TCSI Grade 10 Class Magazine 2020 - 2022

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Designed By : Maham Batool 10-B





g i g i B B e T he Th e t e i t r i r W W

Spread Awareness


10-B n o i t a n i Imag

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s t n e t n Co Big Writes This section includes big wriites done by the students of our class on the theme "Change the Story"

Breast Cancer Awareness In this section you will receive some information related to the breast cancer awareness program

Word Puzzles In this area you will see some cross word search and cross word puzzles prepared by the students of our class

Poems/Jokes/Riddles You will get to explore some motivational poems, jokes and riddles to solve, researched by the students of our class

s e t i r W g i B Our Past Together

By : Ain Ahmad Sunday morning kids were running towards school, people were going to work. Everybody was busy minding their own businesses in a large city. Two old aged people were sitting at the balcony of a 90's house. Sipping their coffee under the roof, observing hustle and bustle. Suddenly the old women named Eva got up and brought an old album covered with dust and dirt to her husband Jack

Just by having first look at the album a lot of memories got brighten up, regrets arose, and a feeling of excitement was reflecting through old man’s face. “life wasn’t easy”, he said. Together they went through the album refreshing lost memories. It all started when they were born. Jack’s father was a woodcutter. His mother died when he was young. They both lived at countryside of a small country Andorra. Between huge mountains and calm lakes, they lived in a mini two-story house. While Eva lived in tall buildings of New York running a bustling life with her working parents.

Jack was a quite boy. As his father was usually busy in work, he spent his time reading books. His passion towards books arose as he grew up. It was hard to make living at countryside. Winters were worst. Poor jack spent his nights shivering at the corner of the room with water dripping through ceiling. He often had to skip meals as his father was busy. He learned cooking and cleaning at a very young age. Eva was smart and a quick learner. She grew up watching her parent’s fights. Every night things were broken; harsh words were spoken. When she was eleven her parents got divorced. Suffering through mental pressure Eva couldn’t do well in her school. People started to look down on her. She began to be insecure about herself. She felt every single person was making fun of her. Tired of circumstances Eva decided to take revenge on her parents for ruining her childhood.

With eyes full of tears, she grabbed kitchen knife gathered courage and said “I can’t take it anymore I will end this” and cut her wrist. Those few seconds after cutting her wrist were full of regret. When she woke up, she found herself in a hospital cabin with her mother beside crying and her father worried sick. Now she knew ending life wouldn’t end problems. She got a second chance, a new life. She was full of courage to face stuff and change her life.

Jack’s father wished to provide him a better living. He knew about Jacks passion for books, When Jack turned twenty, he asked him “ Jack go and explore the world, earn more and make a better living” and sent him to New York from his savings of years. Moving from countryside to the main city was the changing point of his lifetime. He observed and explored things he never imagined about.

He started gathering quality books and sold them on smaller scale. He made a living by working part time at a cafe. He wrote himself too, but his work never got published. After few months he started working at a public library as a librarian.

Eva grew up as a strong and courageous woman. She was in last year of her graduation. While doing research on a project she used to visit library often. Fetching information through books she usually had quality conversation with Jack. Soon they became good friends. After two years of continues struggle Jack published his first book and got good remarks. Eva was a well-known prospector by then.

After having mutual understanding and going through up’s and down’s together they both got married. Their lives changed as they were not individuals anymore, they were part of each other’s life now. After six years Jack decided to go back to his father with Eva. When he went back, he came to know that his father passed away 7 months ago. With a feeling of regret, he said “Why didn’t I came back earlier" That huge grief tore him apart.

Time is a healer. He started his new life with Eva and soon became a known writer. His struggles were appreciated, and his work was known all over the world. Eva continued with her job as prosecutor. They lived happily until they were going to an art exhibition suddenly a huge truck encountered, and car clashed into it. After a week in ICU Eva’s injuries started healing but Jack lost his legs. After being discharged from hospital his life was completely changed. He was no more a normal human being. People didn’t feel proud of him anymore, they felt sympathetic and sorry for him. He said with sadness to Eva” I feel I am being a burden on you”. She replied, “No, not at all. We went through a lot together and we will overcome this obstacle together as well”

After a huge amount of time and Eva’s continuous motivation and support. He came back towards life. He didn’t give up on himself rather started writing back to achieve his goals. Many seasons ran by, many years passed many up’s and downs suffered, many people came and many left.

Now they are in their 70’s. Remembering how quickly their time passed. Wishing to live life once again. Missing their old times, they will happily take their beautiful memories with them.

It’s okay not to be okay. By: Areeba Nomani 23 years ago: “Hey, mom I’m back from school!” Kevin smiled and waved at his mom, his mum responded with a smile and hurried back into the kitchen as she was working; Kevin didn’t mind his mother working all the time since they lost their dad at a young age. “K-k-Kevin how are you, are you back from s-s-school” his older brother, Sam, came running to him smiling and with a plushie in his hand. Kevin hugged him back and sat down on one of the tables. His mother comes back from the kitchen with fries in her hand for Kevin “how was school sweetie?” Kevin looked at his mum and took few fries and stuffed it in his mouth before answering, “we had this new girl in school, I don’t know her name, but she was weird.” his mother gave him a perplexed look “how so?” Kevin looked at his mum and said “I was in the garden of our school and there was this butterfly that landed on my shoulder, she approached me from the back and took the butterfly in her hand” his mother giggled at him “ what’s so wrong in that, probably just wanted to see the butterfly” “ no mom she was weird, she took the butterfly and I turned around; right when I looked her in the eye she crushed and killed the butterfly right in front of me and dropped it. I just ran away” his mother looked at him, she didn’t want to worry him or make it worse for him but from the inside, she was terrified on what that girl had done. She just smiled at him and told him to continue his homework and to eat the fries. She looked around to see if a new customer came and realized that Sam wasn’t there, right when she was about to say something to Kevin about Sam she noticed he had passed out on the table, she quickie rushed to him and suddenly a women spoke “ if you want your children to survive come with me-” she forcefully turned her around and put a gun on sams face who was crying “- or they die..” his mother started crying “no take me, leave Sam alone! Take me” the women laughed and said “very well then” the strange women who still had Sam in her hands took his mother harshly by her hand and led them to a tunnel. She dropped Sam to the ground harshly and he started crying, even more, his mom reached for Sam to comfort him but the women stepped on her arm with heels on to stop the mom. She crouched down to the ground and turned a bit to Sam and said “hey sweetie Sam, look over here” Sam was scared to disobey her, he lifted his head, but wasn’t able to lift enough to see her face, and said “W-W-WHY ARE YOU D-D-DOING THIS TO HER-” suddenly there was a loud sound of a gunshot, Sam started screaming and covered his ears and looked to his mother who was shot dead on the ground. “MOM, NO MOM - ” he couldn’t stop crying, he slowly went to his mother, now dead body, and touched the puddle of blood that came out of her head where she was shot; he sniffed and got up and ran back to the restaurant. Kevin was passed out, Sam woke him up “ Sam what happened!” Sam was scared and his heart pounding and couldn’t get himself to speak so he

ran away, Kevin followed him and he found himself in front of his mother laying on the ground. He wanted to comfort his brother who was having harder time as he was going through autism, but he couldn’t instead he went ahead and took his mother mobile from her pockets and called the police crying.… Present time, the year 2020:

