TCSI DUBAI Year 8 Div A Class Magazine January Edition 2018

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THE BRIGHT SIDE By: Maryam Asad BANG! BOOM! The car crashed into a tree. I couldn’t hear a thing. I reached down to feel my aching legs which were badly stuck under the flattened seat in front of me. Looking around me, I grasped that I was not the only one there. My parents, my siblings, my whole family was there. I fell into tears with the view around me. I cried for help as loud as I had the ability of. The car was full of blood and I had no idea of what to do next. With all the strength I had, I shacked my family members but unfortunately it was no use. I had the most threatening thought in my mind. I cried as if there was nothing else for me to live for. All of a sudden, I heard my alarm screaming in my ears, “Wake up or you’ll be late for school!” I woke up in shock and realized that it was the same incident haunting me again and again. Even though the incident of me losing my family forever had occurred years ago, it has ruined my life forever. It’s always related to me no matter what I do or where I go. It’s stuck in my mind forever and I am unable to forget it. With the sweat on my head, I got out of the bed and continued my daily routine as usual with all the stress in my head. Many people say that it’s


a fact that I have changed a lot; in fact this tragic incident has affected me in the worst way possible. About 5 years ago, I was among the brightest students of my grade who participated in every single activity in the school, represented our school and even helped others by sharing my knowledge with them. In short, I was the one who was precisely the best and the most appreciated student from my age group. My life was just how I dreamed of it. Every day was enjoyable, interesting and something that made me the happiest. However, It’s totally the opposite now. My life is full of regrets and sadness. It’s just too much for me to endure. In every moment of my life, I have severe flashbacks of that single heartbreaking incident which lead me into tears no matter where I am or what I am doing. Sometimes I just prayed I would have also been died or I lose my memory so that I can never feel the same pain again in my life. It seemed like the finest idea I had ever had. Unexpectedly, on yet another miserable day that I had to spend, I woke up, first time without the sweat. But it was not only the sweat that was missing; it felt like my whole brain had disappeared. I could not remember anything. Nothing. I was blank. It was so severe that I did not even know who I was. There was only one thing that I was able to recall and that was my only wish.


On that specific day, I kept thinking about what I had done and why is this happening to me. Luckily, by working as hard as I could, I was able to recollect all the basic information about myself. But that was not enough. I had similarly forgotten all the memories that would make me who I am, that would make me smile through the hard times, which would keep my life bearable and those things that would keep me alive. In short, it was my whole life that I had forgotten. My MEMORIES. At this time of life, I had the biggest realization, that everything which occurs in my life has a meaning. It all depends on how you interpret it. Every moment in life has two sides to it- one which can help you learn and strive harder and the other one which can make your life miserable with regrets. Unfortunately, I had never seen the motivating side of every incident happening to me. All I ever thought was, what I could have done instead and what would be better. My whole life, I had been thinking about regrets and sadness. However, now I know exactly what I am going to do next. I woke up again with the same alarm and sweat on my forehead but the only thing missing was the dreadful feeling which I always had in such situations but this time I was actually thankful for my dream for if it had happened in real, my life would have been miserable. I could not be grateful enough for what I had in my life


Now I understood everything happens for a reason, since then, I have been dedicated my life to spread awareness to prevent others from doing what I have been doing. I want everyone who is a victim of such incidents, to be sensible and make the right use of our memories. Nowadays, I do as much as I can to help people in any way possible. I convey the right message through many ways and make it beneficial for anyone who is suffering through the same as I had in the past. My expressive pieces of writings were all over the internet and people loved it all. It was useful for everyone as well as me. All the love and support from people around me made me realize that I am not the only one with problems like this. It helped me recover from my depression and frustration. I am really glad that my life finally had a purpose. Not only that, but I was able to live my life the way it was before and benefit others at the same time. In the end, we should always stay positive and see the encouraging side of things no matter what happens in our lives. Our memories can be our strengths or can be our weakness.


