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6A Editors and Designers: Hafsah Atif Mariyam Asim


The Tricksters’ Way There lived a trickster of the jungle the eagle All the other animals were really eager The animals wanted him to get away But that wasn’t going to happen any day One day the eagle planned to trick the rabbits Then took all of their carrots Covering it in slug slime Never thinking of it as a crime Keeping it back in the burrow Running behind a tree as fast as turbo The rabbits entered inside Having a little surprise “I know who did this” said the rabbit “I know who has this habit” “It’s the eagle you can’t get past him” “Even in water if you swim” “He is slow as sleepy snoozing sloth” “But has a mind of a Goth” “Ha, ha, ha” the eagle laughed “My plan has accomplished at last” The eagle would never stop tricking All the animals had to stop the picking They were all in stress But they knew they had to confess The next day the sun was smiling and the wind was howling

The animals were bouncing and some were crawling. The eagle was staring at the sun Thinking they came for fun “There is something we need to tell”said the worm “For us you are like a germ” The eagle said “You don’t like my tricks” “That’s ok I’ll make it fix” The eagle stopped tricking And so did the picking By Hafsah Atif

The Big Tomato’s Rage In the big bright sun You better run Big tomato is here You will fear Riding his breathtaking horse Too serious, more than much force He looks with his red eye Looking for the dish biryani, but why? He looks at his horse with anger fright Looking forward to fight Hopefully now you know why to run If not, there might be some deadly fun

Biryani maybe very tasty, but for big tomato it is not He thinks it is very spicy hot He doesn’t like meal which are cooked in pots Stay away! Stay away! Big tomato has a gun And his gun weighs a ton He calls it ‘’The Nun’’ Then biryani stands in front of tomato But tomato was too busy staring at a crow They start the fight, the fight in a forest Because that is the place they abhorrent They stare at a big blue bug biting a big black bear They could say none of them had fear I think biryani is not afraid But Big tomato doesn’t want to be late Big tomato has a kingdom And he never gave a slave freedom Do mention Big tomato in your prayer You didn’t, Biryani has won fair and square By Essa Imran

Respect Others Respect is a lesson that everyone should learn Respect must be given before an expected return “Harry you should also learn how to respect” “I don’t like to respect others because it doesn’t affect” Respect is something that is given for free Respect is just like the leaves of the tree “Harry you should use your words gently Or use them correctly” “I don’t care if I use my words correct or wrong I just use my words by the sea all along” “Chris I’m sorry for my disrespectful behavior And please do me a favor Please for give me for all this Please forgive me Chris I’ll be gentle like the stars in the sky And I’ll get rid of being a bad guy” Respect is a beast with eyes of moonlight Maybe in the day or the night Respect always smiles But it doesn’t have a profile By Adil Bashir

The Lion and the Lazy Fox The active lion hunting for food And the lazy fox who was always rude The lion preparing for winter The non stop crazy shiver The fox who was looking in his box Then looking at the clock “What should I do” said the fox He got an idea, then kicked the the box He would ask the lion for his food Not being very ferocious and rude He asked the lion “may I have your meal” “Yes” said the lion, and gave it for real The foolish fox ate it all before the winter The fox said “now I will really shiver” As the fox thought what to do He asked the eagle but he just flew The lion said “I will not give you food go away” The fox said “I will steal but not in day” ”I will go to the lion and then steal The rude hungry lion’s meal” The lion found out Without a doubt He knew he would steal ”I knew it would be my meal” By Abdullah Sheikh

The Riding Hamburger The freshly baked bun He took out his gun Running through the west. Whose bullet weighs a ton When he was moving and shot the big cat He was also grooving. Leaving it unconscious. He went to find an adventure and for dark day his horse ate hay. When the moon became grey. About the magical potion called ketchup the bun walked in with a gun And wanted a matchup. To have some fun. He took his horse and found the magical potion And went to the course and poured it on himself as if it were lotion. He was lured by a big cat which purred. By Hamza Kamran

BED IN SUMMER In winter I get up at night And dress by the yellow candle light In summer it’s quite the other way I have to go to bed by day I have to go to bed and see The birds still hopping on the tree Or hear the grown up people feet Still going past me in the street And does it not seem hard to you When all sky is clear and blue And I love to play To have to go bed by the day. By Fatima Haider

Money A man won a lottery He wanted to have one property He went to the bank Got himself some cash Hoping he was rich He never had a glitch

He had a lot of switch He owned a football pitch He went to the lake Got himself a headache He ate a steak With his friend jake He went to work He looked like a jerk He came back and saw some fireworks He was tired Next day he was fired He was hunting for a job Got himself robbed Now he was in a coffee shop. By Noyan Ahmed Rana

THE LIAR JOHN In the dark moon day All horses eat hay Above the clouds the moon is grey Every innocent person has to stay The liar John comes in With a gun and a bun

And he saw someone’s son Having fun with a toy gun He walks like a crocodile And he swims in the River Nile He goes back to school and lies That he forgot to bring the file He fails in his test And goes back with a rest Stressed and messed Dreaming to open a golden chest He lies again he got hurt in the morning But this time it was just a warning The next day he really gets hurt But nobody gives him a single trust By Salwa Abid

