TCSI Grade 10 Class Magazine 2019 - 2020

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Big Writes

Feeling Nightmare Written By: Maheen Faisal Will it be another dreary day? Will these children see the sunrise as a blessing in disguise or will it just a sunrise existing within its premises for its work? The alarm buzzed repeatedly for two minutes and suddenly, Kashel, out of order, sat upright breathing heavily in and out. She immediately calmed down not willing for anyone to witness such inappropriate behaviour. She tied her hair and slowly got ready for school. She settled herself on the kitchen table with her family with a smile. Each one of them returned a salutation back. They were having cereal on Sundays; she poured her ―favourite‖ cereal into her robin egg blue bowl. It was not her choice cereal it was what was said to be her preference by the weekly mail. The silence between each member lasted too long as a result they were convinced to speak on a recent shocking news that broke out that a farmer was caught using pesticides and would experience ten years in jail. It was not soon when they head out to sit in their hover cars; today Dad chose to drive manually. Most of the classes had already passed. The white desk arrangement was well ordered without errors, the small evergreen small plants located every few metres on desks or some on the floor, the smooth holographic floor guiding or assisting the students, the walls had two layers. One solid that changed colours depending upon the student‘s daily performance and the other was holographic giving 3D impression of noticeboards with the students work and updated news. They were learning maths in class. Mrs. Thomas was explaining the topic to the students on the holoboard, a transparent holographic board which just shows neon colour writing whilst the students wrote down the notes on their note tablets. Mrs. Luna had intruded the class to hand out forms to take part in the annual talent show. Kashel raised her hand to try out, she had a few talents such as juggling, tap dancing and one other that popped into her mind, something different the piano. The bell had rung and they were all sitting in their seats after taking food from the fast slide lunch counter. They huddled sophisticatedly into a circle, they began discussion from yesterday work and then, Tom, a hardworking yet bewildered student, walking slowly towards their group but the hurry was bright as a flame in his eyes. He sat down sharing a seat with Obbi. ―Have you heard that Mrs Lunaso suddenly is willing to leave the school premises even without the stamping of the headmaster? That makes no sense. It‘s a simple wait before your release.‖ Tom‘s straight dull voice did not at all suit such immense news. In respect, each student simply looked down. After five seconds everyone looked up and began munching on their meals. Kashel, then, questioned why. All students look towards her giving an duh-its-obvious expression to her face. It was known throughout that Mrs Luna was now vulnerable to being hunted. She had provoked doubt in the eye of the Green Leaf Management. Mrs Luna was one of Green Leaf School‘s most dominant teachers. Her fluency in all three mandatory languages was amazing and her lessons were always different from others in some way. Kashel knew this is what is best for the community as written in the Green Leaf pledge however she felt a shake for a second the moment she heard the news. She ignored this buzz of a moment and kept her day going. As Kashel and Harper were getting onto the air bus, she saw Mrs Luna tearing up whilst talking on the phone. That started a spark of thought in Kashel‘s mind even though it didn‘t make sense. She doubted herself and thought what two people speaking to each other would have anything to do her or how she could help. After having food after school, she had to complete her homework. Guests from Tokyo came to stay over for two weeks for a business trip therefore the basement was the best place to compete work. Walking steadily past down the shiny, creamy, glowing floors and moving down the escalator to the basement of

her house. Kashel settled herself on the rusty old silk sofa and began working. Whilst searching through her bags for a notebook, she saw the Talent Show form and immediately left her work to focus on the form. She walked over to the piano, removing the cotton covering. At first, the piano was like a puzzle to solve by making sure not getting any note wrong. She began to play one written down on a dusty but neat paper called Waltz in D-Flat by Chopin. When she heard the footsteps of a anonymous person, the Tokyo guests. She immediately turned around when he continued to play the notes without even looking at the music sheet ―That is one fascinating song to play‖ He smiled, curious to know of her experience with piano. ―I just try to play the piano and found this song to play with‖ ―Very Well, after perfecting this one try others like Tchaikovsky‖ ―Sure‖ The guest smiled one last time and just returned back to the upper floor. It was certain to Kashel that she would play the piano for the Talent Show. The rest of the day went by having a family discussion with the guests, playing badminton and least anticipating for night-time to arrive. The floor was no longer creamy but a gradient going from a light blue to the darkest shade of blue possible. The walls were malfunctioning with too many colours flashing on and off. It was boxed room with a woman crying. Heartbeat running was causing a pounding in the veins and head and an ache in the heart. Fear of what‘s next. Everything begins vanishing until it‘s a wooden cottage well decorated with stockings and a deep green Christmas tree. It‘s warm, cosy and safe with an elderly woman sitting down on a red cushiony rocking chair telling the children whom are munching on gingerbreadad men of her childhood stories; fire lit and parents playing a game of snakes and ladders. Lightning strikes and injustice is everywhere and an unknown feeling is acting, its rage and fury and she‘s about to scream when she breathes deeply in and out finally looking around her. It happened again. Another night. Another nightmare. She refreshed herself and settled in bed again. Contemplating of what she had just seen in her dream. She felt much more estranged now even though her nightmares had haunted her. They felt much more honest. She looked up at the holographic wall that displayedd an analogue clock. She felt different. Felt mmuch more alive in a futuristic world. The next day arrived; breakfast was placed neatly on the kitchen table with both the parents already having their meal. Kashel sat down and began eating. ―Kashel, Darling what‘s happening in school?‖ Kashel‘s mother, Mrs. Lint asked indicating that the guests are willing to know. ―We are going to have an annual talent show, and I‘m participating‖ ―Really, what will you do?‖ ―Piano‖ It took a while for Mr and Mrs Lint to understandand Piano but as soon as they did, they wished her the best and told her to practice as much as she can. On reaching school, Kashel felt different, unlike each student in class much more Alive. She sensed a difference. The others seemed much more grey and unbothered about caring or realizing actions beyond the Green Leaf Management. During Art lesson, they were supposed to draw still life. Each drawing was

perfect or unique in its own way to its best however something was constantly missing that own touch of art. Kashel felt strange in this new perception to life but could still be able to think like them. The day went smoothly until the second last period. It was when the rumors got louder that Mrs Luna to undergo punishment for her actions The rest of the day went by in blur. Kashel was mad. She remained calm and did not say much to anyone. When she returned home, quickly ate lunch. Rushed to do her work and move away from people. What surprised her after the hearing of Mrs Luna was that she was acting abnormal. She didn‘t know how to control these emotions. She never had them before. How did she even have them? None of her homework was given as much dedication has it always had but it was still something done. When she reached the last part of her work, the piano appeared much wider and bigger. Gently placing her fingers onto the keys opposing how she felt truly within. She began by playing Chopin but in between adding her own touch. It kept going and going. Trying and trying. Finally, she stopped with a relief. Kashel would play something they have never heard. That would provoke a feeling. Like her nightmares. Day by day until the final day reached Kashel kept adding much more strength to this two minute music. Several performances had already gone by; a puppet show, dancing to instrumentals, or singing. Some were impressive especially Harper since she was singing but was also Kashel‘s friend. It was Kashel‘s turn. She wore a bright yellow dress, with a brown coat, black elegant heels, hair tied up in a bun with tiny pearls added on here and there. She brought her own piano which was a hectic process however she focused on the performance now. She settled down extended her fingers and began playing each key properly with enough force and just the right time. Starting fast paced but not loud, when reaching the climax it was a mixture of speed with slowness and intensity and finally finishing with proper final note to Chopin‘s ―Waltz in D-Flat‖. The audience clapped loud muting the echo and much more intensity. The gigantic smiles on the faces of those she is close to with the essence and being able to convey the point she wanted to. It was all yellow until she saw the headmasters face.

