TCSI Grade 9 (Div B) Class Magazine 2019-2020

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AREA 51 Leo is an astronaut and a mechanical engineer. He was NASA but now he has resign because of some family issues but yesterday he posted a video that has gone viral because of that video he gets and unknown call “Hi sir can I talk to you about that video” and then Leo asked “Who are you?” The unknown person said “I am a journalist and I want to know about that video that you posted last night and sir I am on my way to pick you up because NASA told police to arrest you.” Leo said “I don’t know you so how can I come with you?” Then realized that he was talking about that he is going to be arrested so Leo said “okay fine I am coming.” The call was ended and Max picked him up and asked him about that video and Leo told him everything. Leo said “when Apollo eleven was done in 1969, after two months the headquarters told me to make a space craft and the material they provided, I never saw it on Earth. I was given the instructions to just build it up. Actually I wasn’t aware that it was a UFO when I finished it and gave it to them after that I never saw it again. During that time I made a friend who was an intelligence of NASA and his name was Kai, he told me that he was told to keep an eye on a different creature which looked like a human but it was an Alien. The creature was injured because he had a crash with the mountains near area 51.” Then Max asked “Who was that person who investigated the weird creature.” Leo was shocked by Max’s question that how did he know about the creature was being investigated. Leo asked in a shaky voice that how did Max knew about the investigation so Leo asked Max that “Who are you?! And how do you know about the investigation?!” Max said “He was my grandfather, and he transformed into an Alien and my name is f69. Leo fainted after he heard that. F69 threw water on Leo's face he woke up immediately and he was trying to run away from F69 but F69 kept a deal in front of him that if he escape from there police will catch him but if he helps F69 he is helping the next generations Leo accepted his deal and he decided to help F69. So he asked F69 why did he came on earth and does his grandfather came on earth and how they came on earth F69 replied that the earth will end in a big disaster in which more than fifty percent of earth's population including humans, plants and animals only twenty percent of world population will left. They will travel to Mars and because of that we are suffering from a disease in future on Mars in this disease in which a pair of chromosomes is missing from our body which makes us different from you so

when why grandfather came to earth to collect the DNA at that NASA crashed his plane and tell other people that that was their own fighter jet which was crashed and they caught him he was injured and they gave him a treatment and after the treatment when was able to talk to them but when they started investigating to him he got scared and he fainted they thought that he is dead so they preserve his body in a room I also thought that he is dead but after few hours he sent me a message that he is alive so I am here to collect that DNA and to take my grandfather along with me because NASA has that DNA then Leo asked him how he knew everything happened with his grandfather and about DNA F69 said that when they shot my grandfather’s UFO at that I was talking to him through our communication resources and suddenly I heard the emergency alarm and I asked grandfather what happened to him he replied that someone saw him and shot his UFO then I asked him to switch on the camera which is on your uniform and the locator so I started the program to see everything what is happening. So I heard that they were talking about that DNA because of which we look different than you so Leo asked F69 that how he come to know about that Leo can help him to find his grandfather and those DNA samples that NASA kept In area 51 F69 replied that he hacked the NASA main data system and he checked the record of each and every person in area 51 where his grandfather and the samples are kept so after checking every ones past record he thought that Leo can help him so he tracked Leo for many days then he was confirmed that Leo is the one who can help him so Leo asked F69 how he can help him F69 replied that for getting into that place he want his fingerprints and the map of area 51 and security passwords or code words which they use to explain each other. Leo gave him his fingerprints and all the codes and passwords and the map of area51 than Leo guided him for each and everything which was important for safety than F69 asked Leo to wait for him F69 transform into human and they traveled to area 51 when they went in F69 told Leo to wait for him outside the center but when F69 came out with his grandfather and the DNA they heard the alarms and firing .As they came out saw the dead body of Leo and a note on it “I am proud of myself to help the next generations .’’ the tears fall on Leo’s face form the eyes of F69 .Suddenly a UFO came in front of F69 and another alien asked him to sit in they went but F69 told us all about our future and went back in the future.

BY: Eman Fatima 9B

TOMORROW The night before was a very unusual one. I was in my bed , with my eyes open, kept starting outside the window, looking at the stars. As a sleep lover, something didn’t feel right. A strange thought was roaming through my head. Eventually, l fell asleep , but this erri feeling never left me. Next day when I woke up the sky was red, the sun was high in the sky. I thought this was very weird. When I went down stairs everything seemed alright. My mom was cooking breakfast I asked her, “Why is the sky red?”she said, “What sky! It is not red.” I went back to my room, thinking it was just a bad dream… I woke up hearing the sound of shipping birds to see a forest that stretched so long that I couldn’t see an end. I felt scared, I didn’t even know where I was. A minute ago I was in my bed and now I am here. I was curious to find out what was going on. I got up and started wandering straight into a bunch of trees. I then heard. An eagle squawking and suddenly came towards me with unimaginable speed. All I remembered was my skin getting ripped and I blacked out… I woke up with sudden pain only back and to see my skin regrow from my bones. I was laying where the eagle attacked me. I stood up and started walking. A few minutes later I found my self standing in the middle of nowhere, I heard something howling and instantly realised it was a wolf. It ran straight towards me and I felt blood trickling down my arm. I felt drowsy and I fainted… I woke up to see myself laying on the dry grass, with stains of dry blood all around me. It seemed like everything is repeating itself, tomorrow is never coming. I stood up and ran into a bush and then the mist made my vision blurry. Suddenly, I saw a creepy shadow which turned out to be a bear that and red blood stains on it’s brown fur. It made its way to me and pounced on me all I then remembered is the bears fangs inching closer to my skin… I woke up in a bloody bush which terrified me and then I ran as fast as I could not knowing where to go and suddenly stopped at the end of a cliff. I looked up to see the turn back to blue. I heard the bear chasing me and with no option left I jumped down the cliff, and landed in my bed sweating and shaking. I ran through my house to see if everything and it was all normal and realised it was just a weird, bad, terrifying nightmare. I got shook and was relived that nothing bad happen. BY:Wania Tariq 9B

TOMORROW “Grandma please tell us the story of lie kingdom.” Kaya said the youngest among all of them. Grandma was so sleepy still she didn’t wanted to upset the kids so she called all of them to sit near her to listen to the story. So then Sofia, Allen, Lucky and Bobby ran to there grandma. Allen was Sofia’s elder brother and Kaya was Lucky’s younger sister and bobby was there best friend. As all the kids where assemble at Allen’s place in night to meet his grandma, who use to narrate fun stories to them. However the grandma had a bad habit of drifting off to sleep in the middle of the narration. This habit of her's used to upset the kids. One fine day they discovered a beautiful forest behind behind a waterfall On walking further into the forest, they met with a speaking tree named Manoon, which was guarded by a leprechaun. The kids introduced themselves to the tree and the leprechaun and befriended them. To their utter surprise, the tree could talk. They also found out that there is a door in the tree behind which resides a different world. This world is the world of stories. From fantasy to fiction, all stories could be entered into and, experienced physically. They discovered that they could enter into whichever story they wish and help the protagonist of the story in triumphing. The leprechaun would bring a huge key which they used to open the door of the tree. Then they would all recite a magical spell, and then the door would open into their desired story. However, they must return before the sun rises in the normal world or else they will be trapped forever into the story-world. BY:Taskeen Safdar 9B

