TCSI Year7A -Beyond Humanity 2018-2019

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Don't limit your challenges, challenge your limits! #NOFEAR #NOLIMITS #NOEXCUSES

Editorial Dear Readers, You have in your hand “Beyond Humanity”, Year 7A’s magazine (18-19). It captures the momentous events that have happened at The City School International. It’s also a compilation 7A’s amazing Big Writes with a trivia section to test your brains. It updates you about what’s been happening at TCSI like the Bake Sales, Teachers' Day and etc. You can go into amazing worlds created by 7A students, feel what is it like to go somewhere beyond Earth and get to know survival techniques to get out of those places, too. Challenge your brain in our trivia section to enhance your brain skills and challenge your friends to double the fun. I hope you enjoy reading this magazine and are able to find what you expect in it. Best wishes!

Zainab Ali Raahim Shahnoor

Saad Tayyib Fatimah Hassaan Hania Muniza Afifa Ammar Abdul Omar Sania Hassaan A. Wania




Avengers- The Last Hope The All Solar System The End Game Playing from The Inside


News Articles

Conferring Responsibilities Students give thanks to Teachers TCSI celebrates International Day Flag Day Bake Sales



The journey to a thousand miles begins with one step...


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Big Writes

Avengers - The Last Hope

Logan is in combat with some mutants that have different kinds of powers and abilities but Logan can easily slash them so he adorns the mutants with one powerful, sturdy strike by his metal claws. He decides to walk and suddenly he hears about Iron Man missing and half of the Avengers disappeared in the news!!He then receives the address of Avengers association and plans to meet the Avengers and yet he is still injured. Logan reaches the Avengers Association where he meets the Avengers accept Iron Man. ‘’Hey, I am Wolverine and I heard about Iron Man missing

problem but we still haven't met Tony since Vision was created because the Avengers broke up and weren’t able to defeat Thanos with his Enormous Gauntlet with 6 Infinity Stones,” answers Steve Rogers. Captain America familiarizes the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D as their partner. Then they all train hard with each other and upgrade their influential weapons. They all are surprised by Wolverine’s astonishing claws and his healing power. ‘’What are those!!! Those claws are amazing and that healing power is implausible by the way how you got that ability” Steve said surprisingly.


(1 Year Ago) ‘’ Oh No! Why is everyone disappearing and me too…?” Yelled Nick Fury (CEO of S.H.I.E.L.D) before he disappeared, he rages and messages someone, ‘' Go to the Avenger building and meet the Avengers….” And he disappears. After a while, the mobile shows a sign of a hero. Captain Marvel!!! Iron Man and Nebula are trapped in Soulworld where they fought Thanos but he grabbed the Time Stone from Doctor Strange and everyone disappeared except Iron Man and Nebula. They tried to create a spaceship so they can come back toKnowhere to upgrade their weapons and their power so Nebula succeeds and the spaceship was finalized by her and finally, they come back to Knowhere where they land near the Avengers Association. The Avengers are anxious and thought that Thanos is back with his army but when they discovered, they saw Tony and a girl (who they never saw, Nebula). They meet up and then Tony deliberates what happened, about The Guardians of the Galaxy team, he even stated that he nearly got killed but Doctor strange gave the Time Stone to Thanos in order to spare his life and then everybody disappeared. ‘‘You guys should take rest and when you are finished with your resting then we can train together to attackThanos and to take the Gauntlet out of his hand!” exclaimed Steve. They all renovated their weapons like one of the best one is Tony’s which is the ‘‘The Infinity Suit” by upgrading and adding more technology in the suit and creates a suit which has the power to obtain all the Six Monumental Stone. Nebula and Black Widow both recover their fighting skills with Hawkeye who upgraded his arrows too. After a week, someone just arrives at the building and presents herself ‘‘I am Captain Marvel, I was called by Nick Fury and he said to meet the Avengers so I came here.” inquired Captain Marvel. ‘‘By the way, what are your superpowers,’’ asks Tony. ‘‘Just wait and watch!” exclaims Captain Marvel. They allow her to join the Avengers and they all promise to defeat Thanos and yield the Stone and protect them by ourselves! (After 2 weeks) They all enter Wakanda and request them to help them in defeating Thanos and to share technologies and armaments with us although most of the people from Wakanda agreed to fight with Avengers and to defeat Thanos too.