If I Didn’t Know What Would Happen Written By: Hamdan Sadiq I know many of you might not believe this but I‘m a Bionic Superhuman. Yes that‘s right I‘ve got a bionic chip attached to my neck, which gives me super abilities like seeing the future, heat vision and superstrenght. I was born that way I‘ve never been a normal human. I use my abilities for saving people I live in Worcestershire, England. I‘m not the only bionic human but including me we‘re three; my sisters, Skylar and Oliver. Skylar has super speed, invisibility and levitation. Oliver is super smart; she can move things from his mind. We were born in a basement. You should call it a lab because my dad is a scientist but he was not the one who created us, it was Douglas his brother who created us. He wanted us to be bionic soldiers, so he can use us as a weapon to destroy the world and could show the humans that super soldiers did exist. But his brother Donald saved us from him. One day I was just goofing around with my ability and suddenly something hit my mind when I was using my ability. I saw a very dangerous villain, the Incompasitator, who was a much more stronger super soldier designed by a person who implanted himself with bionics named Hector Ghuhalla a Mexican mega mind and most of all Douglas‘s friend they both had designed him and the Incompasitator was coming to turn us into his servants. I thought it was a bad dream or something like that but that I remembered it wasn‘t. Suddenly my father called us and said that Douglas called to warn us that we should run because Hector had made himself stronger than ever and the Incompasitator had designed more bionic soldiers to get rid of us than take care of the rest of the world. Now I‘ll give a pause here and tell you that my father had a wife and son who took so much care of us once that they came to know our true identities they swore to never mention it to anyone. His son his was the one who introduced us to school. He taught us how to be a normal human teenager. We went to our high school Worcestershire High School I didn‘t like my principal Miss Penny always targeted us as she thought there was something fishy about us. But one day she did catch us using our bionics at first she freaked out and we thought we were done for and fled from the city. While she was at our house talking to our dad that she‘d keep our little secret if he kept paying her. Once we fled we thought are dad had to come to rescue us but it was Douglas in a cyber-cloak mask we didn‘t know until we reached in his secret base that is where we met Hector for the first time ever. He trapped us and told us that he would turn us to bionic soldiers too. We escaped at night and found our way Bach home. So it did feel strange and creepy that the man who created us, tried to kill us and turn us into evil. Later that day Douglas came to our house and said he didn‘t want to be evil anymore but we didn‘t believe him and told him that we wouldn‘t forgive him. Two weeks passed by when we came to know that Hector had killed Douglas. My father said maybe Douglas was right and we

should be prepared for anything we did extra trainings and missions to prepare for him our dad unlocked more abilities for each of us. One day our mom and her son was kidnapped by the Incompasitator we went to save them that is when we found out it was a trap to make a video of us and leak it on the internet to so that people would stand against us once we got out of all that. We went home a couple of hours later FbI surrounded are house and arrested us three and our dad too since they thought we were a threat to the world and tried to lock us up we all ran from there and reached to our school we told our principal the whole story and she said that she‘d would be happy to help. But Hector was one step ahead of us and showed up at school it turns out my brother figured out how to defeat Hector he said that Hector controlled everything from his mind his soldiers and the Incompasitator. So all we had to do was target his head but it wouldn‘t be too easy for us either. Unfortunately when we did that all the soldiers and Hector died but not the Incompasitator. So he was another problem for us we found out why he had survived. He survived because he needs electricity so all that power was used in him because of the attack and he had felt a little weak but then he took electricity from Oliver‘s bionic infrastructure and transferred a virus from his body. He escaped. We looked for help for Oliver we tried everything but nothing seemed to work so Oliver himself came up with idea to out power the Incompasitator by smartness he said we‘d get him to believe that he had strong proton energy from his body which will kill the Incompasitator die for sure. But we needed to track his location the GPS said that he was headed for Paris. That‘s where we were headed at first he tried to kill us but later told him the plan we had set up he believed and took the entire virus from Oliver‘s body and Oliver was healed. Everything finally had gone back to normal the Incompasitator was defeated the people of the world accepted us as their heroes. I always remembered that if I didn‘t have the ability we would not be here.

An Unexpected Journey Written By: Manal Fatima ―The last day of school was stressful,‖ Eliana says to herself, while walking back home. Tired and in need of caffeine she settles on the wooden chair at her favorite cafe. The darkness of the walls blanketed around her, comforting and warm like a long lost friend as she stared out into the bustling city outside. ―Just the regular Cafe con Leche‖, she nodded to the Italian barista as he approached her table. The smell of the coffee filled her nostrils and immediately calmed her. Eliana could feel her heart slow and her muscles exhale in relief. After a coffee break, she headed towards home. Suddenly, she hears a car arriving behind her, she turns back to see a black BMW SUV with four men running towards her. They wore pitch black clothes with a black mask on their face. Eliana starts shivering with fright and panic. She tried to run as fast as she could but she couldn‘t move her feet. She felt powerless. Before she could think of anything, a black cloth was put on her face and she fell down hopelessly. The next time Eliana opened her eyes, she saw herself in a blue-themed room with no windows and just a single door made of wood. The room was filled with silence. As she tried to get up, every muscle in her body ached reminding her of the incident that occurred few hours ago. Eliana looked at herself. She was wearing the same clothes her mom gave her on her birthday; A reddish-blue suit with her favorite black Prada shoes. Her attention fell on her wrist; she was wearing a transparent watch with a red button on the side. Suddenly, a hologram of a lady popped in front of her. She was a middle-aged woman with salt-and-pepper hair worn in plaits with bright green eyes. She wore a fringed blouse with a swishy skirt. She said, ―Welcome Eliana, my name is Amanda and I‘ll be your guide on your mission to save the planet Earth. You can ask me anything you need to.‖ Eliana stood puzzled in front of her, ―Save the planet? You must be kidding me! Why have you kidnapped me? Let me out of here‖ cried Eliana. ―Firstly, a virus called the ‗T-Virus‘ has infected 99.9% of the population overnight and you are the chosen one of the 2 people to save Earth otherwise there will be no tomorrow for human beings,‖ says Amanda. Eliana tried pinching herself in hope for this to be a dream but was disappointed to know this was reality. She had to face it in order save the planet Earth. A tomorrow for the human beings. Eliana takes two steps forward and asks, ―Who is this second person? And what is my mission?‖ ―You will get to know about her soon. She will have the same watch as yours so you can easily recognize her,‖ says Amanda, ―Your mission is to kill Magnus, a monster who has the antidote of the virus, and you have to kill him to get the antidote. Keep in mind that after every 24 hours to complete this mission, after 24 the antidote will disappear. The antidote is airborne and it will surely reach every corner of the planet. Good luck!‖ Eliana advances forward and unlocks the door and sees a long aisle with a door at the other end, which opens the very next second. Eliana moves forward and finally is able to see the face of the female, it was Elizabeth. The only best friend Eliana had. They first met up in university and