Pals Forever We are good pals We don’t play with dolls And when the sun goes down We decide to go to town The day the rain falls We are human dolls

We just lay down And look around And there we found The treasure of the underground We started to look And found a hook We threw it out the window Then started playing with dough Suddenly we saw a glow In fact, it was just a water flow And when the water dried The sun stood upright We didn’t want to play, We looked like a prey. To the end of the day Not a single ray Then we go to pray Then on our bed we lay Then we go to sleep, We heard a loud beep Please share it with your friend The day has now come to an end! By Ibrahim Siddiqui

Independent deer Once lived a herd of deers Who lived together a couple of years They never had a problem Only a dear who was solemn They were searching for a shelter Hoping for something like a cellar They found a cave Only one it could save The selfish one insisted on staying When the others herd that they started praying That he would not stay And go the other way Anyways they failed So the selfish one stayed The others went away Seeking for somewhere they could stay They couldn’t find any Only wood which was heavy They had an idea in their mind To build a shelter out of what they find

After everything was combined They were ready but it was refined Immediately the storm struck And they all had bad luck The snow tigers came out Searching for an animal to knockout They were so hungry Then they became angry One found the deer in the cave And he was so brave He bit of one leg And then he ran to a shed The tiger ran to the other deer Some of them were in tears That they would not survive But they were five They killed the tiger And lived happily ever after After that they met And the selfish one lost the bet. By Fatima Elzehra

A Hot Day The sun is as hot as blazing fire But the weather can be admire By walking through garden I wish for everyone’s pardon The butterflies are as free as a bird Their conversation can be easily heard The bees are buzzing around Not in the ground But couldn’t be found The trees are making sounds As the air is moving round and round I can see many creatures surviving Which is really surprising My grandma takes care of each Even if she can’t reach The garden is as fresh as daisy Which becomes so hazy And makes me too lazy The boy buzz you around as busy as a bee As he is set all free I grumpily gathered the garbage And praised myself for cleaning the cottage I was as hungry that I could eat a horse But then I saw some gorse Which was my food source By Hiba Sarwar

Failing is a Part of Studying In class 3-A in the dumbest of them all I always fail in tests Even if I try my best The teachers explain to me But I don’t understand My hand is on the book But my head is in another land I try my best On the test I try to focus But I fail I felt the exam is saying to me “nahnahnahnah” When I get home I cry, cry and cry Then come’s my mom to dry my tears The next day another test I didn’t study But I try my best And to my surprise I get full Now I’m happy as a songbird And standing up as tall as a bull I dance around And that’s when I start improving. By Mahnoor Amer

The Eager Lion There once lived a lion Whose face was like a hexagon And would love to wait for dawn One day he was dying from hunger Eagerly looking for food He couldn’t stay hungry longer And was never in a good mood Once he saw a zebra in the forest “I’ll be good” he promised The zebra had a baby Who she loved very dearly They made their journey to her home While searching the way on google chrome In an hour they reached The baby zebra screeched There was only raw stuff to eat But the lion was in a mood of zebra meat The big zebra went to get some water But didn’t know the lion was a monster He tried to attack the baby zebra Whose zodiac was libra The lion tried very much But the zebra came back in a rush He tried again when she left

And this time tried his best He successfully passed his quest But there was an unexpected guest There the angry fox stood Staring at him from head to foot Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Thinking the lion was very good at being ferocious He gave the lion a punishment He made a commitment The lion won’t hunt For at least two months By Raahima Imran


THE GOAT AND THE FOX Once upon a time there was a fox roaming around in the dark. Unfortunately he fell into a well he tried and tried but he couldn’t come out of the well. He had no other option so he stayed there till the morning. The next morning a goat came that way. He peeped into the well and saw the fox there. The goat asked “What are you doing in the well”. The fox replied “I came here to drink water”. Without thinking the goat jumped in the well and looked for the way to get out. Then the fox said “I have an idea, you stand on your legs and I’ll climb on your head then when I get out and I’ll save you, the goat was innocent to understand so he picked him up. And then the fox came out and ran away saying “You should be intelligent to know what to do first”. Moral: Look when you do something don’t just leap on it. By Fatima Haider

The Lion and the Lazy Fox There was once a lion who was preparing for winter and there was a lazy fox who was lazy and who did not want to do any type of work he was very lazy but he was very hungry. And the fox lived in a small dusty box with nothing inside it. The lion had gathered a lot of food for winter but the poor little fox who was lazy and hungry would shiver in the winter because he didn’t have

any food for the winter. He was sad for a very long time in his dusty old box he could not do anything. The fox was having many Ideas but all of them failed and he was so sad and did not know what to do. So he thought he should go up to the lion and ask him for some food the lion gave him some food but the lazy fox ate all the food before winter and it was a lot of food. So then he went to the lion again and asked for some food but this time the lion did not give food to the lazy fox because he already gave the fox a lot of food so he didn’t give it this time. The fox got mad and he went back to his box and then he decided to seal the lion’s food but the fox did not remember were the lion lived, after a long time he finally remembered the lion lived near the lake. So the lazy fox finally became active and started to steal the lion’s meal and he always stole at night but not in the morning because he was afraid he would get caught. But one day the lion found out that fox was stealing his food every night so the lion took his food back and the fox said “You never share”.The lion said “You are the one who is lazy”.Then the fox replied rudely “But you are the one who doesn’t not share”. The lion lectured “If you want food you should just ask instead of stealing someones food because it is bad”. The fox pleaded “Fine but can I please get some of the food you have because I will starve in the winter” The lion said “Ok fine but remember not to steal from anyone because the people will not be happy with what you do and they will not trust you”. By Abdullah Sheikh

