TCSI Grade 8 Class Magazine 2020

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Volume 1, September- December 2020

Rise to the Skies Class Magazine by 8A

k c e ch ! t u it o

Rise to the Skies

Contents 1. Credits 2. Editorial 3. Big writes 4. Descriptive writings 5. Poems 6. Entertainment








Editorial Dear Readers It was a really nice opportunity to be part of compiling the class magazine and I loved how cooperative everyone was FATIMA ELZAHRA I want to thank the editors and the publisher for their hardwork, This couldn’t have been accomplished without them and of course the most thanks to our English teacher Miss Saima Rauf for her guidance and constant support. Me and the editorial team of "Rise to the Skies" hope that you would like this magazine and would enjoy it reading as much as we loved putting it together. Stay safe! Fatima El Zahra, 8A



Dear Readers, "Rise to the Skies" is a magazine, put together by our class- 8A. It was a really fun experience, as we had to match and find the suitable backgrounds for each section. My assistant publisher, Mahnoor Amer, was a great help. HAFSAH


She helped me with choosing the color scheme and all. We chose the title "Rise to the Skies" because we want everyone to feel empowered and do not feel stressed in these difficult times. In addition, I wanted people to know that if you want to reach the skies, you can, if you keep trying, The only condition is to never give up! I really hope that this magazine that we have compiled, evokes joy, aspires success and inspires you to achieve your goals in life. Have a great time reading!


Changing times Eshaal Junaid Have you ever looked forward to sacrifices? Of youths in search of good looks? In chance of looking for high quality education. On a cold dry rough day, Paul wore his coat, kept keys in his pockets, held a bag full of heavy soggy newspaper and took off. A ten-year-old boy who used to sell newspapers in order to earn some money with his education. Few years ago.…… His parents took house cleaning services in order to meet the expanses of his education. His breath reeked of garlic, clothes with patches, ketchup on socks and straws in pocket. Lonely boy always bullied by his friends, he dreamt of being the richest boy in the world with new clothes, new shoes and wished that everyone would be like him. His friends seemed to look like millionaires and he himself like their housecleaner. The wardrobe he owned wasn’t very interesting, just old patched clothes here and there usually of his cousins, he felt like seeing a nightmare. Who would listen to him, how would he fulfill his peak reaching wishes?

Although, he knew what reply his mother would give him if he asked for anything “Oh dear! I am sorry we can only afford you a good education” and he was done. He looked to work somewhere to spend money on himself, he looked forward to jobs, searched in the newspaper but he couldn’t find anything which could be done by him. He firstly helped his mother in her house cleaning services and carried on his education, but nothing came to his hand. He then took the risk to be a gardener in the same house where his mother worked. Though he worked as a house cleaner, his mother was scared because that house belonged to a woman who had abstract Chinese statues, colorful vases, glass animal statues and colorful paintings on the wall for which her mother wasn’t sure. Her mother somehow agreed on his convincing for being a gardener. The garden was filled with colorful flowers and roses in beautiful lined rows. It felt like he was in an ancient Rome garden and while thinking he ruined the garden, he added wrong medicine for each plant. The poverty then started with low food and money. The dark years then passed by……

He now had his own family kids now, but he was still looking for a job. He used to sell newspapers every week .On a hot Saturday afternoon while he was drinking his tea and reading the newspaper, suddenly the doorbell started ringing. He went to open the door but then ears fell from his eyes. He hugged the person on the door who was his old friend. His name was Sam who had supported Paul always, they sat together, had a cup of tea and discussed their daily matters.Sam himself was jobless at that time, he worked as a waiter his whole life and now wanted to be someone famous and successful. They planned to work together as partners. They firstly decided to open a restaurant which didn’t seem to work well due to lack of money. They kept working hard but didn’t succeed in the end. Sadly, they decided to separate their path. Sam has gotten a very good job offer from his close relative in a film industry as a director. Paul had lost his job and he remained jobless for six months. There was no hope, he saw himself falling on the ground but at last he remembered one thing which gave him courage and hope. It suddenly popped in his head. When he was little and whenever he lost hope, his mother used to say “Tries never go in waste. You do your part and one day you will succeed just like how small drops of water make a mighty ocean one day”. His thing gave him courage he now kept in mind that nothing is impossible, and I can do it.