SCHOOL TRIPS School trips leave a great impact in the mind of the student, where he goes without his family, with his friends and colleagues, which allow him to rely on himself and take responsibility and enjoy the activities of the trip.Each school planning for trips is as a fun and educational way, supervised by social workers and school supervisors, who planning visits, ticketing, bus booking, etc.I went on a school trip to Motion Gate, Dubai. I prepared my small bag and put sandwiches, juice and water for the trip. I went to sleep early to wake up early to be full of energy on the journey.We rode the bus in front of the school in the early morning and we left our parents and friends who did not come with us. The bus driver displayed a documentary about the city we were going to visit and the tour supervisor told us about the directions and instructions we should follow and how to act in case of lost. He provided us emergency numbers and asked us to write them in a paper and keep in our pocket. We arrived at our destination and everyone got excited, and couldn’t wait to go inside and enjoy all the amazing rides that they had. They looked horrifying from the outside of the park. The teachers gave us three hours to enjoy ourselves, we all splitted up and went in different rides with our friends, while the students went to take the rides the teachers sat down in the shade and had a fun talk about what they all did in the weekends. The children’s went to the horror rides as some of them were not afraid at all while the others got a bit scared as they didn’t like it as much as the others. They had amazing roller coasters which was very fast. Time flew by so quick that the three hours that the students had finished. As they all returned the teachers made sure that all the students were here and no one was left behind, they checked our emergency tickets. We had a joyful ride back to the school, everyone talked about how much fun they had and the rides that they took. The teachers were happy to see the students like that so they had thought about planning another trip like this so the students stay happy all the time and it doesn’t effect how they perform in class. As they reached school they saw their parents waiting for them outside and they couldn’t wait to tell them about how much fun they had and couldn’t wait to go again.

BY:Hamza Asif 9B

THE UNLUCKY ORPHANS WITH AN ENORMOUS FORTUNE Once there were two sibling named Molly, who was 15 years old and she was good in inventing things.And her brother Cole, who was 13 years old and was good at coming up with solution to solve a problem.Molly,Cole and their parents lived in an enormous mansion.One evening ,the sibling decided to go visit a seashore by the local trolley train which was very unsteady. They went to the seashore on a gray and cloudy day as they arrived,they began relaxing and refresh their minds ,then out of the nowhere ,from behind the fog a man appeared,who was their family banker;Mr John who told them a very unfortunate news,"Children I have a very bad news for you ,I am sorry but your parents have been perished in an unexpected fire."Molly and Cole felt so terrible about the news of losing their parents,Mr John took them to the burned remains of their house to see it for the last time ,they looked at their house with despair in their eyes; but little did they knew their life is about to get harder.Mr John told them,"Molly and Cole there is nothing to worry about your parents have left behind an enormous fortune,but it can be used when Molly comes of age."Mr John assured them that he will be handling all the problems .Mr John took them to his house until he finds them a suitable guardian. In Mr John's house there lived his wife ,who was a news reporter and his 2 kids.They all ate dinner,and then Mr John's family only provided them with 1 small bed to share.The next day,Molly and Cole were taken to their new guardians. Mr John took them to the middle of a dark, dark road ,where there was a dark, dark house, and in that house there lived to guardian of the children.As the children and Mr John came near the house and rang the door bell ,then a who had brown messy hair and wore a black t-shirt and ankle high pants, came out of the door and introduced himself,"Hello ,Hello,Hello orphans.My name is Count Drac and i am going to be your guardian." He said in a creepy and annoying voice.Then he continued,"I am an incredible actor and i hope i can be good guardian."Then Mr John left the children and went back to his bank.The children came inside,then Count Drac came really close to them and threatened them,"I will be your worst nightmare and I don't care about you orphans,I am only after your fortune."Count Drac said with a scary deep voice.Then he proceeded to show them the house and gave them the list of chores to do.Molly and Cole went to their room with 1 bed and unpacked their stuff and started to do the chores.Clean the bathrooms,ballroom,kitchen and the backyard with only a toothbrush provided to them.

When the siblings were done ,Count Drac told them to make dinner for him and this drama crew .When they were done cooking spaghetti ,Count Drac and his crew just ate it and left .As night fell Molly and Cole didn't really fell happy in their new home so they decided to invent something that would help them get out of the house without Count Drac knowing.Cole said,"We could use the bed sheets and tie them to make a long roop then we can put the rock on the bed to make it heavy and tie one end of the bed sheet to on of the bed's leg and escape through the open window."And that is exactly what they they did.They tried to contact Mr John's bank with the business card that Mr John gave to Count Drac when they met and Count Drac threw it.After the children tried to contact him after so many tries,he picked up the call,took the children and his car and asked,"Molly ,Cole why were you awake at such a late hour at night and why do u want to leave from Count Drac's house he seems such a good guy!"Mr John said in a confused way while driving his car.Then Molly and Cole replied,"No! Mr John he is not at all a good person,he made us clean the whole house with a toothbrush and forced us to cook food, please Mr John take us somewhere else."They said in a worried and nervous way.Mr John agreed and took them to their close relative that their parents knew but never introduced them to.They searched the whole night finding their close relative,as the morning sun came out. Mr John and the children came to a house on Aloha street.It was a big house with a car parked there.A friendly man was stand near the house, he had a mustache and was wearing a brown suit.He welcomed the children and offered the some juice and cake .Mr John was in a hurry and said,"Children i am in a hurry but i will occasionally be checking in you both!"and Mr John left.Then the new guardian of the children introduced himself,"Welcome children to your new home I know how you are felling about the news if your parents,I was too very sad when I heard the news! Anyways my name is Montgomery ,but you both can call me Monty."After the children were one eating he took them to his special reptile room which was covered with many locks.He told that he is a Herpetologist, the people who study about reptiles and amphibians.Uncle Monty told them,"I travelled all around the world to collect different species of snakes, turtles and other reptiles and amphibians.But i usually collect the most venomous creatures.”As they were taking the tour of the house ,there was a ring on the door when they opened the door there was Count Drac disguised as a man called Stefano, he told that he was going to be Uncle Monty’s assistant but he only wanted to kill Uncle Monty and get hands on the children’s fortune,Will Count Drac be luck to his hands on the fortune.