(1 Year Later) ‘‘There the disaster enters,” said Tony. Thanos comes back with far-fetched power. First Captain Marvel bouts Thanos with her Mighty Thunder attack which was so hard to defend for Thanos and she even had the power to control everything with her hands. Thanos was stunned too but he had the Infinity Stones so it was not impossible for him to halt the Avengers. Now everyone joins the absurd fight which shook the whole Planet. Hawkeye fires an arrow but Thanos changes the direction of the arrow which killed Hawkeye so everyone raged and tried to take out the Gauntlet out of his hand. Wolverine started his attacks by his metal claws which provided Thanos so many scars on his body with Iron Man, Captain America and Thor helping him and they all are also doing their attacks while the others were trying to take the Gauntlet out with Captain Marvel who was conducting the situation and finally she acquired the Gauntlet by controlling him with her power and the others helped her too. But before she acquired the gauntlet Thanos somehow disappeared without the Gauntlet. Iron Man inserted all the 6 Infinity Stones in his suit and he finally uses the Soul Stone to bring back all the people who were disappeared especially Spiderman. ‘‘Wait where is Thanos and how did I come back Mr Tony?” asked Spiderman. ‘‘Calm down!! Kid, We have got the gauntlet and I used the Soul Stone bring you back and let’s introduce to the new Avengers just like you especially the most powerful, Captain Marvel,” answers Tony. They all celebrate and Tony then puts the suit in a place where he secures it with lasers and a strong password which only the Avengers knew! The other day, they all take rest and go to a restaurant where they all eat and enjoy. They all came back to the Avengers building and when Iron Man entered his room, he saw everything destroyed and the suit was there but with no Infinity Stones and saw Nebula disappearing with the 6 Infinity Stones!!! By: - Raahim Azeem 7A


The All Solar System Hello reader! I am Alle! Anyways, I work at the best place ever; NASA! Oh, so sorry. Where are my etiquettes? I am Alle Murphy from Canada. I reside in San Francisco. I am in space right now. As I was saying, I work at the most enchanting place; NASA! I feel like chanting it; Naaaassssaaa. I work at the most elevated rank of NASA you can ever get! I discover and explore different and new planets! I sent this diary through a time machine. It all started on the 17 th of July, 2029. It was a perfectly normal Saturday. I was gobbling up all the food on my plate when suddenly the phone rang; drrrrrrrrr. I received the call and found out it was Josh. Josh is my second best friend after Tammy. If I told you who she is, the story would become a little too much boring. Anyway, this is what he enquired, “Come to the office quick! Sir Elle announced that it is an emergency! Be quick!” That was quick I thought. As I reached the office, I met Josh. We went up in the lenovator (elevator). A few minutes later we entered his room. “Good morning Ms. Murphy and Mr. Lane. I have thrilling news for you. A student from Wellington National University reports that he has discovered a new planet. They want us to locate this planet and then handle the matter. I want my most premier workers to handle the case. On 21 st of August we will launch the spaceship Calure and tomorrow the mission Graphite 3 shall begin. NASA, out!”


OMGEEEEE! Uncovering a new planet has always been marvelous. I have discovered 1 planet this year and 1 at the end of last year when I just started my job. By the way, NASA out means good luck. I was so thrilled to go with Josh! So many questions were running through my mind. As I reached home I fell on my comfortable bed and fell into an intense sleep. I had a terrifying dream that night; I spotted Demeter and Poseidon. Josh and I were holding each other’s hand. Demeter was grabbing Josh and Poseidon was tugging me. The student was blurry so I couldn’t see him clearly and he was in a cave. I suddenly woke up. Take 3 deep breaths Alle, I spoke to myself, It was just a nightmare. Everything’s gonna be fine. I slept again; completely fine this time. The next day I kept on recalling my dream. Was it really just a dream? Or can it be true? Well, or now I have to face the present. The rest of those 33 days passed very quickly in all of that training. Tomorrow, we will meet the student. It was night time. I just prayed to God so that he does not send me a dream and slept. It was the 20 th of August and the day we had to meet the student. I rushed to the office as fast as I could. “Alle Murphy. Do you remember me?” someone asked. I did not turn around to see who is it. I recognized that voice immediately. “Kal McCardy. Is that you?” I asked. Then I turned “Mr. Elle thinks we should head out to the parkthen go home and rest. Lets go. I’ll explain there.” He is a very old friend of mine. Old best friend.