He gave interviews in different companies. He worked hard day and night to achieve his goal, and finally he reached it. He became manager and was the first person in his family who received money as checks. He also gave those facilities to his children which he couldn’t afford. His name was in newsletters and there were thousands of job offers for him. He later became the CEO of his company and got very famous all around the world. He even published a book that told the secret behind his success for those who want to become something and do not want to waste their future by sitting at home folding their arms. While getting this respect and honor every day and every moment he remembered his mother’s advice and love towards him and taught his children a lesson that nothing is impossible, your tries will never go waste and those who listen to their elders only succeed at the end.

Androids Mariyum Asim

Ryan looked over to his dad, who was checking the switches of the Androids,his gut feeling said that something wrong was going to happen, nervous, he stood up and walked to his dad " I'm telling you my gut feeling is never wrong-" before he could go any further his father answered, "grow up,nothing is going to happen" "but-" he cut him off again "Stop,with this childish act, these are the best robots I've made , yet, you think there's a problem " Dr.Ethan said,flipping the switches "you, know it'd be really encouraging if you complimented them," he said with a sad look. Ryan looked to his father, realizing what he had done he went to apologize," that's not what I meant" he glanced at the robots who were looking like real humans, their hair, their eyes, their skin looked so realistic that it was scary"I feel like they'll disobey you ,"his father had a perplexed look ,"meaning?" "I mean they'll go against your orders," Ryan explained "You're kidding right, they'll do nothing , after all they are just robots" he shifted the hands of the tall robots, "and yeah, you have to fix the lab's alarm,the sound isn't reaching our room."

"Hi, I'm Android #1" the voice startled him, the robot was bowing down at a 90 degree angle."Hi,look Ryan !" his eyes lit up with excitement,"Hello, I'm Dr.Ethan your owner and creator," he greeted. Ryan looked at his father's smile, he didn't wanna ruin the moment but still wanted to clear something,"dad, there's one thing which is bugging me" he brushed his shabby bangs, his father raised his eyebrows telling him to continue . "I was wondering, what's up with uncle Gregory" Dr. Ethan quickly looked over , "Don't even think of calling him uncle he doesn't deserve the respect and please don't mention his name," his quick response surprised Ryan,"Why?" his father glared, "He was the one who rejected my offer when I said we could build the Androids together, he claimed he was better than me "Dr. Ethan explained "Now bedtime, off you go,we need to wake up early" he pointed towards the white door, which lead to the quiet hallway, " Isn’t he your cousin-" his father cut him off, "Don't you dare, now go sleep" his father instructed "When’s mom coming back?" "Tomorrow, now go!" Ryan walked to the hallway "By the way ,I'm 26 not 8" mocking his dad's accent "Come here you little brat-" Ryan sprinted through the hallway and went to his room, he sat on his bed and tried sleeping .But one thought was running through his mind "What if the robots actually go against dad's orders?"

Couple minutes passed and he dozed off. "beep,beep,beep'' the laboratory's alarm went off,"ring, ring," the sounds kept repeating ,disturbing Ryan, "What is it?" he stretched , "Isn't it the lab's alarm?" he thought . Ryan jumped out of his bed , the sounds were making him nervous but he was still curious , as he walked by the huge hallway the sounds kept getting louder Suddenly the alarm stopped ringing, "oh thank god!" He turned thinking it was an accident "Bang" he got down to the floor, a chill ran down his spine,scared to go alone he went to his father. Ryan rushed to his parents room. "Dad, dad," he shaked him, "There's someone in the laboratory!" He whisper-shouted ,"What?" without saying anything Ryan dragged his father. Once they entered the room, there stood the Androids holding 2 men by their necks, "go in the corner," His father instructed "no way-" his father cut him off "Go!" Ryan ran to the corner. "Leave them" the robots turned towards him , holding their necks harder "Who are you both ?" he asked. Gasping for air one answered "Gregory" they both tried kicking the robots but no luck "Why?" he asked "he wanted your androids, now please please tell them to put us down"