BY:Omaima Qaisar 9B

DEATH IN MY DREAMS Jason, Jimmy, Vincent and Justin were best friends since high-school. Jason's parents died when he was 9.Jimmy's parents were in another country so he use to live alone. Vincent ran away from his family when he was 11 because he was pressurized by his family for studies so he moved in with Justin. Justin used to live alone because his mom died when he was 2 and his father couldn't except the fact, so his father was mentally disturbed thats why he was in a mental asylum. But when the boys became close friends then they all moved in one house and they all attended the same high-school. And they all used to work at a cafeteria after the school timings. They were almost like brothers to each other. But one day Jason woke up, he had a dream and in his dream he saw that their friendship will get weaker day by day but he ignored his dream and continued with his day, But after 2 to 3 day they all got up in an argument with each other and Jason realized that they have never argued this badly about something then the thought came to his mind about his dream and he got a little concerned that did he dreamed about this situation already and did it come to reality? Then days passed by and they all were back together but Jason was having dreams almost every night about different things for example: one-time he saw in his dream that he will get injured while coming back from his job and the next day it actually happened but he again ignored it.Months later Jason had a dream which scared him so much that he decided to tell it to others. In his dream he saw that Jimmy will die by having too much stress and depression, Vincent and Justin will die by a car crash, and Jason will end up committing suicide because he will be left alone after all his friends died. When he told his dream to others they started saying stuff like:"Jason are you a kid who think that his dreams will come true."And the boys teased him but Jason got angry so he spoke aggressively and he told them that he has been having dreams since 2 months and whatever he is dreaming is coming true! After he told them everything then there was a dead silence in the room but Vincent decided to break it by asking Jason a question and the question was that if his dream is going to come true then can he stop it from coming true. Jason said that he doesn't know how to do it then Justin spoke and said that there must be a way to do so.Few days went by but now Jason was not getting any new dreams but the same dream in which they all die. But one day when he woke up he noticed that they all were wearing the same clothes that he saw them wearing in his dream when they die so he immediately told everyone to not go outside but sadly no one agreed with him and Justin and Vincent went for their jobs since it was a holiday from school but Jimmy was having a

headache so he stayed at home and Jason also stayed at home because he had to take care of Jimmy. After few hours Jason decided to ask Jimmy about if he is depressed or he have some kind of stress because in his dream the reason for Jimmy's death was stress and depression. So Jason asked Jimmy about it but at first Jimmy tried to avoid the question but Jason noticed him trying to avoid the question so he said"Jimmy if you'll tell me the truth that can help me stop my dream from coming true"when he said that then Jimmy said that he is ready to tell him. They sat down and Jimmy started talking, he said that some people from a mafia gang are giving him death threats because he helped an innocent person escape from those people. Jason asked him that how did he do that then Jimmy said that he was coming back from his job at that time one guy came in-front of his car to ask for help and he did help him escape but the people who were chasing that guy they saw Jimmy's face and now they think that Jimmy knows where that person is so they are threatening Jimmy to tell them where that guy is otherwise they will kill him. After hearing all this Jason got really tensed and concerned towards Jimmy and he asked that does he know where that person is but Jimmy shakes his head while saying no. Jason said to Jimmy that go and fresh up and then they will watch a movie and just relax. It has been 15 minutes since Jimmy is in his room so Jason decided to go and check that what is taking so long but when he reached at Jimmy's room the door was locked so he knocked on the door and even shouted for Jimmy to open the door but in return he didn't get any reply so he panicked and ran to his room to call Justin and Vincent and ask them to come home right now. When Justin and Vincent heard Jason's voice over the phone they knew something is going on so without taking anytime they rushed up to their car and started to drive fast. Vincent was so worried and panicked that he broke the signal by mistake and their car got hit by a truck. At home Jason has finally succeeded to open the door by kicking it hard and when he entered Jimmy's room, he saw Jimmy laying on the floor with blood coming out from his nose and mouth. Jason quickly picked up Jimmy and went to the hospital and when he was waiting outside for Jimmy he got a phone call and when he received the call the Person told him that Vincent and Justin are in the hospital because they had an accident so Jason asked the person is a shaky voice that which hospital were they admitted in and coincidentally they were in the same hospital as Jimmy so he rushed to their room no. But he wasn't allowed to go inside yet so he waited like an hour and after an hour the doctor came out and gave him the bad news that they both passed out and with that the doctor left and Jason was so weak at this point that he fell

down on his knees but suddenly a nurse came running to him telling him that Jimmy is calling some person named Jason and Jason told her that he is Jason so they both quickly ran to Jimmy. When Jason reached there he saw Jimmy wanting to say something to him but struggling to say it because his breathing was not normal but still Jimmy somehow managed to whisper something and Jason heard it. Jimmy whispered to Jason that "now they won't be able to kill me because I am dying already"as soon as he finished his sentence his heartbeat stopped and he died. Jason got so hurt and shocked by the fact that all his friends died so Jason also fainted. After 5-6 hours he woke up and he was discharged from the hospital so he went home but he was so hurt and sad. As soon as he entered their house he went inside the other boys rooms and he started sobbing and feeling guilty because he thinks that they all died because of him. Because he was the one to bring up the topic about Jimmy's stress and because he called Justin and Vincent and told them to come home as fast as they can, So Jason thinks that they all died because of him. After crying for like an hour, Jason stood up and went towards the mountains and he stopped at a high cliff and he said while looking at the sky "I am probably the worst friend ever, I couldn't even save you guys but without you guys I can't live in this world so I am also coming to you guys" and then he jumped off from the cliff. Now they all are forever together in the heaven.

BY:Dua Waqar 9B

The Best Robot XT-27 wasn't just any robot. His identification plate read "XT-27: The best, most modern robot".He was,indeed, the most up-to-date robot currently available, a product difficult to beat. Of course, this made him feel very proud. So much so, that when he saw other robots in the street, he would look at them with a certain air of superiority; he reserved his enthusiastic greetings for other XT-27s."All robots should be like us XT-27s," he thought to himself. He was convinced that no new robot would be able to improve on the XT-27 model, and that the world would be a much better place if all robots were like himself. One day, he was walking along in Bionic City, when a big yellow door suddenly appeared, about an inch in front of his piezoelectric optical sensors (that's eyes to you and me, but XT-27 liked to use highly technical sounding words for everything).He had no idea where the door had come from, but thanks to being an XT-27, his quick reactions allowed him to avoid walking straight into it. Intrigued,he pulled it open and went through the doorway. The door led to a fantastic city. All the city's inhabitants were XT-27s, and everything he saw there was mind blowing! Excited at having found his perfect city, he set to exploring the whole place, stopping from time to time to talk to people, telling them what a great thing it was to be an XT-27. Finally, he moved into his moulded fiberglass bubble (a house), on the outskirts of the city.The days passed, but he suddenly realised that there was something about that city that he didn't like. As all the robots were XT-27s, it meant that no one had any reason to feel better or more up-to-date than anyone else, and, in fact, nobody did. No one looked down on others, and, if truth be told, he found that with the passing of time not even he felt special any more.On top of that, things became very boring. Everyone could do things equally well,which made it impossible for anyone to stand out from the crowd. Whenever he did anything which he thought brilliant, it turned out that the other robots had done exactly the same thing and at the same time. So XT-27 started to miss those varied little robots in his previous world. Each one had had its good and bad points, but that made them different and fun. He realised that he would much prefer to meet a clumsy-but-fun TP-4, and spend a while chatting with it, than see yet another XT-27.So he started searching for that big yellow door. It took him several days to find it, but finally he did. Just like before, it was standing in the middle of a normal street. He put his hand on the door and looked behind him, as if saying farewell to the city that had at first seemed so perfect.Then, he gave the door a joyful push ,When he woke up, the XT-27 was on the ground, and some people were helping him to his feet. He looked around, and there was no yellow door at all. Instead there was an

enormous shiny yellow robot. The XT-27 had bumped into it so violently that the jolt had made his circuits malfunction. The XT-27, surprised at not having managed to avoid the collision, looked carefully at that formidable-looking robot. He had never seen one like it. It seemed perfect in everyway. It was taller and more powerful than any other, and its identification plate read:"XT-28, the best,most modern robot." So they had done it. The seemingly impossible had happened. The XT-27s were no longer the best robots of all. Even so, our friend didn't feel the slightest sadness. Seconds earlier, when dreaming about the perfect city, he had learnt that he was very happy to be different, and that it was great to have hundreds of different robots; each one with its very own good and bad points. BY:Anooshe Batul 9B

