Improve attainment in Arabic at the secondary phase. Teachers should ensure greater consistency in setting tasks and activities that fully meet the needs of all learners. Ensure a more coherent programme of counselling to support students’ needs. Governors should ensure that school leaders have sufficient time to carry out their departmental responsibilities in order to improve outcomes for students. Actions/Strategies/Tasks
Communication skills in Arabic will be developed through: ➢ Training students in the use of Arabic language in real life situations ➢ Ensure that Arabic lessons focused on conversation rather than one that primarily teaches grammar and vocabulary rather than on actually using them in normal ➢ Provide the students with listening Links using YouTube or QR as we believe the only way to develop fluency in speaking is by huge amounts of listening, and then practicing. ➢ Teachers plan lessons which provide opportunities for students to develop their speaking and listening ➢ Teachers provision of appropriate challenge in lessons ➢ Teachers plan lessons which provide opportunities for students to develop critical and higher order thinking skills such Students more actively
Lead Person
Arabic HOD
Arabic Curriculum
Timeline (Starting & Monitoring Impact dates)
November 2019December 2020
Success criteria
❖ ❖
Arabic Teachers ❖ ❖ ❖ Arabic Lesson Plans ❖
Attainment in Arabic at the Secondary Phase is improved. Lesson observation and learning walk indicates that most of the students has developed their critical thinking , problem solving Most of the students are able to speak to related topics (Short –Long time ) according to their abilities Teachers encouraging the students to use of Arabic language in real life situations Majority of the students show improvement in spoken Arabic Arabic Activity books and the Teachers plan lessons which provide opportunities for students to develop their speaking and listening Lesson observation and learning walk indicates that most of the students have developed their listening and speaking skills.
Achieved or Ongoing
Partially Achieved and Ongoing
1 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Most of the students are able to speak to related topics (Short –Long time ) according to their abilities ❖ Almost all students will make significant progress against their starting points. ❖ Students more actively engaged in relevant and practical learning activities ❖ Teachers encouraging the students to use of Arabic language in real life situations ❖ Majority of the students show improvement in spoken Arabic ❖ Arabic Activity books and the Teachers plan lessons which provide opportunities for students to develop their speaking and listening
Partially Ongoing
December 2019December 2020
❖ Heads of Department have more sufficient time handling their responsibilities and dealing with their respective department’s issues and plans. ❖ Outcomes for students are improved.
December 2019 to December 2020
❖ Professional Development sessions are held with focus on developing the Teachers Knowledge of The MOE expectations and framework
➢ Students more actively engaged in relevant and practical learning activities engaged in relevant and practical learning activities ➢ Show and tell ( for Primary school) ➢ Debates for Arab students in Year 8 and 9 ➢ Creative writing Completion ➢ Using mind maps/Arabic Quizzes ➢ Read Aloud during Arabic lessons and Arabic ➢ Guided reading programme ➢ Just a minute talk at the beginning of all Arabic teachers /Show and tell ( for Primary Section ) ➢ Arabic Activity Book exercises
Reduction of loads for Heads of Department with 53% of teaching and 47% time to handle and manage different Departmental Affairs..
Principal SLT HODs
Time table HOD Schedule
Extending teachers knowledge of MOE curriculum standards and raising their expectations of students.
Principal SLTs
MOE Curriculum
HODs ❖ Teachers become more aware of their role in curriculum development and implementation.
2 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Partially Achieved and Ongoing
Hiring of School Counselor and Career Counselor and development of a coherent counselling programme to support student’s needs.
Principal HR Student Counselor Career Counselor
Employee’s Contract/Appointment Employee’s credentials
Professional Developments for Teachers for Teaching Strategies and Lesson Planning
Teachers HODs SLTs
PPT Training Plan
Subsequent and regular Lesson Observation of teachers conducted by the Heads of Department/Senior Leadership Team.
SLTs HODs Teachers
Observation Records Lesson Plan New Lesson Observation Format designed and implemented
3 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
August 2020 and ongoing (programme implemented throughout the Academic year, August 2020-June 2021) December 2019 September 2020 February 2021 April 2021 January 2020 April 2020 August 2020
❖ Students are properly and well supported through the counseling programme. ❖ Students are well guided on their career pathways and choices.
❖ Tasks and activities in class fully met the needs of all learners and students in class. ❖ Consistent lesson planning and delivery of tasks. ❖ Feedback on teachers’ way of teaching and strategies help teachers improve and target particular student learning skills.
Partially Achieved Ongoing
SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2020-2021 Student’s Achievement/Progress and Attainment Key Priority : ● Progress and Attainment ● Islamic Education ● Arabic as First Language ● Arabic as Additional Language Targets : ● Improve students' abilities to memorize and use Islamic quotations and their understanding and recitation of the Holy Qur’an. ● Improve students’ speaking skills to enable them to articulate their thoughts using extended sentences. ● Improve student’s creative and extended writing skills across both phases of the school. ● Develop student’s writing skills and continue to accelerate their writing progress by providing evaluative rubrics to help structure their compositions. Ref
Lead Person
Raise the level of challenge during lessons to encourage critical thinking and problem solving across all subjects.
