we have been able help ease that burden overcoming these challenges has

Vincent Zamora made them even stronger and more disciplined students and that they will go on to achieve success in their chosen fields and become assets to the TCI.

Changes to water services Grand Turk, Salt Cay and South Caicos The general public of Grand Turk, Salt Cay and South Caicos are hereby informed of the recent changes made within the Water Undertaking Department, which was passed at the House of Assembly on 22nd June 2020. It was necessary for the government to increase the efficiency of the Water Undertaking office and establish a legal framework that would allow a more effective operation and service delivery. Therefore, on the coming into effect of the Bill, the legislation will support the following: (a) the functions and powers of the Director who shall be responsible for

the management and administration of the Department; (e) the power to disconnect (b) the powers to abstract water, when customers are in arrears; to fix rates, fees and charges to collect (f) the Director to allow for the rates, fees and charges, to require the payment of large arrears by installment installation of meters and to enter by agreement in writing, where large premises to provide services; arrears owed are— (c) the ability of the Director to • over $500 for residential customers; diminish, withhold, suspend stop, turn (ii) over $1000 for commercial customers. off or divert the supply of water when • to provide for a penalty of 5% where the Director thinks fit to conserve water any bill remains unpaid; or to repair the water undertaking; (d) the prohibition of (g) the establishment of a Complaints customers from willfully injuring or Board to resolve disputes arising from a fraudulently altering any meter and to complaint between the Director and a prohibit customers from fraudulently customer. connecting to the water undertaking; Customers are also reminded

that with effect from 1st July, 2020, the provision of “free water” services under the Government Stimulus Plans in response to Covid-19 will have expired and water supply will attract a charged in the normal manner. As we continue to provide more efficient services, we seek your cooperation in adherence to the provisions detailed in the Ordinance, and to make every effort to conserve water, where possible. Please contact 649-338-3520 Water Undertaking Department for any inquiries you may have as the relates to the above changes.

JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


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Dear Valued Customer, As the COVID-19 situation continues to unfold, FortisTCI wants you to know that we are here for you. We are following our robust business continuity plans, and our employees are working around the clock to keep the lights on. For those working to keep their bills as current as possible, we are offering more ways to pay while our customer service centers are closed. My Online Account

The online customer web portal is accessible 24 hours a day and allows you to monitor your daily consumption, view your account balance, and pay your bill using a credit or debit card. To register, log onto www.fortistci.com, select the ‘My Online Account’ tab, and click ‘register now’. You will need your meter number and account number.

Pay Online Using a Local Bank

If you bank with FirstCaribbean, ScotiaBank, or RBC, you can pay your bill online using their online bill payment option. You must register through your bank and should speak with a bank representative for more information. Payments are posted within 48 hours.

Payment by Cash or Check

Customers who cannot pay online using a credit card, debit card, or their bank account, can pay their bills by check or cash at the following authorized payment agent locations: • Provo – Any Graceway Supermarket location • North & Middle Caicos – At BETCO (Bernie Handfield), Bottle Creek • South Caicos – At Seaview Market, Stubbs Road • Grand Turk - National Company Services (NCS), Cees Building, Church Folly Road Customers are reminded to adhere to all curfew stipulations as outlined by the government and should only access the above essential service locations at times prescribed in the law. If utilizing an authorized pay agent to make a bill payment, have your bill on hand at the time of payment.

Questions? Email or Call for Account Updates

If you have questions or need account information, you can email us at customerservice@fortistci.com, or call 649-946-4313. Our customer service representatives are available Monday to Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Sincerely, FortisTCI

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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


Progressive National Party embarks on cleanup campaign in local communities Center, Ron Kelly and Tony Rigby assisting with the removal of the old The Progressive National vehicles and cleaning up. We want to Party (PNP) has embarked on a series make a challenge to those companies of cleanup campaigns which will out there to see how much that they help to give a facelift to many local can assist us as much as possible communities. and they can contact me on 247 A deep cleanup took place 0623.We think the environment is in the Five Cays community for the paramount, and once we can clean past few weeks where a number of up our environment as it relates to old cars and huge pile of garbage garbage and the shanty towns areas, I were removed. think that we can make a difference,” In an interview with The she added. SUN, the PNP candidate for ED9 Mrs. Taylor also said residents Rachel Taylor encouraged residents have been asking for electricity in to get involved and assist in cleaning the area and this is being worked on. up their communities. “We’ve done drive throughs “This is just a continuation and sometimes we have to leave the Candidate for ED9 Mrs. Rachel Taylor, Mr. Calvin Green- PNP Party National Chairman, Hon. of the many cleanup campaigns that area very early because we can’t see Washington Misick-PNP Leader and Hon. Josephine Connolly -PNP At Large candidate. Progressive National Party ED 9 has where we are going , so lighting in been embarking upon but we’ve just were able to make a pathway from is that we have to have pride in who this area is also paramount on the reached this area,” Taylor said. “This is Rigby Hill so that residents can now we are and we cannot do that unless list. The residents are elated and going to be our third week in the area pass through. We have moved over we have a clean environment.” quite encouraged and the effort Taylor encouraged persons of the community has been very and I am so happy that the residents 75 old vehicles and the cleanup themselves came out together and continues. The key thing is for the from the various communities to commendable. I want to say thanks they showed great interest in having people to have a clean and healthy come together and make a difference. to the At-Large candidates who came “This is one community on board and supported the initiative a clean environment. I think what environment and that is paramount. the challenge is that it seems to be I want to emphasize that it doesn’t that has really encouraged me as and I want all other persons in the too much for them so they asked for matter who lives in the communities, we continue the cleanup campaign, community to make an effort to our support in helping to clean up in because we have local Turks and but for the many months that we assist us, not just in this community, Caicos Islanders, Haitian nationals, have been doing it, we’ve had A & but even in their communities.” their environment.” She added: “Last week we Dominican nationals . The key thing J Trucking, CBMS, Hertzog, Do-itBy Todeline Defralien

Turks and Caicos Hotel and Tourism Association launches Community Staples Mission The Turks and Caicos Hotel and Tourism Association (TCHTA) in partnership with TCIG, Tropical Shipping and local NGOs are proud to launch the TCHTA Community Staples Mission, which will provide essential food items for persons in need during the COVID-19 crisis. The goal of this humanitarian effort is to extend compassionate service to the communities where we live and work and provide a visible ray of hope to those who are directly or indirectly dependent on the largest local economic driver tourism. In the Turks and Caicos Islands, several thousand employees have been impacted by salary reductions, temporary lay-offs, or job loss altogether, as we continue to face the extraordinary economic challenges of this global pandemic. Through the participation of TCHTA members, in partnership with TCIG and several of the country’s non-profit organizations, the TCHTA Community Staples Mission was created to assist with the pandemic relief effort. Nikheel Advani, COO of Grace Bay resorts and Chairman of the TCHTA is the

visionary behind this initiative and hopes this much-needed assistance provides peace of mind to those in need during this unprecedented time of great hardship. Advani stated, “Over the past few months, volunteer members of the Staples Mission Committee have worked tirelessly to launch this important initiative. We plan to distribute almost three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) in food and essential items to so many in great need. The initiative has been well received, with several resorts and small businesses purchasing packages for their employees and donating packages to those in need in the community.” The committee has worked with some of the most experienced local professionals in the purchasing and logistics field to secure items at half the retail cost. “During the procurement, we’ve noticed great efforts from our vendors to accommodate us in this humanitarian effort,” said Nello Lambert, Jr., of TCI Distributors. “With care packages starting at one hundred dollars with over twenty-five items ranging from food, cleaning supplies and personal

care articles, the Staples Mission makes it easy for sponsors to supply a household with a month’s supply of food at an extremely reasonable cost.” The first distribution took place this week, with subsequent distributions to follow through at least the next three months. Orders placed for the first round of distribution will impact approximately 10,000 lives. This initiative is not only open to local businesses, but also to anyone looking for ways to help others in need. ATCHTA Community Staples Mission GoFundMe page has been created to expand the reach of the Mission even further in the coming months. The TCHTA has partnered with the Social Welfare Department to identify persons in need, with packages donated to the wider community being distributed through the Department. Individual or community orders can be made by emailing sonia@turksandcaicoshta.com, with the second round of orders being finalized on June 30th. In Turks and Caicos, the

Nikheel Advani, COO of Grace Bay resorts and Chairman of the TCHTA humanitarian support being extended by groups throughout the islands is truly commendable at a time when everyone is in need. The TCHTA thanks association members for their support of this programme as we all do our part to get through this challenging time together.

JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


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Premier acknowledges accomplishments of Airports Authority CEO John Smith as he leaves office John Smith, a native of Grand Turk, ended a near 13-year career at the TCI Airports Authority on Tuesday, June 30th, 2020. In a May 26th, 2020 Cabinet paper, Smith’s contract was extended for three months, effective March 30th. In 2018, a Consolidated Statutory Body Review Report prepared by former Chief Financial Officer, Stephen Turnbull, stated that Smith’s salary ($169, 000 per year or $14, 000 per month), was among those that were “notable in their extreme”. Commenting on Smith’s departure, Premier Hon. Sharlene Robinson stated in a press release: “My Government wishes to thank Mr. John Smith for the service he has rendered towards the growth and development of the TCI Airports Authority and we do so on behalf of the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands. As Minister with responsibility, I am particularly pleased with the many capital projects that we have been able to realise together over these past three years.” On September 1, 2007, Smith joined the organisation and is credited with visionary leadership in the restructuring of the TCI Airports Authority where he focused on staff development through training. His restructure saw the organisation recover from losing

International Airport 2020 valued at $2.5 million with plans included for fire trucks for Grand Turk and North Caicos •Contract executed for TCIAA Office Block in Providenciales, 2020 valued $1. 7 million •Contract executed for a new Control Tower and Fire Hall building for Providenciales, 2020 valued $5 million

Premier Sharlene Robinson (left) presents John Smith with a plaque, while Minister of Home Affairs Delroy Williams looks on. $3.5 million a year to a huge turn around within ten (10) years of •In 2013 completion of the extension generating $40 million. to Providenciales International Airport valued at $10 million Smith’s career over the past 13 years saw the following: •In 2015, construction of South Caicos Control Tower 650,000 •Introduction of new routes •In 2017, a new 6x6 Fire Truck was •Acquisition of a $70 million loan in commissioned for South Caicos 2011. • Purchase of the Provo Airport •In 2017, South Caicos Aerodrome Company’s (PAC) Shares of $30 redevelopment of $22 million million •In 2019 Salt Cay Airside •Airside re-development at the improvements valued at $4.5 million Providenciales International Airport of $40 million which now can •Fleet of Aircraft Rescue and fire accommodate Boeing 777 fighting vehicles for Providenciales

•Contract executed for the South Caicos Terminal and Combined Services building, 2020 valued at $10 million •Acquisition of new security baggage scanners for Grand Turk and Providenciales valued $300,000 •Grand Turk Fire Hall construction commenced


•Restoration works of JAGS McCartney International Airport in Grand Turk after the 2017 hurricanes, valued at $630,000 •Initiated works for new terminal building for Providenciales International Airport (ongoing) •Led on negotiations for a joint venture agreement for North Caicos Airport Operations (ongoing)

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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


LASER HAIR REMOVAL A head full of hair is a hair reduction or removal. great thing but sometimes hair Removing the unwanted in unwanted areas can be quite hair often requires a few office visits. distressing and embarrassing. When Most patients need between 4 to it comes on to hair removal, shaving, 6 treatments, spaced between 1-2 waxing, plucking, depilatory creams months apart depending on varying and even electrolysis are some factors such as the body part being options we tend to use. However, treated and the state of the hairs the gold standard for getting rid of and speed of growth. However, a unwanted hair is laser hair removal. reduction in hair growth is usually seen after the first or second What is laser hair removal treatment. For most persons, the and is it effective? hair reduction is permanent and after finishing the treatments, most Lasers are light devices that patients do not see any hair on the use specific wavelengths of light that treated skin for several months or are absorbed by specific tissues in the even years. body. For instance, some lasers have Even if they do have hair wavelengths to cause an effect on growth in the area months after the black pigment in hair follicles, or their treatment sessions, the hairs the red in blood vessels and so on. are usually lighter and finer. In cases Hence all lasers are not the like these, your dermatologist will same as they do not have the same be able to suggest intervals at which wavelengths and therefore cannot maintenance sessions would be be used for the same things or even required. in the same patients. The lasers Because the laser energy also designed for hair removal can be affects surrounding tissues such as used on most parts of the body and the oil glands associated with the as such, dermatologists use lasers to hair follicle or acne or hair bumps in remove unwanted facial and body the area, laser hair removal will also hair safely and effectively. help clear these lesions, dark spots During a laser hair removal associated with it and tighten the session, the laser light is used to emit surrounding skin! energy to the hairs and the follicles, thereby killing the follicles with heat. What should I expect? Once these follicles are adequately altered, hair regrowth does not There is usually a consult usually occur, making this technique before any procedure is done. During your most realistic option for this visit, your doctor will not only achieving long term or permanent examine your skin and the areas

of concern but also take a detailed history of your current medications, health issues, past experience with skin procedures, tendency for keloid scars and do on. You may also be given instructions for preparation of the skin before the treatment and also skin care guidelines after sessions to ensure an ideal outcome. On the treatment day, before the treatment, the area will be cleaned. Depending on the laser being used, some patients may need numbing gels for 30 to 60mins before the treatment however with newer technology, these treatments are far less painful and extensive numbing By Dr. Marsha Barnett is not required. How long your treatment lasts depends on the size risk of side effects. of the area being treated. Treating Lasers have been used for the upper lip takes minutes. If you decades in the management of are having a large area like the back medical conditions in a myriad of or legs treated, your treatment may specialties, including dermatology. last more than an hour. Recently, strides in technology have Generally, there is no allowed us to treat an ever-expanding downtime associated with the range of conditions in all skin types procedure and you should be able to with little to no ill effect. Laser hair get on with your day’s activities after removal is perhaps the most popular leaving the office. A few persons indication for lasers in dermatology may however get some discomfort, as it is safe, effective and the only swelling and redness in the area. option for permanent results. Other possible side effects are rare but include blistering, *Dr. Marsha Barnett is a general cold sore outbreaks and scarring. practitioner who also specialises It is important to follow your in dermatology. For questions dermatologist’s instructions. or comments, please contact Following both the before-treatment her at drmarshabarnett@gmail. instructions and after-treatment com or at Associated Medical instructions will greatly reduce your Practices - 946-4242. The Work of the Court Continues Remotely In keeping with Practice Direction No. 3 of 2020 issued on 23rd April, 2020 the work of the Court will continue remotely, as far as is practicable. All persons are therefore encouraged to continue to submit documents by email to the following email addresses, unless you are directed to deliver hard copies of documents:

NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC COURT OPENING HOURS & PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES The public is advised that with effect from Monday 22nd June, 2020until further notice, the Registries of the Supreme and Magistrate’s Court in Grand Turk and Providenciales will be open to servethe public between 9:00am and 4:00pm on weekdays. Please note the following: 1.You will only be allowed entry to the Court building if you fall into one of the following categories: a)You are an Attorney at Law or party in a case that is listed and you have been advised to attend Court in person. b)You have a confirmed appointment or have been advised by Court personnel to attend the building. c)You are dropping off documents as directed by the Registrar/Clerk of Court. 2.You must wear a mask. You will not be permitted entry to the building unless you are wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth. 3.You will be required to sanitize your hands before entering the building. A sink has been set up at the Registry in Providenciales with soap and water for you to wash your hands. Our Court Security at the Registries in both Grand Turk and Providenciales will also be available to spray your hands with hand sanitisers before entering the building 4.You must speak with the Security before you proceed to any Court Room. 5.Not more than 2 persons will be allowed to enter the Registry office at any one time. A tent has been erected at the front entrance of the building at the Registry in Providenciales. You will be asked to wait in the tent until you are ready to be attended to. Proper social distancing protocol will be observed and must be adhered to.

Supreme Court: Magistrate’s Court:

supremecourttci@gov.tc magistratecourttci@gov.tc

Do not copy or send documents to be filed to the personal email addresses of court staff or any other court email address, unless directed by the Court to do so. Court hearings will continue by video unless the Courtdirects parties to attend in person. Payments Payment of filing fees, fines, maintenance and other payments that are being made into Court are to be made via on-line transfer to the Treasury. If you cannot make on-line payments, please call the contact numbers provided below for an appointment to attend the Registry. Contact Information If you wish to make any enquiries about your case, if you have any questions or if you wish to make an appointment please call or send an email to the contact information provided below. Please note, that if you are calling about an existing matter, we recommend that you have your file number and the names of the parties available. Supreme Court Email: supremecourttci@gov.tc Telephone: Providenciales 338-4203/232-2460 Grand Turk 338-3972/231-7409 Magistrate’s Court Email: magistratecourttci@gov.tc Telephone: Providenciales 338-4201/4205 or 232-7240 Grand Turk 338-3967/232-3949 REGISTRAR 22nd June, 2020

JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


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LOCAL NEWS Ruth Gardiner-Forbes: An example of someone moving from humble beginnings to greatness There are always stories of individuals rising to the top, but the most inspiring stories are those of individuals who came from humble beginnings to greatness. Many times, we think people who came from humble beginnings will always remain in that state. However, God has plans for you to prosper. It is just a matter of time before these plans are manifested. The story of our great savior Jesus Christ was told from the Old Testament. It was thousands of years before his birth took place. Interestingly his birth took place in a manger and while on earth he lived a humble life. David was a humble shepherd and eventually became King. No one perhaps foresaw this progression of a shepherd boy becoming King Joseph also came from humble beginnings, being sold into slavery, being imprisoned for an act he did not commit but eventually, he was promoted to one of the highest positions in Egypt. Daniel was in a foreign land and was also promoted to a top position in Babylon. God is still in business of promotion. After all, promotion comes from God. “For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.7 But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.” (Psalms 75:6-7) This week in the Turks and Caicos, a mighty woman of God in the person of Ruth Gardiner – Forbes has been promoted as the President and CEO of Fortis TCI. Fortis and the Private Sector Fortis is a utility company providing electricity to over 15,000 customers in the country. While there are many companies in the private sector, and Beaches is the largest employer in the private sector, we still depend on electricity and while I do not know the financials

of either company, I believe Fortis is the company in the private sector with the highest revenues. Therefore, in my opinion, Fortis is the most important company in the private sector and hence the person that heads Fortis has the highest position in the private sector in TCI. Ruth Forbes Ruth is the daughter of the late Bishop Arthur Gardiner and Reverend Violet Handfield-Gardiner. Ruth is the seventh (7th) of ten children. Ruth is married to Keno Forbes and they have one child by the name of Isaiah Forbes. Ruth was born on the island of North Caicos and received both her elementary and secondary education right there on North Caicos. After graduating from High School, Ruth attended University of Technology where she received an honours diploma in Business Administration. Thereafter, she worked in the banking industry. After she got her Bachelor of Arts in Accounting from Barry University, she received training in accounting at PriceWaterhouse Coopers before moving to Fortis in 2006. You see, her early education right here in TCI prepared her for what she is doing today. Her training in TCI prepared her to assume the top role in TCI. Many times, we think education and experience abroad are a must in order to be elevated to the top. However, Ruth is an example that, this is not the case. I remember when Ruth got her first job at Fortis, I was so excited for her because it was difficult for locals to get into the top position in accounting at Fortis at that time. I know I tried in the late 1990s and I was rejected even though I had local and international experience. Today quite several local accountants hold top positions in Fortis. I also remember when Ruth got

her CPA results. Her scores were almost perfect. Ruth is a dedicated and committed person. It is through her dedication and commitment that she succeeded academically from primary to tertiary education. Like her academics, she is also successful in the workforce and I believe her relationship with God is the primary factor. Ruth grew up in Kermount, Bottle Creek in a Christian environment. She is one of those persons who lived and breathed the word of God daily from a child and because of this, she is blessed. Ruth continues in the trend of her parents serving as a Minister of the gospel at the Rock of Jesus Church. Ruth is also active in the community with the establishment of an organization called Jewels Ablaze which is geared to empowering women. Humble beginnings in North Caicos Most of the Turks and Caicos Islanders adults came from humble beginnings. This was also the case for the Gardiner family especially a family so large. Bishop Arthur Gardiner was a pastor, however, he had to take care of his family, so he was also a contractor working in Pine Cay and Providenciales. In those days, Bishop Gardiner would ensure his family had a box of groceries on a weekly basis and the box had to last for a week until he brought or sent the box for the next week. Eating chicken was a privilege and was eaten once a week. The other days were sardine and rice and corn beef and rice. Thanks to brothers Andrew and Bobby they were also able to eat fish. Because the family was so big, they could not afford to get two sets of uniforms to wear to school like some other families. The family was only able to purchase one uniform for each of the children. Many families including the Gardiner’s family

By Drexwell Seymour and my family use to wear hand me downs. Even having readily access to water was a challenge and so many of the siblings had to tote water in buckets on their heads.Things improved though when the elder siblings Ronald and Deanna started working and were able to assist the family Growing up in a family where your father was the pastor was a strict environment. They were not allowed to go to any events only church. I believe this paid off well for Ruth and her siblings. The Gardiners did not have much growing up but the little they had, they shared and helped others. Mr. &Mrs Gardiner would remind their children of the powerful scripture taken from Psalms 37:25 which stated that “I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.” Conclusion Life is very strange. People of humble beginnings were made fun of and laugh at and this is one of the reasons we have division among the Turks and Caicos Islands. Ironically though, the people from humble beginnings have been elevated and are very successful today. Ruth is my sister in law (my wife’s sister) and so I know Ruth very well. I wish her the best in this role, and I know she will do extremely well with the support of her team at Fortis and of course her family. Finally let me say this I do not think the Turks and Caicos has a gender discrimination issue and so this achievement is celebrated by both males and females.

•Positive attitude and good communication skills •Ability to build, train and maintain teams Salary range: USD24,000 to USD 30,000 per annum.Position currently held by a work permit holder

RECRUITMENT New positions for upcoming Season – November 1, 2020 Dining Outlets Manager Floor Crystalizing Specialist Housekeeping Supervisor Housekeeping Attendants Exec Sous Chef House Mixologist Kitchen Steward F&B Trainer The Food and Beverage Trainer will be responsible for identifying and providing training to all F&B outlet employees while working with and ensuring that all outlets are achieving their training objectives: Duties and Responsibilities •Provide quality training to all F&B outlet employees •Create and adhere to in-house training plan •Identify training and development needs systematically throughout the hotel in conjunction with Line Managers/Head of Department and Human Resources •Guide and assist Line Managers/Head of Department in achieving training objectives and review on a monthly basis •Prepare, organize, administer and conduct in-house training courses and departmental inductions •Ensure new employees have received departmental and legal training Skills and qualifications: •Ability to work conscientiously, meets deadlines, follows instruction and directions, with minimal supervision and detailed oriented •Minimum 5-6 years in a F&B Supervisor/Team leader/ Manager position •Willing to work long hours in all weather conditions and split shifts •Working knowledge computers and Microsoft office suite with proficiency in excel and word •Good health, well-groomed and with high standard of personal appearance and hygiene at all times •First Aid training is preferable •Committed to delivering high levels of customer service

Executive Sous Chef The Executive Sous Chef will be second in command to the Executive Chef assisting with the overall kitchen operation. He or she will be responsible for the consistent preparation of innovative and creative cuisine of the highest quality, presentation and flavor for the dining rooms, banquets and other food facilities, resulting in outstanding guest satisfaction. •Assist the Executive Chef with planning menus for all food outlets •Schedules and coordinates the work of chefs, cooks and other kitchen employees to assure that food preparation is economical and technically correct and within budgeted labor cost goals •Approves the requisition of products and other necessary food supplies. •Ensures that high standards of sanitation, cleanliness and safety are maintained throughout all kitchen areas at all times •knowledge about safety, sanitation and accident prevention principles •Develops standard recipes and techniques for food preparation and presentation which help to assure consistently high quality and to minimize food costs; exercises portion control for all items served and assists in establishing menu selling prices •Responsible to the entire kitchen in the absence of the Executive Chef Skills and Qualifications: •Previous five star Executive Chef Experience or equivalent experience as Executive Sous Chef. Minimum of 2-3 years’ experience •Must contribute to the Community of the Turks & Caicos Islands by carrying out training etc. •Must have great written and verbal communication skills •Working knowledge of computers and Microsoft office suite with proficiency in excel and word •Good health, well-groomed and with high standard of personal appearance and hygiene at all times •Previous experience working with multi-cultural/multi-ethnic groups •Ability to build, train and maintain teams •Must be able to work long hours and all weather conditions Salary range: USD45,000 to USD 50,000 per annum New Position ONLY CANDIDATES MEETING THE REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS WILL BE CONTACTED Candidates should apply via e-mail at hr@sevenstarsgracebay.com for consideration. Prospective applicants who are Belongers kindly send copies of your to the board and the Employment Services Department. Application deadline: July 15, 2020

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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


Can We Talk?

