M25 Maidenhead
South Thames Foundation School Prospectus
South Thames Foundation School
Slough Tilbury
Herne Bay
M26 Leatherhead
Croydon Woking
East Grinstead Crawley
Royal Tunbridge Wells
Midhurst Haywards Heath
Bognor Regis
Sherman Centre, 4th Floor, Southwark Wing, Guy’s Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London, SE1 9RT Tel: 020 7188 9591 Fax: 020 7188 6100
New Haven
New Romney
Tooting Office
Room 37, Ground Floor, Hunter Wing, St. George’s University of London, Cranmer Terrace, London, SW17 0RE Tel: 020 8725 5295 Fax: 020 8725 2944
Brighton Office
The Audrey Emerton Building, Eastern Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 5BE Tel: 01273 523357 Fax: 01273 523379
Programmes Commencing August 2013
London Bridge Office
Designed & Printed by Technique Print Group / www.techniqueprint.co.uk / 01295 250025
South Thames Foundation School Prospectus Programmes Commencing August 2013
STFS Prospectus | Contents
InTroduCTIon ......................................................................4 Welcome...................................................................................4 What is a Foundation School? .................................................6 The UK Foundation Programme Office (UKFPO) ....................6
F2 Trust
Programme Number
Programme Title
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Psychiatry /Paediatrics
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Psychiatry /General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthogeriatrics)
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /General Surgery /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Surgery
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Paediatrics
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Psychiatry /Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Psychiatry /Paediatrics
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine /General Psychiatry
STruCTurE oF FoundATIon TrAInInG ..........................7 oVErVIEW oF STFS ..............................................................8 Applying for foundation training ................................................8 Allocation to programmes within STFS ....................................8 PurPoSE oF THE FoundATIon ProGrAMME ..............10 doCTorS WITH dISABILITIES ...........................................11 MAP SHoWInG LoCATIon oF TruSTS AFFILIATEd To STFS ...........................................................12 LIST oF TruSTS AFFILIATEd To STFS.............................13 The information given in this booklet is correct at the time of going to press (December 2012), however, information regarding specific programmes is provisional and may be subject to change. Precise details of rotations are subject to service delivery requirements of the NHS and will be confirmed by employing Trusts. Policies are updated regularly; latest versions are on www.stfs.org.uk STFS would like to thank trust colleagues for images provided. STFS is especially grateful to those doctors who were photographed and the following foundation doctors for providing photographs for use in this publication: Dr Rachael Mellor, Dr Itunuayo Ayeni, Dr Jakibai Kimis, Dr Lennard Lee, Dr Chris Turnbull, Dr Sophie Malakouti, Dr David Metcalfe, Dr Rishi Shonpal and Dr Jenn Wong.
GLoSSArY oF TruST STAFF ............................................14 FoundATIon KEY doCuMEnTS .......................................15 Curriculum ..............................................................................15 Reference Guide ....................................................................15 e-Portfolio ...............................................................................15 TrAInInG VS EMPLoYMEnT (InC BAndInG & EWTr) ...16 Hours ......................................................................................16 European Working Time Requirement (EWTR) .....................16 Pay Bands ..............................................................................16 F1 Pay Scale ..........................................................................16 Salary .....................................................................................16 dEFErrInG THE STArT oF FoundATIon TrAInInG ....16 SHAdoWInG .........................................................................17 TrAnSFEr oF InForMATIon ............................................17 TrAVEL And rELoCATIon EXPEnSES ............................17 TASTErS ...............................................................................18 CArEErS ..............................................................................18 The ROADS to Success .........................................................19 SuPErVISEd LEArnInG EVEnTS (SLES) ........................19 Purpose of SLE ......................................................................19 SLE methodology ...................................................................19 Educational and Development Tools ......................................20 Supervised learning events which take place remote from the patient ..........................................................20
Programmes Commencing August 2013
ASSESSMEnT .......................................................................21 Self-assessment .....................................................................21 Feedback and debriefing ........................................................21 AnnuAL rEVIEW oF CoMPETEnCE ProGrESSIon (ArCP) ............................................................22 SPECIAL CIrCuMSTAnCES................................................22 TrAInEES In dIFFICuLTY ...................................................22 FoundATIon SCHooL TrAnSFErS ................................23 LESS THAn FuLL TIME TrAInInG (LTFT) .........................23 TIME ouT oF FoundATIon ProGrAMME ......................24 F2 ABroAd ...........................................................................24 rEVALIdATIon .....................................................................24 CoMMunICATIonS ..............................................................25 STFS Website ........................................................................25 e-mail ......................................................................................25 TrAInEE rEPrESEnTATIon ..............................................25 ACAdEMIC ProGrAMMES – General Information ..........26 Aims........................................................................................26 Selection .................................................................................26 The Academic Training Path...................................................26 Academic Programmes ..........................................................26 ACAdEMIC ProGrAMMES.................................................27 2-Year Academic Foundation Programmes at Brighton & Sussex Medical School (Bsms) ............................28 2-Year Academic Foundation Programmes at King’s College London School Of Medicine (Kcl) .........................................................................29 2-Year Academic Foundation Programmes at St George’s, University Of London (Sgul) ..............................31 APPEndIX A: TruSTS AFFILIATEd To STFS ...................32 Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Ashford & St Peter’s Hospitals ............................................34 Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust Royal Sussex County Hospital, Princess Royal University Hospital & Haywards Heath ................................................36 Croydon Health Services NHS Trust Croydon University Hospital ................................................38 Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust Darent Valley Hospital .........................................................42
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust Kent & Canterbury Hospital.................................................44 Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital......................48 William Harvey Hospital ......................................................51 East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust Conquest Hospital & Eastbourne District General Hospital ...... 54 Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust St Helier Hospital & Epsom General Hospital .....................56 Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Frimley Park Hospital ..........................................................60 Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals .............................................62 King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust King’s College Hospital .......................................................65 Kingston Hospital NHS Trust Kingston Hospital ................................................................68 Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust University Hospital Lewisham ............................................70 Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust Maidstone Hospital..............................................................72 Tunbridge Wells Hospital at Pembury .................................74 Medway NHS Foundation Trust Medway Maritime Hospital ..................................................76 Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Trust Royal Surrey County Hospital .............................................78 South London Healthcare NHS Trust Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Princess Royal University Hospital & Queen Mary’s Hospital .....................................81 St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust St George’s Hospital ...........................................................84 Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust East Surrey Hospital, Redhill & Crawley Hospital ...............86 Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust St Richard’s Hospital ...........................................................88 Worthing and Southlands Hospitals ....................................90 APPEndIX B: STFS TEAM ...................................................93 APPEndIX C: SuMMArY oF AuGuST 2013 F1 ProGrAMMES InCL ProVISIonALLY LInKEd F2 TruSTS ...............................................................................100 APPEndIX d - SuMMArY oF AuGuST 2013 F2 ProGrAMMES ...................................................................124
STFS Prospectus | Introduction
Welcome The South Thames Foundation School is large, with over 1700 programmes in 19 NHS trusts. Our prospectus aims to provide all the relevant information about foundation training in STFS for those considering their options. We hope that you find it useful. Additional information is on our website: www.stfs.org.uk
Dr Jan Welch Director
Dr Mark Cottee Associate Director (Tooting)
Dr Martin G Parry Associate Director (Brighton)
Programmes Commencing August 2013
STFS Prospectus | Introduction
What is a Foundation School?
Foundation training is a two year programme acting as the bridge between undergraduate medical education and further training to become a general practitioner or specialist. Foundation schools oversee the training of the foundation doctors in that school. They bring together local medical schools, deaneries, trusts and other organisations involved in training doctors.
The uK Foundation Programme Office (uKFPo)
The UK Foundation Programme Office provides a central information point for medical schools, foundation schools, foundation trainees and the faculty involved in foundation training. The aim of the UKFPO is to develop and promote innovative training methods, such as e-learning and the electronic portfolio, as well as to develop and administer the recruitment and programme allocation system throughout England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland.
For more information go to www.foundationprogramme.nhs.uk
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Structure of Foundation Training FTP = Foundation Training Programme CT = Clinical Tutor FTPD = Foundation Training Programme Director
UKFPO Cardiff
Medical School
Foundation School Director / Manager
FTP in NHS Trust
Educational Supervisor
FTP in NHS Trust
FTP in NHS Trust
Foundation Doctor
Clinical supervisor
Foundation Doctor
Clinical supervisor
Foundation Doctor
Educational Supervisor
Foundation Doctor
Educational Supervisor
Foundation Doctor
STFS Prospectus | Introduction
overview of STFS
The South Thames Foundation School was established in 2007 following the merger of the former South East Thames and South West Thames Foundation Schools. It is a collaboration between the KSS and London Postgraduate Deaneries and King’s College, London, St George’s University of London and Brighton and Sussex Medical Schools. KSS Deanery has day-to-day administrative management and strategic overview of the School, covered by a service level agreement with London Deanery.
Applying for foundation training
The school manages all F1 and F2 trainees in NHS trusts in the South London and KSS regions (about 1700) and is based in three offices: London Bridge Office, Brighton Office and Tooting Office.
Allocation to programmes within STFS
Dr Jan Welch is the Director of the South Thames Foundation School and is based at the London Bridge Office. Two Associate Directors, Dr Martin Parry, Brighton Office and Dr Mark Cottee, Tooting Office, provide local leadership. Three Foundation School Managers support the Director/Associate Directors. See Appendix B for details of the STFS team.
The national eligibility criteria and person specification together with a detailed applicant guide are available to download from http://www.foundationprogramme.nhs.uk/ pages/home/how-to-apply See also Applying to STFS http://www.stfs.org.uk/applying-stfs
Once applicants have been successfully allocated to STFS, the next step is for them to be matched to a specific programme.
Programme fair STFS invites medical students allocated to STFS via the national recruitment process to attend a programme fair before they rank their preferences. Trusts from across the school attend and each one has a stand to show what their trust offers, and to answer queries. The national F1 allocation system informs applicants which foundation school they have been allocated to in early December, and the programme fair for applicants entering STFS in August 2013 will be held on Wednesday 6 March 2013 at Southwark Cathedral. See http://www.stfs.org.uk/student/ programme-fair for more details.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
F1 Students told us that they value the large size of STFS, but disliked ranking 800 programmes as it is time-consuming and tedious. STFS, therefore, now uses a two stage programme allocation process in order to minimise the number of programmes students need to rank to approximately 270 programmes.
Stage 1 Allocation into one of three programme groups – blue, yellow or green.
Stage 2 Ranking of programmes within that group, followed by individual programme allocation. Programmes have been divided up into groups very carefully, to try and make the groups as equivalent as possible. For example, all three groups have similar proportions of programmes in which one year is spent in a teaching hospital, and of specialties such as paediatrics and obstetrics & gynaecology. There is a small geographical element to the groups, in that yellow is towards the west of the STFS area, green towards the south and blue towards the east, but all the groups include some programmes containing a year in London. Once allocated to a group, applicants rank specific F1 programmes linked to a different trust for F2. In order to provide a range of experience, the F1 and F2 years are usually based in two different trusts. Generally one is in London and one outside, with no more than one year being spent in a teaching hospital. Some programmes, for example many of those linked to Brighton, are outside London for both F1 and F2. About 5% of programmes are unlinked to an F2 trust initially.
STFS does, however, offer a number of innovative two-years in one site/trust programmes which usually comprise 6 different specialty/ GP areas for breadth. The 2-year programmes also usually include 4-months in general practice and some additional community integration, e.g. hospice, rehabilitation unit, community paediatrics. The F2 year often includes other innovations such as working with a trust leadership champion or management or audit lead, or being involved in an integrated care project. In line with national objectives, an increasing proportion of programmes will include some experience in the community/psychiatry.
F2 Swap Shop It is possible for F1 trainees to swap their provisionally allocated F2 programme via the STFS swap shop which is usually held in January of the F1 year. Full details are available at http://www.stfs.org.uk/doctor/swap-shop.
Local Swaps Some foundation doctors ask to swap some or all of their F1 or F2 programme with someone else in the same trust. Within STFS this may be arranged subject to certain criteria. Full details are available at http://www.stfs.org.uk/ doctor/local-swaps.
F1-F2 A “mini-matching� scheme is held during the autumn of the F1 year, whereby F1 trainees rank on-line their programme preferences within their linked F2 Trust. Their F1 application score is used to determine the order in which preferences are considered. www.stfs.org.uk
STFS Prospectus | Introduction
Purpose of the Foundation Programme
The Foundation Programme is part of the continuum of medical education. It is the only point in medical training which is common to all United Kingdom medical students and doctors and bridges the ‘gap’ between undergraduate medical training and hospital or General Practice specialty training.
The Foundation Programme aims to ensure that all doctors deliver safe and effective patient care in accordance with the GMC guidance laid down in Tomorrow’s Doctors, The Trainee Doctor (2011) and Good Medical Practice (2006). During the programme, foundation doctors work in a supportive environment where they are properly managed and supervised enabling them to learn through service delivery whilst ensuring that patients are not put at risk. Foundation doctors practise within their own level of competence and are provided with adequate supervision and feedback to reach higher levels of competence and to acquire new competences. The Foundation Programme builds on and develops the responsibilities of clinical professionalism. Satisfactory progress through the Foundation Programme indicates that a doctor is moving towards independent practice. Throughout medical school and the Foundation Programme, medical students and graduates should draw upon career information and guidance and reflect on their abilities, interests, opportunities and service needs to make more informed choices about their future career. Refer to the Career Management section in the Reference Guide and to www.nhscareers.nhs.uk.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
doctors with disabilities
The Foundation Programme aims to:
Outcomes of Foundation Training
• Build on undergraduate education by imbuing recently graduated doctors with the attributes of professionalism, and the primacy of patient welfare which are required to provide for safe and effective practice and the care of patients with acute and long term conditions
Foundation Year 1 enables medical graduates to begin to take supervised responsibility for patient care and consolidate the skills that they have learned at medical school. Satisfactory completion of F1 allows the relevant university, or their designated representative in a postgraduate deanery or foundation school, to recommend to the GMC that the foundation doctor be granted full registration.
• Provide deliberately generic training that ensures that foundation doctors develop and demonstrate a range of essential clinical skills that are required of all doctors regardless of specialty • Provide the opportunity to begin to develop leadership, team working and supervisory skills in order to deliver care in the setting of a contemporary multidisciplinary team and to begin to make independent clinical decisions with appropriate supervision • Provide opportunities for foundation doctors to experience a variety of career options in order to inform career choice and ensure that whatever career path is subsequently entered, all trainees have experienced the provision of medical care in both hospital and community settings.
STFS wishes to support foundation doctors with disabilities which may affect their training, for example by facilitating reasonable adjustments to training programmes. Additional careers support can also be arranged where appropriate. Trainees are welcome to make an appointment to see one of the directors in confidence to discuss their training further.
Foundation Year 2 doctors remain under clinical supervision (as do all doctors in training) but take on increasing responsibility for patient care. In particular they begin to make management decisions as part of their progress towards independent practice. F2 doctors further develop their core generic skills and contribute more to the education and training of allied healthcare professionals, medical students and less experienced doctors. At the end of F2 they will have begun to demonstrate clinical effectiveness, leadership and the decision making responsibilities that are essential for hospital and General Practice specialty training. Satisfactory completion of F2 leads to the award of a Foundation Achievement of Competence Document (FACD) which indicates that the doctor is ready to enter a core, specialty or general practice training programme.
STFS Prospectus | Introduction
Map Showing Location of Trusts Affiliated to STFS See http://www.stfs.org.uk/ affiliated-trusts for the STFS Interactive Map
14 22 15 17 23
Windsor Bracknell
12 4
20 Rochester
Maidstone M20
East Grinstead
Royal Tunbridge Wells
Midhurst Haywards Heath
Bognor Regis
9 Lewes New Haven
dark Grey
London Deanery Trusts
Light Grey
KSS Deanery Trusts
Programmes Commencing August 2013
List of Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Sherness Herne Bay
Margate Broadstairs
6 M2
Ashford & St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Trust
Ashford & St Peter’s Hospitals
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Princess Royal Hospital, Haywards Heath
Royal Sussex County Hospital
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Croydon University Hospital
Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust
Darent Valley Hospital
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Kent & Canterbury Hospital
Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital
William Harvey Hospital
Conquest Hospital
Eastbourne District General Hospital
Epsom & St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Epsom General Hospital
St Helier Hospital
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Frimley Park Hospital
Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
King’s College Hospital
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Kingston Hospital
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
University Hospital Lewisham
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Maidstone Hospital
Tunbridge Wells Hospital
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Medway Maritime Hospital
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Trust
The Royal Surrey County Hospital
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Queen Mary’s Hospital Sidcup
Princess Royal University Hospital, Orpington
St George’s Hospital
Canterbury M20
East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Ashford Hythe
New Romney
St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust
Map ref
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust Crawley Hospital Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
East Surrey Hospital, Redhill
St Richard’s Hospital
Worthing Hospital
STFS Prospectus | Introduction
Glossary of Trust Staff
Your training within trusts is provided by a number of people, some based in a postgraduate or education centre. Their contact details will be included in trust induction packs but a summary of their roles is given below.
Director of Medical Education (DME) The director of medical education is a consultant in the trust and works for the deanery as well as the hospital. They have managerial responsibility for medical education. They work closely with the clinical tutor/s and MEMs and can also be approached for formal and informal advice.
Clinical Tutor (CT) The clinical tutor is a consultant in the trust who is responsible for organising trust induction and general educational programmes. If you have any problems with educational matters or supervision you can take them to the clinical tutor. They can also help you deal with any problems concerning your career, as they have wide experience and specialist contacts.
College Tutor (Specialty Programme Director) The college tutor is a consultant with particular responsibility for training in a specialty. They usually organise departmental teaching programmes, and can be asked for advice about the specialty, including careers.
Foundation Training Programme Director (FTPD) The FTPD oversees the training of 2040 foundation trainees, and organises their teaching programmes. They meet with new F1 doctors during their first attachment. In some trusts the foundation and clinical tutors are the same.
Educational Supervisor
This may be the clinical supervisor for your first attachment or for another attachment depending on local arrangements. They have a particular responsibility for your education through the whole year. You will meet them at regular intervals and they should generally be the first port of call for any concerns you may have about your training.
Clinical Supervisor The clinical supervisor is normally the consultant you are working for in each attachment, and is responsible for your teaching and supervision. You should have regular meetings with them during your attachment.
Medical Education Manager (MEM) The medical education manager runs the postgraduate centre and administers the induction and educational programmes. They work closely with medical staffing and the clinical tutor. They are readily available for general advice and will be on hand to help you adapt to your new way of life in the Trust.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
STFS Prospectus |
Foundation Key documents
Published July 2012 The Foundation Programme Curriculum 2012 sets out the framework for educational progression that will support the first two years of professional development following graduation from medical school. The Curriculum is based on the General Medical Council’s documents Good Medical Practice (2006) and the Trainee Doctor (2011). The Curriculum builds on the competences, attitudes and behaviours acquired during undergraduate training. The Foundation Programme Curriculum 2012 is available to download from www.foundationprogramme.nhs.uk/ pages/home/key-documents www.foundationprogramme.nhs.uk/ pages/home/key-documents
reference Guide
Published July 2012 The Reference Guide provides guidance to deaneries and foundation schools about the structures and systems required to support the delivery of the Curriculum. It is a companion document to the FP Curriculum and should be used in conjunction with it. The Reference Guide is available to download from www.foundationprogramme.nhs.uk/ pages/home/key-documents
See: http://www.stfs.org.uk/doctor/ eportfolio Foundation doctors within STFS use the UK Foundation Medicine e-Portfolio developed by NES (NHS Education Scotland). F1s are issued with a username and password on entry to STFS. The e-portfolio is a record of a foundation doctor’s progress and development through the foundation years. Evidence of achievement of outcomes and increasingly sophisticated performance will be recorded in the e-portfolio. The completed e-portfolio will contribute to the end of year report. Elements of the e-portfolio may also be used in specialty interviews by foundation doctors to demonstrate competence and highlight achievements. See www.nhseportfolio.org for further details.
STFS Prospectus | Introduction
Training vs Employment (inc banding & EWTr)
Although STFS oversees foundation training, nHS trusts are the employing healthcare organisations responsible for all contractual issues including: • • • •
Pay Banding Rotas Accommodation
Since 1991, doctors in training have been covered by the New Deal, a package of measures to improve working conditions. A key feature of the New Deal is limits on the working hours of junior doctors. From August 2003 all junior doctors were limited by contract to 56 hours of active work, and 48 hours from August 2009.
European Working Time requirement (EWTr)
The European Working Time Requirement (EWTR) protects the health and safety of workers in the European Union. It lays down minimum requirements in relation to working hours, rest periods, annual leave and working arrangements for night workers. • Full-time contract = 40 hours • + further contracted hours, e.g. • out-of-hours work • prospective cover • Pay bands reflect hours and working pattern • Posts up to 48 hours a week are Band 1
deferring the Start of Foundation Training Pay Bands
• 40 hours a week between 7am and 7pm weekdays - unbanded • 1A (1.5x) – work most frequently and at unsocial times • 1B (1.4x) – work less frequently • 1C (1.2x) – low frequency on call rota from home
F1 Pay Scale
• £22,412 (2012 rate) • £2,162 London weighting (non-resident) • + banding supplement (depends on post)
Junior doctors are paid on national pay scales, determined each year by the Doctors and Dentists Review Body (DDRB) after receiving evidence from the BMA and the Department of Health. Trainees should assume that all programmes carry basic salary only unless otherwise informed by the employing trust on confirmation of appointment. Details of pay rates can be found at: http://www.nhsemployers.org/ PayAndContracts/AgendaForChange/ Pages/Payrates.aspx
An applicant who has been accepted onto the Foundation Programme may only defer the start date of their training for a statutory reason (e.g. maternity leave, sickness). Wherever possible, applicants are asked to give their foundation school as much notice as possible of the need to defer the start date. This may allow the foundation school to offer the foundation placement to someone else.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Transfer of Information
Travel and relocation Expenses
Since July 2012, all medical graduates about to start their foundation programme are required to undertake a paid period of four days’ shadowing with their first F1 employer immediately before the start of their employment. This provides incoming F1s with an opportunity to work closely with the F1 doctor who is in the post that they will take up and to familiarise themselves with the department and hospital settings before formally commencing their post. From July 2013, this will be a mandatory requirement for those entering the foundation programme The shadowing placement should be paid on an unbanded F1 basic pay basis.
See: http://www.stfs.org.uk/doctor/ transfer-information
The reimbursement of travel and relocation expenses is administered by London Deanery on behalf of both London and KSS Deaneries. Full details are available at: http://www. londondeanery.ac.uk/global-news/juniordoctors-relocation-and-associatedexpenses/?searchterm=relocation expense
All STFS trainees are required to complete a Transfer of Information (TOI) questionnaire before the beginning of both their F1 and F2 years. The TOI process is supportive, and designed to allow trainees to highlight to their training programme director (TPD) issues that might be relevant to their training, such as academic, health, social or psychological difficulties. It is strongly recommended that the F1 form should be completed with the help and support of medical school advisors/ tutors or another appropriate medical school member of staff, and the F2 form with the trainee’s F1 FTPD. A medical school clinical advisor or official must countersign the F1 form and the F1 FTPD the F2 form.
General Practice (GP) Location and Travel Allowances In most cases foundation doctors will be allocated to a practice within the area served by their current trust. Occasionally,however, , they may need to be placed in another trust’s area. Some trust areas do cover a wide geographic footprint and so trainees may be expected to travel a reasonable distance from home or the trust to the placement. During the trainees’ time in GP it is not essential for them to do any out of hours working, although they may well be asked to carry out home visits. In most cases this will be alongside the clinical supervisor.
STFS Prospectus | Introduction
See: http://www.stfs.org.uk/doctor/ tasters
See: http://www.stfs.org.uk/doctor/ careers-guidance
Tasters provide an opportunity to experience a specialty not included in trainees’ two year Foundation Programme, and thereby develop ideas and understanding of that specialty and inform career choices. Tasters can also benefit those who have already made career decisions as it suggests to employers that they are dedicated and committed to their chosen specialty. We encourage all foundation doctors to arrange a taster during their first F2 rotation so that they have completed it in advance of the recruitment process to specialty training programmes which usually commences in November of the F2 year. It is also possible for trainees to “borrow” up to 5 days of their F2 study leave in order for them to complete a taster during the final four-months of their F1 year.
The provision of careers advice is a central tenet of MMC (Modernising Medical Careers). One of the 18 key principles underpinning MMC states that “Rigorous counselling and career advice should be available throughout training” (Modernising Medical Careers, Department of Health, 2003). Within STFS, trusts provide workshops to introduce foundation doctors to career planning tools, linked into a four stage career planning framework:
• Stage 1 - self-assessment e.g. skills, interests, values • Stage 2 - career exploration e.g. how to research different career options • Stage 3 - decision making e.g. look at how you have made decisions • Stage 4 - implementation e.g. application forms, CVs and interview preparation
For specific one-to-one advice the first point of contact for foundation doctors is their educational supervisor. Educational supervisors are able to call on other resources both locally and from the deanery. A careers lead is also available in each Trust. The STFS careers team do also visit trusts from time to time to run drop-in sessions where trainees can book a half hour appointment with one of the careers advisers. What you choose for the next stage of your career should be a personal decision, but you should ensure that you plan your approach and investigate career options fully before deciding. The NHS national medical careers website is available at www.medicalcareers.nhs.uk. It contains information on specialties including workforce statistics, case studies and podcasts and interactive tools to support career planning.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Supervised Learning Events (SLEs)
The roAdS to Success
Choosing the right specialty is a critical decision that all junior doctors face each year. Until now most trainees have had to fight their own way through the multiple labyrinths of opportunities, choices, written applications and interviews. Dr Caroline Elton and Joan Reid have structured a handbook (now in its third edition) to support both trainees and their supervisors throughout the career planning process. This is a practical handbook packed with essential information, self-assessment exercises and insightful tips to ensure that every junior doctor is headed on ‘The ROADS to Success’. ROADS is provided free to all STFS trainees via trusts, often at induction – please ask in the postgraduate centre if you do not receive one. For further information see http://www.stfs.org.uk/careers.
Supervised Learning Events represent an important opportunity for learning and reflection on practice and are a crucial component of the Curriculum. Foundation doctors must demonstrate engagement with this process. This means undertaking an appropriate range and number of SLEs and documenting them in the e-portfolio. The Clinical Supervisor’s end of placement report draws on the evidence of the trainee’s engagement in the SLE process. Full participation with reflective practice is the best way to demonstrate progression towards the outcomes expected of the programme, and the competences specified in the Curriculum.
Purpose of SLE
The purpose of SLE is: • To highlight achievements and areas of excellence • To provide immediate feedback and suggest areas for further development.
SLE methodology
SLEs are designed to help foundation doctors improve their clinical and professional practice. Foundation doctors are expected to demonstrate improvement and progression during each attachment and, therefore, should arrange for SLEs to be evenly spread throughout each placement. Improvement in clinical practice will only happen if regular SLEs lead to constructive feedback and subsequent review of progression. Thus continuous development is a fundamental part of
the Foundation Programme. SLEs use the following tools: Miniclinical evaluation exercise (mini-CEX), case based discussion (CBD), direct observation of procedural skills (DOPS) and developing the clinical teacher. Foundation doctors should usually agree the timing and the clinical case/ problem with the trainer. Unscheduled interactions are also encouraged. The SLE should be used to stimulate immediate feedback and to provide a basis for discussion with the clinical and/ or educational supervisor. A different teacher/trainer should be used for each SLE wherever possible, including at least one of consultant or GP level, per four month placement. The SLE must cover a spread of different clinical problems, sampling from acute care, management of long term conditions, psychiatric care etc. (categories listed in syllabus and competences). Teachers/trainers should have sufficient experience of the area under consideration, typically at least higher specialty training (with variations between specialties); this is particularly important for case based discussions.
STFS Prospectus | Introduction
Supervised Learning Events (SLEs) continued
Educational and development Tools Supervised learning events with direct observation of doctor/ patient encounter
Two tools can be used to give feedback after observation of doctor/patient encounters: • Mini-clinical evaluation exercise (mini-CEX) • Direct observation of procedural skills (DOPS). Foundation doctors are required to undertake a minimum of nine directly observed encounters per annum in both F1 and in F2. At least six of these encounters, each year, should use miniCEX. They are encouraged to do many more than this minimum.
i) Mini-clinical evaluation exercise (mini-CEX) This is an SLE of a clinical encounter. • Foundation doctors should complete a minimum of six mini-CEX in F1 and another six in F2. These should be spaced out during the year with at least two mini-CEX completed in each four month period • There is no maximum number of mini-CEX and good trainees will often achieve very high numbers of SLE recognising the benefit they derive from them.
ii) Direct observation of procedural skills (DOPS) This is a structured checklist for giving feedback on the foundation doctor’s interaction with the patient when performing a practical procedure. • Foundation doctors may submit up to three DOPS as part of the minimum requirements for evidence of observed doctor-patient encounters • Different assessors should be used for each encounter wherever possible • Each DOPS could represent a different procedure and may be specific to the specialty (NB: DOPS may not be relevant in all placements) • Although DOPS was developed to assess procedural skills, its purpose in foundation is to give feedback on the doctor/patient interaction. • If more than nine mini-CEXs have been performed in either year, it is not necessary to do any DOPs at all.
Supervised learning events which take place remote from the patient i) Case-based discussion (CBD) This is a structured discussion of clinical cases managed by the foundation doctor. Its strength is investigation of and feedback on clinical reasoning. • A minimum of six CBDs should be completed each year with at least two CBDs undertaken in any four month period • Different teachers/trainers should be used for each CBD wherever possible • There is no maximum number of CBD and foundation doctors will often achieve very high numbers of SLE recognising the benefit they derive from them.
ii) Developing the clinical teacher This is a tool to aid the development of a foundation doctor’s skill in teaching and/ or making a presentation and should be performed at least once a year. The foundation doctor will be encouraged to demonstrate skills in preparation and scene-setting, delivery of material, subject knowledge and ability to answer questions, learner-centredness and overall interaction with the group. Several forms of assessment will be used:
Programmes Commencing August 2013
i) Core Procedures
The required mix of raters/assessors must include at least two of each of the following:
The GMC requires demonstration of competence in a series of procedures in order for a provisionally registered doctor • Doctors more senior than F2, with a licence to practise to be eligible for including at least one consultant or full registration. GP principal • Senior nurses (band 5 or above) These must be recorded and signed off • Allied health professionals in the core procedures section of the • Other team members including ward e-portfolio. clerks, secretaries and auxiliary staff. The Core Procedures from F1 do not need to be repeated in F2, but evidence for ARCP is required for successful completion of the Foundation Programme. It should also be recognised that with practise the foundation doctor is expected to improve their skills in those procedures which they perform.
ii) Multi-Source Feedback Team Assessment of Behaviour (TAB) (previously described as 360-degree assessment)
Foundation doctors have a personal responsibility to make self-assessment an integral part of their professional life. It is good educational practice for this to be stated clearly and discussed fully during induction. Foundation doctors, with the support of their supervisor(s), are responsible for arranging appraisals, having the outcomes recorded and documenting ways to improve.
Feedback and debriefing
Feedback is a key component of the interactions between supervisors and foundation doctors. Giving and receiving feedback and engaging in constructive conversations about learning, successes, difficulties and progress are all part of an effective professional learning environment. Improvement in clinical practice will only happen if regular review of that practice leads to constructive feedback. As indicated above, unscheduled SLEs are a good opportunity for immediate feedback. This is particularly true of mini-CEX and DOPS which may be opportunistic. It is essential that trainers provide, and foundation doctors receive, structured feedback. Foundation doctors must learn to receive positive feedback and also how to accept constructive criticism aimed at targeting future development.
• This comprises collated views from a range of co-workers. It will be mapped to a self-assessment tool with identical domains • MSF should usually take place at least once a year. Deaneries have the option of increasing the frequency • It is suggested that both F1 and F2 TAB be taken in the first four months of the year’s training. If there is a risk of ‘rater fatigue’, i.e. overburdening a small number of colleagues, then F2 TAB could be undertaken in the second four months of training. If there are significant concerns about any foundation doctor, TAB should be repeated in the last four months of training • For each assessment, the foundation doctor should nominate 15 raters. A minimum of 10 returns are required. No other foundation doctor can be a rater.
STFS Prospectus | Introduction
Annual review of Competence Progression (ArCP)
Special Circumstances
Training Support
Towards the end of both the F1 and F2 years, the local foundation training programme director, under the guidance of the deanery/foundation school, should convene an Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) panel to review the progress of all foundation doctors in their programme.
See: http://www.stfs.org.uk/doctor/ special-circumstances
See: http://www.stfs.org.uk/doctor/ trainees-difficulty
A few F1 doctors have significant special circumstances and consequently it is helpful to guarantee them F2 training within a specific geographic location. Such doctors, provided they meet one of the nationally agreed criteria, will be allocated to an appropriate F2 programme within STFS. Trainee doctors with special circumstances approved for their F1 year must reapply for F2.
If a trainee feels that s/he is struggling/ experiencing difficulties s/ he should contact their foundation training programme director as soon as possible so that appropriate support/advice can be provided.
The ARCP provides a formal process for reviewing foundation doctors’ progress which uses the evidence gathered by them and supplied by their supervisors which is usually contained within the foundation eportfolio. The ARCP is not an additional method of assessment. The ARCP fulfils the following functions: • To document the judgement about whether a foundation doctor has met the requirements and has provided documentary support for the satisfactory completion of F1/F2; • To document recommendations about further training and support where the requirements have not been met; and Full details of the process will be provided during the F1 year.
STFS can only consider applications from F1 doctors for allocation on the grounds of special circumstances if they can demonstrate that they meet at least one of the following:
Criterion 1: The applicant is a parent or legal guardian with significant caring responsibilities for a child or children under the age of 18. This would normally mean the child(ren) residing primarily with the applicant.
Criterion 2: The applicant is the primary carer for someone who is disabled (as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 2005) (expected to be a partner, sibling or parent).
Criterion 3 : The applicant has a medical condition (physical or psychological) or disability for which local follow up is an absolute requirement, as confirmed by a report from an Occupational Health physician or an appropriate medical specialist.
Trust foundation faculty groups meet on a regular basis and will update the STFS director on any trainees experiencing difficulties, so that additional support can be considered. Further information about the process used to manage trainees in difficulty is available in “The Trainee in Difficulty A KSS Guide” available on the STFS website.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Foundation School Transfers
Less Than Full Time Training (LTFT) Also known as flexible training
Transfers normally take place either at the start of the F1 or F2 year. Arrangements for FSTs must be agreed between foundation school directors on the basis of individual trainee requirements if there are special circumstances. Transfers will take place only if: • there are places available in the receiving Foundation School • the applicant has jointly satisfied both Foundation Schools that there are special circumstances for doing so Guidance Notes and an Application Form are available on the UKFPO website www.foundationprogramme.nhs.uk
See http://www.stfs.org.uk/doctor/lessfull-time-training-ltft-0 Less than full time/flexible training is available to doctors and dentists in training who are unable to work full-time for “well founded individual reasons” (European Union Council Directive 93/16-/EEC 1993). Trainees requiring LTFT Training must compete for entry into Foundation Training on an equal basis with other applicants, ie. in open competition. Trainees also need to achieve the competences as well as the equivalent of two years whole time experience to meet the UK requirements for all Foundation trainees. STFS manages trainees across two deaneries: KSS and London. Each deanery has different administrative and funding arrangements in place for LTFT (also referred to as Flexible) training. The appropriate arrangements will depend on which deanery an employing trust is affiliated to.
Slot-sharing tends to provide the most effective means of meeting educational needs and must be explored before alternative options are considered. In slot-sharing two trainees share one full-time post and the out-of-hours is managed between them. Each doctor is paid as an individual trainee. LTFT trainees must work a minimum of 50% to ensure educational approval. It may be possible for STFS to review other applications in order to identify a potential slot-share partner. once successfully allocated to STFS, applicants considering applying for LTFT/flexible training should contact one of the STFS managers via enquiries@stfs.org.uk in the first instance so that they can provide appropriate information/advice. Details of the LTFT/flexible training arrangements for each deanery can be found at the links below. (Details of which deanery each trust is affiliated with are available at http://www.stfs.org. uk/trusts.) KSS deanery: http://www.kssdeanery.org/less-than-fulltime-training London deanery: http://www.londondeanery.ac.uk/ var/flexible-training/flexibletraining/?searchterm=flexible
STFS Prospectus | Introduction
Time out of Foundation Programme
F2 Abroad
STFS will consider requests for time out of the foundation programme (TOFP) in accordance with the ‘Time Out of Foundation Programme (TOFP)’ entry contained within the Foundation Programme Reference Guide, paragraphs 8.73-8.83 provided they are submitted within the published timescale. Please note, however, that it would be very unusual for TOFP to be approved in order to support the undertaking of educational activities outside of the foundation programme. It is anticipated that the vast majority of successful applications will usually be on the basis of over-riding personal reasons.
It may be possible for foundation doctors to complete their F2 year outside of the UK and STFS supports doctors who wish to undertake their F2 training abroad. Further information is available on the website http://www.stfs.org.uk/doctor/ abroad
Revalidation is the process by which licensed doctors are required to demonstrate on a regular basis that they are up to date and fit to practise. Revalidation aims to give extra confidence to patients that their doctor is being regularly checked by their employer and the GMC.
Further details on the website: http://www.stfs.org.uk/doctor/time-outfoundation-programme
Please note, however, that STFS also has an obligation to ensure that service delivery within NHS trusts is not compromised by the approval of any F2 abroad applications and reserves the right to decline all applications on this basis if it is deemed necessary. For applicants commencing F2 in August 2013 a maximum of 4 F2 abroad applications will be approved.
Licensed doctors have to revalidate, usually every five years, by having regular appraisals with their employer that are based on our core guidance for doctors, Good Medical Practice. For foundation doctors, the revalidation process will be Incorporated within the ARCP process. For all STFS trainees (including those in south London trusts) • Designated body = KSS deanery • Responsible officer = Professor david Black For further information see: http://www.gmc-uk.org/doctors/ revalidation.asp
Programmes Commencing August 2013
STFS Website www.stfs.org.uk
STFS is committed to fairness and transparency. Our policies - for example for flexible training, maternity leave etc - are set out on the www.stfs.org. uk website and if you have any queries it is worth looking through these first, as well as the national information on the UKFPO website. If not, one of our managers will be happy to advise you. e-mail enquiries@stfs.org.uk to contact us.
Trainee representation
Although doctors are given e-mail addresses by their trusts, audits have shown that doctors in training often do not use them, and have to discontinue them anyway when they move on. Hotmail and other accounts are not always secure or spam-free, and are often changed, and so it is very difficult to keep an e-mail list up to date for hundreds of doctors. In addition their spam filters may block e-mails from STFS or specialty recruitment. It is important for the STFS to be able to e-mail trainees to provide information about job applications, GMC registration etc. Currently doctors.net is the default e-mail address for correspondence unless another secure and reliable address is agreed. If you have any concerns about STFS communicating with you in this way, please contact enquiries@stfs.org.uk.
STFS is keen to ensure that the views of trainees are adequately represented at relevant local/national meetings. During August, trainees are invited to express their interest in being a representative on various committees/groups by submitting a 100 word statement explaining why they wish to take part and how they would ensure that they represented the views of their peers. A list of foundation doctor representatives and guidance for medical student and foundation doctor representatives is available at http:// www.stfs.org.uk/doctor/foundationdoctor-representatives
www.stfs.org.uk | 25
Academic Programmes
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Academic Programmes
To offer a training programme for potential future clinical academics that attracts the best graduates, fires their enthusiasm for a clinical academic career path, and allows them to develop ideas about future areas of research interest.
