TCSI Dubai Class Magazine The Journos by year 7 (B)

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THE JOURNOS -A Literary Folio

Editors: Areeba





Index -poems -drawing -quotes -short stories -news -column

“We love the things we love for what they are.” ―Robert Frost

There was a man, who was cruel, He was always ready to rule, He owned a whole place, It was as bad looking as his craze He was a big lad, He was a man who was found to be so sad. -Affan Khalid There was once a man from Peru He had a lot of growing up to do He rang the door bell Then he ran like hell. -Haysum Sohail

NEW SCHOOL N:o one’s hear, an area filled with darkness E:xpect the fact I’m new, then the clock goes BOOM BOOM!! W:aiting is what all the chairs were doing, waiting for someone to come in.


of the books, then the books whispered to each other C:ute posters hung on the wall

H:eard a laugh from the dark and someone was coming. O:h! Look someone’s coming! The class is going to be lit!! O: h! More students! The class is getting lit!! L:et’s start the first day, with happiness all the way! By: Wania Asim

The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. -Pablo Picasso


Yamna Imran

-Haaniya Zeeshan

-Ghazal Nadeem

- “Beauty does not show on your face, instead it glows in your heart.” - “Respect is for who deserves it, not for who demands it.” - “Success does not come to you; you are the one who creates it.” - “One smile can stop one thousand tears.’’







- “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door to open.” - “AN OPTIMIST thinks we’re moving towards the best of all possible words,


thinks we’ve already arrived.”

A that

- We take the test, God gives the result. -Fehreen Malik

JOKES A new boy named Aaron joined the school; he was a very funny boy, but he went too far for making jokes that he got expelled and was grounded. Everyone was wondering about that bad joke that became the reason for his expulsion. One day, the kids asked Miss Well. She taught in that school for a long time, so the kids went and asked her…… she replied, “ Why do you even want to

know; anyways, I’m going to tell you, but promise me, you won’t tell anyone else.” Then she continued telling “there was a game named Charlie, the game was banned in the country, but he thought everything was a joke” then, he played Charlie Charlie and it said yes, he was so happy; he told the principal, then he got so angry he expelled him .After this incident, no one ever played that game ever again. By: YAMNA IMRAN


UAE National Day Celebration TCSI had celebrated UAE National Day; kids and teachers dressed up– abaya and jalabias for women and qandoora for men. What was amazing and exciting about the day was that the school had brought in a traditional shelter sort of sitting area and a real falcon. Students took

photos and had turns for holding the falcon. Areeba, student of Year 7B was interviewed about the activities that took place in the celebration, she said, “We had a costume party where we dressed up as any character and watched horror films in class; we also went outside to the stalls where we bought and ate food.� Everybody had fun and embraced the UAE culture.

Miss-knows-it-all advice column.

Ask me anything, anytime, and always expect an answer to your problem.  Q1.How do we deal with bullies in school? Ans: Every child goes through a phase of being bullied; it might be directly or indirectly, but you should be

aware and know how to deal with it, and that’s exactly why I’m here for. Step1 is to inform an adult; it can be anyone you trust, it could be your elder sibling, your mother, your friendliterally anyone who you truly trust. Your parents should be aware but if you are not comfortable to tell them; it’s completely normal and okay.

But something you should do is get the pressure off of you by telling someone as I mentioned earlier and calmly approach the bully and tell him or her that the thing s/he is doing is not right and it hurts other people including YOU. Just in case s/he does something physical, don’t get physical as well- be the bigger person and walk away and

ignore. Don’t make eye contact at all and that’s exactly the time you tell your parents or teacher. Q2.What’s the best way to study in general, for example just doing homework or studying for an exam? Ans. Everybody studies differently, but I think the best way to study is to ignore

distractions, for example, some people might say to have some music around for little entertainment or relaxation but I wouldn’t recommend it. From my personal experience, whenever I put music, even light, I have the urge to turn it on louder and sing and dance to it and to be very honest, everybody does that and I think it’s completely normal.

Therefore, I would not recommend using or having your phone any music or anything that would basically urge you to something. Moreover, I would recommend cleaning your table for once and only have books that are necessary, for example, if you are studying Math, then only have your Math textbook and notebook .

I also recommend using a planner. It helps putting your stuff in order. I use a planner and it really helps me. If you want to succeed in accomplishing a goal, set it up in your planner and try to achieve it during the week.

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