There is much to be admired preposterous and reeks of deliberate about the manner in which traditions ambiguity. and icons are held to be sacrosanct. Such an argument is so However, there is always room specious, it can be seen from miles for continuous evaluation and critique – away. And by whose measuring stick are whichsometimes result in adjusting and/ we to determine the “anxiety” and or or abandoning some traditions -- which “distress”? we have held dear since time immemorial One of the primary functions of and the smashing of some icons. While the Legislature, the House of Assembly, such actions may be difficult, sometimes is to make Laws. This particular Bill, they are necessary for forward progress. intended to become Law, however, seems The catalyst for what I am about to be a Bill without a mother. According to say here is some of what transpired in to the Honorable Attorney General, it the House of Assembly on Monday, June originated with some concerns from the 22, 2020. It all stems from the significant Commissioner of Police (presumably to public outcry against the Public Order the AG’s Chambers), taken to Cabinet and Criminal Justice Bill which was (not sure by whom) and got buy-in from brought before the House of Assembly. the Government. This Bill is commonly called the For reason(s) beyond my “shut your mouth bill” because there are comprehension, the “idea” was then those in the general public – including out-sourced to a former AG in another me – who are concerned that there are British Overseas Territory for drafting provisions in this Bill which are designed and returned to the TCI where it met to curtail or prohibit dissent, criticism with approval from the Government. of public figures and impede our But when it became known to some in constitutionally guaranteed “freedom of the general public of the TCI, there was speech.” much blow back and resistance. This concern seems more Yet, the Bill was advanced to the than warranted when the Bill mixes House of Assembly where it progressed the tampering or threatening of to a “second reading.” So, I am left to jurors, witnesses and judges with the ponder, since the Government has a “intent to cause distress or anxiety” by majority to pass any legislation without communication via telephone or in a single vote from the Opposition, what writing. might have happened if the public had That there are not already not gotten wind of this Bill coming to existing Ordinances against tampering the House?! with and/or threatening witnesses, jurors Clearly, there is a disconnect and judges is laughable. There must be between the Government and those such laws. And then to claim a nexus in the public who oppose this Bill. between such illegal actions and the act And I think it is too simplistic and of writing a letter or making a phone call, disingenuous to claim that those who perhaps harshly critical of persons and oppose it are merely misreading the causality with thecompletely subjective proposed Ordinance. feelings of anxiety and distress is simply A significant portion of this

Ordinance is a culmination of an attempt to curtail free speech and criticism which began with the precipitous silencing of Expressions – the RTC show and its Host, Mr. Herbert Been – without reason or explanation. Sure, I understand the nature of Party Politics and the necessity of “going along to get along.” But I also believe that there are times when “each tub has to stand on its own bottom”. Hence, I have to wonder if all those who voted “yes” for the Bill actually read it and fully understand the legitimate concerns of those who stand in opposition to it. I wonder if they will take the time to meet with their constituents and discuss their differences? I hope so. But, as I see it, this Bill should not see the light again in the Honorable House of Assembly. The fact of the matter is that the Representatives, -- except for 4 or 5 – who sit in the Honorable House of Assembly, are elected by the voters. In other words, the Representatives work for the people and can be removed or fired by the people. Not so, however, with the appointed members of the House of Assembly. As I said earlier, the events at the last meeting of the HOA served as the catalyst for me revisiting my argument for a complete overhaul of our Constitution. The argument that I make is a straight forward one. The current Constitution allows for 4 appointed Representatives and the Speaker of the House may also be appointed. They are immune from the will of the people. Why is this the case? In a Democracy, the Representatives are elected by the voters and are accountable to the voters. To

Responsibilities: • Fit, install and secure materials on frames using hand tools, power tools, glue, and etc. • Mount materials or work pieces onto equipment. • Take work orders • Keep files in order Requirements: • Must have Minimum 5 years experience in this area • Must be able to work 6 days a week, including holidays if required • Must be customer service oriented • Must be able to work with little to no supervision • Must have knowledge in fabrics • Certified or Associates degree in the field is a MUST Starting Salary is $7.00 per hour to be paid weekly. Qualified applicants should send a copy of their application and current Police Certificate to: Sandccreative2018@hmail.com And send a copy of your application to the Turks and Caicos Islands employment Services. This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder.


whom are the appointed members accountable? And 3 of the 4 voted for the Bill which the voters seem to oppose. And why is the position of the Attorney General in the House? Shouldn’t the AG’s chambers be responsible for bringing“clean” Bills to the House after being directed by the Government to draft the Bills for debate and discussion in the House by the elected Legislators? And how does a Speaker of the House, who is not elected by the voters, censure and/or dismiss an elected Representative of the people from the House? Then a male member of the House who is elected by no one threatens an altercation with a female member of the House who is elected by the voters!!!??? Folks, if this is not what we want, then let us change it. The time is now. Elections are on the horizon. We can challenge those traditions and smash those icons which were imposed on us. We have the power in our hands. Let us use it for our benefit. A luta continua!!



Location: Kew Town, Black Crown Road, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Is looking for an Upholsters to make, repair or replace upholstery for household and office furniture, boats and vehicles.

By Lee Ingham

LS Limited is seeking suitable applicants for the following position:

LABOURERS Candidates must be physically capable of performing manual labour outside daily which involve grass cutting, tree trimming, removal of brush and weed, general cleanup of debris and garbage from the company properties. Assist with irrigation and small construction installation projects which includes manual trenching and digging. Previous experience is preferred. Candidates must be willing to work holidays and weekends when required. Starting wages: $6.50per hour Please submit applications to: Veronica Rigby, LS Ltd, P.O. Box 124, Regent House, The Regent Village, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, Tel: (649) 9465126; Fax (649) 946-5191; Email: ronnie@habgroup.com Interested Belongers must also submit copies of their application to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2. Position currently held by a work permit holder. Closing date for application is 17thJuly 2020.

Deep Blue Charters, Grand Turk Wanted: Marine Biologist

Regulation 8 of the Physical Planning (Development Permission) Regulations, 2014

Applicants must possess;

An Application, REGISTERED PR 14903, by Zens Ltd. for the development of Residential Complex containing 30 units: Twelve (12) Two Bedroom, Twelve (12) One Bedroom Units, Six (6) Studio Units, Administration Building, Gazebo and Outdoor BBQ, Gym, Swimming Pool & Deck, Maintenance Building and Ancillary Facilities. has been submitted to the Department of Planning for consideration of Outline Development Permission on parcels 60905/186, Leeward Going Through, Providenciales.

•Masters degree in Marine Biology or related field •Minimum 8 years experience in marine biology, conservation and/or environmental education •Dive Master certification •Proven experience with Caribbean marine life e.g. sea turtles, coral reefs, humpback whales •Excellent communication in English both spoken and written. •Skilled in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint. •Bookkeeping and Accounting experience with Quickbooks •Valid Driver’s License •Proven Multi-tasking, Marketing and Customer Service Skills

Anyone wishing to make representation(s) may do so in writing to the Director of Planning, South Base, Grand Turk or through the Department of Planning, Emily House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, within twenty eight (28) days of publication of this Notice.

Three month probationary period applies. Please email resume to info@deepbluegrandturk. com Tel: +1 (649) 243-6096


Salary is $1,700 per month This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interest Turks & Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


Page 19 •Ensurethathealthandsafetyandotherstatutoryregulationsareadheredtoatalltimes. •Undertakeanyothermaintenancedutiesasmayreasonablyberequiredfromtimetotime. Salary Range: $30,000 yearly Bartender This person will work with the Food and Beverage Manager and play a key role in providinga positive dining experience. This person will reside in South Caicos.

GREAT HOUSE MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED [SAILROCK] is seeking qualified candidates for the positions below Maintenance Manager This person is responsible for the internal and external maintenance of all buildings and engineering services across the resort in a safe, cost effective and efficient manner, ensuring a high standard of appearance and smooth running for the enjoyment and comfort of Sailrock Resort guests. This person will reside in South Caicos. Responsibilities Include, but are not limited to: •Maintain and improve the interior and exterior fabric of the buildings across the resort to a highstandard. •Maintain services to the building, i.e. water, electricity, gas, oil, to serviceable standard. •Organize and manage service contracts and process associatedpaperwork. •Ensure all electrical equipment is maintained to a safe standard with the minimumof downtime. •Ensure that fire alarms and other fire equipment are maintained to a high standard in accordancewithspecificationsissuedbytheFireAuthority. •Work to reduce energy costs across the resort by ensuring effective energy management. •Maintaintheplantroomandtheemergencygeneratortoa highstandard. •Ensure the maintenance of the swimming pool and spa areas, to meet health and safety requirements. •Manage general repairs to ensure that they are attended to by maintenance team staff as quickly as possible, with minimum disruption to guestservices. •Manage the general repairs / maintenance budget andexpenditure. •Undertake administrative paperwork, required documentation and record keeping associated with the smooth running of the maintenancedepartment. •Recruit, train, and take responsibility for the day to day management of the maintenance team staff throughout the entire employee lifecycle, taking advice and support from HR as appropriate and following and implementing formal company procedures, wherenecessary. •Carry out annual appraisals for the maintenance staff and continually motivate, support and inspire the entire team in their dailywork. •Manage refurbishment and redevelopment projects and the programmed of planned maintenance across the resort and work with the Resort General Manager and other departments to ensure that these projects are carried out to a high standard and with minimum disruption to guests andfacilities. •Ensure that all external contractors working onsite on project work fulfil their contractual obligations. •LiaisewiththeResortGeneralManageronlongtermplanningofthemaintenancedepartment. •Produce a departmental rota to ensure emergency callout duties are covered at all times. •Orderandmaintainsuppliesofmaterialsandequipmentforusebythedepartment,tobudget. •Participate as a member of the Management team, attending and actively participating in weekly head of departmentmeetings.

Responsibilities Include, but are not limited to: •Must be willing and able to work flexible hours, including late shifts, as well as on weekends and on public holidays •Preparing classic cocktails, mixed drinks, wines & spirits beverages, as well as pouring wine/beer •Ensuring of consistent beverage preparation, presentation, and quality •Knowledge of all menus •Complying with all food and beverage regulations •Taking food orders at bar and assisting servers with food service, as needed, utilizing suggestive selling techniques. Salary Range $16,500 Annually Chef De Partie This person will work in close partnership with the Executive Chef to provide an outstanding Food and Beverage experience for the guests of Sailrock Resort. They will assist with organizing and facilitating the day to day operations of the kitchen to ensure consistent excellence in execution and cost management. This person will reside in South Caicos. Responsibilities Include, but ate not limited to: •Work closely with Executive Chef and other kitchen staff to plan and prepare meals and menus •Track and manage, as directed by General Manager and Executive Chef, inventory and food costs •Take direction from Executive Chef about quality of food and menu planning •Continuously learn new skills and techniques Qualifications •Minimum 2-3 years of experience in 5-star resort •Knowledge of and experience in food service •Knowledge of and experience in beverage service •Ability to be on time and present for all scheduled shifts including weekends and holidays •Excellent interpersonal skills •Ability to work with minimal supervision and have a strong initiative. •Ability to perform efficiently and effectively during high volume periods Salary - $16,000 yearly Please submit applications to Human Resources Department: Drop off: W104 Venture House, Grace Bay, Providenciales Email: humanresources@southcaicos.com/swharton@southcaicos.com These positionsare currently held by a Work Permit holder.Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders must also submit copies of their application to the TCI Labor Board.

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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020

We hire smiles!!!

Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villages and Spa, the only 6 Diamond All-inclusive property in the Caribbean is inviting applications from Turks and Caicos Islanders for the following vacant positions. We hire the personality and train the individual. Applicants must have a clean police record and a good command of the English language both written and spoken. In addition candidates must be able to work nights, public holidays and week-ends. The Resort thanks everyone for their interest in advance and advises that applicants will be contacted for an interview via Text Message. The Food and Beverage Department requires: 

The Laundry Department requires:

Director Food and Beverage

Reports to:

General Manager

Reports to:

Plans and directs the functions of administration and planning of the Food and Beverage Department to meet the daily needs of the operation. Clearly describes, assigns and delegate’s responsibility and authority for the operation of the various food and beverage sub-departments, e.g., restaurants, banquets, etc. Develops, implements and monitor schedules for the operation of all restaurants and bars to achieve a profitable result. Applicants should satisfy the following criteria:  College or University Degree (Hospitality Management,) and or equivalent experience.  Demonstrate knowledge of an ability to manage Food & Beverage operation, obtained through hotel school, university and / or equivalent experience and apprenticeship training  Minimum of five (5) years’ experience as a Manager in Food and Beverage The Director of Food and Beverage position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder. Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. Should a suitable local applicant not be found a permit application will be submitted. The salaries for the positions indicated above are negotiable and dependent on experience. The Housekeeping Department requires:     

Houseman Room Attendant Public Area Cleaner/Attendant Turn down Attendant Shift Leader

Reports to:

Executive Housekeeper

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift and bend.  No allergies to chemicals or dust Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position

The Weddings Department requires: Wedding Steward Assistant Wedding Manager

Under the guidance and supervision of the Assistant Wedding Manager within the scope of established Sandals Resort & Spa policies, the Steward will ensure that all aspects the Weddings operation are performed accordingly.

This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder The Maintenance Department requires:            

Electrician Mechanic A/C Technician Senior Stove Technician Room Technician Carpenter Pool Operator Senior Plant Operator Painter Shift Leader Supervisor Technician

To work closely with the Rooms Division to ensure that the physical appearance in and around the room is as per the Resort’s established quality and standards; to ensure that the furniture, fixture, A/C’s, plumbing and equipment are properly maintained, and to provide a prompt and efficient response to all guest service requests in a timely and courteous manner. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Must have a minimum of a high school diploma and/or a certificate in a field of engineering from a recognized Vocational Training Institution  Basic computer literacy and internet knowledge is preferred  Physically fit with the ability to lift and bend

The range for these positions is $6.25 to $13.00 per hour.

The Watersports and Catamaran Departments require:       

Boat Captain First Mate Deckhand/Lifeguard Shift Leader Scuba/ Dive Instructor Supervisor Watersports/ Pool/ Beach Attendant

Under general supervision, ensures the safety of patrons of an aquatic facility by preventing and responding to emergencies.

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The range for these positions is $6.25-$6.50 per hour The Concierge Department requires:

Reports to:

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs.  No allergies to chemicals and ability to handle heat  Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position.

Reports to: Watersports Manager

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs.  No allergies to chemicals  Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position.

 

The Laundry Attendant is responsible for the finishing process of linen ensuring the highest quality production is achieved.

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

Reports to:

Laundry Manager

Reports to: Chief Engineer

The Room Attendant assumes primary responsibility for guestroom cleaning and servicing. The Housemen are responsible for delivering clean linen and clearing dirty linen from Room Attendants’ trolley. The general maintenance of all corridors and walkways on assigned floor/section are also the responsibility of the Housemen. The Public Area Cleaner/ Attendant is responsible to service all other areas and offices.

Laundry Attendant

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Boat Captain License (Required Boat Captain) (preferred First Mate)  Certified PADI/NAUI Instructor; (Scuba, Dive Instructor and Shift Leader)  First Aid & CPR Certified; These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

Storeroom Controller Shift leader

The ranges for these positions are $7.25 to $13.00 per hour

Concierge Manager

To maintain an effective and detailed control on the movement of beverage items/guest supplies, from ordering to placement in rooms. Maintains standards of quality and presentation and assists with guest services. To work closely with Concierge and Housekeeping to ensure that Guests receive friendly, efficient service from the point of arrival until departure in regards to stocking and restocking of rooms, assistance with luggage, location of amenities, delivery of WOWs, and TLC calls, to assist in the Concierge when needed.

The Grounds Department requires:   Reports to:

Grounds Supervisor Groundsman Grounds Manager

Grow and propagate plants; cultivating, and harvesting horticultural specialties, such as trees, shrubs, flowers, mushrooms, and other plants.

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  High School diploma / certificate  Knowledgeable about inventory / accounting  Understand ordering and receiving processes

This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder however more than one is required recruitment is ongoing to fill these positions. The range for these positions is $6.25 to $6.75 per hour.

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Supervisory certification and experience leading a grounds team (Supervisor only)  Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs.  No allergies to chemicals  Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position.

This position is currently held by Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The range for these positions are $7.25- $9.00 per hour

Applications giving full details of qualifications and experience should be sent to: mmvaughn@grp.sandals.com or placed in the secure drop box at the service gate or Fax to: 941-4870 Attn: M McClean-Vaughn The Labour Commissioner The Human Resources Labour Department Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands

and and should reach not later than July 14th, 2020

Department Beaches Turks and Caicos P.O. Box 186 Lower Bight Road

JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


Page 21

We hire smiles!!!

Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villages and Spa, the only 6 Diamond All-inclusive property in the Caribbean is inviting applications from Turks and Caicos Islanders for the following vacant positions. We hire the personality and train the individual. Applicants must have a clean police record and a good command of the English language both written and spoken. In addition candidates must be able to work nights, public holidays and week-ends. The Resort thanks everyone for their interest in advance and advises that applicants will be contacted for an interview via Text Message. The Front Office Department requires:

The Butler Department requires:     

Reports to:

Is responsible for all aspects of guest care during stay, assisting in all areas of hotel and continual improvement of skills through training and practice; is instrumental to achieve our goal in providing the highest professional standards in Butler Service to our guests and thus exceeding the guest expectation. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Holder of a certification from the Guild of Professional English Butlers.  Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs.  No allergies to seafood

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Associates Degree or higher preferred;  Minimum three years’ work experience managing a Front Office team;  Certification in Customer Service The Front Office Manager position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder. The salary for this positions ranges from $28,000.00 to $35,000.00

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders and persons with on island status (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

The Front Office Department requires: Reservationist Supervisor

 

The range for these positions is $6.25 to $7.50 per hour The Dining Room Department requires:

Reports to:

Managing Director

Supervises and ensures the smooth operation of the Front Office. Ensure personnel are executing their duties in an efficient, effective, professional and courteous manner. Directs and coordinates the activities of the Front Desk, Reservations, Bell Desk, PBX, and Airport Operation.

Reports to: Butler Manager

     

Front Office Manager

Butler Junior Butler Shift Leader Junior Butler (formally Room Service Server/Waiter) Supervisor

Reports to:

Server Waiter Waitress Banquet Server Cleaner Labourer

Front Office Manager

Represents the company throughout the guest’s stay, ensures guest satisfaction by meeting and exceeding their expectations. To work closely with all department to ensure that Guests receive friendly, efficient service from the point of arrival until departure. To deliver the highest level of professional and exemplary customer service to all guest. To conduct themselves with unquestioned integrity at all times while coordinating guest entire vacation experience through a seamless process. Ensuring the delivery of genuine service that enhances every vacation experience.

Restaurant Manager

To provide prompt, courteous and professional service to all patrons; monitoring service standards and assisting where possible, ensuring the smooth flow of the restaurant operation and enhancing the guests’ experience. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Two years’ experience within a casual restaurant setting preferred  Physically fit  No food allergies

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  High School graduate  Computer literate  Excellent Customer Service Skills This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The Spa Department requires:

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

Gym Attendant (Cleaner) Spa Therapist

 

The range for these positions is $6.25-$6.50 per hour

Reports to:

The Kitchen Department requires:

The Spa Therapist is responsible for the comfort of the guests of the spa while performing treatments. Direct all efforts toward guest satisfaction achievement of Spa standards, and profit maximization. As part of the Spa Team it is imperative to work harmoniously to achieve the highest standard of service. Under the guidance and supervision of the Spa Manager within the scope of established Sandals Resort policies, the Spa Attendant (Cleaner) will ensure that all aspects of Spa cleaning duties are performed accordingly

     

Chef Cook Grade 1,2 and 3 Pastry Chef Sous Chef Executive Sous Chef Assistant Pastry Chef

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs.  No allergies to chemicals  Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position.

Reports to: Executive Chef Under the guidance and supervision of the Executive Chef, Executive Sous Chef and Sous Chef, and within the limits of established Sandals Resorts policies, procedures, oversees and directs all aspects of the kitchen operation at the level of standard and quality established by the company. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Culinary institution or equivalent technical schooling or apprenticeship training;  Three to five years’ culinary experience hotel/resort.

The range for this position is $6.25 to $6.75 per hour

Assistant Food and Beverage Manager Assistant Director of Food And Beverage Restaurant Manager Food and Beverage Manager

    Reports to:

The Photoshop Department requires:

Reports to:

This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder.

The Food and Beverage Department requires:

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

 

Spa Manager

Director of Food and Beverage

Plans and directs the functions of administration and planning of the Food and Beverage Department to meet the daily needs of the operation. Clearly describes, assigns and delegates responsibility and authority for the operation of the various food and beverage sub-departments, e.g., restaurants, banquets, etc. Develops, implements and monitor schedules for the operation of all restaurants and bars to achieve a profitable result.

Shop Attendant Sales Representative Photoshop Manager

All photoshop attendants/ Sales Representatives are Customer Service Representatives with additional responsibilities; therefore they should provide the highest level of customer service. Promote and sell all items in the photoshop while displaying pride and confidence in the product and the company. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Certification in the field of Retail  One (1) year experience in a similar position

Applicants should satisfy the following criteria:  College or University Degree (Hospitality Management,) and or equivalent experience.

 

This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

Demonstrate knowledge of an ability to manage Food & Beverage operation, obtained through hotel school, university and / or equivalent experience and apprenticeship training Minimum of five (5) years’ experience as a Manager in Food and Beverage

These Manager positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders and persons with On Island Status (however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. Should a suitable local applicant not be found a permit application will be submitted. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Minimum three experience as Restaurant Manager in an international first-class hotel/resort.  Experience managing a restaurant with over 300 persons seating area

The range for these positions is $6.25 to $13.00 per hour

The Restaurant Manager position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder (however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The salary for these positions ranges between $23,000.00 and $38,000.00

Applications giving full details of qualifications and experience should be sent to: mmvaughn@grp.sandals.com or placed in the secure drop box at the service gate or Fax to: 9414870 Attn: M McClean-Vaughn The Labour Commissioner The Human Resources Labour Department Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands


Department Beaches Turks and Caicos P.O. Box 186 Lower Bight Road

and should reach not later than July 14th 2020

Page 22


JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


The coronavirus pandemic is still with us, and is changing the way we live and work. While some of us prepare to return to work, others may still be working from home. And now, during the summer, it’s time to look for ways to save on your electricity bills. FortisTCI encourages you to practice energy conservation as much as possible. • Set computers, monitors and copiers into sleep mode when not in use. This helps cut energy costs by approximately 40%. • If your computer must be left on, turn off the monitor; this device alone uses more than half the system’s energy. • Battery chargers, such as those for laptops, cell phones and digital cameras, draw power whenever they are plugged in and are very inefficient. Pull the plug and save.

Monitor your daily usage with the My Online Account web portal. Sign up at www.fortistci.com, where you can also find more energy-saving tips.


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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


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Progressive National Party’s cleanup campaign in Five Cays T

he Progressive National Party (PNOP) has embarked on a series of cleanup campaigns which will help to give a facelift to many local communities. The cleanup began and continued in the Five Cays community over the past few

weeks where a number of old cars and huge pile of garbage have been removed from the area. Candidate for ED9 Mrs. Rachel Taylor encouraged all islands to get involved and assist in cleaning up their communities.

This initiative will continue for the next several months in different communities. Photo Credit: The Progressive National Party and Todeline Defralien.

JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020

JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020



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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020

Sunshine, espressos, shop W

hether it’s German tourists basking in Spain’s sunshine or Parisians renewing their love affair with their city, Monday’s border openings between several European nations and the jettisoning of more restrictions offered Europeans a taste of precoronavirus life — a life they will never again take for granted. In a test of its tourism industry, Spain

allowed several thousand Germans to skip a 14-day quarantine after flying to the Balearic Islands for a holiday. The border openings weren’t without their hassles. Confusion about the exact time that Greece would open its border with Bulgaria resulted in a traffic jam that backed up for miles Monday at the main crossing point between the two countries.

Despite the openings, many travel restrictions remain. Norway and Denmark aren’t yet letting in neighboring Swedes because they consider Sweden’s coronavirus infection rate too high. The continent was still not open to tourists from the United States, Asia or other international destinations. Parisians, meanwhile, enjoyed a return

A German tourist takes a sunbath at the Riu Concordia hotel swimming pool in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Monday, June 15, 2020.

A man cleans social distancing signs on the pavement ahead of the opening of the Selfridges department store in London, Monday, June 15, 2020.

A man takes his lunch on a terrace at a 2020.

A TUI X3 2312 Duesseldorf-Mallorca flight passenger talks to the press at Son Sant Joan airport in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Monday, June 15, 2020.

A visitor wearing a face mask to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, observes the seven-foot bronze statue of Zeus, or Poseidon, made in the mid5th century B.C. during the reopening of the Archeological museum in Athens, Monday, June 15, 2020.

A visitor wearing a face mask to preve looks at the 140 B.C. bronze statue of a reopening of the Archeological museum

A woman sits in a terrace bar near the beach of Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Monday, June 15, 2020.

Customers cheer as they are allowed in the Selfridges department store in London, Monday, June 15, 2020.

Customers take a selfie as they enjoy a June 15, 2020.

Nike employees speak to people queueing outside the Niketown shop attempting to get them to maintain social distancing in London, Monday, June 15, 2020.

A passenger, wearing a face mask to protect against the spread of coronavirus, sits before boarding her flight at the Zaventem international airport during the partial lifting of coronavirus COVID-19 lockdown regulations in Brussels, Monday, June 15, 2020.

People enjoy the beach of Palma de Mal

JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


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pping as Europe opens up LOCAL NEWS

to their favorite bistros after French President Emmanuel Macron made the surprise announcement that they could go back into restaurants days earlier than expected. Macron told French citizens that they should “rediscover the art of living” and their “taste for freedom.” Many Parisians found that in outings ranging from a quick morning espresso to a three-

a restaurant, in Paris, Monday, June 15,

ent the spread of the new coronavirus, a young jockey riding a horse during the in Athens, Monday, June 15, 2020.

lunch at a restaurant, in Paris, Monday,

llorca, Spain, Monday, June 15, 2020.

course lunch. Marie-Elisabeth Vilaine called her return to the Café Des Anges in the heart of the city’s Bastille neighborhood “a renaissance, but with caution.” In England, shoppers formed long lines to snap up items such as sneakers and toys as stores selling nonessential goods opened for customers for the first time since the U.K. went into lockdown in

late March. Shoppers were again enjoying rummaging through store racks and shelves. They mostly appeared to be sticking to social distancing rules but there was some jostling at the NikeTown store on Oxford Street, London’s world-famous shopping mecca.

