TCSI Class Magazine Grade 9 (Div - A) 2019-2020

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Patron: Saima Rauf Cheif editor: Aiman Kashif Publisher: Mehak Faisal Trivia editor: Daniya Rehman


S E T I R W G I B 0 2 9 W 1 O R 0 R 2 EME: TOMO TH

Tomorrow97: A New World By: Laiba Asif 9-A

"Somewhere,something incredible is waiting to be known", said Carl Sagan. Ever heard a tantalizing brief report of a man who returns from a trip to thef uture? Or do you want to feel the impact, originality, and the uncanny atmosphere of a science-fiction story? It all began outside Earth, in the munificent solar system. There was a spaceship traveling at high speed like a cheetah in search of food. But it wasn't that fast as you would expect it to be. The spacecraft was headed to an unknown recently discovered planet referred to as "Homestead II".

The spacecraft is known as "Tomorrow97". There were 500 passengers in this spaceship, and they were headed to Homestead II not because they were tired of living on Earth but because chey needed a change from their monotonous and mundane lives leading to something whimsical and breathtaking. There was one thing, to go to this planet, it would take 1000 years. The spacecraft had been traveling for 100 years and the passengers were not at all affected regarding the age factor or the health condition because when they were boarded onto the ship, they were injected with a liquid substance known as "senvia"

"which put all the 500 passengers to eternal sleep until they had reached their destination. And could not all affect their age or appearance. So, as the spaceship was constantly traveling to the planet, suddenly it hit some turbulence along the way. This turbulence affected two of the passengers in the spaceship , his name was Jonathon, a slim, muscular man with an almost perfectly symmetrical face. A very courageous and a down-to-Earth man. And then there was Maria Walters, she had a rose-leaf complexion with hazel colored eyes and hair is a glorious black as a raven’s wing,clipped with an alabaster brow. Jonathon and Maria had woken up by accident. Both Maria and Jonathon were taken to their rooms by a mechanical robot.

Jonathon woke up into this milky white room with his luggage already there whereas Maria was in this VIP large and spacious room with a swimming pool, stairs and so much more. It was because she was a famous entrepreneur from Birmingham. She had the room of a Queen. Both Jonathon and Maria got ready thinking that they have reached the planet. So they both reached the lobby. On a holographic board, the words “900 years left for reaching Homestead II” were written. Jonathan was terrified at that moment. “Am I going to die all alone in this forsaken ship? What am I going to do?”. Maria stood behind him. When Jonathon turned around, he instantly fell in love with her. Such an aspiring beauty, he thought. But Maria suddenly broke into tears and then collapsed onto the floor.

Later, Maria was found in a clinic in the ship where it was filled with robots treating her wound on the head. Maria got up and ran away. She bumped into Jonathon again. “What is happening? Why are there 900 years left for reaching this planet? I thought we were woken up because we had arrived? What am I going to do? Am I going to die here all alone?”, cried Maria at the top of her lungs.Jonathon came up to her, took her in the arms and comforted her. “Don’t worry. i know that feeling, but you’re not all alone in this. I was also woken up unfortunately. I think the effect of Senvia has gotten worn off from us. But don’t worry I’ll find a way for both of us to go back to sleep”,

uttered, Jonathon in a sweet tone. Maria’s tension was suddenly lifted up from her shoulders. “Thankyou for reassuring and giving me some hope”, said Maria with a smile. several months had passed, and Jonathon had been continuously searching for a way to go back to sleep. His feelings for Maria strengthened him along his search. So he was wandering about the doors and the walls of the big spacecraft, he saw a holographic board again and he clicked on it. Suddenly right before his eyes, a whole solar system appeared around him, it was only a virtual image.He could see all the planets evolving around him including Homestead II. He grew sad and dull, so he wore aspace suit and went out into outer space, seeing the cosmos and the divine milky ways. There was a swirl of different fluorescent colors verywhere,while watching all of this, watery tears started to fall out from his puffy wrinkled eyes. Jonathon was floating and levitating everywhere just to feel some hope risen in his heart.