Big write I woke up feeling very nauseous and felt like I was going to faint any second –“Bryan sweetie are you ok you look sick” I looked at her and it seemed like there was like 10 more of her surrounding me,when I wasn’t able to answer her right away she quickly came over to me and put her hand on my fore head and quickly moved it away and said “Bryan you’re burning” I sat up and started protesting but she immediately cut me off and said “no you can’t go to school you are really sick , I’m going to go call the school and tell them you can’t come and you just stay in bed and rest” I really didn’t want to stay at home since it is really boring but I guess I’ll spend my day free. After eating breakfast and a few hours of playing games it was afternoon and my mum had to leave for her afternoon shift at the boutique she works at as her hobby. She really insisted on staying and taking care of me but I told her she should go, after all I am 16 years old. As she left there, suddenly, was a sense and aura of freedom and no restrictions but I was still sick. I went to the food pantry in the kitchen and got myself some snacks and drinks to get ready for a marathon of marvel movies and as I went out to the hall to get ready for the movies I saw another figure, but it wasn’t just a random person. It was a clone of me. I suddenly stopped and dropped my packets of chips and froze, the sound made the guy turn around from the couch and face me. It was so unrealistic that there was another person who had every single, small and big, details of me and even had the same hair as me even though I cut it yesterday. he smiled and said “oh hey Bryan what’s up” he even had the same tone of voice as me,with a frightened face I started taking small steps backward and quickly went to the secret place where my mum hides a safety gun and pointed it at him but he simply just smiled and stared at me.After a few minutes of staring and not doing anything I put the gun down but still near me just in case he does something, his face slightly eased and he looked at me and motioning me to sit down , I sat at opposite sides of the sofa from him and as I was about to say something he interrupted me and said “the answer to your questions is quite simple so let’s get over it quickly ,1) I am not a alien.2)I’m here to tell you something important.3)I’m not going to hurt you so calm down ” I looked at him with a extremely confused face and he just returned a ‘what? Did I do somethin wrong’ look.He then understood what I meant and said “oh sorry excuse my mistake; allow me to explain you why I’m here. I am you but just in the future but not so far in the future, I’m just the tomorrow you but there about millions of you that are recruited for each day of your life” this was just mind-boggling , how in the world is this possible. “so like do my decisions in the present time determine the future or you already know what I will do” he laughed and said

“it’s a fifty-fifty like sometimes we know what will happen like small thing- watch out for the vase!” I quickly turned around and saw the vase about to fall and I saved it and put it back safely , I was amazed “how in the world did youknow that , did you vision that”I asked quite excitedly but in return I just got a laugh , I looked at him confused but he said “I have eyes too you know” and we both ended up laughing but then he got all serious and said “I came here for a reason so the thing is there will be a problem but im not to sure because you haven’t made a decision yet and in order for me to see you need to make a serious decision like choosing whether its Miranda or fanta?” I just looked at him seriously thinking which one it is and then I said “its fanta” he smiled and slowly a portal opened behind him and I got so scared but he just went ahead and effortlessly jumped in it and trusting him- or should I say myself- Ijumped in aswell and hoped for a normal ride because I was sick but I guess life never goes your way. it was a though ride with lots of spirals and twist and aswell as turns which totally made by eyesroll backward out. BY:Areeba Nomani 9B

THE DETECTIVE PROLOUGE Jim walked through the cold and narrow hallway of a storage facility, opened the front door and walked outside to his car across the road which was black velvet ribbon draped over the twilight hills. His car was a 1954 Bentley Type-R Continental, one of only 208 ever made, 4.5-litre engine, and was retro-fitted with central locking, climate control, and satellite navigation. Jim stepped inside the car and started driving the interior of the car shining in the moonlight, his expensive phone rang he picked it up was Bliss his boss “You were right they were part of the Exodus clan they were supplying weapons and parts all over the world. You are free to attack”. Jim Started speaking “You mean were, already taken care of”. Bliss was shocked“You know one day your predictions are gonna get you killed”. Jim Replied “I’m already dead” as he took off his façade to reveal the skull underneath...... Alice had never expected her Dad’s death, nobody had, he was healthy, young and no one knew how he died not even the Police. She sat in the train crying trying not to show weakness her dad had always hated weakness. She knew someone was watching her the white man with his rough-edged beard looked like he was about to have everything in the world. Alice wanted to call the police, but she wasn’t sure if he actually wanted to attack her. She decides not to, the train stopped she got out the man followed her out. She Ran. So, did he. She ran through the narrow alleyways of Dublin not knowing where to go…. she turned right after many lefts at a…” Dead End little girl” she turned the man was right there “So what’s your name?” he asked. She roughly decided to not tell him her name. “Stranger Danger” she said. The man laughed “I wonder if you will still be so witty once I’m done with you”.” What do you want anyway” she said” Oh, I want just a little information” and then he fell down as the man in the mask kicked his knee caps “Ah the Skeleton Detective returns” said the man. “I was never gone” said the Detective applying shackles on the man’s hands. He slowly pulled his mask off revealing the skull he had for a face. “Ah Yes I’m guessing you don’t know about magic do you” he found his answer as she fainted onto the rough floor below. Alice woke up in a strange house. She silently got off the bed she had been placed on suddenly remembering her dead father she cried as she got off only to find the man with a skull for a face in front of her staring with his head tilted “Hi I’m Jim” he said “And you must be…..” “Oh, I’m Alice” she said trying to act normal before barraging him with the millions of questions she had “So Any questions “ he said, she replied “A lot” “How are you a Skelton