A member of staff prepares displays a sign at H&M in Canterbury, England, Monday June 15, 2020.

A visitor wearing a face mask to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, looks at the 140 B.C. bronze statue of a young jockey riding a horse during the reopening of the Archeological museum in Athens, Monday, June 15, 2020.

A waiter takes a piece of bread at La Coupole restaurant, Monday, June 15, 2020 in Paris.

A waiter, center, clears a table in a restaurant with Notre Dame Cathedral in the background, Monday, June 15, 2020 in Paris.

German tourists arrive at the beach of Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Monday, June 15, 2020.

Medical staff conduct a test for the new coronavirus on the passengers who arrived from Doha, Qatar to the Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport in Athens, Monday, June 15, 2020.

People queue outside the Niketown shop in London, Monday, June 15, 2020.

People walk with bags after shopping at the Selfridges department store in London, Monday, June 15, 2020.

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CAREER OPPORTUNITY Do you aspire to build a thriving hospitality career at one of the leading luxury resorts in the Caribbean? Are you a self-motivated, talented team-player, interested in joining a dynamic team? The Amanyara Resort invites all suitable candidates to apply for the following position: *DIRECTOR OF FINANCE •The position of Director of Finance (DOF) is critical to the efficient and successful operation of both Hotel and Villas (private homes), having responsibility for maintaining & improving accounting systems, internal controls & processes. The DOF is responsible for ensuring financial results are maximized, through effective budgeting, forecasting and cost controls. •Assume responsibility for all day-to day accounting functions within the Hotel and the Villas, including banking, accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, inventory, and cash management. •Lead the accounting team, ensuring all daily operational & financial transactions are prepared accurately and in a timely manner. Hire, train, and evaluate the performance of the accounting team members. •Produce month-end & year-end financial statements and forecasts in an accurate and timely manner, analyzing, understanding and communicating the relationship between actual results to budget and prior year and provide commentary on variances. •Review and continually improve internal controls, processes and procedures to ensure financial information is complete & accurate and to ensure the security of assets. •As an active member of the Management Team, assist the GM & Division Heads in budget preparation, business plans & the gathering of financial data for special projects & reports. Recommend and implement cost savings strategies. Requirements: •Degree in Accounting/ Finance/ Business, and a professional accounting designation/certification or MBA in business are essential. Complete knowledge and experience with hotel accounting systems, USALI, and procedures. •Minimum 10 years of International Managerial Accounting/ Finance experience in the hotel/resort industry within recognized branded properties, and exceptional analytical ability required. •Experience and working knowledge of SunSystems, SAGE, Opera, Micros, Adaco and Advanced Excel skills. •Ability to plan, prioritize & implement effectively multi-task while working effectively in a fast paced and ever changing and challenging environment. •Willingness to work weekends, holidays and long hours during high season and/or as necessary. Applicants may be required to take a skills assessment test. Salary: $9500-$9700 per month based on experience, plus service charge *INCOME AUDITOR •Responsible for verifying, monitoring, and reviewing all hotel revenue, revenue reports and night audit reports in a timely manner. •Responsible for strictly following the laws and legal regulations (ordinances) and stipulations of the third party vendor/consignment/concession contracts and Amanyara internal regulations to assure the correct recording of revenue. •Summarizes revenue and settlement information in a Journal Entry format associated with the proper back office chart of account numbers and descriptions, reconciling the entries. •Preparing, maintaining and distributing Daily Revenue Reports to Management on a daily basis and to Corporate on weekly basis. •Preparing, maintaining and updating reports such as/including Room Recap, F&B Recap, Minor Operating Department, Daily Entertainment Summary, Complimentary, Discount & House Use Rooms Report, Service Charges, Fees and Tips. •Preparing and presenting the month-end Service Charge Reports and Tips Reports for all outlets for payroll processing. Requirements: •Technical and /or Degree in Accounting or equivalent. •Minimum 3-4 years of experience in similar positions in hotel (income and night audit). •Knowledge of the systems PMS (Opera), POS (Micros/Simphony), SunSystems, and MS Office Outlook, Excel, Word, and accounting programs (e.g. SAP, SunSystems, QuickBooks). •Languages: English (daily work language). •High capacity of analysis, planning and organization to achieve deadlines, effective communication and persistency. Salary range from $2500 to $3,500 per month based on qualifications and experience; plus service charge. IMMERSION MANAGER •The Immersion Manager must coordinate, oversee and manage all areas of hotel service in regards to their relationship to the Wellness Immersion Programmes. •The Immersion Manager will be responsible for the training and development of all spa and hotel staff in regards to the Immersion Programmes and will coordinate the delivery of spa services including spa, fitness, Wellness Immersions and Retreats. •Responsible for being the first point of contact for all guests who are interested in spa or embarking on a Wellness program. •To offer consultations and to take the responsibility of all Health and Wellness Programmes for guests and members. •Review pertinent medical history and current diagnosis for all guests and

JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020

members where and when applicable or necessary •Support and give advice effectively with guests who are on Wellness Programmes, particularly those who would be in need during a healing crisis. •Perform TCM and Acupuncture treatments to an exceptional standard, as per the company protocols and standards taught in training, whilst tailoring to the client’s specific health needs. •Carry out in-depth consultations with each client prior to prescribing a treatment, ensuring that a full medical history is taken and that possible drug interactions are noted. Ensure that no actual medical diagnosis is made unless by a qualified doctor. •Update own knowledge of TCM, Acupuncture, Western Medicinal Herbs and treatment protocols. •Maintain the cleanliness, hygiene, stock levels and presentation of the treatment rooms, performing opening and closing procedures as per company standards. •Maintain effective post-appointment communication with clients via the approved methods. •Hold regular meetings with the Wellness Team such as visiting practitioners and spa therapist team to communicate, motivate and lead the Wellness Team in order for them to be aware of the needs of guests on Wellness Programmes and Retreats. •Identify and recommend new products and product enhancements to remain competitive in the market. Requirements: •A Diploma, Advanced Diploma or relevant Degree in TCM or Oriental herbal medicine from a recognised University or College. •Certified to diagnose the guests based on TCM or Oriental medicine system. •Certified acupuncture practitioner. •At least 5 years work experience in a related position within a luxury environment. •Strong problem-solving abilities. •Must possess outstanding guest services skills, professional presentation and sophisticated interpersonal skills. •Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal. •Able to handle a multitude of tasks in an intense, ever-changing environment. •Computer skills - Word, Excel and MS Office software. •Fluent in English. Salary based on experience: $4000-$4700 per month, plus service charge *GROUP RESERVATIONS AGENT •Takes group reservations whilst ensuring that sufficient information is obtained including arrival and departure details, physical and email addresses, previous Aman stays, contact telephone numbers, dietary requirements and any special requests. •Adheres to the specified Trace system to follow up and obtain any outstanding information for existing reservations •Effectively communicates Virtuoso, FHR and Q-Club benefits to the guests upon reservation, in the confirmation letter, and on the reservation in Fidelio •Maintains an effective filing system for the department, as specified by Reservations Supervisor Requirements: •A college degree holder with at least 2 years of experience in a luxury hotel and expertise in Hotel Revenue Management Systems (SAR), Opera, Corporate Reservations Policies and Planning. •Ability to communicate with high profile individuals, effectively multi-task and arrange all events and special demands Salary based on experience: $2000-$2500 per month, plus service charge *RESERVATIONS AGENT •Takes individual reservations whilst ensuring that sufficient information is obtained including arrival and departure details, physical and email addresses, previous Aman stays, contact telephone numbers, dietary requirements and any special requests. •Adheres to the specified Trace system to follow up and obtain any outstanding information for existing reservations •Effectively communicates Virtuoso, FHR and Q-Club benefits to the guests upon reservation, in the confirmation letter, and on the reservation in Fidelio •Maintains an effective filing system for the department, as specified by Reservations Supervisor. Requirements: •A college degree holder with at least 2 years of experience in a luxury hotel and expertise in Hotel Revenue Management Systems (SAR), Opera, Corporate Reservations Policies and Planning. •Ability to network with high profile individuals and meet their demands Salary based on experience: $6.50 to 10.00 per hour or $1500-$1750 per month, plus service charge *SPA THERAPIST •Provides consistent, professional spa treatments compliant to Amanyara spa menu, standards, and outlined protocols •Proactively promotes treatment bookings, and upsells services to guestsoptimizes the guest experience with treatment and journey recommendations •Makes products recommendations and meets the retail goals established by the spa Requirements: •At least 2-3 years’ experience as a Spa therapist at a luxury resort •Must be proficient in English •Certified in different massage modalities (includes Thai massage) and beauty treatments (facials, hair, nails, waxing) •Handles guests queries and concerns efficiently and politely, providing exact, suitable and instant responses to all requests Salary range from $6.25 to $6.50 per hour or between $1,100.00 and $ 1, 144.00 per month plus service charge.

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*CHEF DE PARTIE •Prepares dishes for guests and associates efficiently, economically, and hygienically as per the standard recipes following the standards and procedures set by the Executive Chef & Executive Sous Chef •Participates in product development and in controlling the smooth operation of the kitchen •Prepares and cooks food in all areas of the kitchen and checks the mis-en-place needed for the day •Ensures that high standards of sanitation and cleanliness are maintained throughout the Kitchen areas at all times and consistently maintains standards of quality, cost, presentation, and flavours of foods. •Participates in the control of food quality,food taste,food presentationand requisition. Requirements: •Must possess a Culinary diploma, knowledge of HACCP, and 5 years industry experience •Must be able to work in a high pressure environment and demonstrate calm and effective leadership Salary based on experience: $1,100-$2,000 monthly, plus service charge. *CHEF DE CUISINE •Responsible for the day to day management and operation in the allocated kitchen in the hotel, ensuring quality, cost control, safety and hygiene standards are adhered to. •Responsible for directing, training, supervising, planning and coordinating within the allocated kitchen including any projects requested by the Executive Sous Chef or Executive Chef of the hotel. •Ensuring quality products for the guests, and secure profit margins while maintaining the corporate image of the Hotel at all times. •Assist in developing and execution of long and short range strategic plans to meet the desired objectives set by the management. •Prepares food as per the recipes for guests, efficiently, economically, and hygienically and follows the standards and procedures. •Always maintains high standards of food hygiene, cleanliness, and tidiness in the kitchen, storage, fridges/freezers and wash up areas. •Works flexibly within the Kitchen area •Prepares various types of Hot and Cold Food related MEP •Works in a hygienic, safe, efficient and productive manner at all times. •Operating profitably a dynamic and efficient kitchen operation through direction of the day-to-day functioning of the Hotel. •Ensuring quality products for the guests, and secure profit margins while maintaining the Corporate image of the Hotel at all times. Requirements: •Minimum 10 years work experience; preferably in a 5 star establishment •At minimum, a High school diploma and a Culinary diploma •International work experience is a plus •Must be proficient in English •Knowledge of HACCP •Must be able to lead multi-cultural team •Diploma/Certification in a Culinary discipline and minimum of 5+ years of work experience in a luxury resort environment required •Proven track record of cost control including food, equipment, labor and wastage to meet the set goals •Very strong managerial, leadership, communication and organizational skills •Must be able to handle multiple priorities on a regular basis •Ability to create momentum and foster organizational change •Proven ability to lead and develop a multicultural team •Must be proficient in English Salary: $3200 per month, plus service charge *HEAD SOMMELIER •Management of the wine list for the entire resort and villa operation. •Provide customized selection of wines for Villa guest and Owners. •Organized and run daily wine operations for all restaurants at the hotel. •Manage daily the bar operation and scheduling of bartenders. •Planning and coordinating wine and beverage activities for special celebrity and VIP events. •Maintain a diverse wine list of over 400 labels with rotating labels based on demand and supply. •Ensuring that guests have available the ideal wine within budget that fits their taste and compliments their food order. •To pair wine and food with our degustation menus and able to explain characteristics of all brand of wines. •Upselling to ensure that wine and beverage sales exceeds targeted revenue. •Build entire wine list in line with our beverage costing as per budget. •Be directly responsible for all bins on wine list (ordering, receiving, storage to serving) •To set, maintain and ensure Aman service standards. •Conduct wine training for entire waiting team in restaurant & bar and maintain wine program. •Responsible for the cigar collection, handling and maintenance of the cigars and humidors. •Conduct monthly stock inventory in conjunction with our finance/receiving department. Requirements: •At least 5 to 10 years of working experience as Head Sommelier/ Beverage Manager within a luxury resort environment. •Proven track record of successful beverage sales in a fast pace service environments. •Must have Sommeliers’ education and have kept up knowledge by attending regularly seminars, conferences, courses and other wine industry related events is a requirement. •Worked with wine lists that cover all the regions represented in wine programs. •The experience of working with a broad set of clientele and the ability to understand their different wine tastes and preferences. •Flexible, outgoing, open minded with a smile. •Ability to perform well under pressure

Page 29 •Team player, team builder and problem solver •Strong leadership, administrative and organizational skills •Knowledgeable to conduct wine workshops Salary range from $3,500 to $3,750 per month based on qualifications and experience. *VILLA CHEF •Prepares and serves breakfast, lunch, dinner and any other culinary requests from guests •Is pro-active in creating and serving specials to upsell meals in the villas •Manages stocks, orders and charges for consumed goods •Provides guests with “the Amanyara” experience •Manages the smooth running of the villa along with the Villa Host. •Ensures that all areas of the Villa are cleaned and maintained to the highest standards including: Kitchen hygiene, Living Sala, Kitchen, Dining Sala & Office, Villa Areas including pool area, ponds & gardens, pathways & walkways and Buggies. Requirements: •Background in Culinary Arts, with a certificate in hospitality preferred •2-5 years of international, luxury resort experience •Proficiency in English Salary: $6.50 per hour, plus service charge *VILLA HOST •Manages the smooth running of the villa along with the Villa Chef •Ensures that all areas of the Villa are cleaned and maintained to the highest standard including: - Bedroom Pavilions, Living Sala, Kitchen & Dining Sala, including the pool area, ponds & gardens •Provides Food and Beverage service according to Aman standards •Sets up the villa prior to Guest’s arrival, ensuring all equipment is in good working order •Organizes special requests for Villa Owners or Villa Rentals; such as Honeymoon turndowns, personal laundry etc. and ensuring Guest History Record is updated after Guest’s departure •Reports any damage or breakage immediately; follows up with repairs •Prepares Annual Villa Maintenance Requirements along with Supervisor Requirements: •Background in housekeeping and F&B with a certificate in hospitality preferred •2-5 years of international, luxury resort experience •Proficiency in English Salary based on experience: $6.25 to $7.00 per hour, plus service charge *BEACH ATTENDANT •Coordinating beach activities for guests such as: Hobie Cats, snorkel excursions, kayaking, stand up paddle boarding •Assisting the beach team with daily beach procedures including, but not limited to, setting up beach lounges, towels, drinks, Beach Club restaurant orders •Interacting with guests about the local environment and culture, fielding questions in regards to the resort and activities, booking excursions •Assisting with Nature Discovery Centre Youth Programs (children ages 3-17) during watersports when required •Maintain a safe and fun environment for all guests participating in activities at all times Requirements: •Must have a passion for the outdoors and a desire to learn more about the natural environment of the T.C.I. •Guest Services experience •Must enjoy working with children of all ages •Must be a strong swimmer and enjoy snorkeling, windsurfing, kayaking, and/ or diving •Boat handling experience •Must be able to work in the sun and on the sand for up to 12 hours •Ability to lift 50 pounds •Strong oral and written understanding of the English language •First Aid Training/CPR; also a plus Salary based on experience: $6.25-$9.00 per hour, plus service charge. *LABOURER,*WOODWORKER Requirements: •Must be proficient in English •Physically fit and ability to perform manual labor •Possess the ability to deliver service aligned with resort standards. Salary based on experience: $6.25 to $10.00 per hour, plus service charge For further information on the above positions please contact us by using the details below. Candidates must be available to work 6 days a week, weekends, and holidays. Positions marked with * are currently held by a work permit holder. However, qualified belongers are encouraged to send a cover letter & resume with the following attachments: Valid Police Record, Passport Bio Page, Proof of TCI status i.e. PRC, Belonger Status Card or Naturalization Certificate. Human Resources Amanyara Resort Northwest Point, Providenciales E: amanyarahrassistant@aman.com Prospective applicants are also asked to send copies to the Labour Board. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.

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CORPORATE FLIGHT DEPARMENT CHIEF PILOT Minimum Requirements: Must hold an Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) MEL rating. Have flight department and aircraft management experience, current First Class Medical and have no accident or violation history. The position mandates the following minimum requirements: • 5500 Hours Total Flying Time • 3000 Hours Pilot-In-Command (PIC) Total Time • 2500 Hours Multi-Engine (MEL) Total Time • 150 Hours Instrument Total Time • 100 Hours Piper Navajo Total Time We are accepting pilot applications from qualified candidates. Salary for this position begins at $60,000.00 per annum and will commensurate with qualifications and experience. MASSAGE THERAPIST Job Requirements/ responsibilities: •Must have a minimum of 5 years’ experience in a luxury resort and spa. •Graduate from an accredited school of massage and esthetics with a massage certification and esthetic certification. •The ideal candidate needs to be qualified in Deep tissue massage, Swedish massage, Hot Stone Massage, Prenatal massage and Reflexology. Esthetic treatments such as facials, body scrubs and wraps. •Must possess excellent communication skills. •Must be a team player. •Must have a keen desire to serve the public. •Training and experience in recognized professional product modalities welcomed. •You will be required to work weekends and public holidays. •Candidate will be required to perform mobile services on board yachts, location and in room treatments. •Professional training for product lines will be provided. •Reception and treatment booking experience required. •Serve as a catalyst to promote spa services to hotel guests. •The position is commission based. Salary range for the line positions listed above begin at $6.25 per hour and will commensurate with qualifications and experience. SECURITY OFFICER Reporting to the Director of Security, responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following: Position Description Security Officer is responsible for: insuring a safe environment for all guests and associates; patrolling; documenting; reporting; and following-up on safety and security hazards or infractions. This individual may also be required to carry out more general guest service tasks, such as delivering items to guest rooms. A Security Officer must demonstrate the ability to remain calm in emergencies, and balance excellent guest and associate relations skills with safety and security. The successful applicant must be available to work multi shifts, holidays, weekends and overnight. Job Requirements •Guest Oriented with previous resort/hotel experience is a MUST •Must have working knowledge of all procedures and processes in Loss Prevention •Must be computer literate with excellent communication, written and oral skills •CPR and First Aid Certification Preferred •A valid TCI driver’s license Salary commencing at $8.00 per hour. Belongers only need apply STEWARDS To maintain the kitchen and restaurant work area, equipment and utensils: Duties also include washing of dishes, pots, pans and trays by hand; sweeping and moping of floors and banquet set up and break down. Salary Scale: $6.50 - $7.00 per hour. Belongers only need apply. LABOURER RESPONSIBILITIES To assist in maintaining the grounds. Must be able to lift 50lbs., bend, and stand for long periods of time. Must be able to speak English. Salary Scale: $6.50 - $7.50 per hour. Belongers only need apply ISLAND HOST RESTAURANT SUPERVISOR Reporting to the Food & Beverage Manager, responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following: RESPONSIBITIES: •Lead and manage the day to day operations of the restaurant ensuring all service standards are followed •Lead and support all Food & Beverage departments in the achievement of their financial and operational targets •Assist with training and development of all Colleagues to ensure career growth •Follow department policies, procedures and service standards •Follow all safety policies REQUIREMENTS: •Proven food and beverage management experience •Familiarity with restaurant management software •Communication and team management abilities •Availability to work within opening hours (e.g. evenings, holidays, weekends) •Up to date with food and beverages trends and best practices •Requires fingering, grasping, lifting, pushing and carrying up to 50 lbs. Salary range for this position begins at $9.00 per hour and will commensurate with the qualifications and experience of the successful applicant. RESPONSIBILITIES To prepare hot foods on range and or grill and ensure consistent quality following

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recipe cards and production standards; must be knowledgeable of food preparation and preparation methods, understand sanitary food handling techniques and knowledge of the safe operation of kitchen equipment. Salary Scale: $8.00 - $10.00 per hour. Belongers only need apply AIR CONDITION TECHNICIAN Reporting to the Chief Engineer, responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following: RESPONSIBILITIES: •Installing, troubleshooting, repairing and maintaining the refrigeration and air conditioning systems •Fabricate and assemble refrigeration and air conditioning systems. •Carry out all necessary changes to air in the system, test lines, components and connections for leaks. •Install expansion and control valves on units and adjust and replace parts as needed. REQUIREMENTS: •Must possess a minimum of 6-10 years 4-star background in same or similar position •Certification or diploma from a formal Electrical or Technical Institution is required. •Must be highly organized individual. •Must be computer literate and have excellent, clear communication skills written and oral Salary range for the positions listed above begin at $9.00 per hour and will commensurate with qualifications and experience. BAR SUPERVISOR To ensure a quality bar experience for our guests. Will be responsible for supervising all bar staff; inventory control, cash handling and maintaining a courteous and efficient operation. Must be knowledgeable of bar operations and guest relations; have the ability to remember, recite and promote menu items, effectively solve guest complaints and concerns in a friendly and positive manner. A minimum of one year experience as a supervisor with cash handling responsibility is preferred. Salary Scale: 12.00 - $15.00 per hour COMPUTER PROGRAMMER & IT SPECIALIST To provide support analysis and management and assist in the planning, developing, installing, configuring, maintaining and supporting hardware, software and communication systems in order to maintain the stable operation of the information systems and networks of our Hospitality Group. Job Description: •Assist in analysing the IT needs of the Group and determining the immediate and long-range software and hardware requirements. •Maintain, secure, troubleshoot and administer Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Internet (Cable/DSL/Wi-Fi connection) and IPTV •Maintain & evaluate computer hardware, communication equipment, networking software, operating system and application software. •Network administration and management. •Maintain control records, implement & secure network traffic and optimize server performance. •Perform and ensure System/Data back-ups and its recovery operations; •Provide problem solving services and assist network users on system & software such as PMS, POS Software and Telephone Billing System. •Interact and negotiate with vendors, outsourcers and contractors to seek products and services. •Provide on-call technical support. •Follow all safety policies Requirements: •Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or Information Technology •5 plus years Working Experience in IT •Knowledge of VLAN and switch management technology •Strong customer service orientation •Microsoft Server Administrator, Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft SharePoint •Knowledge of Apple Macintosh Operating System •Knowledge of IQWare and/or Visual One would be a distinct advantage •Keen attention to details •Highly self-motivated and directed Salary entry point is $31,000 per annum and will commensurate with qualifications and experience. GARDENER To qualify for this position, you should be able to push/pull carts weighing up to 150 lbs. You must be able to ensure the cleanliness of all areas assigned, which may include, walls, floors, gardens and grounds. You must be able to stand for long periods of time and also have the ability to climb ladder several times each day. Salary range for the positions listed above $6.50 to $8.00 per hour will commensurate with qualifications and experience. ROOM ATTENDANTS To ensure the cleanliness and orderliness of the assigned guestroom, work areas and equipment. Must be able to push and pull carts weighing up to 150lbs and be able to climb flights of stairs several times daily. Salary range for the positions listed above begin at $7.00 per hour and will commensurate with qualifications and experience Interested persons may contact out Corporate HR department office or by submitting your resume with qualifications and experience to: hr@wihl.com Please also submit a copy of your completed application to our labour department. Closing date July 2nd,, 2020

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Kim Kardashian West sells stake in beauty brand for $200M Kim Kardashian West is selling a stake in her beauty brand for $200 million, in a deal that values the TV reality star’s three-year-old business at $1 billion. The buyer is Covergirl owner Coty Inc., which will get a 20% stake in KKW Beauty. Coty seems to be enamored with the Kardashians: Last year, it bought a 51% stake in the makeup line started by Kardashian West’s younger sister, Kylie Jenner. “Kim is a true modern day global icon,” said Coty CEO Peter Harf, which is similar to what he said about Jenner in November. Kardashian West, who stars on the long-running reality TV show “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” founded KKW Beauty in 2017 and tapped into her hundreds of millions of social media followers to sell

lip gloss, body foundation and perfume. The 39-year-old will still promote KKW Beauty online and will help create new products. Coty plans to expand the brand into more countries around the world and possibly into other categories, like skin creams and shampoos. It also hopes that the buzzy brand can help boost sales and connect with younger shoppers who spend a lot of time on social Kim Kardashian arriving to the Serena Williams fashion show during Fashion media. Coty’s brands, including Week in New York. Max Factor makeup and Sally Beauty. Shares of New YorkHansen nail polish, can’t based Coty rose more than 13% compete with KKW Beauty’s to close at $4.74 Monday. reach. Max Factor, for example, It’s been a busy summer has 585,000 Instagram followers. for Kardashian West’s family. KKW Beauty has 4.4 million. On Friday, her husband Kanye Coty, which expects the West announced a deal to design deal to close next year, didn’t fashions for the Gap under his reveal any sales data for KKW Yeezy brand.

