Prayer Diary Autumn 2017

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AUT UM N ’17






The injustice of uneaten food

Celebrating the birth of Jesus

Enjoying the freedom of sanitation


WELCOME DESPERATE PRAYER Beny and Marion from South Sudan had a momentous decision to make. They loved their family life in Yei. ‘It was one of the best places because the spirit of the place was good,’ says Beny. ‘Life was normal and we sent our children to school. But because of the war, things have gone out of hand.’ Conflict started in December 2013 when South Sudan erupted into civil war. Violent clashes between ethnic and political groups ensued. When they reached Yei, Beny and Marion had a choice: stay in their beloved family home or flee to Juba, the capital, where many thousands of others had sought sanctuary. We all face decisions in our lives, some small, others life changing. When confronted with situations where the answer isn’t clear, we could flip a coin… But, as Christians we are called to pray. And that’s what this family did. They gathered together for a prayer meeting one morning and agreed together to flee to Juba. Life is tough in Juba, they are renting a home and employment is scarce. ‘The only hope I have is in God,’ says Beny. ‘It’s only the word of God that is consoling me in times of trouble.’ ‘God has really protected us,’ says Marion. ‘Despite all these difficult situations, I’m very thankful.’ Thanks to your support and prayers we are reaching out to families like Beny and Marion’s with cash grants to help with food when income is low. So, as you pray with this Prayer Diary, remember families like Beny and Marion’s, fully reliant on God, and not forgotten by their heavenly Father.

Peter Shaw, Editor twitter @TearTimes | email

Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund



04 Out of order

Lamenting a lack of sanitation

05 Fall armyworm

Prayer against the larval infestation

06 What a waste

The injustice of uneaten food

07 Crisis in Burundi

A cry for peace and reconciliation

08 Heart of conflict

Lifting up Yemen in prayer

09 Provision and peace

Prayer for East and southern Africa

10 Renew earth

Surrounding the climate talks in prayer

11 Dignity for the displaced

Lifting up Mosul, Iraq, in prayer

12 Cycle for freedom

Celebrating Northern Irish cyclists

13 Changing mindsets

Raising up reconcilers in Ivory Coast

14 Speak up

Praising God for volunteer speakers

15 Releasing potential

Prayer for projects across Asia

16 A child is born

Celebrating Christmas with mothers

18 Jubilee for you

Let’s celebrate Tearfund’s 50th!

20 Calling time

Seeking guidance for our year ahead

21 Face of the Father

Lifting up children in Latin America

22 Hope for a nation

Prayer for the Democratic Republic of Congo

Copyright © Tearfund 2017. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for Tearfund promotional use. For all other uses, please contact us. Cover image: Worship at the Big Church Day Out Photo: Tom Price/Tearfund

Photo: Rhiannon Horton/Tearfund


SUNDAY 24 SEPTEMBER Rose’s family escaped the militias’ guns and machetes during recent conflict in Central African Republic – and took refuge in a displacement camp near Boda. But her teenage son died due to insanitary conditions in the camp. People are still dying for lack of a proper toilet. Pray that world leaders will redouble their efforts to end this injustice. MONDAY 25 SEPTEMBER As well as providing toilets and clean water in displacement camps in Central African Republic, Tearfund is training volunteers to keep toilets and washrooms clean and safe. ‘I want to make the camp a healthier place – not just for my family but for everyone,’ says one cleaning team leader, Ericaine. Thank God that teamwork is helping to build a sense of community in the camps.


OUT OF ORDER: 24 – 30 SEPTEMBER About 2.4 billion people still do not have a proper toilet. This makes them vulnerable to disease and less able to work and send their children to school. Our Toilet Twinning initiative raises funds to provide proper toilets, clean water and hygiene education – and help families take a first step out of poverty. TUESDAY 26 SEPTEMBER A toilet-building project run by Tearfund partner AMI San Lucás in Guatemala teaches women that they have worth, challenging the idea that women exist only to bear children and cook. ‘It’s changing the way women think about themselves, showing that they too have rights,’ says Project Coordinator Gengly. Praise God for the way he is empowering women and restoring their dignity. WEDNESDAY 27 SEPTEMBER Sexual violence is rife in Democratic Republic of Congo. Ebinda was attacked as she went to the toilet in the bush. Such attacks are far less frequent since Tearfund trained communities like Ebinda’s in South Kivu to build latrines. Pray that many more women and girls will have the safety of a toilet at home. Bishwo, from Nepal, held an open day to tell people about the value of toilets

THURSDAY 28 SEPTEMBER Bishwo, a teacher in Nepal, did not understand why his family and pupils kept falling ill – until a Tearfund partner explained the link between poor sanitation and ill health. He immediately built a toilet and held an open day to encourage neighbours to follow suit. Pray that more families will understand why they need a toilet and never be without one again. FRIDAY 29 SEPTEMBER Teenage girls at Bridget’s school in Rukungiri, Uganda, often missed class or dropped out of school once they reached puberty – because there were no proper toilets. Since Tearfund’s partner, North Kigezi and Kinkiizi Dioceses, built girls’ toilets with a changing room, many girls have re-enrolled. Praise God that toilets are reversing school drop-out rates. SATURDAY 30 SEPTEMBER ‘So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.’ Matthew 7:12 Dear Lord, thank you for meeting all our needs. Help us to understand more fully what it means to be your hands and feet here on earth. Prompt us, Lord, to provide for people who lack even the bare essentials. Amen.

Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund


FALL ARMYWORM INFESTATION: 1 – 7 OCTOBER The African armyworm has ravaged maize crops across Africa for many years. However, the fall armyworm was first detected on the African continent from South America around January 2016. The fall armyworm eats practically anything growing, the females lay thousands of eggs in their short lifetime, and the moths can fly up to 100km a day. It is also resistant to common pesticides. Experts are warning it could cause a massive food crisis across Africa, and even impact Europe and Asia.

SUNDAY 1 OCTOBER From its initial detection in Nigeria, the worm has spread across western and central African countries, and now the south, in at least 20 countries. Ghana has declared a state of emergency over the matter. Pray for a halt to the spread of this infestation MONDAY 2 OCTOBER Many countries across Africa are already facing food crises because of adverse weather conditions and climate change. The UN warn that 20 million face starvation and famine in Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan and Nigeria. The drought conditions are perfect for the fall armyworm to breed. The addition of this infestation to the current crisis could tip these countries over the brink. Pray for those already struggling with food insecurity. TUESDAY 3 OCTOBER Some farmers are increasing the doses of insecticides to try and stop the fall armyworm but

this rarely works, and poses a health risk for consumers and the environment. Pray for the millions of farmers who are dependent on their crops for their livelihood, that they would make good choices when faced with this challenge. WEDNESDAY 4 OCTOBER Brazil spends $600m annually on containment of the fall armyworm. America uses Genetically Modified (GMO) maize to avoid the impact, although there is resistance to GMO crops in Africa. Pray for God’s wisdom for governments across Africa as they make plans and policies for agricultural production and the possible impact of the fall armyworm. THURSDAY 5 OCTOBER Both the African armyworm and fall armyworm love maize, the staple crop across many African countries. The only major crop so far to have resistance to the fall armyworm is cassava. Pray that farmers would get the

The fall armyworm (a moth larvae) is devastating crops across Africa

knowledge they need to be able to survive the possible destruction of their crops. FRIDAY 6 OCTOBER Thank God for the experts who are trying to find ways to stop the infestation of the fall armyworm, such as replicating a virus that can kill them. Tearfund is also hoping to start some research in Malawi. Pray this research is helpful and that it quickly finds inexpensive ways of tackling the infestation in ways that don’t hurt people or damage the environment. SATURDAY 7 OCTOBER ‘Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?’ Matthew 6:25 Pray for those already affected by the fall armyworm that they would trust Jesus for their needs and that he would meet them. Photo: Mikhail Kochiev/Shutterstock


WHAT A WASTE: 8 – 14 OCTOBER All around the world Christians pray ‘Give us today our daily bread,’ yet, while we pray, a third of all food produced is never eaten. This week we reflect on God’s precious gift of food. SUNDAY 8 OCTOBER In Matthew 6:11 Jesus taught us to pray, ‘give us today our daily bread.’ This Sunday, churches will pray this prayer up and down the country. Lift up those people whose prayer for daily bread takes on a literal meaning as they struggle to feed their families. MONDAY 9 OCTOBER A third of all food produced in the world today is never eaten. This wasteful ‘grow and throw’ cycle has a devastating carbon footprint, making climate change worse and leading to more extreme weather such as floods and droughts. This makes it harder for people in poverty to feed themselves. As you say grace today, thank God for his provision and pray for people impacted by climate change. TUESDAY 10 OCTOBER Take a piece of locally baked bread and spend a few minutes reflecting on it: notice its shape, how it feels, consider the taste. Think about all the work that has been put into producing the bread, the environment God prepared for the wheat to flourish, the farmers who grew it and the bakers who baked it. Praise God for his whole creation.


WEDNESDAY 11 OCTOBER When Jesus generously fed the crowd of 5,000 the lesson didn’t end there. When they had all had enough to eat, Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.’ John 6:12 The leftovers were a vital part of the story. Reflect on this and consider how all of us can work to gather the pieces and ensure nothing is wasted. THURSDAY 12 OCTOBER Thirty per cent of vegetable crops are not harvested due to their failure to meet retailers’ exacting cosmetic standards. Our supermarkets have a role to play in reducing food waste as they influence the food chain from farm to fork. Pray for supermarkets to make wise

decisions as we ask them to consider how they will halve their food waste by 2030. FRIDAY 13 OCTOBER Next week it’s World Food Day, when Christians around the UK will be taking action to Renew Our Food. Ask God to give you wisdom on how you can avoid buying more than you need, reduce the amount that goes into landfill and share tips with others. You can pledge to Renew Our Food and ask supermarkets to do the same at SATURDAY 14 OCTOBER Join us as we echo this prayer from Latin America: ‘O God, to those who have hunger, give bread, and to those of us who have bread, give a hunger for justice.’ Amen.

TV baker Tom Herbert and Rt Revd Ric Thorpe, Bishop of Islington, highlighting food waste in the UK


CRISIS IN BURUNDI: 15 – 21 OCTOBER Burundi continues to struggle following President Nkurunziza’s decision to stand for a third term. Many believe this went against the Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement. The political violence around and following the election has seen the establishment of state control and a decline in the quality of life for the people. Burundi remains one of the poorest countries in the world. Cuts to essential services means healthcare in Burundi is suffering

SUNDAY 15 OCTOBER Burundi has had a turbulent history since independence in 1962. Tearfund has worked in Burundi for many years, but the recent political violence has made this harder. Pray for dialogue, peace and reconciliation so that the country can begin to function better. MONDAY 16 OCTOBER Recently, fuel shortages and electricity cuts (especially in the capital Bujumbura) are making life a challenge. People can’t get to work and food costs have risen as people can’t afford to transport goods to market, so markets have less food to offer, which drives up prices. Pray for these challenges to end and for people to be able to carry out their regular lives.