The scientist was visibly confused, "How did you turn them on?" he asked,he was sure he was the only one with the controls "I pressed a button which said 'free' " Ryan's father started and shouted "what did you do!? that literally makes them a killing machine,they'll destroy everything!" No answer. The men were pale and dropped dead and the Androids started walking towards Ryan's dad. "Ryan quickly get the remote from the closet!" in a hurry he ran to the closet "which one?" he asked searching through all the remotes "the one which says don't touch". The robots came closer "stay away from me!" Ryan's father Ethan warned Ryan finally found the remote "Catch!" his father caught the remote, he was hesitant because he didn't want to destroy his own creations "Dad, press the button!'' It was too late one of them grabbed Dr. Ethan by his neck"No, please put me down I'm created you!" he begged " you can bid your goodbye" said the robot,the Android created an energy ball with his hand, bringing his hand closer to Dr. Ethans face. “No, dad !!!" His father was killed in front of him,"let's leave him" "okay" they flew from the broken window. Ryan ran to his father, bruises all over his body with torn clothes."I...I'm sorry"his father's eyes started closing,"Dad, dad!" Ryan broke down crying, he couldn't help the tears. "It's my fault,I should have pressed that button !" he screamed at the top of his lungs,he wiped his tears and looked at the mess.

He tried to stop crying,his throat tightened and the dust in the room made it more difficult to breathe.He ran out to the huge backyard, where the swimming pool was. It was slightly bright; he saw the reflection of the sunrise on the pool. Tears raced down his cheeks. "what happened?" he looked over his shoulder and saw his mother "everything OK?" Ryan responded "the Androids killed dad!". His mother couldn't understand and fell to the ground crying. An idea popped in his head, he ran to his mom, "I can use the time machine,"he wiped the tears off his mom's face. Excited, he jumped but before he could his mom caught his arm,"Son,you know that won't help you" Puzzled, Ryan bent down "what do you mean?" he asked."'ll be able to save him in that dimension but that doesn't help, the only way he could come back was if he was saved in both dimensions." It hit Ryan and that meant he would never be able to see his dad again.

Money Ban Mahnoor Amer

An ear-splitting noise had woken me up around 8 am in the morning and just as I got out of bed I heard it again and it sounded like some sirens. I saw that my siblings were going downstairs to check what it was and I followed them. Our parents were already sitting in the lounge half asleep like the rest of us. “What’s that horrible noise?” I asked whilst covering my ears. “Nobody knows, but apparently it has woken up the whole city!” said my mom grumpily. Everybody had enough of the sirens, but there was nothing we could do about it. We kept on hearing the sirens for about 5 minutes. Suddenly we heard someone talking through some speakers, “Rise and shine citizens of swellveiw, this is Mayor Ronald speaking and I have an announcement for all of you, I had a meeting with the city council and I have decided to ban the usage of money in swellview. Now only some specific people have a micro-chip inside their wrist since birth and they can use it to scan and buy anything instead of using money, but if you require a micro-chip then you can go see Dr. Mike and ask him about your queries.”

Everybody was astonished and tensed, “How are we supposed to know if we have a chip or not?” asked my mom. “How are we supposed to buy things?” asked my older brother. My dad suddenly dashed to his wallet and was stunned to see that there was no money left, he then asked us to check our wallets and it was all empty, nothing left. My dad then rushed to his computer to check our balance in our bank accounts and it was empty too. We all were very distressed and concerned about what was going to happen next. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my right arm and I blacked out. The next thing I knew I was in a hospital bed, my father rushed inside my room and he asked me if I was fine and told me that I fainted after the mayor stopped talking. I asked my dad why my arm felt numb and he told me that “After you passed out the mayor said that he sent a signal to all the people that had a micro-chip in their wrists so that we could easily identify if we had one”. My dad told us that the pain wouldn’t last for long and it would be over soon and that the good news is that we have 1 person with the micro-chip so we don’t have to buy one. I was reassured and happy that we don’t have to worry anymore. We could buy anything we wanted just by scanning the micro-chip in my wrist. I was laying on bed wondering why the government would do such a thing and what good would it do to them.