clicked with each other immediately. Elizabeth was beautiful. She had ocean blue eyes with blonde hair that fell over her shoulders. She had a soft personality just like Eliana. Eliana was relieved to know Elizabeth was with her. They had a short chat before they realized that they were on a mission. Eliana presses the red button on her wrist machine and Amanda pops up, Eliana asks, ―Amanda, where can we find Magnus?‖ Amanda replies, ―You can find him in Metropolis. When you enter Metropolis, you will see a sign, on which it is written ‗DEADLY‘, right under the sign will be a staircase leading to Magnus, but be careful there are few challenges you need to go through to reach Magnus.‖ ―How can we fight this battle without any weapons?‖ asks Elizabeth. ―Ten kilo-meters from here you will find a bunker and in it, you can get whatever you need.‖ Eliana and Elizabeth use the main door to exit the building they were in. The sun was shining high and in front of them were two motorbikes. They were designed with finest street art Eliana had ever seen. Eliana was an artist herself. She was an Art teacher for more than 5 years. Both of them hoped on them and started their journey towards the bunker. A few minutes later they had arrived at the bunker. They were amazed to see the bunker filled with weapons and equipment. Eliana had seen some of them in crime movies. Both of them were ready and geared up. Metropolis was far, and after roughly 12 hours, they were at Metropolis. The place terrorized them. There stood tall buildings that were never ending. What could have once been a lovely rose garden was now a hostile thorn bush, and the swings where children used to spend moments of joy and innocent childhood were now creaking in the most haunted way. Eliana and Elizabeth were terrified by how the place was alone and isolated. Both of them were tired from the long journey they had and decided to take a nap for a few hours. Unfortunately, when they woke up, they had only two hours left. They hurried to the staircase they saw before sleeping. The staircase led to a huge underground room. Abruptly the door behind them shut… They could see the door to cross the huge room, six laser gunners stood on each end shooting a laser at both of them. Eliana pressed the red button on her wrist machine, which created a shield around both of them. Both crossed the huge room and then saw a long aisle which led to another room. Suddenly Amanda pops up and says, ―You‘ll need a magical sword to kill Magnus, the sword will be present after you cross this aisle. Be aware there are traps in this room.‖ A rhino suddenly started charging towards them. Eliana shouted in Panic, ―Press the red button on the wrist machine.‖ Micro-seconds later, they disappeared. While the rhino stood still, Eliana re-appeared and shot a bullet on the rhino‘s head, and it fell on the floor. Elizabeth also finally re-appeared and both of them entered the last room. Eliana picked up the magical sword. Moments later they could hear loud footsteps. A fifteen feet tall creature stood in front of them. His body was covered with spikes and his tail fell through the room. As he opened his mouth, it gave a clear view of his sharp pointy teeth. Two red gigantic eyes focused on Eliana and Elizabeth. Elizabeth started taking bullet shots at Magnus. Meanwhile, Eliana took the cover of the rock and protected herself. Eliana charged at Magnus

with her sword, while Elizabeth distracted him. Eliana got hit on his arm, but she didn‘t give up; she pressed the button on her wrist machine and took a leap in the air and bashed the monster on the neck‌ the monster was dead. Moments later a bottled-flask with a green pigment inside was on the floor. They took the antidote and got out of the battle arena. Eliana and Elizabeth stood still in pride. Both held the antidote together and threw it down, which broke the bottled-flask and the world could now finally see tomorrow.

TWENTY-FIVE HOURS! Written By: Sarim Malik Tomorrow is the last day then after that, no more Mumbai city. Gaitonde gave us that toxic gas antidote and released the toxic gas in the entire city, everybody was exposed to the gas and the city is now a chaos, Me and Majid are together and we can‘t go to the hideout because there is a chance that we might also get exposed, so we went our secret hideout which only I knew because I created it for emergencies like these. Gaitonde is in prison but how did he manage to get the antidote and create a gas like that?! We had to visit him again and so we did but the city has gone brain dead, everyone including JoJo has become a part of the living dead. Getting information from his big fat brain was easy but that‘s not the strangest part, the strangest part is why would he help us and give us the information, that‘s not Gaitonde. He told us to go to the Mumbai lab sanctuary and he would find the prototype of the gas and it was up to him and Majid to create the antidote. As we were going to back after collecting the antidote we were attacked by the people who were affected by the gas. Someone had to drive the car right so I told Majid to fight them and so he did, he shot down everyone it was clear but then someone caught him and exposed him to the gas, I had lost Majid, my only partner. I had no time to cry over spilled milk it was up to me, I only had 25 hours remaining; I reached the hideout, set up the lab and started analyzing. The analyzing took about 1 hour and I had realized that I‘ve to make around 10 big canisters of the antidote gas or else the city goes dead forever. My skin started to turn pale and my eyes had dark circles but this was no time to think about myself, I‘ve a city to save.

Creating the gas canisters was a different thing but planting them across a big city with 12 million people is different. I had to fight those zombies like creatures in some areas and some areas I had managed to plant them without being caught. Only 15 hours left, if I press the activate button it all goes out, if I don‘t then everyone goes brain dead forever. I was about to press the button when someone snatched the button from my hand, But how did he know I was here. To my surprise, it was Majid he was not his normal state, he looked bad as well, like a Zombie. I had always wanted to fight zombies but not like this, I had no choice but to shoot him, as I took out my gun he fled. WELL there goes my chance of saving this city, I had to either create a new remote or catch Majid, so what I did was I ran after him, maybe he could lead me to someplace where I could find a better or faster cure or end being like him.. Majid led me to a place where I thanked god that I didn‘t press the button. He led me to the biggest gas bomb I‘ve ever seen in my life. As I approach to see it two zombies caught me from the back and sprayed something at me, it was the end of my life I thought but as I looked up I could see Majid‘s face becoming normal, my head was starting to get cleared. Majid told me that when we went to Gaitonde he threw the gas at our faces which caused us to hallucinate. I was mad; I rushed to Gaitonde‘s prison cell and went inside but saw nothing. I got a phone call from an unknown number; obviously it was Gaintode so I picked it up. He told me that the antidote that I created was actually the gas he released on us, and as he did not see any gas explosion he

guessed that I had seen the gas bomb, That gas bomb he exclaimed is a really toxic gas more toxic than the one he realized on Me and Majid, This gas would destroy India, all that sleep lost, all that hard work just to let us know that there is something worse out there, I had to gather the best team and I had to rush all the way to the bomb. The first team to reach there got shot from the other building and only 2 guys survived. We were then supposed to send out an elite squad to capture the guy shooting. We already knew who was shooting so, the team then, by mere luck, caught Gaitonde and brought him to us. He only told us that there are 11 hours left for the bomb to explode and it is locked by a pattern password, and started laughing like a maniac. I knew he was going to be of no use, so our best bomb disposer squad went near the bomb and tried to dismantle it but it kept asking for the pin. Miss Elena, The leading bomb disposer tried to enter the pin but access denied. Gaitonde started shouting at me to remember, remember whatever I can if I want to know the pin and save the city. I was tensed, with only 9 hours remaining how am I supposed to dispose a bomb, there was no time for evacuation for the city. I was so sleep deprived that I had fainted and lost about 4 hours. The prime minister had already started with evacuation which I knew was of no use because this bomb would destroy everything in its path, I tried to remember everything from the 3 day event which was going on. I tried my luck and drew the logo which I remember was on the antidote; Access Denied. With only 3 tries and 5 hours remaining I gave the pin entering job to Miss Elenas team, they took 4 hours to gather all the information and tried to enter the pin once again they failed. Only an hour was left and Gaitonde started mocking us and out of frustration Majid shot him to death. All this caused a chaos everywhere. I had no idea what to do, so with only 2 tries and 5 minutes remaining, I drew a zig zag pattern which I saw in Gaitonde‘s prison cell. Access denied. 2 minutes left and everybody gave up hope but then I remembered the pattern where I planted the antidote bombs. Without any guess or choice left and 30 seconds remaining I tried that. I saw me and my Dad and we together recited AHAM BARHASAMI!!