We studied everything together. I did not believe that he is a student. Later I found out that he was studying Business again. We got ready and sat in the spaceship. There were 5 minutes left. Fear, happiness, sadness were running through my body. For the first hour only silence was our neighbor. Then Josh started sharing stories. For 4 hours chatting continued. I spied something green from the window. It was the planet! Lucky for us, all of the planets had oxygenated air. Our gadgets can work so we are able to communicate with NASA. Anyways, the first planet was the one Kal spotted. Green and calm. As we covered more ground of the planet, we heard rumbling. I thought it was an earthquake so I told Josh and Kal to calm down but suddenly a figure started running towards us. It was some kind of dinosaur chasing us. We hiked a cliff which was taller than the dinosaur. We took a picture of the land then went back in Calure and flew to the next planet. There was nothing on the next planet. It was like it was abandoned. The third and the fourth planets were the worst! We found out that we were in a whole new solar system. We also found out that the third planet was a Greek and Roman mythology world. The sea was smelling awful! The crops were dead and wine was spilt all over the place! We sat down for some time and slept. When we woke up, there was a thunderous noise. Then I noticed Demeter, Poseidon and Dionysus. They all thought that we created the mess and captured us!


Dionysus immediately grabbed Kal and took him with him. Kal was kept in a tub full of wine. Not just any wine – the type that burns your skin. I was holding Josh’s hand just like in the dream. But the blur wasn’t Kal, it was Zeus and Athena. I was sitting on a chair beneath the ceiling while water was dripping from a tank. A few weeks later, the room would be full! Josh was placed on a bed covered with enchanting flowers that make you sleep with nightmares. A few days later, Josh somehow managed to escape and take me with him to the spaceship. We weren’t able to save Kal. Unfortunately, he died. Now I am stuck in this small stinky cave with at least Josh. He is a lifesaver! I hope you enjoyed my story. It was truly an all solar system. By: Muniza Ahmed


The End Game

I wake up every single morning, other people normally go the washroom, the moment I glance at my tab, I behave like an animal. Actually, my mother says that, I go on this app or basically a game “Infinity Gauntlet” It’s an attractive game, you can’t resist without playing it. But nowadays I get scolded as my mother just slaps my face without even thinking that this cool kid will get hurt. Well, let’s leave all of this aside let’s talk about my hilarious school. First day of school we got a free period and I took out my tab and obviously I turned Infinity Gauntlet on and my teacher Miss Madelyn came and said “You play these stupid games, that’s why your brain is nothing less than a garbage bag,” I got extremely ferocious and I barked “ You got any problem!” Umm… I was unfortunately taken to the P-Principals O-Office. Can you believe I got my first warning letter on my first day of school here in Mexico. I was apparently not ashamed of myself, because I don’t really care about anything except my “Infinity Gauntlet.” The next day I was wondering if I could go into a world with Avengers and witness the Infinity Gauntlet in real life.


Today was Sunday and it was probably going to be a fun-day. The day passed and I was anxious because I hadn’t played the game today since it was 10 at night I had to sleep. I slept thinking about the game. Abruptly I appeared in front an immense skyscraper with an A written on top of it, I thought it would be the Avengers logo but I didn’t focus on it, I went into the gigantic skyscraper and found the name of all Avengers there as I moved ahead, My eyes caught the face of the Iron Man (Tony Stark). He walked up to me “We need your help Thor” calmly said and continued “We need to stop Thanos, He has claimed all the 6 stones”. I responded “Sure, Mr. Tony Stark,” “Well, that’s tremendous.” Replied Mr. Tony Stark. I couldn’t believe I was selected by faith as Thor, My favorite avenger character. Abruptly saw a lengthy aisle, soon after walking of around 21.57 seconds Tony stopped and stood in front of a door made of thick blue-ish metal. Tony opened the door and in there was an immense apartment or you could say A villa, with a lounge, kitchen, around 5 or 6 rooms, and a balcony. There was Captain America (Steve Rodgers), Hulk (Bruce Banner) and Nebula. They greeted me as I was their God, But who cares. I sat with them and Steve Rodgers said: “We needed you to help us revenge that ugly Thanos.” “I’m here no need to worry folks,” I replied confidently “I have a great plan to defeat him.”