I AM NOT ALONE By Minaam Azeem

I stood in front of the mirror, looking at the red scar on my left cheek which ran from my eye to my lip. I brushed my fingers through my hair trying to hide the scar. As soon as I turned the light off, I cowered and looked away as I saw the face in the mirror. To forget that night, I went towards my bed and felt the footsteps coming after me. I lied down on my bed and closed my eyes trying to forget about what had happened and start thinking about beginning a new life. I couldn’t forget that specific night and wasn’t even able to forgive myself for my past. Finally, I fell asleep, remembering about how it all started. It was 5th of November 1995, when I was born with an identical twin and maybe that was not a good start of my life. I had a conjoined identical twin, Amy, and she was the only reason my life was a mess. Things like playing piano, eating and studying, and basically everything was done together. However, this became the reason for us having no privacies. As we got older, it wasn’t easy to handle things but still we promised each other to stay together until we die. It was our 18th birthday and we wanted to start our career which was quite difficult because I wanted to be an engineer whereas Amy wanted to be a model. I wasn’t happy with this because I was told to leave my career and focus on what Amy wanted to be as she was the apple of everyone’s eye. This decision wasn’t fair and after giving it a very deep thought almost a million times I finally thought of telling my mom about how I actually


felt. Amy was listening to music and I took this moment to talk to my mother. “Mom… It’s not done… whatever u have decided is not at all fair and I won’t let this happen. I will be what I want to be not what others want me to be and I am clearly telling you that if this can’t happen, you will have to separate us forever.” I rapidly said whatever came in my mind without thinking. “Are you in your senses? I hope you clearly remember your promise of not leaving each other at any cost and Amy is sensitive and you will have to do what she wants you to do.” My mom just refused to me as if I don’t matter to her but this wasn’t done. “Fine then if you won’t do anything then I will have to do it and I can do anything to go according to my rules and if you want to see us happy then you will have to do whatever is better for us.” We decided of doing a separation surgery. After this surgery for a few days things looked quite good, Amy was up for modeling and I was applying for engineering. Unfortunately, tables turned and I failed my application test whereas Amy rose higher and she was successful in her career. She got fame and respect which was another reason for my mother to focus on her and praise her only. This was the starting where things turned out to be very bad and complications started. People started praising and loving her only and they hated me, and especially my own mom started treating me as if I am trash and she can throw me anywhere. I was jealous and filled with envy for my own sister because of the audience around us. This

jealousy forced me to destroy my sister’s career and I eagerly planned to finish her forever. I gave her a cup of tea filled with rat poison and she died right on the spot. I was happy however, sad at that time. My feelings 1

were changing. My mother came running in the room when she heard me shouting and calling her for help. She completely lost her senses and she got a heart attack. I started shivering in fear as more and more people came running towards my house and I was scared that what if people get suspicious about me. I dressed up as Amy used to do, and made her wear the type of clothes I wear. People were so shocked to see my mom and my sister dead, lying on the bed. As days passed, I realized that people thought that I was Amy as I was acting like her. That lightened my mind and since then I decided to live my life as Amy’s life. I suddenly opened my eyes in fear and was so relieved that it was just a flashback. Still I am unable to live my life peacefully because my sister’s soul is haunting me. I still feel her sitting right next to me whenever I am watching TV or working on my project. I can feel her everywhere around me and sometimes even she hides my things and gets me in trouble. I went to meet my friends and they advised me to visit a psychiatrist. The next morning I visited a psychiatrist, and all she said was that it’s just my imagination and I see those things and think of them as the reality just because I think of them all the time. I was so relieved that I won’t see her again and can live my life peacefully. I reached home and went inside and I was shocked to hear the piano playing. I started shivering and slowly moved to my room. I froze to death when I saw her sitting and playing piano. I was shaking as if my heart came in my throat and my eyes slowly closed. I fainted…