Kevin was on his way home when a butterfly landed on his shoulder. He suddenly got goosebumps and a shiver ran down his spine. The image of a mother lying dead on the ground came to his mind, he suddenly stopped walking. He turned around and found a woman standing there. The woman had a very innocent face, her eyes looked sad and her eyes were desperate, for what? Could be love, affection, friendship, or maybe they were longing for help. He made eye contact with the women and she took a step forward, Kevin felt another shiver run down his spine. His mind was spinning. All he wanted to do right now was to run back to his brother’s arms. Kevin spoke up “may I help you?” his voice cracked a bit. The women took one more step forward and took the butterfly from his shoulder, Kevin took a step back and was just about to turn around and run away when the women spoke, “my name is mina, we used to be classmates” her voice was a lot deeper than what Kevin thought. Kevin didn’t know what to do and said “ the girl from the garden?” she nodded and slowly covered the butterfly in her hands “ 1..2..3...” she squashed the butterfly in her hands and dropped it on the ground. Kevin couldn’t look at her, he just couldn’t. His memories suddenly being pulled back from his mind as if someone was desperately digging with a shovel in the ground. He ran away from her and she just stood there like before, she was helpless. Kevin ran back home and immediately started looking for sam right when he found him he hugged him.

The next morning when Kevin was getting ready to go to the psychiatric hospital, he decided to take sam with him. Everyone at the hospital was fond of sam and they all love him, sam also went there frequently because he was painting a mural at the hospital. When they arrived there nobody was there to greet them like they usually do , sam was a bit confused but saw how everyone was gathered around his mural painting. One of the staff members looked back and saw sam aswell as kevin . “hey sam you finally got over your fear butterflies! Im super happy for you” sam didnt understand what happened because he never got the courage to do so. Right at cue a loud sound was heard, sound of someone being slammed. Everyone immediately looked around to see mina being slammed to the wall by the Head Nurse Park Haeng-Ja, everyone was shocked and minas face grew redder and redder and she wasnt able to breathe . “my daughter , oh my sweet sweet daughter. How does it feel to know that your mother is actually alive? I hope it feels good-” she laughed in evil manner “-after all i am your mother” mina started shedding tears.

Sam slowly started approaching mina and park haeng-ja “b-b-b-butterfly” he suddenly started covering his ears and dropped to the floor , “KEVIN SHE H-H-HAS A BUTTER F-FLY” kevin didnt understand what he was trying to saw because he couldnt see a butterfly anywhere until his eyes landed on her butterfly brooch, it was a golden brooch with a small butterfly on top of a larger butterfly ; he immediately looked back to the mural and saw that it was the same one. “Head park haeng ja what are you doing , you cant possibly be behind all this” park haengja laughed loudly shocking everyone, she continued to walk towards sam and ignored kevins remark. She crouched down and took of her butterfly brooch “its nice to meet you again, i wonder how your mother is doing up there” sam could move or say anything. At that moment sam realized that the person he had been looking forward to meet every morning was the same person he hated deep in his heart. Naturally his hatred took over him ; sam punched park haeng ja in the face. She fell back wards and sam continued to beat her up until haeng ja pulled out her knife and stabbed him without any sort of regrets. Sam fell down on the ground and his stomach started bleeding and a puddle of blood was made. Haeng ja laughed and got up , “mina please come back to me , we can live happily just like we did before” mina ran and grabbed her mothers collar “I WAS NEVER HAPPY WITH YOU” she burst into tears while kevin hurriedly called the police and ambulence, sam was rushed to the hospital while a bunch of police cars arrived. Haengja got up willingly and put her hands together so the police could arrest her. “I wish i had more regrets to get rid of, but i dont ” the police confusedly handcuffed her “park haeng ja you are under arrest , you have the right to an attorny”...

The end .

The Witches Of Zinx By : Anooshe Batul The sun was shining on a cloudless afternoon and jozeph walked through the forest energetically . After some hours he ran into an old woman walking the path in his direction. Charcoal black rags hung from her skeletal frame. The old woman said “young man, do you know the way to zinx?” i have come rom there” said jozeph, “if you continue on this path you will reach it in some hours”

“thank-you kindly” said the old woman, and she hobbled on down the path, balancing her hunched frame on a broken wooden stick Jozeph reached a denser part of the forest and left the main path to travel across a narrow trail .. This was not his first journey to the grassy clearing where the wild mushrooms grow. Jozeph set down his basket and knelt to pull the mushrooms. From between the surrounding trees a familiar face looked upon the mushroom theif. Her wrinkled face showed no visible emotion, but a fierce grip on her wooden stick drove it several inches into the soil.

It did not take long for the trap to catch its victim. Nick was turned upside down and lifted into the air by the wire around his foot. The old woman appeared from the darkness and poked him with her stick, “you’re quite a catch” she said, “what’s a nice healthy boy like you doing in these parts of the woods?” Jozeph was terrified, “it’s you!” He said, “ you've followed me and trapped me. Why?” “ i've done no such thing” said the old woman, “you must have met my sister on the way into town.” “oh, then please let me down?” "certainly” said the old woman, and she un-knotted the snare.

Jozeph proceeded to pick up the mushrooms that had scattered into the grass. The old woman stood and eyed him. Jozeph scoured the clearing, wanting every mushroom for his basket. He spent much time on his search. The old woman stepped a bit closer, “it’s getting dark and these woods are dangerous at night. You should come and stay with me. I ive close.” Jozeph was unwilling, but he had heard stories of people going missing, their stripped bones being found weeks later, “that is kind” he said, “i will stay with you.”

