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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020

Website: www.suntci.com

VOLUME 16 - NO. 25


Tel: (649) 348-6838

Email: sun@suntci.com

Fax: (649) 941-3281



An American lawyer who is co-owner of The Banyan Inn, a small boutique hotel located at #16 Turtle Tail Drive in Providenciales, was recently arrested after police found a firearm and ammunition at his hotel. Investigations by The SUN revealed that Randall “Randy” Schwartz was questioned by police in mid-April 2020 during the early stages of the COVID-19 lockdown and granted $10,000 police bail. He is scheduled to return to the police station on July 1st, 2020. Our investigations also revealed that the police took DNA samples from Schwartz, who is a personal injury and medical malpractice lawyer from Illinois, USA. According to sources, after police found the gun at the hotel and questioned Schwartz, about a week passed before lawmen returned to question him after someone contacted the Governor Nigel Dakin’s office to enquire about the delay. This newspaper emailed police public relations Takara Bain, Police Commissioner Trevor Botting

Cuban Medical Brigade arrives in the TCI

Dr David Bernardo -TCIG Medical Officer, Primary Health care Division, Deputy Governor and Head of the Public Service Her Excellency Anya Williams, Minister of Health the Honourable Edwin Astwood, Dr Denise Braithwaite-Tennant - IHC Chief of Clinical Services and the Cuban Medical Team. see page 11 for story.

and Deputy Commissioner Rodney Adams for an official comment, but they did not respond up to the time of writing. Meantime, the probe by this newspaper also revealed that Schwartz is a very close friend of boat caption Tim Viljoen, (who also is on police bail while lawmen carry out a separate gun and ammunition investigation) and his wife Monica Viljoen, who is an American dentist. Monica and Tim have since separated and they have restraining

Attorney General clarifies controversial new Public Order and Criminal Justice Bill 2020 by Hayden Boyce Publisher & Editor-in-Chief The proposed Public Order and Criminal Justice Bill 2020 is part of the elected Government’s plan to “modernise and expand the law dealing with threats – as a deterrent to an increase in threatening behaviour recently displayed in the islands”, while at the same time Attorney General Hon. Rhondalee seeking to introduce a range of new Braithwaite-Knowles, OBE, QC provisions relating to public order, OBE, QC, made the clarification in offensive messages and telephone a press statement on Thursday, June calls, and measures to protect 18th, 2020, following widespread witnesses, jurors and judicial officers public outrage at the proposed new from intimidation and harm. law which many residents regard as Attorney General Hon. suppression freedom of expression Rhondalee Braithwaite-Knowles, and blocking criticism of government.

orders against each other. Viljoen has reportedly removed her from his work permit, sources disclosed. A few weeks ago, police found a firearm and 43 rounds of ammunition on a luxury yacht on which Viljoen was living while it was berthed in Turtle Cove Marina, Providenciales. The SUN can confirm that Viljoen and Schwartz were living on the yacht at one point and were also room mates at The Banyan. The yacht called “Sanity”

is operated by a company called Provo Elite Charters, whose owners/ shareholders include Mr. Andrew R. Mitchell, QC, the lead prosecutor in the Special Investigations and Prosecution Team (SIPT) corruption trial and Mr. John A. Phillips, Governor’s Appointed Member in the Turks and Caicos Islands House of Assembly, and Bill Anderson a wealthy multi-millionaire Canadian businessman with significant investments in the Turks and Caicos Continued on page 2 Islands.

Judge rules Governor’s new law on remote judge sittings unconstitutional by Hayden Boyce Publisher & Editor-in-Chief High Court Judge Her Ladyship Tanya Lobban-Jackson has ruled as unconstitutional, a new regulation which sought to give judges and magistrates the authority to sit and hear cases while they are not physically in the Turks and Caicos Islands. In an oral decision that lasted just over two hours during video-link proceedings, the judge ruled that Regulation 4 (6) of the Emergency Powers (Covid-19) (Court Proceedings) Regulations 2020, which Queen’s Counsel

High Court Judge Her Ladyship Tanya Lobban-Jackson Ariel Misick had said was mysteriously inserted into Turks and Caicos Islands laws by British Governor Nigel Dakin in March 2020, was “ultra vires the Constitution”, only to the extent of the Supreme Court sitting outside the territorial boundaries.

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


Police sources said investigations have extended to the United States of America to determine if there are any connections between the firearm for which Viljoen has been arrested and the one for which Schwartz was picked up. The SUN has been reliably informed that Queen’s Counsel Mitchell’s daughter is the girlfriend of Viljoen’s son and that Mitchell and Phillips move in the same social circles as Randy Schwartz, who own The Banyan Inn, which, according to the hotel’s website, is a six room boutique hotel located on the waterfront in the South Side Marina. Both Mitchell and Phillips have said they have no knowledge of any gunrelated or illegal activity and have sought to distance themselves from

Viljoen. police decision to grant Viljoen bail. comments made about this case, the Meantime, Police “I have...reviewed the release and Police bail of persons Commissioner Trevor Botting issued investigation in connection with the arrested for similar Offences is not a press statement saying that in arrest of Mr Viljoen. Having done unusual and there are numerous relation to the Viljoen investigation, so, I am satisfied that the decision to incidents in the recent past where police bail “was the correct decision subsequently release him on police persons, including TC Islanders, because there are several outstanding bail was the correct decision because have been similarly released on bail lines of inquiries”. there are several outstanding lines of pending further investigation during Botting noted that Viljoen’s inquiries. Also, I am satisfied that this an investigation into Firearms arrest has been the “subject of a investigation is being undertaken in Offences. This criminal investigation significant amount of comment in line with normal procedures and remains active and I would remind the media and on social media, much processes and is consistent with an the public that speculation and of it ill-informed and speculation investigation of this type and scale inappropriate comment should be regarding the treatment of Mr that we encounter from time to avoided.” Viljoen”. time,” Botting said. Meantime, several inmates at He said the comments have Commissioner Botting Her Majesty’s Prisons sent out voice implied criticism of the RTCIPF’s added, “The release of an arrested notes on social media complaining investigation and suggested that person on Police bail pending further that they were denied police bail and normal procedure was not followed. investigation as opposed to charging, that there is an unequal and unfair However, Botting said he reviewed is a normal practice within Police approach by police to the granting of the investigation and stands by the investigations. Contrary to several bail.

Attorney General clarifies controversial new Public Order and Crimi nal Justice Bill 2020 “No bill is perfect and this bill is no exception but the characterization of the bill by some members of the public as unprecedented or seeking to undermine freedom of speech are quite wrong and all right minded persons should correct any such perception and put this back on the right track. The bill is currently before the House of Assembly and set to be introduced on 22nd June 2020.

description which conveys— (i) a message which is indecent or grossly offensive; (ii) a threat; or (iii) information which is false and known or believed to be false by the sender. 5) Sending, by means of a public telecommunication system, a message or other matter that is grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character (improper use of public telecommunication system). The Attorney General said similar I look forward to a vibrant and offences exist around the Caribbean informed debate on the issues sought region including in the Cayman to be addressed by the Bill,” the Islands, St. Lucia, Jamaica and Attorney General said. Bermuda. Likewise, she added, She noted that the Bill is similar offences exist around the designed to protect witnesses, jurors Commonwealth including in and judicial officers from intimidation Australia, India, New Zealand, South and harm such as: Africa, and Canada and the United 1) using or threatening States. The penalties proposed in the unlawful violence (an affray); Bill are consistent with those in the 2) using threatening, abusive United Kingdom and are much lower or insulting words or behaviour, with than those that obtain regionally. intent to cause that person to believe Attorney General Braithwaitethat immediate unlawful violence will Knowles said public commentary be used against him or another by any would benefit from more information person, or to provoke the immediate on the Bill, how it came about and use of unlawful violence by that what it seeks to do, adding that this person or another (fear or provocation sort of information would normally of violence); be provided during the debate in the 3) using threatening, abusive House of Assembly. or insulting words or behaviour, “But given the pitch of the or disorderly behaviour, causing public discourse, it is necessary to harassment, alarm or distress provide this information in advance of (intentional harassment, alarm or the debate in the House of Assembly,” distress); Braithwaite-Knowles added. 4) sending a letter, electronic She revealed that the Bill was communication or article of any drafted by an external consultant

drafter, a former Attorney General in a Caribbean Overseas territory, as part of a project to address issues flagged by the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands’ Police Force to reform areas of criminal law in the Turks and Caicos Islands to aid in policing. The project, she said, covers a range of areas of reform including but not limited to witness protection and victims of sexual offences and the misuse of computers. BAR COUNCIL AND DPP OFFICE CONSULTED The Attorney General said that on May 15th, 2020 consultation was initiated with the legal profession, through the Bar Council and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, law enforcement through the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force, and the Judiciary. She added that whilst all stakeholders acknowledged receipt of the bill and covering note and promised to revert with comments within the consultation period (25th May 2020), only the Judiciary responded with substantive comments, including that the judiciary “welcome[d] the legislation” which they said would “definitely make us feel more safe and protected as we go about our duties”. According to the Attorney General, the DPP indicated that he was grateful for “the hard work and efforts which have gone into it” and

noted that “it could not have come at a better time, given our current local circumstances”. Braithwaite-Knowles stated that the he President of the Bar Council, Mrs. Oreika Selver-Gardiner responded preliminarily to question whether, in reference to “section 4 and 5, of the draft; did the framers of the draft intend for the term “harassment” to encompass instances of stalking of unmarried persons?” The AG said that the Bar Council president noted that the “Domestic Proceedings legislation does not offer [as far as I am aware] for the protection of unmarried persons via a restraining order or any kind of legislative relief from harassment (by a former partner)”. Despite assurances, no other submissions have been received to date, save for an informal response from a single member of the Bar who sent preliminary comments to the Bar Council in response to the circulation of the Bill to the entire Bar on 18th May 2020. The Attorney General said clauses in the Bill are drawn from laws that are well-established in England and Wales, modified to meet the circumstances in the Islands. The sources are: The Public Order Act 1986, The Malicious Communications Act 1988, The Telecommunications Act 1984, The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994,The Communications Act 2003.

Judge rules Governor’s new law on remote judge sittings unconstitutional Continued from page 1 When contacted by The told The SUN: Mitchell: “We will be “within the islands”. Whilst SUN, Queen’s Counsel Misick, consider Her Ladyship’s ruling with the Constitution provides that the who successfully argued the case care before taking a final decision on Court of Appeal can sit outside of on behalf of defendants in the whether or not to appeal the narrow the territorial boundaries of the SIPT trial, stated: “It’s a right and issue of whether the court is sitting Turks and Caicos Islands, there is proper outcome and I can’t see abroad or not.” no such provision enabling the how she (Judge Lobban-Jackson) The historic case brought Supreme Court to do so. could have ruled otherwise in the microscopic scrutiny to such issues Misick described as circumstances.” as separation of powers, judicial “constitutionally impermissible” and Misick, who was assisted interference, full disclosure of “manifestly irrational”, Regulation 4 by Selvyn Hawkins, also of Misick `government documents in anti- (6) which he said was drafted solely & Stanbrook, had previously establishment cases, and the to target the SIPT trial, given that described the new regulation as an fundamental rights of the high- with the exception of that trial judge, “unconstitutional exercise of power”. profile politicians and lawyers who Mr. Justice Paul Harrison, who has Andrew Mitchell, QC, who are currently on trial. returned to, and is currently in, his represented the Attorney General in Under the Supreme Court native Jamaica, no other judge or the case, along with Quinn Hawkins, Ordinance, the jurisdiction of the magistrate is “outside the Islands”. Kate Duncan and Letisha Williams, Supreme Court is expressed to On the other hand, Queen’s

Counsel Mitchell had argued that judges of the Turks and Caicos Islands Supreme Court can sit and hold court anywhere in the world, adding that there is no constitutional requirement that a judge of the Supreme Court has to sit in a court. He said the authority of the Judge is exercised through his appointment and it doesn’t matters if the judge is in a court room, his chambers or at home or overseas, provided that the judge is always linked to the court, the physical location of the judicial officer is, it is submitted irrelevant.

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020

The health and safety of our customers and staff remain our top priority during this time, and we thank you for your patience as we work together to stem the spread of Covid-19. Please be advised that Provo Water Company's Grace Bay Office on Grace Bay Road will re-open to customers on Monday 11th May from 9.00am to 2.00pm Monday to Friday. The following precautions will be taken:•

Covid-19 Regulations requires every person in a public space to wear a face mask.

Each customer must sanitize his/her hands upon entering the payment centre.

Only one (1) customer at any time will be allowed to enter our payment centre.


Our Customer Service Department will continue to serve customers from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Customers seeking to establish a new service, reconnection, account changes or queries can contact Customer Service Department at 649-946-5202 or email customerservice@provowater.tc for assistance. Staff will remain available for emergency assistance, please call


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or outage. We are encouraging customers to utilize our

My Account Portal

either via our website or at https://provo-

myacct.smartgridcis.net to view water bills, make payments, view water usages and update account details. Customers can continue to make payments via our payment vendors:•

CIBC First Caribbean, Scotia Bank and RBC Caribbean

Graceway IGA stores during their hours of operation.

We appreciate your cooperation with these pro-active measures that will remain in place until further notice.

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


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Statement from Opposition Leader on Public Order and Criminal Justice Bill 2020 By Hon. Charles Washington Misick - Opposition Leader While we in the Opposition agree that fighting crime, preserving law and order and public decency are sometimes inconvenient, they are nevertheless necessary to keep our community safe, and we have always abided by temporary restrictions on our daily activities – in the interest of public order as is currently the case with COVID-19. However, given so many pressing national priorities – including making sure that families can feed themselves, one must wonder why the rush by the Government to hammer through such an ambiguous Bill with such broad and unjustified risks for abusive application. Of the five parts to the Bill Part IV is the only one in our view that has any relevance. This Part of the Bill concerns offences classified as Intimidation and/

or Harm and are intended to make provisions for the protection of persons assisting in investigations, witnesses, jurors and the judiciary. The desire to protect these persons should be welcomed, but the current draft is ambiguous and still lacks the security of what is intended and further causes concerns for the further suppression of the right to freedom of expression by way of legitimate and constructive criticism of the judiciary. Further, it is questionable as to whether Part IV being added in this way is justifiable. The purpose of the provisions presents the need for legislation existing in its own right and not as a final add-on to the current bill. With the benefit of legal counsel, we can now say that in addition to the above concerns the various UK legislation relied upon to inform the Bill are outdated. There have been significant advances in the availability and use

of technology, and socio-political engagement since their creation and as such any reliance on the fact that they are ‘well-established’ laws within the UK as the sole justification for the Bill should be disregarded. The Opposition view is that the case has not been made for the justification of the risk to the freedom of expression that could result from passage of the current Bill. This is critical even where the language or action may be insensitive or aggressive. We say that against the TCI cultural background of passionate superlatives, hyperbole and bravado that someone from a different cultural orientation is likely to bring their own cultural bias to our expressions. The risk of this is real considering the predominance of the law enforcement community by persons from diverse cultures, but generally different from ours. We are convinced that the

Hon. Charles Washington Misick Leader of the Progressive National Party (PNP) enactment of such a Bill at this time, and in this form is misguided. We cannot and will not give our consent to legislation that is ill-conceived and carry the risk of suppressing criticism. This is a clear consequence of this Bill intended or not. The level of undetected serious crimes in these Islands are alarming and threatens its’ peace and prosperity. The opposition believes that a standalone Bill aimed at protecting witnesses, and judicial personnel from intimidation and harm is overdue and will lend its’ full support to such a Bill in the interest of law and order. Not a bill with the potential to criminalise freedom of expression.

The offences and penalties under the Public Order and Criminal Justice Bill 2020 INTENTIONAL HARASSMENT, ALARM OR DISTRESS 4. (1) A person is guilty of an offence if, with intent to cause a person harassment, alarm or distress, he: (a) uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or (b) displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting, thereby causing that or another person harassment, alarm or distress. (2) An offence under this section may be committed in a public or a private place, except that no offence is committed where the words or behaviour are used, or the writing, sign or other visible representation is displayed, by a person inside a dwelling and the person who is harassed, alarmed or distressed is also inside that or another dwelling. (3) It is a defence for the accused to prove— (a) that he was inside a dwelling and had no reason to believe that the words or behaviour used, or the writing, sign or other visible representation displayed, would be heard or seen by a person outside that or any other dwelling, or (b) that his conduct was reasonable. (4) A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or to a fine of $10,000, or to both. HARASSMENT, ALARM OR DISTRESS 5. (1) A person is guilty of an offence if he: (a) uses threatening or abusive words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or (b) displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening or abusive, within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress thereby. (2) An offence under this section may be committed in a public or a private place, except that no offence is committed where the words or behaviour are used, or the writing, sign or other visible representation is displayed, by a person inside a dwelling and the other person is also inside that or another dwelling. (3) It is a defence for the accused to prove: (a) that he had no reason to believe that there was any person within hearing or sight who was likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress, or (b) that he was inside a dwelling and had no reason to believe that the words or behaviour used, or the writing, sign or other visible representation

displayed, would be heard or seen by a person outside that or any other dwelling, or (c) that his conduct was reasonable. (4) A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $2,500. MENTAL ELEMENT: MISCELLANEOUS 6. (1) A person is guilty of affray only if he intends to use or threaten violence or is aware that his conduct may be violent or threaten violence. (2) A person is guilty of an offence under section 3 only if he intends his words or behaviour, or the writing, sign or other visible representation, to be threatening, abusive or insulting, or is aware that it may be threatening, abusive or insulting. (3) A person is guilty of an offence under section 5 only if he intends his words or behaviour, or the writing, sign or other visible representation, to be threatening or abusive, or is aware that it may be threatening or abusive or (as the case may be) he intends his behaviour to be or is aware that it may be disorderly. (4) For the purposes of this section a person whose awareness is impaired by intoxication shall be taken to be aware of that of which he would be aware if not intoxicated, unless he shows either that his intoxication was not selfinduced or that it was caused solely by the taking or administration of a substance in the course of medical treatment. (5) In subsection (4) “intoxication” means any intoxication, whether caused by drink, drugs or other means, or by a combination of means. OFFENCE OF SENDING LETTERS ETC. WITH INTENT TO CAUSE DISTRESS OR ANXIETY 9. (1) Any person who sends to another person: (a) a letter, electronic communication or article of any description which conveys— (i) a message which is indecent or grossly offensive; (ii) a threat; or (iii) information which is false and known or believed to be false by the sender; or (b) any article or electronic communication which is, in whole or part, of an indecent or grossly offensive nature, is guilty of an offence if his purpose, or one of his purposes, in sending it is that it should, so far as falling within paragraph (a) or (b), cause distress or anxiety to the recipient or to any other person to whom he intends that it or its contents or nature should be communicated. (2) A person is not guilty of an

offence by virtue of subsection (1)(a)(ii) if he shows (a) that the threat was used to reinforce a demand made by him on reasonable grounds; and (b) that he believed, and had reasonable grounds for believing, that the use of the threat was a proper means of reinforcing the demand. (3) In this section “electronic communication” includes— (a) any oral or other communication by means of an electronic communications network; and (b) any communication (however sent) that is in electronic form. (4) In this section references to sending include references to delivering or transmitting and to causing to be sent, delivered or transmitted and “sender” shall be construed accordingly. (5) A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable— (a) on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or to a fine of $10,000, or to both; (b) on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years. IMPROPER USE OF PUBLIC TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM 10. (1) A person who: (a) sends, by means of a public telecommunication system, a message or other matter that is grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character or causes any such message or matter to be sent; or (b) for the purpose of causing annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to another, he: (i) sends by means of a public telecommunication system, a message that he knows to be false; (ii) causes such a message to be sent; or (iii) persistently makes use of a public telecommunication system, shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or to a fine of $10,000, or to both. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to anything done in the course of providing a programme service. (3) For the purposes of subsection (2)— “programme service” means— (a) a television programme service; (b) a radio programme service; (c) any other service which consists in the sending, by means of an electronic communications network, of sounds or visual images or both either— (i) for reception at two or more places in the Islands (whether they are so sent for simultaneous reception or at different times in response to requests made by different users of the service); or (ii) for reception at a place in the Islands for the purpose of being presented there

to members of the public or to any group of persons, and includes an advertisement and, in relation to any service, includes any item included in that service. PART IV INTIMIDATION AND HARM Intimidation of witnesses, jurors and judicial officers 11. (1) A person commits an offence if: (a) he does an act which intimidates, and is intended to intimidate, another person (“the victim”), (b) he does the act knowing or believing that the victim is: (i) assisting in the investigation of an offence; (ii) a witness or potential witness in proceedings for an offence; (iii) a juror or potential juror in proceedings for an offence; (iv) a judicial officer connected with proceedings for an offence, and (c) he does it intending thereby to cause the investigation or the course of justice to be obstructed, perverted or interfered with. (2) A person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable: (a) on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or to a fine of $10,000, or to both; (b) on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years. HARMING ETC., WITNESSES, JURORS AND JUDICIAL OFFICERS 12. (1) A person commits an offence if: (a) he does an act which harms, and is intended to harm, another person or, intending to cause another person to fear harm, he threatens to do an act which would harm that other person, (b) he does or threatens to do the act knowing or believing that the person harmed or threatened to be harmed (“the victim”), or some other person, has— (i) assisted in an investigation into an offence; (ii) given evidence or particular evidence in proceedings for an offence; (iii) acted as a juror or concurred in a particular verdict in proceedings for an offence; (iv) acted as a judicial officer in proceedings for an offence, and (c) he does or threatens to do it because of that knowledge or belief. (2) A person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable— (a) on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or to a fine of $10,000, or to both; (b) on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


Recent repatriation of Haitian sloops cost government over $190,000 a time we certainly cannot afford.” The Premier said she and The Premier and Minister of Bahamas’ Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Finance Hon. Sharlene Cartwright- Minnis, his Foreign Affairs Minister Robinson revealed that the housing Honorable Darren A. Henfield all and repatriation of 274 Haitian engaged CARICOM leaders and the nationals earlier this month cost Haitian government directly on this the Turks and Caicos Islands matter and this remains a live issue. Government over $190,000. The Premier added: “We have “We are grateful for the also over the weekend intercepted several months of no sloop arrivals Dominican nationals in our waters. but disheartened on June 1st to This matter is now actively under receive two within a few days,” she investigation and we are certainly said during a National Address on going to be dealing with this matter Monday June 15th. through the courts. Our geographical “It is important to location is a blessing and sometimes understand the additional challenge becomes a curse, as we often face that we met with two latest sloop these challenges and we as a people arrivals. We experienced several days must not be a part of the problem. delay in securing approval for the We continue to suspect our very own reopening of the borders from the people and other Haitian nationals Haitian government to receive its in this country for encouraging own nationals. The detention and persons to take this deadly voyage.” repatriation of these people continue Robinson assured that her to cost this country and certainly at government will bring stiffer By Todeline Defralien

penalties for those who are found to be involved in this illicit activity and who hire persons without documents. “We have major efforts underway to ensure greater detection of sloops. We are on the final leg now for the agreement and signing of the historic MOU between the Bahamas and the TCI government. With greater resources and capacity on the part of the Bahamas government, this partnership will be a positive change for us,” she said. Some 271 illegal migrants comprising 219 males and 52 females were repatriated to Haiti on Saturday Premier Hon. Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson June 6th, 2020. Caicos Islands Police Force Marine This was done by the Branch, there were recently two Ministry of Immigration, Citizenship, illegal migrant vessels interceptions Labour and Employment Services in with a combined total of 136 and collaboration with the Immigration 129 respectively, with a follow up Department. in land operation, which saw the Based on information apprehension of a further 6 illegal received from the Royal Turks and migrants. the key board

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•Must be able to work in a high pressure environment and demonstrate calm and effective leadership Salary based on experience: $1,100-$2,000 monthly, plus service charge. For further information on the above positions please contact us by using the details below.Candidates must be available to work 6 days a week, weekends, and holidays. Positions marked with * are currently held by a work permit holder. However, qualified belongers are encouraged to send a cover letter & resume with the following attachments: Valid Police Record, Passport Bio Page, Proof of TCI status i.e. PRC, Belonger Status Card or Naturalization Certificate. Human Resources Amanyara Resort Northwest Point, Providenciales E: amanyarahrassistant@aman.com Prospective applicants are also asked to send copies to the Labour Board. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


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Mechanic/boat operator Tim Viljoen arrested for firearms found on luxury yacht in Turtle Cove by Hayden Boyce Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

A shady South African mechanic and boat owner has been arrested by Turks and Caicos Islands police in connection with firearms and ammunition found on a luxury yacht connected to a company owned by a local Member of Parliament and a high-profile British prosecutor. Investigations by The SUN revealed that Tim Viljoen, the mechanic/boat operator was arrested John Phillips, MP; Tim Viljoen, mechanic/boat operator and Andrew Mitchell, QC. about two weeks ago after police Well-placed police sources, whatever he (Viljoen) was doing,” raided the luxury yacht “Sanity” on which Voljoen was living while it was who asked not to be identified, Phillips stated. “Tim also owes my docked in the Turtle Cove Marina in revealed this is a major investigation company Mac Motors a whole lot that will likely involve Federal law of money, but I can’t go into more Providenciales. This newspaper also can enforcement agencies in the United details because I don’t want to confirm that the yacht is one of States of America, where the firearms jeopardize any claims we may have.” Queen’s Counsel Mitchell at least five vessels operated by a may have originated. Meantime, Phillips confirmed also confirmed to The SUN that he company called Provo Elite Charters, whose owners/shareholders include to The SUN that his company “was given an opportunity to invest Mr. John A. Phillips, Governor’s Claymore Group was responsible for in” Provo Elite Charters, and he Appointed Member in the Turks and registering the business Provo Elite “invested one-off, persuaded by the Caicos Islands House of Assembly, Charters, and that he “technically Offering Memorandum which was and Mr. Andrew Mitchell, QC, the has shares in” the charter company based on 4 boats”. added: “My lead prosecutor in the Special which operates, but does not own, the Mitchell Investigations and Prosecution Team yachts ANDIAMO “The Explorer”, daughter was here and friendly with VERTIGO “The Ocean Scout”, (Tim Viljoen) and his wife and she (SIPT) corruption trial. When contacted on Monday, DR M “The Bandit”, CIGGY wanted me to help her friends get June 15th, 2020, Police Commissioner “The Offshore Legend” and Book going. My share is very small about 2 to 3 %. There are others who have Trevor Botting said that “at this time Sanity - “King of the Waves”. Phillips explained that the invested very significant sums. The no one has been charged, adding that “for operational reasons, the details of company was established to provide business never worked because (Tim this offence have not been released charter boat services mainly to Viljoen’s) numbers did not work. I found him to be of questionable until today” when The SUN requested tourists. “I can tell you that the charter honesty and integrity as time went by. an official comment through Takara company had nothing to do with I sought a return of my investment; Bain, the police press relations officer.

I am told I may get something back when the boats are sold. I have heard a lot about (him), nothing good. And it follows that there is no truth in the Facebook posting beyond what I have said above. Only rumours. I have heard about a firearm; arrests, etc. I know nothing but anything connected with Tim Voljoen would not now surprise me!!!” Admitting that the offer to invest in Provo Elite Charters was “persuasive”, Mitchell provided The SUN with a copy of the Offering Memorandum which, among things, stated: “Provo Elite Charters Ltd investigated the market intensely. Provo Elite Charters Ltd found a gap in the market which is not being serviced by current market leaders. The market between the current party boats and the higher end luxury vessels is empty. Competition leaders cannot service this market as their operation costs are too high, due to the costs of their vessels. The lower end companies do not have vessels luxurious to compete. “Sanity”, our ViTech 72” and our unique Cigarette Top Gun can satisfy the market. The luxury of ‘Sanity” will satisfy any high-end guest and the uniqueness of our Cigarette Top Gun guarantee success. Provo Elite Charters operation costs are immensely lower than that of a 2015or newer 75’ vessel. This provides Pro Charter the edge needed to capture the market share we have targeted.”

targets ensuring profitability •Periodically monitor Customer Satisfaction Ratings of tours to ensure that the Client expectations are being met on all excursions or tours. •Perform other related or non- related company duties assigned from time to time. •Ensure timeliness of service is effectively managed •Ensure the guest experience is maintained at a high level

On Property Revenue (OPR) Manager – Grand Turk (TCI) Our establishment is dynamic in nature, fast paced and requires a level of maturity and dedication. We have very enjoyable working environments and amazing people from all walks of life. We require anOPR Manager that is passionate, prepared to evolve with the times and become actively involved in all aspects of working in the restaurant environment. The key part of any management role is to be able to juggle a full staff contingent while performing all your expected duties and tasks on a timely basis. Communication with Head Office in terms of training, marketing campaigns, follow ups, complaints handling, POS system updates and finance recording are essential parts of each day. Duties and Responsibilities: •Managing of all revenue centers in the country •Develop and implement new OPR strategies to increase company profitability. •Work with the Stores and Inventory team to ensure that proper storage and inventory is being maintained of equipment that is placed in long term storage. •Ensure all revenue centers are equipped with the suitable tools for operational efficiency •Set, track and assess respective revenue centers daily, monthly and yearly sales targets. •Hold daily huddles with Team Leads of revenue centers. •Ensure environs are kept clean, sanitized and free from debris •Manage Petty Cash assigned to location based on needs and in line with budget. •Ensure that Labor ratios and labor efficiency standards are managed, maintained and ultimately improved. •Develop cost effective plans ways and means to motivate staff and teams at the location. •Enforce all disciplinary penalties and rewards in conjunction with HR. •Ensure stock is safely and properly stored – FIFO method practiced •Ensure all team members are properly attired for work •The ability to establish pricing for each revenue center based on cost and

Minimum requirements: •Strong sales and finance acumen and understanding of a P&L statement •Positive and strong leadership, mentoring & management style •Minimum 5 years in a senior restaurant management position •Customer focused •Strong BOH experience as well as FOH •Ability to execute projects effectively and efficiently •Team player •Results orientated •Good communication skills with staff, customers and team •Passionate about the service Industry •Passionate about training and development •Reliable and dedicated as well as be able to work under pressure •Accurately report on business environment •Great communication and problem-solving skills •Trustworthy and honest •HACCP certification an asset Reports to: Country Manager Compensation Package: Between $2500-$3000 per month or according to experience and proven track record Role currently held by work permit holder Turks and Caicos Islanders applications will be given preference Deadline for submissions is June30, 2020 Applications along with CVs/ Resume’ may be submitted via Email to: gtadmin@chukka.com, please place the desired position in the subject line or deliver to the below address: CHUKKA HUMAN RESOURCES CHUKKA CARIBBEAN ADVENTURES (TCI) LTD South Base Lyndon Gardiner Boulevard Grand Turk, TCI

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


Residents advised not to become complacent as country moves to reopen borders By Todeline Defralien

Governor Nigel Dakin, Premier Hon. Sharlene CartwrightRobinson and Director of Health Dr. Nadia Astwood are urging the Turks and Caicos Islands community not to get complacent as the country continues to relax COVID-19 restrictions in preparation for full reopening of the economy and borders. During an interview on Radio Turks and Caicos on Tuesday June 2nd, 2020 with moderator Cheryl Foreman, Governor Dakin advised residents to not get complacent around issues linked to social distancing and cleanliness. “In the first period when we locked down and then we went into curfew, it was almost that the economy and health were in opposition to each other, but now as we come out into this next phase, it’s the two marching forward together. I think that this is really important for the public to understand because please don’t get complacent now around issues linked to social distancing, cleanliness and so on,” he said. He added: “The reason is, as we start to relax, that’s all the more reason for you to be vigilant because if we get this wrong we cannot open the economy and if we can’t open the economy well we all

know what impact that has on the whole island.” The Governor said they are working together to cautiously but intelligently reopen the country together. When moderator Cheryl Foreman asked health officials if TCI is setting itself for a boomerang effect in the next few weeks as we open up more, Director of Health Services Dr. Nadia Astwood said it is certainly a worry. “Certainly this is a worry and thought it’s great that we haven’t had a positive case in such a long time. The worries... of people have become complacent. I think that it is really important practically now as we begun to unlock and open TCI you see more people moving, more activity around the islands and soon there will be more movement between the islands and then we will have the reopening of the international borders. For us to really be successful at each stage, is going to rely on the compliance of the general public with these measures,” she explained. Dr. Astwood said it is really important for the people to realise that these measures have become the new normal for the foreseeable future. She added: “Just because we haven’t seen new cases of COVID-19 on the dashboard that we publish

CORPORATE INSOLVENCY AND RESTRUCTURING ADVICE We hope that your business continues to survive the economic fallout of the many COVID-19 issues. Just in case it does not, you should consider professional advice at as early a stage as viable. Founded and led by the longest-licensed Insolvency Practitioner in the country, Caribbean Recovery and Insolvency Services Ltd (“CRIS”) offers solutionsfocused advice on a confidential basis. For businesses majority owned by Turks & Caicos Islanders, the first consultation by phone and initial analysis work of up to 5 hours in total is without charge. With offices at Salt Mills Plaza, Providenciales, contact tim@ caribbeanresructuring.com or tim@ prudhoecaribbean.com to arrange an initial discussion.

daily, it doesn’t mean that we can relax to the extant where we forget the basic hygiene measures and we don’t practice social distancing. We really encourage people to really make this a part of their regular behavior that they almost do it without thinking and then for them to also communicate this to their family members and children so that it becomes second nature.” In addition, Astwood stressed in order for TCI to be successful it will really need the support of the general public. “We really need everyone to come onboard with these messages so that we can be successful as we move from stage to stage of the reopening of the TCI, because it is going to benefit the whole population. We also want to protect those who are vulnerable among us with pre-existing medical conditions and the older folks in the communities. All of these protective measures are to protect one another, but also those vulnerable in the community and also to ensure that we can successfully reopen the TCI,” she said. Meantime, Premier Cartwright-Robinson outlined some of the worries she encountered during the pandemic. “Worrying about whether we would have an over packed funeral service or a big crowd that just goes

crazy. We’ve had experiences where we’ve seen even in salons where one hairdresser exposed 91 persons and those are the kind of things, more than anything, that makes me worry. Making sure that our people understand even as we ease up, you cannot lose the early gains we have to still be on the ball. We can’t get complacent,” she explained. Robinson said people of the Caribbean are very social people and social distancing is a difficult thing for those in the Caribbean. “We are a social people and when we reach to persons now and we can’t shake hands and we can’t hug we feel silly, but it’s a new normal and a very difficult thing for Caribbean people.” The Premier added that this is the time for everyone to be their brother’s keeper in order to combat this pandemic in Turks and Caicos Islands. “We could have one citizen impact our entire country and become a super-spreader, so I just want everyone to appreciate that this is really the one time that we are truly our brother’s keeper and that’s the one thing that perhaps disturbs me the most; hoping that we all recognise that we are literally really in this together and everyone’s actions impacts on the other,” she said.

