TCSI Year 10 Class Magazine - Another Word (2018- 2019)

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Another WorldÂ

10-A magazine (2018-19)


Editor & Publisher-> Haniya Zafar Malik

Our English teacher:-Â -> Mister Kamran Ahmed Special Contributors to the magazine:-> All of Grade 10 (2018-19)

Index AGE OF INVASION Saif UNVOICED WHISPERS Maryam THE OTHER WORLD Shanzay In Another World Zaigham An Escape from Trepidation Areej The Arrival Zain A Peculiar Peregrination Mahum Another world Hamdan The Destruction of Zedak Fayez Killmonger Jason Another World Shaheer

AGE OF INVASION By; Saif Lodhi It was the darkest night of the year and the blackness of the sky that I couldn't recall seeing before one that was almost absolute. When I tilted my head towards the sky I could clearly see millions of bright stars dotted on the black canvas of night, yet none of that light seemed to filter far enough down to make any difference when I realized the kryptonians invaded our planet.Our planet was one of the most exquisite and the only planet with vibranium. It was complete mayhem everyone was running to save themselves they were killing my people cold blooded. Me and some of my friends ran and hid somewhere until everything was clear outside. We had to do something to escape from our planet as we were the only people who were left.Then Harry gave an idea about escaping from our hideout and then go to the Shield headquarters which was a special agency of our planet and they could provide us with security.The kryptonians who invaded our planet were all around the place so it was difficult for us to reach the other side of the country where the shield headquarters was located. I knew a underground tunnel which leads to woods outside the main city and we would be safe be there. The tunnel was close to our whereabout so we had to go out to reach to the tunnel. We had to take cover from the pillars in the building and make our way to the tunnel, we were almost there when one of the kryptonian guard saw us and start following us, for a minute almost everything was blur but we still kept running toward the tunnel. We somehow managed to get to the tunnel and closed it from inside so the kryptonians won’t know where this tunnel leads to.

While traveling to other side of the tunnel we just stopped in between and rested for a while,when we woke up we all were starving so we thought of eating when we get out of the tunnel. We finally managed to get out of the tunnel into the woods where we had to hunt as we didn’t had any food and we all were starving, I told Michael to get anything which could be used for hunting so he brought something sharp which could help us to hunt a deer,Henry and I went for hunting and killed a deer and then we burned woods and cook the deer so we could eat it later. The only person in our group who knew how to reach to the shield was Henry so we were following him. The only way we knew about the route was through compass and we didn’t knew if we were in the right direction or not but the hope of Shield will help us kept us all alive. After a long journey we could finally see the shield headquarters so rushed till there and realized that there were many more people who survived and came to shield for help. We entered the headquarters and one of the guards asked about our information and gave us a room and we weren’t allowed to go outside our room except when it is lunchtime or dinner until everything was clear outside.

UNVOICED WHISPERS By; Maryam Qudsia It was the day when Caspian was turning a young age of fifteen. He was a delicate, small boy with a mess of carob-brown locks and soft yet stormy gray eyes. He was small for his age, and not so powerful either. He was sticks and bones- no matter how much he ate. No one let him play with them, despite being aware of the fact that Caspian was a very great player in most games. Caspian always pondered whycoming to the conclusion that they thought he was too weak. He wasn't weak in all ways, however. He had a very strong mind. The strongest of all. But people didn't care. Why? Because in this world, there was no peace. All the time, every minute and every single second that composed that very minute, was a constant amalgam of thoughts. You could hear everyone's thoughts, Â but it was all so noisy and mixed up that you could never understand. It was a constant headache for everyone, but they had to learn to adapt. However, if one would be alone with another or two, they could easily find out what they were thinking, so people had to be very careful. Today was the day- Caspian's 'special' day. Caspian had opposing thoughts, however, under that mask of indifference always present on his face. It was just another noisy day, and the 'fun' birthday party he was gonna have would just add more of the clashing, messed up thoughts of EVERYONE. Everyone would just gift him a major, pounding headache. Thus, he had planned he would just run off. He just wanted to run from reality and dwell in his own mind. He just wanted . . . p e a c e. That was impossible though- and the whole population was aware. It was striking 8 p.m., gradually getting closer to dinner. Caspian hated dinner- it was always so noisy. Caspian averted his gaze, his stormy gray eyes glinting a metallic silver underneath the moon. He stared outside the window, hoping for the mess of his neighborhood people's thoughts to just melt out of his aching mind. He let out an annoyed groan and stood up. Proceeding to push open his window, he fetched his retractable ladder. He tossed the other end down the window and tied the remaining end to the polished stands of his bunk bed. Then, he swiftly climbed off, before hopping down as he finally reached the grassy ground.

