Prayer Diary Spring 2014

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Celebrating Jesus this Easter

Lifting up a devastated land

Marking 20 years on from the genocide

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


WELCOME... ‘PRAYER OPENS “A PATH” FOR GOD.’ In January last year during the freezing cold weather, Damian from Macclesfield was surprised when three people knocked on his door and asked if they could clear the snow and ice from the path to his house. They were a group from his local church, who were offering the same service to other homes in the neighbourhood too.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest



CONTENTS 04 Filling the gap Prayer for gap year adventurers 05 Bringing HOPE in 2014 Changing communities in the UK 06 Secret’s Out Lifting up Tearfund’s corruption campaign 07 Prayers for the Philippines Crying out for restoration 08 Sharing solutions in Ethiopia Celebrating self-help groups 09 Neighbours across nations Connecting churches around the world

While they were shovelling the snow away, Damian asked them why they were helping people, and offered to give them some money. The church group told him about the work of Tearfund and suggested he made a donation. Because Damian had never heard of Tearfund before, he decided to find out more, and gave a gift.

10 Progress in Haiti Life four years on from the earthquake 11 Moving mountains in Uganda Lifting the burden of water poverty

Damien has become an enthusiastic supporter – recently giving a donation to our church mobilisation work in Africa. Generosity reaping more generosity. We recently phoned to thank him and Damien explained how impressed he has been after investigating Tearfund projects and activities.

12 Seeds of hope in Nicaragua Prayer for this Central American nation 13 Changing policies changes lives Celebrating successful campaigns

I wanted to share that story, because it’s an amazing example of dedicated supporters like you. And sometimes, for those of us who are able, following Jesus means getting out – being involved and doing the hard work. But I also believe it is a picture of prayer.

14 Reconciliation in Rwanda 20 years on from the genocide 15 Captivating and earth shattering Celebrating the resurrection of Jesus

Sometimes prayer can be hard work too – particularly when we’re interceding on behalf of people living in poverty, or calling on God to intervene to end an injustice. And, just like the path that was cleared by physical effort with shovels, our prayers open up ‘a path’ for God to use. Prayer often changes us in the process too, and the results can be unexpected and far-reaching.

18 Good news in Burkina Faso Prayer for this poor African nation 19 To the ends of the earth Inspiring prayer across the world

So, as you use this Prayer Diary, be encouraged that your prayers do make a huge difference. And, if you can, think about ways you can demonstrate God’s love to your neighbours too. You never know what might happen as a result.

21 Restoration after the cyclone Lifting up India in prayer 22 Trafficking in Mekong Prayer for the protection of children 23 Prayer resources More ways to pray with Tearfund


Copyright @ Tearfund 2014. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for Tearfund promotional use. For all other uses, please contact us.

Peter Shaw twitter @ TearTimes | email Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund

Photo: Margaret Chandler/Tearfund

Cover image: A woman and her child stand in the ruins of their home in India following Cyclone Phailin. Photo: Peter Caton/Tearfund

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


Following Jesus where the need is greatest




Tearfund offers a series of gap year adventures and opportunities – to challenge young people to make poverty part of their story. We would love you to join us in praying for the individuals and teams who are heading out to volunteer overseas in Cambodia, Peru, Malawi, Tanzania and South Africa...

SUNDAY 26 JANUARY Gap year experiences can set the course of the lives of young people. Tearfund’s International Director, David Bainbridge, chose his career path after working alongside poor communities on a gap year trip to Jamaica then to Sudan. Pray that the young people travelling this year will be similarly inspired for a lifetime of standing up against injustice. MONDAY 27 JANUARY Ben Hampson, 19, from Cradley Heath, will travel to Malawi to visit Tearfund partner Assemblies of God Relief and Development Services. He says, ‘Finances are a bit of a worry: we all need to raise funds to go to Malawi. We plan to meet up, so please pray that we will become closer and get to know each other better.’ TUESDAY 28 JANUARY Jess Loomes, 19, from Felixstowe, will visit Tearfund partners in Cambodia – a country of amazing beauty, ancient cultures and inspiring people. Jess asks for prayer for her fundraising efforts, that they will have a safe trip and adjust quickly to the culture.

WEDNESDAY 29 JANUARY Tim Davies, 28, from Swansea, will spend more than five months in Cajamarca in northern Peru. Tim asks for prayer to help him and his team ‘... to adjust to the culture, and overcome the language barrier – learning Spanish might be a problem! Please also pray against feelings of homesickness.’ THURSDAY 30 JANUARY Keziah Poultney, 18, from Romford, is traveling to South Africa to visit Tearfund partner Ethembeni which brings hope and care to families living with HIV. Keziah asks for prayer: ‘I am anxious about our all-girl group: pray that we will be safe. Please also pray for me as I physically and spiritually prepare for the trip.’

FRIDAY 31 JANUARY Neil Godon, 21, from Hamilton in Lanarkshire, will also visit South Africa and Tearfund partner Ethembeni. Neil says, ‘Please pray that the South African people will be able to understand all our weird and wonderful accents. And pray we will seek God and get excited about the amazing opportunity we have to serve him.’ SATURDAY 1 FEBRUARY Lord, we lift up all the young people travelling with Tearfund this year. We pray that they will have lifechanging experiences and come back determined to follow Jesus where the need is greatest. Amen.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – WHAT YOU CAN DO But it’s not just gap year experiences: Tearfund offers family, prayer and creative trips that last from a few weeks to several months. Is Jesus calling you, or someone you know, to experience poverty and come back changed? For more details, visit or call 020 8943 7777.

Tearfund has been part of the HOPE movement since the beginning, and this year HOPE is bringing churches together across the UK to do more together in mission, in words and action: the whole church, reaching the whole nation, for a whole year.

Across the UK, churches are building links with their communities as part of HOPE 2014.

SUNDAY 2 FEBRUARY HOPE 2014 invites local churches across the UK to work together to spread the hope Jesus gives us, through a year of united mission. Roy Crowne, HOPE’s Executive Director, says, ‘Ask God to pour out his promised blessing on churches as they work together in mission.’


MONDAY 3 FEBRUARY HOPE Chairman Steve Clifford says: ‘Let’s give thanks today that God has put us in local communities, and that he’s put us in God’s family with other believers within that community. Ask him to give you a big heart for the people where you live.’

WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY Andy Hawthorne of the Message Trust, one of HOPE’s founders, says: ‘God has been shaking many of the things our country relies on: banks, media, politicians and more. We are not the same country that we were last year. God is doing something new. Ask him to raise your faith to look for new opportunities for evangelism.’

