Building Innovation Forum 2021 - Conference e-book

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09:00 – 09:15 KEY-NOTE: E - / New generation high class buildings in Europe - models for green transformation . ! ! " -# $, 3 4 , Triple Green Building Group Bulgaria Arch. Vessela Valtcheva-McGee,, Managing Partner, Triple Green Building Group Bulgaria

09:15 – 09:30 KEY-NOTE: Building innovation 2021:

/ Trends in the realization of new generation buildings ! , , & , PSS Construction Valentina Dimitrova, business development manager, sales&projects, PSS Construction

09:30 – 10:20 Industrial buildings: / New generation industial and logistic

buildings. 

. .  High-tech, smart sustainable: High-tech, . ! ! .  " ! " – ?  Case studies: # 2021 Case

Transformation of business models and supply chain and the evolution of industrial and logistics buildings. Expanding the range of functions and the effect on the architectural task and approach. High-tech, smart and sustainable: the obligatory characteristics of a successful project. Sustainable interaction with the environment as a key factor. Innovative building systems and solutions for energy efficient and safe industrial buildings - what has changed in the approach to design and implementation? Case studies: Ongoing projects and realizations 2021



. , $ , " # % -

Arch. Dimitar Dimitrov, Technical Manager, Ivo Petrov Architects - IPA 1

– IPA 1

Arch. Georgi Stoyanov, Managing director, Architectural Design Studio ADS 2

. , , % ! ADS 2

eng. Tsvetelina Spaskova, HVAC sales engineer and Industrial solutions,

. , &'( „"

Hoval 3

“, Hoval 3

Arch. Teodora Alexieva, Zoom Studio 4

. , Zoom Studio 4

Arch. Todor Obreshkov, Dragomir Winery Estate 5

. , , ) 5

Ivan Lilov, Operations manager, The City Media Group (moderator) 6

,, „& “, * $ * ( ) 6







10:30 – 12:55 RESIDENTIAL TRENDS: , ! " . / Habitat, technological

approach and maximum comfort.  ( 3 3 ? # , , ! . Smart home : .  8 , 3 , 3 – 3 ?  3 2021: – case studies  Building innovation: , - ! ! 3 .

How does the needs and dynamic lifestyle of the modern residents change the home product? Spaces, comfort, design. Smart home trends: the role of technology in improving functionality. The living environment, communities, compensation for urban deficits and selection of the appropriate mix of services - what are the key factors for creating a successful housing complex? Trends in residential architecture 2021: projects and realizations - case studies Building innovation: technologies, system solutions and innovations for more valuable and sustainable residential buildings.

10:30 – 11:40 #$ % 1: / Part 1: :


. % , , % % % 1

Arch. Angel Zahariev, Co-founder, A & A Architects 1

. & , , 9 ( 2

Arch. Rado Todorov, Manager, RT Consult 2

. ' ( , ( , , " # % – IPA 3

Arch. Denitsa Drumeva, Ivo Petrov Architects - IPA 3

$" , , Amax Gas 4

Silvia Stoycheva, marketing manager, Amax Gas 4

( , , Alukonigstahl 5

Alexander Tuma, Product Manager, Alukonigstahl 5

) $ , , * $ * ( ) 6

Nikolay Todorov, Todorov, editor-in-chief, The City Media Group (moderator) 6







11:45 – 12:55 #$ % 2: / Part 2: :


. ) " , , " # % – IPA 1

Arch. Nadia Doncheva, Leading project architect, Ivo Petrov Architects - IPA 1

. , , % 8 % 2 . * * ,, , I/O %rchitects 3

Arch. Irina Dimitrova, Atelier Serafimov Architects 2

* " , ! , " -

Alex Kovachev, Founder and interior designer, IDEA Interior Studio 4


Kalin Penkov, Product and Marketing Manager, Rigips 5

* + , , Saint Gobain – Rigips 5

Lyubomir Stoyanov, Managing director, Intesa 6

/ , , " 6

Kiril Vekov, CEO, Inovativa 7

* ! , CEO, Inovativa 7

Nikolay Todorov, Todorov, editor-in-chief, The City Media Group (moderator) 8

Arch. Georgi Katov, Founder, I/O %rchitects 3

) $ , , * $ * ( ) 8









# &* %$%


13:00 – 13:30 ! " / Exclusive video content

13:30 – 14:30 Office & W rk Trends 2021: , post-

. . / Rethinking the office environment, post-pandemic adaptation and technological flexibility. Transformation from office spaces to working ecosystems.  & : & , ! .  Post-covid : Post-covid  Smart, Touchless, Integrated: , , Smart,  T 3 - T