Beginning of my Mysterious Journey By: Areeba Agha. I went to Malaysia with my family in summer vacations. I was really thrilled to visit Malaysia, as it was my first time visiting there. We had planned to experience different attributes, and learn more about Malaysia's culture. Malaysia's culture was unique because of their amazing food, and pretty dresses they wear. The first city that we visited was Kuala Lumpur. The city was astonishing, and the weather was mostly drizzly. The people over there were so respectful and kind even though they did not know how to speak English. I was so pleased with the people there. During our stay in Malaysia, we encountered series of events, which led to many memories. When we were traveling to Tioman Island from Kuala Lumpur, we had to commute 4 hours of journey by bus, and then a ferry in order to reach our destination. I was so excited to go in the ferry, and explore the beautiful view of the significant sea. While we were traveling to the port, something terrifying happened and our bus engine caught fire. We were not aware of it, until our bus driver, and the conductor stopped the bus suddenly, and ran away. That was strange for us. We all were speculating the bus driver’s and the conductor’s strange behavior but soon as the smoke and smell came into the cabin everyone knew that something was wrong. My father guessed it that it could be fire caused at the back of the engine because the smoke was coming from there. We all were so freaked out. We then immediately ran outside for our safety. Everyone was panicking and was frightened.


As we all came out safely. My mom realized that we forgot our bag with the passports in the bus. I cannot imagine how foolish we were at that time, but it was not our fault as we were scared and rushed out of the bus. So my uncle rushed into the bus, and brought the bag carefully. The bus driver then used the fire extinguisher to get rid of the fire in the engine, and he was then able to get the fire off. The passengers were then so furious on the bus driver and the conductor; they all were angry because they left us alone there to die. As the bus was not able to be used further more for the journey, we all had to wait on the motorway until another bus was arranged. In about half an hour another bus was arranged for the passengers, which took us to the port where we had additional ferry journey to Tioman Island. Once we reached the port, we again had to wait for few more minutes for the ferry to get ready to take us to the Tioman Island. Finally we called to board in the ferry. As the ferry commenced, I got really curious to see the Tioman Island. While I was in the ferry I began feeling hungry, so my mom gave me an egg, which I think was not a great idea because I got sea sick, which ruined half of my ferry trip. My stomach was paining, and I was feeling like vomiting. After a little while I started feeling better, and was enjoying the amazing view from the ferry. As we reached the Island, the first place we went to was the hotel. We were so tired, so we took a well needed nap. After all that resting, we then went to see the hotel. The hotel was filled with attraction for all ages. The first thing I did along my brothers was swimming in the massive pool. There was so much entertainment. We enjoyed a lot, and played lots of interesting games. Lastly we had an appetizing meal in the popular Malaysian restaurant in the hotel. After having the dinner, we


were so tired, and fell asleep. The day elapsed with a lot of adventures thing, but somewhere in my heart I had a feeling that something was going to be wrong, and it happened, a big storm came. We were so scared because of the roar sound of thunder and dripping of huge water drops with rapid wind banging the windows. We could not sleep the whole time thinking of when will the storm end, finally the storm slowed down, and we were able to sleep. The next morning we decided to go to a theme park, we went to a famous theme park in Malaysia called Sun Way Lagoon. We took lots of rides, and then had fun at the water park. The water park had a pool which simulated a real sea shore, and gave real waves. There were so many food stalls with delicious, tasty, and organized food items. The park was so massive and filled with magnificent things to have fun with. The most amazing thing was that they had the facility for skating. I think that was my favorite part the whole time. That was our last day in Malaysia. The next day we went back to Dubai, as our summer vacations came to an end. We had different experience in this trip, which will be part of our traveling memories, and hope we will go again and enjoy more in Malaysia. Everything was just amazing. I will never forget this trip. It was the best trip ever.


