Prayer Diary Summer 2015

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Prayers for peace

Lifting up modern-day slaves

Pete Greig visits Cambodia

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


WELCOME PEACE HAS RETURNED ‘Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.’ 2 CORINTHIANS 13:11

Enoch from Nigeria wrote to Tearfund to share this story: ‘In August last year, a group of Fulani [a Nigerian ethnic group] invaded and attacked Dembiri village, a small community where we had started a prayer and Bible study fellowship. The raid left nine people dead. The villagers wanted vengeance, particularly those who were part of the Bible study group.’ As part of their traditional preparations to take revenge, villagers would have to arm themselves with ‘magic charms’, drink potions and weapons. Enoch feared this would mean the villagers would abandon their Christian faith. But then, one of Tearfund’s international publications, Footsteps, was delivered to the village. In the magazine was a Bible study entitled ‘Christ triumphs over conflict’, a biblical exploration of conflict, which encourages Christians to be peacemakers. This helped to bring a breakthrough and challenged the Bible study members in their call for vengeance. ‘God helped us and the community listened to us,’ says Enoch. ‘They withdrew their plans for revenge. Peace has now returned to the community.’ I hope this is an encouraging story of how the word of God is changing and saving lives across the world, thanks to your commitment to pray for Tearfund’s work. It is also an example of how studying scripture and putting the Bible into practice can transform whole communities. Thank you for your care and concern for people across the globe caught up in conflict. Please keep Nigeria in your prayers: there has been an escalation in violence and conflict over recent months. Ask that the God of peace will be with the people of Nigeria.

Editor Peter Shaw twitter @TearTimes | email Photo: Layton Thompson/Tearfund

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


CONTENTS 04 Ordinary Heroes Small steps to change the world 05 Child workers in Cambodia Pete Grieg reflects on his visit 06 Following the floods Lifting up Malawi and Mozambique 07 Conquering fear in Nigeria Prayers for families in the conflict 08 Life-changing links Connected Church reflections 09 Held to account Lifting up communities who are demanding rights 10 Uganda on the agenda Prayer for churches’ advocacy work 11 Healthier futures in Guatemala Prayers challenging inequality 12 Opening hearts in Myanmar Prayer for the church in this nation 13 Around the world in seven days Lifting up teams visiting our partners 14 Self-help success Celebrating change across the world 15 Hope ahead for Central Asia Prayer for former Soviet states 16 The future of Iraq Lifting up a nation beset by conflict 17 Discerning hearts Prayers for eastern Africa 18 Joining with Rhythms A week of prayer and actions 19 No Child Taken update Celebrating campaign successes

‘YOUR WORD IS A LAMP FOR MY FEET, A LIGHT ON MY PATH’ PSALM 119:105 Photo: Alice Keen/Tearfund

20 Trafficking in Bihar Modern-day slavery in India 22 Small-group prayer Finding joy in our work 23 Prayer resources More opportunities to pray

Copyright @ Tearfund 2015. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for Tearfund promotional use. For all other uses, please contact us. Cover image: Woman in a village in Bihar, India. Jenny Barthow/Tearfund



‘THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS LIKE YEAST MIXED UNTIL IT WORKED ALL THROUGH THE DOUGH’ MATTHEW 13:33 SUNDAY 31 MAY ’I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.’ John 10:10 Jesus offered this promise for all of us around the world. Spend some time praying for the people Tearfund partners work with, as well as your family and friends. Ask God to help us respond to his offer and live fully. MONDAY 1 JUNE Spend time reflecting on what you have planned for this week. Ask God to speak to you about a small step you could take in your life, to work towards a just and sustainable world.

Photo: Tom Price/Tearfund

This spring, Tearfund launched its Ordinary Heroes campaign (see We have an audacious vision of a world where all people flourish, where resources are not wasted and we slow down climate change before it’s too late. For some ideas, visit TUESDAY 2 JUNE On average, each person in the UK throws away their own body weight in rubbish every seven weeks. When is your bin collection day this week, and what will you be throwing out? Reflect on how you can reuse what you have and then spend some time praying for those in this world who still have very little. WEDNESDAY 3 JUNE In two weeks’ time, on 17 June, Tearfund supporters will be joining the Climate Coalition’s mass lobby of parliament to welcome new MPs and call for climate justice. Pray for your MP, that they will have courage and wisdom to speak out against climate change which is hitting the poorest hardest. THURSDAY 4 JUNE It is expected that by 2016 the wealthiest one per cent of the world’s population will own more than 50 per cent of the world’s wealth. Pray that, as the world gets richer, all people, particularly the poorest, will benefit from the world’s wealth.

FRIDAY 5 JUNE ‘The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about thirty kilograms of flour until it worked all through the dough.’ Matthew 13:33 Although our small steps can seem tiny, Jesus reminds us that even a small amount of yeast can work all through the dough. Ask God to help you bear witness to the kingdom of God through your (seemingly) small actions. SATURDAY 6 JUNE Father God, we thank you for the gifts of creation and eternal life. Help us as your people, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to be your witnesses and to live generously on behalf of poor people. We look to the coming of your kingdom, now and forever. In your name Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


CHILD WORKERS IN CAMBODIA: 7 – 13 JUNE Imagine allowing a child to leave home to work many miles away, not knowing if they will be looked after let alone paid. For many Cambodian parents, extreme poverty means they feel they have no choice but to send their children away. As Pete Greig from 24-7 Prayer found out on his recent trip to the country with Tearfund, many are enslaved, some never return home. Pray with us this week for those affected by this modern-day evil. MONDAY 7 JUNE Tens of thousands of children and young people in Cambodia are today enslaved. Some are working in the sex industry, others in construction, more still work in people’s homes. The conditions they are kept in are terrible. Pray for these victims. TUESDAY 8 JUNE For those victims of trafficking who do eventually return home, the scars of their experience remain. Pray for young people like Chann – for six years he worked in the construction industry in Thailand. Pray God would restore the years the locusts have eaten in his life and the life of others like him. WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE If is very difficult for parents who have made choices that have led to their children being trafficked. Many have been duped by people who promised a bright future, far from any reality. Pray for those whose children are still missing, that they would be reunited. And for children who have returned home, pray for a bright future, relationships to be restored and for forgiveness. THURSDAY 10 JUNE Human trafficking is rife because of extreme poverty, which robs families of choices and means that people are often forced to travel for work – making them very vulnerable. Pray for the work of Tearfund’s partners in

Photo: Jamie Fyleman/Tearfund

Cambodia that are strengthening local communities, helping families provide an income for themselves to keep children safe. FRIDAY 11 JUNE Within Cambodia the church is flourishing. In community after community, small house churches are being established with many coming to faith. Pray that God would strengthen the work of the local church. Pray particularly for communities and individuals supported by Tearfund’s partners, that they would be able to find their own more positive solutions to poverty. SATURDAY 12 JUNE Everyone in Cambodia was affected by the Khmer Rouge regime of Pol Pot of the 1970s.