And his desire was fulfilled. Maria was also roaming around in space, so she came up to him and held his hand. The both found out that they loved each other. Both then went back to the ship and went where all the other passengers were sleeping peacefully."Let’s check out the cabin crew lounge, are they also awake?”, said Maria. They both ran to the lounge whilst holding their hands. And there they were sleeping. It was a huge spacious room again with a dark blue theme encompassing the whole room with those night light stars. One of the crew members started to wake up. “Ugh, are we here yet?”, groaned Timothy, the crew member. Maria walked towards him feeling agitated and said,''Excuse me sir, but we have a problem. You see me and Jonathon have been woken up early. I think senvia has worn off from our bodies”. Timothy quickly stood up from his cabin and said, “Oh no, how long has it been?”. Maria replied “9 months”. Timothy suddenly felt a surge of pressure being pressed on his mind. “Oh my god, I am so sorry. But how could this happen?

Oh I just remembered that the senvia liquid has been kept in the storage room.Have you been there?”, said Timothy with hesitation. Jonathon and Maria looked at each other with big eyes.So all of them went to the atorage room. Timothy was finding it everywhere. On top of the shelves, in the cupboard, everywhere. He finally found it but it was the last one.Unfortunately, only one could drink it. “I am sorry to say but only one could get injected with senvia for them to go to Homestead II, and the other one has no choice but to live his life to the fullest here. Jonathon and Maria looked ateach other will nostalgia, dismay and lost feelings. Jonathon took Maria by her hand and said, “Maria, look into my eyes.You will drink it, okay? No buts. I will live my life here, always hoping to see you in your cabin for as long as I live”.''No you can’t do this Jonathon, you just can’t. I won’t be able to live without you”.They both hugged each other goodbye for the last time and Timothy injected the liquid into Maria’s snow-white arms. She fell into eternal sleep immediately with tears of sorrow coming out. Years had passed unknowingly. And Jonathon grew older and older but he had Maria to look to for faith and hope. Jonathon’s love for Maria grew stronger and stronger each day

when he had died suddenly in his sleep with a smile and his body had perished into ashes, carried away by the robots in the ship. 900 years had finally passed. And Maria and all the 500 passengers had woken up from their long journey. They had finally reached Homestead II. Maria had forgotten about Jonathon because Amnesia had taken the effect into her mind. Maria lived a prosperous and healthy life in Homestead II. But over the years that she had lived in Homestead II, she still felt something missing in her life, someone that used to be a big part in her life.There was so much life here rather than on Earth. It had technology that no one had known about. There were flying clouds in which you could teleport immediately to any place you desire. It was basically heaven. There were cyborgs but not frightening ones. They were designed in such a way that they would only be viewed as to choice of the person. It was indeed a world of tomorrow, Homestead II.

Reliving my trauma Aiman kashif 9A

“Dear diary, it has been 3 years, 11 months, 22 days and 16 hours since I...”Mrs. Grayson interrupted by knocking the door, “Mr. Shelby, your younger brother, Nicklaus is here to see you”. I instantly closed my diary. As Nicklaus entered the room, he said in a funny accent“Dear diary, today I met a chipmunk, I told him my name is Joe, and that lie will haunt me forever”. “Stop with the jokes brother” I said.As I picked up my diary, Nicklaus said desperately “so would you care to explain that what exactly happened 3 years, 11 months, 22 days and 16 hours ago, because that’s the same date as our beloved mother’s death”. There was an awkward silence. “I assume that you are regretting it” said Nicklaus. My heart was popping out of the rib cage.“I’m regretting what? Brother” I said it anxiously. Nicklaus said that I always need to remember that sometimes my heart needs more time to accept what my mind already knows.

