Prayer Diary Autumn 2014

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Christmas prayers for peace

Helping trafficked children

Bringing hope amid conflict

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


WELCOME... ‘WE ARE PRAYING FOR YOU!’ One of the amazing blessings from praying is the sense of connection we feel. When we pray for someone, even an individual living many hundreds of miles away, we often feel empathy with them. We also deepen our relationship with God through prayer, discovering his compassion, concern and connection to the things we are praying about. And sometimes prayer connects us in more tangible ways. Back in March, three years on from the start of the Syria crisis, Tearfund called on people to pray for families caught up in the conflict. Scores of children across the UK took part in our Thumbs Up for Syria! activity, sending in posters decorated with their thumbprints to show young Syrian refugees that they were praying for them. Children from St Laurence Foleshill, a church in Coventry, made and decorated cards to send to Syrian children. Many included prayers, such as: ‘We are praying for you,’ ‘I hope you are safe,’ and ‘I have written you a prayer. Just to make you feel better!’ The cards were taken and read at a Tearfund-supported primary school in Lebanon – to the delight of the children there. We pray once again for the people of Syria on page 12. (There’s also a photo of some of the prayer cards.) And when you pray for Syria, and for other places where we are desperate to see breakthrough, think of how the children in that school felt when they heard the simple but heartfelt messages from the pupils at St Laurence. We know our prayers cannot always be ‘heard’ by people across the world, but we do know they make a huge difference (you can read some amazing answers to prayer on page 11). Let’s seek out, once again, a connection with the Almighty as he changes us and changes the world through our prayers.


Peter Shaw twitter @TearTimes | email Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


CONTENTS 04 South Sudan conflict Lifting up this young nation in prayer 05 Created celebration Praise God for fair trade success 06 Restoring the CAR Prayers for Central African Republic 07 Every child safe Protecting children from traffickers 08 Challenges in Afghanistan Celebrating progress, praying for change 09 Celebrating supporters Lifting up all who pray, give and speak out 10 Treasures in heaven Celebrating people who’ve left a legacy 11 Lord most high Thanking God for answered prayer 12 Holding on to hope Persevering in prayer for Syria 13 Thanksgiving in Ethiopia Praising God for self-help groups 14 Speaking out Lifting up Tearfund speakers in prayer 15 Empowering slum communities Helping people in India claim their rights 16 Holy night Christmas prayers for world peace 19 God saw it was good Calling on God to renew our world 20 Rana Plaza restoration Lifting up traumatised factory workers 21 Gathered for prayer against poverty Joining with Darlington’s prayer group 22 Everyone affected Small group prayer reflection

‘CHILDREN ARE A HERITAGE FROM THE LORD’ PSALM 127:3 Photo: Layton Thompson/Tearfund

23 Prayer resources More opportunities to pray with Tearfund

Copyright @ Tearfund 2014. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for Tearfund promotional use. For all other uses, please contact us. Cover: Josephine who survived an attack in the Central African Republic Photo: Hannah Maule-ffinch/Tearfund

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


SOUTH SUDAN CONFLICT: 28 SEPTEMBER – 4 OCTOBER Conflict broke out in South Sudan’s capital, Juba, last December and the country now faces a major humanitarian disaster. With 1.3 million people displaced and continuing violence, an estimated 7.3 million South Sudanese are at risk of food shortages this year.

SUNDAY 28 SEPTEMBER Jenifer used to own a small business selling tea to support herself and her elderly mother. When violence erupted in her city, they were forced to flee. They ran for three hours before they felt safe to stop. Pray for those fleeing from violence in South Sudan, for their safety and security.

WEDNESDAY 1 OCTOBER Mabot, who’s two, is still too weak to walk due to malnutrition and illness. His mother brought him to a Tearfund feeding centre, where he was given special food that will help him become healthy. Join us in prayer for Mabot and the many malnourished children in South Sudan.

FRIDAY 3 OCTOBER Many people in South Sudan have kindly welcomed displaced people into their homes, generously sharing food and drink with them in these desperate times. Thank God for the compassion of those who are showing the love of Jesus to their neighbours. Ask God to bless them in their giving.

MONDAY 29 SEPTEMBER Like Jenifer, many families have fled, leaving their homes and land behind. Crops have not been planted, which will lead to a drastically reduced harvest, putting millions at risk of food shortages. Pray against hunger and for a miracle of abundance in South Sudan.

THURSDAY 2 OCTOBER ‘Lord God, alert leaders of the nations to challenge those engaged in conflict to turn their energy to good and to settle disputes speedily. We pray that the good news of Jesus may bring hope to those who long for peace. May his love inspire all Christians to be agents of reconciliation,’ prays Lady Eileen Carey.

SATURDAY 4 OCTOBER Dear Father, we pray for the people of South Sudan. When they are hungry, may they be fed. When they are thirsty, may they find water to drink. When they are afraid, may they know your peace. We ask these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

TUESDAY 30 SEPTEMBER Lack of adequate sanitation is a big health risk in South Sudan. But, thanks to training from Tearfund, Angelina’s family is no longer at risk. She recently constructed her own latrine and proudly says that none of her children has suffered from vomiting or diarrhoea since. Praise God for the power of education to transform lives.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – CREATIVE PRAYER IDEA By yourself, or in a group, think of a time when you have felt afraid. What or who comforted you during that time? Share your thoughts with your group and pray for those in our world who feel afraid, perhaps because of conflict or risk of violence.


Daily life at Apada camp, South Sudan

Photo: Bernard Henin/Tearfund


CELEBRATING CREATED: 5 – 11 OCTOBER Following an incredible 40 years of trading, Tearfund’s Created will come to an end in 2015. Let’s pray and give thanks during this time of change, and celebrate everything that’s been achieved.

Photo: Fiona Weatherhead/Tearfund

From small beginnings Lovely Baroi (centre) now employs 27 women

SUNDAY 5 OCTOBER When the first catalogue went out in 1975, Created (then Tearcraft) was an early pioneer of fair trade, and every single item was made of jute! Things have come a long way since then, and today’s shoppers have an array of ethical products to choose from online and in shops across the UK. Thank God for this amazing progress. MONDAY 6 OCTOBER Created has nurtured groups of artisans around the world, enabling them to make desirable products compliant with complex manufacturing guidelines. As a result, they’re well equipped for the future. Praise God for the foresight of the Created team in building the capacity of partners to manage their own future success.