Photo: Will Baxter/Tearfund

THURSDAY 19 OCTOBER The political violence that has continued since 2015 has also meant around 415,000 people have left their homes for neighbouring countries such as Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda. May they know God as a ‘refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.’ Psalm 46:1

TUESDAY 17 OCTOBER Because of the fuel shortages, our partners and staff are struggling to access more remote areas. Thank God for all they do to serve the needs of the most poor and vulnerable, particularly with essential nutrition work. Pray for God’s wisdom, encouragement and provision in a country where food security remains a great preoccupation. WEDNESDAY 18 OCTOBER Burundi has a really high population density. This has led to deforestation, soil erosion and poor farming, in a country where the majority live on subsistence farming. Burundi’s dense population has also meant there has been substantial emigration as young people seek opportunities elsewhere. Pray for those struggling to make a living, that God will provide for them.

‘GOD IS OUR REFUGE AND STRENGTH, AN EVER-PRESENT HELP IN TROUBLE’ FRIDAY 20 OCTOBER Burundi’s infrastructure is struggling. Massive budget cuts to essential services like health and education mean hospitals are barely functioning. Accessing healthcare is difficult, especially for pregnant women and children who depend on free care. Pray for those who are in urgent need of medical care. SATURDAY 21 OCTOBER Father God, we cry out to you for your peace and reconciliation in Burundi. We need you to bring restoration. We pray for your provision and comfort to those in desperate need. Give wisdom and mercy to the country’s leaders as they make decisions which affect so many people. Amen.


Faithful House programme, run by churches across Kitgum, Uganda, gives counselling to couples to help combat domestic violence Photo: Maggie Murphy/Tearfund


SUNDAY 29 OCTOBER ‘A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.’ Psalm 68:5 During the Angolan civil war, Rev Afonso’s parents were killed in front of him. But his faith enabled him to forgive the perpetrators in adulthood. The Church and Community Mobilisation project supports churches like his to go deeper in faith and bring more healing and restoration. Pray for the project and ask for churches across the region to flourish. MONDAY 30 OCTOBER With erratic weather patterns, Guyatu from Kenya always had to rely on relief food to survive. But now she has joined a self-help group, which buys vegetables in bulk and sells them locally, she no longer risks starvation. Give thanks for these wonderful self-help groups and pray that the initiative will spread and bless more people. TUESDAY 31 OCTOBER Lift up the Faithful House programme, run by churches across Kitgum, Uganda. It gives counselling to couples to help combat domestic violence and HIV. This has impacted many women like Agnes, whose husband no longer drinks or is violent. Pray for protection for women in Uganda and for the church to lead a deep cultural change across the nation.

PROVISION AND PEACE: 29 OCTOBER – 4 NOVEMBER Across East and southern Africa Tearfund is working to support communities under intense pressure. Climate change has continued to take its toll as several countries deal with the worst drought in living memory. Conflict has also prevented people working towards development, as in South Sudan, where there are 3.5 million displaced people. This is an area desperately in need of our prayers.

WEDNESDAY 1 NOVEMBER Pray for our partner the Evangelical Fellowship Zambia, which helped to tackle food insecurity last year. Through its training Mrs Machakaire learnt to source certified maize seed and to plant early before the rains started. Praise God that this has increased her harvest exponentially and give thanks that Zambia has had a good harvest this year. THURSDAY 2 NOVEMBER Ask for blessing on the Community Lead Total Sanitation programme (CLTS) in South Sudan. The war and displacement of people have meant many communities haven’t invested in infrastructure like sanitation, leaving them prone to lifethreatening diseases. Pray that the message of CLTS will spread and will save many people.

A group of women worshipping in Uganda

‘A FATHER TO THE FATHERLESS, A DEFENDER OF WIDOWS’ FRIDAY 3 NOVEMBER UNICEF estimates that over 40 per cent of Zambian children are forced to work. Emmanuel’s grandmother made him spend each day selling street food, but our partner in the country, Jesus Cares Ministries (JCM), is now helping him access education. Pray that through JCM more children like Emmanuel will escape child labour. SATURDAY 4 NOVEMBER Dear Lord, thank you for your love for this region. We cry out for an end to drought and food shortages and pray for peace for the many areas struggling with conflict. Please give country leaders wisdom and a commitment to peace and integrity. Please strengthen and use your church to bring solutions to the problems facing the region. Amen.

Photo: Maggie Murphy/Tearfund


This family enjoy the benefits of a solar panel at home

RENEW EARTH: 5 – 11 NOVEMBER As the annual UN Climate Talks begin this week, we pray for the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities. We ask God to help us with our response, including through the Renew Our World global campaign. SUNDAY 5 NOVEMBER ‘I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.’ Psalm 121:1-2 Read and reflect on this Psalm. Praise God, the maker of heaven and earth, for his wonderful creation. Pray that those impacted by the changing climate may know God’s presence and protection day and night. MONDAY 6 NOVEMBER Give thanks for the Paris Climate Agreement. In 2015, after years of negotiations, 195 countries committed to tackle climate change by reducing emissions and ensuring the poorest communities are supported to adapt and develop sustainably. Thank God that this agreement exists. Pray that countries will implement it in time to keep global temperature rise below dangerous levels.

Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund

‘MY HELP COMES FROM THE LORD, THE MAKER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH’ TUESDAY 7 NOVEMBER Droughts, floods and sealevel rise are pushing many vulnerable communities over the edge; destroying homes, jobs, water and food. Pray for God’s protection on everyone impacted by the changing climate. Lift up farmers and families who rely on the land for their food, to have wisdom to plant at the right time to cope with unpredictable weather. WEDNESDAY 8 NOVEMBER Pray that any decisions during the UN climate talks will reflect compassion and justice. Ask that leaders will be refreshed, inspired and equipped through these negotiations to go back to their country able to set targets and deliver plans to keep global warming to 1.5 degrees.

