Digital Classroom Officer Forum

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Digital Classroom Officer Forum

Celebrating the DCO program and the profound impact it has made on 1000+ schools and communities across the Rural Access Gap program.

Thank you Congratulations on your incredible efforts and the successes you have brought to your Digital Classroom Officer (DCO) role. Your passion, skills and some of the stories of uplift that you have brought to your schools and across your communities of practice are chronicled here in this celebration magazine. Our goal to develop a professional learning program to build digital maturity, and to support schools and teachers to access and utilise technology better to enhance student learning has had staggering results. What began as a proof of concept in 2020 with 29 schools predominantly in the Dubbo area, emerged fully as the Rural Access Gap (RAG) program which has now run for three years. It has covered 213,000 students and reached 25,000 teachers across more than 1,000 schools. I am exceptionally proud of what has been realised from the DCO program. The power of sharing best practice in education is not new. What we have been offered through the RAG program is the opportunity to connect and build so many like-minded, passionate professionals who understand the power of technology and the potential it has for our learners. The Digital Support team, in partnership with schools, has built sustainable communities of practice that will continue to build on the growth of our schools. We have encouraged our schools to work more collaboratively around the utilisation of technology, many of our RAG schools are smaller, or geographically isolated, and the more we can connect schools together, the more powerful sharing can occur. Thank you for your outstanding efforts.

Linda Lazenby Director, Digital Teaching and Learning

I have never been prouder of a program in my time working in the NSW DoE. In my role I have been privileged to lead the Digital Support Team and work in ways that have allowed us to understand the best support models and ways of working that have driven this program. This has included many school visits across NSW, and I am constantly floored by the work our DCOs have put into this role and how modest they have been about their work and their achievements. So many individual school stories stick out, but I will never forget the resilience and work our DCOs in flood affected schools put in during extremely challenging circumstances, it will always leave a lasting memory on me. I am proud to be culminating a program that has had such a lasting impact on schools, providing them with hope and growth. I hope that the future state of technology and digital learning across our rural and remote schools continues to thrive. Congratulations and thank you.


Aimee Phillips Rel. Principal Education Officer, Rural Access Gap


Alan Foster Digital Classroom Officer Goonellabah Public School

School setting • Primary school in the Lismore area • Staff numbers: 48 • Students numbers: 204 (48% Aboriginal)

Digital successes • Integration of technology to demonstrate learning • Sharing with parents through Google Classroom

Future focus • Increased teacher engagement and active use of tech

Watch my school story here!

• Increasing student attendance • Passive to active use of technology for learning

“I’ve been doing this a long, long time, and it’s been great to take programs, integrate technology and use them to show learning in real time.” 4

Alexia Talbot Digital Classroom Officer Wolumla Public School

School setting • Primary school on the Far South Coast • Staff numbers: 18 • Student numbers: 103

Digital successes • Building teacher capacity • Growth in digital maturity

Future focus • Continue capacity building • Build on professional development from the DCO role

Watch my school story here!

“It’s given me the time, the luxury of can either take the time to improve your skills to then empower your staff and then students, or you can take the time to model lessons and go into classrooms. That flexibility has been invaluable.” 5

Amy Greenwood Digital Classroom Officer Longneck Lagoon Environmental Education Centre

School setting • K-12 Environmental Education Centre in the Blue Mountains • Staff numbers: 6

Digital successes • Implementing tech in outdoor environments and outdoor learning • Enhanced the use of 1:1 to devices and using the MLD to upskill students • Migrating process to digital platforms, such as submitting forms and reducing manual data input

Future focus • Building professional resources to support environment, biodiversity and habitat learnings • Increasing use of tech and online collaboration to manage their program and events

Watch my school story here!


• Upskilling staff in Adobe Suite and Express to create more resources that are easily accessible

“It’s been really good for me, professionally and personally to have a creative outlet in the digital sphere. I feel like I’ve been useful to the team and helped in upskilling everybody.”

Angela Burgess Digital Classroom Officer Pottsville Beach Public School

School setting • Primary school on the Far North Coast • Staff numbers: 50 • Student numbers: 570

Digital successes • Teams, moving files online and developing effective filing systems • Setting up staff with OneDrive and syncing with Teams • Build staff confidence • Aligning SIP and SEF data

Future focus • Streamline previous years’ folders in Teams • Planning ahead for STEM integration by pre booking kits

Watch my school story here!

• Encouraging/demonstrating class Teams, moving from Google Classroom • Continue to upskill staff

“I have learnt so much this year!” 7

Anne Rocchetto Digital Classroom Officer The Oaks Public School

School setting • Primary school in the Wollondilly area • Staff numbers: 38 • Student numbers: 300

Digital successes • Utilised tech programs to save time and create resource hub to highlight resources and learning • Building teacher knowledge and confidence through professional learning • Increasing the use of devices in classrooms

Future focus

Watch my school story here!