Beyoncé’s message, epic performances stand out at BET Awards Beyoncé used her platform Sunday while accepting the BET humanitarian award to relay a direct appeal to viewers: Go vote. “Your voices are being heard and you’re proving to our ancestors that their struggles were not in vain,” said the superstar singer at the BET Awards, which celebrated its 20 years of highlighting excellence in Black-led entertainment. But the ceremony, filmed virtually because of the coronavirus pandemic, kept much of its focus on topics such as systematic racism and equal rights. Beyoncé was honored for her philanthropic work and relief efforts during the COVID-19 crisis. She said voting in the upcoming election was the way to end a “racist and unequal system” in America. “I’m encouraging you to take action,” she said following an introduction by former first lady Michelle Obama. The singer dedicated her award to the Black Lives Matter movement, and encouraged activists to continue to push forward. “We have to vote like our lives depend on it, because it does,” she said. Here are some additional highlights from the three-hour show broadcast on CBS, BET and BET Her: DaBABY’S MESSAGE Rapper DaBaby lay on the pavement while an actor playing a police officer pressed his knee on the rapper’s neck. The reenactment at the beginning of the multi-platinum rapper’s performance offered a glimpse into the last moments of

the life of George Floyd, killed by Minneapolis police last month. DaBaby rapped a verse from the Black Lives Matter remix of his hit song “Rockstar” with Roddy Ricch at the awards. While holding a baseball bat, DaBaby then stood on a stage behind a group of people who had their fists raised high while others held “Black Lives Matter” signs. His performance also featured images from protests, a reflection of the current world in the wake of Floyd’s death and the deaths of others, including Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery. WEEZY HONORS KOBE On a virtual stage, Lil Wayne paid tribute to the Black Mamba. The rapper honored the late Kobe Bryant with a performance of his song “Kobe Bryant,” highlighting the NBA icon’s biggest moments. He paid tribute to Bryant who died in a helicopter crash in January that killed eight others, including his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna. Wayne weaved in new lyrics as Bryant’s No. 8 and 24 flashed behind him. His performance showed video clips of the Los Angeles Lakers star dunking on Dwight Howard and Steve Nash, hitting gamewinning shots and highlights from his 81-point game against the Toronto Raptors in 2006. “I call him King Bryant,” Wayne rapped. “Now let the crown show.”

In this video grab issued Sunday, June 28, 2020, by BET, Beyonce accepts the humanitarian award during the BET Awards. actor-comedian self into the flamboyant character of the late Little Richard. Wearing a gold glittery tuxedo, Brady put on his best emulation during a tribute to Richard, who died of bone cancer in May. He rolled around on the top of a piano as he sung a medley hits from Richard, considered one of the chief architects of rock ’n’ roll. “Shut up!” Brady blurted out in the same manner as Richard. Some of the Richard’s hits that Wayne performed included “Lucy,” “Good Golly, Miss Molly” and “Tutti Frutti.” MAD STALLION

Megan Thee Stallion took to the desert in a performance themed after the “Mad Max” films. Sporting a feathered crop top, she danced and twerked alongside her dancers who wore masks and maintained social distance amid the coronavirus pandemic. She performed her LITTLE RICHARD BOP Beyoncé-assisted hit “Savage Remix” and “Girls in the Hood,” Wayne Brady a revamp of Easy E’s 1987 song transformed from his normal “Boyz-N-The Hood.”

T.I. to teach ‘Business of Trap Music’ at Clark Atlanta

T.I. onstage at the 51st NAACP Image Awards at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium on Saturday, Feb. 22, 2020, in Pasadena, Calif. Atlanta rapper T.I. will soon be adding educator to his resume. T.I will join hip-hop scholar Dr. Melva K. Williams at Clark Atlanta University this fall to teach the “Business of Trap Music,” news outlets reported. The course will focus on the origin, culture and business of trap music, according to the university. T.I., also known as Clifford Harris, said he’s excited to work with Atlanta’s historically Black colleges and universities, and their “innovative approach” to providing an education “beyond the traditional textbook curriculum.” These schools have been vital in the community “and have managed to withstand even while being some of the most underresourced institutions,” he added. Trap music is a down South staple. The sub-genre of hip hop is cemented in Atlanta culture and can be seen at T.I.’s “Trap Music Museum,” which has become a popular destination for tourists and fans alike, news outlets reported.

Dr. Dre’s wife of 24 years, Nicole Young, files for divorce

Dr. Dre, left, and Nicole Young arrive at the City of Hope Gala, at the Barker Hangar in Santa Monica, Calif. Dr. Dre’s wife of 24 years Nicole Young has filed for divorce. Nicole Young, Dr. Dre’s wife of 24 years, has filed for divorce. Young filed documents seeking to end her marriage with Dr. Dre — the producer, rapper and music mogul whose real name is Andre Young — on Monday in Los Angeles County Superior Court. Nicole Young, 50, cited irreconcilable differences as the reason for the split, and she is seeking spousal support from the 55-year-old Dr. Dre, who has amassed a major fortune in his time as an N.W.A. member, solo rapper, producer, coowner of Death Row Records and founder and CEO of Aftermath Entertainment and Beats Electronics. The couple has two adult children, 23-yearold son Truice and 19-year-old daughter Truly. Dr. Dre has four children from previous relationships. The two married in 1996. It was the first marriage for Dr. Dre. Young was previously married to NBA player Sedale Threatt. An email to Dr. Dre’s publicist seeking comment on the divorce filing was not immediately returned.

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A list of winners at the 2020 BET Awards

In this video grab issued Sunday, June 28, 2020, by BET, Megan Thee Stallion accepts the award for best female hip-hop artist during the BET Awards. A list of winners at the 2020 BET Awards, which aired virtually Sunday because of the coronavirus pandemic. — Video of the year: DJ Khaled featuring Nipsey Hussle and John Legend, “Higher” — Best female R&B/pop artist: Lizzo — Best male R&B/pop artist: Chris Brown — Best female hip-hop artist: Megan Thee Stallion — Best male hip-hop artist: DaBaby — Best new artist: Roddy Ricch — Best group: Migos — Best collaboration: Chris Brown featuring Drake, “No Guidance” — Album of the year: Roddy Ricch, “Please Excuse Me for Being Antisocial” — Humanitarian award: Beyoncé — Dr. Bobby Jones best gospel/inspirational award: Kirk Franklin, “Just for Me” — Best actress: Issa Rae — Best actor: Michael B. Jordan — Best movie: “Queen & Slim” — Youngstars award: Marsai Martin — Sportswoman of the year: Simone Biles — Sportsman of the year: LeBron James — BET HER award: Beyoncé featuring Blue Ivy Carter, Wizkid and Saint JHN, “Brown Skin Girl” — Video director of the year: Teyana Taylor — Best international act: Burna Boy (Nigeria) — Viewer’s choice: Best new international act: Sha Sha (Zimbabwe)

Weinstein reaches tentative $19M deal with accusers

Harvey Weinstein and his former studio’s board have reached a nearly $19 million settlement with dozens of his sexual misconduct accusers, New York state’s attorney general and lawyers in a class-action lawsuit said Tuesday. The agreement was announced by New York Attorney General Letitia James and Chicago attorney Elizabeth A. Fegan. The deal, if approved by judges in federal courts, would permit accusers to claim from $7,500 to $750,000 from the $18.8 million settlement. The former Hollywood producer was convicted earlier this year of rape and sexual assault against two women. Accusations by dozens of women in 2017 destroyed his career and gave rise to #MeToo, the global movement to hold powerful men accountable for their sexual misconduct. The 68-year-old former film producer was diagnosed in March with the coronavirus just days after he was moved to the state’s maximum security Wende Correctional Facility near Buffalo to begin serving his 23-year prison sentence. “This settlement is the culmination of several years of hard work by survivors who not only initiated the #MeToo movement around Weinstein, but also used their platforms to seek justice for all of those who were afraid to come forward for fear of retaliation in Hollywood,” Fegan said. Included in the news release was a statement by plaintiff Caitlin Dulany, who said Weinstein isolated and assaulted her after they met in 1996 at the Cannes Film Festival. “When I came forward and shared my story about the

Harvey Weinstein arrives at a Manhattan courthouse as jury deliberations continue in his rape trial in New York. assault, I knew there wouldn’t be a straight path to justice,” Dulany said. “Harvey avoided accountability for decades, leveraging his power to hide behind a web of deceit, and I was determined to join the class action to ensure meaningful change for all survivors,” she said. “I am proud that this settlement will help so many women who are long overdue for justice and relief.” James said in a release that the deal would resolve claims in a New York state lawsuit and in a class-action lawsuit that was pending in federal court. “After all the harassment, threats, and discrimination, these survivors are finally receiving some justice,” James said. She called it “a win for every woman who has experienced sexual harassment, discrimination, intimidation, or retaliation by her employer.” Gerald Maatman, lead counsel for the Weinstein Companies, declined comment. Messages seeking comment were left for Weinstein and individuals on his former

studio’s board. Attorneys Douglas H. Wigdor and Kevin Mintzer, who represent some of Weinstein’s accusers in lawsuits, said in a statement that the proposed settlement was “a complete sellout of the Weinstein survivors.” They called it “deeply unfair,” saying it does not require Weinstein to accept responsibility and doesn’t require him to pay any money toward it. They also said the director defendants will receive millions of dollars to reimburse their defense costs. The lawyers said the deal would also harm women who do not join the settlement because they would be unable to pursue large amounts of money from insurance companies which would receive protection from the deal. “We are completely astounded that the Attorney General is taking a victory lap for this unfair and inequitable proposal, and on behalf of our clients, we will be vigorously objecting in court,” the lawyers said.

Judge temporarily blocks tell-all book by Trump’s niece Distribution of a tell-all book by President Donald Trump’s niece was blocked by a judge Tuesday after the president’s brother said its publication would violate a pact among family members, but a publisher’s chief executive says the book has already been shipped and could not be stopped. New York state Supreme Court Judge Hal B. Greenwald in Poughkeepsie, New York, issued an order requiring the niece, Mary Trump, and her publisher to explain why they should not be blocked from publishing the book: “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man.” A hearing was set for July 10. The book, scheduled to be published July 28, was written by Mary Trump, the daughter of Fred Trump Jr., the president’s elder brother, who died in 1981. An online description of it says it reveals “a nightmare of traumas, destructive relationships, and a

tragic combination of neglect and abuse.” The judge said no portion of the book can be distributed before he decides the validity of Robert Trump’s claims. Robert Trump argues Mary Trump must comply with a written agreement among family members that such a book cannot be published without permission from other family members. Mary Trump’s lawyer, Theodore J. Boutrous Jr., and her publisher, Simon & Schuster, immediately challenged the order. Hours later, Simon & Schuster Chief Executive Officer Jonathan Karp said in court papers that the publisher was unaware of allegations of any agreement between Mary Trump and her family until two weeks ago. “To take the unprecedented action of enjoining the publication of this Book, even temporarily, would interfere with Simon & Schuster’s constitutionally protected rights and its mission to inform the American

public about newsworthy topics,” he said. “It would also interfere with Simon & Schuster’s readers’ constitutionally protected rights to receive newsworthy reporting.” Karp said Mary Trump offered “a personal and never-beforeseen perspective on President Trump” in the book, which had become No. 1 on the Amazon Best Seller List. In court papers filed Tuesday night, the publisher’s lawyers said thousands of the 75,000 copies of the book that have been printed have already been shipped to sellers. They noted that the shipping schedule was set far in advance of the court action and was not expedited because of it and that Simon & Schuster had provided multiple booksellers with key information about the book and some of them have published it. “The trial court’s temporary restraining order is only temporary but it still is a prior restraint on core political speech that flatly violates

Robert Trump, left, joins real estate developer and presidential hopeful Donald Trump at an event in New York. the First Amendment,” Boutrous said. “This book, which addresses matters of great public concern and importance about a sitting president in election year, should not be suppressed even for one day,” Boutrous said in a statement. Adam Rothberg, a Simon & Schuster spokesperson, said the publisher was disappointed but looks forward “to prevailing in this case based on well-established precedents regarding prior restraint.”

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Global coronavirus cases exceed 10 million

Global coronavirus cases exceeded 10 million on Sunday according to a Reuters tally, marking a major milestone in the spread of the respiratory disease that has so far killed almost half a million people in seven months. The figure is roughly double the number of severe influenza illnesses recorded annually, according to the World Health Organisation. The milestone comes as many hard-hit countries are easing lockdowns while making extensive alterations to work and social life that could last for a year or more until a vaccine is available. Some countries are experiencing a resurgence in infections, leading authorities to partially reinstate lockdowns, in what experts say could be a recurring pattern in the coming months and into 2021. North America, Latin America and Europe each account for around 25% of cases, while Asia and the Middle East have around 11% and 9% respectively, according to the Reuters tally, which uses government reports. There have been more than 497,000 fatalities linked to

the disease so far, roughly the same as the number of influenza deaths reported annually. The first cases of the new coronavirus were confirmed on Jan. 10 in Wuhan in China, before infections and fatalities surged in Europe, then the United States, and later Russia. The pandemic has now entered a new phase, with India and Brazil battling outbreaks of over 10,000 cases a day, putting a major strain on resources. The two countries accounted for over a third of all new cases in the past week. A Healthcare worker collects swab Brazil reported a record 54,700 sample from a man during a check-up new cases on June 19. Some camp for the Coronavirus disease, in researchers said the death toll Mumbai, India. in Latin America could rise to testing capacity has been ramped over 380,000 by October, from up to 300,000 a day. around 100,000 this week. The United States, which The total number of has reported the most cases of cases continued to increase at any country at more than 2.5 a rate of between 1-2% a day in million, managed to slow the the past week, down from rates spread of the virus in May, only above 10% in March. to see it expand in recent weeks Countries including to rural areas and other places China, New Zealand and that were previously unaffected. Australia have seen new In some countries with outbreaks in the past month, limited testing capabilities, despite largely quashing local case numbers reflect a small transmission. proportion of total infections. In Beijing, where Roughly half of reported hundreds of new cases were infections are known to have linked to an agricultural market, recovered.

Factbox: U.S. states reverse course or pause coronavirus reopenings Texas, Florida and California are among U.S. states to reverse reopenings and reclose businesses such as bars to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Many other states have paused reopenings after seeing cases rise in the weeks after they lifted stay-at-home orders.

serving on premises. Governor Ron DeSantis blamed the spike in cases, in part, on younger residents flocking to night spots to socialize. CALIFORNIA

California ordered bars in Los Angeles and six other TEXAS counties to close on Sunday in its first major rollback of Governor Greg Abbott on economic reopening after record Friday renewed restrictions after daily case increases. Governor a rise in positive coronavirus Gavin Newsom on Friday said tests above 10%, closing bars, Imperial County, southeast of limiting restaurant capacity to Los Angeles, had become so 50%, closing tubing and rafting overwhelmed with the virus he businesses, and mandating was recommending it issue a new government approval for stay-at-home order gatherings of 100 or more people. Abbott also paused Texas’ phased PAUSED REOPENINGS reopening. More than a dozen U.S. FLORIDA states, including Washington, Oregon, Utah, Louisiana and New daily records in New Mexico, have paused the coronavirus cases pushed Florida next phase of their reopening on Friday to stop establishments after seeing an uptick in cases that derive more than 50% of once stay-at-home orders were their revenue from alcohol from lifted.

Newborn Mexican triplets have coronavirus, but parents do not Mexican health authorities are trying to understand how a set of newborn triplets became infected with the novel coronavirus even though neither one of their parents tested positive for the virus. Health authorities called the case “unheard of.” The triplets, a girl and two boys, were tested four hours after being born at 7-1/2 months last week in the central state San Luis Potosi, health authorities said. Initially, health authorities said the mother was believed to be an asymptomatic carrier of the virus. But her tests later showed that neither she nor the father were infected. “The parents’ results are negative, which catches our attention,” said Monica Rangel, secretary of health for the state, during a news conference on Tuesday. “We specifically requested since yesterday ... that a group of experts investigates the case.” Two of the babies born on June 17 are in good health and show no symptoms of COVID-19, doctors treating the triplets said, while the third one has pneumonia but is in stable condition. Rangel said the triplets will remain hospitalized and under observation. Mexico has reported more than 190,000 coronavirus cases and a total of 23,377 deaths, making it seventh in most virus-related deaths in the world, according to a Reuters tally.

U.S. coronavirus cases double in 14 states during June Coronavirus cases more than doubled in 14 U.S. states in the month of June, including California, Florida and Texas, a Reuters analysis on Tuesday showed. Arizona recorded the biggest jump in cases for the month at 294%, followed by South Carolina at 200% and Arkansas at 179%. Cases also more than doubled in Alabama, Alaska, Idaho, Nevada, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon and Utah. Nationally cases rose by at least 46% and deaths increased by 21%. A few states have yet to report cases on Tuesday. While much of the world appears over the worst of the pandemic, the United States and a few other countries are still seeing huge daily spikes. In the six months since the World Health Organization (WHO) first reported a cluster of mysterious pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China, more than 500,000 people have died from the coronavirus, including over 126,000 Americans.

A strong national response, stringent lockdowns and mandatory mask wearing in public helped bring the pandemic under control in much of Asia and Europe. In the United States, wearing masks has become a divisive political issue and many states began reopening businesses without having met government health benchmarks for doing so safely. In the past week, 21 U.S. states reported rates of people testing positive for the virus above the 5% level that the WHO has flagged as concerning. Arizona has the highest rate in the country at 24%. Cases increased by less than 10% in June in just four states - New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Jersey. New York, once the epicenter of the U.S. epidemic, saw cases rise by about 6% in June - the lowest rate in the country after strict lockdown and social distancing measures were put in place to help bring the disease under control.

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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


LIFESTYLE Eight states added to New York governor’s quarantine order

People enjoy the weather in Central Park, the day before the city starts phase two of reopening after the lockdown due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in the Manhattan borough of New York City, U.S., June 21, 2020. People arriving in New York from an additional eight states must quarantine themselves for 14 days amid the coronavirus pandemic, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered on Tuesday. The eight additional states are California, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada and Tennessee, all of which are contending with growing caseloads, Cuomo said in a statement. The order, first issued last week, was already in place for Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Utah and Texas. All the affected states have “growing community spread,” Cuomo said in a statement, which the state’s Health Department has defined as 10 or more people testing positive per 100,000 residents. The order applies both to visitors and New Yorkers returning home from one of the listed states. Those found breaching the quarantine order could face fines, Cuomo has said.

Where COVID-19 is spreading fastest as U.S. cases rise 46% in past week The United States saw a 46% increase in new cases of COVID-19 in the week ended June 28 compared to the previous seven days, with 21 states reporting positivity test rates above the level that the World Health Organization has flagged as concerning. Nationally, 7% of diagnostic tests came back positive last week, up from 5% the prior week, according to a Reuters analysis of data from The COVID Tracking Project, a volunteer-run effort to track the outbreak. The World Health Organization considers a positivity rate above 5% to be a cause for concern because it suggests there are more cases in the community that have not yet been uncovered. Arizona’s positivity test rate was 24% last week, Florida’s was 16%, and Nevada, South Carolina and Texas’s were all 15%, according to the analysis. Thirty-one states, mostly in the U.S. West and South, reported more new cases of COVID-19 last week compared to the previous week, the analysis found. Florida, Louisiana, Idaho and Washington state saw new cases more than double over

People prepare to go tubing on Salt River amid the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Arizona, U.S., June 27, 2020. that period. In response to the new infections, Louisiana and Washington state have temporarily halted the reopening of their economies. Washington also mandated wearing masks in public. Florida ordered all bars and some beaches to close. Idaho was not immediately available for comment. Nationally, new COVID-19 cases have risen every week for four straight weeks. While part of that increase can be attributed to a 9% expansion in testing, health experts have also worried about states relaxing

stay-at-home orders that had been credited with curbing the outbreak. State officials across the country report the same trend in the new cases: People under 35 years old are going to bars, parties and social events without masks, becoming infected, and then spreading the disease to others. Cases continue to decline in Northeast states, but some Midwest states that had new infections under control are seeing cases once again rise, including Illinois, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Open wide: US dentists quickly rebuild after virus shutdown U.S. dental offices are quickly bouncing back, but it won’t be business as usual. Expect social distancing, layers of protective gear and a new approach to some procedures to guard against coronavirus. Dental offices largely closed, except for emergency care, after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended in March that they should delay elective procedures like teeth cleaning and filling cavities. By April, only 3% of dental offices were open for non-emergency care, according to Marko Vujicic, chief economist with the American Dental Association’s Health Policy Institute. Polling data shows about two-thirds were back open in May and Vujicic expects that to reach 97% by the end of June. He estimates that only 1% of dentists will ultimately sell their practices, retire or file for bankruptcy. Dentists say government loans helped some of them survive the shutdown, and demand for their work is pushing them to reopen quickly. “The need for even routine dental care never went away,” said Dr. Terri Tiersky, who runs a small practice in Skokie, Illinois. “We needed to get back to our patients ...

and our staff needed to get back to work, of course.” Tiersky closed her office to all but emergencies in mid-March. She then helped arrange donations of personal protective equipment from the Chicago Dental Society for health workers treating COVID-19 patients. She opened in early June after buying air purifiers and stocking back up on protective gear. “We are bending over backwards to make sure our offices are ready and safe,” said Tiersky, who wears two masks when she sees patients. Nickolette Karabush was one of Tiersky’s first patients to return after she cracked a tooth while eating popcorn. The 58-year-old Highwood, Illinois, resident has an autoimmune disorder and had been hunkered down at home since COVID-19 hit. “The thought of having to go to a dentist office really just freaked me out,” she said. Karabush settled down after she saw everyone in Tiersky’s office wearing masks and no one else in the waiting room. “Everything was very clean,” she said. “It felt like a very safe environment.” Tiersky and other dentists have taken several precautions like removing waiting room magazines

and asking patients about COVID-19 symptoms before they receive care. Dr. Kirk Norbo has an employee stationed in the foyer of his Purcellville, Virginia, dental office to take visitors’ temperatures before they enter the waiting room. Then there’s the gear. More of a “Star Wars look with the face shields and the mask and stuff and the gowns that a lot of offices had not used,” said Norbo, who remembers not even wearing gloves decades ago in dental school. Some practices are charging an additional fee to cover the cost of that extra gear. Neither Norbo nor Tiersky say they are doing this. Dentists also have changed how they practice. Coronavirus is spread from person to person mainly through droplets in the air when someone with an infection coughs, sneezes or talks. That’s why masks and social distancing are encouraged. Dental work requires close quarters, and can generate a spray of saliva and water. Norbo and other dentists have returned to using hand tools for procedures like a teeth cleaning instead of instruments that may do the job faster, but create more of that spray. Norbo said a paycheck protection loan of about $250,000 helped him bring back his staff and pay them until the business caught

Dr. Terri Tiersky poses for a portrait in full personal protective equipment, double mask, face shield, gown and gloves, at her dentist office in Skokie, Ill., on Friday, June 12, 2020. up after his office re-opened in early May. Practices are climbing out of a big hole as they reopen. Personal spending on dental services dropped 61% in April compared to the same month last year, according to the nonprofit health research firm Altarum. That’s twice the decline experienced by the entire health care sector. It might take a while for all business to return. Altarum economist Ani Turner noted that a lot of dental care is discretionary and can be postponed, and patients will still be worried about being exposed to the virus.

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Dr. Ellis Webster is new Premier of Anguilla

Anguilla’s new Premier Dr Ellis Webster was sworn into office on Tuesday after leading his Anguilla Progressive Movement (APM) to victory in general elections on Monday 29 June 2020. Premier Webster later announced his seven-member Cabinet which includes the youthful Ms Dee-Ann Kentish Rogers who defeated former Premier Mr Victor Banks in Monday’s poll. The APM won seven of the eleven seats at stake, with the other four going to Mr. Bank’s Anguilla United Front (AUF). During Tuesday’s swearing-in ceremony he said: “There are challenges ahead, but together we will move forward with openness, accountability and transparency to build our nation, proud, strong and free.” “There are challenges ahead, but together we will move forward with openness, accountability and transparency, to build our nation, proud, strong and free.” Premier Webster said the

Anguilla’s new Premier Dr. Ellis Webster and Governor Tim Foy Anguilla Progressive Movement underwent a few changes prior government will work with to Monday’s elections. citizens to chart the best possible In 2019 the head of course forward. government was changed from He said in the days and Chief Minister to Premier. years ahead citizens will be asked When the change was to participate in consultations implemented the office was as they are an integral part of held by outgoing Premier Victor Team Anguilla and their input is Banks. needed for the country to move Anguilla’s new forward. Premier thanked Banks for his Speaking before the contribution to the country’s small group gathered to witness development over the last 40 the official swearing-in of the years. new government, he thanked He said: “We stand in the people of Anguilla for their the shadows of giants who made support and applauded the their contributions to Anguilla’s efforts of all APM candidates development and I, therefore, who put country above self. thank Mr Banks for this service.” Anguilla’s constitution

Barbados is reopening for tourism on July 12

Barbados is the latest Caribbean destination planning to reopen its borders for tourism. The Caribbean island will officially begin receiving visitors on July 12, Barbados Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley announced. The move comes after Barbados has reported 35 days with no new cases of COVID-19. The first commercial flights to Barbados will kick off with Air Canada service from Toronto on July 12. On July 18, British Airways will resume service from London Gatwick, and JetBlue will be relaunching flights from New York to Barbados on July 25, with four weekly flights out of John F. Kennedy International Airport. On Aug. 5, American airlines will be resuming flights to Barbados out of Miami. “We will continue to take a risk based approach to the protection of our country, our people and our visitors,” Mottley said. So what should visitors to Barbados know before they plan their trips? Travelers will be required to present evidence of a negative result of a PCR COVID-19 test and a bar code to clear immigration. All travelers from “high risk” countries are “strongly encouraged” to take a COVID-19 PCR test within 72 hours prior to departure for Barbados, according to Tourism Minister Kerrie Symmonds. Barbados is defining “high risk” countries as those with more than 10,000 cases in the prior seven days, with community transmission. That would include the United States. Travelers from “low risk” countries (those with less than 100 new cases in the previous seven days) will have up to one week prior to departure for Barbados to take their tests.