During its time in power, some 2 million people died – that’s about a quarter of the country’s population. Continue to pray for peace to reign in the country, for trust within communities to be rebuilt and God to raise up trusted new leaders. SUNDAY 13 JUNE Chomno leads the work of Tearfund partner the Cambodia Hope Organisation (CHO). They are doing amazing work including helping families become self-sufficient, raising awareness of trafficking and helping those who have become the victims. Pray that Chomno will have strength and wisdom to lead CHO, and that he would know the fullness of God’s grace in his life.

Pete Greig visiting Tearfund projects in Cambodia

Following Jesus where the need is greatest



THURSDAY 18 JUNE Heavy rain in January and February resulted in extensive In the Anglican flooding across Malawi and Mozambique. Hundreds of people Diocese of Niassa, were killed, nearly 1 million people were affected and a state of Mozambique, more emergency was declared. Fortunately, Tearfund partners in the than 1,500 houses and region were trained and ready to act when the waters hit. This five Anglican churches week, we thank God for how our partners responded, and we were destroyed in the pray against the long-term damaging effects of flood water. floods. Pray for the church in Niassa as they start to rebuild SUNDAY 14 JUNE TUESDAY 16 JUNE devastated communities, and Tearfund partner Eagles Relief Vincent Moyo, Tearfund’s and Development has served Malawi Country Representative, ask that churches, which have had buildings destroyed will be poor communities in Malawi says, ‘Besides the loss of encouraged to persevere. for more than ten years. They property and crops, those usually help communities to grow enough food, look after children’s education and people living with HIV. Praise God that they were among the first to respond when the floods hit – providing food and other essentials to families who had lost homes. MONDAY 15 JUNE Mother-of-five Chricy, 43, and her husband were left homeless after flooding destroyed their house in Supuni village, Malawi. Eagles is helping families to rebuild their homes by providing them with more expensive items such as roofing materials. Ask God to comfort those who have lost everything. Mozambique: Margarida, 78, sleeps outside after losing her home

Photo: Codesa/Gerson Machevo/Tearfund

affected also face the dangers of contaminated boreholes and wells. There’s growing concern about the spread of disease and the proliferation of malaria.’ Pray that the infrastructure will swiftly be rebuilt in Malawi, so that disease does not spread. WEDNESDAY 17 JUNE Despite 10,000 houses being destroyed and 90,000 people affected, communities in Mozambique were better equipped to respond to the floods, thanks to disaster preparedness training from Tearfund partners. ‘Before the rains came, we helped people whose homes were vulnerable to floods to move to higher ground,’ said Bishop Mark van Koevering, Bishop of Niassa. Thank God for the many hundreds who were rescued thanks to disaster training.

FRIDAY 19 JUNE Earnest Maswera, Tearfund’s Mozambique Country Representative, says, ‘Food shortages, which were already bad last year due to drought, are now likely to be worsened due to flooding.’ Across Mozambique, crops have been destroyed and fields will remain inaccessible for many weeks until flood waters drain away. Pray that farmers and agricultural workers will have the strength and determination to plant more crops. SATURDAY 20 JUNE Dear God, we lift up the people of Malawi and Mozambique as they continue to rebuild their homes and lives. We pray that their crops will be bountiful and not damaged by the floods. We ask you to keep boreholes free from contamination, and enable businesses to flourish so that people can provide for their families. Amen.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


CONQUERING FEAR IN NIGERIA: 21 – 27 JUNE Conflict in Nigeria has escalated over the last few months fuelled by the violent insurgency of militant Islamist group Boko Haram. Communities in north-eastern Nigeria in particular are living in constant fear of further attacks. Thousands of people have been killed since 2009, and many more left homeless. This week we pray for peace and hope to be restored...

Kugbaru in Nasarawa, Nigeria - a camp for those who have fled their homes

SUNDAY 21 JUNE ‘God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear.’ Psalm 46:1–2a Continue to pray for the thousands of displaced people who have fled their homes and livelihoods in north-east Nigeria, seeking refuge in other parts of the country and neighbouring nations. Pray that they will be embraced, not isolated, in their new communities – and pray that soon there will be a way for them to go back home.

TUESDAY 23 JUNE Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states have been in a state of emergency since May 2013 and brutal attacks by Boko Haram have continued this year. Pray for an end to this escalating violence and that those responsible for it will renounce conflict and seek peace. WEDNESDAY 24 JUNE Continue to pray for the release of the school girls who were abducted from Chibok, a predominantly Christian area in Borno state, in April 2014. Ask

people in desperate need. Ask that those in charge will do more to protect vulnerable people in the community and that they will seek to protect all citizens, regardless of their faith. FRIDAY 26 JUNE Thank God for the courage and faithful service of Tearfund’s partners working tirelessly to support those who have lost loved ones or been displaced or who are in need. Pray that God will fill them afresh and renew their strength.