The old woman led him to her cottage. It was worn out but sturdy. Weeds had swallowed up what may once have been a beautiful garden. She struggled to open the thick wooden door, leading him through a dusty kitchen, down some stairs and into a cellar. Here she lit a candle, and the light bounced of a large amount of gold and silver necklaces and watches . She moved rapidly , for an old woman, to the other end of the basement and opened a door to a narrow brick tunnel.

Jozeph followed , his mind flickering like the candle between staying on this course and running home. The tunnel continued for a remarkable distance, apparently diving deep into the interior of an ancient structure. Nick reasonedthey must be far from the cottage. He tried to hide his fear and confusion when they reached the small room where he was to sleep. The old woman lit a second candle and placed it on a bed-side table with some matches. The bed looked comfortable, “i will bring you some warm soup before you sleep” she said.

The soup tasted unusual. It had small chunks of gristle and a flavor like nettles, but he enjoyed it. Blowing out the candle, he settled down to sleep. Hours passed in complete silence while jozeph, having enjoyed his unusual broth, slept just as soundly. At the darkest hour of the night, the old woman could be heard shuffling down the tunnel. While jozeph slept, the door to his room inched open. Spindly wrinkled hands stretched out towards him, getting closer and closer to his neck and face. The old woman held her breath as she pulled the quilt over her sleeping guest. The night was cold and she left pleased at not having woken him.

Jozeph was not used to waking in darkness but felt that he had slept well. After lighting his candle and navigating the tunnel he saw daylight creeping through the door and decided to see if the old woman was awake. She stood in the kitchen over a cooking pot. Jozeph said hello and quickly found his basket of mushrooms on the kitchen table. The table was now seated for two. "please stay for breakfast and give me some company” she said.

Jozeph wanted to leave but felt obliged to fulfill to her wish, “it would be my pleasure” he said. He went to sit down but the old woman stopped him, “those mushrooms look very tasty, would you bring some to my cooking pot?” As nick rounded the table with his basket, the sheer size of the cooking pot came into view. It was as tall as the table and as wide as two men. He stood beside it, peering in at the mixture of vegetables and meat swilling around in the viscous bubbling liquid.

The old woman crept up behind him, her ragged sleeves swaying slowly beneath bone-like arms. Her stick scraped against the dirty boarded floor. She was right behind him now. Wicked gleaming eyes peered up from her hunched frame at the breakfast guest. Raising her arms, her jagged fingernails almost caught on Jozeph’s clothing as she reached towards the basket, “oh, a handful of those in the broth will be just lovely” she said. They enjoyed a good breakfast and Jozeph departed soon after. On his way home he stopped to pick some more mushrooms from the clearing. Unbeknownst to him, a small bear cub was playing nearby, and when its mother charged, nick was unable to outrun the beast.

Travelling By : Mohammad Hammad Jack was running around the park in frustration due to what happened to his mom the past week, his mom got diagnosed with cancer and he had no one left to look after himanymore. His dad disappeared when he was 2 and it had been 12 years since his father had disappeared. Jack was 14 now. His mom was at his Aunt’s house and he himself was staying at a friend’s house. While he was running around Jack noticed small details about the park he had never noticed before, peoples walking pattern, potholes, or cat homes. He had never felt so lonely before. He got tired and decided to sit down but then he heard a voice say “No, you idiot give it here” The noise startled Jack who had sat down thinking he was alone in this part of the park. As the curious person he is Jack went to investigate. He got up and went around to where he heard the voice. At first he didn’t see anything else, but he did hear more voices speaking in a hushed tone, he realized that when he focused he could see the outlines of 2 human figures. He went forward and asked, “Who are you?” and everything went quiet, he then said, “Just because you went quiet doesn’t mean I don’t know you’re there”. Then suddenly everything blacked out Jack woke up and banged his head on a seat, after he finished rubbing his head, he realized he was in a car with weird controls and futuristic furniture. He poked around the area and saw a screen with a note that said “This is a time machine car (like the movie “Back To The Future”) we took u because you could help us as we needed another person) we will come back and explain more, STAY PUT”. Jack did not have any information yet so, he decided to stay put, plus the fact they had not killed him yet or at least binded him together suggested they did not want to do him any harm. Jack had nothing to do and did want to mess around because he might screw something up so he decided to just sleep in the back, he took off his shoes, put his legs up, and went to sleep. He woke up later in the day and judging by the suns position, Jack estimated he was asleep for about an hour before being woken up to the sound of the driver seat opening and the voices of 2 people trying to wake him up, Jack got up to see identical twins who looked around 16 or 17 but maybe older. Jack had many questions and as soon as he registered their faces he let loose.

. “Who are you?” “Why am I here?” “What is this place?” “Where is this place?” “And- “, “Whoa calm down let’s go with these questions for now”. “My name is John and My twins name is Gale we are 17 years old and are from the future where time machines exist this is actually the first time machine made and we stole it to try and fix all the bad things that happened in the world for example the year 2020 and other things, this place is the year 2001, September 11 and you can probably guess what we are here to fix, right now we are outside of the Twin Towers. Now that we have met properly will you help us fix history?’. “One question, what happens in 2020?” asked Jack, “Wait a Minute” said John, “Hasn’t 2020 happened for you yet?”. “No” Jack told them “It was mid 2019 in my time”. “Well it doesn’t matter” said John “Let’s go!”. Jack and the twins walked for a couple of minutes before reaching the lobby of the building. They continued up the elevators until they reached the top, when they finally reached the top Jack asked “What are we doing up here?”, Gale told him that they were going to set up a fire to set of the fire alarm so everyone would evacuate the building. “So why do you need me?” Jack asked, “You’re going to help us set up the fire” said John. Jack Gulped. “Ok so, here’s how we are going to light the fire, there is a chem lab up here with many flammable chemicals all we have to do is mix them up and viola, we have our very own fire”. “And how are we going to get down?” Jack asked. “Oh, you leave that to me, just go with Gale and start up the fire and I’ll worry about getting us down”. Gale and Jack went to go find the lab they started to walk when Jack asked “Do you even know where the lab is?”, “No, but it can’t be that hard to find” said Gale “What makes you think that” asked Jack, “The signs that point to CHEMICAL LAB probably”, “Oh” Jack said feeling a little dumb. He and Gale continued until they found the lab, “Ok, were here” said Gale “Start throwing things” and throw they did, within 5 minutes they had a giant fire started. “You think that will get the fire alarm running?” asked Gale, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, Jack and Gale winced as the fire alarm rang. “I think that answers your question” said Jack “Ok let’s go” Gale roared over the alarm. By the time they got back John had some boots on and was shouting at them to get a move on, “PUT THESE BOOTS ON AND WALK DOWN THE SIDE OF THE BUILDING, YOU WONT FALL BECAUSE THESE ARE ANTI GRAVITY SHOES” John roared. Gale quickly put on his boots and ran down the building, John followed quickly after, Jack put on the boots and looked down, that was a long fall. He DID NOT want to fall, “COME ON” Gale Shouted, Jack realizing that they were perfectly fine took a step forward, and behind him everything exploded…. “Whew, that was a close one” said John “Yeah cheers to that” said Gale. “So, Jack how’d you like it?”, “IT WAS AWESOME!” said Jack “Can we do something else!?”. “Yes, yes we can” said Gale. THE END