Principal, Section Heads HODs Teachers
Lesson Plan Curriculum Computers
HOD Islamic Teachers HOS
Teacher resources, plans,
❖ Teachers plan lessons which provide
Timeline (Starting & Monitoring Impact dates) January 2020 April 2020 August 2020
opportunities for students to develop their speaking and listening and critical skills.
To enhance students’ understanding of the Holy Qur’an and Hadeeth across all phases through different activities catering to different student levels, incorporating challenging tasks. 4 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
made lesson
December 2019December 2020
Success criteria
❖ Critical thinking and problem solving are embedded in every lesson and students are very much encouraged to practice them in class. ❖ Lessons are carefully planned and they are made sure that it opens opportunities to students to develop listening and critical skills. ❖ Most students able to apply the message of the Surah from the MOE textbooks. ❖ Most students have good understanding of Asma-ul-Husna and duaa’ mentioned in MOE textbook.
Achieved or Ongoing
Partially Achieved/ Ongoing
Partially Achieved and Ongoing
❖ Majority of the student exhibit knowledge of the subject and interpretation of the Surah and its real-life application, in the regular school life.
http://www.islamictub,,, m, Quran navigation, Exam data
Enhance list of interesting topics that can bring real life application to students understanding of the UAE.
Teachers HOD
Lesson plan SOW’s Virtual tours
October 2020
❖ The majority of students will have a greater appreciation for the history, culture and commerce of the UAE.
Partially Achieved/ongoing
Incorporate new MOE text book into lesson planning.
Teachers HOD
MOE Text Book
September 2020
Investigating UAE culture and heritage by virtually visiting UAE heritage sites.
Teachers HODs
Websites/Links Computer/Laptop
January 2021
❖ New textbook and previous subject topics will enhance knowledge of important events that have occurred in the UAE amongst majority of students. ❖ Students will be familiarized with the culture of UAE.
Use “Seesaw” as an additional online platform for students in Year 1 and 2.
Head of Section Teachers HODs
Seesaw log-in details Email Addresses
October 2020 (all throughout the school year)
❖ Teachers will have better interactive platform with parents. ❖ Better communication with parents.
Utilization of “Ladder” as a platform for grades/marks, progress tracking and generation of progress reports and graphs.
Teachers HODs SLTs
Log-In Details Ladder Subscription
❖ Grades and marks of students are properly recorded and organized. ❖ Assessment results of each student are well recorded. ❖ Progress graphs and progress reports are generated.
5 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Collaborative planning of lessons during subject coordination meetings to incorporate activities like “What If” Questions in all subjects to promote critical thinking.
Teachers HODs SLTs
Lesson Plans
September 2020-July 20021
❖ Students develop critical thinking and are given opportunity to explore answers to questions through research.
Partially Implemented across the Departments/Ongoing
Training students in the use of technology for researches in all respective subjects.
Teachers HODs/IT
Lesson Plans Computers/ICT
Teachers HODs
Lesson Plans Computers Links Educational Websites
❖ Students regularly utilize ICT skills for research ❖ Students develop ICT/Research Skills ❖ Students develop and improve listening and speaking skills
Provide the students with listening Links using YouTube or QR as we believe the only way to develop fluency in speaking is by huge amounts of listening, and then practicing.
September 2020-July 2021 September 2020-July 2021
6 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Key Priority : ● Learning Skills /Innovation ● English ● Mathematics ● Science Targets : ● Improve student’s writing skills in the FS and primary phases by providing more opportunities to write with support. ● Extend the opportunities in the lower primary phase to develop further their speaking and presentation skills. ● Ensure that all teachers plan effectively so that all students are challenged and supported according to their levels of ability. ● Ensure that all students, at an age-appropriate level, make reasoned predictions, plan and carry out independent investigations to test their predictions and evaluate the outcomes. ● Encourage more student-led learning in the lower primary phase including extending opportunities for discussion. ● Refine teachers’ assessments of students’ achievement. ● Provide all students with additional opportunities to develop independent research skills and to apply their skills in critical thinking and problem solving across all subjects. Ref
Lead Person
Timeline (Starting & Monitoring Impact dates)
Success criteria
Achieved or Ongoing
To continue to raise writing standards: ●
Use ‘Talk for Writing’ strategies in writing lessons of Phase 2 and raise the number of confident writers.
● Spiral all writing tasks on TOWER model (Talk, Organize, Re-write).
7 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Head of English Department Teachers
Lesson Plans Writing Tasks activities
November 2020
❖ Large Majority of students will write with confidence.
SLTs ❖ Almost all students will make significant progress against their starting points.
Partially Achieved/ongoing
● Conduct Big Write sessions once in every
Majority of FS students use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds.
term. ● Maintain writing portfolios to track progress of writing over the years. ● Celebrate students’ writing prowess with the parent community through class magazines and showcase the report writing skills of students to the target audience through the Newsletter.
Teachers and HOD
Lesson Plans Writing Tasks activities
SLTs HODs Teachers
Lesson Plan Observation Records
September 2020- July 2021
They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly, and others are phonetically plausible.