‘FOR LACK OF GUIDANCE A NATION FALLS, BUT VICTORY IS WON THROUGH MANY ADVISERS’ PROVERBS 11:14 MONDAY 22 JUNE Many churches have been attacked and destroyed during the insurgency. Boko Haram has said it wants to create an Islamic caliphate in Nigeria, and Christians have been a particular target. Pray that Christians will live in unity and will be protected from the violence. Photo: Ben Osawe/Tearfund

that God will bring physical and spiritual healing, and bring these girls back safely to their families. THURSDAY 25 JUNE Pray that the government and military will be given God’s wisdom and guidance on how to lead the nation and reach

SATURDAY 27 JUNE ‘What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the Lord our God is near us whenever we pray to him?’ Deuteronomy 4:7

Dear Lord, thank you for being near to us, for hearing and answering our prayers. We declare your peace and love over the nation of Nigeria and ask that you draw close to those who are suffering and bring them into your embrace. We ask that they may know your comfort. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


LIFE-CHANGING LINKS: 28 JUNE – 4 JULY Connected Church links UK churches with partners overseas, supporting them to build a life-changing relationship. This week we learn more from those involved and pray for this unique initiative. SUNDAY 28 JUNE ‘Even the local press has cottoned on to Connected Church – covering our visits to Cambodia and our subsequent school assemblies,’ says Graham from Brighton Road Baptist Church in Horsham. ‘It’s a new way of showing what the church can do!’ Thank God that Connected Church is shedding new light on how God can move through our relationships. MONDAY 29 JUNE ‘We’re more aware of development issues like climate change now because these are things that our friends in Cajamarca, Peru, are living with every day,’ says Helen from Christ Church in Alsager, Cheshire. ‘Bringing our giving and praying alive in this way is so important, as we can see both the need and the impact clearly.’ Pray that all of our Connected Churches will grow in their understanding of poverty and their resolve to tackle it. TUESDAY 30 JUNE Three Counties Church in Haslemere, Surrey, is passionate about encouraging its children’s groups to get involved with supporting its partner, Eagles in Malawi. At Christmas, the children created advent prayer calendars to sell, raising £200 as well as priceless prayer support! Thank God that church families young and old are being inspired and motivated through Connected Church.

Photo: Rod Kitchin

WEDNESDAY 1 JULY ‘I met a little old lady called Rebecca,’ says Ros from Rothley Parish Church, Leicester, following her trip to Kenya. ‘She was so proud and happy because she was making a living herself for the first time ever by breeding goats, all thanks to the work of the church partner.’ Thank God for the financial and prayer support raised through Connected Church for projects transforming lives like Rebecca’s. THURSDAY 2 JULY ‘The church there knows those most in need in the community and helps our Connected partner, Warmis, to reach those people,’ says Helen from Alsager following her visit to Peru. ‘That’s what the church should do – help people who need help the most – and it’s challenged us so much as a congregation.

’Pray for the relationships forming as a result of Connected Church, that they’ll be eye-opening and beneficial for all involved. FRIDAY 3 JULY ‘Serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbour as yourself.”’ Galatians 5:13b–14 Praise God for the way Connected Church is forging powerful Christ-based relationships across cultural and geographic boundaries. SATURDAY 4 JULY Dear God, thank you that you desire close relationships with your children. Thank you for creating us to live, love and learn from one another. We lift up the Connected Church programme to you, and ask you to work through those relationships to bless people in the UK and around the world. Amen.

Matt Yates from Brighton Road Baptist Church visiting Cambodia


Following Jesus where the need is greatest


HELD TO ACCOUNT: 5 – 11 JULY Group from Burkina Faso taking part in an advocacy workshop

SUNDAY 5 JULY Two years ago, a clothing factory in Rana Plaza, Bangladesh, collapsed killing and injuring thousands of people. Our partner Koinonia responded in the immediate aftermath of the disaster, but also began calling for better health and safety legislation and for fair wages for garment workers. Pray that the government delivers on its promise to review these issues. MONDAY 6 JULY In one Central Asian nation, one of our partners supports vulnerable young people living on the streets of the capital. Praise God that, thanks to an awareness-raising campaign, and conversations between our partner and officials, the council has now granted land and planning permission for a building to provide shelter for these young people. TUESDAY 7 JULY When north-east Brazil suffered its worst drought for 50 years, there was not enough water for people to drink and produce food. Tearfund partner Diaconia supported affected communities when they met with government and water company officials. Thank God that damaged Photo: Alice Keen/Tearfund

Many of Tearfund’s partners are influencing their governments, persuading them to create and implement laws that protect and provide for people living in poverty, and encouraging them to spend public money wisely. This week, we pray for our partners’ advocacy work.

pipelines were repaired, water supplies decontaminated and water conservation improved. WEDNESDAY 8 JULY Tearfund partner Share and Care in Nepal trains community groups in how to access and use government subsidies. Praise God that government funding is now being spent on community buildings and infrastructure, rather than being lost to corruption, and that many women report that they now feel empowered and more confident. THURSDAY 9 JULY Proverbs 17:23 says that the wicked accept bribes to pervert the course of justice. In Myanmar, Tearfund partner Spectrum has successfully persuaded some parliamentarians to join the Global Organisation of Parliamentarians Against Corruption. Pray that this will lead to even more transparency and less corruption. FRIDAY 10 JULY Tearfund’s partner in Uganda, Pentecostal Assemblies of God, mobilised the churches in

Okulonyo – a community in the district of Serere – to petition and meet with district officials, to ask for a new health centre. Give thanks that a mobile health clinic has been provided and pray that a permanent clinic will be built soon. SATURDAY 11 JULY ‘Defend the rights of the poor and needy.’ Proverbs 31:9b Give thanks for all Tearfund’s partners who fulfil this biblical mandate, and pray for those who are living in places where it is less easy to operate. Ask God to give them courage.


Following Jesus where the need is greatest


UGANDA ON THE AGENDA: 12 – 18 JULY In Uganda, our partner Pentecostal Assemblies of God (PAG) has started training churches and communities in advocacy work. This week, we give thanks that this has led to communities, such as Okulonyo and Kanyangan, to work with the district authorities and improve their communities. SUNDAY 12 JULY In Kanyangan, Tearfund’s partner PAG has been working for several years with the community through church and community mobilisation. This has empowered the church and community to use the resources available to them. It has led to exciting initiatives – such as new fishponds, beehives, cattle rearing, planting trees and savings groups. Thank God for the benefits that church mobilisation bring to communities such as Kanyangan. MONDAY 13 JULY In 2013 PAG, realising the potential of what a community can do, trained the facilitators from Okulonyo, Kanyangan and other nearby communities in advocacy. They taught them about their rights, the responsibilities of local government and ways to engage constructively with local leaders. Pray that this new knowledge will continue to be used to benefit these communities.

WEDNESDAY 15 JULY The district authorities agreed to discuss the lack of clean water and transport access to Okulonyo. Praise God that the authorities agreed to drill a water source and construct a road, which will help prevent disease and enable the community to trade more easily. THURSDAY 16 JULY Concerned community members in Kanyangan met together to discuss the needs they had identified and decided which of these they could address themselves and which issues they needed to raise with the local government. Pray for good relations between the local government and the people of Kanyangan.