TUESDAY 7 OCTOBER Samuel started Noah’s Ark in his kitchen, assembling a few of his poorest neighbours to make cutlery to sell. Forty years on, Noah’s Ark employs more than 300 people and is just about to move into a new 25,000-square-foot workshop. Praise God for this story and the many others like it. WEDNESDAY 8 OCTOBER Lovely Baroi is one of thousands of artisans to benefit from the work of Created. Twenty years ago, Lovely was taught silk hand-painting and dying techniques. Today, she employs 27 women, all of them able to support their families thanks to this work. Praise God for the countless people whose lives have been impacted in so many incredible ways as a result of Created. THURSDAY 9 OCTOBER Partnering with others is at the heart of Created. This is why we’re delighted to say that we’re working closely with Traidcraft during this time of change, transferring relationships to ensure our partners, volunteers and buyers can continue to be part of building a fairer world. Pray for this process of planning and change.

FRIDAY 10 OCTOBER ‘Having achieved so much, we wanted to make sure that we made a conscious decision to exit in a planned manner,’ says Neil Stevens, Head of Created at Tearfund. ‘We still have a new catalogue and we want to make this last season the best ever!’ Pray for the season ahead, especially during the Christmas period – pray for recordbreaking sales. SATURDAY 11 OCTOBER Dear God, thank you for working through Created to empower people all over the world to use their skills and creativity to overcome poverty. We praise you for Created staff, artisans and volunteers, and pray you’ll be with them during this time of change and in the future. Amen.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – WHAT YOU CAN DO Please do your Christmas shopping at Created, and help our last season to be the best yet! Use the catalogue enclosed with this Prayer Diary or order extras or a replacement online at or call 0845 218 3960.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


RESTORING THE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: 12 – 18 OCTOBER The Central African Republic (CAR) may not have been in the news, but we know many of you have been praying for the country and giving generously to Tearfund’s crisis appeal. This week we pray for the people of CAR, focusing on restoration.

Gypsie was shot in the leg in an attack

Photo: Hannah Maule-ffinch/Tearfund

SUNDAY 12 OCTOBER More than a million people have had to leave their homes during the unrest in CAR. Half of those have left the country: the other half remain but are mostly living in camps or in the bush. Let’s pray: Lord, bring restoration to this land.

WEDNESDAY 15 OCTOBER Previously peaceful communities have become dangerous conflict zones. The level of violence is shocking. Relationships between different ethnic and religious groups have broken down, with fear and hatred taking their place. The power of forgiveness is so desperately needed. ‘I DON’T KNOW WHAT HAS Let’s pray: Lord, HAPPENED TO THE REST OF MY bring restoration divided FAMILY BACK HOME, WHETHER to communities.

THEY ARE ALIVE OR DEAD’ MONDAY 13 OCTOBER Gypsie, 18, was shot in the leg during an attack which left her father dead and her family forced to seek shelter 170 miles away. Now she shares her daily life with nearly 5,000 others like them in a camp in the capital, Bangui. Lord, bring restoration to Gypsie and others like her. TUESDAY 14 OCTOBER ‘I don’t know what has happened to the rest of my family back home, whether they are alive or dead,’ Gypsie tells a Tearfund staff member. Many families have been separated by the fighting and long to be reunited. Lord, bring restoration to these families.

THURSDAY 16 JUNE One of the darkest features of the conflict in CAR has been the level of sexual violence. Rape is being used as a weapon of war. The physical and emotional scars will take time and prayer to heal. Lord, bring restoration to these broken lives.

FRIDAY 17 JUNE The instability means that many have been unable to plant their fields or have lost livestock. Rural communities depend on their crops for food and now face months of hunger. Tearfund has provided seeds and tools to some of the most vulnerable people but thousands more need help. Lord, bring restoration to this land. SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER Lord, restorer of broken lives, we pray for the Central African Republic. We lift to you the people you have placed in that land and their needs in this time of conflict. Give your church strength, wisdom, peace and courage to be good news to a land that needs your healing. Amen.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – CREATIVE PRAYER IDEA Read Isaiah 58:6-12 as inspiration for your prayers for a country which is on your heart. Pick a place which you don’t pray for often. If you don’t know very much about people’s needs there, be encouraged by Paul’s example: he didn’t always have news from the churches he prayed for but he asked for God’s blessing on them, certain that God knew just what they needed.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


EVERY CHILD SAFE: 19 – 24 OCTOBER Many children in Nepal are highly vulnerable to trafficking. Sex trafficking is a particular issue, with many of those taken ending up in the brothels of the capital, Kathmandu, and also across the border into India.

SUNDAY 19 OCTOBER Poverty is at the root of the issue of trafficking. One of Tearfund’s partners in Nepal, Carnet, is working through churches to help women start small businesses. The income they provide helps keep children safe. Praise Jesus for women like Phumpa: helped by the church, she set up a carpentry business. MONDAY 20 OCTOBER Many families find themselves deceived by traffickers. They offer to take children away and provide them with good jobs and training. It’s a lie. Today, in many communities in Nepal, families will be warned about the risk of trafficking through trained church volunteers. Pray that the message gets through. TUESDAY 21 OCTOBER Last year, six-year-old Meena was snatched from outside her home and taken to the Nepal/ India border. Her captor fled after a church volunteer spotted Meena in distress. Today she is safe, at a home run by Tearfund partner Carnet. Pray that Meena will recover fully from her ordeal. WEDNESDAY 15 OCTOBER The church is growing exponentially in Nepal. In its network, Carnet estimates half of all those coming to faith are doing so through miracles. Thank God that he is building his church. Pray that church leaders like Ishoori would have the resources they need to disciple new Christians. Names have been changed to protect identities.

THURSDAY 22 OCTOBER Shulie was trafficked from Nepal as a teenager. Every day she is forced to work in Mumbai’s red-light district. Pray for our partner, Oasis India, which is working with Shulie and other women who have been enslaved. Pray that Oasis India will bring Christ’s hope and restoration. FRIDAY 23 OCTOBER Roopa was trafficked as a fiveyear-old. By the age of nine, she was working in Mumbai’s red-light district. She was rescued and became a Christian. Praise God that, when she was baptised, she forgave all those who had wronged her – and felt God take away all her pain. SATURDAY 24 OCTOBER Before becoming a Christian, Dhan Raj Ghimire – head of Tearfund partner Carnet in Nepal – used to persecute the church. Now he is passionate about building it and helping it protect children from trafficking. Pray that Dhan Raj’s vision for having every Nepalese child protected will come to pass.

