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KhaderIsAlive ϭ Dying2Live ΪϧήΘϟ άϫ ϢϫΎγ Ϊϗϭ ϥΎϧΪϋ ήπΧ ˱ΎϳέΩ· ϞϘΘόϤϟ± ήϴγϷ ϢϋΪϟ ϰϠϋ ςϐπϟ ϲϟΎΘϟΎΑϭ ϥΎϧΪϋ ήπΧ ΓΪϧΎδϣϭ ϡΎόϟ ϱήϟ ϚϳήΤΘΑ ϒϴϔΨΗϭ ϪΘϴπϘΑ ήψϨϠϟ ϲϠϴήγϻ ΐϧΎΠϟ LoveUnderApartheid ήδόΗ ϦϴϧϮϗ Ϧϣ ϝϼΘΣϹ ΕΎτϠγ ϪοήϔΗ Ύϣ ΐΒδΑ ήϬυ ϱάϟϭ ϦϳΩϮΟϮϤϟ ΏΎΒθϟ ϦϴΑ Νϭΰϟ ϞΜϣ Νϭΰϟ ϲϨϴτδϠϔϟ ΏΎΒθϟ ϰϠϋ ϦϳΩϮΟϮϤϟ ΏΎΒθϟ ϦϴΑ Νϭΰϟ ϭ ˬαΪϘϟ ΔϘτϨϣϭ Δϔπϟ ΔϘτϨϣ ϲϓ ΓΰϏϭ Δϔπϟ ΔϘτϨϣ ϲϓ HackerOmar Ϧϣ ϑϻϵ ΕΎΌϣ ΔϗήδΑ ϡΎϗ ϱάϟ ήϤϋ˵ ϱΩϮόδϟ ήϛΎϬϟ ϢϋΪϟ ΖϧήΘϧϹ ϊϗϮϣ ϰϠϋ ΎϬϠϴλΎϔΗ ήθϧϭ ΔϴϠϴήγϹ ΔϴϧΎϤΘϻ ΕΎϗΎτΒϟ ToMyUnBornChild ϲϓ ϥϮθϴόϳ Ϧϳάϟ ϦϴϨρϮϤϟ ΪΣ ΎϬΒΘϛ ΓήΛΆϣ ΔϨϳϭΪΗ ΪόΑ ήϬυ Ϊϗϭ ϱάϟ ϝϼΘΣϹ ΓϮδϗϭ έΎμΤϟ ϡϻ ˱Ύϔλϭ έάϨϣ έΩΎϧ ΓΰϏ ΔϨϳΪϣ ΪϟϮϳ Ϣϟ ϱάϟ ϪϨΑϹ Ώ ΎϬΒΘϜϳ ΔϟΎγέ ΔϘϳήτΑ ϥϮϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϪϨϣ ϲϧΎόϳ ZZZ VLJD]D FRP WR P\ XQERUQ FKLOGUHQ ΔϨϳϭΪΘϟ Γ˯ήϘϟ ΪόΑ Intifada1 ϰϟϭϷ ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ΔοΎϔΘϧϹΎΑ αΎϨϟ ήϴϛάΘϟ
Gaza ϭ GazaUnderAttack ΓήϴΧϷ ΓήΘϔϟ ϲϓ ΓΰϏ ϰϠϋ ϥϭΪόϟ ϥΎΑ· ΕήϬυ
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ﺭﻭﺡ ﺍﻟﺣﻳﺎﺓ... ﺧﺎﻁﺭﺓ ﺑﻌـﻧﻭﺍﻥ 47
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WhenAssadFalls ϭ UnitedAgainstAssad ϱέϮδϟ ΐόθϟ ΓήμϨϟ
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Google Glasses Imagine wearing eye glasses or goggles that project information of what you look at! Imagine being able to use such glasses to make phone calls, connect online, check your email and more! According to the New York Times and Google employees, the search engine giant will unveil hi-tech goggles able to perform tasks such as these by the end of 2012. These glasses will have a built-in screen, built-in microphone, low resolution camera, and use the Android operating system. They will be like a wearable smart phone or computer. It is still unknown how the glasses will be controlled. It is said that a person who puts them on will use his or her eyes or move his or her head to control the glasses. Some reports say there will be a mouse cursor which will be directed by tilting the person’s head, while the menu and navigation will be controlled by bobbing and nodding the head. Others say that in order to click on a link all what needs to be done is to wink, while shutting the device will not take more than closing the user’s eyes. Furthermore, these glasses are expected to have 3G or 4G internet connection and GPS maps and sensors. These glasses will display information and provide services using Google’s online services such as Google Maps, Google Goggles, Google’s local and voice search, and other software.