BUTTERFIELD GOLD GROUP OF COMPANIES POSITIONS AVAILABLE Butterfield Gold One (1) Labourer Applicant must be physical, able-bodied individuals capable of lifting heavy loads and assist with any mason work. Wages: starting from $7.50 per hour Rosie’s Delight Restaurant One (1) Labourer Washing pots, plates & kitchen utensils Cleaning stove & Kitchen equipment Mopping the kitchen floor Remove garbage Wages starting from $7.00 per hour Application forms available from Butterfield Gold Human Resource Department. Only applicants selected for interview will be notified. Submit applications to by July 2, 2020 to: Butterfield Gold Ltd., Human Resource Department Town Center Mall Providenciales Tel: 649-946-4211 Labour Commissioner Employment services Sammy Been Building Airport Road Providenciales

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


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LOCAL NEWS Royal Air Force delivers close to two tons of pharmaceuticals, PPE and medical consumables gifted by UK On Tuesday, 16 June, the Royal Naval Task Force who will again be in Air Force flew in to Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands waters in the delivering close to two tons of coming weeks to lend support during pharmaceuticals, PPE and medical the hurricane season. consumables gifted by UK. Governor Dakin said that Lt. Speaking on recent flight Colonel Steve Jones and a number of activity, Governor Nigel Dakin, said: the military team that arrived some “We’ve had three significant flights over months ago will be leaving the Turks the last week or so. A British Airways and Caicos Islands. charter brought back to TCI, from the “The job they needed to do UK, 114 TCI students and residents - the planning - has come to an end. to be reunited (post quarantine) Surgeon Commander Jonathan Eames with their families. It also allowed takes command of the remaining team the airport authority a first dry run that includes those Royal Marines at dealing with a significant number supporting our Maritime Police plus of arrivals in a COV19 Environment. the officers delivering on health and The flight left with 24 passengers, TCI disaster preparations and building citizens and others needing to get to the TCI Regiment. Getting off the the UK.” RAF flight we welcomed two amazing He said the Royal Air Force health professionals, from the UK, also dropped off a significant amount here to help TCI’s “Team Health” of stores to be cross-decked onto the prepare for the reopening of

Turks and Caicos Sun

Royal Air Force our borders and wider health issues. These are Dr. Autilia Newton (an expert in infectious disease management and a consultant in communicable disease control) and Professor Ian Cumming (an expert in major incident management and healthcare delivery strategy). Great to welcome them, the Cubans, returning residents and further medical supplies to the Islands,” he added.

Flow celebrates new dads

As Flow prepares to celebrate Father’s Day throughout the region, the company will also mark the one year anniversary of its bold and progressive parental leave policy that includes increased benefits for new mothers and fathers. The innovative policy, with up to 16 weeks of paid maternity leave for mothers and eight weeks of paid paternity leave for fathers, was introduced in June 2019 and reflects the inclusive global standard set by its parent company – Liberty Latin America. This has positioned the communications and entertainment provider as an employer of choice by

actively demonstrating its support for She added, “We are delighted to employees who become new parents have a parental leave policy that reflects whether biologically, via surrogacy or our commitment to our people and to through adoption. In addition, the creating a work environment where policy promotes greater family balance team members can have the time and at work and home. support needed as they welcome new Flow TCI’s Country Manager, additions to their families.” Joanne Missick said “It is a well-known In the TCI, fathers have fact that parental leave has positive long expressed gratitude for the policy which term benefits for the family, and helps to will help to support and strengthen their create healthy parenting relationships, family bonds. as well as build a strong parent-child To date, some 153 new parents connection. Our company is proud of across the Flow/UTS/ Liberty Latin the strides it has made in being the first America markets have enjoyed the in the region to adopt such a diverse, benefits and extra time spent with their progressive policy and leading by growing families. example.”

Director of Women’s Football Program The Turks and Caicos Islands Football Association (TCIFA) is seeking an experienced individual to fulfill the role of Director of Women’s Football. The successful applicant will oversee and be responsible for the development of Women’s Football in the Turks & Caicos Islands with objective of increasing the number of female participants, as well as, raising the quality, technical, and tactical ability of female players at all levels, ranging from Grassroots to the Youth and Senior National Teams.

Job Description & Responsibilities:

- Devise, develop, and implement a TCIFA Development Plan in relation to the development and growth of Women’s Football - Produce, annually, key objectives and performance indicators in relation to Women’s Football development and submit quarterly reports - Responsible for and overseeing the coaching of all age groups within the Women’s Football program, including but not limited to the Senior and Youth National Teams - Provide the players withing the Women’s Football Program with structured and appropriate coaching by imparting knowledge of the game and strategies for success - Design and implement technical and tactical training sessions for individual and team practices - Identify and recruit in line with the TCIFA’s policy, Volunteer Coaches to assist with the coaching of female players within the Women’s Football Program - Coordinate, supervise, and assist the Volunteer Coaches working with the female players within the Women’s Football Program - Assist in identifying player pathways for players within the various TCIFA programs - Create opportunities for Football scholarships for the elite female players within the Women’s Football Program - Forge and establish links with overseas Clubs, Colleges, and Universities to create Football opportunities that would be beneficial to the TCIFA and its players - Identifying players for the Women’s Senior and Youth National Teams - Responsible for continually and consistently developing your own coaching skills and acumen by attending all coaching education courses organized by

Suite#5, Airport Plaza Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 348-6838 Fax: (649) 941-3281 Email: sun@suntci.com Read us online at www.suntci.com Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Hayden Boyce Graphic designer Information Technology and Production Manager: Kelano Howell Todeline Defralien Reporter

The Turks and Caicos SUN is a subsidiary of The SUN Media Group Ltd. We are committed to excellence in journalism, educating and informing our readers, serving and satisfying our advertisers and assisting in the overall development of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

the TCIFA and participating in Continuing Coaching Education Programs - Be aware of and promote the TCIFA Codes of Conduct for Coaches, Players, and Parents - Assist the General Secretary with administrative matters when required and requested - Assist the General Secretary and Technical Director with the organization of courses, seminars, and events - Undertake any other duties that might reasonably be deemed within the status of the job and appropriate to the post - Carry out all duties regarding relevant legislation and the TCIFA’s policies and procedures Requirements - A US Soccer “B” License, a UEFA “B” License, or its equivalent. - 5 years’ experience in Coaching, specializing in coaching female players of different age levels and abilities. - Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) - Excellent verbal and written communication skills - Willingness to work outdoors, in all weather conditions - Ability to work individually and as a team member - Must be flexible and adaptable to change - Must be able to work under pressure The Director of Women’s Football will be required to work, under the supervision of the General Secretary and Technical Director, for approximately 44 hours per week. However, during match days and other business events, he/she may be required work outside normal office hours, either in the evening and on weekends, to a high standard and have a flexible attitude. Salary $2,500.00 - $3,000.00 per month, commensurate upon experience and qualifications Please direct all applications to: Oliver A. Smith General Secretary Email: olivertcifa@gmail.com The above-named position is currently held by a work permit holder. The TCIFA invites and encourages all prospective applicants who are Turks & Caicos Islanders to send their application to the Immigration Board & Labor Commissions. We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Deadline: July 1, 2020

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


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blue haven resort

The Turks and Caicos Collection again says thank you to all staff during this very difficult and challenging time posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. TCC remains grateful for your outstanding work performance, your values and commitment to the company. This isn’t business as usual, we know that it’s a time of great stress and uncertainty, not just in the TCI but across the world as people are feeling the economic effects of this crisis. Please know that we will continue to look for new opportunities to help, provide you with current information and will play our part as we persevere through this difficult time. We sincerely regret not being in the position to assist more. We appreciate the difficulty and anxiety this situation creates for you and your families and we anticipate restoring you to your positions soon as possible. There is no instruction manual for how to feel currently, we know it causes stress for everyone and we ask for your continued patients. The message from our COO, “We have built, together, a remarkable brand and you have played an integral part in ensuring our success. You should all be proud of your efforts to that end. Now we have to make every effort to keep these properties afloat and available for a comeback whenever that is possible.” TCC again offers thanks to you, our resort and administrative teams and we encourage you to take care of yourselves and your loved ones. We’ll get through this, together.

Alexandra Resort alexandraresort.com +1.800.284.0699 +1.649.946.5807

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Blue Haven Resort bluehaventci.com +1.855.832.7667 +1.649.946.9900

Ambergris Cay Resort ambergriscay.com +1.833.313.3172

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


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TCI is first Overseas Territory to get Cuban medical help By Todeline Defralien The Turks and Caicos Islands is the first British Overseas Territory to receive assistance from Cuban medical personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic, Deputy Governor Her Excellency Anya Williams said. “Our colleagues are still working on agreements so certainly we welcome the team here. They will go into two weeks quarantine and from here they will be tested but during that period they will also undergo training with the TCI hospital and so on June 29th they will be fully deployed in our hospitals to assist and we encourage persons to take advantage of their care while they are here. Outside of the coronavirus these persons have expertise medical background that

they can greatly assist in so we know the hospital greatly welcomes them,” she said during a press conference at the Provo Air Center FBO, on Monday June 15th when TCI welcomed 20 Cuban medical personnel. Minister of Health Hon. Edwin Astwood said it is truly a proud day for the Turk and Caicos Islands as the country strengthened its relationship with Cuba. “No doubt this has been long and common and this is a part of us building our capacity. The citizens of the Turks and Caicos Islands did a wonderful job and this allowed us to build, not just a physical capacity, but this allowed us to build a human capacity. This just shows a further step in that direction and building the capacity so that when we open up, if

the virus does come back we will have the human capacity to here,” he said. Dr. Denise BraithwaiteTennant - IHC Chief of Clinical Services expressed thanked those who made this possible. “We are certainly very much delighted and very grateful to the Deputy Governor, Ministry of Health and Minster of Health for making soothing like this possible. It is clear when you are fighting a pandemic it is not just equipment that you need, you also need critical care capacity in terms of human care capacity. Because of the pandemic it has been very challenging for us to get our usual low come in capacity because we’re all competing for the same resource. We are very much delighted and ecstatic,” she said. Dr. Braithwaite-Tennant

said the team will undertake virtual training with the TCI Hospitals on their systems to ready themselves for full deployment on Monday June 29th, 2020 following testing. She added: “As of this week we will be starting engagements in our training program using virtual platforms in order to maximize on the time so when they finish their quarantine they will be very much familiar with us without having to go through our corridors and we’re very excited about that. We are also overjoyed and excited because as a Caribbean we are realizing that we have the resources that we need to work together and leverage them. I welcome the fact that we as a Caribbean know that we can conquer this virus together.”

Cuban Medical Brigade arrives in the TCI A 20-member medical team at the Cuban Embassy in Jamaica, from Cuba arrived in the Turks and in particular the Head of Mission Caicos Islands on Monday, June 15th, Ambassador Ines Fors Fernandez and 2020 and will provide additional her assistant Yasnay Perez as well as expert medical support to the TCI in our colleagues at the British Embassy response to the Coronavirus and other in Cuba for their direct assistance in medical issues. progressing this initiative. Commenting on the arrival The Turks and Caicos Islands of the medical brigade, Deputy signed a three-month agreement with Governor and Head of the Public Cuba for the provision of additional Service Her Excellency Anya Williams medical support to the TCI with the said: “Following several weeks of option to extend for a further term if successful negotiations with the necessary. Cuban Government, we are pleased The brigade consists of nine to welcome the Medical Brigade to the medical specialists including a Chief Turks and Caicos Islands. We extend of Brigade, 10 registered nurses our sincere thanks to the Vice-Minister and an administrative assistant. As in charge of International Cooperation their areas of specialty span across a Affairs in the Cuban Ministry of Public number of areas, they will be a great Health, Dr. Marcia Cobas for her kind resource to not only our response to consideration as well as the delegation the Coronavirus, but also to other

medical concerns being experienced by residents in the TCI. We are pleased to embark on this new joint venture with Cuba and will continue to work to improve our medical capacity in the Turks and Caicos through the recruitment of additional staff in the Ministry of Health as necessary.” Minister of Health the Honourable Edwin Astwood whose ministry is leading the Coronavirus Response in the Turks and Caicos Islands, said: “My ministry warmly welcomes the arrival of the Cuban Medical Brigade which will provide much needed additional support in response to the threat of the Coronavirus in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The arrival of the team coincides with the additional work

that is being carried out at the Turks and Caicos Islands Hospitals to retrofit a new high dependency wing. Cuba is renowned for its esteemed medical professionals and we are pleased to have these persons join our team. The members of the 20 person team will be placed into 14 days quarantine as necessary, during which time they will undertake virtual training with the TCI Hospitals on their systems to ready themselves for full deployment on Monday June 29th, 2020 following testing. My Ministry continues to work to build and to strengthen capacity in these islands and we welcome and fully support this initiative which is being funded through our Coronavirus Budget.”



CFB1-20-40 Disaster Operations Manager Department of Disaster Management of Emergencies Tourism, Environment, Heritage, Maritime, Disaster and Gaming Providenciales Grade 7 - $41,205.00 per annum

JOB SUMMARY: The Disaster Operations Manager (DOM) develops and manages operations for DDME’s disaster responses by readying people and systems, maintains readiness to respond to emergencies through several mechanisms, including managing the National Emergency Operation Center, Emergency Operation centers, coordinating, staffing, training, and equipping Disaster Assistance Response Teams (DARTs), and DDME Response Management Teams (RMTs), and stockpiling emergency relief commodities in key locations around the islands to ensure DDME’s capacity to execute and coordinate humanitarian assistance and response to natural disasters and complex emergencies. For full details regarding this position please visit our website at https://www.gov.tc/government-vacancies Please note: (Applications that are not accompanied by all required supporting documents will not be processed). (APPLICATION DEADLINE: 19TH JUNE 2020)

Our focus is on complex disputes work across a wide range of areas. We are also known for our commitment to pro bono work on issues impacting the TCI community. We are seeking one T&C Islander eligible for TCI Bar Admission and awaiting his or her period of supervised practice. Start date can be flexible for the right candidate. The position is not available “remotely” and is likely to include a period of work experience in a pre-eminent set of criminal law Barristers’ chambers in London (costs would be covered by the firm) and for which timings would obviously be subject to the impact / disruptions of the COVID-19 virus issues. The ideal candidate would have an existing interest in judicial review and other administrative and regulatory work and a willingness to appear in proceedings adverse to Caribbean governments. Also, a wish to “start at the beginning” in terms of advocacy experience (including criminal work at trial and appellate level). Excellent opportunities exist for involvement (at the appropriate level of responsibility) in non-TCI work around the Caribbean Region and beyond. Subject to the start date for any successful candidate, application for admission is unlikely to be sought until a minimum of 3-months after resumption of in-person court hearings. Any discussions with regard to this advertisement would be entirely confidential. Tim Prudhoe can be contacted on tim@ prudhoecaribbean.com so as to arrange a phone call or inperson meeting. The target date for expressions of interest is Friday July 17th, 2020.

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


TCI on track for another deadly year, says Premier Robinson By Todeline Defralien

With only six month into the year, the Turks and Caicos Islands have already recorded eleven murders for the year 2020. Premier Hon. Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson has stated that the Turks and Caicos Islands are on track for another deadly year. “It is heartbreaking to see homes painfully impacted and lives lost by senseless killings. Last week we experienced our tenth and eleventh murder and are pretty much on track for another deadly year in Turks and Caicos,” she said during a national address on Monday June 15th. “Wives, husbands, children and parents have over the past years grieved painful loses because of those who choose this part in life and as a result in too many instances of what we know to be revenge killings. I want to again offer my deepest sympathy to those who would have recently lost loved ones and those who continue to grieve their loved

ones.” crime continues to be a scourge on She added: “As Premier Caribbean nations and among the it grieves me to see our country same demographics. impacted in this way and to continue She said, “There is no to see the blame cast at almost playbook as to how to save our everyone else but the troubled young men from themselves, but criminal who I believe are known there are successful stories around and who needs urgent intervention the region that we are prepared to for all of our sake. I am telling you use. Increase gun charge; decrease there must be unity on this and life from an average of 10 years to 30 there must be real and sustained years to serve as a deterrent has been partnerships to save our young implemented by my government. Premier Hon. Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson men from destroying others lives We are advanced and are now and their lives in the process. As we recruiting for the trade school with assistance in job placements and seek a cross government approach a hope that we will give them a skill, since I would have last updated, the and never before employed, there those young men that continue to House of Assembly have approved will be greater opportunities for run afar.” for TCIG itself to be able to recruit communities and community Robinson said the House of and hire persons with police leaders to be gainfully engaged to Assembly has approved for the Turks records. We continue to resource the stem out this scourge and to work and Caicos Islands Government police at unpresented levels and as towards the country that we know (TCIG) itself to be able to recruit and reported publically a total change we can save. We are too small for hire persons with police records. in approaches are long overdue but this, and we have to act as if it is on She continued: “We have underway.” our own door steps, because it truly formed critical partnerships across Robinson said her is; and until will we get that, we will the Police, education, Social services government has spared no resource continue to wander around on this inclusive of probation services. and asks that all valued partners issue,” she added. We encourage registration for the spear no effort to partner in the right The Premier noted that ‘chance for change program’ to direction on this issue.


Rambo Construction 95 Location: Blue Hills Bay Road, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Seeking 12 – Masons - $12.00 per hour 8 Carpenters - $12.00 per hour 6- Semi Carpenters - $ 9.00 per hour 10 Labourers - $ 7.00 per hour 6 Cleaning Ladies/Domestic Workers - $ 6.50 per hour Carpenters must be able to cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials Labourer’s duties include cleaning and preparing a job site, loading and delivering materials, and using a variety of tools and machines Duties include keeping the work place tidy: sweeping, mopping or washing of the floors, sinks, toilets, tubs, garage entry way, and counters To work 6 days per week Please Contact: 346-6455 Some of these positions are new 8 of these positions are renewals (Cleaning Ladies/Domestic Workers /Carpenters and Mason) Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

The School for Field Studies, South Caicos Several Openings: Center Director,Marine Operations Coordinator, Dive Safety Officer, Student Affairs Manager and Program/Waterfront Assistants Job Summaries and Qualifications: Center Director – PhD required (30K per year, currently held by work permit holder); Marine Operations Coordinator and Dive Safety Officer – BS degree, experience with facilities and vehicle/vessel maintenance (21K per year, currently held by work permit holders). Student Affairs Manager – BS degree, EMT, experience facilitating group safety and dynamics (21K per year, currently held by work permit holder). Program/Waterfront Assistant – BS degree in Marine Science or similar (10K per year, new position). All positions required to live on-site, minimum Dive Maters SCUBA certified unless otherwise stated, prior experience living/working at a field station and boat handling is preferred. To Apply: Please send your CV to HHERTLER@FIELDSTUDIES.ORG Start Date: Immediately

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


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Allan Robinson donates tablets to schools in Grand Turk On March 20th of this year, the Turks and Caicos Islands saw the closure of schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The subsequent reopening of schools saw a transition to online modalities of learning as a result of the pandemic. The closure of schools presented huge challenges to both children and their parents, especially for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. The transition from the traditional classroom setting to

home schooling was a disruption for equipped with the tools necessary virtually every child in the Turks and for remote learning. His financial Caicos Islands. support had a direct impact on Even in the darkest of times, students’ learning and confirms there are opportunities for people to the fact that similar support from shine. Mr. Allan Robinson, a sterling members of the community is what citizen of the Turks and Caicos is needed to ensure the continuation Islands, donated 23 tablets to assist of teaching and learning during students in the community of Grand these changing and challenging Turk. times As a result of his generous The Minister of Education, donation, Mr. Robinson helped to Honourable Karen Malcolm, said ensure that low-income students are she was absolutely delighted for this

act of kindness and that it was very timely. She expressed gratitude to Mr. Robinson for his generous donation and encouraged the students to care for the tablets and to utilize them to the best of their ability. The Ministry of Education expresses sincere thanks to Mr. Robinson for his kind donation and encourages other members of the community to become partners in education.

Nursing home ‘Homely Haven’ soft opening/viewing Turks and Caicos Islands’ first private geriatric nursing facility ‘Homely Haven’ has officially opened its doors to provide services to the TCI community. During a soft opening/ viewing of the facility on Monday June 15th, a number of government officials, health professionals and community members all came out

to show their support. formed by local registered nurse/ Attending the event were, EMT, Cleola Been. Homely Haven is Hon. Sean Astwood, Deputy Premier geared towards care for the elderly, and MP for Five Cays, South Dock especially those persons who are at a and Chalk Sound, Minister of disadvantage where adequate care is Education Hon. Karen Malcolm and not being afforded to them. former government minister and The facility has central airDeputy Speaker Hon. Josephine conditioning, cable and internet, Connolly. electric hospital beds, air mattresses, TCI HomeAid Care was in house laundry, bedside tables,

non-skid floors, recliners, commodes, shower chairs, hydraulic lift, cameras in all bedrooms for continuous monitoring, all the comforts of home with exceptional care to accompany it. Homely Haven is located at 51 Robinson Road, Norway, Five Cays, Providenciales.

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


Injustice in the Special Investigation Prosecution Team court case Good Day, this is Tamia Glinton reporting live from the SIPT courthouse, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands. Martin Luther King once said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”. In today’s society, everyone is focused on George Floyd and the injustice he suffered at the hands of Police. Even here in the Turks and Caicos, persons are standing with and supporting his family on their campaign that black lives matter. They have been glued to their television sets following the turn of events. Right here in the Turks and Caicos Islands, we have local citizens who are experiencing grave injustice through a court system designed to out rightly to not give them a fair trial. The odds are stacked against them and no one seems to care. Why haven’t we given the same interest and support to our countrymen’s injustice as we give to George Floyd? Allow me to present to you for a few minutes some facts about this case and what I perceive to be unfair and unjustifiable. The Special Investigation Prosecution Team was assembled in 2009 headed by Helen Garlick and lead prosecutor Andrew Mitchell, to investigate and prosecute the former PNP Ministers and other professionals on systemic corruption. In 2011, the individuals were charged and the trial began in 2015 and continues today. The Turks and

Caicos Islands Constitutions says that everyone is entitled to a fair and timely trial. The defense has just begun their case, professional persons involved have been charged for 8 years and it is now almost 5 years since the trial began. Is this representative of a timely process? This can be considered unconstitutional. This presents a significant pressure on professional people to work since they are in court 3 weeks out of every month. This is practically unjust and crippling financially to the defendants, due to their frozen assets, it limits them to assemble and pay a good legal team to assist them with their trial. The Constitution dictates that a person is innocent until proven guilty. The length of this case is from 2015 and 2020 this proves that this cannot be a fair trial. According to research that I’ve made, there has not been any other recorded trial within the Caribbean region, America nor Britain that has gone on for so long. The case is very lengthy and drawn out with a single judge sitting on the case and managing a large number of lawyers. Have you ever heard of a trial with 9 defendants totaling 14 to 15 charges and a single judge, hearing a minimum of 24 lawyers? This case has cost the country over $100,000,000 and counting. Imagine we are a small nation, highly dependent on a fragile tourism industry, having to sacrifice large sums of money for so long, we quite frankly cannot afford it and to think that we are forced by the British Government to pay it.


This is hurting the country financially because I am sure you will agree with me that the money can be better spent on developing our country’s infrastructure, providing better education for the people of this country, better health care services and more community development programmes. The whole case is about poor governmental practices and corruption. However, it is important to note that the head of state in this country, the Governor, is the representative of Her Majesty The Queen. One of his very important roles is to give oversight to maintain good governance in the country. This leaves one to ask the question shouldn’t the Governor Rick Todd be on trial as well since he was unable to maintain good governance on behalf of the Queen and the people of this country? A failure of the government is also a failure of the Governor, since he sat in Cabinet and supported all decisions of the Government. It is a known fact that the legislation of the country has been changed and amended to allow the defendants to go through trial without the jury. This amendment is an infringement of the defendant’s rights to trial by jury which has been the right of the people of this country for 100’s of years this is indeed fundamentally wrong as the rules of the game have been changed as the play goes on. Again, the Emergency Powers of the Governor now gives a judge

By Tamia Glinton the right to sit on a bench in another country and hear the defendants case, this too is unfair and should not be entertained. The defendants, I learnt, are currently challenging this. Lord Hewart CJ once said, “Not only must justice be done; it must be seen to be done.” I pause to ask the question here, is justice done or seen? I chose to deal with this unfairness of the Special Investigation Team trial not because I believe one is innocent or guilty but because I wish to highlight the abnormalities and unjust practices contained in this case. I also wish to bring awareness because no one else is addressing it. It is my hope that it will arouse an interest in this case and begin a national conversation, as well as effective action because today it is the 9 defendants and if we continue to turn a blind eye and sit idly by in silence, tomorrow it could be 10 other Turks and Caicos Islanders. Like George Floyd, the system is not allowing the defendants to breathe. Should we not be our brothers keepers and stand up for what is right for all? STAND UP TURKS AND CAICOS, LET’S TAKE A STAND!


interCaribbean Airways, Provo Air Center, Flight Support Limited, Caribbean Aviation Maintenance Services has the following position(s) currently held by work permit holders:

For a large private family estate in Providenciales operated by Samuel Gillespie.

Flight Dispatcher – Must have a FAA dispatcher license and be experience with navigationfacilities over airline routes. Must have good vision, hearing, enunciation and be competent in airline communication and meteorology. Experience with monitoring, analyzing and/or calculating various flight factors such as weather reports, runaway performance, weight and balance issues. Salary $30,000 per year.

Job Duties to include the following:

Laborers: Must be willing to perform manual tasks, hard working, reliable and willing to work weekends and holidays. Wages $7.00 per hour Domestic Workers; Must be hard working, reliable and willing to work weekends and holidays. Wages $7.00 per hour

Experienced Live-In Property Maintenance Supervisor needed for a busy household.

•General repairs to roof and various wooden structures on the premises •General electrical repairs to and maintenance of water pump, electronics and machinery •Maintenance of multiple pools (five) and hot tubs (two), including maintenance and repairs to pool pumps, filters and proper application of pool chemicals •Contribute to verbal and written evaluations and communications as requested •Responsibility for handling general custodial and maintenance emergencies

Gardener: hard working, reliable and willing to work weekends and holidays. Wages $7.00 per hour.

The Property rents up to ten weeks a year, therefore, this position also requires supervisory and liaison skills with third party villa rental management staff and international guests during rentals. The On call 24/7 for emergency repairs during rentals.

TECHNICAL RECORDS ADMINISTRATOR: Successful candidate must possess the following;

Applicant must have:

• Have in-depth knowledge of aircraft computerize tracking software and programs. • Have adequate knowledge of Turks and Caicos aviation laws as it relates to OTARS Part 39, Part 43, Part 47 and Part 145 • Have knowledge and experience with Caribbean Aviation Maintenance Services maintenance organization exposition and documentation procedures. • Collect all aircraft records / data daily for input into maintenance tracking program • Ensure records are available during certificate of airworthiness renewal • Record all maintenance inspections/checks in the logbooks and component changes and issue warranty notification forms for components failing within the warranty period. • Ensuring that component change in the Computerized Maintenance System is correctly executed and reflects the transaction recorded on the Technical Log pages, must be hard working, reliable and willing to work weekends and holidays Salary $36,000 per annum. Interested persons send resume to HR@intercaribbean.com. Belonger and PRC holders need only apply.

•Excellent interpersonal and communication skills in English •Excellent carpentry and electrical skills •Ability to operate tools and machines common to the building trades •Knowledge and experience in maintaining hot tubs, pools, pool pumps and filters as well as proper application of pool chemicals •At least ten years’ in building maintenance for a large private family villa •A valid driving licence with a clean record and the ability to operate a manual shift, right-hand drive vehicle. •Flexibility to work six days a week Salary is $2,136.75 per month. This advertisement is for a work permit renewal application. All suitably qualified TC Islanders are requested to submit resumes/portfolios via email to:contact@stanbrooks-law.com or delivery: Stanbrooks Law Third Floor Graceway House Providenciales

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


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Over the next four months, expect to see lower electricity bills, due to significant declines in the fuel factor. Starting this month, your electricity bills will reflect the declining fuel factor rate, with significant reductions in July, August and September and up to 80% drop in October, compared to the January 2020 fuel factor. It’s our way of passing on the reduction in energy prices to customers as quickly as possible.

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


What will it take for us to unite?