TODAY, MEENA IS SAFE WITH A TEARFUND PARTNER Meena, age six, was snatched outside her home Photo: Jamie Fyleman/Tearfund

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – WHAT YOU CAN DO We need churches in the UK to stand shoulder to shoulder with churches in Nepal – helping to stand in the gap between the traffickers and the children they prey on. Could you use our resources in your church or book a speaker to raise awareness in your congregation? Visit for details and to order resources.


CHALLENGES IN AFGHANISTAN: 26 OCTOBER – 1 NOVEMBER Tearfund has been working in Afghanistan for 43 years, and currently supports more than 400,000 Afghans. Rejoice with us at the progress made, and continue praying about the massive challenges ahead. SUNDAY 26 OCTOBER Give thanks that the first-ever democratic change of power in Afghanistan happened this year. However, violent attacks from insurgents are still all too common. Pray for peace, security and stability to prevail, especially as the last foreign troops depart. ‘It’s clear to me that most of the Afghans I meet are tired of war and want peace above all else,’ says Tearfund’s Andy Simpson in Kabul. MONDAY 27 OCTOBER ‘Pray for the recently elected government – for good relations with the international community and that God will guide them as they seek to provide healthcare, education and other essential services for the Afghan people,’ says Tearfund’s Bruce Clark.

TUESDAY 28 OCTOBER Water and sanitation continue to be a huge need in Afghanistan, with 2.3 million people still lacking access to clean water. Praise God that Tearfund is providing water filters to families in Kapisa and Jawzjan provinces. ‘Now, my little son and other family members are healthy and I do not need to spend money on doctors and medicines,’ says Abdul. WEDNESDAY 29 OCTOBER Always prone to natural disasters, Afghanistan suffered a series of devastating landslides and floods earlier this year. Tearfund’s team and partners responded immediately, distributing tents, hygiene items and other essentials. ‘I hope that I will not experience such a horrible flood again in my life,’ says grandmother Gulbahar. Pray for protection against future disasters.

THURSDAY 30 OCTOBER Afghanistan has been described as the most dangerous country in the world for women. ‘I never had a chance to think about my rights, such as the right to education or other women’s rights,’ says motherof-five Miajan. Thank God that Miajan’s perspective changed as she attended a self-help group run by a Tearfund partner. Pray for better opportunities and better treatment for women. FRIDAY 31 OCTOBER Tearfund has provided hundreds of vulnerable women in northern Afghanistan with foot-pedal spinning wheels and training on how to use them. Praise God that this is enabling many to earn a living for the first time. ‘My life is becoming better and better every day,’ says disabled widow Qurban Shah. SATURDAY 1 NOVEMBER ‘The needs in Afghanistan always seem to outstrip the resources to meet them, whether physical ones exacerbated by drought and poverty or psychological ones made worse by 30 years of conflict and family mistreatment,’ says Bruce Clark. As international donors reduce their funding this year, pray that Tearfund will have the resources to continue to transform Afghanistan.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – CREATIVE PRAYER IDEA Afghan women taking part in a Tearfund spinning wheel project Photo: Tearfund

Spend some time praying through the Lord’s Prayer, keeping a particular focus on Afghanistan. After each line, talk to God about what this might mean for the country.


CELEBRATING SUPPORTERS: 2 – 8 NOVEMBER The work we do wouldn’t be possible without our supporters who faithfully pray, campaign and give. This week we want to celebrate some of these amazing people who help us follow Jesus where the need is greatest.

Ambleside Tearfund prayer and campaigns group

SUNDAY 2 NOVEMBER Our Supporter Services team has the privilege of spending time talking to supporters. One lady recently described how she had chosen to give out of the winter fuel allowance provided for her as a pensioner. Thank God for the way he uses people’s generosity to change lives in poor communities. MONDAY 3 NOVEMBER At Tearfund, we love having the opportunity to pray with – and for – our supporters. It’s a great reminder that we are all a part of God’s church globally. Let’s thank God that, as we pray together, our prayers are powerful. TUESDAY 4 NOVEMBER Every week we receive letters from supporters which include messages of encouragement and prayers for us and our work. It is always such a blessing to us. Today, thank God for all those who, like you, pray faithfully for Tearfund’s work through local churches across the world. Ask that they will be spurred on to persevere in prayer.

Photo: John Payne

WEDNESDAY 5 NOVEMBER We are regularly amazed at the sacrifices our supporters make to help the millions of people across the world living in material and spiritual poverty. We spoke to one supporter who explained that, although she is past retirement age, she chooses to continue working so she can keep giving. Praise God today for our supporters’ incredible generosity. THURSDAY 6 NOVEMBER One supporter recently received a sum of money unexpectedly. Rather than keeping it, he chose to use it all to increase a gift he had planned to give to support Tearfund’s response to typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. Thank God for those whose livelihoods have been rebuilt as a result of supporters like these. FRIDAY 7 NOVEMBER It’s not just adults who do extraordinary things to support our work. Recently, one little girl was so inspired hearing about Tearfund’s work in Syria that she used her birthday party as an opportunity to raise money. Praise God for all those who, like her, choose to celebrate their special occasions in this way.

‘THANK GOD FOR THOSE WHOSE LIVELIHOODS HAVE BEEN REBUILT AS A RESULT OF SUPPORTERS’ SATURDAY 8 NOVEMBER As well as being so grateful for your prayers and financial support, we are always so encouraged to hear about supporters who campaign tirelessly on behalf of those living in poverty. Pray that God will guide and strengthen us all as we seek to be a blessing to others.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – CREATIVE PRAYER IDEA Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-8. Spend some time reflecting on the passage, and ask God to show you whether there are ways you can put this into practice with your time, abilities or resources. Choose one way you can do that this week, and place a reminder somewhere you will see it.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


TREASURES IN HEAVEN: 9 – 15 NOVEMBER What do our earthly possessions look like in the light of eternity? This week we celebrate faithful Christians who remembered Tearfund in their will, setting their hearts beyond death and loving others, even after their passing. Rosemary Landreth

SUNDAY 9 NOVEMBER Brenda Payne supported Tearfund in life and death. She sold greetings cards to raise money for our work. Friend Judy Atherton says Brenda would be ‘delighted to know that [her legacy] will be used to bring transformation to so many people’. Thank God for all those with servant hearts who leave legacies to Tearfund. MONDAY 10 NOVEMBER Rev William Butland – Joe – and his wife, Joan, became supporters of Tearfund soon after it began, encouraging their church to support it too. The couple both left gifts to Tearfund, and their family and friends made donations at their thanksgiving services in 2007 and 2013. Thank God for those in leadership who inspire mercy. TUESDAY 11 NOVEMBER Eileen Spencer remembered Tearfund because we help people ‘no one else reached’, especially through our work with vulnerable girls. Eileen has three daughters of her own. Lord, help us continue to follow Jesus where the need is greatest.