Change the Story By : Haysum Sohail “Come on John, you’re going to be late”, said John’s father, “coming,” he said, John was very excited about moving, he really wanted his own room and was tired of sharing with his brother, John’s family was very big he had a 3 sisters 2. Now John himself knew that he would have a bedroom all to himself. So now after finished packing, John went down to his father and all of them got in the car and took off. After a long drive, they finally reached their new home. When the car pulls to a stop he, his brother and his sister took of racing to get the better room. John went to the top room which was on the second level but when he entered it, he realized it was an attic and before he could go back down, he saw something. There was a book sitting there behind the boxes at the end of the room, when John saw it, he knew it was unreal, it was as hard as a rock and had a crystal on the cover. John had seen nothing like this before and when he picked it up he felt power flow through his veins, he opened it, the pages were as soft as silk and there was a note on the first page saying “whoever holds this book has ultimate power “. John did not know what that meant but it sounded awesome to him. However, something hit him, he thought why is a book like this here? This book was magical it did not belong here, so what john did was he took the book hid it in his bag, and went to find a proper room It had been two weeks since John and his family had shifted here, all the packing was finally finished. His room looked ok, nothing special. The book, which he found in the attic, two weeks ago was now sitting on his bed. He was thinking of taking it to that Illusionist shop, down the corner of the street, which sells magical items, well not really magical items but this was all he got. So John went there on his cycle and reached there within 15 minutes after when he parked and entered the shop, there were not that many people there, so he just went straight to the counter and asked the person standing there, “excuse me sir but do you know what kind of book this is”?

A dark and ominous man with a mask was listening, the man was after the book and he knew what it was and the power it contained, the power was enough to rule the world, and he must have it for himself. So, he waited patiently for the boy to go outside. “sorry kid, don’t know what this book is” said the cashier, john nodded and walked away disappointedly outside, the sun was going down and he had to go home, so he tried to find his bike but couldn’t, he tried searching for it however all he could find was the lock so he knew his cycle was stolen which meant he had to Go on foot back to home. After 15 minutes of walking he Felt like someone was following him he looked back and saw a man not far walking in the same Lane as him, John didn’t know what do you so he just switched Lane across the street but the man did the same. He started running and the man did as well, he took out his phone and called 911 and said on the phone “help me!, a man with a mask is followed me”, the police asked where was he, but before he could answer john tripped over a Fire hydrant and his phone fell and broke. He Got up quickly and kept on running. He tried to run as fast as he could But the man was faster when the man reached John he snatched the book from him and pushed him to the ground, the man then slowly was walking away but John wasn't going to let him take the book that easily. John had learned self-defense back in his old town, so he knew what to do. He threw his legs under the Mans and the man fell over, John got up 1st and the man did the same, after that the man Punch him and he hit the ground, John tried to get up but the pain was too much, “You don't know what you're dealing with kid”, his voice was deep and ominous, ”This book can make anything come true, it has the power to rule the world “, He took a pen out and said using this magic pen I can write anything in this book and it will come true”, he put the pen away and was walking away now, but after he took a few steps, He heard something, the police were coming, the man looked at the boy “you!...”, however, before he could finish his sentence the police were already here and had him surrounded, the police said “stop right there! put your hands where we can see them!”. The man laughed, took out the book, started writing, and made a hideous creature appear, the creature attacked the police, the man started laughing. Johan did not know what to do, but he just realized he had a penial in his pocket and he could switch it with the man’s penial, so while the man was busy laughing John ran at him snatched the pencil, and before he could run any further, the man pulled his shirt, took the penial and pushed him to the ground, “foolish child, I will dispose of you easily, so he took his pencil and wrote, yet nothing happens and the book started shaking, shaking and then there was a flash and the book, the man and the creature were gone.

“A scream is a scream when it is heard”

By : Hamza Asif

Lisa Barn. That was the name of the beautiful, kind, and unfortunate girl who had no idea what her future was holding for her. Lisa had long dark brown hair that went down her long back. She had beautiful brown eyes and deep tan. She was 24 years old and was looking for a place to hide away from her crumbling world. She decided she needed to drive, she didn’t know where she was going but she knew she wanted to escape. Driving for over 5 hours will physically do a lot to someone, especially at 11 o’clock at night. Lisa's eyelids started to dry and her stomach growled out of hunger, and she had to use the bathroom. Just as she rounded a narrow bend in the road a deer jumped out in front of the car. As tired and unaware as she was, Lisa screamed and swerved off the road. When she looked over her shoulder she saw the deer trout back into the woods as if it never noticed the danger it was in.

Now Lisa’s car was stuck on the side of the road and she was at a loss for what to do. It was then that she saw the ever so dim light shining through the trees. Cautiously she crawled out of her car and made her way towards the light. Through the leaves of the trees an empty cabin was seen by her. Once inside she started a fire in the fireplace and laid down with a blanket on the couch. The steady clicking of the grandfather’s clock was putting Lisa to sleep. As she started to fall asleep she heard a loud, crashing bang against the door that seemed to shake the whole house in its very foundation. She was unknowing of the situation and as she tried to lay back down another bang came to the door and this time no more than 5 seconds later the power in the cabin went out. At this very minute there were thousands of thoughts going through Lisa’s head. There was no other explanation for what happened other than someone being outside. She was out in the middle of the woods with no car, no working phone, and no lights. Whoever was outside could get into the house whenever they wanted. Even if she made it through the night and into the day, it wouldn’t change the fact that she was still out there all alone. She ran to the kitchen grabbed a knife and hurried up the stairs to her bedroom where she locked herself in. As she backed away from the door her back hit the wall and nearly made her jump out of her skin. She slid down the wall and cried for what felt like hours. In that time she never heard a single thing besides her echoing sobs. As she realized this, she thought to herself, “Maybe there was no one out there after all. Maybe a tree branch fell on the power line or something. That would explain the power situation.” She slowly got up and went to the bedroom door unlocking it. She crept down each step on the stairs waiting at least a minute on each step to listen for any noise. Finally, after hearing nothing, she came to the conclusion that she had just imagined the worst case scenario. That was until she saw him.