TUESDAY 4 FEBRUARY Join Phil Timson, HOPE’s Youth Director, praying: ‘Father, raise up a generation of children and young people in the UK who follow you with passion. Use the HOPE Revolution Mission Academies to train a new generation of missionhearted young people. May they give a lead to churches reaching out into their communities so that many people find new life in Jesus.’


THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY HOPE founder Mike Pilavachi of Soul Survivor says: ‘In John 1:41–42, we read that Andrew brought his brother to meet Jesus and that brother, Simon Peter, became a founding father of the church. Think of the people you meet each day and pray for them by name. Ask God to give you words which will touch their lives.’

FRIDAY 7 FEBRUARY Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby says, ‘The church transforms society when it takes the risks of renewal in prayer, of reconciliation and of confident declaration of the good news of Jesus Christ. Let us pray for a fresh outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit throughout the church and across our nation.’ SATURDAY 8 FEBRUARY ‘Loving Father, as we meet people today, please show us why you have brought them into contact with us – perhaps because they need your touch, because they need to know your forgiveness, or because they need reconciliation with you or with others,’ asks HOPE’s Prayer Director Jane Holloway.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – WHAT YOU CAN DO HOPE is a church-based movement: Christians joining with others to reach out in their communities in mission, through words and actions. If you would like to know more, want to be part of HOPE or continue to pray for its success, visit to find out more. This year, young people from across the UK will visit Tearfund projects overseas and have an encounter with poor communities. Photo: Corinne Munday/Tearfund

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


Following Jesus where the need is greatest




In 2010, developing countries lost £555 billion because of illicit money flows – money stolen through corruption, smuggling, trade mispricing, money laundering and tax evasion. That’s money that could be spent on services such as schools and hospitals in the world’s poorest communities. But as we approach the G20 summit in Australia in November, Tearfund is calling on world leaders to act as part of our Secret’s Out campaign.

SUNDAY 9 FEBRUARY Corruption is a daily reality that traps millions of people in poverty. It deprives communities of wealth and prevents people from experiencing life in all its fullness. Pray that Tearfund’s Secret’s Out campaign will bring Christians in the UK together to expose the scandal of corruption ahead of the G20 summit in Australia. MONDAY 10 FEBRUARY Give thanks for the success of Tearfund’s Unearth the Truth campaign, which means that now the European Parliament has implemented new transparency laws to clamp down on corruption in the extractive industries. Pray that Secret’s Out will encourage other countries to put in place similar laws.

TUESDAY 11 FEBRUARY Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. Ephesians 5:11 Corruption takes many different forms. Prayerfully consider what it means to expose the ‘deeds of darkness’. Listen to God and make a commitment to challenge even the small acts of secrecy and corruption that you see around you. WEDNESDAY 12 FEBRUARY Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbour, for we are all members of one body. Ephesians 4:25 Let’s repent of secrecy, slander or dishonesty in our own lives and in our churches, and pray that we will demonstrate God’s heart for justice by speaking truth to our neighbour and living lives of integrity.

THURSDAY 13 FEBRUARY In Psalm 9:16, God declares that it is by his acts of justice that he will be known. But all too often, we see a world full of unjust deeds and dishonest transactions. Let’s intercede on behalf of a world that has turned away from God’s perfect plan, and ask for renewed zeal to proclaim God’s justice in this broken world. FRIDAY 14 FEBRUARY Pray for people around the world who feel disillusioned with leadership. Pray that new transparency laws will hold governments to account, restore trust among citizens, and empower communities to challenge corruption wherever they see it. SATURDAY 15 FEBRUARY God calls us to speak out against injustice. As we reflect on the daily reality of corruption for millions around the world, let’s pray that Christians in the UK and globally will continue be a powerful voice in the fight against corruption, and that our actions will have an impact.


Church leaders make a stand against corruption at a Secret’s Out event in London last year. Photo: Corinne Munday/Tearfund

Sign Tearfund’s Act Fast action card calling on the prime minister to champion transparency at the Australian G20 summit. You can do this action with your small group, or ask your church leader about including it in a church service. For details, visit – or you can order campaign cards by phoning 0845 355 8355.

On 8 November last year, one of the most powerful storms ever to hit land tore through the Philippines, with winds of up to 320 km/h (199 mph). This week we pray for people who lost loved ones, for the 11 million people are still affected and the 670,000 people whose homes were destroyed.

Their houses destroyed by the typhoon, families now wash clothes by the roadside in Marabut, Philippines. Photo: Marcus Perkins/Tearfund

SUNDAY 16 FEBRUARY Lord, you say to us, ‘Comfort, comfort my people.’ We lift before you now the people of the Philippines. With heavy hearts we mourn with those who mourn. Stretch out your arms of love to embrace all who are still hurting and have lost so much. Lord, comfort your people. MONDAY 17 FEBRUARY Due to the magnitude of this disaster and its impact on infrastructure, some of the worst affected communities were extremely hard to reach. Pray for Tearfund’s partners as well as churches, others agencies and government teams as they operate in these difficult conditions. TUESDAY 18 FEBRUARY Tearfund’s partners on the ground, supported by our team of emergency aid workers, were able to act quickly, with the support of your prayers and donations. They’re working hard to provide for the daily and long-term needs of survivors. Pray for Tearfund’s partner staff today, and in the coming months, as they respond to this disaster.


WEDNESDAY 19 FEBRUARY Several thousand people were killed in the typhoon – leaving behind mothers, fathers, sons and daughters to grieve and mourn. Father God, we pray for those whose loved ones have been killed, who are still experiencing the agony of loss and grief and whose lives will never be the same again. THURSDAY 20 FEBRUARY Tearfund and our partner organisations as part of the Disasters Emergency Committee are doing all we can to reach and support the hundreds of thousands of people who lost their homes in the typhoon. Lord Jesus, we pray for a coordinated effort to reach those most in need, and wisdom in how to re-build lives and homes.

FRIDAY 21 FEBRUARY ‘The pastor saved us. If he hadn’t come to open the door of the chapel, we would have stayed in the house. Maybe today we would be dead,’ says Emmalyn who survived the typhoon, along with her husband and baby son, thanks to her local church. Praise God that his people are at the forefront of the disaster response. SATURDAY 22 FEBRUARY ‘Heavenly Father, we trust in you as our comfort, strength and hope. By your Spirit we pray you will lift up the broken and give comfort and strength to those who mourn the loss of loved ones. Amen.’ Mark Melluish, Senior Pastor of St Paul’s Church, Ealing.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – WHAT YOU CAN DO The situation in the Philippines will be changing fast as we are still in the first few months following the typhoon. You can read stories of survivors and get up-to-date prayer requests and reports from Tearfund staff and partners on the ground at

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


SHARING SOLUTIONS IN ETHIOPIA: 23 FEBRUARY – 1 MARCH Poverty is being reduced, relationships restored and communities united across Ethiopia. How? The answer lies in three simple words – self-help groups.