ALL CRIED OUT Written By: Minaam Azeem They say tomorrow can change everything and I had believed that my whole life. But was it actually true? I am starting to question every person who made me believe this. I start thinking of every reason behind what I did. After the homecoming night, tired and in need of caffeine, I settled in the recliner in my favourite café with my cappuccino. As I was about to take the first sip, someone grabbed my hand and spilled it all over my outfit. ―Oh my god!‖ I shouted looking at her face. It was Jenna, my classmate. Her face started to turn red and I saw it coming, she started shouting ―How could you?! You knew how much I eagerly dreamed of this moment and you just ripped it apart and took away my chance! You don‘t deserve to be the cheerleading captain, you fatso.‖ She stomped out of the café murmuring curse words. I was started losing it; drops of tears started rolling down my cheek to my neck but suddenly the aroma of the coffee beans filled my nostrils and immediately calmed me. I could feel my heart slow. This wasn‘t the first time she had done this. It was quite normal for me now. Everyone in high school made fun of me for being fat. People would always go out of their way to tell me how fat I was and how unattractive that made me, especially in comparison to other girls. Objectively knowing I am a pretty small person, I always feel fat. I always get triggered in the most unexpected ways, like when I‘m at the beach or when a fat girl is made fun of in a movie. The next day when I went to school, everyone was laughing at me and gossiping about me. I had no clue what was going on until I reached my locker and saw a photo shopped picture of me with so much flesh on my skin and fat shaming words all around it. I burst out of tears as everyone started clicking my photos and went live on social media making my videos. I ran through the corridor and out of the school, where Jenna pushed me against the wall and held me by the scruff of my neck with a cutter in her other hand. Her other friends came running and held my hands against the wall tightly. I screamed my lungs out but no one was caring enough to check on me. Jenna brought her knife up till my cheek and grabbed my neck so I couldn‘t move my face. She carved an ‗F‘ with her knife and said ―Now I will see how the coach would still be fine with you being the captain.‖ My cheek was vomiting blood out and I couldn‘t stand it anymore. I rushed to the clinic and cried my heart out when the nurse asked me what happened. I was expecting something from her, but all she said was ―Its okay, this is what high school‘s all about. Don‘t worry you will have a better tomorrow. Just wait.‖ I stopped dead in my tracks when she went away with a smile on her face, as if she actually motivated me. I went home, not expecting anything from my selfcentered parents. They didn‘t even notice that I had something on my cheek or I was home early from school. I cried my eyes out that night, thinking of why god had made me that way. I could feel the darkness of my walls suffocating me as if I ran out of oxygen. I wanted to leave this town and go somewhere no one could find me. Bullying had affected me in a way that I pretty much had no self-esteem. I was terrified of mirrors and of having my picture taken. I was skeptical of people's motives, and I could be very defensive and quick to anger. I also had anxiety attacks, when I

started crying for no reason. I wanted everything to change, so I decided to talk to the counselor of my school, Mr. Kevin. The next morning, without even lifting my eyes up, I walked through the corridor. I could still hear people laughing at me but I just went straight into his cabin. I told him all in one go; about every bullying incident, about how I was harassed and physically tortured and how badly I felt broken and depressed and wanted to commit suicide. All I wanted from him was his support, his motivation, for him to fight for me but what he said made me more hopeless with life. He laughed and said ―There is nothing I can do about it. Jenna is the daughter of a trustee of this school and they are very powerful. You make one noise and they will make your life hell. You need to let go and have hope that there is a better tomorrow. All this is normal for a high school life. Just go home and relax and try your best to not to interfere with those people again.‖ After all this I felt hopeless. Nothing was ever going to change. I had been waiting for that tomorrow until that day and nothing had ever changed. No one had changed. I wanted my life to end. End at that moment. I used to laugh on how the school heads talked about bullying and taught students to raise their voices and speak up and fight for their rights and when the students did. What did they do? They just told them to hope for a better tomorrow. I had suffered enough and I couldn‘t take in anymore. I stared at the mirror, looking at the red scar on my left cheek which ran from my eye to my lip. I brushed my fingers through my hair trying to hide the scar, but it was still there. Nothing could change how I looked. I turned on the tap and filled my bath tub with freezing cold water, wore my favourite dress and sat in it. I started with my right hand; slit my wrist with a pointy, shiny blade and then did the same with my left hand. For once I felt sorry for my parents, thinking about how they would react after seeing me like this but it was only for a better tomorrow for others who are suffering like me. I had to do it.

Avoid the Game Tomorrow Written By: Majd Dia All merry in the desert, three brave and ambitious adventurers readily head out searching for treasure and truths to be uncovered. The triad seem to only have basic adventuring skills; they are amateurs, but together, they are unbelievably powerful, thanks to the phenomenal amount of trust they put in each other. They have set out on their journey 7 months prior to the thrilling event that occurred to them later in the story. All what they‘ve achieved is finding an ancient set of silver jewellery inside a skeleton‘s mouth in a previously plagued area, and they have saved a falling woman who was trying to hang her clothes; nothing interesting, but for them, the journey itself is the part that is of utmost importance. The brave triad goes by the following: Gerald, Raymond and Ralph. Gerald and Ralph were sweet and kind kids, who grew up in a rich family and were closely tied until their hometown became a battle zone: almost nothing was left except in ashes. Their families had to move out somewhere else and had to step down and live as middle class citizens that are where they were introduced to Raymond. Raymond had a sister known as Gertrude, and they were always bullied for having disabled parents, but Gerald and Ralph were their shining light to a bright life, they loved Raymond‘s personality and taught both him and Gertrude many things their parents couldn‘t teach them, moreover they engraved the idea that they should never listen to other people in their heads. Since then, the triad and gal always did all sorts of activities and tasks together, never leaving anyone behind. Their trust towards each other grew stronger and stronger as time passed. That is until one day, Gerald‘s most prized family possession; a sigil on a ruby passed down 12 generations that symbolized the family‘s blessing, was stolen and given to the lords controlling the area. The other 3 heard of this and decided to help Gerald no matter what. Gerald was glad to know he had amazing friends who would help him no matter how dire the situation is, he even thought that they statistically had no chance of stealing it back. Later, they forged a plan to stealthily sneak in the castle and continued to execute it over a six day timestamp. Eventually, it led up to the scenario where all four of them were found by a single guard. Fortunately for them, the guard was very overconfident and did not make a ruckus; all four of the children were frozen, whereas Gertrude quickly decided to sacrifice herself for her friends. Continuing, she jumped over onto the guard‘s back, but he giggled it off as he saw her as no threat, but he did not expect the following: she poked his eyeballs really hard that they were now permanently damaged, he proceeded to stab her in the heart and then fell unconscious, along with Gertrude‘s corpse with a huge smile imprinted on her face.

The triad bawled their eyes out as they made a run for it, until they finally got back to Raymond‘s house. Here, they made a small ceremony to pay respects and mourn for her brave death. Events followed up later, where they had to bury the ruby somewhere safe. Later, Raymond was arrested for three years for having a relation with Gertrude, but there was no evidence, that he attempted the breaching of the castle since the guard was not able to make out who he found in the castle due to his damaged eyes. Three years later, following the release of Raymond, the triad celebrated it with utmost joy. Much later, they decided they need to leave the land and go out to explore. 7 months after they set out to explore, they arrive at a mysterious cave, the obvious follow-up would be to head in and explore, and that‘s exactly what they did. The instant they all end up inside, a click was heard out of nowhere and a giant boulder dropped to successfully block all means of leaving the cave. Gerald popped out his torch and lit it up, consequently, a book was found lying on the ground, alongside a huge chest next to it. Continuing, Gerald nodded to his friends and picked up the book, the cover read: Daily Cave Plunder, Gerald proceeded to open the book and read softly to his friends, ―This is the legendary cave of Giza, many warriors and adventurers have failed to complete the course this place holds. What am I supposed to do here? – You are to complete the course this cave owns, please proceed to read the instructions and rules.‖ Raymond was slightly confused, and said, ―So all what we hast to do to leave this spooky place is complete the course. I wonder how tough will it be,‖. Gerald continued to read the rules: - Every day, you are given a new challenge you must pass with the right equipment, judgement and cleverness, you must complete the task by midnight or you will receive the penalty, the judgement. - You may use the gigantic chest in the corner of the room to gather equipment. There is a kitchen with a month‘s worth of food through the wooden door in the middle of the eastern wall. - There will be 4 types of courses, you will go through seven of each randomly throughout the test, but each time the difficulty will increase. You will have to scout for the dangers you face, then grab the necessary equipment. - Once you successfully survive for a month while completing all the tasks assigned, you may claim a reward and leave the place, but your memory of the existence of this place will be erased. Gerald then flipped over the rest of the book to find instructions for scouting, a list of the performance of equipment and a list of people who have attempted the course, but apparently every single one failed. Many big names were found among that list, and everyone inside the room started to feel anxious, ―This place is going to be our grave,‖ everyone thought.

