Prayer Diary Summer 2017

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Our amazing supporters in Wales

Lifting up devastated families

Churches coming together to worship


WELCOME... OUR DAILY BREAD ‘We pray every night for there to be food tomorrow,’ says Sylvia. ‘We pray to God that he would give us good rains so that the next day we can have enough food.’ (See page 8 for the full story.) When I visited Malawi, and heard Sylvia utter those words, it made me think back to the Lord’s Prayer. How often do we speak that plea without a second thought that we might not get enough food for the day? How different it sounded when spoken by Sylvia. We are all dependent on God, and we should look to him daily to provide for our needs. But for us, ‘Give us today our daily bread’ (Matthew 6:11), is a reminder that we should only ask for what we need, and look to God to provide. But many of us – myself certainly – enjoy much more than what we need. Of course, Jesus came to give us life ‘to the full’ (John 10:10). But he also calls on us to accept limitations, to be generous to others, to share our abundance… Thank you for your dedication to people living in poverty, for your heartfelt prayers that demonstrate you care deeply for the injustice of this world. And how you call on God daily for his kingdom to come on earth as in heaven. Because in God’s kingdom both our prayers and Sylvia’s prayers should be the same. Thank you also, that – thanks to your prayers – a breakthrough is coming in Sylvia’s life...

Peter Shaw, Editor twitter @TearTimes | email

Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund


CONTENTS 04 Two big churches

Prayer for Big Church Day Out

05 Generous lives

Giving thanks for volunteers

06 Against child labour

Lifting up exploited children

07 Speak up

Prayer for the changing climate

08 Hunger steals, church gives

The stories of two Malawian women

11 Africa emergency

Lifting up beleaguered East Africa

12 Hardship in Egypt

Prayer for this north African nation

13 Rebuilding Nepal

Celebrating transformation

14 Cycle of hope

Giving thanks for cyclists in Rwanda

15 Fendithion o gymru/ Blessings from Wales

Praising God for Welsh supporters

16 Spending your summer

Lifting up young volunteers

17 Growing groups

Giving thanks for self-help groups

18 Walking with the displaced

Prayer for families in the Middle East

19 Surviving Ebola

Praising God for progress against the outbreak

20 From hurting to healing

Lifting up Haiti after the hurricane

21 Gifts for the future Praising God for generous lives 22 Carry each other Small group prayer reflections


23 Prayer resources More opportunities to pray

Copyright © Tearfund 2016. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for Tearfund promotional use. For all other uses, please contact us. Cover image: Polly and her youngest daughter Faye, Malawi Photo: Tom Price/Tearfund

Photo: Tom Price/Tearfund


Tearfund volunteers at the Big Church Day Out

TWO BIG CHURCHES: 28 MAY – 3 JUNE Big Church Day Out (BCDO) is one of the largest Christian events in the UK. Over two weekends more than 30,000 Christians will come together to worship – and Tearfund are the main charity partner. The event is an amazing opportunity to spread the word about our work, especially to those who may not have heard about Tearfund before. SUNDAY 28 MAY Yesterday was day one of BCDO South, held in West Sussex. During the event we aim to raise enough support to help 55,000 families in the coming year. More than 250 staff and volunteers have given up their weekend, camping out in a field to tell others about how they can help the communities we serve. Pray that people will be touched by the stories from Malawi. MONDAY 29 MAY BCDO in West Sussex has finished. Today we are packing down everything and preparing to head north for the second weekend. With large events such as this there are always logistical challenges – pray that God’s hand is upon this. Thank the Lord for all of his provision over the last few days.

Photo: Clive Mear/Tearfund

TUESDAY 30 MAY Today the team drive north to Cheshire in preparation for the second weekend. It’s a long drive, so please pray for safety as we travel. Many of the team won’t have had a proper rest for a while, so please pray for great sleep for the next couple of nights. WEDNESDAY 31 MAY The team is getting its first proper feel for what BCDO North will be like. Pray that the set-up at the new site will go smoothly. As tiredness begins to set in, ask for rejuvenation for the team, and for God’s abundant provision as we work towards the final couple of days. THURSDAY 1 JUNE Today more than 120 staff and volunteers arrive at the new site. Pray for safe travel, and that God will be with them as they take on new challenges. Ask that there will be a great sense of fellowship within the group.

FRIDAY 2 JUNE It’s day one of BCDO North. Pray for all those who are attending – that they will meet God in powerful ways. Pray that as people hear about the work of Tearfund they are moved and respond well. And ask that the weather will stay fine and that there will be a wonderful atmosphere. SATURDAY 3 JUNE Today is the final push. After twelve days on the road, this is the last opportunity to speak to the thousands of people at BCDO about how they can be part of the Tearfund story to reach people where the need is greatest. Pray that we will reach, and even exceed, our target to raise enough support to help 55,000 families in need. Thank God for all those who gave up their time to be a part of the Tearfund team at the event.


GENEROUS LIVES: 4 – 10 JUNE Join us in celebrating and praying for the amazing individuals who partner with Tearfund to fundraise and to share the challenge. As we seek a more just and sustainable world each of us has our unique role to play...

SUNDAY 4 JUNE ‘I’m sorry I haven’t written to you, I’ve been busy with another cake sale. I saw your letter about the Democratic Republic of Congo emergency appeal and I decided to take action!’ This was from Bryony, aged 11, who raised £195 for DRC. Give thanks for Byrony, who often raises money for our appeals, and for parents who share Tearfund news with their children.

‘I SAW YOUR LETTER ABOUT THE EMERGENCY APPEAL AND I DECIDED TO TAKE ACTION!’ MONDAY 5 JUNE In June 2016 Luke and his school friends Beth, Oscar, Mihai and Dylan made comic books based around Super Zero, a superhero. They sold them to their classmates raising £32. Pray for more young people to tap into their own unique gifts to help others.

Photo: Sarah Wiggins/Tearfund

TUESDAY 6 JUNE Erin is completing eight marathons in eight different countries, while James and Callum are cycling from England to New Zealand. It seems there is no end to the lengths our amazing fundraisers will go to to raise funds to help the poorest. Please pray for strength and perseverance for those who take on these physical challenges. WEDNESDAY 7 JUNE Gary has been working with his church in Scotland, encouraging a biblical view of the world that impacts the way we live each day through Tearfund resources like Stir-up Supper. Pray for Gary and others like him as they inspire their congregations to act in prayer, advocacy and campaigning. THURSDAY 8 JUNE Jean has been campaigning on climate change for many years and she walked to Paris for the climate talks on our Pilgrmage2Paris. Because climate change is hitting the poorest hardest, many of our supporters are helping to spread the word around key environmental issues. Pray for their voice to be heard and for churches and individuals to respond to the challenge.

