TCSI Grade 8(A) 2019-2020

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Harvest Moon “Autumn leaves are falling, filling up the streets; golden colors on the lawn, nature’s trick or treat..!” -Rusty Fischer

Dive in and contemplate at the hidden gems this Digest has to offer



Hassan Ahmad EDITORS

Ali Affan, Raahim Azeem, Ahmed Paracha, Zainab Naveed, Fatima Saadat, Hassan Rashid PUBLISHER

Ammar Hafeez TRIVIAÂ

Wania Khalid, Syed Omar, Saad Bin Sohail

Message for the Reader

Dear Reader, Hello there, what we bestow in front of you is no ordinary Publication, this is the official class magazine of Year 8-A “Harvest Moon” (2019-2020). This will be your guide through the adventures of October, and will make you all see things in a way you all never tried to see them. This Publication of wonders will take you through an adventure of 2 major themes of October, “Autumn and Halloween”. This magazine includes the innovative, fascinating and truly astonishing big writes of year 8-A on the topic “Tomorrow”, Events going around our school which include (The Dubai fitness challenge, Breast cancer awareness week, international day etc.) and last but not least the soul purpose of this amazing book, to entertain you a “Trivia” section with Hilarious Jokes, Mind twisting Riddles, Ken-Ken, crosswords and more.

Yours Truly, Pupil's of 8A

Table of Contents Big Writes A time warp gone wrong................................6 Cruise of the Kreken…...................................10 The edge of tomorrow...................................16 Time Machine..........…....................................23 Tomorrow, isn`t always as expected............27 A better tomorrow......…................................33

News Bits Addition of new subject..............................40 Conferring Responsibilities….......................42


Comics..................................................44 Word Search…......................................45 Riddles..................................................46 Kenken.........…......................................47 Jokes.....................................................48

Big Writes

A Time Warp Gone Wrong Hi my name is Jackson, I live on the planet Earth, well that is pretty common but I am living during the 2050’s. I love gadgets and technology, I am currently twelve years old. In 2050 we now have cars that run on CO2 and have magnetic fields under them allowing them to float or hover over the ground. We also have space soccer which is basically your ordinary football, but the whole field has a really strong force to it which allows the ball as well as the players to hover high over the ground for a rough estimate around 9 feet. Well my favorite thing about this time period are the sky cities which are basically huge floating cities that are above oceans, to be honest with you I live in one. I go to future school and study in year 8. As I mentioned earlier, I love technology and I actually mentioned that because day before yesterday the all new iPhone 31 was released and last year our cities first time machine was built,


after I heard that I have been planning to go and bring back the first iPhone ever built or as people call it the iPhone 2g. The iPhone 2g is now worth 30,000,000 in pounds and the only person who has it won’t even sell it. That person doesn’t even live in our city. In October the facility that built the time machine are going to have some sort of event in which everyone will have a turn to go wherever they want to go, me and my group of friends which I should have mentioned about earlier as well are going to go back in the time for when the first iPhone 2g was built in 2007. I have 3 friends which I have decided to go with since we have been together since year 2 and I trust them the most. Billy, his twin Timmy and Tom, are my friends that will be going with me. That day finally came, me and my friends would go in that time machine back to 2007 just to bring back that historical device.


We decided to camp there the night so we could be the first ones to go, we all put alarms on our phones and watches and went to bed. Luckily we all woke up at time packed our stuff and waited for few minutes so that they could open the shops just in case anything went wrong we all brought backup stuff. I brought some first aid, Billy and Timmy brought a lot of food and Tom brought a survival kit with 2 tents, we were all set‌ But little did we know what was waiting in front of us. We were the first ones to get in, all of us got into seats. There were 4 seats in the time machine me and Tom sat parallel to Billy and Timmy. The safety guy told us to put something like belts on that we usually find on roller coasters. We set the time and place and the machine started it felt like I was about to vomit! Suddenly the machine stopped and it felt like a slow car, now Billy took out some soda and started to drink it, the machine started moving and it felt like we were on a bumpy