Then, he . . . r a n. He ran, and he refused to stop. He just followed the beats of his terribly thumping heart. Left. Right. Right. Left. Right. Around. He could feel tiredness thumping through every fiber of his being, as his rushing feet finally skidded to a stop. His gray eyes were wide, head jerking around. This place was silent. There were no thoughts. His mind was devoid of noise- of any thought except for bolting thoughts. This seemed wrong. Suddenly, he could spot pale, wrinkly pitch black hands jerking out from the dirt beneath, a sinister, toothy grin welcoming him as he was yanked down, his body was mashed into the dirt. He could feel every single tissue in his body ripping into shredslike when an eraser vigorously rubs on paper. He could feel claws gripping at his jaw, pushing against his tongue, and . . . p u l l i n g. His jaw snapped down with a sickening crack, causing immense pain. Then, he could feel the sharp tip of the claw poking at his iris, pushing in, as blood erupted out and his eyeball was pushed to the back, mashing with his brain. He was blind, and b r o k e n. He was left as a mush of muscle and blood. Silent, even. His mind was welcomed by p e a c e. His awaited wish had been accepted.

THE OTHER WORLD By; Shanzay Shah Today, her wounds were deeper than before, her skin felt rougher than yesterday and her heart was more broken than last night! What happened last night that she felt more torn than before without even noticing a speck of dust wondering around her the whole night? She couldn’t remember any mysterious shadow, or any one lurking in the dark, or any tiny tip-toes of a not so tiny creature, then what was it that made her life worst in the last 8 hours, without even existing? Every night, she would dream the same dream, in the same place where she would be led to by a thing not so easy to describe in words. It wasn’t a human, nor was it an alien, and neither was it any extinct creature. The mysterious being shall rather be referred to as ‘IT’. There were times when ‘IT’ was pretty as an angel and they were also times when ‘IT’ was more of a devil in disguise. ‘IT’ would appear in all sorts of temptations for Emily, but whatever temptation it was, she would always end up in the same forest, every night at 2:40 am, but the only difference was the depth of her scars, that would increase every night! She could feel the scars and the wounds in her hands, she could feel the pain in her body increasing as every thought emerged. Suddenly, her ears heard what she had uttered from her mouth. It was the sound of her crying for help, as loud as possible to get help from this state that was abusing her, mentally as well as physically. But she was left in a place there was no one to hear her crying. ‘IT’ would appear every night in something so unrealistic that it would take the meaning of a dream in Emily’s life, but who would have known that what she was going through wasn’t an excuse to reject reality, but was nowhere near the reality that we call EXISTANCE!

The next morning, Emily couldn’t stand the silence about ‘IT’. She opened up about her feelings to her best friend and roommate, Emma, who didn’t believe her for one second, thinking that it was a joke to divert her mind from more important things. Emily wasn’t pleased to listen to Emma’s unconcerned response, so she didn’t try harder! Day by day, minute by minute, IT’s demands were increasing. One minute, he would like Emily to abuse herself, and the other, he would want her to abuse others. ‘IT’ would lead her to beautiful places in the world, spiritually, showing the wonders of the heavens and the earth, promising all her deepest desires only by paying a small price, worshipping him every day, every night! Whenever she would reject this thought, he would leave her in the middle of the forest, in a trans so deep, that it could finish her, completely, but it never did. Instead, it gave a more painful punishment which was to wake up every morning to look at her bleeding skin and weak bones!

In Another World By; Zaigham Ali It all started when I was young and always wished to be part of a superhero team. My dream became a reality when I was 16 years old and I was taken to a parallel universe by 3 unidentified men. When we reached the planet ‘Zedak’ in the parallel universe, I got off and walked over to the tall and lanky man standing in front of me. I was really worried and nervous while walking towards him, but the next thing I knew was, I was standing in front of him, looking him in the eyes. I was offered an opportunity to be part of a superhero team called ‘ Mighty Med ‘. I was overwhelmed by the fact that my childhood dream was finally turning out to be a reality. I immediately accepted the offer and I was taken to their laboratory to undergo the preparation for getting my superpowers. The scientists working there said that it might take a few days for my powers to start showing up but I was totally okay with that because I had been waiting for that moment my whole life and I was just happy with getting to be a part off a superhero team.