TUESDAY 14 JULY ‘Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.’ Matthew 7:7 Advocacy training has given the community in Kanyangan the courage to write to the district authorities outlining issues that need addressing in their community and asking them to start a discussion about them. Pray for courage for communities like Okulonyo to ask for support, and pray that their concerns will be heeded. Photo: Mark Melluish/Tearfund

Woman worshiping in a church in Uganda

FRIDAY 17 JULY So far, in Kanyangan, the local authority has cleared a road, built a classroom, provided latrines to two schools, built teachers’ houses, provided a rainwater-harvesting tank and given desks and books to students. In the secondary school, one teachers’ house was built by the community, another by the local authority and another by the district authority. Praise God for the way everyone has worked together to improve the community. SATURDAY 18 JULY ‘Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.’ John 16:24 Dear Lord, we ask you to bless communities like Kanyangan and Okulonya as they are trained in advocacy and seek to work with their local authorities for the benefit of everyone. Amen.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


HEALTHIER FUTURES IN GUATEMALA: 19 – 25 JULY Guatemalan society is beset by inequality. About 75 per cent of its indigenous people live in poverty, compared to 36 per cent of the nonindigenous population. Tearfund’s partners are working in some of the poorest communities in Guatemala, bringing healthcare, sanitation, clean water and education.

SUNDAY 19 JULY Mario Morales is a social entrepreneur supported by Tearfund’s Inspired Individuals initiative in Guatemala. His TerraCoco project produces ecofriendly shoes using raw material from coconut shells. The company employs vulnerable women and unemployed young people, helping them to provide for their families. Praise God for Mario, and pray that the project will continue to grow. MONDAY 20 JULY Tearfund’s partner AMI San Lucas works with remote Mayan indigenous communities like Eusebia’s. Eusebia and her husband were ill so often that they struggled to earn a living. But after AMI helped them construct a latrine and trained them in good hygiene practices, their health improved dramatically. ‘Now we can buy clothes when we need them, as well as food and household items,’ says Eusebia. Praise God! TUESDAY 21 JULY Almost half of the population of Guatemala is under 19 years old. Tearfund’s partners are delivering sex education based on biblical values, helping young people to avoid early pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. ‘It’s important to learn to avoid mistakes in our Photo: Virginia Lattul/Tearfund

75 per cent of Guatemala’s indigenous people live in poverty

decisions,’ said one young participant. Pray that Guatemala’s young people will adopt safe, healthy values and practices. WEDNESDAY 22 JULY Until recently, Pastor Moises had no idea how to help people struggling with poverty in his village. Give thanks that, after training from Tearfund partner AMI San Lucas, his church is finding practical ways to transform the community. ‘It’s like our eyes have been opened,’ says Moises. ‘It doesn’t matter who they are or what they believe: we just want to help people!’ THURSDAY 23 JULY Tearfund first started working in Guatemala after the catastrophic earthquake of 1976 – but the country experiences many smaller hazards which often don’t make the headlines. ‘One of the biggest challenges is when we suffer storms,’ says Pastor Moises. Pray that the

people of Guatemala will become more resilient to natural disasters. FRIDAY 24 JULY Guatemala’s general elections are scheduled for 13 September this year. In a country which averaged 101 murders per week in 2013, elections can be fraught with danger. Please pray for a peaceful election process; for wise, upright leaders to be selected – and for a reduction in violent crime across Guatemala. SATURDAY 25 JULY Praise God for all the progress that’s been made to tackle poverty in Guatemala, and pray that its society will become more fair and equal. ‘What the Bible teaches us in Galatians 3:28 is as relevant today as it ever was,’ says Country Representative Alexis Pacheco. ‘There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.’

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


OPENING HEARTS IN MYANMAR: 26 JULY – 1 AUGUST Myanmar (also known as Burma) in South-East Asia is experiencing huge change as it opens up after decades of military rule. The church has flourished among the marginalised ethnic minorities in this diverse nation. Alice Keen, who edits Footsteps, one of Tearfund’s international publications, recently visited the Ayarwaddy Delta, asking people for their prayer requests. Myanmar is opening up after years of military rule

SUNDAY 26 JULY Alice visited a village outside the capital Yangon, and met two women who trained to become facilitators working with the church and community. The facilitators encourage communities to start new business ventures or pursue education – funding these activities through a communitysavings group. Pray that the savings group will expand to reach more of the community. MONDAY 27 JULY Many young people are leaving their villages to find work in Yangon, where life can be a

path suitable for bicycles or motorbikes. This stops them being isolated and provides access to health, education and markets. Pray that other remote villages, also undergoing the church and community mobilisation process, will be able to work together to do the same. WEDNESDAY 29 JULY One lady shared with Alice how she had been touched by a Bible study based on Matthew 5, about being ‘salt and light’. A disabled mother told how she meditates on Psalm 23 and praised God for providing

‘A DISABLED MOTHER TOLD HOW SHE MEDITATES ON PSALM 23’ struggle. The village churches try to keep in touch and the church association is starting an outreach programme for migrants to Yangon. Pray for people from rural areas who have migrated – for good jobs, fair employers and safe housing. TUESDAY 28 JULY Another village Alice visited has recently been connected to the main road by a thin concrete Photo: Alice Keen/Tearfund

education for her son through a friend’s generosity. Pray that the small library the church built will inspire more villagers to read and share knowledge and learning. THURSDAY 30 JULY Before starting the church and community mobilisation process, people were not very involved with the church. Now the pastor of one village says

that attitudes have changed dramatically and the church is more active. The congregation asks for prayer for church unity so they can shine God’s light into their community. FRIDAY 31 JULY At new year, one village holds a celebration and everyone contributes to buy enough pork for the feast. Last year, through money raised from the savings scheme, the church bought a pig. The villagers sold the piglets which the pig produced and the proceeds provided all the meat for the new year festival. Join the villagers in praising God for his provision. SATURDAY 1 AUGUST After experiencing the benefits of church and community mobilisation in his own community, one village pastor has been sharing the process with neighbouring communities. Join his congregation in praying that cooperation and participation within their community will increase, and that everyone involved will work well together and understand each other better. Pray too that church and community mobilisation will spread to new areas.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


AROUND THE WORLD IN SEVEN DAYS: 2 – 8 AUGUST This summer, more than 250 people from the UK – of all ages – are heading out to spend time with our partners across the world. It’s a chance for new friendships, a new understanding of poverty and a time for our partners to be encouraged through prayer and extra support. Join with us in praying for them all this week. SUNDAY 2 AUGUST Today we’re in Malawi. Praise God for our partner Fisherman’s Rest which works tirelessly to see improved living standards, access to education and healthcare for the people of Malawi. May its team be encouraged in their work by the UK families visiting them and develop deep friendships, bound through prayer.