road… and that’s when it all went wrong Billy’s soda got spilled and fell. over the computer type thing in which we had entered our details suddenly the machine started making weird noises and the same fast speed began like how it was in the start, and then… BOOM! We realized that the soda must’ve messed up the system, that’s when Timmy called out to us and said there is something wrong with the date and time it was glitchy and laggy and stuff. The date was all wrong in fact there were some other numbers changing I hope you get the idea. We all started trembling in fear bad and weird thoughts started coming in my mind, what if we could never get back, what if we got stuck in the middle of the warp or worse what if we were in the time of the WW2 or the cretaceous period. Tom started crying we tried to make him calm down, I figured the best thing I can do right now is think positively at least after everyone had calmed down the doors opened and we started hearing shouting and gun firing all of a sudden my thoughts or expectations were true we were in the time of the WW2! Luckily.


we were in the forest on top of a huge mountain here no soldiers were and we could see the whole fight going on but we decided to stay back and not get even more tense. Tom got the tents out and we stayed for a week over there surviving on the food Billy and Timmy had brought. On our 9th day a solider came to our camp area and threatened us, we all started to cry just when he was about to hoot us he fell unconscious, there was a dart sticking out of his neck and that’s when we saw the police with a tranquilizer gun and our parents we were so happy that we cried tears of joy. After all of us calmed down the people who made the time machine apologized and I guess it was our fault too. According to them it was still a prototype and needed water resistance. And you might be guessing how did the police and our parents got here they tracked the location of our time machine and came in the governments which was a lot bigger and better. In the end, we didn’t get what we wanted but our experience was a once in a lifetime experience. written By: Hassaan Ahmad


Cruise of the Kreken That pains runs through my nerves every time I get a flash back of those years. At a young age, having no future is not pleasing. Lost in the sea, between a boat and water, wondering whether, I will reach home tomorrow! I travelled to seek revenge in a large boat followed by 2 others with an army of 20,000 men. After months of sailing, we finally reached to our destination, Spain. Surrounded by a wooden structure of a horse where dim flames of candle were present, I was sitting beside a large armored army which made me feel curious. Benjamin and Cyrus, my most trusted men, were discussing about the future which made me fall into deep thoughts .Was I ready? I couldn’t answer myself. My queen’s words were continuously rewinding in my mind but I had to behead King Andrew. Finally, I convinced myself.


It was a foggy night when we decided to implement our plan. We entered the front yard in groups of 10. The castle was surrounded by tall brick walls and flower, in front of us stood a large brown door, entrance to the castle. We entered the castle with pin drop silence without letting the guards notice us. Walking through the hallway made us sense our victory but our spirits got crushed. It was Andrew, standing in front of us with a huge army “What brings you here, Arthur?” he questioned. Without wasting time I grabbed my sword, jumped towards him and poked it in his chest and said “Nothing, just to clear my old dues with you, by the way do you remember anything from this?” Seeing him die must have made my father’s soul relaxed. It wasn’t over, I had to kill his family like he killed mine.“Cyrus, kill each and every one.” I commanded. Somehow, I managed to escape the bloodshed by killing solider after solider and now it.was his family’s turn.It wasn’t over, I had to kill his family like he killed mine. “Cyrus, kill each and every one.” I commanded. Somehow, I managed to escape the bloodshed by killing


solider after solider and now it was his family’s turn. As I ran through the hallway, I heard someone shouting, “You terminator! How could you?” shouted Charlotte, Andrew’s daughter “I did nothing wrong, your father got what he deserved.” I explained. “The kraken curses you that you’ll never return and I sacrifice myself to curse you,” she said. I ignored the curses but I’d remember only one thing, my wife’s words, she said one who goes there never returns.We boarded on a ship with all the captured servants including Alma and few of my men left from the brutal bloodshed. Cyrus read my face and asked “Sir, you look worried.” “I got cursed but Kraken is never true,” I said ,seeing his face turning pale. We set for our journey in the blue sea with joy but we didn’t know what was ahead of us, we didn’t know when that day will come when we will reach home.“How far are we from Sparta?” I asked. “ , we are following the same way we came from but we cannot reach our destination .We are still trying to navigate.” told Benjamin. “How is it possible, it has been more than a year of travelling but still.”