The Academic Training Path
The following diagram illustrates the academic training path from medical school to completion of training and beyond. Academic clinical fellowships are only offered in England and Wales but the other components of the pathway are available throughout the UK. An overview of specialty training can be found on the Modernising Medical Careers website (www.mmc.nhs.uk).
recruiting to Academic Programmes
Academic foundation programmes are recruited to via the Foundation Programme Application System (FPAS). Applicants complete the national FP application form (usually in October) and then actively choose to apply for an Academic programme. North Central Thames, North East Thames, North West Thames and South Thames Foundation Schools have joined together to form the Thames Foundation Schools (TFS) unit of application for the purpose of recruiting to academic foundation programmes.
A summary of the August 2013 academic foundation programmes available within STFS is given on the following pages.
Certificate of Completion of Training
Foundation Programme
Specialist Training
Academic Clinical Fellowship
Within STFS, a total of 52 Academic Foundation Programmes are available at Brighton and Sussex Medical School, King’s College London School of Medicine and St George’s University of London.
Details of the application processes, including a local applicant guide, is available via www.stfs.org.uk. Details of national timescales will be on the www. foundationprogramme.nhs.uk website.
Integrated Academic Training Path
Medical School
Academic Programmes Within STFS
Example Post CCT Appointments
Clinical Lectureship
Competition Senior Clinical Fellowship
STFS Prospectus | Academic Programmes
2-Year Academic Foundation Programmes at Brighton & Sussex Medical School (BSMS) There are currently eighteen two-year F1:F2 places on the academic training programme. As far as possible, trainees will be appointed onto a speciality-based programme that is one of their top 5 choices. Information regarding specific programmes is provisional and may be subject to change. Precise details of rotations are subject to service delivery requirements of the NHS and subsequent confirmation by employing Trusts.
details of Training Programmes
Both the F1 and F2 posts are based within BSUH but may be either at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton or at Princess Royal Hospital, Haywards Heath. The F1 year consists of 3 four-month clinical placements. The F2 year comprises two 4-month clinical placements to enable the acquisition of core competencies and a 4-month dedicated academic placement. Please note all posts are subject to change depending on the needs of the service. In addition to their academic projects, trainees can complete the Institute of Postgraduate Medicine course on Research Methodology.
The Medical School and Partner Trusts
Brighton and Sussex Medical School is committed to providing first class undergraduate and postgraduate training which links clinical medicine to basic science and research. Strong,
internationally recognised research groups have been established in the fields of infectious diseases, immunity, international health, neuromuscular biology, oncology and primary care. Teaching within the Institute of Postgraduate Medicine (IPGM) focuses on primary care, public health, clinical specialties, psychiatry and community health, leadership and professional development, and medical education. Research expertise within IPGM embraces cardiology, psychiatry, public health, general practice and aspects of health informatics. The Medical School has state-of-the-art clinical teaching facilities in the Audrey Emerton building, the education centre at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, and the education centre at the Princess Royal Hospital in Haywards Heath. There are three teaching and research buildings at the Universities’ adjacent sites at Falmer, including a Clinical Imaging Sciences Centre incorporating state-of-the-art fMRI and PET-CT instruments. In addition there is a 10 bed purpose-built Clinical Investigation and Research Unit on the Royal Sussex County site. The research programme of the School is growing rapidly. It is focused around major themes that include neuroscience, oncology, and infection and inflammation. Within these we have particular strengths in elderly care medicine, primary care and epidemiology and in imaging. There is a joint Research Office that handles NHS R&D contracts and strong links between BSMS research faculty and NHS colleagues.
Programme Reference
Programme Theme
Programmes Commencing August 2013
2-year Academic Foundation Programmes at King’s College London School of Medicine (KCL) There are 19 places comprising different speciality-based academic programmes.
details of Training Programmes
King’s College London School of Medicine is one of the largest medical research and teaching centres in Europe.
Programme Reference
Programme Theme
King’s College London School of Medicine is located across three hospital Each of the 19 specialty-based schemes based campuses: Guy’s Campus, King’s offers core clinical and generic academic Denmark Hill Campus (King’s College Hospital and the Maudsley Hospital) and training. The programmes are based at St Thomas’ Hospital Campus. Guy’s and St Thomas’ (GSTT) or King’s Each campus has seen major investment College Hospital (KCH) and KCL for 2 years. The F2 year comprises a 4-month to improve facilities and capacity for its leading research programmes. In 2006, clinical placement with a leading clinical each Campus secured funding for a academic firm, a 4-month high-quality Clinical Research Facility. dedicated academic placement, and a 4-month attachment in A&E or an Acute Medicine Admissions Unit (high intensity The School’s research excellence is training in acute medicine) to enable the well recognised. Within its nine research divisions, the School hosts two MRC acquisition of core competencies. Centres in Transplantation and the Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma and Information regarding specific in 2008 alone was awarded Centre of programmes is provisional and may Excellence status by the British Heart be subject to change. Precise details Foundation with funding of £9 million and of rotations are subject to service opened £4 million Breakthrough Breast delivery requirements of the NHS and Cancer Unit. subsequent confirmation by employing Trusts.
The Medical School and Partner Trusts King’s College London School of Medicine King’s College London is one of the top 25 universities in the world (Times Higher Education 2009) and the fourth oldest in England. A research-led university based in the heart of London, King’s has nearly 23,000 students (of whom more than 8,600 are graduate students) from nearly 140 countries, and some 5,500 employees.
With the launch of King’s Health Partners in 2008, the School is working closer than ever before with its NHS partners in achieving excellence in research, teaching and clinical service. Each campus has seen major investment to improve facilities and capacity for its leading research programmes. In 2006, each Campus secured funding for a Clinical Research Facility. The School’s research excellence is well recognised. Within its nine research divisions, the School hosts two MRC Centres in Transplantation and the Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma and in 2008 alone was awarded Centre of Excellence status by the British Heart Foundation with funding of £9 million and opened £4 million Breakthrough Breast Cancer Unit.
STFS Prospectus | Academic Programmes
With the launch of King’s Health Partners Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS in 2008, the School is working closer Foundation Trust than ever before with its NHS partners Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation in achieving excellence in research, Trust is one of the largest Trusts in teaching and clinical service. the NHS and provides a full range of services to the local population and King’s Health Partners also to patients from further afield, King’s Health Partners is a pioneering both nationally and internationally. St. collaboration between King’s College Thomas’ Hospital is situated on the south London and Guy’s and St Thomas’, bank of the River Thames opposite the King’s College Hospital and South Houses of Parliament. Guy’s Hospital London and Maudsley NHS Foundation is adjacent to London Bridge. Both Trusts. hospitals have excellent transport links and are easily accessible to patients, This unique combination brings together visitors and staff. The Trust is able one of the world’s leading research-led to provide specialist care for services universities and three of London’s most such as cardiac surgery, children’s successful NHS Foundation Trusts. care, oncology, dermatology and KHP’s driving purpose is to continually ophthalmology. The Trust is committed seek and bring about swifter and more to becoming the major university hospital effective improvements in health and in the UK and to staying at the forefront well-being for our patients and people in patient care, teaching and research. everywhere, by combining the best of basic and translational research, clinical Guy’s and St. Thomas’ have contracts excellence and world-class teaching to with more than 65 purchasing authorities, deliver ground-breaking advances in covering all major specialties such as physical and mental healthcare. surgery, dermatology, haematology, HIV KHP is one of only five Academic Health Science Centres in the UK accredited by the Department of Health. This followed a selection process carried out by a panel of internationally renowned clinicians and researchers.
and GU care, obstetrics, ophthalmology, palliative and pain care, radiology, lithotripsy, cardiology, diabetes, haemophilia, oncology, paediatrics, dentistry, maternity care, plastic surgery, respiratory care, rheumatology, ITU and renal care.
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust King’s College Hospital NHS Trust provides healthcare and emergency services for a cosmopolitan and ethnically diverse community in South East London as well as being a major academic centre. King’s has close links to King’s College London, part of the University of London, under which are the medical and dental Schools, known as the Guy’s, King’s and St.Thomas’ Hospitals Schools of Medicine and Dentistry. This partnership aims to create a world-class medical centre between King’s College and the two teaching hospital Trusts. King’s College Hospital is internationally and nationally renowned for its specialist work in liver (with the largest liver transplant programme in Europe), renal and cardiac services, neonatal medicine, neurosciences and diabetes attracting referrals from across the United Kingdom and abroad, as well as supporting leading edge research and an undergraduate medical school. It is however also a local hospital, providing vital, and extensive, acute hospital services to the residents of southeast London which accounts for 70% of its work. Employing over 5,000 people, there are currently two inpatient sites - at Denmark Hill and Mapother House.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
2-year Academic Foundation Programmes at St George’s, university of London (SGuL) There are 5 programmes (Renal 1, Vascular Surgery 1, GP 2, General Medicine 1) with each programme offering places for 3 trainees. A total of 15 places are available.
The Medical School and Partner Trusts
Information regarding specific programmes is provisional and may be subject to change. Precise details of rotations are subject to service delivery requirements of the NHS and subsequent confirmation by employing Trusts.
St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust
details of Training Programmes
Each of the 15 specialty-based schemes offers core clinical and generic academic training. The F2 elements of the programmes are based at St. George’s Hospital (4) and Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford (1). The F2 year at St. George’s comprises a 4-month speciality-based clinical placement with a leading clinical academic firm, a 4-month high-quality dedicated academic placement, and a 4-month attachment in A&E or an Acute Medicine Admissions Unit (high intensity training in acute medicine) to enable the acquisition of core competencies. The F2 year at RSC, Guildford consists of 4 months of General Medicine, 4 months Academic research and 4 months of Paediatrics.
Programme Reference
Programme Theme
St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust is one of the country’s leading teaching hospitals with an international reputation for education and research. The Trust provides general, specialist and tertiary services both locally and nationally. It employs 5,000 staff in wide range of occupations and professions working together to provide high quality patient care. Located in South-West London, St George’s is within easy reach of Central London and all the attractions that it has to offer.
Royal Surrey County Hospital (Guildford) The Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford became one of the first NHS Trusts in 1991. The RSCH provides a comprehensive local service to patients. In addition to local services, several of our specialities are centres attracting national referrals; for example, supra-regional assay services are provided by pathology; the St Luke’s Cancer Centre provides a regional service; and the Trust has one of just three training units for key-hole surgery in the UK. The Trust has strong links with the University of Surrey and a number of Medical Schools. The Trust is committed to continually improving the quality of its services to patients, GPs and Health Authorities.
The Education Centre houses the District Library, Post Graduate Medical Centre, lecture suite and conference rooms. There is a very effective clinical audit and quality programme, which focuses on promoting excellence and quality throughout the Trust.
STFS Prospectus
Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Appendix A: Trusts Affiliated to STFS Currently a number of STFS linked trusts are undergoing reconfiguration which may result in changes to training programmes. STFS will endeavour to keep our foundation doctors informed.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Ashford & St Peter’s Hospitals
Overview of Trust Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Trust is a medium sized district general hospital service operating from two sites – Ashford near Staines and St Peter’s near Chertsey. All F1s will be based at Chertsey.
Address: St Peter’s Hospital, Guildford Road, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 0PZ
Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at: http://www.stfs.org.uk/trusts/ ashford-st-peters-hospitals-nhs-trust
Trust Switchboard Tel No: 01932 872000
Trust web site: www.ashfordstpeters.org.uk
Key Individuals Director of Medical Education Dr Peter Martin
If you require further information about accommodation please contact the Human Resources Department on telephone 01784 884331 for contact details.
Postgraduate Centre There are dedicated education and learning centres on each site – the Education Centre located at the heart of Ashford Hospital and the Oliver Plunkett Postgraduate Education Centre located close by the Duchess of Kent Wing of St Peter’s Hospital.
Room Social activities
Clinical Tutor Mr Arshad Khaleel Foundation Training Programme Directors Mr Tayo Johnson – F1 Lead Mr Vincent O’Neill – F2 Lead
Foundation Doctors at Ashford and St Peter’s Foundation Doctors at Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals enjoy an active social life. There are frequent mess parties, a summer ball, Christmas Party and various sporting activities organised by the doctors themselves. Doctors’ mess The Trust has a doctors’ mess on the St Peter’s site.
Careers Tutor Mr Arshad Khaleel Medical Education Manager Mrs Angela Langwith-Green
Foundation Programme Administrator Ms Ros King
The accommodation is located on the St Peter’s Hospital site, Chertsey. It provides a bedroom within a fully furnished two bedroom flat, sharing the kitchen, bathroom and lounge with one other person. The rent is inclusive of utilities and council tax and changes annually to take account of the annual rent and council tax increase.
Staffing Officer Debbie Barton
Laundry facilities are provided, for which charges are applicable, and individuals may make their own arrangements for telephones and access to the internet subject to the conditions of tenancy.
If you require your partner, or partner and children to be accommodated with you the Trust will try to assist by providing selfcontained accommodation at Sandgates, in a two bedroom flat. This is located about one mile from St Peter’s Hospital. Our partners also provide other types of accommodation, from single rooms in shared houses, to 2 bedroom flats.
Library facilities The Library and Knowledge Service enables staff to find the best evidence to support patient care. There are two libraries conveniently located next to the education centres at both hospital sites, offering access to a comprehensive range of hardcopy and electronic resources including exam preparation texts and BMJ Case Reports. Literature search training sessions are available on a monthly basis, including sessions aimed at doctors carrying out clinical audits. Full details of the service are available on the KnowledgeNet website which keeps staff up-to-date on latest resource developments. www.knowledgenet. ashfordstpeters.nhs.uk. There is also a mobile version of our web pages.
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Postgraduate Centre
Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Ashford & St Peter’s Hospitals (continued)
IT facilities
Local amenities/ attractions
The Library and Knowledge Service provides computer rooms in the libraries on both hospital sites which enable access to the trust intranet and internet, there is 24 hour access to these computers. These computers also have Reference Manager software.
Working with local gyms, health clubs and other businesses in the area the Trust is able to offer discounted memberships, tickets and other services to staff, which are regularly publicised.
Other facilities In addition to co-ordinating the regular internal teaching programmes for our own doctors in training, the Centres at Ashford & St Peter’s provide facilities and administrative support for: Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS); Advanced Life Support (ALS); Paediatric Intermediate Life Support (PILS); Royal College of Physicians MRCP Part II (PACES); GP Intensive Course (GPIC); New born Life Support Course (NLS). St Peter’s Hospital
Childcare The Trust operates a nursery and play-scheme on both sites. The Day Nurseries offer places for babies from 3 months up to 5 years and are open 8.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday. (7.00 am by arrangement). The charges for the Day Nursery are dependent on salary banding. Please contact Dawn Hunt, Childcare Manager to ascertain current rates. The play schemes are open during the main school holidays and half terms for which a flat rate is charged. Employee Assistance Programme The Trust offers an Employee Assistance Programme which provides staff and their immediate family with access to independent advice, information and specialist counselling and support. The free confidential line is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year, and an online service is also available.
Transport links The two sites – Ashford Hospital, Ashford, Middlesex and St. Peter’s Hospital, Chertsey, Surrey – lie eleven miles apart separated by the River Thames and the M25 London orbital motorway. All trainees are based at St Peter’s Hospital. Parking arrangements Car parks on both of the hospital sites are split between those reserved for patients/visitors and those specifically for staff members. Demand for car parking is high and at peak times parking spaces can be difficult to find. The Trust operates two types of patient/visitor car parks; pay and display, where users pay upon entry, and pay on foot where users pay at the end of their visit. . Both Trust and non-Trust staff parking on the hospital sites have to pay for their parking. There is an annual permit charge of £20 plus a daily parking rate based upon staff bandings; this ranges from 50p to £1.50 per day. Staff have the option of either paying a standard monthly rate or by paying using the scratchcard system. All enquires about car parking should be made to john.sermon@asph.nhs.uk or to the Travel Plan and Security office on extension 3675 or 01932 723675 if calling externally or extension 2228 or 01932 722228 if calling externally. Accolades/achievements of the trust In December 2010 Ashford and St Peter’s became a Foundation Trust, an endorsement of the hard work and commitment made by staff to provide high quality, safe care for our patients. T The Trust continues to develop specialist services - such as bariatric and vascular surgery - and has recently been accredited as a national screening centre for AAA (abdominal aortic aneurysm) on behalf of the Surrey Vascular Network.
Duchess of Kent Wing
The Trust has also recently celebrated a year without a hospital acquired MRSA bacteraemia (one of only a handful of hospitals to do so) and continues to provide high quality care and treatment demonstrated by improving patient survey results and continued achievement of national targets and indicators.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Lecture Theatre in the Postgraduate Centre
Foundation programme specific information Induction/ shadowing arrangements
Computer Room The Trust has recently been announced as the preferred partner for Epsom Hospital and is developing its plans to become a bigger, three hospital Foundation Trust with a potential go-live date of 1st April 2013. Terms and conditions of employment The post is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Service of Hospital Medical and Dental Staff as modified from time to time. Current copies of these Terms and Conditions may be seen in the Human Resources department. All staff appointments are made subject to the receipt of satisfactory references and all initial appointments to the national health service are made subject to satisfactory medical and police clearance being produced. A medical examination may be necessary on initial appointment and periodically thereafter
Accident & Emergency Centre Any additional information Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Trust is a medium sized district general hospital service operating from two sites – Ashford near Staines and St Peter’s near Chertsey, serving a population of around 380,000. The Trust employs over 3,300 staff making it one of the largest employers in the local area after Heathrow Airport, with an annual income of around £227 m. Further information about the Trust can be found at www.ashfordstpeters.nhs.uk.
All new Foundation Doctors commencing at Ashford at St Peter’s Hospitals are invited to attend a Pre-employment screening day. F1s are requested to attend a period of extended Trust Induction and shadowing of the out-going F1 doctors. In addition an ILS Course and an Acute Illness Management Study Day are held for all the new Foundation Year 1s prior to their commencement. Educational and clinical supervision An educational supervisor is allocated to each Foundation Programme doctor for the whole of their year here at the Trust to maintain an overview of development and progress of the doctor within the year of their training. A clinical supervisor is also allocated for each four month placement. For the first four month placement Foundation Programme doctors will usually have a combined educational and clinical supervisor.
Tasters F1 and F2 doctors are encouraged to undertake “Taster” sessions in other specialties, up to a maximum of five days in the year. “Tasters” in other Trusts will be considered when the Specialty is not available at the Trust. Simulation All F1 doctors take part in two Simulation Training days and all F2s take part in one Simulation Training day. Foundation doctor forums All F1 doctors are encouraged to contribute and take part in the following local forums: • Foundation Local Faculty Group • Medical Junior Doctors Forum • Surgical Junior Doctors Forum
Teaching programme At Ashford and St. Peter’s Hospitals there are 48 Foundation Year 1 and 42 Foundation Year 2 posts. These posts are all approved by the KSS Deanery and Foundation School. F1 posts comprise General Medicine (22), General Surgery (13), Paediatrics (3), Psychiatry (2) Clinical Radiology (2) Trauma & Orthopaedics (3) and Anaesthetics (3). All F1 trainees will be on one year programmes in Chertsey, made up of three 4 month placements. All trainees take part in the Foundation Year training programmes, directed by the Head of Postgraduate Medical Education, Dr Peter Martin and Foundation Programme Year 1 Lead, Mr Tayo Johnson and Mr Vincent O’Neill, Year 2 Lead These include formal teaching sessions, directed and self-directed personal learning, structured appraisals and assessments. F1s have weekly protected teaching and F2s fortnightly protected teaching.
Faculty meeting Any additional information Over the past three years all Foundation Doctors have been given a one to one mid- term review with the Postgraduate Medical Education Team. The feedback from more than 99% of these has been very positive on the training received. An End of Placement survey is carried out after each four month post is completed.
F2 posts comprise General Medicine (4), Acute Medicine (3), Paediatrics (3), Neonatal Intensive Care (2) Trauma & Orthopaedics (8), General Surgery (3), Obstetrics & Gynaecology (5), Emergency Medicine (8), General Practice (4) and Psychiatry (2).
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust Royal Sussex County Hospital, Princess Royal University Hospital & Haywards Heath Addresses: RSCH - Eastern Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 5BE PRH - Lewes Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 4EX Trust Switchboard Tel No: RSCH - 01273 696955 PRH - 01444 441881 Trust web site: www.bsuh.nhs.uk
Overview of Trust BSUH operates on two sites (see below) and trainees may be required to work from either site. Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at: http://www.stfs.org.uk/trusts/brighton-andsussex-university-hospitals-nhs-trust
IT facilities
Postgraduate Centres are situated on both main hospital sites and are headed by the Director of Medical Education and supported by two Clinical Tutors. The role of the Euan Keat Education Centre, based at the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) and The Sussex Postgraduate Centre based within the Audrey Emerton Building, Brighton (AEB) is to ensure that the training provided for postgraduate doctors working within the Trust meets the educational standards prescribed by the KSS Deanery and the GMC. The Postgraduate Centre, Brighton is located on the ground floor of the AEB, which is opposite the main entrance to the Royal Sussex County Hospital (RSCH) and is a combined education facility for the Trust and Brighton & Sussex Medical School (BSMS). The AEB provides state of the art teaching facilities with 16 teaching rooms, 2 lecture theatres and a clinical skills lab.
Medical Education Manager Ms Nora Tester Assistant Director of HR (Medical Personnel & Education) Ms Jane Burrage Foundation Programme Administrators Mr Tony Richardson (F2) RSCH Mr Timothy Chatten (F1) PRH Mr Denzil Roué (F2) cross site 36
Library facilities
Postgraduate Centre
Careers Tutor tbc
Clinical Tutors Dr Andrew Elkins Dr Jerry Tibble
The doctors’ mess at PRH is located on the second floor in the Obstetrics & Gynaecology department. The doctors’ mess at RSCH is adjacent to the Post Room at the rear of the Barry Building. Both facilities provide IT and kitchen facilities.
The training programme is supported by excellent Library facilities on both sites.
Foundation Training Programme Directors Dr Philippa Hildick-Smith Dr Kate Lankester Mr Prodip Das Mr Ketan Desai
Director of Medical Education Mr Varadarajan Kalidasan
Doctors’ mess
The Education Centre at the Princess Royal Hospital is located on the second floor opposite the Library. The centre has two lecture theatres one seats 125 (and is divisible into two separate seminar rooms each fully equipped with state of the art audio visual facilities) and an 80 seat lecture theatre. Each lecture theatre has a live link to the operating theatres. In addition, there are two further seminar rooms, one of which is a multi-purpose teaching room which is suitable for clinical skills workshops. This room is also equipped with an interactive whiteboard, video conferencing facilities and network points for some (Medical) IT training.
Key Individuals
The Royal Sussex County Hospital & Royal Alexandra Hospital for Sick Children, Brighton
Accommodation is available but availability is limited. Charges are made dependent on room size and site. Social activities There is a junior doctors’ mess which holds many social events. Trainees from all grades are encouraged to participate in events and in the organisational responsibilities for these.
Excellent IT facilities are available in the Health Sciences Library at PRH and also in the Audrey Emerton Building Library at RSCH on a 24-hour basis. Other facilities There are good coffee shops and general shop facilities on the ground floor of both the PRH and RSCH, with good restaurant facilities located on both sites. There is also a Costa Café on the ground floor of the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital which is situated within the RSCH. The AEB also enjoys a restaurant on the top floor with stunning views across to the sea. Vending machines are also accessible outside the Library of the AEB 24-hours a day. Local amenities/ attractions Haywards Heath is situated in the heart of the Sussex countryside with the town a short walk from the Hospital. There are many restaurants and bars, a leisure complex and a train station with easy access to Brighton, Gatwick and Crawley. Brighton’s nightlife is legendary and boasts over 200 bars and pubs. It has a thriving music scene, the biggest arts festival in England and an eclectic mix of shops and restaurants within this truly diverse cultural city. The beautiful South Downs and stunning countryside that surround Brighton are right on the doorstep. Transport links Both hospitals are in easy reach of London with frequent trains to London Bridge and Victoria stations. We are fortunate in that both Haywards Heath and Brighton enjoy close proximity to the beautiful countryside of the South Downs. A free bus service runs hourly between each hospital site. Parking arrangements Limited pay and display parking is available at the RSCH, however Brighton has excellent public transport services. There is a free bus service for Trust staff operating between sites, and pay and display parking is available at PRH.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Accolades/achievements of the trust The Trust continues to achieve and provide excellent standards of patient care and offers exceptional teaching programmes delivered by highly skilled specialists. This year the Library and Knowledge Service gained recognition through a national NHS innovation award from the Strategic Health Library Leads. The award was for the Trust’s unique “KnowledgeShare” service, which delivers highly targeted and personalised notifications to local staff of all grades and professions about newly published evidence in their areas of interest. Terms and conditions of employment http://www.nhsemployers.org/PayAndContracts/ MedicalandDentalContractsJuniorDoctors DentistsGPReg/PagesDoctorsIn TrainingJunior DoctorsTermsAndConditions150908.aspx Any additional information The Brighton & Sussex University Hospital Trust is a major teaching hospital and works in partnership with Brighton & Sussex Medical School (BSMS) which is one of four new medical schools created as part of the government’s strategy to increase the number of qualified doctors from the UK working in the NHS. BSMS continues to be one of the most popular choices for medical students in the UK. The Trust has two main hospital sites named the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) which includes Hurstwood Park Neurological Centre in Haywards Heath, and the Royal Sussex County Hospital which includes the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital in Brighton. The Sussex Eye Hospital is also situated adjacent to the RSCH campus. The Trust employs approximately 6,000 staff, is the regional treatment centre for Nephrology, Neurosciences and Cardiothoracic Surgery and is recognized for providing a high standard of care within a large range of specialties. Therefore, we are confident that BSUH can satisfy all your training needs. It is a great place to work and train in a stimulating and innovative environment. The 3T’s Redevelopment of the Royal Sussex County Hospital. The three T’s stand for Teaching, Trauma and Tertiary Care. Several features of the new buildings have been designed to support our further development as a teaching hospital, including: simulation suite, dedicated meeting and teaching suite, enhanced IT with a wireless network throughout and improved access to computers in clinical areas, plus a new doctors mess so our trainee doctors can access purpose-built support accommodation on site. Further info on 3Ts at http://www.bsuh.nhs.uk/ about-us/hospital-redevelopment/.
Foundation programme specific information Induction/ shadowing arrangements In previous years F1 shadowing has been available on an individual arrangement basis. For F1s who started in August 2011 a set shadowing week was arranged for the last week of July. This year (2012) shadowing is now a national requirement and will run for 4 weekdays, starting Thursday 26 July and ending Tuesday 31st July. Educational and clinical supervision Every foundation trainee is allocated an educational supervisor for the whole year and a clinical supervisor for each post. It is expected that each trainee will arrange to meet up with their educational supervisor within the first two weeks of August and then at intervals throughout the year. Trainees should also arrange to meet their clinical supervisors within the first two weeks of each firm and again towards the end of each firm. Supervisors’ names and contact details will be given out to all trainees at induction. It is the trainee’s responsibility to ensure that these meetings which are essential for sign-off take place at the expected/due times and that they are documented in the e-portfolio.
Tasters There is an established policy for F2 study leave which works well. F2s are encouraged to take taster sessions between August and December where possible. This year F1s have also been allowed to take their taster sessions early, in the last few months of their F1 year (in lieu of taking it in F2) if this is more convenient. Simulation High fidelity training days are provided for all F1 trainees. These take place on the university campus and all previous trainees have enjoyed these tremendously. Foundation doctor forums Two or three trainee reps are appointed for each year group. Reps attend the foundation faculty meetings (quarterly) and bring feedback from their peer group to these meetings. They also have a role in disseminating information to the wider group and hold informal discussions at intervals with other foundation trainees. Any additional information The Director of Medical Education is the academic lead for postgraduate training within the Trust, and is supported by two Clinical Tutors, and four Foundation Programme Directors.
Teaching programme
Dedicated administrative staff are based within the postgraduate centres on both sites to support you There are 78 F1posts and 69 F2 posts. This during your Foundation training. includes 6 leadership posts and 12 Academic posts. Rotations are within Medicine, Surgery, Neurology, Orthopaedics, Neuro-Surgery, General Practice, Cardiology, Otolaryngology, Cardio-thoracic Surgery, Elderly Medicine, Haematology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Paediatric Surgery, A & E, Nephrology, Psychiatry and Urology, ensuring Foundation Training Programmes provide a wide range of clinical experience. We expect Foundation doctors to undertake on average three hours of education per week. Part of this time is covered by the BSUH teaching programmes for F1 and F2 doctors and the rest is provided by teaching within departments. Trainees are allocated dates to The Princess Royal Hospital, attend ILS, ALERT, Simulation training or ALS as Haywards Heath appropriate. The training programme is supported by excellent library facilities on both sites with a dedicated librarian to support Foundation trainees. We take careers advice and support very seriously. In 2011-12 all F1 trainees were offered one-to-one career interviews as well as a variety of other career counselling opportunities. There is well structured support of any trainees who experiences difficulties, either personal or professional and we have been praised by the STFS in how we support trainees through difficult times. www.stfs.org.uk
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Croydon University Hospital Address: 530 London Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR7 7YE
Overview of Trust
Social activities
Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at:
Summer & Christmas Ball and monthly pay day events organised by the Mess Committee. Information is advertised in the Centre and Mess with electronic information sent to all trainees.
Doctors’ mess The MESS has recently been upgraded and decorated, with new lockers and a wide screen television together with Sky TV. A full size snooker table and access to 2 PC’s, as well as showers and changing facilities are also available. Daily newspapers and breakfast refreshments are available. The MESS president it appointed on a yearly basis and they lead on the recreational activities that include a Summer and Christmas Ball.
Trust Switchboard Tel No: 020 8401 3000 Trust web site: www.croydonhealthservices. nhs.uk
Library facilities
Key Individuals
Front entrance to hospital
Director of Medical Education Dr Gita Menon
Clinical Tutor None in Place
Postgraduate centre
Foundation Training Programme Director Miss Stella Vig Careers Tutors Dr A Kumar Dr S Thomas Miss S Vig Medical Education Manager Mrs Nisha Patel Medical Staffing Manager Mrs Sally Lewis Foundation Programme Administrator Mrs Karen Bounds
The centre has a total of seven teaching rooms; 4 with a full range of audio visual equipment & an X-ray box, a large and small lecture theatre with similar facilities plus a microscope and visualiser along with video conferencing facilities. The Conservatory is used for teaching and meetings but has limited equipment. There is also a newly refurbished state of the art Dental skills laboratory which accommodates 14 people. A four station internet café is available in the reception area. Accommodation
Croydon Health Sciences Library works closely with the PGMC to support the professional development of junior doctors. The library supports clinical governance, evidence based practice and improvement in patient care. Core Services: Articles p - physical, e electronic, m - mobile, ATHENS administration, eBooks, pBooks, Computing facilities, Current Awareness Services, Databases, eJournals, Evidence-based Information Consultancy, Information, Information Skills Training, Interlibrary Loans, Journals, Photocopiers, Printer, Professional Advice, Quiet Study and Reflection Space, Scanners and Support for mobile technologies. The library is staffed from 9am- 5pm Monday to Friday. Junior doctors can arrange to get 24/7 access to the physical library via their Intellikey. Croydon Health Sciences Library is part of a wide local and national network of libraries.
Several types of accommodation are available: • Room only - £450 per month • 2 Bedroom - £850 per month • 3 Bedroom - £1,100 per month
Staff room
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Local amenities/ attractions
Accolades/achievements of the trust
Croydon University Hospital is the North end of Croydon and Central Croydon hosts two large shopping centres. There is a lively night life, including a number of night clubs and cinemas, and a variety of good restaurants to the south of the borough. There is a good transport system in place with trams, train services and a 24 hour bus service.
Awards have been received for our work on the following projects:
Transport links Doctors in lecture theatre
IT facilities The Internet café in the PGMC has 4 PC’s, IT room in the library has 14 PC’s, with access to 2 PC’s in the MESS. Other facilities Small staff gym that is accessible 24 hours a day with a small joining fee and £5 per month membership fee. This is in the process of being re-vamped and it is equipped with up-to-date training equipment that is just a year old.
Easy access to Central London via train is approx. 15 mins, Gatwick airport has a direct line from East Croydon with a similar journey time of 15 mins, and Brighton is on the same line. A short drive out brings you to Countryside and a further hour would bring you into the Sussex Downs and of course Brighton seafront. Parking arrangements On-site (first come first served) the cost is £25 per annum for a permit, and then you need to purchase scratch cards that works out to be 80p per day. There is also off-site parking in surrounding roads.
• An STFS award for helping doctors who are having difficulty reaching their goals. • An excellent report from the Foundation School Visit. • STeLI ‘Excellence in Education’ award for the introduction of our bite size clinical skills workshops that have been organised for lunchtime sessions. These allow access for the use of our STeLI equipment provided by the London Deanery. • Recognition from the London Deanery for our careers development and the dedicated Careers corner that offers trainees career information together with support from the Croydon University Hospital Careers team, our own library services and London Deanery. • A number of bids have been awarded to the Trust for its impressive state of the art Simulation Centre and the promotion of training. For the second year running the Trust has been asked to undertake the formal induction training of Foundation Training on behalf of the London Deanery. • A successful leadership course, funded by the London Deanery, has been delivered for the last two years. Due to its success this is being supported by the Trust to run on an annual basis.
Spiritual Care – The Trust has a variety of Faith Teams and a beautiful Chapel in a quiet garden that is available for quiet contemplation. The team includes all major faith communities, with provision of Muslim prayer mats and a regular Christian Service is held each Sunday. A notice board is located in the PGMC that publicises all religious events for all denominations. The main entrance has a small selection of shopping outlets together with an ATM and post box.
Lecture theatre
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Croydon University Hospital (continued)
Terms and conditions of employment
Any additional information
The post is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Service of Hospital Medical and Dental staff as modified from time to time. Current copies of these Terms and Conditions may be seen in the Personnel Office.
The Croydon University Hospital prides itself as a ‘Great place to train, great place to learn’. Croydon University Hospital is a 564-bedded District General Hospital (with 45 day case beds) and a 24 hour Accident & Emergency Department. The hospital is based on a 19 acre site in Thornton Heath and the earliest buildings date from 1885. The most recent large building project was the new Jubilee Wing, opened in December 2004 housing a state of the art day case facility. The Trust also provides services at Purley War Memorial Hospital. The hospital is a busy unit that yearly sees approximately: • 131,000, patients through A&E • 355,000 patients in Outpatients • 45,000 inpatient spells
Doctors in class room
• 25,000 Day cases The Croydon University Hospital offers excellent training opportunities with a very busy A&E department that sees an enormous variety of pathology. This is supported by a full range of teaching sessions, F1’s have protected teaching twice weekly and the F2’s programme runs one day a month the day is set up as a scenario taking in various curriculum requirements. There are also lunch time practical skills workshops that make use of the wide variety of simulation equipment that the Trust has acquired from bids made to and granted by the London Deanery.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Foundation programme specific information
Foundation doctor forums
Induction/ shadowing arrangements
F1 Representatives are appointed to represent the group, this is a peer process. The named trainees will be invited to the Faculty meetings that take place 4 times a year.
F1/2 trainees are invited to attend the week prior to the August start date and the programme is set up to offer ALS training, Induction e-learning and shadowing with the outgoing F1 trainees. This has been very well evaluated.
The Chief Executive has a monthly junior doctor feedback meeting and each quarter the BMA are invited to attend. The F1 reps are encouraged to join Management meetings and have access via the PA to the Director of operations.
Educational and clinical supervision Each trainee is notified of their Educational Supervisor prior to starting at the Trust. For the first placement the ES also undertakes the role of Clinical Supervisor. When the trainee rotates to the next placement they receive details of who their Clinical Supervisor is, 8 weeks prior to rotating. These are handpicked, based on the achievements of the Supervisors the previous year.
Back door entrance A range of courses take place on site including: ALS; APLS; ATLS; BEST; TTT; TAIP; BOATS; Core Medical Skills for Foundation Trainees. Foundation trainees are given the opportunity to become involved with the ‘Foundation Programme for Teaching Medical Students’ which, in the past, has been very well received by the target student groups from King’s and St George’s. Tasters Croydon University Hospital and the PGMC encourage taster weeks and participation in career development workshops to ensure you have the facts before you make your career choices. Simulation
Doctors hands stitching a piece of meat
Teaching programme There is a well supported teaching programme with protected hour slots twice a week for Foundation Year 1s and full study days for FY2s. All trainees are expected to be trainers and assessors for the years below and therefore the assessment of competencies is achievable as well as the development of a rounded portfolio. Although the learning in the Foundation Years is trainee led, we are not afraid to give you a helping nudge in the right direction to ensure that you complete the year successfully.
Croydon’s award winning simulation centre is one of London’s best equipped, including separate Adult and Paediatric simulation rooms. CUH is also the UK’s busiest ALS Training Centre and is a fantastic place to develop skills and team working.
Early Feedback meetings are set up with trainees at around the 3 month marker and again at 6 and 9 months. Any additional information We have now supported five years of Foundation Trainees through the Foundation Years to become competitive for entry into the core training programme of their choice. We try and ensure Foundation involvement in every aspect of the hospital environment and host a successful Junior Doctors feedback Forum where your voices are heard and evoke change. The Foundation representatives sit on the Faculty Board and allow your views to improve the Programme. The most recent FY1s are involved in a service improvement programme to ensure training and service needs are met despite EWTD. We have set up trainee led Teaching, Patient Safety, Leadership and Service Improvement Committees. These have led to many presentations, posters and papers allowing trainees to evidence their skills. This year will also launch a Charity Committee. The Foundation Programme Directors, Stella Vig and Kathryn Channing, are hands on and with Karen Bounds, will ensure that your portfolios are full of your reflections of your experiences at CUH. We hope that you will enjoy your year with us and encourage you to approach current FY1s for their experiences of a learning environment. We look forward to meeting you!
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust
Darent Valley Hospital
Social activities Within the Trust there are a number of activities including the Winter Ball, Summer fetes, Sports Days, Consultant v trainee cricket and Football matches.
Address: Darent Wood Road, Dartford, Kent, DA2 8DA
Doctors’ mess
Trust Switchboard Tel No: 01322 428100 Trust web site: www.dvh.nhs.uk
Overview of Trust Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at:
Key Individuals
Director of Medical Education Mr Mark Waterstone
Foundation Training Programme Director Dr Mathias Toth F1 Dr Francoise Iossifidis F2
Postgraduate centre
Careers Tutor Mr Vincent Kika Medical Education Manager Mrs Claire Nottage Medical Staffing Manager Mrs Carol Church Foundation Programme Administrator Ms Tracy Jollie F1 Helen Smith F2
The Philip Farrant Education Centre is a multi-disciplinarily education centre which has a number of well-furnished and equipped training rooms with state-of-the-art audio visual equipment, links to theatre and endoscopy. The new Simulation and Skills Suite, which opened in February 2012, includes the Simman 3G™ mannequin. In addition models and equipment is available for the delivery of core clinical and practical skills in specialties such as Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Medicine and Anaesthetics. The simulation experience is captured with live relays to viewing rooms and play back facility for debriefing. In addition to the protected teaching sessions for each training programme, trainees may book to attend a number of courses including Basic Surgical Skills, Respiratory Training Series, Basic Practical Skills in O&G, ALS, ILS and many more. The Medical Education Team is based in the Centre and works with College Tutors and Specialty Leads to ensure training provided meets the educational standards prescribed by the STFS, Royal College and Faculties, GMC and Postgraduate Deaneries. Accommodation As a new build, the accommodation provided is modern and comfortable. Rooms are available for staff at a reasonable rate and may be booked for one night to the length of the placement at the trust. The range of single rooms or apartments will suit staff looking for cost effective, well managed accommodation, close to your place of work.