A few days After undergoing the operations for my superpowers, I wasn’t noticing any changes physically or mentally and so I decided to ask the people working at the laboratory why this was happening. When I reached the laboratory, I overheard the scientists and the ruler of the planet. The scientist was saying that he is not an ordinary man because up till now whoever we have tested turned out to be a negative response but he is unique. I was happy after I heard the scientists that I was unique. My team was also being made and I am proudly saying they were the best at their work. I had quite a lot of superpowers such as I could fly faster than light and sound which was the best I could have in my entire life and I dreamt of that in my childhood.

I was overwhelmed because my childhood dream was coming true and I always wanted to have that superpower. After the team was made our first mission was to save the city from the devils of the city who were troubling the people so much that half of the city migrated to another place. Our hacker who was particularly good at gathering information took out the whole information of the devils. Which showed that their motto was to just destroy the city. We arrived at their secret hideout and found out that there were six people in the gang. When they saw us their legs were shaking and it was just a normal thing for us and our superpowers. One shot all of them dead. In twelve years we solved a lot of cases and the successful rate was very high then the failure ones. It was my time to retire and sadly I had to say goodbye to all my teammate. I went back to my normal life and started living my normal life.

An Escape from Trepidation By: Areej Imran Crumpled papers were spread over the floor and open books were scattered all over the study desk. Underneath the desk, a backpack lay wide open with deep red and green folders spilling out of it. It looked like a vicious tornado had ripped through the room and left all the possessions in a complete mess. An open bag of crisps lay at the very corner of the side table with two or three spilling out. The dim lights from the huge chandelier designed like a solar system covered up the mess anyway. The bed was rumpled with clothes that had been thrown randomly around. Bed sheets were tangled at the end of the bed in a ball of knots; pillows were laying half out of their patterned pillow cases. Right in the center of all this mess lay Dylan with his headphones on, listening to some mellow music like a nonchalant fellow who was completely unperturbed of all the mess he had in his room. Suddenly, the door opened making a loud noise. Dylan knew it was his mother, obviously. “You will never clean up your room, will you?” shouted his mother in the most aggressive tone. “I was just going to do it after finishing with this level,” replied Dylan in a convincing way. “That's what I've been hearing since the past two hours! The only way to make you work is take away your phone away!” yelled his mother snatching away his phone from his hand. The headphones trailed along her feet as she walked out the room and shut the door. Dylan knew that the next few hours were going to be tedious and monotonous. Anyways, he always had a good supply of backup plans piled up in his mind. He grabbed the tv remote from his side table and the bag of crisps. He curled up on the couch right in front of the tv and switched on the power button using a long rod he always kept nearby just to avoid getting up. “Perhaps for some time this television might help me assuage boredom” he thought.

“Terrorist attack on Iran military parade leaves at least 25 dead.” “Seven Pakistani Soldiers, Nine Militants Dead In Firefight.” “19-year-old Afghan suspected is accused of stabbing two US tourists in Amsterdam.” Dylan switched off the Tv in disillusionment. Terror, bombs, terrorists, attacks was all that would endure in this world. He was disheartened by the thought of having no peace in the world where he lived. The thought of attacks mounting over the world and the world ultimately coming to a destructive ending had him feeling suffocated. He never wanted to live in a world that lacked peace. This was not what he always aimed for, not at all something he had envisioned. Living in this world felt like anything could take over any moment, without leaving a thing behind. Any disaster could approach the world and turn over the entire globe without leaving a tiny piece behind. It felt as if destruction was always hanging over their head like a sword or a cloud that was ready to precipitate. Any moment, it could all end, and no one knew how soon that moment was to come. All these thoughts had consumed Dylan’s mind. They were a clamour inside his head. He jumped off the couch and trudged towards the window; the only escape he really had. Dylan sighed and stared out of the window, at all the stars, the darkness that had taken over the city, the moon that stood still in its place, and again, all the stars that had adorned the sky. Dylan had always had a certain obsession for the space, for everything residing beyond the earth that lacked peace, the other world, that is although said to be beyond our reach, but a place where Dylan always wanted to go. The view of the sky was a propitiation for him, a soothing effect and the most calming feeling of all. As he got deeper into his contemplation, deeper into the stars and the sky, it felt as if his feet were leaving the ground, as if he was escaping the real world trying to reach to his obsession; the world beyond our earth. His hands were free into the sky, his body floating in the air. The relaxing fragrance of the air took him to another world.

