• Theory * The language is in use all the time so that the students understand as when they were child.
• Teaching Procedures * Teacher will gain their trust so that they can express everything they feel and develop their knowledge in order to learn the English language. *The teacher has to motivate his student by plays where they can find the perfect situation to express what they feel .
• Instructional Design
La Salle University School of Education Sciences BA in Spanish, Spanish, English and French Foreign Language Didactics. Didactics.
* Leading, helping and speaking. * The main goal is to understand, to act by physical responses. • Teaching Procedures *In the classroom the teacher Works as a father’s child and speaks with them all the time in order to he understands by English petitions and reply unaware. *Collect a lot of objects around them in order to give atmosphere to the classroom and play with these things by speaking.
• Theory * It used the communicative theory, it is about
unconscious communication, where the student send messages that can be understand. • Instructional Design * The principal goal was make the student have a fluency work, where they talk freely, is something where they could talk when they want, is a free and relax learning.
• Theory
* They can used gesture and mime. The student learn language meaningfully
* Teacher must be active person so that he can
* The student learn better if used messages which are slightly beyond their current competence.
stimulate his students by feeling which could be discover for them and they can get by when they feel the need to do it. • Instructional Design * The main goal is to make students feel the language in different situations of the daily life. * Student must be led by the teacher when tries to be like a friend for him. * Teacher must be a good friend for his students not only teacher and he has to gain their trust.
• Teaching Procedures
* In the fluency work the students are not interrupted, they can talk what they want, and then the teacher takes notes of their mistakes and feeds back afterwards. iT is used normally in the first language, for that they think that is better than other to acquire the language, is more real that the conscious acquire. RESOURCES
http://www.englishraven.com/method_audioling.html http://www.sil.org/lingualinks/languagelearning/waystoapproachlangua gelearning/thenaturalapproach.htm http://www.stanford.edu/~kenro/LAU/ICLangLit/NaturalApproach.htm. http://www.englishraven.com/method_silent.html#anchor_2932
Cáterin TacheTache-Rodrigo Martínez Paola RodríguezRodríguez- Elizabeth Gómez Groupe 22
• Theory
• Theory
• Theory *All foreign language teaching should
occur in the target language only, with no translation and an emphasis on linking meaning to the language being learned. * The meaning of the name comes from the fact that meaning is to be conveyed directly into the second language through demonstration and visual aids. • Instructional Design *Classroom instruction is conducted exclusively in the target language. *New teaching points are taught through modeling and practice. *Both speech and listening comprehension are taught. *Correct pronunciation and grammar are emphasized. *Objectives include teaching the students how to
use the language spontaneously and orally. *Grammar is taught inductively.
* This method was developed to build communicative competence in translators, focusing on aural/ oral skills. This in combination with some new ideas about language learning coming from the disciplines of descriptive linguistics and behavioral psychology. * The idea was to project the linguistic patterns of the language (based on the studies of structural linguists) into the minds of the learners in a way that made responses automatic and "habitual".
• Instructional Design *Structural patterns are taught using repetitive drills. *There is little or no grammatical explanation. *Vocabulary is strictly limited and learned in context. *There is much use of tapes, language labs, and visual aids. *Great importance is attached to pronunciation.
• Teaching Procedures *Reading sections of passages, plays or
*Very little use of the mother tongue by teachers is permitted.
dialogs out loud.
• Teaching Procedures
*Asking questions in the target language and having students answer in full sentences. *Student Self-Correction.
*Dialog Memorization, Repetition Drill, Questionand-answer Drill, Complete the Dialog, Transformation Drill, Use of Minimal Pairs, Grammar Games.
*Conversation Practice. *Dictation *Paragraph Writing. *Concrete vocabulary is taught through demonstration, objects, and pictures.
*Student are asked to read loud. *Teacher correct students’ errors immediately and directly.
* The pedagogical approach is for stu-
dents to work as autonomous language learners. * Learning is facilitated by accompanying (mediating) physical objects. * Learning is facilitated if the learner discovers or creates rather than remembers and repeats. what is to be learned. • Instructional Design * The teacher's role is not to transmit
knowledge, to act as a model nor to provide answers. * The most prominent characteristic of the method was that the teacher typically stayed "silent" most of the time, as part of his/her role as facilitator and stimulator. *The teacher needs to stay out of the way in the process as much as possible. Silent Way want their students to become highly independent and experimental learners. * To encourage students to work as a group - to try and solve problems in the target language together. • Teaching Procedures
* Use of small colored rods of varying length and color-coded word charts depicting pronunciation values, vocabulary and grammatical paradigms. *Students encouraged to help each other in a cooperative and not competitive spirit. * Teacher uses hands to indicate that something is incorrect or needs changing.