I thought, “Find out the way, maybe today, tomorrow or one day, I will reach home” “Why don’t you people understand, it’s the curse.” Alma explained, getting ignored as she weren’t there. “Andra…Luke, is it you?” I said, “Sail towards that Island.” “No, don’t, these are the tricks played by the witch on you.” shouted Alma from behind. “My wife is there too, I can see her, Captain sail to that island,” said Benjamin. “No, don’t do that, these are the tricks. She will cast a spell on you.” repeating her sentence. “Sail toward that Island.” I shouted so loudly that my voice echoed. I didn’t even wait for the ship to stop. I jumped off and ran straight into the thick forest surrounded by sand. I anticipated I had arrived home but my eyes did not see the truth. It wasn’t that day. I don’t know what happened next…


“King, KING! Can you hear me!” Alma shook me as hard as she could. “What happened? Were we under a spell? How did you save us?” I questioned. “With a torch, it is a long story, you don’t want to hear it. I have good news, to remove the curse we must kill the monster that lives deep in this forest. This is the only way to return” she explained. I was worried, different thoughts were running through my mind but nothing could stop me. After 2 days of marching, we reached a dull squared cave; its entrance was blocked by a metal door covered in fences. We broke through the fences into the cave. I gulped hard and entered the gloomy cave. They were true, all the tales were true. I sought the site of terror by seeing a large green 3 eyed monster wearing a blue locket.


Without wasting a minute, Alma climbed the monster’s back suddenly our heartbeat stopped. The monster stood up shaking the ground and smashing Benjamin. He started to come towards me, was everything over? Before he could smash me too, Alma smashed the blue locket and he fell straight on the ground. “But remember, the Kraken can still bother you.” She said.We set out in the blue sea leaving waves behind, hoping that nothing could stop us now. I used an old tale to predict the future. I saw in the blue sea, I saw us returning home. We will reach home tomorrow. The next day I woke up welcomed, by the melodies. I saw land ahead, I woke up Cyrus, to sail towards that land. When I stepped on the land, I felt happier than ever that tears wet my face. Finally we were there, finally. It was Spart Written By: Wania Khalid


The Edge of Tomorrow The last day of school was amazing,” Jarvis says to himself, while walking back home, “Well the class parties have always been astonishing.” Soon later Jarvis hears a car arriving behind him, he turns back to see and sees a black SUV with 4 men wearing black masks. Jarvis starts shivering with fright and panic. The car stops.

One of the four men, sitting in the front seat, took a pistol in his hands and aimed at Jarvis. “Give us everything you have or I will crack your head,” says the man. Jarvis tells himself to calm down, soon later the other 3 men also took out their weapons and aimed at Jarvis.


Abruptly Jarvis’s eye caught the sticker on all of the weapons, the sticker read ‘ToysRus’. Jarvis started walking towards home and shouted, “At least bring real weapons!” When Jarvis reached home, he went straight to his bed, turned his laptop on and started playing video games. Finally, after a few hours he was tired and decided to sleep. The next time Jarvis opened his eyes, he saw himself in a blue-themed room with no windows and just a single door made out of wood. He was a wearing a reddish-blue suit with a watch-looking machine on his left hand. Shortly later, a hologram of a lady popped in front of him; she said, “Welcome Jarvis, my name is Amanda and I’ll be your guide on your mission to save the planet Earth, you can ask me anything you need to.”


Jarvis stood puzzled in front of her, “But… but what happened to the planet, I mean it was all fine when I slept yesterday, and why am I on this mission to save the planet?” says Jarvis. “Firstly, a virus called the ‘V-Virus has infected 99.9% of the population overnight and you are the chosen one of the 2 people to save the Earth,” says Amanda. Jarvis takes two steps forward and asks, “Who is this second person? What is my mission?” “You will get to know about her soon because she will have the same suit your wearing so will easily recognize her,” says Amanda, “Your mission is to kill Magnus, a monster who has the antidote of the virus, you have to kill him to get the antidote. (Keep in mind that after every 24 hours to complete this mission, after 24 the antidote will disappear.) The antidote is airborne and it will surely reach every corner of the planet. Good luck!”