WEDNESDAY 12 NOVEMBER Joy Clinch was in the Auxiliary Fire Service during the war, then became a headteacher in inner-city London. She never married or had children of her own, but had a ‘big heart for children’. She supported Tearfund and would be ‘glad to know her legacy will be well used’, says Elaine Myerscough, her niece. THURSDAY 13 NOVEMBER Joyce Hardie Aitken supported our work in prayer as well as through her legacy. A copy of the Tearfund Prayer Diary, opened at that day’s page, was found beside her bed when she died. Praise you, Lord. You value everything we give: money, prayers, service, love.

FRIDAY 14 NOVEMBER Gordon Landreth helped found Tearfund in 1968. His wife, Rosemary, died in January 2013, after years of generous support and faithful prayer. Her family write, ‘We are thankful that Rosemary’s legacy can bring hope and transformation to those who so desperately need it.’ Father, thank you that nothing we give you is ever wasted. SATURDAY 15 NOVEMBER For many, our wills reflect what mattered most to us in life. A legacy offered for God’s kingdom is a gift from a heart made flesh by his holy power (Ezekiel 36:26). We thank God that he offers us a crown of glory in his eternal kingdom.

‘WE ARE THANKFUL THAT ROSEMARY’S LEGACY CAN BRING HOPE AND TRANSFORMATION TO THOSE WHO SO DESPERATELY NEED IT’ WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – WHAT YOU CAN DO Tearfund is blessed to have such faithful supporters, and we are so grateful to each person who leaves a gift to Tearfund in their will. Every gift helps to transform the lives of people living in poverty, enabling our work to continue for generations to come. Thank you so much,’ says Kirsty Hawes, Tearfund’s Legacies Officer. To find out more about giving to Tearfund in your will, contact Kirsty at or call 0208 943 7729.

Eileen Spencer generously left a gift to Tearfund in her will

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


LORD MOST HIGH: 16 – 22 NOVEMBER ‘I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High.’ Psalm 7:17 This week we look back at some amazing answers to prayer from the Prayer Diary and other Tearfund prayer networks. Let’s sing praises to our Father God…

SUNDAY 16 NOVEMBER In the Prayer Diary in June, we introduced 12-year-old Nang, from Laos, whose community is highly vulnerable to child trafficking. Nang finished primary school and is now at secondary school. She says, ‘I am happy to know that people in the UK are helping Lao people – especially children like me. Thank you for caring for us.’

TUESDAY 18 NOVEMBER This March, we introduced you to Doreen and Jouvllet, two teenage girls from Uganda who faced a 3km mountain trek to collect water every day. Join them rejoicing today as they now have a water tank near their home. ‘We will be very, very happy to draw the first container from the tank,’ says Vanessa, Doreen and Jouvllet’s mum.

MONDAY 17 NOVEMBER Last September, Sina, a struggling mother from Cambodia, told us, ‘I feel I have nothing.’ Since then, her local church, supported by Tearfund’s partner, has been reaching out to her. Give thanks that Sina now rejoices, ‘I’ve learnt that Jesus can show us the way through prayer. He is a God of love.’

WEDNESDAY 19 NOVEMBER Last December we asked you to pray for Raju, Sarita and their two children, Usa and Kusal, from Nepal, as they struggled to provide daily food. Praise God that the family are happy and well. Sarita now has a pig that she hopes will have piglets to raise and which will provide more income for the family.

THURSDAY 20 NOVEMBER Last year, we asked for prayer through our One Voice email for the release of Janet, Martin and Abdinoor of Tearfund partner International Aid Services: they had been kidnapped in Somalia. Praise God that this June they were released. ‘The long dark night is over – praise God!’ says Chris McDonald, head of Tearfund’s work in Somalia. FRIDAY 21 NOVEMBER This March, we sent an email letting people know about Streetbank, a new Christian initiative that helps people find and share things and skills in their neighbourhoods. Give thanks that more than 350 Tearfund supporters responded. Sam Stephens from Streetbank says, ‘Please let people know how grateful we are!’ SATURDAY 22 NOVEMBER Lord, we thank you for all you are doing to care for the poorest and most vulnerable people around the world through your body, the Church. We praise you for the 4,000 children that are now safe from traffickers thanks to the people who responded at BigChurchDayOut. Amen.



Doreen and Jouvllet now have a water tank at home Photo: Marcus Perkins/Tearfund

Put a jam jar and some notepaper somewhere you will see them every day. Every time you see the jar, think of something you are thankful for, write it down and put it in the jar. When it’s full, spend some time reading the notes and thanking God.

Following 12 . PRAYER Jesus DIARY where the need is greatest

Following Jesus where the need is greatest

HOLDING ON TO HOPE: 23 – 29 NOVEMBER Since March 2011, Syria has been gripped by a devastating civil war. As we pray into this heart-rending situation, remember: ‘Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear’ (Isaiah 59:1).

Cards made by UK children for Syrian refugees Photo: Credit: Sara Guy/Tearfund

SUNDAY 23 NOVEMBER The people of Syria desperately need the conflict to end so that they can begin to rebuild their lives. Ask Jesus, the Prince of Peace, to bring an end to the fighting. ‘We need to cry out to God for a breakthrough,’ says Tearfund’s Claire Tiffen. MONDAY 24 NOVEMBER We’re constantly inspired by the brave individuals who are providing help inside Syria. ‘The only thing that keeps me staying in Syria is the people I minister to,’ says John, who received training on disaster response from Tearfund. Thank God for everyone working in this perilous environment and ask him to keep them safe. TUESDAY 25 NOVEMBER Refugees leaving Syria are often traumatised by the atrocities they’ve witnessed. A Tearfund partner is providing life-changing trauma care to Syrian women in Jordan. ‘You bring back our dignity. You treat us like humans, like we have feelings,’ says Afya, one of the participants. Ask God to heal people experiencing psychological distress.

‘YOU BRING BACK OUR DIGNITY – YOU TREAT US LIKE HUMANS, LIKE WE HAVE FEELINGS’ WEDNESDAY 26 NOVEMBER Hawwa fled to Lebanon with her family. She is now taking English classes in a nearby church so she can help her sons with their homework. Thank God for the resilience of the Syrian people, and ask him to strengthen and sustain them. THURSDAY 27 NOVEMBER Ten-year-old Noora wanted to be a doctor when she lived in Syria. But after fleeing to Jordan, she was unable to join the overcrowded local school. Her father, Suleman, fears that his children ‘will waste their future if they stay here’. Pray for better access to education for Syrian refugee children like Noora.

