INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINES .it Supplemento a TecnAlimentaria N°8-9 Agosto/Settembre 2022 - Poste Italiane SpA Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1 comma 1 NE/TV - Anno 27 N°8/9 - 2022 - ISSN 2498-9541 2022/2023 ITALIAN TECHNOLOGY FOR THE BEVERAGE INDUSTRY
VLS Technologies, an innovative approach to liquid treatment
VLS Technologies represents worldwide a single reference point for the client for both the aspect of filtration and more complex needs that involve the whole process of liquid treatment: that is made possible by the production plant in San Zenone degli Ezzelini in the Province of Treviso, northeast Italy, as well as by an established worldwide network of agents, authorized reselling and assistance. In addition to traditional applications, the focus of VLS Technologies is also the development of innovative solutions such as cross-flow filtration systems and reverse osmosis.
VLS technologies for soft drinks, juices and sugar solutions
Thanks to its great experience, VLS Technologies can offer the consultancy and the design of technologies for the filtration and treatment of food liquids also for the sector of fruit-based drinks, soft drinks and sugar solutions.
In these areas, the most innovative technologies by VLS are designed to meet the particular production needs. Among the different solutions suitable for the treatment of soft drinks and juices we can find TLS cross-flow filter, SFT sheet filter and reverse
osmosis plant, while for sugar solutions the best technologies are FRS rotary drum vacuum filter, FVV D.E. vertical filter and FOC D.E. horizontal filter.
Two rotary vacuum filters for the Indian market of fruit juices
For the sector of fruit-based drinks, VLS Technologies has signed a partnership with one of the main Indian producers of fruit juices, that has purchased two rotary vacuum filters with a surface of 25 sq.m. to filter apple juice. FRS filters have been designed for the filtration of products with high content in solids through the usage of filtering adjuvant substances as kieselguhr.
Customized FRS filters for sugar syrup: a special solution for Coca Cola
For the innovative plant of Coca Cola Thailand, partner company of the international manufacturer of drinks for the Thai market, VLS Technologies has supplied two special FRS rotary drum vacuum filters, used to filter the sugar syrup, which is then used to process sugary-based drinks.
VLS Technologies is always focusing on the customer’s needs and, through the identification of the best possible solutions, designs and manufactures tailored technologies. Find out more at
لئاوسلا ةجلاعمل ةمدقتم لاولح ،"VLS Technologies" زيجولونكت سأ لإ يف رثكلأا تاجايتحلااب قلعتي ام وأ حيشرتلا ةيلمع لكشب قلعتي اميف ءاوس ليمعلل ةبسنلاب اهعون نم ةديرفلا ةيعجرملا طاقنلا نم ةدحاو VLS Technologies ةكرش لثمت ينليزيإ يلد نونيز ناس ةيدلبب يجاتنلإا رقملا يف ةدوجوملا ةمظنلأا ىلإو تاراهملا ىلإ هلك كلذ يف لضفلا عجريو :لئاسلا ةجلاعم ةيلمع لماكب طيحت يتلا اديقعت عباطلا تاذ تامادختسلاا ىلإ ةفاضلإاب .معدلا ةمدخو ،نيدمتعملا ةئزجتلا يعئابو ،ءلاكولا نم ةيلود ةكبش ىلإو ،وزيفيرت ةظفاحم ،"San Zenone degli Ezzelini" .يحضانتلاو يسامتلا حيشرتلا ةمظنأ لثم ،ةركتبم لولح عضو ىلع VLS Technologies زيكرت بصني ،يديلقتلا ركسلا ليلاحمو ،رئاصعلاو ،ةيزاغلا تابورشملل VLS تاينقت عاطقل اضيأ ماعطلا لئاوس ةجلاعمو حيشرتب ةصاخلا تاينقتلا ميمصتو تاراشتسلاا ميدقت VLS Technologies ةكرشل نينسلا رم ىلع ةبستكملا ةريبكلا ةربخلا حيتت .ركسلا بارشو ،ةيزاغلا تابورشملاو ،ةهكافلا ىلع يوتحت يتلا تابورشملا رئاصعو ةيزاغلا تابورشملا ةجلاعمل ةبسانملا ةعونتملا لولحلا نيب نم .ةصاخلا جاتنلإا تاجايتحا ةيبلتل اراكتبا رثكلأا VLS تاينقت ناقتإ متي ،تلااجملا هذه يف رتلفو ،FRS راودلا غارفلا رتلف يه ةبسانملا تاينقتلا ،ركسلا ليلاحمل ةبسنلاب امنيب ،يسكعلا حضانتلا ةموظنمو ،SFT حاولأ رتلفو ،يضرعلا TLS رتلف دجن ،ةهكافلا FOC يقفلأا قيقدلا رتلفو ،FVV يدومعلا قيقدلا يدنهلا ةهكافلا ريصع قوسل ةيغارفلا ةراودلا رتلافلا نم نانثا 25 ةحاسمب نيراود نييغارف نيرتلف ىرتشا يذلاو ،دنهلا يف ريصعلا يجتنم ربكأ دحأ عم ةكارش يف VLS Technologies تلخد ،ةهكافلا ريصع عاطقل ةبسنلاب ةدعاسملا حيشرتلا لئاسو مادختسا للاخ نم ةقلاعلا ةبلصلا داوملا نم يلاعلا ىوتحملا تاذ تاجتنملا ةيفصتل FRS رتلاف ميمصت مت .حافتلا ريصع ةيفصتل اعبرم ارتم .يموتايدلا بارتلا لثم "Coca Cola" لاوك اكوكل صصخم لح :ركسلا بارشل ةصاخ رتلاف VLS ةكرش تماق ،يدنلاياتلا قوسلل ةيزاغلا تابورشملل ةيلودلا ةعنصملا ةكرشلل ةكيرش ةكرش يهو ،دنلايات يف Coca Cola ةكرشل ةركتبملا ةموظنملل ةبسنلاب ىلع يوتحت يتلا تابورشملا ةجلاعمل كلذ دعب مدختسي يذلاو ،ركسلا بارش ةيفصتل ةمدختسملا ،FRS ةيغارفلا ةراودلا رتلافلا نم نينثا ديروتب Technologies .ركسلا .ةصصخم تاينقت عنصتو ممصت ،ةنكمملا لولحلا لضفأ ديدحت للاخ نمو ،ءلامعلا تاجايتحاب امئاد VLS Technologies ةكرش ينتعت تامولعملا نم ديزمل
BEVERAGE INDUSTRYARABIC EDITION Velo Acciai Srl Via San Lorenzo, 42 - 31020 San Zenone degli Ezzelini (Treviso) Italy Tel. +39 0423 96 89 66 - 64
TMCI PADOVAN is a historic Italian company, based in Italy’s North-East area (near Treviso), leader since 1919 in food and beverage technology sectors worldwide. The company’s evolutionary path has oriented its business towards alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages.
The first sector in which TMCI has specialized is the oenological one, up to becoming the reference point for many wineries throughout Italy and around the world. Padovan division is still a cornerstone today, but it is not limited to providing machinery for the wine process: distillates, oils, vinegars, ciders, carbohydrates, industrial filtration and much more.
Filters, pasteurizers, cleaning systems, refrigeration or heat exchange systems: the range offered by Padovan is varied and custom made.
In 1985, TMCI decided to expand by acquiring an English company called Chemtech International.
Based in Theale, Chemtech is now the business unit specialized in the production of machineries for gelatine, margarine, cocoa butter, oils and fats and products for pastry and bakery.
The products that characterize this division are certainly the scraped surface exchangers (Chemetator), but no less important are the deodorizers, pilot plants, process tanks, pasteurizers, and much more.
Another end-product on which TMCI wanted to focus is beer, both craft and industrial.
Starting with single machines (filters and pasteurizers) it gradually built its reputation, which was undoubtedly strengthened when the VELO brand was acquired in 2014. In 2018, the team multiplied, thanks to the acquisition of the Vicenza-based company Impiantinox; from that moment Easybräu-Velo brand is the undisputed protagonist in the brewing market.
The range of products offered is vast: brewhouses from 1 to 100 hl, auxiliary accessories (dry hop, yeast propagators, etc.), fermentation and maturation tanks, cleaning systems (CIP), and filters and pasteurizers for the industrial world.
When it comes to non-alcoholic beverages, such as soft drinks, fruit juices, energy drinks, nectars and fruit concentrates and puree, syrups, flavoured and non-flavoured waters, milk and derivatives, and slightly alcoholic drinks such as hard seltzer, kombucha, fruit cocktails, alcopops and various, the SAP-Blendtech division comes into play. Like the other divisions, SAP-Blendtech designs and creates customized solutions according to the customer’s needs.
The heart of the division is certainly the syrup room, which follows the product in the entire process phases: sugar dissolution, which can be continuous or discontinuous, syrup clarification treatment, dosage of micro-components and aromas, preparation of the final syrup and realization of the finished product.
To complete the range of SAP-Blendtech products we have filters, tunnel and in-line pasteurizers (plate or tubular), evaporators, desulfurizers, CIP, aseptic lines and machinery for blending and mixing, such as premix, carbonators, mixers-pasto-carbo and much more.
In 2021, TMCI Padovan acquired SAP Italia, a world leader in food plants based in Melegnano (MI) and which since 1983 has offered technological solutions in the construction of plants for the food industry, and more precisely in the water sectors, fruit juices, soft drinks, dairy sector, ice cream and much more.
Thanks to the new synergy created between the two companies, TMCI enriched the range of existing products, and significantly broaden the range of action.
TMCI Padovan company is present all over the world, with four production sites in Italy and many offices scattered around the four corners of the earth.
The company’s strengths, across the four divisions, are certainly:
• The speed of reaction at the time of the first contact with the customer,
• The ability, thanks to the preparation of its technical department, to identify customer needs and produce the offer that best suits the needs of the individual,
• Versatility, which allows TMCI to provide customized products,
• The possibility of offering semi or fully automatic machines, thanks to a dedicated automation office,
• The speed of analysis, response and intervention of its after-sales office, which accompanies the customer in every necessary step.
CIP بناج - بارشلا ةفرغ Syrup roomfront view Syrup room CIP side Premix سكيميربلا SAP Italia Srl Via S. Allende, 1 - 20077 Melegnano (Milano) Italy Tel. +39 02 983 867 9 - Fax. +39 02 9823 17 67 - يمامأ ضرع - بارشلا ةفرغ ARABIC EDITIONBEVERAGE INDUSTRY TMCI Padovan Spa Via Caduti del Lavoro, 7 - Z.I. - 31029 Vittorio Veneto (Treviso) Italy Tel. +39 0438 41 47 - Fax +39 0438 50 10 44 - 63
Tubular aseptic pasteurizer ،تويزلاو ،ريطقتلا جتاون :ذيبنلا ةعانص ةيلمعل تلالآا ريفوت ىلع رصتقي لا هنكلو ،تاساسلأا دحأ نافوداب مسق دعي ،مويلا ىتح .ملاعلا لوحو ايلاطيإ ءاحنأ عيمج يف .ريثكلا كلذ ريغو ،يعانصلا حيشرتلاو ،تارديهوبركلاو ،رديسلاو ،لخلاو .بلطلا بسح صصخمو عونتم نافوداب مسق همدقي يذلا قاطنلا :يرارحلا لدابتلا وأ ديربتلا تاموظنمو ،فيظنتلا تاموظنمو ،ةرتسبلاو ،تاحشرملا . "Chemtech International" لانوشانرتنإ كتميك ىمست ةيزيلجنإ ةكرش ىلع ذاوحتسلاا للاخ نم عسوتلا ةكرشلا تررق 1985 ماع يف تايولحلا تاجتنمو ،نوهدلاو ،تويزلاو ،واكاكلا ةدبزو ،يتابنلا نمسلاو ،نيتلايجلا تلاآ جاتنإ يف صصختملا مسقلا لازت امو تناك ،ليهت يف اهرقمو ،كتميك ةكرش .زباخملاو ،ةهيركلا حئاورلا تلايزم كلذ نع ةيمهأ لقت لا نكلو ،)"Chemetator" روتاتيميك( طوشكملا حطسلا تاذ تلادابملا ديكأتلاب يه ميسقتلا اذه زيمت يتلا تاجتنملا .ريثكب كلذ نم رثكأو ،ةرتسبلاو ،ةجلاعملا تانازخو ،ةيبيرجتلا تاموظنملاو .ةيعانصلا وأ ةيفرحلا ءاوس ،)ةريبلا( ةعجلا وه هيلع زيكرتلا يإ يشت مإ يت ةكرش تدارأ رخآ يئاهن جتنم ماع يف ةيراجتلا "VELO" وليف ةملاع ىلع ذاوحتسلااب تماق امدنع كش لاب تنسحت يتلاو ،ايجيردت اهتعمس ةكرشلا تنب ،)ةرتسبلاو رتلافلا( ةيدرفلا تلالآا نم ءدب ،ةظحللا كلت ذنم ؛اهل ارقم ازنشتيف نم ذختت يتلا "Impiantinox" سكونيتنايبمإ ةكرش ىلع ذاوحتسلاا لضفب ،قيرفلا ءاضعأ ددع فعاضت ،2018 ماع يف .2014 .ةعجلا قوس يف عزانم لاب لطبلا يه Easybräu-Velo ةيراجتلا ةملاعلا تحبصأ تانازخو ،)خلإ ،ةريمخلا رشن تلاآو ،ةفاجلا رانيدلا ةبشع( ةيفاضإ تاقحلمو ،رتلوتكيه 100 ىلإ 1 نم يهطلا فرغ :ادج ةعساو ةضورعملا تاجتنملا ةعومجم دعت .يعانصلا ملاعلل ةرتسبلا تلاآو تاحشرملاو ،)CIP( فيظنتلا تاموظنمو ،جضنلاو ريمختلا هايملاو ،بارشلاو ،ةهكافلا تازكرمو سيرهلاو ،راتكنلاو ،ةقاطلا تابورشمو ،ةهكافلا رئاصعو ،ةيزاغلا تابورشملا لثم ،ةيلوحكلا ريغ تابورشملاب قلعتي اميف اذه ،ةعونتم تابورشمو ،بوبوكلاو ،ةهكافلا تلايتكوكو ،اشتوبموكلاو ،رزتليس دراه لثم ةفيفخلا ةيلوحكلا تابورشملاو ،هتاقتشمو بيلحلاو ،ةهكنملا ريغو ةهكنملا .ليمعلا تاجايتحلا اقفو ةصصخم لاولح قلخيو ممصي ،ىرخلأا ماسقلأا لثم ،يذلاو ،هرود "SAP-Blendtech" كت دنلب-باس مسق هيف بعلي يذلا صصختلا وه ةعرجو ،بارشلا ةيقنت جلاعو ،ةعطقتم وأ ةرمتسم نوكت دق يتلاو ،ركسلا ةباذإ :هتجلاعم لحارم عيمج يف جتنملا عبتت يتلا ،بارشلا ةفرغ وه مسقلا بلق نأ دكؤملا نم .يئاهنلا جتنملا ذيفنتو يئاهنلا بارشلا ريضحتو ،تاهكنلاو ةقيقدلا تانوكملا فيظنتلا تادحوو ،تيربكلا تلايزمو ،ريخبت تادحوو ،)ةيبوبنأ وأ حاولأ تاذ( ةيطخو ةيقفن ةرتسب تلاآو ،رتلاف انيدل ،SAP-Blendtech تاجتنم ةعومجم لامكلإ ،نوبركلا ديسكأ يناث ةفاضإو ةرتسبلاو طلخلا تلاآو ،تانوبركلا ةفاضإ تلاآو ،)قبسملا طلخلا تلاآ( سكيميربلا لثم ،طلخلاو جزملا تلاآو ميقعتلا طوطخو ،يناكملا !ىرخلأا تلالآا نم ديزملاو ذنم مدقت يتلاو )ونلايم( وناينيليم يف اهرقمو ةيذغلأا عناصم يف ايملاع ةدئارلا ةكرشلا ،SAP Italia ةكرش ىلع نافوداب يإ يشت مإ يت تذوحتسا ،2021 ماع يف ،نابللأا عاطقو ،ةيزاغلا تابورشملاو ،ةهكافلا رئاصعو ،هايملا تاعاطق يف ةقد رثكأ لكشبو ،ةيئاذغلا تاعانصلا تاموظنم ءانب يف ةيجولونكت لاولح 1983 ماع .ريثكب كلذ نم رثكأو ،يتلايجلاو .ريبك لكشب لمعلا قاطن عيسوتو ةيلاحلا تاجتنملا ةعومجم ءارثإ نم يإ يشت مإ يت تنكمت ،نيتكرشلا نيب هؤاشنإ مت يذلا ديدجلا رزآتلا لضفب .ملاعلا ءاحنأ عيمج يف ةرشتنملا بتاكملا نم ديدعلاو ايلاطيإ يف جاتنلإل تارقم عبرأ عم ،ملاعلا ءاحنأ عيمج يف نافوداب يإ يشت مإ يت ةكرش دجاوتت :ديكأتلاب يه ،ةعبرلأا ماسقلأل ةضرعتسملا ،ةكرشلا ةوق طاقنو ،ليمعلا عم لاصتا لوأ دنع ةباجتسلاا ةعرس • ،درفلا تاجايتحلا ةمئلام رثكلأا ضرعلا ميدقتو ليمعلا تاجايتحا ديدحت ىلع ،ينفلا اهبتكم دادعتسا لضفب ،ةردقلا • ،ةصصخم تاجتنم ىلع لوصحلاب حمست يتلا ،ةنورملا • ،صصخم ةتمتأ بتكم لضفب ،لماكلاب ةيكيتاموتوأ وأ ةيكيتاموتوأ فصن تلاآ ميدقت ةيناكمإ • .ةمزلا ةوطخ لك يف ليمعلا قفاري يذلا عيبلا دعب ام بتكم لخدتو ةباجتسلااو ،ليلحتلا ةعرس • SAP Italia Srl Via S. Allende, 1 - 20077 Melegnano (Milano) Italy Tel. +39 02 983 867 9 - Fax. +39 02 9823 17 67 - ةيلاطيإ ةكرش يه "TMCI Padovan" نافوداب يإ يشت مإ يت )وزيفيرت ةعطاقم يف( ايلاطيإ قرش لامش يف اهرقم عقي ،ةقيرع ذنم تابورشملاو ةيذغلأا ملاعل ايجولونكتلا عاطق يف ةدئار يهو وحن اهلامعأ هيجوت ىلإ ةكرشلل يروطتلا راسملا ىدأ .اماع 1919 .ةيلوحكلا ريغو ةيلوحكلا ،تابورشملا عاطق وه يإ يشت مإ يت ةكرش هيف تصصخت يذلا لولأا عاطقلا ذيبنلا عناصم نم ديدعلل ةيعجرم ةطقن تحبصأ نأ ىلإ ،ذيبنلا ةعانص Tunnel pasteurizer, cooler or warmer ةمقعم ةيبوبنأ ةرتسب ةدحو نخسمو ،دربم ،ةيقفن ةرتسب ةدحو BEVERAGE INDUSTRYARABIC EDITION TMCI Padovan Spa Via Caduti del Lavoro, 7 - Z.I. - 31029 Vittorio Veneto (Treviso) Italy Tel. +39 0438 41 47 - Fax +39 0438 50 10 44 - 62
Hall 3 Stand S3-A34
SMI: even more functional and sustainable packaging
Nature plays an increasingly important role in the everyday life of all of us!