why are you a skeleton is magic actually real who was that man you arrested what did he want” “Woah slow down” he said “First I don’t know I died and came back second magic saved me I guess third yes fourth he was one of Nefarian’s-a bad guy-cronies he wanted information about a powerful weapon your father had in his possession which..... you need to help me find”. “Ok”she said as she surprised herself because she was so calm “So where do we start ...but what will I tell my mom” “Oh you leave that to me” he replied getting in the car “So you coming or not”. She instantly said “Yes” “Oh by the way their is a magic government called the Sanctuary” he said. Alice Replied “Ah so a magic government is now something to be forgotten especially since you’re the detective of it” “Let’s just say rules aren’t for everyone”.....The Sanctuary was bigger than Alice expected but it was a magic government so it probably didn’t matter to them. An Alarm Blared “Ahh this is inconvenient” said Jim “What is” said Alice “How to put this......” “Yes, The Magic Government Prime Minister has been kidnapped you could say”. “Ok...So aren’t you gonna help?”. “Maybe Later” said Jim “Jim” said Alice glaring at him “Fine” said Jim walking out of the Sanctuary “Uhh where are you going?” said Alice. “The kidnappers probably had a getaway car that should be outside about now”. “Surprising can’t you guys teleport or something?” “What do you think we are superheroes?” “Don’t answer that” said Jim. Outside the kidnappers were putting the “Grand Mage there you are before you ask that’s the prime minister I was talking about” said Jim to Alice. The kidnappers leader took his mask off, the blue eyes the grey hair stubble could only be...”Grey Skin you have never looked older”. “Who’s Grey Skin?” asked Alice “Let’s say we have a history” said Jim. “Oh we have more than that but sorry fight later you’re probably expecting me to reveal all my plans and all that right well this ain’t that kind of story “To be honest no” said Jim and Grey Skin disappeared..”Where did they go?” Asked Alice “Into the future” Said Jim “The Movie?” asked Alice. “No they ahh.....never mind let’s just go” “Hey mister detective how are we supposed to got to the future and do you know which year they even went too? “In fact I do 2078 probably because it’s the only year that is civilized don’t bother asking I’ll explain later and as our transport he should be arriving any moment”. “Ok you have time travelers but not tele- cut off as the boy with the crazy hair got off the van blocking her view “I’m Renn, Vengous Renn...... Jim explained how Renn could time travel to Alice and then briefed the whole operation to save the Grand Mage to both of them “Can’t we just take the guards and other sorcerers with us?” Said Alice “We actually can’t Dublin

would fall apart with criminal activity so it’s just us”. “That just fills me with joy”said Alice “So when can I learn magic?”. “Umm don’t know some people have the spark some don’t” “hhahah Spark get it” “Oh you’re so funny” said Alice.The three of them walked into a big clear room in which they would time travel. “You guy ready?” “Yes” they both said in unison “Ok here we go” and then they were in the same room but when Alice walked outside... “Whoah This is so cool!” Alice could see the robots and the flying cars everywhere no traffic the sky was as clean as ever so many thing to describe she didn’t even have time to look everywhere as Jim said “Ok time to go find the bad guys” “But we just came” complained Alice “Time is of the essence” said Jim “If we don’t find the Grand Mage the world back in Dublin will be overrun with sorcery and criminals”. “Ok so where do we start?” Said Alice “Oh There probably right there at the entrance” Jim said pointing to a big building with glass windows and big advertisement signs “And how do you know that?” Said Alice “Cause I can can see them right there”. “That’s a big giveaway isn’t it” “Oh yes it is” said Jim heading over to the building “Now lets go save the world....or at least our little part of Dublin that is” TO BE CONTINUED....

BY:Hammad 9B

Time is flying by Jim walked through the cold and narrow hallway of a storage facility, opened the front door and walked outside to his car across the road which was black velvet ribbon draped over the twilight hills. His car was a 1954 Bentley Type-R Continental, one of only 208 ever made, 4.5-litre engine, and was retro-fitted with central locking, climate control, and satellite navigation. Jim stepped inside the car and started driving the interior of the car shining in the moonlight, his expensive phone rang he picked it up was Bliss his boss “You were right Vile is trying to make a time machine, you have to stop him”. Jim Started speaking “ok but first I have to solve the case I am on now; I think Vile has to do something to do with this case”. “Ok I well leave you to it” Bliss said and hanged up the phone and Jim kept on driving. Charlie was bored of waiting for the detective to come and investigate on her Uncle Gordan’s death,so she stood up and went to read a book, she opened the desk drawer and found the manuscript in a neat stack. She pulled it out carefully and laid it on the desktop, careful not to smudge the paper. The first page held the title, nothing more, in bold lettering: And the Darkness Rained Upon Them. The manuscript was thick and heavy, like all of Gordon's books. She'd read most of them, and the odd splash of pretension aside, had quite enjoyed his work. His stories tended to be about people who could do astonishing and wonderful things, and the strange and terrible events that invariably led up to their bizarre and horrible deaths.She noticed the way he would set up a strong and noble hero, and over the course of the book systematically subject this hero to brutal punishment in a bid to strip away all his arrogance and certainty so that by the end he was humbled and had learned a great lesson. And then Gordon killed him off, usually in the most undignified way possible. She lifted the title page and carefully laid it face down on the desk beside the manuscript.She started reading.She didn't mean to spend long at it, but soon she was devouring every word, oblivious to the creaking old house and the rain outside. Her mobile phone rang, making her jump. She had been reading for two hours. She pressed the answer button and held it to her ear."Hi,sweetie,"came her mother's voice,"everything OK?" "Yes,“Charlie answered."Just reading." "You're not reading one of Gordon's books, are you? Charlie, he writes about horrible monsters and scary stuff and bad people doing worse things.It'll give you nightmares." No, Mum, I'm... I'm reading the dictionary."Even the brief silence from the other end of the phone was sceptical. "The dictionary?"her mother said."Really?"

"Yeah,"Charlie said"Did you know that popple is a word?" "You are stranger than your father, you know that?" "I suspected as much... So is the car fixed yet?" "No,and that's why I'm calling. They can't get it going and the road up to you is flooded. I'm going to get a taxi up as far as it'll go and then I'll see if I can find some way around on foot. It's going to be another two hours at least." Charlie sensed an opportunity. Ever since she was a child she had much preferred her own company to the company of others, and it occurred to her that she had never spent a whole night without her parents nearby. A small taste of freedom and it almost tingled on her tongue."Mum, it's fine, you don't have to. I'm OK here." "There's no way I'm leaving you in a strange house by yourself." "It's not a strange house; it's Gordon's and it's fine.There's no point in you trying to get here tonight - it's lashing rain." "Sweetie, it won't take me long." "It'll take you ages. Where's it flooded?" Her mother paused."At the bridge." "The bridge? And you want to walk from the bridge to here?" "If I speed-walk—" "Mum, don't be silly. Get Dad to pick you up." "Sweetheart, are you sure?" "I like it here, really. OK?" "Well, OK,"her mother said reluctantly."I'll be over first thing in the morning to pick you up, all right? And I saw some food in the cupboards, so if you're hungry you can make yourself something." "OK. I'll see you tomorrow then." "Call us if you need anything or if you just want some company." "I will. Night Mum." ''I love you.'' "I know." Charlie hung up and grinned. She slipped the phone back into her jacket and put her feet up on the desk, relaxing back into the chair, and went back to reading. When she looked up again, she was surprised to find that it almost midnight and the rain had stopped. If she were home right now, she'd be in bed. She blinked, her eyes sore,stood up from the desk and went downstairs to the kitchen. For all his wealth and success and extravagant tastes, she was thankful that when it came to food, Gordon was a pretty standard guy.The bread was stale, and the fruit was a bit too ripe,but there were biscuits and there was cereal, and the milk in the fridge was still good for one more day. Charlie made herself a snack and wandered to the living room, where she flicked on the TV.There's a knock on the “