THURSDAY 9 NOVEMBER Pray that wealthy nations keep their commitment to provide financial assistance to help the poorest communities adapt to climate change. Ask God to give wisdom so that aid is distributed to people and places in greatest need. Pray particularly for investment in renewable energy to reach everyone, especially the poorest communities, and for support for more sustainable agriculture. FRIDAY 10 NOVEMBER Ask God to inspire and equip you to respond, both individually and in your church community. Give thanks for Christians across the world who are acting and praying for creation through the Renew Our World campaign. Pray that they may be effective in showing the concern of Christians to people who have the power to change policies and practices. SATURDAY 11 NOVEMBER God, we praise you for creation – for the land, the sea, the sky; humans and every living thing. Please show us how to care for the whole creation. Help us to love our neighbours, and to follow your lead in renewing our world as we make our voices heard to global leaders. Change the habits in our own lives and help us pray with purpose. Amen.

To find out more and join Renew Our World’s action and prayer, visit or to see what’s going on across the world visit


Sundip from Nepal completes his homework by the light of an energy saving lightbulb, powered by a solar panel on his house Photo: Tom Price/Tearfund



Cycle for Freedom team from Northern Ireland

In June, a team of cyclists from Northern Ireland set out on a 90km challenge with rugby star Ruan Pienaar. Their aim was to raise £90k to help protect children at risk of trafficking, disease and disaster. This week, we pray for those children.

SUNDAY 19 NOVEMBER Heavenly Father, thank you that each of us are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made.’ Psalm 139:14 You know each of us by name. And yet, some of your children on earth are vulnerable, wounded, exploited, abused, trafficked. We ask for your protection and care upon them.

‘I AM SO MOVED BY THOSE WHO SIGNED UP FOR THE CYCLE FOR FREEDOM’ MONDAY 20 NOVEMBER Today, we pray for children like Mazna – a young Indian girl who came from a poor family and was trafficked. Mazna was sold to a brothel in Mumbai. Her life was like a ‘nightmare she couldn’t wake up from’. One day, Tearfund’s partner Oasis met Mazna. Over time, they built up a relationship that eventually led to Mazna being able to leave the brothel. TUESDAY 21 NOVEMBER God, we thank you for Tearfund’s partners, like Oasis India, who work tirelessly to protect children at risk of

Photo: David Kirkpatrick/Tearfund

trafficking, disease and disaster. We ask for safety, wisdom and energy for them as they carry out such important tasks. May they know you as their Father as they show the Father’s love to the children they work with. WEDNESDAY 22 NOVEMBER So often, children are vulnerable because they live in poverty. We know that broken relationships are at the root of poverty: broken relationships with God, with each other, ourselves, and the planet. Today, we pray for the restoration of these broken relationships. THURSDAY 23 NOVEMBER Thank God for his work in Jorgama, an Indian village which was ravaged by floods in 2008. Villagers lost everything and some sent their children off to find work; many of them were trafficked. Tearfund raised awareness of the risks of trafficking among parents, helping them build businesses to support their families and establish a community system to alert members to risks. Consequently, trafficking completely stopped in Jorgama – praise God.

FRIDAY 24 NOVEMBER Ruan Pienaar describes what the Cycle for Freedom means to him: ‘As a dad, I am passionate about using what is in my hands to help protect children around the world. Trafficking is a global crime that affects the world’s most vulnerable. I am so moved by those who signed up for the Cycle for Freedom and believe that, together, we can make a real difference.’ Lord, help us to make a difference. SATURDAY 25 NOVEMBER ‘The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.’ Luke 4:18-19 Lord, thank you for the wonderful good news of the gospel. Help us, as the church, to declare good news and bring freedom to vulnerable children around the world.


SUNDAY 26 NOVEMBER ‘Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.’ Romans 13:1 Pray for God’s wisdom for those in positions of authority as they seek to protect citizens. Pray that the people of Ivory Coast would experience peace in their lives. MONDAY 27 NOVEMBER Tearfund’s training is transforming how poor communities view their resources in Ivory Coast. Rev Djirabou from Anyama brought his congregation together to see how they could raise funds. ‘We decided to build a local shop in the church compound to generate funds to help support the Bible study group,’ he says. Praise God that they have so far raised £14,000.


CHANGING MINDSETS: 26 NOVEMBER – 2 DECEMBER As well as helping people living with HIV, Tearfund supports a variety of work in Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire) such as improving farming livelihoods, water, sanitation, community health and combating Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Following the civil conflict in 2011, Tearfund has been supporting efforts to bring reconciliation to fractured communities through our partners and ten church denominations.

TUESDAY 28 NOVEMBER ‘I came to Christ 47 years ago but didn’t experience life in its fullness,’ says Jacob, elder of a church in Nassian. ‘Through the Bible studies, I realised that God’s plan is for me to be a blessing to my community, and also to have a thriving life.’ Pray that others will catch the vision for churches to mobilise their communities. WEDNESDAY 29 NOVEMBER ‘Before the training on HIV, I believed that it was a curse from God,’ says Pastor Guimin from Zuénoula. He says the training from Tearfund partner Faculté de Théologie Evangelique de l’Alliance Chrétienne, ‘helped me to understand God’s love for vulnerable groups.’ Pray that more misconceptions among church leaders about HIV will be challenged.