_ Increase the Early Learning Goals for
writing come with both literacy and physical development by developing a writing program for FS
Develop students skills in critical thinking, problem solving , enquiry and research
September July 2021
❖ Lesson observation and learning walk indicates that most of the students has developed their critical thinking , problem solving ❖ Most of the students are able to speak to related topics (Short –Long time ) according to their abilities ❖ Students more actively engaged in relevant and practical learning activities ❖ FS have developed a special Mental Math program where students have “Mad Minutes” every day to practice mental math
8 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Partially Implemented across the Departments/ongoing
❖ Integrate science in all subjects and use scientific skills to increase critical thinking in FS students
SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2020-2021 Students Personal & Social Development and their Innovation Skills Key Priority: ● Personal Development ● Understanding of Islamic values and awareness of Emirati and world culture ● Social responsibility and innovation skills Target : ● Extend the participation of students in all phases, in entrepreneurial and volunteering projects that make worthwhile social contributions. Ref
Lead Person
Success criteria
Achieved or Ongoing
(Starting & Monitoring Impact dates)
Ensure most students have a firm understanding of how Islamic values influence contemporary society particularly UAE heritage and culture by integrating it with all subjects and develop cross curricular projects to enhance Islamic and UAE cultural awareness. Examples are: Art: ❖ Calligraphy of Surah Yasin, Surah Qaaf and Surah Hujraat ❖ Visual description of Surah Al Kahaf, Surah Mulk ❖ UAE and Turkish fusion of calligraphy and painting styles
9 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
HOD Teachers
Lesson plans SOW’s Activity calendar
November 2020
❖ Almost all students will have increased knowledge of concepts across different subject areas.
❖ Students will have greater appreciation about the importance of Islamic culture in the UAE.
❖ Most students will gain information about the Islamic states, their history, culture and famous personalities.
Social Studies: ❖ Leadership qualities of Sheikh Zaid and Sheikh Muhammad
Partially Achieved/Ongoing
ICT: ❖ Design new 3D printed models of Mosques fusion of UAE. ❖ Documentary report on UAE Mosques and culture. Science ❖ STREAM week linking the projects with the Quranic reference. Math World PIE day identifying the mathematical evidences from Quran.
Understanding of Islamic values and UAE culture through different campaigns online. Examples are: ● Zayed Humanitarian Day ● Ramadan charity market ● Food distribution at Labor Camp
HOD Teachers
Lesson plans Activity calendar
December 2019December 2020
❖ Most
Partially Achieved and -Ongoing
understanding of Islamic culture and heritage.
❖ Majority of the students have greater appreciation about the importance of Islamic culture in the UAE
Awareness drive and campaign to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in school and the community through webinars, links, videos and Covid-19 lesson integration in all subjects.
10 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Principal SLT Nurse HODs Teachers All school staff
Online posters Powerpoint presentation Posters Lessons on Covid-19
OctoberDecember 2020.
❖ Students and all staff are more aware of the tips and strategies on how to prevent the spread of Covid-19. ❖ The school maintains a healthier, Covid-10 free environment/community.
SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2020-2021 Teaching and Assessment Key Priority: ● Teaching for Effective Learning ● Assessment Target : ● Ensure that all teachers plan effectively in all subjects so that all students are challenged and supported according to their ability. ● Ensure all teachers are consistently involving students in self-assessment. Ref
Assessments and examinations are given and provided online to students using quizz of Microsoft Teams, teacher made assessments and other necessary platforms.
Lead Person
Teachers HODs
MS Teams Assessments
Timeline (Starting & Monitoring Impact dates) October 2020
Success criteria
Achieved or Ongoing
❖ Students are able to take their
assessment with clear instructions ❖ Carefully
assessments are provided to students. Conduct and administer GL Assessments to students for baseline and benchmarking.
11 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Teachers HOD Assessment Officer IT
GL Assessments Computers/Laptop Internet Connection
October 2020
❖ Baseline and benchmarks collected and recorded. ❖ Teachers are able to identify levels of students and are able to match it with their lessons.
❖ Benchmarks are able to help teachers in differentiation. Regular teacher observation and monitoring of lesson plans to ensure that teachers plan effectively in all subjects.
Teachers HODs SLTs
Lesson Plans Observation Records
October 2020
❖ Effective implemented teachers.
lesson and
❖ Students are challenged and supported according to their ability. To continue improvement in teaching and learning through better use of assessment information to match the learning needs of all students and help them understand what they need to do to improve.
1) Using external assessment to moderate internal assessments
2) Use CAT4 reports to guide in lesson 3) 4)
5) 6) 7)
planning. Analysis of group data to check for improvement in student attainment across year groups/subject areas Content analysis of data to ensure appropriate support for underachieving students provide challenging tasks to high achievers. Continuation of activity-based learning in the class in order to raise attainment and progress. Conduct interactive quizzes using the Extreme Collaboration (Primary) & Kahoot (Secondary) software To continue planned program of CPD’s e.g. mentoring, coaching, modelling lessons and peer observations
12 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
HOS/ HOD Teachers
Lesson plans, Seating plans Differentiated activities
September 2020 (Monthly course work record scrutiny. End of each term)
❖ Using external exam data to improve attainment and progress.
❖ Monthly performance record sheets.
evaluation, through
students’ coursework
❖ Most of the students show progress according to the starting points.