door she got up can open the door it was a tall, thin man standing outside. “Took you long enough” she said while he was coming in “sorry, had some incomplete work to finished” Jim said, ”it doesn’t matter, so have you figured out who murder my Uncle?” “yes, I have, it was Vile, an evil man who is trying to find the last piece of the machine” “what machine?”, Jim hesitated, then said “the time machine” Charlie was shocked than said “seriously? that’s so cool!” “Yeah, but in the wrong hands it could be dangerous” “your uncle found the last part of the machine, and he knew that if Vile got his hands on it, he would be unstoppable” “So, what do we do?” “We find the last piece before Vile does, Gordan told me that it was in his house before he died, lets get searching!” They started searching the house for half an hour, but found nothing, Charlie give up and sat on the couch in the living room, after a few minutes later Jim came in and said, “look I found it!” Charlie stood up in excitement “Really? Let me see!” Jim showed it to her, she frowns and said “seriously?” “what did you except, now we don’t have time to waste let’s go” They turned and saw a man in a suit, He had black hair and thin lips, and before Charlie could even register surprise Jim was pulling the gun from his jacket. The man moved as gunshots filled the room, dodging all the shots he got up and stepped to one side. "Run!"Jim said, pushing her out of the room. She stumbled and something moved beside her, and she turned as another man came at her. A fist swung at her, but unlike its body the fist was heavy and solid, and it snapped her head back. She staggered and it reached for her, but then Jim was there, hurling it away. “You can’t run from this” said Vile “I will go back there; all you have to is give me the last piece” “What is he talking about?” asked Charlie “this isn’t the first time the time traveled” Before Charlie could say any thing, a man rammed into Jim so hard like Bull, and he fell, the man took the part and give it to Vile. “Finally!” he said. And took some thing out of his coat pocket and attached it to the part, then said “YES!!, now all I have to do is set it!” He taped on the thing few times and said “Its done! I can go back to that place again!” And taped on it one last time on the red button

“NO!” yelled Jim trying to get up “bye, bye” he said Charlie who was running at Vile, she knew she could make it, she had to. When she was close enough, she lunged at him, but before she could touch him, he disappeared, and she went with him…. To be continued. BY:Haysum Sohail 9B

Vacation Our spring holidays had started. Hurray! I woke up in the morning early, jumped out of bed and got ready. We were going on a one week holiday to a national resort in Germany called Edelweiss Lodge and Resort. We took the taxi and reached the train station. I was excited to see that our train had sleeping berths. Our mother gave us books to read. Soon it was time to sleep. I managed to get some sleep despite the loud snoring of a big, burly co passenger! Next day, we woke up at five am and hopped out of the train at Hamburg station. A taxi took us to our resort named Edelweiss Lodge and Resort. It took us two hours to reach our resort from Hamburg station. We were welcomed warmly by a glass of lemon water and showed our villa. It was so very spacious! In the evening as my brother and me explored the area, we met two boys from the nearby village who were plucking coriander leaves in the field next to our hotel. Their names were Hamza and Ahmed. They asked us if we would like to join them. It was fun chatting with them and helping out as farm helpers! The next morning, my mother and me went for a nature walk with Mohammed Uncle, the hotel manager. Our hotel was very close to the Hamburg national park. We saw a group of spotted deers and many different types of birds. The high point of our nature walk was seeing a dancing bamboo leaf. It looked so cute prancing around in the morning breeze! That afternoon we had to go for our first jungle safari. I was a little nervous at first but soon began to enjoy the sights and smells of the jungle. We saw a jackal, a family of wild boars and a peacock with spreaded feathers dancing. Mahender Uncle told us that wild boars were the favourite food of the tigers! The second day, we spotted many monkeys, sambars and spotted deers. The third day was our last safari into the jungle. We saw a male tiger drinking water by a cave where his partner and 4 three month old cubs lived. It looked so majestic and smart. I kept looking towards the cave hoping his little cubs would feel thirsty and join him too! As we drove out of the national park, I prayed that this tiger and his family remained safe from poachers. On our last day in Hamburg, my mother had planned a special trip for us to Mohammed Uncle's village located an hour away from our resort. It was a beautiful village situated near the jungle. Mohammed Uncle showed us the school he studied in and his village home. We visited one of his friends' field where the wheat plant was ready to be harvested. My brother and me got lessons in how to pluck wheat! The high point of our village experience for me was when I joined a group of

village boys herding their goats. It was so much fun being in the countryside. As we drove away from the village, I could not help but wonder how lucky these village children were to have all these cute animals to play with all the time! The next day we bid Mohammed Uncle and the entire resort staff of Edelweiss Lodge and Resort goodbye. They had been so friendly and caring towards us. I knew that if we ever came back to visit Hamburg, this is where we would stay. It really was a home away from home. BY:Hussain 9B

The Future is Bleak On Saturday 21 st September 2019. A 16-year-old girl named Greta Thunberg gave a motivational speech regarding climate change. It is all over social media. Over 250,000 people were present to listen to her. And now, millions of people mostly students and children, have taken part in demonstrations calling for urgent action from their governments to tackle climate changes, which many people don’t focus on. In result, this may harm our future. She says “ We will make them hear us.” We take climate changes very lightly and just go by the flow. Why don’t we raise our voices? Why aren’t we serious on this issue? We have time for other things, then why not this? Should we just let our future be destroyed? No! Nowadays, in many countries all over the world, there are some serious kinds of climate issues, and the actions should be taken as soon as possible. In some countries there is a drought, while in some countries there is extra rainfall which is resulting in floods. The sea levels are rising, heavy tides, storms, hurricanes and most importantly cutting down trees which is causing lack of oxygen. According to the most recent data compiled by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the signs and impacts of global warming are speeding up. The study revealed that the five-year period from 2014 to 2019 is the warmest in record. Sea-level rise has accelerated significantly over the same period, as CO2 emissions have hit new heights. The study revealed that the amount of gas going into the atmosphere between 2015 and 2019 grew by 20% with the previous five years! While global temperatures have risen by 1.1 degrees Celsius since 1850. Wherever you look on the planet right now, global warming is impacting the scale and intensity of extreme weather events such as heatwaves and wildfires. Sea-level rise and intense tropical storms led to humanitarian and economic catastrophes. This is what Greta said “People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction. All you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!” Greta tells global leaders that she ‘will never forgive’ them for failing on climate change. The president of Greta’s country which is Donald Trump, thinks that all this talk on climate change is nothing but a hoax. He sarcastically described Greta by saying “A very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future.” During the past century, human activities have released large amounts of