The 2 Mice and the Gorilla Once upon a time there lived a friendly gorilla with long sharp teeth. He had long black hair. His eyes glowed in the night and he was the strongest animalistic the forest. Every animal was afraid of him and they were very jealous as well, because he was the strongest. Except one animal and his family and that was was the mouse Bean and his family. Bean knew that he was the strongest but friendly as well. There was another mouse as well, He was Beans opposite, his name was Jack. He thought that the gorilla would be dumb and stupid. Jack was also going to meet the gorilla. They both reached at the gorilla’s house. Jack saw Bean and asked “Jack why are you here, I thought you hate Tommy. Tommy surprisingly walks out “Hi how are you guys?” Tommy asks. Jack replied, "l am good, how about you? “I am good too” Tommy replied. Jack went without replying and back to his house, while he was on the way he saw the tiger. Tommy and Bean heard the noise and went out running to find him. The gorilla fought the tiger and won. Jack said,"I am sorry. I am not jealous from you now ". Tommy replied "That’s ok". Then they lived happily ever after. By Salwa Abid

THE SNAKE Once upon there was a snake who lived in a forest sad, unhappy and alone. There was a lake nearby. There were a lot of trees and plants where he got food from. He always shouted “HELP! HELP!” There was a Jungle FAR away which the snake did not know about. In that Jungle there were all types of animals. Once he was going to the lake when suddenly saw a paper laying on the floor. The paper said “COME! See OUR Jungle in 11 number street”. The snake said “WHAT A JUNGLE!! I NEED TO VISIT IT, I DON’TCARE ABOUT ANY THING!!!!!!” BUT HE DID NOT NOTICE ONE THING THAT THE PAPER SAID “0nce you come here there is no way out” So when he reached, he was amazed, “What a jungle, I never going to leave it”. So when he found the snake house, he went in then he noticed the food was bad. “Why I need insects not leaves!” said the snake. After all he was upset and wanted to go back, but he sadly could not go “NOOOO” SHOUTED THE SNAKE. By Syed Usman

The Snake and the Bear Once in a deep forest the lived a thick snake who was black in color and it had black and red eyes. There was a bear as well living in a cave next to the snakes burrow. The snake and the bear were really good friends. They used to live alone.

One day when they were walking in the jungle, they heard someone crying by the river. The snake and the bear went to check, there was a lion crying, and then the bear asked the lion, “Why are you crying?” the lion replied, “I am crying because my baby fell in the river” When suddenly a cringy voice came from the river, “Help Help me, please someone!” The bear jumped into the river and took the baby lion out of the river, “You are safe now, don’t worry”. The lion thanked the bear and said; “Thanks for saving my baby’s life”. The bear replied, “That’s okay”. Then the snake and the bear went home. The other day, the snake and the bear were going to hunt for food in the jungle and suddenly a tiger attacked them. The lion was passing through and he heard someone shouting; “Help! Help!” Then he went to see what was happening. He saw that the tiger attacked the snake and the bear. The lion scared away the tiger and said, “You can’t kill my friends”. Then the snake and the bear thanked the lion for helping him. The lion said; “it’s okay”. They lived happily ever after and they were always ready to help each other. By Adil Bashir

Independent Deer Once there lived a herd of deer, they were peaceful but one of the deer, who was the youngest and he was the most selfish and arrogant of them all, he always thought that if he was alone he would always succeed. One day they went out to the snow forest in Russia to seek for shelter and they had to search for shelter before the snow storm struck. They searched for six minutes and they found a cave it had a big entrance but it can only fit one "Ok i found my shelter I am going in there" said the smallest dear. "No we all need to be together" said one of the older dear,"Cause we need to stay safe", he continued . "I don’t care i can stay safe by myself", the small one replied, “But you are the smallest one of us" the other argued. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t stay safe by myself so a just leave me alone", the small dear shouted,"Ok, anyways if the snow storm or the snow tiger injures you don’t say we didn’t warn you ok?” the other one asked aggressively "Ya, ya whatever, didn’t I tell you to go away", the small dear ordered. The dears left him and went to search another place to stay, after a while when they got tired," We cant find any other place l stay", one dear complained ,"It is ok we can build our own but as you can, see the storm is close so hurry up", the oldest one replied. They started to build their house with what nature had provided them, unfortunately what they built wasn’t strong enough but they were seven so they could help each other stay safe and escape danger.