Ralph decided that they needed to investigate around the place to increase their chances of survival, and started by opening the mystical chest that was originally next to the book. The chest contained leather armour, weaponry, chainmail and ranged weapons. Mysteriously though, there were some objects that looked like toys, and Ralph experimented with them while Gerald and Raymond found out that the armoury was able to shrink or enlarge, and could fit anyone of any size. Following up, Ralph concluded that the ―toys‖ were capable of performing extraordinary tasks: A rod that can heat up very quickly on the other end when gripped tightly, arrows that produce light when thrown and more. Soon, Gerald decided that they need to get started soon, so he gathered up the group and started scouting. The scouting is all about patience, there is a pattern to each type of course; it could also take from 10 minutes up to 6 hours, it is designed to start at 3 pm and end anywhere until 9 pm, this, however, is completely random regardless of the difficulty. The triad sat down at different spots with binoculars on, and each time someone saw anything, he is to inform the other group of what it is. With just 3 hours and 40 minutes of waiting time, Gerald finally ticked everything on the checklist accordingly, and concluded that the scout is done. The raid is: Turask, Agility, Bat, Vet‘tion, and Graardor. The sentence structure consists of the following: Main monster, type of raid, distractions, magic type, and boss. So the group will have to fend off Tursaks while going on an agility course, while getting swarmed by physically harmless bats that disturb vision and hearing. Vet‘tion incantations must be recited in their respective scenarios, and finally Graardor guards the gate to the next level, they must either defeat him or find a way around him. The triad decides to go back and do some research, eventually they agree on all the items and armoury they must bring according to each person: Gerald wore light chainmail; Raymond wore Utopia type armour – this armour is not defensive, but has technology capable of strengthening your movements. Finally Ralph wore similar chainmail to Gerald, but his was more mechanical and capable of performing unique tasks. In addition, everyone wielded a simple two handed sword. Now it was finally time to begin the one month journey full of hardships and risks, the triad will probably have to put their life on the line countless times in order to succeed. The three confidently go in the main gate together, but Gerald hears a loud flush of vacuum, and is quickly sucked away from his friends before having any time to scream or react. The source of the flush pops him out in front of 5 fancy looking people, all wearing fancy armour with very unique colours and weird looking weapons, nothing ever seen before: they looked like people from another dimension. Gerald is greeted by the group of people. And the one in the middle, wielding a giant sword probably impossible for any normal human to carry even with two hands, happily spoke, ―Welcome Gerald! You have finally matured enough to join the family. I am very sorry

about your friends, but I have cast a spell that teleported them outside the cave, so you need not worry about their safety. You will have a lot of things to learn, Gerald, I can see great potential inside of you, and this is the Gnorrian Family!‖ Gerald was very startled and confused by all what‘s suddenly happening, he felt like he wanted to pass out and it was all just a dream, but he was able to put two and two together, and concluded that he was warped to a magical place. He thought it had something to do with ancient sigil his family possessed. ―So, Gerald, I hope you are ready to start this journey bigger than anything seen on Earth, let‘s go!‖

Summary Writings

ALL IN THE MIND? Written By: Qudsia Shabbir Placebo is a fake medicine, prescribed by a doctor, which motivates a patients individual power to heal the pain and has no active chemicals.They have nothing inside them but a bit of flour and water.Placebos differ from size and colour. Large, multicoloured tablets are more potent than miniature sized, colourless tablets. Also, positive imagnation about the treatment results in good impact to the patenits. Giving injections result in a better outcome than other alternatives. Placebos help people lose weight and trim shape, glowing sin and glossy hair. Moreover, doctor‘s stern and understandable instructions to follow the treatment and their support and comfort makes a positive change in Placebo‘s effects. It decreases apetite but makes people energetic and fresh which effects our brain in a positive way. One problem with the placebo effect is that it can be difficult to distinguish from the actual effects of a real drug during a study. Finding ways to distinguish between the placebo effect and the effect of treatment may help improve the treatment and lower the cost of drug testing. And more study may also lead to ways to use the power of the placebo effect in treating disease. Lastly, Placebos are considered especially valuable for subjective health conditions that have a psychological component, such as anxiety, pain or sleep disorders.

THE ENEMY WITHIN Written By: Hashim Shehzad Allergy is a reaction that occurs when the immune system has a strange and unnecessary reaction to a substance that is normally harmless, such as pollen and peanuts. Allergy has become more and more common over 30 years .Over one third of us are affected by allergy. You are more prone to it if your family suffers from allergy; some people are born with lots of allergy antibodies and are at more risk of developing allergic disorders. In addition to that, people have developed allergies due to changes in their lifestyle and they have exposed them to allergens. This leads to symptoms of allergy, such as swelling, rashes, sneezing, sore eyes and breathlessness. Anaphylaxis is the most severe allergic reaction of all and is most often triggered by wasp or bee stings or peanuts Our immune system have become oversensitive, antibiotics have reduced the amount of work our immune system do. However, a good deal of research is being devoted to finding a cure of allergies. Sufferers are given medicine to control symptoms and they might also offer tests to find out which substance trigger allergic reactions, so that they can avoid contact with these in future.

WHY ZOO CATS LOSE THEIR COOL Written By: Shayan Siddique Lions and tigers are stars of the show at most zoos but the stress of celebrity status causes them to behave unnaturally. Researchers in USA have found that big cats living near visitor areas are more likely to be disturbed in their behavior. Big cats show signs of stress and annoyingness by behaving abnormally. They become more vigilant and attentive and usually stride randomly back and forth. They also spend most of their time cleaning, brushing or licking themselves which is very unnatural for nocturnal felines, who usually sleep during the day and awake at nights. The findings highlight the dilemma that zoos face when the welfare and happiness of the animals they look after causes conflict with the paying public‘s desire to get a close-up view of a lioness yawning or feeding her cubs. Jennifer Ryback of James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia studied seven species of cat living at National Zoological Park in Washington, DC. All the cats, including lions, tigers, and fishing cats, showed abnormal behavior, and Rayback found that those housed near the public spent more time acting unnaturally than those that lived further away. This could be stopped by renovating their area like giving them good energy: ponds, bushes or trees. There should be notices or zoo keepers to watch out for visitors and animals. Moreover, maintaining distance between cats and visitors would help a lot and it could make a big difference to the cats with no effect on people‘s enjoyment.

Scientific Writing

Organic Farming: The Future of Agriculture Written By: Sufyaan Atif

What is Organic Farming? It is a method of farming system which primarily aimed at cultivating the land and raising crops in such a way, as to keep the soil alive and in good health by use of organic wastes (crop, animal and farm wastes, aquatic wastes) and other biological materials along with beneficial microbes (bio fertilizers) to release nutrients to crops for increased sustainable production in an eco-friendly pollution free environment. Organic farming is a system which avoids or largely excludes the use of synthetic inputs (such as fertilizers, pesticides, hormones, feed additives etc.) and to the maximum extent feasible rely upon crop rotations, crop residues, animal manures, off-farm organic waste, mineral grade rock additives and biological system of nutrient mobilization and plant protection.

Advantages of Organic Farming         

Farmers can reduce their production costs because they do not need to buy expensive chemicals and fertilizers. Healthier farm workers. In the long term, organic farms save energy and protect the environment. It can slow down global warming. More animals, pollinating insects and plants can live in the same place in a natural way. This is called biodiversity. Organic farming does not use genetically-modified products. Organic farming helps to support healthier soils (no herbicides or pesticides.) Organic farming produces foods that are better for you (nutritious content) Greater resistance to pests and diseases

Organic vs Conventional The essential difference between organic and conventional farming is that conventional farming relies on chemical intervention to fight pests and weeds and provide plant nutrition. That means synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. Organic farming relies on natural principles like biodiversity and composting instead to produce healthy, abundant food. Conventional and organic farming methods have different consequences on the environment and people. Conventional agriculture causes increased greenhouse gas emissions, soil erosion, water pollution, and threatens human health. Organic farming has a smaller carbon footprint, conserves and builds soil health, replenishes natural ecosystems for cleaner water and air, all without toxic pesticide residues.