, - ! . = , .  Post- : ) Post- user-friendly - !  Projects showcas : 2021 Projects

Offi Office building as the core of an adaptive functional ecosystem: technological integrations, flexibility and modern design. Post-covid Post-covid adaptations of office buildings: models of reorganization and modern approach to functional planning. Smart, Smart, Touchless, Integrated: office, user experience, safety and flexibility. Transformation Transformation from office spaces to working ecosystems - a healthy, ecofriendly and sustainable office environment as a standard. Function, flexibility and comfort through an innovative approach to workspace planning. Post-covid Post-covid functionality and safety: Digital solutions and user-friendly innovations in response to epidemic risks - adding value and increasing the competitiveness of buildings through technological integrations. Projects Projects showcas: office buildings and workspaces 2021.



. * ) , % 8 % 1

Arch. Kremena Nikolova, Atelier Serafimov Architects 1

. 0 , , )% 2 . + , , Cache Atelier 3

rch. Yuri Tanov, Founder and leading architect, DA Architects 2 Arch. Tsvetomir Pavlov, Founder, Cache Atelier 3

. & 1 ' , Specification & Technical Manager, Knauf Ceiling

Eng. Roman Batsarov, Specification & Technical Manager, Knauf Ceiling

Solutions 4

Solutions 4

,, @

Angel Angelov, Sales and Business Development Manager, Southeast Europe,

9 , J 8 5

Bosch Building Technologies 5

,, „& “, * $ * ( ) 6

Ivan Lilov, Operations manager, The City Media Group (moderator) 6







14:45 – 15:30 POST-COVID HOTELS: " , . / The intersection of comfort,

safety and efficiency.

Post-pandemic Post-pandemic : ( (3 ) ? 9 , 3 ?  – , , ! ? ( ( ! , ? Building Building innovation: , - ! . ( ?

Post-pandemic Post-pandemic management models: What is (will be) different in the design and implementation of hotel buildings? Evolution, revolution or adaptation to a constantly changing consumer environment? Technological Technological innovations as a support for the industry in the fight against challenges - how to achieve safety, maximum hygiene, flexible functionality and energy efficiency? Where Where is the sustainable balance between man, automation and artificial intelligence? Building Building innovation: materials, technological solutions and innovations for more sustainable hotel buildings. How to improve individual functional areas through building innovations?



. # ) , % 8 % 1

Arch. Milena Nikova, Atelier Serafimov Architects 1

. ) , , " # % – IPA 2

Arch. Nevena Daneva, Ivo Petrov Architects - IPA 2

. / ,, ,

Arch. Lubomir Stanislavov, Founder & CEO, S Architectural Team 3

S Architectural Team 3

Joana Hristova, Sales Manager, Soliform 4

2 3 , , Soliform 4

Dr. Ivet Tileva, Clients relations expert, The City Media Group 5

- , „' “, * $ * 5






15:45 – 16:15 RETAIL PLACES & SPACES: " . / The

consumer experience as a function of commercial spaces. # # , ' ! ' ! ! : $ .  – . # -

Case Case studies 2021: "

Consumer Consumer behavior, preferences and modern retail stores. Eff Effect through design: creating the mix between consumption and fun. The The role of social or commercial destinations as a modern public space architectural trends. Consumer experience and post-pandemic demands Case Case studies 2021: Innovative concepts and models for modern commercial spaces



. ! ) , Cityscape 1

Arch. Vela Nikolova, architect, architectural studio Cityscape 1

. , Cityscape 2

Arch. Tsveta Tomova, architect, architectural studio Cityscape 2

. # 1 , , 8 Funkt 3

Arch. Maria Baleva, founder and architect, Funkt Studio 3

. 3 ( , 7561 Architects 4

Arch. Hristo Stankushev, 7561 Architects Studio 4

- , „' “, * $ * 5

Dr. Ivet Tileva, Clients relations expert, The City Media Group 5






Celebrating the past, building the future.


ФУНКЦИОНАЛНИ И ТРАЙНИ МАТЕРИАЛИ Проектирайте интериора на асансьорната кабина, който е лесен за почистване и поддръжка и изглежда най – добре с новата гама от иновативни материали против пръстови отпечатъци и антибактериални покрития.

ВЪЗДЕЙСТВАЩО ОСВЕТЛЕНИЕ Създайте подходяща атмосфера с въздействащо осветление. Новата ни гама включва дифузно, директно и индиректно осветление, което може да се комбинира до зашеметяващ ефект.