I woke up late in the morning since yesterday we had to wake up early because of the announcement, so I was happy and fresh, I ate some breakfast and then I remembered that I had to go to my friend Sarah’s house for a project, so I told my dad and he stopped me there, “I will drop you to her house because there have been lots of crime cases recently due to the money ban, and we have to be safe.” I had no problem with that but I was still scared. First he dropped me at the supplies store, I got some supplies as well as some food. We finally reached her house. “Be careful and stay safe, don’t roam around outside and call me when I need to pick you up. Understood?” asked my dad. “Okay, I’ll be extra cautious, drive safely and see you later.” I reassured my dad. As I saw him leave and started walking up to her house I saw some shadows walking up to me and suddenly they attacked me stealing the food and all my supplies. I rushed inside her house breathing heavily since this had never happened to me before. I was terrified and anxious because I didn’t know who they were or where they came from or how they were here, I thought they followed me but I didn’t remember seeing anybody on my way here. “I bet they are the government’s people.” Said Sarah while trying to comfort me. I was confused so I asked her what she was talking about and she told me that there were rumors on social media that the government is tracking people through their micro-chips.

I didn’t believe her at first until she showed me the posts and the rumors on social media and I was startled, “Sarah I am so sorry, but can we work on the project another time, I really need to go back home!” I told her and she told me not to worry and to go back home safely. I called my dad immediately and told him to pick me up. I told him about everything that had happened earlier and he was astonished. We reached home and I told everything to my family and as we were all panicking, all of a sudden the sirens started again and the mayor started making an announcement. “Good evening citizens of swellveiw, we have another announcement we want to tell you that the only reason we were banning money in swellveiw was to advance and further more civilize swellveiw for the best city competition, but instead of developing the city we deteriorated the situation by increasing crime in the city. We have realized our mistake and legalized the usage of money of money in swellveiw again. Sorry for all the inconvenience and stay happy and safe”. We were all relieved to know we could sleep comfortably knowing that we have money in our bank accounts and we were safe.

The Pocket Watch Fatima Elzahra

Time traveling, (in science fiction) travel through time into the past or the future, something we all must have dreamt or desired to have the capability to do. I’ve always been intrigued and enchanted by that, yet I have never in a million years thought it would be true. It was the morning of my skating race, which I’ve been tirelessly practicing for,the clock struck 8 o'clock, as my eyelids pushed themselves apart I slowly crept to the curtain beside my bed pulling it apart, Bright sunlight breezed into my room, making my eyes flinch. I smiled widely, trying to put up some positive energy for the day. Beside my bed is where I’ve always kept my precious pocket watch, it was gifted to me by my grandfather before he passed, nonetheless I could never imagine losing it, it was like my lucky watch, I would take it with me to every race, it was definitely gonna be with me this time. I grabbed it and headed downstairs to have my breakfast, waffles were the one for today. As I finished it I kept on imagining how the race would go, ‘what if I twist my ankle mid running?’, ‘ what if I don’t get there in time?’ I thought to myself, while on the other hand I tried not to let those thoughts get to me.