The storm struck and it destroyed a lot of animals’ shelters houses and trees, the biggest danger were snow tigers so when the storm struck the snow tigers came out because they knew the animals will be hiding in their potholes and caves etc. One of the snow tigers-which was one of the leaders and the strongestheaded to the cave were the small dear was, and since he is hungry he was looking for food, and when he saw the cave he said ,"Yes there must be someone in there !", when the small deer saw him he screamed ,"Oh no the tiger is coming at me ahhh!", as the tiger bit of one of his leg, eventually he managed to get away but with one lost foot. The small deer hid under a bush meanwhile the tiger headed of to the other deers ,"Ha they are in big trouble like just look at their shelter!", the small deer murmured to himself but the snow tiger couldn’t win them instead he got defeated , eventually they killed the tiger because they were seven and he was only one. After the snow storm ended they went to the edge of the forest were the road was because there are always rescuers for animals and humans after the snow storm who could help them. "Hello buddy!” greeted one of the deer with the smaller deer. "Ok, ok I am sorry i just thought that if we were all together then it will be such a hustle and a crowd", apologized the small deer, “See we warned you and you didn’t listen, anyways thank god it is over and we are all alive", replied another deer. MORAL OF THE STORY: teamwork is the key to success.

Fox and the Snake Once upon a time there lived a snake near a little river that was calm, not many animals knew about it, so no animal really went there, the other animals went to a big stream of raging water. So one day a fox decided to go to the little river instead, he met the snake there and did not think he would cause him any harm. So the fox asked the snake ‘’Can I drink water from your river’’. ‘’Sure you can’’ said the snake. ‘’Thanks so do you live here?’’ asked the fox. “Yes, indeed I do live here’’ replied the snake. ‘’Would you mind if I made my own house nearby yours’’ said the fox. ‘’No I don’t, you can live with me instead?’’ said the snake. ‘’Ok sure’’ the fox said enthusiastically. The next morning while the snake was sleeping the fox went out to hunt for food and got 2 fish. He came home and saw the snake drinking water. He decided to thank him for giving him 1 fish and said ‘’thanks’’. ‘’no problem’’ said the fox. The next day while the fox was gone hunting. An eagle approached him and said to the snake ‘’why are you helping this fool’’. ‘Because he is my friend’’ said the snake. ‘Ok if you say so, just think about it he is just using you, ok I have to go now’’ said the eagle and the eagle flew away. When the fox arrived he started to drink water when the snake hissed from behind and tried to bite the fox, but the snake fell in the river and said ‘’HELP’’ the fox jumped in and swam the snake to safety. When they came out, the fox said why you tried to bite me?’’ ‘’I thought you

were using me’’ said the snake. ‘’ why would you think that I hunted for us”.Then they became best friends. By Muhammed Ahmed Naseer

THE FOOLISH CAT AND THE SMART MOUSE. Once upon a time there lived a small mouse and a cat in the forest. The cat always tried to catch the mouse but because of the mouse’s smart escape plans he couldn’t. One day the cat thought of a brilliant plan and told himself “I will wait for the mouse to climb the tree and sit there listening to the songbirds sing, when he will not notice me I will attack and catch the mouse!” But what the cat didn’t know that the mouse was listening to the cats plan the whole time! The day of the cat’s attack, the mouse sat and listened to the songbirds sing just as the cat said. The cat took his place, then the cat jumped to catch the mouse and said “ahhhhh” The mouse jammed down just in time but the cat flew away from the tree and into the river, the cat couldn’t swim but somehow he got to the other side of the river. He didn’t know how to swim so he never passed the river because of his fear of swimming and the mouse lived happily ever after. By Mahnoor Amer

The Cobra and the Spider Once upon a time in the deep deep forests in the jungles of South America lived a cobra who only knew how to grumble and be aggressive all the time, and their lived a spider, a spider who only made fun of others including a fierce lion and who was always very hungry for small pests. One day the cobra was sleeping in his borrow until a no good spider living with the ants disturbed his nap by going over the cobra and went quietly whistling, this made the cobra red with anger he kicked the spider and said, “get out of my napping spot, you dumb creature!” The spider said nothing and went away. The next day the spider played it nicely, he trapped the cobra in his web and then gave him a hard kick and started laughing. The cobra woke up and hissed at the spider and said “let me out of here you!” “But what if I don’t” said the spider “then I’ll smash you to pieces” said the cobra the spider laughed and went away. The cobra tore the net with much difficulty and then said “this spider will learn that what happens if you mess with me!” The next day there was a big chase between the cobra and the spider the mighty lion roared and they both ran away but the lion caught them both and ate them and said “delicious” and walked away, and that was the end of those naughty pests. By Ibrahim Siddiqui