Extreme Collaboration, Kahoot
❖ Attainment and progress to be ensured
Feedback forms, Self-evaluation forms, Appraisal forms, Training
❖ PLPs/IEP’s to cater the needs of
through learning support.
determined students.
❖ Most teachers conduct lessons that caters the needs of all students with different learning styles.
❖ Increase student’s engagement and Ongoing Fortnightly CPD sessions
motivation to accelerate attainment and progress during lessons.
❖ Students are motivated to present information through projects, displays,
Fortnightly Coordination meeting in stay back sessions
research work, interviews, and study tours.
❖ Most student’s engagement improved as a result of using the Extreme Collaboration and Kahoot software’s
❖ Good practices more evident in classrooms
❖ Most teachers conduct lessons that incorporate collaborative and independent learning which enhances student understanding of the Holy Qur’an and Hadeeth and its real life application Record and analyze student score on assignments, quizzes, and tests. Record observations of each student, focusing on a specific group each week based on recent performance. Research based assessment Project based assessment Quiz assessment
13 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Teachers HOD
School assessment google sheet
October 2020
May 2021
❖ All students will be assessed and show the progress. ❖ All marks are assessment results are recorded and student’s progress tracked.
Partially Achieved/ongoing
SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2020-2021 Curriculum Key Priority: ● Curriculum Design & Implementation ● Curriculum Adaptation Target: ● Ensure that the curriculum is appropriately modified to meet individual students’ needs and offers further opportunities to develop students’ innovation skills. Ref
To continue to provide rich and varied Subject Curriculum with opportunities to extend learning, strengthen ICT skills and to make innovative use of technologies to extend learning in a range of subjects.
Lead Person
Principal/ HODs
Websites Online Platforms Rising star /Collins assessment & progression Computers
Timeline (Starting & Monitoring Impact dates) December 2019December 202
Success criteria
❖ Teachers of each subject consistently
Achieved or Ongoing
use different links and websites or QR Codes and other math related websites to promote independent learning and strong ICT integration. ❖ Students become more aware of using different online platforms and become better with their computer skills and knowledge.
Curriculum Modification is prepared for different subjects and provided most especially to students of Determination.
14 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Head of Inclusion Principal Head of Section HODs
December 2019December 2020
❖ Based on the Modified Curriculum, teachers are able to modify assessments and lessons. ❖ Lessons are differentiated through the modified curriculum.
Curriculum mapping and diagramming of curriculum to address and identify academic gaps, redundancies and misalignments for purposes of improving the overall coherence of a course of study or its effectiveness.
Principal SLT HODs Teachers
SALT- Skills and Attitude for Life Transformation for Students’ Personal Development for Year 6, 7 and 8.
HODs/HOS Coordinators Teachers
SALT Modules Lesson Plan
September 2020-June 2021
❖ Students’ Life Skills are enhanced and transformed. ❖ Students’ Leadership and Creative Skills are enhanced and developed.
Implemented and ongoing
ROBOTICS is included in the curriculum
ICT Teachers Head of ICT
Robotics Modules and Lesson Plan
December 2019-March 2020
❖ Students become more aware of technology and computers ❖ Students become more competitive and motivated to learn about technology ❖ Students competing internationally and locally.
15 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
October 2020 January 2021 March 2021
❖ Academic gaps are identified and
addressed. ❖ Curriculum is improved implemented effectively.
SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2020-2021 The Protection, Care, Guidance and Support of Students Key Priority: ● Health and safety, including arrangements for child protections/safeguarding. ● Care and Support ● Inclusion of Students of Determination Target: ● Ensure that students with gifts and talents receive appropriate support and challenge in lessons and in extra curricular activities. ● Review and improve arrangements for effective evacuation arrangements throughout the school, especially in all classrooms. ● Ensure that high-quality support is available to students of determination in all lessons. ● Provide appropriate training and support for parents to assist them in understanding their children’s needs. Ref
Lead Person
Timeline (Starting & Monitoring Impact dates)
Develop and enhance a systematized procedure for the identification of gifted and talented students through the use of “referral forms for the gifted and talented” and by analysis of CAT 4 results and other assessments in TCSI.
Head of Inclusion Teachers Section Head/HODs Coordinators
Referral forms for the Gifted and Talented Students
Hold Termly meetings and ALP Conference with the parents to further discuss goals and targets, and on how to challenge the gifted and talented student’s skills and abilities.
Head of Inclusion Parents Teachers
Advance Plan
Achieved or Ongoing
Gifted and talented students are identified and the level of challenge for them is improved.
Partially Achieved and Ongoing
ALP Conference conducted and the steps to further enhance and develop the gifted and talented students’ skill and abilities clearly discussed and considered.
Partially Achieved and Ongoing
December 2020
CAT 4/GL Results
Communication parents
December 2020 March 2020 June 2020
16 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Success criteria
Review and revise school policy on the Gifted and Talented Students indicating the well-defined procedure on the identification of the gifted and talented and how the school takes care and challenge of such students. To make sure that the Policy for G & T is shared throughout the school.