Jarvis advances forward and unlocks the door, he sees a long aisle with a door at the other end, which opens the very next second. Jarvis moves forward and finally is able to see the face of the female, it was Elizabeth, Jarvis’s best friend in school. They have a short chat and then they realise that they were on a mission. Jarvis presses the red button on his wrist machine and Amanda pops up, Jarvis asks, “Amanda, where can we find Magnus?” Amanda replies, “You can find him in Metropolis. When you enter Metropolis, you will see a sign, on which it is written ‘DEADLY’, right under the sign will be a staircase leading to Magnus, but be careful there are few challenges you need to go through to reach Magnus.”


“Where can we find the gear and stuff for this battle?” asks Elizabeth. “Ten kilometers from here you will find a bunker and in it, you can get whatever you need,” says Amanda. Jarvis and Elizabeth use the main door and exit the building they were in. The sun shining high and in front of them were two bikes. Both of them hoped on them and started their journey towards the bunker. A few minutes later they had arrived at the bunker and just moments later both of them were ready and geared up. Metropolis was far, and after roughly 12 hours, they were at Metropolis. Both were tired and decided to take a nap for a few hours. Unfortunately, when they woke up, they had 2 hours left. They hurried to the staircase they saw before sleeping. The staircase led to a huge underground room, abruptly the door behind them shut…


They could see the door to cross the huge room, six laser gunmen stood on each end shooting a laser at both of them. Jarvis pressed the blue button on his wrist machine, which created a shield around both of them. Both of them crossed the huge room and then saw a long aisle which led to another room. Suddenly Amanda pops up and says, “You’ll need a magical sword to kill Magnus, the sword will be present after you cross this aisle. Be aware there are traps in this room.” A rhino suddenly started charging towards them. Jarvis shouted in Panic, “Press the grey button on the wrist machine.” Micro seconds later, they disappeared… While the rhino stood still, Jarvis re-appeared and shot a bullet on the rhino’s head, and it fell on the floor. Elizabeth also finally reappeared and both of them entered the last room. Jarvis picked up the magical sword.


Moments later they could hear loud footsteps. A fifteen feet tall creature, with spikes on his skin, sharp teeth, 5 legs, 3 eyes and an ugly tail. Elizabeth started taking bullet shots at Magnus. Meanwhile, Jarvis took the cover of the rock and protected himself. Jarvis charged at Magnus with his sword, while Elizabeth distracted him. Jarvis got hit on his arm, but he didn’t give up; he pressed the green button on his wrist machine and took a leap into the air and bashed the monster on his neck‌ the monster lay dead. Moments later a bottled-flask with a green pigment inside was on the floor. They took the antidote and got out of the battle arena. Jarvis and Elizabeth stood still in pride, both held the antidote together and threw it down, which broke the bottled-flask and the world could now finally see tomorrow. Written By: Ali Affan


Time Machine I told some of you last Monday how the time machine works. So, at nine o clock today, the first of all Time Machine began its journey, and hopefully, I will see the future. I took a deep breath, held the starting lever with both of my hands which were shaking and I started to push harder. The light went off and a flash went through my mind and when I opened my eyes I was on planet Mars, people were highly educated and had different languages everything was anonymous there, aliens were living with humans and were living without oxygen mask I felt , the nature was different and had a deep feeling then unexpectedly everything went dull in front of my eyes and then a moment later light was switched on I saw my wife and my children in front of me that I couldn't assume that my children were grown.