Other Worlds Stories

A JOURNEY TO THE FUTURE One night on 21 of May 2011 two kids saw a space craft being built by an old scientist……… This happened in the technology city in the deep forests of New Zealand. This space craft which can go to the past and future through the space. When the old scientist went to grab some screws, the two boys named Linon Long field and Gary Jackson entered the space craft and blasted off………. When the old scientist came back and saw his space shuttle missing, he said “This is bad.” The boys stayed in the rocket for almost three days. Forth day, the shuttle vibrated as if it has landed on something. They got out, with great hope and found under their feet an orange red planet. They saw some yellow colored aliens, which they assume as Martians [people who live on the Mars]. These aliens put some “sleeping potion” on them and they almost passed away! When they woke up they weren’t on Mars anymore! Now, they were on a peach colored planet! “Where are we?” asked Gary. “I don’t know, but we have to find a way out, come let’s go” said Linon. They continued walking until a mysterious creature appeared, it looked like an alien, but it was a weird astronaut. The astronaut told them they were on Vistic (a dwarf planet 70 km away from Pluto). On earth meanwhile………. the old scientist was hoping his plan would work, what was it? Wait till the end of the story. “Are we going to get there?” asked Gary. “Hey Gary, what’s on your shirt man?” asked Linon. Gary demanded, “What is it?” “It’s a note

which says follow the map on the back to get to the portal and get out of this planet”, announced Linon. “Finally, we found some clue!” said Gary. They went on and on until they were attacked by a pack of Vistic wolves [wolf like creatures who live on Vistic]. They were black and white in color and with six legs. “Run, away” suggested Gary. “I think this is a good idea” agreed Linon. They ran like a pack of haunted animals until the wolves disappeared. “Oh no, that was crazy” said Gary. “This place is really spine chilling” said Linon. “Let’s go” said Linon. They walked until they reached the X mark on the map but the portal wasn’t there. “I knew this can’t be correct” said Linon in a toned voice. Suddenly, they saw a green light in front of them “What is that?” said Linon. “Maybe a space craft or a…a…a portal!” Exclaimed Gary. “Let’s go then” replied Linon. They went towards the light and it was in fact the portal.Gary with his skills and Linon both went through the tunnel and now they were on a planet made up of food and drink, after seven days!!! “Let’s get us some food” said Linon. They ate and ate until they were very full. “I have got an idea” said Linon. “let’s pack some food for our journey onwards”, what do you say Gary?” asked Linon. “I think it is a GREAT idea man!” agreed Gary. They packed some food and continued until they found the portal. They both went inside the portal without saying anything. They found some cool stuff in the portal like the “Electrifier of A”, which can electrify anything starting with “A” like an alien. The second thing was ‘’The Go

fly GPS cart", which can fly in outer space. Soon they reached the planet named after “Losan the conqueror”. The planet was bright red with thousands of aliens on it, Linon killed twenty of them when Gary took the Go fly GPS cart and was about to leave when he saw Linon and said “come Linon let’s go.” Finally, they escaped the terrible planet but not the danger! The alien space commander sent space fighters to destroy them. But soon they were saved. They found a “space scope”, a normal telescope used to see in space. They saw a space shuttle armed with rocket launchers which was destroying the alien fighters, the shuttle came closer and the boys came to know it was driven by the old scientist! It came closer and stopped. The old scientist told them to get in. They quickly skipped into the shuttle and sat down as the old scientist drove it away. ‘Hello! Earth’ said Gary. They reached Earth and then to their parents [who were very worried] and found themselves saved. Lastly, they never misbehaved again, by using someone else’s things without permission. Not to mention…..they along with their parents thanked the old scientist and apologized to him. By Ibrahim Siddiqui

The Obscure Planet Once upon a time there was a girl named Bella. She loved to go to the moon. When she was six years old she made a model of a rocket and as she grew up she learned the functioning of a rocket. When she was 32, she had made her own rocket. It wasn’t big just a little one for herself. “Yes!! From six years I have been struggling to make a rocket and now, I just made one”, said Bella. Bella wanted to try it out, she wanted to try it out by going to space. She was scared but she was daring enough. She planned that she would leave on 28th September. Bella just wanted to take advice from her friend Sophia. The bell rang, and Bella got nervous thinking what if she is taking a wrong decision. She went to open the door and it was Sophia “Hi! Are you, serious”, said Sophia. “Yeah!” said Bella. “You remember about the incident happened the last time when a girl went to space, you do right”, said Sophia nervously. “Yeah I do but” Bella said while stammering. They both had a chat calming each other down. Next morning it was 27th September. Bella got a newspaper in the morning, there was a corner written ‘Space facts’, Bella loved reading those. Today’s fact was different than others. It was about the planet Pluto. Bella read it and was really confused. The whole day Bella was researching about the planet Pluto. She barely even got any sleep for tomorrow.