Head of Inclusion Teachers Section Head/HODs Coordinators
Policy on the Gifted and Talented Students
Review, revise and share the school policy of Health and Safety (Safeguarding), Child Protection, Positive Behavior and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and make sure that they are strictly and well implemented all throughout the school.
Principal Head of Inclusion Teachers Section Head/HODs Coordinators Nurse
Policy on Child Protection, Safeguarding (Health and Safety), BYOD, Positive Behavior
17 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
September 2020
Google Drive
October 2020
❖ Policy on the Gifted and Talented students prepared and teachers are well informed about its content especially the guideline and procedures on identification, challenging and handling gifted and talented students in class.
Policy on Safeguarding, Child Protection, Positive Behavior, Health and Safety, Cyber Safety and Anti Bullying and BYOD carefully revised, shared and strictly implemented all throughout the school.
❖ All teachers are aware of the revised and existing policies on safeguarding and Child protection.
School Policies Discussion on safeguarding policies and child protection policies to ensure that all teachers and staff are aware of its content and implementation system.
Principal Head of Inclusion Nurse Teachers Section Heads HOD’s
Teachers and staff are assigned and given duties in different areas of the school to monitor and supervise students in the morning, during snack break, lunch break and dispersal time to ensure child/student safety and protection during the mentioned periods.
Principal Teachers School Staff Section heads HODs Coordinators
-Child Protection Policy -Health and Safety Policy -Positive Behavior Policy -Cyber safety and Anti Bullying policy
Incident Record (for any accidents, untoward incidents during break time)
November 2020
❖ Policies are clearly discussed with teachers ❖ Teachers are well informed and aware of the existing school policies on Safeguarding ❖ Safeguarding policies strictly implemented all throughout the school
All throughout the school year
❖ Students/children are well supervised and monitored during breaks, start of the school day and dispersal. ❖ Teachers being proactive and vigilantly supervising students. ❖ Non-occurrence of any accidents or any untoward incidents during break time, start of the school day and dispersal time due to teacher supervision and monitoring.
Achieved and In Place
❖ Students are more disciplined and well-behaved and made aware of the consequences of any unacceptable behavior in school. ❖ Discipline committee aside from the Head of Sections and coordinators
Whistle-to give signal to the students School Bell
Discipline committee is empowered and organized and teachers are appointed to be part of the team to ensure strict implementation of the Positive Behavior Policy.
18 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Teachers Head of Section
Behavioral logs/record
All through our the school year (Ongoing)
being able to instill good discipline to each student of TCSI.
Anti-Bullying Week celebration in TCSI in collaboration with Cartoon Network and Department of Health Authority to encourage and teach students to be kind and nice to other students and make them aware of the bad effects of bullying in school and why it is not good to bully.
Principal Head of Section HODs Teachers
Anti-bullying program/list of activities/schedule
Discipline Committee
Student Art works on anti-bullying
November 2020
❖ Anti-bullying week successfully held Achieved
September 2020
❖ Coordinators for each Key Stage appointed and supervision of teachers and students is made in a more systematic way. ❖ Easier implementation of discipline, good behavior, child protection and safety all throughout the school
Achieved and In Place
All throughout the school year
❖ Every untoward student incident or accident reported and recorded to those in charge/Discipline Committee. Student safety and protection more ensured.
Achieved and In Place
in TCSI. ❖ Students encouraged and educated to have compassion with other students and discouraged on bullying. ❖ Students are safe and well protected against bullying.
Head of Inclusion
Re-appointment of coordinators for EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, to ensure orderliness and easy implementation of school policies especially the safeguarding policies.
School Policies
Safeguarding policies
Incident Reports/Behavior Log made available to ensure all incidents or untoward accidents are recorded and monitored to ensure child safety and protection.
Heads of Section
Coordinators, 2020-2021 HODs, Head of Sec
19 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Incident Report Form/Behavior Logs
❖ Parents are well informed of any incident that may arise in school.
Student’s Pick up Form made available for the EYFS, which columns indicate the Bus Number, Car Plate No., who picked up the student, signature, notes/early dismissal or activity, to ensure that students are safe and protected.
FS Teachers Coordinators Head of Section
Student’s Pick up Form
October 2020 -throughout the school year
❖ FS children home time vigilantly and carefully monitored. Children are kept safe and well protected. Parents are secured about the security of their children.
Achieved and In Place
❖ Students/children carefully and vigilantly monitored inside the bus. ❖ Students, driver and bus nannies are more protected and kept safe.
Achieved and In Place
❖ Surveillance cameras carefully installed inside the school premises.
Achieved and In Place
Guardians Use of surveillance cameras inside the buses to ensure safety and protection of students.
Utilization of surveillance cameras (CCTVs) in every corner of the school to ensure students and staffs are properly monitored and to ensure that children/students are well protected, safe and well taken care of in school.
20 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Principal Bus coordinators Bus management Bus nannies Driver
Surveillance cameras in the bus
All throughout the school year
Principal Logistics Officer Accounts Maintenance Team
Surveillance Cameras
August 2020
School Plan
December 2020
2020-2021 Ongoing
❖ Students and Staffs all throughout school well monitored and kept safe and protected during the whole day that they spend in school.