“I have a constant feeling of being numb. Being numb to emotions, being numb to life. It’s like I wake up in the morning just to go back to bed again for the past 3 years. I just don’t care about anything anymore” I said it in a miserable condition. I know I regret leaving her, I know I missed my chance, I know that I walked away when she was in her deepest pain but I wasn’t ready to admit it. “Mistakes are always forgivable, if you have the courage to admit them” Nicklaus said it in devastation. I was imagining myself in a long hallway screaming at the top of my heart... But at the same time everything was quite. “She means nothing to me” I said it in devastation .''okay than since you hate everyone and you are being numb to everything let’s go out and have some drinks, eh” Nicklaus offered. 5 years ago''Are you an angel? Mom is that you? Mom wait!, don’t leave me, please don’t leave me again, mother!!!” Nicklaus immediately woke up breathing heavily with sweat all over his body. It was mi-winters midnight with the cold winter breezes everywhere. Nicklaus heard a woman weeping downstairs. Everything was so dark and quite. Nicklaus slowly moved towards the living room. “I’ve heard he died when you were in college. I Add a subheading truly hated that man” said the woman.

Since she laid her eyes on me yesterday, she has been trying with all of her heart to reconnect with the woman who was once my... The doors suddenly opened. “Mother?” said nicklaus in deep shock because this case was in a class by itself. Lillian slowly moved towards Nicklaus and said “I’m sure you have many questions”.'Well, the fact that you came back from the dead answers the big one” I said it with irritation. The last time Lillian saw him was the day of her funeral. He wasn’t magining it. She was his angel. If only Lillian had been there to see her sons grow into young men. To protect them from their father’s temper. But she was so ashamed of abandoning us. She said she was coming back for me and Nicklaus... I walked out of the room with great disappointment, with an unfinished story. Lillian continued the story, while going back to her sons, Lillian got into a terrible accident and lost her memories.After some time she met a man named Arthur, they fell in love, started a new family and lived happily. Everything became miserable to her by the time she got her memories back, there was only one thing that helped her get through terrible times was the hope to see her sons tomorrow. Nicklaus stepped forward and hugged Lillian shedding tears.

After few days, Lillian hosted a Christmas party. “Forgive her, Enzo” said Nicklaus. Nicklaus was never gonna stop straining to find one tiny speck of redemption in Lillian and she was never gonna stop disappointing us. Nicklaus said “You’re wrong, you don’t know the whole story—“ I interrupted “I don’t wanna know the whole story, Klaus”I shouted. Our mother faked her death, left her sons behind, started a new family, and went out of her way to forget us forever. That was the only story that mattered. She tossed us aside without any concern for what would happen to us. “I will never forgive her!” I shouted in agony. Lillian was standing alone in the garden,Nicklaus joined her later on. Nicklaus asked Lillian to start over her life but it was too late, so much had already been lost. “You haven’t lost me...” said Nicklaus. Willingness to forgive the unforgivable ones in Nicklaus’s genetics. Unfortunately, I don’t feel the same way about forgiveness. “Well, you are the first woman to break lorenzo’s heart” said Nicklaus.“He’s gone. I saw it in his eyes. He wishes me dead” said Lillian. Nicklaus started to laugh. Does she think that he hasn’t seen that look before? I’ve been practicing that look on him for the last 20 years. Lillian asked Nicklaus for advice and he said “Time, all you need is time”.Unfortunately, lillian felt dizzy and shouted “Nick! Nicklaus!”.

Nicklaus ran towards her. She fainted. He picked her up and took her to my room. Turns out that she was dying, she had blood cancer. That’s the reason why she came out of the blue to apologize. She wanted to die a peaceful death. After a while, Lillian slowly opened her eyes, lying down on the bed. “I guess only one of us gets the luxury of time” Lillian said it to Nicklaus while weeping. I was standing in the corner of the room, drinking bourbon. She only had moments left. I slowly moved towards her. She said “Lorenzo... I am truly sorry”. (Exhaled) I said to lillian at her very last moment“You made your bed... Have a nice nap!” (tense music plays) Lillian lost her breath with agony in her heart and tears in her eyes. 3 years later I woke up on the day of the Christmas party.“Mother? you can’t be here. You died of consumption. We buried you in New orleans” I said it with confusion.