He was a tall man. He had a muscular frame and was wearing a ski mask. He was outside on the porch just staring at her through the glass. One look at his 6’4 body and Lisa knew she didn’t stand a chance against him, as she only stood at 5’2. Lisa felt as if her entire body had shut down. She couldn’t move, blink, or breathe. When she eventually gathered up enough courage she backed into the bathroom where she hid, and then silence. Nothing. Not even her breathing could be heard, until the loud thundering crash of the front door hitting the ground rang in her ears. He had gotten in. All hope was lost. Lisa knew she had to think quickly or she was going to die. She could hear his big feet dragging on the wood floor of the cabin. Lisa couldn’t understand why all this was happening to her, why her? The doorknob jiggled. She had to do something and fast. She reached for the curtain rod of the shower. Up on her tippy toes stretching her arm as long as it would go eventually grabbing it and using all her force to break the window leading outside into the woods. As she jumped out of the window she cut the side of her leg on the broken glass but it didn’t matter, Lisa was only worried about escaping out of the cabin. The man heard the glass break and ran around the outside of the house where he found her. She tried to run but he was too fast. He managed to grab the back of her jacket and pull her towards him. She could scream but what goods a scream if there’s no one around to hear it. Afterall, a scream is only a scream when it is heard.

Road Trip By : Hussain Ali Khan

My epic 10 days in Oman itinerary shows you how to plan the perfect Oman road trip. It covers where I go in Oman, the best things to do in Oman, distances and drive times, accommodation with parking, plus handy driving tips an interactive map. My Brother said,”it’s going to be the best trip.” Nothing beats a good road trip, and Oman has to be one of the best countries in the Middle East (and the world, for that matter) for independent driving. It really is like taking a step back in time to absorb more of “the real Arabia”. You can feel yourself escape from the rest of the world when you visit Oman and have a truly unique and educational family experience. This guide will take you through how to plan your first visit to Oman. On the way we got hungry so my father said,”let’s stop at a restaurant near by.” Many people have created such beautiful memories on road trips, be it coming across a pretty lake, a small rivulet, or some natural caves tucked away near the road – you’d be surprised by the kind of things nature creates for everyone to experience and enjoy.My sis get wanted to take some pictures so she said to my father,” can we stop to take pics please.”Have you experienced something like this on a road trip, which made the trip so much better? It was really exciting seeing the tall skyscrapers of Dubai give way to dusty, sandy dunes that stretched as far as the eye could see. Pointing out mirages and camels to the children was so exciting and spotting tiny deer foraging amongst the few desert plants, it really felt like we were setting out on an exciting adventure. We unfortunately managed to add about an hour to our journey by attempting to cross into Oman at the Al Madam crossing and were sent back, having to then detour where we got slightly lost before joining the E102 and the Sharjah-Dubai Road. Here we had more confusion as we couldn’t decide which border to attempt, having read some reports that the Hatta crossing was also closed so my father said,”let’s not take a risk,”and we headed to Kalba all the way on the E102 and the coastal route through Oman.

So, we’re driving from UAE to Muscat this week, my family and me. The first time since I was 14. My father rented a car and the next day, we drove to Last Exit from Dubai where we stopped and eat in a little food club along the road. It was the first time I had really eaten tasty food in little food club.

piano player was blind. He could play well, the whole band could play well, but all I remember is feeling Happy. This time we’re driving to Abu Dhabi through highway and then through Muscat today. Soon the sand of the desert gave way to the rocky, craggy mountainous area south of Fujairah and we wound our way down to the border, keeping everything crossed we would be able to pass in to Oman here. There are several spots to cross the border from Dubai but make sure you do your research as some are not open to expats and tourists. We chose to cross in two different spots during and trip. Leaving the UAE we drove through Al Ain and took the Mezyad crossing. The process was very slow taking around two hours. You can also cross at Khatm Al Shiklah in Al Ain. On our return we chose to cross at Hatta and although the check points are located quite far apart the whole thing was quick and easy. Be careful not to mix the Hatta border with the other two that are not open to expats. We talked extensively about things to do in Muscat, so this post will focus on the how to actually get there; taking you through possible routes from Dubai and itinerary suggestion, as well as the practicalities of driving from the UAE to Oman. We stayed at the Golden Tulip hotel which was around a 10 minute drive out of the main town, which almost felt like the middle of nowhere. There were mountains on all sides as far as the eye could see and the hotel was a grand affair. We stay here for 2 nights, from delicious food to a huge modern room with terrace all for under 500AED. We chose to stay here due to its swimming pool, one thing I’ve learnt about travelling in the summer in the Middle East is you’ll always need somewhere to cool off! There were slightly cheaper deals to be had if you didn’t want a pool however. The City of Muscat is one of the oldest established cities around the globe. The rich history of the city has filled volumes of books dedicated to describing its mystic splendor. I think by this point we were really ready to be out of the car. Dusk started to fall as we headed in to the capital city and we were greeted by the beautiful mosques lit up in the darkness. They looked so warm and welcoming and were so happy when the main mosque in Muscat, the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque came in to view and we knew we were there. We were all immediately cheered and couldn’t wait to start discovering the experience Muscat. On the other hand, we stayed at the Sheraton Oman hotel from the Golden Tulip hotel while we were in Muscat as we got a brilliant deal with breakfast included for ten nights. The hotel was gorgeous, the facilities top notch and most importantly it had a shaded pool for cooling off in after a long day in the sun. There are plenty of other accommodation options in Muscat from cheaper hotels, apartments and even Airbnb. Exploring Muscat the following morning. It felt a long journey driving from Dubai to Muscat but it was definitely worth it, watching the countryside change and seeing the everyday sights of the country pass by. Our journey back was much straighter forward as we decided to break the journey with a night in Sohar which I would definitely recommend – it felt so much more manageable as a drive and was the perfect journey break.