Beth, Mihai, Oscar and Luke who made and sold comics for Tearfund

FRIDAY 9 JUNE David is a photographer and media student in Northern Ireland who offered his talents to produce film and photos of Tearfund events. Give thanks for all those who generously share their skills. Pray that their involvement with Tearfund might help direct them into all that God has for them. SATURDAY 10 JUNE ‘With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith.’ 2 Thessalonians 1:11 Father God, thank you for each and every amazing individual that you have linked with Tearfund to see poor people reached with good news. Thank you for their unique gifts, for their compassionate hearts and for the futures you have for them. Amen.

To find out more about the many ways to get involved visit and click the Get Involved tab.


SUNDAY 11 JUNE Father, we pray for young people in Malawi who are being denied the opportunity to go to school. We ask for increased understanding across communities and for parents to realise the importance of their children’s education in helping them overcome the poverty which they face. MONDAY 12 JUNE On World Day Against Child Labour, give thanks for powerful examples like 16-year-old Emmanuel, whose parents used to beat him and withhold food when he wanted to go to school. Emmanuel was empowered to return to the classroom with the support of Tearfund partner Livingstonia Synod AIDS Programme (LISAP). He’s now flourishing and his relationship with his family has been restored.


AGAINS T CH ILD LA BOUR: 11 – 17 JUNE In Malawi, children’s education is often cut short as young people are expected to take on responsibilities in the family home – working to earn money in the midst of challenging droughts and food shortages. In many cases girls are also forced into early marriages as a means of income. TUESDAY 13 JUNE ‘Because we were very poor, my uncle sold me to an older man for 3,000 Kwacha [£3] – the price of a chicken where I live. After six days I was rescued. I’m now back at school and want to become a teacher.’ Pray that girls like Gertrude, who have encountered the trauma of early forced marriage, would come to know their identity in Christ and their true value to him.

THURSDAY 15 JUNE ‘The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.’ Psalm 9:9

WEDNESDAY 14 JUNE Dear Lord, thank you for church volunteers in Malawi who have formed ‘Mother and Father Groups’ to intervene in situations where children are being mistreated through child labour or early marriage. Thank you for the love they demonstrate to these young people through their perseverance to see them restored to a place of safety and hope.

FRIDAY 16 JUNE LISAP’s project has a strong emphasis on educating young people to understand their rights and make their views known to their peers and families. Pray for life skills clubs in schools which explore issues of child labour, early forced marriage, HIV/Aids and the importance of education. Ask God to prevent many more children from missing out on achieving their full God-given potential.

Gertrude (centre) from Malawi, with volunteers who rescued her from forced marriage

Ask God to intervene in the lives of young people who are still oppressed. Pray for girls living in fear or facing an uncertain future, lift up all those in desperate need of rescue and ask that God would provide refuge.

SATURDAY 17 JUNE Thank God for LISAP and the funding which makes their work possible. LISAP operates in the context of extreme hunger and poverty. Pray for God’s help for all those who are struggling with food insecurity, and for wisdom and courage for LISAP as they seek to challenge cultural norms and bring about change in the lives of families across the region.

Photo: Chris Hoskins/Tearfund


Iqbal, Chair of the Risk and Disaster Association in his village in Chad

SUNDAY 18 JUNE Irregular rainfall means Sylvia from Salima in Malawi cannot grow enough for her family. When the food runs out her children cry from hunger. Lift up her family in prayer as they will have a shortage of food before the next harvest. (You can learn more about Sylvia next week.) MONDAY 19 JUNE Reflect on Sylvia’s story when you eat today, thank God for each mouthful and pray he will bless those who produced it. And thank God for the local church who are teaching Sylvia new farming techniques which are more resistant to the changing climate. TUESDAY 20 JUNE Sambo says floods are getting worse and the dry season is hotter in his community in Cambodia. The changing climate means less food, so people go elsewhere to find work. Sambo’s son was taken by traffickers and forced to work as a labourer in Thailand. He worked 20-hour days for six years before he was able to come home. Pray that our government takes strong action on climate change, which is punishing families in many ways across the world. Photo: Peter Caton/Tearfund

SPEAK UP: 18 – 24 JUNE In two weeks’ time, across the country people will speak to their MPs about the things they love which are impacted by climate change. This is part of Speak Up, an initiative from the Climate Coalition, a group of more than 100 organisations, including Tearfund. Join us in prayer this week as we join with those taking part, compelled by God to love our neighbours in poor countries hit hardest by climate change. WEDNESDAY 21 JUNE Sambo and his son have thankfully been reunited. Reflect today on the freedom we enjoy. Poverty, exacerbated by climate change, is enslaving people – forced to work under brutal circumstances when there is no food. Thank God for your freedom, and pray for Tearfund partner Cambodian Hope Organisation as they work to set others free. THURSDAY 22 JUNE ‘... for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.’ 1 Timothy 2:2 Paul encourages us here to pray for people in authority. Pray for your MP, MSP or MLA, and consider writing a letter or card thanking them for their work in your constituency while expressing your concerns about the effect of climate change on poor communities. To find their address visit:

FRIDAY 23 JUNE As people prepare to meet their parliamentary representatives, pray for those organising meetings. If you would like to take part, see if there’s a constituency gathering near you by visiting:

‘LIVE PEACEFUL AND QUIET LIVES IN ALL GODLINESS AND HOLINESS’ SATURDAY 24 JUNE Is there something that you love that may be impacted by climate change, such as a favourite place to visit, or a country you pray for? Thank God for that and ask him to raise up his church to take action on climate change, which is hitting poor communities hardest.