They all were really eager to hear the plan I abruptly remembered the plan my friend Micheal told me “Iron Man will make a gauntlet with his high-tech technology, and Thor will bring the infinity stones from Novir were he got his hammer from, and the infinity stones from Novir would cost him Nebula’s life.” I told them this plan and they were a bit disappointed but suddenly Nebula stood up and said “If it costs my life, I will give up my life to save this planet!” All the Avengers were proud of Nebula as she was really generous to give her life to save mankind, I took Nebula to Novir and there he turned the machine on and the beam of light passed through as fast a lightning, the beam of light passed crossed through her entire body and crushed her body into pieces in 1.23 seconds. There were 6 infinity stones generated; space stone, mind stone, time stone, power stone, reality stone and soul stone. Soon I returned back to the skyscraper in New York with the 6 infinity stones, Tony was making the gauntlet, he told everyone “It will take me a week to create this gauntlet because it’s very high tech and to power them as the Thanos’s Gauntlet.”After a week the marvelous Iron Man’s Gauntlet was prepared and ready to kick off. I added all 6 stones to it and abruptly after adding them there was a blast of lightning and that had meant that the gauntlet had enough power to wreck Thanos. The first Move we did was to change the time, Go back in time where we lost our other Avengers mates, We went back in time to the battle in Wakanda and there we destroyed everyone and Tony rescued all civilians and then came The big ugly Thanos. He was in anger and he only had 2 stones and Iron Man easily changes the reality and brought him to a sudden shock of him losing his daughter ‘Gamora’,


, Then I came with my marvelous Hammer, I struck it in Thanos’s chest and it blasted off and abruptly came a beam of thunder from the sky and struck Thanos in to pieces and Thanos was dead forever. We decided to crush all infinity stones Thanos had and also the gauntlet, we also decided to retain the Iron man’s Gauntlet to defeat another villain in the future. Finally, there was peace and prosperity in the World. We went back to the Avengers skyscraper and once we entered the room a rowdy voice of my alarm and abruptly my mom shouted “Wake up, Alex!” Then I realize I just saw a dream!! By Ali Affan


Playing From The Inside

I was sitting on the sofa; one eye on the clock and the other on the front door. Fifteen minutes before, I had called my friend, Jane, to play the all-time famous game, War of the Robos, but she had not shown up yet. My forehead started to sweat, I heard the clock tick to the next second, I just couldn’t take it anymore. I walked at a steady pace towards my new TV/Game set. Just then, when I was about to press the play button, the doorbell rang. I ran towards the door as fast as I could to open the door and find Jane. We dashed towards the TV/Game set and started to play the game without saying a word to each other. After 2 hours my mum called from the kitchen, “Girls come to the kitchen and have lunch.”I replied, “Mum please wait 2 minutes, we are on an intense level.” Mum ejaculated, “Fine Honey.”


“BOOM, YOU lose!!!” came the voice from the TV/Game set.”Oh! Dang it!” hollered Jane. “Come on, Jane let’s go have lunch, ”I retorted. We went to the kitchen. “How many games have you downloaded in your new TV/Game set?” mumbled Jane. I responded, “Four, two I’ve downloaded: War of the Robos and Candy Crush.""What about the other two?” rejoined Jane. “The other two, my sister downloaded, lame old baking and Barbie dress up game,” I replied.We both finished our lunch and rushed back to our game. When I pressed the play button, abruptly a flash of light blinded our eyes. The next moment, I found myself lying down in a weird place, though it seemed pretty familiar, it was a warehouse. A few moments later I heard shouting. I tried getting up but I couldn’t. It seemed to me that I’d been tied to the ground. I was trembling, my feet were twitching, I could feel my heart thudding as fast as a cheetah. I tried to speak but no voice came out, it felt like the angel of death was taking the life out of me. After a while, I saw a number of faces veiled by helmets. “It’s all right, just a girl,” someone consoled. “Same here,” someone else replied. “Well let’s get some answers out of these lads,” said a really bold voice. I thought I’d heard it before. I was forced to sit up. When I saw the face of the bold voice, I couldn’t believe it (I was in the War of the Robos game). I bit my lips to stop me from screaming.”Who’re you mate?” said the lady. “Don’t care about me, I know who you are you are, General Jenny Agustus,” I replied excitedly, this was a mistake. She raised her gun pointing at me. “How do you know who I am?” said the general. “Woah Woah, calm down general! Put that gun down and I’ll tell you everything,” I said. She kept her gun down and said, “Spit it out then.”


