TCSI Dubai Class Magazine of Year 7(A)

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IT’S 2018!



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Editor: Laiba Asif Photographer: Hamza Asif


Features Editor: Laiba Asif Writers: Laiba Asif Anzish Kamran Maab Babiker Maryam Naveed Gulmina Qazi Cartoonist: Aiman Kashif

My name is Laiba Asif of Year 7A, a proud student of

The City School International. I am taking a wide view here of a great opportunity given to me by my esteemed English teacher,

Miss Madelyn Addatu. She helped me conquer my fears. She

Reach me at:

became the catalyst for my passion for writing. I had a

wonderful flourishing time compiling my classmates’ outputs and seeing their amazing reactions when they find their work on the

Class Magazine. It was a great honour given to me by my most

favourite teacher. She is one of the persons I really wish to thank for. Anyways, I am really honoured for the place I am in today. I am sure that my classmates’ faces will be shining bright

through the magazine with the wonderful journeys, the writings, and the corrupting passion born in them. If we had not gotten to the place which I and my partner are at today, we would not be able to see the fun we are having by creating this magazine.

All thanks to Miss Madelyn for helping me reach this amazing place today.

Laiba Asif

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“Why is someone screaming daily at the same time,” questioned Bloom. “I am not sure, why,” replied Flora, “Do you have a reason?” “No, helpless,” answered Musa. “Wow! What a mesmerizing surrounding. Musa got startled. “Let’s leave this, hurry up, we are to see Madam Teresa positively,” said Bloom promptly. The three friends rushed to Madam Teresa’s office and knocked the door. “Good morning, Madam Teresa,” all greeted simultaneously. “Good morning, to you, too,” replied Madam Teresa,

“we all have gathered here to talk about something very important.” “We are ready for anything you order,” answered Flora. “You have a mission to do, there are eight pieces of different colored stones, each representing a different symbol,” said Madam Teresa. She picked up her cup of coffee and looked out at the beautiful landscape. There was cool breeze. It wiped their faces. The birds were chirping. The Sun was bright and shiny. Even the room was well-lit. Page | 5

Madam Teresa sighed. The three friends were astonished, although Madam Teresa was looking at a landscape, why was she sad and upset. Musa questioned Madam Teresa, that why she was sad and she replied, “This astonishing and breathcatching landscape that you see, all its beauty, its color and glory, will all vanish.” “But, why?” objected Flora. “This is because; there are some awkward artificial rays that are affecting Earth badly, according to our scientists. These rays are creating more of destruction than any good,” replied Madam Teresa sadly, “these rays are coming from the stones, which are not easily available and the stones can be used for both disruptive and productive purposes.

Musa and Flora have been appointed for this mission and they are to catch hold of the meddler. In addition to that, their mission is also to find these stones. One day, they were roaming around while trying to find the meddler and saw signs of a tornado in that area. There were some kids playing and they immediately rescued the kids, while doing so, they found a sparkling stone. Bloom’s mind was badly stuck to the screaming voice. Bloom felt as if her inner soul was trying to tell her that the strange voice had some connection with the stone. One of the disruptive qualities of the stone was that, it could make people blind for some time. It would also generate wind if exposed to sunlight directly.

Madam Teresa prepared some files for the three friends. She gave it to them. In the files, it was written that Bloom,

That night the three friends decided to examine the room from where the screaming voice came, though trespassing was not Page | 6

allowed in that room. They first looked through the key hole and saw their colleague in that room putting some stones, similar to the one they had found. There were seven more stones that he had put. They saw what he was doing and Musa had a great plan. The next morning, the three friends went in the room, after a while their colleague went in. They took the stone with them and blinded their colleague with the stone. They also tied him to a chair with a rope. They examined the stones and also found a technological machine which was on auto play and it was playing the screaming voices. They opened the box and found that seven stones in it. They combined all eight stones and realized that the energy from the

stones could be used for health, happiness and prosperity of the community instead of using these for disruptive purposes. They submitted their findings to Madam Teresa who was thrilled with the results. All friends stated happily at Madam Teresa’s office, “Hooray! Now, we can live in peace.�

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Buzz!! Mindy’s alarm went off at 7:15, but Mindy didn’t seem very happy about it. Who could be happy waking up at 7:15? I could understand why she hated it as she spent the whole night doing her very detailed history project. She turned her head and tucked herself deeper into the cozy blanket and she murmured 5 more minutes. 5 minutes turned into 20 minutes which turned into a whole hour. Today doesn’t seem like a good day for Mindy. It was already 8:16 and she was busy dreaming. It was 8:30 and Mindy was fast asleep. Mindy laid peacefully and then

there was a big THUD. Mindy had fallen off the bed, OUCH. She was astonished when she saw the tie and started her day with a big rush. Silly Mindy took 15 minutes putting on her pants because she kept putting them on inside out; uhh poor 11-year- old was having a tough time. As soon as she was done with that, she walked out of her own house and walked 7 blocks to her school. Oh no! After all that walking, she realized she forgot her bag at home. How sad! Mindy was mad until it started to rain. Fortunately, the heavy drops of rain cooled off her anger. It was a painful morning, but thankfully Mindy Page | 8

reached school at 10:45. That’s not too late, Mindy thought to herself. “Right this way young lady.” Oooooppps. It was the principal. “DETENTION,” she yelled. “When can she ever be nice?” Mindy whispered. Everything was going well. It was 6th period and nothing else bad happened to Mindy. Oooooppps, spoke too soon! Mindy just got her Math test back and in a red pen; it said F! It was break and Mindy was having fun. She had pizza from the canteen and played basketball. Someone passed the ball to her and it hit her nose. “Blood bath,” the fat stinky Bob shouted. Mindy was doomed. What could possibly happen next? “Ouch!

