JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
Website: www.suntci.com
VOLUME 12 - NO. 04
Email: sun@suntci.com
Tel: (649) 339-5879
Fax: (649) 941-3281
MIKE MISICK HITS BACK AT BUTCH STEWART Alleged $1.6million payment causing controversy
by Hayden Boyce Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
TCIPS Lady Lions Victorious In 2016 Inter High Softball Tournament
awyers for former Turks and Caicos Islands premier Michael Misick have called for a mistrial in the high-profile corruption case here, as they responded strongly to a statement issued by Jamaican hotel magnate Gordon “Butch” Stewart that addressed an alleged payment of $1.6million which went from Sandals Resorts International to the politician. In his opening statement before His Lordship Mr. Justice Paul Harrison, a retired President of the Jamaica Court of Appeal, British Queen’s Counsel Andrea Mitchell stated that US$1.6million was paid to Misick from Sandalsrelated companies, in what he is seeking to prove was an act of bribery. Stewart said in a statement distributed to local, regional and international media that “it is a fact that those payments were made” but he stressed that “all those payments were made without the knowledge The 2016 Inter high Softball Tournament was held on January 27th – 28th, 2016 at the downtown ballpark. Four or consent of the principals of teams from around the Turks & Caicos Islands participated in this year’s tournament; they are HJ Robinson High, Sandals”. Marjorie Basden High, British West Indies collegiate and TCIPS. TCIPS came out victorious after beating Marjorie Stewart said in the press release that the matter first came to Basden High from South Caicos who was last years winners in the final match with a score of 19 -7. Team captain light in the course of investigation Kentavia Saunders said she was overwhelmed with excitement and that she never doubted for a minute that they by the US Department of Justice. wouldn’t have won. She said thanks to their coach Ms. Angie Quant for pushing them in practice. This, he added, triggered a series Congratulations to all the teams that participated. of internal investigations by Sandals to determine the source of investigation and the forensic audit This culminated in the separation of the statement, prominent Barbadian the payment and the responsible revealed that some US$1,650,000 had Senior Executive from the company and Queen’s Counsel, Ralph Thorne, the lead parties. been paid to Prestigious Properties was followed by Sandals filing a lawsuit attorney for former Turks and Caicos He said that Tom Scott, a Limited, a real estate company in which against him in the Bahamas to recover Islands Premier Michael Misick, stated: retired Federal judge and partner Michael Misick, Phillip Misick and the unauthorized payments. The damage “It is my view that the statement has in the Florida law firm, Cole, Scott Washington Misick (current Turks and done to the Company by his actions was been a consequence of the practice of the & Kissane, was retained by Sandals Caicos Islands Minister of Finance) were substantial. Not only had he betrayed prosecution of issuing daily releases of its to assist with the investigation the shareholders, and Chalmers Misick the trust which the Chairman and other unproved opening statement through a and a highly reputable forensic & Co., a firm of lawyers in the TCI. All Directors had reposed in him but based website created by the prosecution itself. accounting firm in Washington D.C. those payments were made without the on the level of his authority, the Company I consider this practice to be improper was also engaged to conduct an knowledge or consent of the principals of was legally bound by his actions and this and undue and I have expressed this in-depth accounting investigation Sandals,” Stewart added. culminated in the Company having to position in court. into the affair. He continued: “The unauthorized absorb a fine of US$12M imposed by the “The results of the payments were made by a Senior Turks & Caicos authorities.” Continued on Page 2 Executive and then Treasurer of Sandals. In his response to Stewart’s
Inmates complain of abuse at police station - Page 5
Ministers criticised for absence at Question Time in Parliament - Page 6
Hon. Selver knocks abuse of foreign women - Page 13
Grand Turk ‘gone to the dogs’, says Hon. Lillian Missick - Page 7
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
Continued from page - 1
Mr Justice Paul Harrison
Andrew Mitchell, QC
It is clear to me that the publication of the prosecution’s opening statement to the Judge, and its style, have excited feelings of hostility and antipathy towards my client. This was clearly evident on Thursday, January 28, 2016, when Mr Misick was accosted with threats by an individual while he was leaving the court. Together with the prosecutor, we brought this incident to the attention of the Judge on the following morning. In addition, we now have a large corporate entity feeling obliged to issue a statement in relation to issues that pertain to contested evidence in the case. It is a matter for the Judge if His Lordship will consider at the next sitting whether the issuance of this statement is contemptuous of the court and whether it is calculated to unduly and improperly influence the proceedings.” Thorne said that as Misick’s lawyer, his immediate concern is that
Butch Stewart
the statement is so “highly prejudicial to his rights and to his presumption of innocence, that it defeats his opportunity for a fair trial”. He added: “It is my view that the prosecution’s daily publication of its highly charged opening statement and this statement have had the cumulative effect of scandalising my client, portraying him contemptuously and ultimately depriving him of the right to a fair trial that is guaranteed by the Constitution and by the Human Rights conventions. I acknowledge that a proper balance between fair trial and press freedom must be maintained and I offer no condemnation of the media that seek to inform the public. However, parties to a trial must not exploit the media to seek resolution or ventilate on matters that are properly only within the purview of the court at this time. These extra-juridical publications, emanating from the
Mike Misick
Ralph Thorne QC
prosecution and from a corporate that has been shared with the Special entity connected to the evidence, Investigation Prosecution Team are capable of undermining the (“SIPT”)” independence of the judiciary and the Stewart added: “Were it not dignity of the process of trial. for the Auld enquiry which followed Michael Misick’s removal from the We must not allow this process to Premiership in the TCI and the DOJ degenerate into the nature and investigations the illicit payments spectacle of an inquisition. might not have come to light. Indeed, I therefore intend to make the incident triggered a Group-wide an application to the court to declare review of the internal controls with a mis-trial and to discharge my client the organisation and during the course and will reserve Mr Misick’s right to of that exercise further instances of further recourse. irregularities were discovered. One My client has lost his right to such discovery culminated in the a fair trial!” criminal prosecution in the Half-Way Meantime, in his defence of Tree Resident Magistrate’s Court in Sandals, Stewart noted in his press Jamaica of Dr. Jeffrey Pyne, former statement that in concluding the Managing Director of Gorstew Limited investigation the US Department the Sandals Treasurer, Patrick Lynch of Justice said that Sandals had and Catherine Barber, both former cooperated: “with the United States Senior Executives affiliated with the authorities to a degree that [was] Group, regarding violation of the ATL/ acknowledged to be both extraordinary Sandals Pension Fund, which is still and unique and included the early and the subject of Court proceedings.” voluntary release of valuable evidence
olice sources said arson is suspected in the fire that severely damaged s section of the H.J Robinson High School in Grand Turk in the early hours of Friday, January 29th. “We are still investigating, but I can tell you that we have good and strong reason at this stage to believe that this is a work of arson,” a senior police officer told The SUN. Governor Peter Beckingham, who visited the school fire, said: “It is too early to speculate about the causes of the fire, and I know that the Commissioner and his team are already beginning an investigation. If it was arson I trust that those responsible will be apprehended, and will realise the damage they have done to the school, which is one of the most precious and vital parts of our community.” He added: “I was saddened to see for myself this morning the damage caused by a fire to the H J Robinson High School in Grand Turk. I hope that the impact on the education of the children there will not be too severe. I asked the senior fire and police officers at the scene to pass on my thanks to all their staff who have assisted in reporting and putting out the fire, and removing furniture and other equipment. I would also like to thank the many staff of the school, and local volunteers, who helped as soon as the fire was reported. Their response was clearly rapid and helpful, and showed a real community spirit.” The opposition PDM said in a
statement that it was deeply saddened by tragic fire at Helena J. Robinson High School, which is the only high school in the country’s capital. “While we wish to express our deep sadness of this unfortunate and tragic development, we wish to comfort the many students and families who have been also deeply impacted by this act of apparent arson. Our hearts, prayers and thoughts are with you as you strive to educate and equip yourself and face the challenges of coping with this new reality,” the PDM said. “The many photographs circulating this morning on social media paint a vivid picture of the difficulties you face in the coming years. The Leader of the Opposition has been briefed by party officials including Hon. Edwin Astwood and Hon. Derek Taylor who are both on the ground and at the scene and is today, through this release, calling on Government to quickly resolve a budget to take to the house of assembly in an emergency session to meet the needs of the people of Grand Turk including the rebuilding of HJ Robinson and properly funding a long called for an overdue domestic fire tender,” said the PDM statement. The PDM continued: “The people of Grand Turk and the Turks and Caicos Islands are a resilient, hard working, hopeful people and we have overcome many great odds and adversity to emerge victorious and enjoy what we know as our country
today. We say that no weapon formed suffered for years in container against our nation will prosper. And no classrooms and this loss is a serious act, however originated will dampen impediment to their education. If it is the spirit or the will of our people. true that this is arson as suspected, it We will rise from the ashes and build is one of the most heinous, barbarous again; we will persevere and win in and senseless acts imaginable and only the face of difficulty and overwhelming serves to put us further backward as a odds. We are strong and will emerge country and a people, therefore I and stronger from this setback.” the Progressive Democratic Alliance In a press release, the do not condone such acts and strongly Progressive Democratic Alliance’s condemn such irresponsible behavior. leader, Oswald Skippings, said: “The We must exercise patience and country has suffered a great loss this maturity and work together in unity morning when the new block of HJ as a people to bring about positive Robinson High School in Grand Turk changes through the electoral process went up in flames. Our youth have to build this country to the benefit of waited a long time for these classrooms us all and not destroy what we already since hurricane Ike and sweated and have in place by destructive acts.”
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
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Inmates complain of mistreatment while in police custody By Todeline Defralien
Police are investigating three complaints made by inmates in H.M. prison, Grand Turk, who claim that they were mistreated in police custody at the South Dock/Chalk Sound police station in Providenciales. There were very serious allegations made against some of the police officers such as complaints of inhumane and degrading treatment at the police station for over an extended period of days/weeks, brutality by police officers whilst in Chalk Sound Police Station under investigation and inhumane and degrading treatment while being held at the South Dock/ Chalk Sound police station. Rodney Adams Deputy Commissioner Acting told The SUN, “I can confirm that we at the office of Complaints and Discipline have received three complaints from inmates at HM Prison detailing allegations against members of the Force. As result I have reviewed the complaints and have since action them out for a full investigation. He added: “We therefore wish to reassure you the public and the complainants that we will conduct a thorough investigation to uncover to the truth as to what has transpired at the Chalk Sound Police Station.” The inmates wrote letters to both Commissioner of Police Mr. James Smith and Mr. John Masters Director of Public Prosecutions, stating what were their complaints and asking for full investigation. These letters were dated 20th January, 2016. Remanded inmate Juan Alfonso Vargas wrote: “Dear Sirs, I am in prison recovering so peacefully from the torture of the ill treatment by Police officers at the Chalk Sound police station in Providenciales. I am a Dominican national who has been living in the Turks and Caicos Islands for years. I was arrested by police on allegations of dishonesty along with three (3) others. “I was remanded in prison on the allegation and I have to go back to court on 19 February, 2016. Since being in prison I had to recover from being sprayed with mace in my face from illegally acting police officer of high rank. This is setting no kind of proper example from the more junior officers beneath their ranks. I am calling on you to deal with the conduct of your police station, or you and your department will be sued for the cause of some one’s death very, very soon. This is seriously getting out of control. Why is it that you never come down to the police station to see what is going on down there? Why is it that you don’t have any one in charge to ensure that the rights of prisoners are being properly upheld? You better take things under control down at that illegally operating police station or someone is going to die soon.” The letter added: “I will appreciate it if you can bring criminal charges against those unlawful acting officers down in Chalk Sound police station. You need to set an example with them for what they have done to myself and others down at the station. If you continue to do nothing with these legitimate complaints, things will get worse and out of hand speedily. I do hope some action is taken and taken soon with these officers
please SIR.” He then went on to name the officers and added. “The station orderlies are nasty people. They do not know how to treat people’s family or talk to people when they come to the station to see or visit people. You better do something and do something fast and urgently. Hope to hear from you and see actions very, very soon.” Remanded Inmate Wolbert Ferguson wrote: “Dear Mr. Smith I was arrested a few weeks ago and was taken to the Calk Sound police station where I was held for some long days along with other different persons. I must say that while being held at the Chalk Sound police station for those several days I was treated inhumanely, unfair and unlawfully by some of your police officers stationed at the Chalk Sound police station. The Chalk Sound station officers were spraying mace on prisoner’s faces for no apparent reason. We were not even getting our food on time, when it was lunch time we still did not get feed breakfast yet. When sprayed in my face, the chemicals in the spray got me very sick and I was vomiting all over the holding cell. When I was trying to explain to the officers that I need to go to the hospital because of my illness, they ignored me and refused to take me to the hospital. Me and the other prisoners were not getting any drinking water for hours.” The letter added: “Moreover, whenever our family members come with clothes and food items, they were turned back, presuming that they do not have the authority to accept anything for any inmate/ prisoner being held for any reason stated by the station orderly....It is very disappointing and a real disgrace to the police force itself, that’s full of unlawful, illegal and unprofessional officers. We had to curse them out, yell at them just to get our entitled food and water. The living conditions of that station in that station in Chalk Sound are unbelievable. The station is dirty, stink and it is not a place to hold any type of prisoner for no amount of time. The back of that police station has to be breaking some type of sanitation and health laws the way the living conditions of the station currently are. It has to be restored. “Can you please, as police commissioner launch a full investigation into this. We had no food or water for hours, breakfast was brought in the afternoon, I was ill and wasn’t taken to the hospital. This really has to be dealt with because my intentions are to take this further. Please deal with this serious situation before it leads to a fatality from bad treatment in the back of the said police station. Please do not ignore this complaint. I hope to hear from you soon.” Inmate Garrick Tucker wrote: “Dear Mr. Smith, I cannot help but to start this complaint correspondence to you no other way but to start by saying that you have a number of wicked evil and illegally operational police officers in the Chalk Sound Police Station out at South Dock Providenciales. Myself and a number of other different persons were held at the Chalk Sound police station along with me over the weeks/ drugs I spent at the police station. It is despicable how the police officers are down there spraying
mace on people (prisoners) face and not feeding the prisoners on time. It is shameful to see how prisoners are sleeping on nothing proper and whenever people’s family bring them clothes and foods to eat, it is turned back by the stations orderly, stating that they have no authority to accept things for prisoners being held under investigation or any other reason. I was sprayed in my face repeatedly by police officers while at the Chalk Sound station. I tried complaining repeatedly but no one heard me or even tried to stop to take my complaint or even hear me out. Officers spraying inmates/prisoners for no reason are inspector Mapp, inspector Hope and a few others that I do not know their names but they come on from time to time. Furthermore they deliberately held me at the police station for weeks and days, threatened me about not sending me to Grand Turk prison until I confess and tell them all I did while out in Providenciales. I was treated inhumanely, illegally and unlawfully by the police officers while in their custody and I will like for you to launch a full investigation into this because I do intend to take this further. No food for hours, no water for hours, breakfast coming to us around 3pm or later. Sometimes the breakfast and lunch
Rodney Adams Deputy Commissioner Acting reach around the same time while myself and the others in the back there hungry and cursing them out for food and water. Something has to be done with that illegal treatment going on at the Chalk Sound police station and someone need to look into the living conditions of the Chalk Sound police station, it is nasty, stink, unhealthy and can make any human being sick (which is happening to me or people like myself who were/are held there for beyond the lawfully prescribed time). Please do not ignore this complaint and deal with this serious situation before someone ends up dead from bad treatment in the bank of the said police station. I hope to hear from you soon.”
HAB Management is seeking an experienced, professionally qualified Front Desk Manager. Only candidates who meet the minimum requirements will be considered.
We require a dynamic Front Desk Manager who understand the meaning of true Customer Service who is professional, team-oriented and possess good work ethics. The Front Desk Manager will directly supervises the work of the Front Desk staff to ensure professional and competent service to the guest in accordance with hotel policies and procedures. Essential Duties & Responsibilities •Inform all Front Office staff of daily activities, group and VIP arrivals, repeat guests as well as special requests made by guests. •Check accommodations, making sure any special requests are carried out accordingly, greet guests upon arrival and ensure guest are escorted to accommodations. •Develop relationship with guest to provide maximum personalized guest service. •Communicate with all hotel departments regarding guest accommodations and request to improve guest experience and services. •Promptly respond to guest needs, request and complaints; effective handling guest issues efficiently and courteously. •Insuring proper settlement of all guest folios. •Operate all aspects of Front Office POS system, report generation and analysis and perform night audit procedures. •Has full understanding of hotel reservation system and assist with reservations. •Maintain a professional and high quality service oriented environment at all times. •Manage and monitor activities of all employees in the Front Office department making sure they adhere the standards of excellence and the guidelines set out in the hotel policies and procedures, coaching, training and correcting staff where needed. •Perform all other administrational duties as requested by management. •Act as manager on duty for the hotel, dealing with complaints, problem solving, disturbances, special requests and any other issues that may arise. Requirements •Must have ten years or more experience working at the Front Office Department of a five star resort. •Must have extensive knowledge of Visual One Property Management System. •Strong organizational skills required. •Must be proficient in Microsoft Office. •Excellent oral and written communication skills required. •Must be willing to work unsociable hours and a variety of split shifts. •Excellent people skills in order to communicate well with guests and staff. •Good presentation and a pleasant, friendly personality required. The remuneration for this position for this position is $36,000.00 per annum, commensurate with experience. Interested applicants should contact Veronica Rigby via email by January 29, 2016 at ronnie@habgroup.com or by fax 649-946-5191. Suitable applicants will be contacted by email or telephoned to schedule an interview.
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
Ministers criticised for absence at Question Time in Parliament
didn’t recognize me and please forgive me and Mr. Speaker I got two answers Speaker of the House of and a half. Let the record reflect that Assembly Hon. Robert Hall touched I would like for all these questions... the issue of Ministers not being in the to be answered orally in the House of House to answer their questions when Assembly whenever Ministers feel it’s questions are being asked. important enough to attend I will like He addressed this issue on for them to answer them .” Monday January 25th, 2016 during a The Speaker replied, “It is House of Assembly meeting in Grand disappointing when question time Turk. comes, some people have to be away Due to questions that were sometimes unavoidably absent but asked by the Opposition Leader Hon. ministers must make the effort to be Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson, and here to answer their questions. All left unanswered she asked the Speaker those questions where the answers are of the House of Assembly ‘Are we going not available, as long as they become to allow that to be asked later you available during question time and made no decision on it? . if those ministers who are to answer The Opposition Leader added: questions were not here and they come “Mr. Speaker please I posed eight in during question time then those questions. Mr. Speaker, I know you questions ought to be answered. If not By Todeline Defralien
Speaker of the House of Assembly Hon. Robert Hall they will have to be referred to another time. But I’d rather that I would
certainly like to see them all call off now.” The House of Assembly of the Turks and Caicos Islands is the legislature of that British Overseas Territory of the Turks and Caicos Islands. The name of the house was changed from the Legislative Council of the Turks and Caicos Islands to its present name following the implementation of the new constitution on 9 August 2006. In August 2009, the United Kingdom suspended the Turks and Caicos’ self-government after allegations of ministerial corruption. The prerogative of the ministerial government and the House of Assembly were vested in the islands’ governor until a general election was held in November 2012.
Digicel Play launches new bundle packages As part of its continuing allow them to save while still “Digicel is always looking best of both worlds, while spending evolution as the provider of the enjoying crystal clear digital TV and for ways to give our customers the less on a monthly basis. These new ultimate in home entertainment amazing broadband internet. There best value and service possible, bundle packages cater to every within the Turks & Caicos Islands, are three new bundles for customers along with offering the best variety income level; with packages starting Digicel has once again changed to choose from: Play Loud, which of choice. Hence, we have launched as low as $99, customers can save the way the industry works by includes 114 digital TV channels these new bundles with every up to a whopping $170 per month, now offering dual bundle TV and with 10Mbps broadband; Play existing and potential customer if they had bought the TV and broadband packages. Bold, which includes 145 digital TV in mind,” explained Trina Adams, broadband separately. This is just What does this mean for channels with 10Mbps broadband; Digicel’s Head of Marketing. the start of things to come as Digicel customers? Customers will now have and Play Strong, which includes 174 Adams went on to say that: looks to innovate with unique and the ability to get TV and Broadband digital TV channels with 10Mbps “Customers will find that these new extraordinary product offers for our services all in one bill, which will broadband. bundle packages gives them the customers.”
•Knowledge of holistic concepts and treatments including facials, full body treatments, massages, physiotherapy, and manicures and pedicures •Enthusiastic demeanor with excellent customer service skills •Professional appearance and business friendly approach •Strong communication skills with strong listening skills and a good command of the English language •Exceptionally clean with a strong attention to detail •Self -motivated with very strong organization skills •Ability to stand and walk for up to 8 consecutive hours per day •Ability to lift and carry up to 20 pounds
Seven Stars Resort is currently seeking highly qualified candidates to fill the positions outlined below. The ideal candidate must possess the relevant professional qualifications and experience in a luxury resort environment, as well as a professional, outgoing and friendly demeanor with a strong command of the English Language (oral and written). Salary is based on education, experience and qualifications.
SPA THERAPIST We are currently seeking a Spa Therapist to administer professional massage and body treatments to our valued guests. In addition to performing treatment procedures at the highest standards of service, the Spa Therapist will have thorough knowledge of various massage techniques and possess a comprehensive understanding of body treatments included, but not limited to, facials, massages, physiotherapy, wellness solutions, manicures, and pedicures. The ideal candidate will have excellent communication skills with the ability to deliver service in accordance with the Resorts high standards. Required Qualifications •5-7 years’ experience in the Spa and Beauty industry •Relevant degree or equivalent combination of experience and education •Exceptional knowledge of current spa trends, products and treatments •Proven skills up-selling, cross-selling and pre-selling services and products
HOUSEKEEPING ATTENDANT •Suitable candidates must have a minimum of 2 years’ experience working at a 5 Star Resort in a similar role. •Must have a strong attention to details and exceptional ability to maintain the highest standards of quality required. •Assist in all Housekeeping responsibilities, cleaning of guest rooms, stocking amenities and linens. •Must have the ability to lift at least 50lbs. •Perform any other tasks or projects as directed by Housekeeping Manager. •Clean police record is required In addition, we are also currently recruiting for the following: •Lead Bellman •Food Runners, Servers, Bartenders •Demi Chef De Partie •Crystallizing Specialist •Tailor Interested candidates should apply via e-mail to Seven Stars at hr@ sevenstarsgracebay.com for consideration. Application deadline: February 5, 2016.