Here’s a question to my follow Turks and Caicos Islanders: What is it going to take to make us unite and ignite a fight within us as a people to regain control of our nation and to have a country to call our own once more? Let’s recap. The British government came in and tried to humiliate (publicly) the elected officials and all the Turks Islanders who appeared to be too successful. They removed the local Commissioner of Police and replaced him with an Englishman. Crime went out of control. That Commissioner of Police came back to our country, heading up the largest private security firm. It makes you wonder whether he allowed crime to go unchecked because of his future interest! Former elected officials are being prosecuted and persecuted because the British government said they wrongfully enriched themselves

and others, but the very person who came in here to investigate and prosecute them, now owns a million dollar mansion in Providenciales, a condominium in Grand Turk and tour operating companies in water sport competing with the small business men (Turks and Caicos Islanders). This just goes to show us that they believe if there is wealth, then they should have it. They think we should not have it, but that’s a lie from the pits of hell. When we look at the land situation, every Haitian, Jamaican, Dominican come into this country and decide that they don’t want to pay rent, so they go and they squat on private land, Crown Land; it doesn’t matter. And there is nothing to be said or to be done about it! Every Turks and Caicos Islander that had a piece of Crown Land saw the cost increase by 500%. Turks and Caicos Islanders

are holding top position in government, but one by the foreign office is removing them, using their instrument called the Integrity Commission. I am seeing all of our laws being changed every day to facilitate the expatriate community, while those who we elect go along silently and collect a paycheck at the end of the month. Now, we have this new situation where the one appointed by the Governor’s office and the foreign office to persecute and prosecute our By Phillip Robinson people is part owner in a company that owns a boat on which an illegal or our local elected officials when gun and ammunition was found, Turks and Caicos Islanders especially, and nothing is being done! our young men are coming into The Integrity Commission is silent. possession of firearms left, right and The UK government centre a lot of them work around appointed member to our House these boats and private villas owned of Assembly is also a shareholder by people like these. in this boat charter company and I ask this question again; nothing is being said by the Integrity What will it take to make us rise up Commission, the Governor’s office and take our country back?

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


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“Shut Your Mouth” Law could criminalize our people for speaking out Having reviewed the proposed every single Turks and Caicos Islander law labelled “Public Order & Criminal has been speaking out, some more Justice Bill 2020” one can see why there harshly than others. is public outrage over this bill which is It is against this backdrop, that being widely regarded as the “shut ya this bill surfaced, with the stated aim mouth” Law. as per the preamble, being “…to create With Turks and Caicos Islands new offences relating to public order; to residents living under curfew and control offensive messages and telephone other civil liberties restrictions for the calls; to protect specific persons from past 3 months, it would appear that intimidation…”. . This leaves one to the authorities in their ‘wisdom’ now form the view that the origin and purpose see fit to permanently restrict some of of this bill is to address the onslaught of these freedoms, in particular freedom of what has been taking place over the last speech. few weeks, and silence the harsher critics The optics upon which this bill of the Government. surfaced to the public is quite bad and Particularly when the bill does can be interpreted as borderline sinister not outline who are to be determined when you take into consideration the “specific persons”. If it is to be done following: by regulation, they can list all of the Government Members as Specific 1.First, people have been more vocal Persons via Cabinet approval. than ever against this government; Which if it were so would most certainly seem to suggest a misuse 2.Secondly, there have been several of parliamentary powers to make Facebook Shows that have continuously laws to silence persons from speaking hammered the Premier and Government out. However, looking past the stated for lack of performance; preamble of the bill which is problematic, it is clear that the intent of same appears 3.Thirdly, the business industry’s to be an attempt to actually bolster laws: public row with the Premier for lack of inclusion; 1. Against spreading false information in a social media age; 4.Fourthly, everyone has been 2.Protection against Witness questioning the purpose of the British Intimidation; forces and the usefulness of the 3.Protection for the Judiciary and Commissioner of Police during whose other Court Officers so that they can tenure, the murder rate has soared to 11 effectively carry out their functions; in 6 months; and and most significantly 4. Providing protection against active 5.Finally, the 4,000 plus displaced threats of violence and harassment tourism industry workers dismayed with for all Turks Islanders not just a the Premier and Government over the specific class of persons. lack of payment of the long awaited $1,200.00 stimu-lack checks. Almost Despite, the likely intention

of the Bill, it is understandable why we as Turks Islanders would be naturally skeptical of its timing and why we would be inclined to ask ourselves, who is behind this bill? Is it the Premier or is it the British? Many among us are still smarting from the way in which we felt our rights to speak out were hampered by the Covid19 emergency orders and now the marshalling in of this new Bill would have our people feeling that the powers that be are feeling emboldened to remove said rights permanently. Especially since the public sentiment is that there are already other laws on the books to address all of the potential situations provided for in this new Bill, making the “shut ya mouth” superfluous. What are we therefore missing? The other questions that leave persons with a profound sense of mistrust, are the questions as to how the bill will be enforced? Is this a tool to create a police state? Will parliamentarians use the auspices of the Bill to make complaints to the police whenever a concerned citizen speaks out against them forcefully? Is that why we have not heard from any parliamentarian on this bill? If that is the case the bill would be an entrapment and should be rejected in its current form. Furthermore, according to this bill, violence is no longer violence as we know it (in the physical form). This “shut ya mouth” law extends the definition of violence from physical to words, signs/ gestures (the middle finger) and writing. Is this therefore a tool to wield fear into the hearts of the Facebook protesters and activists? While on a balance, there is a need for persons who threaten the lives

By Mark Fulford - Attorney-at-law

of others to be held accountable and any such bill where a threat to one’s life is criminalized, would have my full support, greater clarity is needed with respect to the current Bill. The Bill in and of itself is ambiguous (the preamble being inconsistent with the spirit and letter of the Bill) and leaves a lot to interpretation. Interpretation which could easily go against the people and even criminalize those who stand up and speak out against the government. It is quite apparent that the easiest way not be caught by this bill will be to “shut ya mouth” and keep your hands in your pocket (not to conceal any weapon but to avoid your hand gestures being received as a “sign” of violence), thereby giving the government exactly what it appears they are seeking, a total silencing of the people on the issues! We the electorate therefore need to advocate for clarity where this Bill is concerned, censorship is not the way of the Turks and Caicos Islands and to accept this Bill wholesale without a robust exchange with our elected representatives, as to the true intent, scope, nature, rationale, and ambits of the Bill would represent a slippery slope whereby in a few years even a balanced article such as this could be labelled treason.

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


Urticaria Rashes

Urticaria is also known as such as cold, heat, warm baths, environmental factors over which you nettle rash. It is sometimes described exercise and emotional distress can have control such as alcohol intake as a weal or hives and is raised and worsen symptoms. In some persons, and warm showers, avoiding those itchy. It may appear on one part of the urticaria may be seasonal, suggesting activities are generally helpful. body or be spread across large areas an environmental factor may be at Antihistamines are often used to treat and can be acute, lasting less than 6 work. the itching and discomfort and over weeks or chronic, following a longthe counter options are a good start. By Dr. Marsha Barnett term intermittent course, waxing and Diagnosing Urticaria In severe cases, corticosteroids may waning over months or even years! be used whether orally or in injection emergency. An estimated 20% of people With all diagnoses, a thorough form to dampen the reaction. Creams are affected by acute urticaria at some history and examination are essential. have not been found to be very helpful The emotional impact point in their lives and about 1% of With urticaria however, many times as the rash tends to pop up in different persons develop chronic urticaria. the diagnosis is made from the history areas at different times. Acute urticaria is done and alone as the rash may have disappeared An allergist or dermatologist dusted in 6 weeks. Although the What causes urticaria? when you are seeing your doctor. This may be able to give specialized help if intense itching can be bothersome and is because most persons have the rash your GP prescribed or over the counter angioedema can be frightening, once Histamine causes itching and at certain times of day and the skin drugs aren’t sufficient. the trigger is avoided and the acute also leads to dilation of the blood may be clear at the time of the visit. rash treated, the condition resolves. vessels under the skin, leading to Occasionally blood tests may Complications of urticaria Living with chronic urticaria redness and skin swelling. Urticaria be ordered including allergy testing. however can have a considerable occurs when a trigger causes high Many times however, this is not Around a quarter of people negative impact on a person’s mood levels of histamine and other chemical helpful; as the trigger may not be in with acute urticaria and half of people and quality of life. messengers to be released in the skin. found in the battery of tested food and with chronic urticaria also develop In fact, it was found that 1 This can be for a myriad of reasons. environmental allergens. a deeper swelling of tissues called in 7 people with chronic urticaria The most common reason is angioedema. had some sort of psychological or an allergic reaction to medications or Treating urticaria This most commonly affects the emotional problem, such as stress, food. When urticaria has an obvious lips, eyes, hands and feet. Angioedema anxiety or depression associated inciting agent, it usually resolves with The treatment options chosen is always treated with systemic (oral or with the development and course treatment and time and doesn’t tend depend on the severity and chronicity injection) medications. Not only can it of the condition. However effective to recur if you no longer have the food, of the condition. If the urticaria is due look disfiguring especially when facial treatments are available to improve medication and so on. to medications or food, discontinuing features are involved, but it can also your symptoms. However, some persons their use and treating the rash until it be the beginning of a serious allergic develop the condition without resolves is all that is usually required. reaction called anaphylaxis. *Dr. Marsha Barnett is a general an obvious external trigger. These Usually the rash does not With anaphylaxis, there can practitioner who also specialises persons are more likely to develop return unless you take the same be swelling and narrowing of the in dermatology. For questions or chronic urticaria. Some cases of long- medication or food again. In many airways, which can cause wheezing comments, please contact her at term urticaria may be caused by the of those cases, treatment isn’t needed and breathing difficulties. It can lead drmarshabarnett@gmail.com or immune system mistakenly attacking because the rash often gets better to unconsciousness and death and as at Associated Medical Practices healthy tissue! In these cases, factors within a few days. If your triggers are such is always be treated as a medical 946-4242.

The issue of the small islands in Caribbean culture The English speaking Caribbean is an interesting area from a political, economic, and cultural standpoint. All of these countries have been colonies of Great Britain, with different levels of political and economic development. A number have become independent, while others, choose to remain in partnership with the U. K. A few have experienced political instability, and all, remain dependent on loans from international financial institutions to keep them afloat. And most interestingly, it is the former colonial powers that fund these agencies. In addition the United States of America through its financial institutions, controls the pace of development of these countries, and interest has to be paid on these loans. From a political perspective, both the independent Caribbean, and the so-called smaller islands are careful to adopt democratic practices in their political affairs, or face having financial support being reduced. Political independence has therefore brought political direction by the more powerful countries. What has intrigued many about the independent Caribbean countries, is the feeling on their part that independence means being superior to the non-independent countries, particularly because of population and size, despite the fact that the non-independent countries have experienced greater economic success in several areas. “Small island people” is the term often used to describe the inhabitants of the non-independent territories. But a Lecturer in Caribbean politics, Robert Buddan recently stated that countries with a land area

of less than twenty thousand square kilometers are regarded as being small, and that of the twenty-eight islands in the Caribbean, twenty one have a land area of less than twenty thousand square kilometers. Further, small countries have populations which are under ten million. And of the twenty eight islands of the Caribbean, twenty two have a population of less than one million. Does this mean that most Caribbean countries are in fact small islands? The Turks and Caicos Islands have long been referred to as small islands in a ‘put down’ sense by some independent Caribbean territories. And its people referred to as small island people, suggesting being less than those with a larger population and geography. But the fact is that most of the Caribbean, particularly the English speaking countries, are actually small islands as well, based on the statement of Buddan. On occasions when attending regional meetings, officials organising these meetings forgot to place a plaque with TCI’s name on it where the TCI delegation sat. Also on discussing certain issues at one meeting, one person from an independent Caribbean country suggested that since the TCI was not independent, it should not be allowed to contribute to the discussions. Here the issue of small islands is a factor used to determine the status of sister countries, even though the non-independent countries have been more successful in managing their economies, and making their societies more equal. In other episodes, whenever TCI’s attend certain institutions in

some Caribbean countries, the host country’s students refer to them as the ‘small islanders’ without ever mentioning their personal names. And in some instances our students have noted how they are individually referred to as ‘small-ee,’ when someone wanted their attention. One male student reported that he was constantly referred to as the “small island man” by his colleagues. And a teacher from another geography informed a local person that a mature student studying in the TCI who was not a citizen, informed her that she noticed the teacher paid more attention to the ‘islanders’ than to her who was from the same place as the said teacher. Buddan, the Lecturer referred to earlier mentions another author who states that small size concerns issues of viability and vulnerability. With viability, the question is posed as to whether small states have the economic resources, governmental capacity and population skills to manage on their own. Vulnerability concerns whether small states, or islands could defend their sovereignty and independence against the powers of larger states as well as natural disasters. These two factors are at the core of the perceptions larger Caribbean countries have of the smaller Caribbean islands. To me, both have no basis in reality. With respect to viability, the TCI has shown consistent economic growth, with strong, healthy reserves, which many bigger countries lack. Its government is a real democracy, and its population is highly skilled with the education and knowledge to manage the country’s affairs, and enable sustainable growth and development

By Oliver Mills to take place. Regarding vulnerability, the TCI has proven that it can defend its sovereignty. Not only do we have a competent Marine Branch of the police force that protects its borders successfully by intercepting illegal vessels, but it has the support and presence of the British military, one of the best in the world to assist its efforts. And with its own army regiment, the country is assured of its protection, including managing any natural disasters. This concept of small islands, as it applies to the TCI is irrelevant. And the term should be erased from the political culture of the Caribbean, which is intended to suggest some islands, because of their size, are more advanced. The term also could result in division between the larger islands, and their smaller counterparts. It is also a term of disrespect. What is needed in Caribbean political culture is the use of expressions which encourage a sense of community, mutual trust, and reciprocal help. After all no Caribbean island is bigger, or smaller than the other. Each has its own natural size.

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


Page 19


If we care for others, the world will be a better place

“Not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” Philippians 2:4 I believe if we sincerely care for others, many lives in the world can be saved, relationships among the nationalities, races and family can be improved, and inequality can be improved thus making the world a better place. Too many of us are focusing on our own needs and really do not care about the needs of others. Some of us want to achieve one thing and that is to enrich ourselves even if it means at the expense of others. Some of us know the gifts and talents of others and may come into possession of information that will help others to improve their condition but rather than sharing that information with the relevant individuals, we take upon ourselves and use that information for ourselves. Many of us continue to view individuals as by the colour of their skin, their nationality and place of birth and so we tend to care for people of our own colour or nationality. Perhaps it is because people are more comfortable with their own but really and truly we have prejudices and selfishness within us Caring for someone other than your race – The Good Samaritan There is a parable in Luke 10 in which a man was attacked while he was on his way to Jericho from Jerusalem. The

man was beaten badly to a point where he was almost half dead. A priest passed by and passed the other side when he saw the man. A Levite also passed by and did not help the man but went to the other side. However, when the Samaritan passed by and saw the man. He took care of the man, bandaged his wounds, took him to an Inn and paid for his expenses while at the inn. The Samaritan did not have to stop but he did because he cared about others. How many of us passed people by in need and don’t stop to help them. Perhaps if that Samaritan did not stop by that man might have died. Therefore the Samaritan saved that man’s life. The Samaritans and Jews despised each other but yet this Samaritan stopped to help this Jew. Like the Samaritan, if we all play our part in caring for each other no matter the colour of one’s skin, we can save the lives of many. Caring for someone who is not your family - Naomi and Ruth After the death of Naomi’s two sons, Naomi decided to return to Judah and encouraged her daughters in law to go back to their home and find new husbands. Orpah took her advice and kissed her mother in law good bye but

Ruth stayed with her mother in law. She found favour in the eyes of the Lord and helps her mother in law. This was an incredible thing that Ruth did. Ruth did not have to stay with her mother in law but she cared about and perhaps knew that her mother in law would need her assistance. How many of you will continue to take care of your ex mother in law after your husband died. Some of us do not want to take care of our own parents let alone your mother in law.

Dorcas was a caring person by caring for the widows and providing clothing for the needy. I always believe that there are enough wealthy people in the world to care for the poor and needy. If people are generous to the poor, we would not have so many poor people in the world. The word of Lord says in Proverbs 19:17 “whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord.” Caring for family that betrayed you – Joseph Joseph was betrayed by his brothers. However, when his brothers arrived in Egypt due to the famine in Canaan, Joseph cared for his brothers.

Job Title:

Salt Mills Plaza, Grace Bay. Providenciales Teacher

Duties and Responsibilities 1. Plan, direct and deliver training and professional development programmes 2. Provide feedback on programs implemented to organization 3. To establish and maintain contacts and good relationships with potential clients. Education & Experience 1. BSc in relevant discipline 2. Prior experience with designing and implementing training programs successfully 3. Familiarity with traditional and modern training methods (mentoring and coaching on the job or in the classroom training, e-learning, workshops, simulations etc.) Skills & Qualities 1. Good written and verbal communication skills 2. Ability to deliver programmes to a high quality 3. Strong leadership and management kills 4. Ability to devise solutions to complex problems 5. Energy and enthusiasm to motivate and engage others 6. Personally credible and strong interpersonal skills 7. Integrity and approachability Competencies 1. Technical capacity 2. Communication proficiency 3. Leadership 4. Initiative 5. Learning orientation 6. Flexibility 7. Time management skills 8. Presentation skills 9. Fluent English Email CVs to admin@peakprofessionaltci.com

Conclusion As we reflect on this article, I encourage all of us including myself to ask yourself these questions. Am I caring for others like God wants us to do? Am I am in a position to improve the lives of others? Am I selfish? Am I withholding information that can help others? Do I care for only my race? Do I care for only my nationality? Do I care for the poor? Do I only care about the wealthy and famous people? If we learn to care for others, the world will be a better place. I conclude with Galatians 6: 9-10 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”


Annex A


There are siblings who are not talking to each other. There are children who are not speaking to their parents. However, Joseph revealed himself to his brothers and ensure they were taken care of despite how he was treated.

Caring for the poor and needy – Dorcas

PEAK PROFESSIONAL TCI LTD. Reporting to: Executive Director

By Drexwell Seymour

Chief Executive Officer, HAB Limited HAB Limited is a multi-disciplinary company with investments in water utilities, a golf course and various property developments in Providenciales. The Chief Executive Officer will oversee operations and investments in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI). Responsibilities will include: i.

Developing, communicating and implementing the company’s vision, mission and strategic plans ii. Providing overall strategic direction to ensure high quality performance in terms of time, quality and costs/budgets iii. Evaluating the success of the Company in setting and reaching its goals regardingrevenue and performance iv. Training and deepening the team’s expertise, and guiding the team in representing the company professionally in all dealings v. Managing a positive relationship with the government and regulators vi. Creating good community relationships that are in keeping with the Company’s corporate social responsibility agenda. vii. Growing value added services for the business. viii. Recruiting, developing, and growing a robust team for the various companies. Essential Criteria: • Minimum 10 years prior experience in successfully managing a corporate entity at executive (Board) level. Preference will be given to applicants with experience in management of water utilities. • An ability to demonstrate successful past performance of exercising balanced and pragmatic judgement; and prioritizing and delegating tasks within an environment which has multiple active work streams affecting a wide range of stakeholders. • A sound understanding of the key economic, technical and other factors influencing the development of water utilities, including the key drivers of price and quality in the short and long-term. • Proven significant experience of engaging effectively with regulators and/or the legislationto ensure obligations are understood and fulfilled. Remuneration based on experience, commencing at US$10,000.00 per month plus housing All suitably qualified applicants are requested to submit resumes/portfolios toP.O. Box 260, Regent House West, Regent Village, Grace Bay, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands or email mslaw@tciway.tc Prospective Turks Islander applicants are also free to lodge a copy of their application with the Labour Department

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


Call for a Post Covid-19 Meeting of the Minds

In deference to the dangerous Missick, Elery James and Courtney impediments to assisting our fellow coronavirus Covid-19 (C19) pandemic Missick who have come to the aid of citizens in need. which has negatively impacted the their countrymen, -- those persons But if the regulations of the world, including our little Turks who, from all indications, have been Integrity Commission are actually and Caicos Islands, where, sadly, it struggling to survive in the face of this the reason why they are not publicly claimed its only victim, so far, the son C19 which has ravished the economic coming to the aid of our fellows of my cousin and childhood buddy, power of so many of our people. in need, then I certainly hope that Carl “Bus” Lightbourne, I have been Again, at the risk of casting they see the need for curtailing the rather silent. too broad a net, what I find to be power of the Integrity Commission However, so much has disheartening is the paucity of in this regard and/or taking seriously transpired since the “lockdown” or information indicating that any of the need for constitutional changes imposed quarantine, inevitably my those persons – those who have been which will allow elected officials to thoughts concerning the state of elected to positions of leadership make charitable contributions to affairs in our country have been racing -- have been out and about trying worthy causes, especially in time of in all directions, but the central focus to lend a helping hand to their crisis, such as this. my thinking is our ability to survive constituents, but rather missing in But, couldn’t this specific this quarantine and how we come action, silent – except for Honorable regulation of the Integrity together to perform a thorough post- Sean Astwood and Honorable Ralph Commission have been amended mortem and “to seek, to find and not Higgs who released statements to the as a part of the “Emergency Powers” to yield” until we develop a strategy press defending themselves against regulations? on how, together, we move forward. accusations. Additionally, is it the case That the country went into But at a time when so many that because of our political system, a period of isolation to protect its of our people are having a difficult individual elected Representatives are citizens from the ravages of C19 time meeting their basic daily needs, to remain silent while all speeches was clearly the correct decision – it simply defies logic and every ounce or announcements are the sole consistent with most countries of the of compassion and caring for our responsibility of the leaders of the world. neighbor to imagine that there has Parties? What has been so refreshing been no news of our legislators coming I want to join hands with and laudable is the manner in which to the aid of their constituents! Jimmy Malcolm, Janell Robinson, Ben our people have responded by being Clearly, it is possible, and I Roberts, Llewelyn Simons, Robert Hall, neighborly. “In times of crisis,” it is hope more probable than possible, Lillian Missick, Drexwell Seymour, said, “leaders lead.” that our legislative representatives Anthony (Tony E Ha) Hamilton and The amazing and refreshing have been leading the charge in this others, not known to me, who have aspect of this lockdown is that the regard. written and/or spoken about using “leadership” has come from the A friend has made me to this lockdown time as an opportunity “common folk,” – those persons who understand that there are constraints for forging a brave new path for a have not been elected or appointed placed on our elected leaders due to future TCI. to positions of leadership, but those Integrity Commission regulations. And it is here where I think persons who saw a need and made And while that might very that those of us who have written and valiant efforts to meet the need. well be the case, the principle of talked about doing a post mortem on At the risk of omitting many charity forces me to assume that our C19 and doing some forward thinking persons, I am sure, I mention persons elected representatives would not for our country can and should get in such as Mavis Williams, Franklyn use these regulations as a ruse or as front of the line and demonstrate

Caicos Pride Products Ltd. Location: South Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands

Is looking for: Plant Worker/ Conch Peeler/ Lobster Processor/ Fish Processor •Cut, clean, trim and grade and pack Fish, Conch and Lobster •Prepare daily production report •Responsible for order and maintenance of Freezer •Cleaning plant equipment and performing other duties as assigned Requirements Requirements • Minimum of 1 year experience • Proficient in English •Must be self –motivated with the ability to work effectively without Supervision • Must be capable of working long and variable work for extended periods of time • Must have clean Police Clearance Salary is $6.25 per hour Others will be paid by per pound basis base on individual production Please Contact: Caicos Pride Products Ltd. At 232-3320 for further information Note: These positions are currently held by a work permit holders Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders are encouraged to apply directly and submit a copy of their application to the Immigration Board

Caicos Pride Products Ltd Location: South Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands

Is looking for 1 Heavy Equipment Mechanic Primary Job Functions: Responsible for maintaining all heavy equipment such as front end loaders, excavators, and other mobile equipment Order parts for rolling stock, maintain and manage parts inventory Assist in developing PMs for all mobile equipment and ensuring proper maintenance is completed Interface with area planner to get mobile equipment scheduled for repair based on critically and availability Additional Requirements: •Must be able to work various shifts per week •Must have five years experience in electrical and hydraulics •Must have valid driver’s license •Be authorized and willing to work in the South Caicos, TCI •Must be 30+ years old Salary: $16,000 per annum and is commensurate with qualifications and experience Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders are encouraged to apply directly and submit a copy of their application to the Immigration Board Submit resumes to Caicos Pride Products Ltd, email: islancrops@tciway.tc Note: This position is currently held by a work permit holder

By Lee Ingham

our commitment to the future of our country. Parenthetically, I remember how impressed I was with the motto – “Enter to Lead ……Leave to Serve” of the Leadership Institute at Central State University, my place of employment for three decades. If we are serious and really want to “serve” this little country to which we all claim some allegiance, I would strongly recommend that a deliberate effort be made to take this opportunity to bring together all the disparate thoughts/individuals for a meeting of the minds, specifically to develop a pragmatic report – from A to Z -- for presentation to the Government, the important TCHTA and our fellow TCIers; not, however, dependent on Government for implementation and/or oversight. I do not think that we should wait. We can begin the discussion immediately, invite as broad a group as possible and when the current restrictions are lifted, meet, most likely in Provo, for further discussions, recommendations and setting timelines for a final report. A luta continua!

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


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Inhibiting freedom of speech and expression - The Proposed Public Order and Criminal Justice Bill 2020 This repressive legislation accepted practice in democratic sent word which may or may not be does not only highlight this countries to hypothesize or in opposition, contrary to, or even government’s fear of being intelligently analyze an existing or condemnation to a government’s objectively criticized and held into proposed idea, policy or agenda and policy or agenda. account, but it clearly demonstrates as a result state sensible and possible So obviously, one of the the government’s desire to continue outcomes, which because of their questions now is, will the church to muffle its citizenry both vocally contents, may have been proven at who are supposed to be the and through media outlets while sometime or in someplace in the ‘watchmen on the wall’, rise to the it continues to exploit, oppress, past, to result in a particular manner. occasion and speak out about it, disadvantage and disempower its This Bill will be tabled in our since a preacher may in the future people. Local House of Assembly this coming be easily not only be accused of and This is a devious and blatant Monday seeking a smooth passage. arrested, but fined or imprisoned case of masked totalitarianism. Considering the powers that or both for merely addressing any This legislation is a clear, it puts in the hands of our elected issue from a prophetic or biblical present and future danger to the politicians, for one thing, it is a standpoint or simply from a natural, established, historic and universally direct threat to the prophetic God layman, communal standpoint.

By Oswald Skippings - Former Chief Minister

Concerns about the Public Order and Criminal Justice bill 2020 By Courtenay Francis Raymond Barnett - Attorney-at-Law

I write with a measure of concern.

behaviour recently displayed in the Islands in conjunction with a public awareness raising campaign.” “Threats” can already adequately be dealt with under existing legislation. Unless I am wholly unacquainted with the criminal law in the TCI, it seems to be a fictitious ruse to suggest and argue that the full weight of the law cannot already adequately be brought to bear on any offending individual.

Do note that for over thirty (30) years I have argued cases across the board, Constitutional, criminal, commercial and others, so I believe it fair to say that I just may have some acquaintance with and knowledge of the law, practices and procedures in the Turks and Caicos Islands courts. Since I remain a pariah - I did not receive the Bill - and no one “Who were consulted? “ – Yes who? solicited my opinion. In any event: “ The elected Government is “On 15th May 2020 also keen to modernise and expand consultation was initiated with the law dealing with threats – as a the legal profession, through the deterrent to an increase in threatening Bar Council and the Office of the

Director of Public Prosecutions, law attention of the general public enforcement through the Royal while, of course, entertaining Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force, criticism of political actors of and the Judiciary.” all stripes. Seems to me very The same inner circle who much what happens right across were consulted on the law just the Commonwealth Caribbean recently ruled unconstitutional, it ( so why should the TCI be an is evident. Why can’t the general exception)? public be consulted, say on radio talk shows before rushing ahead with My views if questioned legislation which impacts everyone’s can at any time in greater detail constitutional rights? be elaborated on with more ‘case “ Harass” - so, is it really specific’ information, if anyone that politicians faced with strong may indeed suggest that what I say criticism are more contented with:relative to the Honourable Attorney General’s press release is baseless. 1.Gagging legislation; and As always, I desire what is 2.The banning of ‘talk show’ fair, just, balanced and right for moderators who are effective in all sections of the society ( police bringing important issues to the included).

Open Letter to Youths Dear Youths, Your time is limited don’t waste it living someone’s else’s life stay motivated stay focused be encourage you hold both present and future progress in your hands. Don’t look back you’re not going that way you’re off to great places. Don’t try to fit in and don’t try to be different be yourself. You have amazing contributions to make to the lives of others. Please don’t be persuaded by what u here or see (crime) allow others to talk you work hard, study hard. Our greatest weakness lies in giving up never give up. Young People you have the power to change the world. This generation, the most interconnected generation ever. Tap into the dynamism of youth movements so that crime and any other pressing issues will not surface. There is a point in every young person’s life when you realize that the youth that you’ve progressed through and graduate to some sort of adulthood is equally

By Nixon Dickenson

as messed up as where you’re going. Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


With the coronavirus pandemic still with us, which means more time spent at home, it’s time to look for ways to save on your electricity bills. FortisTCI encourages you to practice energy conservation as much as possible. Here are a few tips for efficient use of your refrigerator: • • • • •

If your refrigerator was made before 1993, consider replacing it with a newer, Energy Star model which reduces electricity usage by as much as half. Leave enough space between your refrigerator and the walls so that air can easily circulate around the refrigerator. Don’t keep your refrigerator or freezer too cold. Make sure your refrigerator door seals are airtight. Do not open the doors of your refrigerator frequently.

Monitor your daily usage with the My Online Account web portal. Sign up at www.fortistci.com, where you can also find more energy-saving tips.


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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


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To support the Turks & Caicos Islands Community during urgent times of need. Island Bargains and Meridian Trust

SATURDAY JUNE 20, 2020 9:00 AM LOCATIONS • Harvest Bible Chapel - Long Bay • Paradise Baptist Church - Five Cays • Power Tabernacle – The Bight • God’s Instrument Ministry - Blue Hills • Police Department – Kew Town

• Please stay in your vehicle to limit exposure. Groceries will be placed in your trunk. • Guests without vehicles are welcome to walk up, while maintaining six feet of social distancing and wearing a mask. You should be prepared to carry 20-30 pounds or have a cart.

will be hosting a

FREE Drive-Thru Food Distribution at five locations in Providenciales.

• Food will be distributed first come, first served. • Limited to the first 300 participants at each location. • Each family will receive two bags of food.

ANYONE IN NEED OF FOOD IS WELCOME! For information or to volunteer, please contact Stanley Bassett at Stanley@islandbargains.com


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GRAND TURK Chukka Caribbean Adventures (TCI) Ltd is about playtime! It’s about fun, laughter and a passion for life. Every single member of the CHUKKA team in Jamaica, Belize and Turks & Caicos contributes to helping their guests play; they get to wow them at every turn with all that the Caribbean has to offer.