‘All of my life I have struggled to feed my four children’


HUNGER STEALS, THE CHURCH GIVES: 25 JUNE – 8 JULY Sylvia and her family from Salima, Malawi

SUNDAY 25 JUNE Globally, 795 million people face hunger, and the vast majority of these are in developing countries, including the more than 50 countries where Tearfund operates. Pray for families in Malawi who are in the grip of a protracted food crisis, with 6.7 million people facing hunger, that God would bring a breakthrough. MONDAY 26 JUNE ‘All of my life I have struggled to feed my four children and now I have one bag of maize left for six months,’ says Sylvia from Malawi. Her whole life has been a battle to get enough food, and now she has a young family of her own. Pray that God will give her peace, and provide additional sources of food. TUESDAY 27 JUNE ‘When I have nothing left to give them, I give them anything I find to ease their hunger,’ says Sylvia. ‘I know that soon we will run out of food completely.’ Sylvia has four children and an elderly mother to look after. Lift up this desperate family, and ask God to reach out to them.

Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund

Hunger is a killer but it’s also a thief. It can steal your dreams, hopes for the future, relationships, selfesteem and sense of belonging. However, all around the world, local churches are ready to lead their communities out of lives impeded by hunger into fulfilled lives with food, education, training, sanitation and so much more. Over the next fortnight we will look at the lives of two families in Malawi. Sylvia’s life is still stunted because of hunger, and she is praying for a breakthrough. In contrast Polly, who lives just an hour away, has overcome hunger thanks to agricultural training from Tearfund’s partner Assemblies of God Care (AG Care). The results are miraculous... WEDNESDAY 28 JUNE ‘My husband left some time ago and I do not know if he will ever come back,’ says Sylvia. ‘It is a great responsibility looking after my children.’ Pray for the many communities in Malawi who are facing failed harvests, and ask that fathers will take responsibility for their families.

FRIDAY 30 JUNE ‘We pray every night for there to be food tomorrow,’ says Sylvia. ‘We pray to God that he would give us good rains so that the next day we can have enough food.’ Join Sylvia in prayer today, as we cry out on behalf of the millions of families for whom hunger is a daily challenge.

THURSDAY 29 JUNE ‘I wish I could learn how to farm differently so there would be a chance of more food,’ says Sylvia. ‘All I want to do is provide for my family.’ Sylvia has started to learn a new farming technique from Tearfund partner AG Care. Ask that her next harvest will be plentiful.

SATURDAY 1 JULY ‘My children have been without enough food for eleven years,’ says Sylvia. ‘I am desperate for change.’ Father God, we hear the cries of Sylvia and the many other mothers, fathers and families across Malawi and beyond whose hopes have been robbed by hunger. Help me play my part in ending their suffering. Amen.


SUNDAY 2 JULY Hunger robs people in virtually every area of their lives. The local church often has the power to help lift their communities out of hunger – helping them rebuild their whole lives. Just an hour’s drive from Sylvia’s village, another community is facing different challenges. Praise God that, thanks to training through the local church, they are having to decide what best to do with their abundance... MONDAY 3 JULY ‘I had a very difficult life before,’ says Polly, who is married with three children. ‘We did not have enough food for our family. Even just buying clothing was a big challenge.’ But, thanks to agricultural training from Tearfund partner AG Care, today Polly’s life is very different. Thank God that, despite this year’s drought, Polly harvested nine bags of maize.

THURSDAY 6 JULY ‘I was feeling very happy that now I’m moving on in my life,’ says Polly. ‘I was very poor, but now I’m moving on from being a poor person.’ Another transformation that is happening is the way that people like Polly think of themselves. Praise God that the church and AG Care are restoring dignity and self-esteem. FRIDAY 7 JULY ‘In the past I had no hope’, says Polly. ‘Back then I did not think about God. But now, because of the way the church has helped me, I have turned back to God.’

Foundations for Farming teaches people to work the land using passages and inspiration from the Bible. Ask that it will encourage more farmers to come back to God. SATURDAY 8 JULY Reflect back on the difference in the lives of Sylvia and Polly – two women made in the image of God, whom he loves and desires for them to live life to the full. Lord, thank you for using AG Care to bring life and hope to desperate families. We ask you to bless their work, and through it, release more lives from hunger’s grip.

TUESDAY 4 JULY ‘I was very happy when we were able to sell our excess grain,’ says Polly. ‘I said to my husband that we will not waste the extra income.’ Foundations for Farming is the name of the method of working the land that AG Care promotes to poor farmers. Ask God to continue to bless this work.

‘I ha ve tu rn ed ba ck to Go D ‘

WEDNESDAY 5 JULY ‘I believe my children will be educated because AG Care have given me a gift,’ says Polly. ‘When my children go to secondary school, I can sell livestock to pay the school fees.’ The effect of having enough food is much more than full stomachs. Praise God that people’s whole lives and outlooks are changing.

Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund

Polly’s faith has been strengthened thanks to support from her local church


Father God, our creator and provider, thank you that we are made in your image and of great value to you. Thank you that you are faithful to provide all that we need. We pray for those who do not have enough food to eat today and we ask that you would provide for them. Lord Jesus, our Saviour and Redeemer, thank you that where thieves come to steal, kill and destroy, you come to bring life in all its fullness. We pray that you would bring life to communities in Malawi. May your church continue to be a source of life and hope. Holy Spirit, our Comforter and Guide, thank you for your presence in our lives which comes with us in every circumstance. Thank you that you are able to lead us into all truth. We pray that you would empower us to love one another in truth and action that we might see your kingdom come. Amen.

Sylvia and her two-year-old daughter Tabish

Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund


Souavis with her malnourished children in Burundi

SUNDAY 9 JULY Despite signing a peace treaty in August 2015, manmade conflict has forced one in five people to flee their homes in South Sudan. A third of schools have closed and one in three people are suffering from food shortages. Violence, displacement and bad weather have devastated harvests and destroyed people’s livelihoods. Pray for an end to the conflict and for lives to be restored. MONDAY 10 JULY Praise God that Tearfund’s team has continued to provide life-saving support, such as essential nutrition to infants and breastfeeding mothers, in some of the most dangerous places in South Sudan. Pray that the team stays safe and has the resources it needs to continue its life-saving work. TUESDAY 11 JULY Burundi was thrown into turmoil in 2015 when President Nkurunziza stood for a disputed third term. The ensuing political violence forced half a million people to leave their homes and some, their country. Insecurity, economic decline, inflation and below-average rains all mean that in early 2017, more than two million people face food insecurity. Pray for our partners and staff who are bringing relief in a difficult environment.