Tearfund has carried out reconciliation work in Ivory Coast since the civil conflict in 2011

THURSDAY 30 NOVEMBER Village chief Nanan Aboua from Diabo, central Ivory Coast, became a champion in the fight against FGM after training from Tearfund partner Association des Femmes Ivoiriennes pour le Développement Intégral (AFDI). ‘I am happy AFDI has changed my perceptions. A true man does not harm women, he protects them.’ Pray that more will come to reject this brutal practice. FRIDAY 1 DECEMBER Pray for Tearfund’s staff and partners in Ivory Coast, for health, protection, peace, wisdom and effectiveness in all their work. Pray also for a smooth implementation of a peacebuilding project with partners, and for the mediators who are involved in this process. SATURDAY 2 DECEMBER Heavenly Father, we give thanks to you for all you have done and are still doing in Ivory Coast. Lord, because of your great goodness, may the land be fruitful and may your goodness go before the people of Ivory Coast in everything they set out to do, according to your will. Amen.

Photo: Richard Hanson/Tearfund


SPEAK UP: 3 – 9 JANUARY The support of Christians and local churches here in the UK is vital to enable Tearfund’s ministry to flourish. A team of 150 volunteer speakers and staff play a vital role as they visit churches to share stories of our work and talk about God’s heart for people living in poverty. Join us as we pray for Tearfund’s speakers...

SUNDAY 3 DECEMBER Our speakers use their Godgiven gift of communication to inform and inspire church congregations. Challenged by God themselves, they cannot keep silent, so seek to use their gifts to equip congregations to pray, and to give financially. Give thanks for the speakers who give of themselves so generously for the benefit of others. MONDAY 4 DECEMBER Pray for the congregations who receive a Tearfund speaker, that they will have open ears and hearts to hear God’s love for those living in greatest need. Pray that the sermons they prepare and the resources that they use would come together with great impact – to reap a harvest of generosity from God’s people. TUESDAY 5 DECEMBER Pray that this, our Jubilee year, will provide an abundance of speaking engagements, as our speakers are keen to make the most of this celebration. Ask that many people will be moved to support, not just with one-off donations, but with a commitment to give regularly, which makes a huge difference as we plan ahead.

Photo: Clive Mear/Tearfund

Tearfund speaker Dot Tyler at the Big Church Day Out

WEDNESDAY 6 DECEMBER Lift up our speakers as they prepare for each engagement. From the discussions with both Tearfund and the church beforehand, their talk preparation and choice of resources, through to their conversations and follow-up after the service. Ask God to energise and equip them, and encourage them as they see people respond. THURSDAY 7 DECEMBER ‘He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap.’ Psalm 113:7 Speakers usually tell the story of one or two people that Tearfund supports at church services to help paint a picture for the congregation. Pray for the individuals who are featured, and the thousands who are not. Give thanks for the stories of hope that help supporters to persevere in their generosity.

FRIDAY 8 DECEMBER Pray that new speakers would be found to cover the areas around the UK where we currently don’t have any. Pray also for our staff involved in supporting existing speakers, from the creation of resources to the booking of and briefings for engagements. SATURDAY 9 DECEMBER ‘The mouths of the righteous utter wisdom, and their tongues speak what is just.’ Psalm 37:30 Dear Father, we bring before you all Tearfund speakers as they share stories of the amazing work of your church. Be their strength and enable them to be an inspiration to many as we seek to follow Jesus where the need is greatest. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Tearfund has been rebuilding houses in the Philippines following the 2013 typhoon Photo: Patrick Goh/Tearfund

RELEASING POTENTIAL: 10 – 16 DECEMBER SUNDAY 10 DECEMBER Yim Tum was a shy, quiet woman who lacked confidence – but her local church in Cambodia’s Takeo province recognised her potential. They trained her in all aspects of community development, from savings groups to farming techniques. Now she is a skilled adviser and highly respected local leader. Pray that God will raise up many more women to follow Yim Tum’s lead. MONDAY 11 DECEMBER Vin Savang and her husband in Cambodia were despondent after their attempts to rear pigs and chickens failed. Then the local church, mobilised by Tearfund partner World Renew, offered to train them in precisely those skills. They are now so successful, they have enough to feed their family and sell produce at market. Praise God they are now helping and blessing others in their community. TUESDAY 12 DECEMBER Women and girls in remote rural villages in Nepal are vulnerable to trafficking, especially since the 2015 earthquake pushed many deeper into poverty. Tearfund and our local partner, Child Welfare Society, organise street dramas to warn communities about the threat of traffickers. Pray that more communities will become alert to this threat.

Across Asia, our partners are working with communities to help them overcome the hurdles that would otherwise trap them in poverty. Through education and training, men and women are realising their Godgiven potential. They are becoming more resilient to challenges such as natural disasters and less vulnerable to threats such as trafficking.

WEDNESDAY 13 DECEMBER Naga, who is from Myanmar, went to China to work on a tea plantation. She was trafficked and sold into marriage – even though she had a husband and children back home. Thank God she was eventually rescued through a church-based project. ‘Without their help, I’d have lived in darkness for the rest of my life,’ Naga says. Pray that human trafficking in Asia will be consigned to history. THURSDAY 14 DECEMBER Nepali was forced to drop out of school in Bangladesh and marry young. A tailoring course run by Tearfund partner LAMB and the gift of a sewing machine have enabled her to start a small business. Praise God that Nepali can now feed her children and send them to school, and she’s passing on her skills to other women.

FRIDAY 15 DECEMBER Typhoon Haiyan in 2013 destroyed people’s homes and livelihoods in Santa Margarita, a small coastal village in the Philippines. Tearfund and local partners have helped build the community’s resilience by training and equipping them to fatten mud crabs. Praise God that there’s now strong demand for these crabs, both locally and overseas. SATURDAY 16 DECEMBER Loving heavenly Father, thank you that your people across Asia are helping entire communities to flourish and break the chains of generational poverty, in your name. Thank you that you are a God who ‘gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak’ Isaiah 40:29 – help us Lord to do the same. Amen.