CRUISE OPERATIONS MANAGER Maintain strategic relationships with the cruise partners, in an effort to provide up close and personalized service. The main objective being driving sales to the profitable tours, achieve sales targets and to consistently identify opportunities for sales growth. Duties and Responsibilities: •Meet and exceed pax per call year over year and in relation to the target. •Focus on pushing sales for the profitable tours and therefore consistently identify initiatives to push sales. •Respond to cruise complaints and issues within 24 hours. •Organize familiarizations trips for cruise members to include Shorex Managers, Cruise Directors and Captains and other employees of influence. All key cruise members must be consistently familiarized on new tour offerings improvements etc, •Prepare weekly reports to track success of familiarizations trips. Use numbers to indicate the success or failure of these trips. •Ensure that our POS material is well presented on board at all times. Such as brochures and pull up banners. •Consistently organize training programs or sales collaterals for crew members or shorex managers that are new or

PROVO WATER COMPANY LTD. Provo Water Company Ltd is seeking a suitable applicant to fill the following position. POSITION:PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ENGINEER QUALIFICATION: 1.Must be a graduate of Civil or Mechanical Engineering with at least 5 years of continuous professional work experience under the same capacity. 2.Must have at least 2year minimum experience in water line maintenanceunder a water utility company setting. 3.Knowledgeable on the principles of hydraulic engineering related to water supply and water distribution. 4.Well verse on engineering mathematics and economics. 5.Familiar with Construction methods, materials and equipment. 6.Knows how to apply the principles and methods of statistical analysis. 7.Must be computer literate. JOB DESCRIPTION: The Preventive Maintenance Engineer plays a vital role in keeping the integrityand efficiency of PWC’s water distribution system. Application of scientific and methodological process in dealing with the existing line problem is the main concentration while subduing the new ones in occurrence before becoming PWC’s major concern. The responsibilities and tasks of the Preventive Maintenance Engineer may vary from role to roledepending on the call of the situation. Under the technical setting, one must be flexible and mustengage in multi-tasking to ensure immediate application of required corrective actions. Following is the PM Engineer’s job description which includes: •Applying knowledge of civil engineering under the preventive maintenance setting of a water distribution system which includes pipeline positioning, hydraulic analysis, structural design and control systems. •Development of preventive maintenance database, including data input, monitors, audits and maintains the accuracy of the PM data base system at all times. •Designing preventive maintenance strategies, procedures and application methods; •Planning and scheduling planned and unplanned maintenance work;

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020

needs to be re-familiarized. •Provide a report to the Country Manager as it relates to the aesthetics, uniforms, operations, standards etc. Minimum Requirements: •Associate/First Degree in Management •Computer literacy •May occasionally be required to work beyond normal hours •Good administrative management skills •Business acumen •Mental fortitude •Ability to use imitative •Ability to handle complaints •Good oral and written communications skills •Effective planning and execution •Confidence in public speaking Reports to: Country Manager Compensation Package: Between $2500-$3000 per month or according to experience and proven track record Role currently held by work permit holder Turks and Caicos Islanders applications will be given preference

Deadline for submissions is June 30, 2020 Applications along with CVs/ Resume’ may be submitted via Email to: gtadmin@chukka.com, please place the desired position in the subject line or deliver to the below address: CHUKKA HUMAN RESOURCES CHUKKA CARIBBEAN ADVENTURES (TCI) LTD South Base, Lyndon Gardiner Boulevard

•Carrying out quality inspections on the main distribution system and formulate technical recommendation for system’s enhancement; •Diagnosing breakdown problems in the distribution line and provide technical assistance for the application of corrective action; •Anticipating technical problems and developing solutionsfor recommendation at an early stage; •Arranging procurement requisition of needed fixtures, fittings or components for a specialized problem in the water main; •Communicates with preventive maintenance program vendor’s technical support staff regarding software upgrades, needed program modifications, and technical issues; •Maintaining infrastructure master plan and mapping database of all accomplished preventive maintenance task; •Oversees data input in CMMS and Asset Management software; •Provides technical and administrative support to engineering works and field operations as required; •Assists in the integration of maintenance software with GIS, GPS, CMMS, AutoCAD, Hydraulic Modeling Software, financial inventory and utility billing/customer databases; •Develops, produces and assists in generating regular and special preventive maintenance system reports; •Researches, gathers data, analyzes and documents PWC’s needs to automate current processes in addressing problem areas and improve existing workflow within preventive maintenance system; •Provides technical assistance in the operation, configuration, diagnostics, and troubleshooting of preventive maintenance program; •Develops and maintains Standard Operating Procedures for preventive maintenance task; •Directs implementation and procedural modifications in the preventive maintenance function; •Formulates and coordinates the implementation of Provo Water’s asset management plan; •Prepares monthly Preventive Maintenance report and maintains records and documents in accordance with PWC policy. Salary Range:

US$ 36, 000 – 48, 000 per annum

All applications (inclusive of cover letter, CV & copies of qualifications) must be submitted by June 19th, 2020to: Managing Director Provo Water Company Limited Grace Bay Road, PO Box 39 Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Recruitment@provowater.tc Only applicants selected for an interview will be notified.

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


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Chukka Caribbean Adventures (TCI) Ltd is about playtime! It’s about fun, laughter and a passion for life. Every single member of the CHUKKA team in Jamaica, Belize and Turks & Caicos contributes to helping their guests play; they get to wow them at every turn with all that the Caribbean has to offer.

Chukka is always looking for new talent to add to our dynamic team. All successful applicants must: •Be at least 21 years old. •Be well spoken in English. •Possess excellent interpersonal &written communication skills. •Trustworthy & Reliable disposition with a clean criminal record. •Positive & disciplined work attitude in a customer service oriented business. •Must be willing and able to work flexible hours, including weekends, public holidays as necessary to meet the challenging needs of cruise ship schedules and/or reasonable needs of the business. See below opportunities currently available in GRAND TURK: BOAT CAPTAIN •Manage day to day operations of the tour including maintenance and efficient use of Human Resources •Manage the daily operational needs inclusive of tour needs, client needs •Ensure that the team is motivated, empowered and performing at an optimal level Minimum Requirements: •Valid Masters License (STCW Grades 1-5) or Yacht masters license (RYCA or equivalent) •At least 5 year experience working in the Cruise Industry with emphasis on snorkeling and other water based tours. •Must be trained and certified in Lifeguard Rescue, CPR and First Aid •Full knowledge of man over board procedures, fire at sea, abandon ship and all related safety drills and procedure. •Knowledge of maintenance and upkeep of outboard engines and inboard engines •Knowledge of basic navigation and Rules of the Road is an asset. Reports to: Operations Manager Compensation package: •$8.50 per hour, paid fortnightly Role currently held by work permit holder LIFEGUARD/BOAT CREW •Good verbal and written communication skills •Ability to work under pressure •Ability to use initiative •Provide clients with accurate tour information •Ensure clients adhere to safety guidelines •Efficiently dispatch clients as per the tour in which one is a part of •Work with other crew members to ensure sanitation of vessel is maintained •Work with other team members to ensure the vessel is adequately prepared for tour execution Minimum Requirements: •Have a minimum of 3 years experience working on boats as a lifeguard or boat crew •Have training or certificate in Lifeguard/CPR •Enjoy marine environment and have a passion for people •Must be punctual and have an excellent attendance track record •Flexibility as a team player Reports to: Boat Captain/Team Lead Compensation package: •$6.25 per hour, paid fortnightly Role currently held by work permit holder

BEACH ATTENDANT •Mount beach umbrellas and cushions on beach chairs on the beach •Attend to guest’s food and bar needs. •Keep beach free of debris before during and after business hours. •Ensure trash receptacles are emptied frequently and surrounding areas kept sanitary •Beach shower areas are kept clear from any obstacles •Assist with any heavy lifting and movement of equipment or supplies needed for operational functionality •Ensure sand is combed each day. Minimum Requirements: •Punctual •Willing and able to work in a face paced service environment •Posses an outgoing and pleasant personality •Exercise flexibility in being able to be of assistance in wherever areas needed. Reports to: On-Property Revenue Manager Compensation package: •$6.25 per hour, paid fortnightly •Role currently held by work permit holder SENIOR CAPTAIN OF OPERATIONS •Ability to train and guide Captains and crew in marine best practices. •Create and update Standard Operating Procedures for tours •Create and update Risk Assessment data for tours •Conduct safety training for all tours •Develop and maintain medical screening processes for all tours •Tour flow management for all aqua related tours Minimum Requirements: •Minimum age 35 years •Valid Masters License (STCW Grades 1) or Yacht masters license (RYCA or equivalent) •At least 10year experience working in the Cruise Industry with emphasis on snorkeling and other water-based tours. •Must be trained and certified in Lifeguard Rescue, CPR and First Aid •Full knowledge of man over board procedures, fire at sea, abandon ship and all related safety drills and procedure. •Knowledge of maintenance and upkeep of outboard engines and inboard engines •Knowledge of basic navigation and Rules of the Road is an asset. •Ability to work under pressure Reports to: Country Manager Compensation package: •$3296.00 per month Role currently held by work permit holder Turks and Caicos Islanders applications will be given preference Deadline for submissions is June 30, 2020 Applications along with CVs/ Resume’ may be submitted via Email to: gtadmin@chukka.com, please place the desired position in the subject line or deliver to the below address: CHUKKA HUMAN RESOURCES CHUKKA CARIBBEAN ADVENTURES (TCI) LTD South Base Lyndon Gardiner Boulevard Grand Turk, TCI

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


Hospital Workers receive Standing Ovation during Special Awards Employees at the Turks and Caicos Islands Hospital received a standing ovation along with special awards during a staff appreciation initiative held simultaneously across Cheshire Hall and Cockburn Town Medical Centre on Friday, June 12th 2020. Nearly 300 employees were recognized for their true profile of courage, hard work and dedication during the local peak COVID-19 period, and the past 10 years. Of the total, 95 employees were recipients of awards for their 10 years of service, and 55 employees with tenures between 5 to 9 years also received long service awards. Employees with tenures under 5 years received certificates of recognition. During the program, a representative sample of clinical and non-clinical employees stood across the balcony overlooking the main foyers of each medical centre. This showcase sought to highlight the gamut of departments

and persons - on the frontline and Medical Centre. Her Excellency, behind the scenes - that support Deputy Governor Anya Williams and sustain secondary health care and Chief Nursing Officer within operations. the Ministry of Health – Primary InterHealth Canada – TCI Healthcare Department, Jackurlyn Hospital speakers comprised of Sutton, were present and gave Chief of Medical Services and Acting remarks at Cockburn Town Medical Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Denise Centre on behalf of the TCI Braithwaite-Tennant and General Government. Manager of Facilities, Martin Dawtry The organization marked 10 at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre. years of service on April 10th 2020 Site Director for Cockburn Town and was initially scheduled to host Medical Centre, Nurse Carol Reid its’ first hospital-wide employee and Director of Facilities Services, recognition awards to mark the Karen Bartholomew gave remarks at occasion. However, plans for the the Grand Turk facility on behalf of observance were set aside due to the private healthcare management COVID-19 global predictions and company. national preparations. His Excellency, Governor The equally special and Nigel Dakin, Premier of the Turks modest version of the appreciation and Caicos Islands, Honorable initiative was focused on long Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson, and service awards. Special awards were Past Minister of Health, Honorable reserved for issuance at a later date Royal Robinson who served as to facilitate committee nominations project lead in the hospital’s early and all staff voting. The reserved development, were present and awards are Heart of a Champion gave remarks at the Cheshire Hall (Unsung Hero), Standing Ovation

Award (Leader of the Year), The Diamond Award (Employee of the Year) and Community Champion of the Year. Local Singing Sensation, Chrystal “Tess” Charles, gracefully performed the song entitled ‘Good Job’, which was recently written and debuted by American Artist, Alicia Keys as a dedication to essential service workers. The original music video along with the song ‘Thank You’ produced by Local Artist David Lightbourne was also played across hospital waiting room televisions. Motivational messages from management were on display throughout the day and remarks were sent to staff from the InterHealth Canada - Board of Directors. Trinkets of appreciation with a team-centered message were distributed to staff over recent weeks. The staff giveaways multiplied even further via acts of kindness and physical surprise donations received from community members.

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020



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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020

As NYC awakens, navigat T

he New-York City that was lingers everywhere people better not have the same idea. in the New York City that is, like flashes of It begs the question: Who do we become movement out of the corner of your eye. when we can’t be who we were? The subways run, but not all hours, and New Yorkers, more than in any other place definitely not with anywhere near as many riders. in America, have always accepted as given a cheekYour favorite corner deli has your bagel and coffee — by-jowl existence, treating the streets and subways as long as you take it to go and wear a mask to get it. and parks, their favorite restaurants and bars, the Go enjoy the sunshine in a park, but too many other physical geography of the city all as extensions of

their own personal space. “New York City is a different style of life ... of density, of vitality, of 24/7, of no cultural agreement of when we should take a vacation or eat lunch,” says Kenneth T. Jackson, recently retired Columbia University history professor and editor of “The Encyclopedia of New York City.” “It’s everybody’s second home,” he says.

A commuters walks on a nearly empty subway platform in New York, Monday, June 8, 2020.

A man waits for a subway in the Woodside neighborhood in the Queens borough of New York, Thursday night, April 23, 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic.

A man walks out of a subway station in th night, April 23, 2020, during the coronav

A Wempe store employee places jewellery in a store window, Thursday, June 11, 2020, in New York’s Fifth Avenue shopping district.

A woman photographs a smashed Chanel store window, Tuesday, June 2, 2020, on Madison Avenue in New York.

A woman wearing a mask walks by a Loui in New York’s Fifth Avenue shopping dist

Bloomingdale’s department store has boarded-up windows, Thursday, June 11, 2020 in New York.

Cars head along FDR Drive next to the Manhattan skyline Thursday, March 26, 2020, during the coronavirus outbreak in New York.

Dogs greet each other another nose-tothe Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of New coronavirus pandemic.

People maintain social distancing while waiting in line to enter a store Thursday, April 16, 2020, in the Harlem neighborhood of New York.

Police officers patrol New York’s Times Square on foot, Wednesday night, April 29, 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic.

Women wearing masks talk in New York’s Times Square, Thursday, April 9, 2020, during the coronavirus epidemic.

San Gennaro restaurant is closed but the tables are set in the Bronx borough of New York on Friday, April 17, 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic.

Protesters kneel in Times Square in New Y

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


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ting a strange new normal “You can come to New York and find your group. You can’t really say that anywhere else.” But that was before these last couple of difficult months, when the city immortalized in song and scene as the never-ending hustle and flow of humanity was swapped out for the virus version, of staying near home and social distancing regulations.

The streets have started to wake up in recent weeks. And as recent days of thousands upon thousands of people turning out for anti-police brutality protests have shown, passion for this place, this community, runs deep. But even that bit of New York spirit carries a risk of an increase in coronavirus cases, as does the mere act of re-opening in itself, as slow a process as

that is. The threat of illness and death has abated — for now — thanks to our doing that most un-New York thing of staying away from each other. The shadow it cast remains, though, as do rules of separation and distance that make the New York City of even three months ago a peripheral vision at best.

he Queens borough of New York, Thursday virus pandemic.

A man walks past an open Kennedy Fried Chicken restaurant in the Queens borough of New York, Thursday night, April 23, 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic.

A SoHo street is deserted, Wednesday, June 3, 2020, in New York. There’s a certain kind of silent on the streets of Manhattan.

is Vuitton store, Thursday, June 11, 2020, trict.

Ai Feng, 6, parades up and down her block with a United States flag in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of New York Thursday, May 14, 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic.

Bicyclists and a pedestrian pass through a quiet Manhattan street, Thursday, March 26, 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic in New York.

New York Stock Exchange employees wait to enter the building as the trading floor partially reopens, Tuesday, May 26, 2020.

Street performer Robert John Burck, known as The Naked Cowboy, poses for photos in New York’s Times Square, Thursday, April 9, 2020, during the coronavirus epidemic.

-nose while people gather on a street in w York, Friday, May 29, 2020, during the

York, Tuesday, June 2, 2020.

New York’s Times Square is quiet on Friday, May 29, 2020.

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


CAREER OPPORTUNITY Do you aspire to build a thriving hospitality career at one of the leading luxury resorts in the Caribbean? Are you a self-motivated, talented team-player, interested in joining a dynamic team? The Amanyara Resort invites all suitable candidates to apply for the following position: *VILLA DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING •Leads the Villa Engineering Department under the direction of the Director of Facilities and oversees all event set-ups at the villas. Thereby carries out all predictive, corrective and preventative maintenance of the Villa Electrical infrastructure, water distribution system, refrigeration and all equipment and appliances. •Maintains and improves the hardscaping and exterior engineering systems in collaboration with the Landscaping team and Villa staff. •Responsible for Energy Management and leak control on all Villa real estate. •Effectively communicates and plans all works in collaboration with the Villa Management team and develops good relationships with the Villa Owners. •Ensures compliance with all EHS requirements and safety policies and procedures. •Specializes in electronic equipment, including electric motors, machinery controls, lighting, and wiring in buildings and communications systems, and power generation, control, and transmission devices used by electric utilities. •Tests equipment and isolate defects. Plans, schedules, conducts, and coordinates program of assigned engineering work and projects. Evaluate the effectiveness of the electrical (Upgrade)design and change if necessary. •Controls costs, ensuring that projects are properly scoped, costs are reported, and expenses tracked. Prepares financial and work planning forecasts and ensures accuracy in the completion of purchase requisitions. •Maintains a clean and safe working environment; Mechanical, Swimming Pools, Plumbing, and Woodworking. •Designs and plans continuous improvement to the entire site utility, this will include emerging technologies and renewable energy sources. •Responsible for developing and overseeing Hurricane preparedness initiatives for all Villas. •Takes monthly electrical, gas, water, diesel, petrol, and meter readings and formulates monthly reports. •Maintains records of the various transformers tests, Megger, Transformer Turns Ratio, Di-electrical, and Oil sampling are performed annually. •Secures, and maintains a record of all tools checked out and in, log keeping proper inventory. •Provides supervision and quality assurance for ongoing projects •Monitors and maintain all lift stations and waste water systems. •Inspects installations and observes operations to ensure compliance with design and equipment specifications and safety standards. •Electrical preventive maintenance procedures and routines and record keeping to be a priority. Develops, maintains, and administers facilities documentation and information management systems by maintaining

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facilities documentation management systems to ensure drawings, project files, specifications and standards, databases, equipment files, vendor files, historical records and other related documents are archived, up to date, and easily available for use by other departments. •Ensures ongoing assessments of the electrical system, evaluating equipment performance and property’s load balancing; identifying and approving recommendations to improve system performance; and overseeing the implementation of system changes. •Manages the constant maintenance of the architectural finishes on all the Villa buildings to the highest standards. Requirements: •A degree in Electrical Engineering or a diploma in the Electrical Engineering with relevant experience, or a diploma in Mechanical Engineering with Electrical Engineering experience. •Minimumof5yearssupervisoryexperienceinaProperty Maintenance or Engineering Department •Knowledge of integrated building control systems and IT capabilities. •Must be well versed in the codes for safe electrical design, installation, and inspection, to protect people and property from electrical hazards. •Knowledge of kitchen and laundry equipment maintenance and refrigeration procedures, Life and fire safety systems, Building maintenance, Weather preparedness systems, GP’s, and Public Areas. Salary range from $9000 to $10,000 per month based on qualifications and experience; plus service charge. *MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN •Responsible for proper refrigeration maintenance, troubleshooting, repairs and conducting preventative maintenance on HVAC units & HVAC systems •Installs AC compressors, motors, condensers, air filters, and checks copper line repairs •Assists with electrical maintenance, ceiling fans, buggy repairs, company lighting systems and any other electrical needs that may arise inclusive of conducting mechanical, generator, air condition and laundry equipment repairs Requirements: •At least 2-3 years of experience in a luxury resort •Ability to perform under pressure and maintain a pleasant personality •Proficiency in English Salary based on experience: $6.25-$12.00 per hour, plus service charge For further information on the above positions please contact us by using the details below.Candidates must be available to work 6 days a week, weekends, and holidays. Positions marked with * are currently held by a work permit holder. However, qualified belongers are encouraged to send a cover letter & resume with the following attachments: Valid Police Record, Passport Bio Page, Proof of TCI status i.e. PRC, Belonger Status Card or Naturalization Certificate. Human Resources Amanyara Resort Northwest Point, Providenciales E: amanyarahrassistant@aman.com Prospective applicants are also asked to send copies to the Labour Board. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


Oscars postponed by two months due to pandemic

Next year’s Oscars have been postponed by eight weeks to April 25 after the coronavirus pandemic shuttered movie theaters and wreaked havoc on Hollywood’s release calendar, the Academy said Monday. With many studio blockbusters and indie arthouse movies forced to push back their release dates until theaters reopen, the cut-off date for Oscar-eligible films has also been extended by two months, to the end of February. “Our hope, in extending the eligibility period and our Awards date, is to provide the flexibility filmmakers need to finish and release their films without being penalized for something beyond anyone’s control,” said Academy president David Rubin and CEO Dawn Hudson in a statement. The movie industry’s biggest night was originally scheduled for February 28, 2021. Monday’s move was prompted by concerns that a field consisting only of films released in 2020 would not be as broad or competitive as in previous years. Most US movie theaters remain closed, and film productions have ground to a halt, with fears mounting of a second wave of COVID-19 cases. Productions slowly restarting in the coming weeks as lockdown restrictions ease will now have two extra months to finish without having to sacrifice their Oscar hopes.

The delay also boosts hopes that the 93rd Academy Awards can remain a live, starstudded ceremony, rather than shifting to a “virtual” presentation. “We find ourselves in uncharted territory this year and will continue to work with our partners at the Academy to ensure next year’s show is a safe and celebratory event,” said Karey Burke, president of ABC Entertainment, which will broadcast the show in the United States. The Oscars have been postponed before -- after Los Angeles flooded in 1938, Martin Luther King Jr’s assassination in 1968 and the shooting of President Ronald Reagan in 1981 -- but never by more than a week. The Academy -- seen as the apex body of the Hollywood film industry -- had already eased some eligibility rules in April, allowing movies that skip the big screen and appear on streaming platforms to contend for Oscars this year. - ‘Darkest of times’ The Oscars are the grand finale of a movie award season starting in earnest with the Golden Globes in early January. Immediately following the Academy’s announcement, Britain’s BAFTAs -- which typically take place shortly before the Oscars -- were postponed to April 11. The change

“acknowledges the impact of the global pandemic and accommodates an extended eligibility period,” BAFTA said in a statement to AFP. Other film award shows are widely expected to announce similar delays. Academy events including the Governors Awards -- where honorary Oscars are presented to industry veterans -and a ceremony for scientific and technical were also postponed. The much-delayed Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, previously scheduled to open in Los Angeles this December, will now open next April. “For over a century, movies have played an important role in comforting, inspiring, and entertaining us during the darkest of times. They certainly have this year,” said the Academy statement. It added: “This coming Oscars and the opening of our new museum will mark an historic moment, gathering movie fans around the world to unite through cinema.” Meanwhile, television’s Primetime Emmys ceremony is still scheduled to take place in September, with discussions over format ongoing. The Television Academy said Monday its Creative Arts Emmys -- dozens of technical awards, usually handed out the weekend before the main Emmys -- will be replaced with a “virtual event.”

Country group Lady Antebellum changes name to Lady A

Dave Haywood, from left, Hillary Scott, and Charles Kelley of Lady Antebellum at 2019 CMT Artists of the Year in Nashville, Tenn. Grammy-winning country group Lady Antebellum is changing its name to Lady A, with members saying they are regretful and embarrassed for not taking into consideration the word’s associations with slavery. The band, made up of Hillary Scott, Charles Kelley and Dave Haywood, made the announcement Thursday on their social media. The group’s first self-titled album came out in 2008, and included the Grammywinning No. 1 country hit “I Run To You,” then it achieved crossover success on the pop charts with the nine-times platinum “Need You Now.” They won three Grammys for that song, including Record of the Year. They have also won numerous Country Music Association and Academy of Country Music awards during their nearly 14 year career. The statement said that they chose the name after the antebellum style home where they shot their first band photos, and it reminded them of Southern styles of music. Antebellum means before a war and the term has been widely associated with the pre-Civil War period in the United States when slavery was practiced. Band members said that in recent weeks, their eyes have been opened to “blindspots we didn’t even know existed” and “the injustices, inequality and biases black women and men have always faced.” The band said it is deeply sorry for the hurt this has caused and for anyone who felt unsafe, unseen or unvalued.

Bonnie Pointer, early member of Pointer Sisters, dies at 69 Bonnie Pointer, who in 1969 convinced three of her churchsinging siblings to form the Pointer Sisters, which would become one of the biggest acts of the next two decades, died Monday. The Grammy winner died of cardiac arrest in Los Angeles, publicist Roger Neal said. She was 69. “It is with great sadness that I have to announce to the fans of the Pointer Sisters that my sister, Bonnie died this morning,” sister Anita Pointer said in a statement. “Our family is devastated, on behalf of my siblings and I and the entire Pointer family, we ask for your prayers at this time.” Bonnie Pointer often sang lead and was an essential member of the group through its early hits including “Yes We Can Can” and “Fairytale.” She would leave for a short and modest solo career in 1977 as her sisters went on to have several mega-hits without her. Ruth, Anita, Bonnie and June, born the daughters of a minister who also had two older sons, grew up singing in his church in Oakland, California. It was Bonnie, shortly after graduating high school, who first wanted to move away from singing

gospel songs into clubs to pursue a professional singing career. “The Pointer Sisters would never have happened had it not been for Bonnie,” Anita Pointer said in her statement. She convinced younger sister June to join her, and the two began doing gigs together as a duo in 1969. Eventually they’d enlist their two older sisters, who were already married with children, to join them. The quartet brought unique fusion of funk, soul and 1940s-style jazz, scat and pop to their act, often dressing in a retro style that resembled their forerunners the Andrews Sisters. They worked as backup singers for Taj Mahal, Boz Scaggs, Elvin Bishop and others before releasing their self-titled debut album in 1973, and the song “Yes We Can Can,” a funky anthem calling for unity and tolerance, became their breakout hit. They followed up with “That’s A Plenty,” which featured an eclectic mix of musical styles ranging from jazz to gospel to pop. They even delved into country. Bonnie and Anita cowrote the song “Fairytale” about a crumbling relationship. The song earned them a groundbreaking gig

performing as a rare African American act at the Grand Ole Opry, and they would win their first Grammy, for best country vocal performance by a group. Bonnie Pointer left the group in 1977, signing a solo deal with Motown Records. “We were devastated,” Anita Pointer told The Associated Press in 1990. “We did a show the night she left, but after that, we just stopped. We thought it wasn’t going to work without Bonnie.” She would have only modest solo success. Her biggest hit was “Heaven Must Have Sent You,” a 1979 disco cover of an earlier Motown hit Bonnie Pointer attends the 100th Anniversary by the Elgins. It reached No. 11 on of The Beverly Hills Hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif. Pointer, founding member of the Pointer the Billboard Hot 100 in 1979. Sisters, has died. After making three albums for Motown, she would retire two separated in 2004 and divorced from the studio, and only perform in 2016. occasionally. She twice reunited with her Her three sisters, who had sisters for public appearances. Once nearly disbanded when she quit, in 1994, when they received a star instead regrouped, shed their retro on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, image for a modern pop sound, and and again in 1996 at a show in Las became one of the biggest acts of the Vegas. 1980s with huge hits including “He’s “She had always told me, So Shy,” “Jump (For My Love)” and mother, I want something for “Neutron Dance.” myself,” Bonnie’s mother Sarah Bonnie married Motown Pointer told Ebony in 1974. “I want producer Jeffrey Bowen in 1978. The to be somebody in this world.”

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


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Book: First lady delayed 2017 move to DC to get new prenup First lady Melania Trump delayed her move to Washington after Donald Trump became president to gain leverage in renegotiating her prenuptial agreement, according to a new book. The White House denounced the book after it became public on Friday. Mary Jordan, author of the book “The Art of Her Deal: The Untold Story of Melania Kelly Clarkson and her husband Brandon Blackstock at the Trump,” wrote that the 2016 campaign had been rife with 60th annual Grammy Awards in New York reports about Trump’s alleged infidelities and the first lady was learning new details about them President Donald Trump kisses his wife, first lady, Melania Trump after a campaign rally from media reports. Jordan, a reporter for in Melbourne, Fla. for her book, with Trump, which had left her The Washington Post, wrote that interviews the incoming first lady wanted including with the first lady’s in a noticeably better financial time to cool off and amend schoolmates in her native position,” Jordan wrote. “Those Kelly Clarkson has filed for divorce from her financial arrangement with Slovenian and former New sources did not know precisely her husband of nearly seven years, Brandon what she sought, but it was not Trump to ensure the financial Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. Blackstock. The Associated Press simply more money.” future of both herself and their The singer, talk show host and judge on Jordan writes that son, Barron. Melania Trump purchased an early copy of the “The Voice” filed court papers to end the marriage has said that she wanted to wait book, which will be published Melania Trump wanted “proof under her married name Kelly Blackstock on in writing” that Barron would until the end of the school year June 16. June 4 in Los Angeles. Stephanie Grisham, a be treated more of an equal to to move to Washington. The 38-year-old Clarkson and the 43-year Citing interviews with spokeswoman for Mrs. Trump, Trump’s oldest three children old Blackstock have a 5-year-old daughter and a several people close to the said the book was based on when it came to financial 4-year-old son. Trumps, Jordan wrote that inaccurate information. “Yet opportunities and inheritance. Clarkson cited irreconcilable differences Among the items during the campaign, Melania another book about Mrs. Trump as the reason for the split and requested that Trump thought a lot had with false information and under discussion was Barron’s she not be required to pay Blackstock spousal changed since she signed the sources,” Grisham said in an possible involvement in the support. prenuptial. She had been with emailed statement. “This book family business, the Trump The filing asks that the singer’s legal last Organization, and ownership him longer than any other belongs in the fiction genre.” name be restored to Clarkson and it indicates The first lady and Barron, of Trump property, according to woman and she believed she that the couple had a prenuptial agreement. had made crucial contributions who was 11 at the time, settled the book. Quoting one person The two wed in October 2013 in the to his success, Jordan wrote. into the White House in early aware of the negotiations, Jordan first marriage for Clarkson and the second for She also wanted to ensure that June 2017 and she seemed notes that Barron has Slovenian Blackstock. Barron got his “rightful share of visibly happier by mid-2018, the citizenship, which could put Blackstock, a talent manager who is him in a good position if he inheritance,” particularly if the book said. the son of Clarkson’s former manager, has two “According to three wanted to be involved in Trump president’s daughter Ivanka took children from his first marriage. the reins of the family business. people close to Trump, a key business in Europe. Messages seeking comment from the “Melania wanted and According to The reason was that she had finally couple’s representatives on Thursday were not Washington Post, Jordan reached a new and significantly got options for him,” according immediately returned. conducted more than 100 improved financial agreement to the book.

Kelly Clarkson seeks divorce from husband of nearly 7 years

Florida SeaWorld parks reopen with masks, temperature checks Two more Florida theme parks, SeaWorld Orlando and Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, opened Thursday after being closed since mid-March because of the coronavirus. Both reopened their gates with new restrictions to safeguard against the spread of the virus. Reservations are now required to enter the parks in order to limit capacity for social distancing. But SeaWorld Orlando will be closed for the foreseeable future on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Busch Gardens on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for extra cleaning. Visitors age 2 and up will be required to wear face masks and everyone will have their temperature screened at the parks’ entrances. The openings of the parks owned by SeaWorld Entertainment come as Florida’s theme parks industry is coming back to life. Universal Orlando Resort reopened last week after being closed since March, and Walt Disney World theme parks will be welcoming visitors back next month.

Patrons of Busch Gardens Tampa Bay enjoy the 200-foot dive on the SheiKra roller coaster, Thursday, June 11, 2020, in Tampa. Bars, movie theaters and other entertainment venues in Florida were allowed to reopen last week with restrictions, and restaurants and shops have been back open for weeks with limits on capacity. Those business re-openings have allowed some workers to go

back to work and that was reflected Thursday in a U.S. Department of Labor report that showed more than 110,000 Floridians filed for new jobless claims last week, down from more than 207,000 claims in the previous week. SeaWorld Entertainment,

which operates 12 theme parks across the U.S., said it was losing $25 million a month and was forced to furlough 95% of its workforce with its parks idled. Before the parks closed in March, the company was off to a strong start to 2020 with record-setting attendance and revenue in January and February, according to its quarterly financial report. As of Thursday, Florida had more than 69,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases, a one-day jump of almost 1,700, the highest reported in a single day since the state’s first cases were discovered in early March. The state had almost 2,850 coronavirus-related deaths. While some of the increase in cases is due to expanded testing, the percentage of positive tests has grown from 2.3% two weeks ago to more than 4% this week. For most people, the virus causes mild or moderate symptoms that clear up in weeks, though it can be fatal or cause severe illness in some, especially older adults and those with existing health problems.