I got ready, grabbed my skating kit, all my essentials and my car keys and headed out, my next door neighbor Sam waved me a goodbye with a bright smile and I waved back, I was fidgeting from nervousness, I clutched my pocket making sure my watchwas there with a sigh of relief that I didn’t forget it, what made me far more agitated was the fact that it was my first race without my grandfathers company, he was one of my biggest supporters and would always greet me with a luminous smile at the end of any race. As a result of all that I was very jittery as I entered the stadium, the sun-kissed white clouds blossoming in the blue, free to fly with the wind gave me a sense of comfort and my confidence level multiplied. I slid my skates on, started to practice and warmup but my energy was incompatible with my previous practices. The race was about to start, the crowds cheer was deafening, my heart raced as I argued back and forth whether I should keep my watch in my pocket or hand it to someone, unfortunately it was too late, I had no other choice but to go on. “3, 2, 1 !” They shouted as the whistle was blown and the race was off to a start, it was going remarkably well until the second lap, I felt as my watch slowly fell out my pocket and watched as my opponent skated over it, my heart ruptured in pain as I witnessed it break. I didn’t even realize that I won, I looked miserable as others asked me if I was okay, my mood suddenly changed, I was outraged.

I felt a sense of unpleasant power take over my body, I screamed in excruciating pain, I was furious, and as someone approached me to congratulate me I shoved them away, “if only I could go back in time!” I cried out, as I said that it actually went back in time, it was the beginning of the race again, I was so perplexed. I felt like I was in another dimension even though it wasn’t, I turned back only to see nothing on the track from my watch, I reached to my right pocket only to find my watch perfectly fine, ‘ how did that just happen?’ I asked my self in reassurance, I didn’t have an idea bout what happened but all I knew is that it isn’t too late to put my watch in my bag. I skated to my bag and put the watch down, and scurried over to the starting line, ‘did anyone else see that?’ , ‘what if I actually have the power to go back in time?’, I whispered to myself ‘do I have the power to go back and spent more time with my grandfather?’… Days after the race passed but my mind was still full of questions and the idea that I might have powers was really thought provoking, I tried to exhort myself to forget about that idea and tried brainwashing myself that it wasn’t real but it was just impracticable, that being the case I decided to find out if I have the powers or not. The next day I headed to the roof of my house in that 90 degree summer heat and shouted on top of my lungs “I WISH I CAN GO BACK IN TIME!!”, unsurprisingly nothing happened, however, I remembered that it wasn’t the phrase I said last time so I tried once and for all “IF ONLY I COULD GO BACK IN TIME!!”.

And there it is, it worked. I couldn’t believe it, I have powers!!. It was the 2nd of July, the day my grandfather passed away, I never knew the reason behind his murder but it was pretty suspicious because the court never opened up a case on it. I was in my room thinking of what I should do, I finally decided to go check on my grandpa. As I was heading downstairs I heard, “joe! I’m heading out, see u later at night, don’t forget to prepare dinner!” My grandpa called, and it was the same thing I remember him saying that day, I went and hugged him a goodbye but I wasn’t gonna let him go like that. I secretly followed as he was leaving in the taxi and made sure they wouldn’t notice anything suspicious. The taxi led to an old abandoned building, therefore I parked my car behind it where no one could see me and tried to find my grandpa. I took off my shoes as I entered, I was pretty terrified but it wasn’t gonna stop me from finding out the reason behind my grandpas murder. The building was really old and creepy ,the wind felt cold it was used to the dust and the odour of nothing, it looked like a movie-set, a place waiting for life to come. Despite all that my grandpa entered this room and a guy was in there. I was carefully recording and eavesdropping from outside the room, I overheard their conversation, “you’ve got the money, haven’t you?” asked the random person, “yes yes I do, but it may be couple of hundreds short but I promise I will give it to .

utomorrow” my grandpa said, “I didn’t make this deal so you come with excuses, you know the consequences, kneel down” the man replied “no please don’t-!!!” My grandpa shouted as the guy shot him, I gasped in silence trying not to make a noise I was too scared to go in there. I peeked to the floor and found a piece of cloth, and as the person left the room I crept from the back and jumped onto him and tied him up, I found out that it was our next door neighborSam! luckily he left the gun in the room next to my grandpa, but I wasn’t going to do anything, I didn’t bother to ask him why and I left it off for the police.