Conventional farming     

Use synthetic or chemicals during production and processing of farm produce Use of pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics, other chemicals Growth hormones, antibiotics and other medications to improve growth and prevent disease outbreak Use of insecticides to eliminate pest outbreaks Use of chemical herbicides for weed controlling

Organic farming Chemicals are avoided in production and processing of farm produce, instead, farmers use manure or compost to nourish soil and promote growth Environmentally friendly and free of anti-biotics Animals roam freely and feed strictly on organic foods Relies on birds and insects to get rid of pesticides or pesticides from natural sources Crop rotation, use of mulch or hands to control weed

Which is safer for consumption? Organic foods and conventional foods are both safe for consumption. However, it is advisable that when selecting your fruits and vegetables, make sure that you stick to products from organic farms. This is essential to avoid consuming foods that contain chemical residues from farms that utilize conventional methods of food production and processing. As earlier stated, conventional farmers incorporate chemicals in foods production and these chemicals can easily be transferred into fruits and vegetables.

Price? A lot of people tend to compare the price of organic and conventional foods. Organic foods may be more expensive than conventional food but the price comparison should extend beyond the price tag. There are other methods that determine the final price of a food product such as labor cost, water cost, and others. Other factors need to be looked at when considering which is more expensive between organic and conventional food, for example, the amount spent on buying herbicides, pesticides, growth hormones and other chemicals used in conventional farming or the amount spent in cleaning the environment due to the effect of conventional farming on the environment.

Impacts on the environment In organic production, the contamination of soil and water does not exist since there is no use of synthetic chemicals in organic farming whereas conventional farming relies heavily on the use of synthetic chemicals which poses as a threat to soil and underwater contamination. Organic farming helps protect the local wildlife through the avoidance of toxic chemicals which helps to provide a safe haven for local wide life to thrive such as insects and rodents rather than contaminating it like in the case of conventional farming. Organic farming has helped to preserve biodiversity as the avoidance of synthetic chemicals in food farming helps to promote a natural balance in the ecosystem which prevents an abundance of particular species over the others. Organic farming reduces the effect of erosion as there is no elimination of vegetation which allows for more soil to be covered with vegetation which prevents erosion.

Taste? It is extremely rare that the taste of organically grown fruits and vegetables is found to be poorer than that of fruits and vegetables grown conventionally or with integrated techniques. Several studies have reported that organic produce stores better and has longer shelf life than conventional produce due to the lower nitrate levels in organic produce. Organic apples are generally firmer and have superior storage properties. Organic potatoes contain more vitamin C. Many studies have found that lower yields, better taste, more vitamin C and higher antioxidant levels in organic fruits and vegetables are correlated with lower levels of readily available nitrogen.

Q. Why do you think organic farming is the need of the hour? Agriculture is the backbone of human existence. For any civilization to prosper, agriculture has to be healthy and sustainable. We need to focus on promoting organic agriculture and agricultural practices that are stress-free, violence-free, and chemical-free. There are three objectives to organic farming. Firstly, it minimizes farmer suicides by reducing their dependence on farming inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides. Secondly, it helps provide healthy food for the society. And thirdly, it helps combat climate change by cutting down greenhouse gas emissions.

Q. How does organic farming contribute towards slowing down climate change? There is a misconception that industries and automobiles are the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, agriculture is one of the major contributors to climate change. Urea, which is one of the most commonly used fertilizers, releases nitrous oxide, which is a powerful greenhouse gas. 1 kg of nitrous oxide causes as much damage as 298 kg of carbon dioxide.

Q. What are some of the challenges that stand in the way of an organic farming revolution? One of the major bottlenecks for organic farming is the supply chain, which is currently weak. There needs to be a strong cold supply chain. The government is currently working on this There is little awareness among farmers about the current trends in agriculture, such as contract farming, which has the potential to boost sustainability in organic farming. Farmers are also facing issues with certification. Non-certified organic products do not fetch the market premium. This is because organic farmers are currently scattered, making certification a cost-intensive process. Certification is only effective when the size of land holdings is large; local farming communities need to collaborate for effective certification. Nobody expected a revolution in the telecom industry. Yet, today, cell phones have uniformly trickled down to every section of the society. There will be a similar revolution in organic farming.

Is organic farming the future of agriculture? Written By: Esha Muzaffar

Organic farming is an alternative agricultural system that uses ecologically based pest controls and biological fertilizers derived largely from animal and plant wastes and nitrogen-fixing cover crops. Modern organic farming was developed as a response to the environmental harm caused by the use of chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers in conventional agriculture, and it has numerous ecological benefits. Sustainability in agriculture requires us to find methods of farming that will continue on in a regenerative cycle that is beneficial to the environment and to the people as well. Organic farming can serve as a significant producer of food in food-secure developed countries and organic farming can also be a good fit in developing countries where fertilizers are too expensive, provided land is available for growing fertilitybuilding crops. Organic farming also enables farmers to use soil for a longer period of time to grow crops as soil fertility is maintained for a long time. It has a positive effect on the ecosystem, as it proves vital in supporting the survival of wildlife in the lowlands. It even provides safe pasture lands for grazing. Consumption of products obtained from organic farming minimizes the risk of physical ailments such as heart attacks. Scientific studies have proven that organic foods are healthier and much tastier than inorganic ones. Products or foodstuff produced from organic farming neither contain any sort of artificial flavor or preservatives nor do they contain any harmful chemicals. Organic farming is not only beneficial for farmers but it has also proved useful for the dairy industry. Cattle feed from organic farmlands have been found to be less prone to diseases and they yield more milk. These are definitely good signs for a consumer of these dairy products from a health perspective and for a dairy organization from the profit perspective.

The original nutritional content of food is preserved due to the absence of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Organic farming proves to be more profitable than conventional farming also reduces the production cost by about 25-30% as it does not involve the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides which thus makes organic farming cost-effective

Compared with conventional agriculture, organic farming uses fewer pesticides, reduces soil erosion, decreases nitrate leaching into groundwater and surface water, and recycles animal wastes back into the farm.

Overall, there are three main objectives to organic farming. Firstly, it minimizes farmer suicides by reducing their dependence on farming inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides. Secondly, it helps provide healthy food for the society. And thirdly, it helps combat climate change by cutting down greenhouse gas emissions. The challenge for future organic agriculture will be to maintain its environmental benefits, increase yields, and reduce prices while meeting the challenges of climate change and an increasing world population.

Is Organic Farming The Future Of Agriculture? Written By: Doha Sarwer

Agriculture is the backbone of human existence. For any civilization to prosper, agriculture has to be healthy and sustainable. We need to focus more on promoting organic agriculture and agricultural practices that are chemical-free. There are three objectives to organic farming. Firstly, it minimizes farmer suicides by reducing their dependence on farming inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides. Secondly, it helps provide healthy food for the society. And thirdly, it helps combat climate change by cutting down greenhouse gas emissions. There is little awareness among farmers about the current trend in agriculture, such as contract farming, which has the potential to boost sustainability in organic farming.

Farmers are also facing issues with certification. Non-certified organic products do not fetch the market premium. This is because organic farmers are currently scattered, making certification a costintensive process. Certification is only effective when the size of land holdings is large; local farming communities need to collaborate for effective certification. Organic farming has numerous benefits for people and some of them are listed below.

Organic produce contains fewer pesticides: chemicals such as fungicide, herbicides, and insecticides are widely used in conventional agriculture and residues remain on (and in) the food we eat.

Organic food is often fresher because it does not contain preservatives that make it last longer. Organic produce is often (but not always, so watch where it is from) produced on small farms near where it is sold.