The glasses could be helpful for finding locations, getting reviews and ratings of anything from books to restaurants instantly, finding people with similar interests, locating someone such as your child more easily in a crowd, and much more. Of course, Google will display advertisements through those glasses. It is said the Google glassesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; cost will be similar to a smart phone; somewhere between $250 and $600. Google has not commented on the rumors about these glasses being developed, but even if Google does not make this wearable device, some other company will definitely make a similar device. People learning about everything and anything by just looking at it could be great, but it can also be very dangerous. The information people could be getting could be placed by Google itself as advertisements or could be placed by other users and give false information. Also, there is a possibility the glasses could display personal information about the people around the users, which could be very dangerous for peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s privacy. Furthermore, Google will definitely collect usersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; data as they use these glasses, and thus adding more information to its databases about where people go and what they like. It could either sell such information to advertisers or display them to others wearing similar glasses.
Gesture Recognition Humanizes Computers When people move, interact, talk, or do anything else they have a body language. For example, when people utter words such as “yes”, “stop”, “come here”, and “go away” they unconsciously make gestures and use hand and other body signs to communicate. Imagine being able to use a gesture such as waving your hand or raising your palm to make a computer or another device react. Scientists have developed devices to recognize people’s gestures and transform them into input for computers, game consoles and other technological devices using 3D-cameras and a software along with sensors such as accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers. These devices can be used in place of remote controls, computer mice, keyboards, controllers and others. They use the technology known as gesture recognition. Gesture recognition is an algorithm that interprets human movement and gestures; in simpler words, it is a technology uses mathemathnolog that at u ical readings to detect hand or body movement. Gesture ody location o a o and mov ove esture recognition is o often commanding ten used ed for co mand nding n ing computers, m t a and can be used to control a tta tablet, The potential ab a blet, ttelevision, elevision, robot obo ott or any a d device. T Th he p tential for gesture ge re re rrecognition og gn g niittion n t devices iiss u d un unlimited. lim m ted. mit e ed recognition Gesture est re rec e co og gn niition n tion has become e o one n o of this age’s most m significant technological advances. Microsoft’s t c olo al a technologica ad d dvances. With products rod ducts c s such su u as Microso c oft’s Kinect, LG’s Wand, and recognition Ma Magic W Wand d,, a n Hitachi’s television, nd sion, gesture g s e recogn ition and motion it sensor devices world, cces are a gaining popularity ularrit r ty alll over ove e the wo o orld particularly among youth. Gesture Recognition has the potential ia all to o be an e effective and powerful tool for interaction between people and which recan n computers. Devices Dev ognize body movement are helping scientists, the physically impaired, artists, programmers, security analysts and others. 16
Gesture recognition is useful for sign language recognition. For those with speech problems, gesture recognition software can help transcribe sign language gestures into text. Gesture recognition can help track improvements of patients in rehabilitation programs; robots may assist in the rehabilitation of patients by placing sensors that follow their body movements. Facial gesture recognition and eye tracking can help a paralyzed person control a mouse cursorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s movements by moving me g his/her eyes. In order to access data easily while surgery w in surger gery ry o or seeing a patient, surgeons and doctors find it more obtain mo ore e convenientt to t use u a gesture to obta such information rather than a pedal an using us peda al or o keyboard. More importantly, y, it is better for a surgeon sur on n not no to t touch h something while in surgery for ste sterility and cleanliness. e erility Many recognition systems ny artists use gesture rec cogni gnition system ms ffor their installations and in performance their formance arts, making the heir art piecess inter interactive. i te er Game consoles like the Wii and Microsoftâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s K Kinect ct for the Xbox have changed the way people play games and mad made video games more interactive. The Wii uses a remote to recognize the motion and movement of the hand holding it, while with the Kinect the player does not have to use a remoteâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the player simply moves his/her hand or jumps and the 17