SUNDAY 23 FEBRUARY For more than a decade, Tearfund has been supporting self-help groups in Ethiopia where people in poverty come together to save small amounts of money, build up joint funds and then offer loans to each other to start small businesses. Give thanks that today there are more than 12,500 groups benefiting more than a million people.

TUESDAY 25 FEBRUARY As well as enabling people to improve the material quality of their lives, for example being able to send children to school and access healthcare, self-help groups are about changing relationships and bringing people together. Thank God that those of differing faiths are being united and that neighbourly love is changing communities.

MONDAY 24 FEBRUARY The groups are organised by Tearfund partners, such as the Kale Heywet Church, which provide training to members about saving money and making loans. Crucially, this training also changes people’s thinking, breaking down age-old attitudes of dependency and helping people understand they can use the resources they have to build a better life. Praise God for the transforming power of a renewed mind.

WEDNESDAY 26 FEBRUARY Meseret was so poor that people used to think she was a beggar. No longer. Joining a self-help group has enabled her to start businesses selling charcoal, making jewellery and cutting hair that have raised her quality of life. But the most important change is that she has encountered Jesus and is now a Christian. Ask God to bring life in all its fullness to more Ethiopians through this initiative.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest

THURSDAY 27 FEBRUARY Being in a self-help group where problems are shared and solutions are found collectively has given Meseret new confidence. She’s using that confidence to be ‘a voice for the voiceless’, speaking out about the rights of women and children to those in power in Ethiopia. Pray the Lord will raise up more Ethiopians to challenge injustices.

NEIGHBOURS ACROSS NATIONS: 2–8 MARCH Connected Church is Tearfund’s way of linking churches in the UK with projects and churches overseas. Through this closer connection, we have found that giving and praying can become more enriching for churches as they journey together with a project. This week, we have invited churches and partners connected through the initiative to share their prayers.

FRIDAY 28 FEBRUARY In a poor district of the city of Nazret, a kindergarten has been set up by a self-help group, to provide education and play opportunities for more than 300 children. Without the kindergarten, these children would have no other educational opportunities before joining state schools at the age of seven. Ask the Lord to bless those youngsters who attend and also plans to expand the number of places available.

Getting connected: a group from St Mary’s Westerham visiting Tearfund partners in Kigezi, Uganda.

SATURDAY 1 MARCH Self-help groups are bringing people together to tackle common problems, honing their decisionmaking and management skills and their understanding of rights to vote and to stand for election. Give thanks such empowerment is enabling them to lobby for community needs, such as provision of water, electricity, schools and roads.


Photo: Cally Spittle/Tearfund

Please help us set up more self-help groups in Ethiopia. Just £10 can provide the training that’s needed to get one going and start changing lives. You can support this work at

Self-help groups in Ethiopia encourage women to set up businesses, such as jewelry making, to generate more income.


SUNDAY 2 MARCH ‘Dear Lord, as we begin our relationship with the Sahaara project in Mumbai, help us to enter into their joys and struggles with open hearts. May we learn to show Christ’s love in our own community from their example. Keep us faithful in prayer, that we may rejoice together in lives set free,’ prays Alison Dennis from Orpington Baptist Church.

WEDNESDAY 5 MARCH ‘I thank God for the partnership of Rothley Parish and other Connected Churches in the UK. Their support and prayers have taken us a long way in reaching the communities. I pray that more Kenyans will participate in the trek to Mount Kenya and this will be an opportunity for bonding and praying for one another,’ prays Catherine Mwangi from ADSMKE.

MONDAY 3 MARCH ‘Dear Lord, you are a God who created us for relationship – with you and with each other! Thank you for joining our hearts with Orpington Baptist Church as we together seek to see your power bring people who are trapped and in darkness into freedom and your light!’ asks Max Fernand (CEO) from the Sahaara project, Mumbai.

THURSDAY 6 MARCH Heavenly Father, we thank you for the opportunity to visit our brothers and sisters in Christ in Kigezi, Uganda, last October. We pray that the link we have established between Kitooma Primary School and our own church school, Churchill CE Primary School in Westerham, will flourish and lead to greater understanding,’ asks Bruce Nuttal from St Mary’s Westerham.

TUESDAY 4 MARCH A group from Rothley Parish Church, Leicestershire, are trekking Mount Kenya and visiting their Connected Church partner, Anglican Development Services of Mount Kenya East (ADSMKE), this summer. They ask, ‘Pray for a shared sense of purpose amongst us, that as we prepare for our trip, we will grow closer to one another and to Jesus. Pray that our trip will deepen our connection.’

FRIDAY 7 MARCH ‘We thank God for our wonderful relationship with St Mary’s Westerham. We thank him for the time we spent when they visited and saw the work God has been doing through us. Please pray that St Mary’s engage their community with our work and vision,’ prays Kenneth Twinamatsiko from the Diocese of Kigezi, Uganda.

‘LORD, YOU ARE A GOD WHO CREATED US FOR RELATIONSHIP – WITH YOU AND WITH EACH OTHER!’ SATURDAY 8 MARCH Political instability, intolerance of Christians or sensitive work means that some of our partners cannot share their stories in the same way our Connected Church partners featured this week can. Please pray for these partners – that God will bless and protect them in all that they do.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – WHAT YOU CAN DO If you have been inspired to connect your church with a Tearfund project, or if you’d like to know more, visit connectedchurch or email or call 0845 521 0021. We’d love to hear from you.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


PROGRESS IN HAITI: 9–15 MARCH Haiti rose to international prominence following the 2010 earthquake, but our work there began 30 years ago and is still going strong today as we help people prepare for disasters and overcome poverty for good. SUNDAY 9 MARCH For Tearfund partner World Relief, vulnerable children are a priority. To help children build for their future, they provide assistance with school fees, enabling them to complete their education, and offer them vocational training. Pray for children to get the education and opportunities they need to break free from poverty.

MONDAY 10 MARCH Tearfund partner World Relief’s work with vulnerable children includes offering emotional and psychological support to those from difficult home backgrounds. They recently took a group of 53 young people for a fun day out, with games, music and drama – a welcome break from a harsh normality. Praise God for hope and light streaming into troubled lives.