The cosy Doctors’ mess is near to the Education Centre, and Hospital Restaurant. The comfortable sofas, kitchenette area, Sky TV and PC make it a great area to hang out between shifts. The subscription fee is just £10 per month, which is deducted from your salary, and this funds not only Sky and daily newspapers, but activities arranged by the mess Presidents such as Pizza Tuesdays, special lunches and many evenings out. Library facilities The professional library is based adjacent to the Philip Farrant Education Centre. Services include: Enquiries and literature searches; Information skills training; Electronic resources; Book, article and video supply; Computer access, printing and photocopying; Postal services for staff in the community; Laptops, audiovisual and training equipment for loan IT facilities As a new hospital, the IT and AV facilities within the Trust are modern and allow trainees to access all appropriate sites for their training. PCs are available on most wards for educational use and there are a number of PCs within the library. IPhones are used for handover and in-patient tracking and additional apps are being considered. Other facilities Within the hospital staff have access to complementary therapy sessions, an on-site gym with a personal fitness adviser, healthy eating and the award winning Occupational Health Lifestyle Programme. In addition there is a full Hospital Chaplaincy Service. Local amenities/ attractions Dartford enjoys the bright lights of London and the beauty of the countryside. Bluewater, one of the largest shopping centres in Europe, is a few minutes from the hospital and there are excellent rail links to London and the Continent via the International railway station at Ebbsfleet. Other attractions include local clubs and bars, theatres, boating and cycling. For more information see Social activities section.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
M25 Maidenhead
M20 Ashford
Royal Tunbridge Wells
Lewes Chichester
Dover Folkestone
Transport links Dartford has excellent transport links in to London and the South Kent Coast. We have excellent road, rail and bus links - 1 minute from M25 London Orbital. Train links Dartford is currently served by several train stations: Dartford Trains run to Dartford from London Charing Cross, London Canon Street, Waterloo East, London Bridge and London Victoria. The North Kent Line also runs from Dartford to the Medway towns and the Kent coast. Stone Crossing train station serves the communities of Stone and Crossways business park. It is on the North Kent Line. Greenhithe (Southeastern High speed) train station serves the communities of Greenhithe and Bluewater shopping and leisure complex. It is on the North Kent Line. A Fastrack bus service runs from GreenhIthe station to Bluewater. Swanscombe train station is on the North Kent Line. Farningham Road train station is on the London Victoria line and trains also run to the Medway towns and the Kent Coast. Longfield train station is on the London Victoria line and trains also run to the Medway towns and the Kent Coast.
Foundation programme specific information
The Trust’s library, besides having a good stock of journals and text books, offers regular courses in critical appraisal and literature search, and PCs for internet access.
Induction/ shadowing arrangements
The Trust is also committed to research and, for those trainees who wish to participate, our Research and Development Committee and its manager would be happy to advice.
Foundation Year One Trainees are required to attend a shadowing week ahead of the August ‘change-over’ date. The programme for the week includes Trust induction which focuses on the needs of the F1 trainee, ILS training, and other mandatory topics. F1s have the opportunity to meet the Foundation Leads, Directors of Medical Education and the Medical Education Team. Sessions are timetabled to allow incoming F1 trainees to work alongside the F1 from whom they will be taking over from and gain an insight into the role and responsibilities of a Foundation Trainee. All incoming F1 trainees receive the full rate of pay for this period. Educational and clinical supervision Every Foundation Trainee is assigned an Educational Supervisor (ES) who will act as Supervisor and Mentor for the twelve months at DVH. The ES will provide regular feedback and advice to ensure the necessary clinical and educational progress is made throughout the F1 year. In addition to the above, each trainee will be assigned a Clinical Supervisor (CS) for each placement. The CS is responsible for day-today clinical progress and advice relating to the particular specialty. The ES and CSs communicate to ensure you are progressing satisfactorily and information is fed into the Foundation Faculty Group Meetings which are chaired by the Foundation Leads. Teaching programme
Parking arrangements On-site parking permits may be applied for. Accolades/achievements of the Trust Investors in People Award HSJ 100 Award Excellent healthcare ratings CHKS Top 40 Hospitals Award Top quartile performer in staff survey Terms and conditions of employment Hospital and Dental Staff (England and Wales)
F2 trainees also receive ALS training, if required, within the first week of taking up their posts. The Trust is also prepared to offer F2 doctors appropriate study leave to further their future careers, provided the trainee has shown commitment to the Foundation Programme and is completing the required assessments etc. Formal protected teaching specifically for Foundation is delivered at set times. Each specialty also provides regular weekly lunchtime meetings and monthly half day training/teaching programmes which Foundation Trainees are expected to contribute by either presenting cases or audits. Specific gaps in a trainee’s skill ability such as insertion of central lines, chest drains, lumbar punctures can also be addressed by the trainee attending the Trust’s Clinical Decisions Unit or ITU where these procedures are regularly performed.
Tasters Foundation Year One and Two trainees may apply for “taster” periods in other specialties provided they have support from their Educational Supervisor and the Foundation Faculty Board. Tasters are a good opportunity to try specialties that are not included in their rotations. F1 trainees can ‘borrow’ 5 days study leave from their F2 year to undertake tasters. Simulation The simulation suite opened in Summer 2011 to allow for in-house delivery of simulation training to every grade of doctor. Simulation sessions are built into the protected teaching programme for all Foundation Trainees, however, trainees may request additional sessions and can attend those delivered by the individual specialties in which they are placed. The simulation room can replicate almost any clinical area, from a cubicle in Emergency Medicine to the Delivery Suite, and the advanced SimMan 3G patient simulator allows the Simulation Leads to deliver a vast range of clinical scenarios. Foundation doctor forums Darent Valley encourages all Foundation Trainees to contribute to and participate in the delivery of medical education. Each cohort of trainees is formally represented by two representatives to ensure that communication channels are in place. However, all trainees are welcome at the Foundation Faculty Group Meetings where training is discussed and decisions made. Any additional information Darent Valley is uniquely placed just outside the M25, i.e. “in the country”, yet within 20 minutes of central London (via St Pancras). Our catchment is wide and varied with both socially excluded patients mixing with those of greater affluence. This provides a very wide group of patients for trainees to learn from and this is dealt with in greater detail below. We are a new-looking but well established unit, built in 2000.
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust Kent & Canterbury Hospital Address: Ethelbert Road, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3NG Trust Switchboard Tel No: 01227 766877 Trust web site: www.ekhuft.nhs.uk
Overview of Trust East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the largest hospital trusts in the country, with more than 6,000 staff serving a population exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated patient care in East Kent with over 80 clinical specialties. Established on 1st April 1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone. Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at: http://www.stfs.org.uk/trusts/eastkent-hospitals-university-nhs-foundation-trust
Key Individuals
Social activities
Clinical Tutor Dr Martin Mayall
Careers Tutor Dr G Batty Medical Education Manager Mrs June Toms Medical Staffing Manager Ms Kim Fishlock Foundation Programme Administrator Mrs Danielle Bruce
Education centre The Education Centre at Kent and Canterbury Hospital is a large, proactive centre, supported by a friendly, helpful team. Facilities and resources in the Centre include a lecture theatre which holds 93 people, a number of teaching rooms/classrooms, and video conferencing video, data and slide projection equipment and other educational aids which can be used in each room. There is also a large lounge area which includes an informal ICT (cybernet) area with 6 PCs. The Centre also has a multi-professional Clinical Skills Laboratory, offering skills training opportunities to all clinical staff and various clinical skills training models are available for training/practice. The Education Centre also has Wi-Fi access and has a very pleasant dining room with its own caterers providing freshly prepared food Monday to Friday.
Each flat has 2 bathrooms, a kitchen and 3 bedrooms, of which each has its own lounge. There is also a common room which has a TV and sofas. The accommodation is on-site at The Orchards residences and a two-minute walk to all areas of the hospital. For current rates see Trust website. All foundation doctors are required to apply for hospital accommodation should they wish to live on-site via site Accommodation Managers.
Director of Medical Education Dr Prathiba Bandipalyam
Foundation Training Programme Director Dr Gwenno Batty
Canterbury is a beautiful historic city, with the main attraction being Canterbury Cathedral. It has a large student and tourist population, with a huge variety of attractions, restaurants, pubs and indoor and outdoor activities to suit all tastes and interests including Whitefriars shopping area, cinemas, theatres, river tours, nightclubs, wildlife parks, sports facilities including Kent County Cricket ground at the back of the Hospital. There is plenty to do in and around Canterbury in the evenings. As a city with two universities, Canterbury offers a lively night scene and a wealth of cultural activities and events. The Doctors’ mess arranges regular nights out including quiz nights, meals and end of year ball. There is also a football team organised by the F1s which is every Monday night.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Transport links
The beautiful coast of East Kent, with its sandy beaches, areas of outstanding scientific interest and beauty and wide range of water-based sports and activities is only 20-30 minutes away by car or by train/ bus. Canterbury is surrounded by beautiful countryside and villages too.
There is a high speed train with regular trains running every weekday, which makes travel between Kent and central London faster than ever. Travelling times from Canterbury West Station to St Pancreas are 56 minutes. Coach and bus service is also available.
The high speed train service also provides a fast link to London and Dover and Folkestone are not too far away for visits into France and the rest of Europe.
Visit the hospital website for travel details to Kent & Canterbury Hospital - www.ekhuft.nhs. uk/patients-and-visitors/kent-and-canterburyhospital/
Doctors’ mess
IT facilities
This small comfy room is based on the 2nd Floor, 1937 building. The mess has lots of couches, tea and coffee and whatever food the mess shop has to offer for that week (provided you have paid your subscription fee - £10 per month, deductible from your salary).
There are 16 work stations that are available in the Education Centre 24 hours a day. Wi-fi access is now available. A Key fob can be issued if you wish to have out-of-hours access.
Large TV with subscription to Sky Sports is available and newspapers are delivered daily. Users are required to keep the mess tidy.
The Directorate of Medical Education is actively involved with innovative work which currently includes a Learning and Information Community for East Kent (A.L.I.C.E). This has been developed with the current foundation doctors. Local amenities/ attractions Canterbury offers you so much to see and do during your stay with a huge variety of attractions and indoor and outdoor activities to suit all tastes and interests (see social activities) With a cathedral city at its heart, Canterbury’s surrounding countryside dips and sweeps through river valleys, woods and hills to the seaside towns of Herne Bay and Whitstable. Visit the tourist information to find out more www.canterbury.co.uk
Library facilities There is a well-stocked multi-disciplinary library with 8 study spaces, staffed from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday. 24 hour access to the library is available with a key fob from the main office in the postgraduate centre. A Deposit of £30 is required for the key fob witch will be returned to you when the key is handed back.
Parking arrangements Parking permits are available for staff to park onsite who do not live in the local area. If you live in the on-site accommodation a barrier card will be provided by the accommodation manager, which allows access into the accommodation area which has its own parking.
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust Kent & Canterbury Hospital (continued)
Accolades/achievements of the trust Kent & Canterbury (and East Kent as a whole) has a tradition of being a popular and friendly hospital (and Trust) for trainees, and 3rd year and 5th year medical students from King’s College London Medical School come on rotation to the hospital, as well as students from overseas including St George’s University Medical School, Grenada. In recognition of the excellent educational experience that medical students benefit from at EKHUFT, the Trust was awarded university status in 2008. In 2010 East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust was awarded ‘Trust of the Year 2010’ by healthcare information organisation Dr Foster. Dr Foster measures healthcare across a range of different areas that are important to patients on behalf of the Government. At the end of last year it named EKHUT as the best performing Trust in the country.
The KSS Deanery introduced the Local Education Provider (LEP) metrics for the first time last year and East Kent was one of the top performing Trusts in the region and has annually achieved KSS Deanery Contract Review compliance. All foundation consultant supervisors are Qualified Educational Supervisor Programme (QESP) compliant and some consultants have either achieved the Deanery MA in Education or currently undergoing this. The Trust has also been actively involved with the Deanery curriculum mapping project.
Last year, Kent & Canterbury Hospital was one of only two hospitals in the UK to be chosen for a European trial of a new treatment for longterm high blood pressure. We support our staff with professional development of the same standard as a top London teaching hospital. Last year, EKHUFT made it into the Healthcare 100 (at Number 25 in the ratings) because of our commitment to being a great place to work. The Directorate of Medical Education is actively involved with innovative work including A Learning and Information Community for East Kent (ALICE). ALICE - our new online community - allows for collaborative learning across the Trust. ALICE has a wide range of clinical resources, from PowerPoint presentations to videos of clinical skills demonstrations and teaching with patients. Foundation doctors drive the community, and take the lead in creating content for ALICE. Other innovations and accolades include the introduction of DALS -- Doctors and Dentists Advice, Liaison and Support service (confidential support for trainees), presentations at National and International conferences and encouragement of trainees to submit for KSS Deanery innovation Awards “Serpent’s Lair” (2 trainees from EKHUFT have won the Deanery Innovation awards for development of their ideas for improving patient communication and safety) etc.
Terms and conditions of employment http://www.nhsemployers.org/ SiteCollectionDocuments/Hospital_ MedicalandDental_Staff_TCS_March_08_ cd_160209.pdf Any additional information The Trust benefits from having its own Education Adviser who works with consultants, postgraduate and other doctors and with Medical Education staff to develop further the excellent teaching and learning opportunities at EKHUFT including a local teaching merit for foundation doctors. The Directorate is also actively involved with the Deanery leadership and management programme for junior doctors as well as encouraging trainees to be involved as trainee representatives, to be a proactive postgraduate doctors’ voice, on specialty local faculty groups and Local Academic Board.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Foundation programme specific information Induction/ shadowing arrangements All F1s are invited to attend a week long induction which includes shadowing of the current F1 whose job they will be taking over. There will be a small honorarium for attending this induction. There is also an active Social Induction Programme organised to further enhance their orientation.
Teaching programme In Foundation Year 1 (FY1) at K&CH there are 18 posts, comprising Surgery, Geriatric Medicine, Acute Medicine, Renal, Vascular, Urology, Diabetes, Respiratory Medicine, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Stroke, Cardiology and Intensive Medical Care. Teaching for F1 doctors is on Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes and is protected (bleep free) with lunch provided. In Foundation Year 2 (FY2), at K&CH there are 18 posts comprising Emergency Medicine, General Practice, Urology, Acute Medicine, General Surgery, Geriatric Medicine, Renal, Paediatrics and Psychiatry. Teaching for F2 doctors is every Thursday from 2.15 – 5pm protected (bleep free). EKHUFT offers its own Recognition of Teaching Programme which aims to help postgraduate doctors develop their teaching skills and which provides formal recognition from the Director of Medical Education for the excellent work that our doctors undertake in teaching medical students.
Educational and clinical supervision All foundation doctors are allocated an educational supervisor at the beginning of their year. The educational supervisor works closely with the foundation doctor and has regular meetings throughout the foundation year and is able to offer careers support and advice as needed. For the second and subsequent rotations, each trainee has a clinical supervisor for day to day supervision and educational meetings. All educational and clinical supervisors are QESP compliant.
K&CH also nominate F1s and F2s each year for the South Thames Foundation School’s award scheme which offers merits in teaching, audit and portfolio. We are also able to nominate any candidate who we feel has made an outstanding contribution during the year.
Simulation East Kent runs its own simulation training days which are mandatory to F1 doctors at Devon House in Margate, which includes the latest SimMan 3G training model. These facilities are due to be upgraded before the end of 2011 following a successful bid for funding. Canterbury also offers ILS, ALERT and ALS on site. Foundation doctor fora The Education Centre at Kent & Canterbury Hospital has an active Education Forum and both F1 and F2 representatives are an essential part of this meeting. There is free and open discussion between the trainees, Education Specialty Leads and leads from other multidisciplinary teams within the hospital. There is also a Trust-wide Foundation Faculty and foundation trainees are encouraged to become trainee representatives for this and be integral members. Trainee representatives are actively encouraged to be a trainee representative on the Local Academic Board too. F1s are also actively encouraged to be part of the representation for the STFS Programme Fair.
Tasters Tasters are available for F1s and F2s to do during their year at Canterbury. This is a good opportunity for trainees to try the speciality which is not within their rotations. Tasters are often taken in specialities such as GP which are not always covered in the 2 year rota. Various specialty tasters can be arranged.
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital Address: St Peter’s Road, Margate, Kent, CT9 4AN Trust Switchboard Tel No: 01843 225544 Trust web site: www.ekht.nhs.uk
Key Individuals Director of Medical Education Dr Prathiba Bandipalyam Clinical Tutor Miss Elizabeth Sharp Foundation Training Programme Directors F1 – Dr Christopher McGettigan F2 – Mrs Keyuri Shrotri
Overview of Trust East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the largest hospital trusts in the country, with more than 6,000 staff serving a population exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated patient care in East Kent with over 80 clinical specialties. Established on 1st April 1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone. Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at: http://www.stfs.org.uk/trusts/eastkent-hospitals-university-nhs-foundation-trust
The Education Centre offers a lecture theatre, a number of teaching and seminar rooms and a dedicated clinical skills lab with a wide range of equipment, models and facilities. There are projection and video conferencing facilities throughout the centre. The Centre administrative staff are extremely helpful and knowledgeable and are heavily involved in providing the essential support that Foundation Programme doctors require. There is a skilled Audio Visual Technician who is able to provide support. The Education Centres across the Trust also have wi-fi access.
Medical Education Manager Mr Rags Subramaniam Medical Staffing Manager Ms Kim Fishlock Foundation Programme Administrator Mrs Dawn Warren
Social activities The Medical Education Directorate at EKHUFT has seen other Trusts adopting its innovative Social Induction Programme for Foundation Doctors. Organised by the outgoing FP doctors, this sees a programme of events and activities in the induction week evenings/weekend that allow new FP doctors to socialize with those whose jobs they are taking and with consultants and other key members of the teams in which they will be working.
Doctors’ mess The Doctors’ mess at Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital is spacious, lively and well supported. Located close to all wards and the Seasons restaurant, it is a focal point for the doctors to relax, study in and gather before mess-organised events. In the mess, there is a pool table, table football and Sky TV. The mess subscription fee is £10 per month. The mess underwent an extensive refurbishment programme in 2010. Library facilities
Accommodation QEQMH has brand new, on-site, modern accommodation blocks that are available to F1 Doctors. These blocks have been very well received and a second phase is completed in early 2010. Situated 2 minutes away from the main hospital building, they are perfect for young, busy doctors. Accommodation is currently available at the following rates: Single room with en-suite in a shared flat, £382 pcm including internet access and services.
Two bedroom married/partnered self-contained flat, £647 pcm plus gas and electricity.
Postgraduate centre
Careers Tutors Mrs Keyuri Shrotri Dr Christopher McGettigan
One bedroom married/partnered self-contained flat, £554 pcm plus gas and electricity.
The Library at QEQMH is in a convenient central location in the hospital and is designed to provide an environment conducive for study with computers and a dedicated area for quiet study. The service works in collaboration with other libraries in the Trust, Kent Surrey Sussex Health Libraries and national organisations to provide access to an extensive range of resources. The library provides a full service, is available twenty four hours a day with computer access to electronic resources via the internet and Athens authentication. In addition to nationally purchased electronic resources, the Trust also subscribes to Medical Masterclass and UptoDate. Qualified library staff also provide teaching sessions on reading research papers, basic statistics and locating evidence.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
IT facilities
Parking arrangements
Any additional information
Open access computers are available in the library providing access to Microsoft Office products and internet access via the hospital network. There are plans to install additional of computers with internet provision outside the NHS network. The teaching rooms and lecture theatre have wi-fi internet access.
The parking is permit based which can be applied for internally. There is ample parking on local roads near to the hospital.
The Trust benefits from having its own Education Adviser who works with consultants, postgraduate and other doctors and with Medical Education staff to develop further the excellent teaching and learning opportunities at EKHUFT.
Other facilities
We were one of just 14 trusts in the country to score top marks in The Hospital Guide, 2009.
The Medical Illustrations Department is available to support doctors in producing posters, storing images and using more sophisticated technology. The Trust issues each staff member with an encrypted memory stick. Local amenities/attractions Margate itself is a popular, up and coming town with plenty of nightlife, a multi-million pound casino, cinemas, theatres and an enviable coastline, some of which is perfect for watersports such as surfing and jet-skiing. Shopping and recreational facilities attract people from across the area. In 2011, Turner Contemporary, a multi-million pound gallery designed by award-winning architect David Chipperfield, opened in Margate and attracts many national and international visitors. Transport links Transport links to London are quick, direct and frequent. The new high-speed rail service means that journey times to St Pancras have been cut to 1 ½ hours. There are also ferry services to Europe from the ports of Ramsgate and Dover, both a short distance from Margate. Travelling to Ramsgate, Canterbury, Ashford and West Kent is also straightforward, allowing you the freedom to explore more of Kent at your leisure. It is easy to see why East Kent is becoming so popular - all the attractions without the London prices or stress.
Accolades/achievements of the trust EKHUFT has been listed as one of the highest scoring Trusts in the country for patient safety in an independent national assessment.
EKHUFT hospitals achieved NHSLA Level 3 in 2009. The NHS Litigation Authority confirmed that the Trust has achieved compliance with safety standards at the highest possible level. This means that your training will take place in a Trust where, in terms of governance, a competent and capable workforce, a safe environment, clinical care and learning from experience, the highest standards are met. EKHUFT was last year one of only two Trusts chosen in the UK to participate in a high profile trial of a new treatment for chronic high blood pressure. This was due to the high profile and the high international renown of our renal centre and interventional radiology service EKHUFT has been at the cutting edge of ground-breaking developments such as our pPCI service, the news-worthy new treatment to save a patient’s life within 90 minutes of them having a heart attack, wherever they are. Then there’s the telemedicine service that allows our consultants to advise on a stroke patient’s care remotely; we won the HSJ Award for Improving Technology for this innovation.
EKHUFT provides a popular and friendly destination for training doctors and medical students. There is a growing trend in the Trust for medical students to return to us as Foundation Programme doctors, such has been the quality of their experience in East Kent. The Trust takes Years 3, 4 and 5 medical students, predominantly from King’s College London Medical School. In recognition of the excellent educational experience that medical students benefit from at EKHUFT, the Trust was awarded university status in 2008. Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital Based in the picturesque seaside town of Margate, the Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital has recently benefited from a major development and refurbishment programme, with new facilities including a stateof-the-art cancer centre, an additional operating theatre, new children’s ward, new special care baby unit and outpatients building. The maternity department has also been refurbished with extra facilities. The hospital is home to a state-of-the-art heart centre, containing a £3.6 million operating theatre for specialist diagnostic procedures and up-to-date facilities for the hospital’s cardiology department.
We support our staff with professional development of the same standard as a top London teaching hospital. Last year, EKHUFT made it into the Healthcare 100 (at Number 25 in the ratings) because of our commitment to being a great place to work.
ALICE - our new online community - allows for collaborative learning across the Trust. ALICE has a wide range of clinical resources, from PowerPoint presentations to videos of clinical skills demonstrations and teaching with patients. Foundation doctors drive the community, and take the lead in creating content for ALICE.
Terms and conditions of employment
For further information about EKHUFT, please visit the Trust website at www.ekhuft.nhs.uk
http://www.nhsemployers.org/SiteCollection Documents/Hospital_MedicalandDental_Staff_ TCS_March_08_cd_160209.pdf
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital (continued)
Foundation programme specific information Induction/ shadowing arrangements All F1 doctors are invited to attend a week long induction which includes the shadowing of the incumbent F1 whose job they will be taking over. There is also an active Social Induction Programme organised to further enhance their orientation. There is a small honorarium for attending the induction week. Educational and clinical supervision All foundation doctors are allocated an educational supervisor at the beginning of their year. The educational supervisor works closely with the foundation doctor and has regular meetings throughout the foundation year and is able to offer careers support and advice as needed. For the second and subsequent rotations, each trainee has a clinical supervisor for day to day supervision and educational meetings. All educational supervisors are either QESP compliant or working towards it.
Tasters Tasters are available for F2 doctors and are encouraged. They are a good opportunity to try specialities that are not included in their rotations. In the past these have been taken in such areas as Public Health, Anaesthetics, Palliative Care, Paediatrics. In line with STFS recommendations, F1s can ‘borrow’ 5 study days from their F2 year to undertake tasters in order to help inform their career choices. Simulation All F1 doctors undertake ALERT and a Simulation training day during their F1 year. ALS is a mandatory requirement for completion of the F2 year and forms part of the normal F2 Study Leave. Currently Simulation training is undertaken at Devon House in Margate. In 2011 this facility was upgraded to a dedicated high fidelity Simulation suite. Foundation doctor forums
Teaching programme In Foundation Year 1 (FY1) at QEQMH there are 21 posts, comprising of Surgery, Geriatric Medicine, Acute Medicine, Cardiology, Diabetes, Paediatrics, Respiratory Medicine, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Intensive Medical Care.
The Education Centre, QEQMH has an active Education Forum and both F1 and F2 representatives are an essential part of this meeting. There is free and open discussion between the trainees, Education Specialty Leads and leads from other multi-disciplinary teams within the hospital. There is also a Trustwide Foundation Faculty and again trainee representatives are integral members of this. Any additional information The Medical Education Directorate at EKHUFT offers its own Recognition of Teaching Programme, run by its own Education Adviser. This aims to help postgraduate doctors develop their teaching skills and provides formal recognition from the Director of Medical Education for the excellent work that or doctors undertake in teaching medical students.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust William Harvey Hospital Address: Kennington Road, Willesborough, Ashford, Kent, TN24 0LZ Trust Switchboard Tel No: 01233 633331 Trust web site: www.ekht.nhs.uk
Key Individuals Director of Medical Education Dr Prathiba Bandipalyam Clinical Tutor Dr Sarah Birks Foundation Training Programme Directors Mr Jalal Maryosh Dr Timothy Bushnell
Overview of Trust Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at: http://www.stfs.org.uk/trusts/east-kent-hospitalsuniversity-nhs-foundation-trust
Facilities Education Centre A modern and well equipped Education Centre is based on site with a well-equipped Clinical Skills Lab, Seminar Room for teaching and meetings and Tutorial Room all with dual screen projection and facilities for power point. There is a Lecture Theatre which seats 96 people with dual screen projection available, facilities for a full range of media and a visualiser for projecting images of transparencies, documents and objects, video conferencing facilities in most rooms. Lecture Theatre is air conditioned. There is also a large Conference Room which can be used by individuals and groups for meetings and teaching sessions, a projector screen and audio system are also installed in this room.
Careers Tutor Dr Sarah Birks Medical Education Manager Rags Subramaniam June Toms Medical Staffing Manager Ms Kim Fishlock Foundation Programme Administrator Linda Stimson
Accommodation Accommodation is on site with both single and married accommodation available. Accommodation is charged at current rates. Please contact the Accommodations Manager Shirley.Rees-Barr@ekht.nhs.uk for all enquiries and information on rooms available.
that allow new FP doctors to socialize with those whose jobs they are taking over and with Consultants and other key members of the teams in which they will be working. The programme of social events includes a trustwide social evening to enable new doctors to meet up with the F1s from all 3 sites. There is an annual Summer Garden Party and Christmas Parties that are organized by the Doctors mess for all doctors. The Education Centre organizes ad-hoc events including evening annual lecture in conjunction with mess Doctors. Doctors’ mess William Harvey Hospital boasts an extremely active mess that is popular with all Doctors, including medical students. With plush leather sofas and a full-sized pool table, it is busy at all times of the day. Mess events are regularly organized and the committee is very pro-active in providing entertainment for mess members. The mess is located right next to the hospital restaurant and is easily accessible. The mess subscription fee is £10 per month. Library facilities The Library at WHH is located above the main entrance in the education centre. An additional area has been allocated for quiet study in an office adjacent to the librarian’s office. The service works in collaboration with other libraries in the trust, Kent Surrey Sussex Health Libraries and national organizations to provide access to an extensive range of resources. The library provides a full service, is available twenty four hours a day with computer access to electronic resources via the internet and Athens authentication. In addition to nationally purchased electronic resources the Trust also subscribes to UptoDate. Qualified library staff also provide teaching sessions on reading research papers, basic statistics and locating evidence. The library keeps a wide range of reference books and journals as well as electronic and internet-based resources and is staffed from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, although there is 24 hour out-of-hours access available with the use of a key fob.
Social activities The Medical Education directorate at EKHUFT has seen other Trusts adopting its innovative Social Induction Programme for Foundation Doctors. Organised by the outgoing FP doctors, this sees a programme of events and activities in the induction week evenings/weekend
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust William Harvey Hospital (continued)
IT facilities
Transport links
Open access computers are available in the library and resource area for junior doctors and medical students providing access to Microsoft Office products and internet access via the hospital network. Access to additional computers with internet provision outside the NHS network is available. The teaching rooms and Lecture Theatre also have internet access.
The hospital is located on the outskirts of Ashford not far from the Ashford International Station and adjacent to Junction 10 of the M20. Transport links to London are quick, direct and frequent and travelling to Paris takes just over two hours or to Lille in one hour by Eurostar. Travelling to West Kent, Canterbury and the coast is also straightforward, allowing you the freedom to explore more of Kent at your leisure.
The Medical Illustrations department is available to support doctors in producing posters, storing images and using more sophisticated technology. The Trust issues each staff member with an encrypted memory stick available from the Library. Other facilities The William Harvey Hospital in Ashford, Kent, is one of three acute hospitals forming the East Kent Hospitals Trust covering a catchment area with a total population of approximately 600,000. The Trust provides a comprehensive range of acute and specialist services to the local area and works in partnership with Mid Kent Healthcare NHS Trust for provision of oncology services. The William Harvey Hospital is a modern district general hospital undergoing continual expansion as it is sited within a designated growth area. The hospital is located on the outskirts of Ashford close to the Ashford International Station and adjacent to the M20. It has 488 beds and covers General Medicine (including Coronary Care Unit), General Surgery, Trauma and Orthopaedics, Paediatrics including special care and a neonatal intensive care unit, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, ENT and ophthalmology. A new Maxillo Facial Centre has recently located to William Harvey. There is an X-ray Department and the East Kent Pathology Department and Microbiology department is based here. Local amenities/ attractions Ashford is a growing town which is within a few miles of some of the most beautiful countryside in the South of England, and also within easy reach of the sea. The hospital is close to the M20 with very convenient access to Dover, Folkestone and the Channel Tunnel (for the car shuttle). There are many attractive and interesting places to visit, including Canterbury, Tenterden, Rye, Dover Castle, Leeds Castle and many unspoiled villages and areas of interest such as Romney Marsh. The town itself has a recently extended Leisure Centre, 18-lane Bowling Alley, a bustling High Street and a newly built shopping centre with department store and a good range of shops. A cinema with parking for 600 cars is situated just a few minutes away from the hospital off Junction 9 of the M20 with a variety of places to eat, a gym and a night club.
Parking arrangements There are several staff car parking areas around the hospital close to the Main Reception as well as a pay and display car park. It is the responsibility of staff members to apply for a parking permit prior to commencing placements.
Accolades/achievements of the trust EKHUFT has been listed as the highest scoring Trust in the country for patient safety in an independent national assessment. We were one of just 14 trusts in the country to score top marks in the Hospital Guide 2009. University Trust status was achieved in 2008 and Foundation Trust status achieved in 2009. One of the largest Trusts in England. EKHUFT has been at the cutting edge of ground-breaking developments such as our pPCI service, the news-worthy new treatment to save a patient’s life within 90 minutes of them having a heart attack, wherever they are. Then there’s the telemedicine service that allows our consultants to advise on a stroke patient’s care remotely; we won the HSJ Award for improving Technology for that. Terms and conditions of employment http://www.nhsemployers.org/ SiteCollectionDocuments/Hospital_ MedicalandDental_Staff_TCS_March_08_ cd_160209.pdf
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Dr Tim Bushnell FTPD
Any additional information
Teaching programme
Kent Hospitals University NHS Trust, established in 1999, is one of the largest hospital Trusts in England, with five hospitals and several outpatient facilities across East Kent and Medway. For more information, please go to our website – www.ekhuft.nhs.uk.
There are 21 F1 posts forming different rotations involving Medicine, Surgery, Care of the elderly, ITU, A&E and Paediatrics. Almost all the posts rotate through the Clinical Decisions Unit to give experience in assessing and managing acutely unwell patients. Rotations involving ITU and A&E provide good experience in not only dealing with acutely ill patients but also in improving procedural skills and learning new ones. The F1 doctors have protected teaching times on Tuesday and Thursday. They are also encouraged to teach and work towards Recognition of Teaching Award supported by the Deanery. One of the F1 doctors is voted to be the representative at Foundation faculty. There are 24 F2 posts which form eight different rotations involving Medical subspecialities, Surgery, ENT, Trauma and Orthopaedics, Ophthalmology, Ob&Gyn, Microbiology, Public Health, A&E and General Practice. Placements for General Practice can be located up to 25 miles apart due to rural location; however all are easily reached by public transport. These posts provide valuable experience for wide ranging interests and complement each other well. The Ob&Gyn department at William Harvey hospital was rated as the best in KSS deanery in the 2008 PMETB survey of junior doctors. ENT and Ophthalmology boast of very good and well organised teaching and training programmes. The F2 doctors have protected teaching half days every week. There is F2 representation at the Foundation Faculty. Careers advice ranges from one-to-one to group advice about planning the applications to arranging mock interviews to improve interview skills.
William Harvey Hospital includes robotic facilities both in the Pathology department as well as Pharmacy. William Harvey Hospital has a dedicated stroke unit, which undertakes thrombolysis for acute stroke. There is a recently expanded cardiac catheter laboratory which undertakes therapeutic interventions including angiograms and angioplasties, permanent pace maker insertions and intraventricular defibrillator insertions. Cardio-thoracic Surgeons visit the hospital every fortnight to hold joint meeting with cardiologists and discuss cases. This is the Kent Cardiac centre for primary angioplasty since 2010. A satellite Renal dialysis centre was opened on site and the hospital has the single Head & Neck unit which includes ENT, Ophthalmology and maxillo-facial services. There is a dedicated Day surgery unit (Channel day surgery), as well as dedicated Endoscopy and Chemotherapy (Celia Blakey) units. The intensive care unit has four dedicated intensivists and is accredited for specialist intensive care training.
Foundation programme specific information Induction/ shadowing arrangements All new F1 doctors are invited in prior to starting their contract in August to undertake a week of shadowing the existing F1 doctors.
Taster sessions – either 3 or 5 days could be arranged with hospital based firms. The taster session is an opportunity to gain experience in a specialty to which the F2 may not otherwise gain exposure and would require the F2 to demonstrate a pro-active approach towards planning and arranging their time and learning in the specialty in order to gain maximum benefit. Taster sessions must also clearly relate to the individual’s PDP and career aspirations. Specialty Options - 1.5 days a week sessions are organised by local agreement between the F2 doctor and the Medical Education Centre responsible for that doctor. These specialty options should not detract from but enhance the general practice training focus for the F2 doctor. Simulation Simulation Training is compulsory for F1 doctors and is available at the Resuscitation Department, Devon House, near the QEQM hospital, Margate. Scenarios are available to practice on the following mannequins: Sim Man, anaphylactic, bleeding, pulmonary embolism, asthma, MI and septic shock. Foundation doctor forums The Education Centre at WHH has an active Junior Doctors Forum and both F1 and F2 representatives are an essential part of this meeting. There is free and open discussion between the trainees, Education Specialty Leads and leads from other multi-disciplinary teams within the hospital. There is also a Trustwide Foundation Faculty and again trainee representatives are integral members of this. Any additional information
Educational and clinical supervision All foundation doctors are allocated an educational supervisor at the beginning of their year. The educational supervisor works closely with the foundation doctor and has regular meetings throughout the foundation year and is able to offer careers support and advice as needed. For the second and subsequent rotations, each trainee has a clinical supervisor for day to day supervision and educational meetings. All educational and clinical supervisors are QESP compliant.
Dr Sarah Birks - Clinical Tutor
The Medical Education Directorate in EKHUFT, has successfully organised a Recognition of Teaching Programme for the teaching of medical students by Foundation Doctors. Foundation doctors across EKHUFT received letters of recognition from the Director of Medical Education for their participation in this scheme. These doctors then became eligible for STFS Certificate of Merit award for an outstanding contribution to teaching. MedStart is a new initiative where junior doctors can become involved in teaching and planning OSCE style stations to local school students interested in a career in medicine.
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Conquest Hospital & Eastbourne District General Hospital Addresses: Conquest Hospital The Ridge, St Leonard’s On Sea, East Sussex, TN37 7RD Eastbourne DGH Kings Drive, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 2UD Trust Switchboard Tel No: 01424 755255 – (C) 01323 417400 – (E) Trust web site: www.esht.nhs.uk
Key Individuals Director of Medical Education Mr Salim Shubber Clinical Tutor Dr Mark Whitehead (Conquest) Mr Simon Walton (Eastbourne) Foundation Training Programme Director(s) Dr Mohammad J H Rahmani (Conquest) Mr Graham Watson (Eastbourne) Careers Tutor(s) Dr Simon Merritt & Dr Umesh Dashora (Conquest) Dr Tuhin Goswami (Eastbourne) Medical Education Manager Ms Maggie Patching (both sites) Medical Staffing Manager(s) Mr John Holland (cross site) Foundation Programme Administrator(s) Mrs Catrina Turner (Conquest) Mrs Anita Todd (Eastbourne)
Conquest – Lakeside view
Conquest Hospital
Overview of Trust
such as an annual cricket match and BBQ and days out for example paintballing. At Hastings, the hospital Christmas show is legendary, and brings staff and students together.
East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust was established on 1 April 2002 following the merger of Eastbourne Hospitals and Hastings & Rother NHS Trusts. In 2011 we merged with community services to become East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. The Conquest Hospital is a 500 bed hospital and Eastbourne DGH is a 522 bed hospital. Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at: http://www.stfs.org.uk/trusts/east-sussexhealthcare-nhs-trust
Facilities Postgraduate centre Modern, up to date learning resource centres are available on both hospital sites along with many other training opportunities including modern, well equipped skills laboratories at both sites. Accommodation Conquest Orbit Housing Association has a partnership arrangement by which it manages the staff accommodation on behalf of the East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. The Scheme Manager is Linda Oliver on extension 8001 and she is based on site (Block 43 – 70, Oast House Close – ground floor), between 8.30am and 4.30pm hours, Monday to Fridays. For out of hours emergencies, contact Switchboard. There is a rental charge per month for a single room which is reviewed on a regular basis. Barrier access to the accommodation car park is by swipe card, available from the Scheme Manager at a one-off payment of £10 (nonrefundable). A coin operated laundry area is also on site. Tenants must have their own TV licence. Eastbourne The original eight residential buildings at Eastbourne were built in 1976 and supplemented by a further nine blocks in 1988, bringing the total number of houses, flats and rooms to 350. All accommodation is fully furnished and doctors’ quarters are provided with kitchen utensils and cutlery. There is a rental charge per month for a single room which is reviewed on a regular basis.