Children at a community health centre in Sierra Leone

A CHILD IS BORN: 17 – 30 DECEMBER As a mother feels the life of her child growing within her, she dreams of who her child will be and what her child might do. God has a purpose for each and every life. At this time of year, we reflect on the life and purpose of God’s own son. Let’s take time, in the coming days, to also think about our lives and the precious gifts of children being born around the world in challenging circumstances. SUNDAY 17 DECEMBER ‘For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.’ Psalm 139:13-14 Take time today to reflect on this amazing truth for yourself and for every life woven together by God. MONDAY 18 DECEMBER Meriana and her husband live in a very poor village in Tanzania. They lost three babies in three years – all in the first few days of life. Meriana had no medical support and gave birth at home in unsanitary conditions. This is not God’s plan. Pray for women around the world who do not have access to adequate support in childbirth.

Photo: Layton Thompson/Tearfund

TUESDAY 19 DECEMBER A few years ago, a community health project was started in Meriana’s village. Thanks to this intervention, she and her husband now have a healthy baby girl. ‘My babies were dying because we did not know about maternal health. This project has freed me from my sorrow,’ she says. Praise God for this young child and for projects like this around the world.

THURSDAY 21 DECEMBER Maman Eve lives in North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, an area where many women and babies die because of the lack of medical care. She had the opportunity to become a ‘mother buddy’. Her training in maternal health means that she can now support pregnant women in her community. Pray for Eve and others as they fill this vital role, and pray that more women can be trained.

WEDNESDAY 20 DECEMBER ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.’ Jeremiah 1:5a

FRIDAY 22 DECEMBER ‘And she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.’ Luke 2:7

Every life is precious and known to God. Reflect on what it means to be known by God and set apart by him.

Around 360,000 babies will be born today, many into very poor communities. Pray for these new lives.



how to feed them properly. Pray for children around the world who are malnourished and for the parents struggling to do their best for them. THURSDAY 28 DECEMBER After the birth of her third child, Nyawech joined a mothers’ support group and started practising exclusive breastfeeding. As a result she says that her two youngest children are not sickly, they are strong and healthy. Pray for these programmes that help mothers raise healthy children. FRIDAY 29 DECEMBER ‘She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.’ Matthew 1:21

Adama with her 11-month-old baby, Sierra Leone

SATURDAY 23 DECEMBER ‘Thanks to the training I received I am now able to identify vulnerable pregnant women in my community and help them attend regular check-ups,’ shares Eve. ‘Since I started my work, the number of women delivering at home alone has been reduced.’ Praise God for the impact that mother buddies are having in their communities.

CHRISTMAS DAY 25 DECEMBER ‘For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.’ Isaiah 9:6

CHRISTMAS EVE 24 DECEMBER ‘In a loud voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!”’ Luke 1:42

TUESDAY 26 DECEMBER ‘And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.’ Luke 2:40

This was Elizabeth’s greeting to Mary – she recognised the immense truth of the life that was growing in Mary’s womb. At this Christmas time, let us dwell on the amazing reality of the Son of God born as a baby.

Photos: Layton Thompson/Tearfund

Thank you Lord for the incredible gift of your son and all he came to bring us.

Jesus came so that we might be saved and our lives transformed. Pray that his transforming work would continue in and through us. SATURDAY 30 DECEMBER ‘And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”’ Matthew 3:17 Through the work of Christ we become children of God. Let’s end this fortnight reminding ourselves of our membership in his family.

Let’s pray for children we know and for children around the world to grow in strength and wisdom and to fulfil every purpose that God has for them. WEDNESDAY 27 DECEMBER Nyawech is a mother of four from South Sudan. She agonised watching her first two children suffer from malnutrition, not knowing Tikonko Town Community Health Centre, Sierra Leone


Tearfund staff, including CEO Nigel Harris (centre), with Will Torrent (right) at the Big Church Day Out

JUBILEE FOR YOU: 31 DECEMBER – 6 JANUARY Staff at Tearfund have felt called to consecrate this year, Tearfund’s fiftieth anniversary, and declare it a year of Jubilee. All our teams around the world are uniting in this time to seek afresh God’s transforming Spirit and keep Jesus at the centre of our work and lives. We’d really value your prayers!

SUNDAY 31 DECEMBER ‘Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain.’ Psalm 127:1 Heavenly Father, as we arrive at the gate of this new year, we know just how much we depend on you to bring your transforming power to those in greatest need. Let it be you who builds this house. Amen. MONDAY 1 JANUARY We have staff and partners based in some of the poorest, most challenging places in the world. The work can be hard and the needs extreme. Lord, as we think about your Jubilee invitation to rest, help us to draw our strength from you. Amen. TUESDAY 2 JANUARY One of the central themes of Jubilee is the restoration of relationships. Tearfund is based in more than 50 countries and helping staff feel connected isn’t easy – but it is very important. Lord, help us to have that sense of unity, that we may be one, as you are one. Amen. Photos: Tom Price/Tearfund

WEDNESDAY 3 JANUARY In Leviticus 25:11, the Israelites were encouraged to care for creation by resting the land as part of God’s call to Jubilee. Advocating for sustainability and working with communities in ways that protect the environment is fundamental to us. Lord Jesus, bless this work and give us the skills and opportunities to cherish your world in all we do. Amen. THURSDAY 4 JANUARY Prayer has always been central to our daily routine in all the Tearfund offices. But this year, as part of our Jubilee declaration, we’re looking to magnify prayer and its role in our work in new ways. Lord, inspire our staff and bless us as we seek new rhythms of encounter with you. Amen.