Preparation and Implementation of School Policies Related to COVID-19 also in accordance to KHDA School Reopening Readiness Plan and as per DHA Directives
Principal Nurse Head of Inclusion SLTs/HODs
Health Risk Assessment Monitoring for Students of Determination and other students
Nurse Head of Inclusion
Health Risk Assessment Forms
Hiring of School and Career Counselors
Principal HR School Management
Interviews CVs Contracts
Procurement of Sanitization Chamber, Satinizers, Thermal camera/Scan and allocation of Isolation Room for prevention of the Covid-19 and as per the KHDA/DHA requirements.
Principal Procurement Officer Accounts
Facilities for Prevention of Covid-19 Sanitizers Sanitization Chamber
21 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
September 2020
❖ New policies related to COVID-19 are implemented in school for further prevention of the disease. ❖ DHA and KHDA Regulations and Directives are met.
Achieved and In Place
❖ Students with High Health Risk are identified and properly taken care of.
Achieved and In Place
August 2020
❖ Students are well taken care of and provided with counselling sessions. ❖ Better provisions are given to students.
August 2020
❖ Students and staff are more protected and the spread of Covid-19 is prevented. ❖ School is ready for reopening following the KHDA Protocols and DHA requirements.
Google Drive December 2020
Student Files
October 2020December 2020
Preparation of Evacuation Plan and maps in case of Fire, together with fire drills.
Teacher/ Parent workshop on career guidance and counselling.
UNIFROG introduction
Student Baseline and Progress Assessment and IEP Generation through CLASS Program
22 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Principal HODs SLTs Teachers Safety Officer
Evaluation Plan School Map Fire Drill Plan
Career Counselor Parents Teachers
Modules Schedule Career Guidance Plan
Career Counselor Teachers Parents
UNIFROG App Career Counseling Plan
Inclusion Team Teachers CLASS System Consultant
CLASS PROGRAM Assessments Student Profile Laptop
December 2020
❖ Teachers and staff are made aware of the evacuation plan and have knowledge of where to go and what to do in case of fire. ❖ Students and staff are very well safeguarded and more protected.
Achieved-updated and In Place
May 2021
❖ Teachers and parents are more aware of the importance of Guidance and Career Counseling ❖ Teachers and parents are guided accordingly on how they will be able to help the students and their children in choosing their career.
November 2020
❖ Students will be guided accordingly in choosing their career path.
January 2021-June 2021
❖ Students academic level will be determined and accurate IEPs will be generated
Embedded and Ongoing
March 2021
SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2020-2021 Leadership & Management Key Priority: ● Effectiveness of leadership ● School Self-evaluation & Improvement planning ● Parents and the Community
● Governance ● Management, Staffing, Facilities and Resources
Target: ● Ensure that leaders focus more on strategic leadership and have more sufficient time to carry out their responsibilities. ● Refine the learning and teaching evaluative criteria to ensure more accurate measurement of teachers’ strengths and development needs and overall effectiveness in improving student outcomes. ● Improve library resources. Ref
Effectiveness of Leadership: Senior leaders led by the Principal are dedicated and effective: ● Reduction of Loads for the Heads of Department ● Competent and demonstrate modern understanding of best current educational practices. ● Compliance with all regulations and relevant by-laws. ● Successfully communicate school aims and plans. ● Relationship and communication with all stakeholders.
23 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Lead Person
Principal HOS HODs Year coordinators
Meetings, Job descriptions, appreciations, minutes of the meeting, School circulars, softwares and safety equipment, Robotics, Introduction of TCSI, Resource Bank
Timeline (Starting & Monitoring Impact dates) September 2020July 2021
Success criteria
Achieved or Ongoing
❖ Regular meeting with the HOD’s, SLT and Year coordinators from time to time ensures clear direction and fulfilment of the goals to be achieved. ❖ The compliance file is a clear evidence of all the followed. ❖ Circulars
message to parents, parents council etc.
Majority Achieved and Ongoing
● Distributed leadership and empowers individuals and teams ● Works with students and parents. ● Leads and influence decision meetings ● Has been successful in improving important aspects of the work of the school in the
❖ Communication with local authorities like Dubai Municipality environmental team.
❖ Dubai Police, Organization of Dubai Marathon ❖ Head
departments, Year coordinators roles ensure the school meets stakeholders needs. ❖ Monitoring Emirati performance with the Head of Department/Head of Inclusion, Tracker etc. ❖ Regular
council and Parents supporting events/parent’s involvement ❖ Improvement in IT Support across the school, software, Introduction of Robotics in the curriculum or Year 3 to 8. ❖ Safety measures across the school ❖ We have in place the new TCSI Resource Bank created for lesson planning. (Future Resource) ❖ Training Teachers, Parents and Students
24 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Self-Evaluation and Improvement Planning: School understands its strengths and areas of improvement: ● Use data analysis with tracker including CAT4, TIMMS, PISA ● Systematic evaluation is done both internal and external data is evaluated in the scheme
Principal Assessment coordinator HOS/HODs Teachers
Tracker, CAT4, PISA, TIMMS
December 2020-July 2021
Monitoring teaching and learning in relation to student achievement.
Principal HODs/HOS
Learning Walks Observation Records
September 2020 -July 2021
❖ Regular cycles of observation and
Process and impact of school improvement planning.