‘Together with our partners, we want to see families in Haiti become able to provide for themselves.’ Photo: Richard Hanson/Tearfund

TUESDAY 11 MARCH Together with our partners, we want to see families in Haiti become able to provide for themselves and stand against poverty without outside help. To this end, we’re working to equip local churches to learn how to empower communities and become agents of permanent change. Please pray that the hearts of church leaders will be receptive.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


WEDNESDAY 12 MARCH Infant mortality rates are high in Haiti, with around seven in every 100 children dying before their fifth birthday. World Relief’s health project is addressing this through health education programmes and mobile clinics. Please pray for this vital work, improving survival rates for Haiti’s children. THURSDAY 13 MARCH The 2010 earthquake killed 200,000 people and affected millions more. A widowed mother-of-four, Carole lost her home and was living in a makeshift shelter until Tearfund’s partner enabled her to move into a safe and solid house. Praise God for Carole, who says, ‘I thank God for having used Tearfund partner World Relief as a vehicle to help me.’ FRIDAY 14 MARCH To help people prepare for future disasters, Tearfund’s partners have been giving classes in schools to tell children how to stay safe in emergencies, as well as holding awareness-raising events in churches and communities. Pray for and give thanks for this important and life-saving work. SATURDAY 15 MARCH Dear God, we pray for the nation of Haiti. You know its people, its leaders and its problems better than anyone. Please work in hearts and minds and through churches and organisations to bring about lasting transformation in this country where so many people live in poverty. In Jesus’ name, amen.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – WHAT YOU CAN DO If you feel called to give regularly to support Tearfund’s work in disaster-prone countries such as Haiti, visit www. to find out more. Every gift, no matter what the amount, will make a huge difference. Thank you.

MOVING MOUNTAINS IN UGANDA: 16–22 MARCH ‘We choose to row every day... These girls do what they do every day just to stay alive. It’s wrong.’ Richard Chambers. Photo: Marcus Perkins/Tearfund

SUNDAY 16 MARCH Doreen, 13, and Jouvllet, 11, live in the mountainous region of southwest Uganda. Like many girls there, they face a daily 3km walk up a mountain just to collect the water they need to live. Pray that the future for them and their children will be different. MONDAY 17 MARCH The daily trek the girls undertake is so hard that even the Olympic rowers struggled. ‘The walk was on a par with with some of our toughest training sessions,’ said Richard. Pray for strength and safety for the girls for whom this is a present reality. TUESDAY 18 MARCH Tearfund partner Diocese of Kigezi is working through local churches to address the challenge of water and sanitation. Ask God to bless staff members with wisdom and health as they work. Pray particularly for Reuben, the water and sanitation programme coordinator, and his team.

Last year, Olympic rowers Richard and Peter Chambers visited Uganda with Tearfund, where they met sisters Doreen and Jouvllet who face a daily walk up a mountain to fetch water, and discovered how Tearfund’s partner is bringing about change. WEDNESDAY 19 MARCH ‘In the communities where we work someone will come and say, “Now I realise what the church is”,’ says Reuben. Praise God for working through the project to make his name known. Pray for spiritual growth and maturity for the 512 people who have come to faith in Jesus through the work of our partner. THURSDAY 20 MARCH Reverend Agglay, the leader of Doreen and Jouvllet’s church, has a vision to see the community unite to overcome poverty, for example starting savings groups which will eventually help people start small businesses. Pray that the community will catch the vision and that this dream will come to fruition. FRIDAY 21 MARCH ‘We choose to do what we do – to row every day and to compete at the Olympics,’ Richard says, ‘but these girls need to do what they do every day just to stay alive. It’s wrong.’ Pray for an end to the injustice that nearly 900 million people like Doreen and Jouvllet don’t have access to safe water.

SATURDAY 22 MARCH A prayer for World Water Day: Father, we thank you that you are the source of all life, and we thank you for every way in which you have provided for us on the earth you created. We lift up to you those to you who struggle to access clean water on a daily basis. We ask that you will change this, and use us to help. Please bless the work of the Diocese of Kigezi. We praise you for the progress they have made, and we ask in your name that many more will be helped and will come to know you. Amen.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – WHAT YOU CAN DO Meet Doreen, Jouvllet and the rowers and find out more about what you and your church can do to help people like these sisters by visiting mountain

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


Following Jesus where the need is greatest


SEEDS OF HOPE IN NICARAGUA: 23–29 MARCH Nicaragua is the second-poorest country in the Western hemisphere, with 1.5 million of its people classified as undernourished. Tearfund is working with four inspirational partners to bring lasting change to vulnerable families and a deeper understanding of mission to church leaders.

Tearfund partner AMC, Nicaragua, is helping families like Julio’s to purchase plots of their own through interest-free mortgages. Photo: Sarah Newnham/Tearfund

SUNDAY 23 MARCH Inequality is one of the most pressing problems in Nicaragua, with land ownership dominated by the wealthy elite. Tearfund partner AMC is helping poor families to purchase plots of their own through interest-free mortgages. Praise God for farmers such as Francisco, who was delighted to move from earning a meagre 60 cents a day as a farm labourer to cultivating his own land. MONDAY 24 MARCH Devastated by Hurricane Mitch in 1998, Nicaragua remains one of the most disaster-prone countries in Latin America. Our partner, AMC, is running a radio education project on topics such as what to do in a disaster situation and biblical reflections on environmental protection. Please pray that the people of Nicaragua will be kept safe from natural hazards. TUESDAY 25 MARCH Before working with Tearfund partner CIEETS, María saw her faith in purely spiritual terms. Now, after attending training on integral mission, she leads community groups providing practical help to those in need. ‘We now know that the church’s mission goes beyond the walls of the church!’ she says. Thank God for Christians such as María who are reaching out to their communities.

‘I LEARNT THE IMPORTANCE OF BUILDING POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS, LOVING MYSELF AND BEING GUIDED BY OUR LORD JESUS.’ WEDNESDAY 26 MARCH ‘We started to be free from domestic violence following a literacy programme,’ says Aura, who has worked with CIEETS on issues such as gender inequality. Learning to read helped the women in Aura’s community to gain self-esteem and confidence to overcome ineqality. Please pray that more women will come to know the freedom Aura is experiencing. THURSDAY 27 MARCH Tearfund partner Prodad is helping vulnerable families gain access to land and providing them with seeds and agricultural training. One participant, Oscar, says, ‘I love farming my land, as now I am in control of my livelihood and have more security.’ Praise God for the difference Prodad’s projects are making, and pray that God will bless their work. FRIDAY 28 FEBRUARY ‘Please pray for fairer governance in our communities, because many of the poverty problems facing the people of Nicaragua are connected with corruption,’ says Country Representative Alexis Pacheco. Join Alexis in praying for a just and fair society for all Nicaraguans.

SATURDAY 29 MARCH Our partner, Cecnic, is helping Nicaraguan students to learn about HIV prevention and how to create healthy relationships. Jenny, 20, says, ‘I learned the importance of building positive relationships, loving myself and being guided by our Lord Jesus.’ Please pray that many more young people in Nicaragua will gain these insights.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – CREATIVE PRAYER IDEA As we’ve read, many of the poorest people in Nicaragua depend on agriculture to survive and often have limited access to land. This weekend, plant some vegetable or herb seeds in a pot indoors. (Radishes, thyme, basil or sage work well.) As your crop grows, pray that poor Nicaraguan families will flourish.