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
Page 7
Grand Turk 'gone to the dogs', says Hon. Lillian Missick
By Todeline Defralien
Governor's appointed member Hon Lillian Missick saying that Grand Turk has gone to the dogs. The Governor’s appointed member addressed this issue at the House of Assembly in Grand Turk on Monday January 25th, 2016. She said, “Mr. Speaker I grew up at a time when you would hear the elderly persons talking about things gone to the dogs. You know that expression. Well I’m here to say that Grand Turk has literally gone to the dogs. This place Mr. Speaker is overrun by diseased and emaciated dogs and Mr. Speaker they have
no compunction, although they are diseased and emaciated, about having their way in middle of the street being a hazard to drivers.” Missick added: “Mr. Speaker, we’re also overrun with donkeys. Two days ago, I counted 18 donkeys outside the cemetery and each one of them you can multiply it by two. Each of those I stopped to count and looked at their face. Mr. Speaker this is not good enough and perhaps you know people can continue to blame the environmental health department, but if I were an employee of the government working in Environmental Health I don’t know that I could got to work. The entire surroundings do not suggest that people can be productive. It is dirty,
when we had the rain the other day; I went in the building the building is flooded and the staff is sitting in that building with all that sitting water; and that building is mold infected.” The MP said that to add insult to injury, seven years after Hurricane Ike, Education Department personnel are still sitting in that building that should have been demolished a long time ago. "That’s not good enough," she said, "and so I am saying this because the government is going through its budget phase right now. Please, for God sake for the health of the people of this country, do something about these conditions. These conditions are unacceptable and I had to say that the
Governor's Appointed Member Hon Lillian Missick government needs to understand that we are all tax payers in this country."
Wetlands for our future "World Wetlands Day 2016"
Wetlands for our Future: Sustainable Livelihoods is the theme for World Wetlands Day in 2016. The Department of Environment & Maritime Affairs (DEMA), in collaboration with the Turks & Caicos National Trust and the Turks and Caicos Reef Fund (TCRF) will be highlighting the vital role of wetlands for the future of humanity. World Wetlands Day is celebrated every year on 2 February. This day marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar on the shores of the Caspian Sea. “DEMA, and its partners,
hope to educate the community at large about the importance of wetlands to our Islands’ ecosystems as a whole. Wetlands are often neglected, or worse: filled for building, however these sites are very diverse providing habitats for marine and terrestrial fauna as well as important floral species. If we understand this, conservation of our wetlands would come automatically,” said Amy Avenant (DEMA Environmental Outreach Coordinator). Recently a number of mangrove seedlings were removed from Wheeland pond after a school planting. On February 2nd Students from the Clement Howell High
Regulation 7 of the Physical Planning (Development Permission) Regulations, 1990 An Application, REGISTERED PR 12328, by Windward Development Co. Ltd. has been submitted to the Department of Planning for consideration of a subdivision of the land at Block/Parcel 60903/29 for a subdivision of sixteen residental home parcels on Bougainvillea Drive in Leeward. The application includes the excavation of an 80’ wide canal from Leeward Going Through Channel down the center of the parcel, as well as professional site landscaping and associated marine works in keeping with the Leeward community and existing waterways. The Project is low density and will add value to the surrounding properties and the community. Anyone wishing to make representation(s) may do so in writing to the Director of Planning, Emily House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, within twenty eight (28) days of publication of this Notice.
School will be assisting DEMA and the National Trust by replanting mangroves in the area. Youth between the ages of 15 and 24 are encouraged to participate in the International World Wetlands Day Photo Contest. The contest will run from 2 February to 2 March, 2016. The winner will win a free flight to a famous wetland of their choice courtesy of Star Alliance Biosphere Connections, and other prizes will be given to runners up. To enter the competition Young people are invited to take a photo that shows “people making a living from wetlands” Upload up to 3 photos on the World Wetlands Day website www.worldwetlandsday.
org Other members of the public can participate by voting for their favourite photo and help contribute to the selection process. DEMA and the National Trust would also like to invite members of public to join them for a brief walk-through of Wheeland Pond, on Providenciales, on Saturday 6 February 2016. The walk will begin at 08:00 am sharp. Come along and learn why wetlands are important! For more information, please either contact DEMA’s Environment utreach Coordinator, Amy Avenant, at 338 4176 or Avenant.amy@gmail.com or the Turks & Caicos National Trust at 941-5710/ jeksayao@yahoo.com
RESORT MANAGER Providenciales resort seeks experienced Manager to oversee all operations as well as planned expansion. The ideal candidate will have: * Minimum of 5 years hotel or resort experience at a senior level * Relevant academic qualification * Proven strong leadership and peoplemanagement skills * Proactive approach to management * Excellent understanding of resort accounting * Personal transportation Forward resume and covering letter to resort@faym.com prior to February 12, 2016
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
PDM opens candidate selection The Peoples Democratic Movement in preparation for the upcoming General Election is hereby notifying the voting public that it is opening its process for candidate selection. The Party’s Constitution makes provision for the selection of candidates and qualifications for elected office in section 24 but namely: a.Be members of the Party in good standing b.Be registered voters and
c.Satisfy the qualifications for membership of the Legislature as laid down by the Constitution of the Turks and Caicos Islands.
the Party or c.An individual member of the Party in good standing who applies in writing to the Candidates Committee.
Additionally, prospective candidates for elections shall be either:
The Peoples Democratic Movement throughout the Islands are readying themselves in preparation to bring a better government to the Turks and Caicos people and usher in a new era of PDM Government.
a.Recommended to the Candidates Committee in writing by the Branch of the Party in the constituency concerned; b.Recommended to the Candidates Committee by an affiliated member of
Prospective candidates are required to join an Island Branch in their respective constituencies.
Corruption trial continues The corruption trial of former statement which is now going into its business persons and residents, will Turks and Caicos Islands Premier, third week. be called as prosecution witnesses, Michael Misick and others, continued More than 100 persons, or their statements to the Special before Mr. Justice Paul Harrison last including former Governor Richard Investigation and Prosecution Team week. Tauwhare, current Attorney General (SIPT) relied upon. Lead prosecutor for Hon. Rhondalee Brathwaite-Knowles, The SUN Media Group will the Special Investigations and former First Lady LisaRaye McCoy, be providing full coverage on all of Prosecution Team (SIPT), Andrew several former and current senior civil its media platforms after the opening Mitchell, QC, continued his opening servants, local developers, lawyers, statement.
NOTICE OF SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION Scotiabank (Turks & Caicos) Ltd. of Cherokee Road, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands hereby gives notice of its intention to sell by Public Auction the following properties pursuant to its power of sale as registered Chargee under the Registered Land Ordinance of the Turks and Caicos Islands. 1.Parcel 60503/64 Blue Hills & Stamers Run, Providenciales. Single storey with seven bedrooms, three bathrooms, living/dining room, kitchen and laundry room on 0.35 acre. Registered Proprietor: Cecily Elaine Ewing 2.Parcel 60004/237 North West & North Central, Providenciales. Single storey with three bedrooms, three bathrooms, living room, kitchen and laundry room on 0.20 acre. Registered Proprietor: Oscar O’Brien Forbes 3.Parcel 10501/51 South Suburbs, Grand Turk. Two storey with both lower and upper levels consisting of two bedrooms, one bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room and family room on 0.50 acre. Upper level is 70% completed. Registered Proprietors: Mary Hazlyn Joseph-Roberts & Samuel Stephen Roberts The auction will be held at the office of Scotiabank (Turks and Caicos) Limited, Grace Bay Branch, Providenciales at 10 o’clock in the morning on Friday the 5th day of February 2016. A reserved price will be fixed on all parcels and a deposit of 10% is due immediately upon all accepted bids.
Provo Golf Club seeks a qualified mechanic. A minimum of twelve (12) years experience in golf course equipment is required and the applicant must possess the following skills and experience. Requirements •A history of maintenance of Golf Carts, mowers and tractors. •General maintenance and repairs of all equipment used and operated on the Golf Course. •Ordering or replacing any parts necessary. •An aptitude to work unsociable hours is required. Salary for this position is commensurate with qualifications and experience. Interested applicants should contact Veronica Rigby via email by February 5, 2016 at ronnie@habgroup.com or by fax 649-946-5191. Only persons selected for an interview will be contacted by email or telephone to schedule an interview.
Turks and Caicos Sun Suite#5, Airport Plaza Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 339-5879 Fax: (649) 941-3281 Email: sun@suntci.com Read us online at www.suntci.com Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Hayden Boyce Office Manager: Dominique Rigby Graphic designer Information Technology and Production Manager: Kelano Howell Todeline Defralien Reporter
The Turks and Caicos SUN is a subsidiary of The SUN Media Group Ltd. We are committed to excellence in journalism, educating and informing our readers, serving and satisfying our advertisers and assisting in the overall development of the Turks and Caicos Islands.
SENIOR ASSOCIATE ATTORNEY A Senior Associate Attorney is required for a firm based in Providenciales. Applicants must have at least 7 years post qualification experience. Duties include assisting and developing criminal and common law department, undertaking a variety of work including all aspect of criminal defence work, employment, wills and probate, family matters such as adoption, child/spousal maintenance, divorce, and human rights work. Salary commensurate with experience. Application must be submitted no later than 5th February 2016 to: Employment Department F Corporate & Management Services Limited Tel 649-339-6275 Fax 649-941-4777 Email oa@fcorporatemsl.com
SAUNDERS & CO. LITIGATION ATTORNEY WITH A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 15 YEARS POST-QUALIFICATION EXPERIENCE WITH ALL OF THE FOLLOWING ATTRIBUTES: •Admission to the Turks & Caicos Bar, •A minimum of 15 years experience in commercial litigation and commercial arbitration at all courts levels , •Qualified and experienced as an arbitrator in the areas of insurance and banking disputes; •Hard working with a willingness to work long hours including weekends and holidays; and •Fluent French and Spanish are essential. Salary will commensurate with experience, minimum starting rate is $300.00 per hour. Interested parties should send a cover letter and resume to Saunders & Co., Attention: Office Manager – via Fax: 941-4533 or Email: info@ saunders.tc
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
TCI gaming officials visit Jamaica The Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission (BGLC) of Jamaica on Friday (January 22) hosted consultations with government officials from the Turks and Caicos Islands, to aid that country in the finalization of its gaming policy, reformation of its gaming laws and the crafting of regulations. The team from the Turks and Caicos Islands, including the Permanent Secretary, with responsibility for Gaming in the Ministry of Tourism, Environment, Culture and Heritage, Mrs. Desiree Lewis, along with the heads of the Gaming Inspectorate, is on a threeday official visit to the island. Mrs. Lewis, in an interview with JIS News during the meeting, held at the BGLC head office on Hagley Park Road in Kingston, hailed Jamaica as a leader in the regulation of the gaming industry in the Englishspeaking Caribbean, noting that this is the reason it was important to seek discussions with the Jamaican stakeholders. “This is going to help us to strengthen and modernize the legislation. We felt that coming to Jamaica gives us greater exposure of what another Caribbean country is doing and how they are executing their legislation, regulation, enforcement and licensing processes,” she said, adding that the Turks and Caicos Islands is undergoing a reform of its Gaming Inspectorate. The Deputy Chief Gaming Inspector, Wayne Higgs, explained that the Turks and Caicos has been
Chairman of the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission (BGLC), Mr. Gary Peart (third left), with (from left): Acting Director of the Turks and Caicos Island Gaming Inspectorate, Mr. Desmond Ewing; Permanent Secretary, with responsibility for Gaming in the Ministry of Tourism, Environment, Culture and Heritage of the Turks and Caicos Islands, Mrs. Desiree Lewis; Turks and Caicos Islands Policy Analyst, Miss Rebecca Astwood; and Turks and Caicos Islands Deputy Chief Gaming Inspector, Mr. Wayne Higgs, at a meeting that the Turks and Caicos Islands government officials had with the BLGC to facilitate discussions on how the Commission regulates the gaming Industry in Jamaica, at BGLC head office in Kingston, on Friday, January 22. experiencing challenges with illegallyoperated game houses and is seeking ways to eradicate the practice and have better governance of the industry. “We know it’s going to be quite difficult, but it is something that we can get through. This meeting will help us in (determining) the way forward and to move in the right direction with our gaming laws and regulation,” he said. Chairman of the BGLC, Gary Peart, said this visit by the Turks and Caicos Islands justifies the investments the Commission has made in trying to achieve international standards in the regulation of the gaming industry. “We deliberately invested in our people going to the international markets to understand what happens
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in international jurisdictions. We have brought that back to Jamaica, so we have raised the level of compliance, registration (and) enforcement and we view this visit as a testament to the good work that we have done,” he said. He argued that this heightened expertise of the BGLC staff also presents opportunities for the Commission to earn foreign exchange through outsourcing its services across the Caribbean, in helping other countries to formulate regulations. The BGLC, last year, commenced hosting a Gaming Summit, which Mr. Peart has also credited for increasing the international awareness of Jamaica as one of the leaders in the sector.
The Summit, which was initially focused on horseracing, is an annual event. “So, as we increase enforcement and we talk about things like internet gaming and the different aspects of gaming, what we have found is that more information counts. At the summit, by speaking to our local and international stakeholders, we are getting closer to where the benchmark is internationally,” he said. Chief Executive Officer of the Jamaica Casino Gaming Commission, Phillip Shelton, was also in attendance at the meeting to provide insight into how Jamaica’s casino gaming industry operates and is regulated.
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
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What is leadership? While this is absolutely true, we must understand that leadership is so much more than that. While the word ‘leadership’ holds simple conations for most, it means much more than simply being in charge or making decisions. We must understand that there are effective leaders and there are those in a position of leadership; they are not necessarily the same thing. You see, the difference here is position versus purpose.
by Damian Wilson TCI Patriot LIFE Leadership, Integrity, Fraternity, and Education HOPE - Help Our People Excel POWER - Possessing Our Wealth, Economy and Resources What is leadership? The above question sounds simple enough, and when answering many will tell you that leadership is simply being in charge or in command, being the one to make the decisions.
purpose for your leadership by having difference between life and death. a heart for the people that you lead. Real effective leadership isn’t about 3.Problem Solving: A leader must have getting people to confirm to your way the ability to solve a problem, whether but about transforming people’s faith that problem is in the conception in their own abilities through your of ideas, in the operation of the vision. Successful people identify organization or even with individuals. what they do well; but successful They must try to see clearly and be leaders identify what others do well. objective. When problems are ignored Aside from the above, I or not resolve they can grow and firmly believe that there are a few become even more dangerous later on. more key characteristics that any leader should have. Some of these key 4.Compassion: A good leader not only characteristics are: cares about achieving their vision What do I mean by this? but is also empathetic to the needs 1.Innovation: Leadership is about and concerns of others, especially Often times many persons introducing something new or of those that follow you. A simple are given a position where they are different that hasn’t been seen before compassionate act can motivate even in charge of others. However, there or taking something already existing the most disheartened follower to hearts have no desire for progress or or established and transforming continue on or persuade the hardest change, so they keep doing the same it into something new or different. enemy to see differently. Leaders things that have always been done. Good leadership is creative and must show that they care! It’s not that they’re not capable but transformative. Innovation in they have not developed a desire for leadership is a process which takes As you may see, these few purpose in that role. They may have time. characteristics are not actually about a lot going on but their actions doesn’t the leader but how the leader related give inspiration to those around them, 2.Decisiveness: A leader must not be to others in their role as leader. and therefore, they struggle to gain afraid to make decisions. Sometimes Successful people position themselves momentum in their leadership. those decisions will be very hard well; successful leaders position choices but a leader must have the others well. Not through favouritism What we must understand ability to make good decisions quickly or elitism but through vision. Because is that leadership isn’t just about the and effectively. Often times, those the greatest legacy of any leadership leader, but also about the people they closest to you may not agree with your is producing more leaders not devoted lead. As a leader you will develop a choice but being decisive may be the followers.
Minimum Qualification & Experience Required:
NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE BOARD The Turks & Caicos Islands National Health Insurance Board (NHIB) invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the post of Chief Financial Officer.
POSITION: Chief Financial Officer Job Summary The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for directing the fiscal functions of the NHIB in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and any other financial management techniques and practices appropriate within the health and insurance industry.
Main Duties and Responsibilities Plan, develop, organize, implement, direct and evaluate the NHIB’s fiscal function and performance. Participate in the development of the company’s plans and programs as a strategic partner. Evaluate and advise on the impact of long-range planning and the introduction of new programs/strategies Provide timely and accurate analysis of budgets, financial reports and financial trends in order to assist the CEO and the Board in performing their responsibilities. Develop, implement and enforce financial policies and procedures that will improve the overall operation, efficiency and effectiveness of the company. Provide technical financial knowledge and advice to others within the financial discipline. May perform other duties as assigned by the immediate supervisor or any other person authorized to give instructions or assignments. Lead the timely completion of the financial statement audit process. Assist in the completion of key accounting functions such as reconciliations, manage and supervise the finance, compliance and billing teams.
Candidates should have a Master ’s degree in Accounting or equivalent combination of education and experience Preferably with professional qualification as a CPA or any equivalent accounting designation. At least 7 years of experience in a senior finance management role is a must.
REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS: Experienced financial leader with appropriate industry experience, strong supervisory and mentoring skills, high ethical standards, exceptional analytical and problem solving, well-organized and self-directed, excellent written/verbal communication, speak, read and write in excellent English language, proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel Spreadsheets and Pivot Tables, and Accounting software packages, effective time management skills. Solid understanding of international financial reporting standards Solid understanding of the NHIB Ordinance and Regulations Experience in healthcare financing Training in International Accounting Standards for Social Security Experience In Microsoft Dynamics Team worker who is willing to take a hands-on approach to the role.
Salary Salary shall commensurate with qualifications and experience. Deadline for submission: January 29, 2016 All applications shall be addressed to:
Zaneta Burton Chief Executive Officer National Health Insurance Board Salt Mills Plaza Providenciales Turks & Caicos Islands Email: recruitment@tcinhip.tc
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
Cable & Wireless and WhatsApp Sign Partnership Cable & Wireless (C&W) and WhatsApp have entered into a strategic marketing partnership. A first for the Caribbean, this exciting deal offers C&W customers access to the full range of WhatsApp features across the company’s networks. As a result of this partnership, C&W will introduce a suite of innovative packages with additional benefits for customers, which will be unveiled across all its markets in the coming months. Cable & Wireless’s brands – Flow, BTC, and LIME – are currently the only officially authorized providers of WhatsApp data bundles in the Caribbean region. The agreement between
Cable & Wireless with the world’s leading mobile messenger application, WhatsApp, highlights C&W’s commitment to bring the best value to customers through strategic partnerships. “Since the emergence of Over The Top (OTT) Communication services, Cable & Wireless has maintained our commitment to work with authorized service providers to ensure customers have access to world-leading services on their devices, running on the region’s best networks,” said John Reid, C&W’s Consumer Group President. “We are excited to work with Cable & Wireless to help people across the Caribbean stay better connected
with friends and family,” said Brian Acton, Co-Founder of WhatsApp. The most popular crossplatform mobile messaging app available today, WhatsApp Messenger is used by more than 900 million people worldwide to communicate with friends and family, near and far. The application enables WhatsApp calls, the sharing of photos, videos and audio messages, and allows the user to engage in multiple messaging conversations simultaneously on mobile phones and via WhatsApp Web. Reid added, “This partnership with WhatsApp will improve ease and convenience of communication technology, enrich our customers’ experience, and is therefore consistent
with our mission – “Connecting Communities… and Transforming Lives.” Cable & Wireless Communications Plc (CWC) is a full service communications and entertainment provider, operating in the Caribbean and Latin America. With annual sales of over $2.4bn, it operates both mobile and fixed networks, supported by submarine and terrestrial optical fibre backhaul capacity. Through the acquisition of Columbus International Inc. on 31 March 2015, CWC now delivers superior high-speed mobile data, broadband and video services. It has leading market positions in Mobile, Fixed Line, Broadband and Video consumer offers.
Blue Haven Resort named winner in 2016 TripAdvisor travelers’ choice awards for hotels
Blue Haven Resort & Marina announced it has been recognized as a winner in the Top Hotels in the Caribbean category of the 2016 TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice™ awards for Hotels, ranking 7th out of 43 hotels in Providenciales. For the 14th year, TripAdvisor has highlighted the world’s top properties based on the millions of reviews and opinions
collected in a single year from travelers marine adventures.Resort facilities around the globe. The hallmarks include two restaurants, an infinity of Travelers’ Choice winners are swimming pool, a gourmet market and remarkable service, quality and value. café, Elevate Day Spa, a 24 hour gym, Blue Haven Resort’s private and beach service and hammocks at beach, exclusive Leeward address the resort’s private beach. and IGY Marina provides visitors Spacious air conditioned with the ultimate combination of a rooms and suites offer contemporary relaxing and peaceful environment, décor, free Wi-Fi, flat screen tv’s, and and a convenient departure point for free coffee and tea provisions. Suites
feature state of the art kitchens, washers and dryers, and private terraces or balconies. Rates include a daily breakfast credit and a free shuttle to dine at sister properties Alexandra Resort and Beach House Turks and Caicos. Blue Haven Resort is affiliated with Stash, the loyalty rewards program for independent hotels.
as appointed by the EHS Manager. Any other duties assigned by the EHS Manager from time to time during or after normal working hours
Academic Qualifications:
To facilitate the development, maintenance and delivery of environmental, health and safety programs.