Photo: Will Baxter/Tearfund

AFRICA EMERGENCY: 9 – 15 JULY Countries in East and southern Africa have been facing many challenges from natural and manmade disasters. This week we lift up political turmoil in South Sudan and Burundi, drought in the Horn of Africa and South Africa. When disasters strike, the poorest people suffer the most, but – thanks to your prayers – Tearfund is helping families in greatest need. WEDNESDAY 12 JULY Ethiopia, parts of Somalia and northern Kenya suffered drought for several seasons. Thank God that, since January this year, the number of people in desperate need of food aid in Ethiopia has reduced from 10.2 million to 5.6 million. Pray for Tearfund’s work to support communities through these challenging times, and for consistent rains to come.

FRIDAY 14 JULY Alongside helping people in emergency situations, Tearfund staff and partners support communities to overcome poverty, and be more resilient to natural and manmade disasters. Praise God for the dedication of our teams in Africa and pray that they will be able to demonstrate God’s love in very difficult circumstances.

THURSDAY 13 JULY Many countries in southern Africa have experienced challenging weather conditions, some severe drought, others floods. These mean it’s a challenge to grow enough crops to last until the next rainy season. Pray for families in Malawi and Zimbabwe who are struggling to grow enough food.

SATURDAY 15 JULY Dear Lord, we ask for your compassion in these challenging situations. As Isaiah 49:13 says, ‘Shout for joy, you heavens; rejoice, you earth; burst into song, you mountains! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.’ Thank you that that is still true today. Amen.



HARDSHIP IN EGYPT: 16 – 22 JULY Home of the pyramids and known for its ancient civilisation, modern-day Egypt faces huge challenges relating to poverty, inequality and, most recently, an unstable economy. With prices rising daily and increasing inflation rates, life is becoming more and more difficult in Egypt – particularly for poor communities.

SUNDAY 16 JULY Tearfund partner Council of Services and Development (CSD) hosts workshops on jobsearching skills and awards small loans to enable young people like sisters Nesreen, Mariam and Nermen, to pursue their dreams in the midst of a tough economic climate. ‘Together, we are achieving our dreams,’ says Nesreen after a loan helped to launch their small business. Praise God for these sisters who dreamt big and with CSD’s help, have been able to improve their lives. MONDAY 17 JULY Rising food and living costs, coupled with increasing unemployment, are leading to times of particular hardship for poor communities. Tearfund is working through local partner, Think and Do, to help people gain skills to improve their employability. Pray that through these interventions we will help more people find jobs so that they can provide for their families.

Tearfund’s partner in Egypt gave Basim a business loan

TUESDAY 18 JULY Farida is one person who has been supported by Think and Do. She trained to be a hairdresser and the partner gave her the equipment she needed to start her own business. Now, Farida is thriving. ‘I am the only women’s hairdresser in my community,’ she says. ‘It generates a very good income for me.’ Give thanks for Farida’s story and we pray that her business will continue to grow. WEDNESDAY 19 JULY Pieter Bakker, Tearfund’s Logistics Adviser for Egypt, told us, ‘For me, Farida’s story is an incredible illustration of how broken lives can be made new by God’s love in action.’ Thank God for the work of our partners like Think and Do, and pray for more opportunities to reach people in great need across Egypt.

THURSDAY 20 JULY Pray for our staff and partners, working in challenging economic times, who have been personally affected by the plummeting value of the Egyptian pound. Ask that the Lord would provide abundantly for their families at this time. FRIDAY 21 JULY Ask God to equip the country’s leaders with great wisdom, as they work to bring Egypt through this difficult season. Pray that those in power would consider the needs of the poorest in all their decisions and policies relating to Egypt’s economic future.

‘BROKEN LIVES CAN BE MADE NEW BY GOD’S LOVE IN ACTION’ SATURDAY 22 JULY Heavenly Father, we lift up the nation of Egypt to you. We thank you for your faithfulness and ask you to be near the Egyptian people – particularly the poorest – who are struggling in the face of the plummeting value of the Egyptian pound. In faith, we ask you to meet every need at this time. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thanks to training from Tearfund’s partner Mariam from Egypt is now a hairdresser

Photos: Zoe Burden/Tearfund, Eleanor Bentall/Tearfund


SUNDAY 23 JULY The earthquakes buried seeds and food stocks, destroyed crops, killed livestock – leaving many without the resources to provide for their families. Yet we know there is always hope when we trust in God. John 1:5 says, ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it’. Pray for the light to shine for earthquake-affected communities in Nepal. MONDAY 24 JULY Tearfund is bringing people with similar livelihoods together in groups so that they can work alongside each other, share challenges and provide support. Laxman and his wife Sita have joined one of 18 local farmers’ groups in Makawanpur District. Thank God for these farmers’ groups, for the relationships and connections being built in local communities. TUESDAY 25 JULY Traditional low-yield crops and agricultural methods have been inherited and repeated through generations. But Tearfund partners are training farmers to use better, environmentallyfriendly agricultural methods. Thank God these groups are equipping farmers with knowledge and skills. Pray that their enthusiasm and willingness to learn will continue. Boy outside a temporary building being converted into a school in Dhading District, Nepal

REBUILDING NEPAL: 23 – 29 JULY It’s been more than two years since the massive earthquake which struck Nepal on 25 April 2015. Join us as we pray for Tearfund’s important livelihoods programme which is giving people agricultural training as well as in careers such as tailoring and electrics – helping many people get back into work, earn an income and provide for their families.

WEDNESDAY 26 JULY Through the farmers’ groups Tearfund’s partner has introduced a new variety of tomato, Srijana, which is resistant to wilt. ‘The tomatoes are very attractive,’ says Laxman. ‘People come to look at my crops.’ Thank God for new crop varieties and pray that God, in his mercy, will bless Nepal with abundant harvests. THURSDAY 27 JULY ‘I hope to use the technology in a commercial way and on a larger scale in the future,’ says Laxman. Pray for him and other farmers who are working to scale up their businesses. Ask God for wisdom and discernment to help farmers trust and draw strength in the Lord.