Antigua’s PM announces plan to liquidate LIAT Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne has announced plans to liquidate the regional carrier, LIAT. Browne, who made the announcement on Saturday, said a new entity will be formed and a meeting of all shareholders will be held shortly to discuss the matter. “COVID would have actually, let’s say increased the losses exponentially, so whereas in all of 2019 LIAT made a loss of about EC$12 million, that was within the means of the shareholder governments to subsidise,” said the Prime Minister who was speaking on local radio . “You would have found that since COVID, the planes have been grounded, they have to pay the lease payments and they are not getting any revenue. A decision will have to be made to collapse it and then maybe the countries within the region will have to come together to form a new entity.” Browne added that the region cannot move forward without a form of connectivity and “you cannot have an integration movement if people cannot connect”. “What I’m hoping that we do not have going forward with the new entity, is any squabble over the location of the headquarters, at the

end of the day, the only service that planes and those planes are charged Antigua and Barbuda has enjoyed to the Caribbean Development . . . within CARICOM [Caribbean Bank, (CDB), so clearly they have a Community] is LIAT and this has superior claim and after they would been the case for several decades. have covered their claim there “So I just hope that we will be hardly any assets available are not going to have countries to liquidate severance and other within the region opportunistically liabilities to staff and other creditors, fighting us to get the headquarters so there has to be a negotiated in their country to displace Antigua position.” and Barbuda,” he said, while adding Concerning the fate of that the formation of the new employees, he said the governments airline must be done swiftly. “won’t be bandits and just walk ‘“Back in 1974 when LIAT away from the staff, they will have was collapsed, my understanding to pay some form of compassionate is that it took a day to start the payments to assist them. But they operation of a new entity. It may have to understand that they are be a little more difficult to get it legally vulnerable and that they done within 24 hours and I do have to look at the bigger picture understand that there are a number and to cooperate, not to become of stakeholders that we have to litigious and to prevent the creation satisfy, especially creditors and of a new LIAT”. I believe that we could do a work According to the Prime out with the various creditors and Minister, the new carrier, will to literally get some arrangement in be much leaner that the current which they can accept that we are LIAT, which employs hundreds not conveniently closing LIAT 1974 throughout the region and there Ltd. The governments cannot go will be significant job losses. any further with it.” “Let’s face it, it’s going to be According to the Prime a right-sized entity. You are going to Minister, LIAT does not have have significant job losses, there’s sufficient assets to satisfy the no doubt about it. Hundreds of requirements or claims of most of people are going to lose their work, its creditors, including the airline’s it is inescapable. employees. “But if you are going to have “LIAT only owns three a new entity that is scaled down,

Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne. that is viable, that is efficient, that can meet the connectivity needs of the Caribbean people, then clearly that has to be the option that we pursue.” He also said that the new entity will retain the name LIAT. “We should not be running away from the name LIAT – LIAT is a Caribbean institution built by Caribbean people of which we should be proud. Many institutions in the US in the aviation industry, including American Airlines, they have gone belly-up many times over. They never discontinued the name American Airlines. Americans are proud to support the name American Airlines, but whereas they have their Chapter 11 protection, we don’t have that in our laws. Leeward Island Air Transport was established in 1956 in Montserrat.

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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


Jamaica suspends use of British royal insignia after anti-racism protests

Jamaica has suspended the use of a badge representing one of the highest British royal honours after anti-racism protesters decried its imagery of a white angel standing on the head of Satan depicted as a chained man with dark skin, according to Reuters. Protesters in Jamaica and elsewhere have likened the image to George Floyd, the black American who was killed last month after a police officer in the state of Minnesota knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes. The Queen’s Representative to Jamaica, Governor General Patrick Allen, said on 26 June he had requested that the imagery on the badge be “changed to reflect an inclusive image of the shared humanity of all peoples”.

The Order of St. Michael reckoning with racism, Jamaicans and St. George badge is an honour have staged a couple of protests, the Queen typically awards to launched petitions for changes to British ambassadors and senior rectify remnants of colonialism Foreign Office officials and royal and reignited discussions about representatives throughout the becoming a separate republic from Commonwealth. the monarchy. But Clyde Williams, a Issues of race, nationality Jamaican lawyer who was one of the and racism have also been discussed first to raise the issue on social media, in the Cayman Islands in recent said the badge’s imagery was a clear weeks following Floyd’s death and depiction of “white supremacy”. the global protests that have ensued. A British online petition Jamaica became independent calling for its redesign has garnered from Britain in 1962, however, it is more than 15,000 signatures. still a part of the Commonwealth of It is unclear whether Nations, which is mostly composed Jamaica’s Prime Minister, Andrew Holness Jamaica is the first country to have of territories of the former British (right) and Governor General Patrick Allen suspended its use. Buckingham Empire. Successive administrations monarchical system so many years Palace told Reuters it was a matter on the island have talked of also after independence?” said Verene for the government, which had no dropping Queen Elizabeth as head of Shepherd, Director of The Centre immediate comment. state but never put it to a vote. for Reparation Research at The In the wake of the global “Why do we have a University of West Indies.

More than US$14m in losses for Caribbean Airlines

Caribbean Airlines The state-owned carrier, Caribbean Airlines (CAL), has recorded a loss of more than US$14 million in just over a one-month period, as a result of the impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Allyson West, has said. She told the senate that the airline, during the period March 23 to April 30, had estimated its losses at US$14.2 million. “The financial impact to Caribbean Airlines Limited from losses arising from the COVID-19 pandemic took effect from the beginning of March 2020, prior to the closure of our national borders,” she told legislators, adding that demand for air travel had “already been reduced significantly”. “The impact was further exacerbated following the closure of our borders at midnight on March 22. As a wholly owned state enterprise Caribbean Airlines Limited has complied with government policy during the COVID-19 pandemic and maintained all of its staff on payroll.” She said in addition to that measure, notwithstanding the fact that air travel is severely restricted at present, CAL is also required to keep its aircraft leases up to date and ensure also that the planes are air worthy and all of its systems functioning in readiness for the resumption of flights. Last November, the airline reported its unaudited summary financial results for January to September 2019, showing it continues to achieve an operating profit and is net income positive. The unaudited results for the nine months ending September 2019 show earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) of TT$121 million Revenue for the period was TT$2.3 billion up 3.8 per cent.

72 arrested, one dead, as Trinidad police say plot foiled The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) Tuesday said that they had foiled a “wellorchestrated plan to destabilise the country” and had arrested 72 people as protesters blocked roads and fired gunshots demanding that the officers involved in the deaths of three men last weekend by police be brought to justice. The police confirmed that one person has died as a result of the protest on Tuesday and said that “investigations are underway to determine the cause of her death”. Media reports identified the woman as Ornella Greaves, 30, who died while being treated at the Port of Spain General Hospital for gunshot wounds. There were also unconfirmed report that one man also died as a result of the protest. The police said that “so far, 72 persons have been arrested, and others are expected to be charged when investigations are completed”, adding “intelligence has revealed that this was an orchestrated plan that was led by several gang members, whereby the intention was to use the shooting of the three young men a few days ago, as a front to cover the planned plot to shut down the country”. Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith is quoted in the statement as wanting to remind the public that he was clear just a few days ago, when he stated that any police officer charged for a violent crime, should be removed from the Service, as “we are expected to be at a higher standard”. “However, it is unacceptable that some, in their desire for justice, can expect any law-abiding citizen to justify this demand by condoning others to break the law, as was done today.

Trinidad and Tobago Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith. “This was a wellorchestrated plot by certain gang leaders in the hope to get national support, when they commenced their plan to cause mayhem, fear, and destruction throughout the country. This was wishful thinking, as it has only exposed who the real enemy is, when the nation saw it for themselves, via the plan to destabilise the country, and put law-abiding citizens in harm’s way,” the TTPS said in the statement. It said that based on prior intelligence, mere hours before these criminal elements commenced their act, the TTPS was prepared. “The plan to shut down the country involved setting fire to certain places, from along the Beetham to Port of Spain, and when police officers arrived, they would be fired upon. The plan was to kill police officers and to shoot up police stations. These same criminal elements used the opportunity yesterday and again this morning, to rob law-abiding citizens.” The police said that this sort of illegal conduct “was to continue with wild random shots to be fired throughout the country to cause further havoc. This included shots being fired at the Office of the Attorney

General, which was actually done”. “On several occasions, shots were also fired at police officers in different parts of the city. The plot was to also block roads in the hope that it would shut down the country.” Griffith said that “their plan failed miserably and the TTPS is in full control”. He said with the immediate and strong assistance of the several arms of the security services, “we were able to quell any disturbance within minutes of the commencement of the plan”. Minister of National Security Minister Stuart Young had earlier described as “carefully orchestrated and prepalled” the protests that started in the eastern part of the capital and that he was “demanding that the criminal elements who are using the opportunity” to stir up the protest to end their actions. Young also confirmed that the security forces had detained Fuad Abu Bakr , the son of the Muslim leader, Yasin Abu Bakr, who in 1990 had staged an unsuccessful coup here. The police shootings came one day after an officer, Allen Moseley, 32, attached to the Guard and Emergency Branch (GEB) was shot dead in Morvant. But Police Commissioner Griffith has denied any link between the murder of the police officer and the deaths of the three men. In its statement, the TTPS said that the CCTV footage was able to see in “real-time, every incident, of certain gang members lighting fire to tyres and throwing debris and even overturning vehicles to block roads throughout Port of Spain and environs”.

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New Cuban tourism system to isolate visitors from population With the coronavirus waning in Cuba, the government plans to restart its tourism industry by sending visitors to five narrow islands that will offer all-inclusive vacations and keep foreigners isolated from the rest of the nation. The state-run system scheduled to debut Wednesday is designed to reopen a vital source of economic activity without reintroducing the virus to the country of 11 million people, where new cases have dwindled to just a handful a day. Tourists will take charter flights to the islands or to central Cuba, where they will take tests to detect the virus. Those who are negative will proceed straight to their hotels or get on a bus going directly through mainland Cuba to one of the low-lying, sandy keys that are connected to the northern coast by bridges or ferries, according to recent government statements. Anyone who tests positive will be “isolated,” presumably some combination of being quarantined and sent back home, though the details remain unclear. Many other Caribbean islands are reopening to tourists and imposing testing on new arrivals. But none has adopted a plan like Cuba’s that separates tourists almost entirely from the general population. Tourist buses to the resorts will be prohibited from making stops along the way, and police officers will be assigned to each bus to enforce the rule. Visitors will not be allowed to rent cars or take trips outside the fenced-in coastal resort areas.

seven days of isolation at home. Varadero, a popular, resortstudded peninsula less than a twohour drive from Havana, will be divided into a section for Cubans and a section for international tourists, who will not mix with the general population, officials have said. The new measures are part of the first phase of a three-phase plan to move Cuba back to normal life, with phase three looking much like Cuba did before the virus. Cuba Hotel Nacional stands tall near the empty intersection of 23rd Street and the Malecon seawall, detected its first infections in a amid a lockdown to curb the spread of COVID-19 in Havana, Cuba, Saturday, June 20, 2020. group of Italian tourists in the city of Trinidad in March. There is no indication that topped 1%. All of Cuba has moved to tourists will immediately start to Commerce, transportation arrive. Canada, Cuba’s biggest and public spaces have been shut phase one with the exception of source of visitors, remains closed down almost completely for three Havana, the capital of 2 million to nonessential travel until further months. The shutdown, combined people where the new infections notice. European countries also have with health monitoring and virus have been concentrated. Cuban tourism expert José strict travel rules in place. testing, has virtually eliminated Like other Caribbean islands, COVID-19 in Cuba. With more than Luis Perelló said the July 1 date to Cuba is highly dependent on 2,000 tests performed daily, the begin the new system was “a sign tourism. It earned an estimated $4.1 number of new cases emerging each of intent,” on the part of Cuban billion from 4.2 million tourist visits day has been fewer than 10, and authorities to show that the island last year, around 10 percent of gross often less than five, for several weeks. was open again, “but first you need domestic product, although the The new tourism model to know who’s really ready to engage island’s finances are highly opaque is somewhat reminiscent of past in tourism this year.” U.S. rules prohibit American due to government secrecy and an practices. Under longtime leader unusual system of two currencies, Fidel Castro, Cubans were prohibited visitors from trips that would be neither of which holds value outside from entering tourist hotels as part strictly tourism, like those to coastal Cuba. of a broader pattern of isolating the beach resorts. The foreign hospitality After years of almost communist society from outside companies that manage most of zero growth, the shutdown of influence. international flights in March Even before the coronavirus, Cuba’s better hotels say they are pushed Cuba into its most severe some coastal resort keys were off hopeful that tourists will return shortages and economic stagnation limits to Cubans. The prohibition is to destinations like Havana in the in many years, with long lines now expanding to its greatest extent latter stages of reopening. Cuba forming for basic products. A report since Castro’s brother Raul took over has said that more tourism will resume by phase three, albeit with from the Economic Commission on and dropped many restrictions. Latin America predicted a 3% to 5% Cuban hotel employees on near-universal mask wearing, social drop in GDP for Cuba this year after the newly restricted keys will observe distancing and tests for arriving years of stagnant growth that rarely seven-day workweeks followed by travelers.

Cayman Islands property sales hit new record amid real estate boom Last year was the best on record for the Cayman Islands property market with more than $800 million in total sales, according to a review by surveyors Charterland. According to the Cayman Compass, the report shows rising house and land prices across most sectors in 2018 as Cayman’s property boom continued. “We are into unchartered territory in the property market,” said Simon Watson, partner at Charterland, which analyzed every real estate transaction in the Cayman Islands in 2018 to provide the review. “It is an interesting exercise to see if the sales figures confirm what the realtors have been telling us throughout the year. This year it absolutely has,” he said. “The market has recovered from the downturn of 2010 and is now way beyond the previous peak.” He said rising demand and rising prices on Seven Mile Beach were largely a reflection of the strength of the U.S. economy, but the ripple effect is starting to be seen in other sections of the market. Land values rose in Savannah, an enclave of mostly mid-range residential development, for the first time in a decade, the report shows.

“The market is booming without a doubt,” Mr. Watson added. “We obviously have to keep an eye on the situation in the U.S., but I can’t see any huge red flags on the horizon right now.” The report indicates there were 1,857 property transfers in 2018, a 9-percent increase on the year before. The total value of those sales was just over $800 million, up 18 percent from $679 million the previous year. The highest single value sale was the $45.7-million purchase of a 2.8 acre piece of land fronting Seven Mile Beach. The site is being developed into a luxury, 10-story condo complex to be known as The WaterMark. The sale of the Holiday Inn to a Chicago-based developer for $15.6 million was the next biggest deal on the books. The CIBC Financial Centre in George Town sold for $8.36 million in the third highest value sale of the year. In the residential market, the biggest sales involved major resort properties. An 8,000 square-foot property at The Ritz-Carlton residences sold for $8.15 million, while two properties at the Seafire Residences, next to the Kimpton, sold for $5.83 million and $5.33 million, respectively.

Opposition demands new election in St. Kitts Five defeated candidates of the main opposition St KittsNevis Labour Party (SKNLP) have filed petitions in the High Court challenging the results of the June 5 general elections in the twin island Federation. “The petitions allege massive corruption in the elections, massive corruption, and I ask everybody when it is published in the newspapers to read them carefully,” said attorney Sylvester Anthony after filing the petitions late Friday. SKNLP leader, Dr Denzil L Douglas later told supporters that the party’s agents had reported that there had been massive cheating in the conduct of the general elections held during a State of Emergency and COVID-19 conditions. “These are serious matters that we believe could have affected the outcome of the election and thus we are asking the court to look at the evidence, to look at the petitions of our candidates and determine whether or not those who were returned were fairly and justifiably returned, and if not, quash the returns of the Returning Officers and if we do not have our candidates appointed instead, then we would have a new election,” Douglas said.

Dr. Denzil Douglas He told supporters that the government headed by Harris “is illegal, it is illegitimate, so we are asking for new elections, fair elections to elect the members of our Parliament. “We also want to make it clear, that there were really no serious observers during the elections, they did not want any international election observers to monitor the elections, because Harris told them (OAS and Commonwealth) observers that if they came they would have to be quarantined for 14 days and by that time the elections would have been long gone,” Douglas told the supporters. Douglas insisted that the June 5 elections “were fraudulent, the government is illegal and we want fresh elections in this country”.

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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


America ‘going in wrong direction’ in coronavirus outbreak, says Fauci

The U.S. is “going in the wrong direction” with the coronavirus surging badly enough that Dr. Anthony Fauci told senators Tuesday some regions are putting the entire country at risk — just as schools and colleges are wrestling with how to safely reopen. With about 40,000 new cases being reported a day, Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, said he “would not be surprised if we go up to 100,000 a day if this does not turn around.” “I am very concerned,” he told a hearing of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee. Infections are rising rapidly mostly in parts of the West and South, and Fauci and other public health experts said Americans everywhere will have to start following key recommendations if they want to get back to more normal activities like going to school. “We’ve got to get the message out that we are all in this together,” by wearing masks in public and keeping out of crowds, said Fauci, infectious disease chief at

the National Institutes of Health. Connect the dots, he told senators: When and how school buildings can reopen will vary depending on how widely the coronavirus is spreading locally. “I feel very strongly we need to do whatever we can to get the children back to school,” he said. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention plans more guidelines for local school systems, Director Robert Redfield said. But in recommendations for colleges released Tuesday, the agency said it won’t recommend entry testing for all returning students, faculty and staff. It’s not clear if that kind of broad-stroke testing would reduce spread of the coronavirus, CDC concluded. Instead, it urged colleges to focus on containing outbreaks and exposures as students return. Lawmakers also pressed for what Sen. Patty Murray of Washington, the committee’s top Democrat, called a national vaccine plan — to be sure the race for the COVID-19 vaccine ends with shots that really are safe, truly protect and

Man arrested over toppling of statue English slave trader

The statue of 17th century slave trader Edward Colston falls into the water after protesters pulled it down and pushed into the docks, during a protest against racial inequality in the aftermath of the death in Minneapolis police custody of George Floyd, in Bristol, Britain, June 7, 2020. British police said they had arrested a man over the toppling of a statue of a 17th Century slave trader last month, an incident which sparked a major debate about Britain’s imperial past. Anti-racism protesters demonstrating in the port city of Bristol in western England in the wake of the killing of George Floyd in the United States pulled down the statue of Edward Colston and threw it into the harbour. “A 24-year-old man was ... arrested on suspicion of criminal damage and has since been released under investigation,” Avon and Somerset Police said in a statement. Colston had made a fortune from trading in West African slaves and his statue had long been a contentious issue in Bristol. The memorial has since been retrieved from the water, and the mayor said it would displayed in a museum alongside Black Lives Matter placards. After the incident, Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s spokesman said he understood people’s strong feelings on the issue but removing the statue was a criminal act.

are available to all Americans who want, one. “We can’t take for granted this process will be free of political influence,” Murray said. She cited how President Donald Trump promoted a malaria drug as a COVID-19 treatment that ultimately was found to be risky and ineffective. The Food and Drug Administration released guidelines Tuesday saying any vaccine that wins approval will have to be at 50% more effective than a dummy shot in the final, required testing. That’s less effective than many of today’s vaccines but independent experts say that would be a good start against the virus. FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn said vaccine makers also must test their shots in diverse populations, including minorities, the elderly, pregnant women and those with chronic health problems. “We will not cut corners in our decision-making,” Hahn told senators. About 15 vaccine candidates are in various stages of human testing worldwide but the largest

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, testifies before a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, June 30, 2020. studies -- including 30,000 people each -- needed to prove if a shot really protects are set to begin in July. First up is expected to be a vaccine created by the NIH and Moderna Inc., followed closely by an Oxford University candidate. But a vaccine is at the very least many months away. For now, the committee’s leading Republican stressed wearing a mask -- and said Trump, who notoriously shuns them, needs to start because politics is getting in the way of protecting the American people. his lead,” Alexander said. “The stakes are too high” to continue that fight.

EU excludes United States from ‘safe’ travel list

The European Union has excluded the United States from its initial “safe list” of countries from which the bloc will allow non-essential travel from Wednesday. The 27-member bloc gave majority approval on Tuesday to leisure or business travel from 14 countries beyond its borders, the Council of the EU, which represents EU governments. The countries are Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia and Uruguay. China has also been provisionally approved, although travel would only open up if Chinese authorities also allowed in EU visitors. Reciprocity is a condition of being on the list. Russia, Brazil and Turkey, along with the United States, are among countries whose containment of the virus is considered worse than the EU average, and so will have to wait at least two weeks for approval. The move is aimed at supporting the EU travel industry and tourist destinations, particularly countries in southern Europe hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. It acts as a

A passenger wearing a protective face mask walks at Fiumicino Airport. recommendation to EU members, meaning they could potentially set restrictions on those entering from the 14 nations. Within hours of the EU announcement, Italy, which has one of the highest COVID death tolls in the world, said it would opt out and keep quarantine restrictions in place for all nations that were not part of the free-travel Schengen area. Canada said it was extending its mandatory quarantine order for travellers until at the least the end of August and a travel ban for most foreigners until the end of July. The EU’s efforts to reopen

internal borders, particularly within the 26-nation Schengen area which normally has no frontier checks, have been patchy as various countries have restricted access for certain visitors. Nicholas Calio who heads an U.S. airline trade group representing Delta Air Lines, American Airlines, United Airlines and others, said the U.S. government and EU had discussed potential enhanced screening of EUbound Americans in recent days. He said he is hopeful that “at least on a limited basis” some American travel to the EU could resume soon.

JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


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Former Atlanta officer charged with murder granted $500,000 bail A Georgia judge on Tuesday said she would allow a former Atlanta police officer charged with shooting a Black man in the back to put up a $500,000 bond to get out of jail while awaiting trial for a killing that touched off days of protests. Garret Rolfe, 27, is charged with felony murder and 10 other offenses in the June 12 shooting of Rayshard Brooks at a Wendy’s parking lot in south Atlanta. At a hearing, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Jane Barwick said she would allow Rolfe to be freed from jail while awaiting trial because she did not believe the former officer was a danger to the community or a flight risk. Brooks’ death exacerbated

tensions around the United States Miller, asked the court to deny bond, over police brutality and racism saying she would not feel safe with stoked by the killing of George Floyd the former officer free. in police custody in Minneapolis on “My life is completely turned May 25. upside-down since this happened,” Surveillance and cellphone she said. “I say no to it. I say no video of the Atlanta shooting was because mentally I’m not able to widely viewed on social media, handle it. I don’t feel safe with him triggering sometimes violent out there.” demonstrations and the burning of In a motion before the court, the fast-food restaurant where the Rolfe’s attorneys said they intended killing unfolded. to present strong evidence in his Barwick granted bond with defense, asserting the former officer a number of conditions. Rolfe will was legally justified in using deadly have to wear an ankle monitor, force because he was acting in selfhave no contact with Atlanta police defense. officers or witnesses, and obey a Before the deadly encounter, curfew. Brooks was found sleeping in his car Before the judge announced in the Wendy’s drive-through, and her decision, Brooks’ widow, Tomika failed a sobriety test. He then tussled

Meghan felt ‘unprotected’ by UK royal family while pregnant: court papers Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, felt “unprotected” by the British royal family while she was pregnant with her son Archie, according to London High Court documents filed as part of her legal action against a tabloid newspaper. Meghan, wife of Queen Elizabeth’s grandson Prince Harry, is suing publisher Associated Newspapers over articles its Mail on Sunday newspaper printed last year which included parts of a handwritten letter she had sent to her estranged father, Thomas Markle, in August 2018. Markle and his daughter have not spoken since he pulled out of appearing at her wedding to Harry in May 2018 after undergoing heart surgery and following news he had staged photos with a paparazzi photographer. The Mail justified publishing the letter by saying five unnamed friends of Meghan, who gave birth to Archie in May 2019, had put her version of events in interviews with the U.S. magazine People. Her legal team say it was

untrue she had authorised or arranged for her friends to tell People about the letter. “The Claimant had become the subject of a large number of false and damaging articles by the UK tabloid media, specifically by the Defendant, which caused tremendous emotional distress and damage to her mental health,” her lawyers said in a submission to the High Court. “As her friends had never seen her in this state before, they were rightly concerned for her welfare, specifically as she was pregnant, unprotected by the Institution, and prohibited from defending herself.” The couple are now living in Los Angeles after stepping down from royal duties at the end of March. Harry said he had fallen out with his elder brother, Prince William, and Meghan has spoken of a lack of support when pregnant and as a new mother. They have also said media intrusion, and what they believe are some newspapers’ racist coverage towards Meghan, whose mother is African-

Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex American and father is white, were behind their decision. The trial for Meghan’s case is not expected this year. But in May, the judge rejected part of her claim that the paper had acted dishonestly and stoked the rift with her father. On Wednesday, Harry said he regretted racism was “still endemic” in society in comments for The Diana Award, established in memory of his late mother, Princess Diana, who was killed in a car crash in 1997 while fleeing paparazzi.