FRIDAY 28 NOVEMBER To mark the third anniversary of the conflict, Tearfund asked UK children to send cards to Syrian refugee children, decorated with their prayers. ‘The children really enjoyed making the cards as their contribution to praying for and supporting Syria,’ says Mel Cleveland, the vicar’s wife. Give thanks for the encouragement this activity brought. SATURDAY 29 NOVEMBER As another cold winter kicks in, lift up the millions of Syrians struggling to keep warm, often in makeshift tents or unsuitable dwellings. Pray that Tearfund and other aid agencies will reach them with shelter, food and urgent provisions.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – CREATIVE PRAYER IDEA Using this prayer by a Tearfund partner in Lebanon, reflect on the truth that we are united as the body of Christ around the world. ‘Heavenly Father, through all the hard situations we are facing in the Middle East, we believe your hand is here working in the shadows. Everything is destroyed, but we ask you to build it up again from the ashes. Fill us with your never-ending love.’

Names have been changed to protect identities.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


THANKSGIVING IN ETHIOPIA: 30 NOVEMBER – 6 DECEMBER In January 2013, Elfed Godding, National Director of Evangelical Alliance Wales and Tearfund Vice-President, visited Ethiopia. He says, ‘The steady growth of self-help groups (SHGs) over the last few decades has resulted in thousands being lifted from poverty. Thank God for this simple but effective demonstration of his love.’

SUNDAY 30 NOVEMBER Grinding poverty holds back countless families in the Arba Minch region of south-west Ethiopia. Through partnership with the Kale Heywet Church, Tearfund is working with Project Gilgal. Praise God for the sacrificial love shown by local churches in providing life-skill training through SHGs.

TUESDAY 2 DECEMBER The work is growing rapidly because Tearfund is willing to utilise and mentor local Christians, including driver Ammanuel Endriyas, to reach poor communities. Praise God that, thanks to Project Gilgal, 60 new groups will help 1,200 new members or 6,000 new households lift themselves out of poverty.

THURSDAY 4 DECEMBER Self-help group members save the equivalent of 2p a month into a central fund. Rules, interest rates and repayment periods are set by the group. Then loans are offered to clear debt or to start a business like coffee making. Thank God for the entrepreneurial skill and business acumen that are emerging.

MONDAY 1 DECEMBER Ethiopia is one of the countries with which the Welsh government works, through Wales Africa Links. The Tearfund Wales–Ethiopia Partnership provides funding to Project Gilgal through Welsh churches over three years. Please pray for the target of £15,000 a year to be reached.

WEDNESDAY 3 DECEMBER Self-help groups are made up of about 15-20 people who agree to meet and save money regularly. It is one of the most effective strategies used by churches to overcome poverty. There are now 12,000 SHGs across Ethiopia. Thank God for the gradual rebuilding of self-esteem and confidence where hope had been abandoned.

FRIDAY 5 DECEMBER It is estimated that, in the past few years, 2,000 people have come to know Christ through SHGs. Project Gilgal leader Amme says, ‘First they join a group and then they join Christ.’ The marginalised are mainstreamed by escaping poverty and realising their value to their Creator. SATURDAY 6 DECEMBER Heavenly Father, thank you that you are the repairer of broken walls and restorer of streets with dwellings. Please use the team in Ethiopia to seek first your kingdom by strengthening the movement of SHGs, demonstrating God’s love through acts of kindness and justice at all levels of society and seeing your will done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.


Tearfund Vice-President Rev Elfed Godding visited projects in Ethiopia Photo: Tearfund

Why not follow the self-help group model and save a small amount each week? If you saved just 50p, after a year you would have £26. Then you could pray and decide how to use that money to bless others.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


‘I’VE LOVED DISCOVERING MORE OF TEARFUND’S WORK, AND COMMUNICATING GOD’S PASSION FOR POOR PEOPLE’ SPEAKING OUT: 7 – 13 DECEMBER Here at Tearfund, we’re blessed by our amazing team of volunteer speakers: people who are passionate about inspiring UK churches to join us in reaching out to those trapped in extreme poverty. They give their free time to share how our work is bringing the Kingdom of God into some of the world’s most vulnerable communities – giving a hope and a future to those in need.

Jamie Fyleman, one of Tearfund’s passionate speakers

SUNDAY 7 DECEMBER Our speakers are busy people. Please pray that God will refresh and inspire them to keep sharing stories of transformation with congregations across the UK. Ask God to give them more opportunities to speak in order to bless and encourage people with their gifts.

WEDNESDAY 10 DECEMBER Claire Greenaway works as a geography teacher in Northern Ireland. She sees her role as Tearfund speaker as an opportunity to serve God and be part of the holistic change transforming lives worldwide. She asks us to pray that she will, ‘continue to be guided by God in words, actions and deeds.’

MONDAY 8 DECEMBER Matthew Rutter, from Bristol, started as a Tearfund speaker this year. ‘I’ve loved discovering more of Tearfund’s work, and communicating God’s passion for the poor,’ he says. ‘Please pray that I follow him faithfully so my words have power and my heart stays soft.’

THURSDAY 11 DECEMBER ‘Ask God to open the hearts of the people we speak to that they might see Jesus in the people and projects Tearfund support,’ says David Corbett, a speaker from Bexley. David considers it a privilege to work with us and shares our hopes and aspirations for those living in poverty.

TUESDAY 9 DECEMBER ‘The first service I attended as a Christian was a Tearfund Service and I’ve been inspired ever since by God’s simple and powerful model for making a difference in the world,’ says Scott Somerville, a Tearfund speaker in Scotland. Pray that God use Scott to inspire others, just as he was inspired.

FRIDAY 12 DECEMBER Ken Mann from Stalybridge thanks God for the faithfulness of Tearfund speakers, especially those visiting churches for the first time. He asks us to pray that the words of Tearfund speakers will encourage a positive interest in all the aspects of Tearfund’s ministry, and inspire young people in particular.