As he went on further, far way from all the terrors, he could see unbelievable things, everything that he only had imagined. He turned his head to the left and saw the beautiful band of milky way stretching across the sky. To his right, he saw a line of planets that he never even knew existed; different colors all around him, flying rockets, bright starts, revolving planets; everything that made it seem like a fulfilled dream. This feeling of being in a world that was different from what he lived in was amazing. His heart was filled with felicity and peace. He looked around himself at the view that he always wanted to see from his eyes.

All the world lay stretched before him like the open palm of his hand when suddenly he heard a BANG! He started to fall down at a speed that was unpredictable. He didn’t know where he was going or what had happened but he surely knew it wasn’t something good. He knew it wasn’t taking him home but to a place that lacked peace, a place that had him suffocated, a place that was nothing but a world full of harsh treatment and again, infinite terror for all. He could feel his heart blocked with fear, no vacant place for any more of his desires or tranquility. He could feel himself falling into a place from where he knew he had no escape; a place that did not promise him anything but fear, not even his life. A sudden sense of fear ran through his nerves like the chill of an icy wind. Suddenly, the door opened. He heard his mom again, calling for his name, yelling at him. He knew it was all nothing other than his imagination of his other world; the world that meant PEACE for him, the world that gave him relief. Perhaps, that world of his was meant to reside only his imagination. Perhaps, it was just meant to be a temporary escape from the real world; an escape from trepidation.

The Arrival

By; Zain Naqvi

The ship landed on the shores of the Brazilian coast. It was as tall as 50 buses on top of each other and as wide as about 30 whales. It was a grayish color and was very shiny. After about one month it created perimeter around stretching for about 12 Km. All the militaries in the world was trying to come up with a solution of how they could stop this “machine” they called it. Whenever someone went into the mist they never came back. The government tried everything, dropping bombs, shooting they even tried to pick it up but none of those methods worked. The only way was to find out what is inside the machine and what is creating the force-field. So it was our turn to go in and find information on this spaceship that came from space. It was a team of four; me, Katrina, Julie and Vanessa. We all had a history in the army either in combat or in medicine. I was the researcher which meant that I had to find out what was going on in the mist and why was it growing. “Are you ready?” Katrina asked me with a bit of hesitation in her voice. I replied “Yeah, what about you?” “I think I am,” she replied. We started to move towards the mist and then we were in it. It looked the same, smelled the same and was over all just like it would be outside. We started moving in and we heard sound of leaves moving from the right. Katrina being trained with guns aimed towards the right. Now to the left and BOOM! Katrina kept her cool. “It’s just a deer.” We moved in going deeper into the jungles of Brazil until we finally made it. Everything around the machine was, you can say enhanced. The trees were three times their normal size, the fly was the size of a spider and the birds were the size of a dolphin. We moved closer to the machine and entered it.

There were two men standing there who were as white as paper and about average size. They looked like normal humans but their hands had only four fingers. They said “You are here. We have been waiting for you for a long time.” I replied “Who are you? Are you from outer space?” “Yes we are. We are from a place far from here, and we are here to take your planet. You see very few of our kind are left, so we need to re-populate.” Karine stepped in a moment of bravery, “No, you won’t”. She started shooting her gun and BOOM! Everything went blank. The next thing I saw was me in the hospital. A woman came up to me and said “Good job Carmella you got them.” I asked her, “What about the others? Did they make it?” She replied “No, they were taken.” I then told her everything and now all we could do was fear for our lives, protect our children and be ready for another attack.

A Peculiar Peregrination By;Â Mahum Sheikh It felt like we were driving into the sun. It was an amazing view, the sky was all different colors as the sun was setting. The cool breeze touched my face, I got goosebumps all over my body. We were driving down the hillside, I was with some of my friends, actually best friends. We all decided that we need to go on a vacation, we ended up going to the hilly areas. I always imagined to see the sun set in a place like this, never thought one day it would be true. All of a sudden a figure appeared on the road in front of us. It seemed as if it was a man staring at us, all of us. It started to give me the chills and the rest started to get scared and confused. As we got closer to the figure, a white fog started to appear in front of us and behind us, the fog was everywhere. It was getting hard for Emily to see the road ahead. As we were moving forward the fog got worse to the point where we couldn't see each other. It was best not to panic because everything would get out of hand, fortunately nobody showed that they were scared. The next thing that would happen was unpredictable; that scared me even more. Everything was silent for a while, so i called out to one of my friends but there was no reply. I called out a few times but still there was no reply. I got worried and tried to look for them due to the dense fog that covered my eyes, it was impossible. Unfortunately there was no sign of the fog disappearing at any time.