TUESDAY 4 AUGUST Our Go MAD team have just returned from Tanzania, after four weeks helping local communities develop water and sanitation facilities. After a life-changing time away, arriving home can be difficult. Pray that each of the team will be inspired to take all they have learnt and channel it into God’s work in the UK.

MONDAY 3 AUGUST Right now, we have a group of creative people visiting our partner African Inland Church Tanzania. Join us in praying that the gifts and talents God has given this team will be used to his glory, bringing fresh ideas and new hope to the Tanzanian students the team will work with.

WEDNESDAY 5 AUGUST Today we head over to the beautiful country of Colombia where our partner Red Viva is working tirelessly with drug addicts and vulnerable young people. They seek to bring hope through sport and provide training opportunities for unemployed people.

Photo: Rebecca Atkinson

Praise God for the work of Red Viva and the many people whose lives have been turned around. THURSDAY 6 AUGUST Today we lift up one of our partners in India, Emmanuel Ministries Calcutta. Please take a moment to ask the Holy Spirit for his guidance on how to pray for this wonderful organisation. Sometimes God gives us insight into situations. Commit your thoughts to the Lord and intercede on behalf of the people of India, our partner and the UK team who are there right now. FRIDAY 7 AUGUST Today our prayers are focused on Lusaka, Zambia’s capital, and in particular on the work of Jesus Cares Ministry. Its vision is to help women and children fulfil their potential through education and healthcare. Please pray over this ministry, to the God of Ephesians 3:20, ‘to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us’. SATURDAY 8 AUGUST Our last stop on this global journey is South Africa. Right now we have our largest group of UK families volunteering alongside our partner Ethembeni. Please pray that the UK children will be so changed by all they see and experience that they’ll carry the memories with them into into adulthood and those memories will be an inspiration throughout their lives.

Tearfund ICS team in Rwanda help in the village vegetable garden

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


SELF-HELP SUCCESS: 9 – 15 AUGUST Tearfund’s self-help groups began in 2002 in Ethiopia with just five groups; today, there are more than 13,000. They haven’t spread just in Ethiopia: Tearfund has also helped introduce them in Cambodia, Kenya, Somaliland, Tanzania, Rwanda and Malawi. This week let’s pray for their continued success. SUNDAY 9 AUGUST In Kenya, Tearfund works with 50 self-help groups supported by our partner Family Health International, working through local churches. Pray that the recent funding they received will enable more groups to be set up. MONDAY 10 AUGUST Tearfund supports more than 600 self-help groups in Rwanda. Many have an emphasis on peace and reconciliation, a crucial issue in a country still recovering from the 1994 genocide. Thank God for these groups and pray that they will continue to build trust and strong relationships between people of all backgrounds. TUESDAY 11 AUGUST In the rural Salima district of Malawi, 90 groups have been formed with more than 1,700 members. Together they have saved the equivalent of £36,000 in less than two years. This was after Tearfund provided £10,000 to fund the cost of training facilitators who come mainly from local congregations. Thank God for this amazing result and pray for these groups, that they continue to save and grow together.

Photo: Holly Pouter/Tearfund


Self-help groups are important places to discuss crucial issues facing members. In Malawi, self-help groups run by our partner St John of God have discussed cervical cancer, HIV, financial stewardship and family planning. Pray that groups continue to be safe places to talk about such important issues. THURSDAY 13 AUGUST In Tanzania, self-help groups have been trialled and developed by Tearfund and the Christian Council of Tanzania. They are now spreading to new areas, including Kongwa in central Tanzania. As the project is in its initial stages, pray for staff as they design and develop structures that allow continuity and benefit local communities for years to come.

FRIDAY 14 AUGUST Self-help groups supported by Tearfund in Somaliland have reported an increase in resilience to floods, fires and other dangers, because of their savings and group support. For example, one group mustered resources from the whole community, bought sandbags and built a flood protection wall. Thank God that, in these challenging environments, self-help groups are enabling people to adapt and cope with disaster. SATURDAY 15 AUGUST Lord God, we pray for the selfhelp group programmes which are bringing economic, social and spiritual transformation in all these countries. We pray that groups continue to flourish and grow and that their plans will succeed. Amen.

A self-help group in Tonle Batie, Cambodia

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


HOPE AHEAD FOR CENTRAL ASIA: 16 – 22 AUGUST Central Asia has always been the poorest region of the former Soviet Union, and still faces a host of social problems. Tearfund’s inspirational partners are bringing hope to orphans and abandoned children – providing education, healthcare and employment opportunities to people struggling with poverty, and helping families in crisis to overcome their difficulties.

Tearfund partners bring hope to children in Central Asia

SUNDAY 16 AUGUST Abandoned by her mother, Ayana, aged six, was kept in her uncle’s barn. Thankfully, she was taken to a Tearfundsupported children’s shelter, where love and care has turned her life around. Praise God that she has now been adopted by a local family. ‘Ayana calls us often, and every time she sounds happy,’ says support worker Dinara. MONDAY 17 AUGUST Sadly, the prospects for adolescents leaving orphanages are not good. They are often stigmatised and are at high risk of prostitution, homelessness, criminality and suicide. In one ex-Soviet state, a Tearfund partner is the only institution supporting these young people. Ask God, the ‘father to the fatherless’ (Psalm 68:5), to help them experience greater acceptance and brighter futures. TUESDAY 18 AUGUST Tearfund’s partner provides young people leaving orphanages with shared social housing and vocational training, helping them along the path to independence. Give thanks for Fyodor, supported by this

Photo: Jim Loring/Tearfund

partner as he trains as an accountant. ‘It’s difficult, but an interesting science that will be useful in my life,’ he says. WEDNESDAY 19 AUGUST Abandoned by her husband, Klara raised her three children in a bare apartment with no toilet or running water. She felt hopeless until Tearfund’s partner helped her enrol her children in school, provided training and medical assistance. ‘I learnt it’s never too late to start over,’ says Klara. Pray for all those experiencing the pain of family breakdown.