Main Duties To work in the Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Department responsible for implementing methods, policies and procedures. Assist in the development, maintenance, and implementation of a comprehensive Environmental Health and Safety Management System that is based on the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards. Responsible for the development, maintenance, and implementation of the Company’s Employees and Contractor EHS Manual. Assist in establishing new policies & procedures related to safety and environment. Responsible for preparing, conducting, and reporting results of internal audits on EHS management systems and programs. Responsible for creation, collection and maintenance of documentation and records for EHS programs and such are recorded in department files. Responsible for maintaining and submitting all monthly and annual reporting requirements for EHS systems and programs including training hours, spills, accidents and incident reports. To provide technical support and assist with maintaining EHS programs in all departments and to liaise with the public, first responders, and contract employees as required. Increase awareness by providing environmental, health and safety training to employees and contractors. Ensure that skills, work methods, and procedures are current and appropriate. Conduct regular worksite inspections and work with management and staff to ensure corrective actions are put in place so as to reduce noncompliance. Active participation on various committees including, Fire Marshall Committee, Environmental, Health and Safety Committee and others
A four-year Bachelor’s Degree in the field of engineering, safety, environmental or a related science, Master’s Degree preferred; Five or more years’ experience in safety or environmental areas with certification; Experience in the management of ISO 14001 and/or ISO 18001 systems and programs;
Technical/Management Experience Applies practical and technical knowledge to complex issues and solves problems. Ability to effectively communicate with management and staff to coordinate, implement, and maintain safety, training and environmental programs and procedures. Ability to interpret technical standards and legal requirements for safety, training and environmental matters to ensure company compliance at all times. Ability to meet strict deadlines without compromising quality. Demonstrates excellent interpersonal, presentation, writing and communication skills. Stays current with industry standards and changes and demonstrates that knowledge by implementing appropriate changes. Has desire to continually expand knowledge and improve abilities. Excellent computer skills including Microsoft Office Suite programs (Excel, Word, PowerPoint). Ability to serve as an administrator for the EHS Department’s various Electronic platforms including but not limited to Vivid Online Training and Entropy Software. Current and valid Turks & Caicos drivers’ license
Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications Deadline for submission of applications (inclusive of a cover letter, resume and a FortisTCI application form) is February 2, 2016: Dr. Kellie-Ann Evans-Hall Manager, Human Resources FortisTCI Limited P. O. Box 132, Providenciales Email address: hrapplications@fortistci.com or khall@fortistci.com Fax: 649-946-4532
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
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Hon. Clarence Selver speaks out against abuse of foreign women who come here to work
By Todeline Defralien
Opposition Appointed Member Hon. Clarence Selver is speaking out against the abuse of foreign women who come to work in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Speaking in the House of Assembly in Grand Turk on Monday January 25th, 2016, Selver said that the Turks and Caicos Islands has seen “a serious shift in what we tolerate and our minds have become transformed and compromised in such a way that these things don’t bother us”. He said there must be a stop to some of these practices. Hon Selver stated: “We have laws, but I have heard some horror stories of people who are brutalized physically in this country. A Haitian gentleman came to me and he told me that there exists a situation where young girls are being brought in from Haiti to work in a restaurant and they think they come to do a legitimate job because they weren’t involved in prostitution back home, but they are seeking a better life. So they come here with legitimate documentation to work in a restaurant, but once they get here, they are told by the proprietor that ‘hey you are here for more than serving tables’.” He added that once the women arrive in Turks and Caicos Islands,
the person be done to arrest who applied this situation.” for their work Selver said permits “grabs that in the Turks hold of their and Caicos Islands documents” so many laws are and cause the passed but the women to be country is very “living in a state low on the scale of of fear”. enforcement. “We should Hon. Selver not have to wait continued: for persons on the “They (the outside to urge us women) can’t that this evil that go and they we are trying now can’t come and trying to correct or because some of to put some laws these persons in place actually use threats, is discouraged. whether real We should do or imagined, so because we they’re afraid Opposition Appointed Member Hon. Clarence Selver are basic moral to go to the persons I’m not authorities to let them know what talking about Christians Mr. Speaker kind of dilemma they face.” I’m talking about being a moral human He continued: “We are talking being,” Selver said. about in the Turks and Caicos Island He added: “Mr. Speaker we people being dehumanized. I am trying need for us to have a moral conscience. to show what is actually happening We have laws in this country that here and Mr. Speaker we can pass this criminalize homicide, murders and law now but unless we have a change people get murdered in this country of mind and a change of heart towards now and the rates are going up year these practices there will be no every year, and what is the detection enforcement or very little enforcement. rate? What is the charge rate? What is There will be hardly anything that will the conviction rate? And when we hear
about somebody get shot down the road now, unless it’s one of our close relatives, we seem to take that as just another statistic and most people say well ‘I’m sorry for that family but aint nothing coming out of that’. And we take that sort of mental approach, that lack of social responsibility as a citizen towards that kind of heinous crimes when it impacts on our own people. “ Selver continued: “We couldn’t care less about foreigners coming in here and being ill treated, but charity begins at home. If we take that sort of mentality, mental attitude and approach towards what is happening to our people, I don’t care how much law we pass, we will be meeting a national obligation but we would be falling down on our own responsibility in this country towards these sorts of things. Mark my word, the same way how the young girls are being imported it wouldn’t be long if it aint already happening your going the see the little boy coming in here as tourists as well.” Selver told the Speaker of the house that he thinks that this thing has reached a point where the pastors don’t seem to want to deal with it and they look to the church as the place that would set the moral parameter for the people, but if they the pastors are not doing so as forcefully as they should, then he thinks that somebody has to speak out.
Civil Service in Action Committee Launched
CSIA Membership: Dr. Anya Malcolm and Ms. Renessa Williams - Ministry of Health and Human Services Mr. Patterson Williams and Ms. Nasiya Misick - Ministry of Finance and Investment Mr. Clyde Green and Ms. Anika Talbot - Ministry of Home Affairs, Transportation Ms. Antinique Hall - Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports Mr. Joseph Williams - Ministry of Border Control and Labour Mrs. Teresa Andrews - Ministry of Infrastructure, Housing and Planning Ms. Angela Freites - Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture The Civil Service Association which is a very vital organ of the public service and has an opportunity to play a very key role in making representations and doing other work on behalf of civil servants in government, was very active during the restructuring of the civil service in 2011/2012, but had since become dormant. Given its importance, a new committee comprised of civil servants from across government has been established by the Office of the Deputy Governor to focus on developing several social community based programs in the civil service and as a first priority will be working towards the revitalization of the Civil
Service Association (CSA). The Committee which is called Civil Service In Action (CSIA), has already met on three occasions since its inception to develop plans to host a nomination and election process for the new President, Vice-President and Executive Board of the CSA. On Wednesday January 20th, 2016 the Committee held an official handover meeting with the former Presidents and Vice-President of the CSA: the Honourable Dr. Rufus Ewing, Mrs. Louise Thomas and Mr. Jamell Robinson along with Deputy Governor Her Excellency Anya Williams. Premier Honourable Dr. Rufus Ewing stated: “As a former President of the CSA I am passionate
about this initiative and can attest to the true value of its existence. My government has committed over the years to investing heavily into the civil service and this initiative can only add to the great work that we have planned for the future.” Commenting on the work of the new Committee, Deputy Governor Anya Williams said: “I am pleased that these committed civil servants have taken up the task of becoming members of the new CSIA and to working towards the revitalization of the Civil Service Association. “Substantial improvements have been made in the civil service during the past three years and the CSA has a very vital role to play not
only in making representation on behalf of civil service going forward, but also in assisting to shape policies and programs aimed at the betterment of the service through its representation as part of the Public Service Commission, in keeping with its constitutional remit. This is an initiative that is fully supported by my office and should be welcomed by all civil servants across government.” Over the course of the next three months the Committee intends to hold public meetings with civil servants across government to discuss and emphasize the importance of reestablishing the CSA with the intention of hold an election in March 2016.
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
Class of 2005 donates drum set to the Clement Howell High School over the drum set to the school and shared a few words of encouragement,” he stated. Mr. Reasias also left some very encouraging words with the current students of the Clement Howell High School. “We hope that you will cherish this gift and we hope that it will inspire you to give back something to your community. We know a lot of you might say well I don’t have the money or I am going to wait for the right time. Well if you continue to wait you will be here a year from now still waiting; and the funny this is there will never be a right time for anything. There will never be a right time to study, to show love and appreciation or to give back. I’m here to tell you that if you simply put a plan together, start and be committed you will find out that the time is always now. You know what you have and want to do? So just do it. So once again on behalf of the Class of 2005 former students of the Clement Howell High School thank you all once again,” Mr. Reasias ended. The former students and graduates of the Clement Howell High School Class of 2005 last year hosted a From L-R ( Student of the music class at the Clement Howell High School, Former student and member of the class of 2005 charity Giovanni Delancy, Walkathon on Saturday, September 19, President of the Class of 2005 Charity Tavardo Reasias, Principal Ms. Cunningham, Quinte Thomas one of Clemet Howell High Schools aspiring drummer, 2015 to raise funds and help with the Teacher of the Clement Howell High School and student of the music class.) restoration of the most affected blocks Former students of the decided to come together as former the challenges that the school was of the Clement Howell High School. Clement Howell High Schools class of students and graduates from the facing and she advised us that the The walk was also used to 2005 made a generous donation back Clement Howell to host our 10 year school was in need of a drum set. We commemorate their fallen classmates to their former school on January 11th, high school graduation anniversary. successfully pulled off each of the and show appreciation to their 2016 where they purchase a drum set But we didn’t want to just do a high events and came up with enough families, with the photos of their two and delivered it to their former school. school reunion. We wanted to give funds to purchase the drum set.” passed classmates, Kaziah Burke, Former student and graduate something back to the school that “In the month of December Avis Car Rental sales representative of the Clement Howell High School could be of good use.” 2015 it just so happened that the drum who was gunned down on the night of graduating class of 2005 and also the Reasias added: “We formed set made it to the school a few days Saturday April 13, 2013 and Cynthia President of the Class of 2005 Charity a committee and began planning before the Christmas concert. The Hinsey, the Clement Howell High Tavardo Reasias told The SUN, “As a several events such as a walkathon, students were overjoyed as many of School teacher, who was killed in a member of the Class of 2005 and the and selling of food items to raise them had been wanting a drum set for motor vehicle accident on Thursday Class of 2005 Charity it is our mission money in order to give back to the quite some time; especially the one’s August 1st, 2013 along the Leeward to support and promote education. school. We met with the Principal Ms. interested in playing the drums. On Highway, Providenciales photos were Last year in the Month of March we Cunningham and asked her some of January 11, 2016 we officially handed printed on their t-shirts.
Digicel pays customers’ bills for a year Digicel, in its continued effort to keeping families connected in the diaspora, has launched its latest best value promotion this tax season called, ‘Bills on Us’. ‘Bills on Us’ means that when customers in the USA, UK or Canada send top up to family and friends in the Caribbean, they get a chance to have their bills and that of the receiver paid for one full year. “We understand how tight things can be financially after the holidays when bills start piling up, so we are very happy to be in a position where we can offer
some relief to our customers in the diaspora along with their families back home,” said Declan Cassidy, CEO of Digicel Diaspora. “We’re always looking for ways to reward our customers with meaningful and practical prizes and we are sure that customers will be very happy to have their bills paid for an entire year courtesy of Digicel,” Cassidy continued. Two lucky winners each week, starting January 25, 2016 to March 20, 2016 will have their bills paid for the year, whether it’s their credit card bill, their electricity bill or their
cable bill valued at up to US$3,000 for the sender. To qualify to win in Digicel’s Bills on Us promotion, customers simply need to send top up transactions starting at US$15 or send a prepaid data or international long distance plan to friends and family in Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Trinidad or the rest of the Caribbean over the eight-week promotional period. Diaspora senders can send top up back home from DigicelTopUp.com, from a Digicel branded store near them or from
the Digicel Top Up App available for download in the App Store or Google Play. Digicel Group is a total communications and entertainment provider with operations in 32 markets in the Caribbean, Central America and Asia Pacific. After almost 14 years of operation, total investment to date stands at over US$5 billion worldwide. The company is renowned for delivering best value, best service and best network. Digicel is the lead sponsor of Caribbean, Central American and Pacific sports teams, including the Special
Olympics teams throughout these regions. Digicel sponsors the West Indies cricket team and is also the presenting partner of the Caribbean Premier League. In the Pacific, Digicel is the proud sponsor of several national rugby teams and also sponsors the Vanuatu cricket Digicel also runs a host of communitybased initiatives across its markets and has set up Digicel Foundations in Haiti, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea and Trinidad and Tobago which focus on educational, cultural and social development programs.
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
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Governor visits National Museum in Grand Turk Dockyard in Antigua is renowned for a superb collection of memorabilia and historic buildings. But for my money, although of course I am biased, our National Museum in Grand Turk takes some beating for its variety of history. In a 90 minute visit it is possible to see remains from a 17th century Spanish galleon sunk off our shores, a short account of the impact of European settlement on local inhabitants, and Friendship 7 gauge the extraordinary achievements Governor Peter Beckingham of some of America’s first astronauts, recently visited the National Museum including John Glenn’s famous splash in Grand Turk to open a new exhibition, down in our waters in Friendship 7 in and he was absolutely impressed with 1962 prompting a visit by no less than what he saw. the then Vice-President Lyndon B “I’ve always been a big fan Johnson to Grand Turk,” the Governor of museums, and working in the stated. Caribbean hasn’t changed my view. He noted that the display he The Museum of Slavery in Nassau saw includes the famous plumed hats presents a detailed, and disturbing, beloved of a former era, and shows how account of the impact of slavery in the dependent former Governors were on Bahamas, and museums in St Kitts mail and postage. and Nevis portray a fascinating picture He added: “As well as casting of life before independence. Nelson’s off the archaic symbols of an earlier
Front Street
era, Governors in our Overseas Territories now have much easier access to guidance, advice and indeed instructions from London. For example, when we and London were considering recently the impact of TCI’s extraordinary economic turnaround, and its success in paying off the UK guaranteed loan, it was possible for representatives of a range of interested officials from different Departments like the Treasury, Foreign Office and International Development in London to gather by teleconference with TCI. Ministerial views are known almost instantly. Similarly, when an event like the arrest of Dominican Republic fishermen or Haitian migrants in our waters takes place, the BBC can carry the news within hours. This means that TCIG or UK Ministers or Governors no longer have the luxury of days, or even hours, to fashion a public statement.” He said that the National Museum gives a great flavour of how
our history and culture has been influenced by surrounding events. “The sinking of a Spanish ship, or even the return to earth of John Glenn, were not known about as rapidly as they would be today. But by understanding our history, and seeing exhibits like those at our National Museum, we are in a much better place to interpret and respond to the different events which impact on Turks and Caicos,” he added. “Congratulations to the Museum, not least as it celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, on being such an integral part of TCI’s history and culture. Its director Pat Saxton, the many volunteers who give hours of their time to welcome visitors, and its sponsors deserve all the support we can give. I hope every school in Turks and Caicos will have on its itinerary a visit to the Museum as well as TCI’s other historic landmarks, like “Waterloo”, Duke Street and The House of Assembly.”
Governors Exhibition Museum
TCI Museum
Vacancy for an experience Payroll / accounts payable clerk: Interisland Aviation Services Group seeks motivated and hard working individuals with accounting qualifications or experience. Suitable candidate must have experience with payroll, quick books accounts payable. Experience with balance sheet reconciliations and are able to multi task and prioritize.Please send your CV to Joanne.eyre@intercaribbean.com Please provide 2 references with email contact details.
Required a qualified
•Must be a culinary graduate •With at least 15 years of culinary experience •12 years experience working under master chef •Must be able to cook Italian, French, American, Asian and Caribbean cuisine •Must be willing to live in North Caicos •Must be willing to work long hours and weekends •Required to have own transportation Interested Applicants please apply with full CV to Saunders & Co Fax: 649-941-4533 or info@saunders.tc Salary commensurate with experience.
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
Beaches Resort’s Be Wise Sanitize Campaign - Goes To South Caicos! Beaches Turks & Caicos Resort Villages & Spa once again through its Environmental, Health & Safety Department’s (EHS) Be Wise… Sanitize Campaign did its part in helping schools throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands protect itself from the spread of communicable diseases. An exciting group of Volunteers travelled to South Caicos to supply Marjorie Basden High and Iris Stubbs Elementary Schools with items such as hand sanitizers, toiletries , cleaning supplies and antibacterial soap and dispensers for each school facility on the island of South Caicos. “This is a great event for us,” said, EHS Manager Monette Colleymore, “Our team engaged students and teachers at both schools with a fun-filled and well received informational session on the importance of hand washing as a tool for effectively removing and preventing the spread of germs in their classrooms.” In addition to cleaning and sanitation supplies, the team took treats, toys and school supplies as an added surprise to uplift and share the
spirit of the holidays with the children living in South Caicos. “The BTC EHS Guardians plans on continuing this project with the other schools on neighbouring
islands such as Grand Turk, and Salt Cay.” The EHS Manager said, “The Be Wise…Sanitize project has been very successful in Providenciales, North Caicos, Middle Caicos and South
Caicos. We anticipate the same success in future projects as we promote, teach and educate our communities on health living.” She concluded.
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
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Board and Committee Meetings Minutes of Management and Business Meetings Corporate Reports, Official Documents and Contracts Oversee policy management
Minimum Requirements:
MANAGER OF IT SOLUTIONS AND ERP SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT To oversee the effort to analyze, validate and document the business and system requirements as well as to support the ERP production environment.
Main Duties Lead the implementation of the new ERP system; contribute to the design of core process technology solutions, establishing basic system administration processes and protocols, including business process design: user training, data/quality controls, and change management. Oversee the design, modification and creation of business processes and/or technology enhancements used to implement the business/ technology solutions. This is done through research and an understanding of applicable business processes, systems, and operations requirements. Work with business users to determine scope and requirements for new projects and/or working with business users on issues/ opportunities on existing applications/process. Collaborate with various departments on identifying appropriate technology solutions to business problems; Identify and recommend alternative methods to meet business needs; Provides an industry perspective and improves business processes. Provide business direction for initiatives with the possibility of leading high complexity projects and teams; Work with cross-functional teams to commit resource requirements over the lifecycle of the project. Coordinate and align the IT function and business activities. Coordinate and perform business analysis as needed for various departments. Other responsibilities: o Creation/ updating &/or reporting of the Monthly Corporate Scorecard Monthly Corporate Targets Weekly Comparative Peak Loads Quarterly Board Package o Assistant the Corporate Secretary responsible for the
Bachelor Degree in any Business related course is required; Professional Certification is an advantage i.e. PMP, CIA, ACCA Minimum 15 years working experience in various industries that includes at least five (5) years in a supervisory/ managerial level and four (4) years or more in the Utility industry. Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint Excellent command of English language (Spoken and written); ability to communicate effectively with both technical and nontechnical audiences Comprehensive knowledge of the processes, complexities and possible errors and solutions involved in Business Systems implementation Exceptional organizational, coaching, mentoring, leadership and planning skills Comprehensive experience with data analysis; demonstrates a creative, critical thinking approach to problem solving Comprehensive experience with process and workflow design; Proficient experience leading projects and knowledge of project management principles and methodologies; Experience managing relationships with external vendors and/ or consultancies for outsourced work Proficient in understanding of computer programming languages and operating systems
Compensation Compensation commensurate with experience and qualifications. Deadline for submission of applications (inclusive of a cover letter, resume and a FortisTCI application form) is February 2, 2016 to: Dr. Kellie-Ann Evans-Hall Manager, Human Resources FortisTCI Limited P. O. Box 132, Providenciales Email address: hrapplications@fortistci.com or khall@fortistci.com
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Seven Stars Resort is currently seeking highly qualified candidates to fill the positions outlined below. The ideal candidate must possess the relevant professional qualifications and experience in a luxury resort environment, as well as a professional, outgoing and friendly demeanor with a strong command of the English Language (oral and written). Salary is based on education, experience and qualifications.
