Traditional ELT Methods INTRODUCTION Those methods are very important for improving education in a society where there are injustice, unemployment, violence, intolerance, for this reason it´s necessary and fundamental to know all methods and approaches for creating new didactics strategies to teach and learn languages.
Names: Álvaro Ricardo Calderón Fredy Andrés Ramírez Lina Marcela Ramírez Luz Aýdée Torres
Date of brochure 17th august 2010 CONTENS
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Traditional ELT Methods
Direct Method Theory
The student can learn to speak and communicate.
It is an inductive method.
Instructional design The language natural, unwrapped and oral. The vocabulary is associated with pictures. Exist an a relationship between teacher and student.
Teaching procedures Dictation. Question and answer. Conversation atmosphere. Writing.
Audio-lingual Method Theory *In this method is used audio and oral sistem. the par psicological is managed stimulus and response.
Instructional design *Use of tape recording
*teacher is a leader, and interact whit students. * deductive explanations
Teaching procedures *Dialogues memorization *question and answer drills. *Grammar games in different context.
Silent Way Theory *Building blogs in English language. It is based in explaining of the language.
Instructional design *teachers should be in silent. *students imitate teacher or audio re-
Teaching procedures *work in pairs *teacher make the feedback. *self correction
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Total Physical Response Instructional design
Theory * Language and body are conected though orders given by teachers.
*Teacher controls student’s behavior. *Student learns of way more exciting with less stress full. *Kinetic movement is use in lieu of rote memorization
* Communication oral is the most important element
Teaching procedures *Students and teacher use of commands for realize an action . *Teacher order sequence of actions to students.
Suggestopedia Theory Suggestupedia helps to develop the mental capacity in the students. *it makes emphasis a little on grammar
Instructional design *Increase the mental potential to learn. *teacher has the control of the students in the class. *music, drama and art belong in this process.
Teaching procedures *students make perform. *dramatic readings whit classical music *students select their own styles depending the activity made.
Natural Approach Theory Meaning is the most important , because the vocabulary is the heart of the language.
Instructional design *There are three stages aural comprehension early speech production and speech activities. *Teacher should be clear with the theory given.
Teaching procedures *Activities including games, roleplays, dialogs, group work and discussions. Recreational activities. Use a picture file and slide presentation