Organic farming is better for the environment: Organic farming practices reduce pollution, conserve water, reduce soil erosion, increase soil fertility, and use less energy. Farming without pesticides is also better for nearby birds and animals as well as people who live close to farms.

Organic meat and milk are richer in certain nutrients: Results of a 2016 European study show that levels of certain nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids, were up to 50 percent higher in organic meat and milk than in conventionally raised versions.

Organic food is GMO-free: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) or genetically engineered (GE) foods are plant whose DNA has been altered in ways that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding, most commonly in order to be resistant to pesticides or produce an insecticide. In conclusion, I would say that organic farming can be the future of agriculture if we use it in a right way as it has immense benefits and is beneficial for environment. Also it will lead to sustainable agriculture and healthier lifestyle for future generation.

Book / Movie Reviews

Book review: Everything happens for a reason Written By: Laiba Aziz

With grace, wisdom, and humour, Bowler (Blessed), a divinity professor at Duke University, tells of her cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment in a way that pierces platitudes to showcase her resilience in the face of impending death. At 35 years old, after months of enduring stomach pains and visiting specialists who had conflicting suggestions, Bowler was rushed into emergency surgery for stage IV colon cancer. Surrounded by her husband, very young son, and a host of supportive friends, she faces down the likelihood that she will not live a year. As she responds well to treatment, she enters a period of uncertainty, hoping to survive and maximize her time with her family. Throughout her account of weekly flights to Atlanta from North Carolina for experimental therapy and realizations that each holiday might be her last, she relates her suddenly terrifying life to her academic work on the prosperity gospel—a peculiarly American belief in deserved success and control that is at odds with her current life. Bowler‘s lovely prose and sharp wit capture her struggle to find continued joy after her diagnosis. This poignant look at the unpredictable promises of faith will amaze readers. Kate Bowler‘s personal perspective on how being diagnosed with cancer disrupted her "seemingly perfect life" and forced her to question what matters most when it comes down to the very real fact that she is dying. Her perspective is real and authentic, and at times unapologetic in its portrayal of her interactions with family, friends, and the medical community. Stories of this nature are always a good reminder that what we do and how we are around patients has a larger impact on them than, we are able to anticipate, or even be aware of. I find it‘s always important to listen to a person‘s story, especially when it comes to anything they consider ―life-changing,‖ I recommend this book to everyone who loves listening to people‘s personal experiences.

Movie Review: Joker Written By: Verisha Omar

Authors note: the following content is nothing more than an opinion. You do not have to agree. Right off the bat, I‘d like to say that I prefer DC to Marvel. I know this statement ruffles a few feathers but it‘s true. I usually tell people that Marvel makes good movies but terrible series and DC makes terrible movies but good series. This time however, DC proved me wrong. Joker is the origin story for, as the tittle states, the infamous DC villain. The plot is about a man, Arthur Fleck, falling victim to isolation and bullying. The lack of regard by society initiates Arthur‘s slow descent towards madness and insanity as he turns into a criminal mastermind. My preferences in terms of genre usually include thriller, horror, mystery, and anything emotional. Joker covered each genre. Mostly leaning towards the emotional side of the movie Unusually though, I did not cry while watching the movie. Why? Well I say every movie has a scale- a scale of sadness if you will. The scale is divided into two parts by a line. To make an audience cry you have to place the plot somewhere in between the line. Too low then it won‘t be sad enough. Joker however, exceeded the limit by a tenfold. It was just too sad to cry for. Throughout the whole movie, I would constantly wish I could just get up and leave. It was just too emotional. If I haven‘t convinced you yet, here are a few more reasons to get the tickets for Joker:     

The incredible placement of the plot and the incredible acting Joaquin Phoenix portrays is just so captivating. All the previous adaptations of the Joker all used laughs that were too annoying to listen to. Not only is phoenix‘s laugh contagious, it also has a hint of sadness and tragedy to it. The manipulation of emotion is just so intense that some of the audience members were laughing at scenes that they shouldn‘t ethically be laughing on. The graphics and the high quality direction is simply mesmerizing. Joker definitely is a different movie created by DC as it shows gore that was not present in other movies.

Considering all this, I am highly recommending it to anyone who has a strong preference for thriller, emotional and mystery themed movies and for anyone who has a strong passion for them.

Movie Review: Avengers Endgame Written By: Ali Raza Overwhelming! It describes the final chapter that culminates Marvel Cinematic Universe‘s 21 iconic films into one. And also describes the experience of watching your favorite superheroes come together for a singular goal, for one last time. Directors Anthony and Joe Russo ensure that the humongous build-up and the avalanche of expectations do not get the better of them. They deliver a largely wholesome product that is full of moments laced with action, emotion, comedy and drama. Writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely take you along, even if you haven‘t been following the franchise. They do an incredible job with the screenplay to balance emotions with visual spectacle. So, if you‘re not a fan yet, chances are, you might become one after watching this installment. While the screen time for each character is not equal, their significance in the story is. And there are enough surprises in store, as far as their fates are concerned. ‗Endgame‘ delivers quite well on the emotional quotient, bringing out superpowers and vulnerabilities of its cinematic demigods through their measured performances. From an upright Captain America (Chris Evans) to a stoic Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and from a straight-faced Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) delivering the punches to the reassuring presence of Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), ‗Endgame‘ has it all and a lot more. Thanks to the conviction in performances, you also might just find yourself rooting for the bad guy, Thanos (Josh Brolin) at some point. However, it‘s the comic collective of Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) and Ant Man (Paul Rudd) that ensures there are enough lighter moments in this otherwise heartfelt finale. The action becomes progressively intense, but never overbearing. In fact, it remains relevant and true to the narrative, such that it weaves in enough opportunities for major plot twists that even the diehard fans may not see coming. The extensive CGI work adds to the visual appeal, even in 2D. For the non-fans, the film‘s explanatory tone might come across as a speed breaker at times, but for the fans, the same invokes hope and excitement, leading to constant gasps and howls. Overall, 'Avengers: Endgame' is a befitting tribute to the Cinematic Universe that has spawned larger-than-life superheroes and super fans. At three hours plus, ‗Endgame‘ delivers on a lot of its hallmark promises, leaving its fans with a range of emotions and fond memories.


All War is a Symptom of Man's Failure as a Thinking Animal (Proposition) Written By: Umer Asif I completely agree with this quote for the following reasons: War is actually a person's inability to understand the others situation .To elaborate more, usually in most fights, in both sides, people don't understand what is the problem. People just take actions quickly without ever thinking. War is the worst thing in the world; it gives benefits to none; it causes immense loss of human life and resources to all. Both the winning as well as the losing country, incur heavy casualties and losses. War is a higher case usually between nations. Secondly, war is sort of a shortcut. If people don't want to understand the others, they just start fighting. This point might be hard to understand but whenever someone fights, the reason behind is because the person does not want to understand the other. Thirdly, War is a result of a blame game. Each person, group or party just blames the other and then declare war. But this game goes on for decades and when they find no solution, a war is declared. The truth is that killing innocent people is always wrong — and no argument or excuse, no matter how deeply believed, can ever make it right. No religion on earth condones the killing of innocent people; no faith tradition tolerates the random killing of our brothers and sisters on this earth. To conclude, these are the following reasons why war is the symptom of human‘s failure just like an animal. It can be said that wars are symbolic of savage backwardness. Civilized people resolve their conflicts through peaceful dialogue at the discussion table. So, if a war happens, it means human thinking has failed.