“Oh, my sweet, sweet son. I’m dead, all right. You saw that” said Lillian. Non of it made any sense. This wasn’t real. “Maybe, it’s time to give yourself up” said Lillian. I smirked and said “you’re gonna have to do a lot better than that”. She thinks that the longer I keep my trauma at arm’s length, the harder this is going to be for me. I started to get why I was here in this particular day. “I see, a plot to get me to feel remorse for your pointless death.. Cause it ain’t working, Mama”. But this wasn’t about remorsefulness, it was about punishment. suddenly every thing blacked out. I opened my eyes and again it was the same day of my mother’s death. I walked and I saw my mother again, alive. “No!” I said. “Yes!” Lillian said. This wasn’t real. Lillian said “Pain is real. The feeling is real.As soon as you figure that out, you’ll be one step closer.” Lillian disappeared and I yelled “closer to what?” and I yelled again “closer to what?”Again every thing blacked out. Again I opened my eyes and again it was the same day of my mother’s death.

. I watched my mother die again and again and I lost her again and again. And all I wanted was “TOMORROW” I was reliving the same day for so long. This time I saw my mom covered in blood, crying for help. Why wasn’t tomorrow coming. I yelled “This isn’t real”. Lillian said with agony “pain is real, the feeling is real”. I started to laugh and Lillian said “you enjoy it, don’t you. I am going to die knowing my own son hates me”. I smirked and said “Yes, he does”. Lillian cried and cried. I hate her because she could have come back so many times but she never did.. I lost my mother the first time when father sent her away with consumption and than she cameback I lost her to Arthur and now I’m losing her to death. I lost her three times,three times I had the chance to tell her everything and I ruined it three times. Lillian said “oh my sweet boy, there is still time”.

“Mom, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. Give me a chance to make it right. Give me a chance to let me love you” I cried and there I lost her again while she had tears in her eyes. Everything blacked out. “I wasn’t done, I gotta get her back!” I shouted. Nicklaus stood up, ran towards me and tried to calm me i was so confused because I suddenly appeared in my own room. Nicklaus told me what had happened.After the drinks, I sneaked out of the bar alone and drunk. Got into a terrible accident. I was in a comma for the past 6 months. This accident made me realize that I havegot the best chance to make my TOMORROW peaceful, but I ruined it. I should have loved her when I had the chance to. Now it’s too late.

TOMMOROW’S WAR by:Maryam Naveed 9a

The following events I am about to tell you have not been known to historians and so the world doesn’t have any knowledge about it. These events are greater than the World War II, important than the Global warming issue and most of these events share a singlemoral…The time period when this story takes place, Ido not even know but I do know is that there were two countries back then.Only two countries in the whole world! The people of Elora all had a birthmark of the wolves and the people of Kila had a birthmark of the coyotes. Now, if you have studied science you would probably know that these two animals feel a threat to each other because of territory. One day on the border of these two countries a soldier sawsomething unusual….''HALT” he barked.“Waaaaaaah.”

The soldier marched towards the deafening noise in the middle of the night.“Whoa” he said. For he saw two babies in the basket. He took them to his leader and the expression was indescribable. Twins in the middle of the night! But that was not the surprising part. Tomorrow the babies were taken to the court to be found out what to do about them. “Silence please” shouted the High court judge of Elora. “I know it is startling to have siblings with Different birthmarks, but we have to do what we have to, the boy with the markof coyote will be sent to Kila, rest assured, the other boy with our mark shallstay here”.With that he hit the hammock on the table and people rushed out. 25 YEARS LATER. A young man named Ford was enjoying life. He had all the luxuries: hot water, fruits and food. Everyone liked him because