EXECUTIVE SOUS CHEF Every memorable dining experience at Seven Stars Resort begins behind the scenes with our Culinary team’s commitment to safe, efficient operations and exceptional cuisine. As Executive Sous Chef, your expertise in recipe development elevates our menus while your leadership inspires and fosters our Culinary talent. This positons reports to the Executive Chef. Responsibilities and essential job functions includes, but are not limited to the following: •Consistently offer professional, friendly and proactive guest service while supporting fellow Colleagues •Manage all Kitchens in the absence of the Executive Chef •Create all food menus with the guidance of the Executive Chef •Meet with Storekeepers to ensure quality & par levels are maintained •Conduct daily shift briefings with all Sous Chefs •Ensure all kitchen Colleagues are aware of standards and expectations •Liaise daily with Outlet Managers and Sous Chefs to keep open lines of communication regarding guest feedback •Balance operational, administrative and Colleague needs •Ensure proper staffing and scheduling in accordance to productivity guidelines •Follow kitchen policies, procedures and service standards •Follow all safety and sanitation policies when handling food and beverage •Good command of English (both written and spoken); second language is an asset •Other duties as assigned Qualifications: •Fine dining experience in the culinary field required. •High school diploma; 4 years’ experience in the culinary, food and beverage, or related professional area OR •2-year degree from an accredited university in Culinary Arts, Hotel and Restaurant Management, or related major; 3 years’ experience in the culinary, food and beverage, or related professional area. •Computer literate in Microsoft Window applications required •Strong interpersonal and problem solving abilities •Highly responsible & reliable •Ability to work well under pressure in a fast paced environment •Ability to work cohesively as part of a team •Ability to focus attention on guest needs, remaining calm and courteous at all times Desirable: •2 years’ experience in a similar position within a 5 star resort or fine dining restaurant environment •Caribbean experience essential
RETAIL CLERK This position is a people oriented position. If you have an upbeat, outgoing personality with a great smile, you are encouraged to apply. The ideal candidate must have a demonstrated interest in customer service, must be fluent in English and available to work a rotating and flexible schedule. In this role, you will: •Welcome customers with a smile and warm greeting •Assist customers with purchasing requested merchandise and answer any queries •Assist customers with clothing selections, make product recommendations, and seek ways to upsell •Calculate total price including any applicable discounts; accept cash and/or credit card payment; make change where applicable •Wrap or bag customer merchandise as appropriate •Ensure shelves, counters, racks, etc., are appropriately stocked with merchandise and properly displayed and priced •Set up displays and/or arrange merchandise to promote sales •Keep accurate record of sales and ensure store is kept clean and orderly •Balance and record bank at the end of each shift or as required •Regularly review service to customers and identify ways to improve •Maintain at all times a professional, courteous manner with customers and coworkers •Communicate effectively in English, second language is an asset •Accurately perform basic mathematical calculations •Perform other duties as assigned by the Retail Store Manager/Supervisor or any other authorized individual Requirements: • Any combination of education and retail sales experience that would
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
provide the required knowledge, skill and ability to perform this job successfully. •Friendly demeanor with excellent interpersonal and communication skills •Ability to work in a busy environment with minimal supervision •Strong math aptitude with the ability to handle cash and credit card transactions •Ability to speak, read and write fluently in the English language; second language desired but not required •Ability to work flexible schedule which may include early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays. •A clean police record and professional references is required
GUEST SERVICE AGENT At Seven Stars Resort, the Guest Service Agent sets the tone for the guest experience. In addition to checking in guests, our GSA’s establish a welcoming environment and reflect the true sense of service that is expected at our resort. Individuals in this position are responsible for: •Welcoming our guests in a professional and friendly manner •Engaging our guests and ensuring they begin their stay with an outstanding experience •Responding to guests requests, queries and needs in a timely fashion •Thanking our customers for staying with us and being available to assist with their every need •Maintaining a pleasant demeanor and a warm smile and showing a sense of appreciation •Confirming guest arrival details, assigning guest suites, providing tours of the property, and ensuring guest requests are fulfilled •Following up on guest requests and following through on service delivery •Staying knowledgeable of resort rooms, products and services, food and beverage and local attractions, activities and information •Performing at a high standard and contributing to team success. Requirements: Previous front desk experience in a fast-paced five star resort environment. Candidates must possess outstanding customer service and interpersonal communication skills, excellent grooming, and customer complaint resolution skills. Excellent follow through and the ability to accurately record information is essential. A keen eye for detail and a strong working knowledge of Visual One is essential. This is a people oriented position and interested candidates must have a demonstrated interest in customer service. If you have an upbeat, outgoing personality with a great smile, you are encouraged to apply. All candidates must be fluent in English and available to work a rotating and flexible schedule. A clean police record and professional references is required.
RESERVATIONS AGENT: At Seven Stars Resort, the Reservations Agent is one of the first individuals with whom our guests and prospective guests interact. If you have a friendly demeanor and a smile in your voice, you already possess two of the most important qualities needed for this position. We are seeking quality candidates who have a passion for hospitality, enjoy phone sales and possess excellent communication, organization and computer skills. This position requires the incumbent to: •Take telephone reservations and accurately inputting reservations into the resort’s central reservations system •Be knowledgeable of resort products, packages, products and promotions, and all room categories •Be able to answer inquiries related to room rates, locations and layout; food and beverage outlets; property offerings, services and amenities; rates and fees •Upsell rooms and services as appropriate •Communicate with guests, travel agents, wholesalers, airlines, etc., via e-mail, telephone, fax •Handle cancellations and/or modifications to reservations •Prepare reservation confirmation and cancellation letters •Track room facilities and availability •Keep up to date knowledge of phone/reservations system •Handle guests’ special requests in a professional manner •Complete projects by assigned deadlines •Complete documents as directed and to specifications •Interact with sales, marketing and events managers on bookings as necessary •Perform other duties as assigned by manager, supervisor or any other authorized individual Requirements: •Combination of education and reservations and/or customer service experience
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
that would provide the required knowledge, skill and ability to perform this job successfully •Excellent verbal communication skills with exceptional telephone etiquette •Strong writing skills with ability to independently develop responses to guest inquiries •Prior reservations or sales experience desired •Must be fluent in reading, writing and speaking the English language •Strong computer skills and basic math computation is essential •Ability to interact with diverse personalities with a convincing nature is essential •Ability to work with limited supervision is necessary
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•Have a reputation for high standards of personalised service & delivery beyond expectation •Have a proven track record of success for delivering the highest standards of accuracy, service & results •Detailed knowledge of Forbes 5 Star Standards and worked with them. •Must be able to develop effective links with partnership organizations. •Must be able to demonstrate passion for the industry and excellence in guest service •Must be proficient in English. •Outstanding professional communication and personal presentation. •Must be able to show previous delivery and execution of business based projects. LEAD BELLMAN
We are looking for a dynamic and experienced Concierge Manager with a strong hotel operations background, as well as previous luxury resort and hotel At Seven Stars Resort, our Bellman is one of the first team members to impact experience. The ideal candidate for this role must have the ability to work flexible the guest experience. If you have leadership skills, an outgoing personality and schedule which may include early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays. have a passion for serving guests, you are encouraged to apply for this opening. A clean police record and professional references is required. Responsibilities and The ideal candidate will be a team player with a positive demeanor. You must be a diligent worker with a proactive attitude, In addition to greeting guests essential job functions includes, but are not limited to the following: upon arrival, you will oversee the Bellman operations in providing a welcoming environment and reflecting the true sense of service that is expected at Seven •Oversee the Concierge operations Stars Resort. Individuals in this position are responsible for: •Maximize the guest experience and try to exceed their expectations •Make certain to keep a proper team work environment at all times and •Prior leadership role in a 5 Star luxury environment identify training needs. •Welcoming guests in a professional and friendly manner •Ensure all arrival and departure guests are attended and handled as per the •Engaging guests and ensuring they begin their stay with an outstanding hotel standards and procedures ensuring a distinctive service through high experience quality of service skills. •Collecting guests’ luggage and delivering to their suites •Thanking customers for staying with us and being available to assist with Main Responsibilities: their every need •Maintaining a pleasant demeanor and a warm smile and showing a sense •To ensure appropriate standard level for the smooth run of the Concierge of appreciation operations and to prepare requisitions accordingly. •Assisting guests with securing taxis and responding to requests for •Ensure a proper coverage and supervision of the Concierge at all times. information, directions, etc. •To be most of the time in the guest area to have a contact with the guest and •Following through on guest requests and service delivery to socialize, playing a Public Relations role. •Staying knowledgeable of resort rooms, products and services, food and •Ensure all the guests receive a warm welcome and enjoy their stay being beverage and local area information offered the finest personal service. •Performing at a high standard and contributing to team success •To act as a representative of management when dealing with guest concerns or if a member of the Concierge team is facing difficulties that she/he cannot Requirements: solve on her/his own. •To manage guest concerns in a professional manner, by owning it, resolving it Previous bellman, front desk, or guest service experience in a fast-paced five to the guest satisfaction and recording it. star resort environment. Candidates must possess exceptional leadership, •To develop ambassador motivation and performance through action plans. customer service and interpersonal communication skills, excellent grooming, •Manage the whole Concierge with confidence and humility and customer complaint resolution skills. The ability to anticipate guest needs and take action is essential. Experience and Skills: •5 years’ experience in hospitality, preferably in a luxury environment •Knowledge in Visual One •Strong oral and written communication skills •Leadership and strong team management skills •Ability to communicate at all levels •Ability to train and develop team members •Impeccable follow-through; and “Can Do” attitude and mindset. Highly organized with the ability to prioritize in a rapidly changing environment •Ability to work effectively in a team environment and take initiative •Computer skills (e.g. word processing and spreadsheet)
TRAINING CONSULTANT This position will be responsible for the training needs of the hotel to achieve the hotel’s goals, and ensures standards and procedures are constantly applied. The ideal candidate for this role will need to have at least 10 + years’ experience in facilitating & delivering training programs to entry level, supervisory & management level positions. Must have prior experience working with European 5 Star Hotels, efficient, enjoys leading and developing associates, and has a positive demeanor and excellent communication skills. Essential Functions: •Develop an effective annual Training Plan which meets the needs of associates and assists the hotel in achieving its goals and objectives. •Liaise with Department Heads regarding specific training requirements within their Departments and regarding attendance at planned training courses and develop training actions as required. •Publish an annual and quarterly calendar of training courses and ensure maximum attendance through clear communication to and liaison with Department Heads on a regular basis. •Develop, source and conduct training courses scheduled in the training calendar. •With support of HR, structure and monitor the Hotel’s annual training expenses / actions in line with changing hotel requirements. Requirement: •Must be able to design, develop and facilitate workshops and programmes with experience in open learning & development workshops. •Currently training in European 5 Star Hotels and be able to make them available for Seven Stars Resort staff •Monitor the effectiveness of pre and post course briefings to ensure maximum benefit from training courses and identify future training needs. •International Senior Manager with over 10 years of Hospitality & Tourism experience •Have a strong team of international consultants with diversified experience across all Tourism Industries
This is a people oriented position and interested candidates must have demonstrated interest in hospitality. All candidates must be fluent in English (second language desired) and available to work a rotating/flexible schedule which may include early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays. A clean police record and professional references is required. SPA NAIL TECHNICIAN This position is responsible for the comfort of guests while performing nail treatments according to the standards and procedures of The Spa at Seven Stars. Using the highest quality products, you will be performing Luxury Manicures and Pedicures. Responsibilities and essential job functions includes, but are not limited to the following: •Acquire proper technical procedures for the position as specified by the Spa. •Conducts nail related services and consultations •Ability to verbally communicate effectively with guests and co-workers in a friendly and professional manner. •Adaptability to varying schedule changes and flexibility with schedules. •Perform manicures and pedicures according to The Spa procedures and standards. •Comply with station set-up and sanitation procedures, inventory, and linen dispensation guidelines, and safety measures. •Ability to handle guests in difficult situations and under pressure •Perform reasonable tasks as assigned by supervisor or manager. •Other duties may be assigned as needed. Requirement: •Minimum of 3 years prior experience required •Excellent customer service skills •Team player with a flexible schedule In addition, we are also currently recruiting for the following: •Food Runners •Bartender Interested candidates should apply via e-mail to Seven Stars at hr@ sevenstarsgracebay.com for consideration. Application deadline: February 12, 2016.
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
British West indies Collegiate’s Reef Action Team cleans up beach and snorkel reef The Reef Action Team (RATs) from British West Indies Collegiate (BWIC) spent a recent Friday afternoon picking up trash on the beach near the Coral Gardens snorkel trail. They also donned their snorkel gear and removed trash from the snorkel trail as well. Ms. Tessa Rankin, a staff member at BWIC, organized the RATs four years ago as an environmental club. “Working with these students, many of whom have been part of the RATs for several years, is a great pleasure,” said Ms. Rankin. “They are very enthusiastic and really are interested in helping to protect the environment of the TCI.” The RATs meet every Friday afternoon when school is in session and they have been involved in many different activities, including snorkeling in the mangroves, getting their advanced scuba dive certification, learning fish identification skills, learning how to prepare mooring lines, and many other things. The Turks & Caicos Reef Fund (TCRF) has been working with Ms. Rankin and the RATs since the group was formed four years ago. “This is one of the many educational efforts we have been undertaking to further our mission of helping to preserve and protect the environment of the TCI,” said Don Stark, Chairman of the TCRF. “Some of these kids are going to go to college to study marine biology and hopefully they will come back to the TCI to
Reef Action Team and the Results of their work work in areas that continue their efforts to better understand the TCI environment and to protect it. Young people are the key to protecting the health of the ocean and the reefs for the long-term.” Over the past two years, TCRF has increased its focus on educational programs for local school children. TCRF, in conjunction with the National Museum and the Department of Environment and Maritime Affairs is in the process of developing a marine ecology curriculum for elementary school children and will also be developing one for secondary school students.
Turks & Caicos Islands National Insurance Board TENDER NOTICE The Turks & Caicos Islands National Insurance Board invites open tenders for: External Audit 2016 Tender Reference No.: TRN1-16 Further information and tender documents are available upon request in electronic format only from the National Insurance Office in Grand Turk & Providenciales, via telephone at (649) 946-1048/9 or via e-mail at rhesacartwright@tcinib.tc. Tenders are to be submitted in a sealed envelope by 12:00 Noon on Friday, March 4, 2016 to:
The Chairman National Insurance Board Tender Board Grand Turk or Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands
Further information is available on the NIB website at www.tcinib.tc. Or contact: MISS RHESA CARTWRIGHT, DEPUTY DIRECTOR CORPORATE SERVICES NATIONAL INSURANCE BOARD HILLY A EWING BUILDING PROVIDENCIALES TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS Email: rhesacartwright@tcinib.tc Tel: (649) 941-5806/5906
Additionally, TCRF has been funding a group of researchers from Keene University in New Hampshire, USA who have been training Clement Howell High School students to snorkel and assist them with their coral monitoring efforts. Founded in 2010, the Turks & Caicos Reef Fund is an all volunteerrun organization that provides funding for education, research and conservation programs to individuals, organizations and agencies that help to preserve and protect the environment of the Turks & Caicos Islands. Our goal is to have at least 85% of all funds raised through
voluntary contributions from divers and snorkelers visiting the Turks & Caicos Islands directed to the Fund’s programs. Anyone wishing to donate or assist the TCRF in any way can contact them through their website, www.TCReef.org. Scuba divers visiting the islands are encouraged to make a $10 donation through the purchase of a dive tag that can be attached to their dive gear to show their support. Snorkelers visiting the islands can show their support through the $5 purchase of a pink or blue silicone wristband.
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
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Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2016 of Turks and Caicos Islands Cricket Association 26 January 2016 Dear All,,
RBC partners with the Turks & Caicos Government in $28 million dollar loan RBC Royal Bank is committed to the Turks and Caicos Islands and is proud to partner with the government on this transformative deal. We recognize the strides the government is undertaking on behalf of its people and salute its leaders on their vision to sustain the growth and expansion of its islands.
It’s All About You
In accordance with Constitution of the TCICA, the Secretary hereby give notice of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2016 will be held at 7.00pm on 19th of February at Airport Inn, Airport Road, , Providenciales. The AGM is open to all members as well as the general public and is the best opportunity for members to hear about the progress of the Association as well as ask questions about the past season and to have their say on the direction of the Association for the coming season. Therefore your attendance is warmly welcomed. The AGM will review the 2015 season as well as look forward to the coming 2016 season. Our particular focus will be a major development of youth cricket. Members will be invited to vote to approve a resolution to implement the proposed restructure by way of amending the Constitution. Please find attached the following materials for your consideration: •a copy of the Agenda •the minutes of the 2015 AGM •The 2015 Annual Report •a copy of the audited Annual Financial Statements Please kindly indicate your ability to attend by emailing no later than 6th of February 2016 @ mcp.process@gmail.com Michael Pereira Secretary of TCICA
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
Alexandra Resort, Blue Haven Resort & Marina and the Beach House We are seeking to employ, suitably qualified and experienced hospitality professionals in the positions listed below. Our ideal candidate should have an outstanding command of the English language, written and oral, strong communication and excellent customer service skills. Salary for these positions will commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Engineering & Grounds •Chief Engineer •Maintenance Manager •Electricians •Maintenance/Room Technicians •Carpenter Helper Food and Beverage •Restaurant Maintenance Technician •Line Cooks •Bartenders •Servers •Pool and Beach Servers •Food Runners •Stewards Supervisor
Accounting •Night Auditor •Storeroom Associate Entertainment & Guest Services •Entertainment Manager •Senior Guest Services Supervisor •Senior Guest Services Agents Spa •Spa Therapists Loss Prevention •Loss Prevention Manager •Loss Prevention Supervisors •Senior Loss Prevention Officers
Interested persons may contact our HR department Mon. – Fri. from 9am-3pm via telephone number 946-8054 or you may submit your resume with qualifications and experience to:cgibbons@wihl.com
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
Pearls Before Sw
Monty by Jim Meddick
The Duplex by Glenn McCoy
Brewster R
The Du
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
Herman by Jim Unger
wine by Stephan Pastis
The Flying McCoys by Glenn and Gary McCoy
Rockit by Tim Rickard
uplex by Glenn McCoy
F Minus by Tony Carrillo
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
Lime Helps Fifteen (15) Wesley Methodist Students With School Based Assessment Project
WMH Group w ith Darron Hilaire Jr LIME Mkt & Comms Exec PROVIDENCIALES, TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS, January 25th – Last week Thursday, January 21st, a total of fifteen (15) enthusiastic fifth form students visited LIME’s Main Retail Office, as a practicum and means of gathering information for their final report to be presented as part of their Building and Design Technology School Baseed Assessment (SBA) for CXC. Fifteen (15) fifth form students from Wesley Methodist High School and subject teacher, Mr. Charlton Walkin, pictured with LIME Marketing & Communications Exec, Darron Hilaire Jr Accompanying the students on their industrial visit to LIME was their subject teacher, Mr. Chartlon Walkin who thoroughly enjoyed the experience himself. LIME’s Marketing and Communication Exec, Darron Hilaire Jr, facilitated the visit as the tour guide for the day, taking on questions and concerns from each of the students regarding LIME TCI/ C&W brand identity, products, services, and processes. “This is a report for CXC. They are required on their second to last term that a report be done on an industrial visit. And, every year around this time I would speak to my principal, giving her two or three names of companies, and she would tell me this one would be better this year”, explained Mr. Walkin. He added that his principal encouraged the visit to LIME saying, “They’ve been here a long time and they can give the children a lot of information to allow them to do a thorough report.” Fortunately the students had an opportunity to visit almost every facet of LIME from marketing to corporate sales to managed
services, including Ericson’s head end. “The students asked very informative questions that I believe would assist them in determining a suitable career path. These sort of trips gives them an inside look to how industries work at a micro and macro level and help to steer their young minds in the right direction to choose the career that best fits them,” said Ronald Gardiner, Managed Services Manager, who facilitated the technical aspect of the tour with the students. Thanks to the Corporate Sales Division each of the students walked away not just with an abundance of information to reduce into a final report, they also were given 2016 C&W Business Branded Journals as a gift. Sixteen (16) year old, Bernard Capron shared afterwards he now has a better understanding of the systems and processes Students with Corporate Sales Team LIME uses to achieve their success on an annual basis. “I wasn’t even aware that LIME was this big”, Bernard Capron. The only female in the bunch, Ms. Arielle Neely, said, “I have learned a lot today, it’s a lot to process and I hope that LIME continues to build and grow themselves even more.” It is always a pleasure for us at LIME to assist with request of this nature as we continue to be champions in the industry for youth and education. We wish each of the students success in their finals. From the left: Tyla Forbes, Bernard Capron, Arielle Neely, Trevaan Garland and Students pictured with Corp Sales Manager Joanne Missick Rajun Valentine For more information about this visit, please contact Mr. Darron Hilaire Jr., Marketing and Communications Executive.