• Familiarised staff with new tech syllabus, in class tech support, resource hub ownership and created social Techy Breaky events (sharing sessions where staff share their tech skills)

“It’s given me the opportunity to be supported in creating growth and confidence in the school staff. Once you get the ball rolling, it’s easier to maintain.”

Elissa Sujachmir Digital Classroom Officer Young North Public School

School setting • Primary school in central NSW • Staff numbers: 48 • Student numbers: 319

Digital successes • Uplift in digital efficacy, collaboration, and teaching and learning • Updated professional development framework, descriptions and links to provide digital growth • Growth and impact on school digital maturity so now 100% of staff are online

Future focus • Continue to encourage teachers to view other programs to share resources and knowledge, to reduce workload for school staff

Watch my school story here!

• Copy and update successful programs for years to come • Share the OneNote professional learning digital program package across all of NSW schools

“I’ve been able to actually reach out to our network – so not only have I been able to uplift my current school, but I’ve been able to share digital programming across the state.”


Emma Francis Digital Classroom Officer Portland Central School / Capertee Public School

School setting • K-12 school (Portland) and primary school (Capertee) • Staff numbers: 44 (Portland) / 6 (Capertee) • Student numbers: 178 (Portland) / 8 (Capertee)

Digital successes • Setting up a new PBL system • Develop student behaviour, learning and wellbeing • Celebration of positive behaviours and setting new student expectations • Increase in school attendance and improved behaviour school wide

Future focus

Watch my school story here!


• Continue to build on the new PBL system and explore further file management systems like this

“It’s a testament to the power of technology and how it will shape future generations. The value of being adaptable, and integrating new technologies to create positive learning experiences.”

Jake Parker Digital Classroom Officer Coffs Harbour Learning Centre

School setting • School for Specific Purposes (SSP) catering for students with challenging behaviours • Staff numbers: 14 • Student numbers: 28 (85% learning disability)

Digital successes • Increased digital maturity • Staff professional development • Engaged student cohort • Integrated digital teaching and learning

Future focus • Whole school utilisation using Google Sites to share resources school-wide • Files Anywhere, Anytime data sharing used for administration and collecting data with fillable forms improve efficiency

Watch my school story here!

• Student portfolios using tech to support work experience or future employment opportunities

“The value of the DCO program has been really powerful. It was great to engage in and to develop my leadership skills, and I saw a whole school uplift in teaching and learning which I’m really proud of and I hope continues.”


Jo-Ann Glazebrook Digital Classroom Officer Rowena Public School

School setting • Primary school in the Murrumbidgee region • Staff numbers: 8 • Student numbers: 25

Digital successes • Collaborative learning projects • Connecting students to learn with kids in other schools • Face-to-face contact with schools 45 mins away – provided cultural experiences and new experiences

Future focus • Increase engagement and confidence using tech in school

Watch my school story here!

• Continue to connect students across all collaborative schools • Active engagement in the community

“I’m a teaching principal so it’s very busy with our 20 students – building a community of practice with other schools was a highlight.” 12

Katelyn Main Digital Classroom Officer Murwillumbah East Public School

School setting • Primary school in the Far North Coast • Staff numbers: 36 • Student numbers: 208

Digital successes • All school communications moved to Teams, including building a staff chat channel • Post flood, files have now been set up online and all data secured safely • OneDrive app success • Boosted productivity and collaboration

Future focus

Watch my school story here!

• Continue to build online filing system and create future expectations

“It has been game-changing — in the sense of building student capacity using technology! The level of engagement that has come from it has been incredible. It’s been a great spin to my year.”


Katie Hines Digital Classroom Officer Irrawang High School

School setting • Secondary school in Port Stephens • Staff numbers: 135 • Student numbers: 943 (18% Aboriginal)

Digital successes • Established weekly tech tips for staff and professional learning sessions • Building capacity and digital literacy

Future focus • Regular reinforcement of purpose • Two assessments of digital maturity planner in the next six months

Watch my school story here!


• Methods of future proofing and improving the digital maturity planner

“Being a DCO has been really rewarding because I came into it with not a lot of tech knowledge, so learning all the new skills and being able to share that with everyone was really, really exciting.”

Katie Smith Digital Classroom Officer Rollands Plains Upper Public School

School setting • Primary school near Port Macquarie • Staff numbers: 8 • Student numbers: 23

Digital successes • Focus on technology and what it means for kids moving into workforce • Develop digital learning environments by using MS Teams to teach classes with other schools • Taught students remotely from the other school and collaborated at a distance

Future focus • Learning no longer is required to remain within a classroom’s four walls

Watch my school story here!