This thought made me anxious, i stood up and started walking forward. One thing that surprised me even more was the fact that I wasn't in the car anymore. I kept on thinking about it as i was walking forward but it didn't make any sense. Out of nowhere tiny lights appeared in the fog, like fireflies. Those lights give me a bit of hope that I might be able to find my friends and get out of here. I didn’t have any idea how long I was there but it only felt like a few hours, I couldn't be sure. As I noticed the lights started to fade away into the fog. The only source of hope started to drift away, fix this sentence. I couldn't loose stand decided to follow it. I kept walking forward for some time, the lights now stopped and the fog started to clear up. As the fog cleared up my face automatically lit up into a smile. I finally found them, I was delighted so I ran up to them. As i was going to give them a hug they disappeared into thin air. It felt as if it was just as an illusion, I was going to tear up but controlled it. I had to be strong to find them, I had to be careful for what was to come. As the fog no longer blocked my path I had to move forward. I started to walk forward yet again. I kept on walking forward, as I did I saw many different and unimaginable sceneries and things. It was confusing me, I couldn't figure it out where I was. This place was amazing and unpredictable, it was interesting but there was no one whom i could ask. I decided to walk for more time. I couldn't tell what i would see next. After reaching to a point I got tired, I stopped. I started to look around and to my surprise I saw someone. It was an unfamiliar face, at first I thought i shouldn't go but she could get me out here so I started to walk towards her. We were standing face to face, none of us spoke. I broke the silence and asked “Could you help me?”. At first she had a confused look on her face but she answered “Are you perhaps looking for your friends?”, I replied to her “Yes but how did you know?”.

As soon as she heard my reply she started to walk in the opposite direction from where I came from. I asked “Where are you going?”, she didn't answer and gave me a hand gesture to follow her and so I did. We made many turns and I had to keep up the pace with her as she started running. It felt like she wanted me to hurry as if there was no more time left. We finally reached to where she wanted as she had stopped. There was giant tree in front of us. In that tree was a hole big enough to fit a human. She told me to enter it and so I did. Half way into the tree I looked back and thanked her even though I didn't know if this would lead me to my friends or get me out of here. I was happy to have met someone who guided me through this time. As i went through it, I was in my room. I looked back but all I could see was my door. Then someone came through that door, my friends. I was overjoyed to see them. I went to them and hugged them tightly. They asked if i was okay, i replied “Now I am”. After they left, I sat on my bed and looked at my side table. There was a latter with no name on it. I opened it and smiled. It said “Thank you very much, it was fun today! Hope you visit me again soon!”. Even though it didn't mention who it was from, i got an idea. I fell backwards on my bed and said “What a day I had”.

Another world

By: Hamdan Nomani

It was the 10th day after the SpaceX had launched its last Falcon Heavy rocket to Mars. It's the year 2032 and it had been time that the movement to Mars had almost ended, this plane being the last one with people. The whole population of Earth has just landed and civilised on Mars and this plane holds some resources. It took Elon Musk and his team of engineers about 10 years to perfect the Falcon Heavy to allow it to go to and fro from Mars. When Earth's atmosphere had been way too bad for humanity to survive on, we had started sending people and resources on these rockets to Mars. The Falcon Heavy had 9 engines that, if any failure in any engine, would remain functional so the mission does not go wrong. Each engine is pumped with liquid oxygen and has been a project for Elon since he started working in SpaceX. There have been many ups and downs for SpaceX while they were developing this rocket. It almost went bankrupt and Elon had to sell the Tesla Motors company to Henrik Fisker’s daughter, Jupiter Fisker, who used to work for Tesla and made enough money to rebuy her father’s car firm called Fisker Karma. It was sold for $700 billion to provide funds for 10 Falcon Heavies. The moment these rockets were made, NASA had call Elon to enquire about its price per launch, which was 90 million USD, which was then raised to 200 million USD per launch to provide salary to the workers.