Doctors’ mess The Doctors’ mess on both sites is very popular. Foundation doctors both at Eastbourne and the Conquest hold dinners, balls and other events. Library facilities There is a library on both sites, providing access to traditional services and resources (textbooks, journals, search skills training, document delivery etc.) and internet-based resources (e-journals, e-books on-line exam support). IT facilities Both libraries have PCs and internet access 24/7. Other facilities Both hospitals are modern and very friendly places to work. Both hospitals have an on-site nursery and a social club/bar. Both sites have a gym and Eastbourne DGH has an (outdoor, but heated) swimming pool on-site, for which a small fee is charged. Local amenities/attractions The towns are lively, with shopping centres, nightclubs, bars, museums, sailing, cycling and other activities. Hastings is a famous, historical town and seaside resort situated on the south east coast of Britain. Hastings has a castle built by William the Conqueror in the 11th Century, an attractive old town, fishing harbour and seafront. The west of Hastings is modern and lively with a theatre, cinema, many restaurants, bars and clubs, as well as a shopping centre with many well-known shops. There are also many places of interest to visit in the town. More information can be found at www.1066country.com Eastbourne has many restaurants, pubs and clubs. Famous for its tennis and stunning scenery used in many films. Other picturesque spots include Beachy Head and Sovereign harbour. We have 2 cinemas, 10 pin bowling, yachting and surfing clubs, sports centres and theatres.
Social activities
Transport links
Both hospitals are modern and very friendly places to work. The towns are lively, with nightclubs, sailing, cycling and other activities. Both hospitals have an on-site nursery and a social club/bar. Eastbourne holds social events
The Conquest (Hastings) is around 60 miles south of London with good transport links. Regular trains run to London, with an average journey time of 1½ hours. Hastings main rail station is approximately 3 miles from the Hospital.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Skills room
Teaching - Eastbourne LONDON
9 10
Eastbourne Rail Station is approximately 1.5 miles from the Hospital. Main line trains from London Victoria run regularly to Eastbourne. Trains from London Victoria are fast and frequent, taking just 80 minutes. Brighton is just along the coast from Eastbourne and easily accessible by car, bus or train. Parking arrangements There is on-site parking at both hospitals and staff pay £1.00 per day when displaying a staff permit. Monthly and annual payments can be arranged. Accolades/achievements of the trust STFS awarded East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (previously East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust) a citation for exceptional work in the remediation of Foundation doctors in difficulty in 2007/08. Terms and conditions of employment Available from Medical Staffing Any additional information The Trust aims to provide high quality hospital, community and clinical services for the people of East Sussex. Our website provides full and current information – www.esht.nhs.uk. There is a combination of urban and rural development with areas of outstanding natural beauty and of considerable historic interest. There are excellent recreational and sporting facilities in the area and good rail links to London and Brighton, and to Europe via the Channel Tunnel and Eurostar. The Trust is keen to develop its staff and postgraduate medical and nurse training takes place on both the main sites. We have medical students from Brighton & Sussex Medical School, from Kings and elsewhere, and encourage you to develop your teaching skills.
Foundation programme specific information Induction/ shadowing arrangements At the EDGH and Conquest we arrange a formal induction and shadow period for the new FY1s. This helps them to settle in and get used to the hospital. Educational and clinical supervision All FY1s and FY2s are allocated an educational supervisor for the entire year. Within each 4 month rotation, each trainee will also have a clinical supervisor. Teaching programme There are 36 Foundation Year 1 rotations (FY1). Most are based at either Conquest or Eastbourne DGH There is one cross-site rotation (Breast Surgery, Orthopaedics and General Medicine). Each rotation comprises 3 x 4-month posts. FY1 doctors may do night shifts, and are rostered for weekends and long days/evening shifts in the acute specialties. These posts are all approved by the KSS Deanery and Foundation School. All Foundation Year 1 trainees are attached to a one-year programme. This is managed by Mr Graham Watson, Foundation Programme Lead at Eastbourne, and by Dr Muhammad J H Rahmani, Foundation Programme Lead at Conquest. The programme includes formal weekly teaching sessions, monthly afternoon workshops, directed and self-directed personal learning, structured appraisal and assessments. In Foundation Year 1 (FY1) at the Conquest there are 19 posts, in Surgery (4), Elderly Medicine (4), Diabetes/MAU (2), Breast Surgery (1), ITU (1) Respiratory/MAU (2), Gastro/MAU (2), Cardiology (1), and Orthopaedics (2). In Foundation Year 2 (FY2) at the Conquest there are 18 posts, General Practice (3), Elderly Medicine (4), Respiratory (1), Cardiology (1), Orthopaedics (2), Emergency Department (3), ENT (1), Paediatrics (2), and Diabetes (1). In Foundation Year 1 (FY1) at Eastbourne there are 17 posts, in Surgery (5), Diabetes & Endocrinology (2), Rheumatology (1), Respiratory (2), Orthopaedics (3), Gastro (1) and Elderly Medicine (3). In Foundation Year 2 (FY2), at Eastbourne, there are 24 posts, in A & E (6), GP (4), Ophthalmology (1), Paediatrics (2), Public Health (1), Urology (2), Psychiatry (1), General Medicine (2), Palliative Care (1), Orthopaedics (3), and ENT (1).
Tasters These are arranged through the Foundation Administrator. At Eastbourne DGH we offer 2 separate taster weeks for FY2s. These are held during the year in which the Foundation Year 2s are with us. We hold tasters in the following; Paediatrics, Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, Dermatology, Burns and Plastics Surgery, Haematology, Ophthalmology, Diabetes & Endocrinology, Palliative Care, Urology, Radiology, ENT, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Anaesthetics, Colorectal Surgery and General Practice. At Conquest FY2s are asked to advise when they start, where they would like to spend their taster time. This is then arranged through a set process and Taster Application Form. Previous tasters have been arranged in Anaesthetics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Surgery, Medicine, A&E, General Practice, ENT and Palliative Care. All departments can be looked into upon request. FY1s can also request taster time during their 2nd and 3rd rotations. Simulation Fully equipped clinical skills rooms have been constructed at both Postgraduate Education Centres to facilitate simulation practice in accordance with the Foundation curriculum. Both sites run F1 Simulation Training sessions (a requirement of the curriculum), which have been well received by the F1 Doctors. Foundation doctor forums We encourage FY1s and FY2s to provide feedback throughout the year both formally and informally. Trainee representatives for each year are nominated and they attend the Foundation Faculty Group Meeting as representative of their year group. The FTPDs also hold individual meetings with the FY1s and FY2s throughout the year to discuss progress and ask for feedback. Both Postgraduate Centres have an “open door” policy where trainees are welcome to come and discuss anything relating to their training and post. Any additional information During the FY1 year we arrange for you to attend ILS, ALERT and Simulation Training. In FY2 a study leave budget of £500 is available to you. ALS is funded from this and Introduction to ENT (should you have a rotation in ENT).
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust St Helier Hospital & Epsom General Hospital Address: St Helier Hospital Wrythe Lane, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 1AA Epsom General Hospital Dorking Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7EG Trust Switchboard Tel No: 020 8296 2000 (St Helier Hospital)
Overview of Trust Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust was formed in 1999 when Epsom Health Care NHS Trust and St Helier NHS Trust merged. The trust owns and runs four hospitals: St Helier Hospital, Epsom Hospital, Sutton Hospital and Queen Mary’s Hospital for Children. Most foundation trainees are based at Epsom and/or St Helier hospitals. Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at: http://www.stfs.org.uk/trusts/epsomand-st-helier-university-hospitals-nhs-trust
Facilities Postgraduate centre There is a well-equipped postgraduate medical centre on each main hospital site (Epsom and St Helier) with videoconferencing facilities for cross site teaching. Accommodation
01372 735735 (Epsom General Hospital)
Accommodation is available on site. For information contact the Accommodation Officer, Marilyn Liebehentz on 020 8296 3693.
Trust web site: www.epsom-sthelier.nhs.uk
Social activities
Key Individuals Director of Medical Education Dr Shanthi Paramothayan Foundation Training Programme Directors Dr Lindsey Stevens Dr Pamela Leventis Careers Tutors Miss Lindsey Stevens Dr Ravi Seyan
The mess presidents on both the Epsom and St Helier sites organise a lively programme of events.
There is a comfortable well-equipped doctors’ mess centrally located in the hospital, adjacent to the postgraduate centre. Library facilities There is a well-equipped library on each main hospital site.
There are 6 pcs in the library available during working hours and a further 5 pcs in a computer room in the doctors’ mess. Scanners are also available for scanning documents into e-portfolio. Other facilities St Helier: St Helier is situated opposite St Helier Open Space, 11.6 Ha. of open green with three football pitches and a ball park. Epsom: At Epsom, the Restaurant and Coffee shop are located on the same floor as the Postgraduate Centre. Local amenities/ attractions St Helier is very close to Sutton a busy town with excellent shopping, a cinema and theatre, and fast trains to London. Epsom: Epsom is an attractive market town and former spa town, famous for its Epsom Salts. Nestled in leafy Surrey, Epsom is situated 18 miles southwest of London. The compact town centre is 10/15 minutes’ walk from the hospital, and boasts an array of cafes, restaurants and shops including a shopping centre. Epsom is probably best known for nearby Epsom Racecourse, home of the Derby which is also used as a venue for concerts and functions, including on occasion the junior doctors’ summer ball.
Medical Staffing Manager Ms Cheryl Neale Foundation Programme Administrator Ms Shirley Webber
The borough of Epsom and Ewell was named in August 2005 by Channel 4’s Location, Location, Epsom Hospital
IT facilities
St Helier: Doctors’ mess
Medical Education Manager Mrs Elena Power
St Helier Hospital
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Location as the “Best Place to Live” in the United Kingdom. The University for the Creative Arts has one of its five campuses in Epsom. The Laine Theatre Arts, an internationally renowned independent performing arts college, is based in the town. Students have included Victoria Beckham. Leisure facilities in and around the town include the Ebbisham Centre, Epsom Playhouse theatre, Rainbow leisure centre, Odeon multiplex cinema; Horton Park children’s farm and Chessington World of Adventures. Transport links
Parking arrangements Staff parking is available on all sites. An annual permit costs £15 and the daily charge varies from 60p to £2.40, dependent on salary. A staff member on a salary of £25-35,000 would pay £1.44 per day. Accolades/achievements of the trust We are one of the best performing trusts in south west London and one of the most improved in London overall. We are meeting all of the key standards that the government sets for hospitals and the feedback we receive from patients is very positive. Terms and conditions of employment Contracts are issued before the Trust Induction event. They incorporate Terms and Conditions of Service of Hospital Medical and Dental staff as modified from time to time. Current copies of these Terms and Conditions can also be obtained from the Personnel Office.
St Helier: A short bus ride will take you to Morden tube station on the northern line (fare zone 4) or to Sutton station which provides the easiest access, with frequent buses to the hospital. It has direct rail services running to and from Epsom, Croydon, London Bridge, London Victoria, Clapham Junction and Wimbledon. Also running through Sutton is the Sutton Loop Thameslink line which links Luton and St Pancras International directly with the stations on the loop are St Helier is approximately 8 miles from London There is also a black cab rank outside Sutton station and the taxi journey takes about 5 minutes. Epsom:
All staff appointments are made subject to the receipt of satisfactory references and all initial appointments to the national health service are made subject to satisfactory medical and police clearance being produced. A medical examination may be necessary on initial appointment and periodically thereafter. Any additional information Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust was formed in 1999 when Epsom Health Care NHS Trust and St Helier NHS Trust merged. It provides services to approximately 420,000 people in southwest London and north east Surrey and provides more specialist services, in particular renal and neonatal intensive care, to a wider area. We cover some of the most prosperous postcodes in the country as well as some poorer areas and together with our colleagues at Surrey PCT and Sutton and Merton PCT strive to deliver the best possible care to the communities we serve.
Epsom General Hospital is a short walk from Epsom town centre. There are excellent Train and Bus transport links with London, Sutton, Wimbledon, Kingston, Croydon, Leatherhead and Guildford. There are frequent trains to London Waterloo and London Victoria (the journey takes about 35 minutes). The trust also operates a free hourly (Monday to Friday only) Shuttle service between, the two main hospitals and Sutton Hospital. One of the main analysers in Chemical Pathology at Epsom Hospital
The trust owns and runs four hospitals: St Helier Hospital, Epsom Hospital, Sutton Hospital and Queen Mary’s Hospital for Children. We also provide services from a number of other local hospitals. We have 11 renal centres throughout the area and the Elective Orthopaedic Centre (EOC) at Epsom which is operated by the Trust in conjunction with neighbouring trusts on a partnership basis and has grown to become the largest hip and knee replacement centre in the UK and one of the largest in Europe. The EOC is also rapidly becoming a major centre for shoulder surgery and hip arthroscopies as well as undertaking more than 1,000 minor orthopaedic procedures, most as day cases or short stay. Most foundation trainees are based at Epsom and/or St Helier hospitals. Epsom Hospital serves the southern part of the catchment area and provides an extensive range of inpatient, day and outpatient services. It has an Accident and Emergency service with 44,000 attendances per year. It also undertakes all elective (pre-booked) inpatient surgery within the Trust. There is an extensive range of diagnostic and supporting services, including pathology, radiology (including CT, MRI and ultrasound) and vascular diagnostic services, and a busy modern purpose-built day care and day surgery unit. The site also includes an acute psychiatric facility operated by Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. St Helier Hospital is the largest site within the trust and shares its site with Queen Mary’s Hospital for Children. The hospital has a comprehensive range of diagnostic facilities within pathology and radiology (including MRI and CT scanning, ultrasound and vascular diagnostic services), a busy Accident and Emergency department dealing with 80,000 attendances per annum, and a range of outpatient facilities. It undertakes all the emergency surgery in the Trust. The renal unit provides acute renal care and dialysis and is integrated with the St George’s Hospital transplantation programme.
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust St Helier Hospital & Epsom General Hospital (continued)
The trust is currently considering proposals to demerge the two main clinical sites and all advertised training programmes will be subject to change pending the outcome of discussions regarding future arrangements and service delivery. For more information about the trust see the website www.epsom-sthelier.nhs.uk. Most foundation trainees are based at Epsom and/or St Helier hospitals. Epsom Hospital serves the southern part of the catchment area and provides an extensive range of inpatient, day and outpatient services. It has an Accident and Emergency service with 44,000 attendances per year. It also undertakes all elective (pre-booked) inpatient surgery within the Trust. There is an extensive range of diagnostic and supporting services, including pathology, radiology (including CT, MRI and ultrasound) and vascular diagnostic services, and a busy modern purpose-built day care and day surgery unit. The site also includes an acute psychiatric facility operated by Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
Queen Mary’s Hospital for Children - St Helier St Helier Hospital is the largest site within the trust and shares its site with Queen Mary’s Hospital for Children. The hospital has a comprehensive range of diagnostic facilities within pathology and radiology (including MRI and CT scanning, ultrasound and vascular diagnostic services), a busy Accident and Emergency department dealing with 80,000 attendances per annum, and a range of outpatient facilities. It undertakes all the emergency surgery in the Trust. The renal unit provides acute renal care and dialysis and is integrated with the St George’s Hospital transplantation programme. The trust is currently considering proposals to demerge the two main clinical sites and all advertised training programmes will be subject to change pending the outcome of discussions regarding future arrangements and service delivery. For more information about the trust see the website www.epsom-sthelier.nhs.uk.
Accident and Emergency Department (A&E)
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Foundation programme specific information Induction/ shadowing arrangements Shadowing can be arranged via the Foundation Programme Administrator. In addition during the last week of July incoming F1 doctors are invited to attend a week of induction events which includes opportunities for shadowing. Educational and clinical supervision The Foundation Programme supervision team is comprised of 100 clinical supervisors, 25 educational supervisors and nine careers advisors. An educational supervisor is allocated to each foundation doctor for the full two years of their foundation programme to maintain an overview of development and progress of the doctor within the training programme. Foundation trainees are allocated a clinical supervisor for each four month post who will supervise the trainee in consultation with the programme director. An educational agreement will be completed at the initial interview of each post. Mid-point reviews are required in each post.
Teaching programme The trust has 39 foundation year 1 programmes in general medicine, general surgery, haematology, orthopaedics, urology, palliative care and psychiatry. There are 36 F2 programmes, covering trauma and orthopaedics, general surgery including one post in surgery at the Royal Marsden Hospital, A&E, paediatrics, general practice, general medicine, renal medicine, ITU and obstetrics and gynaecology. Most programmes involve rotations on both main sites, Epsom General Hospital and St Helier Hospital. F1s have three hours of protected teaching each week, a one hour and a two hour session. The same programme is run at Epsom and at St Helier. F2s from all sites (including those in general practice) have their teaching all together on Wednesday mornings usually at St Helier. All foundation doctors are allocated an educational supervisor for the whole year and a careers adviser. Tasters A good selection of tasters is on offer and every effort will be made to meet particular needs. Simulation The trust has recently established a simulation centre and provides simulation training inhouse for F1s and F2s.
View of the new building from Wrythe Lane St Helier Foundation doctor forums Foundation Programme doctors elect one representative for each year. They take part in the meetings of the Foundation Programme Faculty Group. Any additional information For more information about the trust see the website www.epsom-sthelier.nhs.uk and for information on any aspect of foundation training at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust please contact Mrs Shirley Webber, Foundation Programme Coordinator on 020 8296 2659 (Shirley.webber@esth.nhs.uk) or Ms Vivien Martin, Medical Education Manager on 020 8296 3451 or 01372 735458 (Vivien. Martin@esth.nhs.uk).
The Elective Orthopaedic Centre (EOC, formerly known as SWLEOC)
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Frimley Park Hospital
Library facilities The Health Services library is situated above the PGEC. It provides a wide range of services and also houses a PC suite. There is 24 hour access to the HSL and its IT.
Address: Portsmouth Road, Frimley, Surrey, GU16 7UJ Switchboard Telephone Number: 01276 604604 Website: www.frimleypark.nhs.uk
Key Individuals Director of Medical Education Mrs Geeta Menon Clinical Tutor No tutor in post Foundation Training Programme Directors Dr Udesh Naidoo (FY1) Mr Paul Redman (FY2) Careers Tutor Mr David Jonathan Medical Education Manager Mrs Lynn Moran Medical Staffing Manager Mr James Caldwell Foundation Programme Administrator Mrs Julia Johnstone
IT facilities
Overview of Trust
Wi-Fi is installed across the Trust.
Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at:
Local amenities/attractions
There is a fast train service to London Waterloo from nearby Farnborough Main Station which takes under 40 minutes.
Facilities Postgraduate centre There is an excellent purpose built Postgraduate Education Centre which is the hub for Medical Staff. The PGEC has its own restaurant which is well used by all medical staff in the Trust and local General Practitioners. All of the seminar rooms are well furnished and equipped. The Centre also has a purpose built simulation suite. The lecture theatre, skills room and seminar rooms all have live links to theatres, endoscopy and radiology. Accommodation The Trust has a limited amount of accommodation on site for medical staff. Social activities These are mainly organized through the doctor’s mess and include a Ball. There is a social induction in August for all FY1s including a BBQ & Bowling night. Doctors’ mess There is a well-equipped, purpose built doctor’s mess in the middle of the hospital grounds. A newly equipped gymnasium is also situated adjacent to the mess. A small monthly fee is payable.
Frimley is a small town 5 minutes’ walk away with the usual local amenities including restaurants and public houses. Camberley, Guildford and Windsor are easily accessible with more nightlife and cultural activities.
Transport links The hospital is situated just off junction 4 of the M3 with quick and easy access to London. The south coast is just an hour’s drive away. Parking arrangements There is limited on-site parking with priority given to clinical staff. A small monthly charge is made for parking. Accolades/achievements of the trust There has been a recent extension at Frimley Park Hospital which includes an emergency department (ED) with 25 separate rooms for the sickest patients and one of the biggest resuscitation areas in Europe. It is part of a £22m extension which includes a large day surgery unit and air ambulance helipad. Terms and conditions of employment All doctors are employed under the BMA Code of Conduct terms and conditions on link below. www.bma.org.uk/ employmentandcontracts/index.jsp
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Simulation All FY1s & FY2s will be offered 2 half days of simulation training in our new simulation suite. Foundation doctor forums All foundation doctors are involved in election of trainee representatives to the following committees:
Foundation programme specific information
Teaching programme
• Foundation Faculty
The Trust currently has 36 FY1s and 34 FY2s. All will rotate through 3 specialties for a period of 4 months each.
• Leadership
Induction/ shadowing arrangements
Foundation trainees have individual appointments with the FY1/FY2 Programme Directors in each rotation and also meet with the trust Careers Advisor. Trainee input to the Foundation Faculty meetings is encouraged and 2 FY1 and 2 FY2 representatives attend each meeting.
Induction begins with a validation meeting after appointment in April/May. Shadowing starts for all FY1 on the last Thursday in July and includes Corporate Induction, ALERT Course & ward shadowing. Educational and clinical supervision All Foundation trainees will be allocated an educational supervisor in the first specialty they work in. Consultants in subsequent specialties will act as clinical supervisors. You will also be offered regular meetings with the TPD and Careers Lead during your year.
FY1 have an hour’s lunch time teaching on each Tuesday and a full day curriculum based teaching session every other month. All trainees undertake an ALERT course and ILS during their F1 year. FY2 have a monthly curriculum based study day and all undertake an ALS course during their F2 year. Foundation trainees are encouraged to begin audit presentations and are well supported in this work by the Clinical Audit Department. There is an annual Regional FY2 Audit Competition held in the PGEC.
• Clinical Governance • Clinical Audit • Clinical Risk, • Safe Medicines • Doctors’ Mess A trainee representative workshop is held each autumn. Any additional information The outgoing Foundation Doctors prepared brochures for the new arrivals in August this year. Here are some of the entries: “Have fun! Consultants are really supportive and there is lots of help if you need it.” “Frimley Park is friendly, supportive and a fun place to work. It is an ideal place to start your medical career.” “In summary, good variety, busy, good learning opportunities and most of all fun!” You will find that you are very well supported and there is always plenty of lunchtime teaching happening. Never be afraid to ask for help and have a great time in the department.”
Tasters Tasters are available to FY1s, on a first come first served basis, for up to 5 days, although this study leave will be deducted from the F2 allowance. FY2s may apply for 5 day tasters up to twice in their placement.
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals Address: Guy’s Hospital Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT St Thomas’ Hospital Lambeth Palace Road, London SE1 7EH Switchboard Telephone Number: 020 7188 7188 Website: www.guysandstthomas.nhs.uk
Key Individuals Director of Medical Education Dr Claire Mallinson Clinical Tutor Dr Claire Mallinson Foundation Training Programme Directors Dr Shumontha Dev Dr Terry Gibson Dr Camilla Kingdon Mr Arbie Botha Careers Tutor Dr Camilla Kingdon Medical Education Manager Mr Mike Dickens Medical Staffing Manager Ms Ann Jack Foundation Programme Administrators Catherine Cameron (FP Coordinator) Sharon McPherson (FP Admin)
Overview of Trust
Simulation and Interactive Learning Centre at St Thomas’ Hospital
Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at: http://www.stfs.org.uk/trusts/guysand-st-thomas-nhs-foundation-trust
Guy’s and St Thomas’ Foundation NHS Trust has a state-of-the-art dedicated patient simulator training facility at St Thomas’ Hospital. The Centre hosts a mock consulting room, a six-bedded ward/clinical skills training space, an operating theatre/2-bedded ICU ward, a home environment and surgical simulation room. The simulation facilities offer the use of several computer-controlled whole body manikins which breathe, talk, have audible heart and lung sounds, a measurable pulse rate and can even be given dugs and fluids. Using these excellent facilities, trainees have the unique opportunity to experience real-life healthcare scenarios.
Facilities: Postgraduate centre The Postgraduate Centre Is located on both the Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital sites. Postgraduate Centre at St Thomas’ Hospital We have a dedicated Education Centre based on York road just a few mins walk from St Thomas’ Hospital. All weekly mandatory teaching is held in the Education Centre (and video-linked to Guy’s). We also run a number of courses and workshops for F1s and F2s from the Education Centre on York Road.
Accommodation Accommodation is available for rent on both St Thomas’ Hospital and Guy’s Hospital site, subject to availability. The accommodation at St Thomas’ Hospital has recently been renovated.
The Foundation Programme admin team are based at the Education Centre where trainees are welcome to drop in to resolve any queries. The Education Centre at St Thomas’ Hospital has a number of seminar and training rooms of various sizes catering for a variety of training needs including video-conferencing, phone conferencing, SMART board technology, blu-ray and DVD. There are also three training rooms set out like wards for scenario based training. Postgraduate Centre at Guy’s Hospital The Sherman Education Centre is based at Guy’s Hospital. There is a lecture theatre with video-conferencing facilities and two seminar rooms. The weekly foundation programme teaching and the Grand Rounds are video-linked to Sherman Lecture Theatre to allow trainees based at Guy’s Hospital to attend more easily.
Social activities Every year a Foundation Programme Mess President is elected. The Mess President organises a host of activities including: • Monthly mess parties • Christmas Ball • Christmas “House Officers Review” - a long standing tradition where F1s put on a show about the hospital consultants. • Summer ball Doctors’ mess Mess facilities are available on both St Thomas’ Hospital and Guy’s Hospital site. Subscription is £15 per month and is deducted from your salary if you wish to join.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Library facilities
Local amenities/ attractions
Accolades/achievements of the trust
Library facilities are located on both hospital sites and are part of the King’s College London system. Please visit http://www.kcl.ac.uk/iss/ library/ for further details.
GSTT is located at the heart of central London with easy access to multiple theatres, cinemas, clubs, museums, shops and parks. St Thomas’ Hospital is overlooked by attractions such as Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and the London Eye. Within St Thomas’ Hospital there are a number of shops on site including M&S Food, M&S coffee shop, WHSmiths and a number of cafeterias.
Trust has become part of an Academic Health Sciences Centre in partnership with King’s College London, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and South London & The Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.
Guy’s Hospital is located right next to the “Shard” - the tallest building in Western Europe. The Shard and London Bridge Quarter will be the home of brand new restaurants and a retail complex. Transport links The facilities include: • Lending and reference services, including key postgraduate exam revision books • Free print and electronic Inter-library loans • Computer access, including onsite access to a wide range of e-journals and software • Photocopying, printing and scanning IT facilities Junior doctors have access to Trust and KCL computers in various locations throughout the Trust, Including both postgraduate centres, libraries, knowledge and information centre at STH and in all clinical areas. Other facilities Thomas Guy club is the Trust’s sports and social club which all staff can become a member. Thomas Guy Club members have access to “The Vaults” with new facilities including a games room and fantastic food. Both Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital have a recently renovated fitness centre which offer excellent equipment combined with knowledgeable staff able to advise you on your personal programme. Staff have access to the swimming pool at Guy’s Hospital, squash courts and Zumba classes.
Both hospitals have excellent transport links to the South East and rest of the UK and the continent. St Thomas’ Hospital is only 5 minutes walk from Waterloo Station and other nearby tube stations. There are also bus stops within the immediate vicinity. Guy’s Hospital is on the door step of London Bridge station with access to trains, tubes and buses. There is a free regular shuttle service connecting Guy’s with St Thomas’ Hospital for hospital staff. Parking arrangements Limited parking facilities are available on both sites. You can contact Samantha Sands in Security via phone on 020 7188 5056 or via e-mail: samantha.sands@gstt.nhs.uk for parking permit information.
World famous academic units are integral elements of the Trust. Terms and conditions of employment The post is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Service of Hospital Medical and Dental staff. Current copies of these Terms and Conditions are available on the NHS employers website or can be obtained from the GSTT medical HR department. All staff appointments are made subject to the receipt of satisfactory references, medical clearance and criminal records bureau clearance. A medical examination may be necessary on initial appointment and periodically thereafter. Any additional information The Guys & St. Thomas’ Foundation Trust is one of the largest Trusts in the NHS, resulting from the merger of the two hospitals in 1993 and with an annual turnover of £600 million and ¾ million patient contacts per year. The Trust comprises two of London’s oldest and best known teaching hospitals, which have a long history dating back almost 900 years. The Trust is a specialist centre for the South Thames Regions, providing cardiac, vascular, thoracic, renal, paediatric, oncological and other services as well as the Dental Hospital and St. John’s Hospital for Diseases of the Skin. The Trust treats over 72,500 in-patients, 146,000 day cases and 497,000 out-patients each year. The former United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospitals joined with Kings College Hospital in 1998 to form the largest medical and bio-science school in the UK. The Medical School of Kings College London now trains over 450 medical, 150 dental and 450 nursing students per year.
GSTT are also currently part of the Ride to Work scheme and have an active Bicycle Users Group.
Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals (continued)
Foundation programme specific information Induction/ shadowing arrangements It is planned that the F1s at GSTT will be required to start work on Monday 29th July to attend a thorough induction and shadowing period. The induction will include numerous Trust presentations to prepare you for your start in the hospital as well as courses such as ALERT. You will be required to shadow the current F1 and the team you will be working with during this period which will give you plenty of opportunity to ask questions and fully understand your role. The current F1 cohort usually organise evening social activities for the new F1s so you can get to know each other and the local places to socialise.
Tasters Taster opportunities in a range of specialties within Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital are available for both F1 and F2 trainees up to a maximum of 5 days per year. Simulation There is a state of the art dedicated simulation and interactive learning centre based at St Thomas’ Hospital with additional facilities also based at Guy’s hospital. All foundation doctors are booked onto a simulation course held at the hospital. Foundation doctor forums The foundation doctors are invited to apply to become Foundation Programme Reps. The reps are invited to attend Foundation Programme Faculty meetings to discuss the issues of the current cohort of foundation doctors. Foundation doctors are also invited to join various projects initiated by the consultants to improve clinical systems and processes. Any additional information The location of the hospitals provides world famous viewpoints of House of Parliament on one side and London Bridge and the Tower on the other.
Educational and clinical supervision All foundation doctors will be allocated a named educational and clinical supervisor who will meet with their trainees on a regular basis. At GSTT we also allocate each foundation doctor a training programme director who will meet with you in the Autumn and Spring to ensure you are on track and offer any careers advice you may require. Teaching programme We provide a weekly teaching programme dedicated for F1 and F2 doctors (separate teaching sessions). There are also numerous meetings that foundation doctors can attend such as Grand Rounds, journal clubs, morning reports, daily physician teaching at Guy’s and departmental meetings.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
King’s College Hospital Address: Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS Switchboard Telephone Number: 020 3299 9000 Website: www.kch.nhs.uk
Key Individuals Director of Medical Education Mr Tunji Lasoye Clinical Tutor Mr Tunji Lasoye Foundation Training Programme Directors Dr Jane Evans Ms Avril Chang Careers Tutors Mr Tunji Lasoye Dr Jane Evans Ms Avril Chang Dr Simon Broughton Dr Catherine Bryant Medical Education Manager Miss Corinne Trim Medical Staffing Manager Ms Linda Sodergren Foundation Programme Administrators Mrs Sheinaz Mahomedally Mr Peter Stow
Overview of Trust Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at: http://www.stfs.org.uk/trusts/ kings-college-hospital-nhs-foundation-trust
Facilities Postgraduate centre There is a purpose-built Postgraduate Conference Centre providing a venue for postgraduate medical and dental activities within the Trust. The Centre comprises a fully equipped lecture theatre and three seminar rooms: Bill Whimster lecture theatre Seats 80 people, equipped with latest audiovisual equipment and video conferening. Clare Vaughan seminar room Seats 60 people with audio-visual equipment available. There is an acoustic partition dividing the area into 30/30 seating capacity. Jan Welch teaching room Seats 40 people with audio-visual equipment available. Simulation Facility Seats 15, audio-visual facilities available. The Buttery Refreshment area, seats 35 at small round tables. Catering is supplied by King’s College London. Accommodation The accommodation office can assist F1 trainees in sourcing housing association properties and should contact the accommodation office with their requirements. Accommodation Team telephone number 020 3299 3400. Social activities We have a very pro-active Doctors MESS Committee who are keen for those subscribing to have plenty of opportunity to socialise and unwind, including a football society, and monthly evening events.
Doctors’ mess The Doctors’ MESS at King’s provides a relaxing environment for our doctors, with SKY, a kitchen regularly stocked with fresh fruit, bread and milk, and newspapers. A number of social events through the year. There is also an opportunity for junior doctors to be members of the MESS Committee.
Library facilities As an employee of King’s College Hospital you will have access to the Information Services & Systems (ISS) at King’s College London. This service provides integrated IT and information services enabling access to an extensive range of tools and research and teaching resources. Within the Weston Education Centre we have one of the five Information Services Centers and libraries, which are located across the five main campuses offering subject-specific resources with help and advice from qualified staff. Information Specialists work to ensure students and researchers can locate the most up to date resources available – either online or in print. We aim to provide a worldclass e-research service and 24/7 access to e-resources. Underpinning this drive towards 24 hour access is the College’s IT infrastructure. ISS maintains the desktop network and telephony system throughout the College. Audio Visual services are also part of the portfolio. Through the three year Connected Campus project, now in its second year, ISS are facilitating greater connectivity across campuses to offer increased access to research resources and enhanced opportunities for collaboration. IT facilities Within the MESS there is a separate room where there are 5 web-enabled PCs (installed Nov 2008) and a networked printer. Local amenities/ attractions Close proximity/easy access to Central London and Dulwich Village. Transport links King’s is located in Camberwell in central London, with good public transport links.
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
King’s College Hospital (continued)
Accolades/achievements of the trust King’s College Hospital is part of a pioneering global collaboration, King’s Health Partners Academic Health Sciences Centre (AHSC). This collaboration between one of the world’s leading research-led universities, King’s College London, and three of London’s most
successful NHS Foundation Trusts, King’s College Hospital and Guy’s and St Thomas’ is an exciting opportunity. The driving purpose of which is to continually seek and bring about swifter and more effective improvements in health and well-being for our patients in London and people everywhere. Combining the best of basic and translational research, clinical excellence and world-class teaching to deliver groundbreaking advances in physical and mental healthcare. King’s College Hospital has become the first major acute hospital in the UK to be awarded the Investors in People (IIP) Gold Standard award. Investors in People is a national quality standard awarded to wellrun organisations which demonstrate good management practice with a high emphasis on best practice people management and development. King’s first achieved Investors in People status in 1999, but this is the first time it has been recognised with the Gold award – a significant achievement. The Gold award is only given to those organisations which are able to demonstrate a degree of excellence in the way they develop and support their staff. Angela Huxham, Executive Director for Workforce Development at King’s commented; “Achieving Gold standard is a tremendous achievement for the Trust. Our
people are at the heart of everything we do for our patients at King’s. Their individual skill and commitment are crucial in delivering quality services; we want our staff to continue to feel supported and valued, whatever their role, and we will continue to help them develop their potential.
Terms and conditions of employment The post is subject to the terms and conditions of employment as set out by the Trust and can any clarification can be obtained from the Medical Staffing department at the time of appointment. Any additional information King’s College Hospital is a large teaching hospital and NHS Foundation Trust situated in South Central London. It provides healthcare for residents of a densely populated surrounding locality, as well as many tertiary services for South-East England and beyond. Our Department is based within the Weston Education Centre, situated next to King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill. This affords us the luxury of a well-equipped Postgraduate Conference Centre, within close proximity of the library facilities of Kings College London as well as the King’s Hospital.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Foundation programme specific information Induction/ shadowing arrangements At King’s we provide the FY1 trainees with a mandatory week of shadowing and key induction elements which is fully funded. The week long experience provides the opportunity for trainees to work alongside the FY1 from whom they will be taking over from and gain an insight into the role and responsibilities of a junior doctor have firsthand experience of working with other members of the team, communicating with patients and developing an understanding of how the NHS generally works. They also have key induction training on ILS, ALERT, EPR, EPMA, Infection Control and e-Portfolio. Educational and clinical supervision Trainees are allocated an educational supervisor for the year and for each placement they are placed with the lead consultant of their team for Clinical Supervision. Teaching programme Since August 2008 we have had 51 F1 and 39 F2 trainees at King’s. The majority of F1 rotations comprise four 3 month placements, whilst some F1 and all F2 rotations consist of three 4 month placements. All F2 rotations include an Accident and Emergency placement.
There is protected, bleep free teaching for all F1’s at lunchtime once a week, in addition to which there are several half-day workshops. The F2 teaching programme includes ALS, a two day ‘F2 Professional Development’ course, specialised career sessions, interactive clinical teaching and access to a multitude of specialty teaching programmes across the Trust. We also host a Careers Fair each year where our more senior doctors spend time talking to trainees about careers and their experiences. This event is well evaluated by our foundation trainees. Trainees also can access our more generic courses like Teaching the Teachers. There is a substantial team within the Department of Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education (PGMDE), several of whom work almost exclusively for the Foundation Training Programme. One of the unique roles within the foundation team is the Clinical Facilitator who works to support the foundation trainees in their clinical and educational environment. Although we have a large number of Foundation Trainees, we pride ourselves on looking after the individual needs of each of them. Tasters All Foundation trainees have the opportunity to do a ‘taster’ of their choice in any specialty within the Trust, or outside the Trust if necessary. For further information and guidance please see the STFS website. Simulation Simulation training will be provided at King’s College Hospital in a dedicated simulator training facility, simulation training session are mandatory for all F1 and F2 trainees. Trainees will also be given the opportunity to become involved as part of the faculty. Foundation doctor forums Quarterly foundation forums are held for the F1 and F2 trainees and Representatives from both years are asked to attend. Trainee representatives are also invited to attend the Foundation Faculty meetings, which are also held on a quarterly basis.
Any additional information PGMDE held their fourth annual Foundation Training Programme Awards Ceremony on 17th July 2012 for the FY1 & FY2 trainees. We were proud to have amongst us distinguished guests who gave inspirational talks to the Foundation trainees. These included the Chief Executive, Executive Board Members, Executive Medical Director, Director of the STFS and the Directors of PGMDE. Certificates of merit were awarded from South Thames Foundation School for contribution and progress in Learning Portfolio, Audit, Teaching and Leadership and an Outstanding Trainee of the year. Trainees were also awarded by King’s for their leadership skills, team working, pharmacy and for those who were truly outstanding. Alongside these merits the trainees acknowledged the hard work of the Trainers; awards were also presented to those Trainers who have provided teaching and support to the foundation trainees throughout the year. There was also an impressive display of Audit posters and the winner was awarded a prize. These merits/awards are agreed by the Foundation Training Faculty who work hard to ensure that trainees progress and are given the right support and wish to acknowledge outstanding trainees. The following areas of notable practice were also highlighted during a July 2012 Visit: - All FYDs had taken part in audit projects, of which the results had been fed back and action taken, and this is exemplary. - The Professional Development workshop is a good example of notable practice and should continue. - Trainee award ceremonies should be commended for innovation. - The Focus Foundation Faculty was noted to be well engaged and should be commended. - It is clear that the trust is providing a high quality of training in Academic posts as these trainees are evidently content in their training. - The FY1 generic teaching programme is excellent.
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Kingston Hospital Address: Galsworthy Road, Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey, KT2 7QB Switchboard Telephone Number: 020 8546 7711 Website: www.kingstonhospital.nhs.uk
Key Individuals
Overview of Trust Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at: http://www.stfs.org.uk/trusts/ kingston-hospital-nhs-trust
Doctors’ mess The Doctors’ Mess is located on Level 2 of Kingston Surgical Centre. There is a large seating area with SKY TV, a kitchen, 6 computer stations and toilet, shower and locker facilities. Subscription is £10 per month and fees are used to cover the SKY subscription and to provide tea, coffee, bread and jams/spreads for members use.
Postgraduate centre
Library facilities
The Postgraduate Medical Centre (PGMC) is purpose built and is located on Level 5 of Kingston Surgical Centre.
Stenhouse Library is located on Level 5 of Kingston Surgical Centre and is open Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm, with 24-hour access to a Study Room.
The centre has audio-visual facilities. There are two Lecture Theatres which can be opened up into one room holding up to 150 people and eight other Seminar Rooms of different sizes. All rooms have AV equipment and Smart Boards. There are also video-conference facilities available.
Members of the library can access a wealth of medical and health information from the books, journals and databases available at the facility. In addition, and to help with the needs of clinical governance and evidence based medicine, the librarians are able to:
Director of Medical Education Dr Gill McCarthy
There are three Clinical Teaching rooms – a Resuscitation room, Mock Ward and Clinical Skills room.