FRIDAY 21 AUGUST Domestic violence is common in many Central Asian States, and victims often feel unable to seek help. A Tearfund partner teaches women their rights and how to address violence. ‘Often, we don’t notice how many children and women are in difficult situations,’ says Lena, an eager course participant. ‘Maybe I could be a support to someone.’ Pray for all those who have been victims of abuse.


THURSDAY 20 AUGUST Many people in the Central Asian States struggle with drug and alcohol misuse. Pray for freedom for those battling addiction, and give thanks for a life-changing rehabilitation centre supported by Tearfund. After successfully completing the recovery programme, Leo found a job, restored his relationship with his family and now nurses his elderly mother. Praise God for this total transformation.

SATURDAY 22 AUGUST Sisters Aybek and Gulnara dreamt of helping their remote, poverty-stricken village in some way. They started a bakery providing low-cost food for the community, receiving training and a small business grant from a Tearfund partner. The sisters then began training unemployed women in bakery skills. Praise God for their vision and compassion. Names have been changed this week to protect people’s identities.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


THE FUTURE OF IRAQ: 23 – 29 AUGUST More than 1.8 million Iraqis have left their homes since the beginning of 2014 as a result of conflict. Christian and Yazidi communities face forced conversion, persecution and even death. Many of the people who left their homes with no possessions are worried about the future: children are at risk of being poorly educated, and adults have been left with no means to support themselves or their families.

‘MANY CHILDREN HAVE BEEN OUT OF SCHOOL SINCE THEY FLED THEIR HOMES’ SUNDAY 23 AUGUST Many Iraqis failed to escape when Islamic State (IS) militants invaded their towns. They continue to be fearful for their safety and for what the future holds. Lord, please protect those who are still living in IScontrolled areas. MONDAY 24 AUGUST Girls as young as 14 have been captured and are being held by Islamic State militants, or have been sold. Sexual violence is being used as a weapon of war and terror. Lord, bring restoration to those lives that have been destroyed by rape and assault.

Photo: Sara Guy/Tearfund

TUESDAY 25 AUGUST In many conservative Iraqi communities, there is a pervasive culture of shame and stigma around sexual violence. Women who have faced such violence and have returned to their communities face a very difficult future, and are at high risk of suicide or honour killing. Pray for the support and rehabilitation of women and girls who have faced sexual violence; pray that their future will be full of hope and possibility. WEDNESDAY 26 AUGUST Many children in displaced communities have been out of school since they fled their homes. Access to schooling is limited due to language barriers and a lack of space in host schools. Lord, break down barriers that bar these children from attending school, so that their future will be transformed by education.

THURSDAY 27 AUGUST Hunger is a harsh reality for more than 3 million Iraqis who have fled their homes. Some of the darkest elements of the conflict are the long-term economic repercussions for those who are unemployed, homeless and desperate. Lord, bring restoration to broken lives, and provide opportunities and support for families in need. FRIDAY 28 AUGUST Many families have endured terrible suffering at the hands of militants. Pray that these families will have resilience and determination. Let us pray that the goodness of God, which overcomes darkness, will spread across Iraq. SATURDAY 29 AUGUST Dear Father, light of the world, we pray for the people of Iraq. Where there is fear for the future, let your light shine into the darkest corners. We pray that you restore and rebuild the lives of those who are suffering, and give your church the wisdom and courage to bring healing to a land suffering great trauma and loss. Amen.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


DISCERNING HEARTS: 30 AUGUST – 5 SEPTEMBER This week, we explore how learning and knowledge are proving a powerful force in overcoming poverty in East and Central Africa. SUNDAY 30 AUGUST Tearfund farming training has led to better harvests for Burundian widow Marie. She no longer worries about feeding or clothing her family. ‘Poverty is about mindset,’ says Marie, ‘I used my hands to get out of poverty.’ She now makes good money selling bananas. Give thanks that people like Marie are understanding new ways to overcome poverty. MONDAY 31 AUGUST Bouts of sickness made Malawian mum Hawa worried she might be living with HIV and could pass it to her unborn child. Although Hawa tested positive, her baby’s test was negative. This is all thanks to a Tearfund-trained Mother Buddy, who helped Hawa access antenatal services and expert advice. Praise God for empowering people to prevent HIV from spreading. TUESDAY 1 SEPTEMBER Saving the equivalent of 7p a week has had a huge impact on the life of Ethiopian mum Tigist. In 2011, she joined a self-help group (SHG) run by a Tearfund partner, where people come together to save money and access loans to start businesses. Profits from her business selling tea, coffee and doughnuts mean Tigist’s family now eat three times a day and her children go to school. Pray that more people will be blessed through SHGs in Ethiopia.

Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund

WEDNESDAY 2 SEPTEMBER More food, new clothes, school books and uniforms – just some of the improvements Mariana Neta has noticed since she put Tearfund farming training into practice in Mozambique. She now produces copious amounts of cabbage, carrots and tomatoes. Pray God’s blessing on the work of our partner Cedes to change more lives through conservation farming, replacing traditional methods. THURSDAY 3 SEPTEMBER The future’s bright, the future’s orange for Akol Wilbrod and his Ugandan family after Tearfund training and Bible studies opened their eyes to the resources around them, notably the fact that the soil was perfect for growing oranges. So they sold a bull and bought 100 saplings. Today they have 300 trees, a good income and a stronger faith. Praise God the Bible is helping people do a new thing to break free from poverty (Isaiah 43:19).

FRIDAY 4 SEPTEMBER ‘It’s like a bulb had been lit in my dark life,’ says Kenyan widow Nancy Karimi about the impact a Tearfund church partner has had on her life. Nancy went from begging to understanding how her land was a resource that could provide for her family. Supported by a church-led irrigation project, Nancy now profits handsomely. Reflect on Nancy’s comment: ‘I encourage everyone who thinks they cannot make it to trust in God. He’s able to change your life around.’ SATURDAY 5 SEPTEMBER Lord Jesus, thank you for the power of knowledge to free people from poverty. Please continue to bless the work of Tearfund to provide a hope and a future to millions struggling for survival.