• Continue this collaboration

“The DCO program really enabled us specifically to work with four other small schools collectively and we wouldn’t have been able to fund that as well as we have.”


Kimberley McPhillips Digital Classroom Officer Grafton Public School

School setting • Primary school in Northern NSW • Staff numbers: 77 • Student numbers: 522 (20% Aboriginal)

Digital successes • Establishing a community of practice across the Clarence Valley • Resource sharing • Tapping into experts • Connecting primary and high school teachers • Onsite webinars

Future focus • Sustaining a community of practice • ICT scope and sequence and visit to Coffs Schools

Watch my school story here!


• Increased school visits, mini - professional learning sessions, trouble shooting, resource sharing, tech reviews, tech mentors and special guests

“It’s absolutely reignited my passion for teaching, and not just with the technology, but seeing how we use it and how we use things in a clever way to help our job and to inspire our kids and make connections with people.”

Kiri Tamatea Burgess Digital Classroom Officer Sir Eric Woodward Memorial School

School setting • Pre-K-12 school for Special Purposes (SSP) and Distance Education School • Staff numbers: 43 • Student numbers: 79

Digital successes • Accessibility tools for increased engagement and autonomy, developing life skills • Ziggy the support dog uses tech to communicate and increase positive wellbeing and engagement • Using the Code Jumper coding kit across all subjects for range of independent learning

Future focus • Build on the positive learning outcomes and environment

Watch my school story here!

• Further explore the tech tools and look at how to better improve the experience for the student • Develop knowledge of tech and accessibility tools for learning

“Personally, the DCO role has been actually amazing — I’ve learned so many different things — having those tools and those conversations with the team has been great.”


Kristen Hiebl Digital Classroom Officer Thurgoona Public School

School setting • K-6 school in the Albury area • Staff numbers: 60 • Student numbers: 630

Digital successes • Increased confidence, knowledge and ability in using integrated tech and digital platforms for all staff • Improved administrative workflows, such as creating a digital newsletter and advancing tech skills

Future focus • Advance professional learning through demonstrating tech skills and innovation

Watch my school story here!


• Ensuring students are at the centre of all considerations when establishing new projects and using new platforms

“No other role has allowed me to watch teachers get that spark of excitement and see the growth in the classrooms. I can walk around the school in any space, and any classroom and see the impact.”

Maja Novakovic Digital Classroom Officer Wyong Creek Public School

School setting • Primary school on the Central Coast • Staff numbers: 14 • Student numbers: 84

Digital successes • Increase in use of tech in the classroom with the plan to cater to all types so no one feels limited by tech • Time for professional learning so staff can learn the skills, familiarise themselves with multiple platforms, while still having time to teach • Projects that impact local community

Future focus

Watch my school story here!

• Coding – the students are more capable than adults of writing and teaching code (it’s like a second language to them!)

“The future is ours to create! Being a DCO has meant that I am empowering teachers and students and we’re working collaboratively and loving technology.”


Melissa Robinson Digital Classroom Officer James Fallon High School

School setting • High school in the Albury area • Staff numbers: 108 • Student numbers: 698

Digital successes • Given Parents & Community committee access to tech integration • Created Acknowledgement of Country video across multiple schools • Moved to digital monitoring folders – saving time for teachers

Future focus • School investing in 500 laptops, making it a 1:1 school

Watch my school story here!


“It’s meant that I’ve been able to help staff get technology into their classrooms and support them in implementing it. I’m only one person but I can spark a change.”

Michael Simpson Digital Classroom Officer Ashford Central School

School setting • K-12 school in the Inverell area • Staff numbers: 28 • Student numbers: 130 (45% Aboriginal)

Digital successes • Encouraged emotional connection by connecting with the entire school at all levels • Acted as the facilitator to connect those who needed professional learning with others who could help • Created targeted interactive projects with QR codes and gamified programs to encourage engagement

Future focus Watch my school story here!

• Engaging staff and the community to build confidence in using tech

“Being a DCO has been the best professional learning I’ve ever had in my life, and it’s been a chance to really change our school.” 21

Mikaela Cashin Digital Classroom Officer Cabbage Tree Island Public School

School setting • Pre-school to Year 6 in Ballina • Staff numbers: 10 • Student numbers: 40 (100% Aboriginal)

Digital successes • Community connection and cultural sharing through tech • Bank of digital resources • Tech incorporated in art classes

Future focus • Moving fully into a digital platform

Watch my school story here!


• More interactive usage of Main Learning Display • Building a digital map for easy links to resources

“I’m really proud of the success, taking something important and working on it and seeing the staff’s confidence and delivery of the program makes it all worthwhile.”