• conduct literature searches with you or on your behalf,
Clinical Tutor Dr Gill McCarthy
• hold workshops on database searching (eg MEDLINE, CINAHL).
Foundation Training Programme Directors Dr Vinayak Pai F1 FTPD Dr Helen Draper F2 FTPD Faculty Careers Lead Dr Chooi Lee Medical Education Manager Mrs Maggie Lydon Head of Resourcing & Medical HR Ms Veronica Grant Foundation Programme Coordinator Miss Leigh Harris
All accommodation is situated on the Hospital campus and includes 78 rooms, of which 60 are en-suite. The accommodation blocks are Averill House, Burley House and Cecil House. Averill House and Cecil House offer en-suite rooms sharing kitchen / diner facilities with 4 other bedrooms. Burley House offers 18 bedrooms in shared accommodation - 6 bedrooms per flat –with shared bathroom and kitchen / diner facilities. Charges are as follows: Burley House - £426.00* per calendar month including gas, electricity, water, Council Tax and broadband. Averill House and Cecil House - £480.00* per calendar month - including gas, electricity, water, Council Tax and broadband. We do not charge a deposit for our accommodation. Social activities Various social activities are arranged via the Doctors’ Mess, including nights out in Kingston and Wimbledon and the annual Hospital Ball.
• provide training on retrieving medical and health information from the internet,
IT facilities Kingston Hospital has an excellent IT department and provides online and telephonic support for all hospital IT needs. Kingston Hospital uses the Cerner Millennium Care Records Service solution with electronic ordering/results for Pathology and Radiology tests. In 2013 significant enhancements will be implemented providing access to clinical documents and assessments from mobile devices and medication management for prescribing and drug administration. Other facilities The Trust has an on-site staff nursery, Honey Bees Nursery which offers places for up to 81 children between 7am and 5.30pm. The Nursery is Ofsted registered and was awarded an Outstanding rating at the last inspection in 2011. The Nursery follows the Early Education Curriculum. Payment can be made via the ‘salary sacrifice scheme’. There is a tennis court in the grounds of the hospital which is available for staff use. This can be booked via the Hospital Main Reception desk.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Local amenities/ attractions Kingston Hospital is in an attractive part of Surrey and is within easy reach of Central London, Richmond Park, the river Thames, the historic Royal Borough of Kingston-upon-Thames, and open countryside. Kingston Town Centre has a large shopping area and plenty of restaurants some of which are located by the river Thames. There are two or three nightclubs and plenty of pubs and wine bars. Richmond Park is opposite the Hospital and you can get to Richmond, Ham and Roehampton through the park.
In the 2011 Dr Foster Good Hospital Guide, the Trust excelled in certain areas such as mortality rates, which shows that the hospital has one of the lowest and most improved ‘Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratios’ of NHS Trusts across the country. The guide also showed that the Trust is one of the best performing Hospitals in the country for patients who break their hip, with operations carried out quickly and patient stay in Hospital well below the national average. We are proud of our reputation as the largest single site District General Hospital with the second largest Maternity Unit in London and the Hospital’s Emergency Department is one of the busiest in the country seeing over 110,000 patients per year.
Educational and clinical supervision Each rotation has an overall Educational Supervisor and each placement within the rotation has a Clinical Supervisor. All supervisors have received appropriate training and education and are approved assessors for supervised learning events (DOPS, mini-CEX and CbD).
Any additional information
Teaching programme In addition to departmental teaching, F1 trainees receive 2-hours bleep free teaching per week covering an extensive range of topics and F2s attend 5 Study Days. All trainees have opportunities to develop their teaching skills through peer teaching which is formally assessed by Educational Supervisors.
Transport links Transport and travel information is available on the Trust website. Parking arrangements A managed car parking scheme operates at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust. The number of car parking spaces on site is limited by planning consent. There are two main types of staff permit available: Red Permits and Yellow Permits. Red Permits allow access to the Essential Users Car Parks and are available to staff who undertake three or more off-site commitments per week. Yellow Permits are available for staff living more than 45 minutes from the hospital by public transport (according to Transport for London website). Daily parking permits are also available for occasional use. Terms and conditions of employment http://www.nhsemployers.org/ SiteCollectionDocuments/Doctors_training_ model_contract_2007_cd_160209.doc Accolades/achievements of the trust In 2012, the Trust was named a CHKS top 40 hospital for the twelfth year running. The award criteria is based on the evaluation of 23 key performance indicators covering safety, clinical effectiveness, health outcomes, efficiency, patient experience, quality of care and celebrates excellence in healthcare.
ILS and ALERT training for F1s takes place on the Monday and Tuesday immediately prior to the F2 and Specialty Trainee intake (ALS training will replace ILS training from August 2013). F2s attend a Hospital Induction on their first day, including training on the use of the Care Record System (CRS). A half-day Foundation Induction with the Foundation Training Programme Director takes place on the morning of the following day.
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust is approximately 12 miles from central London and provides a full range of diagnostic and treatment services to approximately 320,000 people on behalf of commissioners within South West London and North Surrey. We have approximately 473 beds and directly employ around 2,700 across all groups including nursing and midwifery, medical and dental, administrative and clerical, ancillary and management. The Trust has a set of shared values and behaviours – to be caring, safe and responsible, and to value each other. We aim to make these values ‘what we do’ - to inspire, develop and support every one of us to live our values; every patient, every colleague, everyday. These values are about us all helping each other to deliver great patient experience more consistently - involving people who use our services, their families, carers, staff and partners in continuing to improve the experience people have using and delivering our services.
Foundation programme specific information Induction/ shadowing arrangements F1s are required to complete a 4-day paid shadowing placement in the last week of July, paid at the rate of £375 per 4-day placement (price correct at July 12). The placement includes time shadowing the outgoing F1, training on the use of the Care Record System (CRS), a full-day Hospital Induction and a half-day Foundation Induction with the Foundation Training Programme Director.
Tasters Guidance about arranging a taster is provided to foundation trainees as part of their Foundation Induction information. All trainees are strongly encouraged to arrange a taster in a specialty of their choice. Simulation The Trust has an established state of the art Simulation Centre and has been successfully providing simulation training for foundation trainees since 2010. All foundation trainees are required to attend a Simulation Training day. Training takes place in the Simulation Suite, located on Level 5 of Kingston Surgical Centre. Foundation doctor forums Both F1 and F2 doctors choose two representatives at the beginning of their rotation. Representatives attend Foundation Faculty Group Meetings on a quarterly basis and also any Trust Educational Faculty meetings. Foundation Trainees are able to express their views and/or suggestions for improvement via the annual National GMC Survey and also through local Trust surveys.
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
University Hospital Lewisham Address: Lewisham High Street, Lewisham, London, SE13 6LH Trust Switchboard Tel No: 020 8333 3000 Trust web site: www.lewisham.nhs.uk
Key Individuals Director of Medical Education Dr Mehool Patel Associate Clinical Tutor Dr John Stroobant Foundation Training Programme Directors Dr Mehool Patel Dr John Stroobant Careers Tutor Dr Mehool Patel Medical Education Manager Mrs Anne Ellis Medical Staffing Manager Mrs Anne Ellis Foundation Programme Administrators Annette Cooke Katie Cleary Giles Bartlett Laura Smith
Overview of Trust Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at: http://www.stfs.org.uk/trusts/ lewisham-healthcare-nhs-trust
Facilities Postgraduate centre The postgraduate centre is situated in the Education Centre and shares an office with Medical Staffing. The Postgraduate Medical Education department has overall responsibility for ensuring the provision of education and training for postgraduate doctors. The Trust continues to meet the educational standards set by the GMC and London Deanery. We have made a major commitment to the development of Research and Education. The Trust has a highly dedicated Director of Medical Education and Education Team which supports the learning needs of all medical staff. We aim to provide a consistent, reliable high quality administrative service within the trust. On-going medical education activities have included comprehensive induction, career counselling, Deanery and College supported educational supervision and assessment provision of an ‘information supported’ learning environment. The Foundation Programme at Lewisham has an excellent reputation and we continue to attract high calibre trainees at F1 and F2 levels. The innovative education week for F2 trainees once again registered over 95% attendance and this model is being copied by other Trusts. We have on site Clinical Skills laboratory and Resuscitation Training facilities which is housed in our state of the art new Simulation Suite Accommodation No on or off site accommodation.
Doctors’ mess The Drs mess is located close to the Staff Restaurant. It has a wide-screen television with access to Sky, comfortable sofas and 4 wall mounted computers. Tea and coffee facilities are all provided. Library facilities The library is located in the Education Centre. We have a wide range of e-journals and books and several online exam revision packages. We provide critical awareness and database training and support all aspects of research and learning both in the workplace and in the library. IT facilities The Learning Resource Centre houses 16 computers with internet access. There are allocated rooms in each specialty/dept, which provide great IT facilities only accessible to doctors. Other facilities On site bar – The Lewi Club holds many social events throughout the year. Mess parties are often held there opening hours are Monday to Friday 10am to 11pm - drinks are inexpensive. Also there is the Ravensbourne Restaurant on site which serves excellent hot food at reasonable prices. Lockers available to all juniors. Allocated bike storage area within the trust. We also have an onsite Nursery.
Social activities Outside of hours there is a lively and vibrant social network including a Christmas and Summer Ball organised by F1 Mess President. Five a side football and many other social events.
Local amenities/ attractions Located 12 minutes train ride from London Bridge. Plenty of local attractions walking distance to/ from Lewisham DLR. Blackheath Village and Greenwich Park are tourist areas.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Transport links
Any additional information
Bus routes to Lewisham High Street from: Brixton P4, Canada Water 199, Deptford 47, West Croydon/Blackheath 54, Grove Park Cemetery 284, Croydon Via Sydenham 75, Crystal Palace/ Plumstead 122, Peckham/Grove Park 136, Victoria 185, Orpington via Bromley 208, Camberwell 484.
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust is a very busy inner-London Acute District General Hospital. It is a university teaching hospital, and has recently merged to become one of the first trusts in the country to have both acute and community services under one trust. This merger has provided a unique opportunity of introducing innovative training opportunities combing community placements/rotations. Undergraduates from the Kings College London School of Medicine are regularly assigned to Lewisham which is designated as their 4th campus site. There are approximately 500 beds including a well-equipped 12-bedded ITU/HDU, a 5 bedded Cardiac Care Unit and a 46 bed Medical Admissions Unit with its own monitored beds. The hospital has 8 main operating theatres, a day surgery unit. In November 2006 a new 6-storey state of the art medical and surgical ward area opened (Riverside Building) which includes 4 of the Trust’s Theatres as part of the Riverside Treatment Centre (RTC). The RTC has enabled the Trust to physically separate Elective and Emergency Surgery.
The Career Taster Week gives you a week to experience a different specialty and hospital.
Trains run from Charing Cross and London Bridge to Ladywell Station on the Hayes line. This is then a 5 minute walk to the hospital and is sign posted from the park. Victoria, Cannon Street, Charing Cross and London Bridge trains run to Lewisham station through to all areas of Kent. This is 10 minute walk to the hospital or a short bus ride. Parking arrangements Limited parking available. Accolades/achievements of the trust The pastoral support provided to Foundation trainees within the postgraduate department is among the best in London. The co-location of the medical staffing department and the postgraduate department allows an excellent level of communication and co-operation between the two departments. This allows rota co-ordination with teaching and training opportunities making it easier than it might otherwise be. The innovative week-long foundation teaching programme for Fy2 has consistently received excellent feedback. The hospital at night team was recently awarded excellent ratings by NHS London. Terms and conditions of employment We adhere to current Medical and Dental Terms and conditions.
The Radiology Department offers a full range of services including MRI, CT, Interventional Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. Comprehensive Pathology services are available on site with consultants in each specialty.
Simulation We have a state of the art clinical simulation centre which is set up to replicate an acute care NHS environment, providing realistic clinical facilities for all healthcare professionals. This multi-professional training facility comprises a mock theatre area, a ward area, and a maternity suite, and is home to a large family of sophisticated, life-size medical manikins that can mimic the acutely ill adult and child. They can talk, breath, bleed, blink and cry and even give birth! The centre provides training for a wide range of healthcare professionals studying our programmes. Our showcase of patient simulators includes adults, pregnant women, children and babies, providing students with an authentic clinical experience. Every room in the centre is equipped with state of the art audiovisual recording equipment and clinical scenarios which can be recorded for debriefing and to give candidates an opportunity to reflect on their performance. Foundation doctor forums
Foundation programme specific information Induction/ shadowing arrangements Shadowing/ Induction takes place in the prior to commencement of employment. This is vital in order to cover Mandatory and statutory training requirements set out by the London Deanery and STFS. Educational and clinical supervision In accordance with deanery recommendation, there is a single ES for the whole year for each trainee, with CS for each post.
Lewisham has run foundation doctor forums for the last five years. During these sessions discussions centre on issues of training and service provision. The foundation doctor representative also attends the foundation faculty meetings three times a year. Any additional information The trust has recently merged to become one of the first trusts in the country to have both acute and community services under one trust. This merger will provide a unique opportunity of introducing innovative training opportunities in future, whereby community placements/ rotations will be possible.
Teaching programme The teaching programme covers the Foundation Curriculum.
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Maidstone Hospital
Overview of Trust
Address: Hermitage Lane, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 9QQ
Doctors’ mess The Doctors’ Mess, just off the main hospital corridor, has a sitting room, a quiet room, a games room, a kitchen and a small number of bedrooms for those needing to rest overnight or in the morning after a shift. Library facilities
Trust Switchboard Tel No: 01622 729000
We have a comprehensive and highly rated library, with 24 hour/day access, based in the Academic Centre.
Trust web site: www.mtw.nhs.uk
Key Individuals Director of Medical Education Dr Garth Sommerville Clinical Tutor Dr Chris Thom Foundation Training Programme Director Dr Chris Thom Careers Tutor Mr Akbar Soorma Medical Education Manager Mrs Celia Cusworth Medical Staffing Manager Ms Ekua Sam Foundation Programme Administrators Mrs Sheena Harris
IT facilities Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust provides secondary care to roughly half a million people in West Kent & East Sussex. Its two main hospitals are Maidstone, situated in Kent’s county town and the Tunbridge Wells Hospital at Pembury, some 18 miles away. Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at: http://www.stfs.org.uk/trusts/ maidstone-and-tunbridge-wells-nhs-trust
Facilities Postgraduate centre: The Robert Hardwick Postgraduate Centre is situated within the Academic Centre at the front of the hospital site. We think it to be one of the best designed and equipped postgraduate centres in the region. Facilities include a 150 seat lecture theatre, eaching rooms, our simulation suite, a dining room and the Centre offices. Accommodation Single accommodation is available for Foundation trainees in shared flats, just 5 minutes walk from the hospital. Social activities We have an active doctors’ mess that arranges a number of social activities through the year, including a summer ball. There are activities specifically for Foundation trainees during induction and the early part of the year. The hospital Film Society organises regular film showings in the Postgraduate Centre.
Internet access is available from the library, our Internet café in the Academic centre, the mess and all wards and departments. Other facilities There are several take-aways and a supermarket immediately adjacent to the hospital. There are other shops, pubs, restaurants, gyms and leisure centres within easy reach. Local amenities/ attractions Maidstone - shopping, restaurants, theatre, cinema, night clubs. Local attractions - Leeds Castle, Chartwell, the Hop Farm, Bluewater (30 minutes) Transport links M20 Junction 5 (1 mile) Barming Station (half mile) Ebbsfleet International (30 minutes) Parking arrangements Good on-site parking for permit holders. Accolades/achievements of the Trust We have a high profile in surgical training through our International Minimal Access Centre for Surgery (IMACS). Terms and conditions of employment National terms and conditions, EWTR compliant rotas Any additional information We’re a relaxed and friendly lot!
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Foundation programme specific information Induction/ shadowing arrangements Minimum of 5 days paid shadowing/induction for the new F1 trainees, with the option of a longer period of unpaid shadowing. First day induction programme for new F2 trainees.
Tasters We encourage F2 trainees and F1 trainees in their final post to take tasters in whatever field they are interested in. We can provide a wide range of tasters in-house and can facilitate tasters at other centres when necessary. Simulation On-site simulation experience is provided to all Foundation trainees.
Educational and clinical supervision Named educational and clinical supervisors QUESP trained - for all trainees in all posts.
Foundation doctor forums
Teaching programme
Junior Doctors’ Forum meeting every 2 - 3 months. Active trainees’ representation on the Foundation Faculty Group.
We have 27 F1 trainees based at Maidstone Hospital, all doing three 4-month posts.
Any additional information
Everyone does at least 4 months in general medicine and 4 months surgery The surgical post involves time at Tunbridge Wells Hospital, which is the Trust’s centre for emergency surgery. The third 4 month period may be in acute medicine, cardiology, , stroke medicine, elderly care, psychiatry or anaesthetics/ITU. We have a very active programme of generic and specialty teaching for all lunchtime sessions per week (with lunch provided), during which we cover a wide range of topics in the Foundation curriculum. We strongly encourage Foundation trainees to present at our grand rounds and other educational sessions.
The great majority of feedback from previous cohorts of Foundation trainees has been positive.
We also have 27 Maidstone- based F2 trainees. All spend 4 months in our A&E department. Nearly half do a GP post. . The other specialties in the rotation are: general medicine, haematology, paediatrics, orthopaedics & trauma, ophthalmology and psychiatry. Trainees in paediatrics and orthopaedics & trauma will be based in Tunbridge Wells. Our F2 education programme takes the form of a weekly half day on a Thursday afternoon, attended by all available F2s (including those based in Tunbridge Wells). These half days include lectures, interactive seminars and practical sessions. F2 days are supported to do ALS and other relevant training both within and outside the Trust.
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Tunbridge Wells Hospital at Pembury Address: Tonbridge Road, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 4QJ Trust Switchboard Tel No: 0845 155 1000 Trust web site: www.mtw.nhs.uk
Overview of Trust Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at: http://www.stfs.org.uk/trusts/ maidstone-and-tunbridge-wells-nhs-trust
Facilities Postgraduate centre The Education & Training Centre is the hub of the hospital as far as the Trainees are concerned and we pride ourselves in the way we look after our Trainees. Our brand new Centre provides quality space and equipment for teaching, simulation training and meetings and friendly staff are active in sending teaching reminders and monitoring ePortfolio progress.
Clinical Tutor Dr Paul Reynolds Foundation Training Programme Directors Dr Paul Reynolds Dr Masud Haq
Medical Staffing Manager Ms Ekua Sam Foundation Programme Administrator Mrs Cherry Taylor
Accommodation Accommodation is available for all our F1 doctors. Communal living creates a great atmosphere among fellow F1s who often make friends for life. Social activities Outside of work there is a vibrant social life including ‘Pay Day’ themed outings and other regular mess nights organised by F1s. Trainees also organise the Winter and Summer Ball, Christmas Revue and annual cricket match against the Consultants. Previous years’ FY trainees often hold reunion weekends back in Tunbridge Wells.
The Junior Doctors mess has two presidents and they delegate the important functions to the F1s (including activities listed above).
Trainees are actively involved in all decision making on resources. Friendly staff provide Tailored Knowledge Services and are highly responsive to trainee needs. IT facilities Modern IT facilities throughout the Hospital and 24/7 internet access available in the Library. Other facilities
Local amenities/ attractions
Doctors’ mess
New PFI Hospital at Pembury
Free use of online revision packages including ‘OnExamination’.
Medical Humanities: Trainees can attend monthly Book Club on site and Film Club in Maidstone Academic Centre. Monthly showings are based on trainee’s suggestions.
Director of Medical Education Dr Garth Sommerville
Strategic Medical Education Manager Mrs Chris White
There is 24/7 access to the Library, situated in the Education & Training Centre providing access to traditional (textbooks, journals, search skills training) and internet-based resources (e-journals, e-books, Up To Date, Netvibes).
State of the art Simulation facilities - Sim man 3G, 2 Paediatric sims (child and baby) and a ‘Sim Mum’, Clinical skills rooms, Pods and Wet Lab for use in training.
Key Individuals
Careers Tutor Miss Ruth Lloyd
Library facilities
Royal Tunbridge Wells (an old Royal Spa town) is renowned for its superb range of high street and boutique shops, restaurants, cafes, pubs and bars. Three theatres mean access to regular plays, dance and comedy performances. There is easy access to the gym, cinema, bowling and many retail outlets at Knights Park Leisure Complex. Tesco supermarket is only 10 minutes’ walk away and there is a Costa Coffee and W H Smiths located within the hospital. The hospital is situated in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty with plenty of opportunities to walk, boat and bike ride including Bewl Water Lake, The Hop farm and a number of vineyards, castles, gardens and stately homes. Transport links The Tunbridge Wells Hospital (TWH) is situated in Kent, three miles from the centre of Royal Tunbridge Wells with regular buses running to and from the town centre. Direct trains run from Tunbridge Wells to London Charing X and London Bridge in under an hour. You can also catch the bus directly to Brighton in 1hr 30min. It is 15 minutes from the M25. With excellent transport links, Tunbridge Wells lies within easy reach of the South Coast, Gatwick Airport and the Channel Tunnel.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Parking arrangements Parking permits are available for on-site parking. Accolades/achievements of the trust Our brand new, state of the art hospital which opened in Sept 2011 is the only all single room NHS hospital in the country. Inpatients have individual en suite rooms, many with spectacular views overlooking the nearby woodland. All the rooms have patient-controlled temperature systems, solar control glass windows, and flat screen TVs. All this amounts to the most effective infection control, shorter hospital stays and happier, healthier patients.
Foundation programme specific information Induction/ shadowing arrangements F1 trainees join the Trust for a week of induction and shadowing prior to joining the wards on the first Wednesday in August. Educational and clinical supervision
The Trust is a leader in laparoscopic surgery with the world class IMACS Training Centre located in the Maidstone Academic Centre.
Every trainee has an educational supervisor, who oversees their progress through their rotation and a clinical supervisor in each attachment. Every trainee is formally assessed through the Faculty Meetings that occur three times a year with formal or informal feedback as appropriate. All educational supervisors undertake the KSS Deanery Qualified Educational Supervisor Programme.
Dedicated centre for trauma and orthopaedic surgery at TWH.
Teaching programme
Dedicated centre for women’s and children’s care at TWH with a new £2.7million birthing centre and Paediatric assessment unit at Maidstone.
We are a friendly DGH looking after 30 F1 and 27 F2 Trainees from South Thames Foundation School. We have an established Foundation Teaching programme as we were one of the pilot Trusts for both F1s and F2s.
Terms and conditions of employment
The Foundation Year 1 programme is directed by Dr Paul Reynolds. There are:
Junior doctors are employed under national terms and conditions. Full terms and conditions available at http://www.nhsemployers.org/ PayAndContracts/MedicalandDentalContracts/ JuniorDoctorsDentistsGPReg/Pages/ DoctorsInTraining-JuniorDoctorsTermsAndCon ditions150908.aspx Any additional information The Trust serves a population of around half a million people. Our hospitals offer an extremely friendly learning environment which ensures that you are exposed to all aspects of Acute Medicine and Acute Surgery. Our EWTD compliant rotas are designed to offer you a broad based learning experience. The fact that many medical students and junior doctors have returned to the Hospital as part of their further training is a testament to the way we treat junior staff here.
- 10 posts in General Surgery
The Foundation Year 2 programme is directed by Dr Masud Haq. There are: - 4 posts in Medicine - 6 in Trauma & Orthopaedics - 2 in Otolaryngology (ENT) - 4 in Emergency Medicine. - 2 Obstetrics & Gynaecology - 2 Paediatrics posts - 5 posts in General Practice based in and around Tunbridge Wells - 2 posts in Psychiatry based at Maidstone and Sevenoaks, seconded to the Kent & Medway NHS & Social Care Partnership Trust. Protected teaching occurs on Monday afternoons. F2 trainees are welcome to attend the Radiology teaching at Monday lunchtime. Other teaching opportunities are available in each of the departments and a list of these activities will be available on the intranet. In addition to this, Medical Grand Round occurs weekly on Thursday lunchtimes and Clinical Governance sessions are arranged for each month. Tasters We offer a number of Taster Week timetables in various specialties throughout the Trust.
- 2 in Trauma & Orthopaedics - 2 in Anaesthetics
- 15 in Medicine, all offering Acute Medicine with links to:
Simulation has a high profile within the Trust and has had significant investment. Dedicated Simulation Faculty responsible for running compulsory training sessions for all FY trainees, receiving excellent feedback from current trainees. There are Clinical Skills labs and a dedicated Simulation training room.
- Cardiology, Respiratory Medicine, Gastroenterology - Diabetes and Endocrinology, Stroke Medicine and Acute - Care of the Elderly - 1 post in Psychiatry based at Maidstone and Pembury with the Kent & Medway NHS & Social Care Partnership Trust. We organise an Alert Course and a social event on the weekend before starting for the F1s. There is protected teaching time at lunchtime on Wednesdays and Fridays and Radiology teaching on Monday lunchtime.
Foundation doctor forums There is a quarterly Junior Doctors Forum where issues affecting trainees can be discussed with representatives from Estates, Security, IT and HR. Any additional information Spacious single rooms and large windows overlooking beautiful forest scenery create a relaxing atmosphere for staff and patients. New trainees will be among the first to work in this world class hospital and see the real benefits that this huge investment has made to patients.
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Medway Maritime Hospital
Overview of Trust
Address: Windmill Road, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 5NY Switchboard Telephone Number: 01634 830000 Website: www.medway.nhs.uk
Key Individuals Director of Medical Education Dr Bov Jani Clinical Tutor Dr Naser Ben-Ramadan Foundation Training Programme Directors Dr Marietta Higgs, Foundation Programme Director Miss Sharon Griffin F1 Lead Dr Marietta Higgs F2 Lead Careers Tutor Dr Bov Jani Medical Education Manager Ms Lynne Russell Medical Staffing Manager Mrs Sue Ahmad Foundation Programme Administrator Vanessa Davis
Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at: http://www.stfs.org.uk/trusts/ medway-nhs-foundation-trust
Facilities Postgraduate centre The Postgraduate Centre and Library are located adjacent to the Hospital. The Medical Education Department is located in the Postgraduate Centre and the DME and Foundation Leads can be contacted there. You will be assured of a warm welcome and supportive staff. The Simulation Suite has a dedicated area for both adult and paediatric simulation, as well as a communication skills room. HR is also located in the building. Accommodation Accommodation is available at a competitive rate. The Staff Residence Manager, who can be contacted on 01634 830000 ext. 3830, will be happy to discuss accommodation and charges. There is a good supply of rental properties locally, should you wish to rent off site. Social activities There is a very active social programme arranged by the Doctors’ mess. There is an onsite Social Club open Monday to Friday 7pm to 11pm, where the drinks are inexpensive.
Doctors’ mess Hidden behind an unmarked door, opposite the chapel, you will find the doctors’ mess. It has Sky TV, comfortable sofas and computers. There are lockers and a pool table and plenty of tea and coffee making facilities plus a toaster for the all important toast, without which a hospital would not run. The notice boards hold information on all important Mess nights out, including the Summer and Christmas Grand Balls. Mess parties are often held on-site, in the Social Club. The role of Mess President is usually held by a Foundation Trainee. Library facilities The Library is housed within the Postgraduate Centre and is open from 8.30 am to 9pm, Monday to Friday, where you will find the friendly library team ready to help you. There is access to a wide range of educational resources, with an extensive, multi-professional collection of books and journals to support your learning. IT facilities Computers with internet access are available across most of the Trust, including several workstations in the Library. Parts of the Centre are wireless and laptops are available for use within this area. Other facilities The Medway NHS Foundation Trust, at Medway Maritime Hospital, is located in Gillingham, Kent, one of the towns on the banks of the River Medway known collectively as the Medway Towns. Medway Maritime Hospital is the largest and busiest in Kent, employs over 3,550 staff and serves an increasing population of over 370,000 in the Medway and Swale areas of the county. Medway is characterised by a highly populated urban area around the River Medway estuary, to the north and west of which lie substantial rural areas. Medway is also part of the Thames Gateway, a national priority area for regeneration and growth. The Medway towns include several areas of high social deprivation – consequently, health needs are higher here than in other parts of Kent.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Medway Maritime Hospital was originally a Royal Naval Hospital, opened by King Edward VII in 1905. The Hospital cost £800,00 and the hospital clock tower, a local landmark cost £100 and was built from funds left over from the plastering budget from the main hospital building. Over 100 years later it has become: The largest single hospital in Kent First Foundation Trust in Kent Has an annual turnover of circa £215 million Sees 430,000 patients per annum Has 720 beds.
Accolades/achievements of the trust Medway NHS Foundation Trust takes pride in its reputation as a hardworking and friendly environment to train and work in. It was one of the first Trusts in the country to achieve Practice Plus status for Improving Working Lives and has developed clear vision and values to ensure that it is the first choice for patients and staff. The Foundation Faculty was recognised for its achievements working and supporting Trainees in Difficulty.
Foundation programme specific information Induction/shadowing arrangements Shadowing will be undertaken, as part of the week long induction, held at the end of July. Educational and clinical supervision The name of your educational and clinical supervisors for the entire programme will be made known to you at induction. All educational supervisors have been trained for the role Teaching programme
Local amenities/ attractions
There is a dedicated weekly teaching programme for both F1 and F2 and many excellent learning opportunities in specialties. You are actively encouraged to make the most of the opportunities available.
Many of our doctors commute from London and the M25 corridor, but there is a wealth of history in Rochester and the historic Chatham Dockyard. Rochester is very popular for eating out and nearby Maidstone has many clubs and bars for an exciting night out. We are only 20 minutes by road from Bluewater, the second largest shopping centre in the UK, which also houses bars, restaurants and a full Cineplex.
Tasters Maximum of 5 days may be taken in the last 4 months of the F1 year and deducted from the allocation in F2. Terms and conditions of employment National Health Service Hospital Medical & Dental Staff and Doctors in Public Health Medicine and Community Health Service (England and Wales) Terms and Conditions of Service.
Any additional information
Foundation doctor forums
The Trust offers a full range of acute hospital services, plus: - Regional neonatal service and transport Transport links
- Sub-regional vascular surgery centre
45 minutes by train from Victoria, 50 minutes on a fast service from London Bridge and 35 from St Pancras.
- Sub-regional urology cancer centre
20 minutes from Ebbsfleet International and fast links to the continent.
- Sub-regional dermatology centre
There is a dedicated simulation area in the Postgraduate Centre, with separate areas for adult, child and newborn and includes a Communication Skills room.
You will choose a F1 and F2 Representative to support the Local Faculty Group and represent your views at these meetings. They will canvas your views by holding a forum three times a year, (sometimes electronically), before the Local Faculty Group Meetings in November, March and June.
- Specialist spinal surgery service - Specialist fetal medicine service
Any additional information
Easy access to A2, M2, M25 and M20.
- Cardiac catheter suite
Parking arrangements
The Trust is committed to training and has links to local Higher Education Institutions. As an associated teaching hospital we welcome medical students from King’s College London Medical School, Brighton and Imperial College. You will have the opportunity to participate in their teaching if they are allocated to your team.
The Medical Education Department is located on the ground floor of the Postgraduate Centre and the DME and Foundation Leads can be contacted there.
Parking permit applications will be included in your starter pack from Medical Staffing and payment will be deducted from your monthly salary.
- Macmillan Cancer Care Unit
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital Address: Egerton Road, Guildford, GU2 7XX Trust Switchboard Tel No: 01483 571122 x 4378/6494 Trust web site: www.royalsurrey.nhs.uk
Key Individuals
Overview of Trust Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at: http://www.stfs.org.uk/trusts/royalsurrey-county-hospital-nhs-trust
IT facilities • 9 networked PCs in the Learning Resource Centre plus a further 8 with external broadband access. Other facilities The Surrey Sports park is located nearby.
Postgraduate centre
Local amenities/ attractions
The Education Centre is on site and houses a library with 24-hour access and a simulation suite for clinical teaching and a communication skills room which is recognised as a centre of excellence for simulation by KSS. Accommodation Several types of accommodation are available
Living in Guildford and Surrey Guildford and the surrounding area is a great place to live. It is a busy city, and only 35 minutes from London by train. Guildford has all the amenities that you could need - great shopping, outstanding schools, extensive sports and leisure facilities, good restaurants, multiscreen cinema in the town centre and access to beautiful countryside.
Director of Medical Education Dr Helen Wilson/Dr C Humphrys
Refer to www.A2dominion.co.uk for up to date prices info and prices.
Clinical Tutor n/a
Local accommodation may also be found in www.gumtree.com or www.easyroomate.co.uk
Foundation Training Programme Directors Miss Julie Kohls-Gatzoulis (F1) Dr Shilpa Gajjar (F2)
Social activities There is a social club on site.
More information about living in Surrey can be found on Surrey County Council’s website.
Careers Tutor Mrs Louise Duffield
Doctors’ mess
Transport links
Medical Education Manager Mrs Louise Duffield Medical Staffing Manager Mrs Ali Littlewood Foundation Programme Administrators Ms Karen Heynike (F1) Mrs Tracey Cookman (F2)
There is an active Doctors mess which is usually run by the F1s. The current mess holds regular mess event and this year includes a Summer Ball. Library facilities • 24 hour access to the library and PCs • WIFI • Helpful library staff available to assist Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm • Seminar room available to book for group study / journal clubs • Access to full text electronic journals via Athens plus a range of print journals • Good range of core textbooks available for loan • Fast and efficient inter-library loan service for items not held by the library • Looking for the latest evidence and information? Use our literature searching service and let us find it for you • Want to update and improve your searching skills? The library team provides full training in the effective use of medical databases and e-journals. • Located within the Education Centre. • Visit: www.libraryroyalsurrey.nhs.uk for more information or email: rsc-tr.library@nhs.net
Around Guildford you will find some of the most attractive villages in the South East, providing an alternative to the city life. The Royal Surrey is only 10 minutes by bus from Guildford train station and a 30 minute walk.
The city is located just off the A3 and is only 15 minutes from the M25 (J10) and 45 minutes from the south coast. Parking arrangements On-site parking permits can be applied for. Accolades/achievements of the trust The Royal Surrey County Hospital is a leading District General Hospital and specialist tertiary centre for cancer, ENT, oral and maxillo-facial surgery and pathology. The hospital serves a population of 320,000 for emergency and general hospital services and is the lead specialist centre for cancer patients in Surrey, West Sussex and Hampshire, serving a population of 1.2 million. Our annual income is £180 million and we have 528 beds and 14 operating theatres. We employ 3,300 staff, making us the second largest employer in Guildford. We have very close links with the University of Surrey and have an extensive education, training and research portfolio. The trust is a national leader in surgical training and laparoscopic surgery and a national and international training centre for complex, minimal access surgery.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
The Royal Surrey is closely associated with the world renowned Minimal Access Training Unit (MATTU) where a large number of surgical consultants hold honorary positions. Subsequently the Royal Surrey boasts of amongst the most advanced laparoscopic surgery and provides ample opportunity for interesting cases. Patients at the Royal Surrey also benefit from state of the art diagnostic equipment and one of the lowest mortality rates in the country. Terms and conditions of employment The post is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Service of Hospital Medical and Dental staff as modified from time to time. Current copies of these Terms and Conditions may be seen in the HR Office. All staff appointments are made subject to the receipt of satisfactory references and all initial appointments to the national health service are made subject to satisfactory medical and police clearance being produced. A medical examination may be necessary on initial appointment and periodically thereafter. Any additional information
Foundation programme specific information Induction/ shadowing arrangements We organise a Professional Practice Week/ Induction for F1 doctors. All FY2 doctors are invited to meet the Foundation Programme Director prior to their start date. Educational and clinical supervision The Education Supervisor who is also your clinical supervisor for your first attachment who will have responsibility for your education throughout the year. They will agree your personal development plan, discuss career progression and make recommendation to the Faculty with regard to sign off. In addition you will also be supported by a clinical supervisor as you rotate through your attachments who will be responsible for your teaching and supervision whist you are on their firm.
The Royal Surrey County Hospital is a district general hospital with a few differences.
Teaching programme
It has a tertiary referral cancer centre (St. Lukes) providing care for patients from a large catchment area. Many surgical firms also offer complex surgery to patients from a wide area. There is an efficient, well run A&E department with separate medical and surgical assessment units. Stroke services include an acute stroke unit and 24/7 thrombolysis.
In August 2013, there will be 31 F1 posts rotating through medical and surgical specialties. The majority of posts comprise four three main placements to maximise exposure to different specialties. There will be 33 F2 posts. These comprise three four months posts. We have been able to accommodate changes to these rotations with internal swaps where educationally appropriate.
There are strong links with University of Surrey supporting academic excellence. The foundation team is well established having worked together for more than five years. There are strong links with South Thames Foundation School and other local Trusts.
F1 Doctors
The F1 rota is EWTD compliant for 2012. The rota is consistent in all specialties across medicine and surgery and is based on a continuous fifteen week cycle rotating throughout the year. The rota includes acute weeks, where the F1 doctor is on call and nonacute weeks where they are ward-based.
“The Royal Surrey is a lovely place to work. Everybody’s really friendly and genuinely approachable. As an F1 you get a lot of good on-call experience. Nights and weekends are scary at first, but you learn a lot.” Louise Cripps, F1 doctor at Royal Surrey County Hospital. F2 Doctors Study leave entitlement is usually 10 days but is more in some specialties with fixed rotas which include choice weeks. F2 doctors are encouraged to use this time to complete ALS and then to focus on career choice and developing their portfolios. All F2 doctors have 2-3 individual career meetings with the Foundation director and Careers Lead for the Trust. The rotas and banding for F2 doctors varies between specialties. Tasters All FY1 doctors in both Medicine and Surgery will have a taster week towards the end of their year. The aim of this is to help make a career decision.
In the F1 programme we adopt a variety of learning approaches. These include ward based clinical teaching, exposure to outpatients and theatres, group learning, private study, simulation, reflective practice, audit projects as well as regular weekly teaching.
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital (continued)
Simulation Here at the RSCH Medical Education Centre we have over the past few years built and developed MediSim, a purpose built facility for the delivery of full immersion simulation and a KSS Deanery centre of excellence. As a Foundation Programme doctor access to simulation takes place on a regular basis throughout the year. For FY1 trainees 6 sessions are available through the year, giving a total of 9hrs of individual involvement in simulation covering 12 Scenarios. All the scenarios have been developed and mapped to the curriculum and look at many different areas of practice in the first 2 years of training. These simulation sessions are aimed at assisting the on-going development of the trainee doctor at all levels, from communication and practical skills to management and leadership. For FY2 doctors there is also the opportunity to be involved in the Faculty for the creation, implementation and delivery of simulation scenarios for FY1 doctors and medical students. In 2011 we introduced specialty simulation days to give FY2 the chance to prepare for the application process by spending a day in simulation for their chosen specialty. We also organise two generic half days of simulation. All FY1 and FY2 doctors also have the chance to be involved in various multi-disciplinary simulation sessions that are also run on a number of occasions through the year and again involve many different areas of practice. Such sessions include trauma days and “on the ward” resuscitation. Reflection and teaching session post simulation are very relaxed and aim to give 360°feedback, as well as practical advice. “Very good. The last simulation scenario I did (asthma) helped me get prompter ITU involvement in A&E afterwards.” - FY2 “Good relaxed atmosphere. Able to ask questions freely. Good range of scenarios.” FY1 “Very useful! Great way of learning about your own practice.” - FY1
Foundation doctor forums There are weekly medical journal club breakfast meetings which our Foundation Doctors are invited to attend if appropriate. We also organise surgical teaching for those with an interest in applying for surgical training. We encourage our Foundation doctors to meet with medical students and get involved with teaching and simulation training. The Foundation Faculty Group has 4 trainee reps on the committee and their role is to gather opinions and suggestions from their colleagues to be shared at the foundation group meetings. Each month we organise education half days with a medical director’s hour which gives doctors the opportunity to meet and learn in their teams. Any additional information The foundation team is well established having worked together for more than three years. There are strong links with South Thames Foundation School and other local Trusts.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Princess Royal University Hospital & Queen Mary’s Hospital Addresses: QEH - Stadium Rd, Woolwich London SE18 4QH PRUH - Farnborough Common, Orpington, BR6 8ND QMS - Frognal Ave, Sidcup, DA14 6LT Switchboard Telephone Numbers: QEH - 020 8836 6000 PRUH - 01689 863000 QMS - 020 8302 2678 Website: www.slh.nhs.uk
22 24
Overview of Trust South London Healthcare NHS Trust is the product of the merger of three smaller hospital trusts - Queen Mary’s Sidcup NHS Trust (QMS), Queen Elizabeth Hospital NHS Trust (QEH) and Bromley Hospitals NHS Trust (BHT) just over 2 years ago - to create a single hospital on several sites. Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at http://www.stfs.org.uk/trusts/southlondon-healthcare-nhs-trust
Facilities Postgraduate centre All the Education Centers on each of the sites provide a wide range of excellent high quality learning facilities for both medical and nonmedical staff. All have well equipped lecture theatres with the latest technology, which is replicated in other rooms on each of their sites that are used for the purposes of education and learning. As a result of a London Deanery Initiative (STeLHi) Simulation and Clinical Skills Learning Environments have been developed on all 3 sites. Offering Foundation Simulation Programmes, CMT Programmes, Regional Paediatric programmes, undergraduate simulation programmes with the portfolio of simulation packages developing all the time. From September 2011 WiFi will be available in the Education Centre on the PRUH site, Bertha James accommodation on the PRUH site and on a location yet to be confirmed on the QEH site.