FRIDAY 28 JULY Tearfund is linking farmers’ groups to government services which aim to help agricultural workers increase production, and negotiate better prices for their goods. Pray that these links would be effective and sustainable to meet the needs of the farmers and their families. SATURDAY 29 JULY Heavenly Father, we lift up the recovery and reconstruction efforts in Nepal to you, as we remember families still without permanent homes. We pray for wisdom for the government of Nepal as it works to implement the new constitution, and for good relationships between the government, international and national organisations and local communities. Amen.


CYCLE OF HOPE: 30 JULY – 5 AUGUST In February a team of Tearfund supporters cycled across the ‘Land of a thousand hills’, as part of Cycle of Hope. Many will know of Rwanda because of the 1994 genocide, in which more than one million people were killed. The cyclists raised funds to help more than 800 people move from a cycle of despair to a cycle of hope.

SUNDAY 30 JULY It is difficult to understand what leads to the kind of brutality that ravaged Rwanda more than 20 years ago. Pray for continued healing in the country – for a spirit of reconciliation to bring about a lasting peace in the land, uniting neighbours and family members. MONDAY 31 JULY ‘The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and he saves those who are crushed in spirit’ Psalm 34:18 Thank you, Father, that you promise to be near those who suffer. Make yourself known as Emmanuel, God with us, to those who still deal with the aftermath of loss and trauma in Rwanda. TUESDAY 1 AUGUST While in Rwanda, the Cycle of Hope team met Consolata, who once was only able to afford bananas to feed her six children. Thank God for her self-help group who reached out and enabled her to open

a small business, which means her family is now thriving. Consolata offered the team bananas as a welcoming gift! WEDNESDAY 2 AUGUST In his letter to Timothy, Paul asks for prayers for leaders of the day. Ask God to guide those in government in Rwanda. Father, bless Rwanda’s leaders with wisdom and inspire them with compassion and creativity as they make decisions that, we pray, will benefit those in need. THURSDAY 3 AUGUST The Cycle of Hope team faced many challenges because of the changing weather patterns. Climate change is having a much bigger impact on Rwandan farmers. One of the women we met, Anastasia, spoke of how her community, enabled by Tearfund, is exploring alternative agricultural methods and is receiving resilience training. Lord, thank you for this work and we ask that you would speak to us about how our choices can help or hinder our brothers and sisters around the world.

The Cycle of Hope team in Rwanda

FRIDAY 4 AUGUST Pray for the Tearfund staff in Rwanda, led by country representative Emmanuel Murangira. Give thanks for the way God has called the Rwanda team to this work. Ask God for safety, courage and provision for Emmanuel and his six staff members. Guide them, hearten them, and protect them, Lord.

‘THE LORD IS CLOSE TO THE BROKEN-HEARTED’ SATURDAY 5 AUGUST Heavenly Father, we pray for peace in Rwanda, and in nations facing conflict around the world: come and sweep away the divisions that ensnare us and endanger the most vulnerable. We ask for the peace of Christ to live in us. May we be people ‘who sow peace’ – peacemakers who flavour the Earth with your kingdom. Amen.

Photo: Gemma Brown/Tearfund


FENDITHION O GYMRU: 6 – 12 AUGUST Join us this week in Wales as we give thanks and pray for those who enable Tearfund to follow Jesus to the places of greatest need Ymunwch â ni yr wythnos hon yng Nghymru wrth i ni rhoi diolch, a gweddiö dros y rhai sy’n galluogi Tearfund i ddilyn Iesu i ble mae’r angen mwyaf.

PALM SUNDAY 6 AUGUST There has been a rich history of support for Tearfund throughout Wales. Give thanks for Tearfund Wales staff, past and present, who have passionately shared the word of the Lord, and inspired generations to join in with Tearfund. Pray for our volunteer speakers who give talks in churches and chapels around Wales, for safety as they travel and for a sense of God’s presence as they speak.

TUESDAY 8 AUGUST Pray for the Tearfund Wales advisory team, chaired by Reverend Elfed Godding, National Director of the Evangelical Alliance in Wales. This small group of professionals voluntarily give their time to provide advice and guidance for the Tearfund Wales team. Pray for Elfed, also a Tearfund Vice-President, as he juggles many responsibilities and commitments.

MONDAY 7 AUGUST Pray for the Tearfund Wales Ethiopia Partnership through Tearfund’s Connected Church scheme, which links Welsh churches with rural areas of south-west Ethiopia. Pray that this link will grow across Wales, and pray for the transformational work in Ethiopia through our partners there.

WEDNESDAY 9 AUGUST ‘Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you, he will never let the righteous be shaken.’ Psalm 55:22

O High King of Heaven, have mercy on your land


THURSDAY 10 AUGUST Tearfund Wales has enjoyed bringing Tearfund overseas staff to Wales to speak at events and in churches, inspiring churches about our work. Join us today as we pray for all Tearfund international staff – that they may know the mind of Christ as they serve in 50 countries, often in very difficult circumstances.

(Caleb Prayer for Wales from Ffald Y Brenin)

Photo: Gemma Brown/Tearfund

Revive your church Send the Holy Spirit for the sake of the lost, the least and the broken May your kingdom come to our nation In Jesus’ mighty name

Today, we lift up to you Heavenly Father, those who are weary and burdened all over the world and we thank you for the promise that we who are in Christ can cast all our cares on you.

FRIDAY 11 AUGUST There is a large volunteer network in Wales of church representatives, fundraisers, campaigners and prayer groups. We give you thanks, Lord, for the dedication of these people and ask you to bless them in the name of Jesus. SATURDAY 12 AUGUST We are thankful for the continued support from church leaders in Wales – join with us today as we pray for church leaders, for wisdom and courage, discernment and energy as they seek to share the gospel which is the hope for our nation.

Mark Andrews from Wales in Rwanda in as part of Cycle Of Hope


SPENDING YOUR SUMMER: 13 - 19 AUGUST Schools and universities have broken up for the summer, which means, for a large part of the population, it’s holiday season. But for Tearfund’s Global Volunteering team it’s the busiest time. We’ve got volunteers on placements in more than ten countries around the world. Please join us in praying for the teams and our amazing partners. SUNDAY 13 AUGUST As you read this, our team of volunteers are winging their way through the air to Peru, where they’ll spend two weeks living and learning from our partner, Warmis. Pray for the rural communities that Warmis are supporting as they continue to develop their own resources to tackle poverty. MONDAY 14 AUGUST Praise God for the incredible vision of our partner in Malawi, Scripture Union, who are working with their local communities to see improved living standards, education and health. Pray for our family teams currently volunteering alongside Scripture Union, that they will have a wonderful chance to exchange knowledge, as well as have lots of fun. TUESDAY 15 AUGUST Our partner Red Viva works outside the city of Baranquilla, Colombia. Through education and sports clubs, Red Viva is helping hundreds of boys and girls escape the lures of gang life, violence, drugs and crime.