Audely Gibbs Supervisor BTC Field Services Operations (Ericson) with WM Students Devon Lightbourne at the Deezer Station Lime assist WMHS students
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
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"Love Yourself" Justin Bieber Lyrics
For all the times that you rain on my parade And all the clubs you get in using my name You think you broke my heart, oh, girl for goodness' sake You think I'm crying on my own. Well, I ain't
But you still hit my phone up And, baby, I be movin' on And I think you should be somethin' I don't wanna hold back, Maybe you should know that
And I didn't wanna write a song 'Cause I didn't want anyone thinking I still care. I don't, But you still hit my phone up And, baby, I be movin' on And I think you should be somethin' I don't wanna hold back, Maybe you should know that
My mama don't like you and she likes everyone And I never like to admit that I was wrong And I've been so caught up in my job, Didn't see what's going on But now I know, I'm better sleeping on my own
My mama don't like you and she likes everyone And I never like to admit that I was wrong And I've been so caught up in my job, Didn't see what's going on But now I know, I'm better sleeping on my own
'Cause if you like the way you look that much Oh, baby, you should go and love yourself And if you think that I'm still holdin' on to somethin' You should go and love yourself
'Cause if you like the way you look that much Oh, baby, you should go and love yourself And if you think that I'm still holdin' on to somethin' You should go and love yourself And when you told me that you hated my friends The only problem was with you and not them And every time you told me my opinion was wrong And tried to make me forget where I came from And I didn't wanna write a song 'Cause I didn't want anyone thinking I still care. I don't,
For all the times that you made me feel small I fell in love. Now I feel nothin' at all And never felt so low when I was vulnerable Was I a fool to let you break down my walls? 'Cause if you like the way you look that much Oh, baby, you should go and love yourself And if you think that I'm still holdin' on to somethin' You should go and love yourself 'Cause if you like the way you look that much Oh, baby, you should go and love yourself And if you think (you think) that I'm (that I'm) still holdin' on to somethin' You should go and love yourself
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
WHO says extremely alarmed by Zika, could reach 4 million cases The World Health Organization (WHO) expects the Zika virus, which is spreading through the Americas, to affect between three million and four million people, a disease expert said on Thursday. The WHO's director-general said the spread of the mosquito-borne disease had gone from a mild threat to one of alarming proportions. Marcos Espinal, an infectious disease expert at the WHO's Americas regional office, said: "We can expect 3 to 4 million cases of Zika virus disease". He gave no time frame. There is no vaccine or treatment for Zika, which is a close cousin of dengue and chikungunya and causes mild fever, rash and red eyes. An estimated 80 percent of people infected have no symptoms, making it difficult for pregnant women to know whether they have been infected. WHO Director-General Margaret Chan said the organization's will convene an emergency committee on Monday to help determine the level of the international response to an outbreak of the virus spreading from Brazil that is believed to be linked to severe birth
defects. "The level of alarm is extremely high," Chan told WHO executive board members at a meeting in Geneva. "As of today, cases have been reported in 23 countries and territories in the (Americas) region." Brazil's Health Ministry said in November 2015 that Zika was linked to a fetal deformation known as microcephaly, in which infants are born with abnormally small heads Brazil has reported 3,893 suspected cases of microcephaly, the WHO said last week, more than 30 times more than in any year since 2010 and equivalent to 1-2 percent of all newborns in the state of Pernambuco, one of the worst-hit areas. Chan said that while a direct causal relationship between Zika virus infection and birth malformations has not yet been established, it is "strongly suspected". "The possible links, only recently suspected, have rapidly changed the risk profile of Zika from a mild threat to one of alarming proportions," she said. Gleyce Kelly embraces her daughter Maria Geovana, who has microcephaly, in Recife, Brazil,
Global health body under pressure One percent of U.S. docs responsible for a third of malpractice payments to stop Zika virus The World Health Organization will hold a special session on Thursday on the Zika virus as the U.N. agency comes under pressure for quick action against the infection linked to thousands of birth defects in Brazil that is spreading through Latin America and the Caribbean. WHO Director-General Margaret Chan was set to address the agency's executive board in Geneva as countries took new steps on Wednesday to try to stop the mosquito-transmitted virus linked to the dangerous birth defect called microcephaly. The United States said it will block people who have visited regions impacted by the virus from donating blood in a bid to fight its spread. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said it is working with other federal agencies, blood collection establishments and industry organizations to quickly implement "donor deferral measures for travelers who have visited affected regions in
Just one out of every 100 U.S. order to protect the blood supply in the doctors is responsible for 32 percent United States." of the malpractice claims that result Brazilian President Dilma in payments to patients, according Rousseff said her country must wage war against the Aedes aegypti mosquito to a comprehensive study of 15 years’ that spreads the virus, focusing on worth of cases. And when a doctor has to pay getting rid of the insect's breeding out one claim, the chances are good grounds. The mosquito thrives in dense that the same physician will soon be tropical cities, and Rousseff called for paying out on another, researchers the elimination of stagnant water spots report in the New England Journal of where it lives and reproduces. Medicine. U.S. researchers called on the WHO to take swift action. Georgetown "I think people will be surprised about University researchers urged Chan to the extent to which the claims are heed the lessons of Ebola and called concentrated within a relatively small on the WHO to convene a special group of practitioners. It's actually emergency session of health and more concentrated than in earlier infectious disease experts to consider studies," chief author David Studdert declaring Zika a serious health crisis of Stanford University in California that endangers international public told Reuters Health. The result, he said, health. demonstrates that there are Just convening the meeting practitioners who can accumulate would focus attention on funding and research, they said in an article large numbers of claims and continue published in the Journal of the to practice. Earlier studies looked at American Medical Association. malpractice claims that may or may not have had merit. This study looked at all cases in the National Practitioner Data Bank where payments were made. Those other studies typically focused on a single insurer or a single state, and repeat offenders may have been able to avoid being tracked, by moving or switching insurers, Studdert refunds to pregnant travelers to five said. "We have a kind of national allcities in Central America. The World encompassing window, so we should Health Organization has warned have been able to track the doctors that mosquito-borne Zika is likely wherever they go." to spread to most of the Americas, Physicians in specialties such prompting concern by travelers and as anesthesiology and neurology have refund announcements by airlines long been known to face an inherently such as United Continental Holdings higher risk for malpractice claims. Inc and Latam Airlines Group SA. "This study rather convincingly shows,
American Airlines expands refunds related to Zika virus American Airlines Group Inc has expanded its refunds for pregnant customers visiting areas impacted by the Zika virus to include Puerto Rico, Martinique and nine countries in Central and South America and the Caribbean, a spokesman said Wednesday. American, the world's largest airline, on Tuesday said it was giving
however, that even within specific specialties, malpractice claims are relatively concentrated and that a strong predictor of subsequent claims is a prior history of malpractice claims," said Dr. Anupam Jena, associate professor of healthcare policy at Harvard Medical School in Boston, who was not connected to the research. In addition, "this is the most comprehensive exploration of the hypothesis that individual physician malpractice risk may be predictable," he told Reuters Health in an email. "To strengthen prediction, there are important factors that future analyses will hopefully consider such as patient volume, complexity of services provided, experience, and specifics on medical school, residency, and fellowship training." Studdert's team analyzed 66,426 claims paid against 54,099 doctors from 2005 to 2014. Nearly all were out-of-court settlements. Almost one third of the cases were sparked by a patient's death. About 1 percent of physicians had at least two paid claims against them and those doctors accounted for 32 percent of paid claims. One hundred twenty six doctors had more than five paid claims against them. The median payment among all claims was nearly $205,000. Doctors who accumulated two lawsuits where money was paid out were twice as likely to be successfully sued for malpractice a third time compared to doctors who only had one paid claim against them. Doctors with more than five paid claims were 12 times more likely to face a subsequent claim.
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
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High fish consumption in Editor / Journalist / pregnancy tied to brain Social Media Marketing benefits for kids Seeking writer/editor/office assistant - capable of multi-tasking
When mothers eat three sizeable servings of fish each week during pregnancy it may benefit children’s brains for years to come, according to a large study in Spain. Researchers followed nearly 2,000 mother-child pairs from the first trimester of pregnancy through the child’s fifth birthday and found improved brain function in the kids whose mothers ate the most fish while pregnant, compared to children of mothers who ate the least. Even when women averaged 600 grams, or 21 ounces, of fish weekly during pregnancy, there was no sign that mercury or other pollutants associated with fish were having a negative effect that offset the apparent benefits. “Seafood is known to be an important source of essential nutrients for brain development, but at the same time accumulates mercury from the environment, which is known to be neurotoxic,” lead author Jordi Julvez, of the Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in Barcelona, said in an email. In an attempt to balance the potential harms of such pollutants with the general health benefits of fish, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s 2014 guidelines encourage pregnant women to eat fish, but no more than 12 ounces per week. The European Food Safety Authority recently issued a scientific opinion endorsing 150 g to 600 g of fish weekly during pregnancy, Julvez and colleagues note in the American Journal of Epidemiology. But, the study team writes, the effects of maternal fish consumption during development are still not well understood and more research could help give pregnant women clearer guidance. The researchers analyzed data from the Spanish Childhood and Environment Project, a large population study that recruited women in their first trimester of pregnancy, in four provinces of Spain, between 2004 and 2008. Julvez and colleagues focused on records of the women’s consumption of large fatty fish such as swordfish and albacore tuna, smaller fatty fish such as mackerel, sardines, anchovies or salmon, and lean fish such as hake or sole, as well as shellfish and other seafood. Women were tested for blood levels of vitamin D and iodine, and cord blood was tested after delivery to
measure fetal exposure to mercury and PCB pollutants. At ages 14 months and five years, the children underwent tests of their cognitive abilities and Asperger Syndrome traits to assess their neuropsychological development. On average, the women had consumed about 500 g, or three servings, of seafood per week while pregnant. But with every additional 10 g per week above that amount, children’s test scores improved, up to about 600 g. The link between higher maternal consumption and better brain development in children was especially apparent when kids were five. The researchers also saw a consistent reduction in autismspectrum traits with increased maternal fish consumption. Mothers’ consumption of lean fish and large fatty fish appeared most strongly tied to children’s scores, and fish intake during the first trimester, compared to later in pregnancy, also had the strongest associations. “I think that in general people should follow the current recommendations,” Julvez said. “Nevertheless this study pointed out that maybe some of them, particularly the American ones, should be less stringent.” Julvez noted that there didn’t appear to be any additional benefit when women ate more than 21 oz (about 595 g) of fish per week. “I think it's really interesting, and it shed a lot more light on the benefits of eating fish during pregnancy,” said Dr. Ashley Roman, director of Maternal Fetal Medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York. “I think what's interesting about this study compared to some data previously is that they better quantify the relationship between how much fish is consumed in a diet and then the benefits for the fetus and ultimately the child,” said Roman, who was not involved in the study. “ They're able to correlate the fish consumption with protection from autism and I think that is potentially a very important finding,” she added. Roman said that fish is really important for the fetus's brain development. “We still recommend that women avoid the fish that are highest in mercury like tilefish, shark, swordfish and giant mackerel, typically the larger fish that have longer lifespans and they tend to concentrate more mercury in their tissue,” she said.
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TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMISSION The Financial Services Commission hereby advertises the undermentioned Posts. Responses may be emailed to administration@ tcifsc.tc or delivered to Administration, Financial Services Commission, Unit D7/D8 (Executive Office), Caribbean Place, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos. Deadline February 15, 2016.
Job Title: Filing Clerk Location: Grand Turk Salary: Grade 12 Qualification: 5 G.C.E. O’ Levels subjects with ‘C’ grade or above, or equivalent qualification; at least one (1) year in an office environment as an Office Assistant/Filing Clerk handling legal documents .
Job Summary
Pregnant women attend a yoga class in Madrid
Reporting directly to the Registration Officer, the Filing Clerk is responsible for maintaining the filing system in the Companies, Trademarks and Patents Registration Department.
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
Page 33
Billionaire Paul Allen’s super yacht destroys Cayman Islands reef
survey of the damage last week and officials plan to release the findings of the dive next week. ‘In addition to assessing the damage and determining the cause of this incident, we are also paying close attention to lessons learned so that we can more effectively prevent these accidents while still hosting visiting yachts,’ a spokesman for the department told Cayman News Service. Paul Allen It’s unclear when the damage Billionaire Paul Allen is being to the reef was done, but pictures on blamed for wrecking a protected reef social media show that Allen’s yacht in the Cayman Islands, thanks to his was in the islands last week. The 300-foot super yacht. Tatoosh is also based there. Officials with the islands’ An investigation is ongoing Department of Environment say the into what caused the Tatoosh to chain of the Microsoft co-founder’s destroy such a large part of the reef. yacht, the MV Tatoosh, destroyed Officials say the boat was 14,000-square-feet of reef in the West anchored close to the Doc Poulson Bay replenishment zone - roughly shipwreck and The Knife dive site 80 per cent of the coral that’s vital to when it did the damage. marine life. Spokesmen for Allen pitted Local divers conducted a the blame on the Port Authority,
Superyacht saying the crew were simply following officials’ instructions on where to place the vessel. When the winds changed direction and pushed the yacht closer to the reserve, they say they moved it. Technically, any vessel that damages protected reef in the islands is subject to a fine, but the government has reportedly failed time and time again to collect on these sanctions, according to CNS. It’s unclear if Allen was on the boat at
the time of the incident. The billionaire celebrated his 63rd birthday last week, on January 21, and was recently in the news for reportedly purchasing a $5.4million bungalow on Seattle’s exclusive Mercer Island. Allen owns a 10,000-squarefoot home on the island, and has been known to buy up smaller properties around it for house guests. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates also has his main home on the island.
Jamaica ruling party ahead in latest public opinion poll KINGSTON, Jamaica – The Portia Simpson Miller led People’s National Party (PNP) is ahead of the main opposition Jamaica Labour Party (JLP), based on the findings of a poll conducted by pollster Don Anderson on behalf of the RJR Communications Group. In the poll, 27.5 per cent of the respondents said they intend to vote for the governing PNP in the general election that is constitutionally due this year. Concerning the JLP, 23.2 per cent of the respondents said they would vote for the opposition party. Among the remaining respondents, 22.3 per cent said they will definitely not vote; 17.4 per cent said they were still undecided, while 9.6 per cent did not answer the question. In the last RJR/Don Anderson poll, conducted in September, 2015, the two major political parties were tied at 30 per cent each. Meanwhile, the PNP is scheduled to have a mass rally in Half Way Tree on Sunday. In a media advisory on Wednesday, the Party said this will be the first in a series of national meetings. The meeting is part of the Party’s national mobilisation effort, as it prepares itself for general election. But the meeting is being held amid heightened expectations that the date for the election will be announced soon. Half-Way-Tree Square has, historically, been the favourite
A map of Barbados
Barbados sends 27 blood samples to be tested for Zika virus Jamaica Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller venue for the announcement of election dates. Simpson Miller, who is also President of the PNP, and other officers of the 78 year old Party will address supporters. It is likely that the election, which is constitutionally due by the end of March 2017, will be held by February at the earliest, based upon the stipulations laid down by the Constituted Authority, or early March. The law now allows for Nomination Day to be held no less than five days and no more than seven days from the time of the announcement of the general election. Similarly, voting must be conducted no less than 16 days and no more than 23 days between Nomination Day and Election Day. An early sign that Simpson Miller would announce the election date emerged last Sunday when the PNP placed full-page newspaper
advertisements of its 63 candidates. Another signal popped up during a sitting of the House of Representatives in Gordon House on Tuesday, when Simpson Miller, in an off-microphone comment aimed at the Jamaica Labour Party’s (JLP’s) spokesman on finance and planning, and Member of Parliament for Manchester North Eastern Audley Shaw, said that she had now been touched by the ‘master’ — a reference to her earlier pronouncement that she would only give the election date when God touches her and instructs her to announce it. It was also hardly a secret that Simpson Miller was awaiting the findings of the latest opinion poll conducted by the Don Anderson-led Market Research Services for the RJR Communications Group, which yesterday found that the PNP held a slim 4.3 percentage point lead over the JLP among committed voters.
BRIDGETOWN, Barbados – The Ministry of Health is awaiting the results of 27 blood samples that were sent to the Trinidad based Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) to be tested for the Zika virus. Following the confirmation of three cases of the virus earlier this month, the Ministry of Health says it continues to monitor the disease, and is encouraging members of the public to take the necessary precautions. “This warning is especially relevant for pregnant women and women of child-bearing age, due to reports of an increased risk of giving birth to babies whose head circumference is less than expected for age and sex,” the Ministry said. Barbadians have been urged to adhere to protective measures which include sleeping under an insecticide-treated bed net; wearing tops with long sleeves and long pants, especially during the hours of highest mosquito activity (morning and late afternoon); and using mosquito repellents with DEET applied according to manufacturers’ instructions. “Members of the public are also strongly advised to take steps to reduce mosquito breeding by removing potential mosquito breeding sites such as discarded containers, coconut shells, and other places where water can be collected.” The Ministry of Health’s Environmental Health Department says it is also intensifying its vector control programme through fogging of high risk areas for mosquito breeding, house to house inspections and other community mobilisation activities.
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
Caribbean needs cash transfer rules
A forum with government and private sector representatives from around the region last week called for a Caribbean-wide effort to deal with U.S. banks “de-risking” and pulling out of doing business with cash transfer companies and other financial institutions around the region. The process of de-risking for banks is meant to ensure financial institutions are not used to help launder money or finance terrorism, but the heightened regulations and higher costs associated with ensuring transactions aren’t used for nefarious purposes means many major banks have pulled out of offering services such as cash transfers. Former Prime Minister of Barbados Owen Arthur said in a prepared speech at last week’s forum, “Unaddressed, the derisking that is at the center of the correspondent banking issue could serve to de-link Caribbean economies from access to global finance. “It can also increase the cost of access to such finance, or force economic agents in the region to resort to illicit means, further damaging the image of the region,” Mr. Arthur said. “It can also do untold damage to the financial sector in the Caribbean.” The Cayman Islands experienced many of those consequences last year when the only two banks that offered services to cash transfer companies closed the accounts. First, Fidelity Bank closed the Western Union branches on the island, and then Jamaica National and MoneyGram lost their accounts with Cayman National Bank. The banks cited higher costs to comply with international regulations and the possibility of losing their own access to the global financial system if they continued to offer services for cash transfers. Western Union is back up
Former Prime Minister of Barbados Owen Arthur, left, and Earl Jarrett, general manager of Jamaica National Building Society, attend a forum last week on correspondent banking and running through a new company, GraceKennedy Money Services, and a deal with Scotiabank to provide banking services. Western Union had to close up its operations for four months when Fidelity Group closed its branches in July. Cayman National Bank closed the accounts for JN Money Services, MoneyGram and the other remaining cashtransfer companies in Cayman, but they were able to stay open by accepting only U.S. cash, which was flown off island to be deposited. JN and its affiliates are now accepting Cayman dollars but still do not have a local bank account to convert local currency to U.S. cash, to then send it into the global financial system. JN spokesman Gareth Manning said Tuesday that there was no update on the company’s negotiations with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority to covert local currency to U.S. cash. JN Money Services General Manager Leesa Kow, said in a recent press statement, “The reality is that money transfer companies and operators are more heavily regulated and scrutinized
than banks although they adhere to the same regulations and rules as banks.” In 2014, workers in Cayman sent almost US$180 million overseas to support their families; about $110 million of that went to Jamaica. Data for remittances from the past year is not yet available. Many at last week’s forum called for governments across the Caribbean to coordinate their approaches to the international banking system and regulators. Damien King, coexecutive director of the Caribbean Policy Institute, said in a press statement, “What we have is many jurisdictions at many levels that overlap and are not consistent, and then international banks responding to that by setting up their own rules and decisions.” He said Caribbean governments need standards and uniform policies for banking and compliance. Forum organizers said they invited Cayman Islands Financial Services Minister Wayne Panton, but he was unable to attend. Mr. Panton did not respond to requests for comment by press time Tuesday.
Police seize large quantity of drugs The Bahamas police say they have arrested one person after boxes containing 57 pounds of marijuana were found on board a mail boat earlier this week. The police said acting on a tip off, the boat was searched at the Potters Cay Dock after it had arrived from Exuma. “During the search of the vessel the officers found
three boxes containing 57 pounds of marijuana. An adult male of Stuart’s Manor, Exuma was later taken into custody in connection with this find,” the police said in the statement. The police gave no details regarding the street value of the drugs. Meanwhile, the police said that they had arrested 25 people for various criminal offences including armed robbery, firearms and
possession of dangerous drugs. They said the arrests form part of the anti-crime operation led by the Selective Enforcement Unit and that the operation “is consistent with the Commissioner’s Policing Priorities, targeted persons involved in criminal activities, such as armed robbery, drugs, firearms and persons wanted for a number of serious criminal offences”.
Man with machete kills American tourist walking on Caribbean beach A man killed an American woman with a machete as she walked along a remote beach on Grenada with her husband, police on the Caribbean island said on Tuesday. Jessica Lewis Colker, 39, of Atlanta, was found dead after her husband, Brian Van Melito, ran to get help following the attack, which occurred around noon on Sunday on a remote stretch of coast along the island’s southeast, said Sylvan McIntyre, an assistant superintendent with the Royal Grenada Police Force. A suspect was in custody but has not been identified. Colker and Van Melito had arrived on Grenada about a day before the attack and were staying at a guest house near where the attack occurred, in an area of beach and mangrove in St David Parish, McIntrye said. The motive for the attack is unknown. The husband told the police that he fought with the man and managed to get away and call for help. Police and residents of the area launched a search and found Colker’s body about an hour later in the woods. An autopsy found she died of extensive skull fracture and asphyxia. McIntyre said the suspect was cooperating with investigation but he declined to provide any information about the man, who can’t be identified under local laws unless he is formally charged.
OAS to send special mission to Haiti WASHINGTON – The Organisation of American States (OAS), says it will send a Special Mission to assess the situation in Haiti in response to a request by Haitian President Michel Martelly. According to an agreement reached Wednesday by the Permanent Council of the institution, the chair of the Council and Permanent Representative of Antigua and Barbuda, Sir Ronald Sanders, said the Mission will be sent by the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro. Sir Ronald said the Mission’s work will include engaging in “a dialogue with all appropriate parties.” Almagro said the “mandate and the limits” under which the Mission will act “must be set by the legitimate government of Haiti at this moment. “Any other action beyond that would be an intervention that Haiti does not want, and that we want even less,” he said. The OAS Secretary General said the successful conclusion of the electoral process in Haiti is “critically important,” adding that the dates for the second round of voting in the presidential elections should be set as soon as possible. “It is of fundamental importance that there be an election, and not a plebiscite or a referendum on a single candidate,” he said. “Haitians should agree on a mechanism for a clearly defined period of time, as short as possible.” Almagro said this should be within a plan endorsed by the Haitian Supreme Court of Justice. Permanent Representative of Haiti to the OAS, Bocchit Edmond, said the request by his government for a high-level OAS mission was motivated by “the goal of helping the actors to get together to avoid the country falling into an institutional vacuum and chaos.”