Children playing near Kerara Village, Kenya

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


JOINING WITH RHYTHMS: 6 – 12 SEPTEMBER Tearfund’s Rhythms encourages people to live differently

SUNDAY 6 SEPTEMBER Recycle everything you can this week. Doing this for one week can kickstart a habit that sticks. England alone generates about 177 million tonnes of waste every year. This is a poor use of resources, costs us money and causes environmental damage. Ask God to help you keep up this recycling habit. MONDAY 7 SEPTEMBER We wash our hands several times a day… well, we rinse them, splash them, give them a wipe. But how often do we really wash our hands? Today, wash them properly and spend this time praying for people affected by Ebola. Good hygiene that includes handwashing is one of the important things helping to contain the outbreak. TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER Read James 2:14–26. Reflect on what it says about our everyday actions and how we might find inspiration from those who followed God’s words into deeds. Are we ready to #LiveDifferent as we pray, ‘Thy kingdom come’?

Photo: David Cavan/Tearfund

We can use every daily action – our living, breathing, working, eating and sleeping – to glorify God. This week is a little different as we imagine an alternative, more generous way to live. For the next week, each day is an action from Tearfund’s Rhythms initiative, which features hundreds of inspiring ideas and articles. Find out more at or download the app for iPhone or Android. WEDNESDAY 9 SEPTEMBER Look at the labels in your clothes to find out where they were made. Many are made in places like Bangladesh, where the garment industry accounts for 78 per cent of the economy. Ask God to bless people in Bangladesh, who often work in poor conditions, and ask him to challenge you to live differently through the clothes you choose to buy. THURSDAY 10 SEPTEMBER Be the first to offer to make drinks today in your work or home, and pray a blessing on those you serve. Our generosity can be much more than the money or gifts we give. When we give someone our time, we give a little piece of our lives. FRIDAY 11 SEPTEMBER Where does how much you earn place you on the Global Rich List? Visit globalrichlist. com to find out, or think about how much you are

blessed with compared to a family living in extreme poverty. Pray and ask God to challenge you to think about your possessions and lifestyle differently. SATURDAY 12 SEPTEMBER Ask God to give you the name of someone, a good friend or relative. Write a ‘thank you’ card to tell them how much you appreciate them. It’s a simple generous act that makes our world a better place. Keep them in your prayers over the next week.

You can find all of these actions and hundreds more on Create an account and mark them as complete when you’ve done them. Be part of a community that is changing the world.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


NO CHILD TAKEN UPDATE: 13 – 19 SEPTEMBER In the Prayer Diary last June, we introduced Tearfund’s No Child Taken anti-trafficking campaign. We’ve been overwhelmed by your response. You have prayed, given, baked and taken many challenges to raise funds and awareness to prevent child trafficking. Thank you. Here’s just a flavour of what’s happened over the past year...

SUNDAY 13 SEPTEMBER Kalei, 15, from the village in Laos we told you about when we launched No Child Taken, used to hunt and forage for frogs, lizards and crabs to feed her frail father and siblings. Tearfund’s partner in the village encouraged her to set up a business selling brooms. Praise God that she now earns £6.50 a week – enough to provide food for the whole family. MONDAY 14 SEPTEMBER Tom Herbert, from Channel 4’s Fabulous Baker Brothers, also visited the village in Laos to learn about Tearfund’s work. There he demonstrated how to make ‘sticky sticks’, a simple recipe to help villagers earn more income. Thank God that this inspired 17-year-old Ler to set up a ‘sticky sticks’ business in the village rather than leaving for Thailand, where trafficking is rife. TUESDAY 15 SEPTEMBER Tearfund partner World Relief Cambodia (WRC) works to prevent children being trafficked into forced labour. ‘We have seen remarkable and touching results as villagers begin to understand the true dangers of trafficking,’ says Tim Amstutz, WRC’s Country Director. Pray that God will bless the work of WRC as it helps more mothers recognise the signs and dangers of trafficking.

WEDNESDAY 16 SEPTEMBER Antioch Church in Colwyn Bay was inspired by Tearfund’s Big Bake challenge, which raises funds for our anti-trafficking work. They held a cake sale on Anti-Slavery Day, and an event called ‘light, ignite, BAKE’ – which raised £680 for No Child Taken. Pray that more churches will be inspired to take part and raise funds. THURSDAY 17 SEPTEMBER No Child Taken is also bringing communities together in the UK. Tearfund fundraisers Catherine and Clive Pooley organised The Great Planton Way Bake Off – inviting neighbouring families to participate. Six households came together to take part in the baking competition. Pray that the neighbours who took part, none of whom are Christian, will be blessed through the experience. FRIDAY 18 SEPTEMBER Eric Whitehead and his children Hannah, aged ten, and Mark, 32, have taken on an ambitious challenge this year: to climb every one of the Lake District’s 214 Wainwright fells to support No Child Taken. Pray for the Whiteheads as they near the end of their mammoth challenge, that God will give them strength and perseverance.

SATURDAY 19 SEPTEMBER ‘Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.’ Psalm 82:4 Lift up Tearfund partners across the world who are preventing children from being trafficked – delivering them from the hands of the wicked. Pray in particular for World Concern Laos and World Relief Cambodia, that their staff will be encouraged and blessed when times are tough.



Nazeeb’s family, who have started a poultry farm.

TRAFFICKING IN BIHAR: 20 – 26 SEPTEMBER As we continue to tackle the root causes of trafficking, please join us in prayer for Bihar state in north-east India, where poverty means that many children are vulnerable to trafficking.

SUNDAY 20 SEPTEMBER Ankoor, who’s ten, was abducted one evening as he picked maize. He was taken to a house where it was likely he would have been used as a domestic servant. Ankoor managed to escape. Praise God that Ankoor is safe at home and – with the help of Tearfund partner Emmanuel Hospital Association (EHA) – Ankoor’s mother is now running a Trafficking Vigilance Committee to deter traffickers. MONDAY 21 SEPTEMBER Tearfund has helped Deepak to set up a small shop. Owing to his disability, Deepak was unable to work in the fields. Now he earns enough to keep his children in school, safe from traffickers who would seek to exploit them. Pray for God’s hand on this vital work for parents with disabilities and pray that more people will access the same help Deepak has received.