character in the game imitates that movement. Both the Wii and Kinect have been used for activities other than games, such as art projects, and have even been used for better learning experiences in some schools. Gesture recognition devices can replace the use of a wand or stick to point out a certain point in a presentation at a lecture or a list of instructions to an audience, which would be more convenient to the speaker. Also, anyone giving a presentation made on PowerPoint, for example, could wave his/her hand to go through slides when using a gesture recognition device. Gesture recognition can also help a car driver or anyone multi-tasking; it would be easier to turn the lights on or the radio off using a hand gesture than having to press a button while driving. Also, controlling a television with body movement or specific hand gestures is more convenient. Imagine changing TV channels or pausing movies with simple hand or finger gestures. Gesture recognition technology has faced some challenges, which were not only technical, but also social. Certain gestures have different interpretations in different parts of the world. Any gesture to be recognized has to be clear, simple, precise and universally-accepted. The possibilities with gesture recognition technology are endless. Gesture recognition technology has already advanced and helped in many aspects of peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lives, but it is still not popular the way touch screens are. In the near future, gesture recognition technologies are expected to indeed replace many of our hand-held devices and change a lot in the world we know today.
Is Useful or Harmful? a
3rabizi is an alphabet for chatting in Arabic. It is the way many Arab youth communicate nowadays. 3rabizi is basically typing Arabic words using English letters while replacing Arabic letters that do not exist in the English alphabet with numbers that look similar to them. The number “3”, for example, is used to denote the Arabic letter “ain” “ ;”ﻉsimilarly, the number “7” stands for the letter “Ha” “”ﺡ. 3 rabizi is used mostly for informal instant messaging, mobile text messaging, in emails, and sometimes even in blog posts. Many Arabs use 3rabizi, and continue to use it on a daily basis. 3rabizi is usually used either because the user does not know Arabic and English very well or simply because the user finds it more convenient. Other reasons for using 3rabizi include having a keyboard without Arabic letters, being very slow in typing with the Arabic keyboard, or having a computer that is not Arabic enabled. Nonetheless, a large number of users who know Arabic very well and have Arabic enabled computers and Arabic keyboards still use 3rabizi for communication. 3rabizi has become very popular to the point that search engines, such as Google, can understand what the user means if he or she searches a term using 3rabizi. There are even programs online that help transliterate 3rabizi to Arabic text, which could be useful to Arabs with nonArabic enabled computers and phones. Yamli is one of the most popular websites providing this service. According to the website’s statistics, throughout the four years of its release, Yamli has been used to search more than 2 billion words. The surprising news is that residents of Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, Tunisia, Palestine and other Arab countries comprise the majority of this website’s visitors. There are many conflicting opinions about 3rabizi’s uses and effects. Many say that it is dangerous to the Arabic language and culture; others say it does no harm and has even helped them a lot. People who find no big deal in using 3rabizi argue that it is not harmful to Arabic because they are still speaking Arabic and the reason they use 14
it is “fast communication”. They argue that if saying “Go to the sayyara”,
for example, is understandable then there should be no problem in using 3rabizi and it does not do any harm.
Those who consider 3rabizi harmful argue that it weakens Arabic language skills among the youth. Teachers and parents throughout the Arab world have complained that children’s writing skills have weakened after getting used to typing 3rabizi. Some students even admitted to
typing an entire research paper in 3rabizi then transliterating it to Arabic letters.
Some teachers complained that their students are inventing new words
from 3rabizi, adding that they were distorting the Arabic language. Others argue that if 3rabizi is not stopped then a new language will be formed and will replace real Arabic.
It is definitely better to use Arabic when communicating in Arabic and
English when communicating in English. Arabic is one of the best languages to express your feelings, and it is your mother tongue; be proud of it! As an Arabic speaker you should use it when you type Arabic.