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
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The Bahamas government rescues CLICO policy holders
The Prime Minister may have prevented the cancellation of medical insurance for hundreds of Bahamians by confirming the Government has finally approved a ‘rescue plan’ for CLICO (Bahamas). Tribune Business can reveal that Perry Christie’s ‘11th hour intervention’ in the House of Assembly has halted, for the moment, the dispatch of letters advising the insolvent insurer’s health policyholders that their coverage has been terminated. Sources close to developments confirmed that Craig A. ‘Tony’ Gomez, the CLICO (Bahamas) liquidator, had been due to send out these notices - and accompanying newspaper advertisements - this week. However, Mr Christie’s confirmation that the Cabinet has approved a plan to transfer all the insurance policies - life and medical - to a newly-created special purpose vehicle (SPV) means there is no reason for Mr Gomez to pre-empt this and proceed with the health insurance cancellation. “He’s going to hold back on that now. I think he’s going to hold off. It doesn’t make sense,” one source familiar with the situation said of Mr Gomez. While the Prime Minister’s intervention has temporarily staved off disaster for hundreds, Tribune Business understands that much work remains to be done before the CLICO (Bahamas) policy portfolio can be transferred to the new SPV. While the Government has approved the basic structure and framework for the switch, the details now have to be fine-tuned between Mr
Gomez, the Insurance Commission of the Bahamas and the Government (the Ministry of Finance and Attorney General’s Office). And Tribune Business sources have also revealed that the guarantee required from the Government to underwrite the transfer has increased sharply, from $30 million in 20092010 to somewhere between $40-$50 million. The Government has never provided funds to cover the guarantee in any of its subsequent Budgets, including this year’s, so it is unclear where the monies will come from. This newspaper also understands that while senior Ministry of Finance officials have backed the liquidator’s plan for some time, the wait for formal Cabinet approval has delayed the process. Mr Christie, in his House of Assembly address, spent some time implying that the resolution proposed by the former Ingraham administration was inadequate before addressing the most important issues for CLICO (Bahamas) policyholders. “The liquidator [Mr Gomez] has proposed, and the Government has agreed, a plan to make all existing policyholders whole,” the Prime Minister said. “ This plan involves the creation of a special purpose vehicle (SPV) to assume the insurance operations of CLICO, and to pay out the policyholders who have been unable to receive the full pay-out of their benefits subject to the policy not lapsing during the period of liquidation.” Mr Christie said Mr Gomez, the Baker Tilly Gomez partner, and
the Insurance Commission would announce the plan’s specifics and any “pay outs” shortly. Acknowledging the concerns expressed by CLICO (Bahamas) policyholders and annuity holders, who have waited seven years to recover their life savings and longterm investments, the Prime Minister added: “ I know that there are many persons impacted by CLICO, and these persons have grown impatient waiting for a solution, but rest assured a solution is at hand.” He argued that the SPV resolution was “complex”, and achieving a “consensus” between all parties involved required time. Tribune Business, though, revealed the proposed CLICO (Bahamas) solution back in June 2015. Rather than the Ingraham administration’s initial $30 million guarantee, the current government is dividing CLICO (Bahamas) clients into annuity holders and insurance policyholders. The last proposed resolution was to pay out annuity holders with products worth less than $10,000 or less. Those holding annuities worth $10,000 or more will get that sum up front, and be paid the rest in government bonds with a seven-year maturity. Former CLICO (Bahamas) employees also will be paid the severance pay and pension benefits due to them, while insurance policyholders will be transferred either to a new underwriter or the SPV created by the Government. It is only now, more than six months later, that the Government is putting this into effect.
Taking a swipe at the former Ingraham administration, Mr Christie said yesterday: “The previous administration, at the onset of the liquidation of CLICO, proposed to provide a conditional guarantee of $30 million to any entity which would have purchased the insurance operations of CLICO. “This guarantee was conditional on the sale of the book, and while affording comfort to a potential purchaser, did not actually guarantee that the policyholders would be made whole. “For two main reasons, namely concerns with respect to the information system [of CLICO Bahamas] and the conditional nature of the guarantee (i.e. it was unclear what event would have triggered the calling in of the guarantee), [the liquidator] was unsuccessful in the sale of the portfolio.” Tribune Business revealed in November 205 how Mr Gomez planned to cancel all CLICO (Bahamas) medical policies on New Year’s Eve if the Government failed yet again to deliver on its resolution promises. He held off until the New Year so that hundreds of Bahamians and their families were not greeted with bad news over the festive period, but the cancellation notices were due to be issued to policyholders this month. Mr Gomez said he had little choice but to cancel the medical insurance policies unless the Government came through because high claims payouts were eroding the $11.893 million in CLICO (Bahamas) bank accounts. This undermines his duty to preserve and maintain the asset for the benefit of creditors.
Cayman Islands government faces crisis in Parliament With just nine members on the ruling government bench, the Progressives-led coalition was left to consider this week whether it would seek to muddle through the next 14 months via the slimmest of majorities or call for elections ahead of the usual May 2017 date. According to the Caymanian Compass, Premier Alden McLaughlin, the Progressives party leader, said he would not speculate about what decisions the government might make. He indicated to the Cayman Compass this week that dissolving parliament and calling for early general elections is one option – an option that might have to be taken if the current government loses one more member. The road will not be easy for the Progressives-led government even if it maintains its current majority membership. “It will be hell for [Premier McLaughlin] in the next year with barely no backbench,” Opposition Leader McKeeva Bush said Wednesday. “We will be a formidable group for him to face. Although I can only speak for the official opposition, the independents and [MLAs] Ezzard [Miller] and Arden [McLean] are not weaklings. We must consider the country first.” Meanwhile, opposition independent members of the Legislative Assembly, including Mr. McLean, Mr. Miller,
Cayman Parliament Alva Suckoo and Anthony Eden, were to meet Thursday with Governor Helen Kilpatrick, who would have to approve the call for early elections if one were made, and no party could gain a majority of assembly seats. The independents are adamantly opposed to the prospect of elections prior to May 2017 and intend to tell Ms. Kilpatrick about their views. “We think it’s ridiculous and none of us support it,” Bodden Town MLA Alva Suckoo said of the prospect of a 2016 vote, which would likely have to be held under the former multimember district voting system, not the single-member districts lawmakers agreed to last year. Political insiders noted that the meeting with the governor might serve another purpose: To nominate
Mr. McLean as the country’s new opposition leader, replacing Mr. Bush. Mr. Bush’s Cayman Islands Democratic Party holds three assembly seats, while the independent opposition membership holds five in total including George Town MLA Winston Connolly. Contacted Wednesday, Mr. McLean declined to comment. Mr. Suckoo denied that the meeting was being held for that purpose. “It’s just to discuss the possibility of early elections,” he said. Mr. Suckoo, along with Mr. Eden and Mr. Connolly, have previously denied that they intend to join any political party ahead of the next general election. For now, Mr. McLaughlin’s Progressives-led coalition maintains
a 10-person majority out of 18 elected Legislative Assembly members. That majority includes Speaker of the House Juliana O’Connor-Connolly who does not get a vote except in the case of a tie-break situation. In order for government to continue meeting, all nine remaining members on the government benches, including all seven ministers and both remaining backbench members, MLAs Roy McTaggart and Joey Hew, would have to attend the full length of every meeting. In practice, legislature members often step out to take calls, meet with constituents and attend to ministerial business while parliament is in session. In a scenario with a nineperson government bench, opposition members could scuttle any meeting if only one member of the government bench stepped out. Parliamentary rules state that a quorum of 10 members, not counting the Speaker, must be present in order for a legislative meeting to proceed. One way to avoid a ninemember government bench would be to have current Speaker O’ConnorConnolly step down and take up her seat with the ruling party. That would require another person to be named as Speaker. It could also require one of the current government ministers to be replaced if Ms. O’Connor-Connolly moved to a minister’s position.
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
‘Affluenza’ teen sent back to Texas, ‘docile’ in detention
The American teenager derided for claiming a defense of “affluenza” in the killing four people while driving drunk arrived back in Texas on Thursday after being deported from Mexico and was placed in juvenile detention. After his flight landed, Ethan Couch, 18, wearing a hooded sweatshirt and sporting a beard, was seen with his hands behind his back being escorted by uniformed officers through the Dallas-Fort Worth airport. About an hour after touching down, he was placed in a Tarrant County juvenile detention center, where the local sheriff said he was calm and being fed. “He was as compliant and docile as anyone I have ever seen come into a facility,” Sheriff Dee Anderson told reporters. “We are hoping that the day comes when justice is done for those families and the victims that were killed,” he said. Couch fled to Mexico in December along with his mother after a video emerged on social media that likely showed the teen in violation of
the probation deal reached in juvenile court that kept him out of prison for causing the deadly crash in 2013. He faces a detention hearing on Friday or Monday, at which a judge will determine whether to transfer the case from the juvenile system to the adult system, his lawyers said. “We are optimistic that, going forward, Ethan will comply with all court-imposed terms and conditions and that he will successfully complete his term of probation,” lawyers Scott Brown and Wm. Reagan Wynn said in a statement. Couch was 16 when he was tried as a juvenile. A psychiatrist testifying on his behalf said he had “affluenza,” as his family’s wealth had left him so spoiled that it impaired his judgment to tell right from wrong. Ethan Couch, known as the “affluenza” teen after he killed four people in a drunk driving incident in The affluenza diagnosis, not 2013, is seen getting into a Mexican government vehicle to be driven to an airport in this still image recognized by the American Psychiatric from a video provided by Mexico’s National Institute of migration in. Association, was widely ridiculed. If he violated the probation transfer him to the adult system so since been freed on bond. deal, Couch faces about four months he can apply for bail, an option not He was sentenced to 10 years behind bars. His mother, Tonya Couch, available in the juvenile system, a of drug-and-alcohol-free probation faces up to 10 years in prison for legal official said. for intoxication manslaughter, a helping her son flee to Mexico. His mother was deported to punishment condemned by critics as Couch’s lawyers may seek to the United States last month and has privilege rewarded with leniency.
Irresistible cities: World’s 25 top tourism destinations Still one of the world’s most vibrant cities despite astronomical living costs, it’s no surprise London is the world’s second most visited destination. So what’s the first? The emphatic answer, says market researcher Euromonitor International, is Hong Kong. Attracting an impressive 27.77 million international tourists in the space of a year, the Asian city outstripped London’s popularity to the tune of 10 million people. The influx, chiefly accounted for by mainland Chinese visitors, kept Hong Kong at the forefront of Euromonitor’s annual Top 100 City Destinations survey for the fifth year in succession. London, which last crowned the list in 2009, pulled in a mere 17.38 million, just ahead of Singapore at 17.09 million. Euromonitor’s list is compiled from data from 57 “core” countries, using national statistics and info from airports, hotels and other tourism industry sources. The company says the latest figures, from 2014, show geopolitical tensions and successful marketing campaigns swaying tourist decisions.
But despite fluctuating fortunes for some key destinations, it says tourism remains an upward trend with all but a few cities improving on visitor numbers. That said, Euromonitor warns of interesting times ahead for some of the main players. It says Hong Kong’s reliance on Chinese tourists is a weakness as their increasing affluence takes them further afield -- a situation likely to be exacerbated by recent protests there against mainland Chinese travelers. London’s expensive reputation and the fact that its airports are nearing capacity could also see it losing out to European rivals, Euromonitor says. As for Singapore, “limited natural attractions” and a reputation as a business rather than leisure destination could see it struggle to “remain relevant” against low-cost alternatives like Thailand. Istanbul, currently ranked ninth, is identified by Euromonitor as “one to watch.” It says the city could build on a year-on-year increase of 13.2% although the emergent threat of ISIS could prove challenging.
U.S., British spies hacked Israeli air force: reports citing Snowden
American whistleblower Edward Snowden is seen through a camera viewfinder as he delivers remarks via video link from Moscow to attendees at a discussion regarding an International Treaty on the Right to Privacy, Protection Against Improper Surveillance and Protection of. The United States and Britain have monitored secret sorties and communications by Israel’s air force in a hacking operation dating back to 1998, according to documents attributed to leaks by former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden. Israel voiced disappointment at the disclosures, which were published on Friday in three media outlets and might further strain relations with Washington after years of feuding over strategies on Iran and the Palestinians. Israel’s Yedioth Ahronoth daily said the U.S. National Security Agency, which specializes in electronic surveillance, and its British counterpart GCHQ spied on Israeli air force missions against the Palestinian enclave Gaza, Syria and Iran. The spy operation, codenamed “Anarchist”, was run out of a Cyprus base and targeted other Middle East states too, it said. Its findings were mirrored by stories in Germany’s Der Spiegel news magazine and the online
publication The Intercept, which lists Snowden confidant Glenn Greenwald among its associates. “This access is indispensable for maintaining an understanding of Israeli military training and operations and thus an insight to possible future developments in the region,” The Intercept quoted a classified GCHQ report as saying in 2008. That year, Israel went to war against Hamas guerrillas in Gaza and began issuing increasingly vocal threats to attack Iranian nuclear facilities if it deemed international diplomacy insufficient to deny its arch-foe the means of making a bomb. Asked for comment, the United States and Britain said through spokespeople for their embassies in Israel that they do not publicly discuss intelligence matters. Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s security cabinet, sought to play down the potential damage but said lessons would be learned. “I do not think that this is the deepest kingdom of secrets, but it is certainly something that should not happen, which is unpleasant,” he told Israel’s Army Radio. “We will now have to look and consider changing the encryption, certainly.” With the Netanyahu government and Obama administration at loggerheads over the U.S.-led nuclear agreement with Iran, there have been a series of highprofile media exposes in recent months alleging mutual espionage between the allies.
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
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Obama calls for rapid Zika research as virus seen spreading abnormally small heads. There is still much to learn about Zika infections, experts said. For example, it is not clear how common Zika infections are in pregnant women, or when during a pregnancy a woman is most at risk of transmitting the virus to her fetus. Collins said the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease is conducting studies to more fully understand the effects of Zika in humans, and to develop better diagnostic tests to quickly determine if someone has The forearm of a public health technician is seen covered with sterile female Aedes been infected. The NIAID is also aegyti mosquitoes after leaving a recipient to cultivate larvae, in a research area to working on testing new drugs prevent the spread of Zika virus and other mosquito-borne diseases, at the entomology that might be effective against department of the Ministry of Public Health, in Guatemala City, January 26, 2016. the virus. President Barack mild fever and rash. An estimated The U.S. Centers for Obama on Tuesday called for 80 percent of people infected Disease Control and Prevention the rapid development of tests, have no symptoms, making it also announced new instructions vaccines and treatments to fight difficult for pregnant women to for pediatricians treating infants the mosquito-transmitted Zika know whether they have been whose mothers may have been virus, which has been linked to infected. exposed to the virus during birth defects and could spread On Monday, the World pregnancy. to the United States in warmer Health Organization predicted In those guidelines, months. the virus would spread to all the CDC made clear that it U.S. health officials are countries across the Americas considers the Zika virus a stepping up efforts to study the except for Canada and Chile. nationally notifiable condition, link between Zika virus infections In a blog post, National and instructs doctors to contact and birth defects, citing a recent Institutes of Health Director Dr. their state or territorial health study estimating the virus could Francis Collins cited a Lancet departments to facilitate testing reach regions where 60 percent study published Jan. 14 in which of potentially infected infants. of the U.S. population lives. researchers predicted the Zika Dr. Kathryn Edwards Obama was briefed on virus could be spread in areas of Vanderbilt University, who the potential spread of the virus along the East and West Coasts serves on the American Academy by his top health and national of the United States and much of Pediatrics’ committee on security officials on Tuesday. of the Midwest during warmer infectious disease, said the “The president months, where about 200 million guidelines were intended to emphasized the need to people live. help establish whether Zika accelerate research efforts to The study also showed causes microcephaly and to help make available better diagnostic that 22.7 million more people pregnant women who may have tests, to develop vaccines and live in humid parts of the country been infected with the virus. therapeutics, and to ensure that where mosquitoes carrying the Microcephaly is a lifelong all Americans have information virus could live year round. condition with no known cure, about the Zika virus and steps Given the threat, the CDC website said. Symptoms they can take to better protect Collins said “it is now critically range from mild to severe. themselves from infection,” the important to confirm, through In mild cases, infants White House said in a statement. careful epidemiological and often have no symptoms other The virus has been animal studies, whether or not than small head size, but linked to brain damage in a causal link exists between doctors still need to check their thousands of babies in Brazil. Zika virus infections in pregnant development regularly. In severe There is no vaccine or treatment women and microcephaly in their cases, babies may need speech, for Zika, a close cousin of dengue newborn babies.” Microcephaly occupational and physical and chikungunya, which causes results in babies being born with therapy.
A video grab from KCNA shows the Unha-3 (Milky Way 3) rocket launching at North Korea’s West Sea Satellite Launch Site, at the satellite control centre in Cholsan county, North Pyongan province in this video released by KCNA in Pyongyang December
North Korea activity points to possible space launch: U.S. officials The United States has seen increased activity around a North Korean site suggesting preparations for a possible space launch in the near future, U.S. officials told Reuters on Thursday. The officials cited intelligence suggesting movement of components and propellant, adding the United States believed a test could take place even within a couple of weeks. “Our concern though is ... it’s the same technology to develop ICBMs” (inter-continental ballistic missiles), one of the officials said. U.N. Security Council members were discussing fresh sanctions against North Korea after it conducted its fourth nuclear test on Jan. 6. The Pyongyang government is already under sanctions for its nuclear and missile programs. North Korea last conducted a long-range rocket launch in late 2012, successfully putting into orbit an object it claimed was a communications satellite. Western and Asian experts said it was part of an effort to build an inter-continental ballistic missile. Earlier on Thursday, Japan’s Kyodo news agency reported North Korea may be preparing to launch a long-range missile as soon as within a week. South Korean Defense Ministry spokesman Kim Min-seok declined to comment on whether there were pre-launch activities at the site, citing a policy of not discussing intelligence matters. He said North Korea had issued no international warnings on navigation, however, as it has ahead of previous long-range rocket launches. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry warned during a trip to China this week of the dangers of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s pursuit of an ICBM, particularly given its declared intention to develop one with the capacity to carry a nuclear warhead.
New U.S. single-family home sales race to 10-month high New U.S. singlefamily home sales surged in December to their highest level in 10 months, the latest indication that the housing sector remains on a firmer footing despite a massive stock market sell-off and slowing economic growth. The Commerce Department said on Wednesday sales rose 10.8 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 544,000 units, the highest level since February. Sales last month were likely buoyed by unseasonably mild weather
and a rise in the supply of homes on the market, which increased choices for buyers. “Don’t count the economy out yet with the darkening skies seen in January as world stock markets fell on worries over China and crude oil and world growth. Worries don’t become reality,” said Chris Rupkey, chief economist at MUFG Union Bank in New York. The Federal Reserve on Wednesday acknowledged that economic growth had slowed late last year. The U.S. central bank kept
its benchmark overnight interest rate unchanged and said it was “closely monitoring global economic and financial developments.” The Fed in December raised its benchmark overnight interest rate, the first rate hike in nearly a decade. The dollar was trading lower against a basket of currencies, and prices for U.S. government debt fell. U.S. stocks were down in volatile trade. New home sales soared 14.5 percent to 501,000 units in 2015, the highest
level since 2007. Economists had forecast new home sales, which account for about 9.1 percent of the housing market, edging up to a 500,000 unitrate last month. Housing is being supported by tightening labor market conditions, which are spurring a rise in household formation. The data came on the heels of a report last Friday showing a record increase in home resales in December from a 19-month low in November. In December, new home sales jumped 20.8
percent in the Northeast and gained 0.4 percent in the populous South. They advanced 31.6 percent in the Midwest and shot up 21.0 percent in the West. The inventory of new homes on the market rose 2.6 percent to a six-year high of 237,000 units last month. At December’s sales pace it would take 5.2 months to clear the supply of houses on the market, down from 5.6 months in November. The median price of a new home fell 4.3 percent from a year ago to $288,900.
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
Dad arrested for taking daughter’s phone as punishment When Ronald Jackson found a text he thought was rude and inappropriate on his then-12-yearold daughter’s phone in September 2013, he took the cell away. But the child’s mother, Michelle Steppe, balked at his action — and she called the police. Steppe and Jackson have not been a couple for years, and Steppe is now married to a Grand Prairie, Texas, police officer. When the police showed up at Jackson’s door later that day and asked for the iPhone 4 back, Jackson refused. “At that point I decided the police don’t interfere with my ability to parent my daughter,” he told KHOU 11 News on Wednesday. But Steppe insisted that the phone belonged to her, and three
months after Jackson refused to return it, he got a citation in the mail for theft of property. He was offered a plea deal in January 2014 if he would return the phone. Instead, Jackson hired an attorney and requested a jury trial. The case moved to Dallas County and, unbeknownst to Jackson, a warrant was issued for his arrest. The police showed up at his door around 2 a.m. in April 2015, and Jackson was handcuffed and taken to jail. “It made no sense to me for them to show up and make a big deal out of something that was a small thing,” Jackson said. “I couldn’t believe they would go to this extent for a cellphone. It didn’t seem right.” He posted $1,500 bail and was
Twenty-four migrants die in boat sinking off Greek island
Twenty-four migrants drowned when their boat sank off a Greek island close to Turkey, the Greek coastguard said, as people continue to risk the crossing to Europe despite harsh winter conditions. “We have 10 rescued and 11 missing,” a coastguard official said on Thursday. “The search and rescue effort is continuing.” The sinking occurred late on Wednesday north of the island of Samos in the eastern Aegean Sea, close to the Turkish coast. The coastguard said a man who managed to swim ashore told Greek authorities the boat had been carrying 40 to 45 people. Coastguard vessels and a helicopter were continuing to look for survivors. More than 600,000 migrants fleeing Syria, Afghanistan and other
war-torn or impoverished countries arrived in Greece from Turkey last year, risking the short but dangerous sea crossing, often on inflatable rafts. Hundreds have drowned. Six migrants including a child drowned when their vessel sank off the island of Kos close to Turkey early on Wednesday. EU countries have been increasingly critical of Athens’ handling of the continent’s worst migration crisis since World War Two. More than a million migrants reached Europe last year, mainly through Greece. On Wednesday, the European Commission warned there could be more controls over movement between Greece and other states in the free-travel Schengen zone from May unless it fixed “serious deficiencies” in its management of the zone’s external frontier.