FRIDAY 5 JANUARY ‘The fiftieth year shall be a jubilee for you.’ Leviticus 25:11 Jubilee is an invitation to celebrate as well as reflect. Father, as we reflect on the miracle of lives transformed, compassion outpoured, abundant provision and the energy for more, we rejoice in your incredible blessings and the support we’ve received for over half a century. Give us real hearts for celebration in this year. ‘The joy of the Lord is your strength!’ Nehemiah 8:10 SATURDAY 6 JANUARY ‘The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.’ Luke 4:18 This is the heart of our Jubilee: the Spirit of the Lord. Father, pour out your Spirit on us mightily in this time. We long to keep on proclaiming your good news where it’s needed most. This year help us to do it in your strength alone. Amen.


WHEN YOU TURN BY ISOBEL PEATY When you turn – When you turn to me just for a moment, remembering That I am here – wanting, and longing, and waiting To see you, like all those who love you, yet stronger – Impossibly stronger – for I alone witness That heart-hidden treasure that catches my light When you turn. And you trust – And my heart bursts again like a sunburst, but brighter, For I know how precious and gentle and tender That trust is and just what it cost, And the times that you feel you have lost. Yet you come back to me And you trust. And you cry – And I cry for you tears Like they’re torn from the sky Yet still pierced through with hope For how it will be When the new comes at last And you’re free. And you give – And each time you give Is astounding to me That what I gave, you’d give back to me. And then, for a moment – just for a moment – You look like the small boy who gave me his bread And the fish he’d been saving to have for his tea, But gave up – so freely – just waiting to see What we’d make together, Conspiring with miracles There by the sea.


CALLING TIME: 7 – 13 JANUARY The new year often marks a time of thinking and planning. It’s a chance to take time out with God, asking him to lead and guide our year ahead. For some of us, that means continuing with the work God has given us, for others that may mean stepping out into something new.

SUNDAY 7 JANUARY Pray for friends and family that may be finishing school this year, leaving university or looking to move to new careers. Ask that God will give them clear guidance on their next steps, whether this is future study, overseas volunteering or a new role. MONDAY 8 JANUARY Praise God for our partners in Malawi, Fisherman’s Rest, who spent their Christmas delivering bread and soup to local prisons and running community days to share the message of Christmas. We give thanks to the UK families that joined the team and served them in their incredible work. TUESDAY 9 JANUARY Join us in praying today for all the volunteers who will serve this year as team leaders on our various overseas placements. It’s an amazing chance for them to grow and develop as they’re entrusted with the spiritual and physical needs of the team. Pray that we will send out strong leaders with pastoral hearts and a willingness to serve.

Member of Tearfund’s International Citizen Service teaching at a school in South Africa

WEDNESDAY 10 JANUARY Lift up our volunteers who are heading out to South Africa and Bangladesh in January on our Tearfund International Citizen Service (ICS) programme. This year marks a brand new season for each of them. Pray that they will hear God’s voice and follow his guidance on their new journey. THURSDAY 11 JANUARY Every year, Tearfund sends more than 600 volunteers overseas to serve alongside our partners. Join us in praying that each of these volunteers will return to the UK excited about all they’ve learnt and ready to make a difference in their own communities. May they be inspired to take up new opportunities, like the Tearfund advocate programme


FRIDAY 12 JANUARY Volunteers heading out to support the work of our partner Oeser in Bolivia will be working with children like Alexander. He’s just seven, but has already lost his mother to cancer. His older sister looks after him while his dad works in Argentina. Oeser has enabled Alexander to attend school where he works hard to keep his grades up. Give thanks for the work of Oeser. SATURDAY 13 JANUARY Allow time today to listen to God’s voice and ask him where he is leading you in 2018. In the solitude, alone with our Heavenly Father, we can get perspective on life, and hear his voice. You can demonstrate God’s love in practical ways as you visit and learn from inspirational communities overseas. For details visit


FACE OF THE FATHER: 14 – 20 JANUARY Because of widespread violence and organised crime, approximately 120,000 children from Central America choose to flee to the United States every year without their parents. This week we pray for vulnerable children across Latin America, as we seek to bring hope to children living in some of the toughest places. SUNDAY 14 JANUARY During Colombia’s recent civil war, many children were born to displaced families living in slums in large cities like Barranquilla. In these surroundings, a new generation of young children are vulnerable to gang violence, drug trafficking and prostitution. Pray that children living in slums in Colombia would be protected from these threats. MONDAY 15 JANUARY Tearfund partner Red Viva supports Bolivian children vulnerable to child labour or neglect from family members. At their day centres, Red Viva provides children with free lunches, while volunteers teach them English, basic hygiene and help with homework. Pray that, thanks to qualifications and increased self-esteem, children will be empowered to escape poverty as adults. TUESDAY 16 JANUARY Violence is one of the top three factors that prevents children going to school in the most dangerous neighbourhoods in Latin America. Pray that children would be kept safe on their way to school and that nothing will stop them attending classes. Photo: Carla Erazo/CASM

Community leaders in Honduras with prayer postcards sent by Tearfund supporters

‘YOUNG PEOPLE FROM MARGINAL AREAS ARE EXPOSED TO MANY RISKS’ WEDNESDAY 17 JANUARY ‘Young people from marginal areas are exposed to many risks such as gangs, teenage pregnancy, domestic violence, sexually transmitted diseases, alcohol and drug addiction,’ says Rosa, Tearfund’s Country Representative for Colombia. Red Viva runs sports clubs to help children engage in healthy activities with their peers. Pray that more children would join these youth clubs as an alternative to gangs. THURSDAY 18 JANUARY Honduras is the most violent country in the world (apart from war zones) due to gang violence and drug-related crime. Our partner Allianza runs a football club to provide a safe environment for children and teenagers to come together and play football. Praise God for this initiative and pray that children in Honduras would be kept safe from violence.