Thanks to investments in industrial plants equipped with smart and green technology, like the machines supplied by SMI, food & beverage companies will save on energy, reduce the production environmental impact and use recyclable and biodegradable packaging materials to manufacture packs in film or cardboard. Future is always full of challenge. SMI solution for competitive market!
The companies influenced by the trend of strong product diversification, need very flexible and efficient bottling and packaging plants in order to reach high levels of optimization and competitiveness of production lines. Furthermore, in an economic environment that is increasingly oriented towards eco-friendly solutions in the use of plastic packaging, a growing number of companies have chosen to use rPET (100 % recyclable PET) bottles and cutting-edge technical solutions, like those supplied by SMI, in order to save energy and reduce the production environmental impact.
Recent studies clearly show the advantages related to the use of PET plastic bottles, containers that are unbreakable, safe, with great barrier properties, light and above all recyclable. When compared to other packaging materials, like glass or aluminium, traditional PET and, above all, its 100 % recyclable version (rPET), has a good environmental profile, especially thanks to its lightweight, that results in less material to be produced, less material to be disposed of, less energy used to manufacture it and less fuel used for the transport of packed products. SMI manufactures bottling plants and packaging machines with an innovative design, equipped with IoT technology, providing to its customers, located all over the world, with smart solutions, able to meet their requirements in terms of competitiveness, production efficiency, operational flexibility, energy saving, easy management and monitoring of the whole production process
The EBS ERGON series of stretch-blow moulding, available both in “stand alone” version and in “combi” version, integrated with filling and capping systems (ECOBLOC® ERGON series), ensure high performances in the stretch blow-moulding of rPET, and PET bottles of different shapes and capacities from 0.10 L up to 10L mainly used for the food, beverage and detergent industries, able to meet production requirements up to 36,800 bottles/hour
Thanks to high-tech components, low maintenance and running costs and great quality/price ratio, SMI machines are the best solution for producing plastic containers.
Solutions for tethered caps
The tethered caps, that stay attached to the bottle after having been opened, will become an object of everyday use for European consumers from 2024, when 2019/904 directive will enter into force. The EU directive establishes the minimum recyclate percentage in plastic beverage bottles (25% starting from 2025 and 30% starting from 2030) and states that the caps of PET bottles have to be attached to the container, so that they can be recycled together with the bottle, thus avoiding they end up as waste in the environment.
SMI, aware of the challenges posed by this directive to beverage manufacturers, offers solutions for producing containers with a percentage of recycled PET in compliance with 2019/904 and supports customers in order to evaluate the right tethered cap solution. Green solutions for the primary packaging. Main advantages of EBS series
• stretch-blow moulding system based on a high efficiency rotary technology, equipped with motorized stretch rods
Design of sustainable containers
Today all the main food and beverage manufacturers aim at promoting sustainable lifestyles in compliance with circular economy and support the importance of the responsible use of resources and recycle. Their commitment starts from the use of PET plastics: a 100% recyclable and regenerable material.
Thanks to an advanced CAD center for 3D design, SMI supports companies in the design and graphic realization of a wide range of 100% recyclable PET containers, featuring high quality and lightweight in order to save energy and material
ARABIC EDITIONBEVERAGE INDUSTRY SMI Spa Via Carlo Ceresa, 10 - 24015 San Giovanni Bianco (Bergamo) Italy Tel. +39 0345 401 11 - Fax +39 0345 402 09 - 59
for a precise management of the stretch rod cycle and a significant energy saving;
• ultra-compact plant: the preform heating section is integrated with the stretch-blow moulding section in a single module;
• reduced energy consumption, thanks to the preform heating module equipped with high efficiency IR lamps and to the stretch-blow moulding module equipped with a double stage HP air recovery system;
• ergonomic structure that ensures an easy maintenance and a high safety level;
• high performance low dead volume valves, that reduce pre-blowing and blowing times, therefore improving efficiency and quality of the bottles;
• easy and fast format changeover, thanks to MotorNet System® automation and control system that ensures constant maintenance of the optimum processing parameters and the direct modification of the machine settings. The advantages of the ECOBLOC® ERGON integrated solutions of blowing-filling-capping.
• The integration of stretch-blow moulding, filling and capping functions into a single machine allows to considerably reduce costs, as well as the space occupied by the solution, since the rinser and conveyors between the stretch-blow moulder and the filler are not needed. This also leads to reduce contamination risks and to reach a higher hygiene level.
• High-efficiency rotary stretch-blow moulding system equipped with motorized stretch rods, whose functioning, controlled electronically, does not need mechanical cams. This allows a precise management of the rod path and an accurate control of its position, as well as a significant energy saving.
• The carousel blowing process has been reduced, thus making the stretch-blow moulder more efficient by 17 %.
• The filling process is extremely precise, thanks to the use of the flow meter, an electronic device installed near each valve that detects the flow of the product that fills
each bottle by counting the pulses and sends the filling valve the closure sign, once the value of the format in use is reached.
• A wide range of products can be filled thanks to the valve terminal that is changed according to the type of product.
Green solutions for secondary packaging
Within secondary packaging, SMI offers a wide range of automatic machines for packing in an efficient and eco-sustainable way several types of containers with an output up to 450 packs per minute (in triple lane) and applications that ensure energy saving.
Depending on the type of product to be packed and on the reference market, it is possible to choose the most appropriate packer among a wide range of automatic shrink wrappers for secondary packaging in stretch or recyclable film or among packers that use corrugated, kraft or Arcwise® cardboard
All automatic packers produced by SMI are inspired by Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things (IoT) concepts and ensure cost reduction, energy saving, environmental sustainability and increase in competitiveness.
Interactive tour to discover sustainable solutions
SMI still thinks about all those customers who, due to restrictions related to Covid-19, cannot travel to go to the Italian headquarters or to take part in trade fairs.
In order to find out the advantages of SMI complete lines, customers are invited to access the interactive tour, available on the web site a journey inside two complete line solutions featuring sustainability and compliance with Industry 4.0, that allow to discover the cutting-edge technology to reduce the carbon footprint, energy consumption and waste material.
Flexible market-driven organization
In a global market where competition is getting fiercer and fiercer, the possibility to guarantee a “next door” service is for SMI a key factor to effectively and successfully support customers wherever they are. Thus, over the years SMI has set up a widespread network of branches and representative offices in order to extend the service to the widest number of clients.
Thus, over the years, SMI has set up a widespread network of branches and representative offices in order to extend the service to the widest number of clients.
BEVERAGE INDUSTRYARABIC EDITION SMI Spa Via Carlo Ceresa, 10 - 24015 San Giovanni Bianco (Bergamo) Italy
+39 0345 401 11 - Fax +39 0345 402 09
- 58
Hall 2 Stand S2-C34
Pack-Sim: 3D design and simulation of the complete bottling line
Scanny3D S.r.l. is a highly specialized company that deals with the design and production of reverse engineering systems, in particular 3D laser scanner and CAD-CAM software development for industry. One of the most important sectors, in which Scanny3D products find application, is packaging and bottling.
The PACK-SIM software, conceived and produced by Scanny3D, was developed entirely for the rapid, fully automatic and extremely accurate design of stars and screws for the bottling sector.
The software consists of several modules. The star module is able to simulate up to 3 gripping heights at the same time and guarantees full compatibility of the generated surfaces (exportable in STEP and IGES formats) with the main CAD-CAMs.
The SCREW module, on the other hand, facilitates the design of 3D screws and counter- screws of any type (transport, rotation, grouping, inversion, singling, etc.)
for bottles, flasks and containers of any shape and size. Furthermore, the software allows the design of screws of any type by defining customized motion laws. Through an easy-to-use interface, the software allows the definition of the law of motion of the bottles along the screw with different data entry modes and allows them to be
customized in terms of speed, rotation and position of the bottle during handling.
A special function allows the generation of the star in 3D, allowing the automatic creation of the alveoli in 3D to ensure a better adaptation of the lateral surface of the alveolus to the surface of the bottle or bottle. In this way, handling accuracy is considerably increased and correct contact tolerance is ensured even in the case of delicate bottles. The simulation is carried out in a few minutes and allows you to obtain a 3D model of the screw with a perfectly smooth surface ready to be made.
Finally, the multistar module allows the graphic simulation of the entire bottling line.
For Scanny3D, the innovation process has always played a central role and is powered by the constant relationship maintained with customers and their technical feedback on the systems used. The R&D department designs systems that are increasingly accurate, reliable but at the same time easy to use for the end customer, thanks to the use of cutting-edge technologies, especially in the field of 3D.
لماكلاب ةئبعتلا طخل داعبلأا ةيثلاث ةاكاحمو ميمصت :Pack-Sim ةيثلاث ةيئوضلا تاحساملا اميس لاو ،ةيسكعلا ةسدنهلا ةمظنأ جاتنإو ميمصت عم لماعتت ةياغلل ةصصختم ةكرش يه "Scanny3D Srl" .م.م.ذ.ش يد يرث يناكس تاجتنم اهيف مدختست يتلا تاعاطقلا مهأ نم ةئبعتلاو فيلغتلا دعي .ةعانصلل )CAD-CAM( رتويبمكلا ةدعاسمب عينصتلاو ميمصتلا جمارب ريوطتو رزيللاب داعبلأا .يد يرث يناكس ةيمجنلا تادحولل ةياغلل قيقدلاو ،لماكلاب يللآاو ،عيرسلا ميمصتلا لجأ نم لماكلاب ،يد يرث يناكس ةكرش هتجتنأو هتركتبا يذلا ،PACK-SIM جمانرب ريوطت مت .ةئبعتلا عاطقل ةيبلوللا ةلقانلاو ةلباق( ةدلوملا حطسلأل لماكلا قفاوتلا نمضتو تقولا سفن يف كاسمإ داعبأ 3 ىلإ لصي ام ةاكاحم ىلع ةرداق يهو موجنلا ةدحو .تادحو ةدع نم جمانربلا نوكتي .ةيسيئرلا )CAD-CAM( رتويبمكلا ةدعاسمب عينصتلاو ميمصتلا جمارب عم )IGESو STEP تاقيسنتب ريدصتلل )كلذ ريغو ،زرفلاو ،ساكعنلااو ،عيمجتلاو ،ريودتلاو ،لقنلا( عون يأ نم داضملا لقانلاو داعبلأا ةيثلاث تلاقانلا ميمصت ةيبلوللا ةدحولا لهست ،ىرخأ ةيحان نم نيناوق ديدحت للاخ نم عون يأ نم ةيبلول تلاقان ميمصتب جمانربلا حمسي ،كلذ ىلع ةولاع .مجحو لكش يأ نم تايواحلاو ،ةريغصلا تاجاجزلاو ،تاجاجزلل حمسيو تانايبلا لاخدلإ ةعونتم قرطب ةيبلوللا ةلقانلا لوط ىلع تاجاجزلا ةكرح نوناق ديدحتب جمانربلا حمسي ،مادختسلاا ةلهس ةهجاو للاخ نم .ةصصخملا ةكرحلا .ةلوانملا ءانثأ ةجاجزلا عضومو ،نارودلاو ،ةعرسلا ثيح نم اهصيصختب تلاصيوحلل يبناجلا حطسلل لضفأ فييكت نامضل داعبلأا يثلاث يئاقلت لكشب ةيئاوهلا تلاصيوحلا ءاشنإب حمسي امم ،داعبلأا يثلاث مجن ديلوتب ةصاخ ةفيظو حمست ةريغصلا تاجاجزلا ةلاح يف ىتح حيحصلا سملاتلا لمحت نامض متيو ريبك لكشب ةلوانملا ةقد ةدايز متي ،ةقيرطلا هذهب .ةريغصلا ةجاجزلا وأ ةجاجزلا حطس عم ةيئاوهلا .عينصتلل زهاج امامت سلمأ حطسب ةيبلوللا ةلقانلل داعبلأا يثلاث جذومن ىلع لوصحلاب حمستو قئاقد عضب يف ةاكاحملا ذيفنت متي .ةقيقرلا .هلمكأب ةئبعتلا طخل ةيموسرلا ةاكاحملاب "Multistar" موجنلا ددعتم جذومنلا حمسي ،اريخأو ةمظنلأا ىلع ةينفلا مهتاقيلعتو ءلامعلا عم اهيلع ظافحلا مت يتلا ةرمتسملا ةقلاعلا اهتمعدو ايزكرم ارود راكتبلاا ةيلمع تبعل املاطل ،يد يرث يناكس ةكرشل ةبسنلاب مادختسا لضفب كلذو ،يئاهنلا ليمعلل مادختسلاا ةلهس تقولا سفن يف اهنكلو ديازتم لكشب ةيقوثوملاو ةقدلاب مستت ةمظنأ ميمصتب ريوطتلاو ثحبلا مسق موقي .ةمدختسملا .داعبلأا يثلاث لاجملا يف اميس لاو ،ةروطتم تاينقت
BEVERAGE INDUSTRYARABIC EDITION Scanny 3D Srl Via Archetti, 15 - 63831 Rapagnano (Fermo) Italy Tel. +39 0734 51 04 10 - Fax +39 0734 51 04 10 - 54
Pietribiasi Michelangelo is specialized in the construction of equipment for the dairy industry, soft drinks, juices, beverages, and ice-cream.
Today, the Pietribiasi name is among the more well-known in the dairy and beverages sector and the company is internationally acknowledged, particularly in the realization of “turn-key” projects regarding process of liquid foods.
Looking deeper into the company’s products range, Pietribiasi covers the development, project design and supply of complete lines for the processing of milk and its derivates like cream, fermented products (yoghurt, sour cream/ Smetana, kefir, labneh, etc.), fresh soft as well as semi-hard and hard cheese, mozzarella/pasta filata/pizza cheese, butter and other products processed from cow, sheep, and goat milks. Wide experience in UHT plants and aseptic lines.
Pietribiasi is also very well-known for ice cream mix preparation and pasteurization.
Another core business is the production of CIP plants and own centrifugal separators
يف ةصصختم ةكرش يه "Pietribiasi Michelangelo" ولجنأ لكيام يسايبيرتيب ،تابورشملاو ،رئاصعلاو ،ةيزاغلا تابورشملاو ،نابللأا ةعانصل تادعملا عينصت .ميرك سيلآاو نابللأا عاطق يف ةفورعملا ءامسلأا لضفأ نيب نم يسايبيرتيب مسا دعي ،مويلا ةيلمعب ةقلعتم "ةزهاج" عيراشم ذيفنتب ايملاع ةفورعم ةكرشلاو ،تابورشملاو .ةيئاذغلا لئاوسلا بيلحلا ةجلاعمل ةلماك طوطخ ديروتو ،ميمصتو ،ريوطت يسايبيرتيب ىلوتت نبجلاو ،يدابزلا/ةرمخملا تاجتنملاو ،ةدشقلاو ،رتسبملا بيلحلا لثم هتاقتشمو ،ازتيبلا/لوزغملا نوجعملا/لايرازوملاو ،بلصلاو ،بلصلا فصنو ،يرطلا ةعساو ةيتابن ةربخ .زعاملاو ،مانغلأاو ،رقبلا بيلح تاجتنم نم اهريغو ةدبزلاو ةمقعم طوطخو UHT ةقئاف ةرارح تاجرد يف ميقعتلا تاموظنم يف يتلايجلا طيلخ ةرتسبو ريضحتب اضيأ ةفورعم يسايبيرتيب درطلا لصاوفو )CIP( ناكملا يف فيظنت تاموظنم جاتنإ وه رخآ يساسأ لمع .اهب ةصاخلا يزكرملا
Hall 3 Stand S-C3 BEVERAGE INDUSTRYARABIC EDITION Pietribiasi Michelangelo Srl Via del Progresso, 12 - 36035 Marano Vicentino (Vicenza) Italy Tel. +39 0445 62 10 88 - Fax +39 0445 6216 31 - 52
P.E. has been able to grow over the years and position itself among the market leaders
P.E. Labellers has made labeling history throughout the world, thanks to its ability to adapt labelling machines to the new production requirements of companies and to the increasingly high-quality standards imposed by the market. It was founded in 1974 in Mantua (Italy) and for almost 50 years P.E. Labellers has shown continuous growth in the global market.