Bella was ready to leave. She locked the door, wondering if she would ever even come back. It took her approximately 5 days to reach space. Bella was amazed and thankful that she reached safely. Bella was looking around and suddenly heard something burst behind her and her rocket was gone. “OMG, OMG! What happened? Where is it gone?” cried Bella. Bella looked around the moon for at least 24 hours and still didn’t find the rocket. So Bella concluded that she couldn’t go back home. Then she stressed out and started screaming loudly for help even though she knew nobody could hear her. “It has been 8 weeks in space, how am I supposed to go back?” she said to herself. Bella saw some lights somewhere far, she couldn’t see what it was but was really inquisitive to go there. “Agh! It is so far”, groaned Bella. It took about 24 hours to reach there. When Bella saw it she was amazed, she couldn’t believe it, it was planet Pluto. “OMG, this can’t be happening”, Bella said blissfully. Bella entered it was a very different place. It had different decorations, different type of houses, and different type of things happening around. “Hello anyone there, can anyone help me”, shouted Bella. Suddenly she heard a voice, a very thin voice as if a mouse squeaking. “Who are you? Turn around”, someone said squeakily. Bella turned around slowly and gasped. “What kind of a creature you are”, asked Bella? The creature ran away as fast as a cheetah. Bella followed it. They came to a place called ‘Doof court’. “Welcome to Pluto and this is our ‘Doof court’ ”, said the creature. “Um... you mean food court

right?” asked Bella. “No I mean ‘Doof court’ ’’, answered the creature. They went inside the ‘Doof court’. Bella saw plenty of food but nothing looked capable of eating. Next they went to the place everyone sleeps because Bella was tired of floating for at least 2 month. Their beds were called ‘Soft buds’. Their bed was only soft from the top and bottom, they looked like giant cotton buds. There wasn’t one blanket for each, there was one big blanket for everyone, and there was no pillow. It was morning. There wasn’t enough sunlight, so you couldn’t really tell if it is still midnight or morning. When Bella woke up she got to meet all the other creatures. They all had no name. There were billions of them. They had big elf ears, long Pinocchio noses, feet bigger than their whole body and they were grey in color. They had the same clothes but different in color and were staring at Bella with eyes as big as marbles. Bella did not ate anything because there was nothing to eat that she wants. “Is there anything to do something fun?” Bella asked the creature. “Oh yes there is, follow me!” answered the creature. The creature took Bella to a place called ‘Caspers lab’. “What is this? ‘Casper lab’ ”, asked Bella. “It is where we do stuff like um...ex…exp”, said the creature. “Experiments!” said Bella. “But who is Casper?” asked Bella. “It is us, we are called the capers”, said the creature. Bella talked to the creature for a long time. “Are you guys good at these experiments?” asked Bella. “Yeah we are, the biggest Casper is the most intelligent”, said the creature. Bella asked them if they could help

and make the rocket to reach back to the earth. They agreed even though they didn’t have any idea what she is talking about. They started building, but they had different tools and Bella didn’t know how to use them. They all taught Bella how to use them and soon they made the rocket. It was very big, bigger than the one Bella had made. Bella was dismal she did not want to go but she had to. Now that she reached the earth safely she goes to Pluto frequently. By Raahima Imran

THE FORTNITE WORLD “Mom, I got my hundredth victory royal in solos!” shouted Maaz, a tall fifteen year old boy. “With how many kills?” asked his little brother Hamza.” “Twenty kills!” answered Maaz. “Nice” said his little brother. “Ok Maaz but now it is time to sleep “said Maaz’s mother. “I wish fortnite was real” said Maaz and after two minutes he slept. 1 YEAR LATER “Time two play fortnite!” shouted Maaz, “oh no it’s not opening” Said Maaz. “What happened?”Asked his mother and brother. “Aaaaaaaaa” shouted Maaz and his hand disappeared. Ten seconds after, his whole body disappeared and he appeared in a big bus. It was blue in color and Maaz was feeling that the bus was flying. Maaz was confused and he didn’t know what was happening. He looked around himself and he saw ‘battle bus’ written in bright blue color.

After few seconds, he realized what was going on: he was in a game of fortnite! And then suddenly, the door opened and now he was sure that the bus was flying over a big island. He realized that there was something on his back: it was brown backpack. Instantly he knew that it was important and it must contain important stuff. So he just put his hand inside the heavy backpack and found a map of the big island. In this strange but very familiar world there were Tilted Towers. It clicked in his brain that it was a familiar from the game he use to play. This was the vital site & he has to land there. He gazed around and almost hundred people were sitting behind him. As soon as the bus approached Tilted Towers he leaped out with a bunch of other people. He was going straight for Tilted Towers but then he realized how he was going to land without any parachute. He searched his backpack but found a long stick with red button on it. He pressed the button & the stick became an umbrella. Now he was gliding in the air over Tilted Towers, & decided to land on top of it as there was a blue pump short gun. Maaz spotted other people also approaching for the same weapon as he was. Therefore he quickly landed & grasped the weapon before anyone else could. Immediately he head shotted others even before they could get the other gun. He scored four kills straight away. Next he collected all the guns in the building. In the last chest he found the legendary shot gun & switched it with the blue shotgun. He also had many materials for the building. He had to eliminate the people who were left which was more difficult to do in this actual game world. He had to chase them on foot & had to get a clear shot.