CHANGING POLICIES CHANGES LIVES: 30 MARCH – 5 APRIL Tearfund staff have been involved in lobbying for policy change since the 1960s, and we launched our first-ever public campaign in the 1990s. We’ve seen amazing things happen as a result of policies changed… Let’s give thanks.

WEDNESDAY 2 APRIL Tearfund started a Children at Risk programme in 2000. Thanks to Make Poverty History, six million more people have access to HIV The results were treatment. Photo: Peter Caton/Tearfund inspiring: for example, in Colombia the number SUNDAY 30 MARCH of children out of school dropped It was a Tearfund staff member from 3 million in 2002 to 524,000 who came up with the idea for in 2007! Praise God for young lives Jubilee 2000, a campaign to cancel made better thanks to Christians the debts of developing countries, speaking out. which grew into one of the biggest campaigns ever. A phenomenal 24,100,000 people added their name to the cause! Praise God for blessing us with ideas and a voice to bring about change. MONDAY 31 MARCH Jubilee 2000 transformed many lives. For example, in Tanzania $3 billion in debt relief resulted in poverty reduction funding increasing by 130 per cent. And in Uganda, debt relief resulted in 3.5 million children in school for the first time. In a world where the news is often bad, thank God for good news. TUESDAY 1 APRIL Tearfund was a founding member of 2005’s Make Poverty History campaign. As a result of this campaign, the number of people living with HIV who have access to antiretroviral (ARV) medication went from 1 million in 2005 to 7 million in 2010! Praise God for all those who are alive today thanks to improved access to ARVs.

FRIDAY 4 APRIL As a result of last year’s Unearth the Truth campaign, the European Parliament voted in new laws to clamp down on corruption in the oil, gas and mining industries, with the potential to release billions of pounds to tackle poverty. This is as a result of churches and individuals speaking out together. Praise God for his amazing church.

‘DEAR LOVING GOD OF JUSTICE AND MERCY, WE KNOW EVERY GOOD THING IS BECAUSE OF YOU.’ THURSDAY 3 APRIL Disasters such as earthquakes and food crises have catastrophic consequences for individuals and whole nations. In 2003, our research showed that not enough was being done to help communities prepare for disasters. We lobbied the UK government on this, and policy changes were made. Pray for our leaders, that their hearts will be open, and stay open, to calls for justice.

SATURDAY 5 APRIL Dear loving God of justice and mercy, we know every good thing is because of you. Thank you for all the amazing progress and transformation we’ve read about this week. And thank you for blessing us with the potential to join with you in building your beautiful and just kingdom here on earth. Amen.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – WHAT YOU CAN DO The word ‘justice’ appears in about 1,576 verses in the Old Testament and about 1,379 the New. How many of these verses (complete or partial!) can you think of? Write them down. Then, use the internet (such as or a concordance to spend some time reading about justice in the Bible.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


Following Jesus where the need is greatest



RECONCILIATION IN RWANDA: 6–12 APRIL April this year marks 20 years since the Rwandan genocide, which resulted in the death of up to a million people. Last year, a group of Northern Irish church leaders visited Rwanda to learn about Tearfund’s work, including peace and reconciliation projects. We thank God for the generosity of the Presbyterian church which gives more than £250,000 each year to support Tearfund partners around the world. Rev Liz Hughes, leader of Whitehouse Presbyterian Church, visiting Gikondo Presbyterian Church in Kigali, Rwanda. Photo: Derek Hall/Tearfund

SUNDAY 6 APRIL Rev Liz Hughes of Whitehouse Presbyterian Church says, ’Child labour in the tea plantations and in mines has been a problem in Rwanda despite recent government legislation. Thank God that thousands of children have had an education and also life lessons about unity and reconciliation through resources provided by Tearfund partner Africa Evangelistic Enterprise.’

TUESDAY 8 APRIL Karen Craig, wife of the Rt Rev Rob Craig from Kilfennan Presbyterian Church, says, ‘I met with one woman, Rachel, who now has a small business, drying and selling seeds, thanks to a water tank. Her family have purchased land, built a home, latrine and washhouse, created a kitchen-garden and invested in their children’s education. Pray that more families will do the same.’

MONDAY 7 APRIL Rt Rev Dr Rob Craig, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, says, ‘Standing beside a water tank used to collect rainwater which is harvested from the metal roof helped me understand the meaning of “sustainable development”. Praise God that in one village in northern Rwanda alone, 114 such tanks were transforming life for over 1,300 homes!’

WEDNESDAY 9 APRIL Rev Dr Lesley Carroll of Fortwilliam and Macrory Presbyterian Church says, ‘The people of Rwanda are cheerful despite their history and it was impressive to see their commitment to getting on with their daily lives. Give thanks to God for the inspiration that comes from people committed to hope and reconciliation.’ THURSDAY 10 APRIL Kathryn Stone OBE, Commissioner for Victims and Survivors Northern Ireland, says, ‘In Rwanda the average life expectancy is 48 years. I must use the life I have to be the very best I can be in the service of others.’ Lord, help us to use our time on earth wisely as people of peace.

MATTHEW 27:51–52

FRIDAY 11 APRIL Rachel Craig of Kilfennan Presbyterian Church says, ‘An 18km trip to collect 20 litres of water used to be normal for women living in Burambi in northern Rwanda. Thanks to Tearfund’s partner, Moucecore, this community has built water tanks to supply clean water to every home. Praise God for this provision which has led to improved health for the villagers.’ SATURDAY 12 APRIL Derek Hall, Tearfund Church Relationship Manager, says, ‘In Gitare village, I met Caleb Sezibera, and I was struck by his efforts to build peace by bringing his community together, both victims and perpetrators of the genocide. Thank God for the unity and reconciliation work of peace makers like Caleb.’

CAPTIVATING AND EARTH-SHATTERING: 13–26 APRIL The Easter account takes us on a roller-coaster ride following Jesus’ journey to the cross, brutal execution and miraculous resurrection. It’s a story of man facing death and a world receiving redemption. A courageous sacrifice which turns everything upside down. Tearfund’s Rhythms community believe change is possible. Over the next two weeks, we look at how a new generation of young people are transforming their lives and the world around them with Tearfund.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – CREATIVE PRAYER IDEA Find a quiet, dark place and light a candle for the people of Rwanda, particularly for those who lived through the genocide. Ask that God will continue to heal the nation, that his light will shine despite the country’s dark history. Photo: Margaret Chandler/Tearfund

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


MONDAY 14 APRIL The Rhythms community is made up of thousands of individuals who are making everyday choices to live differently – from buying fairly traded goods to offering hospitality to their neighbours, and raising their voices against inequality. Pray that they will not grow tired in being a powerful force for good. TUESDAY 15 APRIL Jesus’ motivation for turning the tables over in the temple (Matthew 21) is a deep sense of injustice. The sale of altar sacrifices excluded those who could not afford them, thus denying them access to atonement. Jesus’ death smashes this exclusion – a declaration that forgiveness is available to all. Disturb us, Lord, where our choices and attitudes oppress the poorest.