Principal, HODs/HOS
TCSI Resource Banks and Curriculum Booklets
March 2020-July 2021
❖ TCSI Resource
❖ Assessment Coordinator and HOD’s
department ability to work together as a team to produce regular data analysis, showcasing strengths and areas of improvement. ❖ Data
Governor’s meeting.
feedback to learning walks
❖ The vision to equip teachers to save and have a resource ready, being creative in planning has progressed and will be a key document to see in future. ❖ Introduction of French, Urdu and Robotics
Improvement over time
Principal, HODs/HOS/Te achers
CLASS Program Regular Teacher’s workshop/training Teacher Licensing
January 2020-July 2021
❖ Previous recommendations of critical thinking, research based etc. are achieved. ❖ Pics of the workshop
25 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Partially Achieved and Ongoing
❖ Teacher and /Leadership licensing on going ❖ Regular in service training ❖ Complete
Department evolving ❖ Therapies in School ❖ EAL Program ❖ All teachers trained for IEP ❖ Partnerships with Sunshine Learning Center and PULSE Center Partnership with the community ● Parents involvement
Principal/ HODs/HOS
Parents council, coffee mornings, parent’s engagement in sports, trips, community drives like Ramadan etc.
January 2020-ongoing
Achieved and Ongoing
❖ Parent’s council ❖ Coffee mornings ❖ Distribution of food to labor camp ❖ Parents parts of trips, sports, concerts etc. ❖ Regular meeting with parents ❖ Parents focusing on pupil learning and improvement steps ❖ Partnership with Dubai Municipality, DEWA, Dubai Marathon ❖ BEEAH ❖ Simply Bottles
26 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Principal School reception Head of Inclusion
Circulars, FB, website, Class Dojo, Edmodo, Term Reports, Events, Seesaw, Emails, Coffee mornings,
January 2020-ongoing
❖ Regular communication with parents
via circular, SMS, emails and Class Dojo, Seesaw, events ❖ Coffee mornings ❖ Reports at the end of the term (PTM) ❖ Special meeting with parents/Head of Inclusion ❖ Parents Orientation ❖ Social Media
HOS/HODs Teachers School Nurse Head of Inclusion
Term Reports Events Class Dojo TCSI Year Book
January 2020-ongoing
❖ Term reports ❖ Events ❖ Class Dojo ❖ Meeting with Parents of SODs
Governance: ● Involvement of parents and other stakeholders and impact on decision making.
Principal Governors Parents council
Regular meetings
January 2020-ongoing
Regular meetings
January 2020-ongoing
Regular meetings (Minutes of the meeting)
January 2020-ongoing
● Ensuring accountability for the school’s achievements and outcomes
Principal Governors Parents council
● Influence on and responsibility for the school performance.
Principal Governors Parents council
❖ Regular governor’s meeting held and there is improved representation from the governing board (Minutes of Meeting) ❖ Data on students Achievement and progress discussed at the end of the year ❖ Regular
❖ The Governing Board has been active and supportive initiatives to
27 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
improvement and changes in most of the fulfill all the
Achieved and Ongoing
Management, Safety, Facilities and Resources ● Management of day to day life of the school
Sufficiency, deployment and development of suitably qualified staff to optimize student achievements
Principal HODs Staff Ancillary staff Head of Inclusion
Principal HODs Teaching Staff Teaching Assistant Head of Inclusion
Time table Curriculum plan Happiness Hour Activity calendar Duties schedule Quality displays of students Qualified staff BYOD, use of toilets, smartphones as aid for learning. Teaching Staff Time tables Duties schedule
January 2020-ongoing
❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
September 2020-ongoing
recommendations of the last inspection including areas and initiatives undertaken by the principal like introduction of French/Urdu in the curriculum, Robotics, introduction of Class Program, Training staff on IEP, Critical Thinking, Research Based Etc., Interventions, EAL and therapies at school through screenings by Pulse Center and Sunshine Learning Center. Smooth functioning of school (Time Tabling) Behavioral/Pastoral issues well monitored Activity calendar Happiness hour
Achieved and In Place
❖ Ongoing lessons ❖ Data analysis showcasing achievement and progress of students ❖ Duties schedules ❖ Personal
management success ❖ Teacher Licensing ❖ Regular Teacher Trainings/workshop
28 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Achieved and Ongoing
Practices and Learning enrichment to promote students achievement.
Principal, HOS, HODs, Teachig Staff and Head of Inclusion
HOS, All Teaching Staff and Teaching Assistant and Head of Inclusion More shaded areas Ramps Labs with more space Mobile Science Labs
January 2020-ongoing
Achieved and In Place
❖ Good learning areas ❖ Updated Technology (very good) ❖ New software introduced: Mangahigh (Maths) Britannica (Science) Scholastic (English) Education City, Seesaw ❖ Positive Learning Environment ❖ More shaded area in school ❖ Ramps installed for safety of Students with Determination ❖ Available Science labs made more space remaining by removing the partition from the table. ❖ Trays/trolleys carry equipment in use currently in Science classroom.