Suddenly he realized that there was a storm approaching & in order to avoid it he had a long way to run or else he would be killed in the storm. On his way he spotted a sniper at the top of the mountain & decided to sneak attack him. After eliminating him successfully, he jumped down the high mountain without realizing that he would actually hurt him. He took some serious fall damage & was left with only ten health. Apart from that he was feeling excruciating pain all over his body. “I should be more careful now as I’m literally inside the game,” he thought to himself. He spotted some bandages on top of a mountain but then he realized how big it seemed in this world. Maaz was thinking it would be small & easy to climb like it was when he use to play in his PS4 but now it was like Mount Everest or may be higher because he was actually inside the game. He was thinking in PS4 he had to press one button three times & he would be at the top of the mountain in a second but now he had to actually climb it. “Oh my God!” said Maaz when he reached at the top of the mountain, “it’s not easy when you actually have to climb the mountain in real life”. He was in serious pain and he ran to the bandages as soon as he could and when he used them every pain in his body was gone. On his way, Maaz spotted a person & he was scared if that person shot him, he would actually die and then where would he go. Now it dawned upon him how dangerous it was to actually present in this world, & he started thinking of ways to get out. What if he died or more scary thought hit him: what if he stayed in the game even after winning & never see his family again.

Now six people were left to be eliminated & be the last one standing. As he was building his base someone sniped him and he had only ten health left which meant he would die with a single shot. With a lot of hardships he managed to eliminate everybody else and now it was only Maaz Vs the player who shot him. Maaz saw the person & he was coming straight towards Maaz. As he was about to shoot Maaz, he dodged him & built a wall. There was no time to heal & get a hundred health so Maaz tried to eliminate the other person. Unfortunately t was getting much harder for Maaz to do so as the other player had also built a wall. After that the build battle started and the players were not dying. Maaz was above the other player meaning he had higher ground. The other player was destroying the place where Maaz was standing so Maaz had to something fast or he would fall & die. Maaz was left with only one choice: to jump down & eliminate that person but he could not shot gun him as the person had maximum health. So Maaz decided to eliminate him with a sniper but how? Next Maaz leaped & waited for the right moment to zero scope him. Suddenly Maaz was teleported back to his house and he was blankly staring at the TV screen which said: “VICTORY IS YOURS YOU HAVE EARNED 1,000,000,000,000 V BUCKS�. Maaz breathed a sigh of relief & looked around him. He was so glad to see his familiar environment, his own home, his family & he was even happy to see his annoying little brother. This was his real world.

By Maaz Omer Khan

Magical Forest It was a huge and massive magical forest, it had so many trees, rivers, mountains and caves. There was one cave called the Zimba’s cave, Zimba is a dragon, if someone goes in that cave he/she dies. The magical forest had so horrific and spine chilling things in the forest. There were two people named George and Jake, they heard about the magical forest. They wanted to explore the magical forest but it was in in the other world so if someone has to go there he/she can only go there by a teleporting machine. George and Jake decided to make a teleporting machine, George and Jake were intelligent and so creative. That day George and Jake decided to make a teleporting machine, they both liked adventures and frightening experiences. So the next day they started to make the teleporting machine. First they bought the parts for the teleporting machine and the tools for it. After 1 week the teleporting machine wasn’t even made Half, Jake was doing most of the work, George wasn’t working so much because he was tired after 1 year, George and Jake made half of the machine. The maximum it takes to build a teleporting machine is 2 years but George and jake were really fast building the teleporting machine. After 6 months: The teleporting machine was ready now, it looked very cool and pretty nice the colour of the teleporting machine was royal blue, parrot green and purple. So the teleporting started, the teleporting machine works on batteries. George and Jake went inside the teleporting machine which took them

to the magical forest. After that they decided to go to the Zimba’s cave, it was never easy but still they decided to go there. The magical forest was really huge massive, the Zimba’s cave was in the middle of the forest. They started the journey of the Zimba’s cave but the good thing was they had the map of the forest so that’s why won’t get lost in the magical forest. In the forest there were arrows as well to the cave but George and Jake didn’t follow the arrows, instead they followed the map. Then after sometime they reached to the cave. Then they went inside the cave, when they went a little further they saw so much gold which all the dragons was. They went further and further they saw the sweet of the dragon, if someone takes bath in his sweat if he/she dies can become alive again so if the dragon killed them they would become alive again. They went exploring more and they saw more gold and they even saw the dragon sleeping in the gold. The dragon was huge it was green in colour and it had black and golden eyes. George and Jake’s mission was to explore the magical forest and explore the cave but not to kill the dragon. They explored the cave. They went on exploring more and more they saw, fairy’s, castles, animals, flowers and there were gravity crystals as well which made the gravity less so you could jump so high. George and Jake had explored the magical forest, now they had to find a way back to earth so they went to the teleporting machine and went back to earth. By Adil Bashir

Tommy the Cowboy and the Space “Oh dad I want to go to the space” said Tommy. Dad replied “child I don’t have enough money to send you there”. “But dad” said Tommy. Tommy wanted to go to space and see the other worlds but he couldn’t go because he didn’t have enough money. He lived with his mother and father. His father Jill was a farmer and tommy was a cowboy. They live in a small village. Tommy had only one dream. To go to space and see the other worlds. They both worked hard to get some money, they used to make clothes and sell them. They had 32 sheep’s and 75 cows. Tommy’s dad used to grow trees and fruits. Then they used to sell the fruits and then used to keep some of them for themselves for eating. They all praid for money and rain. They wished for money so they could send Tommy to the space academy and they wished for rain so the trees crops and fruits could grow. Tommy also wanted to discover about the space and the other worlds. They were always sad because no one used to come to buy fruits. The fruits used to grow but no one used to come. Tommy’s mother Elli started to get sick but however they sell the sheep’s and the cows they got enough money for the operation of tommy’s mother. When the operation was done, they went back home. Few days past there was nothing to eat or drink. “We had cows so they used to give wool, now we don’t have anything dad what will we do’’ said tommy. Dad replied “Yes, son I will figure out something’’. Suddenly the doorbell rang.