Descriptive Writings

Bloody Veins Muhammad Raid Nadeem The dhampir walked, tasting the blood coming in his mouth, as he looked at the shaking peasants scramble like little mice at the sight of him. Bittersweet delight-filled him at the view. He enjoyed this. Power. power is the real key. As he looked around him, swallowing the metallic smell of the dried blood covering the walls like paint, an evil smile replaced his poker face. He was the King here.Nothing could topple him. His heart started beating uncontrollably and adrenaline flooded through his veins. A terrifying grin formed showing the horrible fangs he had for teeth. Slowly his nails transformed into sharp talons shining in the dull glow of the moonlight ,striking terror into those left. His spooky legs converted into shiny, sparkle bars of metal. And he screamed.

Trick or Treat Mariyum Asim

The weather was chilly and it seemed like it was going to rain, I looked at my friend Ash, who was skipping on the uneven pathway. Glancing at my little candy bucket, I thought, "I'm so tired and he wants to go trick or treating at a haunted house" but the sound of the howling wind interrupted me. It felt like it was whispering to us, suddenly thunder clapped and rain poured down. We quickly ran,but as we were running, I peeked behind and everything was blurry, I couldn't see the pathway nor the trees. I quickly looked ahead bumping into Ash. "Ouch! Why'd you stop?" no answer. My gaze fell upon the grey house, it was huge. I looked at the door which had a broken window. Looking down I saw grass that reached our knees. My eyes followed a path leading to the dusty stairs, nervously I bit my lip and stepped on the stairs. Cringing at the creaky sound, I realized Ash was staring at something, I followed his eyes and saw a window at the top, where the attic was. There stood an ugly boy with dried lips and bony hands, he was wearing an off white shirt and standing right in front of the window, looking right at us,making me jump out of my skin.He banged at the window, sending chills down our spine. We froze in terror as the door creaked open. I grabbed Ash and ran but my legs grew weaker as I ran, we sprinted through the long pathway until we found a crowded area.

The Last Sunset Mahnoor Amer I never realized the beauty of watching sunsets with loved ones before, sitting on the warm sand with a cold breeze passing through our hair and watching the glowing sun, a crisp circle in the bloody sky, illuminating a quivering path across the water. It’s amazing how one sunset can carry so many memories. I still remember the last sunset I watched with my sister before she went to Australia for her operation.We sat on the beach recalling our childhood memories and laughed all day. But as the day was coming to an end it got more painful. We sat together and made the most of our last sunset together. We watched the sun disappear into the water and gathered our things and got back home. I dreaded this moment from the day I got to know that she had to go. We had to bid our painful goodbyes. Our family gathered around and said farewell, gave \prayers to my sister and dropped her at the airport .I cried back home and I still remember this moment every time I look at a sunset.

A Break In Hafsah Atif

It was a Saturday evening, my parents had gone outside, therefore I was home alone. I had my headphones on, listening to songs while I was lazing around. A little rustle that had sounded deafening in the deserted house came from the backdoor.I went to investigate on my tiptoes trying not to make a sound, I heard the sound of a key trying to open the lock, I was sure it wasn’t my parents as they would be gone for an hour. Slowly I heard footsteps heading towards me, peeking through the window to find out that a thief had broken into our house. I hurried back to my room with my heart beating uncontrollably, I called 911 explaining my situation while panting breathlessly. The police were heading my way, while I had locked all doors, so the burglar couldn’t leave, it felt like I was in a home alone movie. I told the police to appear with there sirens turned off so it wouldn’t alarm the thief, I had let the officers in, and the thief was in their grasp, the officers did their job and I had done mine, I was very grateful to them, as I didn’t think I would end up in this type of situation, a burden was taken off my shoulder, and sighed with relief, thanking them that it was all over.