‘WE ARE TOO YOUNG TO REALISE THAT CERTAIN THINGS ARE IMPOSSIBLE… SO WE WILL DO THEM ANYWAY.’ WILLIAM WILBERFORCE WEDNESDAY 16 APRIL ‘We are too young to realise that certain things are impossible… so we will do them anyway.’ William Wilberforce Tearfund is committed to empowering young people to make the impossible happen. Pray for those who work closely with individuals, youth groups and youth leaders, that they will be equipped to bring inspiration and challenge. MAUNDY THURSDAY 17 APRIL Although tinged with sadness, the Last Supper is a powerful symbol of friendship and sacrifice. The bread and wine, eaten in a community meal hosted by Jesus, have become gifts we consume together, as a physical statement of Christ’s death and resurrection within us. Lord, nurture in us hospitable hearts to welcome friends, enemies and strangers to our table.

GOOD FRIDAY 18 APRIL At the cross, hope is given to a thief, gasping for his final breaths. Minutes later: ‘The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open.’ (Matthew 27:51–52) At the point of Jesus’ death, a new world begins. The powers of injustice are broken with such a force that some even burst out of their graves. Thank you, Jesus, for the forgiveness and redemption which your sacrifice brings to all. EASTER SATURDAY 19 APRIL ‘Powerlessness and silence go together.’ Margaret Atwood, novelist and activist The Rhythms community believe in speaking out against systems and structures which oppress and enslave the poorest people. On a day when the earth fell silent, stunned by the dark events of Calvary, let’s stand in solidarity and prayer with those who are trapped in hunger, slavery and illness.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – SMALL GROUP PRAYER IDEA Find a picture with a happy scene on it, ideally one of God at work through his people – in a Christian magazine or on the internet. Turn the image face down and cut it up into sections. Ask people to write a prayer for something from around the world that troubles them on one of the pieces. When everyone is done, turn the sections over and put the picture together. Photo: Huw Tyler/Tearfund

Photo: Huw Tyler/Tearfund

PALM SUNDAY 13 APRIL Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem marks the point of no return. Once in the city, events start to spiral and the course of history is forever altered. With unswerving and wholehearted devotion, Jesus begins the walk to his grave. Lord Jesus, thank you that although you must have been scared and hurting, you kept going to the end. Give us that same determination.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest

EASTER SUNDAY 20 APRIL Jesus’ first appearance after the resurrection is to his female disciples. In a society which publicly shunned and shamed women, Jesus trusts them with the first glimpse of his miraculous resurrection. We live in a world where one out of every three women has been physically abused. Pray that the risen Lord will bring healing, new life and worth to both women and men. EASTER MONDAY 21 APRIL Bumping into Jesus newly back from the dead must have been a deeply unnerving experience for those who came to anoint his body. No wonder Jesus says to them: ‘Do not be afraid.’ In the days to come, he knew his followers would face the worst kind of persecution. Lord, in a society driven by scaremongering, help our courage to be more powerful than fear.

TUESDAY 22 APRIL Emerging Influencers (EI) are 12 hand-picked individuals who use their passion and influence to inspire a generation to live different through training and mentoring from Tearfund. Pray for the EIs as they each run a campaign, fundraising project or prayer event (or all three!). The programme is described by one EI as ‘unbelievably worthwhile’ – pray that the Lord will envision and encourage each of them in this same way. WEDNESDAY 23 APRIL Hope must have died to the disciples as Jesus did. Yet just days later their upturned world is full of potential. The energy and excitement which came from their experiences would fuel them to the grave as they became intrepid founders of the early church. Praise God for the momentum, joy and life in the Rhythms movement. THURSDAY 24 APRIL All around the country groups of young people and students are meeting together in Rhythms hubs to work out what actions they can take to make a difference in the world they see around them. Pray that they will be encouraged and persevere in standing against apathy and injustice.

FRIDAY 25 APRIL Every year Tearfund sends hundreds of people on overseas trips to make connections with those living in some of the poorest countries in the world. One volunteer described it as ‘the most humbling yet inspiring experience of my life’. Pray that those out on trips would build good relationships and be transformed by their experiences to live differently. SATURDAY 26 APRIL Dear Lord, thank you for the growing movement of people who don’t just talk about change, they live it. Strengthen them as they confront corrupt systems, inequality and prejudice. Lord, help us to join with them, dreaming that the world can be renewed and hope can be found in places long forgotten. Thank you, Lord, for this new wave of dissatisfaction and determination, and help me to be part of it. Amen.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – WHAT YOU CAN DO Rhythms is a community of people who want to change the world by taking regular actions that help us build lifestyle rhythms of advocacy, contentment, connection and generosity. About 5,000 people have already joined the community. If you would like to be part of it, or want to find out more, visit

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


GOOD NEWS IN BURKINA FASO: 27 APRIL – 3 MAY Alice Keen, co-editor of Footsteps, our magazine for Tearfund partners and local churches across the world, visited Burkina Faso in West Africa last year. Let’s join her in prayer for Tearfund’s partners. SUNDAY 27 APRIL Working with churches, women’s groups and communities, Acts is improving people’s understanding of their own health, including issues such as HIV and sanitation. They have translated a number of Tearfund’s community information resources into Moore, one of Burkina Faso’s major languages. Pray for more skilled community learning facilitators and for people to be open to change.


MONDAY 28 APRIL When we visited a tiny village church, we saw their crops almost ready to harvest. With training in new agricultural techniques, their yields have improved. They asked us to pray for more income for their families this year so that they can extend their church and feed their families until the next harvest. TUESDAY 29 APRIL Radio Evangile et Développement (Gospel Development Radio) is a radio station with a difference. They broadcast in 20 local languages, reaching thousands of people with the good news of Jesus. Rural communities can listen to educational dramas, health information and Bible talks. Pray that those who tune in will hear words which bring life to their communities.