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


Coronavirus cases are spiking across the country and experts say Florida has the makings of the next epicenter

Ten states saw a record number of new Covid-19 cases this week, and one of them could be the next epicenter of the pandemic. Florida has “all the markings of the next large epicenter of coronavirus transmission,” and risks being the “worst it has ever been,” according to Wednesday’s projections from a model put together by a team of scientists at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania. The state joins nine others -- Alabama, Arizona, California, Nevada, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina and Texas -- that are seeing record-high sevenday averages of new coronavirus cases per day, according to a CNN analysis of data from Johns Hopkins University. Twenty-one states are seeing an upward trend in new coronavirus cases and health experts continue to stress the importance of taking precautions to reduce the virus’s spread. Despite the rising number of cases, the White House has downplayed the risks, with President Donald Trump saying in an interview with Gray TV on Wednesday that the virus is “dying out.” At the same time that the White House narrative is at odds with the data, health experts including Dr. Deborah Birx and Dr. Anthony Fauci have been absent from many public updates. Dr. Johnathan Reiner, a professor of medicine at George Washington University, told CNN’s Erin Burnett it’s because “they tell the truth.” “And the truth is that the pandemic is still very, very active in the United States and that we’re not

increased testing, but Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, chair of the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania, said surges are outpacing testing. ‘When you see 50% or 150% increase in the number of cases you are seeing -- which is what we are seeing across the South -- that’s not testing. That’s new cases. That’s community spread,” he said. Texas also reported a recordhigh number of daily Covid-19 hospitalizations on Monday, with 2,326. Florida recorded nearly 2,800 new coronavirus cases also on Monday -- its highest number of new and confirmed cases in a single day, according to the Florida Department of Health. But Gov. Ron DeSantis said the state will not shut down. The governor attributed the spike in cases to increased testing as well as outbreaks in prisons, agricultural communities and longterm care facilities.

Diane, a nurse from Houston, Texas, sunbathes at the beach next to her husband, both wearing facemasks, in Miami Beach, Florida. getting back to normal and there are Island, Vermont, Virginia and difficult things that the public has to Wisconsin. do,” Reiner said. •One state, Vermont, has seen a decrease of at least 50%. How states are trending Nationwide, more than 2 According to data from Johns million people have been infected Hopkins University: and 117,717 people have died of the virus. • 21 states are seeing upward trends in newly reported cases from Officials downplay one week to the next: Alabama, record cases Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, On Wednesday, the Alabama and Arizona join Kansas, Oregon, Louisiana, Montana, virus claimed 755 lives in the calls for mask mandates Nevada, North Carolina, Oklahoma, US, according to data from Johns South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Hopkins University. Some local officials are West Virginia and Wyoming. State officials are navigating hoping to manage the spread by •Eight states are seeing the outbreak and managing the mandating mask usage. steady numbers of newly reported rising number of infections on their A day after the city council cases: Connecticut, Indiana, Maine, own. failed to pass an ordinance, Mississippi, Ohio, South Dakota, Los Angeles County, Montgomery, Alabama, Mayor Utah and Washington. which accounts for almost half Steven Reed implemented an •21 states are seeing a of California’s cases, reported executive order Wednesday requiring downward trend: Colorado, Idaho, Wednesday another single-day high those in the city to wear face masks Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, of new cases. But officials attributed and coverings, according to a post Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, the county’s increase to a lag in test from the city’s official Twitter Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, reports. account. New Mexico, New Jersey, New York, Other politicians have also North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Rhode attributed higher case numbers to

WHO testing interim data from COVID-19 trial on HIV drugs The World Health Organization is looking at interim data from its large multicountry trial of the combination of HIV drugs Lopinavir and Ritonavir to treat COVID-19 patients, the UN agency’s chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan said on Thursday. Her comments come after the WHO on Wednesday stopped testing of the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine in the trial of treatments for COVID-19 patients, after studies indicated it showed no benefit in those who have the disease. She said more study was needed to see whether hydroxchloroquine could prevent infection.

China finds heavy coronavirus traces in seafood, meat sections of Beijing food market China has found the trading sections for meat and seafood in Beijing’s wholesale food market to be severely contaminated with the new coronavirus and suspects the area’s low temperature and high humidity may have been contributing factors, officials said on Thursday. Their preliminary report comes as the country’s capital tackles a resurgence of COVID-19 cases over the past week linked to the massive A vendor wearing a face mask prepares seafood at their stall inside the Yuegezhuang Xinfadi food center, which wholesale market, following new cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) infections houses warehouses and trading in Beijing, China June 17, 2020. halls in an area the size of nearly and patients from the seafood why seafood markets could be market showed symptoms a source of outbreaks based on 160 soccer pitches. The latest outbreak earlier than others, Wu Zunyou, a preliminary assessment, Wu infected more than 100 people chief epidemiologist at the said, cautioning that further and raised fears of wider Chinese Center for Disease investigation was necessary. Control and Prevention, said at China has halted contagion in China. imports from European salmon Among the patients a daily briefing on Thursday. temperatures suppliers this week amid fears who work at the Xinfadi market, Low most serve at seafood and favorable to viral survival as they may be linked to the recent aquatic product stalls, followed well as high humidity might outbreak in Beijing. by the beef and mutton section, be possible explanations for

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


LIFESTYLE Record spike in new coronavirus cases reported in six U.S. states as reopening accelerates

A man wearing a bandana on his face plays a slot machine at the recently reopened Lucky Star Casino amid the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in El Reno, Oklahoma, U.S. May 20, 2020. New coronavirus infections hit record highs in six U.S. states on Tuesday, marking a rising tide of cases for a second consecutive week as most states moved forward with reopening their economies. Arizona, Florida, Oklahoma, Oregon and Texas all reported record increases in new cases on Tuesday after recording all-time highs last week. Nevada also reported its highest single-day tally of new cases on Tuesday, up from a previous high on May 23. Hospitalizations are also rising or at record highs. At Arizona’s Tucson Medical Center on Monday, just a single intensive care unit (ICU) bed designated for COVID-19 patients was available, with the other 19 beds filled, a hospital representative said. “ICU to be expanded, hopefully, in coming days,” Dr. Steven Oscherwitz, an infectious disease expert at the hospital, said in a tweet on Monday night. “Not sure where people needing ICU care will be able to go, since most AZ (Arizona) hospitals are pretty full now.” Health officials in many states attribute the spike to businesses reopening and Memorial Day weekend gatherings in late May. Many states are also bracing for a possible increase in cases stemming from tens of thousands of people protesting to end racial injustice and police brutality for the past three weeks. CHURCH OUTBREAK In Oregon, health officials are trying to contain an outbreak of over 200 new cases in Union County linked to the Lighthouse United Pentecostal Church. The Oregonian newspaper reported that a video on the church’s Facebook page on May 24 showed hundreds of people standing close together singing. Large gatherings were not permitting under the state’s reopening plan at that time. The video has since been deleted, it said. Reuters was not able to reach the church for comment. In Texas, Governor Greg Abbott said the record number of new cases is due to more testing. Hospitalizations - a metric not linked to increased testing - also hit a record high. But the state has nearly 15,000 hospital beds available, Abbott said. For the week ended June 14, testing increased over 30% but the positive rate held steady at 7%, a Reuters analysis showed. Texas tested 674 out of every 100,000 residents last week, while about half of the 50 states tested at least 1,000 out of every 100,000 residents. New York led the nation, testing 2,245 out of every 100,000 residents, according to the analysis. The top Texas health official, John Hellerstedt, said the increase was manageable but the situation could change. “The possibility that things could flare up again and produce a resurgence of COVID-19,” which would stress the state’s healthcare system “is still very real,” Hellerstedt said.


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Cheap drug is first shown to improve COVID-19 survival Researchers in England say they have the first evidence that a drug can improve COVID-19 survival: A cheap, widely available steroid reduced deaths by up to one third in severely ill hospitalized patients. The results were announced Tuesday and the British government immediately authorized the drug’s use across the United Kingdom for coronavirus patients like those who did well in the study. Researchers said they would publish results soon in a medical journal, and several independent experts said it’s important to see details to know how much of a difference the drug, dexamethasone, might make and for whom. But “bottom line is, good news,” said the United States’ top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci. “This is a significant improvement in the available therapeutic options that we have.” The coronavirus outbreak has killed more than 438,000 people worldwide since it began late last year in China. The study, led by the University of Oxford, was a large, strict test that randomly assigned 2,104 patients to get the drug and compared them with 4,321 patients getting only usual care. The drug was given either orally or through an IV for 10 days. After four weeks, it had reduced deaths by 35% in patients who needed treatment with breathing machines and by 20% in those only needing supplemental oxygen. It did not appear to help less ill patients. Researchers estimated that the drug would prevent one death for every eight patients treated while on breathing machines and one for every 25 patients on extra oxygen alone. “Those are big effects,” said one study leader, Dr. Martin Landray at Oxford. “It’s not a cure, but it’s certainly a long way forward.” It’s especially good news that the drug “is remarkably cheap, perhaps $20 or $30 for an entire course of treatment,” he added. Steroid drugs reduce inflammation, which sometimes develops in COVID-19 patients as the immune system overreacts to fight the infection. This overreaction damages the lungs and can prove fatal. The World Health Organization and others advise against using steroids earlier in the course of illness because they can impede clearing the virus. “Early on, you’re

Packages of Dexamethasone are displayed in a pharmacy, Tuesday, June 16, 2020, in Omaha, Neb. fighting the virus and you want your immune system to be as intact as possible,” Fauci explained. But in the advanced stage of COVID-19, the battle against the virus causes so much inflammation that it “is hurting you more than helping you,” he said. The results seen in the Oxford study make “perfect sense” with that notion, he said. Many hospitals and doctors have been trying steroids to quell the immune system, but there’s been no evidence from high-quality studies that it helps for COVID-19. Although the Oxford researchers talked only about dexamethasone, the detailed plans for the study say that participating hospitals could use two other steroids — prednisolone or hydrocortisone — and there’s no reason to think any particular one works better than another, said Dr. Francisco Marty, an infectious disease specialist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. “I assume the majority of people used dexamethasone, but it’s not the only one that people could have used,” he said. “It will be great to see the data to see if there’s a class effect.” Steroids are known to help fight certain fungal and bacterial infections such as meningitis, and a type of pneumonia common in HIV patients, but they have not proved useful against flu or some other viral diseases, he said. The Oxford results would persuade him to try them for COVID-19 patients needing extra oxygen, he said. Until now, the only drug shown to help fight COVID-19 is remdesivir, an experimental drug from Gilead Sciences that blocks an enzyme the virus uses to copy its genetic material. Remdesivir shortened the time

to recovery for severely ill hospitalized patients to 11 days on average versus 15 days for those just given usual care, in a study led by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. “We don’t know yet” if remdesivir could be used with dexamethasone — or before or after it — to give more benefit, Fauci said. Even though dexamethasone only helps in severe cases, “countless lives will be saved globally,” said Nick Cammack, a virus expert at the Wellcome Trust, a British charity that supports research. “This is the dream,” because the drug has been used for decades for other conditions, said Cammack, who had no role in the study. “It’s very straightforward to make so there’s no reason this can’t be rolled out for the entire world.” No information was given on side effects, but researchers said they used a low dose and for a short time, which is generally safe. “Short-term low dose shouldn’t be a problem, but steroids do have a lot of side effects” including weight gain, high blood pressure, water retention, mood changes, sleep problems and rise in blood sugar for people with diabetes, Marty said. Dr. Peter Bach, a health policy expert at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, noted that in the study 41% of those on breathing machines and 25% on oxygen alone died. “The mortality rate seems to be way higher than it is in the U.S.,” where one recent study found a death rate of 12%, although that was only after two weeks versus four in the UK study, he said.

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020



Airlines refusing to test for COVID

One of the challenges Barbados is facing in an attempt to reopen is borders and stimulate economic activity after the COVID-19 lockdown is a refusal by commercial airlines to conduct testing prior to travel. But the safety of both travellers and Barbadians remains paramount to the Mia Mottley administration and these are among the considerations this week during meetings with the Social Partnership. Prime Minister Mottley told Canada’s Vassy Kapelos, host of Power & Politics on Tuesday evening, there was still no exact date on when the borders would open, but the aim is to “open back Barbados in the safest of ways” over the next few weeks. The island has been closed to commercial travel for several weeks, but continues to facilitate repatriation flights. “We want to make sure that we have everything in place that will guarantee as much safety as we can. One of the difficulties relates to the fact that the airlines do not want to test themselves, at all. So testing either has to take place at an accredited lab before people travel or when people land if we are going to keep our people safe,” Mottley explained. She said charters “have more easily accepted the need for tests that are appropriately validated” by the World Health Organisation or “the appropriate regulatory entity”. “But once we can get that, then we can maintain the

Antigua’s PM hints at early election

Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda Gaston Browne. Prime Minister Gaston Browne has hinted that the general elections, constitutionally due in 2023, could be held “as early as November next year” as he reacted to the decision by the main opposition United Progressive Party (UPP) Monday to name its first four candidates for the next election. Predicting that his ruling Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) would improve on the 15 of the 17 seats it won in the 2018 snap election, Browne said that it would sweep all the seats. He said he was not shaken by the four Prime Minister Mia Mottley has written to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada to candidates named so far by the UPP, describing have dialogue on international travel. them as a school drop-out, a non-achiever, a levels of safety for those who are in the various countries on the “bunch of losers claiming the ability to ‘rescue’ country”. visiting, and more importantly, appropriate levels of safety. “They are the ones to be rescued from or as importantly, for those who Canada is seeking are working and those who are Barbados’ support in its bid for their numerous failures”. Browne, writing on his Facebook page, on island. We need a win-win for a seat on the United Nation everybody,” the Prime Minister Security Council and Mottley said that UPP leader Harold Lovell, who failed to said. has indicated Barbados will win his seat in the 2018 poll, is a “perpetual loser Kapelos pointed out support the country it views as . . . not attractive to winners”. “Why don’t they first demonstrate their public health authorities “family”. The vote will be held ability to rescue themselves; to show some level in Canada were still telling on Wednesday. citizens to stay at home because Meanwhile, the area of competence and achievement, to secure the there were inherent risks to of climate change was also confidence of the electorate?” If Browne calls the election in November international travel. identified as another challenge In response, Mottley for the region’s small open next year, it will be the second consecutive occasion that voters here will go to the polls said she had written to Canada’s economies. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Mottley said the ahead of the constitutional deadline. The last election on March 21, 2018, came in her capacity as chairman Caribbean could ill afford to of the Caribbean Community have a major hurricane at a time 15 months before the polls were constitutionally (CARICOM) – a position she when revenues are down 20 to due and the ABLP increased its majority by one holds until the end of the 30 per cent but expenditure has seat, while the UPP was only able to win one seat. month – to ask for discussions increased so regional countries The other seat went to the Barbuda’s People’s Movement (BPM). among public health officials could fight COVI

Bermuda to get first Black Governor Kostco Supersavers

Bermuda is to get its first female and first black Governor later this year, it was officially announced on Friday. Government House said Rena Lalgie, who is married with two children, will succeed John Rankin in December. Lalgie, who is currently the director of the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation in the United Kingdom Treasury, said in a statement that she is “immensely proud” to serve Bermuda as its first female Governor. “The island rightly has a reputation as a beautiful place to live and a great environment in which business can flourish. It is a first-class legal jurisdiction with some of the highest international standards in combating financial crime. “I am conscious that

this announcement is being made in challenging times; as Bermuda looks to the future, I will work in earnest with the elected government, through the exercise of my duties, to support and promote the island’s strengths and resilience,” she said. “My family and I are looking forward to contributing fully to life in Bermuda as we get to know the people and culture,” she added. Lalgie has worked in the UK’s Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, including as the deputy director for information economy and cybersecurity. She served as a justice of the peace for eight years until 2015 and was the head of Counter-terrorism and Security Review in the UK Treasury from 2007 to 2008.

Rena Lalgie will become Bermuda’s first Black Governor Government House said Rankin, a Scotsman who took up the Bermuda post in December 2016, will transfer to another appointment in the UK’s Diplomatic Service.

Is seeking 3 store supervisors at $11.00 per hour. One technician at $12.50 per hour. 3 Labourers at $7.50 per hour and 2 Sales Clerk at $9.50 per hour. This positions are currently held by work permit holders Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders are encouraged to send a copy of their application to the Labour Board

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CIBC FirstCaribbean teams up with Flow to offer free access to its online platforms Consumers across the region will see major savings in data costs as a result of a partnership between two major regional players in telecommunications and finance. CIBC FirstCaribbean has announced an agreement with Flow for the zero rating of the bank’s top sites as well as its award-winning mobile banking app. Under the zerorating initiative implemented earlier this month across 11 territories where the bank and Flow have a presence, clients will not be charged for any data used when logging on to the bank’s mobile app, online banking platform or corporate website. “Zero-rating is coming at a time when we know many clients are under financial pressure, and our sincere hope is that by absorbing the data costs associated with using our banking apps and website, our clients can save a little extra towards other essential things for themselves and their families,” said Esan Peters,

Chief Information Officer and Managing Director, Technology & Operations, at CIBC FirstCaribbean. He noted that the “zerorating of the CIBC FirstCaribbean Mobile and Online Banking represents a continuation of our strategy to encourage our clients to migrate to our digital channels where a number of products, services and transactions are already offered free of charge”. Country Manager, Flow Barbados and Head of B2B for the Southern Caribbean, Jenson Sylvester, also hailed the initiative. “Flow is proud to establish this key partnership with CIBC FirstCaribbean International Bank that results in immediate and tangible benefits for our customers, and indeed, the wider Caribbean community. “From our perspective as a service provider, we are also committed to the exchange of ideas

LIAT to extend layoff of pilots Regional carrier LIAT, will be extending the temporary layoff of pilots for three months. Human Resources Manager, Samantha May Francis, in a recent letter to the pilots, attributed the decision to the “chronic fiscal turbulence experienced by the regional airline, now made worse by the [coronavirus] COVID-19 pandemic.” In the letter, dated, June 11, she said that throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the airline has operated limited service, providing cargo and chartered flights, but this was not enough to cover the company’s costs. However, LIAT assured employees that they would continue to receive medical insurance coverage and staff travel privileges during this period. Concerning commercial passenger services, earlier this month, the airline’s chief executive officer, Julie Reifer-Jones said those services will remain suspended until June 30.

Esan Peters, CIBC FirstCaribbean Chief Information Officer and Managing Director, Technology & Operations.

Jenson Sylvester, Country Manager, Flow Barbados and Head of B2B for the Southern Caribbean

and sustained collaboration, and we very much look forward to further exploring the ways we can continue to work together to help usher in a new era of digital transactions that are rich in value for consumers,” Mr. Sylvester said.

Countries in which the zerorating applies are Antigua, Barbados, The British Virgin Islands (BVI), Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, St Lucia, St Kitts, Turks and Caicos Islands and St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Dominican Republic to Reopen for Tourism July 1

The Amanera resort in the Dominican Republic is planning to reopen July 1. The entire country of the Punta Cana’s airport, Dominican Republic will open the busiest in the Dominican up for international tourism Republic, says it will receive beginning July 1, according to flights from cities including Lucien Echavarria, director at New York and San Juan on July 1, the Ministry of Tourism of the followed by other airlines in the Dominican Republic. following days like Air Canada In an exclusive interview Rouge and Frontier, among with Caribbean Journal, others. Echavarria said about 40-50 And although Punta percent of the country’s hotel Cana and its airport tend to inventory would open its doors get most of the attention when in July, with the remaining it comes to the Dominican hotels expected to open in Republic, Echavarria said it was November. important to open the whole Although she couldn’t country at once. provide further details about the “We didn’t want to do carrier names at press time, she this region by region,” she said, noted that the destination will noting that all airports in the receive “several” flights on July country will also be operational 1. on July 1. “We didn’t want to do Indeed, Punta Cana Punta Cana, then Puerto Plata International Airport confirmed and so on. No, we wanted to that it was restarting commercial open the whole country so we operations on July 1. can get back faster.”

Echavarria noted that there will be safety precautions at all airports to ensure people are not carrying the coronavirus, including temperature checks for all passengers. The destination’s hotels are also preparing for travelers with new health and safety precautions. The Dominican Republic’s eagerness to open may have to do with how prepared the country has been, Echavarria said. “Throughout [the COVID-19 pandemic) we have remained in close contact with our tourism partners from operators to hoteliers to agencies,” said Echavarria. “We are ready and we know we are in a position to be among the fastest to recover because we are close and safe.”

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


Gonsalves’ statement on Guyana recount in order, says Arthur The head of the Commonwealth Group that observed the disputed March 2 regional and general election in Guyana, Owen Arthur, has defended the statements made by St Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves regarding the outcome of the recount of ballots in the elections. Gonsalves, speaking on a radio programme in Kingstown, said he remains satisfied that the 15-member Caribbean Community (CARICOM) grouping “will not stand by idly and watch the recount which is properly done for the results to be set aside”. Both the ruling coalition, A Partnership for National unity (APNU) headed by President David Granger and the main opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) headed by Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo have claimed victory. The PPP/C said that the recount has shown that it won the election by more than 15 000 votes, while the APNU has claimed that a number of irregularities and anomalies took place during the voting exercise and has called on GECOM to make a statement on the matter.

“We expect the CARICOM observer mission to deliver its report and we expect that what is the recount would be honoured and the Guyana Elections Commission would honour that recount and declare the winner in accordance with this recount,” Gonsalves told radio listeners. But the APNU said that it is concerned as the incoming chair of CARICOM, Dr. Gonsalves has chosen to pronounce on a process that is still ongoing, and proposes to a direct constitutional body in another CARICOM Member State in the execution of its duties. APNU+ AFC campaign manager Joseph Harmon, said the coalition finds it “strange and alarming” that Gonsalves would make statements of this nature which closely resembles that of the PPP/C. But Owner, a former Barbados prime minister, told the Guyanabased News Room media outlet that the statement by Gonsalves “is perfectly in order and is exactly what is expected”. He said Caribbean countries including Guyana have signed a Charter for Civil Society “which enjoins upon them the responsibility to have free and fair elections.

St Kitts borders still closed The St Kitts-Nevis government says the borders will remain closed even as it announced a relaxation of the various measures that had been put in place to curb the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) since March. “Our borders remain closed to international commercial flights and visitors so as to prevent and/or delay the possibility of importing new cases of COVID-19, “ newly reelected Prime Minister Dr Timothy Harris said in a radio and television broadcast. He said a coordinated effort is being made with regional and international partners as to the opportune time to open our borders “but until such a decision is arrived at, our borders remain closed and the established protocols must be followed. “We continue to act with caution with respect to our borders, as we have seen in some countries that there has been a spike in confirmed cases of COVID-19 when restrictions were lifted,” he said. The twin island Federation has reported 15 positive cases of the virus that was first detected in China last December and linked to 417 000 deaths and the infection of nearly seven million people worldwide.

“It would therefore be entirely contrary to the provisions of the Charter for Civil Society for CARICOM to stand by if an election if an election is being stolen and therefore Mr Gonsalves was only speaking within the context of the spirit and letter of the Charter of Civil Society when he made the statement that he made.” Owen said the statements by Harmon and the APNU is putting President David Granger in a position “where I believe it would be very difficult for them to be able Io engage in fellowship of goodwill with other people in the Caribbean”. “The vitriolic attack on other Former Prime Minister Owen Arthur. leaders is really in a way putting first of all, intimidated or having Guyana in a condition where it to cower because that seems to be appears to have itself by people who the intention,” Arthur said, adding are out of order. Mr. Harmon cannot “there is a Charter of Civil Society be allowed to indulge his appetite under which Guyana has signed to be attacking leaders,” said Arthur, to bind itself to the free and fair adding if there is an issue at the level elections and Gonsalves is calling of leaders, “one would expect that for Guyana to respect that Charter of leaders of the Caribbean would have Civil Society that holds us together to be spoken to with respect”. as a community”. He said it would be for The Commonwealth President Granger and not Harmon Observer Group in its interim report to be speaking to regional leaders and had said it is the clear that the that the head of state should remind tabulation processes, conducted by Harmon of that responsibility. the Returning Officer for Region 4, “I don’t think Ralph were not credible, transparent and Gonsalves should feel in any way, inclusive.

Haitians join with Caribbean Community to demand justice

A woman holds a picture of George Floyd Caribbean flags of all colors filled the streets of Flatbush on the afternoon of June 14, as calls for racial justice were punctuated by the sounds of reggae music. Dr Timothy Harris Marlyne Gaston was one Harris, whose new Cabinet of the protesters who marched up will be sworn into office on Sunday, Flatbush Avenue, from Church told the nation that he was glad for Avenue to Grand Army Plaza, the “impressive victory” of his demanding justice for George Floyd Team Unity coalition government and an end to racism and police that will pilot the ship of state for brutality. another five years. “I was hesitant to come “Of course, we are still faced out earlier in the protests because with the COVID-19 pandemic, of COVID, but last night another and our all-of-society response to black man was killed in America,” COVID-19 must therefore continue said Gaston, in reference to the if we are to manage this global fatal shooting of Rayshard Brooks in health crisis effectively,” he said. Atlanta, which occurred late Friday The coalition won nine of night. the 11 seats in the June 5 “I was vocal from my house, elections. but now, I see I had to come out here,” He said as of Saturday, the added Gaston, a Haitian-American current Regulations No. 19 under who lives in Flatbush. the Emergency Powers Act come to Several hundred people, an end and new regulations for the perhaps more than 1,000, attended next two weeks, will be published the Caribbean Americans for Justice later. march, organized as a show of unity during Caribbean American Heritage Month. The Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy, Mount Zion Church of God, Byways & Hedges Youth for Christ Ministry, Ride Along Live and Haitian American community leader Rose Guerrier, of International Cultures United, were

among the organizers of the event. Speakers and marchers called for black unity and solidarity among immigrants, and attendees marched peacefully through the streets, chanting the names of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. Call-andresponse slogans like “no justice, no peace,” were regular features of the march. Jeff Paul, a Haitian American who was in attendance, noted the significance of the event, given Brooklyn’s large Caribbean community. “I think it’s good for us to show unity with each other, we’re all from different islands and everything, but you know, when we all come together for a cause it’s a beautiful thing,” said Paul, who lives in Flatbush. Haitians, in particular, have been settling in the U.S. in large numbers since the 1960s. According to Paul, the generation of Haitians who were born in the U.S. have become more in tune with the challenges faced by other black Americans. “I think the generation that was born here, you know, we pretty much have been in black culture, and we know the different things in black society that affect us,” he told the Haitian Times.

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Aunt Jemima brand retired by Quaker due to racial stereotype

America’s painful struggles over racism have finally caught up with Aunt Jemima, that ubiquitous fixture served up at breakfast tables for 131 years. Quaker Oats announced Wednesday that it will retire the Aunt Jemima brand, saying the company recognizes the character’s origins are “based on a racial stereotype.” Indeed, the logo was inspired by 19th century minstrel celebrating the “mammy,” a black woman content to serve her white masters. A former slave, Nancy Green, became the first face of the pancake product in 1890. Aunt Jemima’s downfall is the latest signal of the powerful cultural moment unleashed by the Black Lives Matter protests, which have spread around the world and prompted companies to rethink their policies, from hiring practices to giving employees off for Juneteenth, the anniversary of the end of the slavery in the U.S. Other companies said they are reconsidering racial imagery in their branding. The owner of the Uncle Ben’s rice says the brand will “evolve” in response to concerns about racial stereotyping. Caroline Sherman, a spokeswoman for parent company Mars, said the company is listening

to the voices of consumers, especially in the black community. Geechie Boy Mill, a familyowned operation in South Carolina that makes locally-grown and milled white grits, said it is “listening and reviewing our overall branding,” though no decisions have been made. Geechie is a dialect spoken mainly by the descendants of AfricanAmerican slaves who settled on the Ogeechee river in Georgia, according to Merriam-Webster.com. In a statement to The Associated Press, the company said a name change has been under consideration for the past year and discussions have ramped back up given the current climate. Earlier this year, Land O’Lakes announced that it would no longer use the Native American woman on its packages of butter, cheese and other products since the late 1920s. But reconsideration of the images also raises questions about why they have endured for so long in the first place, beyond the Civil Rights movement and ensuing decades of protests against discrimination and violence against African-Americans. Brands with ethnic and racial stereotypes still abound, from Nestle’s Eskimo Pie

Beijing outbreak raises virus fears for rest of the world China raised its emergency warning to its second-highest level and canceled more than 60% of the flights to Beijing on Wednesday amid a new coronavirus outbreak in the capital. It was a sharp pullback for the nation that declared victory over COVID-19 in March and a message to the rest of the world about how tenacious the virus really is. New infections spiked in India, Iran and U.S. states including Florida, Texas and Arizona as authorities struggled to balance restarting economic activity without accelerating the pandemic. European nations, which embarked on a wide-scale reopening this week, looked on with trepidation as the Americas struggled to contain the first wave of the pandemic and Asian nations like China and South Korea reported new outbreaks. Chinese officials described the situation in Beijing as “extremely grave.” “This has truly rung an alarm bell for us,” Party Secretary Cai Qi told a meeting of Beijing’s Communist Party Standing Committee. After a push that began June 14, the city expects to have tested 700,000 people by the end of the day, said Zhang Qiang, a Beijing party official. About half of them were workers from the city’s food markets, nearby residents and close contacts.

A worker cleans the glass door to a health center for COVID-19 testing in Beijing on Wednesday, June 17, 2020. The party’s Global Times said 1,255 flights to and from the capital’s two major airports were scrapped by Wednesday morning, about twothirds of those scheduled. Since the virus emerged in China late last year and spread worldwide, there have been more than 8.1 million confirmed cases and at least 443,000 deaths, according to a tally kept by Johns Hopkins University. Experts say the true toll is much higher, due to the many who died without being tested and other factors. The U.S. has the most infections and deaths in the world, with a toll that neared 117,000 on Wednesday, surpassing the number of Americans who died in World War I.

and Miss Chiquita of banana fame, to the ongoing debate over the Washington Redskins football team. Riché Richardson, an associate professor of African American literature at Cornell University, called for Aunt Jemima’s retirement five years ago in a New York Times opinion piece — part of a wider discussion about Confederate statues and other imagery after the massacre of nine black parishioners at a church in Charleston, South Carolina. Richardson said Aunt Jemima epitomizes the dark comfort that some Americans take from imagery of black servitude, so normalized that it’s on their box of pancake mix. She said it was problematic that Aunt Jemima is such a ubiquitous symbol of black femininity when there are so many real women who are icons of African American history. “The question becomes, ‘do we want to hold onto images that hearken back to a past when blacks were servants and expected to know their place?’” Richardson said. “People who are holding onto these symbols are almost suggesting that those are times they are nostalgic about. I don’t think people intend to send that message but at this time, we cannot afford to send mix

A box of Aunt Jemima pancake mix sits on a stovetop Wednesday, June 17, 2020, in Harrison, N.Y. messages.” Quaker, which is owned by PepsiCo, said its overhauled pancake mix and syrup will hit shelves by the fourth quarter of 2020. The company will announce the new name at a later date. PepsiCo also announced a five-year, $400 million initiative “to lift up black communities and increase black representation at PepsiCo.” “We recognize Aunt Jemima’s origins are based on a racial stereotype,” said Kristin Kroepfl of Quaker Foods North America. “While work has been done over the years to update the brand in a manner intended to be appropriate and respectful, we realize those changes are not enough.” Quaker tried over the years to purge Aunt Jemima of her “mammy” roots, exchanging her kerchief for pearls by 1989. Still, the image was of eager domesticity and her name could not be dissociated from its racist origins.