The Road to GrindleHawk By : Maham Batool A boy named Jess, lived in a small town in Birmingham with his parents. He had one sister named Leena and one brother named Josh. Jess was the youngest among his siblings. His parents were not much rich and could only afford the expenses of his elder siblings. He was not one of the popular ones in his school. He was always more into books and painting. He didn’t want to be popular either but just wished that someday he could find a best friend with whom he can share his problems. His teachers appreciated him for his consistent approach towards his studies and the other students got jealous and figured out ways to threaten him. One day, Jess didn’t wake up to his alarm and got late to school. He missed his bus as well. He had to walk all on his own to reach school, as is parents were busy at work. The moment he arrived, a couple of boys came near Jess and started to throw his bag away. He couldn’t figure out who they were but just then he heard a voice. “Where’ve you been dirtbag? Just have a look at your clothes they are all dirty!” Richard exclaimed. Richard was one tall, popular boy, his hair stuck to his head and shirt tucked out and everything was improper about him. He was one of the seniors and did not treat any junior properly. Everyone in school was terrified of him. Jess ignored him and went for his class . Everyone stared at him as he made his way towards his seat. But he couldn’t help it! It wasn’t his fault that a huge truck splashed a muddy puddle towards his clothes while he was walking for school. Just then, a short, blonde-haired girl walked towards the class along with the Section head. “Miss Jenny, she is the new girl named Lily I was talking to you about,” the Section head said to the class teacher. “Everyone! please treat her properly and take care of her.” The Section head ordered the students and left the classroom. “Don’t worry, we’ll figure out where to squeeze you in,” said the class teacher. Lily sat down on the empty seat next to Jess. It was break time. All the students were playing, eating and chatting with each other. Every Tuesday, Jess had a competition of racing with the senior boys. “So today is the day freak. You sure you’ll be able to win?” Richard asked Jess in an ill-mannered way. “We’ll see about that.” Jess said confidently with a smirk on his face.

While the boys were getting ready for the race and tying up their shoes, they noticed Lily coming forward and joining them in the race. Everyone stared at her with a surprised look on their face. “Don’t try in vain, you won’t be able to win Lily!” Jess said, trying to convince her to leave the race. Lily just ignored him and continued to warm up. “3…2…1… and go!” the coach exclaimed. Everyone started to run. Jess was the furthest among all. Suddenly, Lily increased her speed and won the race. Jess was embarrassed by what just happened. He is always the first one in the race. And knowing that someone defeated him, he couldn’t digest that information. He was furious and found the new girl annoying. As the bus stopped in front of Jess’ house, he exited the bus and started to make his way towards his house. Just then, he heard footsteps from behind and noticed Lily exiting the bus too. “Are you following me or what?” Jess asked with a confused look. “I am not following you; I just live nearby your house. See, that is my house.” Lily said clearing her side. “Come, I need to show you something,” Lily said starting to run towards the forest. “Race ya!” Lily exclaimed and started running faster. Whatever happened, Jess could not defeat her in any race. They both stopped and started to breathe heavily. They realized that they were standing in the middle of a forest. Even if it was daytime, the tall and dark trees covered the forest and blocked the sunlight from reaching. “It’s all dark and spooky in here! Why have you brought me here?” Jess asked not aware of anything. “Stop asking so many questions! The enemies of the Dark Master will hear us!” Lily said. “Enemies! Which enemies? What are you talking about?” Jess asked. “I know you can draw and paint well and I know you are an imaginative person. Don’t get mad at me, but I secretly snuck into your bag to figure out what you draw in that book of yours.” Lily said in an embarrassed tone, “What! You snuck into my bag! Jess exclaimed. “Umm I’m sorry,” Lily said while avoiding eye contact with Jess. “Well okay, I forgive you.” Jess said and they both burst into laughter.” I do draw sometimes when I am bored that’s it.” Jess continued. “Excuse me, that is not JUST a drawing, that is the most perfect thing I have ever seen! You should plan on being an artist.” Lily advised. A moment later, something attacked Jess and Lily and they fell towards the ground. “We have to be ready anytime! The war will begin soon!” Lily shouted. “Which war? What are you talking about? Jess asked confusingly. ”You’ll find out soon.” Lily said.

“Enemies! Which enemies? What are you talking about?” Jess asked. “I know you can draw and paint well and I know you are an imaginative person. Don’t get mad at me, but I secretly snuck into your bag to figure out what you draw in that book of yours.” Lily said in an embarrassed tone, “What! You snuck into my bag! Jess exclaimed. “Umm I’m sorry,” Lily said while avoiding eye contact with Jess. “Well okay, I forgive you.” Jess said and they both burst into laughter.” I do draw sometimes when I am bored that’s it.” Jess continued. “Excuse me, that is not JUST a drawing, that is the most perfect thing I have ever seen! You should plan on being an artist.” Lily advised. A moment later, something attacked Jess and Lily and they fell towards the ground. “We have to be ready anytime! The war will begin soon!” Lily shouted. “Which war? What are you talking about? Jess asked confusingly. ”You’ll find out soon.” Lily said. An army of trolls attacked them, and they had to defeat them on their own. They used the stones which they found on the ground and fought with their hands too. Little did Jess and Lily know, they had discovered a magical place that only they could see and imagine. The Dark Master, who is the owner of this place, has appointed them to fight the bad warriors who have captured the enchanted place. “What are we fighting for?” Jess asked while defeating one of the trolls. ”GRINDLEHAWK! This is what this place is called, the Dark Master wants us to finish the evil surrounding this place!” Lily said all emotional. “I’ll help you with that. Let’s do this together!” Jess said confidently. The Dark Master sent some help to Jess and Lily to fight off the trolls. They collaborated with the army sent by the Dark Master and their magical swords and armors. They had finished the trolls successfully. The army which was sent for help took Jess and Lily to the Dark Master. He appreciated them and rewarded them with gold which they could use for the rest of their lives. Jess and Lily looked at each other and smiled. This was the moment Jess realized he had found a best friend in Lily for which he was longing for since childhood. This was the change in the story for Jess and Lily. From that day onwards, they visited Grindlehawk every week without any restriction and were happy in their own world. THANK YOU.

Change the Story By : Sana Faisal

It was one fine and repetitive Thursday. Kylie, who is 23 years old and lived in Louisiana, got ready to work at their daytime shift. She took a bus to the supermarket to continue the day. She worked at the supermarket and provided the customers with their needs. She worked at the supermarket for twelve hours a day without any break. Life was quite tough for Kylie in terms of many perspectives. She had been suffering with many daily life struggles such as being financially unstable, not being able to provide herself and her family with basic needs and not having a reasonable salary. She had to deal with many rude and arrogant customers throughout the day. She had always been treated wrong no matter what she did. She also had only one friend, Mia. The rest never bothered because they didn’t want to be “seen” around Kylie. It’s all so unfair. However, kylie couldn’t do anything about it because her life really did depend on this job and she didn’t want anything else to come in her way. It was always a substandard day at work. Twelve hours later, it was eight thirty pm. Kylie was on her way home. Her friend Mia decided to take Kylie home. On the way, they stopped at the gas station to refuel Mia’s car. Kylie told Mia that she needed to go into the store to get some coffee. She preceded to go to the store, picked up her coffee and went to the cashier. She saw lottery tickets hanging and swishing beside the counter top. They were being sold for two dollars with a chance to win two million dollars. Kylie knew that she would never win the lottery but she had a couple extra change so she decided to buy the ticket. She got the number 54. Nothing special, Kylie then dumped the lottery ticket into her bag and then went back into the car and continued her way home with Mia. Kylie went back to her home, and started getting ready for bed. She never really ate dinner because she would always lose her appetite at night and it was just a normal part of her routine. Later, she closed the lights and fell asleep.