Everything was going fine but when I saw a letter written with blood on the Mirror in my bedroom which said live or die I sped to my children and wife and told them about the letter but no one understood then abruptly my family and children disappeared I was alone on the planet called, Mars. I tried to live an isolated life without my wife and children and had no one to talk or share my problems and suddenly a yellow golden light appeared in front of my eyes and men with white coat came near me and asked is this 2050 I said "yes". He felt gloomy and unhappy when he heard that he is stuck with me on this lonely planet for years and hoped for help. I built up some comfort for myself and Mr. Michal who had a very good sense of humor. He told me about his family and why he raced to the future.


we learned to live alone and get supplies from olio they gave us food and supplies and nceshocked us and told us about Marque the daredevil of Mars. At night when Mr. Michael was walking outside a black spotlight went inside my brain and I saw Mr. Michael disappeared and then when I saw I was in 3000 where I was an old rusty soul with the age of 100. I was in the hospital and my great-grandson was sitting beside me and reading a novel to me, humans changed a lot through the periods and gained special technology , everything was automatic and did not have to sense something to get it. At night when the nurse gave me a dose everything dark in front of me, I was in the garden playing with my great-grandson and suddenly I was back to 2050 where I saw Mr. Michael and the olio standing beside me and they said I was unconscious for a while.


I asked them for help that I desired to go back to present they said there is only one thing that would get us back on to the present that was the golden eye of Marquee as said as the daredevil of Mars. I prepared to get the eye of Marquee with the help of the army of olio. At night marquee woke up with his millions of zombies. The golden hair of olio distracted marquee and I had only one chance to get everything back to normal. I injured my shoulder because of the zombies it was the various deadly and brutal adventure ever I had. I aimed for the eye and finally, I got success and a blue flash pointed on me and I was back in the present on my bed and never touched the time machine ever again. Written By: Ammar Hafeez


Tomorrow, isn't always as expected I remember it all very clearly, I had finally accomplished it. It, that was going to help us escape the cruelty of our time. It, that was going to help us get freedom from the greed and selfishness of people. It, that was going to help get me my peace and calm back. It, that was going to get us to tomorrow, the future. Griffin and you must be wondering why I hate this world and why my eyes only show me the cons of this world. You see, I am a scientist and like other great scientists I've accomplished great things but my far most greatest invention, before The Time Machine, was the first mechanical clock. The night I had finished the clock, I left it out on the table, thinking I would take it to the International Group of contemporary Science Exploits (IGCSE) in the morning but tomorrow I woke up to find it missing; I ran to the security guard panicked, and asked him, "Have you seen anything weird?"


He replied, "Yes, in the early morning, Tobais went out with a large and heavy bag. I asked him what’s in it. He didn't tell me so I asked him where he was going, he said he was going to the IGCSE, Master." I couldn't believe it, Tobais whom I thought to be my 'trustee' servant betrayed me. So, now you‘ve no reason to say that what I do thinking the world is bad is wrong because if you‘ve ever been betrayed by someone whom you trusted you'd do the same. From that day on hatred has been swelling in my heart towards humanity; save for Joe, the security guard. So I decided to shift to the countryside taking my important equipment with me so I could find ways to bring peace to my heart, thus I began to build a time machine so I could get away from the people in this era and meet new, better ones in the future. It was easy for me to build, because if I could make the clock, I figured the hidden principle of the time machine should be the same and Joe has helped me get through the


process of building the time machine by providing me with suppliesand support. Joe is a well-built man, he has brown hair and hazel brown eyeswith whitish skin, like an Asian. l, compared to him, am a tall, thin man withpaper skin, green eyes and fair hair. After the hard work of winter, Joe and I had finally finished the time machine and thus were getting ready to travel to tomorrow. When the time machine was ready, we went in and travelled to 3016. When Joe saw where we had arrived he felt afraid because he’d never seen skies so grey, soil so hard and infertile, the air here was concentrated with dirty particles that our lungs were gasping for air and chests tightening ergo we blacked out.  The next moment we woke up in a prison, the air here was much better. Joe started to panic but I didn’t make any advances to reassure him, for I felt no reason to. I was intrigued by the way they used to light the place, for they still used candles. After some time, a stout man