Mysterious Houses Hamza Jabbar

I remember it was October 31st, I was always interested in going to my grandma's house during Halloween her neighborhood was known as the best and the creepiest neighborhood on this day. It was exciting going there. All the houses were decorated to the best of the best with zombies in the backyard, webs on their doors, pumpkins on the doorsteps, and bats hanging from the ceilings.But there was always this one specific house that was decorated the best. It was a mysterious house, they would have witches on the roof and fake black cats around their house, and fake crows. Every Halloween my grandma would tell me a story about the Urban legend's giant eater house. It was a spooky story about a haunted house that ate people who went by. It was a true story that took place in the early 1900s, many people had been terrified since. Victims never came back.The house belonged to a man who was about in his 30s and his wife. The man's name was John. He was described as short and had freckles. His wife was a circus freak, she lived in a cage. People would laugh at her because of how much weighed, her husband would treat her very harshly, which resulted in her crying day and night.


Just Stay... Mahnoor Amer

I know that we’ll forget each other, We’ll forget those days, where we’d laugh all day, I know that I’ll forget I know that you’ll forget, so let’s just stay, Let’s just stay one last time, let’s just stay and remember, Those days where we’d smile all day, with no frown on our face, Those days when we went on roller coasters like velociraptor So let’s just stay & remember Those days when we could hardly just control our laughter, Just trying to make each other’s pain a little lighter, So let’s just stay cuz, I know we have to part for now, But our paths will cross again, I know that we’ll see each other someday

So let’s just stay cuz, I don’t know when or where or how, But we had some great times together Which I will treasure forever and ever So let’s just stay cuz, You all are those friends whom, I can share every bit of my life, Cuz, You all are those friends whom, I can sort out all my strife with, So let’s just stay cuz, You all are those friends whom, Help me with some chores, You all are those friends whom, Heal me when I’m sore, And in my life you all are the ones, That play all these roles, So please just stay cuz, Your absence is going to leave An empty spot inside my soul, So please just stay, Don’t go away…



By Mohammed Ahmed Naseer

1. What has to be broken before you can use it? 2. What question can you never answer yes to? 3. What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it? 4. A man who was outside in the rain without an umbrella or hat didn’t get a single hair on his head wet. Why? 5. I shave every day, but my beard stays the same. What am I? 6. You see a boat filled with people, yet there isn’t a single person on board. How is that possible?

7. What can’t talk but will reply when spoken to? 8. The more of this there is, the less you see. What is it? 9. David’s parents have three sons: Snap, Crackle, and what’s the name of the third son? 10. The one who has it does not keep it. It is large and small, it is any shape, what am I? 11. What color is the wind? 12. What does a stone become when in water?

Jokes & Puns By Mahnoor Amer

I was wondering why the ball was getting bigger, Then it hit me. I have a few jokes about unemployed people, but none of them work. I lost my job at the bank on my very first day. A woman asked me to check her balance, so I pushed her over. I can’t believe I got fired from the calendar factory. All I did was take a day off. Jill broke her finger today, but on the other hand she was completely fine. There was a kidnapping at school yesterday. Don’t worry, though - he woke up

My dad farted in an elevator, it was wrong on so many levels. Heard about the new restaurant called Karma? There’s no menu - you get what you deserve. I went to buy some camouflage trousers yesterday but couldn't find any. What do you call a bee that can’t make up its mind? A maybe All chemists know that alcohol is always a solution. I wasn’t originally going to get a brain transplant, but then I changed my mind

Which country’s capital has the fastestgrowing population? Ireland. Every day it’s Dublin. How do you throw a space party? You planet. What washes up on tiny beaches? Microwaves I hate Russian dolls they are so full of themselves. What do u call a duck on the fourth of July? A firequacker What are the strongest days of the week? Saturday and Friday, the rest are weekdays. I hate how funerals are always at 9 a.m. I’m not really a mourning perso.n

Answers of Riddles 1. An egg 2. Are you asleep yet? 3. A promise 4. He was bald. 5. A barber 6. All the people on the boat are married. 7. An echo 8. Darkness. 9. David 10. A gift 11. Blew 12. Whetstone

People say : "The sky is the limit." but for us "The sky is just the start of the limit."


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