1.5 million more laid-off workers seek unemployment benefits About 1.5 million laidoff workers applied for U.S. unemployment benefits last week, a historically high number, even as the economy increasingly reopens and employers bring some people back to work. The latest figure released Thursday marked the 11th straight weekly decline in applications since they peaked at nearly 7 million in March as the coronavirus shut down much of the economy and caused tens of millions of layoffs. The decline was much smaller, though, than in recent weeks, falling just 58,000. The total number of people receiving unemployment aid also fell slightly, reflecting the return of many to their old jobs. Still, analysts had expected a sharper decline in weekly applications, and some expressed disappointment that so many people are still seeking unemployment benefits even as restaurants, gyms and many categories of retail shops are reopening across the country. “It does seem like there are many new people filing for unemployment, and this is worrisome when we are three months into the crisis and you are starting to see re-openings across the nation,” said Gregory Daco, chief U.S. economist at Oxford Economics.

A customer walks out of a U.S. Post Office branch and under a banner advertising a job opening, in Seattle.A The jobless claims report generally tracks the pace of layoffs. But it provides little information about how much hiring is occurring that would offset those job losses. In May, employers added 2.5 million jobs — a surprise increase that caught analysts off-guard because the number of applications for unemployment aid was still so high. Daco said he expects the June jobs report, to be released in early July, to show another increase in hiring. But he said the June figures will be particularly hard to forecast.

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


Some tribes reopen their casinos despite state opposition Drivers heading down state roads leading to Foxwoods Resort Casino and Mohegan Sun in Connecticut are greeted by flashing warnings: “Avoid Large Crowds” and “Don’t Gamble With COVID.” Despite having authority to shutter thousands of businesses during the coronavirus pandemic, Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont has been constrained when dealing with the sovereign tribal nations that own two of the world’s largest casinos. After pleading with tribal leaders to not reopen and even raising the possibility of pulling their state-issued liquor licenses, he ultimately settled for ordering state transportation workers to put up the signs. “People over the age of 65 should not be in large, congregate settings. We think that’s dangerous, even now,” said Lamont, a Democrat, after the casinos partly reopened on June 1, weeks ahead of the state’s timetable for large indoor events. “So, we tried to put some good, strong advice in place as people are on their way to taking a gamble.” Connecticut’s two federally recognized tribes, the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and the Mohegan Tribe are not alone in reopening doors early as the nation reemerges from the shutdown — though both say they are being careful about reopening. Facing pressure to bring back employees and start generating revenue, tribes in Washington, Oregon, California, Florida, North Carolina, New York

and elsewhere have decided to welcome back gamblers even though their states haven’t allowed large gatherings. Other businesses have bristled at shutdown orders and restrictions, and some have pushed the limits. But the tribes that run the casinos are different because the U.S. Constitution recognizes them as sovereign nations with full authority within their reservations — so state and local leaders have no say in reopening their casinos. “Tribal nations are just that, they’re nations. So they are not bound by state laws,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said recently. New York state officials haven’t decided yet when to allow commercial casinos to reopen, but the Oneida Indian Nation announced it will partly reopen three casinos last Wednesday, and the Cayuga Nation reopened its casino on May 15. Both are upstate, where similar large gathering places are not yet open. In California, Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, wrote a letter to tribal leaders pleading with them to align their plans with the state’s, warning that people crowding in casinos could spark a new wave of infections. The “virus does not recognize jurisdictional boundaries,” he said. In Florida, Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez took to social media after the tribal casino Miccosulkee Resort & Gaming reopened early. Last month, he

A sign at the entrance to the Foxwoods Resort Casino, in Mashantucket, Conn., announces its reopening, Monday, June 1, 2020. urged residents to follow federal health guidelines if they decide to go and gamble. That same tribe resisted pleas from state and local officials in late March to close entirely, as other tribal casinos, restaurants, movie theaters, parks and beaches had. At the time, Gimenez resorted to issuing a video message, urging elderly residents to “take personal responsibility” and stay away from any large gatherings, including the casino. Miccosulkee tribal officials, known for being strongly independent, had insisted they were following federal health recommendations. But days later,

Biden opens 13-point advantage as Trump popularity drops to seven-month low: Reuters/Ipsos poll Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has opened up a 13-point lead over President Donald Trump - the widest margin this year - according to the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll as Americans grow more critical of Trump over the coronavirus pandemic and protests against police brutality. In the June 10-16 poll, 48% of registered voters said they would back Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, in the Nov. 3 election, while 35% said they would support Trump. Biden’s advantage is the biggest recorded by the Reuters/ Ipsos poll since Democrats began their state nominating contests this year to pick their party’s nominee to challenge Trump in November. A similar CNN poll from earlier this month showed Biden with a 14-point lead over Trump among registered voters. The Reuters/Ipsos poll also showed that 57% of U.S. adults disapproved of Trump’s performance in office, while just 38% approved, marking Trump’s lowest approval rating since November, when Congress was conducting its impeachment inquiry into the Republican president. In a clear warning sign for Trump, his own support base appears to be eroding. Republicans’ net approval of Trump is down 13 points from

March to June, declining every month in that span. The shift in opinion comes as Americans are whipsawed by the coronavirus pandemic, the ensuing economic collapse and the outpouring of anger and frustration following numerous deadly confrontations between police and African Americans, including the death last month of George Floyd while in Minneapolis police custody. Trump, who dismissed the threat of the coronavirus early on, sparred with state governors as they tried to slow its spread and has pushed authorities to allow businesses to reopen despite warnings from health experts about increasing risks of transmission. More than 116,000 people in the United States have died from the virus and more than 2.1 million people have been infected, by far the most in the world. Some states that have reopened such as Florida, Arizona and Texas are seeing a jump in cases. Altogether, 55% of Americans said they disapproved of Trump’s handling of the coronavirus, while 40% approved, which is the lowest net approval for the president on the subject since Reuters/Ipsos started tracking the question in early March.

Democratic U.S. presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at a campaign event devoted to the reopening of the U.S. economy during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S., June 11, 2020. TRUMP EDGE ON ECONOMY The president also has been criticized for the way he has responded to the protests that were sparked by Floyd’s killing. While nearly two thirds of respondents sympathized with the protesters, according to the poll, Trump has openly flirted with deploying the military to “dominate” them. Earlier this month, police in Washington forcibly removed peaceful protesters so that Trump could pose for photographs in front of a church near the White House. As businesses shuttered across the country because of coronavirus lockdowns, Americans have increasingly turned their focus to the economy and jobs as a top concern.

the tribe announced it would close the casino, while noting it was “under no legal obligation” to do so as a sovereign nation. As of last Tuesday, the American Gaming Association website identified 280 tribal casinos that have so far reopened, while 244 remained closed. Danielle Her Many Horses, deputy executive director of the National Indian Gaming Association, said those figures represent the diversity of opinion among tribes. “You have tribes in states that do want to open up and tribes that are like, ’no, no, no, we’re going to back off on this because we don’t think that’s the right idea,’” she said. “And you have others who are like, ‘we need to get our people working,’ who are thinking of it in (terms of) rebooting the economy.” How tribes have managed the coronavirus pandemic may also reflect their relationship with state and local leaders, Her Many Horses said. She noted Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, a Democrat, for example, meets regularly with the tribal leaders to discuss how the casino reopenings are going. Meanwhile, in South Dakota, three tribes — the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, the Rosebud Sioux Tribe and the Oglala Sioux Tribe — set up checkpoints on state and federal highways to keep unnecessary visitors from their reservations because of the coronavirus. Republican Gov. Kristi Noem has questioned the tribes’ authority to take such action.

US to resume federal executions after 17 years The United States will resume federal executions on July 13, after a 17-year stay, the Justice Department said Monday. There have been just three federal execution since the death penalty was reinstated by the US government in 1988. Attorney General Bill Barr announced a year ago he intended to resume the use of the death penalty for federal crimes. Five convicted murderers were scheduled to undergo lethal injections in December 2019 and January of this year at the federal penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana. But at the last minute, the US Supreme Court refused to lift a stay on federal executions, saying that -- “in light of what is at stake” -- the block on executions should be reviewed by an appeals court. In April, an appeals court in Washington approved the use of pentobarbital for lethal injections, and Barr ordered that new execution dates be set for four of the five convicts. “We owe it to the victims of these horrific crimes,” Barr said in a statement. Following his order, the Bureau of Prisons scheduled the executions to take place between July 13 and August 28. Among the four is Daniel Lewis Lee, an avowed white supremacist, who was sentenced to death for the 1996 murder of a family of three, including an eight-year-old girl. The mother of one of his victims, Earlene Peterson, opposes Lee’s execution due to her religious convictions and appealed to US President Donald Trump to grant Lee clemency. “I can’t see how executing Daniel Lee will honor my daughter in any way,” Peterson said in a video posted online. “In fact, kind of like it dirties her name because she wouldn’t want it and I don’t want it.”

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WORLD NEWS Philippine journalist convicted of libel, given 6-year term

Macron rejects tearing down statues in France

President Emmanuel Macron vowed on Sunday that France would not seek to erase elements of its history or take down statues of controversial Rappler CEO and Executive Editor Maria Ressa gestures during public figures, despite growing a press conference in Manila, Philippines on Monday June 15, global scrutiny of former colonial powers in the wake of 2020. worldwide protests. An award-winning journalist critical of In an address to the the Philippine president was convicted of libel nation, Macron said France and sentenced to jail Monday in a decision called would be “uncompromising” in a major blow to press freedom in an Asian bastion its fight against racism after days of democracy. The Manila court found Maria Ressa of of demonstrations over alleged the online news site Rappler Inc. and former prejudice among police forces. Angry crowds have reporter Reynaldo Santos Jr. guilty of libeling a toppled statues of colonial wealthy businessman. The Rappler’s story on May 29, 2012, cited an intelligence report linking figures in Britain and the United him to a murder, drug dealing, human trafficking States, and there has been an and smuggling. The site’s lawyers disputed any intensified scrutiny of the malice and said the time limit for filing the libel records of key leaders of the colonial era in Europe. complaint had passed. But Macron said the “Rappler and both accused did not country would not obscure offer a scintilla of proof that they verified the elements of its history or imputations of various crimes in the disputed dismantle statues of public article upon the person of Keng,” Judge Rainelda figures who may have advocated Estacio-Montesa said in the 36-page ruling. “They racist views or policies. just simply published them as news in their online “The Republic will not publication in reckless disregard of whether they wipe away any trace or any are false or not.” name from its history. It will not “The decision for me is devastating forget any of its works. It will because it essentially says that Rappler, that we not take down any of its statues are wrong,” Ressa said in a news conference after but lucidly look at our history the ruling. Her voice cracking, she vowed that and our memory together,” he “we will keep fighting” and appealed to journalists said. and Filipinos to continue fighting for their rights He said this was “and hold power to account.” especially important in Africa, The businessman, Wilfredo Keng, welcomed the ruling, which he said vindicated where French colonial rule in him and cleared his name “which Ressa, with several countries left a legacy that remains a subject of anger one click of a button, attempted to destroy.” Ressa was sentenced to up to six years but for many to this day. Together, France and her lawyer, Theodore Te, said the jail terms and Africa need to find a “present and other penalties imposed could not be enforced a future that is possible on both unless all appeals were rejected. She posted bail sides of the Mediterranean”, he for the case last year and will study possible said. appeals in the next 15 days, Te said.

In a sign of the sensitivities in France, former prime minister Jean-Marc Ayrault had Saturday urged a new designation for a hall in parliament named after the 17th-century statesman JeanBaptiste Colbert. It was Colbert who drew up the “Code Noir” that defined the conditions for slavery.

- ‘Police deserve support’ Several demonstrations against racism and police violence against minorities have erupted in French cities in recent weeks, given impetus by the death in police custody of George Floyd in the United States. Protesters have rallied in particular around the case of a young black man, Adama Traore, who died in custody in 2016. It remains under investigation. Twenty-one people have been placed under arrest over their actions in a demonstration in Paris in Saturday that ended in clashes with police, prosecutors said. Macron acknowledged that France had to fight against the fact that “the name, the address, the colour of the skin” can affect a person’s chances in their lives. “We will be uncompromising against racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination. New decisions for equality will be taken,” he said. “It is necessary to unite around Republican patriotism.

President Emmanuel Macron We are a nation where everyone -- whatever their origin and religion -- can find their place.” “Is this true everywhere and for everyone? No,” he admitted. Human Rights Watch said Sunday that France should halt identity checks by the police that are “abusive and discriminatory” towards black and Arab males. But Macron defended France’s under-fire police force, saying they “deserve public support and the recognition of the nation for their work”. “Without Republican order, there cannot be security or freedom,” he said. He warned that the fight against racism became distorted when it became exploited by what he described as “separatists”. Police have themselves protested against what they perceive as a lack of backing from the government and in particular Interior Minister Christophe Castaner.

Saudi faces perilous hajj call as virus spikes Saudi Arabia is expected to scale back or call off this year’s hajj pilgrimage for the first time in its modern history, observers say, a perilous decision as coronavirus cases spike. Muslim nations are pressing Riyadh to give its much-delayed decision on whether the annual ritual will go ahead as scheduled in late July. But as the kingdom negotiates a call fraught with political and economic risks in a tinderbox region, time is running out to organise logistics for one of the world’s largest mass gatherings. A full-scale hajj, which last year drew about 2.5 million pilgrims, appears increasingly unlikely after authorities advised Muslims in late March to defer preparations due to the fast-spreading disease. “It’s a toss-up between holding a nominal hajj and scrapping it entirely,” a South Asian official in contact with Saudi hajj authorities told AFP. A Saudi official told AFP: “The decision will soon be made and announced.” Indonesia, the world’s most

populous Muslim nation, withdrew from the pilgrimage this month after pressing Riyadh for clarity, with a minister calling it a “very bitter and difficult decision”. Malaysia, Senegal and Singapore followed suit with similar announcements. Many other countries with Muslim populations -- from Egypt and Morocco to Turkey, Lebanon and Bulgaria -- have said they are still awaiting Riyadh’s decision. In countries like France, faith leaders have urged Muslims to “postpone” their pilgrimage plans until next year due to the prevailing risks. The hajj, a must for ablebodied Muslims at least once in their lifetime, represents a major potential source of contagion as it packs millions of pilgrims into congested religious sites. But any decision to limit or cancel the event risks annoying Muslim hardliners for whom religion trumps health concerns. It could also trigger renewed scrutiny of the Saudi custodianship of Islam’s holiest sites -- the kingdom’s most powerful source of

A full-scale hajj, which last year drew about 2.5 million pilgrims, appears increasingly unlikely political legitimacy. A series of deadly disasters over the years, including a 2015 stampede that killed up to 2,300 worshippers, has prompted criticism of the kingdom’s management of the hajj. “Saudi Arabia is caught between the devil and the deep blue sea,” Umar Karim, a visiting fellow at the Royal United Services Institute in London, told AFP. “The delay in announcing its decision shows it understands the political consequences of cancelling the hajj or reducing its scale.” - ‘Buying time’ -

The kingdom is “buying time” as it treads cautiously, the South Asian official said. “At the last minute if Saudi says ‘we are ready to do a full hajj’, (logistically) many countries will not be in a position” to participate, he said. Amid an ongoing suspension of international flights, a reduced hajj with only local residents is a likely scenario, the official added. A decision to cancel the hajj would be a first since the kingdom was founded in 1932. Saudi Arabia managed to hold the pilgrimage during previous outbreaks of Ebola and MERS.

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


Jean Kennedy Smith dies at 92; last surviving sibling of JFK Jean Kennedy Smith, who was the last surviving sibling of President John F. Kennedy and who as a U.S. ambassador played a key role in the peace process in Northern Ireland, has died, relatives said Thursday. She was 92. Former U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy, Smith’s nephew, confirmed her death. She died Wednesday at her home in Manhattan, her daughter Kym told The New York Times. Smith was the eighth of nine children born to Joseph P. and Rose Kennedy, and tragically several of them preceded her in death by decades. Her siblings included older brother Joseph Kennedy Jr., killed in action during World War II; Kathleen “Kick’ Kennedy, who died in a 1948 plane crash; the president, assassinated in 1963 and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, slain in 1968. Sen. Edward Kennedy, the youngest of the Kennedy siblings, died of brain cancer in August 2009, the same month their sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver died. Smith, who married Kennedy family financial adviser and future White House chief of staff Stephen Edward Smith in 1956, was viewed for much of her life as a quiet sister who shunned the spotlight. In her memoir “The Nine of Us,” published in 2016, she wrote that for much of the time her childhood seemed “unexceptional.” “It is hard for me to fully comprehend that I was growing up with brothers who eventually occupy the highest offices of our nation, including president of the United States,” she explained. “At the time, they were simply my playmates. They were the source of my amusement and the objects of my admiration.” Though she never ran for office, she campaigned for her brothers, traveling the country

‘Live PD’ dropped by A&E on heels of ‘Cops’ cancellation

Body-worn camera video provided by the Austin Police Department in Texas, Williamson County deputies hold down Javier Ambler as one of them uses a Taser on Ambler’s back during his arrest in Austin, Texas. Former President John F. Kennedy and his sister, Jean Kennedy Smith, watch an opening day baseball game at Griffith Stadium in Washington. for then-Sen. John F. Kennedy as he sought the presidency in 1960. In 1963, she stepped in for a traveling Jacqueline Kennedy and co-hosted a state dinner for Ireland’s president. The same year, she accompanied her brother — the first Irish Catholic president — on his famous visit to Ireland. Their greatgrandfather, Patrick Kennedy, was from Dunganstown in County Wexford in southeastern Ireland. Three decades later, she was appointed ambassador to Ireland by President Bill Clinton, who called her “as Irish as an American can be.” During her confirmation hearing, she recalled the trip with her brother, describing it as “one of the most moving experiences of my own life.” As ambassador, she played a role in the Northern Ireland peace process. She helped persuade Clinton to grant a controversial visa in 1994 to Gerry Adams, chief of the Irish Republican Army-linked Sinn Fein party. The move defied the British government, which branded Adams as a terrorist. Patrick Kennedy highlighted her role in the Irish peace process as the crux of her “enormous legacy.” “She knew it was crucial to bring everybody in in order for there to be lasting peace,” Patrick Kennedy told the AP.

“She took an enormous risk to her own reputation and stature as an ambassador.” She later called criticism of her actions toward the IRA “unfortunate” and said she thought history would credit the Clinton administration with helping the peace process in Northern Ireland. Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern said in 1998 that “it is not an understatement to say that if (the visa for Adams) didn’t happen at the time, perhaps other events may not have fallen into place.” In 1996, though, Smith had been reprimanded by Secretary of State Warren Christopher for punishing two of her officers who objected to the visa for Adams. In December 1998, Smith again risked controversy by taking communion in a Protestant cathedral in Dublin, going against the bishops of her Roman Catholic church. Her decision was a strong personal gesture of support for Irish President Mary McAleese, a fellow Catholic who had been criticized by Irish bishops for joining in the Protestant communion service. “Religion, after all, is about bringing people together,” Smith told The Irish Times. “We all have our own way of going to God.”

A&E Network has canceled the police reality series “Live PD” following weeks of protests inspired by the death of George Floyd and a report that a crew from the show filmed the arrest of a black man who died after he was restrained by police. A&E Network has canceled the police reality series “Live PD” after weeks of protests inspired by the death of George Floyd and a report that a crew from the show filmed the death of another black man in police custody. The cable network announced the move Wednesday, a day after the similar show “Cops,” on the air for 33 seasons, was dropped by the Paramount Network. “This is a critical time in our nation’s history and we have made the decision to cease production on Live PD,” A&E said in a statement. “Going forward, we will determine if there is a clear pathway to tell the stories of both the community and the police officers whose role it is to serve them. And with that, we will be meeting with community and civil rights leaders as well as police departments.” The cancellation also comes a day after a reports from the Austin American-Statesman and KVUE-TV that 40-year-old Javier Ambler, who was black, died in Texas last year after sheriff’s deputies repeatedly used stun guns on him, despite his cries for help and pleas that he was sick and couldn’t breathe. Prosecutors who are investigating Ambler’s death said the presence of the “Live PD” crew made the arrest, which was captured on police body-camera video obtained by the news outlets, particularly troubling. A&E said in a previous statement that its video never aired because of a policy against showing a death, and it did not keep the footage after it was informed the initial investigation had closed. A&E said neither the network nor the show’s producers “were asked for the footage or an interview by investigators from law enforcement or the District Attorney’s office.”

IMF says deeper-than-expected contraction in U.S. economy likely in second quarter A defacto lockdown in the United States has lasted longer than expected despite a rollback in some restrictions on mobility, pointing to a deeper-than-expected contraction in gross domestic product in the second quarter, the IMF said on Thursday. Details will be available when the International Monetary Fund releases its updated World Economic Outlook on June 24, spokesman Gerry Rice told a regular The One World Trade Center and the Financial District in New York are seen from a local park in Weehawken, New Jersey, as the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak continues in New York, briefing held online. U.S., March 22, 2020. Given the continuing lockdowns, the pace of recovery in with high frequency data showing Georgieva and other top IMF officials the world’s largest economy could a stronger-than-expected recovery have said the Fund is likely to revise be slower, he said, without giving an in investment and services through downward its already pessimistic May. Overall, the balance of risks forecast for a 3% contraction in exact forecast. global gross domestic output in 2020. Rice said the Chinese remained on the downside, he said. The best-case scenario economy was gaining momentum, IMF Managing Director Kristalina

released by the Fund in April had called for the U.S. economy to contract 5.9% in 2020, with a rebound to 4.7% growth in 2021. At the time, it forecast China would maintain positive growth of 1.2% in 2020, with growth expanding to 9.2% in 2021. Rice said the IMF was continuing to provide financing to members through its emergency financing and other facilities. A total of $250 billion of the Fund’s $1 trillion in lending capacity had been disbursed so far, he said. As of Friday, 70 countries will have received some $25 billion in rapid emergency funding that comes largely without the usual IMF conditions, Rice said.

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


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UK’s Johnson announces body to probe inequality amid race protests Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he was setting up a commission to look at “all aspects of inequality” following race protests across Britain. Writing in the Telegraph newspaper on Monday, Johnson said there was “much more that we need to do” to tackle racism despite “huge progress”, and argued the “substance” of the problem needed to be addressed, rather than the “symbols”. There have been Black Lives Matter demonstrations in cities across the United Kingdom since the police killing of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, in the United States on May 25, and Saturday saw far-right groups gather in London to counter the anti-racism demonstrators. “It is time for a crossgovernmental commission to look at all aspects of inequality –- in employment, in health outcomes, in academic and all other walks of life,” Johnson wrote in the article, which

was also published online late on Sunday. “We need to tackle the substance of the problem, not the symbols.” Race campaigners have called for the removal of statues depicting some historical figures, and the toppling of a statue of the 17th-century slave trader Edward Colston in the southwestern port city of Bristol is considered a defining moment in Britain’s Black Lives Matter movement. But Johnson insisted a bronze sculpture of wartime leader Winston Churchill -- who some activists say was racist -- outside the British parliament in Westminster should remain in place. “We need to address the present, not attempt to rewrite the past – and that means we cannot and must not get sucked into neverending debate about which well-

known historical figure is sufficiently pure or politically correct to remain in public view,” the prime minister wrote. Johnson condemned the “thugs” who gathered in central London on Saturday to “protect” the boarded-up statue of Churchill, which has been defaced in recent weeks. “It was utterly absurd that a load of far-Right thugs and bovver boys this weekend converged on London with a mission to protect the statue of Winston Churchill,” the 55-year-old premier and Churchill biographer wrote. “He was a hero, and I expect I am not alone in saying that I will resist with every breath in my body any attempt to remove that statue from Parliament Square, and the sooner his protective shielding comes off the better.” Johnson suggested that

US top court in landmark ruling to protect LGBT workers The US Supreme Court delivered a landmark victory for the gay and transgender communities Monday when it ruled that employers cannot discriminate against workers because of their sexual orientation. In a blow to the administration of President Donald Trump, the court ruled by six votes to three that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlaws discrimination against employees because of a person’s sex, also covers sexual orientation and transgender status. “Today we must decide whether someone can be fired simply for being homosexual or transgender,” the court said. “The answer is clear.” Gerald Bostock, one of the plaintiffs, said he was in “shock.” “But trust me when I say my heart is just full, I am so excited and happy,” he said. “No one has to be fearful going to work, fearful that they could lose their job because of who they are, who they love or how they identify,” Bostock said, though he noted there was still “a lot of work to be done.” Trump’s administration had effectively thrown in its lot with employers, but the president later Monday called the ruling “very powerful.” Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights activists, as well as Democratic politicians and several major businesses, had been demanding that the court spell out that the community was protected by the law. “This is a huge victory for LGBTQ equality,” said James Esseks, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s LGBTQ & HIV Project. The group uses the

longer version of the acronym, in which the Q stands for “questioning” -- as in still exploring one’s sexuality -- or “queer.” “The court has caught up to the majority of our country, which already knows that discriminating against LGBTQ people is both unfair and against the law,” he said in a statement. Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee for president, hailed the decision as “a momentous step forward for our country.” Biden was vice president when the court made its historic ruling in favor of same sex marriage in 2015. Rights activists had feared that Trump’s appointment of two new conservative judges to the top court could hinder further wins for their cause. Yet it was one of them, Neil Gorsuch, who wrote the majority decision, joining with the court’s four progressiveleaning judges and Chief Justice John Roberts. “An employer who fires an individual for being homosexual or transgender fires that person for traits or actions it would not have questioned in members of a different sex. Sex plays a necessary and undisguisable role in the decision, exactly what Title VII forbids,” Gorsuch wrote. “Those who adopted the Civil Rights Act might not have anticipated their work would lead to this particular result,” Gorsuch said. “But the limits of the drafters’ imagination supply no reason to ignore the law’s demands.” - ‘Fired for coming out’ Solicitor General Noel Francisco, representing the

A person waves a rainbow flag in front of the US Supreme Court that released a decision saying federal law protects LGBTQ workers from discrimination. government’s position before the court, argued that “sex refers to whether you were born woman or man, not your sexual orientation or gender identity.” He said it was the job of Congress to update the law, not the justice system. The Alliance Defending Freedom, a Christian religious freedom group, said the court’s decision was “truly troubling” and encroached on the religious beliefs of employers. Along with Bostock’s case the court considered two others, including that of transgender plaintiff Aimee Stephens. Donna Stephens, the wife of Aimee who died last month, hailed her late partner’s struggle for justice after being sacked by a Detroit funeral parlor when she came out. “I am grateful for this victory to honor the legacy of Aimee, and to ensure people are treated fairly regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity,” Stephens said in a statement.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson instead of tearing down statues, more should be built of people regarded “worthy of memorial” by the current generation. The Prime Minister has been branded racist himself following a 2002 article for the Telegraph in which he referred to black people as “piccaninnies” with “watermelon smiles”.

American sentenced to 16 years in Russia on spying charges A Russian court on Monday sentenced an American security executive to 16 years in prison on spying charges, a verdict that drew an angry response from U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who denounced the man’s treatment by Russian authorities as “appalling.” The Moscow City Court read out the conviction of Paul Whelan on charges of espionage and sentenced him to 16 years in a maximum security prison. The trial was held behind closed doors because authorities said that was needed for the trial to consider sensitive data. Whelan has insisted on his innocence, saying he was set up. The 50-year-old corporate security executive and Marine Corps veteran from Novi, Michigan, was arrested in Moscow in December 2018 while he was in Russia to attend a friend’s wedding. Speaking to reporters after the verdict, U.S. Ambassador John Sullivan denounced the secret trial in which no evidence was produced as an egregious violation of human rights and international legal norms. He described Whelan’s conviction as “a mockery of justice” and demanded his immediate release. Pompeo said “the United States is outraged” by Whelan’s conviction “after a secret trial, with secret evidence, and without appropriate allowances for defense witnesses.” ”We have serious concerns that Mr. Whelan was deprived of the fair trial guarantees that Russia is required to provide him in accordance with its international human rights obligations,” he said in a statement. Whelan’s brother David said lawyers will appeal the verdict that he denounced as political, adding in a statement that “the court’s decision merely completes the final piece of this broken judicial process.” “We had hoped that the court might show some independence but, in the end, Russian judges are political, not legal, entities,” the statement said. “We look to the U.S. government to immediately take steps to bring Paul home.” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov rejected allegations that Whelan has become a political hostage, saying during a conference call with reporters that his guilt was proven during the trial. Peskov refused to comment on whether Russia could be eyeing Whelan’s exchange for some of its citizens in the U.S. custody.

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020

•preferrably hold a Master’s Degree or its equivalent, and professional certifications in either law, accountancy, auditing, management or public administration or similar; •preferrably have a minimum of 12 years professional experience in law, accountancy, auditing, general management or public administration, including at least five (5) years at a senior managerial level; •preferrably have gained overseas work experience, ideally in the British Overseas Territories, or experience in working closely in other cultural settings. Key Competencies and Other Desirable Qualities:

Vacancy Announcement Director, Turks and Caicos Islands Integrity Commission

The successful candidate should – • possess and demonstrate the highest standards of integrity, probity and understanding of fiduciary responsibilities to the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands; • have proven knowledge of public sector anti-corruption issues, policies and practices;

The Turks and Caicos Islands Integrity Commission invites applications from suitably qualified candidatesfor the position of Director.

• have knowledge and understanding of global anti-corruption and good governance laws and regulations and ethical codes;

Primary Responsibilities:

• have knowledge of current “best practices” in ethics and compliance programs, policies and procedures;

The appointee will – a.have the overall responsibility of the day-to-day administration of the Integrity Commission’s offices; b.manage, supervise and assist personnel in ensuring that the Commission effectively and efficiently discharges its mandate as an anti-corruption agency and an institution protecting good governance, through: (i) the promotion of IIntegrity, Honesty and Good Faith in Public Life of the TCI; (ii) the robust implementation of, and compliance with, the provisions of the Constitution of the Turks and Caicos Islands, The Integrity Commission Ordinance and integrated Codes of Conduct for Persons in Public Life, The Political Activities Ordinance, The Bribery Ordinance, and to the extent relevant to the Commission, such other Ordinances that the Commission may be mandated to implement and oversee. Other Key Responsibilities: The appointee will also be expected to – • Oversee and sustain the systems and procedures of the Commission for its continuing effectiveness and efficiency, and where necessary, develop new ones; • Oversee the policies and strategiesof the Commission, and develop, as necessary, new ones aimed at strengthening the Integrity Commission’s anti-corruption efforts, and ensuring its sustainability; •Oversee the asset declaration and compliance screening processes, ensuring due process, management and administration in accordance with the requirements of the Ordinance;

• have good knowledge of investigative strategies, principles and methods; •demonstrate excellent inter-personal relationships and management skills, respect for confidentiality, discretion and tact, conflict resolution skills, and the ability to lead a specialist, multi-disciplinary team working to tight deadlines, often in the difficult and challenging circumstances of a small island environment; •demonstrate suitability for a role that involves driving forward good governance, integrity and anti-corruption messages in the sensitive political and fragile financial milieu of a small British Overseas Territory; •demonstrate the ability to rapidly attain a good knowledge and appreciation of TCI law as it pertains to corruption and integrity in public life, and a willingness to subscribe to and champion the vision and mission of the Commission, and to articulate its policies and values in the public fora. Term of Contract This Director’s contract will be for a two-year period. There will be an option for renewal subject to satisfactory completion and to such terms as may be mutually agreed. Remuneration An annual basic salary will be paid in the range of $110,000 to $121,000, depending upon the qualifications and experience of the successful candidate. An annual housing allowance of $14,400 will also be paid. Location The Director may be based at the Commission’s Office in Grand Turk or Providenciales. Wherever based the Director will have to visit the other office with regularity.