The company is now a world leader in the design and manufacture of automatic and fully modular labeling machines featuring superior standards.
P.E. Labellers is an Italian company that boasts 100% Made-in-Italy production, with 95% of its revenues developed on international markets. Over the years the size of the company has steadily increased and extended globally: Today P.E. Labellers consists of 9 sites distributed between Italy, US and Brazil, with about 500 employees, 90 service experts out of which are present worldwide. Since 2017, P.E. Labellers has been part of the US multinational group ProMach, a world leader in Packaging.
P.E. Labellers has been able to grow over the years and to position itself among the market leaders in the design and production of automatic labelling machines, thanks to its ability to adapt labelling solutions to the new production requirements of companies and to the increasingly higher quality standards imposed by the market. How? Always prioritizing customers. Listening to them, visiting them, studying their different production needs, interpreting their business targets. This is how, year after year, the requirements expressed by companies have become P.E.’s technological asset.
The key point is flexibility: The extreme modularity that P.E. machines bring to the field, to the advantage of companies of even very different sizes and markets.
Whatever the production needs to be satisfied, the proposed automated solution can combine the different labeling technologies, starting from a central machine body and adding modular stations of various types. From pressure sensitive to cold glue, from pre-cuts with hot melt to combined labeling solutions.
P.E. plays ahead of the needs of companies by offering Design Innovation smart solutions, with the strength of 62 patents filed.
The driver is always the customer’s production requirement to be met, the speed to be achieved and the types of “clothing” with which to “dress” - and give value to - products and containers that differ in material, features and size.
As always, you need to protect what’s most precious: the ability to provide specialized services for each type of machine, in every geographical area, relying on a team of 90 technical profiles, globally distributed, represents a highly valuable feature. It means being able to count on non-stop assistance, even remotely, on specific and evolutionary maintenance programs, dedicated training, at the customer’s premises or in the equipped classrooms of P.E. University.
P.E. Labellers modular machines meet the needs of many sectors: Beverage, Food & Dairy, Wine & Spirits, Personal & Home Care, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Pet Food.
The manufacturing strategy adopted by P.E. Labellers is based on the concept of “Vertical Production”, which has
led to the creation of 8 different Centers of Excellence in Design & Manufacturing. Its globally distributed production sites are highly specialized in the development of special lines of automatic labelling machines, operating independently while remaining strongly integrated into P.E. Labellers.
Today, the Lean Production of the P.E. Labellers group leads to the creation of 7 lines of labelling machines and 500 machines produced every year, exported all over the world and largely managed remotely. All machine components are processed in an automated way and each part is mass-produced to ensure high quality control and strong reduction of material waste.
Endless passion for innovation
P.E. puts another flag in the labeling world and launches the revolutionary Simpl-Cut™ technology, which changes the rules of Roll-fed operation, worldwide SIMPL-CUT™ by P.E. Labellers won the coveted PMMI’s Technology Excellence Award at the Pack Expo in Las Vegas, the world’s most important packaging fair. Winner of the most innovative solution in the General Packaging category.
Why is P.E. different?
Strength is in flexibility. It’s a fundamental concept that winks at evolutionary principles themselves. It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change, Darwin teaches us. P.E. LABELLERS has built its leadership on this key element and the market continues to prove it right. For 50 years.
Bruno Negri, Senior Vice President P.E. Labellers
ARABIC EDITIONBEVERAGE INDUSTRY PE Labellers Spa Via Industria, 56 - 46047 Porto Mantovano (Mantova) Italy Tel. +39 0376 38 93 11 - Fax +39 0376 38 94 11 - 51
قوسلا داور نيب اهسفن تعضوو نينسلا رم ىلع ومنلا نم "P.E" يإ يب ةكرش تنكمت لضفب ملاعلا يف تاقصلملا عضو تانيكام عاطق يف اهل اخيرات ةعانص نم "P.E. Labellers" سرلوبلا يإ يب ةكرش تنكمت ةديازتملا ةيلاعلا ةدوجلا ريياعمو تاكرشلل ةديدجلا جاتنلإا تاجايتحا عم تاقصلملا عضو تانيكام فييكت ىلع اهتردق ابيرقت سرلوبلا يإ يب ةكرش رهظتو ،)ايلاطيإ( افوتنام يف 1974 ماع يف تسسأت .قوسلا اهضرفي يتلا .ةيملاعلا قوسلا يف ارمتسم اومن ةنس 50 ذنم ةيكيتاموتولأا تاقصلملا عضو تلاآ عينصتو ميمصت يف ايملاع ةدئار مويلا ةكرشلا دعت .ةيلاع ريياعمب لماكلاب ةيرايعملاو عم ،ايلاطيإ يف عنص %100 جاتنإب رخفت ةيلاطيإ ةكرش سرلوبلا يإ يب ةكرش دعت داز ،نينسلا رم ىلع .ةيلودلا قاوسلأا يف اهريوطت مت يتلا تاداريلإا نم %95 سرلوبلا يإ يب ةكرش فلأتت مويلا :ايملاع تعسوتو درطم لكشب ةكرشلا مجح ،ليزاربلاو ،ةيكيرملأا ةدحتملا تايلاولاو ،ايلاطيإ نيب ةعزوم تارقم 9 نم .ملاعلا ءاحنأ ةفاك يف نيدوجوم ةمدخ ريبخ 90و فظوم 500 يلاوح اهب لمعيو "ProMach" شتام ورب ةعومجم نم ءزج سرلوبلا يإ يب ةكرش دعت 2017 ماع ذنم .فيلغتلا لاجم يف ايملاع ةدئار ةكرش يهو ،تايسنجلا ةددعتم ةيكيرملأا يف ةدئارلا تاكرشلا نيب اهسفن فينصتو نينسلا رم ىلع ومنلا نم سرلوبلا يإ يب ةكرش تنكمت لولح فييكت ىلع اهتردق لضفب ةيكيتاموتولأا تاقصلملا عضو تلاآ جاتنإو ميمصت يف قوسلا اهضرفي يتلا ةديازتملا ةيلاعلا ةدوجلا ريياعمو تاكرشلل ةديدجلا جاتنلإا تاجايتحا عم تاقصلملا ،مهترايزو ،مهيلإ عامتسلاا قيرط نع .ءلامعلل امئاد ةيولولأا حنم للاخ نم ؟فيك .قوسلا تحبصأ ،ماع دعب اماع ،اذكهو .مهلامعأ فادهأ ريسفتو ةفلتخملا جاتنلإا تاجايتحا ةساردو .يإ يب ةكرشل ةيجولونكت لاوصأ تاكرشلا اهنع ربعت يتلا تابلطتملا حلاصل ،ناديملا ىلإ يإ يب ةكرش تلاآ اهبلجت يتلا ىوصقلا ةيرايعملا :ةنورملا يه ةيساسلأا ةطقنلا جايتحلاا ناك امهم ،عقاولا يف .ضعبلا اهضعب نع ةياغلل ةديعبلا قاوسلأاو ماجحلأا تاذ تاكرشلا ،ةفلتخملا تاقصلملا عضو تاينقت نيب عمجي نأ حرتقملا يللآا لحلل نكمي ،هؤاضرإ بجي يذلا يجاتنلإا ءارغلا ىلإ ةقصلالا داوملا نم .ةفلتخم عاونأ نم ةيرايعم تاطحم لاخدإو يزكرملا ةنيكاملا لكيه نم اءدب .ةجمدملا تاقصلملا عضو لولح ىلإ نخاسلا ءارغلاب قبسملا عطقلا نم ،درابلا .ةلجسم عارتخا ةءارب 62 ةوقب ،ميمصتلا يف راكتبلال ةيكذ لاولح حرتقت ثيح ،عاطقلا اذه يف نييساسلأا نيلغشملا نم ديدعلاو تاكرشلا تاجايتحا يإ يب ةكرش قبتست - ةميق ءاطعإو - "اهعضو" متي يتلا "سبلاملا" عاونأو اهيلع لوصحلا بجي يتلا تاعرسلاو ،هؤاضرإ بجاولا ليمعلاب صاخلا جاتنلإا بلطم امئاد يه انتلصوب .ماجحلأاو ،لاكشلأاو ،داوملا يف فلتخت يتلا تايواحلاو تاجتنملل 90 نم رثكأ نم نوكم قيرف عم ،ةيفارغج ةقطنم لك يف ،ةنيكاملا عون بسح ةصصختم تامدخ ميدقت ىلع ةردقلا لثمت :نيمث وه ام ةيامح بجي ،امئاد لاحلا وه امك بيردتو ،ةيروطتو ةددحم ةنايص جمارب ىلعو ،دعب نع ىتح رمتسملا انمعد ىلع دامتعلاا كنكمي هنأ ينعي اذهو .ةلئاه ةيفاضإ ةميق ،ملاعلا ىوتسم ىلع نيعزوم اينف .يإ يب ةعماج يف ةزهجملا ةيساردلا لوصفلا يف وأ ليمعلا لزنم يف ،ليهأتلل صصخم ،ةيحورلا تابورشملاو ذيبنلاو ،نابللأا تاجتنمو ةيذغلأاو ،)ةعجلا( ةريبلاو ،تابورشملا :ةددعتم تاعاطق تاجايتحا سرلوبلا يإ يب ةكرشل ةيرايعملا تانيكاملا يبلت .ةفيللأا تاناويحلا ةيذغأو ،ةيودلأاو ،ةيئايميكلا داوملاو ،ةيلزنملاو ةيصخشلا ةيانعلا تاجتنمو .عينصتلاو ميمصتلا يف زيمتلل ةفلتخم زكارم 8 ءاشنإ ىلإ ىدأ يذلاو ،"يسأرلا جاتنلإا" موهفم ىلع سرلوبلا يإ يب ةكرش لبق نم ةعبتملا عينصتلا ةيجيتارتسا دمتعت ةجمدم لظت امنيب لقتسم لكشب لمعت يتلاو ،ةيكيتاموتولأا تاقصلملا عضو تلاآ نم ةنيعم طوطخ ريوطت يف ةيلاع ةجردب ةصصختم ،ايملاع ةعزوم جاتنإ عقاوم .سرلوبلا يإ يب ةكرش يف ةوقب ىلإ اهريدصت متيو ،ايونس اهجاتنإ متي ةنيكام 500و تاقصلملا عضو تلاآ نم طوطخ 7 ءاشنإ ىلإ يدؤي سرلوبلا يإ يب ةعومجمل ردهلا نم يلاخلا جاتنلإا مويلا ةدوجلل ةيلاع ةبقارم نامضل لسلسم مقرب لك جاتنإ متيو ةيكيتاموتوأ ةقيرطب تانيكاملا تانوكم عيمج ةجلاعم متت .ريبك دح ىلإ دعب نع اهترادإ متتو ملاعلا ءاحنأ عيمج .داوملا تايافن يف ريبك ليلقتو راكتبلال هل ةياهن لا فغش Simpl Cut™ ةينقت قلطتو تاقصلملا عضو ملاع يف رخآ املع يإ يب ةكرش عضت يف ،"Roll-fed" قصلالا طيرشلا تاذ تاقاطبلا ليغشت دعاوق ريغت يتلا ،ةيروثلا .ملاعلا ءاحنأ عيمج Pack يف PMMI نم يجولونكتلا زيمتلا ةزئاجب Simpl Cut t™ تزاف تناكو .ملاعلا يف فيلغت ضرعم مهأ ،ساجيف سلا يف Expo 2021 فيلغتلا ةئف يف اراكتبا رثكلأا لحلا اهرابتعاب ىلولأا ةزئاجلاب ةزئافلا يه .ماعلا ؟ةفلتخم يإ يب ةكرش دعت اذامل .ةيروطتلا ئدابملا سفن ىلع زكري ،يساسأ موهفم هنإ .ةنورملا يف ةوقلا نمكت نيوراد انملعي ،تاريغتلا عم فيكتلا ىلع ةردق رثكأ وه نم لك زوفيو وجني ةيسيئرلا ةطقنلا هذه ىلع اهتداير ءانب نم سرلوبلا يإ يب ةكرش تنكمت .كلذ .ماع 50 ذنم .انعم قفتي قوسلا لازي لاو سرلوبلا يإ يب ةكرشل لولأا سيئرلا بئان ،”Bruno Negri“ يرجين ونورب BEVERAGE INDUSTRYARABIC EDITION PE Labellers Spa Via Industria, 56 - 46047 Porto Mantovano (Mantova) Italy Tel. +39 0376 38 93 11 - Fax +39 0376 38 94 11 - 50
Hall 3 Stand S3-E34
The company Navatta, founded by Mr. Giuseppe Navatta in 1983, produces and installs fruit and vegetable processing lines and boasts references across the globe.
Navatta, the global supplier of integrated fruit & vegetables processing equipment and lines, providing well proven and innovative solutions for a full range of plants also thanks to the numerous companies’ acquisitions over the years, such as Dall’Argine e Ghiretti in 2001, a 40–yearold company world famous for rotary can pasteurizers and tomato pulping lines; Mova, in 2010, with extensive experience in bins handling, bins and drums emptying, palletizers and depalletizers, washing systems; Metro International, in 2012, leader in fruit and vegetables processing, boasting international patents for juice and puree extraction, concentration plants and thermal treatment; Ghizzoni Ettore, in 2012, specialized in special batch plants for ketchup, sauces and jams.
Manufacturing range
Navatta Group manufactures and commissions processing lines, systems, equipment for fruit, tomato, vegetables for:
• Peeled / diced / crushed tomatoes, tomato sauces and purees, tomato paste, all filled into any kind of package or in aseptic;
• Diced, puree, juices (single strength or concentrated) from Mediterranean / tropical fruit, all filled into any kind of package or in aseptic;
• Fruit crushing lines from IQF, frozen blocks and frozen drums;
• High yield patented fruit puree cold extraction, fruit purees / juices equalized in aseptic;
• Wide range of evaporators to produce tomato paste Mediterranean and tropical fruit concentrate;
• Aseptic sterilizers;
• Aseptic fillers for spout bags/ spout-less Bagin-Box 3 – 20 liters, Bag-in-Drum 220 liters, Binin-Box / IBCs 1.000 – 1.500 liters;
• Piston fillers;
• “All-in-one” pasteurizer / cooler spirals;
• Formulated products productions (jam, ketchup, sauces, drinks) starting from components unloading to dosing, mixing, mechanical / thermal stabilizing, to filling into any kind of package or into aseptic;
• Processing pilot plants;
• Vegetable processing as receiving, rehydration, cooking, grilling.
Navatta Group’s headquarters and the two production units are located in Pilastro di Langhirano, Parma, with a total production area of 10,000 square meters. A new area of 10,000 square meters has recently been purchased and is ready for the third processing unit to be built.
Vision: Passion is the factor that drives us to higher targets, in terms of technology, products and services.
Mission: To constantly increase customers’ satisfaction and fidelity.