Factbox: Who can travel to Europe from Wednesday? The European Union two weeks. The EU average is plans to open its borders to non- around 16. essential travelers such as tourists The figures for the United and most business people from States, Mexico, Brazil and much a limited number of countries of Latin America, Russia, South outside the bloc from July 1. Africa, Saudi Arabia and Turkey The 27 EU governments are too high, according to data agreed on an initial “safe list” of from the European Centre for 14 countries, which excludes the Disease Prevention and Control. United States, Brazil, Russia and As well having a stable Turkey. or decreasing trend of new infections, countries must have WHO IS ON THE LIST, AND WHY? sufficient testing, contact tracing, containment and treatment Algeria, Australia, Canada, capabilities to deal with the Georgia, Japan, Montenegro, pandemic and containment Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, measures in place for all journeys. Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, They also need to satisfy Tunisia, Uruguay are on the list. the European Union that their China will be included if it lets in data is available and reliable. EU visitors because reciprocity is a Simply having no reported cases, condition. as is the case with Tanzania, The EU considers those Turkmenistan and Laos, is not countries to have similar or enough. better control of the COVID-19 pandemic as the bloc itself, based WHERE CAN THEY GO? on the number of cases per 100,000 people in the previous Travellers from the “safe

list” countries will potentially be able to go to Europe and then travel freely throughout the Schengen area, which includes 22 EU countries, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. The list will be reviewed every two weeks to add some countries and remove others. It is only a recommendation to EU members, who can still impose some travel restrictions. The idea at least is that they should not open up to other countries. WHAT ABOUT BRITAIN? Although the EU wants to work on the basis of reciprocity, Britain, which is no longer an EU member, is an exception. It enforces 14 days of self-isolation on all non-essential travellers, but its residents have been free since mid-June to travel to many, but not all, EU countries.

with Rolfe and another police officer, wrested away one of their Taser stun guns and ran, officials said. He appeared to fire the Taser toward the officers, and was then shot twice in the back, with one bullet piercing his heart as he fled. Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard has pursued the case aggressively, arguing that Brooks was not a threat. Rolfe was fired and has been held at the Gwinnett County jail, but will be released once bail is posted. A second officer, Devin Brosnan, 26, was placed on administrative duty and charged with aggravated assault. The city’s police chief resigned after the incident.

China passes sweeping HK security law, heralding authoritarian era

Police officers ask people to leave during a protest after China’s parliament passes a national security law for Hong Kong, in Hong Kong, China June 30, 2020. Beijing on Tuesday unveiled new national security laws for Hong Kong that will punish crimes of secession, subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces with up to life in prison, heralding a more authoritarian era for China’s freest city. As the law came into force, authorities were set to throw a security blanket across the heart of the city’s financial centre on Wednesday after activists vowed to defy a police ban and rally against the measures. Local media said up to 4,000 officers would be deployed to stamp out any protests. China’s parliament passed the detailed legislation earlier on Tuesday, giving Beijing sweeping powers and setting the stage for radical changes to the global financial hub’s way of life. Beijing had kept full details shrouded in secrecy, giving Hong Kong’s 7.5 million people no time to digest the complex legislation before it entered into force at 11 p.m. (1500 GMT) on June 30. The timing was seen as a symbolic humiliation for Britain, coming just an hour before the 23rd anniversary of when Hong Kong’s last colonial governor, Chris Patten, a staunch critic of the law, tearfully handed back Hong Kong to Chinese rule. Amid fears the law will crush the city’s freedoms, prominent activist Joshua Wong’s Demosisto and other pro-democracy groups said they would dissolve. “The punitive elements of the law are stupefying,” Simon Young, a law professor at the University of Hong Kong’s law school and a barrister, told Reuters. “Let us hope no one tries to test this law, for the consequences to the individual and the legal system will be irreparable.” The legislation pushes Beijing further along a collision course with the United States, Britain and other Western governments, which have said it erodes the high degree of autonomy the city was granted at its July 1, 1997, handover. Britain and some two dozen Western countries urged China to reconsider the law, saying Beijing must preserve the right to assembly and free press.

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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


‘Golden State Killer’ suspect pleads guilty to 13 murders, admits dozens of rapes An elderly ex-policeman confessed on Monday to being the violent serial prowler known as the “Golden State Killer,” pleading guilty to 13 murders and admitting to dozens of rapes and break-ins that terrorized California during the 1970s and ‘80s. Joseph James DeAngelo, 74, entered the pleas as part of a broader deal with prosecutors sparing him from a potential death sentence in return for his admission to all of the offenses he stood accused of - charged and uncharged - in 11 California counties. Under terms of the unusual plea agreement, approved by Superior Court Judge Michael Bowman at Monday’s hearing, DeAngelo faces life in prison without the possibility of parole rather than a potential death sentence. Prosecutors said the deal ensured that aging survivors and victims’ relatives lived to see the case resolved, sparing them further legal proceedings likely to have dragged on for 10 years. “The time for justice stands in front of us now,” said Amy Holliday, deputy district attorney for Sacramento County. The hearing was held in a Sacramento university ballroom,

rather than a courthouse, to allow for socially distanced seating amid the coronavirus pandemic. The defendant and his attorneys wore medical-style, clear plastic face shields. DeAngelo, dressed in orange jail garb, sat expressionless and slackjawed in a wheelchair throughout the seven-hour proceeding. He spoke in a weak, raspy voice only to give yes and no answers to procedural questions from the judge, and later to answer “guilty” when Bowman asked his plea to each of 13 counts of first-degree murder and kidnapping. He also replied “I admit” to dozens of allegations of rape, robbery, and other crimes as prosecutors took turns presenting “factual-basis” statements graphically detailing every murder, sexual assault and burglary with which DeAngelo was accused. His admissions encompassed a total of 161 uncharged crimes, prosecutors said. Prosecutors also revealed that on the day of his arrest, while alone in an interview room, DeAngelo was overheard having an animated conversation with himself, referring to an apparent alter ego named “Jerry,” whom he described as being “in my head” and compelling him to

“do those things.” ‘NOT AFRAID TO FACE HIM’ One of many surviving victims who attended the hearing, Kris Pedretti, said she felt satisfied with the outcome of DeAngelo’s plea, telling Reuters during a break, “I do think he is owning it.” Pedretti, who was 15 when sexually assaulted, said she and other survivors “want people to know that there’s hope and that we’re not afraid to face him.” DeAngelo’s arrest in 2018 capped more than 40 years of investigation that authorities finally solved through DNA evidence and data from commercial genealogy websites. The breakthrough came about two months after the case gained renewed national attention in the bestselling book, “I’ll Be Gone in the Dark.” A TV documentary series spawned by the book premiered by coincidence on HBO on Sunday. Besides the 13 murders and kidnappings, prosecutors said DeAngelo was tied to nearly 50 rapes and more than 120 home invasions - mostly in and around Sacramento, the eastern San Francisco Bay area and Southern California.

Car crashes deadlier as drivers speed during lockdowns Coronavirus lockdowns led to huge reductions in traffic and fewer car crashes this spring, but as drivers sped up on quieter roads, the collisions became deadlier in several cities, a Reuters analysis shows. In New York City, the ratio of fatal crashes to all collisions rose 167% in April from a year ago. The increase was 292% in Chicago and 65% in Boston. Across the ocean, in Madrid, Spain, the rate of fatal collisions was 470% higher. Even as traffic plummeted across the United States, roads became more lethal, with a 37% increase in fatality rates per miles driven in April, compared to the same month last year, the National Safety Council said this week. Last month, the group said in a statement that the lockdowns and reduced road congestion had created an “apparent open season on reckless driving.” In Britain, police documented instances of people driving at what they described as exceptionally high speeds of over 130 miles (209 km) per hour. In the U.S. state of Ohio, researchers found that while average speeds were up only slightly from March 28 to April 19 in Cleveland, Cincinnati and Columbus, the amount of extreme speeding increased dramatically. “The level of extreme speeding is really shocking,” said Harvey Miller, professor of geography and director of the Center for Urban and Regional Analysis at The Ohio State

Former police officer Joseph James DeAngelo Jr. speaks at the Sacramento County courtroom during a hearing on crimes attributed to the Golden State Killer, in Sacramento, California, U.S., June 29, 2020. The crime spree ran from 1975 to 1986 and began while DeAngelo was still a police officer. He served on two small-town departments during the 1970s. The suspect, whom authorities also nicknamed the “East Area Rapist” and the “Original Night Stalker,” was notorious for creeping into his victims’ bedrooms at night, tying them up, raping them, and stealing their valuables. Formal sentencing was set to begin on Aug. 17.

Biden: Confederate monuments belong in museums, not public squares

Democratic U.S. presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden puts his protective face mask back on after speaking and answering questions from reporters during a campaign event in Wilmington, Delaware, U.S., June 30, 2020

A cyclist rides up 7th Avenue past the West Village neighborhood as streets remain less busy due to the continuing outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden the Manhattan borough of New York U.S., May 5, 2020. Picture taken May 5, 2020 at on Tuesday said that Confederate monuments belong 4:48PM. in museums, not public squares, but that it is best to University. “What we’re seeing they were aware of the increased here — the fact that there’s less speeds and had deployed traffic and more speeding — I additional patrols. Data from think that’s evidence that traffic is traffic analytics company INRIX a great controller of speed.” shows speeds in New York City Similar increases in increased 44% from 28 miles (45 speeding have been reported in km) per hour in April last year to Australia, Belgium and Denmark, 41 miles (66 km) per hour this according to reports compiled by April. the European Transport Safety In London, nine people Council. died in traffic collisions in April, about the same as past years, LESSONS LEARNED according to data from Transport for London, a government body The road death toll, to be responsible for the city’s transport sure, has fallen as traffic ebbed in system. Collision counts are not many places. In New York City, yet available, but the number of collisions plummeted in April to fatalities remained steady even as 4,103 from 16,808 a year ago, a the number of miles traveled in 76% drop. During the same period the British capital declined 69% fatal collisions decreased from 20 from February to April, according to 13, a smaller 35% decrease. But to data provided by INRIX, which the number of fatal collisions per collects information on traffic 1,000 crashes increased from 1.2 and speed from fleet trucks, per 1,000 crashes to 3.2 per 1,000 car manufacturers, GPS, loop crashes. detectors, parking meters and Police in New York said other sources.

remove them peacefully. “Don’t be surprised if someone pulls down the statue of Jefferson Davis,” Biden said, referring to the president of the short-lived, pro-slavery Confederate States of America in the 19th century. “It’s better that they do not. ... It’s always better to do it peacefully,” the former vice president said. Speaking to reporters in his home state of Delaware, Biden said elected officials in places where such statues exist have a “responsibility” to move them to a more suitable place, like a museum, where people can learn their history. Biden’s opponent in the Nov. 3 election, Republican President Donald Trump, has blasted efforts by demonstrators to topple monuments celebrating historical figures they view as racist. Biden has accused Trump of stoking racial tensions in response to protests that have swept the country following the death of George Floyd, the Black man who died in Minneapolis in May under the knee of a white police officer. Mississippi lawmakers voted on Sunday to remove a Confederate emblem from their flag, an approach that Biden called “the better way to do it” than a forceful removal. “But I can understand the anger and anguish that people feel,” Biden said, over “systemic racism.”

JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


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OPEN JOB POSITION DATE OPEN: July 02, 2020 START DATE: ASAP POSITION: Kids Town Counselor PROPERTY: West Bay Club Job Overview: The Kids Town Counselor is responsible for leading and implementing different programs and experiences for children in an individual and small group setting. They will also be responsible for the general safety and entertainment of the participants in his/her group. The candidate will provide high quality outdoor educational and recreational experiences for participants that focus on during their time spent at the Kids Town. Shifts varies. Full time. Weekend and holiday work may be required. Qualifications: •Ability to lead, plan, organize, and implement program activities. •Ability to work as a member of a team and the ability to accomplish tasks with little direct supervision. •Strong organizational and communication skills. Physical Demands: •Must have the physical ability to lead and participate in camp activities which include, but are not limited to, watersport activities, swimming, team building initiatives and physical games •Must have the ability to restrain and physically support children when needed for safety in general activities This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $8.50 - $9.00 per hour DATE OPEN: July 02, 2020 POSITION: Carpenter


PROPERTY: West Bay Club

Job Overview: A finishing carpenter’s main responsibilities would be to add more detailed components and artistry to wood projects being worked on by the Engineering Department. They would be responsible for ensuring that the all carpentry projects meet the standards of the organization and adhere to a strict health and safety codes and regulations. Responsibilities: •Responsible for repairing all types of wooden furniture and cabinets •Able to maintain cabinet hardware and replace them as needed •Can build other wooden structures (e.g. umbrella and shoe racks; garbage bins; temporary and permanent assets etc.) Requirements: •A minimum of 5 years’ experience as a carpenter or cabinet maker •A minimum of an undergraduate degree in Engineering or an equivalent of vocational training •Hotel industry experience preferred •Ability to work independently as well as on a team •Must be creative and able to think outside of the traditional box •Must be able to communicate efficiently, both written and verbally, in English

This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $10.00 - $10.50 DATE OPEN: July 02, 2020


POSITION: Kitchen Steward PROPERTY: West Bay Club Job Overview: Transport and clean cooking utensils and service ware in order to provide cooks, bus persons and food and food servers with appropriate equipment for guests’ dining experience, also clean physical surroundings while caring enough to do it well by adhering to the hotel standards, A few of their duties would entail promptly and carefully sorting soiled ware so that it can be put through the dish or pot machine properly; quickly washing ware and replacing them in storage areas as designated and ensuring the dish machine is properly cleaned and filled with water per hotel standards. Shifts varies. Full time. Weekend and holiday work may be required. This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $8.00 - $8.50 per hour DATE OPEN: July 02, 2020 POSITION: Plumber


PROPERTY: West Bay Club

Job Requirements: Engineering course, undergraduate or vocational school graduate with good verbal and written communication skills. Must have at least 7 years work experience in engineering/ plumbing equipment operations and maintenance gained in hospitality or other industries. •Working knowledge of mechanical equipment and plumbing trouble shooting •Working knowledge of swimming pool operation and water chemistry •Working knowledge of sewage treatment plant operation and maintenance •Knowledge of computers and its peripherals •Planning and executing preventative maintenance of suites and equipment within •Knowledge of Operational Health and Safety Standards •Knowledge of industry storekeeping procedures •Must be computer literate and technology savvy, particularly for ordering and follow up processes •Must be familiar with electrical, plumbing and mechanical parts This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $35,000 - $45,000 per annum Interested persons can contact our Human Resources Department no later than July 7, 2020 @ (649) 946-5050 Ext. 1020 Email: humanresources@gracebayclub.com Fax: (649) 946-5758 P.O. Box 128 Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies

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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


GOVERNMENT VACANCIES (APPLICATION DEADLINE: 10TH JULY 2020) JOB REFERENCE NO: CBB1-20-28 JOB TITLE: Registrar of Lands MINISTRY: Attorney General Chambers DEPARTMENT: Land Registry LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 9.5: $68,982.50 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: The Land Registry is created under the Registered Land Ordinance, as such the Registrar of Lands is a creature of statute responsible for the administration of the Land Registry in accordance with the Ordinance. JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB2A-20-2 JOB TITLE: Deputy Attorney General MINISTRY: Attorney General Chambers LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: $106,395.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: This managerial position has system wide responsibility for the efficient administration of the Attorney General’s Chambers and resolution of complex legal matters arising in the area of or connected with the Public Service, civil litigation (including Judicial Review) and International Mutual Legal Assistance. JOB REFERENCE NO: CBB1-20-32 JOB TITLE: Chief Valuation Officer MINISTRY: Attorney General Chambers DEPARTMENT: Valuation Department LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 9.1: $59,552.50 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: This is a senior managerial position with national responsibility for shaping the land development, acquisition, disposal, and valuation policy of the TCI. JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB2A-20-4 JOB TITLE: Threat Lead – National Security MINISTRY: National Security Secretariat LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 10.1- $73,185.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: The National Security Secretariat is a critical and growing unit, designed to identify and focus effort on those issues that threaten the security of the Turks and Caicos Islands JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB2A-20-5 JOB TITLE: Senior Administrative Officer MINISTRY: National Security Secretariat LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415.00 JOB SUMMARY: This is a senior administrative position, which has responsibility for the smooth operation of administrative functions in the office and provides support in resource management of finances, human resources, facilities and purchasing. JOB REFERENCE NO: APB2A-20-6, APB2A-20-8, APB2A-20-9, APB2A-20-14 JOB TITLE: Head of Section – Construction Technology, Customer Service, Automotive, Cosmetology MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 7.1 - $41,205.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: The Head of Section is responsible for developing, implementing and maintaining systems to effect operational efficacy in admissions, registration training, assessment, certification as well as records management.

JOB REFERENCE NO: APB2A-20-10 JOB TITLE: Enterprise Supervisor MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8.1 - $51,147.50 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: Under the general direction of the Dean, Enterprise Supervisor manages the Training Based Enterprise to support the training programmes, internship and incubator by the provision of quality industry-based training opportunities, while ensuring the financial viability of its operation. JOB REFERENCE NO: APB2A-20-11 JOB TITLE: Assessment Monitoring Officer MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: Reporting to the Dean or Registrar, the Assessment Monitoring Officer is responsible for managing the administrative functions of all assessments for certification. JOB REFERENCE NO: APB2A-20-12 JOB TITLE: Training Supervisor MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum allowances JOB SUMMARY: The Training Supervisor is responsible for planning, organising, coordinating, leading and supervising training and development within the TVET Institute.. JOB REFERENCE NO: APB2A-20-13 JOB TITLE: Maintenance Supervisor MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: Reporting to the Dean of the institute, the job holder is responsible for the security and maintenance of the institution’s property, buildings, equipment, machinery and grounds in an environmentally friendly manner. JOB REFERENCE NO: APB2A-20-15 JOB TITLE: Financial Manager MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum JOB SUMMARY: Reporting to the Dean of the institute, the job holder is responsible for compliance with the TCI TVET Institute and TCI Public Service budgetary and financial policies such as revenue generation, cost containment and delivery of other budget targets. They will provide advice to the Dean and Heads of Department on financial matters and ensure that the financial and budgeting procedures and practices are appropriate.

For full details regarding this position please visit our website at https://www.gov.tc/government-vacancies Please note: (Applications that are not accompanied by all required supporting documents will not be processed). (APPLICATION DEADLINE: 17TH JULY 2020)

JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


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JOB REFERENCE NO: APB2A-20-16 JOB TITLE: Career Development Officer MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: TCI TVET Institution LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum JOB SUMMARY: Under the supervision of the Dean, the job holder is responsible for the coordination, implementation and administration of counselling programmes to facilitate the psychological, social, emotional and career development of learners. JOB REFERENCE NO: JOB TITLE: MINISTRY: DEPARTMENT: LOCATION: SALARY:

APB1-20-17 Administrative Officer Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services & TCI TVET Institution Providenciales Grade 5.1 - $26,650.00

JOB SUMMARY: This is an administrative position, which has responsibility for the smooth operation of administrative functions in the office and for dealing with information that is sensitive and/or confidential. For full details regarding this position please visit our website at https://www.gov.tc/government-vacancies Please note: (Applications that are not accompanied by all required supporting documents will not be processed).


Grand Turk $106,395.00 per annum plus allowances

JOB SUMMARY: This managerial position has system wide responsibility for the efficient administration of the Attorney General’s Chambers and resolution of complex legal matters arising in the area of or connected with the Public Service, civil litigation (including Judicial Review) and International Mutual Legal Assistance. JOB REFERENCE NO: APB2A-20-18 JOB TITLE: Director MINISTRY: Governor’s Office LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: $85,000.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: To provide executive support to the Governor of TCI and to provide the critical interface between the Governor’s Office and the TCIG, Institutions of Good Governance, TCI business organisations, Non-Government Organisations, and, in due course to the Legislative Assembly and Cabinet. JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB2A-20-19 JOB TITLE: Superintendent of Prisons MINISTRY: Home Affairs, Transportation and Public Utilities DEPARTMENT: Her Majesty’s Prison LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 10 - $73,185.00 per annum and Allowances


JOB SUMMARY: The Superintendent of Prisons has national responsibility for the effective management of Her Majesty’s Prison Service in the Turks and Caicos Islands.


For full details regarding this position please visit our website at https://www.gov.tc/government-vacancies

JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB2A-20-2 JOB TITLE: Deputy Attorney General MINISTRY: Attorney General Chambers

Please note: (Applications that are not accompanied by all required supporting documents will not be processed). (APPLICATION DEADLINE: 17TH JULY 2020)

BUILDING COORDINATOR REQUIRED For a large private family estate in Providenciales operated by Samuel Gillespie. This position requires the successful applicant to live on the employment premises to service the needs of a busy household. Job duties to include but are not limited to the following: •Overseeing on-going construction projects, general repairs to roofs and wooden structures on the premises •General electrical repairs to and maintenance of water pump, electronics, equipment and machinery •Maintenance of multiple pools (five) and hot tubs (two), including maintenance and repairs to pool pumps,filtersand proper application of pool chemicals •Contribute to verbal and written evaluations and communications as requested •Maintenance of building fixtures and fittings, Irrigation and landscaping systems •Responsibility for handling general custodial and maintenance emergencies The Property rents up to ten weeks a year, therefore, this position also requires supervisory and liaison skills with third party villa rental management staff and international guests during rentals. The On call 24/7 for emergency repairs during rentals. Applicant must have: •Excellent interpersonal and communication skills in English •Excellent carpentry and electrical skills •Ability to operate tools and machines common to the building trades •Knowledge and experience in maintaining hot tubs, pools, pool pumps and filters as well as proper application of pool chemicals •At least ten years’ in building maintenance for a large private family villa •A valid driving licence with a clean record and the ability to operate a manual shift, right-hand drive vehicle •A clean police record and the flexibility to work six days a week Salary is $2,136.75 per month. This advertisement is for a work permit renewal application. All suitably qualified TC Islanders are requested to submit resumes/portfolios via email to:contact@stanbrooks-law.com or delivery: Stanbrooks Law Third Floor Graceway House Providenciales

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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


1045 Leeward Highway Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands BWI Phone: 649-339-2277 Fax: 649-339-2286

Butterfield Motors Ltd is looking for an experienced applicant for the following position Automotive Electrical Mechanic Key Functions: Repair automobiles, trucks, buses, and other vehicles. Perform the duties of an Automotive Electrical Mechanic involved in the electrical and mechanical inspection, repair, fabrication, troubleshoot, building and maintaining. Suitable applicant must specialize in electrical auto mechanics. Have the ability to repair General Motors brand vehicles and other brands. Job Duties and Tasks: •Duties will include installing and repairing electrical wiring. •Diagnosing problems with vehicle electrical systems. •Repairing damaged electrical parts, and maintaining electrical equipment for vehicles. •Installing new vehicle wiring systems. •Installing and troubleshooting immobilizer and alarm systems. •Diagnosing electrical issues and proposing a course of action. •Providing service advisors with estimated time and cost for repairs. •Repairing and replacing faulty wiring or electrical systems. •Servicing of electrical automotive parts. •Mechanic coordinates activities of technicians conduct research and testing procedures and ensure the customer’s vehicle is fixed. •Plan work procedures, using charts, technical manuals, and experience. •Servicing, repairing, adjusting, and testing vehicles, engines and transmissions. •Examine vehicles to determine the extent of damage or malfunctions. •Analyzing information and evaluating results to choose the best solution and solve problems. •Test drive vehicles, and test components and systems, using equipment such as infrared engine analyzers, compression gauges, and computerized diagnostic devices. •Perform routine and scheduled maintenance services such as oil changes, lubrications, and tune-ups. •Repair manual and automatic transmissions. •Using computers and computer systems (including hardware and software) to program, write software, set up functions, enter data, or process information. •Estimating sizes, distances, and quantities; or determining time, costs, resources, or materials needed to perform a work activity. •Developing specific goals and plans to prioritize, organize, and accomplish your work. Keeping up-todate technically and applying new knowledge to the job. •Provide guidance and assistant to auto mechanics. •Reading and interpreting electrical and electronic circuit blueprints, diagrams, and schematics. •Advising management on continued use of unsuitable diagnostic equipment, appliances, and apparatus. •Performing day-to-day administrative tasks such as maintaining information files and processing paperwork.