not only was he good looking: tall, dark hair and green eyes but he was smart and knew how to read and write than most people knew. He lived with his parents who adopted him and who lived in the wealthiest country, Elora. At the same time another youth whose name was Mark was trying to find some food for his family, which took him in when he was a baby. Life in Kila wasn’t easy. Food and water were not available, and sanitation was out of the question. A few other men despised him for his good looks and physique. It was almost sundown and he was returning ‘home’, a small little shabby hut. “I am back” Mark announced. Five little children dressed in rags with empty looking eyes came eagerly to him. He gave a single carrot which they ate like a pack of coyotes. A tired looking woman came from outside and went over to something boiling over the fire.“Mark, your father is waiting for you” she said and stirred the cauldron.

Mark went to his ‘father’ in the next room which was the size of a cupboard. He saw a thin, grey-haired manwho was coughing painfully.“Yes father” Mark said. “Ah my son” he motioned him to come to him “Listen to me, I might not be here for very long, but I want you to be just and work hard.”No father! I am going to Elora and get medicine for you” “But they won’t let you look at the country. Let alone cross the border” the man coughed again it seemed that coughing took a lot of effort. “I know and that is why I have to break in”.“I am tired and need somerest, you are not to go to that wretched place” he closed his eyes. ''Yes father” Mark saiddefeatedly and went out of the room for some dinner; disgusting cabbage stew.

Ford was eating a glorious dinner of chicken, sweet potatoes, boiled vegetables and current wine. He ate half of what was on his plate and the rest presumably would be thrown away. He knew he was adopted, and he didn’t mind it although he wondered if he had a brother. This question was raised when he was reading some old newspapers of Elora. He came across one which said: “Twins found on the border!” published on the same date he was adopted. “I wonder if the person passing on the street or the new young bus driver was to be my brother” Ford murmured sleepily as he lay on his comfortable bed. But he was far from correct for his brother was nowhere in the country he lived. Mark didn’t sleep very well last night, bitten by blood thirsty mosquitoes, but he did wake up early and today there was to be a speech by the leader of Kila. He walked through mud and rubbish and found himself in a huge area with lots of people filled in it.

A well-built man appeared on what was the stage and spoke: “My citizens the time has come today we will no longer wait for tomorrow. War is upon us. We are tired of injustice and discrimination. Our forces are strong; those Elora’s (he spat) think they can do whatever they want. By closing our water strike!” supply has not made us weaker only stronger. Tomorrow after ten days, my worthy people, we shall strike!”Ford had heard about the Great war and he was not worried for he knew that Kila was poor and they were rich, they had water but Kila only managed on scarce rainwater. 'Mother calm down you know which side of the whip we are” Ford soothed his mother; she had gone down in mysterics. He knew that the war was to start ten days from tomorrow as predicted by the president. DAY 5 after tomorrow

In Kila, men were training, and it was compulsory that everyone joined. That meant Mark had to do a good fifteen hours of combat training. in Elora, practiced soldiers were training and political advisors were planning strategies. Ford didn’t want o take part in a bloody war; but all the horsepower would be rewarded. DAY 3 here was tension everywhere; both the sides looked surprisingly strong. DAY 2 “My son, you see war is a thing in which nobody wins. Everyone is a loser. There is nothing but destruction. Today if we were planning on how to stable ourselves instead of combat training tomorrow would be a better day. Today if we forgot our physical differences and a mark that separates us tomorrow would flourish. My son try to stop the war, maybe we won’t even have a tomorrow” with this the thin man souughed for the last time. “Father !” Mark cried. The truth is he was ready to fight for his rights but now how could he deny his father’s last wishes.