FRIDAY 19 JANUARY Some 750,000 children and young people in Bolivia are full-time workers and almost 70 per cent are girls. Tearfund partner Mosoj Yan helps girls living on the streets of Cochabamba city with vocational training, and offers counselling. It also works to restore family relationships to enable girls to move back home. Pray that, through these interventions, girls would become less vulnerable to labour and sexual exploitation. SATURDAY 20 JANUARY ‘See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.’ Matthew 18:10 Heavenly Father, thank you that every child is precious. We ask you to protect all the children living in dangerous slums across Latin America. We pray that you would equip us to best serve more and more children, sharing your great love through our work in some of the most challenging places. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


SUNDAY 21 JANUARY Potentially Africa’s richest country, the DRC has vast resources. Such riches – as well as ethnic rivalries – lie at the heart of the conflict that has blighted the country since independence. As tensions continue to erupt in various parts of the country, pray for peace and unity among political leaders, and within communities.

HOPE FOR A NATION: 21 – 27 JANUARY Tearfund has been working in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) since 1986. The country faces a legacy of conflict and sexual violence, lack of access to safe water, sanitation and healthcare, barely useable roads and more. But amid these huge challenges, the church has been recognised by DRC’s government as a major ‘institutional body’ able to reach and support marginalised communities.

MONDAY 22 JANUARY Tearfund partners are promoting positive masculinity and gender equality in DRC, challenging harmful social norms related to sexual and gender-based violence. Pray that this work will give a voice to those who have experienced unspeakable suffering. Ask that we can empower and inspire those who dare to speak out and challenge prejudice.

WEDNESDAY 24 JANUARY Mass displacement has put millions of children at risk of illiteracy, child labour and sex trafficking. In addition, girls often do not have the same access to education and employment as boys. Pray for the children of DRC that their strength, faith, hope and opportunities will be renewed through Tearfund’s work.

TUESDAY 23 JANUARY Women and girls are disproportionately affected by conflict, experiencing rape and abuse on an horrific scale. Tearfund is mobilising faith communities to prevent and respond to sexual violence in DRC. Pray that survivors will find comfort, healing and protection through the various programmes.

THURSDAY 25 JANUARY With the intense history of the DRC there is a great need for forgiveness so that those who are wanting to leave militia and rebel groups can be rehabilitated and find a chance to live in peace. Pray for a spirit of love that will bring an end to the brutalities and for a spirit of justice and reconciliation.

A plumber from the DRC trained by Tearfund Photo: Nathanael Hollands/Tearfund

FRIDAY 26 JANUARY The widespread trauma experienced in the DRC has left many people without pastoral support but Tearfund has a programme of mobilising churches that is communitybased, discipleship-focused and sustainable. Pray that this opportunity for fresh ministry might be seized by the church and that our partners will have a real impact through this approach. SATURDAY 27 JANUARY Father we thank you for those working in the DRC to bring hope to that nation. We ask for good health and for protection for our partners and workers who are at risk from violence and instability. We pray that they will express your love in their work and that your joy would be their strength. Amen.



PRAYER RESOURCES We have more resources and opportunities to pray with Tearfund for people in poverty. Visit for full details. email URGENT PRAYERS BY EMAIL Tearfund’s weekly prayer email, One Voice, features prayer updates from around the world. Delivered every Friday, the email has downloadable content giving you the flexibility to use it at your Sunday service, small group meeting or on your own. Sign up at twitter FOLLOW US ON TWITTER OR LIKE US ON FACEBOOK To receive regular prayer and inspirational updates delivered to your smartphone, tablet or computer, you can follow Tearfund on Twitter at – you will need to have or set up a Twitter account. Or you can like Tearfund on Facebook at – you will need to have or set up a Facebook profile.

ORDER EXTRA COPIES OR AUDIO AND BRAILLE VERSIONS OF THE PRAYER DIARY Audio and Braille versions of the Prayer Diary are available, free of charge, upon request. You can also order more copies of the Prayer Diary for your church or group and sign up to receive extra copies regularly. Please call Tearfund on 020 3906 3906.

URGENT PRAYER ALERTS We have launched a prayer alert service on WhatsApp (a smartphone application), to share urgent prayer requests by text message and the occasional image or audio to help you pray. 1. Add +44 (0)7752 590723 (our dedicated WhatsApp number) to your phone’s contacts. 2. Text ‘UPDATE’ via WhatsApp to us on the above number. 3. We will add you to our prayer list and send you free regular prayer alerts.


Evening worship at the Big Church Day Out Photo: Tom Price/Tearfund


Compassionate God and Father of all… hold back the hands that kill and maim; turn around the hearts that hate. Grant instead your strong spirit of peace – peace that passes our understanding but changes lives. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. Church of England prayer for peace

Cross outside an Egyptian church

100 Church Road, Teddington TW11 8QE Tŷ Catherine, Capel Cildwrn, Ffordd Cildwrn, Llangefni LL77 7NN Challenge House, 29 Canal Street, Glasgow G4 0AD 241 Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 1AF +44 (0)20 3906 3906 email twitter facebook Registered Charity No. 265464 (England and Wales) Registered Charity No. SC037624 (Scotland) Photo: Katherine Maxwell-Rose/Tearfund 31811-(0817)


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