ةيغارفلا تايلمعلا عم بنج ىلإ ابنج ،تاجتنملا يهط/طلخ/قحس ةفيظوب غارفلا عطاق ،ةولحلاو ةحلاملا تاميركلاو ،ىبرملا لثم ةجوزللا ةيلاع تاجتنملل ازاتمم دعي .ةيرارحلاو يدابزلاو ،نيتلايجلاو ،تاصلصلاو Under vacuum cutter with the function of crushing/mixing/cooking of products, combining them with vacuum and thermal processes. Ideal for high viscosity formulated products like jams, salted and sweet creams, sauces, jellies, yogurts Single head aseptic filler Webzero for web small bags 3-5-10-20 liters - automatic loading system - no operator needed. Sem-automatic filling of 220 bags in drum. Patented system - رتل 20-10-5-3 ةعس ةريغص سايكلأ Webzero نم دحاو سأر تاذ ةمقعم وشح ةنيكام 220 سايكلأ ةيكيتاموتوأ فصن ةئبعت .لغشم ىلإ جاتحي لا - سايكلأا يف يكيتاموتوأ دادمإ عارتخا ةءاربب دمتعم ماظن .ليمارب يف رتل
ARABIC EDITIONBEVERAGE INDUSTRY Navatta Group Food Processing Srl Via Sandro Pertini, 7 - 43013 Pilastro (Parma) Italy
+39 0521 63 03 22 - Fax +39 0521 63 90 93 - 47
ةهكافلاو تاورضخلا زيهجت طوطخ جاتنإ ناديم يف ،1983 ماع يف "Giuseppe Navatta" اتافان يبزويج دي ىلع تسسأت يتلا ،"Navatta" اتافان ةكرش لمعت .ملاعلا ءاحنأ ةفاك يف تايعجرملا نم ديدعلاب رخفتو اهبيكرتو لضفب اضيأ تاموظنملا نم ةلماك ةعومجمل ةركتبمو ةربتخم لولح مدقت يتلا ،تاورضخلاو ةهكافلا ةجلاعمل ةلماكتم تاعومجمو تاموظنمل يملاعلا دروملا ،اتافان قوسلا يف لمعت ةكرش يهو ،2001 ماع يف "Dall'Argine e Ghiretti" يتيريجو ينيجرلالاد ةكرش لثم ،نينسلا رم ىلع تاكرشلل ةديدعلا ذاوحتسلاا تايلمع ةربخب عتمتت يتلا ،2010 ماع يف ،"Mova" افوم ةكرشو ؛مطامطلا بل جاتنإ طوطخو ةراودلا بلعلا ةرتسب تلاآ جاتنإب ايملاع رهتشتو ،اماع 40 نع ديزي ام ذنم Metro" لانوشانرتنا ورتم ةكرش ؛ليسغلا ةمظنأو ،ليمحتلا تاصنم ةلازإ ةزهجأو ،ليمحتلا ةزهجأو ،ليماربلاو تايواحلا غيرفتو ،ليماربلا عم لماعتلا يف ةعساو تاموظنمو ،سيرهلاو ريصعلا صلاختسلا ةيلود عارتخا تاءاربب عتمتتو ،تاورضخلاو ةهكافلا زيهجت يف ةدئار ةكرش يهو ،2012 ماع يف ،"International ،بشتاكلا تاعفد جاتنإ تاموظنم يف ةصصختم ةكرش يهو ،2012 ماع يف ،"Ghizzoni Ettore" يروتيإ ينوستيج ةكرشو ؛ةيرارحلا ةجلاعملاو زيكرتلا .ىبرملاو ،تاصلصلاو جاتنلإا ةعومجم :يلي ام لكل اهذفنتو تاورضخلاو ،مطامطلاو ،ةهكافلل ةزهجأو ،ةمظنأو ،ةجلاعم طوطخ Navatta Group اتافان ةعومجم جتنت ؛ةمقعم تاوبع يف وأ تاوبعلا عاونأ ةفاك يف ةأبعملا ،مطامطلا نوجعمو ،تاسورهملاو تاصلصلاو ،ةمورفملا / تابعكم لكش ىلع ةعطقملا /ةرشقملا مطامطلايف وأ تاوبعلا عاونأ ةفاك يف ةأبعملا ،ةيئاوتسلاا هكاوفلا /طسوتملا رحبلا ةهكاف نم )زكرملا وأ يعيبطلا سيرهلا( ةهكافلا رئاصعو ،ةسورهملاو ،ةعطقملا ةهكافلا؛ةمقعم تاوبع تانازخ يف ةدمجم ةهكاف وأ ،ةدمجم لتك نع ةرابع نوكت يتلا وأ ،ايدرف اعيرس اديمجت ةدمجملا ةهكافلا مرف طوطخ.ةمقعم ةئيب يف ةنزاوتملا ةهكافلا رئاصع /ةهكافلا سيرهل ،عارتخا ةءارب ىلع لصاحلاو ةيلاعلا ةيجاتنلإا وذ درابلا ىلع صلاختسلاا.ةيئاوتسلاا ةهكافلاو طسوتملا رحبلا ةهكاف نوجعمو ،يعيبطلا سيرهلاو زكرملا مطامطلا نوجعم جاتنلإ ريخبتلا ةزهجأ نم ةريبك ةعومجم؛ةمقعم تامقعمتلاآو ،ارتل 220 نم أدبت تاعس تاذ ليمارب يف اهعضوب سايكلأا ةئبعت تلاآو ؛اهيلع لمتشت لا وأ ةهوف ىلع لمتشت يتلاو قيدانص يف سايكلأل ةمقعم ةئبعت تلاآ؛رتل 1500 1000 نيب ام حوارتت تاعس تاذ ةبئاسلا داوملا تايواح ماظنب ةدوزم /ةيواح لخاد قودنص عضوب لمعت يتلا ةئبعتلا "دحاو يف لكلا" ةينوزلحلا تادربملا / ةرتسبلا تلاآيرارحلا /يكيناكيملا تيبثتلاو ،طلخلاو ،ةرياعملا ىلإ لاوصوو ماخلا ةداملا غيرفت نم ءدب )تابورشملاو ،تاصلصلاو ،بشتاكلاو ،ىبرملا( ةيئاهنلا تاجتنملا جاتنإ؛ةمقعم جيراهص يف وأ تاوبعلا عاونأ نم عون يأ يف ةئبعتلا ضرغب ؛ةيبيرجتلا ليوحتلا تاموظنم.ءاوشلاو ،يهطلاو ،ةهاملإاو ،ملاتسلاا ىلع لمتشت يتلا تاورضخلا زيهجت تاموظنمةيجاتنإ ةحاسم يلامجإب ،"Parma" امرابو ،"Pilastro di Langhirano" وناريجنلا يد ورتسلايب يف اهل ناتعباتلا جاتنلإا يتدحوو اتافان ةعومجمل يسيئرلا رقملا عقي .ةثلاثلا ةيجاتنلإا ةدحولا دييشتل ةزهاج يهو عبرم رتم 10000 اهردق ةديدج ةحاسم ءارش ارخؤم مت .عبرم رتم 10000 غلبت .تامدخلاو ،تاجتنملاو ،ايجولونكتلا صخي اميف ،احومط رثكأ افادهأ وحن انعفدي يذلا لماعلا وه فغشلا :ةيؤرلا .رارمتساب ءلامعلا صلاخإو ءاضرإ رشؤم ةدايز :ةلاسرلا Tomato mix, ketchup and jam processing line with ingredient feeding and mixing system pre-built and FAT tested before shipping هرابتخاو اقبسم هعيمجت مت ماظن .اهطلخو تانوكملاب دادملإا عم ىبرملاو ،بشتاكلاو ،مطامطلا ةطلخ جاتنلإ طخ هليغشت ءدب لبق "FAT " عنصملا لوبق تارابتخاب BEVERAGE INDUSTRYARABIC EDITION Navatta Group Food Processing Srl Via Sandro Pertini, 7 - 43013 Pilastro (Parma) Italy Tel. +39 0521 63 03 22 - Fax +39 0521 63 90 93 - 46
Hall 3 Stand S2-C9
Mini Motor wireless technology: COA – Can Over Air New patented technology known as COA to become the benchmark in the field.
Mini Motor was established in 1965 but it wasn’t until 1974 that the company came into being as the industrial electric motor manufacturer it is today. The company started with metals and electricity, later adding electronics and computer engineering to its competencies. Industrial automation and mechatronics were then introduced in the late Seventies and early Eighties. These were two strategic traits for Mini Motor and already in its DNA at the time of its inception.
Research, development, and innovation: COA – Can Over Air, Mini Motor’s new wireless technology
In 2012, Mini Motor set on a road of R&D and design innovation with the introduction of on-board drives on gearmotors and servomotors. As a result of this, a wide range of products were designed and developed for several years. At the same time, the company was working with various types of FIELDBUSES, initially with analogue fieldbuses (Canopen and Modbus) and then the more advanced ethernet buses (Profinet, Ethercat, Powerlink and Ethernet IP). All this led to a considerable reduction of wires and drag chains but, most importantly, to greater electrical panel efficiency, as the drive system was delocalised and built into the motors.
In 2018, at the end of this phase, the focus shifted to a new, ambitious, and exciting project: Mini Motor wanted to
do more for the general economy of a machine. And so, it created COA - Can Over Air Mini Motor has developed a proprietary wireless bus based on ZIGBEE technology at 2.4 Mhz that enables wireless control of the motor. The information is simply sent via a coordinator provided by Mini Motor that acts as a transparent wire, making it possible to remotely manage format changeovers or speed and torque changes.
This new patented technology, known as COA, is set to become the benchmark in the field, just like the wire had been. The new range will be identified with the letter “W” at the beginning of the code and can be adopted on all Mini Motor products with built-in drives in the DBS and DR series and on the very latest FC - Fast Change range for highspeed format changeover. Mini Motor always has a foot in the door of the future. Join us in this road to innovation.
ءاوهلا ربع نكمتلا - COA :ةيكلسلالا "Mini Motor" روتوم ينيم ةينقت .عاطقلا يف اعجرم حبصت نأ ررقملا نم ،COA ىمست ،عارتخا ةءارب ىلع ةلصاح ةديدج ةينقت لكشب اهجوم جاتنلإا ناك امدنع ،1974 ماع يف يلاحلا اهلكيه تذخأ اهنكل 1965 ماع يف روتوم ينيم تدلو اضيأ اهتاراهم ىلإ تفاضأو ءابرهكلاو ندعملا نم تقلطنا .يعانصلا عاطقلل ةيئابرهك تاكرحم ىلإ مساح نيب تدلو يتلا ،سكنورتاكيملاو ةيعانصلا ةتمتلأا ميهافم ةيفلخلا هذه تبحاصو .بوساحلا ملعو تاينورتكللإا ينيم ةكرش تانيج نم أزجتي لا ءزجو ةكرشلل ةيجيتارتسا تامس يهو ،تاينينامثلا ةيادبو تاينيعبسلا ةياهن .اهتأشن ذنم روتوم ةديدجلا ةيكلسلالا ريغصلا كرحملا ةينقت ،ءاوهلا ربع نكمتلا - COA راكتبلااو ،ريوطتلاو ،ثحبلا تادحو لاخدإب تأدب يتلا ريوطتلاو ثحبلاو ميمصتلا ديدجت ةيلمع روتوم ينيم تأدب ،2012 ماع نم اءدب نم ةعساو ةعومجم ريوطتو ميمصت أدب انه نم .ةرزاؤم تاكرحم وأ تاننسم تاذ تاكرحم ىلع ليغشت تلاقان نم ةفلتخم عاونأ ىلع لمعلا اضيأ ةكرشلا تذفن ،هسفن تقولا يف .تاونس ةدعل رمتساو ،تاجتنملا ،Profinet( امدقت رثكلأا تنرثيإ تانايب تلاقان مث )Modbusو Canopen( ةيرظانتلا لاوأ ،ةيناديملا تانايبلا تلاباكلا ثيح نم ةريبك تاروفو قيقحت ىلإ ىدأ اذه لك .)Ethernet IPو ،Powerlinkو ،Ethercatو ةرشابم ليغشتلا تادحو بيكرت للاخ نم ،ةيئابرهكلا حاوللأا ةءافك ىلإ ،ءيش لك لبق ،نكلو ةقاطلا لسلاسو .تاكرحملا ىلع ديزملا لذب ةلواحم :ريثمو ،حومطو ،ديدج عورشم ىلإ زيكرتلا لوحت ،2018 ماع يف ،ةلحرملا هذه ءاهتنا دعب .ءاوهلا ربع نكمتلا - COA ةينقت تدلو لمعلا اذه نم .ةللآل ماعلا داصتقلاا لجأ نم يف مكحتلا حيتي يذلاو ،زتره اجيم ZIGBEE 2 4 ةينقت ىلع دمتعي اصاخ ايكلسلا لاقان روتوم ينيم تسرد قلخي امم ،روتوم ينيم هرفوت قسنم للاخ نم تامولعملا لاسرإ قيرط نع ةطاسبب ،لباك يأ نود كرحملا .مزعلاو ةعرسلا تافلاتخا وأ قيسنتلا رييغت رماوأ عيمج يف دعب نع مكحتلا حيتي ايقيقح افافش لاباك امك ،عاطقلا يف اعجرم حبصتل ةصصخم ،COA ىمست يتلا ،عارتخا ةءارب ىلع ةلصاحلا ةديدجلا ةينقتلا هذه تاجتنم عيمج ىلع اهمادختسا نكميو زمرلا ةيادب يف "W" فرحلاب ةديدجلا ةعومجملا ةيمست متيس .لباكلا ناك رييغتل FC - Fast Change ةعومجمل زارط ثدحأ ىلعو DRو DBS ةلسلسل جمدم لغشم عم روتوم ينيم .اذه راكتبلاا راسم ىلإ مضنا .لبقتسملا ءانب يف روتوم ينيم تكراش املاطل .ةعرسلا يلاع قيسنت BEVERAGE INDUSTRYARABIC EDITION Mini Motor Spa Via E. Fermi, 5 - 42011 Bagnolo in Piano (Reggio Emilia) Italy Tel. +39 0522 95 18 89 - Fax +39 0522 95 26 10 - 42
MGM Motori Elettrici is the leader in brake motor technology, manufactured in Italy and consolidating its reputation and presence in the market for 75 years in Europe and in the world. MGM Motori Elettrici’s facilities in Italy include the main production plant in Serravalle Pistoiese (Pistoia) and a warehouse with commercial offices in Assago (Milan). Further plants in Montreal (Canada), Detroit (USA), Chennai (India) and Izmir (Turkey) complete a global presence further enhanced by a network of distributors for sales and assistance in more than 75 countries. The success of MGM AC brake motors is owed to the ingenuity of an innovative design created in MGM laboratories. With great ambition, three years ago the company set out to further upgrade its brake motors. The first step was to discuss and receive feedback from consultations with over 100 technical departments at its customer sites around the
world. With focus on the features and improvements they would like to find in their ideal brake motor. MGM Motori Elettrici’s goals were not only to meet the recommendations provided by its customers but also to extend the life cycle of its motors, to increase the average energy efficiency and to give priority to the use of recyclable material with low environmental impact. Since 2008, the average amount of energy MGM products need to operate has steadily decreased. In addition, by rethinking and redesigning materials and the production process the company has reduced the energy needed for the manufacture of its brake motors with a significant reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions. MGM Motori Elettrici felt it appropriate to speed up this process.
All single-speed motors are available with the level of energy efficiency in accordance with the new European
regulation that has entered into force since July 1st 2021, the brake coils are undergoing improvements in terms of reducing energy consumption and increasing performance. Motors with IEC frame sizes 100 and 112 were the first to be presented in the market with most of the planned upgrades. The dimensions compared to the current production will be reduced, the frame offers an optimal heat dissipation capacity and allows, thanks to two dedicated lifting eyes, greater ease of handling. The terminal board has been made more accessible, simplifying the connection and reducing the installation time for the benefit of the end user. The rotors have larger active parts for the benefit of the motor efficiency with a low moment of inertia with important advantages for the motor in terms of dynamic performance and ability to make a high number of starts/stops per hour. The remainder of the motor frame sizes will receive the same improvements during this year.
For MGM Motori Elettrici sustainable development and respect for the environment have always been very important goals. In the Serravalle Pistoiese plant almost 100% of the electricity consumed is produced by the photovoltaic panels placed on the roof, the air conditioning is supported by a geothermal system and the consumption of drinking water has been reduced.