Carnival Carnage By: Hamid Durrani George walks in and you can tell he didn’t have time to iron his clothes. They look crumpled. He sits down in a chair in front of me and his eyes are dark. He looks at me intently. We had chatted on the phone a few days ago. Several journalists had contacted me, but he was the only one who had honesty and sincerity in his voice. He believed me. I liked him. “Nice to meet you Maxwell,” he says and as he thrusts out his hand. “Same,” I appreciate you listening to my story,” I replied. “So let’s get started.” “Don’t be intimidated by the cameras and the lights.” “I’ll try.” “Tell me about that day Maxwell.” “That day was actually something I didn’t want to remember. It was a nightmare, a nightmare to keep you away from sleeping for years. A haunting so bad you’d shake from it.” But here I was sitting in front of this crumpled journalist, man who hadn’t bothered to comb his hair and didn’t care about the necessities of looking kempt, telling him what gave me night sweats. “My friends and I decided to go to the carnival on route 459. Joe had won 3 tickets from the night before at a mall’s food court. He finished gobbling the spiciest burger. You know, the one that has a heat rating of


350,000 Scoville units. He couldn’t breathe very well for the next several hours, but he was excited to win the tickets.” In fact, Joe almost didn’t make it to the carnival since he had an upset stomach from the spicy burger contest. He made it though, and now I really wish he hadn’t. We all met at the Ferris wheel with its lights going around and around. I, Joe, and Mohammad, the three best of buddies were together. The sunset that evening was a bright orange and red mixed to perfection. The sun sank below the mountains and it got cold. Joe was winning the darts game, but when it started raining, the wind picked up and Joe’s last dart throw missed the mark. Disappointed, we roamed around the carnival playing games. I hadn’t even noticed the weather getting worse. I was too intent on winning a new phone in a key master machine. Maybe I should have paid more attention, because after I didn’t win the phone, I looked up and the carnival grounds were almost deserted. Some of the stalls had pulled down their cloth coverings. “Let’s go,” Joe motioned for us over the howling wind. We walked towards the exit and pulled out jacket collars up and our hoodies over our heads. For an August day, it was feeling like February. It also could nave snowed. Joe was disappointed that he had spent most of the prior night soothing his burning throat and now wouldn’t be able to play all the games. I didn’t care. I had seen enough. There was a crackle in the air and a buzz that sent a chill through me. It started to rain faster and the brightest flash of light came down and struck a basketball hoop in a stall. A loud crack snapped in the air and the boom knocked our hearing out for a second. My left ear was ringing.


Then, the clouds above us formed into a strange and evil looking creature. It looked half human and half snake who had one eye. The creature slammed its tail against the Ferris wheel and it went tumbling over the carnival, metal scraping, bending and creaking. We ran to dodge it and barely missed it. The creature grabbed me and dragged me away. “You can see how people would find this story difficult to believe, wouldn’t Maxwell?” George said. “I do, but it is the truth.” Joe and Mohammed were shocked to find out that I had suddenly disappeared into the sky. Were they dreaming? They didn’t know. Had the Scoville heat units from the spicy burger completely made Joe’s brain misfire? I found myself in an upside-down world tied to a wall. The evil snake creature had workers that looked like humans who were sharpening their swords. I wasn’t ready for their blades. Mohammed and Joe watched as the darkness in the sky lifted and the rain and wind stopped all of a sudden. They had come across a frightened worker in the carnival who had been hiding. The worker began to run, but realized they were there to help instead of harm. As a citizen of that city, he knew the area well, and guided them to where he thought I might be. The area was mountainous and had red fog passing through it. The local man said he couldn’t go any further with them without endangering his life. He advised us not to go any further either. As Joe entered the doors into the upside-down world, one of the guards shot him with a spear and Joe went down quickly. Mohammed tried to save him, but Joe


had already succumbed to the wounds. It made his best friends so angry, that Mohammad pulled the spear out of Joe’s chest and used it to get rid of the two guards. Mohammed made his way through the mountain and passed the workers who were sharpening their blades. He came across Maxwell and other people chained to a wall. The leader was carving shapes into their skin and you could their endless shouts and cries for help. Mohammad shoved a spear into the leader’s eye, which was half snake and half human. He didn’t know it at the time, but it was the only spot that would kill the leader. Before the workers came to help their leader, Mohammad freed me. I was able to run out in time, but unfortunately Mohammad was given his punishment from the sharp blades of the workers. “I will always remember my friends,” I told George. The crumpled journalist shook my hand again and asked if he could write a book about my story. “I will think further into that.” I relied after giving it a deep thought.