Social activities The two acute sites (PRUH and QEH site) have very active doctors messes with frequent functions, parties etc planned throughout the year, include summer and winter balls, themed parties, etc. Doctors’ mess All sites have very active Doctors messes that arrange numerous social functions from skiing trips, Balls in central London etc. Library facilities Access to full library facilities will be provided on the QEH and PRUH sites to include access to an extensive range of books, journals and e-journals. There are developed links on all sites with the regional library consortium which provides opportunities to get access to a further 20,000 books. On the QMS site a remote computer based service will be provided from Oct/Nov 2011, to include quiet study areas and access to computers. E –learning is actively encouraged on all 3 sites and there is access to computers and the internet in the libraries and in dedicated areas e.g. cyber cafés, computer labs etc. where junior doctors can access the internet, Microsoft office packages etc. Qualified will be available in the libraries and at QEH and the PRUH, there is also additional support for staff requiring training and support from an Information Skills Trainer who can do classroom as well as 1-1 training if required. Out of Hours access is available – at QEH this is done of 3 evenings a week and a Saturday. PRUH- after 5pm a key is available from security Monday to Friday and at week-ends.
Accommodation Accommodation is available on site in all 3 sites. At the PRUH there is further accommodation off site at Bertha James Court about 10 minutes by car of bus. This site is close to Bromley Town Centre and Bromley South Station (walking distance). Information re accommodation is available through contacting the relevant Education Centers. QEH- accommodation in a 9-storey building which offers great views of London on a good day of the London Eye, O2 Arena etc.
IT facilities All sites have access to dedicated PC’s during and out of working hours. QMS has computers within the doctor’s mess for their use. Other facilities QEH and QM have a nursery within close walking distance. QM has on site accommodation run by Hyde Housing with dedicated parking for those in residence.
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Princess Royal University Hospital & Queen Mary’s Hospital (continued)
Key Individuals Director of Medical Education QEH – Dr Gerald Coakley Deputy Directors of Medical Education QEH – Dr Sally Watkinson PRUH – Dr Bridget Lock QMS- Dr Liz Roberts Foundation Training Programme Directors QEH – Mr Mohammed Hammadeh/ Dr Ban Al-Saffar PRUH – Dr Mandy Selby and Dr Belinda Kessel Careers Tutors Dr Mandy Selby/Dr Hammadeh/ Dr Kessel with support from Dawn Urquhart Medical Education Manager Medical Education Managers QEH – Maxine Owen PRUH – Dawn Urquhart Medical Staffing Managers SLHT- Mr Stephen Bickle/Ms Fareeda Johnson Foundation Programme Administrators QEH – Mrs Maxine Owen/Mrs Beth Downes PRUH- Mrs Pamela Harney QMS – Mrs Beth Downes
Local amenities/ attractions Bluewater for the shopaholics is just off the A2 which can be accessed via the M25 near the Dartford Tunnel. Thurrock Shopping complex is the other side of the Dartford Tunnel.
Sim Baby, Sim NewB, Endoscopy Simulator, CVP using ultrasound, Interactive birthing simulator, Laparoscopy simulator etc.
Dover is just over an hour away via the A2 or M20, getting to Calais will be quicker than driving to Devon!!
Successful in bidding for Distributed Simulation System “Igloo” for 1 calendar year to provide simulation training for both specialty specific and inter-professional teams in such disciplines such as
Excellent travel times to London 12-15 minutes for Shopping, Theatres, etc.
- Theatres - Obstetrics
Access to London’s O2 Arena
- Surgery/urology/gynaecology/ gastroenterology/orthopaedics
The surrounding areas on all sites have good restaurants at bars etc. Transport links All sites are well served by local buses that can come and pick up on site or just outside. All have close links to the M25,A20,A21,M20, A2. Eurotunnel and the Ebbsfleet International Station are just off the M25 before the Dartford Tunnel. Access to London could not be easier not only using the buses but by train with easy access to London Victoria, Charing Cross etc. London Airports are all within good road and rail links. Parking arrangements At Induction all doctors will be asked to sign for a temporary 3 month permit- they will need to sign a form for finance approving a monthly direct debit. After the 3 months is up the new junior doctors will need to apply for a full car parking permit There is limited staff car parking on all 3 sitesstaff can apply for car parking permits through their accommodation lead in each Trust. To contact them telephone the main hospital and ask for: Barbara Whitfield- Manager Estates and Facilities – 0208 302 2678 and ask for Barbara Whitfield when prompted Accolades/achievements of the trust QEH, QMS and the PRUH all successfully bid for money from the SteLi intiative at the London Deanery to develop Simulation and Clinical Skills Labs. Continued success in bidding to the Deanery for funding to deliver and develop Foundation Simulation Programme across the QEH and PRUH sites - (this will be undertaken in collaboration with the simulation consultant leads at QMS and PRUH) using their simulation facilities as well which include Sim Man,
- Emergency departments - Foundation programme and medical students August 2011- Thought Leadership Programme will be available for new trainees following successful Training the Trainers Course and Patient Safety (Integrating Simulation into Clinical Practice) PRUH – since 2009 the Princess Royal University Hospital has been designated as a “hyper acute stroke unit” one of only 8 announced. Terms and conditions of employment Full terms and conditions available at http://www.nhsemployers.org/ PayAndContracts/MedicalandDentalContracts/ JuniorDoctorsDentistsGPReg/Pages/ DoctorsInTraining-JuniorDoctorsTermsAndCon ditions150908.aspx Any additional information The experiences of medical students (KCL, St Georges etc.) on all 3 sites is very positive and they value the learning opportunities that they had and this is reflected in the Undergraduate Visits undertaken by the medical schools and the numbers of medical students who return as Foundation Doctors. For further information on each individual Trust go to their respective websites: South London Healthcare NHS Trust http://www.slh.nhs.uk/ourhospitals.php QMH - http://www.qms.nhs.uk/Homepage.aspx PRUH - http://www.bromleyhospitals.nhs.uk/ patients/about-bromley-hospitals-trust/ourhospitals/the-princess-royal-university-hospital/ QEH - http://www.queenelizabeth.nhs.uk/ • Bromley site • Queen Elizabeth, Woolwich • Queen Mary’s, Sidcup
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Currently the Trust is mid-way through completing a review and reconfiguration of services currently: PRUH - very busy A/E, Stroke services, Acute medicine, Specialist Medicine, Surgery ( over the next year anticipated that majority of day surgery will be relocated to the QMS site),Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Maternity),Paediatrics, Chartwell Cancer Unit, Urology. Various outpatient clinics, majority of Paediatric clinics occur on the Beckenham site. The PRUH is a PFI hospital. Queen Elizabeth, Woolwich was opened as new premises on the site of the former Queen Elizabeth Military Hospital in March 2001. The new hospital was constructed and is now maintained by Meridian Hospital Co Plc. under the Government’s Private Finance Initiative. Facilities include over 520 beds, seven main theatres and two day surgery theatres, together with state of the art imaging and laboratory facilities, from which we offer a wide range of clinical services. Queen Elizabeth, Woolwich is one of the biggest employers in the London Borough of Greenwich serving a population of over 230,000 residents and this population is set to grow significantly in the coming years as a result of the Government’s planned Thames Gateway developments. Queen Mary’s, Sidcup provides excellent care to the people of Bexley and neighbouring boroughs. Under current proposals currently with the Department of Health it is expected to develop the QMS site as a Health campus predominantly managed by the South London NHS PCT Cluster. However there will be SLHT acute services retained on the site to include elective surgery, minor injuries unit, paediatric ambulatory unit etc. but such decisions have yet to be formalized and are still under consultation.
Foundation programme specific information Induction/ shadowing arrangements Opportunities for shadowing are offered at QEH QM and the PRUH, and where possible new doctors to the Trust are encouraged to take up these opportunities and we are more than happy to make the arrangements. Educational and clinical supervision A database is maintained of all educational and clinical supervisors for both Foundation and Speciality.
Teaching programme
Foundation doctor forums
Comprehensive weekly teaching programmes are established on all sites for both FY1 and FY2, from August 2011 we will be making these bleep free time.
SLHT encourages foundation doctors to contribute to, and participate in, various fora. Locally nominated representatives from the current FY year contribute to the Local Faculty Group. At school level there is the STFS Board and the STFS Advisory and Development Committee. At local level, we have the foundation committee/foundation faculty group. Additionally, there are national forums conducted by UKFPO.’
Timetables for these sessions are sent by e-mail and/or are posted on the Education Centers internet/intranet pages. All trainees are allocated an educational supervisor for the year. All Educational and Clinical Supervisors have accessed Faculty Development training to support them in their respective roles. As well as classroom based training, there are opportunities to present cases at Grand Round, Ward Rounds, Divisional training meetings, as well as having bedside teaching, journal clubs etc. Other opportunities for learning include Academic Half Days, Grand Rounds, Divisional Training Sessions as well as a pro-active in house teaching programme for all levels of staff. All sites have on-going training programmes in BLS, ILS, ALS and on some sites (EPALS) course is available. Attendance is mandatory. Induction – This is undertaken on the QEH and PRUH sites both at the beginning of their commencement in the Trust. Comprehensive local Inductions are given in-between rotations. Various IT mediums are used which include CD Roms, DVD’s, on line etc. – which can be given out to the individual trainee and/or be accessed via the Trust’s intranet/internet sites. Careers advice and information has developed on all sites for trainees in collaboration with the London Deanery Careers Unit. If you wish to speak to someone about your career contact the Medical Education Managers on the PRUH and QEH site or your Education Supervisor in the first instance. More specialist advice can be given through referral to the Careers Unit at the London Deanery. Tasters Opportunities for Tasters are provided at QEH, QM and the PRUH sites.
Any additional information SLHT provide a full range of high quality NHS health care to the people of South East London and more specifically to the communities living in the London Boroughs of Bexley, Bromley and Greenwich. We serve over a million people, employ over 6,000 staff and have an annual budget of over £400million making us one of the largest NHS hospital trusts in the country. Inevitably, where there are mergers there is considerable change and upheaval, however we recognise that this presents us with a unique opportunity to greatly enhance the learning opportunities that we can offer to trainees across the 3 sites. The wealth of clinical experience within the Trusts of its senior medical personnel, the expertise of its Consultant body will enable the Trust to provide the intensity of clinical experience supported by an enthusiastic and educationally competent senior faculty to ensure high quality educational and educational supervision. The redesign of services at South London Healthcare will provide a unique and exciting opportunity to reconfigure our rotations across the two acute and one elective site so that they are both innovative and enjoyable as well as meeting curricula objectives. We have an education and learning ethos that will fully complement the objectives for excellence in education and provision of world class healthcare. We hope that you will choose to join us and drive this vision forward.
Simulation Simulation Learning Skills Areas are available on all 3 sites and offer a full range of programmes continually evolving with new simulation packages being developed all the time. The Trust has recently been successful in bidding to have the Distributed Simulation Skills equipment or “Igloo” which will be useful in specialist and interprofessional team building simulation programmes to be developed. We will have this piece of equipment for 1 year.
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust
St George’s Hospital Address: Blackshaw Road, Tooting, London, SW17 0QT Trust Switchboard Tel No: 020 8672 1255 Trust web site: www.stgeorges.nhs.uk
Key Individuals
Overview of Trust Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at: http://www.stfs.org.uk/trusts/stgeorges-healthcare-nhs-trust
Facilities Postgraduate centre Our Postgraduate Centre can be found on Perimeter Road also know as the Education Centre.
A limited amount of accommodation is available Doctors’ mess
Foundation Training Programme Directors Dr Nicola Walters (F1) Dr Rehana Iqbal (F2)
Our Doctors mess can be located on 1st Floor Lanesborough Wing.
Medical Education Manager Andrea Woodvine
Library facilities Our Library is based in the Main Hospital 1st Floor of the Hunter Wing.
Foundation Programme Co-ordinator Shelley Leeder
Transport links The hospital is within easy access to the underground and several bus links. Parking arrangements There is no staff parking available on the hospital grounds unless you are a permit holder, we do offer a park and ride facility.
St George’s Hospital is the major teaching hospital for the South West of London. It is a regional referral centre for a wide array of specialities and provides excellent Standard of care for patients who come from the local area, from the region and from further a field. It has a close association with St. George’s University of London Medical School and is the central point of postgraduate medical education for many trainees. St. George’s has more than 5000 staff members, it admits more than 61500 patients per year for treatment and almost 100000 are seen in the A&E department.
Director of Medical Education Dr Cleave Gass
Medical Staffing Manager Claire Low
Any additional information
Clinical Skills - Initial learning and maintaining competence in clinical skills have always been fundamental requirements for doctors in training and other medical staff. Now with revalidation about to become mandatory, clinical skills training and competency are taking on a higher priority. St George’s has earned a sound reputation as a centre of excellence, meeting all these needs. The programme of courses is both comprehensive and balanced with a long track record of success. St George’s clinical skills courses have fully equipped training rooms with all necessary support aids, course specific literature, support staff and specialist training consultants.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Foundation programme specific information Induction/ shadowing arrangements Shadowing can be arranged through Annabel Little. Teaching programme Foundation Programme posts at St. George’s reflect the wide variety of clinical experience to be found in the hospital and its associated general practices and institutions. The rotations are all three four month jobs and have been designed to give an interesting variety of acute clinical experience. In some, there is an opportunity to work in one of the less common areas of medical practice and some trainees find that they are inspired to make a career choice based on their first hand understanding of what it is like to work in areas such as Specialist Paediatrics , Ophthalmology , Hypertensive medicine, Audiological medicine, Psychiatry and Genito-urinary medicine. F1 posts all include four months of surgery and four months of medicine, F2 posts all include four months of A&E.
Tasters Tasters can be arranged through Annabel Little. Simulation The St George’s Advanced Patient Simulator - (GAPS) has been in operation for the past 10 years and provides specialty and multiprofessional patient simulation training using a variety of high fidelity paediatric and adult patient mannequins. GAPS also run mobile simulations in ward and other environments under the banner of WOMBATS (ward orientated mannequin based action training & simulation). Feedback on individual and team performances is facilitated by video recording and playback and scenarios are based on real clinical events. The Foundation Programme simulation days were developed in conjunction with the Barts and the London Medical Simulation Centre and the Chelsea and Westminster Simulation Centre and are founded on competencies required for completion of the Foundation Programme curriculum. The website for the St George’s Simulation and Skills Centre is www.revalidation.co.uk.
Both F1 and F2 trainees have the opportunity to attend some of the enormous variety of lectures seminars and departmental meetings in the hospital and medical school as well as Ground Rounds. The 39 F1 trainees are offered ALERT and Simulation as well as protected teaching sessions that takes place every Tuesdays. At F2 levels trainees are offered ALS, Simulation and ATLS courses, as well as protected teaching. Career workshops are also held to guide trainees when applying for ST posts.
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust East Surrey Hospital, Redhill & Crawley Hospital Address: Canada Avenue, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 5RH Switchboard Telephone Number: 01737 768511 Website: www.surreyandsussex.nhs.uk
Key Individuals Director of Medical Education Dr Alan Vallon Assistant Director of Medical Education Dr Sarah Rafferty Foundation Training Programme Directors Dr Sunil Zachariah (F1) Miss Hina Gandhi (F2) Dr Sushil Niraula (F2) Careers Tutor Dr Chandni Thorning Medical Education Manager TBA
Overview of Trust Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at: http://www.stfs.org.uk/trusts/surreyand-sussex-healthcare-nhs-trust-0
Facilities Postgraduate centre The Trust provides training opportunities for all staff within the Trust. There is a newly refurbished Doctors Mess. The Postgraduate Education Centre is currently being refurbished and is available for both Internal and external education meetings, seminars and conferences. The Centre holds regular lunchtime teaching and has an excellent Simulation training room. We host Royal College examinations at the Centre during the year. We have a small IT Facility based in the Postgraduate Education Centre for the use of the doctors and medical students. We also have medical students on attachment from Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Imperial College and St George’s Medical School. Accommodation The accommodation is out sourced. Shared flat with six bedrooms at present in old units. Shared kitchen (with fridge freezer, microwave, hob and oven) and bathroom. New/refurbished rooms currently being built will be ensuite or 4 sharing facilities, depending on where vacancies occur. No bedding provided In the new/refurbished rooms. Shared kitchen with fridge freezer, microwave, hob and oven. There Is no parking available in the accommodation area. However, If the students are staying In the accommodation on site, they will be able to park In the Trust staff car park. The usual parking charges apply.
Senior Medical Staffing Officer Mrs Diane Mintrim
Doctors’ mess There is a newly refurbished Doctors mess .All junior doctors subscribe into the mess fund and the mess president hold regular social events. Library facilities In addition to this, the library at East Surrey Hospital provides both virtual and physical resources such as electronic and print books, electronic and print journals, medical health databases such as Medline, MRCP I and MRCS I & II. There are 19 PCs in the library, four of which provide full Internet access, 13 of which provide partial Internet access but contain training packages such as computer Skills (Excel, Access, Outlook, Powerpoint and Publisher). There is a Knowledge Skills and Systems Librarian who provides training on electronic resources as part of the Foundation Teaching Programme. Ad hoc training sessions are available too. Membership to the Library is via completion of a membership form. The Library is accessible 24 hours a day following completion of an out of hours form. Staffed opening hours of the Library are 9-5pm (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) and 9-7pm (Tuesdays and Wednesdays). IT facilities There is a dedicated computer room for trainees to access in the library. All trainees are provided with a hospital e-mail address upon commencement.
East Surrey Hospital is situated 2 miles south of Redhill Town Centre. The towns of Redhill and Reigate have excellent shopping, entertainments and sports facilities. Local areas of interest include the North Downs for walking and biking, flying at Redhill Aerodrome, horse racing at nearby Lingfield Park all weather courses, theatres and cinemas in Redhill, Reigate and Crawley.
All rooms are equipped with internet access. Contact: A2 Dominion Group, Phone: 01737778730, Email: www.a2dominion.co.uk www.stfs.org.uk
Social events are regularly held by junior doctors organised by the Mess President. There is active participation from junior doctors to make the events successful and supported by both clinicians and management.
Other facilities
Foundation Programme Administrator Miss Victoria Bates
Social activities
Programmes Commencing August 2013
27 26
Parking arrangements There are limited parking facilities within the grounds of East Surrey Hospital. the Trust has recently introduced parking charges.
Foundation programme specific information Induction/ shadowing arrangements
Accolades/achievements of the trust Vision “Safe High Quality Healthcare which puts our community first”.
Local amenities/ attractions Catering on-site On-site catering is available in the canteen located on the first floor of the East Surrey hospital. Child Care Facilities On-site Childcare facilities are available on request via the Trust Intranet System. Season ticket and cycle purchase loans The Trust operates a loan scheme to help spread the cost of public transport season tickets or cycle purchase. The loans are interest free and are repaid directly from your pay over ten months for a monthly deduction, or 44 weeks for a weekly deduction. The scheme is open to employees of Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trusts who are on the Trust payroll and have been employed by the Trust for a minimum continuous period of six months, with a contract that matches or exceeds the repayment period. Applications need to be approved by the Budget Holder in the area that the employee usually works and are processed by the payroll department. Transport links There is a fast train service from Redhill to Central London (approximately 30 minutes) and 15 minutes to Gatwick Airport. There is easy access to the coast at Brighton and other parts of Surrey and the Southeast via J8 of the M25 motorway at Reigate. Local Public transport (buses) will take you to most of the surrounding areas (Dorking, Redhill, Caterham, Crawley, Horley etc.). Redhill station is approximately 10/15 minutes bus journey from East Surrey Hospital.
In April 2011 we opened a new state-of-theart medical simulation suite to train the next generation of medical staff. The £14 million development programme has meant that by the end of 2011/2012 we had two new 20 bedded wards, a new day surgery unit, a new endoscopy unit and a new paediatrics outpatients unit. The rebuild of emergency department and a new entrance completed in autumn 2012. Terms and conditions of employment Terms and conditions of employment can be found at http://www.nhsemployers.org/ PAYANDCONTRACTS/Pages/Pay-andcontracts.aspx Any additional information The Trust has recently achieved university status associated with Brighton and Sussex University Hospital NHS Trust.
The SASFTP consists of 30 F1 and 30 F2 individual foundation programmes. Each individual programme is made of three 4-month placements in specialties offering a wide range of training experiences and opportunities. All F1 trainees are invited to attend the mandatory 1 week induction programme incorporated with shadowing as per DoH and GMC guideline. All foundation year 2 trainees are invited to attend the trust full day core induction programme. Educational and clinical supervision All foundation trainees are allocated both clinical & educational Supervisor throughout their training programme. Teaching programme The training programme directors match teaching programme to the foundation curriculum to ensure that the trainee received appropriate training. The foundation trainees equally organise and deliver medical student teaching on a regular basis. Tasters Trainees at both F1 and F2 level are encouraged to take tasters weeks at the contingency of the service. Simulation East Surrey Hospital has facilities to offer its own Simulation training and is compulsory for all Foundation doctors. More detailed information is available on the STFS Trust webpage. Foundation doctor forums Junior doctor’s forum is held by monthly and chaired by the Chief Executive with management representatives from other departments where trainees get the opportunity to voice their concerns and address any concerns accordingly. Any additional information Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS trust is located in a strategic position and provides emergency services for a large catchment population that is not shared with other trusts.
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
St Richard’s Hospital Address: Spitalfield Lane, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 2SE Trust Switchboard Tel No: 01243 788122 Trust web site: www.westernsussexhospitals. nhs.uk
Overview of Trust In April 09 St Richard’s Hospital merged with Worthing Hospital and Southlands Hospital to become one trust, Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust. Also part of the Trust is the Bognor War Memorial Hospital in neighbouring Bognor Regis. Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at: http://www.stfs.org.uk/trusts/ western-sussex-hospitals-nhs-trust
Facilities Postgraduate centre
Key Individuals Director of Medical Education Mr David Beattie Clinical Tutor Dr Christopher Smith Foundation Training Programme Directors Miss Angela Skull - F1 Lead Mr Clive Pratt - F2 - Lead Careers Tutor Mr Clive Pratt Medical Education Manager Mrs Bebba Smithers Medical Staffing Manager Mandy Atkinson Foundation Programme Manager Vinny Hanley (cross site) Foundation and Faculty Administrator Mrs Maggie Moles
The facilities of the Chichester Medical Education Centre (CMEC) are available to hospital staff and external clients, priority always being given to educational meetings, seminars and conferences. The ground floor of CMEC provides an excellent range of conference and seminar facilities. There are 9 seminar/ tutorial rooms all with internet connection; a tiered lecture theatre seating 30 with extensive computerised av facilities; multiple X-ray viewer, overhead projector, dual slide projection and examination couch; and a large air conditioned tiered lecture theatre seating 70, with extensive computerised audio visual equipment, microscope, and video conferencing facilities. There is also a large hall capable of seating 250 people. All rooms are very well equipped with audio-visual facilities including internet connection, laptops, slide projection, overhead projectors, X-ray projection, TV/videos, etc. An excellent café serving sandwiches, hot meals and beverages is available within CMEC for all clients. A large, 18-station IT training room was completed in September 2007 primarily for the use of doctors and medical students. All terminals have direct internet access and the IT suit is available 24 hours a day. In CMEC we have a clinical skills facility with a faculty office for administration of courses, etc. The Simpson Clinical Skills Room has video conferencing installed to enable live inter-active links to theatres for training purposes. This room is well equipped with training equipment at the request of various departments. This superb facility will ensure that the clinical training opportunities at St Richard’s Hospital continue to develop and flourish.
Accommodation Accommodation is currently available at a cost of £418.00 per month for a single room (rents are reviewed annually from April). Social activities The active Doctor’s mess has regular mess parties, a ball twice a year and much more. Doctors’ mess There is an active Doctor’s mess which the medical students can also access. Library facilities The Library situated in the Postgraduate Centre offers 24 hours access and IT provision.
IT facilities A large, 18-station IT training room is available primarily for the use of doctors and medical students in the Postgraduate Centre. All terminals have direct internet access and the IT suit is available 24 hours a day. Other facilities There is wireless internet in CMEC. An excellent café serving sandwiches, hot meals and beverages is available within CMEC for all clients. Local amenities/ attractions Chichester has its own marina. Goodwood and Fontwell race courses are close to the hospital. The Chichester Festival Theatre is only metres away. The Westgate Leisure Centre is on the outskirts of the town centre with swimming, a gym etc. There is a multi-screened cinema and bowling alley there plus much more. Chichester has many restaurants, pubs and shops to enjoy.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Any additional information
Transport links There is a mainline train to London. Also good access to Portsmouth, Southampton and Brighton via train or the A27. Parking arrangements There is on-site parking for which a permit is required (monthly fee). Accolades/achievements of the trust Just a few of our achievements over the last 2 years: Our accident and emergency (A&E) department was rated as one of the top performing departments in the country in the Healthcare Commission’s Emergency Department national patient survey. The hospital achieved an ‘excellent’ rating for environment, food and standards of privacy and dignity for patients in the National Patient Safety Agency Patient Environment Action Team assessment. We were again rated in the top 20% for ‘overall patient care’ in the National Inpatient Survey. The Trust was again named as one of the Top 40 Hospitals by CHKS, a leading healthcare benchmarking expert. The awards are based on the evaluation of around 20 indicators covering clinical effectiveness, health outcomes, efficiency and patient experience and quality of care. Terms and conditions of employment The post is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Service of Hospital Medical and Dental staff as modified from time to time. Current copies of these Terms and Conditions may be seen in the Personnel Office.
In the last 10 years St Richards Hospital has seen enormous development. The main hospital opened in 1996 and houses 17 wards, ITU and six main theatres with almost 100 consultants in total. The Chichester Treatment Centre was opened in April 2005 and houses 4 theatres, endoscopy and preoperative assessment areas. This year our new Cancer Day Unit, The Fernhurst Centre opened. Here is where all of the cancer and haematology facilities will be available. Also the opening of our new, Donald Wilson Neurological Rehabilitation Centre. There are twenty consultant/physicians representing most medical specialties including cardiology, rheumatology, respiratory medicine, and neurology, care of the elderly, diabetes & endocrinology, haematology. There are five consultants in general surgery, two in vascular, three in urology and six in Orthopaedics. Our recently refurbished A&E department deals with 50,000 patients per annum overseen by four consultants, this includes a children’s A&E area. We have five O&G and five Paediatric consultants that handle 2,400 deliveries per year. All departments hold regular MDT meetings in the Chichester Medical Education Centre (CMEC). In addition, CMEC is host to foundation training, GP VTS training, courses e.g. ATLS, PLS, ALS, GP refresher courses. CMEC attracts GPs, dentists and hospital doctors from an extremely wide area. Dentists from London regularly come down to attend dental courses and GPs from as afar a field as Scotland come to CMEC for the bi-yearly GP Refresher Courses. There is also a good local attendance from the various disciplines. We also have an active VTS trainee scheme and a large intake of medical students from various medical schools. We work closely with Chichester College of Technology to provide NVQ Level 3 in Oral Health for dental nurses which links into our dental programme. We also provide a half day protected educational programme for all members of the GP practice team either hosted at CMEC or within practices.
Foundation programme specific information Induction/ shadowing arrangements Incoming F1’s have four days of shadow and induction prior to starting their F1 rotations. Educational and clinical supervision All Foundation trainees have an educational supervisor that they meet with on a regular basis and a Cliniccal Supervisor for each placement. Teaching programme There are 28 F1’s and 27 F2’s based at Western Sussex Hospitals Trust with rotations through ICU, MAU, Psychiatry, General Practice, Orthopaedics, Acute Medicine & Surgery, Paediatrics & O&G, A&E, Rehabilitation and Care of the Elderly. In total there are 135 doctors in training with Trust Doctors to ensure that we are EWTD compliant. Tasters There are opportunities for taster days for both F1’s and F2’s – These are arranged on an individual basis. Simulation We have an excellent simulation department in the Postgraduate Centre which allows all foundation doctors to have a large number of simulation sessions. In addition F1’s have a whole day simulation training session for which they receive a certificate. Foundation doctor forums It is a mandatory requirement to invite Foundation trainee representatives to the Foundation Faculty Meetings. They would have been elected by their peers to collect and feedback their views and concerns on their behalf at these meetings. Any additional information In April 09 St Richard’s Hospital merged with Worthing Hospital and Southlands Hospital to become one Trust, Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust. Also part of the Trust is the Bognor War Memorial Hospital in neighbouring Bognor Regis.
All staff appointments are made subject to the receipt of satisfactory references and all initial appointments to the national health service are made subject to satisfactory medical and police clearance being produced. A medical examination may be necessary on initial appointment and periodically thereafter.
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Worthing and Southlands Hospitals
Overview of Trust Further details including a list of programmes and individual placement descriptions are available at: http://www.stfs.org.uk/trusts/ western-sussex-hospitals-nhs-trust
Address: Lyndhurst Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 2DH
Doctors’ mess The Doctors’ mess is located close to the PGMC. Pigeon holes are located in the Doctors’ mess and doctors also benefit from the use of a TV and Pool table. Weekly stocks of food and newspapers are delivered to the Doctors’ mess which is funded by the subscription fee. Library facilities • 24 hour access to Library • 24 hour access to PCs
Trust Switchboard Tel No: 01903 205111
• Fast efficient document delivery service • Well-stocked Library • A selection of e-resources
Trust web site: www.westernsussexhospitals. nhs.uk
• Literature searches on request • Training on searching for evidence based information • Friendly and approachable Library staff
Key Individuals Director of Medical Education Dr David Beattie Clinical Tutor Dr Gordon Caldwell Foundation Training Programme Directors Dr Rajen Patel (F1) Dr Anil Garg (F2)
Facilities Postgraduate centre Worthing Postgraduate Medical Centre (PGMC) is on the Worthing site and offers facilities to hospital staff with the use of the Seminar Rooms being given as a priority for Medical Education meetings. There are 3 seminar rooms within the PGMC. All our rooms have state of the art AV and IT equipment. we have the ability to video teaching sessions so that they can be made available via the Intranet.
Careers Tutor Dr Anil Garg
Catering can be organised when required.
Medical Education Managers Mrs Bebba Smithers Sam Vaughan
Medical Staffing Manager Jan McClean Foundation Manager Vinny Hanley Foundation Programme Administrator Mrs Chrissy Aluko
A limited amount of accommodation is available on a first come, first served basis, at a cost of between £341 and £484 per month. Social activities Various social activities are organised via the Doctors mess by the Mess Presidents, such as the Annual Doctors Ball, the Doctors Review at Christmas as well as other Charity events.
IT facilities The Library houses a resources room where computers can be accessed by all hospital staff. The Library also has two computer stations accessed after hours by security swipe. All seminar and meetings rooms are equipped with computers and projectors. Internet connection is also available in all rooms. Other facilities The hospital is close to the town and seafront where there is an array of shops, cafés and restaurants as well as leisure facilities such as a swimming pool and gyms. Local amenities/ attractions The hospital is close to the town centre where there is a good array of shops. There are also a selection of gyms, leisure facilities and a swimming pool. The Sea Front is about a 15 minute walk where there are lots of local cafés and restaurants. Transport links Worthing Hospital is located in close proximity to both Worthing Central and East Worthing Station. From here you can get a direct train to London Victoria which would take approximately 90 minutes. Trains to Brighton are frequent as are most South Coast destinations. There is a frequent bus service from outside the hospital.
Programmes Commencing August 2013
Parking arrangements
Any additional information
Parking arrangements are via the parking office. Subject to availability doctors are able to purchase annual hospital parking permits (payable monthly from salary). Alternatively applications can be made to the Council Parking Office in Worthing town centre for the street parking permit. Parking is otherwise by pay and display.
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust employs 5,000 members of staff and serves 450,000 people in West Sussex.
Accolades/achievements of the trust Worthing and Southlands Hospitals NHS Trust and St Richards NHS Trust merged to form Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust. In 2010 the Foundation Trust consultation process launched, putting the Trust in position to be first FT in Sussex. The application has been forwarded to the Secretary of State for Health marking the passing of an important milestone. 2011 saw the opening of the new Simulation and Learning Suite which gives the trust access to state-of-the-art training facilities. CHKS – yet again – rates the Trust as among the top 40 nationally CQC Inpatient Survey reports good overall ratings for the standards of care, and encouraging results in key areas such as food and environment
The area served by the Trust comprises an area along the south coast from East Hampshire across to Shoreham and north up to Midhurst, Billingshurst and Storrington. The area has one of the fittest populations in the country, but this is balanced by there being double the national average of people over the age of 65 (24%) and those over 80 years (8%). The Trust manages St Richard’s Hospital in Chichester, Worthing Hospital and Southlands Hospital in Shoreham. Trusts merge on 1 April 2009 The Royal West Sussex NHS Trust, which managed St Richard’s Hospital, merged with Worthing and Southlands Hospitals NHS on 1st April 2009. The Trust Boards approved a business case for a merger on 15 December 2008 and the South East Coast SHA Board approved it on 25 February 2009. The business case went to the DH Transactions Board, and the Secretary of State then formally approved the merger. The two Trusts became Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust with effect from 1 April 2009. Worthing and Southlands Hospitals provide over 600 beds between them. Services are provided at two sites: • Worthing Hospital, which underwent a £50 million development programme in 1997 and 1998 and Southlands Hospital, which is in Shoreham-by-Sea.
Terms and conditions of employment The terms and conditions of service are as set out in the National Terms and conditions of Service for Hospital Medical and Dental Staff as applied by the Trust which are available from the NHS Employers website (http://www.nhs. employers.org/Pages/home.aspx)
• Worthing Hospital offers a full range of emergency and high dependency care, including maternity and children’s services, while Southlands focuses on day surgery, orthopaedics, intermediate care and hosts older people’s mental health. Both sites have extensive outpatient and support facilities. • Worthing’s East Wing was built in 1998 and the £1.3 million Children’s Centre opened its doors three years later, while Southlands’ new, expanded day surgery unit began operating in 2005. Worthing also gained a £2 million cardiac catheterisation laboratory in 2004, with a further cath lab to be built in the near future…..
• Worthing and Southlands Hospitals invested more than £1.3million in new CT and MRI scanners in 2006. The MRI scanner is faster than its predecessor, and its stronger magnet and more advanced software enable radiographers to carry out more detailed examinations and more advanced procedures than previously. • New pathology equipment at Worthing has doubled the number of tests for thyroid function, infertility and cancer the Trust’s laboratory can carry out each day to 1,000, and has enabled testing services to be available 24 hours a day. • As of October 2008, Worthing and Southlands’ acute stroke assessment unit cut stroke fatality rates by a third in its first year. The work of the unit also reduced the average length of stay for stroke patients by a third. • Worthing Hospital’s new £1million intensive care unit was officially opened on 14 March 2008. The opening of the unit marks the completion of the first phase of a major refurbishment of intensive care facilities at Worthing Hospital. Specially designed and equipped to protect seriously ill patients from healthcare associated infections, the unit has a special air conditioning system and isolation cubicles. • The new High Dependency Unit (HDU) at Worthing was opened in August 2008. • The A & E department at Worthing Hospital has been extended in 2011 to incorporate a new children’s area and a dedicated paediatric resuscitation facility. • Two new wards and a new outpatients area has opened in March 2012. • Work on the ‘Emergency’ floor will commence late 2012 to integrate A & E, the Acute Medical Assessment unit, surgical and elderly admissions.
• In July 2006, Worthing became the only hospital in West Sussex performing coronary angioplasty procedures. Around 200 people a year now undergo the procedure at Worthing instead of having to travel to Brighton or London. www.stfs.org.uk
STFS Prospectus | Trusts Affiliated to STFS
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Worthing and Southlands Hospitals (continued)
Foundation programme specific information Induction/ shadowing arrangements Incoming F1s are encouraged to spend a week at Worthing shadowing the outgoing F1. These are not structured weeks and allow for the very real shadowing experience. Educational and clinical supervision Each F1 and F2 doctor is assigned an educational supervisor. The educational supervisor is responsible for overseeing educational progress during the year. Meetings with the educational supervisor will take place at the end of each placement to discuss progress, confirm the number of assessments completed and sign off at the end of the placement. Each doctor also has a Clinical Supervisor who is normally the consultant they are working for. They have regular meetings with their Clinical Supervisor during their placement and also a report at the end of their rotation. All of this is trainee led and it is the responsibility of the foundation doctor to arrange an initial meeting with their educational supervisor at the start of the F1/F2, as well as all subsequent meetings.
There are also weekly medical and surgical teaching sessions at which the F1s and F2s are scheduled to present. All foundation doctors will have an ePortfolio on which they will record the completion of assessments and the outcome of various education meetings with both clinical and educational supervisors. The PGMC play an active part in ensuring completion of the ePortfolio and assist foundation doctors by sending reminder emails/texts which include all the deadline dates and exactly what is expected of them. Tasters Both F1 and F2 doctors are encouraged to take Taster Days in specialties that are not covered within their 2 years. Last year saw the first of the GP tasters with many of our Foundation doctors taking part. Simulation A new Simulation Suite opened on 8th March 2011 at Worthing Hospital giving all Foundation doctors the opportunity to attend an Acute Care Simulation Training Day on site. These training days have proved to be highly enjoyable and beneficial to the Foundation doctors who attend.
Teaching programme During the 12 month placement at Worthing Foundation Year One and Foundation Year Two doctors have a half day of dedicated teaching each month. F1 doctors have an organised ILS course and the F2s an ALS weekend course both run by the Resuscitation Officer at Worthing. This is funded by the Trust and it Is imperative that every F2 doctor has completed an ALS course by the end of the year as it is a requirement for F2 sign off. The study sessions are mandatory teaching which are mapped to the foundation curriculum. These sessions are bleep free and foundation doctors are required to attend at least 70% of teaching in order to be signed off at the end of the year.