يف ةكرشلا لمعت ملاعلاو ابوروأ يف اماع 75 ذنم تخسرت دقو ،يتاذلا حبكلا تاكرحم يف ةدئارلا ةيلاطيلإا ايجولونكتلا يه ةيئابرهكلا تاكرحملل "MGM" مإ يج مإ تيورتيدو ،)ادنك( ريالتنوم يف تآشنم ةكرشلا كلتمت امك .)ونلايم( وجاسأ يف ةيراجت بتاكم عم عدوتسمو يسيوتسيب هلافارس يف يسيئرلا جاتنلإا عنصم عم ايلاطيإ رثكأ يف اهب ةصاخلا ةمدخلاو تاعيبملل نيعزوملا ةكبش للاخ نم انومضم يملاعلا اهدجاوت دعيو .)ايكرت( ريمزإو ،)دنهلا( يانيشتو ،)ةيكيرملأا ةدحتملا تايلاولا( .ةلود 75 نم ثيدحتل ةكرشلا تططخ ماوعأ ةثلاث لبق .مإ يج مإ تاربتخم يف ددرتملا رايتلا حباكمب دوزملا يتاذلا حبكلاب لمعي كرحم يأ يف مويلا هدجن نأ نكمي امم ريثكلا جتن يف نوبغري يتلا تانيسحتلاو صاوخلا نأشب ملاعلا لوح ءلامعلل ينف بتكم 100 نم رثكأ عم راوحلا يه ىلولأا ةوطخلا تناك .اهب ةصاخلا يتاذلا حبكلا تاكرحم .مهل ةبسنلاب يلاثملا حبكلا يتاذ كرحملا يف اهيلع روثعلا تاذ ريودتلا ةداعلإ ةلباقلا داوملا مادختسا نيسحتو ،ةقاطلا ةءافك طسوتم ةدايزو ،اهتاكرحم ةايح ةرود ةلاطإ يه ،ءلامعلا تابلطتم ءاضرإ ىلإ ةفاضلإاب ،اهفادهأ تناك ةداعإ للاخ نم ،كلذ ىلع ةولاع .لمعلا لجأ نم مإ يج مإ تاجتنم اهجاتحت يتلا ةقاطلا ةيمك طسوتم رمتسم لكشب ضفخنا ،2008 ماع ذنم .ضفخنملا يئيبلا ريثأتلا تازاغ تاثاعبنا ضافخنا نم كلذ ىلع بترت ام عم يتاذلا حبكلا تاكرحم عينصتل ةمزلالا ةقاطلا ضفخب ةكرشلا تماق ،جاتنلإا ةيلمعو داوملا ميمصت ةداعإو ريكفتلا .ةيلمعلا هذه عيرست بسانملا نم هنأ تأر اقحلاو .يرارحلا سابتحلاا تاسيطانغملا عضختو ،2021 زومت/ويلوي 1 نم ارابتعا ةيراسلا ةديدجلا ةيبورولأا ةحئلالا عم قفاوتم ةقاط ةءافك ىوتسمب ةعرسلا ةيداحأ تاكرحملا عيمج رفوتت .ءادلأا ةدايزو ةقاطلا كلاهتسا ليلقت لجأ نم تانيسحتل لمارفلل ةيئابرهكلا ،يلاحلا جاتنلإاب ةنراقم داعبلأا ليلقت مت .اهل ططخملا تاثيدحتلا مظعم عم قوسلا يف اهميدقت متي يتلا ىلولأا يه 112و 100 روحم تاعافترا تاذ تاكرحملا تناك :ربكأ ةلوهسب كيرحتلاب ،نيتصصخم عفر يتطقن لضفب ،حمسيو ةرارحلا ديدبتل ةيلاثم ةردق ءاطغلا رفويو .مدختسملا حلاصل تيبثتلا تقو نم للقيو لاصتلاا طسبي امم ،ةيئابرهكلا كباشملا ىلإ لوصولا ليهست مت ةردقلاو يكيمانيدلا ءادلأاب قلعتي اميف كرحملل ةمهم ايازم عم ضفخنم روصق مزعب نكلو ةءافكلا نم ةدافتسلال ربكأ ماجحأ تاذ ةطشن ءازجأ ةراودلا تادحولا لمشت .ةعاسلا يف ليغشتلا ءدب تايلمع نم ريبك ددع ذيفنت ىلع ةقاطلا نم %100 نم برقي ام جاتنإ يلافاريس عنصم يف متيو .ةياغلل ةمهم افادهأ ةئيبلا مارتحاو ةمادتسملا ةيمنتلا دعت ،ةيئابرهكلا تاكرحملل مإ يج ملإ ةبسنلاب .برشلا هايم كلاهتسا ليلقت متو ةيفوجلا ةيرارحلا ةقاطلا ماظنب ءاوهلا فييكت معد متيو ،حطسلا ىلع ةعوضوملا ةيئوضورهكلا حاوللأا قيرط نع ةكلهتسملا ةيئابرهكلا
BEVERAGE INDUSTRYARABIC EDITION M.G.M. Motori Elettrici Spa S.R. 435 Km. 31 - 51034 Serravalle Pistoiese (Pistoia) Italy Tel. +39 0573 91 511 - Fax +39 0573 51 81 38 - 40
Have you ever seen 1600 full electric blow molding machines? MAGIC MP SPA - Via Giancarlo Puecher, 24 - 20842 Besana in Brianza (MB) - Italy Tel. +39 039.2301096 - Fax + 39 039.2301017 - E-mail: -
The ME full electric series belongs to the company’s flagship products. For several years, it has been manufactured in a variety of models, with customers’ and processors’ support, on the basis of market requirements and developments.
The latest model, ME-L20/D-LS1300, is a long- or medium-long stroke machine. Here, as elsewhere, technology answers the specific needs of a big multinational customer active in the supply of bottles for cosmetics and personal hygiene market. The customer company has commissioned no less than seven machines of this type, five with 1300-mm stroke and two with 700mm stroke.
Patented adjustable transfer and a closing system with eccentric arm pushing in the middle of the plates mean the two main strengths of this new model. What is more, it boasts all-electric technology, just like 90% of Magic’s production.
It is designed for any companies that need to produce large quantities of pieces.
Like all of Magic’s machines, it can be tailored to meet individual requirements. Nothing is standard, because
Magic is a manufacturer, not just an assembler of pieces. Magic manufactures all of its machines in its two factories, located in Monza and Besana Brianza (MB). Hence the mechanical structure of its technologies is 100% Italian made.
All-electric technology
Magic built its first electrical machine back in 1997 – that is, long before this type of technology became widespread and popular. Since then Magic has manufactured approximately 70-80 machines per year, 90% of which are electrical. Magic was the first company to industrialize the product; it has kept committed to doing research and making gradual improvements in the machines. They started with small machines, and later switched to powerful technology with adjustable transfer with rack and pinion.
Electrical technology brings many benefits to customers.
It is not just about reducing energy consumption; it can boast many competitive edges compared to oil dynamic blowing machines.
Electric energy is used intermittently – that is, only while moving -; whereas in an oil dynamic machine, with an
Via Medici, 40 - 20900 Monza (Monza Brianza) Italy
Tel. +39 039 23 01 096 - Fax +39 039 23 01 017 -
equal number of cycles, the pumps work non-stop to maintain pressure in the system.
The philosophy of the electrical system with patented closing changes the concept of massive use of tonnage in standard oil dynamic machines. Based on perfectly parallel plates, electrical machines require low tonnage, even compared to that applied for safety reasons. The cycles controlled by electromechanical components ensure precise repeatability in time, thus translating into a higher return on the investment. What is more, they make the company cleaner and quieter.
ME L20/D LS1300: Specifications
Magic’s latest machine is available in two models and three versions, to cater to different production requirements. One is fitted with a 10-outlet head, with 10+10 blowing holes and a distance between centres of 120 cm; the other has an 8-outlet head, with 8+8 blowing holes and a distance between centres of 150 cm.
It is not an existing machine that has been “adapted” or made electrical; it is a brand-new product for the market. These two models have joined the approximately 25 existing models of Magic’s blowing machines.
قوسلا تابلط ىلع ءانب ةجلاعملا تايلمع ىلع نيمئاقلاو ءلامعلا نم معدب ةددعتم تلايدومب ماوعأ ذنم جتنت يتلاو ،ةكرشلل ةدئارلا تاجتنملا نم ME ةلسلس ربتعت .اهروطتو ليمعل ةددحم تاجايتحا ايجولونكتلا هذه يفوتست ،اضيأ ةلاحلا هذه يفو .طوشلا طسوتمو ليوط ،ME-L20/D LS1300 وه ةلسلسلا هذه نم ريخلأا ليدوملا ناك دقو .ةيصخشلا ةيانعلا تاجتنمو ليمجتلا تاودأ لاجم يف لمعت تايسنجلا ةددعتم ةكرش نع ةرابع ليمعلا اذهو ،اينولوب يف ةفاضلإاب .ةحوللا زكرم ىلع طغضي ،يزكرم لا عارذب دوزملا قلاغلإا ماظنو ،عارتخا ةءارب ىلع ةزئاحلا طبضلل ةلباقلا لقنلا ةيلمع يف جتنملا اذه ةوق ةطقن لثمتتو Magic كيجام مساب ةعقوملا تاجتنملا نم %90 لثم ،لماكلاب ةيئابرهك ةينقتب قلعتي رملأا نإف ،كلذ ىلإ .بلاقلا رييغت ةيناكمإ عم رمتسم وحن ىلع )ةعاسلا يف ةعطق 16000 يلاوح( عطقلا نم ةريبك تايمك جتنت نأ ىلإ جاتحت يتلا تاكرشلل ةهجوم ةينقتلا هذهو يف ناعقي ،اهل نيكولمم نيعنصم يف ةكرشلا اهجتنت يتلا تانيكاملا ةفاك ذفنتو .ليمعلا بلط ىلع ءانب ةينقتلا هذه صيصخت نكمي ،Targate Magic تاينقت ةفاك لثمو .ايلاطيإ يف لماكلاب ةعونصم تلالآا كلت تاينقتل ةيكيناكيملا ةينبلا نإف ،يلاتلابو ؛ازنايرب انازيبو ازنوم :لماكلاب ةيئابرهك ةينقت كيجام ةكرش جتنت ،تقولا كلذ ذنمو .ريبك تقوب ةفورعمو ةرشتنم ةينقتلا كلت حبصت نأ لبق 1997 ماع يف رونلا كيجام ةكرش اهتعنص ةيئابرهك ةنيكام لوأ ترصبأ لاخدإو ثاحبأ ءارجإ يف هتاذ تقولا يف ترمتساو ،جتنملا عينصت يف ةدئارلا تاكرشلا نم ةكرشلا تناكو .ءابرهكلاب لمعت اهنم 90% ،ماعلا يف ةنيكام 80 ىلإ 70 نم لماحو لقن تايلمع ىلع يوطنت ةيوق تاينقت ىلإ اقحلا لوصولا ضرغب كلذ ناكو ةريغصلا تانيكاملا عينصت نم ةكرشلا تقلطنا .تانيكاملا ىلع ةيجيردت تانيسحت .طبضلل لباق طوشب ننسم خفنلا تانيكامب ةنراقم اهمدقت يتلا تازيمملاف ؛بسحف ةقاطلا كلاهتسا ليلقت ىلع يوطني لا رملأاف ءلامعلل تازيمملا نم ديدعلا ىلع ةيئابرهكلا تاينقتلا يوطنتو .ةددعتم ،تيزلا طغضب ةلماعلا ةيكيلورديهلا طغضب ةلماعلا ةيكيلورديهلا تانيكاملا يف تاخضملا لمعت امنيب ةكرحلا ةرتف ىلع رصحنمو عطقتم ةيئابرهكلا ةقاطلل تانيكاملا هذه مادختسا نأ ىلإ ةفاضلإاب اذه .ةموظنملا طغض ىلع ظافحلل رارمتساب ،ددعلا ةيواستملا تارودلا تاذ ،تيزلا ةيكيلورديهلا تانيكاملا يف مدختسملا نطلاب ةلومحلل ديازتملا مادختسلاا موهفم عارتخا ةءارب ىلع ةلصاح قلاغإ تاودأب ةدوزملا ةيئابرهكلا ةطحملا ةفسلف تريغ دقو ضارغلأ ةقبطملا كلت نم لقأ ةلومح بلطتت اهنأ ىتح ةضفخنم نطلاب ةلومح ،ازاتمم ايزاوت حاوللأا يزاوت ىلع ةمئاقلا ،ةيئابرهكلا تانيكاملا بلطتت ثيح ؛ةيسايقلا ،كلذ ىلإ ةفاضلإاب .رامثتسلاا نم ادج ريبك دئاع ىلإ مجرتي امب راركتلا ةقدب ةيكيناكيملا ةيئابرهكلا تانوكملا اهيف مكحتت يتلا تارودلا ظفتحت ،تقولا رورمبو .ةملاسلا .ةفاظنو ءوده رثكأ ةكرشلا تازيمملا هذه لعجت ةينفلا تافصاوملا :ME L20/D LS1300 .مم 50 رواحملا نيب ةفاسمب جرخم 24 وذ سأرب كيجام تانيكام نم ليدوم رخآ رفاوتي قومرملا ليدوملا اذه مضنيو .قاوسلأا لخد ديدج جتنمب لب ،ءابرهكلاب لمعت ةنيكام ىلإ اهليوحت مت وأ "تلايدعت" اهيلع تيرجأو ةدوجوم تناك ةنيكامب قلعتي لا رملأاو .خفنلا لاجمب ةصاخلا كيجام تاينقت ةعومجم يف لعفلاب دوجوم ليدوم 25 يلاوح ىلإ تانيكاملا نم
ةيلاع ةيراخب ةينقت مكتمدخ يف هايم بيبانأب ةدوزم راخب تادلوم يروفلا ميلستلا ماظنب مادختسلال ةزهاج ةيرارح تازيهجت ةيلاع ةءافك ليوط رمع ةيلاع ةدوج وذ راخب efficiency نيجورتينلا ديساكأ نم ةضفخنم تاثاعبنا ناخدلل بيبانأب ةدوزم راخب تايلاغ
Welcome to LCZ, dedicated since 1971 to design, manufacturing, installation, service and maintenance of industrial boilers for standard and special applications: plug in solutions, package solutions, site erected plants.
LCZ over the years has been able to adapt the proposal to market evolutions, thanks to constant and continuous improvement, regarding the product as well as the fabrication processes, without forgetting the hallmark: careful analysis of customer’s requirements by its technical department aimed at drawing up the most focused, customized and detailed answer.
It’s source of pride for LCZ to affirm how its products are fully realized in its manufacture plants emphasizing an Italian identity and a “Made in Italy” have always stood for high quality.
A manufacturing system, organized in two manufacture plants both in Italy and one of this with a covered area of more than 40.000 sqm, is well-characterized by automated welding processes, non-destructive tests (X-rays-L.P.), an home production of the furnaces FOX
(corrugated) all supported by management using software as SAP ERP. These are some evidences of a capacity and a productive process that allow LCZ to be one of the best worldwide manufacturers of boiler. Its internal technical department provides process and mechanical design in compliance to PED, machinery and ATEX directives,
GOST-R, TS-TR and ISO 9001 certifications; according to European standards.
In addition to historical products as Firetube steam boiler (up to 30Ton/h) and thermal fluid generator (up to 9MW), LCZ propose Firetube boiler for hot and superheated water, Watertube steam generator, Waste gas heat recovery boilers downstream cogeneration and industrial plants. The relentless pursuit of the satisfaction of customer’s requirements has led LCZ to introduce the prefabricated thermal plants for the production of hot and superheated water, steam and thermal oil. They allow to have a turnkey thermal plant ready to use, for outdoor installation and removable.
Current commitments: energy saving, energy efficiency’s improvement efficiency during the plant lifetime and emission reduction. For this aim, LCZ boilers can be configured with an efficiency up to 95,5% (in specific application up to 105%) and for operating without continuous supervision up to 72 hours and/or with a global control system of the plant or the whole boiler room by a PLC or a multichannel electronic control device.
ماع ذنم ةصاخلاو ةيجذومنلا تاقيبطتلل اهتنايصو اهتمدخو اهبيكرتو ةيعانصلا لجارملا عينصتو ميمصت يف ةصصختملا ،"LCZ " يز يشت لإ يف مكب ابحرم ،قوسلا تارييغت عم اهضورع ةمئاوم نم ماوعلأا ىدم ىلع "LCZ " يز يشت لإ تنكمت .عقوملا يف ةماقم تازيهجتو ةئبعت لولحو ،ةيبيكرت لولح :1971 يتلا ليمعلا تابلطتمل ةقيقدلا تلايلحتلا :ةزيمملا ةمسلا لفغن نا نود ،ءاوس دح ىلع عينصتلا تايلمعو جتنملا صخي اميف ،رمتسملاو تباثلا روطتلا لضفب .بلطلا بسح اميمصتو لايصفتو ا زيكرت رثكأ لولح عضو ىلإ فدهت يتلاو ينفلا مسقلا اهب موقي افدارم امئاد دعت يتلا "ايلاطيإ يف عنص" ةيلاطيلإا ةيوهلل اقيثوت اهعناصم يف تاجتنملا ةفاك عينصت ىلع ديكأتلا يف "LCZ " يز يشت لإ رخف ردصم نمكي .ةيلاعلا ةدوجلل ةراضلا ريغ تارابتخلااو ،ةيلولأا ماحللا تايلمعب ،عبرم رتم 40.000 ةحاسم ىلع ماقم امهدحاو ايلاطيإ يف امهلاك جاتنلإل نيعنصم يف مئاقلا ،عينصتلا ماظن زيمتي ."ERP" ةسسؤملا دراوم طيطختو "SAP" باس تايجمرب ماظنب اهعيمج ةرادم )جومملا( FOX نارفلأ يلزنملا جاتنلإا ،).X-rays-L.P( مسق مدقي .ملاعلا يف لجارملا عينصت تاكرش لضفا دحأ نوكت نأب "LCZ " يز يشت للإ حمست يتلا ةيجاتنلإا ةيلمعلاو ةكرشلا ةردق ىلع ليلد ريخ اذهو .ةيبورولأا ريياعملل اقفو ؛ISO 9001 و TS-TR و ،GOST-R و ،ATEX و ةزهجلأاو PED تاهجوت عم لاثتملااب يكيناكيم ميمصتو تايلمع يلخادلا ةينقتلا يشت لإ مدقت ،)تاو اجيم 9 ىلإ ىتح( يرارحلا قفدتلا دلومو )ةعاسلا/نط 30 ىتح( يراخبلا ""Firetube لجرمك ةكرشلل ةيخيراتلا تاجتنملا ىلع ةولاع كرتشملا ديلوتلاب ةردهملا تازاغلا ةرارح ةداعتسا لجارم ،يراخبلا "Watertube " دلومو ،ةنوخسلا ةطرفمو ةنخاسلا هايملل "Firetube " لجرم "LCZ " يز هايملا جاتنإ يف عينصتلا ةقباس ةيرارحلا تازيهجتلا لاخدإ ىلإ "LCZ " يز يشت لإ ليمع ءاضرلإ ثيثحلا يعسلا داق .ةيعانصلا تازيهجتلاو ردصملا نم .ةكرحتملاو ةيجراخلا تابيكرتلل مادختسلاا زهاج يرارح زيهجت دوجوب حمست يهف .يرارحلا طفنلاو راخبلاو ،نيخستلا ةطرفمو ةنخاسلا "LCZ " يز يشت لإ لجارم دادعإ نكمي ،فدهلا اذه لجأ نم .ثاعبنلاا ضفخو زيهجتلا رمع للاخ نم ةقاطلا ةءافك ريوطت ،ةقاطلا ريفوت :يلاحلا مازتللاا ةفرغل وأ زيهجتلل لماش مكحت ماظنب وأ/و ةعاس 72 ىلإ لصي لصاوتم فارشا نود ليغشتللو )ةصاخ تاقيبطت يف %105 ىتحو( %95.5 ىلإ لصت ةءافكب .تاونقلا ددعتم ينورتكلإ مكحت زاهج وأ PLC ةجمربلل لباق يقطنم مكحت زاهج ةطساوب اهلك لجارملا BEVERAGE INDUSTRYARABIC EDITION LCZ Srl Via Canvelli, 21 - 43015 Noceto (Parma) Italy Tel. +39 0521 25 87 23/4 - Fax +39 0521 25 87 17 - 36
Galigani Filtri is a leader in the design and construction of filter presses and relevant filtration systems.