U.S. issues treatment guidelines for infants exposed to Zika U.S. health officials on Tuesday issued interim guidelines for health care professionals in the United States caring for infants born to mothers who traveled or lived in an area with Zika virus transmission during pregnancy. The guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention call for pediatricians to work closely with obstetricians caring for pregnant women exposed to the virus during pregnancy, monitoring fetal ultrasounds and testing infants with signs of a birth defect called microcephaly marked by small head size. The guidelines come after thousands of infants in Brazil were born with microcephaly, which was believed to be linked to Zika infections. In studies of the current outbreak in Brazil, genetic material from the Zika virus has been identified in studies of brain tissue, placenta and amniotic fluid from several infants with microcephaly and from miscarried fetuses from
women infected with the virus. Although Zika transmission has not yet been reported in the United States, mosquitoes that carry the infection are endemic to specific regions of the United States, and experts believe transmission is likely in the coming months as the weather heats up. In the interim guidelines for pediatricians, the CDC recommends that infants with microcephaly born to women exposed to Zika while pregnant should be tested for the virus. For infants without microcephaly but whose mothers received a positive or inconclusive test for the virus, the guidelines call for the child to be tested for possible Zika infection. The guidance also informs U.S. doctors that Zika is a nationally notifiable condition, meaning that suspected cases must be reported to state and territorial health departments. No treatments or vaccines are available for Zika infections.
released after a night in jail. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Cameron Gray, Jackson’s defense attorney, told KHOU Wednesday. “You would think we were on the Jerry Springer Show.” After just a two-day trial — in which Jackson’s daughter, now 15, testified — Dallas County Criminal Court Judge Lisa Green ordered the jury to find Jackson not guilty, citing insufficient evidence to prove a theft charge. Steppe disagrees with the verdict. “Even if you purchase something with your own money and have a receipt, it’s not yours,” she said. “Someone can take it from you.” Although Jackson won the case and is allowed to keep the phone, he said he has had to separate himself from Steppe and his daughter
because of this incident. “I can’t ever have a relationship with them again,” he said. On KHOU’s Facebook page, most commenters have been supportive of Jackson’s disciplinary action. One person wrote, “Good job dad. Inappropriate text are definitely a reason to lose the phone.” Another lamented the big-picture consequences: “The poor girl just lost her relationship with her dad because her mom was being petty.” Still another commenter wished both parents had acted differently, posting, “In my eyes both of them have growing up to do,” and suggesting that Jackson’s punishment hold for his home but not the mother’s. “It’s called co-parenting for a reason people!”
Most Americans support Obama’s contested immigration plan: poll
A man holds an envelope from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Service during a naturalization ceremony at the National Archives Museum in Washington Most Americans say they back a plan that would allow certain illegal immigrants to stay in the country, but support for the idea slips when President Barack Obama’s name is attached to the question, according to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll. The results underscore the polarized nature of the debate over how to overhaul immigration laws and how to address the estimated 11 million people living illegally in the country. Congress has been unable to agree on reforms for years. In 2014, Obama bypassed the Republicancontrolled Congress to issue an executive order to shield more than 4 million undocumented immigrants from deportation and offer them work permits, but he was blocked by court challenges from Republicangoverned states. The Supreme Court is set to rule by the end of June on whether Obama had the power to make the change. The decision will come just weeks before Republicans choose their nominee for November’s presidential election. Republican front-runners Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have called for a crackdown on illegal immigration, with Trump promising to build a wall along southern U.S. border with Mexico.
But Hispanic voters are an increasingly powerful voting bloc, and the debate over Obama’s immigration action could hurt Republican attempts to make inroads into the important demographic. The Reuters/Ipsos poll was taken in the week following the Supreme Court’s decision to hear the immigration case. The poll shows 61 percent of Americans support the plan to relax immigration policy for some undocumented people when it is described in general terms without using Obama’s name, including 42 percent of Republicans. Half of Republicans opposed the idea. But when the same plan was described as being an executive action taken by Obama, support fell to 54 percent overall, with only 31 percent of Republicans supporting it and 62 percent opposing the measures. For Democrats, 78 percent supported the plan when it was described without using Obama’s name, and 80 percent supported it when the president’s name was attached to it. The online poll of 1,200 people has a credibility interval of 3.2 percentage points, including 5 percentage points for Democrats and 5.4 percentage points for Republicans.
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
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Canada stops sharing some spy info with allies after breach Canada has stopped its electronic spy agency from sharing some data with key international allies after discovering the information mistakenly contained personal details about Canadians, government officials said on Thursday. Ottawa acted after learning that the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) agency had failed to properly disguise metadata - the numbers and time stamps of phone calls but not their content - before passing it on to their
international partners. “CSE will not resume sharing this information with our partners until I am fully satisfied the effective systems and measures are in place,” Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan said in a statement. Sajjan, who has overall responsibility for the agency, did not say when Canada had stopped sharing the data in question. Canada is part of the Five Eyes intelligence sharing network, along with the United States, Britain, Australia and New
Zealand. CSE, like the U.S. National Security Agency, monitors electronic communication and helps protect national computer networks. While the agency is not allowed to specifically target Canadians or Canadian corporations, it can scoop up data about Canadians while focusing on other targets. Sajjan, blaming technical deficiencies at CSE for the problems, said the metadata that Canada shared did not contain names or enough information to identify individuals and added: “The privacy
impact was low.” He made the announcement shortly after an official watchdog that monitors CSE revealed the metadata problem. The watchdog said CSE officials themselves had realized they were not doing enough to disguise the information they shared. An NSA program to vacuum up Americans’ call data was exposed publicly by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden in 2013 and prompted questions about the CSE’s practices.
Celebrity backed anonymous messaging app alarms parents, politicians
A billboard advertisement for Israeli app Blingspot, which allows people to send text messages anonymously, is seen in Tel Aviv January 25, 2016. A new app that allows users to send anonymous text messages is causing alarm among parents, politicians and some teenagers, who say it is being used as a weapon for cyber-bullying. Blindspot, launched by Israeli company Shellanoo, has attracted 700,000 users since it was launched a month ago, mostly in Israel where it is being heavily marketed but also in the United States and Britain. “What would you say to people you know if you were anonymous?” its advertisement says. Shellanoo, backed by Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich and popstars will.i.am and Nicki Minaj, among others, is being targeted by campaigners but says criticism of its app is undeserved. It believes it is being singled out because of its famous backers and celebrity links. Dor Refaeli, a high-profile employee of Herzliya-based Shellanoo and brother of Israel’s Instagram-savvy top model, Bar Refaeli, has spoken out against the backlash, complaining of being
hit with hundreds of abusive messages after someone published his phone number online. “It’s a little ironic that I am being accused of bullying and shaming and the only one who’s under attack is me,” he said, adding that Blindspot was conceived to give shy people a voice. “There are 353 apps that offer anonymous chats (but) Dor Refaeli has a famous last name,” said the firm’s spokesman, David Strauss. Blindspot requires users to register with their phone number, which is withheld from texts they send. Recipients, prompted by SMS, must themselves download the free app to see any messages, photos or videos sent. The easy interface and playful yellow logo plastered on billboards across Tel Aviv - a winking smiley-face with an eyepatch - appeal to a young market, though Blindspot’s disclaimer says users under 16 should have parental approval. It has become Israel’s most downloaded social app in the
last month, according to market research firm AppAnnie. But critics appear determined to see Blindspot go the way of Secret.ly, a similar U.S. app that shut down last year with its founder acknowledging complaints about abusive messaging had turned its anonymity into the “ultimate double-edged sword”. Blindspot has been accused in the media of helping create a virtual schoolyard where bullies can operate with impunity. “Why wait for the next young person to commit suicide? Let’s stop this now,” 16-year old Ofri Atarchi told Channel 2 television. The call has been echoed by Israeli lawmakers, as well as by parents’ associations that urged members not to allow their children to download the app. A free, Israeli-designed counterapp, Safe Spot, alerts parents to Blindspot use by their children, though it is only available for Android phones. Blindspot receives a rating of just 2 out of 5 on Google Play’s app store, with three times as many reviewers giving it a one star rating than a five. The chairman of the Israeli parliament’s home committee is so alarmed by Blindspot’s potential as a conduit for bullying that he has introduced a proposal that would make the company legally responsible for any bullying and could ban the app. Strauss noted that Blindspot offers a block function: a user blocked three times by message recipients can no longer use the app with his or her phone number. Abuse can also be flagged to the company, something Strauss said so far happened with fewer than 1 percent of around 50 million texts sent over Blindspot. Some teenagers love the app. “I use it a lot,” said Michael Bob, a high school student. “I curse out all the people who I hate and the ones I love I also curse... because I can.”
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Ammon Bundy is seen in an office at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Buns, Oregon, January 9th, 2016.
One shot dead as FBI arrests Oregon occupation leader, others
One protester was shot dead and eight others were arrested on Tuesday after authorities confronted members of an armed group that has staged a month-long occupation of a federal wildlife reserve in Oregon, activists and officials said. The FBI said gunshots rang out after officers stopped a car carrying protest leader Ammon Bundy and others near the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Activists said Robert LaVoy Finicum, a rancher who acted as a spokesman for the occupiers, was killed. FBI agents were setting up a perimeter on Tuesday night around the wildlife refuge, where some people were still holding out, continuing their protest against federal control of large tracts of the country, a law enforcement official told Reuters. One of the remaining occupiers, Jason Patrick, told Reuters by phone they would stay until the “redress of grievances”. “I’ve heard ‘peaceful resolution’ for weeks now and now there’s a cowboy who is my friend who is dead so prepare for the peaceful resolution,” Patrick said. The takeover at Malheur that started Jan. 2 was a flare-up in the so-called Sagebrush Rebellion, a decades-old conflict over the U.S. government’s control of millions of acres of territory in the west. Protesters say they are defending the Constitution. Federal officials said they had probable cause to arrest Finicum, who told NBC News earlier this month that he would rather die than be detained. Protest leader Ammon Bundy and four other senior members were taken into custody following the confrontation along Highway 395, near the reserve in northeast Oregon around 4:25 p.m. local time (0025 GMT), the FBI said. A sixth person was arrested by Oregon State Police in Burns, Oregon, about 1 1/2 hours later. The FBI said a seventh person was later arrested, 50-year-old Peter Santilli, a journalist who livestreamed events at the refuge. The FBI said they also arrested an eighth person in Peoria, Arizona, in relation to the occupation. All of those arrested face federal charges of conspiracy to use force, intimidation or threats to impede federal officers from discharging their duties, the FBI said. The protester Patrick likened Finicum’s death to the killing of Tamir Rice, an unarmed 12-year-old African American boy fatally shot by police outside a Cleveland recreation center in 2014. The officers were not charged.
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
Putin’s son-in-law boosted by $1.75 billion Russian state loan
The son-in-law of Vladimir Putin stands to benefit from $1.75 billion in cheap finance from the Russian state, a Reuters examination of public documents shows. The money will help fund a petrochemical project at a company in which Kirill Shamalov, husband of Katerina Tikhonova, the Russian president’s younger daughter, has a significant interest. Shamalov is a major shareholder in Sibur, Russia’s largest processor of petrochemicals. This month Sibur obtained $1.75 billion from Russia’s National Wealth Fund to help build a huge new plant in Tobolsk, Siberia. According to corporate documents, Sibur was able to borrow the money at a current interest rate of 2 percent. That is a bargain, according to financial analysts. Artyom Usmanov, an analyst at investment firm BCS, said borrowers on the Russian bond market would expect to pay over 7 percent interest for such a loan. Irina Alizarovskaya, an analyst with Raiffeisenbank called the financing “quite cheap.” Shamalov did not respond to a request for comment. In a statement by Sibur on Dec. 9, Dmitry Konov, its chief executive, described the state finance as having “favourable terms.” A Sibur spokesman said the company had no information “about family relations or relations between the company’s shareholders and the president of Russia.” The state loan, he said, “underwent all necessary procedures and was approved in strict
In February this year, Sibur said the foundations for the plant had been laid. On Dec. 4, the company raised $1.75 billion from the state by issuing 15-year bonds with an interest rate of either 2 percent or the U.S. annual consumer price inflation plus 1 percent, whichever is higher. Annual U.S. consumer price inflation in November was 0.5 percent. The bonds were all bought by the state via the National Wealth Fund. The decision to make the loan was made by the state-controlled Russian Direct Investment Fund Kirill Shamalov, deputy chairman of the management board of SIBUR company (RDIF), which said the project “fully accordance with the ... laws.” to Sibur’s future – and to the value complies with the rules for investing The country’s National Wealth of Shamalov’s stake in the company. NWF money in infrastructure projects” Fund, which was valued at the start In 2012, when design work began, and gives the fund, whose loan is of 2015 at 4.8 trillion roubles (then Sibur’s chairman Leonid Mikhelson less than 20 percent of the project’s $72 billion), typically invests in said ZapSib would “change the image total cost, “maximum protection and national infrastructure projects such of the company and the Russian corresponding profitability.” RDIF said as railways, nuclear technology and petrochemical sector.” ZapSib “is one of the most promising major roads. Prime Minister Dmitry After Shamalov married projects in the world.” Medvedev issued a decree in October Putin’s daughter in 2013, he increased A spokeswoman for the Russian to add the petrochemical plant to the his stake in Sibur five-fold and the Ministry for Economic Development, list of projects in which the fund can company invested more heavily which nominates projects for NWF invest. The decision, Medvedev said, in the ZapSib project. As Reuters funding, said the Sibur bonds would be would reduce “dependence on imports” detailed earlier this month, Shamalov profitable in rouble terms, and that the and create up to 15,000 jobs. acquired a 17 percent stake in Sibur state investment helps attract foreign The state money forms part of in September 2014, making him the investment as well. the overall $9.5 billion cost of Sibur’s second largest shareholder in the Sibur has also arranged $3.3 Siberian project, which is known as company, with a total stake of 21.3 billion of financing from European ZapSibNeftekhim, or ZapSib. Sibur percent. That investment is now worth banks and other institutions. has said in public announcements that $2.85 billion, judging by recent share To develop ZapSib, Sibur the plant will be the “largest modern deals. is working with Linde Group, a gas petrochemical facility in Russia” and Later in September 2014, Sibur and engineering company based in create a world-class facility for making said its overall capital expenditure Germany, and INEOS, a chemical chemical products from Siberian gas on ZapSib and other projects would company based in Switzerland. Neither supplies. increase from 53 billion roubles ($1.4 company responded to requests for The development is central billion at the time) to 74 billion roubles. comment.
Giant church in shape of shoe to open in Taiwan
The shirt sold out after company posted on its Facebook page that ‘El Chapo’ was wearing it
‘El Chapo’ shirt is big seller for California clothing firm The shirt worn by wanted Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman in a photograph with American actor Sean Penn is a big seller for a California clothing firm. Guzman, who was recaptured last week in Mexico after escaping from a prison last year, was pictured wearing the Barabas shirt in a photo with Penn that accompanied the actor’s recent Rolling Stone
magazine article about the fugitive. The company posted on its Facebook page that “El Chapo” was wearing its shirt. It was reportedly sold out because of the spike in demand following the Rolling stone story. Mexico’s government says it plans to extradite Guzman to the United States, where he is wanted on charges including drug trafficking, kidnapping and murder.
The shoe-shaped church in southern Chiayi, which measures 55 feet tall and 36 feet wide, took two months to build Budai, a township in southwest Taiwan, is building a church in the form of a giant highheeled shoe, made of metal and blue glass tiles, seeking to attract more tourists to the area. Still under construction, the structure is some 17 meters (55.77 ft) tall at the highest point, the heel. Talia Pan, Recreation Section Manager of the Southwest Coast National Scenic Area Administration which is running the project, said she wanted to turn a sad part of history into something positive. “Because of (a) drinking
water shortage in the southwestern coastal area in the 1960s, (residents) had to drill deep wells to get drinking water. Because of arsenic in the water, there were cases of Blackfoot disease ... (which if) severe, the only option to save a life is to amputate both legs,” she said. “Because of this, a lot of women lost the opportunity to walk into marriage, walk into a new life chapter on high-heeled shoes ... Because of that history, we hope to create a place in Chiayi County, where people can get married, invoking the fairy tale of Cinderella.”
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
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Apple sees first sales dip in more than a decade as super-growth era falters
Apple Inc (AAPL.O) forecast its first revenue drop in 13 years and reported the slowest-ever increase in iPhone shipments as the critical Chinese market showed signs of weakening, suggesting the technology company’s period of exponential growth may be ending. The slowdown comes as Wall Street analysts worry the company does not have another blockbuster product to replace the iPhone. Apple does not report Watch sales, but it does not appear to have the makings of being a hit on the same level as the iPhone a year after launch. And while the company is reportedly working on a car, what it plans to do in that area and when are still unclear. The company’s shares, which have fallen 5 percent this year, bounced around in after-hours trading and were down more than 2.6 percent. “It’s disappointing to see them miss on an already downward adjusted sales number and the fact is that with their iPhone growth slowing what was needed was a product to be excited about,” said J.J. Kinahan, chief strategist at TD Ameritrade. “Pressure on the shares will continue without a welldefined plan to grow sales or a new product.” The company said on Tuesday it sold 74.8 million iPhones in its fiscal first quarter, ended Dec. 26, the first full quarter of sales of the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus. The 0.4 percent growth in shipments was the lowest since the product was launched in 2007. IPhone sales were expected to fall for the
current quarter compared with the same quarter last year, Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook said on a conference call with analysts. But suggesting there is still room for growth, 60 percent of people who had an iPhone prior to the launch of the iPhone 6 have yet to upgrade to an iPhone 6 or 6S, Cook said. And iPhones remain popular with American consumers. According to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, 86 percent of iPhone owners were somewhat or very likely to buy another iPhone. Of those likely to buy a phone, 15 percent are currently looking to upgrade and 17 percent will when the next iPhone is released. The January poll had a credibility interval of 2.0 percentage points. While revenue in Greater China rose 14 percent in the last quarter, Apple is beginning to see a shift in the economy, particularly in Hong Kong, Apple Chief Financial Officer Luca Maestri told Reuters in an interview. “As we move into the March quarter it’s becoming more apparent that there are some signs of economic softness,” Maestri said. “We are starting to see something that we have not seen before.” Apple forecast second-quarter revenue of $50 billion to $53 billion, below analysts’ average forecast of $55.5 billion. In the same quarter last year Apple reported revenue of $58 billion. Apple’s guidance for the March quarter implies iPhone sales of 50 million to 52 million units in the March quarter, which would mark the
Samsung warns of difficult 2016 as smartphone troubles spread its fourth-quarter results, adding that “challenging business conditions” would remain for the current quarter and last throughout the first half of this year. Samsung flags are set up at the main The world’s No.1 maker entrance to the Berlin fair ground before of smartphones and memory the IFA consumer electronics fair in Berlin chips said its October-December Tech giant Samsung operating profit was 6.1 trillion Electronics Co Ltd (005930.KS) won ($5.05 billion), matching its warned on Thursday of possible earlier guidance. Revenue rose weaker earnings this year due 1.1 percent to 53.3 trillion won, to softer sales of gadgets such as slightly better than the 53 trillion smartphones, a trend that is also won it had guided for. hurting rival Apple Inc (AAPL.O) The maker of Galaxy and major chipmakers. smartphones and tablets reported The South Korean firm’s a full-year 2015 operating profit of warning came a day after Apple 26.4 trillion won, compared with shares fell more than 6.5 percent, 25 trillion won the previous year. the biggest percentage drop in Samsung shares ended two years, as the iPhone maker down 2.6 percent on Thursday, forecast its first quarterly sales underperforming a 0.5 percent drop in 13 years. rise for the broader market .KS11. Slowing economic Some investors and growth in China and weaker analysts believe Samsung will see emerging market currencies are its profit fall for the second time undercutting sales of electronics in three years in 2016, as slack ranging from televisions to demand for gadgets undercuts personal computers, spelling prices of memory chips and trouble not only for Samsung and displays that helped to offset Apple but also for their suppliers declining mobile profits last year. and the broader industry. The semiconductor “Broadly weaker IT division was the top earner for demand will make it difficult to the sixth straight quarter in the maintain 2016 profits at the level October-December period, lifting of the previous year’s,” Samsung its operating profit to 2.80 trillion said in a statement accompanying won from 2.70 trillion won a year
earlier. Mobile division profit slipped 7.3 percent from the third quarter to 2.23 trillion won, its weakest result in four quarters. Samsung said first-quarter mobile profits would improve slightly, boosted by the launch of new smartphones, although overall smartphone shipments were expected to decline slightly. Samsung also said it will buy back and cancel 2.99 trillion won worth of common and preferred shares, marking the second round of share purchases as part of a 11.3 trillion buyback plan announced late last year. It also declared a year-end dividend of 20,000 won per share. Later on Thursday, the firm said it will sell a 37.5 percent stake in Samsung Card Co Ltd (029780.KS) to Samsung Life Insurance Co Ltd (032830.KS) for 1.54 trillion won ($1.3 billion), the proceeds from which will be used to fund new businesses. The transaction will give Samsung Life a 71.9 percent stake in Samsung Card, a step that analysts say furthers Samsung Group’s restructuring efforts to streamline its ownership structure and solidify the founding Lee family’s control over the smartphones-to-construction conglomerate.
The Apple iPhone 6S and 6S Plus are displayed during an Apple media event in San Francisco, California, September 9, 2015 company’s first-ever decline in sales of the gadget, said analyst Daniel Ives of FBR Capital Markets & Co. In the same quarter last year Apple sold 61.2 million iPhones. The company reported revenue of $18.37 billion from Greater China, accounting for 24.2 percent of total revenue. Revenue from the region had nearly doubled in the fourth quarter. Apple’s iPhone shipments fell short of analyst expectations for 75.5 million, according to research firm FactSet StreetAccount.
Amazon says Exclusives store sales top $50 million in first year Amazon.com Inc said that sales on Exclusives, its platform for products not available anywhere else, topped $50 million in less than a year since its launch and the site includes more than 120 brands, the first time it has disclosed the data. The sale represents a tiny fraction of those on Amazon’s third-party marketplace platform, which allows other merchants to sell on Amazon’s site. Third party merchants account for roughly 40 percent of Amazon’s total site sales. But Amazon said the store serves as an important avenue for the retailer to get first dibs on new products that could be the next best-seller on the marketplace platform. It is also part of Amazon’s effort to target niche shoppers through stores like Handmade, which offers hand-crafted items, and Launchpad, which sells crowd-funded products. Now the company
plans to expand the site, which lists 10,000 products including a bluetooth-enabled “smart bag,” although it did not provide details. “We do expect the broadening of the product categories and geographical expansion,” said Peter Sauerborn, director of business development at Amazon who leads the store. In order to be listed on the site, brands agree to let Amazon be the exclusive thirdparty retailer for their products. In exchange, merchants gets access to the Fulfillment by Amazon program, which refers to the company’s global network of warehouses and its fast shipping and loyalty program, Prime. “There’s a whole new group of consumers (the thirdparty retailers) can draw to Amazon,” said Seattle-based Christine Boerner, who runs Cielo, which sells fashionable metallic pillholders through Exclusives.