Suddenly, the rocket had an alarm ringing and the rocket went on lockdown. When I reached the control centre, everyone was panicking because the rocket had 5 out of 9 engines malfunctioning and there was a black hole in front of us and the rocket was going right into it since the gravitational strength of a black hole is so strong that it doesn’t allow light escape from it. We entered it and noticed that it was full of stars glowing so brightly it felt like a blinding light and so, all the people on that rocket had sat in the gathering room with all the viewing points shut down and only the people in the main control room were there understanding and adventuring the black hole’s inside. It was a magnificent sighting, with starts and light and moons for different planets in them but it was equally petrifying since we felt like there was no escape but then, I saw a white and intriguing light that was very bright and oddly coloured. We felt like that might be an exit and we went through it and, luckily enough, it was! We had exited somewhere between Mars and Jupiter and so, travelled some more time and when we got out everything and everyone seemed the same seemed the same but when we landed, no one recognized us and it felt strange since I was one of the lead testers and engineers for this rocket. When we asked what year it was, they said that it was the year 2042, which meant that we had been stuck in the black hole which cancelled out the spacetime continuum for our population in the rocket. At this time, Tesla, SpaceX, Solarcity and The Boring Company were all being owned by Elon Musk’s son, Kai Musk, who was aged 35 and was a very successful and wellknown entrepreneur and businessman.

Being in a rocket and disrupting the space-time continuum is a very interesting thing and is a story I would like to share with many people around the globe. Me and the rest of the people in the control centre had also discovered the “White Hole” which allowed light and matter to exit it from it’s inside but is not able to be entered from the outside.

The Destruction of Zedak

By: Fayez Asif

It all started when I was young and always wished to be part of a superhero team. My dream became a reality when I was 16 years old and I was taken to a parallel universe by 3 unidentified men. When we reached the planet ‘Zedak’ in the parallel universe, I got off and walked over to the tall, lanky man standing in front of me. I was worried and nervous while walking towards him, but the next thing I knew was, I was standing in front of him, looking him in the eyes. I was offered an opportunity to be a part of a superhero team called ‘Mighty Med’. I was overwhelmed by the fact that my childhood dream was finally turning out to be a reality. I immediately accepted the offer and I was taken to their laboratory to undergo the preparation for getting my superpowers. The scientists working there said that it might take a few days for my powers to start showing up, but I was totally okay with that because I had been waiting for that moment my whole life, and I was just happy with getting to be a part of a superhero team. A few days after undergoing the operations for my superpowers, I wasn’t noticing any changes physically or mentally and so I decided to ask the people working at the laboratory why this was happening. When I reached the laboratory, I overheard the scientists and the ruler of the planet. The scientist was discussing about the experiment that he had recently conducted to turn the people of the planet wicked and sinful so that they would have a civil war and the superior people such as the leaders and the scientists would be able to take over and rule the country without any obstacles.

I was enraged and worried at the same time because I wanted to do something, but I had no idea what to do to help the people of the planet. I decided to rally a team together and tell them about the situation that was at hand. The civilians informed me about the weapons arsenal located on the South side of the planet. I quickly assembled a team and we made our way to the Hamgonie River that would help us reach the South side of the planet. I wasn’t informed that the river would be heavily guarded, and when I got to the river, I had to help my team sneak in along with me without bringing any attention to ourselves. We hurried past the armed guards and went on to find ourselves a boat to cross the river. Once we reached the weapons arsenal, we took all the weapons we could to take down the evil scientists and leaders’ army for good. As expected, they were protected by hundreds and thousands of soldiers, but we had the determination to take them down because of their wicked plans to rule the planet without any people. I always had to keep my team close to me so that we wouldn’t fall short in completing our mission. After an intense battle with the soldiers, we were finally able to get our hands on the malicious leaders and scientists who were planning wrecking of Zedak. We didn’t give them a quick death, instead, we made it painful and long lasting so that no one would ever dare to try anything like the sort again. Even though my dream wasn’t a complete success, I was able to save a planet from destruction and its people from extinction, and I’m glad that I did something that a superhero would do.