I said, “I know you because you are our role model we’ve always looked up to (I had watched enough movies to know that I shouldn’t tell her that she’s a game character or else that could glitch the game.)” “Hmm,” said the General. I hope she didn’t ask us any questions like, where did we come from and why hadn’t she seen us before. She only said,”Want to come fight the Robos with us?”Jane and I both shouted at the same time, ”Yeah we do!”I also thought that if we win we might be able to get back home but less did I know. The General commanded the troop to get armour and weapons for me and Jane: we were going for battle. As we stepped onto the battlefield my body felt as strong as metal but my heart thudded louder than ever. Feelings of nervousness, excitement and fear aroused in me at the same time. I heard a gunshot. The battle had begun. I shot my gun in all directions like a fool, closed my eyes and started walking in random directions. I was going to be dead meat if it wasn’t for Jane. She dragged me to the side and said, “Do you want to be killed?” I was really ashamed. Just then, we got sucked into another world or game I wasn’t sure. We found ourselves in a wonderland of candy. Jane predicted that it was Candy Crush. My legs were out of control and so was my mouth so I started gobbling up the candy. Jane joined me and just when we were having the time of our lives, the candy guards showed up.


They said, “Alert, intruders chop heir head off.” Jane and I ran as fast as our legs could take us. After that, we got sucked into the baking game. I gave a long sigh of relief. I started brainstorming how to get out of this game because it wasn’t like other games we were in a small kitchen and I went in all directions but couldn’t get out. There was no hope so I started crying. Abruptly after that, a weird written note appeared and it read: “Bake a cake for Miss Muffet. If you satisfy her your solution will arise.” I was astonished, I’m like how did whoever sent the note know what we wanted. Jane and I had had baking classes so we satisfied Muffet at first go and got sucked into the last game. There was an easy way out of this one. “Thank god!”I cried out loud. Jane and I ran as fast as we could across the hallway back into our own world. I wasn’t sure whether this was a dream or not: I was wearing my armour. After that Jane said, “What a strange and tiring day it was, I must retire to home.”I wished her goodbye. Later onwards my little sister came, and winked at me. To this day I still don’t know what happened. By: Zainab Naveed


News Articles

Conferring responsibilities The Investiture ceremony took place on the 23rd of September, 2018 in our very own school. In this ceremony the Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy, Deputy Head Girl, prefects and many other students who were allocated various positions had to take an oath to fulfill their duties.

It all begun with a march past where the elected leaders and the other selected students came in and stood firm to the ground. One by one all the leaders came on stage to claim their positions and badges.

By: Muniza Ahmad

All the positions were announced by Ms. Farah Azeem(Secondary Head) and Mr. Craig Shipton (Principal). Before and after the announcement of the winners both Ms. Farah and Mr. Craig gave very inspirational speeches. Type your text

The Head Boy was Zaki ul Hasan. The Head Girl was Iqra Naeem. The Deputy Head boy was Shaheer Asim and the Deputy Head Girl was Areej Imran. The other positions were allocated to the most legible and suitable students. TCSI as whole hopes to maintain this way of choosing their student leaders who will be the future’s leaders.


Students give thanks to Teachers The City School International celebrated Teacher’s Day on 7th October. It was a great chance for students to make their teachers by thanking them for their efforts. Students gave small tokens It is important to honor of appreciation to their teachers and recognize their teachers such as candy bags, contributions to education and thank you cards and small the development of children. heartwarming messages. After spending time with The seniors were able to give family and friends, students the teachers a break by spend most of our day in taking over their lessons and school with teachers. They letting the teachers have the play a very important role in day off. students' lives and their efforts need to be acknowledged. Celebrating Teacher’s Day is a nice way to make teachers feel special. Teachers invest a lot of time in students and it is important to also appreciate and recognize their efforts.