Photo: Clive Mear/Tearfund

SATURDAY 13 DECEMBER Lord, thank you that you call us as your church to partner with you in transforming the lives of people in poverty. In your hands our small efforts can make a great difference even in the most desperate of situations. Please give our speakers the words and confidence they need to share with their listeners. Anoint their words so that those who hear them are stirred and seek you as to what they can do to help poor people. Amen.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – WHAT YOU CAN DO Do you have a passion for beating poverty and love public speaking? Join us! There are opportunities to become an accredited Tearfund speaker. If this interests you, or if you’d like to invite a speaker to your church and inspire your congregation, contact us at or on 0208 977 9144.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


EMPOWERING SLUM COMMUNITIES: 14 – 20 DECEMBER For almost a decade, Tearfund has been supporting partners in India to help poor and vulnerable communities access government information so they can claim their legal entitlements. This week Joanna Watson, Tearfund’s Advocacy Adviser, helps us pray for the work of one of them, Emmanuel Hospital Association (EHA), in Delhi.

SUNDAY 14 DECEMBER Praise God for the Indian law that gives citizens the right to request information from a public authority or government body and expect a response within 30 days. Give thanks that this is being used to hold the government accountable for the provision of healthcare, education and essential services. MONDAY 15 DECEMBER Tearfund partner EHA raises awareness about the law among poor and vulnerable people living in slum communities and informal settlements in the capital, Delhi. Thank God that this work is also informing people how to use this information to request services. TUESDAY 16 DECEMBER Through community meetings and training, EHA educates people about their right to information about the government services they should be receiving, and the procedures to follow to access them. Please pray for EHA staff and volunteers as they raise awareness.

WEDNESDAY 17 DECEMBER In one slum in Delhi, EHA showed the community how to complete the paperwork, where to send it, and how to follow it up. As a result, the community discovered they were entitled to a bus service, a tarmac road, an electricity connection, running water, sanitation, a health clinic and a school. They also found out that each person had the right to an identity card. Praise God that this kind of information is being made available. THURSDAY 18 DECEMBER At the community’s request, EHA showed them how to use government information to contact the relevant officials and ask them to provide services. This led to meetings with government officials, which were not always easy because the slum is built on government land and the officials feared losing ownership. Praise God that the local government eventually provided the services the community requested.

FRIDAY 19 DECEMBER Give thanks for the courage of the poor and vulnerable communities in speaking out to claim their entitlements, and for the perseverance of EHA in empowering them to do so. Pray that EHA will be able to replicate this work in many more slums and settlements. SATURDAY 20 DECEMBER Dear Lord, just as you call us to both faith and deeds (James 2:14-18), we thank you for the faith and deeds of EHA and for how this is blessing poor and vulnerable communities in Delhi. Please give them wisdom as to which people to empower, and guide them as they seek to multiply their work. Amen.

WELCOME TO THEWEEKEND – WHAT YOU CAN DO Find out how Tearfund is empowering people to help themselves bring change. Visit to find out more, and reflect on how you can support these communities.

Photo: Tim Clarke/Tearfund

Tearfund are helping slum communities claim their rights

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


HOLY NIGHT: 21 DECEMBER – 3 JANUARY This year marks the centenary of the First World War truce in the trenches. Troops started singing the carol Silent Night in German and in English on Christmas Eve 1914. As part of Hope14, Tearfund are encouraging people to hold Silent Night Carol Services this Christmas to reflect on this event and offer support to Syrian children suffering today because of conflict.

Photo: Sara Guy/Tearfund

Tearfund is supporting traumatised children in Syria

SUNDAY 21 DECEMBER Across the country sports stadia and other venues have been holding Silent Night Carol Services as part of Hope14, with money raised at the events donated to Tearfund. Lift up the many people from churches and beyond who are joining in and singing, ‘Jesus, Lord at thy birth’ during the services. MONDAY 22 DECEMBER Join Steve Clifford, General Director of the Evangelical Alliance, in this prayer for peace, ‘We pray for the people of the Central African Republic as the country continues to struggle, and is plagued with violence. We pray for peace: in places where fighting is intense, we pray for breakthrough where there is tension.’

TUESDAY 23 DECEMBER Tearfund has been part of the HOPE movement since the beginning. Give thanks for an amazing year where Christians have proclaimed and demonstrated the good news of Jesus to their neighbours and in their communities as part of Hope14. Ask that this will have a lasting impact. CHRISTMAS EVE 24 DECEMBER ‘Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.’ Isaiah 7:14 Take a pause today before the festivities that often dominate Christmas Day to reflect on the universe-changing event that is Jesus’ birth. CHRISTMAS DAY 25 DECEMBER ‘On Christmas Day one of the Germans came out of the trenches and held his hands up. Our fellows immediately got out of theirs, and we met in the middle, and for the rest of the day we fraternise, exchanging food, cigarettes and souvenirs.’ This is how Newcastle’s Evening Mail reported what happened in the trenches on Christmas Day 1914, one hundred years ago. Give thanks that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, is still bringing opposing sides together today.

FRIDAY 26 DECEMBER With the expectation of a big celebration with lots of food, Christmas can be a particularly difficult time for low-income families in the UK. Lift up Trussell Trust foodbanks which help local churches to provide emergency food and support to people in crisis. SATURDAY 27 DECEMBER Lord, we thank you that – despite all the distractions – Christmas is really all about Christ Jesus. We ask you to keep you and your son in our thoughts and directing our actions over this festive season. Amen.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – WHAT YOU CAN DO If you have been inspired by the Prince of Peace to support Tearfund’s work in areas of conflict, visit to find out more and give a gift.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest SUNDAY 28 DECEMBER ‘For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.’ Isaiah 9:6 Praise God, that 700 years before his birth, it was proclaimed that Jesus would be called Prince of Peace, ask that he will bring lasting peace today. MONDAY 29 DECEMBER Join with a Tearfund partner in Jordan, praying for peace in Syria: ‘Lord Jesus, you give sight to the blind, you heal the crippled and you restore the dignity of the disenfranchised. Give us renewed vision and hope for the future and restore the dignity of our Syrian brothers and sisters.’ TUESDAY 30 DECEMBER The carol Silent Night was first performed in 1818. This year a new version, specially adapted for Hope14 by Nick Herbert and Ben Cantelon, will be sung in sports stadia, churches and wherever people sing Christmas carols. Ask that people will be touched and changed by the carol’s message about ‘Christ the Saviour’.


‘FOR TO US A CHILD IS BORN, TO US A SON IS GIVEN, AND THE GOVERNMENT WILL BE ON HIS SHOULDERS. AND HE WILL BE CALLED WONDERFUL COUNSELLOR, MIGHTY GOD, EVERLASTING FATHER, PRINCE OF PEACE.’ ISAIAH 9:6 NEW YEAR’S EVE 31 DECEMBER ‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.’ John 14:27

FRIDAY 2 JANUARY ‘Son of God, love’s pure light. Radiant beams from thy holy face. With the dawn of redeeming grace.’ (From ‘Silent Night’ written by by Joseph Mohr, 1818)

As we remember people living in conflict situations this week, pray and reflect on Jesus’ words in John’s Gospel and ask him to take away your troubles and fill you with a spirit of hope.