carbon dioxide and plenty of other greenhouse gases, which are destructing the environment and causing global warming. Majority of the gases come from burning fossil fuels L;to produce energy. Greenhouse gases are like a blanket around the Earth, trapping energy in the atmosphere and promoting it to get warm. Greta also mentioned that climate changes have stopped the education of majority of children. As she spoke against it, all the people, especially students in her country got inspired from her, and now they are joining her in her mission and raising their voices too. In the same way, if children and adults start speaking up, many problems can be solved, and most importantly, these people can make the governments of countries realise that they should wake up and do something about this issue. Greta said, “This is all wrong, I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back at school, the other side of the ocean.” Think about the future generations. Our children, their tomorrow, their future. They have all the rights to live in a clear environment with no climate changes or dirtiness. They have all the rights to complete their education. And no problems such as climate changes should come in their way. They should not be begging the governments to do something in order to complete their education! All of this must end by then. Education should be kept as the top priority. Whether it is this generation or the future generation. Education of students must not be sacrificed at any cost. There are several ways by which we can stop climate changes. Such as, demanding climate solutions in elections. We can get politically active and demand for climate change. We can encourage other people to do the same for the betterment of this world. We can use energy wisely and save money from your salary. Save energy. Switch off all the unnecessary lights and bulbs in your homes, this way you will consume less electricity. Plant more trees in your nearby areas, this job hardly requires time. You can do this in your free time as well. Just plant a seed and water it everyday. That’s it! Waste less. Whatever you use in your daily life try to use it less, especially things such as water and electricity. Consume less. Get politically active. Make posters regarding climate change, gather people and do it as one. Stop littering around. Stop making your area dirty. Even if the garbage you see is not yours, pick it up and make it as an everyday habit and encourage others as well. We should look at the other part of the story. Think ahead about our future, our tomorrow. Imagine, if we continue to plant trees, consume less, stop littering etc. How peaceful and clean this world will be! Just imagine! Absolutely no litter, no bad weather, no climate changes! But this can only happen if we raise our voices

and do something about this issue. So go outside your houses and get out of your comfort zones. Motivate others to do the same. Raise your voices! Do every possible thing you can. Speak up for the betterment of your country and for the betterment of our world! We cannot let everything get destroyed like this! And lastly, thank you Greta Thunberg. Thank you for your impassioned speeches and efforts to unite us for real and lasting change! BY:Maham Batool 9B

After all tomorrow is another day It is rush hour in Lahore and I am stuck in a seemingly never-ending sea of motor vehicles that have been moving at a snail’s pace since the last half an hour. Around me drivers are honking their horns, their faces brimming with frustration. This traffic jam is the least of my concerns. My thoughts go back a year ago when all my problems started. I owned a fairly successful event management business and had made a name for myself. Organizing lavish weddings was my company’s forte. However, within a year the ever-rising inflation had adversely affected business. People began to spend less on weddings and our profits diminished with time. Eventually, my company faced bankruptcy. With a heavy heart not only did I have to watch my company dissolve but also to let go of the people who had worked for me for many years. As though I weren’t already facing enough, fate decided to weigh me down more heavily. My aged mother became very sick and had to be hospitalized. Doctors informed us that she would require surgery within the next few days to survive. To arrange money on such a short notice I was forced to borrow money from friends. In such hard times, I was grateful I still had friends to turn to. Fortunately, my mother recovered from the ordeal and was discharged from the hospital after a week. Now that my mother is home and her health is building again, I don’t want her to know about our stressful financial position. The only way that I see is to sell our house and move into an apartment. I know that my children may react negatively; I know that my wife may understand but she will undoubtedly become sad. My shoulders become further slouched at the thought when my reverie is disturbed by the honking horns once more. I gather my sea of thoughts and tell myself to count my blessings. I may have to sell our house but at least I will have my family. I may not be the successful entrepreneur, I once was but there is no saying how successful I may be in future. “After all, tomorrow is another day?”...... BY:Khadeja Said Aziz 9B

TOMORROW I was silently walking on my way to school on a Monday morning, the most dreadful time of the day. I was preparing myself for another day of studies, being exhausted stressing out over homework. I entered my school and gathered along with my friends. We caught up on all the canards and we had a general conversation. The infuriating bell rang and we all escorted back into our classroom preparing for the test at the first session. I took out my books for chemistry and sat patiently waiting for Ms.Grund Wall to enter and commence to her class. Ten minutes passed... fifteen minutes... twenty minutes. It was finally announced that the test was postponed to the next class and that we would be having a substitute for the first session! I packed my books and put them back into the bag. The students jumped and created a racket around the class out of happiness. I felt a sudden urge of relief inside but I would do anything for a good forty minutes of sleep and just to take a break from life, so I hit the sack and, closed my eyes and let myself into the world of “The NonExistent”. Suddenly, a word started haunting me in my thoughts... “Tomorrow”. A small word with such a considerable meaning. Something that everyone is seeking, wondering and living for. Tomorrow lies in the darkness but those who use their knowledge, try and bring a certain amount of light into it. The atmosphere then turned blank and out of nowhere, a small, 3 foot tall, royal blue minion-like creature popped up and spoke to me in a squeakishly intermediate voice. I started flying into the dark, dull air and the anonymous creature appeared and started talking to me. “Do we know that whatever we do today will determine our every tomorrow? One wrong move can lead us to an atrocious future, as it does only take one wrong decision for it to ruin our whole life.” I was silent and thought patiently to myself. “Have you ever played a game of chess?”. “Yes?’” I replied. “This is a game where a lot of patience, thought and attention is required. It makes the player think, speculate and take many risks. The player has to think really hard before he makes his first move and he has to detect and identify the consequences of each and every move that he will make. To win, he will need a lot of insights and sometimes he has to sacrifice a few pieces of his own in order to survive.” “But what does a game of chess have to do with real life?” I questioned out of curiosity.“Now if you think about it, life is indeed, very similar to a game of chess. Our opponent is no other than the appalling tomorrow. It plays the game with you. Its move is determined by your move, and your move is determined

by his. One wrong move on the right opportunity will be the major cause of your downfall. Careful thoughts, adventurous risks and getting up after a fall is what really matters in life.” the creature continued. “People will also be very different in the future. They will be very distant from each other because of each and every opportunity they are grasping that comes in their way.” I started realizing the impact of the untold truth spoken by this creature. “We shouldn’t be wasting our time idly, we should start giving ourselves challenges for growth. The future could hold great opportunities and conveniences for people, but in order to do that, we will definitely need to have a work at it!” Then suddenly, the minion-like creature poofed and vanished from the thin air, clearly indicating that the dream had finished. I abruptly woke up. I took a small glare around the classroom and then gulped. I was still digesting from the dream that I had received. I thought about it for a Add a little bit of body good five minutes and that tomorrow really is text an unsolved mystery, a day for many new opportunities and risks swinging and awaiting for us. “What am I doing sitting and sleeping in class when I could be doing something that could eventually have a huge impact on my future? Every second and every minute counts, and makes a big difference!” I thought to myself. Swiftly, the bell rang and substitute class was officially over. I took out my chemistry books and prepared for my upcoming diagnostic test. God, that really was a breathtaking dream! BY:Sana Faisal 9B