РЕШЕНИЯ ЗА ЗДРАВЕ И БЛАГОПОЛУЧИЕ KONE предлага редица решения за здраве и благополучие, които спомагат за повишаване на безопасността и допринасят за по-здравословна среда в сградата.

ВДЪХНОВЯВАЩИ ИНФОТЕЙМЪНТ РЕШЕНИЯ От свежи, лесно актуализируеми инфоразвлекателни екрани в кабината до напълно персонализирано ме дийно с ъ д ържание, асансь орите KONE DX Клас предлагат множество различни методи за информиране и забавление.

КОНЕ ЕООД ул. "Околовръстен път" 87, ет.2, София тел. +359 2 969 70 70

7 72 3


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ƽƻǓǃǚǍ ƿljƽǀNjǀLj NJƻNjǍLjǗljNj ƽ njǃƾǎNjLjljnjǍǍƻ +,*+ 6(&85,7< NJƻǍNjljLjǃ ǃ ƼNjƻƽǃ High Security продуктите на Abloy Финландия, Mul-T-Lock Израел и KESO Швейцария притежават най-висока степен на защита срещу съществуващите методи на отключване. Контрол върху копирането на ключове.

LJƻnjǍǕNj njǃnjǍǀLJǃ nj +,*+ 6(&85,7< NJNjljƿǎDžǍǃ Система за организация и контрол на достъпа, при която с един ключ отключвате различни ключалки – на дома, на офиса, на вилата, а дори и на пощенската кутия. Подходящи за жилищни и офис сгради, болници, училища, производства и др.

ƻƽǍljLJƻǍǃDžƻ ǂƻ ƽNjƻǍǃ ǃ NJljNjǍƻdžǃ

ƻDžnjǀnjljƻNjǃ ǂƻ ƽNjƻǍǃ

Автоматично задвижване на двукрили, плъзгащи портални врати и на гаражни врати тип секционни, летящо крило, ролетни. Автоматични бариери за интензивен трафик на преминаване и бързо отваряне.

Разнообразие от дизайнерски дръжки, панти, падащи прагове, уплътнения, автомати за врати, стопери, звънци, шпионки, резета, орнаменти, закачалки.

ǃLjǍǀNjǃljNjLjǃ ǃLjǍǀNjǃljNjLjǃ ǃ NjǀǓǀLjǃǚ

DžljLjǍNjljdž Ljƻ ƿljnjǍǕNJ

Различни злични решения решения за деляне и отделяне преграждане на пространства чрез ез PVC врати хармоника аи механизми за плъзгания на дървени рвени и стъклени врати, и, съчетаващи висока ока функционалностт и модерен дизайн..

Електромеханичните брави, електронните патрони и безжичните смарт системи притежават интелигентни възможности за управление чрез код, карта, чип, пръстов отпечатък, смартфон или дистанционно.

NJljǔǀLjnjDžǃ DžǎǍǃǃ NJljǔǀLjnjDžǃ DžǎǍǃǃ Богата гама пощенски кутии и модули, изработени от инокс, алуминий и PVC, устойчиви на атмосферни влияния. Предлагат се в различни стилове и цветове.


Ljƻ ǃLj LJ ƻƾƻ ǂ Njǀǁƻ LJ

njǀDŽǏljƽǀ Варианти на заключване: с ключ, с електронна карта, с код, с пръстов отпечатък. Огнеупорни и взломоустойчиви. Специализирани – за оръжие, за магнитни носители, депозитни, хотелски и др.

Централен офис: София, ул. „Кукуш“ 1, тел.: 02/ 821 14 25, 821 14 45

Paradise Center, ниво -1, тел.: 02/905 78 29

бул. „Ал. Стамболийски“ № 154, тел.: 02/929 33 33

Mall of Sofia, ниво -2, тел.: 02/905 78 30

бул. „Княз Ал. Дондуков“ № 41, тел.: 02/980 58 29

ул. „Нишава“ № 105, тел.: 02/858 19 93

Младост 2, бул. „Андрей Сахаров“, бл. 272 Г, тел.: 02/905 78 28

NJdžljƽƿǃƽ бул. „Македония“ № 43, тел.: 032/819 375

ƼǎNjƾƻnj ул. „Фердинандова“ № 45-47, тел.: 056/820 324

ƽƻNjLjƻ ул. „Роза“ № 29А, тел.: 052/716 180



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we believe in quality.

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Технически надзор


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Проектантски офис град София; производство и шоурум град Плевен

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