Starting of the New Life By: Qudsia Shabbir As I opened my eyes, the smell of pancakes went inside my nose. I opened the window and a shining light came to my face. The sky was clear, the birds were singing, trees were dancing and the water was sparkling. A voice came to my ears “Oh dear! Come and have your breakfast�. It was my mother, so I went downstairs and had my breakfast. Today it was my vital day as I transferred to another university. I felt kind of mousy, as I was thinking about how students would be there, and how teachers teach there? My elder sister, Ella, who is a fun-loving girl, dressed me so pretty just like a queen. All the way to the university, I thought about the university and was in a depressed situation. When I reached there, I met a girl named Emma. She was a kind and helpful person. She helped me to carry my bags. We talked all the way through the hallway. When we reached the classroom, I saw Kate. My first sight was on her and whenever she looked at me she started smiling. I knew that she will do something to take revenge from me for what I had done in the past. Alina and Maria, her spoon friends were just her reflection, the way they both had reaction towards me was horrible and this reaction brought a thought inside my brain, that they knew what happened between me and Kate. My roommate was Emma thankfully. So, it was chemistry class. I was excited that I will focus on my work, but my bad luck was with me. As 1

Kate entered the class and she sat beside me, I felt uncomfortable, but she was really nice with me, first I was confused to see her behavior but then I felt relaxed. She helped a lot but still I had a doubt and that doubt brought an alert to go near Kate. After the class Kate became kind of rude as I tried to talk to her and my doubt increased, so I went to Emma and asked about Kate’s reaction. She told me that she was even shocked to see that Kate was nice, as she is rude always”. This statement increased my doubt more. While I was thinking about Kate in the hallway, I was suddenly hit by Alina, and instead of saying ‘sorry’, she warned me as she said, “Be protective or see yourself in a situation that you will not wonder about.” and then she went. I started to feel uncomfortable and unsecure. I decided to stay away from Kate, as Alina warned me. After whatever happened, I went for to sleep but I could not sleep and everyone in the university was sleeping. I tried to close my eyes but I couldn’t as I started to think about the warning and Kate’s behavior. As I was lost thinking about Kate, suddenly I heard a voice coming from the hallway. I was afraid, so I didn’t go there. Second time again the same voice came. But when it came third time I went there to see what happened. The hallway was dark. Everyone was sleeping so I did not want them to be disturbed. I was scared as whole university was sleeping. I mistakenly touched something and it fell down and smashed into pieces. So, I rapidly took my phone out and opened the flashlight. It was principle’s favorite flower vase which was on the floor broken. His mother gave him the flower vase before her death. I felt petrified, my legs were wobbly and my hands were shaking, as I thought that the principle would be wrathful and will suspend me.


Suddenly I felt someone is watching me, but when I turned back, looked around, no one was there, so I ran as fast I could, and went to my room, and put blanket over myself, then I slept. In the morning the principle started shouting as she said “Who broke my flower vase?”, and suspected at each one and gave us two more hours to study. I started to panic and then I was astounded, as Kate came and asked, “What happened?” I replied, “Nothing, I am ok”. She observed. She asked again, “What happened? I know you are not fine, tell me! Maybe I can help you”. I was confused and began suspecting her. She again asked, “Tell me! What happened?” I told her everything about the voice and the breakage of principle’s favorite flower vase and requested her not to expose it. Then she replied,” Why would I bring you in trouble? I cannot see my friend in trouble”. I replied, “Thank you”. Then I went to attend my biology class. I met Kate once again and tried to speak with her, but she turned kind of rude again, this behavior increased my misconceptions. Our biology teacher Mr. Craig gave us activity about starch, then again Kate became polite and asked forgiveness, so I forgave her, but still I had misconceptions about her behavior. She helped me a lot, but I did not try to speak with her as I thought she would turn rude again, as she was doing this the past few days. As I was walking alone in the hallway, chewing a gum, and suddenly something fell down hardly on the floor, and by mistake the gum went 1