Foundation doctor forums Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust encourages foundation doctors to contribute to, and participate in various fora. At school level there is the STFS Board and the STFS Advisory and Development Committee. At local level, we have the foundation faculty group where we have representatives to give and receive feedback. Additionally, there are national fora conducted by UKFPO. Any additional information If you have any queries regarding Foundation Training at Worthing, please contact Chrissy Aluko at the following email address: Chrissy.aluko@wsht.nhs.uk
Appendix B: STFS Team
Appendix B
Associate Director (Tooting)
Associate Director (Brighton)
Head of Foundation Workforce & Manager
PA/Team Administrator
Administration Officer
Administration Officer
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant
STFS Prospectus
Appendix B
Administrative Assistant
Administration Officer
Administration Officer
Administrative Assistant
STFS Prospectus
Appendix B
Careers Team
Head of Careers
Senior Careers Advisor
Careers Advisor
STFS Prospectus | Appendix C
Appendix C: Summary of August 2013 F1 Programmes incl Provisionally Linked F2 Trusts Information regarding specific programmes is provisional and may be subject to change. Precise details of rotations are subject to service delivery requirements of the NHS and subsequent confirmation by employing Trusts.
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A list of the August 2013 F1 programmes for each STFS affiliated trust is available to download from http://www.stfs.org.uk/ affiliated-trusts together with individual placement descriptions. Curriculum mapping information for each programme will be added during Summer 2013.
Please note that psychiatry posts often require foundation doctors to travel between several locations and the ability to drive when undertaking these posts may be helpful.
F1 Trust
Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Anaesthetics/General Surgery (Urology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/ Anaesthetics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/Acute Internal Medicine (MAU)/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/ General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/ General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal)/Clinical Radiology/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Emergency Medicine (A&E)/Genito-urinary Medicine (HIV)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/Geriatric Medicine (Stroke Medicine)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Anaesthetics/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/Emergency Medicine (A&E)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Medical Oncology/Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Paediatrics/General Surgery (Urology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Vascular)/Intensive Care Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Renal Medicine/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Vascular)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/Renal Medicine/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Gastroenterology (Acute Internal Medicine)/Paediatrics/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthogeriatrics)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Paediatrics/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthogeriatrics)/ Gastroenterology (Acute Internal Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/Acute Internal Medicine/Urology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/Urology/General Surgery (Upper GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal)/Acute Internal Medicine/Urology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine (A&E)/Gastroenterology (Acute Internal Medicine)/ General Surgery (Colorectal)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
Urology/General (Internal) Medicine/General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine/Urology/General (Internal) Medicine
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/ General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine (Diabetes & Endocrinology)
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine (Diabetes & Endocrinolgy)/ General Surgery (Vascular)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/Urology
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine (Diabetes & Endocrinology)/ General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine (Diabetes & Endocrinology)/General Surgery
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery (Laparoscopic)/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery (Laparoscopic)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gatroenterology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
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Please see page 8 for information about allocation to programmes and the programme groups.
STFS Prospectus | Appendix C
F1 Trust
Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/001
General Surgery (Chronic Pain)/Gastroenterology/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/002
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Chronic Pain)/Gastroenterology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/003
Gastroenterology/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Chronic Pain)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/004
General Surgery (Colorectal)/Geriatric Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine (Clinical Decisions Unit)/Cardiology
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at South London 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/005
Cardiology/General Surgery (Colorectal)/Geriatric Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine (Clinical Decisions Unit)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at South London 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/006
Geriatric Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine (Clinical Decisions Unit)/ Cardiology/General Surgery (Colorectal)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at South London 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/007
General Surgery (Colorectal)/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus/Acute Internal Medicine (Clinical Decisiosn Unit/Geriatric Medicine
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at South London 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/008
Acute Internal Medicine (Clinical Decisions Unit)/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Colorectal)/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. 2 x 2 months Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/009
Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus/Acute Internal Medicine (Clinical Descisions Unit)/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Colorectal)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at South London 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/010
General Surgery/Geriatric Medicine/Emergency Medicine (A&E)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/011
Geriatric Medicine/Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/012
Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General Surgery/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/013
General Surgery (Colorectal)/Respiratory Medicine/Anaesthetics (ITU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/014
Respiratory Medicine/Anaesthetics (ITU)/General Surgery (Colorectal)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/015
Anaesthetics (ITU)/General Surgery (Colorectal)/Respiratory Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/016
General Surgery/Acute Internal Medicine (Critical Decisions Unit)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/017
Acute Internal Medicine (Critical Decisions Unit)/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/018
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery/Acute Internal Medicine (Clinical Decisions Unit)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/019
Geriatric Medicine/Paediatrics/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/020
General Surgery/Geriatric Medicine/Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV01/01/F1/021
Paediatrics/General Surgery/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 trust To Be Confirmed
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/001
Gastroenterology (CCU)/General Surgery/Intensive Care Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine (CDU)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. 2 x 2 months Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/002
General Surgery (Colorectal)/Intensive Care Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine (CDU)/Gastroenterology (CCU)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College 2 x 2 months Hospital NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/003
Intensive Care Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine (CDU)/Gastroenterology (CCU)/General Surgery
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and 2 x 2 months Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/004
Respiratory Medicine/General Surgery (Colorectal)/Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/005
General Surgery (Colorectal)/Paediatrics/Respiratory Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/006
Paediatrics/Respiratory Medicine/General Surgery (Colorectal)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/007
Cardiology/Cardiology/General Surgery (Colorectal)/Geriatric Medicine (MAU)/ Acute Internal Medicine)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at South London 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/008
General Surgery (Colorectal)/Geriatric Medicine (MAU/Acute Internal Medicine)/Cardiology/Cardiology
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at South London 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/009
Geriatric Medicine (MAU/Acute Internal Medicine)/Cardiology/Cardiology/ General Surgery (Colorectal)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College 2 x 2 months Hospital NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/010
Endocriniology and Diabetes Mellitus//General Surgery (Colorectal)/Geriatric Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine (CDU)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at South London 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
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Programme Title
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/011
General Surgery (Colorectal)/Geriatric Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine (CDU)/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College 2 x 2 months Hospital NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
Provisional F2 Link
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/012
Geriatric Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine (CDU)/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus/General Surgery (Colorectal)
2 x 4 months + 2 x 2 months Provisionally linked F2 trust To Be Confirmed + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/013
Cardiology/Cardiology/General Surgery (Upper GI)/Obstetrics and Gynaecology
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at South London 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/014
General Surgery (Upper GI)/Obstetrics and Gynaecology/Cardiology/Cardiology
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals 2 x 2 months University NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/015
Obstetrics and Gynaecology/Cardiology/Cardiology/General Surgery (Upper GI)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at South London 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/016
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Upper GI)/Acute Internal Medicine (CDU)/ Geriatric Medicine
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals 2 x 2 months University NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/017
General Surgery (Upper GI)/Acute Internal Medicine (CDU)/Geriatric Medicine/ Geriatric Medicine
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. 2 x 2 months Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/018
Acute Internal Medicine (Clinical Decisions Unit)/Geriatric Medicine/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Upper GI)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals 2 x 2 months University NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/019
General (Internal)Medicine/General Surgery (Colorectal)/Acute Internal Medicine (Clinical Decisions Unit)/Intensive Care Medicine
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. 2 x 2 months Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/020
Acute Internal Medicine (Clinical Decisions Unit)/Intensive Care Medicine/ General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery (Colorectal)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. 2 x 2 months Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVV09/01/F1/021
General Surgery (Colorectal)/Acute Internal Medicine (Clinical Decisions Unit)/ Intensive Care Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVVKC/01/F1/001
Geriatric Medicine/Vascular Surgery/Urology/Respiratory Medicine
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at South London 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVVKC/01/F1/002
Vascular Surgery/Urology/Respiratory Medicine/Geriatric Medicine
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College 2 x 2 months Hospital NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVVKC/01/F1/003
Respiratory Medicine/Geriatric Medicine/Urology/Vascular Surgery
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS 2 x 2 months Foundation Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVVKC/01/F1/004
Geriatric Medicine/Urology/General Surgery (Vascular)/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College 2 x 2 months Hospital NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVVKC/01/F1/005
Urology/General Surgery (Vascular)/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus/ Geriatric Medicine
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals 2 x 2 months University NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVVKC/01/F1/006
Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Vascular)/Urology
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College 2 x 2 months Hospital NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVVKC/01/F1/007
Geriatric Medicine (Stroke Medicine)/Urology/General Surgery (Vascular)/ Respiratory Medicine
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College 2 x 2 months Hospital NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVVKC/01/F1/008
Urology/General Surgery (Vascular)/Respiratory Medicine/Geriatric Medicine
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and 2 x 2 months Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVVKC/01/F1/009
Respiratory Medicine/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Vascular)/Urology
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at South London 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVVKC/01/F1/010
Vascular Surgery/Urology/Gastroenterology/Geriatric Medicine
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS 2 x 2 months FoundationTrust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVVKC/01/F1/011
Geriatric Medicine/Vascular Surgery/Urology/Gastroenterology
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College 2 x 2 months Hospital NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVVKC/01/F1/012
Gastroenterology/Geriatric Medicine/Urology/Vascular Surgery
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College 2 x 2 months Hospital NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVVKC/01/F1/013
Vascular Surgery/Urology/Cardiology/Renal Medicine
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College 2 x 2 months Hospital NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVVKC/01/F1/014
Renal Medicine/Vascular Surgery/Urology/Cardiology
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at South London 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVVKC/01/F1/015
Cardiology/Renal Medicine/Urology/Vascular Surgery
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and 2 x 2 months Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust + unknown
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVVKC/01/F1/016
Urology/GeneralSurgery (Vascular)/Geriatric Medicine (Acute Stroke/Acute Geriatric)/Anaesthetics
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at South London 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
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F1 Trust
STFS Prospectus | Appendix C
F1 Trust
Programme Title
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVVKC/01/F1/017
Anaesthetics/Urology/General Surgery (Vascular)/Geriatric Medicine (Acute Stroke/Acute Geriatric)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals 2 x 2 months University NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
Provisional F2 Link
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 13/KSS/01/RVVKC/01/F1/018
Geriatric Medicine (Acute Stroke/Acute Geriatric)/Anaesthetics/General Surgery (Vascular)/Urology
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology 3 x 4 months and Diabetes Mellitus) + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus)/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/Intensive Care Medicine (ITU)/General Psychiatry
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Cardiology/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare (Conquest) 14/KSS/RXC01/F2/003 (Respiratory Medicine/GP/Geriatric Medicine). Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare (Conquest) 14/KSS/RXC01/F2/016 (GP/Geriatric Medicine/Respiratory Medicine). *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery/Cardiology
3 x 4 months + unknown
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Diabetes)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/ Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine (Stroke Medicine)/ General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust.
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/Trauma and Orthoapedic Surgery/ Geriatric Medicine (Stroke Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. Programme provisionally in Blue Group. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Otolaryngology/General Surgery (Lower GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Otolaryngology/General Surgery (Lower GI)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Otolaryngology/General Surgery (Lower GI)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Infectious Diseases/General Surgery (Vascular)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Obstetrics and Gynaecology/General Surgery (Upper GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/General (Internal) Medicine/Obstetrics and Gynaecology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Medical Oncology/General Surgery (Lower GI)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Medical Oncology/General Surgery (Upper GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/General (Internal) Medicine/Medical Oncology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Paediatrics/General Surgery (Vascular)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics/General Surgery (Vascular)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Lower GI)/General (Internal) Medicine/Anaesthetics (Anaesthetics/Perioperative)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
104 | www.stfs.org.uk
Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Renal Medicine/General Surgery (Upper GI)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine/Rheumatology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Lower GI)/Acute Internal Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine (Stroke Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Stroke Medicine)/General Surgery (Lower GI)/ Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine/Urology/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine/Urology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Urology/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine/Urology/Trauma & Orthoapedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Urology/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine/Clinical Radiology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Clinical Radiology/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Vascular)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/Geriatric Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthopaedics only)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthopaedics only)/ 3 x 4 months Geriatric Medicine + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthopaedics only)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/Intensive Care Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Intensive Care Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/Intensive Care Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/Emergency Medicine (A&E)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Sugery/Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/Urology/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/Haematology/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Cardiology/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Urology/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Urology
3 x 4 months + unknown
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Urology/General (Internal) Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Urology/General (Internal) Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
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F1 Trust
STFS Prospectus | Appendix C
F1 Trust
Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link
Haematology/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Geriatric Medicine/Obstetrics and Gynaecology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/Obstetrics and Gynaecology/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
2 x 6 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
2 x 6 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
2 x 6 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
2 x 6 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
2 x 6 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust 14/LDN/RJ224/F2/014 (Otolaryngology/GP/Paediatrics)
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
2 x 6 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust 14/LDN/RJ224/F2/015 (GP/Paediatrics/Otolaryngology)
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
2 x 6 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Obstetrics and Gynaecology
2 x 6 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology/General (Internal) Medicine
2 x 6 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/002 General Surgery/Anaesthetics (ITU)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/003 General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/Anaesthetics (ITU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/004 Anaesthetics (ITU)/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/005 General Surgery/Anaesthetics (ITU)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/010 Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/011 General (Internal) Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/014 General (Internal) Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/016 General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine/Cardiology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/018 General (Internal) Medicine/Cardiology/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/020 Cardiology/General Surgery (ITU)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/021 General (Internal) Medicine/Cardiology/General Surgery (ITU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/025 General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells (Tunbridge Wells) (GP/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Paediatrics)
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/028 General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery (GI)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (MAU)/General Surgery (Urology)/Geriatric Medicine (Stroke Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Intensive Care Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Internal Medicine)/ General Surgery (Urology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Old Age Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus)/General Surgery (Urology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery (Urology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Cardiology/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus)/ General Surgery (Urology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Stroke Medicine)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/ 3 x 4 months + unknown General Surgery (Urology)
Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/Intensive Care Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine 3 x 4 months (Acute Internal Medicine) + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
106 | www.stfs.org.uk
Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/General (Internal) Medicine (MAU)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Urology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/Paediatrics/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus)/Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/General Psychiatry
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Psychiatry/General Surgery (Urology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/General Psychiatry/General Surgery (Urology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Psychiatry/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Psychiatry/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Psychiatry
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Intensive Care Medicine/General Surgery/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine/Intensive Care Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/Geriatric Medicine/Intensive Care Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology/Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/Obstetrics and Gynaecology/ Emergency Medicine (A&E)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/Geriatric Medicine/Emergency Medicine (A&E)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine/Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Urology/General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Orthogeriatrics)/General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Respiratory)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Respiratory)/Urology/General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Orthogeriatrics)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Urology/General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Cardiology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric)/Urology/General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Cardio)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Respiratory)/Urology/General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/CCU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/CCU)/General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/ Respiratory)/Urology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Stroke/EAU)/General (Internal) Medicine (Oncology/EAU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Stroke/EAU)/General (Internal) Medicine (Oncology/EAU)/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Respiratory)/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (CCU/EAU)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric)/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (CCU/EAU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (CCU/EAU)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric)/ General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatrics/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Respiratory)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (Breast)/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology/EAU)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (Breast)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory/EAU)/ General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Oncology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Oncology)/General Surgery (Breast)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory/EAU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Intensive Care Medicine (ITU)/General (Internal) Medicine (Orthogeriatrics/ EAU)/General (Internal) Medicine (Endo/Rheum/EAU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
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F1 Trust
z STFS Prospectus | Appendix C
F1 Trust
Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Orthogeriatrics/EAU)/General (Internal) Medicine (Endo/Rheum/EAU)/Intensive Care Medicine (ITU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Cardiology/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Hospitals NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus/General Surgery/Acute Internal Medicine (AMU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine (AMU)/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Hospitals NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/Acute Internal Medicine (AMU)/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/Acute Internal Medicine (AMU)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/GastroenterologyGeneral Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Gastroenterology/General Surgery/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/Gastroenterology/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/Geriatric Medicine/Gastroenterology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Genito-urinary Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine (AMU)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Medical Diagnostic Centre)/Respiratory Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthogeriatrics)/Geriatric Medicine (Medical Diagnostic Centre)/Respiratory Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Respiratory Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Acute Internal Medicine (AMU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine (AMU)/Intensive Care Medicine (ITU)/Obstetrics and Gynaecology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Geriatric Medicine/Intensive Care Medicine (ITU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Cardiology/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Intensive Care Medicine (General Psychiatry - 2 week attachment)/General Surgery (Lower GI)/General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Stroke/Acute Geriatrics)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Stroke/Acute Geriatrics)/Intensive Care Medicine (General Psychiatry - 2 week attachment)/General Surgery (Lower GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatrics)/ General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/General (Internal) Medicine (MAU/CCU/ITU)/Trauma 3 x 4 months and Orthopaedic Surgery + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Psychiatry/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/ General Surgery (Colorectal)/General Surgery (Urology)
1x 4 months + 4x 2 months + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/General Surgery (Upper GI)/General Surgery
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at South London 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery/General Surgery (Upper GI)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatrics/Orthopaedics)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals 2 x 2 months University NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatrics/Orthopaedics)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery/General Surgery (Upper GI)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at South London 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Diabetes)/General Surgery (Urology)/General Surgery (Colorectal)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatrics/Neurology)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex 2 x 2 months (Worthing) (General (Internal) Medicine/ + unknown Paediatrics/GP)
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/General Surgery (Urology)/General Surgery (Colorectal)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatrics/Dermatology)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. 2 x 2 months Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatrics/Dermatology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/General Surgery (Urology)/General Surgery (Colorectal)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. 2 x 2 months Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery (Urology)/ General Surgery (Colorectal)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatrics/ Haematology)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex 2 x 2 months University Hospitals NHS Trust + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/General Surgery (Colorectal)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatrics/Haematology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery (Vascular)
3 x 4 months + unknown
108 | www.stfs.org.uk
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex (St Richard's) 14/KSS/RYR16/F2/TBC (Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General Psychiatry/GP) Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
F1 Trust
Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/Anaesthetics/General Surgery (Colorectal)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/Old Age Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisonally linked to F2 at Ashford & St. Peter's 14/KSS/RTK01/F2/009 (GP/Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery/Emergency Medicine)
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Gastroenterology/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology)/General Surgery (Colorectal)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal)/Acute Internal Medicine/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 trust To Be Confirmed Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/ General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/General (Internal) Medicine/ General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery/Obstetrics and Gynaecology/ General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery/Medical Oncology/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery/Genito-urinary Medicine (HIV)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery/General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine (A&E)/Geriatric Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine (MAU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery (Urology)/Obstetrics and Gynaecology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/Medical Oncology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery (Urology)/General Psychiatry
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine (MAU)/General Surgery 3 x 4 months (Urology) + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine (MAU)/General Surgery 3 x 4 months (Urology) + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery/Geriatric Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine/Geriatric Medicine (Stroke Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery/Geriatric Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Genito-urinary Medicine( HIV)/General Surgery (Urology)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Paediatrics/General Surgery (Urology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/General (Internal) Medicine/Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Anaesthetics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Anaesthetics/General (Internal) Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
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STFS Prospectus | Appendix C
F1 Trust
Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Renal Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery (Urology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery/Renal Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Urology)/Emergency Medicine (A&E)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Psychiatry/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Paediatric Surgery/Geriatric Medicine/General Psychiatry
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Psychiatry/Paediatric Surgery/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Psychiatry/Paediatric Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General (Internal) Medicine/Medical Oncology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/ Infectious Diseases
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Infectious Diseases/Emergency Medicine (A&E)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/General (Internal) Medicine/Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Paediatrics/General Surgery (Urology)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthogeriatrics)/Respiratory Medicine/ Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Respiratory Medicine/Geriatric Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthogeriatrics)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/Intensive Care Medicine/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust (Intermediate Care/ Community Pathway (MCAT)/Community Pathway)
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Intensive Care Medicine/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Vascular)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/Renal Medicine/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust (Intermediate Care/ Community Pathway/Intermediate Care Service)
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Vascular)/Renal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal)/Gastroenterology (Acute Internal Medicine)/ Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust (Intermediate Care/ Community Pathway (MCAT Service)/ Community Pathway)
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Renal Medicine (Acute Internal Medicine)/Anaesthetics/General Surgery (Upper GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Anaesthetics/General Surgery (Upper GI)/Renal Medicine (Acute Internal Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/Respiratory Medicine/Urology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Respiratory Medicine/Urology/General Surgery (Vascular)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Urology/General Surgery (Vascular)/Respiratory Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Upper GI)/Renal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthogeriatrics)/Gastroenterology (Acute Internal Medicine)/Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Urology/General Surgery (Upper GI)/Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/Urology/General Surgery (Colorectal)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus/Obstetrics and Gynaecology/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthogeriatrics)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthogeriatrics)/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus/Obstetrics and Gynaecology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Gastroenterology (Acute Internal Medicine)/GeneralSurgery (Colorectal)/ Emergency Medicine (A&E)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal )/Emergency Medicine (A&E) /Gastroenterology (Acute Internal Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Respiratory Medicine/General Surgery (Vascular)/Emergency Medicine (A&E)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/Emergency Medicine (A&E)/Respiratory Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine/ Urology
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine (Diabetes & Endocrinology)/General Surgery (Vascular)
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
Urology/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Psychiatry/ General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
110 | www.stfs.org.uk
Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/Urology/ General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/ Intensive Care Medicine (ITU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Intensive Care Medicine (ITU)/General Psychiatry/General Internal Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust* Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare (Conquest) 14/KSS/RXC01/F2/004 (Geriatric Medicine/Respiratory Medicine/GP). *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/Cardiology/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine (Diabetes)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine (Diabetes)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Stroke Medicine)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 trust To Be Confirmed. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus)/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitu)s/General Surgery/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/General Surgery/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/Geriatric Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus)/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 trust To Be Confirmed. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology 3 x 4 months and Diabetes Mellitus) + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Eastbourne (GP/ Opthalmology/Emergency Medicine (A&E)). *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine (Rheumatology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine (Rheumatology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Eastbourne (Ophthalmology/Emergency Medicine (A&E)/GP). *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Rheumatology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/General Psychiatry
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Eastbourne (Emergency Medicine (A&E)/GP/Palliative Care). *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust.
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F1 Trust
STFS Prospectus | Appendix C
F1 Trust
Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust. *Driving licence essential for all posts at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust*
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Urology/ General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/Gastroenterology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Respiratory Medicine/General Surgery (Upper GI)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Respiratory Medicine/General Surgery (Upper GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal)/Geriatric Medicine/Respiratory Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospital NHS Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/Respiratory Medicine/General Surgery (Colorectal)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 13/LDN/01/RJ121/01/F1/002
General Surgery (Lower GI)/General (Internal) Medicine/Otolaryngology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 13/LDN/01/RJ121/01/F1/004
General (Internal) Medicine/Otolaryngology/General Surgery (Lower GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 13/LDN/01/RJ121/01/F1/005
General Surgery (Lower GI)/General (Internal) Medicine/Otolaryngology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 13/LDN/01/RJ121/01/F1/007
General (Internal) Medicine/Gastroenterology/General Surgery (Upper GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 13/LDN/01/RJ121/01/F1/008
General Surgery (Upper GI)/General (Internal) Medicine/Gastroenterology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 13/LDN/01/RJ121/01/F1/009
Gastroenterology/General Surgery (Upper GI)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 13/LDN/01/RJ121/01/F1/017
General Surgery (Lower GI)/General (Internal) Medicine/Medical Oncology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 13/LDN/01/RJ121/01/F1/021
Medical Oncology/General Surgery (Upper GI)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 13/LDN/01/RJ121/01/F1/023
General Surgery (Vascular)/General (Internal) Medicine/Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 13/LDN/01/RJ121/01/F1/029
General Surgery (Upper GI)/General (Internal) Medicine/Renal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 13/LDN/01/RJ121/01/F1/033
Rheumatology/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 13/LDN/01/RJ121/01/F1/044
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine/Urology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 13/LDN/01/RJ121/01/F1/048
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthopaedics only)/General Surgery (Vascular)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 13/LDN/01/RJ121/01/F1/049
Geriatric Medicine/Clinical Radiology/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 13/LDN/01/RJ121/01/F1/054
Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Vascular)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/Paediatrics/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Liver)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Liver)/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/Urology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/Urology/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Cardiology/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/Paediatrics/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/Urology/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 trust To Be Confirmed
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatrics/General (Internal) Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Paediatrics/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
112 | www.stfs.org.uk
Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Obstetrics and Gynaecology/Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatrics/General (Internal) Medicine/Obstetrics and Gynaecology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology/Paediatrics/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology/General (Internal) Medicine/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
2 x 6 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
2 x 6 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
2 x 6 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust 14/LDN/RJ224/F2/013 (Paediatrics/Otolaryngology/GP)
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/001 Anaesthetics (ITU)/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Surgery/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/012 General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/013 Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/015 General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/019 General Surgery (ITU)/General (Internal) Medicine/Cardiology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/023 General Surgery (ITU)/Gastroenterology/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/024 General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery (ITU)/Gastroenterology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/026 General Surgery/General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells (Tunbridge Wells) (Paediatrics/ GP/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery)
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/029 Geriatric Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery (GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/030 General Surgery (GI)/Geriatric Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus)/General Surgery (Urology)/Cardiology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/General Surgery (Urology)/General (Internal) Medicine (MAU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Intensive Care Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Internal Medicine)/ General Surgery (Urology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (MAU)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/ General Surgery (Urology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Stroke Medicine)/General (Internal) Medicine (MAU)/ General Surgery (Urology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/Intensive Care Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine 3 x 4 months (Acute Internal Medicine) + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/Old Age Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Programme provisionally in Green Group.
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/Cardiology/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/Geriatric Medicine (Stroke Medicine)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Programme provisionally in Green Group.
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/Geriatric Medicine (Stroke Medicine)/General Internal Medicine (MAU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Urology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Intensive Care Medicine/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Urology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Haematology/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus)/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/Paediatrics/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/Paediatrics/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
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Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology & Diabetes Mellitius)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/Obstetrics and Gynaecology/ General Surgery (Urology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/ Obstetrics and Gynaecology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Urology/General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Stroke)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 in Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/Urology/General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Stroke)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 in Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Stroke)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/Urology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Orthogeriatrics)/General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Respiratory)/Urology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Cardiology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric)/Urology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Urology/General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/CCU)/General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Respiratory)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Oncology/EAU)/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Stroke/EAU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Respiratory)/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Respiratory)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Respiratory)/Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery (Breast)/ General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology/EAU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology/EAU)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery (Breast)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory/EAU)/General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Oncology)/General Surgery (Breast)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Endo/Rheum/EAU)/Intensive Care Medicine (ITU)/ General (Internal) Medicine (Orthogeriatrics/EAU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Cardiology/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery/Acute Internal Medicine (AMU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Cardiology/General Surgery/Acute Internal Medicine (AMU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine (AMU)/Cardiology/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/Acute Internal Medicine (AMU)/Cardiology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Gastroenterology/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/ Gastroenterology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery/Acute Internal Medicine (AMU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine (AMU)/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Respiratory Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine (Medical Diagnostic Centre)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine (AMU)/Respiratory Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Acute Internal Medicine (AMU)/Respiratory Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/Obstetrics and Gynaecology/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Queen Elizabeth Woolwich (GP/Emergency Medicine (A&E)/ General Psychiatry)
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/Acute Internal Medicine (AMU)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Cardiology/General Surgery/Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine (Cardiology)/Geriatric Medicine/Urology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine (Endocrinology)/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Vascular)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
114 | www.stfs.org.uk
Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Vascular)/Acute Internal Medicine (Endocrinology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Urology/Acute Internal Medicine (Endocrinology)/Geriatric Medicine (Coronary Care Unit)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine (Rheumatology)/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (GI Surgery)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 trust To Be Confirmed
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine (Rheumatology)/Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (GI Surgery)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (GI Surgery)/Acute Internal Medicine (Rheumatology)/ Intensive Care Medicine (High Dependency Unit)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (GI Surgery)/Acute Internal Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/ Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/Acute Internal Medicine/ General Surgery (GI Surgery)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/Acute Internal Medicine (Endocrinology)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Lower GI)/General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Stroke/Acute Geriatric)/Intensive Care Medicine (General Psychiatry - 2 week attachment)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatrics)/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 trust To Be Confirmed
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/ General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatrics)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Lower GI)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery (Lower GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 trust To Be Confirmed
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery (Lower GI)/ General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (MAU/CCU/ITU)/ General Surgery (Upper GI Surgery)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex (St Richard's) 14/KSS/RYR16/F2/TBC (General Psychiatry/GP/Emergency Medicine (A&E))
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (MAU/CCU/ITU)/General Surgery (Upper GI Surgery)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex (St Richard's) 14/KSS/RYR16/F2/TBC (GP/ Emergency Medicine (A&E)General Psychiatry)
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/ General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Urology/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatrics)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Rehabilitation)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/General Surgery (General Psychiatry - 2 week attachment)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/General Surgery (General Psychiatry - 2 week attachment)/General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Rehabilitation)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus)/G(I)M (Rheumatology)/General Surgery/General Surgery (Lower GI)
4 x 3 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Rheumatology)/G(I)M (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus)/ General Surgery (Lower GI)/General Surgery
4 x 3 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery/General Surgery (Lower GI)/G(I)M (Rheumatology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus)
4 x 3 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (MAU/CCU/ITU)/General Surgery (Upper GI Surgery)/Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI Surgery)/Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/ General (Internal) Medicine (MAU/CCU/ITU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/General (Internal) Medicine (MAU/CCU/ ITU)/General Surgery (Upper GI Surgery)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Diabetes)/General Surgery (Colorectal)/General Surgery (Urology)/Anaesthetics
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Lewisham 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal)/General Surgery (Urology)/Anaesthetics/General (Internal) Medicine (Diabetes)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex 2 x 2 months University Hospitals NHS Trust + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Anaesthetics/General (Internal) Medicine (Diabetes)/General Surgery (Colorectal)/General Surgery (Urology)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex 2 x 2 months University Hospitals NHS Trust + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/General Surgery (Colorectal)/General Surgery (Urology)/General Psychiatry/General Surgery
1x 4 months + 4x 2 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex (Worthing) (Obstetrics and Gynaecology/General (Internal) Medicine/GP)
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal)/General Surgery (Urology)/General Psychiatry/ General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)
1x 4 months + 4x 2 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/General Surgery (Upper GI)/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. 2 x 2 months Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
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F1 Trust
Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex 2 x 2 months University Hospitals NHS Trust + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery/General Surgery (Upper GI)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatrics/Orthopaedics)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. 2 x 2 months Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Renal)/General Surgery (Colorectal)/General Surgery (Urology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatrics/Rheumatology)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County 2 x 2 months Hospital NHS Foundation Trust + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal)/General Surgery (Urology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatrics/Rheumatology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Renal)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at South London 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatrics/Rheumatology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Renal)/General Surgery (Colorectal)/General Surgery (Urology)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex 2 x 2 months University Hospitals NHS Trust + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/General Surgery (Colorectal)/Geriatric Medicine/ General (Interal) Medicine (Geriatrics/Neurology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Diabetes)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St Helier 2 x 2 months University Hospitals NHS Trust + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatrics/Neurology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Diabetes)/General Surgery (Urology)/General Surgery (Colorectal)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex 2 x 2 months (Worthing) (General (Internal) Medicine/GP/ + unknown General Psychiatry)
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/ General Surgery (Colorectal)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatrics/Dermatology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex 2 x 2 months (Worthing) (General Psychiatry/GP/Obstetrics + unknown and Gynaecology)
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatrics/Haematology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery (Urology)/General Surgery (Colorectal)
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at South London 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery (Vascular)/ General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 trust To be Confirmed
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at South London 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine/ General (Internal) Medicine
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at St George's 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/ General Psychiatry
2 x 4 months + Provisionally linked to F2 at St George's 2 x 2 months Healthcare NHS Trust + unknown
116 | www.stfs.org.uk
Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link
Anaesthetics/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/General Surgery (Vascular)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 trust To Be Confirmed
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/General Surgery (Vascular)/ Anaesthetics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/Anaesthetics/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Anaesthetics/General Surgery (Colorectal)/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal)/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/ Anaesthetics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/Anaesthetics/General Surgery (Urology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal)/Paediatrics/General (Internal) Medicine (Rheumatology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Rheumatology)/General Surgery (Colorectal)/ Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics/General (Internal) Medicine (Rheumatology)/General Surgery (Colorectal)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/ Acute Medicine (MAU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/General Surgery (Upper GI)/Old Age Psychiatry
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's 14/KSS/RTK01/F2/017 (Emergency Medicine (A&E)/GP/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery)
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Old Age Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/General Surgery (Upper GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's 14/KSS/RTK01/F2/018 (Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Emergency Medicine (A&E)/GP)
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/ Clinical Radiology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Clinical Radiology/General Surgery (Vascular)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/Clinical Radiology/General Surgery (Vascular)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery (Colorectal)/ Clinical Radiology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Clinical Radiology/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery (Colorectal)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/Paediatrics/Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Vascular)/Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics/Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Vascular)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric)/General Psychiatry
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Psychiatry/General Surgery (Urology)/General (Internal) Medicine(Geriatric Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. Programme provisionally in Yellow Group.�
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric)/General Psychiatry/General Surgery (Urology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics/General Surgery (Colorectal)/Rheumatology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Rheumatology/Paediatrics/General Surgery (Colorectal)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 trust To Be Confirmed
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal)/Rheumatology/Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/General Surgery (Upper GI)/ General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/General Surgery (Upper GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/Gastroenterology/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology)/General Surgery/Gastroenterology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus/General Surgery (Colorectal)/ Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/ General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Ashford and St Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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STFS Prospectus | Appendix C
F1 Trust
Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/General (Internal) Medicine/ Emergency Medicine (A&E)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (MAU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Stroke Medicine)/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (MAU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine (MAU)/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/General (Internal) Medicine/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery (Urology)/Renal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/Medical Oncology/Emergency Medicine (A&E)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Infectious Diseases/Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthogeriatrics)/ Respiratory Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Gastroenterology (Acute Internal Medicine)/Paediatrics/General Surgery (Colorectal)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Paediatrics/General Surgery (Colorectal)/Gastroenterology (Acute Internal Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/Renal Medicine (Acute Internal Medicine)/ Anaesthetics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust (Intermediate Care/ Community Pathway (MCAT Service)/ Community Pathway)
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Renal Medicine/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Upper GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Urology/General Surgery (Colorectal)/Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthogeriatrics)/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine (A&E)/Respiratory Medicine/General Surgery (Vascular)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine/General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine (Diabetes & Endocrinology)
Provisionally linked F2 trust To Be Confirmed
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
General Surgery (Laparoscopic)/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/ General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/Haematology/General Surgery (Vascular)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Haematology/General Surgery (Vascular)/Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/Acute Internal Medicine/Haematology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal)/Geriatric Medicine/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus/General Surgery (Colorectal)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus/General Surgery (Colorectal)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine/Respiratory Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospital NHS Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Respiratory Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/Respiratory Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Respiratory Medicine/Gastroenterology/Urology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospital NHS Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Gastroenterology/Urology/Respiratory Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Respiratory Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Gastroenterology/General Surgery (Vascular)/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus/Gastroenterology/General Surgery (Vascular)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus/ Gastroenterology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Gastroenterology/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Gastroenterology/Geriatric Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Gastroenterology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospital NHS Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Colorectal)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Colorectal)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
118 | www.stfs.org.uk
Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Respiratory Medicine/General Surgery (Colorectal)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/Palliative Medicine/Urology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Palliative Medicine/Urology/Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospital NHS Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Urology/Acute Internal Medicine/Palliative Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospital NHS Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Psychiatry (Liaison Psychiatry)/General (Internal) Medicine (MAU)/ General Surgery (Colorectal)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospital NHS Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (MAU)/General Surgery (Colorectal)/Psychiatry of Learning Disability (Liaison Psychiatry)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal)/Psychiatry of Learning Disability (Liaison Psychiatry)/General (Internal) Medicine (MAU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Cardiology/Geriatric Medicine/General Psychiatry
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Psychiatry/Urology/Cardiology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospital NHS Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Urology/General Psychiatry/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal)/Paediatrics/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley (GP/ Emergency Medicine/Ophthalmology)
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology)/General Surgery (Colorectal)/ Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley (GP/ Otolaryngology/Emergency Medicine)
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology)/General Surgery (Colorectal)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Lower GI)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric)/General Surgery (Lower GI)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric)/ General Surgery (Lower GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/Haematology/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric)/General Surgery (Upper GI)/ Haematology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Haematology/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric)/General Surgery (Upper GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley 14/KSS/ RDU01/F2/012 (GP/Paediatrics/Emergency Medicine)
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery (Upper GI)/ Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery (Upper GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/Anaesthetics/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley 14/KSS/ RDU01/F2/009 (GP/Emergency Medicine/ Paediatrics)
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology)/General Surgery (Upper GI)/ Anaesthetics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Anaesthetics/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology)/General Surgery (Upper GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to Frimley F2 14/KSS/ RDU01/F2/010 (GP/General 'Internal' Medicine (Cardiology)/Emergency Medicine)
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric)/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric)/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/General Surgery (Vascular)/ Emergency Medicine (A&E)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/General Surgery (Vascular)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/ Emergency Medicine (A&E)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/ Emergency Medicine (A&E)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/General (Internal) Medicine/Infectious Diseases
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
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F1 Trust
STFS Prospectus | Appendix C
F1 Trust
Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link
Obstetrics and Gynaecology/General Surgery (Upper GI)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Anaesthetics (Anaesthetics/Perioperative)/General Surgery (Lower GI)/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine (Stroke Medicine)/General Surgery (Lower GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthopaedics only)/Geriatric Medicine/ Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/Urology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/Emergency Medicine (A&E)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Vascular)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthogeriatrics)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthogeriatrics)/ Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthogeriatrics)/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Vascular)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Gastroenterology/General Surgery (Upper GI)/Anaesthetics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/Anaesthetics/Gastroenterology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 trust To be Confirmed Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Anaesthetics/Gastroenterology/General Surgery (Upper GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine /Urology/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Urology/Geriatric Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine /Urology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Respiratory Medicine/General Surgery (Breast)/Neurology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Neurology/Respiratory Medicine/General Surgery (Breast)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Vascular)/Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/Acute Internal Medicine/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Vascular)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Breast)/Urology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
General Surgery (Breast)/Urology/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Urology/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Breast)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Gastroenterology/General Surgery (Upper GI)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthogeriatrics)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthogeriatrics)/ 3 x 4 months Gastroenterology + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthogeriatrics)/Gastroenterology/General Surgery (Upper GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
General Surgery (Breast)/Neurology/Respiratory Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Gastroenterology/General Surgery (Lower GI)/Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
General Surgery (Lower GI)/Acute Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology/General Surgery (Lower GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Respiratory Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine/Urology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/Urology/Respiratory Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Urology/Respiratory Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Upper GI)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
120 | www.stfs.org.uk
Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/Geriatric Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Upper GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/006 General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/Anaesthetics (ITU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/017 Cardiology/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/022 Gastroenterology/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery (ITU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
13/KSS/01/RWFTW/01/F1/027 General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery/General Psychiatry
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells (Tunbridge Wells) (Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Paediatrics/GP)
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Internal Medicine)/General Surgery (Urology)/Intensive Care Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Internal Medicine)/General Surgery (Urology)/Intensive Care Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus)/General Surgery (Urology)/Old Age Psychiatry
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery (Urology)/ General Psychiatry
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery (Urology)/ General Psychiatry
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/General Surgery (Urology)/Geriatric Medicine (Stroke Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Psychiatry/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/General Surgery (Urology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust. Programme provisionally in Yellow Group.�
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/Intensive Care Medicine/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Urology)/Intensive Care Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/Haematology/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus)/General Surgery/Haematology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus)/Paediatrics/ General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine (A&E)/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/Obstetrics and Gynaecology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology/General Surgery (Urology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Hepato-Biliary)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/Acute Internal Medicine/ General Surgery (Hepato-Biliary)
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Hepato-Biliary)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Breast)/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology)
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology)/Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Breast)
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Breast)/General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology)/Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Colorectal)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Colorectal)
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory)/Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Hepato-Biliary)/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Hepato-Biliary)
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Hepato-Biliary)/General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/ Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Upper GI)/General (Internal) Medicine (Stroke Medicine)
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Stroke medicine)/Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Upper GI)
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus/General (Internal) Medicine/General Surgery
www.stfs.org.uk | 121
F1 Trust
STFS Prospectus | Appendix C
F1 Trust
Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/General (Internal) Medicine (Stroke Medicine)/ Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Geriatric Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Rheumatology)
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Rheumatology)/Acute Internal Medicine/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine (Rheumatology)/ Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked F2 trust To Be Confirmed
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Upper GI)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Upper GI)
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/Geriatric Medicine/Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/ Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/Acute Internal Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)/Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)
2 x 6 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/Acute Internal Medicine
2 x 6 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Hepato-Biliary)
2 x 6 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Hepato-Biliary)/Acute Internal Medicine
2 x 6 months
Provisionally linked to F2 at St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (EAU/Respiratory)/Paediatrics/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/General (Internal) Medicine/Cardiology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine (AMU)/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Intensive Care Medicine (ITU)/General (Internal) Medicine/Cardiology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Respiratory Medicine/General Surgery (Upper GI)/Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/Paediatrics/Respiratory Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatrics/Respiratory Medicine/General Surgery (Upper GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Gastroenterology/General Surgery (Breast)/Paediatrics
3 x 4 months + unknown
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (Breast)/Paediatrics/Gastroenterology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatrics/Gastroenterology/General Surgery (Breast)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Rheumatology (AMU)/General Surgery (Breast)/Intensive Care Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (Breast)/Intensive Care Medicine/Rheumatology (AMU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Intensive Care Medicine/Rheumatology(AMU)/General Surgery (Breast)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Upper GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (Upper GI)/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Gastroenterology (AMU)/Geriatric Medicine/Plastic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/Plastics Surgery/Gastroenterology (AMU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Plastic Surgery/Gastroenterology (AMU)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Respiratory Medicine/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus (AMU)/General Surgery (Vascular)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus (AMU)/General Surgery (Vascular)/ Respiratory Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/Respiratory Medicine/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus (AMU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Blood pressure/AMU)/General Surgery (Vascular)/ Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
122 | www.stfs.org.uk
Programme Title
Provisional F2 Link
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/Geriatric Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine (Blood pressure/AMU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General (Internal) Medicine (Blood pressure/AMU)/General Surgery (Vascular)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Medway NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus (AMU)/General Surgery (Lower GI)/ General (Internal) Medicine (Blood pressure/AMU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (Lower GI)/General (Internal) Medicine (Blood pressure/AMU)/ Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus (AMU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Blood pressure unit/AMU)/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus (AMU)/General Surgery (Lower GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus (AMU)/Medical Ophthalmology/General Surgery (Upper GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Medical Ophthalmology/General Surgery (Upper GI)/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus (AMU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (Upper GI)/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus (AMU)/ Medical Ophthalmology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus (AMU)/General Surgery (Lower GI)/ Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (Lower GI)/Trauma and Othopaedic Surgery/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus (AMU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus (AMU)/ General Surgery (Lower GI)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Rheumatology (AMU)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General Surgery (Breast)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/General Surgery (Breast)/Rheumatology (AMU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (Breast)/Rheumatology (AMU)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked F2 Trust To Be Confirmed
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Psychiatry/Gastroenterology (AMU)/General Surgery (Renal Transplant Surgery)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Gastroenterology (AMU)/General Surgery (Renal Transplant Surgery)/General Psychiatry
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (Renal Transplant Surgery)/General Psychiatry/ Gastroenterology (AMU)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine (Cardiology)/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine (Respiratory)/Geriatric Medicine (Coronary Care Unit)/ General Surgery (GI Surgery)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/Urology/Acute Internal Medicine (Cardiology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (GI Surgery)/Acute Internal Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery/Acute Internal Medicine (Cardiology)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (GI)/Acute Internal Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology)/Intensive Care Medicine (High Dependency Unit)/General Surgery (Vascular)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology)/Intensive Care Medicine (High Dependency Unit)/General Surgery (GI Surgery)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery/Acute Internal Medicine (Cardiology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (Vascular)/Acute Internal Medicine (Rheumatology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Coronary Care Unit)/General Surgery (GI Surgery)/Acute Internal Medicine (Rheumatology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Intensive Care Medicine (High Dependency Unit)/General Surgery (GI Surgery)/ 3 x 4 months Acute Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology) + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Intensive Care Medicine (High Dependency Unit)/General Surgery (GI Surgery)/ 3 x 4 months Acute Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology) + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/Acute Internal Medicine (Cardiology)/Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/Acute Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology)/Acute Internal Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (GI Surgery)/Acute Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology)/ Geriatric Medicine
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (GI Surgery)/Acute Internal Medicine (Rheumatology)/ Intensive Care Medicine (High Dependency Unit)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine/General Surgery (GI Surgery)/Acute Internal Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute Internal Medicine (Endocrinology)/Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (GI Surgery)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine/General Surgery (GI Surgery)/Acute Internal Medicine (Endocrinology)
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatrics)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery/ Urology
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Urology/General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatrics)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
3 x 4 months + unknown
Provisionally linked to F2 at St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust
www.stfs.org.uk | 123
F1 Trust
STFS Prospectus | Appendix D
Appendix D Summary of August 2013 F2 Programmes Information regarding specific programmes is provisional and may be subject to change. Precise details of rotations are subject to service delivery requirements of the NHS and subsequent confirmation by employing Trusts.