Relevant and range of resources for effective learning and teaching ● A range of resources has been introduced to update the IT resources at school including other resources to support teachers and students toward meeting the standards for Teaching and learning ● Teacher and Leadership Licensing in progress ● 3 teachers have already completed teaching qualification and licensing (Ms. Almas) ● Teachers completed CPDs as they are already BEDs
Principal Governors
Google school, Microsoft school, Mangahigh-Mathemat ics, Britannica-Science, Scholastic-English, Class Monitor, CLASS Program, IEP, EAL, Interventions, Music Room, Teaching Licensing in progress
January 2020-ongoing
❖ Most of the school systems are updated ❖ Firewall strengthened ❖ Collins is used in Mathematics ❖ Scholastic is used in English ❖ Britannica is a
good addition to
support teaching and learning in “Science” ❖ CLASS Program success in the Inclusion Department ❖ Music Room converted to Isolation Room to meet Covid requirement
29 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Achieved and In Place
In Progress/Ongoing
❖ EAL Program (English as Additional Language) Acquisition of Additional Books and Library Resources -more than 500 new titles
Principal Librarian Logistics Officer
Library Books Catalogue
September 2020
Provision of Mobile Computer with Trolley Chargers/Mobile Laboratory for Teachers (40 Laptops)
Principal Accounts Logistics Officer IT
Computers Trays/Cart
December 2020
Development of School Facilities; restructuring of the Admin Office
Principal Accounts Officer Logistics Officer
Construction Plan Meetings Relevant Construction Tools and Materials
June 2021
TCSI Management Principal Accounts Construction Company Logistics Officer Principal Accounts Logistics Officer
Construction Plan Regular Meetings Construction Documentations Relevant Construction Materials and Tools
April 2021-ongoing
❖ Expansion of TCSI Building ❖ More space available for classrooms and resource rooms ❖ Accommodation of more students
Sanitization Chamber Sanitizers
August 2020
❖ Spread of Covid-19 is prevented.
Achieved and Ongoing
HOS Security Transport Reception
Walkie Talkies
Construction of the 2nd Floor as an expansion of TCSI
Installation of Sanitization Chamber, Plexi Glass for protection against Covid-19, Sanitizers in every corner of the school and the classroom. Walkie-talkies are used in school for smooth dispersal
30 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
❖ Additional
purchased and students have more resources for research and reading activities. ❖ New Addition to the TCSI Library ❖ Computers and Laptops are more accessible to Teachers and students.
❖ School facilities and Administrative
office developed and organized ❖ Healthy, clean and conducive working environment for staff.
❖ Healthy
environment/community August 2020-onwards
❖ Smooth and quick dispersal
Achieved and Ongoing
TCSI School Readiness Reopening Plan and its strict implementation
Facilities In-Charge Principal SLT HODs Teachers
KHDA School Reopening Protocols School Readiness Reopening Plan
August 2020
❖ TCSI staff, teachers, parents and
students are very much aware of the KHDA and school protocols on school reopening. ❖ Prevention of the spread of Covid-19 ❖ Healthy, Covid-19 free environment at TCSI.
Hiring of new School Counselor and Career Counselor
Principal HR Accounts
Employees Contract
August 2020
❖ More care and support for all TCSI
students are provided.
❖ Regular counseling sessions with students are held. ❖ Students maintain good behavior, well-being and emotional stability.
Launching of AS Levels at TCSI
Principal SLT Management
Career Counselor Introduction of Distance Learning to students and the use of MS Teams as online platform
Principal Accounts IT Officer
TCSI Options Booklet TCSI Website KHDA application/approval
August 2020
MS Teams Computers
March 2020
❖ Students are admitted to Grade 12 and AS Levels and given the opportunity to choose their own career path.
❖ Students and teachers have full access to MS Teams ❖ MS
utilized during
Distance Learning ❖ A very good Distance Learning Program delivered to students
31 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Partially Achieved but not ongoing
Achieved and ongoing
Parents are provided an option for Blended Learning or 100% Distance Learning for their children
Principal KHDA Secretary IT Officer SLT Receptionist
MS Teams Email to Parents KHDA Declaration Form
August 2020
Departmental Action Plans in place based on the previous DSIB/KHDA Inspection recommendations
Principal SLT HODs
Action Plans Microsoft Document Google Drive
September 2020
TCSI Policies reviewed and revised and additional policies related to Health and Covid-19 are introduced.
Principal SLT HODs Nurse
Policies Microsoft Document MS Word Google Drive
September 2020
❖ The School is properly guided through proper and implementation of school policies. ❖ Policies are shared with all staff and teachers.
Achieved, In Place and Shared
Sustainability Week Celebration
Principal In-charge of the Sustainability Week Teachers HODs/SLT
Sustainability Week Plan Sustainability Week Program
October 2020
❖ Employees’ health and happiness is
32 /School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
❖ Parents are able to choose and decide
Achieved and In Place
on the best Learning Model for their Child.
❖ Carefully constructed Action Plan is
Achieved and In Place
being implemented in each Department. ❖ Principal, SLT and HODs are properly guided through the action plan.
improved by raising awareness, encouraging and engaging in healthy habits, changing mindsets, behaviors and practices towards good health and happiness to increase the organization’s overall productivity and performance.