out of my month and it went on the principle’s hair. He was very angry. As he had to shave his shiny, silky, bright and black color hair because the gum wasn’t coming out. This time he was really strict and wanted to find the culprit. So, Kate went to him and secretly told him everything about the vase and the gum with the evidences. He came to our class and made me stand, and then he called me in his office and suspended me for two months. I was very upset as I was suspended but I was angry on myself for trusting Kate and telling her everything. I knew that Kate did it as she wanted to take revenge from me.


Sunset and sunrise By: Laiba Aziz. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunset? It’s a very contrasting question. Every sunrise and sunset is diff erent from each other. The sun is setting now and to me the darkness that follows is like death. I hope to survive till the next morning’s light, with a new and a fresh day. It was dark now..... Darkness scares me. The candle flickered. Other than day light and fire, candles are the only source of light. I looked through the stained glass window towards the city in the valley below. The site was just terrible, a painful reminder of the present reality. I was so very scared. I had lived too long in a somber belief that what we can’t see can’t hurt us. No one paid attention to the lions amongst us. For a moment I thought I saw a movement outside the window. A shadow chilled and ran down my spine. “No, no, there is nothing there,” I told to myself. There are no monsters at least, that’s what we were told to believe. I turned to others and there are eighteen of us now. We were forty before, but as days passed, life grew more dangerous and difficult. Some had died in attacks, ambushes or traps, while others had either split off into smaller groups to avoid confrontation and attention, or possibly worse. It had been nine months since, what can only be described as most insanity swept across the nation. Life as we know was almost over. Our group was a diverse group, which is uncommon now. White, black, Hispanic, Middle Eastern; we all were an image of days past. We sat and spoke in hushed whispers around the candle. We don’t want attention.


Through my objections, the unnecessary source of light was burning in front of us, bringing unwanted eyes of attention. I was always fascinated by diff erent opinions and reasoning. I listened carefully as THEY speak of events that created the world of today. There were eighteen people, each having very different prospective of causes and eff ects. Basically it came down to two lines of thinking, the stupid and the innocent. The stupid ones blamed the government, the media ideology, racism, and racial group, the past, present, future and even blame themselves for their actions, inaction and even the action of others. There was no shortage of blaming here. A lot of anger and a lot of guilt all hushed in whispers. Several cries as they had each night since handed together. After a short while there were glimpses of racial tension amongst us. We had promised each other to be better than this. The thunder startled the group. Composure had reestablished and some amongst the group began to pray. This for some reason made me uncomfortable. I did not understand the nature of my reaction until later. I glanced out of the window again. In the distance I saw fire ravaging the city only miles away. What we had thought was that the thunder had likely an explosion. There were almost four high rises engulfed in flames. In my mind I envisioned people leaping from the higher floors to their death like on 9\11, rather than to die in the fire. The thought was probably a reality. There was a huge chaos there. Then there was a sound of another explosion. I rushed to the window. It was closer this time. The building outside the city was burning and judging the location. It was likely the masses police station. In the amount of charity, I found myself still in the river clinging to the trunk of a fallen tree. I noticed a bridge only few yards away. I tried to move my body but my muscles were not allowing it. I would say they were not responding. My vision was fading. I heard noises a short 1

distance away. The sounds were getting louder. From nowhere, a black man’s hand reached me. I used all of my strength and reached for his hand. My desperation exceeded my fears. I surrendered myself to fate and possibilities of life. I felt my limped body was roughly pulled from the water. While the last fragments of consciousness escaped me. The image of the night’s sunset replayed in my mind. And terrible feelings which cannot let forget all of this including me. The world dissolved to black and the last thing I heard was, “I got you”........