Details of August 2013 F2 programmes are given for information only, however, it is likely that August 2013 F2 programmes will be similar in composition.
Please note that psychiatry posts often require foundation doctors to travel between several locations and the ability to drive when undertaking these posts may be helpful.
Please see page 8 for details of how F2 programmes are allocated
F2 Trust
Programme Number
Programme Title
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /General Psychiatry/General Surgery
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
General Surgery /General (Internal) Medicine/General Psychiatry
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
General Psychiatry /General Surgery /General (Internal) Medicine
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /General Psychiatry /General Surgery
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
General Surgery /General (Internal) Medicine /General Psychiatry
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
General Psychiatry /General Surgery /General (Internal) Medicine
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General (Internal) Medicine
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /General Practice /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General (Internal) Medicine /General Practice
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
General Practice /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General (Internal) Medicine
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /General Practice /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General (Internal) Medicine /General Practice
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
General Practice /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General (Internal) Medicine
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Urology
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
Urology /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
General Practice /Urology /Emergency Medicine
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics /Anaesthetics
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
Anaesthetics /Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics
Dartford And Gravesham NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Anaesthetics /Emergency Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine /Gastro-enterology /General Practice
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Gastro-enterology /General Practice /Geriatric Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Geriatric Medicine /Gastro-enterology
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Otolaryngology /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Public Health Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Public Health Medicine /Otolaryngology
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Public Health Medicine /Otolaryngology /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Respiratory Medicine /General Practice
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Respiratory Medicine /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Respiratory Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease) /Geriatric Medicine (Stroke Medicine)/General Practice
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Stroke Medicine)/General Practice /Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease)
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease) /Geriatric Medicine (Stroke Medicine)
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Surgery (Colorectal Surgery)
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Surgery (Colorectal Surgery)/Geriatric Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal Surgery)/Geriatric Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Ophthalmology
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Ophthalmology /Emergency Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Ophthalmology /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Otolaryngology /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
STFS Prospectus | Appendix D
F2 Trust
Programme Number
Programme Title
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Otolaryngology /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /Otolaryngology
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Ophthalmology /General Surgery (Colorectal Surgery)/Medical Microbiology (Public Health Medicine)
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal Surgery)/Medical Microbiology (Public Health Medicine)/Ophthalmology
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Medical Microbiology (Public Health Medicine)/Ophthalmology /General Surgery (Colorectal Surgery)
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Practice
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Paediatrics
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Medicine /Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease) /General Practice
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Emergency Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Emergency Medicine /General Surgery
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Medicine /Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/Ophthalmology
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Ophthalmology /Acute Medicine /Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/Ophthalmology /Acute Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
General Psychiatry /Geriatric Medicine (Acute Care)/Nuclear Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Acute Care)/Nuclear Medicine /General Psychiatry
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease) /General Practice /Acute Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Acute Medicine /Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease)
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /General Surgery
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Nuclear Medicine /General Psychiatry /Geriatric Medicine (Acute Care)
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Renal Medicine (Nephrology) /Acute Medicine /General Practice
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Renal Medicine (Nephrology) /Acute Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Medicine /General Practice /Renal Medicine (Nephrology)
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Acute Medicine /Vascular Surgery
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Vascular Surgery /General Practice /Acute Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Medicine /Vascular Surgery /General Practice
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Anaesthetics (ITU)/Acute Medicine /Vascular Surgery
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Vascular Surgery /Anaesthetics (ITU)/Acute Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Medicine /Vascular Surgery /Anaesthetics (ITU)
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Renal Medicine (Nephrology) /Acute Medicine /Urology
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Urology /Renal Medicine (Nephrology) /Acute Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Medicine /Urology /Renal Medicine (Nephrology)
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Medicine /General Practice /Geriatric Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine /Acute Medicine /General Practice
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Geriatric Medicine /Acute Medicine
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Medicine /Urology /General Psychiatry
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
General Psychiatry /Acute Medicine /Urology
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Urology /General Psychiatry /Acute Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General (Internal) Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine /General Practice
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Psychiatry /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
F2 Trust
Programme Number
Programme Title
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Psychiatry /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Psychiatry
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Practice /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Paediatrics
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Paediatrics /General Practice /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Paediatrics /General Practice
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Otolaryngology /General Psychiatry
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Psychiatry /General (Internal) Medicine /Otolaryngology
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Otolaryngology /General Psychiatry /General (Internal) Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Practice /Paediatrics /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Old Age Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Old Age Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Old Age Psychiatry
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Geriatric Medicine (Rehabilitation)/Emergency Medicine
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Rehabilitation)/Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Geriatric Medicine (Rehabilitation)
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Haematology)/General Practice /Urology
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Urology /General (Internal) Medicine (Haematology)/General Practice
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Urology /General (Internal) Medicine (Haematology)
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Neurorehabilitation)/Paediatrics /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General (Internal) Medicine (Neurorehabilitation)/Paediatrics
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General (Internal) Medicine (Neurorehabilitation)
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgery /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgery /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgery
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Medicine)/General Practice /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Medicine)/General Practice
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Medicine)
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Paediatrics
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/General Practice
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/General Practice /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Rehabilitation)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General (Internal) Medicine (Gastro-enterology)
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General (Internal) Medicine (Gastro-enterology)/Geriatric Medicine (Rehabilitation)
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastro-enterology)/Geriatric Medicine (Rehabilitation)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Breast Surgery)/Intensive therapy /Clinical Oncology (Radiotherapy)
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Clinical Oncology (Radiotherapy) /General Surgery (Breast Surgery)/Intensive therapy
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Intensive therapy /Clinical Oncology (Radiotherapy) /General Surgery (Breast Surgery)
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Clinical Oncology (Radiotherapy) /Emergency Medicine
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Clinical Oncology (Radiotherapy) /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Clinical Oncology (Radiotherapy)
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Old Age Psychiatry /General Practice
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Old Age Psychiatry
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Old Age Psychiatry /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastro-enterology)/General Surgery (Hepato-Biliary)/Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastro-enterology)/General Surgery (Hepato-Biliary)
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Hepato-Biliary)/Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastro-enterology)
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Medical Microbiology /Urology
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Urology /General Practice /Medical Microbiology
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Medical Microbiology /Urology /General Practice
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Academic /General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology)/Paediatrics
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology)/Paediatrics /Academic
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics /Academic /General (Internal) Medicine (Endocrinology)
STFS Prospectus | Appendix D
F2 Trust
Programme Number
Programme Title
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Urology /General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/Geriatric Medicine (Community Geriatrics)
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Community Geriatrics)/Urology /General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/Geriatric Medicine (Community Geriatrics)/Urology
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Otolaryngology /General (Internal) Medicine (Rheumatology)
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Rheumatology)/Emergency Medicine /Otolaryngology
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Otolaryngology /General (Internal) Medicine (Rheumatology)/Emergency Medicine
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Otolaryngology /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Otolaryngology /Emergency Medicine
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Otolaryngology
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Otolaryngology /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Otolaryngology /Emergency Medicine
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Otolaryngology
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Geriatric Medicine /Medical Education
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine /Medical Education /Emergency Medicine
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Medical Education /Emergency Medicine /Geriatric Medicine
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics /General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/Emergency Medicine
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine (Gastro-enterology)
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Ophthalmology /General (Internal) Medicine (Gastro-enterology)/Emergency Medicine
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Urology (Basic surgical training)/Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Practice
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Otolaryngology /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Anaesthetics /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Chemical Pathology /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Otolaryngology /Emergency Medicine
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease) /Emergency Medicine
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Ophthalmology
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastro-enterology)/Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Emergency Medicine
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/Paediatrics /Urology (Basic surgical training)
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Gastro-enterology /Anaesthetics (ITU)/Paediatrics
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Urology (Basic surgical training)/Chemical Pathology
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Paediatrics
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Chemical Pathology /Gastro-enterology
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Gastro-enterology /Urology (Basic surgical training)
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/Urology (Basic surgical training)/General Practice
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Emergency Medicine /Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease)
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Anaesthetics (ITU)
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Otolaryngology
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics /General Practice
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease) /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Urology (Basic surgical training)/General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Ophthalmology /General Practice
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /General Surgery
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Otolaryngology /Urology /Emergency Medicine
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Medical Microbiology
F2 Trust
Programme Number
Programme Title
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Medical Microbiology /Emergency Medicine
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Haematology /Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Haematology /Emergency Medicine
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Urology /Emergency Medicine /Otolaryngology
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Urology /Otolaryngology
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/General Practice /Otolaryngology
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Otolaryngology /General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/General Practice
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Otolaryngology /General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General (Internal) Medicine (Rheumatology)/Paediatrics
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General (Internal) Medicine (Rheumatology)
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/General Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Otolaryngology /General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/General Surgery
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/General Practice /Otolaryngology
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/General Practice /Urology
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Urology /General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/General Practice
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Psychiatry /Urology /General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/General Psychiatry /Urology
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Psychiatry /General Surgery /Intensive Care Medicine
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Intensive Care Medicine /General Psychiatry /General Surgery
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery /General Practice
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Otolaryngology /Urology
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Urology /Emergency Medicine /Otolaryngology
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Medical Microbiology /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Haematology
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Otolaryngology /Urology
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Rheumatology)/Paediatrics /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Otolaryngology /General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Otolaryngology /General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/General Practice
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Urology /General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Urology /General (Internal) Medicine (Cardiology)/General Psychiatry
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Psychiatry
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery /Intensive Care Medicine /General Psychiatry
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics (Neonatal Medicine)/Intensive Care Medicine /Emergency Medicine
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Otolaryngology /Paediatrics (Neonatal Medicine)/Intensive Care Medicine
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Intensive Care Medicine /Otolaryngology /Paediatrics (Neonatal Medicine)
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Practice
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Paediatrics
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /General Psychiatry
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease) /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Acute (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Paediatrics (Neonatal Medicine)
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease) /General Practice
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Acute (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus /General Practice /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Psychiatry /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
STFS Prospectus | Appendix D
F2 Trust
Programme Number
Programme Title
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Acute (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Breast Surgery)/Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery (Breast Surgery)/General Practice
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Psychiatry /General Surgery (Urology)/Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Paediatrics /General Surgery (Urology)
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Surgery (Vascular)
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Paediatrics (Neonatal Medicine)/Acute (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Acute (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease)
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics /Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Practice /Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics (Neonatal Medicine)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Acute (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/Emergency Medicine
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Medical Assessment Unit (MAU))/General Surgery (Vascular)/Paediatrics
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Paediatrics (Neonatal Medicine)/Emergency Medicine
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Paediatrics (Neonatal Medicine)
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics (Neonatal Medicine)/Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Paediatrics /Acute Medicine
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Acute Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Urology)/Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General (Internal) Medicine (Medical Assessment Unit (MAU))
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics /General (Internal) Medicine (Medical Assessment Unit (MAU))/General Surgery (Breast Surgery)
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Psychiatry /General (Internal) Medicine (Medical Assessment Unit (MAU))
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General Psychiatry /General (Internal) Medicine (Medical Assessment Unit (MAU))/Emergency Medicine
Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Medical Assessment Unit (MAU))/Emergency Medicine /General Psychiatry
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Practice /Paediatrics
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Practice
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Otolaryngology /General Practice
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Otolaryngology
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Otolaryngology /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Practice /General (Internal) Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Practice /General (Internal) Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Practice
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Acute (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/General Practice
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Psychiatry
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics /General Psychiatry
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Acute (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /Acute (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Acute (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/General Practice
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Acute (Internal) Medicine /General Practice
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Acute (Internal) Medicine
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute (Internal) Medicine /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics /General Practice
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics
F2 Trust
Programme Number
Programme Title
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatrics /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /General Surgery
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery /General Practice
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Acute Medicine
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Acute Medicine /General Practice
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute Medicine /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Acute (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Acute (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine
Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatrics /General Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /General (Internal) Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Haematology
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Paediatrics
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Paediatrics
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Psychiatry
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Ophthalmology
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Ophthalmology
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Psychiatry /General (Internal) Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine /General Psychiatry
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Haematology /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Ophthalmology /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Ophthalmology /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Practice /General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Practice /Haematology /Emergency Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Practice /Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General Practice /Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Ophthalmology /Emergency Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Ophthalmology /Emergency Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine
Maidstone And Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /General Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine /General Practice /Gastro-enterology
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Gastro-enterology /Geriatric Medicine /General Practice
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Geriatric Medicine /Respiratory Medicine
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Respiratory Medicine /General Practice /Geriatric Medicine
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Geriatric Medicine /Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease)
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease) /General Practice /Geriatric Medicine
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine /Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease) /General Practice
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Otolaryngology /Emergency Medicine
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Otolaryngology
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Otolaryngology /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
STFS Prospectus | Appendix D
F2 Trust
Programme Number
Programme Title
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus /Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus /Emergency Medicine
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Gastro-enterology /Geriatric Medicine
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine /Respiratory Medicine /General Practice
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics /Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Ophthalmology
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Ophthalmology /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics /Public Health Medicine
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Public Health Medicine /Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Otolaryngology
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Otolaryngology /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Urology /Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Palliative Medicine /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Palliative Medicine /Emergency Medicine
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Urology /General Psychiatry /General (Internal) Medicine
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Urology /General Psychiatry
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/General Practice
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Practice /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Ophthalmology /Emergency Medicine
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Public Health Medicine /Emergency Medicine
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Otolaryngology /Emergency Medicine
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Urology /Emergency Medicine
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics /Urology
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Palliative Medicine
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Psychiatry /General (Internal) Medicine /Urology
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Practice /General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Practice
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Acute Medicine /Geriatric Medicine
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Acute Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Geriatric Medicine
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Geriatric Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Stroke Medicine (Acute Medicine on call)/Neurosurgery /General Practice
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Stroke Medicine (Acute Medicine on call)/Neurosurgery
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/General Practice /General (Internal) Medicine
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery /General Practice /Renal Medicine (Nephrology)
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/General Practice
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Otolaryngology /General Practice
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Cardio-thoracic Surgery (Thoracic Surgery) /Geriatric Medicine /Emergency Medicine
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Cardio-thoracic Surgery (Thoracic Surgery) /Acute Medicine
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine /Paediatric Surgery /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease) /Emergency Medicine
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Renal Medicine (Nephrology)
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Renal Medicine (Nephrology) /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Acute Medicine On Call)/Urology /Old Age Psychiatry
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Geriatric Medicine /Anaesthetics
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine /Anaesthetics /Emergency Medicine
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Anaesthetics /Emergency Medicine /Acute Medicine
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine /Acute Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Geriatric Medicine
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
F2 Trust
Programme Number
Programme Title
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Neurosurgery /General Practice /Stroke Medicine (Acute Medicine on call)
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Renal Medicine (Nephrology) /General Surgery /General Practice
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /General (Internal) Medicine /Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Renal Medicine (Nephrology) /General Surgery
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Otolaryngology
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Otolaryngology /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Acute Medicine /Emergency Medicine /Cardio-thoracic Surgery (Thoracic Surgery)
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Geriatric Medicine /Paediatric Surgery
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Paediatric Surgery /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Geriatric Medicine
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease) /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Renal Medicine (Nephrology) /Emergency Medicine
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Old Age Psychiatry /Geriatric Medicine (Acute Medicine On Call)/Urology
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Urology /Old Age Psychiatry /Geriatric Medicine (Acute Medicine On Call)
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Neurology
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Neurology /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Neurology /Emergency Medicine
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery /Renal Medicine (Nephrology) /Emergency Medicine
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Renal Medicine (Nephrology) /Emergency Medicine /General Surgery
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease)
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery /Renal Medicine (Nephrology)
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery /Emergency Medicine /Genito-urinary Medicine (Acute Medicine On Call)
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Genito-urinary Medicine (Acute Medicine On Call)/General Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Genito-urinary Medicine (Acute Medicine On Call)/General Surgery
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Anatomy Demonstrating /Geriatric Medicine (Academic (Firm 4))
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastro-enterology)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Anatomy Demonstrating
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Anatomy Demonstrating /General (Internal) Medicine (Gastro-enterology)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice (Academic)/General Surgery /Paediatrics
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Paediatrics /General Practice (Academic)/General Surgery
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery /Paediatrics /General Practice (Academic)
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Anatomy Demonstrating /Geriatric Medicine (Stroke Medicine)
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Stroke Medicine)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Anatomy Demonstrating
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Anatomy Demonstrating /Geriatric Medicine (Stroke Medicine)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Academic (Leadership Project)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/Emergency Medicine /Academic (Leadership Project)
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Academic (Leadership Project)/General (Internal) Medicine (Respiratory Medicine)/Emergency Medicine
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Academic (Leadership Project)/Paediatrics
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Academic (Leadership Project)
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Academic (Leadership Project)/Paediatrics /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Academic (Stroke Medicine)/Infectious Diseases (Communicable Diseases) (Academic / Clinical)/General (Internal) Medicine (Gastroenterology)
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Academic (Firm 4))/Haematology (Academic)/Infectious Diseases (Communicable Diseases) (Academic / Clinical)
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Infectious Diseases (Communicable Diseases) (Academic / Clinical)/Geriatric Medicine (Academic (Firm 4))/Infectious Diseases (Communicable Diseases) (Academic)
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Rheumatology (Academic)/General Practice (Academic (General Practice / Nuclear Medicine))/General (Internal) Medicine (Academic (General (Internal) Medicine) / Acute Medicine)
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Academic (General (Internal) Medicine) / Acute Medicine)/Hepatology (Academic (Liver))/General Practice (Academic (General Practice / Nuclear Medicine))
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice (Academic (General Practice / Nuclear Medicine))/General (Internal) Medicine (Academic (General (Internal) Medicine) / Acute Medicine)/Neurology (Academic)
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Genito-urinary Medicine (Academic (HIV/GUM))/Genito-urinary Medicine (Academic / Clinical (HIV/GUM))/Geriatric Medicine (Academic (Geriatric Medicine) / Acute Medicine On Call)
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Academic (Geriatric Medicine) / Acute Medicine On Call)/Oncology (Academic)/Genito-urinary Medicine (Academic / Clinical (HIV/GUM))
Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Genito-urinary Medicine (Academic / Clinical (HIV/GUM))/Geriatric Medicine (Academic (Geriatric Medicine) / Acute Medicine On Call)/ Paediatrics (Academic)
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /General Surgery (Colorectal Surgery)/Geriatric Medicine
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General (Internal) Medicine
STFS Prospectus | Appendix D
F2 Trust
Programme Number
Programme Title
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /General (Internal) Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Geriatric Medicine /General Practice
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine /General Practice /Old Age Psychiatry
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine /Emergency Medicine /General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Surgery
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Paediatrics /General Practice
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Practice
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Geriatric Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/General Practice
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Paediatrics /General Practice /General Surgery (Vascular)
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery (Vascular)/Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Practice /General (Internal) Medicine
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal Surgery)/General Practice /Paediatrics
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Geriatric Medicine /General Practice
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)/General Practice /Geriatric Medicine
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery /Emergency Medicine /Geriatric Medicine
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Geriatric Medicine
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)/Emergency Medicine
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Old Age Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /General Surgery /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Orthogeriatrics)/Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Practice
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Geriatric Medicine /General Surgery (Colorectal Surgery)
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General (Internal) Medicine
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Old Age Psychiatry /General Practice /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Acute Medicine)/Old Age Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Old Age Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine /Geriatric Medicine (Acute Medicine)
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Geriatric Medicine (Acute Medicine)/Old Age Psychiatry
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Respiratory Medicine (Acute Medicine)/General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Respiratory Medicine (Acute Medicine)
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Respiratory Medicine (Acute Medicine)/General Practice
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine (Acute Medicine)/General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Geriatric Medicine (Acute Medicine)/General Practice
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Geriatric Medicine (Acute Medicine)
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Gastro-enterology (Acute Medicine)/Ophthalmology /Emergency Medicine
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Gastro-enterology (Acute Medicine)/Ophthalmology
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Ophthalmology /Emergency Medicine /Gastro-enterology (Acute Medicine)
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
General Practice /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
General Surgery (Breast Surgery)/Geriatric Medicine /Emergency Medicine
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine /Emergency Medicine /General Surgery (Breast Surgery)
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery (Breast Surgery)/Geriatric Medicine
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)/Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine /General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)/Paediatrics
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Acute Medicine (Medical Assessment Unit (MAU))/General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Acute Medicine (Medical Assessment Unit (MAU))
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Acute Medicine (Medical Assessment Unit (MAU))/General Practice
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Urology /Emergency Medicine
F2 Trust
Programme Number
Programme Title
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Urology /Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Urology
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
General Practice /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Urology /General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)/Emergency Medicine /Urology
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Urology /General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)/Emergency Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Urology
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Urology /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Urology /Emergency Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Cardio-thoracic Surgery (Thoracic Surgery) /Urology
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Urology /Emergency Medicine /Cardio-thoracic Surgery (Thoracic Surgery)
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Cardio-thoracic Surgery (Thoracic Surgery) /Urology /Emergency Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Otolaryngology (Paediatric Otolaryngology)
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Otolaryngology (Paediatric Otolaryngology)/Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Otolaryngology (Paediatric Otolaryngology)/Emergency Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /General Psychiatry
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /General Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)/Old Age Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)/Old Age Psychiatry
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Old Age Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine /General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)/Emergency Medicine /Urology
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Urology /General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)/Emergency Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Urology /General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Geriatric Medicine /General Practice
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Geriatric Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Geriatric Medicine /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Genito-urinary Medicine /General Practice
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Genito-urinary Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Genito-urinary Medicine /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Rheumatology /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /Rheumatology
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Rheumatology /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Ophthalmology /General Practice
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Ophthalmology
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Ophthalmology /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Medicine /Gastro-enterology /General Practice
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Acute Medicine /Gastro-enterology
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Gastro-enterology /General Practice /Acute Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Acute Medicine /Urology /General Practice
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Acute Medicine /Urology
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Urology /General Practice /Acute Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
STFS Prospectus | Appendix D
F2 Trust
Programme Number
Programme Title
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Emergency Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics /Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease) /General (Internal) Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Paediatrics /Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease)
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease) /General (Internal) Medicine /Paediatrics
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Paediatric Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Paediatric Surgery
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatric Surgery /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatrics /Public Health Medicine /Emergency Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics /Public Health Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Public Health Medicine /Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Clinical Oncology (Radiotherapy) /General (Internal) Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /General Practice /Clinical Oncology (Radiotherapy)
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Clinical Oncology (Radiotherapy) /General (Internal) Medicine /General Practice
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Clinical Genetics (Academic Attachment)/Genito-urinary Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Genito-urinary Medicine /Emergency Medicine /Medical Education (Academic Attachment)
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Infectious Diseases (Communicable Diseases) (Academic Attachment)/Genito-urinary Medicine /Emergency Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/General Surgery (Academic Attachment)/Emergency Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery (Vascular)/Academic (Medical Oncology)
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Renal Medicine (Nephrology) (Academic Attachment)/Emergency Medicine /General Surgery
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Academic (Allergy)/Emergency Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine /Academic (Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics)
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General Psychiatry (Academic Attachment)/Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Academic (Pharmacology))/Haematology /General (Internal) Medicine
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Academic (Pharmacology))/Haematology
Guy's And St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Haematology /General (Internal) Medicine /Academic (Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics)
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General Psychiatry /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Psychiatry /General Practice
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /General Psychiatry
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Intensive Care Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Intensive Care Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine /Intensive Care Medicine
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Geriatric Medicine
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Geriatric Medicine /General Practice
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Otolaryngology /Emergency Medicine
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Otolaryngology
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Otolaryngology /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatric Surgery (Paediatric General (Internal) Medicine)/Otolaryngology /General Practice
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Paediatric Surgery (Paediatric General (Internal) Medicine)/Otolaryngology
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Otolaryngology /General Practice /Paediatric Surgery (Paediatric General (Internal) Medicine)
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatrics /General Practice /Otolaryngology
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Otolaryngology /Paediatrics /General Practice
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Otolaryngology /Paediatrics
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Surgery
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery /Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Surgery
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery /Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Geriatric Medicine /Emergency Medicine
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine /Geriatric Medicine
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
F2 Trust
Programme Number
Programme Title
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Geriatric Medicine /Emergency Medicine
Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Geriatric Medicine
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Medicine)/General Pathology (Forensic Pathology)/Emergency Medicine
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Medicine)/General Practice
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Medicine)
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General Practice /General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Medicine)/Emergency Medicine
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Medicine)/General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Medicine)/General Practice
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Medicine)
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General Practice /General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Medicine)/Emergency Medicine
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Medicine)/General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery (Vascular)/Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Emergency Medicine
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Emergency Medicine /General Surgery (Vascular)
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Medicine)/General Pathology (Forensic Pathology)
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Pathology (Forensic Pathology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Medicine)
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General Pathology (Forensic Pathology)/General (Internal) Medicine (Acute Medicine)/Emergency Medicine
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery (Colorectal)/General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General Surgery (Colorectal)/General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)/Emergency Medicine
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General Surgery (Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery)/Emergency Medicine /General Surgery (Colorectal)
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Practice
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Practice
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics /General Practice
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Paediatrics /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Practice
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Otolaryngology
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Otolaryngology /General Practice
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Otolaryngology /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Practice
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Intensive Care Medicine /Emergency Medicine /Renal Medicine (Nephrology)
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Renal Medicine (Nephrology) /Intensive Care Medicine
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Renal Medicine (Nephrology) /Intensive Care Medicine /Emergency Medicine
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine (Gastro-enterology)/General Surgery
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Gastro-enterology)/General Surgery /Emergency Medicine
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine (Gastro-enterology)
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Audiological Medicine /Urology
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Audiological Medicine /Urology /Emergency Medicine
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Urology /Emergency Medicine /Audiological Medicine
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Psychiatry /General Practice
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Psychiatry /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /General Psychiatry
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Genito-urinary Medicine /General Practice
STFS Prospectus | Appendix D
F2 Trust
Programme Number
Programme Title
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Genito-urinary Medicine /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Genito-urinary Medicine
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Hypertension /Cardio-thoracic Surgery (Thoracic Surgery)
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Hypertension /Cardio-thoracic Surgery (Thoracic Surgery) /Emergency Medicine
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Cardio-thoracic Surgery (Thoracic Surgery) /Emergency Medicine /Hypertension
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Plastic Surgery
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Plastic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Plastic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Renal Medicine (Nephrology) /Renal Medicine (Nephrology) (Academic Attachment)/Emergency Medicine
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Renal Medicine (Nephrology) (Academic Attachment)/Emergency Medicine /Renal Medicine (Nephrology)
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Renal Medicine (Nephrology) /Renal Medicine (Nephrology)
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery (Vascular)/Research (Academic (Vascular))/Emergency Medicine
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Research (Academic (Vascular))/Emergency Medicine /General Surgery
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery (Vascular)/Research
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine /General Practice (Academic)/Emergency Medicine
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice (Academic)/Emergency Medicine /Geriatric Medicine
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Geriatric Medicine /General Practice
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine (Chest)/General Practice (Academic)/Emergency Medicine
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice (Academic)/Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine (Chest)/General Practice
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine /General Practice
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine /Palliative Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine /General Psychiatry
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery /General Practice
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /General Surgery
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine /General Practice
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /General Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Genito-urinary Medicine /Public Health Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Palliative Medicine /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine /General Psychiatry
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery /General Practice
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /General Surgery
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Genito-urinary Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /General Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Public Health Medicine /Emergency Medicine /Genito-urinary Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Genito-urinary Medicine /Emergency Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Palliative Medicine /Emergency Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine /General Psychiatry
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery /General Practice
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /General Surgery
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Surgery /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Genito-urinary Medicine /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /General Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Genito-urinary Medicine /Public Health Medicine /Emergency Medicine
F2 Trust
Programme Number
Programme Title
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus (Clinical Attachment)/Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus (Academic Attachment)/Emergency Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Haematology (Clinical Attachment)/Emergency Medicine /Haematology (Academic Attachment)
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics (Clinical Attachment)/Paediatrics (Academic Attachment)
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency Medicine /Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease) (Academic Attachment)/Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease) (Clinical Attachment)
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Neurology (Clinical Attachment)/Neurology (Academic Attachment)/Emergency Medicine
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Hepatology (Clinical Attachment)/Emergency Medicine /Hepatology (Academic Attachment)
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
General Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine /Neurology
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /General Surgery
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Paediatrics
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Renal Medicine (Nephrology)
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Renal Medicine (Nephrology) /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Renal Medicine (Nephrology) /Emergency Medicine
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Renal Medicine (Nephrology) /Emergency Medicine /Intensive Care Medicine
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Intensive Care Medicine /Renal Medicine (Nephrology)
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Intensive Care Medicine /Renal Medicine (Nephrology) /Emergency Medicine
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Geriatric Medicine
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Geriatric Medicine /General Practice
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Paediatrics
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Practice
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General Practice
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /General Surgery
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery /General Practice
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
General Surgery /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Surgery /Emergency Medicine
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Surgery
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Respiratory Medicine /Renal Medicine (Nephrology) /Emergency Medicine
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Respiratory Medicine /Renal Medicine (Nephrology)
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Renal Medicine (Nephrology) /Emergency Medicine /Respiratory Medicine
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine /Urology
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Urology /Paediatrics
Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Urology /Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Intensive Care Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine /General Practice
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Surgery
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Surgery /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /General Psychiatry
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Psychiatry /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /General (Internal) Medicine
STFS Prospectus | Appendix D
F2 Trust
Programme Number
Programme Title
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Otolaryngology /Emergency Medicine /General Surgery
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery /Emergency Medicine /Otolaryngology
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine /Intensive Care Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine /General Practice
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Psychiatry /General (Internal) Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Otolaryngology /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine /General Practice
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Intensive Care Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatrics /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Geriatric Medicine /General Surgery
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery /Emergency Medicine /Geriatric Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Geriatric Medicine /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics /Geriatric Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /General Surgery /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /General (Internal) Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Clinical Radiology (Radiology) (Pathology)/General (Internal) Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine /General Practice
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine /General Psychiatry
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Psychiatry /Paediatrics
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Clinical Radiology (Radiology) (Pathology)/General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Geriatric Medicine /General Practice /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Psychiatry /Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Genito-urinary Medicine /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Surgery /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthogeriatrics)
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Clinical Radiology (Radiology) (Pathology)
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthogeriatrics) /Emergency Medicine /General Surgery
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine /Genito-urinary Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology /General (Internal) Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Genito-urinary Medicine /Emergency Medicine /Obstetrics and Gynaecology
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Paediatrics /General (Internal) Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatrics /General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Practice /Emergency Medicine /General Psychiatry
STFS Prospectus | Contents
InTroduCTIon ......................................................................4 Welcome...................................................................................4 What is a Foundation School? .................................................6 The UK Foundation Programme Office (UKFPO) ....................6
F2 Trust
Programme Number
Programme Title
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Psychiatry /Paediatrics
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Psychiatry /General (Internal) Medicine /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /Emergency Medicine /General (Internal) Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Surgery /Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthogeriatrics)
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /General Surgery /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery /General Surgery
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General (Internal) Medicine /Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Practice /Paediatrics
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine /General Practice
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
General Psychiatry /Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Emergency Medicine /General Psychiatry /Paediatrics
South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Paediatrics /Emergency Medicine /General Psychiatry
STruCTurE oF FoundATIon TrAInInG ..........................7 oVErVIEW oF STFS ..............................................................8 Applying for foundation training ................................................8 Allocation to programmes within STFS ....................................8 PurPoSE oF THE FoundATIon ProGrAMME ..............10 doCTorS WITH dISABILITIES ...........................................11 MAP SHoWInG LoCATIon oF TruSTS AFFILIATEd To STFS ...........................................................12 LIST oF TruSTS AFFILIATEd To STFS.............................13 The information given in this booklet is correct at the time of going to press (December 2012), however, information regarding specific programmes is provisional and may be subject to change. Precise details of rotations are subject to service delivery requirements of the NHS and will be confirmed by employing Trusts. Policies are updated regularly; latest versions are on www.stfs.org.uk STFS would like to thank trust colleagues for images provided. STFS is especially grateful to those doctors who were photographed and the following foundation doctors for providing photographs for use in this publication: Dr Rachael Mellor, Dr Itunuayo Ayeni, Dr Jakibai Kimis, Dr Lennard Lee, Dr Chris Turnbull, Dr Sophie Malakouti, Dr David Metcalfe, Dr Rishi Shonpal and Dr Jenn Wong.
GLoSSArY oF TruST STAFF ............................................14 FoundATIon KEY doCuMEnTS .......................................15 Curriculum ..............................................................................15 Reference Guide ....................................................................15 e-Portfolio ...............................................................................15 TrAInInG VS EMPLoYMEnT (InC BAndInG & EWTr) ...16 Hours ......................................................................................16 European Working Time Requirement (EWTR) .....................16 Pay Bands ..............................................................................16 F1 Pay Scale ..........................................................................16 Salary .....................................................................................16 dEFErrInG THE STArT oF FoundATIon TrAInInG ....16 SHAdoWInG .........................................................................17 TrAnSFEr oF InForMATIon ............................................17 TrAVEL And rELoCATIon EXPEnSES ............................17 TASTErS ...............................................................................18 CArEErS ..............................................................................18 The ROADS to Success .........................................................19 SuPErVISEd LEArnInG EVEnTS (SLES) ........................19 Purpose of SLE ......................................................................19 SLE methodology ...................................................................19 Educational and Development Tools ......................................20 Supervised learning events which take place remote from the patient ..........................................................20
M25 Maidenhead
South Thames Foundation School Prospectus
South Thames Foundation School
Slough Tilbury
Herne Bay
M26 Leatherhead
Croydon Woking
East Grinstead Crawley
Royal Tunbridge Wells
Midhurst Haywards Heath
Bognor Regis
Sherman Centre, 4th Floor, Southwark Wing, Guy’s Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London, SE1 9RT Tel: 020 7188 9591 Fax: 020 7188 6100
New Haven
New Romney
Tooting Office
Room 37, Ground Floor, Hunter Wing, St. George’s University of London, Cranmer Terrace, London, SW17 0RE Tel: 020 8725 5295 Fax: 020 8725 2944
Brighton Office
The Audrey Emerton Building, Eastern Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 5BE Tel: 01273 523357 Fax: 01273 523379
Programmes Commencing August 2013
London Bridge Office
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South Thames Foundation School Prospectus Programmes Commencing August 2013