Volunteer visiting a Tearfund-supported papaya plantation on the Thailand/ Cambodia border

Praise God for lives being saved. As you pray, our volunteers are working alongside Red Viva for two weeks, joining in with their transformative work. WEDNESDAY 16 AUGUST Join us in praying today for our teams of youth groups from across the UK who are heading out to volunteer for two weeks with our partners around the world. It’s an amazing opportunity for young people to be inspired and encouraged in their faith as they meet with young people from very different backgrounds. Pray that they will come home invigorated in their walk with Jesus. THURSDAY 17 AUGUST A level results are out today. Join us praying for the many Christian young people who are receiving results today and making decisions about next steps. Whether they head to university, start an apprenticeship, volunteer overseas or something else, pray that they will sense God’s calling in their hearts and follow his leading.

UK and South African volunteers painting murals at a local school in Westville, South Africa

FRIDAY 18 AUGUST Join us today in lifting up all of our in-country volunteers who take time out to join our Tearfund International Citizen Service (ICS) programme. Praise God for outlooks changed. ‘The ICS journey has taught me that the road to personal development consists of lessons, hard work, sacrifices and determination. My selfconfidence, self-esteem, self-assurance and working with others have improved through this programme,’ says Thembelihle who volunteered in South Africa.

‘MY SELF-CONFIDENCE HAS IMPROVED THROUGH THIS PROGRAMME’ SATURDAY 19 AUGUST Put aside a bit of time today to listen to God. Is he calling you to spend some time overseas? Or is he laying a name of someone on your heart who might benefit from time spent volunteering overseas? We have many different placements, for all ages and backgrounds. Find more details at

Photos: Lucy Davies/Tearfund, Tom Hooke/Tearfund, Rhiannon Horton/Tearfund


GROWING GROUPS: 20 – 26 AUGUST Tearfund launched self-help groups (SHGs) 15 years ago with just five groups in Ethiopia. In 2017 there will be an estimated 27,000 in east and southern Africa alone. SHGs are low cost, empowering and easy to replicate. We are helping them to grow in number and quality – lifting people out of poverty.

SUNDAY 20 AUGUST Ethiopia, where our SHG work started, has around 21,000 groups. It has become a centre for staff and partners from other countries to come to learn and be supported by our SHG coordinators. Thank God for the role they play encouraging good practice, so that groups across the region can grow and thrive. MONDAY 21 AUGUST Self-help groups set up by local churches are offering agriculture and business skills training in Malawi. Tearfund now supports more than 2,000 groups that are having an incredible impact on poor communities. Praise God for this life-transforming work, with people released from poverty – experiencing the love of Jesus in a tangible way. TUESDAY 22 AUGUST A mother of four children, Immaculée from Rwanda doubted she’d have enough to save money each week with her SHG. But she did, taking a loan after two months to purchase Woman leading a self-help group in Dowa, Malawi

a water tank. ‘The training has opened my eyes to see beyond,’ she says. Pray that Immaculée will continue in her journey out of poverty. WEDNESDAY 23 AUGUST Tanzania’s 1,000 Pamoja (‘togetherness’) groups support members to save and generate more income. Tearfund partners are planning and praying that the number of groups will grow to 5,000 by 2020. Pray that this ambitious target will be met. THURSDAY 24 AUGUST Zambia has a small but growing number of SHGs supported by Tearfund partners. Ruth Lungu saved with her group for a year and was able to buy a bicycle, build a new and better house and pay her children’s school

fees. She says, ‘I am more confident and inspired to achieve more because my SHG has taken me there.’ Pray for women like Ruth who are seeing personal empowerment as well as conomic growth through SHGs. FRIDAY 25 AUGUST Mozambique and Zimbabwe are two countries who have recently had staff and partners visit Ethiopia to learn how the SHG model can work in their countries. Pray that this will lead to new groups being established and more people learning to save and support each other. SATURDAY 26 AUGUST Dear Lord, we thank you for the spread and improvement of selfhelp groups. We pray for greater learning and sharing between countries so that more lives will be transformed through SHG membership. Let’s pray this for all our SHG members and their families.


SUNDAY 27 AUGUST When ISIS came to his village, Sardar and his family made a perilous escape, finding refuge in an unfinished building with no plumbing, until Tearfund installed a water tank and latrine in their home. ‘It is safe here, and now we have water to drink and a toilet to use and we are grateful’ says Sardar. Praise God that Sardar and his family are now safe, and pray that the building will soon feel like home. MONDAY 28 AUGUST The ongoing conflict in Syria has left 3.3 million people internally displaced; the majority are now living below the poverty line. Our partners are on the ground, serving the most vulnerable through the provision of monthly food parcels. Please pray that aid might reach even those living in the most dangerous parts of the country. TUESDAY 29 AUGUST As hosts to over 1,750,000 refugees from Syria and Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon have become places of refuge for their neighbours. Praise God for their hospitality, and pray for those struggling to adjust to life in a new country, away from family. WEDNESDAY 30 AUGUST Tearfund partners host reconciliation and peacemaking programmes in Syria, to equip participants to become agents of positive change in the wider community. Pray that through these workshops, a new generation of bold and envisioned people will emerge – passionate about ending conflict in Syria. Children who benefit from a Tearfund partner food distribution in Aleppo, Iraq

WALKING WITH THE DISPLACED: 27 AUGUST – 2 SEPTEMBER ‘I feel like I’m helping my family, as I am displaced too so I know what these other displaced people are suffering from,’ says Faisal, a Tearfund staff member working in northern Iraq providing assistance to his fellow countrymen fleeing from the so-called Islamic State (or ISIS). Tearfund has been supporting refugees and Internally Displaced People (IDPs) from Syria and Iraq across the Middle East since 2014.

