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From the
he Hippocratic Oath is among the oldest and most widely known code of ethics that dates back to the Greek Classical period, sometime around 400 BCE and the Middle Ages. Hippocrates was a Greek physician who transformed the practice of medicine into a rational science that forever transformed health care across cultures and generations that remains adhered to.
The Classical Hippocratic oath was a pledge for physicians to practice to the best of their abilities and defer to surgeon’s when necessary, and is still recited by new physicians at medical school graduations that serves as a rite of passage. Most are familiar with the oath’s stipulation that physicians “do no harm,” which was not included into Hippocrates’ original pledge but later made its way into his writing”
“The physician must [...] have two special objects in view with regard to disease, namely to do good or to do no harm.”
Welcome to our medical issue, which is full of physicians, researchers, nurses, therapists and more. This is the first time that we’ve combined our top doctors with healthcare, which I think speaks to the complexity and nuance that maintaining health now requires – especially as we continue to move out of the pandemic.
Inside this issue, you’ll get to know Dr. Alison Days, a pediatrician who has been caring for El Paso County kids for the last 20 years. During our cover shoot, Chaz, Jordan, and I immediately recognized the qualities that make the wonderful Dr. Days so popular with patients: she’s as kind as she is skilled, and instantly makes you feel at ease.
There is SO much that goes into health care that you’ll be able to learn about as you read the issue. We get to know the President and CEO of El Paso Health and El Paso Health Medicaid Service Lines, who work to ensure that their membership of more than 100,000 El Pasoans are able to access health care.
Additionally, writers Amber and Jade explore the realm of mental health both online and IRL to help readers learn more about the many available options of support that range from in-person or tele-health appointments to science-based apps that can help make your day-to-day more manageable.

As we evolve as a society, technology is being developed to streamline health care and assist physicians. Dr. Alozie examines what new technologies like A.I. can offer communities and explores the many implications for the future.
But we can’t look to the future without reflecting on the past.
The first editorial you’ll read is a reprint in honor of the late Dr. Jimenez. The City Magazine was devastated by his loss and will always remember his grace, expertise, and contributions to the community.
I hope you enjoy getting to know medical and health care professionals in the community who are going beyond Hippocrates’ pledge to “do no harm.”
May we all do more than good.

To honor the legacy of Dr. Jimenez, The City Magazine is sharing his February 2020 cover story. We will always be grateful for his contributions to our community.