The next day, she preceded to take the bus to work again. As she arrived to work, she put down her bags and went to help her customers. Mia turned the TV on from the store. It was the exact same cashier and gas station that Kylie bought her lottery ticket from. They were announcing the winner of the lottery. Mia told kylie to listen closely but kylie knew the chances of her winner was far from it. “And the winner of the lottery ticket is… NUMBER 54!” Kylie dropped everything that she had in her hand. She read that number again and again because she couldn’t believe the fact that kylie actually won a lottery of two million dollars. Mia started screaming and jumping feeling very excited for her best friend Kylie. Kylie and Mia immediately rushed to the gas station and showed the cashier the ticket number. Even the cashier himself was in shock. This was one of the most exciting days that kylie had every experienced her whole life. Months later… Kylie, aged 25, was living the life that she had always dreamed of. She got a much higher promotion on her job, she was an entrepreneur and finally got the opportunity to open her dream makeup line. She would always arrive to her own office in a Rolls Royce. She bought all the famous designer items that she had always dreamed of buying. She would also always take her best friend Mia and her family to Hollywood and Paris. They would travel around to many countries for work purposes and entertainment altogether. She was living the dream. This was the life kylie knew she would never have but that one piece of paper had changed her life forever. She was finally financially stable and could provide herself and her family with things that she never thought she would get. She knew that she never had to step inside the supermarket ever again, that was all a memory now. But after all, kylie had learned a lot from her past. As much as she missed the simplicity, she never regretted the life she has now. This was the real her and this was the life she always wanted and she wouldn’t take anything back.

Change the Story By : Omaima Qaisar

Friends hang outs is the best especially after a long semester of collage. Daniel was not an exception when he and his group of 4 friends decided to go on a 1 week trip to the colder part of France, a place called Les Houches.

Daniel just woke up from his 2 hours of sleep, he has been wasting all of his past 2 weeks studying like a freak because of his collage final exams and today is the last exam for him and his school. They all had planned to go on a vacation somewhere that has mountains and beautiful scenery. Daniel heard alarm clock go off indicating him to wake up. After Daniel woke up he washed up, wore his school uniform and went to school, which was walking distance from his house. After his exam finished, the bell rang indicating collage has ended and their holidays have began. Daniel came out of the school gates all excited for his trip with his friend, which was planned 3 days after their holiday had started. All 5 of them had thought of going to a place in France, which has tall coal black mountains reaching up to the sky with pearly white snow covering it like a blanket. With guest houses make from wood along the edge of the mountains. Daniel quickly ran home and started to pack for the trips; not forgetting to put all of the necessary things he may need.

After 3 days was the day of the trip, Daniel and his friends had made a decision of meeting at their friend, Amar’s house because it was close to the airport, not forgetting to recheck their passports and ticket to France; which their parents had bought for them 2 weeks ago. After 2 hours, they all left to the airport wishing farewells to their families, before loading their luggage to the car trunk. Daniel along with his 4 other friends had made it to the airport after half an hour. They all headed straight towards the baggage check-in and got their luggage checked-in. They all then said their “Goodbyes” and ”Thank you” to Amar’s dad. They were all so overjoyed for going to another countries without their parents’ supervision and traveling independently for the first time through a plane.

As Daniel and his friends arrived to the inside of the Incheon International Airport, they had a solid 2 hours before their plane takes off so they decided to visit many of the duty free shops, mini fast food restaurants and cafes. All of them bought some food to eat before they go to their 12 hour-long flight to France. After they had boarded the plane ,which they were going from ‘Delta’ Airline, which had passenger seats colored in vintage dark blue with light pastel red broader around the head area and the printed ‘DELTA ‘logo on it, all 5 of them had different seat number, which were not too far from the others. Daniel seat number was 11A which was luckily beside the window seat so fortunally he could gaze outside at the beautiful scenery that were to come as they flew above the land, which would look like mini lego blocks. Beside him sat one of his friend ,Umar. All of them had brought along with them their thick jackets as it would probably be chilly when they land in Mont Blanc, France which was 5 hours drive to their destination. Daniel sat in the seat, anxiously anticipating to see what the future beholds. As he sat on the comfy yet enclosed space where his plane seat was present. He had sat on his seat, internally thanking himself that he wore cream colored oversized hoody that reached his knees and denim blue skin-fitted jeans, paired with white and gray sneakers that was really comfortable for his liking and completed his overall look. All Daniel heard was the muffling sounds of people chatting, children whining and the airhostess speaking over the speaker telling all passengers how to buckle their seat belt and haw to put an oxygen mask in case of an emergency, but he didn’t bother to lesson as he already knew all the rules. Daniel sat there, wondering how 3 days ago the was under the strain and pressure of all his assignments and final exams, yet here he was with his beloved friends, going to a trip they may keep in the memories for a very long time. He sat in in seat, occasionally glancing out of the window, fighting his fatigue and sleepiness to keep his eyes open but all his actions can to a halt and he concluded that a few hours of sleep won’t hurt. So as the plane took off from the ground and began to flew towards the sky, Daniel rested his head on the window frame and drifted to sleep.