This war had to stop Mark went to Kila’s leader, James, he saw him busily talking with someone. “What do you want?” he asked in a annoying tone. “I don’t think we should have a war” Mark said loud and clear. “And why not? Don’t you see? all this is for basic rights. Now please go away. You silly boys shouldn’t interfere.” Oh, Mark was going to interfere alrighti. After some military practice, Ford went to his room and started thinking about what would happen if they lost the war. First this outcome seemed highly unlikely but now he thought deeper. He knew the Kila’s had something they didn’t have, determination. He knew they were determined to kill every single one of them, for all the wrong they had done to them and taken water which was for all. He knew he had to stop this war. BATTLE DAY: Both the armies marched from either side with weapons. There was no sound except the thumping of foot on grass. The armies now stood face to face only 3km apart. But this war never started. Two boys carried a white flag from the either side and walked towards the centre. They now stood facing each other: same age, same dark hair,

same green eyes but different marks. The mark of the coyotes and the wolves. “Who are you?” said the one with the mark coyotes. “I am your brother” said the other one softly after recovering from his amazement. They both hugged each other knowing that the fact was undeniable they were a pair of twins. “We can’t have this war don’t you see are you all blind? There will be no tomorrow if we fight this useless battle today. Let’s shake hands as brothers. Let’s make a day that is better than today. Let’s make a tomorrow''said Mark. These words saved millions of lives and regrets. These words reunited people. These words told us a moral: “If today is spent in war then tomorrow will cease to exist”. These words are the reason you and I are here. Although Mark died few weeks later because of warmongers but his words still echo in my heart as I write this story….

The celestial bind by: dunia

This is going to be weird. Okay, so my name is Darline Winton and recently me and my mom moved from Chicago, Illinois to Seattle, Washington D.C. I hated my the eerie neighbourhoods, I hated my new school and I hated the fact that I had no saying in all this. After finally arriving at our new house, we obviously had to unpack our belongings and arrange the house. I took my boxes to my room, while I was putting them down, a glowing, spherical object lying across the room caught my sight. The second I took the object in my hand it felt as if my soul had left my body, Iimmediately collapsed on the floor. i woke up the next day recalling the happenings of last night, it was all so unreal, I looked around to see that the weird sphere was no longer in my room. I snapped back from my thoughts remembering that I had school. My mom dropped me and drove off, while I just stood there admiring the size of the school and the myriad of students entering. “Darli! Over here” exclaimed my best friend Lia. Lia and iI have been friends since kindergarten,

, and by a great coincidence, both our parents decided tomove to Seattle. “So, how are we going to find our class?” I asked, “easy, we’ll just keep wandering till we find it” replied Lia cheerfully. The thing is that the school was huge and there were a gazillion sections for one grade. After finding our class and introducing ourselves, we sat down listening to every boring subject. A long day filled with lectures and dealing with annoying people had ended and I finally got to go home. I changed my clothes and slept on my comfy bed. The sun had alreadyset by the time I woke up and my room was completely dark.. I looked out the window observing the house next to ours, it was one of the creepiest houses I’ve ever seen, its windows were broke and the doors looked old and fragile, yet it gave a dark and negative aura. Now that I think about it, I don’t think anyone lives there. No one comes in or goes out and the lights are always off.A few days later I decided to go with Lia to find out what’s inside the house, I was reluctant at first because I know it’s wrong, what if someone actually lives in there and we get caught. “ Are you sure about this Darline, there may be

monsters in there or” said Lia in a sarcastic yet worried tone. “ yes, and humans are the only the only monsters that actually exist are humans” I replied as I took her hand and walked in from the front gate slowly. I knocked on the door with no reply but the sound of crows flying away. I turned the door knob to find that it was open. Man, it’s even creepier from the inside. Suddenly the door closed shut locking us inside. “Hi am Zayne”, we screamed at the top of our lungs after hearing this deep yet soft male voice saying. “What a reaction!” he exclaimed as we turned around to meet his figure. He had beautiful hazel eyes that shone brightly in the darkness,a perfectly sculpted face and a muscular body. “Who are you” stuttered uia, “I just told you, but what’s more important is why you guys are here, see, I come from another dimension, exotically different from earth land. All dimensions are tied together in a connection called the celestial bind.. I’m here because the bind is growing weaker by each passing day thanks to a group of sorcerers known as the evil forces. If that bind breaks the universe would cease to exist. “Wow! that’s a lot ocomprehend, but why are you telling us, girls, who had trespassed to your house about your universe