•Oversee the investigative process ensuring the proper investigation of allegations of fraud, financial crimes, corruption and misconduct within the TCI Public Service;

Special Requirements under S. 39 of the Integrity Commission Ordinance

•Support TCI government departments and public bodies in the implementation of anti-corruption measuresand best practices, and, tocontinually enhance the ethical work environment within the TCI’s Public Service;

The successful candidate will be required to subscribe to an oath of secrecy, andto file with the office of the Governor of the TCI, a Declaration of Income, Assets and Liabilities pursuant to Section 39 of the Integrity Commission Ordinance.

•Oversee the proper management and maintenance of a fit-for-purpose computer and information communication/technology system;

Application Deadline and Procedure

•Ensure the security of the Commission’s offices and all of its assets, whether on or off the premises, including but not limited to computer and other IT equipment and infrastructure, manuals and electronic files; •Prepare and present the Commission’s annual budget to the Ministry of Finance and the relevant Committees of the TCI House of Assembly; •Ensure the proper management of the Commission’s finances within the framework of the TCI’s Public Finance Management and accountability ordinances. Professional Qualifications and Experience: The successful candidate will –

The deadline for the submission of applications is August 14th, 2020. Applications, accompanied with a Cover Letter outlining why the Candidate believes he/she should be considered for the position of Director, should be addressed as follows: The Secretary Integrity Commission of the Turks and Caicos Islands Franklyn Missick Building Grand Turk Turks and Caicos Islands Via Email: Secretary@IntegrityCommission For information about the TCI Integrity Commission, please visit its website at www.IntegrityCommission.tc

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


Commercial litigation and insolvency associate attorney required This is a work permit renewal advertisement Prudhoe Caribbean is seeking an experienced associate lawyer to fill an existing position in a specialist commercial litigation and insolvency practice. The right candidate will be eligible to appear in courts around the Caribbean Region.

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Qualifications and experience The University of West Indies Legal Education Certificate (or else willingness to obtain such) would be a preferred qualification, as would current INSOL membership and active participation in that or an equivalent specialist practitioner body with international reach. Barrister / court advocate / solicitor (the latter with significant advocacy experience).

Preference will be given to a suitably qualified and experienced Turks & Caicos Islander. It is to be stressed that this is not a “starter” position but will instead involve aspects of training Turks & Caicos Islander staff (both attorney and non-attorney).

If any interested party is in doubt as to his or her eligibility as a result of the required skills and experience, then he or she should feel free to arrange a confidential discussion (whether inperson or by phone) via the email address provided below.

Current admitted status at the TCI Bar or else eligibility for admission required. Experience of videolink / “remote” hearings preferred, also admission in at least 2 other prominent offshore jurisdictions.


Job description The successful applicant will have a minimum of 5 years’ postadmission experience in practice and will have a proven track record of the following: 1. Working within insolvency and receivership proceedings (preferably for an Office Holder such as an Insolvency Practitioner). 2. High-value commercial litigation with cross-border and post-judgment elements. 3. Exposure to private international law issues. 4. Working under significant pressure of time demanding onshore and other clients. 5. Demonstrably high proficiency in legal research, attention to detail and written English (court and arbitral drafting). 6. An interest in pro bono (in particular human rights) work as part of a committed team.

TCI CAR RENTAL AND SALES LIMITED Location: Suzie Turn, Lot #75, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, TCI

TCI Car Rental and Sales Limited are looking for the following employees: •Two (2) Car Rental and Sales Agents – Salary is $2,000 a month •Two (2) Car Mechanics with at least 10 years experience – Salary is $2,800 a month Rental and Sales Agents duties: Greeting clients as they arrive, answering the telephone, handling client questions or complaints and working to resolve overdue car rentals. Car Mechanics duties: Inspecting vehicle computer and electronic systems to repair maintain and upgrade. Conducting routine maintenance work aiming to vehicle functionality and longevity. For further information with regards to the employment, please contact the following persons: Mr. John A. Williams Mobile No: +1(649)344-8644 Email: browill649@gmail.com Mr. FIO FIRAT MAYIL Mobile No: +44775757577 Email: fiomontana@hotmail.co.uk These positions are new Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

Remuneration package on offer will depend on demonstrated and relevant experience as well as attitude to a challenging and rapidly evolving area of practice. Subject to the current travel restrictions being lifted, overseas travel will be required, usually on short notice, as well as Court appearances throughout the Region on both a “first advocate” and supporting junior lawyer basis. At present, such hearings may be via videolink / “remote”. Hours of Work would reflect the demands of court work and preparation for same. As noted above, preference will be given to suitably qualified and experienced Turks & Caicos Islanders. Qualified and experienced applicants should submit their CV / Resume via email to tim@prudhoecaribbean.com with a copy to the Labor Department Please note that only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Best Contractors

Location: Five Cays, Building 34 A, Unit # 9, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Is seeking Labourers - $6.50 per hour Is seeking Two (2) Painters - $8.00 per hour Is seeking a Steel Man - $7.00 per hour Steel Man must be able to install iron or steel girders, columns, and other construction materials to form buildings, bridges, and other structures. Labourer duties may include cleaning and preparing a job site, loading and delivering materials, and using a variety of tools and machines. The Painters must be able to prepare painting surfaces by washing walls, repairing holes, or removing old paint. Must have three years experience To work 5 days per week Please Call Alex Higgs at 243-5406 These positions are held by Work Permit Holders Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board #195255

Super Cuts Barber shop/Alex Higgs

Location: Aviation Drive, Upstairs Musgrove Place, Unit #2, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Is seeking: Barbers - $7.00 per hour Must be able to cut hair, must have at least 3 years experience and work from 9:00am-7:00pm and overtime if needed. Is seeking one Cashier - $6.50 Duties: Welcoming customers, answering their questions, and providing advice or recommendations Both persons must be able to work 5 days a week Interested persons may contact Alex Higgs, Owner of Super Cuts Barbershop at 243-5406 These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders Applicants who are Turks and Caicos Islanders should also send copies of their application to the Labour Board

Shiney’s Bakery


Location: In Leeward, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Is seeking 1 Artisan Baker Duties include, baking bread, Cake decorating, working with fondant, chocolate and Pull sugar Must have 10 years experience To work 6 day Per Week Salary is $10.25 an hour Please Contact: 247-8206 or email to shineysbakery@gmail.com This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders must submit copied of their applications to the Labour Board

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020

DATE OPEN: June 15, 2020 START DATE: ASAP POSITION: Housekeeping Attendant PROPERTY: West Bay Club



POSITION: Public Area Attendant PROPERTY: West Bay Club Job Overview: A Public Area Attendant will support general resort operations by cleaning and maintaining all indoor and outdoor common resort areas and maintaining resort quality standards. The Public Area Attendant’s main responsibility will be maintaining resort interior by dusting and polishing furniture, counters, mirrors, fixtures; washing floors, windows, counters, walls, and woodwork; sweeping, scrubbing and mopping floors; cleaning and vacuuming carpets; re-supplying restrooms and locker rooms with necessary paper products. Also, they will be removing trash and maintaining interior appearances by picking up debris, emptying containers, transporting materials to disposal area; recycling materials. They will also be required to serve precautions required to protect hotel and guest property, and report damage, theft, and found articles to supervisors. This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $6.50 - $7.00 per hour DATE OPEN: June 15, 2020 POSITION: Cook


Job Overview: Ensure that all stocks are kept under optimum condition, miseen-place is always freshly prepared and on time, dishes are being prepared to the correct recipe and to the correct quantity, dishes reach the hot plate or passé correctly garnished, the correct portion and size, presented on the correct serving dish in the prescribed manner. Must attend all training classes required. Report any shortages promptly to the Sous Chefs. Education and/or experience: Language skills required: read, write and speak English. Formal training in culinary arts considered highly desirable. Food and wine knowledge and creativity. At least 6 years practical culinary experience. Physical requirements: Stand and walk, stoop, bend or crouch. Occasionally lift and/or move to 50 pounds. Schedule varies. Full time. Week-end and holiday work required This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $24,000 - $26,500 per annum

The National Security Secretariat Turks and Caicos Islands Government


Applications are being sought for the permanent appointment of five (5) full time posts within the Turks and Caicos Islands Regiment. These include: 1.Major (Second in Command) •The Second in Command is the Units Operations Officer and also responsible for all Administrative and Human Resource matters. They deputize for the Commanding Officer when required. •Annual Salary - $49,150 2.Lieutenant / Captain(Troop Commander x 2) •The command and administration of a Troop of up to 20 Marineson and off operations. •Annual Salary - $43,600 3.Warrant Officer First Class (Regimental Sergeant Major and Training Warrant Officer) •Maintenance of Discipline in the Regiment. •The delivery and facilitation of all training programs as well as providing and/or identifying continuous capacity building opportunities for members of the regiment whether locally, regionally or intentionally. •Annual Salary - $38,800 4.Warrant Officer Second Class (Chief Clerk) •The daily administration of the Regiment including Information Management and Performance Management System of the TCI Regiment. •Annual Salary - $34,000 Persons appointed to these post will work closely with the Commanding Officer in establishing the Regiment over the next financial year. They will help set the ethos of the Regiment and be instrumental in building a new and exciting capability for the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Job Overview: We are looking for a professional Housekeeper able of attending to our facilities with integrity and attention to detail. The goal is to create a clean and orderly environment for our guests that will become a critical factor in maintaining and strengthening our reputation. Responsibilities: •Perform a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing •Ensure all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards •Protect equipment and make sure there are no inadequacies •Notify superiors on any damages, deficits and disturbances •Deal with reasonable complaints/requests with professionalism and patience •Check stocking levels of all consumables and replace when appropriate •Adhere strictly to rules regarding health and safety and be aware of any companyrelated practices This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $7.25 - $8.25 per hour DATE OPEN: June 15, 2020 POSITION: Laundry Attendant


Job Requirements: •Ensure the hotel has adequate amounts of linen and towels and all time •Assist in all Housekeeping responsibilities, cleaning of all guest rooms, stocking amenities and linens •physical stamina and mobility including ability to reach, kneel and bend •Ability to lift, push and pull required load (usually about 30lbs) •Ensure inventory is used properly and in supply at all times This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $6.75 - $7.25 per hour

Interested persons can contact our Human Resources Department no later than July 3, 2020 @ (649) 946-5050 Ext. 1020 Email: humanresources@gracebayclub.com Fax: (649) 946-5758 P.O. Box 128 Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies

Members of the Regiment will receive training and support from the British Armed Forces, the British Defense Attaché as well as from the Bermuda Regiment. Officers will attend the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. The Regiment will be built to support the TCI’s National Security Strategy. In particularly, supporting the Maritime Police in protecting TCI’s borders as well as responding to matters related to Disaster Resilience and Recovery which include natural disasters, major accidents and major epidemics. Moreover, the Regiment will further seek to recruit forty (40) Reservist Troops (part time). The permanent cadre of staff will be instrumental in this recruitment and training program. The Regiment will be operational by the end of this Financial Year. The successful candidates will have: •TCI Islander status (preferred).Applications from British Overseas Territories Citizen’s or British national’s accepted. •All positions will be based in Providenciales, not least because of close working with the Maritime Branch. •For the officers we are looking for leadership potential. Do not be put off if you have no uniformed experience. •Our preference, for the Warrant Officer role, is more than 5years’ experience in a military force. •For the Chief Clerk, excellent administrative, IT and project management skills are desirable. •For the officers, a degree is preferred but not mandatory. •All must pass an initial medical and fitness test, and annually thereafter. We are looking for physically robust individuals. •Selection for all will – following a paper sift –be through a two-day selection board run by the UK military. •These roles are full time with normal working hours; however, when required the role may be 24/7. •Roles are open to men and women. •Applications should be sent to Stephen Brown (Stephen.Brown6@ fco.gov.uk). Cut off time is 5:00pm on Friday 3rd July, 2020. •Applications should include CV and covering letter outlining past experience, the role you are interested in, why you believe you will be an asset to the Regiment and confirming that you fulfill all the eligibility criteria.

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


STAGE BAR Location: Building #14, William’s Plaza, Lower Bight, Providenciales, TCI Is looking for the following: Four (4) Barmaids -$1,000 a month One (1) Janitor - $6. 50 per hour Janitor duties includes perform general clean up of all areas of the building as directed Manage routine upkeep of exterior areas Barmaids duties includes preparing alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages for bar and patrons and interacting with customers, taking orders and serving drinks. •Must have experience at least 3-4 years Please Contact 344-8644 or email: browill649@gmail.com Two of the Barmaid positions are held by Work Permit Holders and the other two positions are new The Janitor position is new Applicants who are Turks & Caicos Islanders should also send copies of their application to the Labour board


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ERB Construction J.D.S Construction

WANTED Location: Bottle Creek, North Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking One (1) Bar Maid Salary: $6.50 per hour Must be able to work 6 days a week Working hours range from 7:30am-3:00pm Duties Includes: Meeting and greeting customers, serving drinks, keeping bar and restaurant area cleaned and free of harmful elements and other duties created by the Supervisor This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Applicants who are Turks and Caicos Islanders can send a copy of their applications to the Labour Board Interested persons can submit applications to Mr. Alpheus Gardiner, Bottle Creek, North Caicos Telephone Number: 231-0005 or email: aagardiner@hotmail.com

Location: #32 Blue Hills, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking to hire a STEEL MAN To work on Construction Sites From Monday – Saturday, 8:00am – 5:00pm Salary is $9.00 an hour Please Email: erbconstruction@tciway.tc This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

Location: New Subdivision, Behind George Hinson #97, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Is seeking a Carpenter Duties include: Installing structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials To work 6 days a week Salary is $8.00 per hour Please Contact: 331-1505 This position is new Interested Belongers must submit their application to the Labour Board

Toriano Williams



Location: Jupa Sound #104, Marby Drive, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Domestic Worker Must be able to do general cleaning, speak English, honest and trustworthy To work 5 days a week Salary is $6.25 per hour Please Contact: 246-5103 This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board #195250

Location: Long Bay Hills, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Labourer For full time work Must be reliable and hard working Remuneration: $6.50 per hour based on experience and qualification This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder If interested, please email your resume to: Williams_toriano@ Hotmail.com copying same to the Turks and Caicos Islands Labour Department and Immigration

In South Caicos Is seeking a Domestic Worker To work 5 days per week Duties include house cleaning, cooking and laundry Salary: $ 6.25 per hour Please contact 347-3017 This is a new position Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders are encouraged to send a copy of their application to the Labour Board

In Grand Turk Is seeking a Labourer To clean and maintain job sites of a construction company and assist where needed on site Salary: $ 7.00 per hour Must work 5 days per week Please contact 241-0990 This position is currently held by a work permit holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders are encouraged to send a copy of their application to the Labour Board


Blythe Malcolm

Island Life/Blythe Malcolm



CARE TAKER WANTED In Grand Turk Salary $400.00 per month To work 5 days per week Please Contact: 232-1336 This position is currently being held by a work permit holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

Location: Family home, Murray Hill, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Domestic worker Must be able to do general cleaning, speak English, honest and trustworthy Hourly rate: $6.25 To work 5 days per week This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

Location: Hospital Road, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Store Clerk Duties: Attending to customers, cashier packing goods, inventory control and stocking shelves etc To works 6 days per week Hourly rate: $6.25 This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

In South Caicos Is seeking the following: 2 Masons to build and repair concrete structures (1 work permit renewal, 1 new position) Salary: $10 per hour 1 Carpenter to build, assemble, install and repair wood fixtures and structures (new position) Salary: $12 per hour 5 Labourers to assist with construction work and clean construction site (4 work permit renewals, 1 new position) Salary: $7.50 per hour Must work 5 days per week Please Contact: 243-1051 Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders are encouraged to send a copy of their application to the Labour Board

In South Caicos Is seeking a Handyman/ Labourer Duties include keeping the church building and grounds clean as well as performing any necessary maintenance and repair work Must work 5 days per week Salary: $7.00 per hour Contact: 243-1051 This position is currently held by a work permit holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders are encouraged to send a copy of their application to the Labour Board

Ronlee James


Hubert Been

Square One Barber and Grooming Shop

Location: 131 South Dock Road, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking One (1) Carpenter Salary is $15.00 per hour Duties include: Installing structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials Must be able to work 6 days a week Please Contact: 331-0221 or 941-3400 This position currently held by Work Permit Holder Interested Belongers must submit their application to the Labour Board

Robert Williams


Address: Breezy Brae, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Labourer Duties include general cleaning and must be reliable and hard working To work 5 days/week Salary: $500/bi-weekly Please Contact: 649-242-3875 This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Applicants who are Turks and Caicos Islanders can send a copy of their applications to the Labour Board

LEEWWARD HIGHWAY IS SEEKING TO EMPLOY A HOUSEKEEPER Performing a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting, and polishing Laundering sheets, towels, personal clothing and other housework The housekeeper is responsible for ensuring the cleanliness of the household according to set standards Salary starts at $ 6.25 hourly Please Contact: 231-0338 This position is currently being held by work permit holder Belongers are encouraged to send the resumes to the Labour Board

Location: Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos Islands Is seeking a Mason Duties: Layering building materials such as bricks, concrete, tiles and other construction materials Salary is $10.00 an hour To work 6 days a week Please Contact: 244-9149 This position is new Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



Ed Forbes & Art Forbes

Location: South Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Fisherman To work 5-6 days per week Duties includes: Fishing, Diving and maintaining of vessel Salary: Boat Share Interested persons please contact 649-232-3320 or email: islandcrops@tciway.tc This position is currently held by a work permit holder Interested Turks & Caicos are encouraged to send a copy to the Immigration Board

Location: #5 Eddie Laporte Plaza, Academy Ave. Providenciales Is seeking a Kitchen Helper Duties: Clean kitchen areas and wash dishes and help workers who prepare or serve food and beverages Salary $7.00 P/H Please Contact 399-9000 This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Belongers are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

Location: Middle Caicos Looking to hire 2 live-in Part Time care takers Patient is a 90 year old elderly woman, very coherent and independent but with beginning stages of dementia. Ferry Transportation is also included Requirements: -Basic English is a must. -light cooking and cleaning -Valid work permit or status card Contact Ed Forbes 649-244-3171 or Art Forbes 649-232-1220 Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

# 195251


Location: 31C Airport Road, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking Two (2) Barbers Salary -$6.50 per hour • Cut and trim hair using clippers, razors and scissors • Shape and trim beards and moustaches To work 6 days per week Please email applications to squareonebarbers@yahoo.com These positions are new positions and work permit renewal Interested TCIslanders are invited to also send copies of their applications to the Labour Board



Location: Bottle Creek, North Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking One (1) Labourer Salary: $6.50 per hour Must be able to work 6 days a week Working hours range from 7:30am - 4:00pm Duties Includes: Assisting with maintenance of property, collecting and disposing of debris from the premises and other unskilled tasks as directed This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Applicants who are Turks and Caicos Islanders can send a copy of their applications to the Labour Board Interested persons can submit applications to Mr. Alpheus Gardiner, Bottle Creek, North Caicos Telephone Number: 231-0005 or email: aagardiner@hotmail.com

# 195251

Audrey Ewing

Location: #32 Leeside Avenue, Long Bay, Providenciales, TCI Is seeking a Domestic Worker Must be able to do general cleaning, speak English, honest and trustworthy To work 5 days a week Salary is $6.50 per hour Please Contact: 232-2623 This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


Americans are the unhappiest they’ve been in 50 years It’s been a rough year for the American psyche. Folks in the U.S. are more unhappy today than they’ve been in nearly 50 years. This bold — yet unsurprising — conclusion comes from the COVID Response Tracking Study, conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago. It finds that just 14% of American adults say they’re very happy, down from 31% who said the same in 2018. That year, 23% said they’d often or sometimes felt isolated in recent weeks. Now, 50% say that. The survey, conducted in late May, draws on nearly a half-century of research from the General Social Survey, which has collected data on American attitudes and behaviors at least every other year since 1972. No less than 29% of Americans have ever called themselves very happy in that survey. Most of the new survey’s interviews were completed before the death of George Floyd touched off nationwide protests and a global conversation about race and police brutality, adding to the feelings of stress and loneliness Americans were already facing from the coronavirus outbreak especially for black Americans. Lexi Walker, a 47-year-old professional fiduciary who lives near Greenville, South Carolina, has felt anxious and depressed for long stretches of this year. She moved back to South Carolina late in 2019, then her cat died. Her father passed away in February. Just when she thought she’d get out and socialize in an attempt to heal from her grief, the pandemic hit. “It’s been one thing after another,” Walker said. “This is very hard. The worst thing about this for me, after so much, I don’t know what’s going to happen.” Among other finding from the new poll about life in the pandemic: The public is less optimistic today about the standard of living improving for the next generation

A merchant prepares a floral arrangement on Mother’s Day at the Los Angeles Flower Market in Los Angeles. than it has been in the past 25 years. Only 42% of Americans believe that when their children reach their age, their standard of living will be better. A solid 57% said that in 2018. Since the question was asked in 1994, the previous low was 45% in 1994. Compared with surveys conducted after President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in 1963 and after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Americans are less likely to report some types of emotional and psychological stress reactions following the COVID-19 outbreak. Fewer report smoking more than usual, crying or feeling dazed now than after those two previous tragedies, though more report having lost their temper or wanting to get drunk. About twice as many Americans report being lonely today as in 2018, and not surprisingly given the lockdowns that tried to contain the spread of the coronavirus, there’s also been a drop in satisfaction with social activities and relationships. Compared with 2018, Americans also are about twice as likely to say they sometimes or often have felt a lack of companionship (45% vs. 27%) and felt left out (37% vs. 18%) in the past four weeks. What is surprising, said Louise Hawkley, a senior research scientist with NORC at the University

of Chicago, was that loneliness was not even more prevalent. “It isn’t as high as it could be,” she said. “People have figured out a way to connect with others. It’s not satisfactory, but people are managing to some extent.” The new poll found that there haven’t been significant changes in Americans’ assessment of their families’ finances since 2018 and that Americans’ satisfaction with their families’ ability to get along financially was as high as it’s been over nearly five decades. Jonathan Berney, of Austin, Texas, said that the pandemic — and his resulting layoff as a digital marketing manager for a law firm — caused him to reevaluate everything in his life. While he admits that he’s not exactly happy now, that’s led to another uncomfortable question: Was he truly happy before the pandemic? “2020 just fast forwarded a spiritual decay. When things are good, you don’t tend to look inwards,” he said, adding that he was living and working in the Miami area before the pandemic hit. As Florida dealt with the virus, his girlfriend left him and he decided to leave for Austin. “I probably just wasn’t a nice guy to be around from all the stress and anxiety. But this forced an existential crisis.”

Berney, who is looking for work, said things have improved from those early, dark days of the pandemic. He’s still job hunting but has a little savings to live on. He said he’s trying to kayak more and center himself so he’s better prepared to deal with any future downturn in events. Reimagining happiness is almost hard-wired into Americans’ DNA, said Sonja Lyubomirsky, a psychology professor at the University of California, Riverside. “Human beings are remarkably resilient. There’s lots and lots of evidence that we adapt to everything. We move forward,” she said, adding that she’s done happiness studies since the pandemic started and found that some people are slightly happier than last year. Melinda Hartline, of Tampa, who was laid off from her job in public relations in March, said she was in a depressed daze those first few weeks of unemployment. Then she started to bike and play tennis and enrolled in a college course on post-crisis leadership. Today, she’s worried about the state of the world and the economy, and she wonders when she can see her kids and grandkids who live on the West Coast — but she also realizes that things could be a lot worse. “Anything can happen. And you have to be prepared,” she said. “Whether it’s your health, your finances, whether it’s the world. You have to be prepared. And always maintain that positive mental attitude. It’s going to get you through it. The survey of 2,279 adults was conducted May 21-29 with funding from the National Science Foundation. It uses a sample drawn from NORC’s probability-based AmeriSpeak Panel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. population. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 2.9 percentage points.

Mother’s Day sales uptick doesn’t cover coronavirus downturn, Washington D.C. florist says Mother’s Day during the coronavirus pandemic meant an uptick in sales for Lee’s Flower and Card Shop in Washington, D.C. “With this quarantine, people haven’t been able to see their loved ones” so they are now sending flowers or food for holidays, birthdays and other life events, said Stacie Lee Banks, the co-owner and president of the florist on Washington’s historic U Street. Banks’ shop is one of the Lee’s Flower Shop, one of the oldest businesses in D.C.’s U Street neighborhood, posts signs millions of U.S. companies to receive on its windows ahead of another night of protests against George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis one of the Paycheck Protection police custody, in Washington, U.S., June 2, 2020. Program loans, initially meant to drop the shop faced after officials to make a number of changes since cover eight weeks of payroll, rent issued social distancing measures the U.S. capital introduced anti-virus and utilities for companies with and non-essential business closures measures in late March. fewer than 500 employees. Reuters designed to stop the spread of the Initially, they furloughed is following several U.S. small virus. most of their 15 employees to stay businesses as they try to recover Sales were down 19% from afloat, keeping on just two delivery from the economic impacts of the April 1 to May 31 this year, compared drivers. pandemic. to 2019, she said. Banks and her In April, the two applied for This year’s Mother’s Day, sister, Kristie Lee, are the third and received a $75,000 loan under celebrated on May 10, was not generation of the Lee family to own the Paycheck Protection Program, enough to make up for the overall and operate the shop. They have had which allowed them to rehire most

of their staff. Banks was also awarded a $13,000 grant from Washington, D.C., which the sisters plan to use to pay other expenses including property taxes. The shop is not yet able to open its doors to customers, and it no longer displays flowers in the window. Deliveries are now contactless, bottles of hand sanitizer sit on a table next to the door and everyone working in the shop wears masks. Banks, who has served as a member of the city’s economic reopening advisory committee, said the federal district has been responsive to small owners, including providing grants and personal protective equipment. But she’s hoping Washington, D.C., will provide more low-interest loans and grants to help companies stay afloat.

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


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U.S. weekly jobless claims remain high as second wave of layoffs hits industries

A second wave of layoffs amid weak demand and fractured supply chains is keeping new U.S. applications for unemployment benefits elevated, supporting views that the economy faces a long and difficult recovery from the COVID-19 recession. Initial claims for state unemployment benefits totaled a seasonally adjusted 1.508 million for the week ended June 13, down from 1.566 million in the prior week, the Labor Department said on Thursday. The 11th straight weekly drop pushed claims further away from a record 6.867 million in late March. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast 1.3 million claims in the latest week. The weekly jobless claims, the most timely data on the economy’s health, remain incredibly high even though employers hired a record 2.5 million workers in May as businesses reopened after shuttering in mid-March to slow the spread of COVID-19. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell told lawmakers this week that “significant

Amazon bans police use of its face recognition for a year

Washington County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Jeff Talbot demonstrates how his agency used facial recognition software to help solve a crime, at their headquarters in Hillsboro, Ore.

Hundreds of people line up outside the Kentucky Career Center, over two hours prior to its opening, to find assistance with their unemployment claims, in Frankfort, Kentucky, U.S. June 18, 2020. uncertainty remains about There are a lot of industries the timing and strength of the that are getting hurt and that’s recovery.” starting to cascade down, that The economy fell into is what those numbers are recession in February. showing.” “People will say claims From manufacturing, are coming down, but for an retail, information technology economy that is reopening, that and oil and gas production, is a huge number,” said Steven companies have announced Blitz, chief U.S. economist at TS job cuts. State and local Lombard in New York. governments, whose budgets “The economy is losing have been shattered by the workers and employment COVID-19 fight, are also cutting beyond the initial impact tied jobs. to businesses that shut down.

US casinos push for cashless gambling payments, citing virus The American casino industry wants gambling regulators to make it easier to adopt cashless payment transactions on the casino floor, citing a desire to help customers avoid handling money during the coronavirus outbreak. In a report released Tuesday, the American Gaming Association, the gambling industry’s national trade group, called on regulators in states where gambling is allowed to Stacks of gambling chips on a roulette update their rules or laws to table at the Tropicana Casino and Resort integrate cashless options for in Atlantic City, N.J. gamblers. industry and bolsters our The push follows an already rigorous regulatory and 18-month study of the issue responsible gaming measures. by both commercial and The COVID-19 pandemic tribal casinos, and equipment made it all the more important suppliers to try to pave the way to advance our efforts to for cashless transactions on a provide customers with the wider basis. payment choice they are more Presently, a small comfortable with and have number of casinos use such increasingly come to expect in payments, which include debit their daily lives.” or credit cards, as well as apps Health officials say the like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and coronavirus can survive on PayPal. Wider acceptance of paper currency, but that risk these options has long been a is low compared to person-togoal of the gambling industry. person spread, which is the main “ A d v a n c i n g way people get infected. The U.S. opportunities for digital Centers for Disease Control and payments has been one of our Prevention says using touchless top priorities since my first day payment methods is a good idea at the AGA,” said Bill Miller, the where possible. gambling group’s president and So far, there has not been CEO. “It aligns with gaming’s widespread adoption of digital role as a modern, 21st century payment options at casinos or

other gambling facilities in the U.S. Industry executives say this is due to several factors including limits imposed by state legislators or gambling regulators. A handful of casinos in Nevada and some tribal casinos across the U.S. have digital options, but the technology is a new concept in many places. The Nevada Gaming Commission has a hearing scheduled for June 25 where it is expected to accept the state Gaming Control Board’s recommendation for amendments to state regulations that would streamline the approval and testing process for modern payment methods. David Rebuck, director of the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement, said cashless transactions are already legal, adding, “We await products to be submitted by the casinos for approval to use on site.” Nevada gambling regulators are “open to looking at new ways of how technology, including cashless wagering, can help attract new customers and be beneficial for not only the industry but even for responsible gaming measures as well,” said Sandra Douglass Morgan, chairwoman of the Nevada Gaming Control Board.

Amazon banned police use of its facerecognition technology for a year, making it the latest tech giant to step back from law-enforcement use of systems that have faced criticism for incorrectly identifying people with darker skin. The Seattle-based company did not say why it took action now. Ongoing protests following the death of George Floyd have focused attention on racial injustice in the U.S. and how police use technology to track people. Floyd died May 25 after a white Minneapolis police officer pressed his knee into the handcuffed black man’s neck for several minutes even after Floyd stopped moving and pleading for air. Law enforcement agencies use facial recognition to identify suspects, but critics say it can be misused. A number of U.S. cities have banned its use by police and other government agencies, led by San Francisco last year. On Tuesday, IBM said it would get out of the facial recognition business, noting concerns about how the technology can be used for mass surveillance and racial profiling. It’s not clear if the ban on police use includes federal law enforcement agencies. Amazon didn’t respond to questions about its announcement. Civil rights groups and Amazon’s own employees have pushed the company to stop selling its technology, called Rekognition, to government agencies, saying that it could be used to invade privacy and target people of color. In a blog post Wednesday, Amazon said that it hoped Congress would put in place stronger regulations for facial recognition. “Amazon’s decision is an important symbolic step, but this doesn’t really change the face recognition landscape in the United States since it’s not a major player,” said Clare Garvie, a researcher at Georgetown University’s Center on Privacy and Technology. Her public records research found only two U.S. agencies using or testing Rekognition. The Orlando police department tested it, but chose not to implement it, she said. The Washington County Sheriff’s Office in Oregon has been the most public about using Rekognition, but said after Amazon’s announcement Wednesday that it was suspending its use of facial recognition indefinitely. Studies led by MIT researcher Joy Buolamwini found racial and gender disparities in facial recognition software. Those findings spurred Microsoft and IBM to improve their systems, but irked Amazon, which last year publicly attacked her research methods. A group of artificial intelligence scholars, including a winner of computer science’s top prize, last year launched a spirited defense of her work and called on Amazon to stop selling its facial recognition software to police. A study last year by a U.S. agency affirmed the concerns about the technology’s flaws. The National Institute of Standards and Technology tested leading facial recognition systems -- though not from Amazon, which didn’t submit its algorithms -- and found that they often performed unevenly based on a person’s race, gender or age.