THURSDAY 31 AUGUST Tearfund’s cash assistance programme has so far helped around 50,000 displaced people in Iraq. With a cash grant, Adnan was able to buy a heater and clothes for his family. ‘When I arrived, the Tearfund staff treated us with so much respect. They even had water for us and were able to make copies of our documents,’ says Adnan. Thank God that we were able to reach out to Adnan, and pray for more opportunities to support families through this programme. FRIDAY 1 SEPTEMBER Give thanks for our staff and partners who work tirelessly in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq to serve vulnerable refugees and IDPs. In particular, pray for our staff based in northern Iraq, many of whom have been affected personally by conflict, and remain separated from loved ones.

SATURDAY 2 SEPTEMBER ‘Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed.’ Isaiah 54:10 Heavenly Father, we commit all those displaced by conflict across the Middle East into your hands, and ask that you bring comfort to those who are suffering great loss. Guide us as we continue to serve, pray and advocate for communities affected by violence and trauma. Amen.




Ebola survivor Tawah from Liberia

SUNDAY 3 SEPTEMBER Lord, thank you that Sierra Leone and Liberia have been declared Ebola-free. The provision of water, sanitation, food, hygiene kits, counselling, health education and livelihoods support are some of the ways Tearfund helped 20,000 people affected by the outbreak. Father, thank you for the lives that have been supported through this work.

WEDNESDAY 6 SEPTEMBER ‘I lost 11 family members and took in five orphans,’ says Favour. Ebola left many children without parents. Some of them are now looked after by their extended families. But many have to survive alone. We ask you, Lord, to protect orphaned children from people seeking to take advantage of them and pray that you would heal their heartaches.

MONDAY 4 SEPTEMBER Tearfund worked through four local partners in Liberia and Sierra Leone to meet the needs of communities affected by Ebola. Lord, thank you for all the hard work, courage, dedication and commitment of partner staff to faithfully serve those in need despite huge challenges.

THURSDAY 7 SEPTEMBER There is a huge task ahead to rebuild the economy, health systems and infrastructure in Liberia and Sierra Leone. Many people have lost jobs, harvests have failed and food is scarce. Pray for the leaders in these two countries, that God will give them wisdom and guide them as they make plans to rebuild their economies.

TUESDAY 5 SEPTEMBER ‘By the grace of God I survived Ebola, but I still had mental scars until I attended counselling,’ says Mary from Liberia. Tearfund brought together community leaders to organise grief counselling sessions for survivors and those who had lost family and friends. Pray that they will continue working together to provide support and encouragement to communities.


The largest and most complex Ebola outbreak reached a peak in 2013 to 2014, devastating communities in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. More than 10,000 died and many more were affected. Tearfund’s emergency response to the outbreak in Sierra Leone and Liberia came to an end last year. Praise God that both countries are on the road to recovery.

FRIDAY 8 SEPTEMBER Ebola survivors still experience poor health and suffer from headaches, pain and mental health issues. In coordination with the World Health Organization, government departments are seeking to meet people’s recovery needs. Pray that survivors will be healed of pain and discomfort, and that research into the long-term health of those who have recovered from Ebola will provide some answers. SATURDAY 9 SEPTEMBER Dear Lord, we pray for our brothers and sisters who have lost loved ones, often many family members, and for families trying to rebuild livelihoods and deal with stigma. We ask that those who follow you will know your love and peace, and you will fill them with hope. Amen.

Photos: Bobby Konata/Association of Evangelicals of Liberia


FROM HURTING TO HEALING: 10 – 16 SEPTEMBER On the 4 October 2016, Hurricane Matthew – a category four hurricane (the second highest classification) – struck Haiti, affecting 2,128,700 people through displacement, loss of homes and crops, flooding and landslides. Tearfund is still on the ground, supporting communities in their recovery, and building up their resilience to any future natural disasters. SUNDAY 10 SEPTEMBER When the hurricane hit their village, Mickenson and Madeleine’s school was destroyed. Their empty backpacks still hang on hooks next to their shared bed. As we support communities to rebuild local schools, pray that children like Mickenson and Madeleine will soon return to their classrooms.

Stanley and his family who survived hurricane Matthew in Haiti

distributing tools and seeds so that they can improve their food security and boost their livelihoods. Pray that the forthcoming harvest will be plentiful, so that no one goes hungry later on in the year.

MONDAY 11 SEPTEMBER Our partners are helping communities rebuild their homes, designed to be stronger and more resilient to harsh weather conditions. Thank God that these new homes are designed to withstand future natural disasters.

WEDNESDAY 13 SEPTEMBER Nearly a year on, our staff and partners are still working around the clock to support those most in need. ‘It’s the people we work to serve who spur us on during the difficult times,’ says Emily Green, who provided logistics support during our emergency response. We give thanks for people like Emily, who are committed to passionately working for families still recovering from the storm.

TUESDAY 12 SEPTEMBER ‘Our main income was through our garden, but now it’s all been washed away,’ says Stanley, a farmer from St Jean du Sud. ‘We no longer have any fruit or vegetables to sell.’ We are working alongside farmers like Stanley who lost their crops,

THURSDAY 14 SEPTEMBER In the aftermath of the hurricane, Haiti has also faced political upheaval. However, give thanks for the peaceful transition of power which took place earlier this year. Pray for wise and strong leadership as Haiti’s new president, Jovenel

Ruined building in the aftermath of the 2016 hurricane

Moise, seeks to help his country continue to recover from Hurricane Matthew. FRIDAY 15 SEPTEMBER ‘It is our supporters who make it possible for us to help people rebuild their homes, replant their gardens, and boost their livelihoods,’ says Jean-Claude Cerin, Tearfund’s Country Representative for Haiti. Give thanks for the many people who responded so generously to our emergency appeal, which has enabled us to help many communities recover from this disaster. SATURDAY 16 SEPTEMBER ‘He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.’ Psalm 91:4 Heavenly Father, thank you for your faithfulness even in the midst of the fiercest storms. As Haiti continues to recover from Hurricane Matthew, we ask for your hand of blessing upon the communities who are still rebuilding their lives. Amen.