with a pot-belly came to meet us, he to me looked malnourished. He started questioning us about who we are, why are we here and are we spies? This man was wearing a loose shirt without sleeves and loose pants which to me looked very vulgar. To answer him, I told him that we are from the past and have travelled here for personal reasons and we are not spies. He started laughing, something vulgar, he stopped laughing abruptly and said so you are telling the truth, I nodded. I asked him why he thought we were spies. Â He replied, "We had some strangers before and they stole our precious soil." This gave me a thought to reflect on, didn't I judge humanity because of the actions of Tobais. I asked him, "Why is soil so precious to you?" He sighed, "In the years 2019-20 a massive battle took place which used nuclear eapons, a substance that removes life from everything it touches, its effect had reached on all land known to man. Only a few soil patches were left and this whole village survives on one." "Why are you so undeveloped?"I said.


He replied," Everything wasdestroyed in the war."I asked him if we can get any accommodations.He said, “My cousin will give you lodgings." We went to the constable's cousin's house and were welcomed. A month later, Joe was well adjusted and my heart was coming to peace, then they came. These people took all the soil of the village but the villagers blamed us for it so they beat us. The people who took the soil were the Soil Stealing Agency (SSA). Later that day, SSA came to the spot where we were being beaten by the villagers. The SSA took me but left Joe because the villagers had killed him, in front of me. I didn’t feel any grief, I couldn't understand why. I went with these people to their base. Here there were things I had never seen before. They asked me who I was and what I did. I told them my name and that I am a scientist. From that day on they set me in a lab, a dreary place with no hope, to make fertilisers. I worked with other people who were grief-stricken. Today, on my narrow iron-bed I realise why I didn't want


to admit my prejudice and why I didn't feel grief for the death of Joe, it’s because my heart, veins and every fiber in my body’s corrupted with hatred so it didn't matter if I went yesterday, today or tomorrow, the fault would be within me. Written By: Zainab Naveed

"Tomorrow is a mystery, today is the gift. That is why it is called the present."


A BETTER TOMORROW As I was dealing with that “bellowing” first customer of mine, I realized about how crummy my life is, and how bad it might get. “What! How dare you tell me that you’s out of me kidney beans?” I tried my absolute best to calm that lingering hoodlum down, but to my misfortune, I was fired from the only place that had me hired. Everyone hates me now, no one likes me, not even my own family...They all despise me. The silent streets of NY emptied me inside, it was almost midnight, and the moon glistened in the starry night, this emptied me even more. I remember those homeless crooks, who would come up to me every day and beat me to the ground, until I was left there with broken bones, and a broken heart.I had decided to stop thinking about such negative things and look on the bright side (at least I am alive).


As I was walking down a dreary lane, I stumbled upon a shimmering ravine; I didn’t give a damn about it, but looking about made me extremely tempted. I peeked in and saw a collaboration of objects and catalogues, but what really caught my attention was a white sparkling ball- must be from them fortunetellers. I was once again, tempted so without any clue I held the object in my hands. As I opened my eyes, I realized I wasn’t home any more, I didn’t know what was real and what wasn’t. I started panicking and saw all the fairies chuckling wistfully as they stared at my ragged 7 ELEVEN trainee uniform. A few minutes later, and I was being carried by about 30 glowing fairies towards a big baby pink castle. I was surrounded by: clouds, hot springs… well that’s a different story.


I was then charged onto the ground next to very tall, slim woman dressed in aurora pink and baby blue stripes. “Hello dear! We’ve been expecting you!” I guess that’s what she said; I began to realize that every time she babbled her ‘so called’ mighty words, her voice kept getting deeper, she suddenly turned into this bloody devil ready to devour those who come in her way. I had to find a way out, so I slid down a pair of curtains the size of a mob and landed on a small baby dragon who offered me a free ride, and wanted to be my best friend. “Dracon,”it said. We flew south, and when we had arrived, we were introduced to a volcano full of molten lava and rocks that could fall on you on an insusceptible time. There was a drawbridge guarded by an armed girl, who came up to me questioned about my details.