WEDNESDAY 30 APRIL Credo has been training rural communities to ensure their voices are heard by local government. On issues from land ownership to subsidised fertiliser for their crops, they are now more confident in presenting their case to those in power. Pray for justice for those who are poorest, including a fair distribution of land for all. THURSDAY 1 MAY Only a third of people in Burkina Faso can read. Tearfund partner, Antba, is doing literacy training and local language translation work. Most of these languages are being written and read for the first time. Pray for encouragement for those learning to read and energy for the teachers and translators making this work possible. FRIDAY 2 MAY While worshipping at a local church, we listened to the pastor’s wife give a talk about Jesus washing the disciples’ feet. She challenged us to think about what that means for us today, and to reflect on loving those around us in humility. Ask God to show you new ways and places you can serve him. SATURDAY 3 MAY Dear God, we praise you for those individuals, churches and organisations bringing your good news of spiritual and material hope and well-being in Burkina Faso. We pray for justice, life and hope to flourish here and across the whole of West Africa. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – CREATIVE PRAYER IDEA Find a Bible verse or passage which reminds you of how God sees poverty, for example Proverbs 14:31 or James 2:15-16. Write one out and stick it on your fridge, noticeboard or even on your toilet door! Memorising his truth will help us pray for countries such as Burkina Faso, and keep alive a passion to see things change for good. Village Pastor in northern Burkina Faso with the millet plants grown by members of his church. Photo: Alice Keen/Tearfund

Following Jesus where the need is greatest

Tearfund works in about 40 countries and, for the next two weeks, we offer a snapshot of how the work you support in prayer, campaigning and giving is releasing people from poverty. We reflect on the breadth of Tearfund’s work around the globe, from helping street children in Africa to supporting indigenous groups in Latin America.

Photo: Jim Loring/Tearfund

SUNDAY 4 MAY Supporters of our Toilet Twinning initiative are making a big impact on people such as 55-year-old Tirame Ayago from Ethiopia, who says, ‘Our lives are very greatly changed because we have a toilet. We still struggle to grow enough to eat and life is hard but the toilet has made such a difference.’ Give thanks that Toilet Twinning is the quality of life for people in poverty. MONDAY 5 MAY City growth and urbanisation in Colombia can mean that indigenous groups are forced from their traditional lands. Tearfund Inspired Individual Carolina Rodríguez works with young people from the Wounaam tribe who’ve been displaced due to economic interests. Pray that Caroline’s educational work with the Wounaam will help them adapt to urban life and find sustainable livelihoods. TUESDAY 6 MAY Tearfund believes local churches are the key to unlocking people’s potential and tackling poverty around the world. Please pray for pastors in Mozambique undergoing training to work with their communities in Sussundenga. Pray this will lead to them working together to use resources at their disposal better, to improve lives materially and spiritually.

WEDNESDAY 7 MAY Tearfund’s campaigning app, Nudge, has been going for nearly a year and has certainly shown its worth in connecting supporters with justice issues. Praise God for its success and pray it will help us reach new supporters and increase the power of our campaigning in order to bring about change that pleases the Lord.

SATURDAY 10 MAY Jonathan Jansen describes the community near Cape Town, South Africa, where he grew up as ‘a gangand drug-infested community’, the kind of place those in the know think it’s crazy to visit. Jonathan is a Tearfund Inspired Individual working with a project called Fusion to release young people in


THURSDAY 8 MAY You don’t have to wander far around the streets of the Burundian capital, Bujumbura, to encounter street children. Our Inspired Individual Dieudonne Nahimana runs a project called New Generation Burundi to help these kids leave behind poverty and exploitation. Pray this will have a life-changing impact on these vulnerable children, restoring their hope, in the name of Jesus.

FRIDAY 9 MAY Remember our political leaders who’ve made ending poverty a priority: last year, 0.7% of the UK’s national income was pledged in aid for the very first time. Pray that, in their busy lives, they may heed the quiet call to be a voice for the voiceless despite the challenges and obstacles in their way.

his hometown from the hold of drugs and criminality. Pray God’s blessing on this outreach and pray this community will be transformed so it’s not known for the wrong reasons.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – WHAT YOU CAN DO Add your voice to our campaigns seeking justice for those struggling in poverty by downloading and using our free app, Nudge. Find out more at

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


Following Jesus where the need is greatest



Photo: Jenny Barthow/Tearfund

‘GIVE THANKS AND PRAY FOR STAFF AT THE TORCH TRUST, WHO PRODUCE THE BRAILLE VERSION OF TEAR TIMES AND THE PRAYER DIARY.’ SUNDAY 11 MAY We Have Hope is the name of a South African ministry founded by Tearfund Inspired Individual Heather McNiel. Based around an impoverished community outside Stellenbosch, it helps children who’ve experienced the traumas of domestic violence, sexual violence or other forms of abuse. Pray Heather and her staff will have wisdom as well as emotional and physical strength to carry out their work. MONDAY 12 MAY Congregations in Wales are developing supportive relationships with communities and individuals in rural areas of south-west Ethiopia through a valuable partnership. Helped by Tearfund partner the Kale Heywet Church, it’s bringing lasting transformation spiritually and physically to people in poverty. Pray the partnership results in more communities being transformed in the name of Jesus.

TUESDAY 13 MAY What do you do when your country has so many children needing foster care but not enough families to take them on? Jeanne Muhongayire from Rwanda set up a community mentor-based system to look out for child-headed households; the scheme has proved so successful that it’s won praise from Unicef. Give thanks that vulnerable children are receiving love and guidance and pray these children will be fully integrated into their communities. WEDNESDAY 14 MAY Three years ago, Sahra Jama Duale, who lives in Somaliland, lost all her livestock when drought gripped the region. With her livelihood gone, Sahra was driven to the verge of destitution until our partner, World Concern, provided food and other basic goods to stabilise her situation; this enabled her to start a business selling tea. Give thanks that support for our East Africa food crisis appeal has saved lives and restored hope.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – CREATIVE PRAYER IDEA Keep your prayers about Tearfund’s work bang up to date by signing up to our weekly prayer email, One Voice, at

THURSDAY 15 MAY Guatemala has the highest levels of violence against women in Latin America. Tearfund supports Pamela León, a lawyer and Inspired Individual who is passionate about defending women’s rights and inspiring the church to raise its voice against attacks on women. Pray for Pamela’s work to change entrenched and harmful attitudes. FRIDAY 16 MAY When a churchgoer in Lebanon prayed about the plight of refugees from Syria’s conflict, little did he realise how God would answer his prayers and the solution would be so close to home. Soon afterwards, a link with a Tearfund partner enabled his church to start providing food for the displaced and now 600 families a month benefit. Thank the Lord for his faithfulness and pray that churches in Jordan and Lebanon will continue to bring hope and practical help to refugees. SATURDAY 17 MAY Give thanks and pray for staff at the Torch Trust, who produce the Braille version of Tear Times and the Prayer Diary. Their work gives vital support to people losing their sight and serves blind and partially sighted people all round the world with Christian literature in audio, very large print and Braille formats.