All War is a Symptom of Man's Failure as a Thinking Animal (Opposition) Written By: Amaan Aziz First of all, what is war? In Oxford dictionary war is defined as a sustained campaign against an undesirable situation or activity. I disagree that war is not a symptom of man‘s failure as a thinking animal. Wars have been a part of the human history for thousands of years and so has the technology advanced because of this. Wars have numerous purposes, certain types of war, for example a ―Defensive‖ war, might be fought with the desired outcome being peace. In modern age people rarely think that war is good but often they can see it as necessary. Examples of a necessary war might be defending your country against foreign invasions or fighting a revolution against an unjust government. The First World War helped shape modern America. The war was a catalyst for the great migration of African Americans and those who returned from war, finding inequality, demanded civil rights. World War 2 is called the good war; this distinguishes from World War 1, called the Great War which was supposed to be the war to end all the wars. However, as we know, World War 1 did not quite lead to lasting peace. World War 2 did finally lead to peace. Economic growth – War can strengthen an economy by providing jobs. Also, war allows manufacturing to thrive, especially weapons and ammo manufacturing. In times of conflict, more people buy weapons and ammo, and thus more money changes hands, which benefits the people selling the weapons, and boosts the economy. In conclusion, battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base. All men are afraid in battle. The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood.

Personal Experiences

Exploring through the lens Written By: Addan Imran I love making videos and editing them as well as doing photography. If you all are wondering why I love video making and editing, well it all started from animating. I used to 2d animate and not because I wanted a profession as an animator but just because I had fun making them and enjoyed my time while doing it. When I was 9 years old, I always wanted to be a scientist but as I grew up I discovered more things about computers, especially filming and editing. Since I wasn‘t professional in computers, the quality of my videos were really bad because I did not have a camera, so I used to record with my Ipad and used movie to edit my videos. It was so tough so I almost gave up but my parents did not let me, they motivated me to be something I can be. Then I started watching a lot of YouTube videos and saw so many YouTubers making cool and interesting videos like Zach king. When I didn‘t know anything about video making, I used to find it really hard but when I started doing photography and videography, I got better and better day by day. I might not be good at them but the main thing is that, I know the concept of editing, color grading, masking, VFX and more, so all I need to work on, is the angle, acting and the script. I realized that I also needed music for these videos so I started to learn how to produce music from a software app in my laptop. I also love writing poems so somehow I got all these hobbies in making videos that is why I love it, but it is hard to study and work on my stuff at the same time. Anyway, it is really good to be a youtuber but it‘s not easy to easily be successful, you have to make videos after two or three days minimum otherwise people will leave your channel and won‘t like it. To make your channel more attractive you need an attractive name which is pretty common or cool, so that can be a name that people search and we also need friends to work with you so it can be better. They can help you by giving ideas and tips and also feedback. This is what I have learnt.

Military Training Written By: Afra Khalfan This summer vacation I decided to experience something new, something which would teach me and help me polish my skills. I wanted to challenge myself and that is why I planned to join a military camp for two months. It was the best experience. Till now I‘ve learned many things such as being independent and responsible and how to expect anything any minute. We used to reach in the morning sharp at 8:00 and then we had a off at 3:00 .Almost 60 students were there of my age and I really appreciated that teenagers have started developing interest in this field. Each and every minute spent their taught me a lot, as teenager it was a lesson for me to know that military is not just about wearing the Formal uniform. It‘s about responsibility, attitude and duty. It may take time to learn and to settle but it is worth it. I admit it wasn‘t that easy to get used to of this lifestyle but our military trainer helped us a lot. It was hard at the beginning and tough on us but with determination, courage and will power, we all succeeded. Beyond training and education, the experience you'll gain from being in military is important to any job. Teamwork and management skills are an integral part in the Military. Other than that, the fun we have with the new friends we make and the time we spent together is just priceless. Laughing on each other‘s mistakes and then teacher each other how to do a particular task is really fun. Some of the other benefits are You learn to become quick on your feet by participating in hand to hand combat and a bayonet assault course. You learn how to be quick mentally and overcome your fear by tackling challenging obstacles, some over 40 feet high! You will gain confidence in your equipment by entering the gas chamber. Mentally, your brain will be challenged every day with new skills and tasks, inducting you into ―the Military of one‖.

Islamic Calligraphy

Made By: Minaam Azeem

Made By: Manal Fatimah

Made By: Doha Sarwer

Made By: Maheen Faisal

Made By: Esha Muzaffar


Science Quiz Made By: Naseera & Habeeb 1. Name the Glands associated with the Human Digestive System? A. Salivary glands and Pancreas B. Salivary glands and Liver C. Liver and Pancreas D. Salivary glands, Liver & Pancreas 2. Name the hardest material present in the body? A. Dentin B. Pulp C. Enamel D. None of the above 3. A reaction that has both oxidation and reduction, is called: A. Redox reaction B. Decomposition reaction C. Synthesis reaction D. Double displacement reaction 4. In 1 minute how much energy does a 100 W electric bulb transfers? A. 100 J B. 600 J C. 3600 J D. 6000 J 5. When an object falls freely towards the ground, then its total energy: A. Increases B. Decreases C. Remains constant D. First increases then decreases 6. The commercial unit of Energy is: A. Watt B. Watt-hour C. Kilowatt-hour D. Kilowatt 7. Arrange the correct sequence of the steps involved in the process of Human Digestive System? A. Digestion, Ingestion, Assimilation, Egestion and Absorption B. Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption, Assimilation and Egestion C. Egestion, Absorption, Digestion, Assimilation and Ingestion D. Assimilation, Absorption, Ingestion, Digestion and Egestion

Riddles Written By: Hadi & Ahmed

1. What goes up and down stairs without moving? 2. Give it food and it will live, give it water and it will die. 3. What can you catch but not throw? 4. I run, yet I have no legs. What am I? 5. Take on out and scratch my head, I am now black but once was red. 6. Remove the outside, cook the inside, eat the outside, and throw away the inside. 7. What goes around the world and stays in a corner? 8. What gets wetter the more it dries? 9. The more there is, the less you see. 10. Salman has two kills, Hadi has 1 kill, and how many does Sarim have?

Answers for science quiz: 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.B

PUNS By: Ammar & Khadija 1. I‘m positive I just lost an electron. Better keep an ion that. 2. How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? 10-tickles. 3. I was wondering why the ball was getting bigger. Then it hit me! 4. My girlfriend broke up with me so I took her wheelchair. Guess who came crawling back. 5. My math teacher called me average. How mean! 6. To the guy who invented Zero, thanks for nothing! 7. I cut my finger chopping cheese, but I think that I may have grater problems. 8. What did the cross-eyed teacher say? I can't control my pupils! 9.

Stop with the blind jokes... I dont see the point.

Answers to riddles: Carpet, Fire, Cold, Nose, Match, Corn, Stamps, Towel, Darkness, All the kills

Maths Quiz Made by:Habeeb Afraz

1. A carton of orange drink costs twenty-five pence. How many cartons can I buy for two pounds fifty? 2. I was delayed in traffic from quarter to six to twenty past six one evening. For how many minutes was I delayed? 3. At ten pm, the temperature was eight degrees Celsius. By midnight the temperature had dropped by ten degrees. What was the temperature at midnight? 4. The prices of meals in a canteen are increased by five per cent. What is the new price if the old price was two pounds. 5. A rectangular photograph measures eight centimetres by ten centimetres. I enlarge the photograph so that the shorter side is twelve centimetres. What is the length of the longer side? 6. One hundred pupils study French, German or both languages. Sixty-five pupils study French and eighty-three pupils study German. How many study both languages? 7. A football team won fifty-five per cent of their games and lost thirty per cent. The rest ended in a draw. What percentage of their games ended in a draw? 8. A rectangular football pitch is sixty-five metres by one hundred metres. A footballer runs once around the perimeter of the pitch. How far does he run? 9. Twelve people in a group are left-handed. Twenty per cent of the group are left-handed. How many people are in the group? 10. I am thinking of two numbers that add to twelve. One number is two more than the other. What are my two numbers

Answers: 1.10 2. 35minutes 3. -2degree Celsius 4. 2.10 6. 48 7.15% 8.330m 9. 60 people 10. 5 and 7

5. 15cm


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