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
Google Glass goes dark on its social media accounts
A Google Glass-wearing attendee listens to a speaker in the ‘Designing for Wearables’ session at the Google I/O developers conference in San Francisco. Four years after unveiling its wearable glass headset, Alphabet Inc’s Google shut down several social media accounts linked to the Glass gadget, ending its push to popularize the pricey eyeglasses with consumers. On Tuesday, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts for Google Glass were no longer active, a development first reported on the website 9to5Google. A statement on the Google Plus page said: “Hi Explorers, we’ve had a blast hanging out with you on G+ throughout the Explorer Program.” It went on to instruct users to get in touch with questions on the support page for Glass. The company declined to comment on the decision. Google stopped selling Glass
to consumers last year noting that it was time for a strategy reset, and the head of the Google X research lab has since then said that the hype surrounding the $1,500 device became overblown considering it was merely a prototype and not a finished product. Glass was greeted with enthusiasm among tech aficionados when it was first unveiled in 2012. But the device, which allows users to access e-mail messages on its eye-level screen and to record video with a tiny camera, quickly ran into problems. Some mocked its awkward appearance, while others expressed concern it could be used to make video recordings surreptitiously. On Twitter, many interpreted the disappearance of Glass’s social accounts on Tuesday to mean a final end to efforts to market the product to consumers. Jonas Haberkorn (@ JonasHaberkorn) tweeted: “#GoogleGlass for consumers is dead, yes really dead.” Meanwhile, one user lamented the disappearance of the device’s social presence. Mark Tompkins (@ javamarket), who identifies himself as a trader and former hedge fund partner on Twitter, said: “Disappointed in @google’s decision 2 remove #GoogleGlass history from FB & @twitter. We learn best from actual recorded history. #coverup”
Google to pay $185 million UK back taxes, critics want more Google has agreed to pay 130 million pounds ($185 million) in back taxes to Britain, prompting criticism from opposition lawmakers and campaigners who said the “derisory” figure smacked of a “sweetheart deal”. Google, now part of Alphabet Inc (GOOGL.O), has been under pressure in recent years over its practice of channeling most profits from European clients through Ireland to Bermuda, where it pays no tax on them. In 2013, the company faced a UK parliamentary inquiry after a Reuters investigation showed the firm employed hundreds of salespeople in Britain despite saying it did not conduct sales in the country, a key plank in its tax arrangements. Google said late on Friday the 130 million pounds would settle a probe by the British tax authority, which had challenged the company’s low tax returns for the years since 2005. It said it had also agreed a basis on which tax in the future would be calculated. “The way multinational companies are taxed has been debated for many years and the international tax system is changing as a result. This settlement reflects that shift,” a Google spokesman said in a statement. The deal comes as governments around the world seek to clamp down on multinational companies shifting profits overseas to reduce their tax bills. EU competition authorities have investigated arrangements used by Amazon (AMZN.O) and a unit of
The neon Google sign in the foyer of Google’s new Canadian engineering headquarters in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario January 14, 2016 Fiat (FCAU.N) in Luxembourg, Apple (AAPL.O) in Ireland and Starbucks (SBUX.O) in the Netherlands, and may start new probes. British finance minister George Osborne welcomed the deal, saying on Twitter it reflected new rules that he had introduced, but others were less impressed. John McDonnell, finance spokesman for the opposition Labour party, said the tax authorities needed to explain how they had settled on the figure of 130 million pounds, which he described as relatively insignificant. “It looks to me ... that this is relatively trivial in comparison with what should have been made, in fact one analysis has put the rate down to about 3 percent, which I think is derisory,” he told BBC Radio on Saturday. “This looks like another sweetheart deal.” Prem Sikka, professor of accounting at Essex University, agreed.
World Bank slashes 2016 oil price forecast
Pump jacks and pipes are seen on an oil field near Bakersfield on a foggy day, California The World Bank has slashed its forecast for crude oil prices by $14 to $37 per barrel for 2016, it said on Tuesday, amid growing supply and weak demand prospects from emerging markets. In its annual Commodity Markets Outlook, the World Bank lowered its price forecast for 37 of 46 commodities, including oil, saying that weak demand from emerging economies is likely to continue. World Bank economists said weak demand would continue even as oil supply grows with the resumption of Iranian exports, continued U.S. production and a mild Northern Hemisphere winter. Oil prices should decline another 27 percent in 2016 after plummeting by 47 percent last year, according to the outlook. The World Bank uses an average of Brent, Dubai and West Texas Intermediate oil, equally weighted. “Low prices for oil and commodities are likely to be with us for some time,” said John Baffes, senior economist and lead author of the report. Global benchmark Brent crude LCOc1 was trading around $30.50 a barrel late on Monday while U.S. crude CLc1 dipped just below $30.
World Bank economists said they expect a gradual recovery in oil prices over the course of 2016 but the rebound will be smaller than in previous years that followed sharp declines, including 2008, 1998 and 1986. A Reuters poll in January showed that crude oil prices were unlikely to rally much in 2016 because of subdued demand and rising supply, even though non-OPEC output was expected to moderate. Officials of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries said on Monday the oil market was poised to start rebalancing itself. “We already see some signs that supply and demand fundamentals will start to correct themselves in 2016,” said OPEC Secretary-General Abdullah alBadri. Earlier in January, the World Bank cut its forecast for global economic growth due to the weak performance of emerging economies. All main commodity price indexes are likely to fall in 2016 amid a supply glut and a slowdown in demand for industrial commodities from emerging economies. Emerging market economies have been the main sources of growth in demand for commodities since 2000.
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
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Fed keeps interest rates steady, closely watching global markets
The Federal Reserve kept interest rates unchanged on Wednesday and said it was “closely monitoring” global economic and financial developments, but maintained an otherwise upbeat view of the U.S. economy. The central bank’s decision was widely expected after a monthlong plunge in U.S. and world equities raised concerns that an abrupt global slowdown could act as a drag on U.S. economic growth. “The committee is closely monitoring global economic and financial developments and is assessing their implications for the labor market and inflation,” the Fed’s policy-setting committee said in a statement that diminished the chances of a rate hike at its next meeting in March. The Fed removed a previous reference from its statement to the risks of the economic outlook being balanced. Instead, the central bank said it was weighing how the global economy and financial markets could affect the outlook. Fed policymakers did not give updated forecasts on the path of monetary policy on Wednesday but said they expected the labor market would continue to strengthen and the economy would expand even with
gains, pointed to some additional firming of the job market. U.S. exports took a hit last year, largely due to the impact of a strong dollar .DXY, but consumer spending accelerated and overall employment surged by 292,000 jobs in December. Oil prices have also plummeted this year, which could keep U.S. inflation below the Fed’s 2 percent target for longer, but a recent uptick in the consumer price index outside of food and energy could point to a stronger medium-term inflation outlook. The Fed said it still expects the The Federal Reserve headquarters in Washington September 16 2015 downward inflationary pressure from “gradual adjustments in the stance of The Fed last month raised lower energy and import prices to monetary policy.” its key overnight lending rate by prove temporary. Traders in futures markets a quarter point to a range of 0.25 Investors had seen almost no marginally cut bets that the Fed percent to 0.50 percent, a sign the chance of a January hike and were would raise interest rates at their next economy had largely recovered from betting on just two increases in 2016 meeting in March to a 32 possibility, the 2007-2009 financial crisis and before shares in the Standard & Poor’s from 33 percent just prior to the was shrugging off economic weakness 500 index .SPX fell about 8 percent in statement. in China, Japan and Europe. the first three weeks of the year. “I thought it was on the Ahead of the decision on Wednesday, Fed policymakers will be dovish side,” said Kathy Jones, a fixed investors were betting on one quarter- able to sift through the January and income strategist at Charles Schwab point rate increase in 2016 rather February employment reports before in New York. than the four that Fed policymakers their next policy meeting in March. U.S. stocks were volatile signaled in their December economic All the Fed policymakers following the release of the statement. forecasts. participated in the two-day meeting Prices for U.S. Treasuries were trading The Fed said on Wednesday in person, a central bank spokesman lower and the U.S. dollar extended that a range of recent labor market said. losses against a basket of currencies. indicators, including “strong” job
Takata recalls air bag inflators in 5.1 million U.S. vehicles
to rupture, sending shrapnel into the vehicle. A similar airbag inflator was involved in a fatal rupture of a Honda model in Malaysia in 2014, which prompted a worldwide recall by Honda Motor Co. Takata said in a document released on Tuesday that there was another rupture of a similar inflator in August in India in a 2007 Honda Civic, but it is not clear if the rupture caused Visitors walk behind a logo of Takata Corp on its display at a showroom for vehicles in Tokyo, Japan the death of the driver. That could be U.S. auto safety regulators The newly released documents the 11th death worldwide attributed to said Tuesday that air bag maker show that regulators may prod defective Takata inflators. Takata Corp declared 5.1 million U.S. automakers to recall recent models. Nine deaths related to Takata vehicles defective; as the company That could greatly increase air bags have occurred in the United disclosed an 11th death could be linked the total number of vehicles recalled, States. The death in the Ford Ranger to a faulty airbag. which in the United States now stands is the first not to involve a car made by Most of the vehicles mentioned at about 24 million involving about 28 Honda. in numerous previous recalls involving million Takata air bag inflators. U.S. regulators from the Takata air bags have been older models, Ford Motor Co on Tuesday National Highway Traffic Safety but the new recalls include some became the first of several automakers Administration said on Friday that the 2014 models. The Japanese company involved to announce a recall. A 2006 expanded recall was imminent. said newer vehicles remain under Ford Ranger was involved in a Dec. The automakers involved in “investigation and could be subject to 22 crash that killed the driver when a the new Takata inflator recalls include recall at a later date.” Takata air bag inflator caused the bag Honda, BMW AG, Volkswagen AG’s
(VOWG_p.DE) Volkswagen and Audi brands, Daimler AG’s Mercedes-Benz and Sprinter van brands, Mazda Motor Corp, and Saab AB. Toyota Motor Corp is listed by Takata as part of the new recall, but the company said all of its vehicles involved were recalled in 2015. NHTSA did not make clear how many, and which automakers were involved with recalls for 2014 models. The Ford recall announced on Tuesday includes 391,354 2004-2006 Ford Rangers built in North America for driver-side air bags. The Rangers recalled were previously recalled for potentially defective passenger-side air bag inflators, Ford said. Honda has previously recalled about 6.28 million vehicles in the United States for air bag inflators, a Honda spokesman said. Honda worldwide has recalled vehicles with 23 million Takata air bag inflators since 2008 - not counting the latest recall.
Facebook market value surges $38 billion Facebook Inc’s market value soared by $38 billion in morning trading on Thursday, vaulting the company ahead of Amazon. com Inc , after the social networking service’s quarterly results blew away expectations on every key measure. Facebook’s stock jumped more than 14 percent to $107.95 after the company reported a blockbuster quarter on Wednesday, pushing the company’s market capitalization over $300 billion.
That made it the fourth most valuable technology company, overtaking Amazon, which was valued at about $290 billion ahead of its results later on Thursday. At least 22 brokerages raised price targets on Facebook’s stock, with most analysts focusing on a far better-than-expected the 81 percent jump in revenue from mobile ads. Facebook’s strong quarter contrasted with a disappointing performance by Apple Inc , which is worth
about $519 billion, making it the most valuable U.S. company. “FB has built a remarkable ad platform that enables marketers of all stripes to serve targeted ads to nearly every consumer on the planet,” Jefferies analysts wrote. Facebook said it had 1.59 billion monthly active users as of Dec. 31 - about one in every four people in the world. Mobile ad revenue accounted for 80 percent of the total ad revenue in the
quarter compared with 69 the next 12 months. percent a year earlier. Piper Jaffray was “FB saw nothing that the most bullish, raising its indicated macro weakness, target to $170 from $155. and we think results bode well “We believe Facebook for other online ad names like is well positioned to increase Alphabet ,” Jefferies analysts its share of digital ad spend added. as well as to help grow the G o o g l e - o w n e r overall category given its Alphabet, valued at $500 reach and effectiveness for billion and closing in on Apple, advertisers,” Goldman Sachs will report results on Monday. analysts said in a client note. The median stock Facebook’s photo-sharing price target of the analysts service Instagram, in tracked by Reuters was $138 particular, is poised to become on Thursday, suggesting that a material contributor to Facebook could add $123 revenue in 2016, the analysts billion in market value over said.
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
Match-fixing concerns return as former tennis player pleads guilty
Allegations of corruption in world tennis were reignited on Monday when a former Australian professional tennis player pleaded guilty to matchfixing just hours after a top global bookmaker suspended betting on a suspicious match at the Australian Open. The case against former 187-ranked player Nick Lindahl reached court after reports surfaced last week that tennis authorities had failed to deal with widespread matchfixing, marring the opening of the year's first Grand Slam tournament. Lindahl pleaded guilty in a Sydney court to one charge related to match-fixing in a minor 2013 tournament but will contest a separate evidence-tampering charge on technical grounds. Two other charges were dropped by prosecutors after the guilty plea. Prosecutor Kate Young told the court that in September 2013, when playing at the Toowoomba Futures Tournament, Lindahl offered to intentionally lose a match to a lower-ranked player and informed an associate so that he could wager against him. A transcript of telephone calls intercepted by police after the match and read in court appeared to show Lindahl coaching an associate on how to hide evidence from investigators and admitting to doing the same himself.
"Just get rid of it ... just get rid of everything," Lindahl said in the transcript, which was read by Young. Lindahl, who was arrested a year ago, faces a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment on the charge to which he pleaded guilty and will be sentenced on April 15. His lawyer, Troy Edwards, said the timing of the case coming to court amid a blaze of publicity about suspected match fixing and the Australian Open tournament was unfortunate. "The matter was set to be heard before Christmas but there was a sick barrister and Nick asked me to agree to a delay," Edwards told Reuters. "And now it's all kind of blown up in his face." Betting agency Sportsbet noticed heavy gambling on the relatively minor match and suspended betting before alerting police. Similar suspicious betting prompted Pinnacle Sports, a Curaçaobased sports gambling company, to suspend bets on a mixed doubles match at the Australian Open on Sunday. Unusually large amounts of money were placed on Andrea Hlavackova and Lukasz Kubot to beat Lara Arruabarrena and David Marrero, Pinnacle told the New York Times. Heavy betting moved the odds on the match sharply over a 30 minute
Former professional tennis player and coach Nick Lindahl (R) leaves an Australian court after pleading guilty to one charge related to tennis match-fixing, in Sydney, Australia, January 25, 2016 period more than 12 hours before the match began, data from sports odds comparison service Odds Portal shows. Tennis regulators accept betting fluctuations can be an indicator of suspicious activity, but stress it is not sufficient to prove match fixing. Nobody was immediately available to comment at Pinnacle or the Tennis Integrity Unit (TIU), the London-based body set up to counter corruption in the sport. Tennis Australia said in a statement it would continue to work with police and the TIU in regard to "integrity matters". In an interview with the New York Times, Arruabarrena and Marrero denied any match fixing, with
Being Afro-American quarterback, I scare lot of people: Newton Cam Newton believes the criticism surrounding his persona is partly due to him being an African-American quarterback who does not fit the traditional mould, the Carolina Panthers signal-caller said on Wednesday. Newton's polarizing popularity has become a focal point this season as he has celebrated his way to a likely MVP campaign and led the Panthers to Super Bowl 50. "I'm an African-American quarterback that may scare a lot of people because they haven't seen anything that they can compare me to," Newton told reporters on Wednesday as he prepared for Carolina's showdown with Denver on Feb 7. "People are going to say what they want to say, and if I'm in this world living for that person who is going to say this or that, then I can't look at myself and say I'm Cam Newton because I'd be living for (my critics)." Newton can hardly be compared to other QBs as he is a 6-foot-5, 245-pound specimen who can just as easily use his rocket arm as he can run through, or leap over a defense. But his penchant for celebrating touchdowns and big plays and general showmanship has rubbed some the wrong way. Seattle Seahawks fans, who suffered a playoff loss to the Panthers a week and a half ago, were particularly irked that Newton ripped down one of their signs at Carolina’s Bank of America Stadium. They have started a petition to ban Newton from Seattle’s CenturyLink Field. "I'd like to believe (the criticism is about) his personality more than anything,
Quarterback Cam Newton of Auburn University poses with a jersey after being selected as the first overall pick by the Carolina Panthers in the 2011 NFL football Draft in New York, April 28, 2011 the idea that you should be stoic when you play this game," said Panthers coach Ron Rivera. "It really should be about your merit more so than anything else, about what you've accomplished and what you've done. That's how we should judge people."
Marrero saying a knee injury affected their performance. Kubot and Hlavackova told reporters they had spoken with TIU officials and were "surprised" by the allegations. They said they had no reason to believe that their opponents had intentionally thrown the match. "We won yesterday, the match. We gave 100 percent in that match and that’s it," Kubot said. Tennis authorities have rejected reports by the BBC and online BuzzFeed News, which said 16 players who have been ranked in the top 50 had been repeatedly flagged to the TIU over suspicions they had thrown matches in the past decade.
Broncos' Manning says Super Bowl might be his 'last rodeo' With speculation swirling o n whether the Super Bowl will mark the end of Peyton Manning's illustrious NFL career, the Denver Broncos quarterback may have tipped his hand moments after punching his ticket to the championship game. After his Broncos beat the New England Patriots in Sunday's AFC title game, Manning and opposing head coach Bill Belichick hugged and had a quick exchange on the field that was caught by NFL Network cameras. "Hey, listen, this might be my last rodeo. So, it sure has been a pleasure," Manning, who will turn
40 in March, said in the exchange while blue and orange confetti rained down on them. "You are a great competitor ..." Belichick responded. Manning battled through injuries, missed six games and seemed to lose arm strength this past regular season as he tossed just nine touchdown passes against 17 interceptions. But the future Hall of Fame quarterback has played mistake-free football in these playoffs and will be gunning for his second Super Bowl title when the Broncos play the Carolina Panthers on Feb. 7 in Santa Clara, California.
Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning (18) greets father Archie Manning and brother Eli Manning after defeating the New England Patriots in the AFC Championship football game at Sports Authority Field at Mile High
JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
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Heads to North Caicos Schools to offer FREE Rugby Training Sessions to Schools of TCI
“The Turks and Caicos Islands Rugby Football Union’s Rugby Development Officer, Brennan Guy and two players from the Turks and Caicos Islands’ U19s team, Reeko Misick and Tyrese Taylor headed to North Caicos on Friday, 22nd January to provide FREE “Get Into Rugby” training sessions. As part of their FREE “Get into Rugby” training sessions, TCIRFU are offering all schools of TCI, the opportunity to learn more about rugby – and see first hand that it is not just about big hits and physical strength. Rugby can be played as a non-contact sport between teams of girls and boys of all ages and all abilities. Hubert James Primary School was the first school visited, where forty two children across a variety of ages took part in the training session. All forty two children had a great time learning about the game of rugby from passing, positions and tackling to the values the game stands for – integrity, respect, solidarity, passion and discipline. The children and teachers also expressed a genuine interest and enthusiasm for more rugby training sessions within their school. TCIRFU would like to thank the teachers and pupils of Hubert James Primary School for their warm
welcome, enthusiasm and support during the sessions. TCIRFU looks forward to returning to the school in the near future. The second school visited on the trip was North Caicos High School, where around twenty pupils took part in the “Get into Rugby” training sessions. The students and teachers were very welcoming and showed a lot of passion for the game, with the students demonstrating some serious natural talent and playing ability. The FREE “Get Into Rugby” training sessions are the perfect way for schools across TCI to prepare for the annual Inter-School Tag Rugby Festival, which this year will take place on 16th April at the Meridian Field in Provo. To register your school for FREE “Get into Rugby” training sessions with the qualified coaches of TCIRFU, please contact Dan Willis by email at: pro@ rugby.tc as soon as possible. Brennan returns to Canada in April, so please act as soon as possible to benefit from this great opportunity. TCIRFU encourages all schools and pupils to continue playing rugby, as with a little more training the Islands will be able to capitalise on their natural talent and ability for rugby.”
TCI Basketball Federation to hold Annual elections very soon By Todeline Defralien
The Turks and Caicos Islands Basketball Federation is scheduled to host its Annual general meeting on Thursday February 25th, 2016 at 6:30pm at the Gus Lightbourne Sports complex this year. In a letter to The SUN it reads, “Any Association/Club in arrears with membership fees shall not be entitled to representation at the annual general meeting. Neither can they take part in the federations business. (Section 17.e). It stated, each
association according to our constitution section 17.d all member association/ clubs are entitled to three (3) representatives at the annual general meeting, each representative is allowed one vote at each voting. Nominations for position in this AGM elections should be submitted to the General Secretary at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the AGM and should accompanied by the signature of all nominees certifying their acceptance of nominations. (Section 17.i) Positions contesting
are President, Vice President, Secretary, Assistance Secretary, Treasurer and Public Relations Officer. The deadline for these submissions should be in by 3rd February, 2016 at 5pm latest. The letter ended: Thank you (the public) for your support to the development of the sport of Basketball and on behalf of the President and the other executive member we pray that you continue your services and support with whomever is elected in this AGM to develop basketball in the Turks & Caicos islands.
Secretary General for the Turks & Caicos Islands Basketball Federation Mr. Trevor M. Cooke
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JANUARY 30TH, 2016 – FEBRUARY 6TH, 2016
Published by SUN MEDIA GROUP, Turks and Caicos Islands | Tel:649 339 5879 | Fax: 649 941 3281