Bob you stepped on my toe!” Bob had no care whatsoever. The day went on and Mindy walked home looking miserable. She opened the door and made some tea. “Hot Hohhot!” she screamed as she burned her tongue. Mindy thought the best thing to do was to sleep so nothing more could happen to her. When she opened her blanket, she found it to be infested with bed bugs. EWWW. Sleeping was a bad idea too. So she decided to go to the mall; bought herself cheeseburger and felt all better. “Oh wait, I was on a diet!!” Mindy sadly said.

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Suspicion Detective BY: MAAB BABIKER

It’s 3:30 am, and there is no sight of anyone. “Wait! I can see someone, they are trying to sneak into the currency museum,” recorded detective Jennifer. It was a dark area, it looked as if a storm had visited and it was thunderous and furious.

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Honey is sweet gold. While the sloth sleeps all day long. Bee is a worker.

The Wanderlusting Nature BY:MAAB BABIKER

The forest is dark The garden is wonderful Both of them have trees

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My first Ice Skating experience today was a complete updraft actually, when I courageously had a visit with my friends to the Hyatt Regency Ice Rink in Dubai. Luckily, when I reached, all I heard while waiting for the ice rink to be cleansed is how much they all knew how to skate. Rambunctiously, I was very worried at first, how in the world am I going to do this? When I got my skates with the size 39. I wore it with my shakable hands and I forgot how to tie my laces. Fortunately, there was a lucky person to help me there, and then with the golden spotlight shining in my face, while I was heading to the ice rink, I made a queer and bizarre face as I almost slipped on the wicked cursed ice beneath my trembling feet inside the skates. I held the bar of the rink while trying to balance and skate all by myself as eventually it was my first time skating at age of 12. Incidentally, I fell a couple of times, bumped my knee, got bruises all over, but I admit it, it was a learning start, with my friends, I wanted to really show them I can do this; although, I thought I can’t. Instead, when I fell a couple of times, I used to laugh on the outside while I was crying in the inside of my body. I regretted why did I do this at first? I wanted that one person by my side always. I was really unwell when I got hurt a couple of times, the frozen solid ice touching my skin and my hands. Imagine the suffering. It hurt a lot, I must say. But I Page | 12

admit it was a lifetime experience for me. My friends, the ludicrous and bizarre friends trying to torture me in the middle of the ice rink, they left me there and I fell. I got up with a learning strategy from the tutor there and she helped me conquer my fears and my unlimited power which is not giving up easily. She made me do it. She was the only good person there. Then, I slowly attempted my first skating collapsing moments. Only this moment eventually occurs sometimes. But I miraculously gave it a try and went back home, gave my parents the biggest hug and I was the happiest person. I did have a great time with my friends.

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My Obsession over Anne of Green Gables (Lucy M. Montgomery)


Lately, my obsession has been over the book called ‘Anne of Green Gables’. I don’t know whether people like it or not, but currently it’s been totally bellowed to my heart, it has plunged and leapt through my soul. I can’t remove the book from my shivering hands, so uncanny and peculiar. In this most subtle and soothing novel, are some of the most pleasant words drifting above my imagination. It’s about a poor orphan girl dressed in rags named “Anne”. She’s always looked in her world of imagination and scope for wonder and creativity all around. She then gets a chance to run far away from the most poisoned ail to the most divinely beautiful place in the world in Prince Edward Island, it’s called ‘Green Gables’. She is then Page | 14

sent to live with Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert, and then soon she gets settled there and gets a new bosom friend with beautiful black hair as a ravens wing, so ravishing and delicate. It may seem she gets adopted and is successfully becoming an author of Avonlea. It’s the most precious story you could ever imagine or hear of. Sometimes, I imagine myself in the place of that girl. Coming to think of it, she’s rather quite interesting and blossoming than you might think she is not like that. Lucy Maud Montgomery’s books on Anne are the most tremendous set of novels I have encountered on my way to life.

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Poems Our teachers are our Enlightenment BY: ANZISH KAMRAN Our teachers are as special as they chose to teach. Every day, you all teach us to make us achieve the goals we reach. Our class teacher Ms. Jean, makes us believe, For the child, the dreams are wild. Miss Madelyn teaches us English and her way is sweet,

Just like honey on treat. Ms. Anupama is a genius in Math, Whenever we get stuck, she shows us the path. Ms. Anu teaches us Science, we have on her full reliance,

And can’t think of noncompliance. Ms. Qurat is dedicated for Arts and History, So that we learn skillful treasury. Ms. Musarat bestows her knowledge of Moral Education and Technology, To build our character strategically. Page | 16

The religion that we are born with is expressed and elaborated by our lovely teacher Ms. Naghma. The skills that are developed are done by Ms. Prescila,

For if we compete outside, we act like a ninja. Sir Ahsan has a great knowledge of SST, He teaches us the UAE history, clearing all the past mystery. Sir Abu Baker is for Arabic, He teaches us the Holy language.

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Anne of Avonlea BY: LAIBA ASIF

Once upon a time There was a red-haired Little orphan girl Freckled and talkative Passionately imaginative Just came to an Island Full of blossoming fields And dazzling red road The farmland and the sea Were as gorgeous as ruby Page | 18

Sunrise continues to delight The moon always has bright light You feel you have come home When you come to the lover’s lane, A never-ending of happy bosom friendship The spirited heroine The childhood adventures From the green Avonlea Who always keeps on jaunting? Into the haunted woods Miles of white sand crystal-clear beaches The grass- covered dunes A heart-warming respiration That always live and endure On our vivid hearts they derive‌.

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