By: Shahnoor

TSCI students hope to continue this practice to appreciate their teacher for all they do, is way more than anybody can thank them for.

TCSI International Day The day kicked off with a stunning assembly which included skits, dances, etc. The assembly was introduced by the Head boy and the Head girl. After the introduction, the verses of the Holy Quran were recited and then it was The International Day was time for the singing of respected celebrated gracefully at UAE national anthem. The City School International on the 18th October. More than 27 nationalities of Students and Staff attended the sparkling day. All students and staff members were dressed up according to their specific culture. The school was decorated magnificently. Parents were allowed to access stalls and sell a variety of meals and snacks at the school.

Multiple stalls were placed containing different cuisines and also specific national items. The stalls contained appetising dishes; there were stalls which contained mini-games and national athletic sports. The diversity of cuisines were available including Indian, Pakistani, Filipino, Sri Lankan, Arabian, Russian, Tunisian, and Egyptian cuisines.


Some skits were performed on stage giving an essential message to the audience. A brief dance was performed by the students and the teachers.

International Day provides us with an opportunity to deepen our understanding of values of global citizenship and celebrate the diversity of cultures.

By: Ali Affan A brief dance performed by the students and staff members.


Flag Day At TCSI, we think awareness of the important events done in the UAE is significant for all residents of UAE. At our schoo,l we had a flag hoisting ceremony to mark the anniversary of the President, His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, when he became the president of the UAE in 2004.

By: Zainab Naveed

It was held on 1 st November. The normal school day was going on and then at about 10: 20, the teachers started sending the students down to the ground where our respected Head Boy, Zaki-ul-Hasan, and Head Girl, Iqra Naeem were standing on the stage. After the whole school was settled in attention position, the Head boy and Head Girl started raising the flag with utmost respect. When the flag had been hoisted, the heads explained to all the students about the importance of this event.

We hope to keep doing these practices to appreciate this amazing nation and influence the youth, too to do this.


Bake Sales The 2nd bake sale was held by the Social service club, to collect funds for charity during the month of September. It was led by the heads of the Social Service club Ms Sadia and Ms Shiromi. They had variety of food at reasonable rates. The Social Service club members fully contributed by The 1 st bake sale in the month getting food from their homes. of September was held by the There were doughnuts with grade 10 students for the collection of fund for farewell chocolate syrup, of grade 11. The bake sale was marshmallows and mostly yummy traditional food. led by the Deputy Head Girl, In September and October, The City School International organized 4 different attractive bake sales during the 2 breaks. There were different variety of some delicious food which drew everyone’s attention.

Areej and the Deputy Head Boy, Shaheer. They sold variety of food in different rates. They sold Pani Puri, Chana chatt, fries, popcorns, different types of juices and fruit salads etc.


During the month of October, the 3rd bake sale was held by few teachers, parents and grade 10 students on the celebration of International Day. The food was sold under different countries for instance; Phillipines, India, Egypt, Russia and Pakistan.

During the month of October, the 4 th bake sale was held by the FS section, to collect funds for charity during the month of October. It was led by the head of the FS Section Ms Sarah. FS Section sold variety, of food for instance: Brownies, Cupcakes and Cookies.

These bake sales ended up with success and enjoyment among the students.

By: Afifa Khan




Fun Zone!!! Riddles Which building has the most stories?

Jokes Why won’t the elephant use the computer?….He’s afraid of the mouse!

What has many keys, but Which are the stronger days can't even open a single of the week?…Saturday and door? Friday. The rest are Imagine you are in a dark weekdays. room. How do you get out? What kind of snack do you have during a scary movie?…. I scream (ice cream)

Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, What room is a dead man most Tuesday, Wednesday, afraid of?…The living room! Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?


29 Riddles; 1. Library 2. Piano 3.Stop Imagining 4. Today, Tomorrow,Yesterday

Find the hidden words Spot the differences!




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