The end



Circle of Life By: Areeba Agha

Life is a journey Which has a start and an end Everyone has the way to present Sometimes it’s happy and sometimes it’s sad Filled with emotions and regrets Making memories hard to forget

Hope and strength is the key to success Love and sorrow are hard to express

Life and death are not far apart Once it ends, you can’t restart


Respect To UAE By: Addan Imran. UAE educated and friendly No one should be treated differently

Here we all are kind, And everyone is welcomed, we don’t mind.

I am proud to be a part of this nation, One of the loveliest creations

The flag colours; red, black, white and green There is never a place this beautiful I have been

For us, respect is must To gain someone’s trust

We all respect each other, from big to small, Also from short to tall. We are a group and community, And we all have the same rights and opportunity. 1

United Arab Emirates By: Rahaf Saleh I opened my eyes to the blue sky, And the beautiful smell was up high

Red, green, white and black Are assembled to form a flag

The hands are together Showing the love of seven emirates to each other

In UAE, camel Is a special mammal

I travelled around the world, And discovered that UAE cannot be described by a single word

My words are less, And my love for UAE cannot be expressed. 1

I SALUTE TO THIS NATION By: Laiba Aziz I salute to this wonderful nation, For showing the spirit of the union to our generation. Reminding us the memories of celebration As we stand united to cross the destination It's the flag that represents the joy It's the nation that doesn't destroy I salute to this wonderful nation For full filling all the different occupations. The civil warriors stand for what's right The President that knows there might I salute this nation May you live long forever!




Every one of us has some kind of liking or disliking for certain things in life. Similarly I love drawing arts and showing my talent through creative things. Drawing is my favourite hobby because drawing does not cost much is always fun to do. I cannot even imagine my colourful life without arts or drawing. My greatest inspiration is my mother who always encourages and motivates me to be a great artist. You just have to make a unique piece so, get your pencil and paint brush and start drawing whatever comes in your mind. I search for drawing by famous artists and try to get new ideas to express my creativity. For me, Arts, is the thing which made your life colourful, if there would be no arts or colours then my life would be dull and boring. I chose drawing because since childhood, I had a talent to draw things and to design stuff which encouraged me more as I got older. When I am blue I cheer myself by drawing something so that I can make myself happy. Drawing and arts is a way for me to show my creativity to others and to let my talent out.


Art work By: Juria Ahmed


TALENT By: Addan Imran. When I was 9 years old, I always wanted to be a scientist but as I grew up I discovered more things about computers, especially filming and editing. Since I wasn’t professional in computers, the quality of my videos were really bad because I did not have a camera, so I used to record with my Ipad and used movie to edit my videos. It was so tough so I almost gave up but my parents did not let me, they motivated me to be something I can be. That’s not all; they even bought a camera for me which made me focus more towards filming. I want to be a computer programmer when I grow up and I also love ICT, it is my favourite subject. I watch, analyze and get ideas from YouTube, like different youtubers and different people, they all had their different way to film their story and it is really good to be a youtuber but it’s not easy to easily be successful, you have to make videos after two or three days minimum otherwise people will leave your channel and won’t like it. To make your channel more attractive you need an attractive name which is pretty common or cool like gamer..... Or entertainer......TV... so that can be a name that people search and we also need friends to work with you so it can be better .They can help you by giving ideas and tips and also feedback. This is what I have learnt. Addan’s Vlog Hyperlink:



Recommendation By: Majd Dia Book recommendation: Harry potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. This book is a masterpiece, it’s about a casual boy whose parents were sorcerers, but they left him to his despising uncle’s family to take care of him, he was later chosen on by a magic school and his decision was the one to change his life forever. The author of this amazing book is J.K Rowling, who was living in Edinburgh, Scotland, and struggling to get by as a single mom before her first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, was published. It became a famous novel in 1999 when her first 3 books occupied the top 3 slots of The New York Times bestseller list. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone sold more than 120 million copies worldwide. I’ve read this book several times over and over and let me tell you, this book is marvelous, my environment completely changes and I’m positive and happy for the rest of the day just after reading 3 chapters daily. Honestly I prefer these kinds of books over video games and would rather read this book forever than play one single video game forever. I HIGHLY recommend this book to everyone out there whether you aren’t much of a reader or are; the book also has some very good morals in it such as teamwork, never give up, etc. If you don’t start with the series soon then you’re missing on so much in this world because it’s simply marvelous. 1