Since 1958, the company has boasted over 3,000 installations in 5 continents, created with skill and professionalism, in order to offer a high-quality product and a support service for users, installers, and designers.
The company is based in Italy, located in a modern facility in the heart of Tuscany, where it makes use of the most modern systems of research, study, and design so as to best solve the problems of each individual application, as well as provide adequate pre- and post-sales assistance through its qualified technicians.
Furthermore, the company is also equipped with a laboratory for filtration testing on samples supplied by clients to determine all the necessary parameters
required for sizing the filter press that is most suitable for their needs. Production includes filter presses and pumping units that feed the filter presses.
The wide range of filter presses varies from manual discharge machines to fully automatic machines run by modern PLCs.
Galigani Filtri manufactures filter presses for all types of applications: food, chemical, pharmaceutical, explosive atmospheres (ATEX), purifying waste water, acid filtration, aggregates, mining, galvanic industries, recycling industries, and so on. All machines are equipped with the most advanced safety devices.
The press filters and filtration systems that are manufactured by Galigani Filtri carry out “mechanical” filtrations, and therefore the liquid does not undergo chemical changes.
Filtration can occur on the synthetic filter cloth, which retains solid particles up to 1 micron, or on cardboard for particles that measure less than or equal to 1 micron.
When it comes to the most technologically advanced systems that Galigani Filtri can provide for filtration and clarification before bottling, the Diatom and the Clearness systems are in the forefront.
The Diatom system is comprised of a filter cloth for the filter press and is equipped with all the necessary parts (tanks, pumps, valves ...) that are required for filtration processes using various aids (fossil shell flour or cellulose flour, perlite...).
The Clearness system is a filter press with an Aisi304 or Aisi316 structure, which uses cardboard filters and a plate pack that is entirely sealed and protected from contact with the external environment.
ىلإ ةفاضلإاب ،اهعينصتو حيشرتلا سباكم ميمصت يف ةدئار ةكرش يه "Galigani Filtri" يرتليف يناجيلاج .اهب ةصاخلا حيشرتلا ةمظنأ ةراهمب مهذيفنت مت ،تارق 5 يف بيكرت 3000 نم رثكأب رخفت نأ ةكرشلا عيطتست ،مويلا ىتح 1958 ماع ذنم .نيممصملاو ،بيكرتلا لامعو ،نيمدختسملل معد ةمدخو ةيلاع ةدوج وذ جتنم ميدقتل ةيفرحو ،ثحبلا ةمظنأ ثدحأ مدختستو ،اناكسوت ميلقإ بلق يف ثيدح ىنبم يف دجاوتت ثيح ،ايلاطيإ يف ةكرشلا عقتو ىلإ ةفاضلإاب اذه ،لبسلا لضفأب تاقيبطتلا نم قيبطت لك تلاكشم لح ضرغب كلذو ،ميمصتلاو ،ةساردلاو
.نيلهؤملا اهنينف للاخ نم هدعب امو ءارشلا لبق ام تامدخل ةمئلاملا ةدعاسملا تامدخلا ميدقت .حيشرتلا سبكمل داعبلأا بسنأ ديدحتل ةيرورضلا ريياعملا ديدحتل ءلامعلا اهمدقي يتلا تانيعلا ىلع حيشرتلا تارابتخا ءارجلإ اربتخم ةكرشلا كلتمت .حيشرتلا سباكم ةيذغت ىلع لمعت يتلا تاخضملا نم تاعومجمو حيشرتلا سباكم ىلع ةكرشلا تاجتنم لمتشتو ةثيدحلا مكحتلا ةمظنأب لمعت يتلاو ةلماكلا ةيكيتاموتولأا عيرفتلا تانيكام ىلإ لصت ىتح ةيوديلا غيرفتلا تانيكام نع حيشرتلا سباكمل ةعساولا ةعومجملا فلتخت PLC ،يحصلا فرصلا هايم ةيقنتو ،)ATEX( راجفنلال ةلباقلا نكاملأل ،ةيئاودلاو ،ةيئاذغلا :تاقيبطتلا نم قيبطت لكل حيشرت سباكم يرتليف يناجيلاج ةكرش عنصت نامأ تازيهجتب ةدوزم تانيكاملا ةفاك نإ .اهريغو ،ريودتلا ةداعإو ةنفلجلا تاعانص ىلإ ةفاضلإاب ةيندعملا بساورلاو ،ةلماخلا داوملاو ،ضامحلأا حيشرتلو .ةروطتم حيشرت تايلمع ،يرتليف يناجيلاج ةكرش اهذفنت يتلا ،حيشرتلا ةمظنأو حيشرتلا سباكم ذفنت .ةيئايميك تاريغتل لئاسلا ضرعتي لا يلاتلابو ،"ةيكيناكيم" تائيزجلا زجحل ةيعانطصا داوم نم ةعونصملا شامقلا نم ةعطق ىلع حيشرتلا ءارجإ متي نأ نكمي لقأ وأ تاساقملا سفن اهل تائيزجل يوقم قرو ىلع وأ نوركيم 1 ىلإ اهمجح لصي يتلا ةبلصلا .نوركيم 1 نم اهمدقت نأ نكمملا نم يتلا يجولونكتلا ىوتسملا ىلع ةمظنلأا ثدحأ نيب نم ةمدقملا يف يتأي "Clearness" سنريلكو "Diatom" موتايد يماظن ،ةئبعتلا لبق حيشرتلل يرتليف يناجيلاج ةكرش ةفاكب دوزمو ،شامقلا نم ةعطق وذ حيشرتلا سبكم نم "Diatom" موتايد ماظن نوكتي ةيلمع ءارجلإ )...اهريغو ،تامامصو ،تاخضمو ،تانازخ( ةمزلالا تازيهجتلا ،تيلاريبلاو ،زوليلسلا قيقد وأ ،يروفحلأا قيقدلا( ةدعاسم لئاسوب حيشرتلا .)...اهريغو امامت عونصم لكيهب يوقم قرو وذ رتلف سبكم وه "Clearness" سينريلك تاحول ةمزح ىلإ ةفاضلإاب ،Aisi304 وأ Aisi316 أدصلل مواقملا ذلاوفلا نم .جراخلاب لاصتلاا نم ةيمحمو لماكلاب ةقلغم
BEVERAGE INDUSTRYARABIC EDITION Galigani Filtri Srl Strada Provinciale Colligiana, 50 - 53035 Monteriggioni (Siena) Italy Tel. +39 0577 30 50 04 - 34
Guaranteed first-class design and manufacture of centrifugal separators YOUR DAIRY AND BEVERAGE PARTNER
Guaranteed first-class design and manufacture of centrifugal separators
With more than 100 years’ experience, the Frautech brand name is present in dairy, beverage, and food plants all over the world and is a byword for long-term experience in design and manufacturing of centrifugal separators.
Frautech Separators Srl, owner of the FRAUTECH SEPARATORS brand, is a modern and dynamic company, enhancing the prestige of a name traditionally synonymous with reliability, innovation, and high technology.
The company is located in Marano Vicentino (Vicenza), Italy, and has highly qualified personnel for the manufacture of centrifugal disc separators for the food industry. Ever since construction of the first machine in the 1920s, Frautech Separators has always offered advanced products. This motivation distinguishes this company, which continues to design separators with the utmost attention to detail, using materials of excellent quality. The use of electronic systems for full control of the equipment allows it to build machines with high separation efficiencies, saving operating costs and ensuring low energy consumption.
The wide range of Frautech Separators two-phase, threephase and solid-bowl and selfcleaning models, and the use of high-quality materials means that the separators can
17 - 36035 Marano Vicentino (Vicenza) Italy
Tel. +39 0445 57 56 95 -
be used in many different applications. Frautech Separators continuously researches new technologies applied in the separation business. A staff of experienced engineers is qualified to offer the ultimate solutions, with the ambition to fulfill even customers’ most demanding requirements.
Your dairy and beverage partner
Frautech Separators’ full range of dairy separators includes clarifiers, bacteria removing clarifiers, milk and whey skimmers and automatic milk standardization systems. Its solid bowl and self-cleaning separators cater for capacities from 1,000 l/h to 60,000l/h.
Frautech Separators clarifiers help you get the best out of your beverage. Whether your raw material is an apple, a grape or malt, its specially designed ArtBEV clarifiers are able to maintain the highest nutritional value and all the health properties of your product.
Frautech Separators provides a plug-and-play solution that fits perfectly into your processing line. Its separators are easy to install, operate, and maintain, with an extremely efficient separation for your beverage plants.
The experience of more than one century of activity, the careful selection of quality components, and valuable partners reward the confidence customers place in Frautech Separators.
BEVERAGE INDUSTRYARABIC EDITION يزكرملا درطلاب لصفلا ةزهجأ عينصتو ميمصت يف ةدوج ىلعأ ةربخلل افدارم دعتو ،ملاعلا ءاحنأ عيمج يف ةيذغلأاو ،تابورشملاو ،بيلحلا ةعانص يف ةيراجتلا "Frautech" كتوارف ةملاع دجاوتت ،ةربخلا نم ماع 100 نم رثكأ عم .يزكرملا درطلاب لصفلا ةزهجأ عينصتو ميمصت يف ةليوطلا ديزت ،ةيكيمانيدو ةثيدح ةكرش يه ،FRAUTECH SEPARATORS ةيراجتلا ةملاعلا ةبحاص ،"Frautech Separators Srl" .م.م.ذ.ش سروتيرابيس كتوارف .ةيلاعلا ايجولونكتلاو ،راكتبلااو ،ةيقوثوملل افدارم ناك املاط يذلا مسلاا ةناكم نم تلالآا ءاشنإ ذنم .ةيئاذغلا داوملا ةعانصل يزكرملا درطلاب لصفلا ةزهجأ جاتنلإ ايلاع لايهأت نيلهؤم نيفظوم اهيدلو )ازنشتيف( ونيتنشتيف ونارام يف ةكرشلا رقم عقي ىصقأب لصفلا ةزهجأ ميمصت يف رمتست يتلا ةكرشلا زيمي عفادلا اذه .تاجتنملا ثدحأ امئاد سروتيرابيس كتوارف ةكرش مدقت ،يضاملا نرقلا نم تاينيرشعلا يف ىلولأا رفوي امم ،ةيلاع لصف ةءافك تاذ تلاآ ءانبب تادعملاب لماكلا مكحتلل ةينورتكللإا ةمظنلأا مادختسا حمسي .ةدوجلا ةيلاع داوم مادختساب ،ليصافتلاب مامتهلاا نم ردق .ةقاطلل اضفخنم اكلاهتسا نمضيو ليغشتلا فيلاكت نكمملا نم لعج ةدوجلا ةيلاع داوم مادختساو )يتاذ فيظنت تاذ ،ةقلغم ةناوطسأ ،لحارم 3 ،نيتلحرم( سروتيرابيس كتوارف لصف ةزهجأ تلايدومل عساولا قاطنلا لهؤم ءاربخلا نيسدنهملا نم قيرف .لصفلا عاطق يف ةقبطملا ةديدجلا تاينقتلا نع رارمتساب سروتيرابيس كتوارف ثحبت .ةعونتم تاقيبطت يف لصفلا ةزهجأ مادختسا .ابلطت رثكلأا ءلامعلا تابلط ىتح ةيبلتل حومطلا عم ،امدقت رثكلأا لولحلا ميدقتل تابورشملاو نابللأا عاطق يف مككيرش ةفاضلإاب ،بيلحلا لصمو بيلحلا تاطشاكو ،ايريتكبلا ةلازلإ ةيقنت ةزهجأو ،ةيقنت ةزهجأ سروتيرابيس كتوارف نم نابللأا لصف ةزهجأ نم ةلماكلا ةعومجملا لمشت .ةعاس/رتل 60.000 ىلإ ةعاس/رتل 1.000 نم حوارتت قفدت تلادعمب فيظنتلا ةيتاذو ةقلغملا ةناوطسلأا لصفلا ةزهجأ زيمتت .ةيكيتاموتولأا بيلحلا ةرياعم ةمظنأ ىلإ ةيقنتلا ةزهجأ نإف ،ريعش وأ ،بنع وأ ،حافت نع ةرابع ماخلا ةداملا تناك ءاوس .كتابورشم يف ام لضفأ ىلع لوصحلاب سروتيرابيس كتوارف نم ةيقنتلا ةزهجأ حمست .كجتنمل ةيحصلا صئاصخلا عيمجو ةيئاذغ ةميق ىصقأ ىلع ظافحلا ىلع ةرداق ،تاقيبطتلا هذهل اصيصخ ةممصملا ،ArtBEV عم ،ةنايصلاو ،مادختسلااو ،بيكرتلا ةلهس Frautech لصف ةزهجأ دعت .كب صاخلا جاتنلإا طخ امامت بساني ليغشتلاو ليصوتلل زهاج لاح سروتيرابيس كتوارف مدقت .كب صاخلا تابورشملا جاتنإ عنصمل ةياغلل لاعف لصف .سروتيرابيس كتوارف يف ءلامعلا اهعضي يتلا ةقثلا ئفاكت نيميقلا ءاكرشلاو ،ةدوجلا تانوكمل قيقدلا رايتخلااو ،طاشنلا نم نرق نم رثكأ ةربخ نإ
Separators Srl
A matter of destiny …
Pursuing our own destiny to get going again and discover the needs and new stimuli of our own self. Ilaria Zilio, owner of Finpac Italia – a business reality that boats 400 machines running very often 24 hours a day in 40 Countries all over the world, since this company numbers among its customers big national and international groups of various sectors, such as food, beverages, dairy, and home cleaning.
“Finpac Italia has pioneered in Europe in sleeving machines production, where “sleeve” means “label”, and is second only to a big Japanese group. To this challenge Ilaria has added another player: Finpac Sleeve, a company established to support Finpac Italia in three crucial phases: Design, trade and post-sales. The goal is simplifying and improving business processes and hitting all the targets of the new industrial plan over a four-year period, to boost the company’s turnover up to 6 million euro. In 2022, the company is going to strengthen its technological investments in research and development in terms of Industry 4.0 and machine revamping.
“Investments of 220,000 euro have been distributed in years 2022-2025, in addition to 240,000 euro paid by Finpac Sleeve for trade development and strengthening”, says the entrepreneur who also stressed out another important goal: Defining and valorizing an intangible and seemingly immaterial good, which is however a remarkable part of Finpac Italia’s heritage: its know-how. “It can’t be questioned that it has enabled the company to stand out in global marketplace and to reach top-level customers with its products and machines. That is why today we cannot but enrich it more and more by innovating and investing.”
The company has already followed some progammes and pursued goals; “We are working to re-launch our company by participating in international trade fairs. We took main stage in Milan, at Ipack-Ima, and shortly we will be at drinktec in Munich, and later on at Gulfood in Dubai, Simei in Milan, in India and in Mexico. In addition to this, we are also designing two new machines, one at low speed to meet the demand of Italian market, where lower speed and lower numbers are required. We are therefore focusing on the world of wine and beer, and designing a hot-air oven to support the steam one, as to immerge ourselves into a green, sustainable and energy saving perspective.”
Although the macro-economic scenario is not favourable, since in 2022 we are witnessing raw material shortage, especially electrical, that has been giving some companies a really hard time, and among them there are also some Finpac suppliers, Ilaria Zilio has no doubt: “Following my attitude in which I strongly believe, I am trying to boost that network of relationships and cooperation that I deem fundamental. And it is not a chance that in and out of the company I always tell my employees “We are a team, only together we win”.