Do you agree that using 3rabizi is harmful and distorts the Arabic language, or do you think that there is no big deal in using 3rabizi?
Visit www.technologist.ps to cast your vote.
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.ȝǞƫƄŽ www.technologist.ps ǀƴƣȚ ǕŻǞž ǟŽȘ ǚųȢȖ
Using 3rabizi is harmful and distorts Arabic ǀƸŮǍƯŽȚ ǀưƴŽȚ ȧǞƪƁȶ ȤƾǤ ȸǎƸŮǍƯŽȚ ȳȚNjƈƄŴȚ
There is no big deal in using 3rabizi ȸǎƸŮǍƯŽȚ ȳȚNjƈƄŴȚ Ǡź ǍƸǤ ǽȶ ȤǍǤ ǽ 15
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T TA C CT AC TO A O TO NO Your Freedom on the Internet Is Being Curtailed. What Will You Do About It? Many countries are negotiating legislations and treaties that are curtailing Internet users’ freedoms and compromising their privacy. In the United States, the PIPA and SOPA bills are proposed to do just that. Those bills have not been ratified yet; they are being protested online and among civil rights activists. Elsewhere in the world, the threat came in the form of ACTA. The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is a multinational treaty that was secretly negotiated by 39 countries including many European Union countries. The aim of ACTA is said to be to protect Intellectual Property by fighting the sale of counterfeit (fake) products and enforcing copyright on the Internet. La Quadrature Du Net, a French group advocating freedoms of citizens’ digital rights, claims that “ACTA aims to make Internet Service & Access Providers legally responsible for what their users do online, turning them into private Copyright Police that would censor their networks.” The Agreement was signed by 31 countries including Japan, Morocco, America and others in October 2011, but it has yet to be ratified. If ratified by 6 countries, it would come into force worldwide. Due to the fact that ACTA was discussed and written secretly over a few years, there are still some unknown provisions in the Agreement. Supporters say it would protect copy right and decrease the global trade of fake products; meanwhile, challengers of the agreement claim it would limit the privacy and freedom of expression of Internet users. Intellectual property is not defined in ACTA treaty, which includes many broad and vague terms. This, along with the lack of transparency, makes 8
it more threatening to the freedom of speech, especially in countries with more oppressive regimes. One major concern is that the ACTA treaty could bypass the laws of countries worldwide, making Internet Service Providers act as Internet police by forcing them to remove content, block users and filter the net. Imagine that someone could have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars as a fine for downloading twenty songs illegally! Another concern is that this treaty goes beyond the Internet; it is said that it affects healthcare, trade and tourism. ACTA gives corporations the power to stop certain medication drugs from reaching people and certain crop seeds from reaching farmers using the excuse of patents (rights granted to an inventor), which threatens patients and local farmers worldwide. There have been many campaigns to stop this Agreement from being approved and to call on people to take action and protest it worldwide. ACTA must be stopped because it is a threat to every Internet userâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s freedom, rights and the free sharing of information on the Internet.
Tech Germs â&#x20AC;Ś Beware of Your Mouse & Keyboard Your technological devices could be dirtier than your toilet, a recent study says. In fact, so dirty that it could be making you sick. Desktops, phones, TV remotes, computer keyboards and mice are key germ transfer points because people touch them on a daily basis. In addition, coughing and sneezing on your devices can leave behind a minefield of viruses that can live on their surfaces for up to three days. Think about it. When was the last time you cleaned your keyboard, mouse or TV remote? How many people touch them every day? Sure, germs are part of everyday life and we cannot simply think about everything we touch as a threat. That would classify as germ phobia. But we do naturally think about washing our hands when we touch the toilet, or at least most of us do. A recent study says that keyboards, on average, are five times dirtier and have 60 times more germs on them than toilet seats. They are 150 times over the acceptable limit for bacteria. Another study says that 16% of phones have traces of poop on them. Now I have your attention!
Light Switches are gross!