TOMORROW Emily was was in her room completing her incomplete assignments until she hears her mom yelling her name from the kitchen down stairs. Emily was nervous to know what happens as her mother never yells this way so it must be something very unusual. Emily runs her way downstairs to the kitchen and sees her father drenched in blood making no sudden movements. Emily and her mom were in shock! They didn’t know who can possibly do it. Emily runs to her mothers phone making a call to the police. While the police officers were on their way the ambulance came to rush her father to the hospital. After a few short minutes the police officers came with a few investigators to to inspect each room in the house and look for any hidden proof to find out who murdered Emily’s father. The investigators didn’t find any proof today, but they did find a knife submerged with blood kept on the kitchen counter. They had a look on it and took it with them as proof and to some now scan the hand prints left on the knife. When the police officers and the ambulances left, Emily and her mother were really scared to know what happens next, anything could happen tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or maybe the year after this one. Emily’s mom had a few phone calls from the investigators. The investigators told her to attend a meeting with them tomorrow as they found some proof of who attempted the murder on Emily’s dad. The very next day after this incident took place Emily and her mom met up with the investigators as they called them to talk about this. The investigators told Emily and her mom about who they think did this to him. They replied by saying “We don’t think Emily could do it as the knife was on the kitchen counter where Emil couldn’t reach, it can’t be a third person as when we inspected your house the doors and windows were locked in all rooms so nobody could possibly enter your house until they break the windows or doors but your doors and windows are completely fixed”. “So who could it be?” Uttered Emily. The investigators said “well Emily, we scanned the hand prints on the knife so we will just see if anyone hand prints match the print to ensure who did it”. While the investigators were scanning the prints of Emily, Emilys mom was shivering as she didn’t want her turn to come. When her turn came she refused to get her print checked. The investigators got curious into why she doesn’t want her hands to be scanned. The investigators told her that she had to get them scanned even if she is the cause of Emily’s dads murder. The police officers held her tight so she couldn’t escape and scanned her hand…. Emily’s moms hand matched the print on the knife! Which meant that she caused this. Emily was not ready to face the the truth, she didn’t believe that her mother

tried killing her dad. “How can she kill him, she wasn’t even home, she was out getting groceries” said Emily. The investigators told her the whole story how she possibly did this without having any one noticing anything. Here is how it went, Emily’s dad wanted a drink as there was a glass full of apple juice by the kitchen, so Emily’s mom put something which can make him sleepy in his drink, as she did that she said that she is going grocery shopping to make Emily think she’s not home so she doesn’t think later on the Emily’s mom killed him. Once he was fully sleepy she tried killing him and acted like someone else killed him. Emily was really disappointed in her mom for doing that. Emily’s mom is now jailed for 7 years while her father was murdered. After a few sad weeks a happy family of 4 came and decided to adopt Emily as she didn’t have any parents to look after her. She was very happy and excited to live with them. Emily always told it to everyone tomorrow will be better than today. Yamna Imran 9B

Big write After a boring tired day poor Justin lazily managed to fall on his fluffy grey sofa. It was his most liked time of the day. Relaxing and reading the truth. Believing that this world is an ordinary place, he liked knowing about the future and the end. ‘The winds will stop blowing. Heat will be on its intense level. The water from the river will be dried up. People will die.’ read Justin from his favorite book.Reading the truth, he was gone into his dark deep dreams. He found himself standing in the city of lights. He was alone there. The people were dead lying on the floor. Discovering that he is in a huge problem, he saw a streetlight falling towards him. He ran and managed to survive through the streetlight. Chilling winds were blowing. Justin felt as his blood started freezing. He saw a big crack breaking the road. He started running but the road was continuously breaking. He survived and found him self standing between long horrible bushes and huge trees. He was observing the place that it started filling up with the water. That place was full of mud. Justin was drowning in the mud. He shouted ‘help! help!’ but he was the only person alive in that whole world. This was the END. The end of life. The end of world. Every single person fought for its life but lost and died. Now it was Justin’s turn. He saw a rope and hardly walked pulling the rope. He got out from the mud. It was getting colder than before. Justin’s clothes were wet, dirty and torn. He was hungry and thirsty, but he didn’t lose the hope. He had aims to fulfill and lots of things pending to do. He walked in search of food and water. Walking through the streets. A question was roaming around Justin’s mind. Who is doing this? and why is he doing this? After walking miles Justin realized he is at the same place from where he started walking. He was confused. He rested for a while. His throat was completely dried. He searched here and there for water. Suddenly his eye went on a small pond. It was far away. He ran towards the pond. When he reached, he realized it was just his illusion. He was helpless and tired suddenly he saw a huge storm of tornado coming towards him. It was destroying everything. Buildings, tress, houses. Justin tried to run but the tornado was so fast. When Justin woke up, he found himself laying on pieces of broken glass. He found everything near him broken and destroyed. The buildings were destroyed. The tress was plucked. As if whole city turned upside down. He looked here and there and realized where he was. He stood up and bushed his clothes. He felt pain in his shoulder. When he looked it was a piece of glass stuck inside his skin. He took the piece of glass out from his skin that the wound started bleeding. He tore a piece of cloth from his shirt and wrapped it

around the wound. He analyzed his surrounding not knowing what to do. He saw bottles of water falling from a damaged wagon. He quickly ran towards the water and satisfied his thirst. After satisfying his thirst. He anxiously not knowing what to do and where to go walked. Walking miles he saw a horrible looking forest in front of him. The sun was setting. He had two choices one to go back, walk miles and get nothing second to move on and step into that haunted forest. He kept his fear aside and stepped into the forest. Moving straight he got into the middle of forest. There were lots of ways and he didn’t know which one to step into. He trying his luck went into the first way his eye went on. He was walking that he listed some strange noises. He was sweating with horror and terror. He felt like someone is following him. He started running and the noises were even louder as someone is speaking in his ears. Suddenly a bunch of bats flew over his head kicking him. His body was full of sweat. Justin made himself calm and recalled his beliefs that there are no spirts. He walked straight until he reached at an unknown beach. He took a deep breath as he was out from a jail. Gusty winds were blowing, and heavy rain started. Suddenly a thunderstorm hit the dark sea and with a large wave of water a tsunami came which took everything into itself. Justin was drowning in the water. He found himself helpless. He was calling for help but no one was the. He couldn’t breathAnd Justin woke up. He was indeed full of sweat. He thanked to God that it was just a dream. After a week or two he went to an old man and told him about his dream. He said its just your future. Its your bad doings with people which will lead you to your bad end.

BY:Ain Ahmed 9B

QUIZ 1.Which type of star is the sun? A. Supernova B. Hypernova C. Red giant D. Red Supergiant 2.Who invented the telescope? A. Isaac newton B. Gallelli Galileo C. James Watt D. Roger Bacon 3.In which ocean does the 'Mariana Trench' is located? A. Indian ocean B. Atlantic ocean C. Pacific ocean D. Arctic ocean 4.The sun is the most giant star in the universe. A. True B. False 5.A stethoscope is used by: 6.What powers the Earth's water cycle? A. The Moon B. The Sun C. The Ocean D. Earth's rotation 7.Choose the planets which are considered gaseous: A. Uranus B. Neptune C. Mars D. Jupiter E. Venus 8.Which is faster in the air? A. Speed of sound B. Speed of light C. Speed of Cheetah

1. One of the essential minerals in the human body is salt. How much salt (NaCl) is in the average adult human body? 2. Who is credited with the invention of the modern periodic table? 3. We often use vinegar for preserving and seasoning of foods. Vinegar is a highly diluted _______________ acid. 4. If you're suffering from acidity in your stomach then you should take antacids. 'Antacids' could contain which two bases? 5. The 'fizz' in soft drinks is produced by adding which acid? •carbonic acid •nitric acid •hydrochloric acid •citric acid 6. Which one of these bases is the starting product for making soaps? •lithium hydroxide •sodium hydroxide •calcium hydroxide •barium hydroxide BY:Sana Faisal 9B


BY:Dua Waqar 9B


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