“The name’s Iggy and yours?, “ I was too shy to answer, as I felt a connection between us. “Ok, never mind then,” she replied to my silent croak. We soared across the mountains camouflaged with white snow; it looked as if a blanket covered an isle of mattresses. I was afraid of who this ‘IGGY’ was, but I somehow trusted her with my life. “Where are we going?” she ignored me. I had the urge to question her again, but I was afraid of what she’d do to meshe can even kill me. A few minutes here and there and we were near A BEACH!“Here take this helmet it should protect you,” I was not able to interpret the fact that she was warning me, or if she cared about me at all. Overall, we went underwater- with dracon by my side and Iggy leading ahead.


When we had arrived we saw a couple of mosaic tiles scrambled onto the walls- blue and yellow. The sun was setting with a mixture of crimson and ochre. “We’re late” Iggy spoke as her eyes widened. “Are we?” Ignored- I felt upset. We stopped in front of an odd mysterious girl, as beautiful as she was, she was shy. Same approach: worried look, introducing her name and riding on dracon. Hours later, and we had finally arrived at the same place as before- didn’t picture it like that in mind. Iggy and Zora drew their mighty weapons; a flaming bow and a diamond sword. I watched hopelessly as Iggy slaughtered the queen as she said, “It’s OVER BOEMBA!” She had disappeared, and with one blink of an eye, I was transported back to the over world. It was like nothing had ever happened. I received a call from my cell phone-could be from my boss.“Hey, Jason! I’m sorry for firing you, want to work tomorrow?” “Yes I will!”I spoke ambitiously as I wanted to see what was in store for me tomorrow. I wanted to start a new life, a fresh one written by Fatimah Sadaat


News Bits

Addition of New Subjects For the Academic year (2019-20) TCSI management has decided to add three new subjects for students to open more opportunities. As languages Urrdu anf French have been added so students have an opportunity to attempt these subject in IGCSE. And Robotics parallel to ICT

so students can get a glimpse of the future.

These additions have opened up a lot of opportunities for students at The City School International. Learning French can help you communicate with people in many different countries, such as France, Canada andBelgium and more. Whilst many of the Students at TCSI are Pakistani, learning can help them get into good Univerities in their home countries as Urdu is a major subject in Pakistan.Learning both the subject is good for the student's brain as it will increase their ability to memorise. Robotics is their to ignite the students knowledge about various fields of engineering. By learning Robotics students will have a vague idea of what wil happen

if they choose

those particular

subjects and will make it easier for them to choose the subjects. Robitcs is also the future, this will inspire students to make great contributions.


These subjects are a great addition to TCSI's various other subjects, Moreover, they are very beneficial for the students anfd those especially talented students talent won't go wasted. I t ia great initiative taken by the TCSI management to help the students.


Conferring Responsibilities The Investiture ceremony took place on the 29rd of September, 2019 in our very own school. In this ceremony the Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy, Deputy Head Girl, Sports captain, house captains, prefects and many other students who were allocated various positions had to take an oath to fulfill their duties.

The elected Head Boy was Muhammad Fayez Asif. The elected Head Girl was Shanzay Ali Shah. The elected Deputy Head boy was Amaan Aziz and the elected Deputy Head Girl was Manal Fatimah.

The other positions were allocated to the most legible and suitable students. TCSI as whole hopes to maintain this way of choosing their student leaders who will be the future’s leaders.






RIDDLES David's father has three sons: Snap, Crackle and _____ ? Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday? Which 8 letter word can have a letter taken away and it still makes a word. Take another letter away and it still makes a word. Keep on doing that until you have one letter left. What is the word? What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs? I am always in front of you, and never behind you. What am I?




Jokes Today at the bank, an old lady asked me to check her balance . So I pushed her over. My boss told me to have a good day…So I went home. What did one hat say to the other? You stay here. I’ll go on ahead. Why wouldn’t the shrimp share his treasure? Because he was a little shellfish. I just wrote a book on reverse psychology. Do *not* read it



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Riddles Answers:

1. David 2. Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. 3. The word is starting! starting, staring, string, sting, sing, sin, in, 4. A Penny. 5. The Future





"Autumn is the season to find the contentment at home by paying attention to what we already have"


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