•Complete all necessary documents, including vehicle records •Maintain cleanliness in areas of work Skills: •Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternatives to repair vehicles. •Identifying complex problems and reviewing related information to develop and evaluate options and implement solutions. •Performing routine maintenance on equipment and determining when and what kind of maintenance is needed. •Managing one’s own time and the time of others. Teaching others how to do necessary tasks. •Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one. •Bilingual (must be fluent in English) •Watching gauges, dials, or other indicators to make sure a machine is working properly. •Conductingtests and inspections of products, services, or processes to evaluate quality or performance. Qualifications: •Mechanical certification from an accredited institution. •Must have a valid Driver’s License. •Thorough knowledge of all vehicle repair aspects including, but not limited to Engine, Transmission, and Electrical among others. •10+ years’ experience in Automotive Repair, with a minimum of 5 years in Chevrolet Brand vehicles. •MechanicalKnowledge of machines and tools, including their designs, uses, repair, and maintenance. •Service assistant must have extensive practical experience in vehicle servicing and repairs, together with experience in supervising technicians and dealing with customers. •Proven work experience as an Auto Electrician. •Advanced knowledge of modern vehicular electrical systems and intricate electrical systems. •Ability to operate electrical diagnostic equipment. •Good communication skills. •Ability to work standing or in a crouched position for long periods. •Ability to distinguish subtle colour variation. •Proficiency with computers to input necessary data and communicate with management. •Experience with Customer and Personal Service. This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction. Competitive Salary commensurate with work experience and qualifications. All interested applicants should submit an updated resume by e-mailingcsmith@butterfieldmotorsltd.tc Employment Service Samuel Been Building Airport Road Providenciales

JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


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LIFE STYLE U.S. farmers scramble for help as COVID-19 scuttles immigrant workforce

A combine drives over stalks of soft red winter wheat during the harvest on a farm in Dixon, Illinois, July 16, 2013 The novel coronavirus delayed the arrival of seasonal immigrants who normally help harvest U.S. wheat, leaving farmers to depend on high school students, school bus drivers, laid-off oilfield workers and others to run machines that bring in the crop. As combines work their way north from the Southern Plains of Texas and Oklahoma, farmers and harvesting companies are having a hard time finding and keeping workers. Any delays in the harvest could send wheat prices higher and cause a scramble to secure supplies to make bread and pasta. The United States is the world’s No. 3 exporter of wheat, a crop in high demand during the pandemic. A sustained labor shortage could impact the soy and corn harvests that start in September. Harvesting companies and farmers interviewed by Reuters said their new U.S. employees have required more training and quit at higher rates than usual, as the combines head north and begin to bring in other major export crops. While grain harvests are more automated than the labor-intensive fruit and vegetable industries, they are not immune to labor shortages. Josh Beckley of Beckley Harvesting Inc, based in Atwood, Kansas, typically counts on migrants for about 30% of his workers. The most common visa for migrant agriculture workers is the H-2A, which allows workers to stay in the United States for months at a time to work on farms. This year, Beckley had no foreign laborers on his crew. He has struggled to find replacement workers, with many Americans unwilling to sign up for months of traveling through the U.S. farm belt. “They called back and said, ‘Hey man, I just don’t think I should leave home with all this stuff going on,’” he said. Farmers, who have been loyal supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump, have grown more reliant on immigrant labor in recent years. The Trump administration continues to issue agriculture visas while clamping down on tech workers, students and other groups. Custom harvesters, or companies hired to gather crops by small-scale farmers who do not own their own equipment, also employ migrants. They roll up to a thousand combines across the U.S. Great Plains and Midwest at harvest time, handling about 30% of the U.S. wheat crop. The harvest crews follow a trail that begins in south Texas and winds its way up the bread basket of the United States to the Canadian border. The number of H-2A visas granted for agriculture equipment operators rose to 10,798 from October through March, the typical hiring period for harvesters looking for a labor force that starts cutting wheat in May. That was up 49% from a year earlier, according to the U.S. Labor Department. But many of those workers were unable to make it to the United States by the time the harvesters set off on their annual trek, according to eight harvesting companies and farmers interviewed by Reuters. Travel restrictions, tighter border controls and virus fears around the globe led to delays in workers getting out of their home countries.

Closing bars to stop coronavirus spread is backed by science Authorities are closing honky tonks, bars and other drinking establishments in some parts of the U.S. to stem the surge of COVID-19 infections — a move backed by sound science about risk factors that go beyond wearing or not wearing masks. In the words of one study, it comes down to the danger of “heavy breathing in close proximity.” Crowded indoor spaces filled with people yelling, leaning close to hear one another and touching the same sticky surfaces are “the opposite of social distancing,” said Dr. David Hamer of the Boston University School of Medicine. “Can you do social distancing at a bar? Can you wear a mask while drinking?” Hamer said. “Bars are the perfect place to break all those rules.” The rapid spread of a bar outbreak can swamp public health workers. In East Lansing, Michigan, an outbreak tied to a large brewpub near Michigan State University has spread to nearly 140 people in 12 counties, causing authorities to recruit nursing students and retirees to help with contact tracing. “In 12 days, we went from two identified cases to 128, and, honestly, I don’t have today’s numbers yet,” Ingham County health officer Linda Vail said Wednesday before cases shot up again. She described her outlook as “shocked and overwhelmed.” Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer responded by closing indoor seating in bars in parts of the state. Taverns will not have to close completely. They can sell to-go cocktails and keep outdoor patios open. In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom took similar action, ordering bars and indoor restaurant dining to close again for the next three weeks in most of the state. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio delayed the city’s resumption of indoor dining. Two other factors at play in bars make them potential

A bartender pours a beer for a customer at Shade Bar NYC in New York. virus flashpoints. Alcohol lowers inhibitions, so people forget precautions, said Natalie Dean, an infectious diseases expert at the University of Florida. Plus, the attractive, healthy person buying you a drink could be a silent carrier, shedding contagious virus with each breath. “Young people have less severe illness, so they may be infected and able to infect others inadvertently,” Dean said, noting outbreaks in Japan and South Korea associated with restaurants, bars and karaoke parties. In recent weeks, college towns across America have seen clusters of cases that have been traced back to bars. Bars and restaurants near the University of Iowa and Iowa State University closed only weeks after the governor allowed them to reopen. As of last week, 90% of cases in the county that is home to Kansas State University involved people ages 18 to 24. Health officials said most of them spent time in a bar and restaurant district known as “Aggieville.” Citing a similar spike, the Kansas county that includes the city of Lawrence and the University of Kansas also ordered bars and nightclubs to close beginning Friday for the next two weeks.

“Congregation at a bar, inside, is bad news,” Dr. Anthony Fauci told a Senate panel Tuesday. “We really have got to stop that.” Texas, Arizona, Los Angeles and some Pennsylvania counties are closing bars to slow the spread of the virus. Florida and Colorado have told bars they cannot serve alcohol on site. Most bar owners and employees feel that they have been unfairly singled out, particularly because restaurants are still open and serving alcohol. In Texas, bar owners said that on Friday after they were forced to close their doors, they noticed restaurants were still packed. “You can go into a restaurant and they have bars, and you can have as many drinks as you want,” said Nikki Forsberg, owner of the Old Ironhorse Saloon in Blanco, Texas. “It doesn’t seem fair. Restaurants get this pass and the bars don’t.” The bar’s manager, Tami Cooley, said although she did not wear a mask at work, she felt the tavern was taking every precaution to safely stay open. No one was allowed to drink or order at the bar, and tables were limited to six people. They closed for a few days after finding out one of the bartenders had been in contact with someone who tested positive for the virus.

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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


Kissing off menu as lockdown ends for Dutch sex workers Dutch sex workers welcomed customers back on Wednesday as the Netherlands further eased coronavirus measures, but they were advised to avoid heavy breathing and kissing to help reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19. Erotic dancers and prostitutes lost their main source of income for three-and-a-half months and generally did not have access to state support during lockdown. They were surprised when the government brought forward the date they could reopen from a tentative Sept. 1 to July 1. Amsterdam’s “Red Light” district, where thousands of tourists generally crowd the canals to see sex shows, erotic gift shops and prostitutes, has been deserted. Red Light United, which represents Amsterdam’s window prostitutes, had campaigned to get back to work as soon as possible, noting some sex workers still had to pay rent on their premises and lockdown was forcing them to work illegally, exposing them to greater risks.

“I am really looking forward to going back to work,” said Moira Mona, a 29-year-old sex worker who will perform at an S&M club this week. “The extra income is going to be welcome, so in that sense I am hoping for a busy day... although I don’t expect it to be as busy as before the corona crisis.” Sex workers already adhere to strict health safety regulations in the Netherlands, but the industry has compiled a list of recommendations, including sexual positions to avoid. Even with new guidelines, sex workers will be more exposed to the dangers of CODVID-19 than other professions, said Debbie Mensink, a public health advisor in Amsterdam. “There is a heightened risk. Sex workers already have a heightened health risk due to their line of work... because people get so close to each other.” Mona, however, said she is not worried and will take precautions. She added a few new items to her collection of latex outfits, stiletto heels and tasseled whips to adhere

to the protocol: a leather face cover with metal studs, black gloves and surgical face masks. `“I don’t get unemployment benefits if I get sick, so if someone shows up and starts coughing or sneezing in my hallway I’ll say ‘Can you come back another time?’ because if I am ill for a week that means a week without income.” Mona made some income during lockdown by doing webcam shows, but said that if the government-imposed measures had remained in place much longer she would have spent her entire savings. As the number of new infections and COVID-19 deaths fell fast in recent weeks, the Netherlands lifted most lockdown measures. The country has recorded more than 50,000 infections and over 6,000 deaths since mid-March. Despite the improved COVID-19 statistics, people are advised to keep 1.5 meters (nearly 5 feet) apart and must wear face masks while riding public transportation. Those rules won’t apply to sex workers and health authorities

A picture and its story: U.S. couple waves guns at anti-racism protesters For Reuters photographer Lawrence Bryant, the events of last Sunday in St. Louis, Missouri, will make him especially vigilant the next time he goes out to cover anti-racism protests that are sweeping the United States. In a series of dramatic pictures, Bryant captured a couple exiting their mansion carrying firearms which they waved towards the crowd, as they confronted demonstrators making their way to the mayor’s home nearby to demand her resignation. The images, taken at close range, have featured prominently on news websites and in newspapers since they were taken. Bryant, 45, recalled that on Sunday evening several hundred white and Black protesters walked through an open gate into the community where the couple - Mark McCloskey and his wife Patricia McCloskey - live. They were met by Mark McCloskey holding what looked like an automatic rifle and shouting “get out!” several times at the crowd. In photographs and video footage of the incident, he wore a pink shirt, beige trousers and his feet were bare. With places to take cover, Bryant said he was not overly worried at that point, even when the man appeared to cock his weapon. Then Patricia McCloskey appeared from the front of the house holding a handgun. Bryant quickly became more concerned. “She had her finger on the trigger and looked nervous and I became a little bit more worried, as there were kids out

Patricia McCloskey and her husband Mark McCloskey draw their firearms on protestors, including a man who holds a video camera and microphone, as they enter their neighborhood during a protest against St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson, in St. Louis, Missouri, U.S. June 28, 2020 there and she was sporadically pointing the gun at random people,” he recalled. “I just was trying to make frames. Trying to stay safe, trying to dodge the barrel of the gun and stay out of sight and out of line. I’m a big, Black man and I always have to pay attention to that anyway.” The McCloskeys have said they feared for their lives on Sunday and that protesters damaged a wrought-iron gate at an entrance to the wealthy neighbourhood. “Their actions were borne solely of fear and apprehension, the genesis of which was not race related. In fact, the agitators responsible for the trepidation were white,” their lawyer said in a statement sent to Reuters. “The McCloskeys want to make sure no one thinks less of Black Lives Matter (protest movement), its message and the means it is employing to get its message out because of the actions of a few white individuals who tarnished a peaceful protest.” Calls to phone numbers listed for the couple went unanswered,

and their lawyer declined to make them available for an interview. Kimberly Gardner, the city’s chief prosecutor, said she was alarmed by the videos and that her office was investigating. “We must protect the right to peacefully protest, and any attempt to chill it through intimidation or threat of deadly force will not be tolerated,” she said in a statement. The St. Louis confrontation has taken on added significance after President Donald Trump, who has already been accused by critics of stoking racial tensions in America, retweeted an ABC News video of the incident. He made no comment. Bryant said he was pleased with the pictures he took. On the one hand, he would have liked a longer lens to be able to zoom in on the man and the woman. On the other, the fact that he only had one camera with him meant he captured not just the McCloskeys, but also the protesters around them.

Sex worker Moira Mona gestures at her studio where she creates videos near Amsterdam, Netherlands June 30, 2020. recommend avoiding face-to-face encounters. “We advise against literally getting in each others’ faces, where you can breathe in each others’ warm breath,” said Mensink, the health worker. “We also advise against kissing because saliva carries the virus and you could transfer it that way.”

Pepperoni swastika shocks Ohio couple; two Little Caesars employees fired

A pizza with pepperonis arranged in the shape of the swastika is seen, in Middleburg Heights, Ohio, U.S., June 27, 2020 in this picture taken June 27, 2020 obtained from social media. When Misty Laska opened her takeaway pizza, the first thing she noticed was that it was not sliced. Then she and her husband saw that the pepperoni pieces had been arranged in the shape of a swastika. When they realised what it was, the couple, from Middleburg Heights, Ohio, were “just silent” she told Reuters after posting a picture on social media of the pizza, which she said came from Little Caesars. Extremely angered by the Nazi symbol, they had tried to return the pizza but got no response when they called the shop, which had closed. Little Caesars, the world’s third largest pizza chain, contacted them the following day to apologise. “We have zero tolerance for racism and discrimination in any form, and these franchise store employees were immediately terminated,” Little Caesars said in response to a request for comment. “This conduct is completely against our values.” Laska said the company had told her their employees had admitted to making the pizza as a joke and it was never supposed to be sold. Her husband Jason had bought the pizza, which had already been prepared, right before closing time. She said she felt firing the employees was not a satisfactory step given the severity of the ‘joke’, but was not sure what other action she and Jason could have taken. “This kind of hate being spread around and not taken seriously is why the world is becoming so divided,” she added. “In the climate today a gesture like such is completely unacceptable ... I hope the two responsible learn a valuable lesson from this. Spread love, not hate.”

JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020

South Side Seafood

Location: 26 Aviation Drive, South Side Plaza, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Labourer To ensure premises is clean and maintain, dispose of garbage and any other duties as necessary Salary is $6.25 per hour To work 5 days a week Please Contact: 231-6318 This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Belongers must submit their application to the Labour Board


Glamour Girl

Sharol Newman Location: Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Domestic Worker Must be able to do general cleaning, honest and trustworthy To work five days a week, Monday to Friday, 4 hours per week Salary is $600.00 per month Please Contact: Sharol Newman at 1(649) 231-1458 This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



Renarda Williams

Location: South Dock, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Labourer To ensure premises is clean and maintain, dispose of garbage and any other duties as necessary To work 5 days a week Salary is $6.25 per hour Please Contact: 431-7820 This position is currently held by Work Permit Holder Interested Belongers must submit their application to the Labour Board



Page 47

North Caicos Contracting Ltd.

Mrs. Mellisa Rolle-Ariza

Location: North Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a New Vacancy: Carpenter Reports to: Project Manager Duties include: Installing structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials Salary: $8.00 per hour Schedule: 6 days per week Must be able to work 7:00am to 3:00 pm or as so instructed by the Supervisor Please Contact North Caicos Contracting at: 946-7437 This position is new Interested Belongers must submit their application to the Labour Board

Location: Home in Breezy Brae, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking employment of Caretaker Hours of work: 8:00a.m to 5:00p.m. Monday-Friday (may work some holidays) Remuneration: $6.25 per hour Duties include: Care of three children to ensure baths and meals are prepared, general house chores, dishwashing, sweeping, cleaning Contact: 649-441-8054 or mrolle4@hotmail.com This position is currently held by a work permit holder Belongers are kindly asked to submit application to the Labour Department/Board

Basic Essentials

Calvert Robertson

SECURITY SERVICES NEEDED In Grand Turk Duties: Secures premises and personnel by patrolling property; monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry Salary $7.00 per hour To work 5 days per week Please Contact: 241-2518 This position is currently being held by a work permit holder Interest Turks & Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

Location: Grand Turk Is seeking PADI DIVE INSTRUCTOR Required The successful candidate will have: •MSTD PADI Master Dive Instructor certification •Mature and flexible attitude •Experience in a resort type environment, ideally in the Caribbean •Excellent written and spoke English •Excellent references Interested candidates should apply in writing with a cover letter and resume and references to info@bohioresort.com. This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Prospective applicants who are Islanders can send copies of their applications to the Labour Board

Location: #21 Elite Plaza, Airport Road, Providenciales, TCI Is seeking one (1) Cashier Duties: Welcoming customers, answering their questions, helping them locate items, and providing advice or recommendations. To work 7 days a week Salary is $6.50 per hour Please Contact: 331-3419 This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders are encouraged to send a copy of their application to the Labour Board

Location: #246 Tom Lightbourne Road, Blue Hills, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Domestic Worker To carry out Domestic duties around the house To work 5 days per week and sometimes on weekends Salary is $6.25 per hour Please Contact: 342-2927 This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Belongers must submit their application to the Labour Board

A2 Fashions




Faith Baptist Church

Location: Venetian Road, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Require a Multilingual Store Clerk Responsible for: Sales, record keeping, bank deposits, stock taking, assist with reordering Individual should also have a driver’s license and personal car as clients may require merchandise being shown off and outside store hours Must be able to work 40hours per week Salary is Minimum Wage Please Contact: 231-2358 Position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Applicants who are Turks and Caicos Islanders should also send copies of their application to the Labour Board

FISHERMAN NEEDED In Grand Turk Applicants must be able to fish, swim, clean and pack seafood products Salary $600 Bi-Weekly To work 6 days per week Please Contact: 243-5054 This position is currently being held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Belongers must submit their application to the Labour Board

Is seeking one Fisherman On the Island of South Caicos Pay is $300.00 per week Applicants must be able to fish, swim, clean and pack seafood products Must be able to work 5 days a week Please Contact 232 -3001 This positon is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders are encouraged to send a copy of their application to the Labour Board

DOMESTIC WORKER NEEDED In Grand Turk To carry out Domestic duties, must be able to do general cleaning Salary $6.25 per hour To work 5 days per week Please Contact: 232-6302 This position is currently being held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders are encouraged to send a copy of their application to the Labour Board

Location: Front Road, Blue Hills, Providenciales Is seeking a Pastor •Must have Ability to preach and teach the Saint Doctrine like Baptist. •Must be able to drive and to speak Haitian-Creole, French and English properly To work 6 days per week Salary $7.00 per hour Please Contact: 332-3516 341-3515 This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Applicants who are Turks and Caicos Islanders should also send copies of their application to the Labour Board #195268


Kevin Shalander


A & L TRUCKING/Lofton Morley

Location: Leeward Palms, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Seeking a Nanny-Housekeeper Duties: Attend to kids basic needs; general daily tidying of the home; once per week thorough cleaning; washing and ironing. Salary: $275/wk; 30 hrs/wk CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS IS JULY 24, 2020 Applications can be dropped off at Immigration Board, and/or emailed to kevinshalander954@ gmail.com This position is currently held by a Work-Permit Holder

Is seeking one Plumber On the Island of Providenciales Pay is base on commission Applicants must be able to install and repair toilet, sink, water heater, etc Please Contact 345 – 5556 Job is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Belongers must submit their application to the Labour Board

Location: 648 Blue Hills Road, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Is seeking: (1) Nail Technician - $7.50 per hour •Duties include basic manicures, artificial nails, gel nails, nail repair, nail wraps and nail polishing. Is seeking (1) Hairdresser - $7.50 per hour •Typical duties include shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, braiding, hair coloring, and weaving All persons must be able to work 6 days a week Nail Tech position is new and the Hairdresser position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Please Contact: 333-8814 Interest Turks & Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board #195260

Ronlee James

Address: Breezy Brae, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Mechanic Duties: High skill in Mechanic Auto, gasoline diesel, excellent knowledge of mechanical, electrical and electronic components of vehicles To work 5 days/week Salary: $500/bi-weekly Please Contact: 649-242-3875 This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Applicants who are Turks and Caicos Islanders can send a copy of their applications to the Labour Board

DOMESTIC WORKER NEEDED In Grand Turk Duties: Must be able to do general cleaning, honest and trustworthy Salary $6.75 per hour To work 6 days per week Please Contact: 245-5471 This position is currently being held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Belongers must submit their application to the Labour Board



Location: 121 South Dock Road, Apt # 6, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands SEEKS TRUCK DRIVERS Must have 8 years experience driving a tractor trailer Must be able to work on weekends & some nights when needed Must have a clean police record Salary $10.00 per hour Please Contact 331-4719 or 2465644 Two of these positions are new and two are currently held by Work Permit Holders Interest Turks & Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020




Airbus shedding 15,000 jobs, mostly in Europe

Battered by the coronavirus pandemic, European aircraft manufacturer Airbus said Tuesday that it must eliminate 15,000 jobs, mostly in Europe, to safeguard its future and warned of more thin years ahead. “With air traffic not expected to recover to pre-COVID levels before 2023 and potentially as late as 2025, Airbus now needs to take additional measures,” the company said in a statement. No later than the summer of 2021, Airbus wants to shed 5,000 workers in France, 5,100 in Germany, 1,700 in Britain, 900 in Spain and 1,300 others at facilities elsewhere. The total of 15,000 is more than 10% of its global workforce of 135,000 people. Airbus said it wants to start making the cuts within months, from this autumn. It will aim for voluntary departures and early retirements, but also said that compulsory job losses can’t be ruled out. It said is already consulting with unions. “The path to recovery will prove slow and fragile and a large

amount of uncertainty still lies ahead,” the company’s CEO, Guillaume Faury, said in a videotaped statement. “We must act now to safeguard Airbus and protect its future.” Airbus said its commercial aircraft business activity has plummeted by close to 40% as the pandemic has shut borders, brought mass tourism to a screeching halt and put airlines on their knees, thumping the European manufacturer and its rival Boeing. Airlines around the world are forecast to lose $84 billion this year, with revenue halved. Some have filed for bankruptcy or sought bailouts to survive the near-shutdown in their activity, and officials predict the industry will take years to recover. Visitors are seen at the booth of Airbus during the opening trade day of the Singapore Airshow Slashing the production 2020 in Singapore. of commercial aircraft and putting we have taken so far have enabled thousands of employees on furlough losses in the first quarter. bought Airbus time in the early stages “We need to act now, by adapting our us to absorb the initial shock of this global pandemic. Now, we must ensure of the crisis. But those measures weren’t workforce,” Faury said. “Airbus is facing the that we can sustain our enterprise and enough to keep Airbus viable longterm, Faury explained. Airbus reported gravest crisis this industry has ever emerge from the crisis as a healthy, 481 million euros ($515 million) in experienced,” he said. “The measures global aerospace leader.”

A pinch where it hurts: Can Facebook weather the ad boycott? On Wednesday, more than 500 companies officially kicked off an advertising boycott intended to pressure Facebook into taking a stronger stand against hate speech. CEO Mark Zuckerberg has agreed to meet with its organizers early next week. But whether Zuckerberg agrees to further tighten the social network’s carefully crafted rules probably boils down to a more fundamental question: Does Facebook need big brand advertisers more than the brands need Facebook? In a broad sense, the current boycott, which will last at least a month, is like nothing Facebook has experienced before. Following weeks of protests against police violence and racial injustice, major brands have for the first time joined together to protest still-prevalent hate speech on Facebook’s platforms by taking aim at the social network’s $70 billion in annual ad revenue. After years of piecemeal measures to address hate, abuse and misinformation on its service, Facebook’s critics hope that pinching the company where it hurts will push it toward more meaningful change. As of Wednesday, 530 companies have signed on — and that’s not counting businesses like Target and Starbucks, which have paused advertising but did not formally join the “Stop Hate for Profit” campaign, which calls its action a “pause” rather than a boycott.

“Many businesses told us how they had been ignored when asking Facebook for changes,” campaign organizers wrote in a letter to advertisers this week. “Together, we finally got Facebook’s attention.” But Facebook’s alreadytarnished public image may sustain more damage than its business. If the ad pause lasts one month, Citi Investment Research analyst Jason Bazinet estimates, the likely impact on Facebook’s stock will be $1 per share. Based on Wednesday’s closing price of $237.92, that’s a decline of less than half a percent. If the businesses extend their boycott indefinitely, Bazinet suggests the likely impact would be $17 a share, or about a 7% decline. That’s less than the 8% drop Facebook shares sustained on Friday after global consumer-products maker Unilever said it would pause advertising on Facebook and Instagram for the rest of the year. Also, Facebook shares have already bounced back from that dip. On Wednesday, Nick Clegg, Facebook’s vice president of global affairs and communications, tried to reassure businesses that Facebook “does not benefit from hate” and said the company has every incentive to remove hate speech from its service. He acknowledged that “many of our critics are angry about the inflammatory rhetoric

Netflix to spend about $100 million to support AfricanAmerican communities

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg speaks at the Paley Center in New York. President Trump has posted on our platform and others, and want us to be more aggressive in removing his speech.” Clegg, however, offered few concessions, and instead repeated Zuckerberg’s frequent talking point that “the only way to hold the powerful to account is ultimately through the ballot box.” He pointed to Facebook’s get-out-the-vote efforts as evidence of the company’s commitment, along with the billions of dollars, tens of thousands of content moderators and other investments it has made in trying to improve its platform. While Facebook is making efforts to hear out its critics, it remains clear that ultimate decisions will always rest with its founder and CEO, who holds the majority of the company’s voting shares and could effectively run the company for life, should he desire to. It’s not clear that he’ll see any reason to bend further to meet protesters’ demands.

The Netflix logo is seen on their office building in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, U.S. July 16, 2018. Netflix Inc will allocate 2%, or about $100 million, of its cash holdings to financial institutions and organizations that directly support African American communities in the United States, the streaming giant said on Tuesday. The company said here in a blog post it will start with $35 million, of which $25 million will be moved to a new fund, “Black Economic Development Initiative”, and $10 million will go to Hope Credit Union for creating opportunity in underserved communities. The move comes as U.S. companies face increasing pressure from investors, consumers and workers to take action against widespread racial inequality after the death of African American George Floyd in police custody. “This capital will fuel social mobility and prosperity in the low- and moderate-income communities these groups serve,” Netflix said on Tuesday. Earlier this month, Chief Executive Officer Reed Hastings donated here $1 million to think tank The Center for Policing Equity, which promotes police transparency and accountability through its research.