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JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


Facebook aims to help voters, but won’t block Trump misinfo Facebook is launching a widespread effort to boost U.S. voter turnout and provide authoritative information about voting — just as it doubles down on its policy allowing politicians like President Donald Trump to post false information on the same subject. The social media giant is launching a “Voting Information Center” on Facebook and Instagram that will include details on registering to vote, polling places and voting by mail. It will draw the information from state election officials and local election authorities. The information hub, which will be prominently displayed on Facebook news feeds and on Instagram later in the summer — is similar to the coronavirus information center the company launched earlier this year in

an attempt to elevate facts and authoritative sources of information on COVID-19. Facebook and its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, continue to face criticism for not removing or labeling posts by Trump that that spread misinformation about voting by mail and, many said, encouraged violence against protesters. “I know many people are upset that we’ve left the President’s posts up, but our position is that we should enable as much expression as possible unless it will cause imminent risk of specific harms or dangers spelled out in clear policies,” Zuckerberg wrote earlier this month. In a USA Today opinion piece Tuesday, Zuckerberg reaffirmed that position. “Ultimately, I believe the best way to hold politicians

Facebook, Snapchat join chorus of companies condemning George Floyd death, racism Facebook Inc (FB.O) and Snapchat developer Snap Inc (SNAP.N) became the latest U.S. companies condemning racial inequality in the United States as violent protests flared up across major cities over the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who died while in police custody in Minneapolis last week. The two tech companies followed Intel Corp (INTC.O), Netflix Inc (NFLX.O), Alphabet’s (GOOGL.O) Google, International Business Machines Corp (IBM.N) and Nike Inc (NKE.N) in taking a public stance against Floyd’s death - calling out discrimination against African-Americans. But tech companies such as Facebook and Google for years have struggled to quell concerns about discrimination against African-Americans in their own workplaces, and black engineers remain underrepresented in their workforces relative to the U.S. population. The challenges are not expected to ease as the novel coronavirus pandemic forces the companies to slow hiring and work remotely for months to come. Facebook employees on Monday urged Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg to take stronger action against an inflammatory post last week by U.S. President Donald Trump about the Minneapolis protests.

But Zuckerberg already said in a Friday post that Facebook would not take action on the post. He said Facebook will commit $10 million to organizations working on racial justice. Floyd’s death has renewed outrage across the U.S. on the treatment of African-Americans by authorities, polarizing the country politically and racially. “We cannot end systemic racism without simultaneously creating opportunity for all people, regardless of their background,” Snap Chief Executive Officer Evan Spiegel told employees in an email criticizing racism and calling for increased taxes “to create a society that benefits all of us.” Twitter, which last week was at the center of a fight with Trump over its actions on his tweets, including a warning over one about the protests, added the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter to its account bio on the site. The U.S. Google and YouTube homepages bore a notice saying they stood in support of racial equality. On Friday, Nike flipped its iconic slogan to raise awareness about racism. “For Once, Don’t Do It. Don’t pretend there’s not a problem in America. Don’t turn your back on racism,” the company said in a video that has over six million views on Twitter and was shared by celebrities and rival Adidas AG (ADSGn.DE).

accountable is through voting, and I believe we should trust voters to make judgments for themselves,” he wrote. “That’s why I think we should maintain as open a platform as possible, accompanied by ambitious efforts to boost voter participation.” Facebook’s free speech stance may have more to do with not wanting to alienate Trump and his supporters while keeping its business options open, critics suggest. Dipayan Ghosh, co-director of the Platform Accountability Project at Harvard Kennedy School, said Facebook “doesn’t want to tick off a whole swath of people who really believe the president and appreciate” his words. In addition to the voting hub, Facebook will also now let people turn off political and social issue ads that display the “paid for by”

This image provided by Facebook shows screens of Voting Information Center. designation, meaning a politician or political entity paid for it. The company announced this option in January but it is going into effect now. Sarah Schiff, product manager who works on ads, cautioned that Facebook’s systems “aren’t perfect” and said she encourages users to report “paid for by” ads they see if they have chosen not to see them.

Armed with disinfectant and admonishments, South Korean robot fights coronavirus spread A self-driving robot equipped with cameras and an LED screen greets visitors at the lobby in the headquarters of South Korea’s largest mobile operator, checking their temperature, dispensing hand sanitiser and disinfecting the floor. “Please take part in social distancing,” the white robot firmly but politely reminds three SK Telecom employees who stand chatting nearby. Corporate Korea has long been used robotics for tasks including manufacturing and cleaning, but the technology is getting a boost as more companies strive to reduce human contact amid coronavirus concerns. Having largely managed to contain an epidemic that infected more than 11,000 and killed 269, South Korea is transitioning from intensive social distancing towards what the government calls “distancing in daily life”. The robot, developed jointly by SK Telecom and Omron Electronics Korea, an industrial automation solution provider, transmits data to its server in real time, powered by the telecom company’s fifth-generation (5G) technology. It sets off an alarm if anyone’s temperature is over 37.5 Celsius (99.5 Fahrenheit), while using artificial intelligence (AI) to detect gatherings and advise people to disperse. Those not wearing a mask will be reminded to put one

on. “The robot helps minimise people-to-people contact and reduce time that’s taken for temperature checks at the entrance, and the AI technology raises accuracy,” said Ra Kyhong-hwan, head of data business cooperation at SK Telecom and one of the developers. Armed with ultraviolet lamps and two disinfectant sprayers, the robot can disinfect 99% of 33 square metres (355 square feet) of surface area in 10 minutes, the company said. The developers added a function to hide faces mirrored in the screen to protect people’s privacy, Ra said. “It felt a bit strange when I first saw the robot but I realise it can raise awareness about distancing and also improves accuracy in temperature checks,” said Lim Yeon-june, an employee of SK Telecom. Smaller businesses and retailers are also eyeing robots. At a café in the central city of Daejeon, a robot takes orders, makes 60 different types of drinks and brings them to customers at their seats. At CJ CGV, South Korea’s largest multiplex cinema chain, moviegoers can buy tickets, popcorns and parking vouchers through robots, which can also guide them to their seats or the bathroom.

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are in alignment with all assigned resorts •Oversee and manage that each direct report implements BE’s processes and procedures that fully achieve the appropriate control of all operating expenses. •Safeguard the resort’s assets by establishing, monitoring and enforcing internal controls. •Ensure that the established controls and procedures in respect to areas of responsibility are always being complied with. •Assists with developing Strata budget and manages Strata Costs. •Keep owners and executives informed and provide timely response to queries from the same. •Develop, implement and enforce policies and procedures that improve the operations and effectiveness of the resort. •Perform other duties as directed by the General Manager or any other authorized executive.

JOB VACANCY Beach Enclave is a collection of private luxury villa resorts nestled on North Shore, Grace Bay and Long Bay Beach. We are seeking determined and energetic professionals who are dedicated to providing discreet yet personalized and attentive service that define the Beach Enclave experience.

Remuneration Package: $96,000 per year, commensurate with experience and qualifications.

BE Properties Ltd is looking for a CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER. Reporting directly to the Board, the COO will oversee the Operations across all Beach Enclave properties and is responsible for reaching financial targets as well as propose and implement the brand strategy.

MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN- Will be responsible for assisting with overseeing general maintenance and upkeep of the property as well as the equipment of the property, all electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems, and special development. This individual must possess the following skills:

Experience& qualifications •Experienced hospitality executive with minimum 10 years five-star international management success – Caribbean experience desirable with 3-5 years management in each departmental discipline. Thorough knowledge of resort front office, housekeeping and F&B procedures, operations and equipment, engineering, and information technology with the ability to execute all aspects •Financial, Business and/or Hospitality Management degree or equivalent experience, with a passion for customer service •Exceptional leadership skills with a proven record of providing consistently high guest experience standards balanced with operational efficiencies. •Proven ability to develop business plans and budgets, and effectively monitor performance to meet objectives •Energetic, results driven leader with collaborative approach; focused on empowering people; developing skill in others through coaching, training, and experiential learning. •Successful resort design and pre-opening experience. •Caribbean experience, within a recognized luxury brand. •Bachelor or University degree in Hospitality.

•Maintain and service all pools, hot tubs and spas and all said equipment •Service all HVAC and refrigeration equipment as necessary •Maintain and repair as necessary all cabinetry, doors and windows – made of the finest quality woods, spray and stain as necessary •Maintain and repair as necessary all golf carts •Maintain and repair as necessary all watersports equipment •Maintain and repair as necessary all a/c systems •Maintain and repair as necessary all black out shades •Complete all maintenance requests work orders on a timely basis •Preferably at least 5 years’ experience in a luxury hotel •Plumbing experience preferred •Housekeeping experience is a plus •Must have knowledge of pest control •Computer literacy would be an advantage but not essential with the ability to record and present invoices and purchases in an accurate manner THE CANDIDATE MUST ALSO: •Be willing to work flexible hours, weekends, holidays etc. •Be able to work within a team, be reliable and trustworthy •Be extremely well presented and have a good command of English •Must possess a clean driver’s license to run errands

Summary of duties and responsibilities •Promote a culture of results-oriented performance throughout all properties. •Create budgets for approval. Plan, coordinate, and execute the annual budget process. •Provide managers and other direct reports with annual and quarterly goals and objectives for assigned property. •Create and maintain synergies among all properties in all areas including sales, maintenance, financial processes etc. •Maintain high brand Quality Assurance results including inspection/audits. Conduct quarterly audits at designated hotels for compliance with all brand requirements •Partner with the sales and revenue teams to ensure that revenue and sales strategies

Salary: $20K – 25K per annum based on qualifications and experience. Must be prepared to carry out duties when guests are not in house Please apply in writing to Human Resources, Beach Enclave, International Drive, email: hr@beachenclave.com. Qualified candidates will be contacted for an interview. Potential candidates should also submit copies of their application to the Labor Board.

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INVITES applications from suitably qualified persons to fill the following positions for the 2020/2021 academic school year. TRAINED SPECIALIST TEACHERS SECONDARY LEVEL: SUBJECTS: • • • • •

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Qualification must include but not limited to the following: • A minimum of First Degree or equivalent in educational studies • Appropriate Teacher training qualifications • Experience in working with International Primary Curriculum • Output driven • Possess strong abilities in 21st century teaching methodologies • At least three years’ experience in similar position • Possesses mature, caring and loving disposition • Clean police clearance certificate • Willing to work long hours and on public holidays • Must be proficient in the use of computers and technology in teaching and learning environment • Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications ANCILLARY: CLEANERS: - Person will be responsible to keep classrooms and Toilets clean at all times - Be willing to work until late evenings and on non-school days if required - Person will be responsible to maintain school surroundings and do minor repairs and maintenance. - Salary $6.50 per hour Applications should be submitted to the HR Department no later than June 30th 2020: P.O. Box 293, 37 Cooper Jack Bay Road, Providenciales.

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NFL commissioner Goodell encourages team to sign Kaepernick

Roger Goodell would like to see Colin Kaepernick back in the NFL this season. The NFL commissioner said during ESPN’s “The Return of Sports” special on Monday that he is encouraging teams to sign the 32-year old quarterback, who hasn’t played the past three seasons. Kaepernick was with the San Francisco 49ers in 2016 when he kneeled during the national anthem to protest racial injustice. “If he wants to resume his career in the NFL, then obviously it’s gonna take a team to make that decision. I welcome that, support a club making that decision and encourage them to do that,” Goodell said during his interview with ESPN’s Mike Greenberg. Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll said last week that he received a call from another team about Kaepernick. Carroll and the Seahawks brought in Kaepernick for a workout in 2017 and had another planned in 2018 before it was canceled. Goodell set up a tryout for Kaepernick in Atlanta last year for scouts of all 32 teams to attend, but it unraveled at the last moment due to lack of media access and what Kaepernick’s representatives saw as an unusual liability waiver. Instead of the workout taking place at the Falcons’ training complex, Kaepernick conducted an impromptu session at a high school in front of media and scouts from eight teams. The NFL released a video on June 5 in which Goodell apologized

for the league for not doing a good job of listening to concerns by players on racial inequality. Goodell though was roundly criticized for the apology not mentioning Kaepernick. The video came out a day after many players released a video criticizing the league for not condemning racism following the May 25 death of George Floyd. “We had spent time prior to that understanding all the frustration, fear and sadness. When the video came out on Thursday it was very powerful. It was appropriate for me to respond,” Goodell said. “We should have listened to our players earlier including Colin Kaepernick, Eric Reid, Kenny Stills, Malcolm Jenkins and so many people really brought these issues to light.” Atanta Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan said Goodell’s video was a great step in the right direction. “We all need to be on the same page and address some of the uncomfortable things that need addressed,” he said. Goodell did not answer how the league would respond if President Donald Trump continued to criticize them if players kneeled for the National Anthem. Goodell also said that he wants to include Kaepernick’s voice on how the league should approach social issues. “I hope we’re at a point now where everybody’s committed to making long-term, sustainable change,” Goodell said. “If his efforts are not on the field but continuing to work in this space, we welcome him to that table and to help us, guide us,

NFL pledges $250 million to fight racism The National Football League on Thursday announced a 10-year, $250 million fund to combat systemic racism following widespread U.S. protests over racial bias and law enforcement brutality. The NFL, where 70% of the players are The NFL logo is pictured at an black, said it would event in the Manhattan borough work with the league’s of New York City, New York, U.S., 32 teams to support November 30, 2017. programs that address criminal justice reform, police reform and economic and educational advancement in light of “historic injustices faced by African-Americans.” The league said it would also leverage its media properties, including the NFL Network, to raise awareness and promote education of social justice issues. In 2016, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick knelt during the national anthem to call attention to racial inequality and police brutality. The protest set off a firestorm of controversy with politicians, including the U.S. president, saying Kaepernick’s gesture was unpatriotic.

help us make better decisions about the kinds of things that need to be done in the communities.” NBA commissioner Adam Silver said when the league gathers at the Disney campus it would provide an opportunity for the league to do more to promote social and societal change -- especially since players, who will be confined to the campus, will have plenty of free time on their hands and with what’s expected to be a sizable media contingent present. “How can we use our larger platform, the NBA together with our players, really to affect change?” Silver asked. “There’s an appropriate role, of course, for protests. There’s an appropriate role for those who choose not to engage in the game of basketball down in Florida. But ... for those who decide to come, together with the league, what are those things we can be doing?” Another interesting point in what Silver said was the acknowledgement that some players may choose not to go to the ESPN Wide World of Sports complex for the restart of the season. A group of players, led by Kyrie Irving, has made it clear in recent days that they want their colleagues to think about the ramifications of playing at a time of racial and social unrest. Portland guard Damian Lillard has been part of a protest and said he hopes that people realize “that the black community has had enough” when it comes to injustice. But he also said he plans to play, even though he expressed some

Coleman facing possible doping ban after whereabouts failure World 100 metres champion Christian Coleman of the United States said on Tuesday that he is facing a possible suspension after another violation of the anti-doping whereabouts rules. Coleman, in a Christian Coleman of the U.S. lengthy statement on before the race. Twitter, said that he is facing a ban from the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) after missing a test on Dec. 9. Three failures to properly file whereabouts information in a 12-month period can result in a one or two-year suspension. Coleman had looked in danger of missing last year’s worlds in Doha when the U.S. AntiDoping Agency (USADA) filed - and later withdrew - a whereabouts violation charge. “I want to make you all aware of a situation I’m currently dealing with,” said Coleman in a statement posted on Twitter. “A few days ago, the AIU came to a decision that I’ve been appealing for six months that I missed a test on December 9th, 2019. “And now this might result in me being suspended from other filing failures that occurred well over a year ago at this point.”

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell speaks during a news conference in Irving, Texas. reservations about how safe it will be from a health perspective. “This is what we do. This is our job,” Lillard said. “And this is how we take care of our families. And this is my way of providing for communities and impacting my community. So to play the game I love, to resume the season, I guess it’s a risk I’m willing to take.” Goodell, NHL commissioner Gary Bettman and MLS commissioner Don Garber acknowledged there will be positive tests once their sports return, but that they are hoping to isolate those as quickly as possible along with aggressive use of contact tracing. Monday’s show began with baseball commissioner Rob Manfred casting some doubt on whether there will be games this season after a breakdown in talks with the players’ union on salaries. Manfred said last week he was 100% certain games would be played.

Diack tells court he slowed handling of Russian doping cases to save sponsorship Lamine Diack, the former head of World Athletics, on Thursday told a French court he had slowed the handling of Russian doping cases between 2011-2013 to save a sponsorship deal with a Russian bank. Diack, 87, said he had not sought to protect the athletes caught up in the scandal, some of whom later competed in the London 2012 Olympics, but to ensure the cases did not come to public attention all at once. This, he said, would have caused a scandal. Diack, once one of the most influential men in athletics, faces charges of corruption, money laundering and breach of trust. The charges carry a maximum sentence of 10 years in jail. The former long-jumper has consistently denied wrongdoing. “Who took the decision to spread out the (sanction procedures)? It was me,” Diack told the court’s three judges. “Everyone said I was taking a risk, but it didn’t stop us from quietly working on doping.” “When the Russian cases arose, we were going through a difficult moment financially,” he continued. “My duty was to make sure the IAAF got out of it.” Prosecutors allege Diack solicited bribes totalling 3.45 million euros ($3.9 million) from athletes suspected of doping to cover up test results and let them continue competing.

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Heavy fog may have disoriented pilot in Kobe Bryant helicopter crash The pilot of a helicopter that crashed outside Los Angeles in January, killing basketball great Kobe Bryant, his daughter and all seven others on board, likely became disoriented in the fog, federal investigators said on Wednesday. Pilot Ara Zobayan told air traffic controllers that his chopper was climbing out of heavy clouds when in fact it was descending immediately before slamming into a hillside near the town of Calabasas, the National Transportation Safety Board wrote in newly released findings. The board, which has not yet issued a final report on the cause of the Jan. 26 accident, said pilots can become confused about an aircraft’s attitude and acceleration when they cannot see the sky or landscape around them, causing “spatial disorientation.” “Without outside references or attention to the

helicopter’s attitude display, the actual pitch and bank angles have the potential to be misperceived,” the NTSB said. Zobayan was killed in the wreck. An NTSB board member told reporters in the days after the crash that clouds and fog causing limited visibility in the foothills north of Los Angeles would likely be a key focus of the investigation. In February the board said an examination of the helicopter’s engines and rotors found no evidence of “catastrophic mechanical failure” that could explain why the airship would have suddenly plunged into the terrain. A series of charts issued with the NTSB report shows the aircraft gaining speed, banking sharply to the left and plummeting just seconds after Zobayan told air traffic controllers he was “climbing to 4,000” feet to fly above the cloud layer.

Not fade away: Venus Williams still dreaming at 40

Personnel collect debris while working with investigators at the helicopter crash site of NBA star Kobe Bryant in Calabasas, Venus Williams California, U.S., January 28, 2020. When Venus Williams first stepped onto a Bryant, an 18-time tennis court in Oakland for her professional debut National Basketball Association in 1994, the Rolling Stones were playing a concert all-star, was traveling with next door at a neighbouring stadium. his 13-year-old daughter, two Twenty-six years later, Williams, like Mick Jagger other girls and others to a and Keith Richards, is in no mood to simply fade youth basketball tournament away. at the time of the crash, which The trailblazing American star celebrates prompted an outpouring of her 40th birthday on Wednesday with the tennis shock and grief from sports fans season on pause amid the coronavirus crisis which worldwide. has decimated the calendar. The former world number one, however, says there is no prospect of her quietly drawing a line under a career which has yielded seven Grand Slam singles titles, four Olympic gold medals and dozens of tournament wins. So, despite the march of time and a recent record of futility -- her last singles title came in with recent exposure to out on qualifying for the Rio a WTA Tour event in Taiwan in 2016 - Williams the substances via sexual Olympics in 2016 and has won’t be hanging up her racquet just yet. transmission,” the USADA now set her sights on next “You always have to have dreams, so I said it had determined in its year’s delayed Tokyo Games. keep having them,” Williams told the Tennis investigation. “This has been a huge Majors website in an interview earlier this month, The anti-doping body lesson for me and now that revealing that she still wants to challenge for the said Fuchs’s partner had been is over, I’m fully focused on French and Australian Opens, the two Grand using therapeutic doses of the preparing for Tokyo,” she Slams that have eluded her. two substances and that Fuchs wrote on Twitter. “I would like to win Roland Garros. I was bore no fault or negligence for The usual punishment not far from it. The same goes for the Australian the adverse finding and would for the use of banned Open: I was unlucky, I always missed it a little,” therefore not be banned. substances is a four-year ban Williams said. “We strongly believe from all WADA-compliant Dreams of completing a career “Golden this case and others like it, sports. Slam” are likely to remain elusive though. including meat contamination In 2017, USADA While sister Serena has kept pocketing and prescription medication allowed middle-distance Grand Slams regularly, it is 12 years since Venus contamination cases should runner Ajee Wilson off without won her last Slam, when she triumphed at the be considered no violation,” a suspension, concluding that 2008 Wimbledon Championships. USADA chief Travis Tygart traces of an anabolic agent in And Venus though knows that the clock is said. her sample had come from ticking. Fuchs narrowly missed contaminated beef. “I probably won’t be playing as long as what I have already played,” she says. “We’ll see how I feel. I still love winning as much, but when Hancock, said in a statement Police responded Jan. 21 it’s over, it’s over.” that the case resulted from a to a disturbance call at Brown’s - Highs and lows misunderstanding between Hollywood, Florida, home,

Olympic hopeful U.S. boxer cleared of doping violation caused by sex U.S. Olympic team boxer Virginia Fuchs has been cleared of a doping violation after the United States AntiDoping Agency (USADA) determined that banned substances in her sample had been transmitted during sex with her boyfriend. The 32-year-old flyweight had tested positive for two substances banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in an outof-competition urine test on Feb. 13, the USADA said in a statement. “The low amounts of letrozole metabolite and GW1516 metabolites detected in her sample were consistent

NFL star Antonio Brown gets probation for fight with driver NFL free agent Antonio Brown pleaded no contest Friday to charges related to a fight with a moving truck driver outside his South Florida home earlier this year. As part of a deal with Broward County prosecutors, Brown pleaded no contest to burglary with battery, burglary of an unoccupied conveyance and criminal mischief. He will serve two years of probation, undergo a psychological evaluation and follow-up treatment, attend an anger management course, perform 100 hours of community service and follow a stay-away order from the truck driver and the moving company owner. Judge Edward Merrigan Jr. withheld adjudication, meaning Brown won’t receive a criminal conviction on his record if he successfully completes his probation. Brown’s attorney, Carson

Brown and the moving company where the moving truck driver about payments and should have said Brown and his trainer hit been handled as a civil dispute. him. “Rather than engage in a Brown had refused to pay protracted legal case, Mr. Brown $4,000 to the driver to release his decided to resolve this matter household goods, according to in an expeditious manner in police. The driver told officers consideration of his family and that Brown threw a rock as he his football career,” Hancock drove away, causing a small said. dent on the moving truck and Brown was one of chipping the paint. the NFL’s top wide receivers When the driver returned during his nine seasons with later, Brown paid the $4,000 but the Pittsburgh Steelers. He was refused to pay $860 for damaging traded to the Oakland Raiders the truck, police said. The driver last year but released before returned to his truck to call his ever playing a regular season company, and Brown pulled game following several off-the- him out of the vehicle, while the field incidents. He was then trainer grabbed the keys, officials signed by the New England said. Brown, the trainer and Patriots, who released Brown in others began removing boxes September after a second woman from the truck, until the driver in 10 days accused him of sexual told them the boxes belonged to misconduct. another client.

Williams has never been big on admitting defeat however, a hallmark of her early days under the tutelage of father Richard Williams, who drummed into his daughters the maxim that “the ball is never out” -- an exhortation to chase down every ball. When Williams does finally call it quits, tennis will bid farewell to one of the greatest players in its history. And even though advances in sports science are increasingly stretching the boundaries of longevity for modern athletes, few players today are likely to match her achievement of a professional career that has spanned four different decades. By now the broad brushstrokes of Williams career are part of tennis lore: the upbringing in the gritty Los Angeles suburb of Compton, the rivalry with younger sister Serena, who has 23 Grand Slam titles to Venus’s seven, the successful comeback after being diagnosed with Sjogren’s syndrome, an auto-immune disease whose symptoms include joint pain and fatigue.

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Lakers’ Howard: ‘No basketball’ until reform

Los Angeles Lakers player Dwight Howard dunks during NBA All Star Saturday Night at United Center. The Los Angeles Lakers have their eye on an NBA championship when the season resumes next month, but center Dwight Howard said the team will have to do it without him. Howard told CNN on Saturday that given the unrest following the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police last month that now is not the time for games. Floyd, like Howard, was African American, and Howard said the black community must put itself first now. “Basketball, or entertainment period, isn’t needed at this moment, and will only be a distraction,” his lengthy statement began. It continued: “I would love nothing more than to win my very first NBA Championship. But the unity of My People would be an even bigger Championship, that’s just too beautiful to pass up. What better time than now for us to be focusing on our families? “This is a rare opportunity that, I believe, we as a community should be taking full advantage of. When have we ever had this amount of time to sit and be with our families? This is where our Unity starts. At home! With Family!! European Colonization stripped us of our rich history, and we have yet to sit down and figure us out. The less distractions, the more we can put into action into rediscovering ourselves. Nations come out of families. Black/African American is not a Nation or Nationality. It’s time Our Families became their own Nations. No Basketball till we get things resolved.” The NBA intends to finish the coronavirusinterrupted season and the playoffs at the Walt Disney World Resort near Orlando, Fla. Training camp is set to be held July 9-29 before the season restarts July 30. Brooklyn Nets guard Kyrie Irving reportedly lobbied fellow players on Friday to sit out the scheduled resumption of play as a protest against racism, multiple media outlets reported. According to The Athletic’s Shams Charania, Irving told more than 80 NBA players on a conference call, “I don’t support going into Orlando. I’m not with the systematic racism and the (expletive). Something smells a little fishy. ... I’m willing to give up everything I have (for social reform).” The 34-year-old Howard is in his 16th NBA season. He is a three-time NBA Defensive Player of the Year and an eight-time All-Star. His Lakers’ teammate, LeBron James, has been a supporter of the return-to-play plan.

Marilene Pierre Location: #1 Blue Hills, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Caretaker Duties may include cooking, complete light housekeeping duties To work 5 days per week Please Contact: 346-8736 Salary is $6.25 per hour This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Applicants who are Turks & Caicos Islanders should also send copies of their application to the Labour Board #19525

Lakers players say they’re unified on social justice, resumption of play Though several NBA players on Friday reportedly voiced their opposition to resuming the season as a protest against racism and social injustice, ESPN reported that the Los Angeles Lakers’ players remain undivided on the resumption of the season. The news came a day after Lakers backup center Dwight Howard told CNN that now is not the time to resume basketball in light of the protests that broke out across the nation and the world following the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police last month. Contrary to Howard’s statement, however, more than one Lakers player told ESPN everyone is on the same page. “(There is) no divide,” one Lakers player told ESPN. “Still have some time to figure things out as a league and as a team,” another said. Brooklyn Nets guard Kyrie Irving reportedly lobbied fellow players on Friday to sit out the scheduled resumption of play as a protest against racism, multiple media outlets reported.

According to The Athletic’s Shams Charania, Irving told more than 80 NBA players on a conference call, “I don’t support going into Orlando. I’m not with the systematic racism and the (expletive). Something smells a little fishy. ... I’m willing to give up everything I have (for social reform).” ESPN reported that the Lakers initially had concerns after hearing Howard’s comments, but his agent, Charles Briscoe, told the outlet Howard has not made a decision about playing this season as he has not thought about basketball in recent weeks. “The statement was about social injustice and racism,” Briscoe told ESPN. “Yet everybody is still talking about whether basketball should be played. He isn’t saying that basketball shouldn’t be. He’s just saying that you should not be taking attention away from what’s going on in the country to talk about basketball. Basketball is just a sport, at the end of the day. But what’s going on with people dying in the streets, that’s something real. That statement, it had nothing to do with sports.

It had everything to do with racism and social injustice.” One Lakers player who has not spoken out against resuming play is Lakers star LeBron James. On Sunday, Los Angeles Clippers guard Patrick Beverley tweeted that if James is ready to play, all players better be ready for play to resume. “Hoopers say what y’all want,” Beverley tweeted. “If @ KingJames said he hooping. We all hooping. Not Personal only BUSINESS #StayWoke.” The NBA hasn’t played since March 11 due to the coronavirus pandemic. The league intends to finish the coronavirus-interrupted season and the playoffs at the Walt Disney World Resort near Orlando, Fla. Training camp is set to be held July 9-29 before the season restarts July 30. Floyd, a black man, died May 25 after a white police officer kneeled on his neck for nearly nine minutes. His death sparked global protests, and sports teams throughout the U.S. have spoken out publicly against racism, with several teams taking part in protests.

Cricket Australia admits T20 World Cup plans ‘unrealistic’ Staging the Twenty20 World Cup in Australia this year is “unrealistic” in the midst of a global coronavirus pandemic, Cricket Australia chairman Earl Eddings admitted Tuesday. The tournament is scheduled to take place from October 18 to November 15, and officials have previously said they are planning for it to proceed on those dates. But with many global borders still shut due to virusrelated travel restrictions, Eddings conceded that was looking increasingly unlikely. “While it hasn’t been formally called off this year, or postponed, trying to get 16 countries into Australia in the current world, where most countries are still going through COVID spiking, I think it’s unrealistic, or it’s going to be very, very difficult,” he told reporters. Eddings said Cricket Australia had put forward a number of options to the International Cricket Council (ICC). “The ICC are having meetings as we speak, it’s a bit of a movable feast at the moment,” he said. T20 World Cup chief executive Nick Hockley, who on Tuesday took over as interim Cricket Australia chief, said he expected the ICC to make a decision about the tournament’s future next month. “We’ve got a fantastic

Australia played New Zealand behind closed doors in Sydney in March. local organising committee who are busy preparing for every eventuality and the decision that will come,” he said. - ‘Positive chats’ Australia has so far enjoyed success containing the virus, allowing it to ease restrictions, including letting crowds of up to 10,000 into sports stadiums from next month. But strict international border restrictions remain in place and there are also limits on domestic movement between states, creating an added headache for an event where forty-five matches are split between seven cities. Eddings said India’s Test tour in December-January appeared set to go ahead, with the tourists willing to undergo quarantine to enter Australia. “We’ve had a lot of very

positive chats with India, they’re very keen to tour,” he said. “Now it’s a matter of how we get over the hurdles with COVID-19 for them to come into the country.” However, the T20 World Cup, involving 15 visiting teams and support staff, presents a far greater logistical challenge. The most likely scenario appears to be rescheduling the tournament until next year, but it will depend on the status of the pandemic and finding a spot in cricket’s crowded calendar. Postponing the World Cup could have a knock-on effect for the Indian Premier League, which was supposed to begin in March but has been repeatedly pushed back. The Board of Control for Cricket in India is desperate to salvage the world’s richest T20 tournament, even if that means taking it overseas or playing in empty stands.

JUNE 19TH, 2020 – JUNE 26TH, 2020


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