After some shaky hours of sleep, he woke to noticed most of the passengers were asleep as well as some his friends, and some air hostess in their gray work attire giving out food for people who haven’t ate .He stretched his arms to wake himself up as some awaking yawn escaped his mouth, he look towards the window to see it was already night time meaning he might have slept for more than 4 hours .Daniel was trying to regain this consciousness as airhostess came from the lane to ask him for his food in formal way, “Sir we are serving dinner right now,whould you like have the vegetarian or non- vegetarian meal along with which drink” “Oh umm… the nonvegetarian meal please with sprite. Thank you!” the air hostess handed him his meal which was covered with foil. As soon as he unwrapped the foil covering, the aroma of the well-done steak erupted out along with mashed potatoes on the side with butter melted on top and the caramel coloured gravy on the side which made his taste buds tingle and his mouth water , he dig in slowly savoring every flavor of his meal. When they had landed to Mont Blanc, France. When all of them got off the plane hey closed their eyes loving house the windy breeze blew onto their faces. The weather was warm yet freezing .It was amazing to see the mountains from a far distance with the sun beaming from behind the mountains. When they had made it inside the airport, they did all the checking and got their luggage checked and handed to them. All the 5 friend went toward to foreign exchange to exchange their money into Euro. They all thought of ranting a Prado car to go to Les Houcles.Daniel and his friend were all tired after the 12-hours of plane ride which had made all of them exhausted so they thought It would be a better to go to their destination tomorrow when they all are fresh. They booked hotel rooms near the airport, each having to share their hotel room with a person. Daniel had to room up with Taki .As soon as he reached his room he plopped onto their soft mattress of the bed and immediately drifted to his dreamland. The boys started they journey early morning at 10 am.All of they took turns in driving except Taki and Daniel as they didn’t have their driving license yet. As they started their trip, Daniel and his friends admired the outside nature and the sun that covered almost all the mountains and roads. The roads to Les Houcles was a little steep and bumpy but it was really fun .All they boys started do a car karaoke and sang their hearts out ,laughing at each other and taking picture of their memories of their trip.

When they reached their destination, they saw in awe as the snow gleamed under the sunset of the sun. They rested in their ranted guesthouse before starting their exquisite trip. After a few hours of rest, they all had freshened up, change their clothes and wore thick furry coat. First off, they went for ice sliding. Everyone was having so much fun pushing each other, playing with the snow and just messing around. It was almost afternoon which was the perfect time for them to go to the chair lift which goes across the peaks of 2 high mountains. They were the only once there, but they didn’t care so they sat with one another amazed by the view from the height of the mountains to the ground. When they reached to other side, they got off and started exploring the place .It was a little creepy and ancient but they just enjoyed see the formation of different rocks from more than thousands of years ago, as they enjoyed the view in front of them, it started to rain a little but they ignored it. When it was almost night time, they thought it was probably the best if they get going, but it started to rain harder and faster .When they made their way back to the chair lift cabin. The staff told them that the chairlifts have stopped working till the next morning. They all got really scared and anxious and the place gave them really bad vibes but they had faced their fears and search for a place to sleep for the night. They were not as lucky as their weren’t many places to stay .But the found a small camp area and its owner. They were hesitant to talk to the owner, but finally Umar spoke up asking him if they could stay for the night over here and the owner luckily agreed. They all were in camp, it was small and dirty but they had to adjust for the night. They were all laying down and chit chatting but they started to hear loud growls, scratching noises and voices mumbling. At first they ignored it, but the noises got louder. They all began to shiver and started to panic and tried to sleep. The next morning, they all had eye bags under their eyes because neither of them could sleep due to the mysterious and confusing noises .They debated to weather or not to ask the owner about this, but out of curiously they ask the owner of the camp area about this and then the owner laughed saying, “Ooh you all are growling and scratching noises. They were all coming from my pets, they usually growl and scratch the floor they someone now enters the camp area. No need to worry boys!” And then the boys realized they were going terrified for nothing.

Change the Story By : Taskeen Safdar

There was a country long time ago where the people would change the king every year. The person who would become the king had to agree to a contract that he will be sent to an island after his one year of being a king. So, one king finished his term and it was time for him to go to the island and live there. The people dressed him up in expensive clothes and put him on an elephant and took him around the cities to say goodbye to all the people. This was the moment of sadness for all the kings who ruled for one year. After saying goodbye, the people took the king with a boat to the remote island and left him there. On their way back, they discovered a ship that had sunk just recently. They saw a young man who survived by holding on to a floating piece of wood. As they needed a new king, they picked up the young man and took him to their country. They requested him to be a king for a year. First he refused but later he agreed to be a king. People told him about all the rules and regulations and that how he will be sent to an island after one year.

After three days of being a king, he asked the ministers if they could show him the island where all the other kings were sent. They agreed and took him to the island. The island was covered with thick jungles and sound of vicious animals were heard coming out of them. The king went little bit inside to see how it was and discovered the dead bodies of all the past kings. He understood that as soon as they were left in the island, the animals came and killed them. The king then went back to the country and requested the people to provide him with 100 strong workers. He was provided with 100 workers and he took them to the island and told them to remove all the deadly animals and to cut down all the trees. He would visit the island every month to see how the work is progressing. In the first month, all the animals were removed and many trees were cut down. In the second month, the whole island was cleaned out. The king then told the workers to plant gardens in various parts of the island. He also took with himself useful animals like chickens, ducks, birds, goats, cows etc.

In the third month, he ordered the workers to build big houses and docking stations for ships. Over the months, the island turned into a beautiful place. The young king would wear simple clothes and spend very little from his earnings. He sent all the earnings to the island for storage. Nine months have passed like this. The king called the people and told them that "I know that I have to go the island after one year, but I would like to go there right now." But the people didn't agree to this and said that he have to wait for another 3 months to complete the year.

3 months passed and now it was a full year. The people dressed up the young king and put him on an elephant to take him around the country to say goodbye to others. However, this king is unusually happy to leave the kingdom. People asked him, "All the other kings would cry at this moment and why are you laughing?" He replied, "Don't you know what the wise people say? They say that when you came to this world as a baby, you were crying and everyone was smiling. Live such a life that when you are dieing, you will be smiling and everyone around you will be crying. I have lived that life. While all the other kings were lost into the luxuries of the kingdom, I always thought about the future and planned for it. I turned the deadly island into a beautiful abode for me where I can stay peacefullly." We should take a lesson from this story about how we should also live our life. The life of this world is to prepare for the life hereafter. In this life, we shouldn't get lost into the beautiful things of this world and forget about what is to come in the afterlife. Rather, even if we are kings, we should live a simple life like our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and save all our enjoyments for the hereafter. May Allah make it easy for us all.

Struggles at School By : Yamna Imran

r e c n a C t s a e Br m a r g o r P s s e n e r a w A

Firstly, we listened to Dr. Maajitha Banu introducing us to this type of cancer and had a question and answer session about our prioir knowledge about it.

We were shown a powerpoint by Dr. Madiha fom The Shaukat Khanum Hospital located in Pakistan, which made us aware about the cancer's symptoms and necessary precautions we should take.


By : Omaima Qaisar


By : Yamna Imran



By : Sana Faisal

! e m i T s e l d d Ri

By : Sana Faisal



By : Sana & Maham

s m e o P

By : Dua Waqar

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