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Airbus set to announce thousands of job cuts

The logo of Airbus is pictured at the entrance of the Airbus facility in Bouguenais, near Nantes, France April 27, 2020. Airbus is set to announce on Tuesday a restructuring involving thousands of job cuts as it deals with the fallout from impact of the coronavirus crisis, union officials said, with some sources predicting some 15,000 jobs are to go. Airbus, which has said it will announce fresh action by the end of July after introducing temporary furloughs, declined to comment. Its shares rose 1%. Reuters reported on Monday that the company’s bigger-ever plan to shrink operations and staff was imminent. Industry sources have predicted between 14,000 and 20,000 job cuts, though it remains unclear how much will be achieved through early retirements in Airbus’s 135,000-strong workforce, heavily populated by veterans of its original A320 development. Two sources predicted job cuts of approximately 15,000 people, excluding an additional 2,000-3,000 jobs in defence. Unions oppose the cuts. “Airbus will announce measures that could have strong employment consequences,” CGT union official Xavier Petrachi said, adding the union would oppose outright redundancies. The health of the group is on the agenda for a European works council being held on Tuesday. The company will brief unions on the status of orders and aircraft cancellations as it prepares to keep production lower than previously planned for up to five years. Exceptional secrecy surrounds the politically sensitive restructuring affecting jobs in Britain, France, Germany and Spain, the company’s key backers in a fierce contest with U.S. rival Boeing for orders and industrial clout. Airbus is expected to juggle its response to the industry’s worst crisis with pressure to keep cuts to a minimum after France and Germany announced plans to support aerospace.

EasyJet looking to cut over 700 pilot jobs: union

Staff close the doors of a plane ready for departure, as EasyJet restarts its operations amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, at Gatwick Airport, in Gatwick, Britain June 15, 2020. British low cost airline easyJet (EZJ.L) has said that 727 of its UK-based pilots are at risk of redundancy, equivalent to about one-third of its pilots in the country, union BALPA said in a statement. The airline is proposing to close bases at London’s Stansted and Southend airports and at Newcastle in north east England, BALPA said, adding that it was shocked by the scale of the job cuts. EasyJet said in May it needed to cut 4,500 jobs to stay competitive after the coronavirus pandemic caused a travel market slump.

At least 126 killed as Myanmar jade mine collapse buries workers A landslide at a jade mine in northern Myanmar killed at least 126 people, with more feared dead, authorities said on Thursday, after a heap of mining waste collapsed into a lake and buried many workers under mud and water. The miners were collecting stones in the jaderich Hpakant area of Kachin state - the centre of Myanmar’s secretive jade industry - when the “muddy wave” crashed onto them, after heavy rain, the fire service department said in a Facebook post. By late afternoon rescue workers had recovered 126 bodies, the department said, but more were missing. “Other bodies are in the mud,” Tar Lin Maung, a local official with the information ministry, told Reuters by phone. “The numbers are going to rise.” Deadly landslides and other accidents are common in the poorly regulated mines of Hpakant, which draw impoverished workers from across Myanmar in search of gems mostly for export to China. But Thursday’s accident was the worst in over five years. About 100 people were killed in a 2015 collapse which strengthened calls to regulate the industry. Another 50 died in 2019. Many of those killed are freelance “jade pickers” who scour tailings - the residue from mining - for gemstones overlooked by larger operators. One good piece of jade, worth tens of thousands of dollars, could transform their lives. Video footage on social media showed frantic miners racing uphill to escape as a towering pile of black waste cascaded into a turquoise lake, churning up a tsunami-like

Rescue workers carry a dead body following a landslide at a mining site in Phakant, Kachin State City, Myanmar July 2, 2020, in this picture obtained from social media. wave of mud. had been hospitalized. Photos showed rows of A local official had dead bodies laid out on a hill, warned people not to go to the covered by tarpaulin. mine on Thursday because of In a statement posted the bad weather, she said. online on Thursday evening, “There’s no hope for the the armed forces commander-in- families to get compensation as chief, Senior General Min Aung they were freelance miners.” Hlaing, said military officers The government of would continue the rescue Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi efforts. pledged to clean up the industry when it took power in 2016, but ‘RUN, RUN’ activists say little has changed. Official sales of jade in Myanmar Maung Khaing, a were worth 671 million euros 38-year-old miner from the area ($750 million) in 2016-17, who witnessed the accident, said according to data published he was about to take a picture of by the government as part the precarious waste mound he of an Extractive Industries felt looked set to collapse when Transparency Initiative. people began shouting “run, But rights group Global run!” Witness says the trade is worth “Within a minute, all billions of dollars a year, funds it the people at the bottom (of the says fuel armed conflict between hill) just disappeared,” he told government troops and ethnic Reuters by phone. “I feel empty Kachin rebels fighting for greater in my heart. I still have goose autonomy for the region. bumps...There were people stuck In a statement, the in the mud shouting for help group called Thursday’s accident but no one could help them.” a “preventable tragedy” and said Than Hlaing, a member the Suu Kyi’s administration had of a local civil society group failed to implement promised helping in the aftermath of the reforms to curb “illicit and disaster, said those killed were rapacious mining practices”. A freelancers scavenging the waste government spokesman did not left by a larger mining firm. answer phone calls by Reuters She said about 100 seeking comment. people were still missing and 30

Microsoft to permanently close all physical stores

A Microsoft computer is among items displayed at a Microsoft store in suburban Boston. Microsoft said Friday it 72 stores in the U.S., and London, Sydney, Australia and is permanently closing nearly several others abroad where at the company’s headquarters all of its physical stores around it showcases and sells laptops in Redmond, Washington. the world. and other hardware. Friday’s All employees will have Like other retailers, announcement reflects what the opportunity to remain with the software and computing the company calls a “strategic the company, Microsoft said. giant had to temporarily change” for its retail business as Microsoft Corp. said close all of its stores in late sales increasingly shift online. the closures would result in a March due to the COVID-19 Microsoft said it would pretax charge of about $450 pandemic. According to its “reimagine” the physical spaces million, or 5 cents per share, website, Microsoft has 83 at its four high-profile Microsoft taken in the current quarter stores worldwide, including Experience Centers in New York, ending June 30.

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FIFA agree massive $1.5 billion COVID-19 relief plan

FIFA announced on Thursday that it had agreed a $1.5 billion relief plan to help deal with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global game. FIFA’s plan means world soccer’s governing body will dip into its reserves to provide national federations with a number of grants and interestfree loans to cope with budget hits. FIFA had already provided the immediate release of all funds from its ‘Forward’ projects and given the green light for such grants to be used for COVID-19 relief plans — with a minimum of 50% of released funds to be allocated to women’s football. The third stage of the plans, unanimously backed by the FIFA Council on Thursday, allows for a ‘universal solidarity grant’ of $1 million dollars to all national associations with an additional $500,000 specifically for women’s football. Each regional confederation will receive a grant of $2 million. FA’s will be able to apply for loans, amounting to up to 35% of their audited, annual revenues up to a maximum of $5 million with confederations able to request up to $4 million. “Both grants and loans

The logo of FIFA is seen in front of its headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland September 26, 2017. can be directed by member associations to the wider football community in their respective territories, including clubs, players, leagues, or others that have been affected by COVID,” said FIFA president Gianni Infantino. Infantino added that there would be strict controls on the use of funds, audit requirements, as well as clear loan repayment conditions. Olli Rehn, the deputy chairman of the FIFA Governance Committee, who is Governor of the Bank of Finland and a member of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank, will head a committee set up to administer the funds. The council also backed changes to the calendar to support confederations’ desires to extend international breaks

NBA to paint ‘Black Lives Matter’ on Disney courts The NBA’s plan to highlight socialjustice issues when play restarts reportedly will start from the ground up. The courts that will be used for games at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex near Orlando, Fla., will have “Black Lives Matter” painted on them, ESPN reported Monday. The NBA will use three arenas at the Disney site as 22 of the league’s 30 teams conclude the regular season beginning July 30. The National Basketball Players Association and the league have discussed methods to promote messages of equality and police reform since the death of George Floyd prompted nationwide and worldwide protests. NBPA president Chris Paul, an Oklahoma City Thunder guard, recently told ESPN that the players got permission from the league to wear words promoting social justice in place of their names on uniforms. “We’re just trying to continue to shed light on the different social justice issues that guys around our league continue to talk about day in and day out,” Paul said. “People are saying that social justice will be off of everybody’s mind in Orlando. With these jerseys, it doesn’t go away.” According to Paul, phrases such as “Black Lives Matter” or “I Can’t Breathe” or the names of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor or Ahmaud Arbery could be seen on uniforms. Taylor and Arbery were also killed in shootings this year.

to allow for fixture congestion and rearranged matches. Infantino said no decision has yet to be taken on the rescheduling of the new Club World Cup tournament which has been postponed from July 2021 due to the postponement of Euro 2020 and the Copa America. The council also gave the green light to a new panArab tournament to be played in 2021 in Qatar as a ‘test event’ for the 2022 World Cup. The invitational competition will be contested by Arab nations from Africa and Asia and feature home-based players only. The tournament will be held in from 1-18 December 2021 and be run by Qatar’s World Cup organising committee.

NBA: Nuggets shut down training center, Pelicans say three tested positive for COVID The Denver Nuggets closed their training facility over the weekend after two members of their party that was set to travel to Orlando for the season’s restart tested positive for COVID-19, a source close to the matter confirmed. The team’s 35-person party made up of players, coaches and staff was tested on Saturday. It was not immediately clear who tested positive but the facilities were closed as a precautionary measure. The team and the league did not comment on reports of the closure. Nuggets coach Michael Malone said this month that he had tested positive for the novel coronavirus in March, while center Nikola Jokic tested positive in Serbia last week. The New Orleans Pelicans said on Tuesday that three of their players had also tested positive for COVID-19. “They’re not in ‘quarantine’. They’re in selfisolation and they test daily,” Pelicans Executive Vice President David Griffin told reporters. “When they can have two negative tests – or rather tests that are good results for us – they can return to activity with the team.” Last week, the league said 16 of 302 players had tested positive for COVID-19 and were in selfisolation. NBA teams were set to travel on July 7 to Florida where the NBA plans to restart the suspended season on July 30 at Disney World, with all games, practices and housing at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex inside the Orlando resort. The Nuggets are third in the Western Conference standings, behind the Los Angeles Lakers and the Los Angeles Clippers, and they are scheduled to play the Miami Heat on Aug. 1 in their first game after the hiatus. The Pelicans, who had a 28-36 record before the season was suspended, will kick off the season restart July 30.

Paris and Eugene Diamond League meetings scrapped due to coronavirus This year’s Diamond League athletics meetings in Paris and Eugene have been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, organizers said on Friday. The organizers also confirmed the meeting at Gateshead in England, which was scheduled for Aug. 16, has been postponed. “Following the latest government announcements on the organization of major events in France, meeting organizers concluded that there is not enough time to organize a world-class international event in the French capital this year,” the Diamond League said in a statement. The event in Eugene, which was originally scheduled for Oct. 6, was scrapped as the state of Oregon currently has a ban of gatherings, including sporting events until at least the end of September. “The ban, combined with the expected long term

Ronnie Baker of the U.S. wins the men’s 100m ahead of France’s Jimmy Vicaut, Jamaica’s Yohan Blake and South Africa’s Akani Simbine. restrictions on international travel, make it impossible to host a world class track & field meet,” the statement said. The Diamond League has identified Sept. 12 as a possible alternate date for the Gateshead meeting but must wait before announcing confirmation due to British government guidelines and restrictions. Due to the growing number of countries affected by the COVID-19 virus, the Diamond League season could

not start as planned in Doha on April 17. Meetings have been since canceled in London, Rabat and Zurich - which was originally scheduled to host the season finale in September - while other events on the calendar were postponed due to the pandemic. British Athletics announced on Friday that the British Athletics Championships will take place on Sept. 4-5 behind closed doors at the Manchester Regional Arena.

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JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020

WORLD SPORTS FIFA bans former top official Kattner for 10 years

FIFA’s acting secretary general Markus Kattner attends a news conference after a meeting of the Executive Committee at FIFA’s headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland December 3, 2015. Soccer’s world governing body FIFA has banned Markus Kattner, a former leading official in the Zurich organisation, for 10 years and has fined him one million Swiss francs ($1.06 million) after a probe into bonus payments. “The adjudicatory chamber of the independent Ethics Committee has found Markus Kattner, former FIFA Deputy Secretary General and Acting Secretary General, guilty of conflicts of interest and having abused his position, in violation of the FIFA Code of Ethics,” FIFA said in a statement on Tuesday. “The investigation into Mr Kattner covered various charges concerning bonus payments in relation to FIFA competitions that were paid to top FIFA management officials (including Mr Kattner), various amendments to and extensions of employment contracts, reimbursement of private legal costs, and Mr Kattner’s duties as an official.” FIFA said in June, 2016, that an internal investigation revealed that Kattner, FIFA’s former Secretary General Jerome Valcke and the organisation’s ex-President Sepp Blatter had received 79 million Swiss francs ($81 million) in compensation over five years, calling them “massive payouts”. Blatter, who led FIFA from 1998 until 2015, was banned from football for six years in February 2016, while Valcke is banned until 2028.

Significant spread of COVID-19 in Orlando could halt NBA season, commissioner Silver says The NBA season could again be put on hold if there is a “significant spread” of COVID-19 among its players in Orlando, where the league is set to resume play on July 30 with no fans in attendance, commissioner Adam Silver said on Friday. The NBA was the first major North American league to suspend its season in NBA commissioner Adam mid-March after a player Silver during a pre match tested positive for the press conference novel coronavirus. It recently agreed a plan with its players to restart with 22 teams at Disney World in Florida. But if the number of cases inside the NBA’s so-called “bubble” rises, “that may lead us to stopping” play, Silver told ESPN. Silver said the record number of cases in Florida recently has raised the level of concern but added that the use of the campus - where players will live, practise and play - is designed to limit risk of exposure to the surrounding community. Silver’s remarks came on the same day the NBA reported that 16 out of 302 players tested for COVID-19 on June 23 had tested positive. The league did not disclose the identities of the players. Players are scheduled to begin traveling to Orlando on July 7 with tip-off set for July 30.

Patriots fined $1.1 million, lose draft pick over video incident

A truck belonging to the N.F.L. team the New England Patriots arrives at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center as it delivers 300,000 N95 masks that will help support health care workers on the front lines of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Manhattan, New York City, U.S., April 3, 2020. The New England Patriots will pay a $1.1 million fine and lose a third-round pick in the 2021 NFL Draft for their taping of the Cincinnati Bengals’ sideline last season, the league confirmed. Additionally, the Patriots production crew has been banned from filming games in the 2020 season. Senior team officials must undergo training about NFL operations and game policies, according to multiple reports. The videographer who filmed the Bengals’ sideline, David Mondillo, also was banned indefinitely from NFL facilities. The team previously fired Mondillo. The Patriots had not issued a statement as of Monday morning about the penalties,

though a spokesperson confirmed to ESPN that the team would not appeal. The taping incident occurred Dec. 8 as the Bengals played the Cleveland Browns, a week before the Patriots were scheduled to play Cincinnati. After suspicions were raised that the Patriots had violated an NFL rule, the league launched an investigation. The team issued a statement acknowledging a rules violation and saying a crew was in Cleveland to get film for a video story on an advance scout for the team’s “Do Your Job” video series. “The sole purpose of the filming was to provide an illustration of an advance scout at work on the road,’’ the Patriots’ statement said. “There was no intention of using the

footage for any other purpose.” The Patriots defeated the Bengals 34-13 a week later. The December incident raised comparisons to 2007’s “Spygate,” in which an investigation showed the New England staff illegally taped the signals of opposing coaches. Head coach Bill Belichick and the organization were fined a total of $750,000 and lost a first-round draft pick in 2008. News of the punishment emerged just minutes on Sunday after the Patriots agreed to a oneyear contract with former league MVP Cam Newton. The Carolina Panthers, who selected Newton with the No. 1 overall draft pick in 2011, released the quarterback in March.

NBA: Sixteen players in ‘self-isolation’ after testing positive for COVID-19 Sixteen NBA players tested positive for COVID-19, the league said on Friday, a little over a month before the 2020 season is set to resume in Florida on the same day the state reported a record of almost 9,000 new coronavirus cases in 24 hours. “Any player who tested positive will remain in self-isolation until he satisfies public health protocols for discontinuing isolation and has been cleared by a physician,” the National Basketball Association said in a statement. The 16 positive tests were out of 302 players tested on June 23. The league did not disclose the identities of the players. Jabari Parker and Alex Cleveland Cavaliers guard J.R. Smith (5) drives for the basket as Milwaukee Bucks Len of the Sacramento Kings forward Jabari Parker (12) defends during the first quarter at BMO Harris Bradley Center. and Indiana Pacers’ Malcolm Brogdon were confirmed on The NBA and its players’ would follow the traditional Wednesday to have tested union said on Friday that they post-season format and crown a positive, though it was not had approved plans to resume champion in October. immediately clear when their the season on July 30 at Disney Players would be living, tests took place. World in Florida. practicing and playing at the Kings forward Parker Under the plan, 22 of the Disney resort to minimize the said in a team statement that NBA’s 30 teams will play eight risk of exposure to the novel he had received the diagnosis seeding games to determine coronavirus. “several days ago.” a 16-team playoff field that

JULY 3RD, 2020 – JULY 10TH, 2020


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2020 NBA schedule debate: Best games, playoff races and NBA title favorites

After Friday’s release of the new 2020 NBA schedule, it’s time to look ahead at the games, players and teams that will be most compelling when the season resumes on July 30 at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando, Florida. Which playoff races are most important, which teams are the ones to watch and who are the new title favorites? Our experts answer the big questions, make their predictions after the unveiling of the schedule and break down what will happen inside the bubble. 1. What’s one game you’d circle on the calendar?

Kevin Pelton: Memphis Grizzlies vs New Orleans Pelicans on Aug. 3, the biggest swing game in the play-in matchup race. According to my simulations of the seeding games, New Orleans is the team with the best chance to pass Memphis for eighth, and doing so will almost certainly require winning this game. (Plus, you know, Zion vs. Ja.) Royce Young: Definitely the LA Clippers and Los Angeles Lakers on “opening night.” It’s a premier matchup with megastars, combined with the curiosity of how the restart will all look and feel. It’s going to be a can’t-miss game on the scale of a playoff showdown. Eric Woodyard: Grizzlies and Portland Trail Blazers on July 31. Ja Morant versus Damian Lillard will give us a fun point guard matchup involving a rising star and one of the game’s great manipulators. With both teams vying to secure the final playoff spot in the West, the first seeding game for each matters greatly. Ramona Shelburne: I almost want to throw out every game of the first week, just on principle. It’s bound to be fairly ragged after such a long layoff, and I know teams are going to want to ramp up carefully to avoid injuries. But I can’t see either team taking it easy in that Lakers-Clippers game on July 30. Not after all the smack talk that has gone on, all season, involving the Western Conference favorites. Andre Snellings: I want to see the Blazers play the Grizzlies. Behind the eighth-place Grizzlies and their electric Rookie of the Year favorite Morant, the Trail Blazers are extremely dangerous as the next team out. Portland has been the third seed in consecutive postseasons, was a Western Conference finalist last season and should get a big boost when big men Jusuf Nurkic and Zach Collins return from injuries. That matchup could easily be a preview of the play-in tournament, should have playoff intensity and features two of the more exciting point guards in the NBA. 2. Which West seeding race

will you be watching most closely?

two games of one another. Being the 6-seed means a team avoids a potential Bucks matchup until Young: Is it possible the East finals. With home-court for the Mavericks to bump the advantage no factor, the Sixers in Houston Rockets into a conference particular are a threat to make a quarterfinals matchup with the serious run through the playoffs if Clippers? They’re tied in the win healthy. column at 40, but the Mavs have Pelton: Not so much where three more losses than the Rockets. the Philadelphia 76ers are seeded Houston’s small-ball approach as who they face in the conference would benefit from drawing the quarterfinals. It’s not clear that the Denver Nuggets in the conference Sixers are better off moving from quarterfinals rather than the sixth to fifth if it means facing the versatile Clippers. Miami Heat -- against whom they’re Woodyard: The eighth 1-3 this season -- rather than the seed in the Western Conference. Boston Celtics, a season series they The Grizzlies, Trail Blazers, Pelicans won 3-1. and Kings will be clawing for the Young: Watching how the final playoff spot, but I like the Trail 76ers approach the schedule now Blazers to get back to the postseason. that they don’t have to consider The return to health for Collins and home-court advantage will be Nurkic could be just what Portland interesting, as they’re currently needs. Damian Lillard should tied with the Pacers for No. 5 in be especially motivated after the East. Should Philadelphia try proclaiming he wanted the chance to land the No. 6 spot to avoid to play meaningful games. a likely conference semifinals Shelburne: The Rockets showdown with the Bucks? Or will were basically tied with the the Sixers focus on finding their Oklahoma City Thunder for fifth in best basketball form ahead of the the West, but just 2 ½ games back postseason? of Denver for the third spot. Homecourt advantage doesn’t really 4. Which team’s chances will mean anything now, but I’m sure get the biggest boost from the they’d like to get on a hot streak hiatus and the new schedule? and move up in the standings. Snellings: I’m watching Shelburne: I am probably the race for the 2-seed, because it destined to be the last person left puts a team in the pole position to on Sixers Island. But they just have make the conference finals without so much talent, I think they’ll be having to deal with the Lakers. The dangerous on a neutral court with Clippers are currently in that spot, no expectations now. A healthy Ben but there are four teams within Simmons helps a ton too. I suppose four games of them. The seeding of I could make the same argument those five teams shapes key playoff for the Clippers, who now have a matchups to determine who would healthy Paul George and Kawhi likely face the Lakers in the West Leonard and one of the deepest finals. teams in the league. Pelton: Who ends up Snellings: The Rockets get stuck in seventh, which probably the biggest boost from the hiatus means facing the Clippers in the because their team is uniquely built. conference quarterfinals. The drop- They have a powerful backcourt off in talent from the Clippers in James Harden and Russell to whichever team finishes third Westbrook, but with their lack of probably will be sizable, making big men, their forwards were getting this the spot nobody wants. And run down with the amount of effort though the Dallas Mavericks are required to play their style. The currently slotted there, they move hiatus should have allowed them up from seventh in more than half to feel fresh again, and the short of my simulations. schedule lets them ramp back up in time for the playoffs. And Harden 3. Which East seeding race will tends to be worn by the postseason; you be watching most closely? he has had the chance to not only rest but also reportedly get in Woodyard: I’m interested excellent shape for the summer. in seeing who is able to secure the Pelton: Dallas. As I second seed. If it is Boston, with mentioned earlier, the Mavericks Kemba Walker stabilizing the team have a reasonable chance to move and four players who can get their up from seventh, and they’re no own shot, then I think that the longer affected by being shut out of Celtics look poised to make a return the race for home-court advantage to the conference finals. in the conference quarterfinals. Shelburne: I’m sure the That means the team with the Heat would love to move out of the West’s third-best point differential No. 4 spot to avoid a second-round this season is a scary openingmatchup with the Bucks. They’re 2 round opponent. ½ games back of the Celtics -- a real Young: The 76ers are a challenge for just an eight-game logical choice, considering Ben stretch, especially with the tough Simmons had the chance to get schedule Miami has been given. healthy and they no longer have ` Snellings: I’m watching to play true road games (they were the race for seeds 4 to 6, where the 10-24 on the road this season). The Heat, Pacers and 76ers are within layoff probably didn’t fix their

inconsistencies, however, so I’m going with the obvious: LeBron James just got a three-month break and has a maximum of 28 playoff games between him and another title. Woodyard: The Trail Blazers. They were injury-riddled before the season paused, but the return of Collins and Nurkic should be huge. We already know what we’re going to get from Lillard and CJ McCollum, but if the supporting cast can shake off the rust and click right away, this team will be scary. 5. Which team was your title pick before the hiatus, and have you changed your mind?

Snellings: The Bucks were my pick as the clear favorite in the East, but the gauntlet in the West is more difficult. I still favor the Bucks, but the hiatus has helped their opponents more than it has helped Milwaukee. The Bucks are deep and their best players weren’t required to play huge minutes, while each of the Lakers, Clippers, Rockets and 76ers had the chance to get healthier and close the gap. But the Bucks are still dominant at both ends of the floor, and have the best chance to take home the title if playing to their potential. Pelton: The Clippers. I would change my pick if Lou Williams decides not to participate in the restart. Otherwise, I think their combination of depth and star talent should play well in this environment, and the Clippers no longer have to deal with the potential of having more Lakers fans than Clippers fans at Staples Center during nominal home games if the teams meet in the conference finals. Young: It has reinforced my confidence in the Clippers. Maybe the Clippers will take a step back in on-court chemistry, trying to sort out their impressive depth, but they’ve had three months to get Paul George fully healthy and let Kawhi Leonard rest. It’s impossible to anticipate how much the new environment will alter the outcome, but LA’s depth should be an asset. And in a possible West finals matchup with the Lakers, the Clippers would’ve had a series with seven de facto road games. Now they’re on a neutral court. Woodyard: Before the hiatus, I picked the Clippers. Now, I’m in on the Lakers to win their 17th title. They were clicking so perfectly before the season ended, and LeBron James seems to be on a mission to get back on the court with his window for a championship slowly closing. Shelburne: I picked the Lakers to start the year and I’m sticking with it. But I feel as if Toronto has a great shot in the East now. The defending champion Raptors have that playoff experience, are well coached and should be healthy after the long break.

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