Remote Control Laptop / Tablet Game Controller iPod / iPad CellPhone
of cell phones were found to have poop on them
they get up to 217 bacteria per square inch
The Wii Fit Balance Board can easily attract germs because peolpe are using it barefoot. Common foot fungus, athleteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s foot and more maladies can be transferred this way.
How to protect yourself? The level of germs on your devices differs depending on the location and the number of users. Devices you use at work are much more infested with germs than the personal devices that never leave your home, but both need to be sanitized. Experts suggest wiping down all your desk items with a disinfectant solution. If you use a strong solution, it may begin to degrade certain plastics. Disinfectant wipes are also effective in reducing germs significantly and they are much more convenient to carry. Place a container of wipes in your desk and develop a routine of wiping off your computer and other equipment at least once a week. If you share a computer with others, take the responsibility for wiping that computer daily. It makes perfect sense to start caring about your health. You do not know what is lurking out there that you could be exposing your family to.
Printer / Copier / Fax Computer Mouse Lightswitch Computer Keyboard Calculator
Microwave Buttons Elevator Buttons Door Handles
Keyboards have about
60 times more germs than the toilet seat. The solution is to wipe your keyboard with a disinfectant cloth (or cloth with dish soap diluted with eater on it)
Camera Ball The camera ball is a throwable device developed by Jonas Pfeil of Berlin Technical University as a thesis project. The throwable camera a has 36 2-Megapixel mobile phone one on cameras in it. The cameras in this ball his i b all take a 360 degree picture covering ering riing the entire enti area it was thrown at. The cameras take the pictures at the same time when the ball is at the highest point and is barely moving. The result comes out a circular panoramic picture covering the entire area with 36 pictures stitched and merged together. In the end the images can be transferred via USB to the computer, and can be viewed using a special application by dragging the mouse in the preferred direction. The throwable Ball is unavailable in markets yet.
Gesture Recognition http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-gesture-recognition-system.htm http://students.sabanciuniv.edu/~kamer/Magitact/References/Other%20Papers/Vision_Gesture_Recog.pdf http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/G/gesture_recognition.html Your Freedom on the Internet Is Being Curtailed. What Will You Do About It? https://www.laquadrature.net/en/video-acta-get-informed-take-action http://www.stopacta.info/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=citzRjwk-sQ Google Glasses
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/23/technology/google-glasses-will-be-powered-by-android.html?_r=1 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2097879/Google-glasses-sale-end-2012-cost-250.html
Camera Ball http://www.geek.com/articles/gadgets/throwable-camera-ball-takes-stellarpanoramic-images-20111015/ http://www.popphoto.com/gear/2011/10/new-gear-throwable-panoramicball-camera http://jonaspfeil.de/ballcamera Is 3rabizi Useful or Harmful? http://arabnews.com/saudiarabia/article366743.ece http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/desi.2008.24.2.39?journ alCode=desi HowStuffWorks “Learn How Everything Works!” http://www.howstuffworks.com/about-hsw.htm Tech Germs http://www.makeuseof.com/tech-fun/tech-germs/ http://www.bitrebels.com/lifestyle/tech-germs-our-gadgets-are-disgustinglydirty-infographic/
www.traidnt.net www.shorouknews.com www.cnet.com/mobile-world-congress www. cell-phones.toptenreviews.com/smartphones
http://www.teedoz.com /http://zajil.me /http://www.bwabe.info http://yomgedid.kenanaonline.com
Playstation Vita http://playstation.com
QR Code http://www.qrstuff.com
1- Provides website information including top sites and statistics. 3- Quick Response code. 5- Galaxy Beam is a smartphone released by. 6- Typing Arabic words using English letters. 7- a word with a hash symbol (#) before it used in a tweet on Twitter.
2- Mozillaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s internet browser released the 11th version of. 4- PlayStationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s handheld game console. 8- Interactive white board for the classroom . 9- The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. 10- The sharpest, most vibrant, highest-resolution phone screen ever.
Answers: Flip & use a mirror to read it
10- Retina 9- ACTA 8-SmartBoard 7- Hashtag 6- 3rabizi 5- Samsung 4- PSVita 3- QRcode 2- FireFox 1- Alexa