Naomi Northey Digital Classroom Officer Clunes Public School

School setting • Primary school in Lismore • Staff numbers: 9 • Student numbers: 60

Digital successes • Student digital literacy ES1 • Building staff links and resources page • Transferred the school newsletter to Sway

Future focus • Upgrade of student devices • Training for all students and teachers on how to use and access Reading Progress program

Watch my school story here!

• Increased communication and partnership with parents

“The DCO role has been the best digital professional development I have had in my 15 years of teaching. It has been the perfect time for our school we’re now set up for a future of digital change.” 23

Niroosha Ebenezer Digital Classroom Officer Tallong Public School

School setting • Primary school in Goulburn area • Staff numbers: 7 • Student numbers: 56

Digital successes • Build with similar schools the need for connection and community • Upskill all staff and students

Future focus • Success in different capacities, through planning, resource allocation and sharing tech skills • Sharing knowledge across different platforms for greater learnings

Watch my school story here!


• Changing the thinking and mindset about physical restraints in learning to connect online

“The DCO role itself was an awesome initiative. Despite a steep learning curve being in a very rural and remote community, it was fabulous to bring everybody together to learn.”

Rachel Cooper Digital Classroom Officer Tea Gardens Public School

School setting • Primary school in the Lower North Coast • Staff numbers: 19 • Student numbers: 152

Digital successes • Building a website between two schools • Using Merge Cube to build book reports • ‘Our yarning stories’ to engage First Nations students

Future focus • Further building engagement • Integrating Scratch into maths lessons

Watch my school story here!

“I have learned so many things and it’s been great to share these learnings with the students and the staff at school. And now that I’m at two schools, I get to share those experiences with both schools.”


Samantha Phillips Digital Classroom Officer Coleambally Central School

School setting • K-12 school in the Murrumbidgee area • Staff numbers: 39 • Student numbers: 176

Digital successes • Changed the culture of learning through DCO support, using professional learning and resources, and sharing learned knowledge • All teachers now use tech for their learning and replaced every device K-12 • Overcame roadblocks and improved to effective tech integration

Future focus

Watch my school story here!

• Keeping tech as focus – DCO impact utilising programs for teachers and students

“DCO is one of the only professional learning or programs that worked for the whole school, it brought us together and has changed our culture of learning because people are willing to come to sessions.” 26

Scott Copland Digital Classroom Officer Kelso Public School

School setting • Primary school in regional Bathurst • Staff numbers: 63 • Student numbers: 347 (33% Aboriginal)

Digital successes • Building teacher capacity • Increased student engagement

Future focus • Working in 3D modeling

Watch my school story here!

• Build even greater capacity among networks inside and out

“I have never known a group of people like this. It can be an environment where people keep to themselves, but here it’s the complete opposite. I’ve learned so much from so many people.” 27

Shelby Lewis Digital Classroom Officer Wanaaring Public School

School setting • Primary school in Far Western NSW • Staff numbers: 6 • Student numbers: 12

Digital successes • Collaborative teaching and learning • Used MS Teams for collaboration to include multiple schools • Focus on tech for kids moving into workforce with strategic direction for critical thinking and dynamic program learning

Future focus • Utilising online meetings to schedule and plan opportunities for participation and learning

Watch my school story here!


• Create awareness of the world around them (1200kms in travel) and connecting with communities

“It’s been fantastic for our school. We are a rural, remote school of 10 kids. It’s been a fantastic opportunity where we’ve been able to connect and get support from other schools and mentors.”

Tom McLean Digital Classroom Officer Bermagui Public School

School setting • Primary school on the Far South Coast • Staff numbers: 26 • Student numbers: 172 (25% Aboriginal)

Digital successes • Clear plan for file management • Creating refilled spreadsheet templates and improved data collection • Successful use Main Learning Displays • Improved data collection

Future focus • Continue to upskill teachers • Further develop student connections

Watch my school story here!

• Further develop deep connections with community and culture

“The DCO journey has been a constant reminder of the quality of teachers, and how they adapt to tech in their classes. Its been a series of career hightlights.” 29

Dale Lucas

Digital Classroom Officer Lyndhurst Public School

School setting • Primary school in Bathurst • Staff numbers: 7 • Student numbers: 11

Digital successes • Utilise the Microsoft Suite, for file creation, data collection and storage • Implemented a new method of our way of collecting student work samples and data, and digital technology and STEM tools to help our students with their digital literacy and their learning overall

Future focus • Creating OneNote file as the resource hub for documents and guides • Digital archive to track student development • Implementing different STEM tools such as CoSpaces, Lego Prime and Hour of Code


“It’s provided staff and students with workshops, upskilling, engaging activities and developed digital literacy. With growth across both staff and students, this wouldn’t have been possible without the DCO role.”


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