TUESDAY 22 SEPTEMBER Nanki was taken by a neighbour to ‘buy bangles’ but was left alone in a taxi with the driver. When she asked what was happening, he told her, ‘You Photos: James Morgan/Tearfund

have been sold.’ Nanki escaped but many children do not. Pray that the plans of people intent on luring children into slavery will be thwarted.

EHA staff as they assess how best to help him. Pray that Batu will come to know Jesus as his Lord and Saviour, his healer and friend.

WEDNESDAY 23 SEPTEMBER An estimated 4,000 people are trafficked in Bihar every month. But EHA’s work is helping families of missing people to access legal and governmental help to hold traffickers to account. Please pray for the staff team at EHA, who sacrifice so much themselves to serve those in poverty.

SATURDAY 26 SEPTEMBER Dear Lord, thank you for stirring the hearts of EHA staff to serve in Bihar state. We lift up to you EHA and its new CEO, who started in April. Please bless their work and bring more people to their team to ease their heavy workload. We ask you to use them powerfully to prevent more and more children from being trafficked and to help people come to know you. Amen.

THURSDAY 24 SEPTEMBER Nazeeb, 14, had to work for 21 hours a day in a zip factory. When he fell ill, he was released and managed to return home. EHA has helped his family start a poultry farm, which gives them an income. Please pray for the success and growth of this business venture. FRIDAY 25 SEPTEMBER Batu spent the entirety of his teens in bonded labour but has recently escaped. Pray for

NO CHILD TAKEN You can find out more about Nazeeb’s story in a short film. Order our resources pack to learn the full story and find out how you and your church can get involved. You can also order from tearfund. org/nochildtaken or email or call 0845 521 0021.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest

Sold By Anne E Thompson

I held you, Your weight light on my hip As I touched your button nose With mine, Peered deep into Shining eyes, Because you are my world. We held hands As we walked to the station. And you skipped beside me Trusting While my heart Became still, Because you were my world. I sold you To the man whose words Promised me, That you would be schooled And be fed And have chances in life, Beyond my reach. And I walked away, With breaking heart And one hundred pounds And the prayer you would be safe. Because you were my world. From


Following Jesus where the need is greatest


SMALL-GROUP PRAYER REFLECTION RED EEMING WORK Written by Ian Orton, Pastoral Care Coordinator, Tearfund

Sannasi, a fisherman from India


‘For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.’ Ephesians 2:10


As a pastoral care worker, I often encounter staff dealing with work stress – long hours, meeting enormous local demands and missing family while living in another culture. Learning where people come alive, unwind or recreate can be enlightening. They say that if you want to know what

believe that ‘work’ – carving out an existence through arduous, painful toil – is part of the curse (see Genesis 3:17–18). Yet, man’s work – naming the animals and tending the garden – was commissioned before the Fall. And it was an honourable position: God adopted the names man coined, and took garden strolls with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day. This is a picture of pre-Fall fulfilment and pleasure, with human beings at one with the Creator, nature and each other. Only when Adam believed a lie

‘GOD MADE ME FAST. AND WHEN I RUN, I FEEL HIS PLEASURE’ ERIC LIDDELL, SCOTTISH AND MISSIONARY someone loves doing, catch them in their spare time. I believe our jobs can bring us the same fulfilment.

regarding God’s character did his work and relationships undergo devastating change to become prickly and onerous.

I sometimes ask, ‘Is your work ‘pre- or post-Fall’ work?’ – which can leave people confused. That’s because people often

You may recall Eric Liddell’s inspirational statement in the film, Chariots of fire: ‘I believe that God made me for

Photo: Peter Canton/Tearfund

a purpose. But he also made me fast, and when I run, I feel his pleasure.’ This reflects the exhilaration of a man releasing God’s design in him, and enjoying it. Many people do extraordinarily creative and skilled things outside of their job – where they are motivated, passionate, energised and fulfilled. When we approach our work in this way, it can bring the same delight and become a huge blessing to the people we serve. Discovering the truth of God’s character, and recognising that our natural skills are uniquely designed to fulfil his purposes, purifies our motivation for work. Then our work will be redeemed – to become the joyous pursuit it was meant to be from the beginning – as we rediscover the pleasure of being his handiwork (Ephesians 2:10).


Consider: what will work be for me today? Onerous postFall drudgery, or the fulfilling redeemed work that God has set before us?

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


PRAYER RESOURCES Here are more resources and opportunities to pray with Tearfund for people in poverty. URGENT PRAYERS BY EMAIL Tearfund’s weekly prayer email, One Voice, features prayer updates from around the world. Delivered every Friday, the email has downloadable content giving you the flexibility to use it at your Sunday service, small-group meeting or on your own. Sign up at JOIN A LOCAL PRAYER GROUP If you would like to meet with others to pray for issues that affect poor communities around the world, then join a local prayer group. Call 0208 977 9144 or email and find out if there’s a group near you – or consider starting one.

twitter FOLLOW US ON TWITTER To receive regular prayer updates delivered to your smartphone, tablet or computer, you can follow Tearfund on Twitter. (You will need to have or set up a Twitter account at Visit URGENT PRAYER ALERTS We have launched a prayer alert service on WhatsApp (a smartphone application), to share urgent prayer requests by text message and the occasional image or audio to help you pray. 1. Add +44 7752 590723 (our dedicated WhatsApp number) to your phone’s contacts 2. Text ‘UPDATE’ via WhatsApp to us on the above number 3. We will add you to our prayer list and send you regular prayer alerts


ORDER EXTRA COPIES OR AUDIO AND BRAILLE VERSIONS OF THE PRAYER DIARY Audio and Braille versions of the Prayer Diary are available, free of charge, upon request. You can also order more copies of the Prayer Diary for your church or group and sign up to receive extra copies regularly. Please call Tearfund on 0208 977 9144. Girl and boy in a mustard field in Bihar, India

‘Dear Lord and Father, we pray for comfort for people who have lost loved ones as a result of the attacks in Nigeria. We pray for the healing of the wounds of trauma experienced by people who have been displaced. We pray that the needs of these people will be met and that peace will return. Amen’ Danladi Musa, Tearfund’s Nigeria Country Representative, Plateau State, Nigeria

Photo: Ben Osawe/Tearfund

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