Video Game: Cars 3 By: Habeeb Afraz Hi, this is Habeeb and I am recommending you for playing Cars 3 video game. Cars 3 is a video game which is played in ps4 and Xbox one. It is amazing because car racing is more amazing and interesting than you may think! It has a rating of 5 stars. It was released on September 14 worldwide. It can be played by our age because it is related to movies. Cars 3 has good graphics and a lot of fun challenges. It has more advantages that it’s cheap and costs less memory. Would you like to live a real car racing experience? If yes, you should definitely go for the 5- star rated video game - CARS 3!



Moral Education Vlogs Vlogs Description The Moral Education Vlog -making activity was a great opportunity for each and every one of us to learn to respect everyone around us despite their culture and belief, importance of belonging to a community, equality in practice and what diversity can bring to communities and social groups. This activity reminded us to show respect to each other and signify fairness and equality while dealing with people who have differences among them. Students from our class have each made a vlog to show their understanding of the topic. All the videos are innovative and display the same message but in different ways. Here are a few of them.

Esha’s Vlog Hyperlink: ?usp=sharing


Moosa’s Vlog Hyperlink:

Addan’s Vlog Hyperlink:



QUIZZARD 1. You can find the Burj Khalifa and Dubai Mall on a famous road in UAE. This road leads to the capital city. Name the road. A. Sheikh Khalifa Road B. Wilson Road C. Sheikh Zayed Road D. Khalifa Street

2. What is the second largest city (by population) and capital of United Arab Emirates? A. Abu Dhabi B. Dubai C. Sila D. Sharjah

3. Al Ain falls in Abu Dhabi's territory.


A. True B. False

4. UAE is connected with Oman by a road. What is the name of the UAE-Oman border? A. Hali Border B. Wajajah Border C. UAE Border D. Wagha Border

5. Which city is close to Oman, on the Gulf of Oman coast, and is surrounded by mountains? The city and the emirate it lies in have the same name. A. Dubai B. Al Ain C. Sharjah D. Fujairah

6. On the western coast, what city has number of universities and colleges, as well as the famous Manar Mall? A. Umm AL Quwain 1

B. Ajman C. Dubai D. Ras Al Khaimah

7. Which emirate is geographically "long" and is approximately 50 kms from Ras Al Khaimah? A. Sharjah B. Ras Al Khaimah C. Umm Al Quwain D. Dubai

8. The next emirate lies between Sharjah and Umm Al Quwain. Name it. A. Sharjah B. Abu Dhabi C. Dubai D. Ajman

9. This populous emirate lies between Dubai and Ajman. It is renowned for its schools and colleges. Which one is it?


A. Sharjah B. Ajman C. Sila D. Abu Dhabi

10. Last but not the least, which city has the 828 meter Burj Khalifa? It is called the 'Pearl of the Gulf'. A. Sharjah B. Dubai C. Abu Dhabi D. Ajman

Find Answers on page 40


Jokes Knock knock

I am one step from being rich

Who’s there?

All I need now is money...

A cow goes A cow goes who?

Police: *knock knock*

A cow goes moo

Me: what do you want? Police: need to talk

Knock knock

Me: how many are you?

Who’s there?

Police: 2


Me: then talk to each other

Cash who? Cash me outside how ‘bout dah.

I shook my family tree and A bunch of nuts fell out

Answers For Quiz: 1. C, 2. A, 3. A, 4. B, 5. C, 6. D ,7. C, 8. A , 9. B , 10. D




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