-saving mission?” I asked feeling confused. “Good question, for this to work humans are needed, since the evil forces had never dealt with you guys before”, “okay, so what are we supposed to do?” asked Lia, “ gain as much magic as possible, and to do so you’ve got to spend some time in this house”. We rreached an agreement to work on our mission as a team. I found it weird that we agreed to do this with some space guy we had just met, but since he proved to us how serious the situation was, we went with it. Zayne explained that the sphere I found was called the teleporting sphere of.No one really knows why it keeps showing up in different places, but it’s known that it contains so much magic that an unexposed human like me could die from simply touching it, he continued that living close to the creepy house may have been what saved me since some of it’s magic may have transferred to me.'' After months of training, it was finally time. Lia and I followed Zayne inside the house where he took a took out of his pocket and started chanting inaudible words in a language I couldn’t recognise, once he was done, a portal opened. We all entered, the portal leading to the source of all this evil. “Ladies, I welcome you to my beloved homeland ‘Nesia’. This place used to be one the most beautiful in the universe, but now all that beauty burned to ash” said

Zayne, clenching his fists. I couldn’t but feel sorry, seeing all the destruction that had been done. After taking one last glance, the three of us headed to the evil forces’ hideaway. It was a very dark place, I could sense so much black magic it made my spine shiver. “I see you’ve finally come” said a harsh voice echoing across the room. “Show yourself!” shouted Zayne. Out of thin air, came out five people wearing black coats that covered even their faces. Without a word being said, we started throwing spells at each other, with each side trying to weaken the other. “Lia, Darline, we’re going to do what we’ve practiced for” said Zayne, while still throwing spells. the three of us held hands and started to chant in unison, soon the forces’ magic could no longer affect us. Months of hard work and practicing the ultimate technique had paid off as we watched the cause of all this chaos fade one after the other.. Zayne took it to himself and sealed the evil forces away, for once and for all. we came out of the hideaway to see people cheering joyfully.

Our names could be heard everywhere. I never felt so happy in my life, happy that we succeeded, happy to hear my name, happy to know that I saved so many people’s lives. The people of Nesia had promised to rebuild their world and to help other dimensions do so as well. After we saved the world, no, the universe successfully, Lia and I bid Zayne goodbye and promised each other to work together in case another threat shows up again. We returned to earth nowing after our dreamlike adventure, knowing that the universe’s secrets shouuld be kept hidden.. We came back feeling grateful that no one on earth was affected and that are families and friends didn’t notice us being gone for so long. And that’s how my life changed forever, from a normal city girl to a warrior who had the honour of learning the universe’s secrets and protecting everyone she loved dearly. I guess that’s how the future works, you can never imagine it, you can never expect it, all you can do is wait for it to unfold and surprise you by what it has been hiding.

Breast Cancer: A Serious Threat Amna Khalfan

HALLOWEEN JOKES Hamdiya Ahmed Brett: What do mummies like listening to on Halloween? Joe: I don’t know. Brett: Wrap music! Bill: Why did the policeman ticket the ghost on Halloween? McKenzie: Why? Bill: It didn’t have a haunting license. Chris: What’s worse than being a five-ton witch on Halloween? Jill: No clue. Hit me with it. Chris: Being her broom! Jake: Why couldn’t the ghost see its mom and dad? Philip: I don’t know. Jake: Because they were trans-parents! Kirk: Why do mummies have no friends? Mike: Why Kirk: Because they’re too wrapped up in themselves!




Art work by Aiman Kashif

The Serenity

The Siren

The Swing

Urban Skies

Scarlet Brunette


Thank you so much for taking out your precious time to read year 9A class magazine. Bertrand Russell once said, ''The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge''. So feel good, stay postive and spread knowledge. Happy New Year!

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