There was a person who wanted to buy their fruits. They happily gave the fruits and then they got 1 million pounds because the fruits were very tasty and yummy. Dad called tommy and told him happily, “Child, we’ve got enough money, and now you can go to the space and learn about different worlds.’’ Happily shouted tommy ’’Yay, I love you, dad’’. The journey began now. Tommy reached the space academy and started his training. He had a little hard time there because he was a cowboy and he didn’t know how to speak English but he kept improving. Finally after a few months he learned how to fly the airplane. Then one day he went to the space to discover the other planets. Finally his dream was fulfilled. When he went to the space he saw there were 8 planets. He thought that there was only one world that was earth. First he went to the sun. He knew that was hot but still he wanted to touch. He touched it and realised it is very hot. Then he went to the moon with his friends it was very cool there. When he returned he was thinking about the sun and the moon. It was so opposite from each other and all the planets were different from each other but only one thing was same: they are beautiful in all ways. He used to go to the space every day and try to see why those planets were not famous and then the other day he tried to think but he didn’t get it. One day he went to media and said “Please tell the information of the planets so they will start liking them.”

This is about the other worlds are very beautiful as well. Please try to learn about them and you will know how beautiful these planets are. After the world started to love the other planets as well rather than loving earth only. People started to love Tommy and his family. They were famous and rich and they were proud of their child as well and the space academy was very proud of Tommy. By Salwa Abid

Disney World Day dream can help some problem and trigger creativity and inspire great works of art and science. When it becomes compulsive however the consequence can be dire when you are dreaming everything you do feel real until you wake up. Every moment spent in fantasy world feels like it is actually occurring. Dreams are like pictures in your mind. My imaginary world is Disney world. Where cartoons come to life and an animated world begins. Imagining the world of my own has always been one of my favourite hobbies and living in my created world has always been my dream, not only my but I am sure everyone’s. It was my birthday and I was gifted Barbie dolls, playhouses, tea sets, kitchen sets and many more At night when I slept the whole Disney world was revolving in my mind. Where there were no limitations. I could enjoy my life to fullest. There were so many Barbie dolls .There was such a big chocolate stream which seemed like I am a dolphin in a lake. Cartoons were talking to me. There were colorful flowers around us, giving pleasure

and excellent smell. The floors were made up of chocolates. The trees were made up of marshmallows. On the trees there were so many candy flosses to eat. I could fly in the Disney world, talking with birds and even I was able to touch a rainbow. The Disney world was so colorful and amazing. There were so many Barbie’s that were fulfilling my wishes. I was playing and talking with cartoons. I was driving with the chocolate car, which was as smooth as silk, as long as a tower and was very comfortable. There were so many colorful horses and ponies. I was riding on the biggest and tallest horse. In the Disney land if I used to clap 3 times the chocolates and candies rain used to begin and than which chocolates I wanted I used to take it and eat it. There was 1 place which has only grass around us which had so many cupcakes on it. If I wanted to go at another place I just wished to go and then automatically i used to be on that place. The Barbies were changing our common clothes in princess clothes with their magic. There were so many castles made by mirror and sweets. I lived in the big middle castle which was made up of only chocolate. There were so many things to eat such as marshmallows, candies, chocolates, cakes, strawberry cupcakes. There was one interesting thing to eat which we all like to eat, there were so many ice-cream fountains, mango, strawberry, and blueberry ice Lolly’s fountains. I could ride on swings for free and for as many time I wanted to .It was amusing for me ,and later I was welcomed by superman ,batman, ironman, Spiderman and wonder women I was so happy to met them . I even captured pictures with them Then I enjoyed many rides and had popcorn

Then the fairy directed me to the world of princess where I saw Cinderella, belle, aurora, and snow white, Sofia, Elsa, and Ariel. I was on a cloud as I always wanted to touch them to dance with them, and to live with them in huge castles. That was my biggest dream which came true I was so delighted to have a tea party with them. I also stayed with them in their luxurious rooms I imagined as if I am a queen. I met everyone from the Disney world. And that was the happiest feeling I ever had. I was so engaged in my imaginary world that I was not thinking about my family too. But as you all know that dreams are dreams. It has to come to an end somewhere, someone has to wake you up. But this was not the condition I woke up my self thinking that I am being called by princesses But what I see after waking up was my mother and sister calling me to get ready for the school. And yes my imaginary journey came to an end and I had to go to school but this was the most memorable Dream I ever had. I wish I could go to this world in my real life.

By Hiba Sarwar

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