Ask God to give a touch of redeeming grace to areas of the world facing conflict such as the Central African Republic, South Sudan and Syria.

NEW YEAR’S DAY 1 JANUARY Join with Lady Eileen Carey of Clifton, Tearfund Vice-President, in this prayer for South Sudan: ‘Join with the Lord God of the nations, hear our prayer for the people of South Sudan, who have suffered through the longest civil war in the 20th century. Once again they are displaced due to the ongoing violence.’ Pray for breakthrough this year.

Makeshift refugee camp for displaced Syrian families in Jordan

SATURDAY 3 JANUARY Lord Jesus, Prince of Peace, we thank you for your birth and for dwelling with us here on earth. We ask you to bless the work of peacemakers across the world who promote reconciliation and forgiveness in your name. Amen.

Photo: Hannah Maule-ffinch/Tearfund

Following Jesus where the need is greatest



WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – CREATIVE PRAYER IDEA Pray and reflect on this prayer for peace across the world, you could read it out in a small group or your church. God of love, whose compassion never fails; We bring before you those suffering across the world because of war and conflict For people who have been forced from their homes

For older people, young children and people who are sick, injured or with disabilities For people in prison, for people forced into fighting and or those who have lost loved ones Comfort and relieve them, merciful Father, according to their needs; For the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen

Adapted from a prayer by St Anselm (1033–1109)

Photo: Imperial War Museum/IWM Q31578

Following Jesus where the need is greatest 19 . PRAYER DIARY


GOD SAW IT WAS GOOD: 4 – 10 JANUARY God created this beautiful planet as a place where we might flourish in a just and sustainable way. As we continue to speak out for the poorest people who are affected by corruption and climate change, please continue to pray for God’s wisdom and grace for these issues.

Climate change is predicted to result in more extreme weather

SUNDAY 4 JANUARY We live in a world of great resources and beauty, but also a world of great inequality. Thank God for the resources that you have, cherish them, and ask him to challenge you more about how you can share them with others. MONDAY 5 JANUARY The Breathe network’s motto is ‘less stuff, more life’. Yesterday we cherished what we have, so today think and pray about whether you can reduce what you buy or own. Pray for those who are struggling to make ends meet and people who live with very little, in the UK and worldwide. TUESDAY 6 JANUARY As we approach the 2015 general election, continue to pray for our politicians and those seeking election. Pray they will use their position of influence to stop and listen to those calling for a just and sustainable world.

Photo: Margaret Chandler/Tearfund

WEDNESDAY 7 JANUARY Last year, the UK experienced one of the wettest winters since records began. Tearfund is committed to working with local churches to help poor communities adapt to the impacts of climate change. Continue to pray that world leaders act to reduce global emissions levels and explore innovative means to source the money needed to help communities adapt. THURSDAY 8 JANUARY The average UK household throws away a staggering £60 worth of food per month. There are some great campaigns already happening to help us all reduce our waste but more needs to be done if we’re going to see lasting change. Try cooking a simple meal today and aiming to waste none of it. Pray for those who have a real lack of food and will go hungry today. FRIDAY 9 JANUARY The life of faith and the calling to be a part of bringing change is often not easy. Reflect on this verse: ‘I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 3:14). Lord, as we seek your kingdom and try to live for you, help us to press on, especially when we feel like giving up.

THE AVERAGE UK HOUSEHOLD THROWS AWAY £60 WORTH OF FOOD SATURDAY 10 JANUARY Today is a day of giving thanks. Thank God for the food you have to eat. Share a meal with friends or family, and really cherish it.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – WHAT YOU CAN DO We hope you had a very blessed and restful Christmas. Perhaps some of the gifts we received mean that we don’t need some of our older things. Streetbank ( is a great initiative where you can sign up to share/borrow resources with your neighbours and community. Please do take a look, sign up and start sharing!

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


RANA PLAZA RESTORATION: 11 – 17 JANUARY On 24 April 2013, 1,127 people died when a clothes factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh, collapsed. Rescuers included volunteers trained by Tearfund partner Koinonia. Two years on, Koinonia continues to support those affected. This week we reflect on their work and future challenges. Kohinoor, 20, suffered a miscarriage in the Rana Plaza collapse

SUNDAY 11 JANUARY More than 3,000 people were inside Rana Plaza when it collapsed. Tragically, 1,127 people died. But, thanks to the efforts of rescuers (many trained by Tearfund), 2,535 lives were saved. Give thanks for Tearfund partner Koinonia’s church mobilisation work, which meant that volunteers were ready to respond effectively.

TUESDAY 13 JANUARY Many families face the future with uncertainty, particularly over loss of income. Sewley lost her husband, father to their 13-month-old son. ‘I miss my husband every day, and life has become very hard,’ she says. Pray that Tearfund’s partners, like Koinonia, can bring comfort and hope into situations of despair.

‘EVERY NIGHT WHEN THE LIGHT GOES OFF, I AM AFRAID. I OFTEN THINK ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO DID NOT MAKE IT’ LIPI, RANA PLAZA SURVIVOR MONDAY 12 JANUARY ‘Every night when the light goes off, I am afraid. I often think about the people who did not make it,’ says Lipi, who was trapped on the fourth floor. Many survivors have been left with physical, emotional or mental scars. Pray for continued healing for those injured and traumatised by the building collapse.

WEDNESDAY14 JANUARY Of the 2,000 people recovering after the factory collapse, about 70 per cent are struggling to provide adequately for their families. As yet, there has been no clear commitment about any compensation package for survivors of Rana Plaza. Pray that those responsible will keep their promises and provide families with compensation.

THURSDAY 15 JANUARY Koinonia runs a four-month sewing rehabilitation programme to help support female survivors of Rana Plaza and their family members. Students are given a monthly grant and equipment to help them set up in business. Give thanks that our partner is enabling women to start again by supporting themselves. Pray for courage and blessing as they pursue this opportunity. FRIDAY 16 JANUARY In addition to livelihoods training, Koinonia is providing vital medical treatment and counselling for survivors. Kohinoor, 20, suffered a miscarriage during the collapse. ‘I was crushed,’ she says. ‘My husband and I had tried for several years to get pregnant before the accident.’ Please pray that Koinonia can find more skilled counsellors and that they will have success in helping survivors recover from trauma. SATURDAY 17 JANUARY Koinonia wants to step up its efforts by providing scholarships to orphans and starting advocacy work to ensure working environments are made safer. Pray that this work will be fruitful in highlighting the gaps in legislation relating to building regulations and employee welfare.