ARABIC EDITIONBEVERAGE INDUSTRY Finpac Sleeve Srl Via Gallarata, 46 - 20019 Settimo Milanese (Milano) Italy Tel. +39 02 89 77 55 24 - 31
...ريصم ةلأسم ةديدجلا تازفحملاو تاجايتحلاا فاشتكاو تاذلا قيقحتل ءرملا ريصم ءارو يعسلا ،"Finpac Italia" ايلاطيإ كابنيف ةكرش ةكلام ،"Ilaria Zilio" ويليزد ايرلايإ .هل نايحلأا نم ريثك يف لمعت يتلاو ،ملاعلا ءاحنأ عيمج يف ةلآ 400 ـب رخفت ةكرش نيب مضت ةكرشلا نلأ ارظن ،ملاعلا لوح ةلود 40 يف مويلا يف ةعاس 24 رادم ىلع ،ةفلتخم تاعاطق يف لمعت ،تايسنجلا ةددعتمو ةيلحم ةريبك تاعومجم اهئلامع .لزنملا فيظنتو ،نابللأا تاجتنمو ،تابورشملاو ،ةيذغلأا عاطق لثم - تاقصلملا عضو تلاآ جاتنإ يف ابوروأ يف ةدئار Finpac Italia ةكرش تناك" ةعومجم دعب طقف ةيناثلا ةبترملا يف -"ةيمستلا قصلم" "sleeve"ةملك ينعت ثيح نع ثدحتن نحن .رخآ لاطب "Ilaria" ايرلايإ هيلإ تفاضأ يدحت هنإ .ةريبك ةيناباي لجأ نم اذهو .عيبلا دعب ام ةلحرم ،اريخأ ،و ،تاعيبملا ةلحرمو ،ميمصتلا ةلحرم :ةيساسأ لحارم ثلاث يف Finpac Italia معدل اهؤاشنإ مت يذلا ،Finpac Sleeve ةكرشلا تاعيبم مجح ةدايز ىلإ فدهتو ،تاونس عبرأ يف ريبك لكشب اهريوطت مت يتلا ،ةديدجلا ةيعانصلا ةطخلا فادهأ قيقحتو ةيراجتلا تايلمعلا ةفاك نيسحتو طيسبت .تلالآا ةسدنه ةداعإو 4.0 ةعانصلا روظنم نم ريوطتلاو ثحبلا يف ةيجولونكتلا تارامثتسلاا دادزت نأ 2022 ماعل ءيش لك لبقو لاوأ عقوتنو .وروي نييلام 6 ىلإ Finpac لعفلاب مهعفدت وروي فلأ 240 ىلإ ةفاضلإاب ،وروي فلأ 220 هردق يلامجإ غلبمب 2025-2022 ماوعلأا رادم ىلع تارامثتسلاا ميسقت مت" :لامعلأا ةدئار لوقت نم امهم اءزج لكشيو ايرهاظ يدام ريغو سوملم ريغ لصأ ةميق زيزعتو ديدحت :وهو مهم رخآ فده ىلع ءوضلا تطلسو ،"اهزيزعتو ةيراجتلا ةيمنتلل Sleeve .اهتلاآو اهتاجتنمب ىوتسملا يعيفر ءلامع ىلإ لوصولاو ،ةيملاعلا قوسلا يف اهسفن تابثإب ةكرشلل تحمس اهنأ راكنإ نكمي لا" ."اهتفرعم" وهو :Finpac Italia لوصأ ."اهانركذ يتلا تارامثتسلااو راكتبلاا للاخ نم رثكأف رثكأ اهتفرعم ءارثإ وه مويلا هلعف انيلع نيعتي ام لك نأ يف ببسلا وه اذه ةكراشملا لضفب ةكرشلا قلاطإ ةداعإ ىلع لمعن نحن ،ءيش لك لبقو لاوأ" .لعفلاب ةفلتخم اهقيقحتل عمتجملا ىعسي يتلا فادهلأاو جماربلا نأ يف ببسلا وه اذه يف Simei يفو ،يبد يف Gulfood يفو ،خينويم يف Drinktec يف ابيرق دجاوتنسو ،ونلايم يف Ipack Ima يف لااطبأ انك .ةيلودلا ضراعملا يف ةرمتسملا لقأ ةعرس بلطتت ثيح ،ةيلاطيلإا قوسلا تاجايتحا ةيبلتل ةضفخنم ةعرسب ةدحاو ،نيتديدج نيتنيكام ميمصتب اضيأ موقن ،كلذ ىلع ةولاع .كيسكملاو ،دنهلاو ،ونلايم ،ةعجلاو ذيبنلا ملاع ىلع زكرن نحن كلذل .لقأ دادعأو نرفلا عم هجمد متيل ،نخاس ءاوه نرف ميمصتب موقنو روظنم يف لوخدلا نم نكمتن يكل ،يلاحلا يراخبلا يساسأ رمأ وهو ،ةقاطلل رفومو ،مادتسمو ،رضخأ ابسانم يلكلا داصتقلاا قايس نكي مل اذإ ىتحو ."امامت اصقن دهشن 2022 ماع يف هنلأ ارظن ،قلاطلإا ىلع ،ءابرهكلا ىوتسم ىلع ةصاخ ،ماخلا داوملا يف اقلقم ،ةديدش تابوعص يف تاكرشلا نم ديدعلا عضي امم ويليزد ايرلايإ نإف ،Finpac يدروم كلذ يف امب ةيلقعلا عابتاب" .كش يأ اهرواسي لا "Ilaria Zilio" ،اخسار اناميإ اهب نمؤأ يتلاو ينتزيم املاطل يتلا يتلا كلت نواعتلاو تاقلاعلا ةكبشل ةعفد ءاطعإ لواحأ يننأ ةفداصملا ليبق نم سيلو .يل ةبسنلاب ةيساسأ دعت :يدل نيفظوملل امئاد رركأ اهجراخو ةكرشلا لخاد ."زوفلا اننكمي اعم طقف ،قيرف نحن" BEVERAGE INDUSTRYARABIC EDITION Finpac Sleeve Srl Via Gallarata, 46 - 20019 Settimo Milanese (Milano) Italy Tel. +39 02 89 77 55 24 - 30
Hall 2 Stand S2-E50
A solid family-run business with more than 50 years of experience, strong local roots and a pronounced international vocation: this is Elvem’s identity card. Located in Cartigliano, in the province of Vicenza, Elvem focuses its core business on the electric motor industry. The origins of the company date back to the early 1960s when Luciano Baron founded EBL (Elettromeccanica Baron Luciano) and thanks to his strong initiative and determination he managed to make the company known and consolidated all over the world.
The second generation now leads the company with a particular attention to technological innovation and development. Thanks to the stock of almost 150,000 units including finished motors, components and semi-finished products, Elvem guarantees a complete service to the customer. One of Elvem’s strengths is the ability to customize the product according to specific requests, afterwards testing it in a cutting-edge test room. Examples of this are the specific motors for food industry; the brake electric motors used by woodworking machinery to those more specific for theaters; motors for high or low temperatures; ATEX for areas at risk of explosion.
In recent years, motors with built-in inverters have been very successful, since they allow remote monitoring and programming, under the valuable guidance and support of Elvem’s technical staff.
Elvem has always been sensitive to issues of efficiency and energy saving. For years, it has been aiming to promote and sensitize the market to the use of products that guarantee a sustainable tomorrow. Already in 2019, Elvem presents the new series of permanent magnet
motors (PM), a result of an innovative and technological development and a latest generation product, both in terms of efficiency and performance, which comply with European and international regulations on the protection of the environment and citizens’ health.
Elvem’s main focus is offering high-performance products with low energy consumption, reduced business management costs and low environmental impact. At the same time, the company has invested in the design
of the casing, with an aim to make it more compact, easy to use, with efficient heat dissipation.
Offering customers an efficient, fast and personalized service has always been Elvem’s driving philosophy since the beginning, combining every day the expertise typical of Italian manufacturing with a company able to provide a dynamic and flexible response to the contemporary global market. To find out more, visit the website
تاعاطقلا عيمج يف ةمدختسملا يتاذلا حبكلا تاكرحم ؛كلذ ىلع لاثم ريخ يه ةيذغلأا عاطقل ةصصخملا تاكرحملا .زارط ثدحأ نم رابتخا ةفرغ يف اقحلا هرابتخا مث ةضرعملا قطانملل "ATEX" سكتأ هيجوت عم ةقفاوتم تاكرحم ؛ةضفخنم وأ ةيلاع ةرارح تاجردل تاكرحم ؛حراسملل ةصصخملا كلت ىتحو باشخلأا تلاآ نم ءدب .راجفنلاا رطخل .ينفلا Elvem قيرف معد لضفب اضيأ دعب نع ةجمربلاو ةعباتملاب حمست ثيح ،ةريخلأا تاونسلا يف اصاخ احاجن ةجمدم تلاوحمب ةدوزملا تاكرحملا تدهش .امادتسم لابقتسم نمضت يتلا تاجتنملا مادختساب قوسلا ةيعوتو نيسحت ىلإ تاونس ذنم ةكرشلا فدهت .ةقاطلا ريفوتو ةءافكلا ةلأسمب Elvem ةكرش تمتها املاطل نم تاجتنملا ثدحأ نم دعتو يجولونكتو ركتبم روطت ةرمث يهو ،)PM( ةمئادلا ةيسيطانغملا تاكرحملا نم ةديدجلا ةعومجملا ةكرشلا تمدق ،2019 ماع يف لعفلاب .نينطاوملا ةحصو ةئيبلا ةيامحب ةقلعتملا ةيلودلاو ةيبورولأا حئاوللا عم قفاوتتو ،ءادلأاو ةءافكلا ثيح .ةئيبلا ىلع ريثأتلا ضفخو لامعلأا ةرادإ فيلاكت يف راخدلاا ةدايزو ،ةقاطلا كلاهتسا ضيفختل ءادلأا ةيلاع تاجتنم ميدقت وحن ديازتم لكشب Elvem هجتت ،عقاولا يف .ةرارحلا ديدبتو ،لماعتلا ةلوهسو ،زانتكلاا وحن اهروطت تددحو ،كرحملا ةفلغأ ميمصتل اصاخ امامتها ةكرشلا تلوأ ،هتاذ تقولا يف ةرداق ةكرش عم ةيلاطيلإا ةعانصلل ةزيمملا تاراهملا نيب موي لك عمجت ثيح ،ءلامعلل ةصصخمو ،ةعيرسو ،ةلاعف ةمدخ ميدقت ةيهيجوتلا Elvem ةفسلف نم امئاد دعي .رصاعملا يملاعلا قوسلل ةنرمو ةيكيمانيد ةباجتسا ريفوت ىلع عقوملا ةرايز ىجري ،رملأا نع ديزملا ةفرعمل
نم اماع 50 نم رثكأب عتمتت ةيوق ةيلئاع ةكرش اهنإ هذه :ةزراب ةيلود ةمهمو ةيوق ةيلحم روذج اهلو ،ةربخلا "Elvem" ميفليإ ةيوه ةقاطب يه ،ازنشتيف ةعطاقم يف ،ونايليتراك يف Elvem ةكرش عقت تاكرحملا عاطق ىلع ةيساسلأا اهلامعأ زكرتو تاينيتسلا لئاوأ ىلإ ةكرشلا لوصأ دوعت .ةيئابرهكلا ةكرش "Luciano Baron" نوراب وناشتول سسأ امدنع )وناشتول نوراب اكيناكيمورهك( "EBL" لإ يب يإ ةكرشلا لعج نم نكمت هميمصتو ةطشنلا هتردابم لضفبو .ملاعلا ءاحنأ عيمج يف ةقوثومو ةفورعم صاخ مامتها عم مويلا ةكرشلا يناثلا ليجلا دوقي برقي ام نوزخم لضفب .ريوطتلاو يجولونكتلا راكتبلااب ،ةزهاجلا تاكرحملا كلذ يف امب ةدحو 150 000 نم ةكرش نمضت ،ةزهاجلا فصن تاجتنملاو ،تانوكملاو ةوق طاقن ىدحإ لثمتت .ليمعلل ةلماكتم ةمدخ Elvem ،ةددحم تابلطل اقفو جتنملا صيصخت ةيناكمإ يف Elvem
BEVERAGE INDUSTRYARABIC EDITION Elvem Srl Via delle Industrie, 42 - 36050 Cartigliano (Vicenza) Italy Tel. +39 0424 51 39 72 - +39 0424 35 410 - Fax +39 0424 35 405 - 26
COMEI Industries, synonymous with technological innovation
COMEI Industries is an Italian company with 30 years of experience, certified ISO 9001 and specialized in the design, construction and installation of AISI 304 and 316 stainless steel containers. COMEI Industries is today synonymous with innovation, competence and professionalism.
The production plant is located in Corato (BA), and is located on an area of 10.000 square meters of which 3.000 are covered.
The company is able to manufacture tanks without setting technical and dimensional limits, all in compliance with the strict design regulations in force.
For two years, it has undertaken a mission for developing the technologies and systems for food drinks with the opening of a branch in Susegana (Treviso), and is spread over an area of 5.000 square meters of which 2.000 are covered.
COMEI Industries has technicians and technologists able to propose technologies in the enological-soft drink-beer sectors. The company, with the two plants, is able to satisfy the following requests:
Enological sector
- Standard and custom-made grape harvesting tanks.
- Cochlea for transporting grape-fruit processing waste.
- Sloping flat bottom wine-makers from 5,000 to 50,000 liters capacity.
- Conical bottom wine-makers on legs from 50,000 to 200,000 liters of capacity.
- Tanks on legs, made on company site, for food and industrial products from 1,000 to 200,000 liters of capacity.
- Tanks, built at the customer site, from 200,000 to 2,000,000 liters.
- PED tested autoclaves from 1,000 to 60,000 liters.
- Cold solution refrigeration plants with relative pumping station.
- Tube in tube, multitubular or tube bundle exchangers.
- Thermo-vinification plants for the extraction of the color from red grapes.
- Multiple effect concentrators with thermocompressor for reducing energy consumption, from 1,000 to 20,000 liters evaporated hourly.
- Sulfur dioxide strippers from 5,000 to 30,000 litre/ hours, with energy recovery.
- Bottle heating rain type tunnel complete with bottle drying system.
- 1-2-3-4 stages plate pasteurizers for wine and concentrates.
- CIP for cleaning tank and bottling lines.
- Saturators.
Soft drinks
- Syrups for the production of soft drinks.
- Batch and continuous sugar breakers.
- Mixers from 3,000 to 50,000 liters per hour, with online control of brix and carbon dioxide.
- Water saturators complete with deaeration system.
- CIP with 1-2-3-4 tanks, with steam or electric heating system.
- 1-2-3-4-5 stages plate pasteurizers with steam or hot water.
- Pasteurizing tunnels for glass or pet bottles, cans, jars.
- Cooling tunnels glass bottles, pet bottles, cans.
- Heating tunnels for glass bottles, pet bottles, cans.
- Tanks for sugar syrup and concentrates with stirrer.
- Water dispensers, juices.
- Brewhouse from 500 to 6,000 liters per brew.
- CCT from 500 to 60,000 liters.
- BBT from 500 to 60,000 liters.
- 3 stages plate pasteurizers with buffer tank output.
- Pasteurizing tunnels for glass bottles, cans.
- CIP with 1-2-3-4 tanks, with steam or electric heating system.
Plants have a level of automation in line with the demands and needs of their customers, offering semi-automatic, automatic or fully automatic systems; equipped with PLC and integrated supervision system, able to meet all the requirements for beverage production. The company is also able to offer turn-key lines and support clients in the study of the processes.