By:Â Jason Mall

I am native of Wakanda, I was born under the name N'Jadaka. When Ulysses Klaue and his mercenaries attacked Wakanda, they press ganged my father,Prince N'Jobu, into helping them when Klaue was defeated, my father died and my family was exiled. I ended up in Harlem, New York, nursing a hatred against the Klaue and T'Challa, the king who had exiled me. I changed my name to Erik Killmonger and studied at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, desperate to avenge my father's death. I eventually contacted King T'Challa and was repatriated back to Wakanda, settling in a village that would later change its name to N'Jadaka Village in my honor. I became a subversive, with dreams of ridding Wakanda of what I termed "white colonialist" cultural influences and return it entirely to its ancient ways. I then took advantage of the Black Panther's frequent absences in Titan with the Revengers to stage a coup d'Êtat, along with Baron Macabre. I was defeated and killed, until the Mandarin claimed my body. Using his rings, the Mandarin was able to amplify the Resurrection Altar and restore Me to life. I returned to my lover and ally, Madam Slay, and I plotted to kill the Black Panther and return Wakanda to its ancient ways. While Tony Stark visited Wakanda, Madam Slay drugged Jim Rhodes and took him prisoner. I appeared to have killed the Black Panther, and blamed Rhodes and Stark, convincing the Wakandan’s that I could lead them to vengeance.

The Black Panther returned, revealing that he had faked his death using a Life Model Decoy. The Black Panther defeated me. The Mandarin recalled his ring, and I reverted to an inanimate skeleton. My followers resurrected me again and I would clash with T'Challa on several other occasions. In the wake of the sorcerer Reverend Achebe's attempted takeover of Wakanda, with T'Challa absent and control of the country left with his regent Everett Ross, I tried to gain control of the country via its economy, forcing T'Challa to stop him by nationalizing all foreign companies in Wakanda and cause a run on the stock market. We fought in a vicious ritual combat over the right to rule the country, and I was finally able to defeat my foe and gain the status of Black Panther for my own. I maintained control of Wakanda for a while and even attempted to inherit T'Challa's Avengers status, but when I underwent the ascension rite needed to cement his position, his body had a severe reaction to the heart-shaped herb that he was required to consume it was poisonous to all but the royal bloodline. Although it would have been convenient to allow me to die, and be unquestionably entitled to the position of the Black Panther, T'Challa preserved my life. I eventually came out of my coma, thus reclaiming my position as chieftain over Wakanda. I went to New York and contacted Kasper Cole, an inner-city police officer masquerading as the Black Panther to help him with cases, and attempted to gain him as an ally by offering him a buffered version of the Panther's heart-shaped herb and help finding his supervisor's kidnapped son. In exchange, He had to drop the Panther identity and take up that of a White Tiger acolyte of the Panther cult, and would owe me a favor. While Kasper agreed to this, he then used his new herb-enhanced abilities to track down the boy on his own to avoid owing Killmonger an unpayable debt.

T'Challa is then once again the sole ruler of Wakanda when I resurface and take control of the neighboring country of Niganda. During a subsequent duel with T'Challa, Killmonger is killed by Monica Rambeau, whom he had previously captured and imprisoned. Killmonger's young son is last seen swearing vengeance against the Black Panther, much like N'Jadaka had done years earlier after the death of his own father.(This is Written by Erik’s lover and ally, MADAM SLAY).

Another World

By: Shaheer Asim

You may see the world.. A jolly place, flowers, birds, trees, people and everything beautiful ; however not all worlds are beautiful. Not every world is utopia, some are distopia. Your world lays in contrast to the reality of others. That reality is grim. Your world is one or many that exist, parallel to your planet lays Kepler X94, just a copy of your world but as the location suggests, it's parallel in both location and ideology and Mechanism. Unlike your planet, Kepler hasn't received sunlight. since it's existence, no plants exist there but weirdly enough it's one of the most modernized planet in the galaxy. Some world's are terror, pure terror. Take for example, Ziam 46. Which was earlier this year knocked out of its orbit leading to a trail of unfathomable consequences, the extinction of an entire solar system, disruption in the interstellar communication pathways and I could go on. Be appreciative of your location, for who knows, the next comet maybe headed your way. Reading all of this, you would know that the Universe consists of infinite diversity. But, you may not know the magnitude of this diversity. Let me tell you about the case of one of the weirdest planets in the galaxy. You may be familiar with humans, as you maybe one yourself; but did you know about humanoids? Organisms that pose striking resemblances to your genus (Homo Sapiens) but aren't exactly you. Planet Zquad in North Eastern hemisphere of the galactic map, hosts humanoid plants! You read that right, humanoid plants! Plants which are commonly mistaken for humans. Does this make you realize how tiny your knowledge is compared to the vast of the Universe? Each planet has its own beautiful quality and is adored greatly by its hosts. The diversity of the Universe and other worlds is truly a topic of exquisitiness.

Thank you!!Â

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