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – CREATIVE PRAYER IDEA God cares passionately for the oppressed, widows and orphans and he wants good things for them. Reflect on God’s compassion in Psalm 146. Two years on, pray for the survivors of Rana Plaza who are still finding life a challenge.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest SUNDAY 18 JANUARY Rachel Dickson, retired teacher and Tearfund supporter: ‘Lord, we lift up before you the plight of women around the world, particularly in Pakistan. We give thanks that Tearfund is working with the Diocese of Hyderabad on the primary education project and we pray that more children will be reached and the next generation of women will have a better future.’ MONDAY 19 JANUARY Margaret Scurr, a faithful Christian for nearly 60 years: ‘Father God, I thank you for the way you are aware of the needs of people the world over, and that you use ordinary people like me to pray about these needs and to raise funds to help in a practical way.’ TUESDAY 20 JANUARY Rev Geoff Wood, retired: ‘Heavenly Father, we bless you for all your rich provision for our needs. Thank you for water with which you feed your plants and quench our thirst. May no one throughout the world be deprived of pure water. Bless all those who provide clean water, especially to remote communities.’ WEDNESDAY 21 JANUARY Isabel Senior, prays: ‘Lord, we thank you for your continued blessing on Tearfund and all it stands for, both spiritually and materially. May this continue. Bless all Tearfund staff and supporter groups worldwide. Please be with the needy. May we always have a heart to help.’


GATHERED FOR PRAYER: 18 – 24 JANUARY ‘For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.’ Matthew 18:20 Many groups across the country commit to meet and pray regularly for people living in poverty. This week’s prayers have been written by members of a prayer group in Darlington, County Durham, led by Doug and Rachel Dickson. The group has met faithfully for more than 30 years.

THURSDAY 22 JANUARY Regina Rutland, long-term supporter and former Created rep: ‘Lord God, since justice is part of your character, we know we have your backing as we tackle issues of injustice such as corruption and human trafficking. We pray for these campaigns: please grant us determination, perseverance and success.’

SATURDAY 24 JANUARY Jill Jackson, teacher and long-time Tearfund supporter: ‘Father, thank you for great initiatives like Toilet Twinning that make real and everyday difference to people’s lives. Bless this project and the team who work so creatively and help us, with flushable luxury, never to take what we have for granted.’

‘HELP US, YOUR CHURCH IN THAT WORLD, TO BE USED BY YOU IN BRINGING ABOUT CHANGE’ FRIDAY 23 JANUARY Lesley Stegner, voluntary church worker: ‘Father, your world is not the way you want it to be. Help us, your church in that world, to be used by you in bringing about the changes that make this place more like the way you want it to be.’

Members of the Tearfund prayer group in Darlington, who have met for more than 30 years

WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND – WHAT YOU CAN DO If you would like to join a Tearfund prayer group near you, or would like to start one, please contact We would love to hear from you! We’re immensely thankful to all of you who pray regularly for people in poverty.

Photo: Doug Dickson

Following Jesus where the need is greatest



Written by Sara Kandiah


PSALM 139: 11-12 If I say, ‘Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,’ even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.

REFLECT This April, I travelled with Tearfund to India to meet and pray with communities affected by trafficking. It was Palm Sunday and the village church congregation was waiting for us when we arrived. This is a Mahadalit community – the caste below ‘the untouchable’ and the poorest of the poor. But this village in the east of India is also a vibrant place where people are being supported by Tearfund’s local partner to bring about change. Among many stories of transformation, we heard about a new anti-trafficking committee. This has been set up to raise awareness of the danger posed by traffickers – strangers who lure women and children with false promises of good work and a better life. When it was time to pray, I asked if we could pray specifically for families who’d lost a child to trafficking. I was expecting a few people to come forward, and was stopped in my tracks when I was

Photo: Tim Clarke/Tearfund

told, ‘Every family here has been touched by trafficking in some way. They all need prayer.’ So we prayed for the families in front of us – all of them – and for the children that had been taken. We also prayed for even more progress to be made in the village, so parents no longer feel the need to send their children away for a ‘better life’.

This is the secret weapon of Tearfund’s partners everywhere as they stare down the misery of trafficking: God with us. The battle is the Lord’s. We will have victory.


As we travelled home that evening, we drove through a lightning storm. I was reminded of Psalm 139 and I whispered my thanks to God that, even in the darkness of trafficking, his light can bring hope to all his precious children. We might look at the resources we have as we face the darkness of this world and wonder how we can ever make a difference. But, as the story of David and Goliath tells us, personal force is no guarantee of victory. David knew what he was up against, but he also knew he had a power beyond all earthly effort on his side: ‘You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel… the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.’

PRAY Read through the whole of Psalm 139 and reflect on the darkness of child trafficking and how God is providing light. Then consider how you can bring light and life into the lives of people around you, in your home community or to our global neighbours across the world. Ask God for healing and hope for all those affected by trafficking, and for an end to the poverty that makes communities like this so vulnerable.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


PRAYER RESOURCES Here are more resources and opportunities to pray with Tearfund for people in poverty. POST YOUR PRAYERS ONLINE Tearfund has an online prayer space where you can add your prayer, and join and respond with others around the world. Plus, you can now add a One Voice prayer space widget to your church’s website. Visit for details.


JOIN A LOCAL PRAYER GROUP If you would like to meet with others to pray for issues that affect poor communities around the world, then join a local prayer group. Call 0208 977 9144 or email and find out if there’s a group near you – or consider starting one.

Audio and Braille versions of Tear Times and the Prayer Diary are available, free of charge, upon request. You can also order more copies of the Prayer Diary for your church or group. Please call Tearfund on 0208 977 9144.


To receive regular prayer updates to your smartphone, tablet or computer, you can follow Tearfund on Twitter (you will need to have or set up a Twitter account) at

Maduany transition camp on the outskirts of Aweil town, South Sudan

KEEP IN TOUCH Please let us know if you’ve used the ‘Welcome to the weekend’ ideas as an individual, as a church or in your small group. Please also let us know how you personally use the Prayer Diary to pray for people in poverty: contact us at



Photo: Hannah Maule-ffinch/Tearfund

100 Church Road, Teddington TW11 8QE Tŷ Catherine, Capel Cildwrn, Llangefni LL77 7NN Challenge House, 29 Canal Street, Glasgow G4 0AD 241 Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 1AF


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