Cyclone Phailin smashed into India’s east coast in October 2013. Homes, livelihoods, crops and infrastructure were devastated, but the loss of life was much reduced thanks to a higher level of disaster preparedness in the area than ever before.

SUNDAY 18 MAY Cyclone Phailin was India’s biggest cyclone in a decade, bringing torrential rains and 125 mph winds. The destruction was huge, but the death toll was relatively low. About 45 people were killed, in stark contrast to a cyclone in 1999 when more than 10,000 people lost their lives. Pray for those mourning, but thank God that so many lives were spared. MONDAY 19 MAY As part of Chartiburti village’s committee for disaster preparedness, Basudev was in charge of early warning systems. So when he heard on the radio that a cyclone was approaching, Basudev visited his neighbours and told them to get ready. Praise God for Tearfund partners training individuals such as Basudev to transform and preserve lives locally. TUESDAY 20 MAY When warning fellow villagers to evacuate, Basudev suggested that everyone should pack some food and water and move to a safer site, just as they had rehearsed in their evacuation drills. With their children, elderly relatives and any money they had saved, everyone made it to safety. Thank God and pray for the vital work of Tearfund’s partners as they enable communities to be prepared for disaster.

WEDNESDAY 21 MAY Although not one life was lost in Basudev’s village, many lost everything else – homes, businesses, crops and so on. Please pray for them and the 12 million others affected by Cyclone Phailin, that they will receive hope, peace and strength from God. THURSDAY 22 MAY The chaotic and uncertain aftermath of a disaster is a risky time for many: aggressive moneylenders and loan sharks are ready to capitalise on panic, and child traffickers ready to exploit the most vulnerable. Pray against these risks, and pray for divine protection for those at risk of exploitation. FRIDAY 23 MAY Our partners were quick to respond to Cyclone Phailin. They reached out to families with emergency supplies including food and temporary shelters. Now, their focus is on helping communities rebuild, which includes restarting livelihoods such as fishing. Pray for our partner staff as they give their all to helping villages get back on their feet.

SATURDAY 24 MAY Dear God, in times of crisis and disaster, we can feel small and helpless, but we praise you that, as shown through Basudev’s story, you’ve made us capable of great things, for your glory. We pray for all those still recovering from Cyclone Phailin, and all those committed to helping them. Amen.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – WHAT YOU CAN DO Basudev’s story goes to show that, when it comes to disasters, preparedness is absolutely crucial in saving lives. If you feel able to make a gift to Tearfund, visit www. and help us to help more villages like Basudev’s survive when disaster strikes.

‘WE PRAY FOR ALL THOSE STILL RECOVERING FROM CYCLONE PHAILIN, AND ALL THOSE COMMITTED TO HELPING THEM.’ India: Rangabati Sethi walks through her home, which was destroyed by Cyclone Phailin. Photo: Peter Caton/Tearfund

Following Jesus where the need is greatest




In the Mekong Sub-region, an illegal trade in goods and people runs in parallel with legitimate business. Ongoing conflict is causing people to relocate and is putting children particularly at risk of exploitation. This week, we pray for Tearfund partners working with children in the region.

Here are more resources and opportunities to pray with Tearfund for people in poverty.

Pray that God will protect migrant families in the Mekong Sub-Region. Photo: Olive Orate/World Concern Laos

SUNDAY 25 MAY The reality of economic and social poverty creates stress, sometimes resulting in family breakdown. Please pray that God will protect and strengthen vulnerable migrant families. Pray also for the work our partners are doing to build community cohesion among those affected by conflict.

WEDNESDAY 28 MAY Sisters Bang, 13, and Phou, 14, dropped out of school to help their dad work in the rice fields. The risks of sexual exploitation and forced labour are very real for girls such as these. Pray God would protect vulnerable migrant workers and their children in the Mekong Subregion.

MONDAY 26 MAY Duangmany, 15, is one of many young people who travelled to Thailand in search of work. She experienced abuse while working in a restaurant and returned home due to ill health. On her return, a Tearfund partner supported her to find a safer local job. Pray for wisdom as our partners work out how best to work alongside vulnerable young people to prevent them being exploited.

THURSDAY 29 MAY Young single mother Jiengkham contemplated migrating so she had a better chance of feeding her son. WCL persuaded her to join its Youth Development Programme instead and she now teaches others about the risks of migration. Pray that WCL will help many other children and young adults realise their potential.

TUESDAY 27 MAY Our partners are offering hope to young people such as Duangmany. By providing vocational skills training, such as tailoring, they are reducing the risk of young people being abused and exploited. Give thanks that our partners are able to offer practical alternatives to migration.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest

‘MIGRANT POPULATIONS ARE HIGHLY VULNERABLE DUE TO THE LACK OF LIVELIHOOD OPPORTUNITIES AND RIGHTS IN THE HOST COUNTRY.’ FRIDAY 30 MAY Local churches on the Thai/ Myanmar border are being mobilised to identify and tackle trafficking in their communities. Thank God for our church partners as they help to create a culture that says ‘no’ to trafficking.

POST YOUR PRAYERS ONLINE Tearfund has an online prayer space where you can add your prayer, and join and respond with others around the world. Plus, you can now add a One Voice prayer space widget to your church’s website. Visit for details. JOIN A LOCAL PRAYER GROUP If you would like to meet with others to pray for issues that affect poor communities around the world, then join a local prayer group. Call 0845 355 8355 or email and find out if there’s a group near you – or consider starting one.

twitter FOLLOW US ON TWITTER To receive regular prayer updates to your smartphone, tablet or computer, you can follow Tearfund on Twitter (you will need to have or set up a Twitter account at Visit KEEP IN TOUCH Please let us know if you’ve used the Welcome to the weekend ideas individually, as a church, or in your small group. Please also let us know how you personally use the Prayer Diary to pray for people in poverty: contact us at


ORDER EXTRA COPIES OR AUDIO AND BRAILLE VERSIONS OF THE PRAYER DIARY Audio and Braille versions of the Prayer Diary are available, free of charge, upon request. You can also order more copies of the Prayer Diary for your church or group and sign up to receive extra copies. Please call Tearfund on 0845 355 8355.


SATURDAY 31 MAY Maesai Grace Church on the Thai border runs a rehabilitation centre and school for former child soldiers. Pray that God’s love would pour out of this church and bring healing and restoration to children traumatised by conflict.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – CREATIVE PRAYER IDEA The World Weekend Of Prayer (7–8 June) a global initiative that brings together hundreds of thousands of people to pray for children at risk. Whether you attend a nationwide event, plan something with your church, go to a prayer breakfast, or spend a quiet few minutes praying in your own home, we would love you to join us in interceding for the world’s children. Visit for ways to get involved. Photo: Marcus Perkins/Tearfund



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