GIFTS FOR THE FUTURE: 17 – 23 SEPTEMBER This week we celebrate people who have included a gift to Tearfund in their will. We thank God for their love, faith and generosity in continuing Jesus’ work where the need is greatest. SUNDAY 17 SEPTEMBER Alice Blackburn had been a Sunday School teacher over many years and her strong faith was the inspiration for her support of Tearfund. Her faith shone through – particularly at the end of her life – as she looked forward to eternity with hope and peace. Praise God for his love, grace and kingdom and give thanks for lives lived in service to him. Faithful Tearfund supporter Alice Blackburn

MONDAY 18 SEPTEMBER Damaris Inie left a gift in her will. Her sons said, ‘She was a committed Christian and active church member all her life, and no doubt her support for Tearfund sprang from this.’ Praise God for faithful givers, motivated by their faith. TUESDAY 19 SEPTEMBER Mary Endicott supported Tearfund for most of her life and understood what it was like to have next to nothing, having grown up in an orphanage. Her daughter wrote to tell us that Mary was once told by HM Revenue & Customs that she was trying to give away ‘more in tax than she was actually paying’. Father, thank you that you provide us with so much and help us to remember that all that we have is yours. WEDNESDAY 20 SEPTEMBER Frederick Burden was passionate about Tearfund and even more so when his granddaughter took a trip to Tanzania to visit projects. His daughter Rosemary wrote to us, saying that Alan Photo: Peter Blackburn

and his wife, ‘...were happy to demonstrate their ongoing commitment by leaving a legacy in their will knowing that it would be used to support others in their need.’ Pray for those who have given so much to help others even after their passing. THURSDAY 21 SEPTEMBER Thirty-one years ago, Hilary Bale became a regular supporter through her friendship with a Tearfund member of staff. Hilary lived out her life with love for her family and friends and the charities that she supported. Lord thank you for your gift of life and that we may help deliver this gift to others around the world. FRIDAY 22 SEPTEMBER Margaret Duerden was a strong promoter and supporter of Tearfund, encouraging her church to give financial support. Contracting cancer four years ago, her fighting spirit kept the disease at bay while she continued to support and

promote Christian activities such as Tearfund. Thank God for the servant-hearted like Margaret, and ask that the Lord would draw near to people facing illness. SATURDAY 23 SEPTEMBER Dear Lord, we thank you so much for those mentioned here and for the many others who have chosen to leave a legacy to Tearfund. Thank you for their passion to end poverty and we praise you that, through their generosity, future generations will be blessed. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you would like to know more about how to include a gift to Tearfund in your will, call 020 8943 7729, email or visit Photos and stories shared by generous permission of their families.


Small Group Prayer Reflection CARRY EACH OTHER Written by Gideon Heugh

Sylvia farms her field with her two-year-old daughter Tabish on her back

READ ‘Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ.’ Galatians 6:2

REFLECT This is a strong statement from Paul. He’s saying that an integral part of Christian life is bound up in looking after one another – that carrying each other’s burdens is an important part of kingdom living. Jesus is the supreme example of someone who carries other’s burdens, saying: ‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.’ Matthew 11:28. He took our sin and pain upon himself, even the burden of our death. The cross is both the symbol of Jesus carrying our burdens, and the ultimate means by which he achieved this. His command to us is that we ourselves must take up our cross, following his example and becoming burden-bearers ourselves (Luke 9:23). But can we carry the burdens of people who are thousands of miles away? We often see images of people suffering in other parts of the world and feel as though there is nothing we can do. I know this is how I felt when I heard the story of Sylvia, a 35-year-old from a rural village in Malawi – a country in the grip of a terrible food crisis. In the last harvest Sylvia ended up with less than half of what she would normally have. She is desperate to provide for her four children, but she doesn’t know how. Yet God has given us a way in which we can carry the burdens of people far away like Sylvia: prayer. Prayer encourages, strengthens and can change the circumstances of anyone, anywhere. The Bible implores us to ‘pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.’ James 5:16 Reflect on what it means to carry one another’s burdens, and how we can do this for struggling people both near and far.

PRAY Lord Jesus, Thank you for carrying our burdens, and giving us rest. Thank you that your yoke is easy and your burden is light. Thank you that you selflessly took the ultimate burden of sin and death upon yourself. Help us in our daily lives to carry the burdens of those around us. We lift up all those around the world who are suffering from the burden of hunger. We pray that you will bring your peace, provision and protection to people like Sylvia. Please bless and strengthen all those who are working to bring an end to hunger. Amen.

Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund


PRAYER RESOURCES We have more resources and opportunities to pray with Tearfund for people in poverty. Visit for full details. email URGENT PRAYERS BY EMAIL

Tearfund’s weekly prayer email, One Voice, features prayer updates from around the world. Delivered every Friday, the email has downloadable content giving you the flexibility to use it at your Sunday service, small group meeting or on your own. Sign up at


To receive regular prayer and inspirational updates delivered to your smartphone, tablet or computer, you can follow Tearfund on Twitter at – you will need to have or set up a Twitter account. Or you can like Tearfund on Facebook at – you will need to have or set up a Facebook profile.

ORDER EXTRA COPIES OR AUDIO AND BRAILLE VERSIONS OF THE PRAYER DIARY Audio and Braille versions of the Prayer Diary are available, free of charge, upon request. You can also order more copies of the Prayer Diary for your church or group and sign up to receive extra copies regularly. Please call Tearfund on 020 8977 9144.

URGENT PRAYER ALERTS We have launched a prayer alert service on WhatsApp (a smartphone application), to share urgent prayer requests by text message and the occasional image or audio to help you pray. 1. Add +44 (0)7752 590723 (our dedicated WhatsApp number) to your phone’s contacts. 2. Text ‘UPDATE’ via WhatsApp to us on the above number. 3. We will add you to our prayer list and send you free regular prayer alerts.


Prayers at a church in Salima, Malawi Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund


Father God, our creator and provider. Thank you that we are made in your image and of great value to you. Thank you that you are faithful to provide all that we need. We pray for those who do not have enough food to eat today and we ask that you would provide for them. Amen.

Children on the road in Salima, Malawi

100 Church Road, Teddington TW11 8QE Tš Catherine, Capel Cildwrn, Cildwrn Road, Llangefni LL77 7NN Challenge House, 29 Canal Street, Glasgow G4 0AD 241 Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 1AF +44 (0) 208 977 9144 email twitter facebook Registered Charity No. 265464 (England and Wales) Registered Charity No. SC037624 (Scotland) Photo: Tom Price/Tearfund 31761-(0417)


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