ARABIC EDITIONBEVERAGE INDUSTRY Comei Industries Srl Via dei Colli, 66 - 31058 Susegana (Treviso) Italy Tel. +39 0438 1918 117 - Fax +39 0438 1918 118 - 25
ىلع ةلصاح ،اماع 30 ةربخب عتمتت ةيلاطيإ ةكرش يه "COMEI Industries" سيرتسودنأ ياموك ةكرش نإ أدصلل مواقملا ذلاوفلا نم تايواح بيكرتو ،ءانبو ،ميمصت يف ةصصختمو ISO 9001 وزيلأا دامتعا ةداهش .ةينهملاو ،صصختلاو ،راكتبلال افدارم سيرتسودنأ ياموك ةكرش دعت مويلاو .316و Aisi 304 .ىطغم رتم 3000 اهنم ،عبرم رتم 10.000 اهردق ةحاسم لغشيو )يراب( وتاروك يف جاتنلإا عقوم دجوي دعاوقلاب لماكلا مازتللاابو ،داعبلأاب ةصاخ دويقو ةينف طورش عضو نود تانازخ ذيفنت ىلع ةرداق ةكرشلا دعت .ميمصتلاب ةصاخلا ةيراسلا ةمراصلا ،ىطغم عبرم رتم 2.000 اهنم ،عبرم رتم 5.000 ةحاسم لغشي يذلا ،)وزيفيرت( اناجيسوس عنصم حاتتفا عم .تابورشملاو ةيذغلأل ةمظنأو تاينقت ريوطت ىلع نيماع ذنم ةكرشلا لمعت تابورشملاو ذيبنلا تاعاطق يف تاينقت ميدقت ىلع نيرداق اهلخادب نيينقتو نيينف سيرتسودنأ ياموك ةكرش كلتمت :ةيلاتلا تابلطلا ةيبلت ةكرشلا عيطتست ،نيعنصملا نيذه للاخ نم .)ةريبلا( ةعجلاو ةيزاغلا ذيبنلا عاطق .بنعلا داصحل ةصصخمو ةيسايق تانازخ.بنعلا رامث ةجلاعم تافلخمل ةيبلول تلاقان.رتل 50.000 ىلإ 5.000 نم حوارتت ةعس تاذ ةلئام ةحطسم ةدعاقب ذيبن ةعانص تلاآ200.000 ىلإ 50.000 نم حوارتت ةعس تاذ لجرأ ىلع لكشلا ةيطورخم-ةروتبم ةدعاقب ذيبن ةعانص تلاآ.رتل ىلإ 1.000 نم حوارتت ةعس تاذ ةيعانصلاو ةيئاذغلا تاجتنملل لجرأ ىلع ةكرشلاب ةعنصم تانازخ.رتل 200.000 .رتل 2.000.000 ىلإ 200.000 نم حوارتت ةعس تاذ ليمعلا عقوم يف ةعنصم تانازخىلإ 1.000 نم حوارتت ةعس تاذ )PED( طغضلا تادعم هيجوتل اقفو ةربتخم "فلاكوتوأ" ميقعت ةزهجأ.رتل 60.000 .ةلصلا تاذ خضلا ةطحم عم دراب لولحمب ديربت ةمظنأ.يبوبنأ مازح تاذ وأ ،بيبانلأا ةددعتم وأ ،ةيبوبنأ تلادابم.رمحلأا بنعلا نم نوللا صلاختسا لجأ نم ذيبنلا عينصتل ةيرارح تاموظنم.ةعاسلا يف رخبت رتل 20.000 ىلإ 1.000 نم حوارتت ةعس تاذ ،ةقاطلا كلاهتسا ليلقتل يرارح طغاض عم ريثأتلا ةددعتم تافثكم.ةقاطلا عاجرتسا عم ةعاسلا يف رتل 30.000 ىلإ 5.000 نم حوارتت ةعس تاذ تيربكلا ديسكأ يناث لصف ةزهجأ.تاجاجزلا فيفجت ماظن عم لماك رطملاب تاجاجز نيخست قفن.تازكرملاو ذيبنلل لحارم 1-2-3-4 ىلع حاولأ تاذ ةرتسب تادحو.تاجاجزلا ةئبعت طوطخو ،تانازخلا ليسغل يناكم فيظنت تادحو.عبشت ةزهجأةيزاغلا تابورشملا .ةيزاغلا تابورشملا جاتنلإ بارش فرغ.ةرمتسمو تاعفدب ركسلا ةباذإ تانيكام50.000 ىلإ 3.000 نم حوارتت ةعس تاذ تاطلاخديسكأ يناثو سكيربلا يف مكحتلا عم ةعاسلا يف رتل .نوبركلا .ءاوهلا عزن ماظنب ةلماك ءاملا عبشت ةزهجأةدوزم تانازخ 4-3-2-1 ىلع يناكم فيظنت تادحو.يئابرهك وأ يراخب نيخست ماظنب لحارم 5-4-3-2-1 ىلع حاولأ تاذ ةرتسب تادحو.نخاسلا ءاملا وأ راخبلاب لمعت جاجزلا نم ةعونصملا تاجاجزلل ةيقفن ةرتسب تادحووأ ،حيفصلا بلعلا وأ ،تلااثفريت نيليثيإ يلوبلا وأ .ةريغصلا ةيعولأا ،جاجزلا نم ةعونصملا تاجاجزلل ةيقفن ديربت تادحو.حيفصلا بلعلا وأ ،تلااثفريت نيليثيإ يلوبلا وأ ،جاجزلا نم ةعونصملا تاجاجزلل ةيقفن نيخست تادحو.حيفصلا بلعلا وأ ،تلااثفريت نيليثيإ يلوبلا وأ .زازتها ةدحو عم تازكرملاو ركسلا بارش تانازخ.رئاصعلاو هايملا لجأ نم ءاوهلا عزن تلاآ"ةريبلا" ةعجلا .ةعفد لكل رتل 6.000 ىلإ 500 نم يهط فرغ.رتل 60.000 ىلإ 500 نم اهتعس حوارتت ريمخت تانيكام.رتل 60.000 ىلإ 500 نم اهتعس حوارتت جاضنإ تانيكام.جرخملل ميظنت نازخ عم لحارم 3 نم حاولأ تاذ ةرتسب ةزهجأ.حيفصلا بلعلاو ،جاجزلا نم ةعونصملا تاجاجزلل ةيقفن ةرتسب ةزهجأ.يئابرهك وأ يراخب نيخست ماظنب ةدوزم تانازخ 4-3-2-1 ىلع يناكم فيظنت تادحوفارشإ ماظنو PLC ماظنب ةدوزم ،لماكلاب ةيكيتاموتوأ وأ ةيكيتاموتوأ فصن ةمظنأ مدقت ثيح ،اهئلامع تاجايتحاو تابلط عم ىشامتي يلآ ىوتسمب تاموظنملا عتمتت .تايلمعلا ةسارد يف ءلامعلا معدو ةزهاج طوطخ ميدقت ىلع ةرداق ةكرشلا دعت امك .تابورشملا جاتنإ تاجايتحا عيمج ةيبلت ىلع رداق ،لماكتم BEVERAGE INDUSTRYARABIC EDITION Comei Industries Srl Via dei Colli, 66 - 31058 Susegana (Treviso) Italy Tel. +39 0438 1918 117 - Fax +39 0438 1918 118 - 24
BBM SERVICE: you-oriented solutions for your food&beverage packaging plant
BBM Service is the only partner able to offer 360° support and a customized service.
Italian Excellence. BBM SERVICE is an Italian company with a long experience in the beverage sector, specializing in the design and supply of beverage bottling plants. Flexibility and fast service are just some of the reasons why the top players in the beverage sector have chosen BBM Service for more than 15 years.
BBM Service is a single point of contact for market and budget analysis, study of the line layout, machine supply and installation, safety protocols and logistics management.
BBM Turn-Key Services
1.Used, overhauled machinery to reduce your investment and make a green choice
BBM has an impressive selection of used packaging machines, which are fully overhauled and upgraded to guarantee the same or better performance than last-generation machines. BBM offers the best of the second-hand market, including blow-moulding machines, mixers, fillers, labellers, shrink-wrappers, wrap-around case packers, tray formers, overlapping cardboard sleeve packers, pallettizers, and much more! Customers can view the machines and follow the overhauling and start-up process at a distance, or visit BBM 10,000-square meters showroom in Lenna (Bergamo, Italy).
2. Top-class spare parts, available always and delivered fast
Spare parts shortage? No problem: BBM has a vast storage of compatible spare parts and is able to reproduce out-of-market parts thanks to reverse engineering. All spare parts are compatible with OEM, tested, and certified; BBM invests in research and development to provide free pass material of the highest quality, at prices that are 10-20% lower than the market average. BBM has a great entourage of foreign commercial agents to facilitate commercial operations in EU and non-EU territories.
3. Technical assistance & engineering
Based on the expertise of 20 years of experience and with a team of over 50 qualified technicians, BBM offers a complete range of services to support the customer at the customer’s plant: line dismantling and relocation, format change, planned plant maintenance, and training. BBM also provides a 24/7 remote assistance service. What else? BBM offers its know-how, structure, and a qualified team for highly specialized engineering activities. Its portfolio consists of machinery upgrades that are thought for exploiting the machine’s full potential and achieving energy and cost savings.
Visit BBM online store
At you can go through the full catalog of BBM’s used machines and accessories. You can find the machine layout, machine technical details, and videos of the machines in action. Contact info@ for a free quotation, they will be happy to help you with your requests. Do not worry if you can’t find a machine that matches your needs: BBM will adapt the machine to your market and production needs.
Read of BBM success stories
Discover the News section of BBM website and follow BBM on Linkedin at BBM Service – BBM Packaging to keep up with the best references of our group and discover the latest innovations of the top brands in the sector.
ةمعطلأا فيلغت ةموظنمل ةلماكتم لولح :"BBM SERVICE" سيفرس مإ يب يب كب ةصاخلا تابورشملاو ةمدخو ةلماكتم ةدعاسم ميدقت ىلع رداقلا ديحولا كيرشلا يه BBM Service .ةصصخم عاطق يف ةليوط ةربخ تاذ ةيلاطيإ ةكرش يه BBM SERVICE يلاطيلإا زيمتلا ةنورملا .تابورشملا ةئبعت تاموظنم ديروتو ميمصت يف ةصصختم ،تابورشملا عاطق يف نيعنصملا رابك تلعج يتلا بابسلأا ضعب ىوس تسيل ةمدخلا ةعرسو .اماع 15 نم رثكلأ BBM Service نوراتخي تابورشملا ،ةينازيملاو قوسلا تلايلحتل هعم لماعتلا نكمي دحاو كيرش يه BBM Service ةملاسلا تلاوكوتورب ةرادإو ،تلالآا بيكرتو ديروتو ،طخلا ميمصت ةساردو .ةيتسجوللا تامدخلاو "ةزهاجلا" BBM تامدخ يئيب رايتخا ذاختاو عقوتملا رامثتسلاا ليلقتل ،ةددجملاو ةلمعتسملا تلالآا .1 اهصحف مت يتلاو ،ةلمعتسملا فيلغتلاو ةئبعتلا تلاآ نم ةعئار ةعومجم BBM كلتمت .تلالآا نم ليج ثدحأ نم لضفأ ءادأ وأ ءادلأا سفن نامضل لماكلاب اهثيدحتو ،وشحلاو ،خفنلا تلاآ كلذ يف امب ،ةلمعتسملا تلالآا قوس يف ام لضفأ BBM مدقت تاصنملاو ،يناوصلا ليكشت تلاآو ،فللاب فيلغتلاو ،فيلغتلاو ،تاقصلملا عضوو صحفلا ةيلمع ةعباتمو تلالآا ةدهاشم ءلامعلل نكمي !ريثكب كلذ نم رثكأو ،ةلاقنلا 10.000 اهتحاسم غلبت يتلا BBM ضرع ةلاص ةرايز وأ ،دعب نع ليغشتلا ءدبو .)ايلاطيإ ،وماجريب( انيل يف عبرم رتم ةعرسب اهميلست متيو امئاد ةرفوتم ،ىلولأا ةجردلا نم رايغ عطق .2 رايغلا عطق نم اريبك انوزخم BBM كلتمت :ةلكشم دجوت لا ؟رايغلا عطق يف صقن لضفب قوسلا يف ةحاتم ريغ رايغ عطق جاتنإ ةداعإ ىلع ةرداق يهو ةقفاوتملا ةيلصلأا تادعملا يعنصم عم ةقفاوتم رايغلا عطق عيمج دعت .ةيسكعلا ةسدنهلا ريفوتل ريوطتلاو ثحبلا يف BBM رمثتست ؛اهدامتعاو اهرابتخا متيو ،)OEM( .قوسلا طسوتم نم %20-10 ةبسنب لقأ راعسأبو ،ةدوج ىلعأب ةصخرم داوم ةيراجتلا تايلمعلا ليهستل جراخلاب نييراجتلا ءلاكولا نم ةعساو ةكبشب BBM عتمتت .هجراخو يبورولأا داحتلاا يضارأ يف يسدنهلاو ينفلا معدلا .3 BBM مدقت ،لاهؤم اينف 50 نم رثكأ نم نوكم قيرفو ةربخلا نم اماع نيرشع عم ،قيسنتلا رييغتو ،هلقنو طخلا كيكفت :ليمعلا معدل تامدخلا نم ةلماك ةعومجم ىلع دعب نع معد ةمدخ اضيأ BBM رفوي .بيردتلاو ةموظنملل ةلودجملا ةنايصلاو ؟اضيأ اذامو .عوبسلأا مايأ لاوط ةعاسلا رادم .صصختلا يلاع ةسدنهلل لهؤملا اهقيرفو ،صاخلا اهلكيهو ،اهتربخ BBM مدقت ةللآل ةلماكلا تاناكملإا للاغتسلا ةممصملا تلالآا تاثيدحت نم ةظفحملا نوكتت .ةفلكتلاو ةقاطلا ريفوت قيقحتو تنرتنلإا ربع BBM رجتم ةرايزب مق جولاتكلا ىلإ عوجرلا نكمي ، بيولا عقوم ىلع ،تلالآا طيطخت ىلع روثعلا كنكمي .BBM تاقحلمو ةلمعتسملا تلالآل لماكلا info@ عم لصاوت .ليغشتلا ديق تلالآاب ةصاخلا ويديفلا عطاقمو ،ةينفلا ليصافتلاو مهدعسيسو ،يناجم راعسأ ضرع ىلع لوصحلل .كتابلط يف كتدعاسم BBM حاجن صصق أرقا Linkedin عقوم ىلع BBM عباتو ينورتكللإا BBM عقوم يف رابخلأا مسق فشتكا ىلع مئاد علاطا ىلع ىقبتل BBM Service BBM Packaging ناونعلا ىلع .عاطقلا اذه يف تاراكتبلاا ثدحأ فشتكتلو ةعومجملا عجارم لضفأ BEVERAGE INDUSTRYARABIC EDITION BBM Service Srl Via Pregalleno, 24 - 24016 San Pellegrino Terme (Bergamo) Italy Tel. +39 0345 23 642 - Fax +39 0345 41 755 - 20
Albrigi Tecnologie: storing, mixing, weighing, measuring, dosing, transferring, heating, cooling and processing liquids with special vacuum or pressure processes are its specialty
Albrigi Tecnologie can define itself as a world leader in the production of stainless steel systems for food, wine, chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, bio-nano technologies and oil industry.
For many years, Albrigi Tecnologie has been studying, researching and experimenting new solutions with the main aim of realize complete turnkey systems with liquid transfer and processing technologies. Albrigi Tecnologie produces tanks, reactors, ripeners and mixers with the highest quality, in order to offer to customers, services and technologies aimed at money saving, reducing costs, times and pollution, limiting or totally eliminating mistakes and contaminations. All these advantages permit to increase production and help customers to obtain a prestigious and high-quality product.
Following the evolution of the market and production needs, Albrigi creates both external and internal systems for the storage, mixing and processing of food liquids in compliance with the safety regulations, according to the HACCP, FDA, PED, ATEX, anti-seismic regulations which are fundamental rules that dictate the basic requirements of Albrigi Tecnologie plants, tanks, reactors, ripeners and mixers.
All systems are complete with pumps, pipes, weight and level sensors, liter counters, manual and pneumatic valves, with inert gas – nitrogen - CO2 – argon saturation, high performance electrical panels. These last are monitored by P.C. and PLC for the management of transfer processes, that operate both in manual and in automatic mode, equipped with customized programs with algorithms, which reduce labor up to 70%.
A wide range of systems make it possible to condition new and existing tanks by cooling jackets, heat exchangers, thermal plates, pipe insulation, thermal power stations, complete with heat pumps, refrigeration units, boilers, steam and diathermic generators oil. Albrigi’s heat generators can be used with low, medium and high pressure and temperature; the excellent performances are the result of a design and construction aimed to ensure maximum energy savings combined with maximum reliability and durability.
For Albrigi plants is used a special finishing called “High Clean Inside”. It is the result of a process that starts from a careful selection of top-quality raw materials, and from the subsequent processing of the sheet metal surface: welds perfectly pierced, subsequently pickled, passivated, flattened, scordoned, rolled, laminated then shaved and mirror polished.
In this way, during the washing processes, any type of obstacle is reduced and consequently is also limited the consumption of water, energy, and detergents.
Washing is a very important phase: it is essential to clean and prepare all the equipment and systems for the processes for which they are designed.
Albrigi Tecnologie is specialized in the study and application of programmable manual and fixed automatic washing systems, managed by PLC, with customizable software and process self-checking systems up to complete sanitization and sterilization in every internal or external point, always respecting environment by reducing pollution, washing times, energy use and purification costs up to 80%.
Albrigi is not only specialized in the study, design, technical assistance and certification of the plant, but also offers the customer a wide range of accessories and spare parts. Albrigi consider them as an indispensable service for the realization and complete maintenance of the plant.
Albrigi: Ingenuity, style and technology at the service of the food industry.
ARABIC EDITIONBEVERAGE INDUSTRY Albrigi Srl Via Tessare, 6/A - 37023 Località Stallavena di Grezzana (Verona) Italy Tel. +39 045 90 74 11 - Fax +39 045 90 74 27 - 19
،اهديربتو ،اهنيخستو ،اهلقنو ،اهتاعرج طبضو ،اهسايقو ،اهنزوو ،اهطلخو ،لئاوسلا نيزخت يف ةصصختم ةكرش :"Albrigi Tecnologie" يجولونكت يجيربلأ ةصاخ طغض وأ غيرفت تايلمع مادختساب اهتجلاعمو ،ةيئايميكلا داوملاو ،ذيبنلاو ،ةيذغلأا تاعاطقل أدصلل مواقملا ذلاوفلا نم تاموظنم ذيفنت يف ايملاع ةدئار ةكرشك اهسفن فرعت نأ Albrigi Tecnologie ةكرشل نكمي .طفنلا تاعاطقو ،ةيوضعلا ونانلا تاينقتو ،ليمجتلا تارضحتسمو ،ةينلاديصلاو موقت .لئاوسلا ةجلاعمو لقن تاينقت عم ةزهاج ةلماك ةمظنأ جاتنإ وهو يسيئر فدهب ةديدج لاولح برجتو ،ثحبتو ،تاونس ذنم Albrigi Tecnologie ةكرش سردت وأ ريفوت ىلإ فدهت اهئلامعل تاينقتو تامدخ ميدقتل ةدوج ىلعأب ةجلاعملا تاطلاخو ،جضنلا تلاآو ،تلاعافملاو ،تانازخلا عينصتب Albrigi Tecnologie ةكرش ىلع لوصحلا يف ءلامعلا ةدعاسم ءيش لك لبقو جاتنلإا ةدايزب حمسي اذه لك .امامت اهيلع ءاضقلا وأ ثولتلاو ءاطخلأا ليلقتو ،ثولتلاو ،تاقولأاو ،فيلاكتلا ليلقت .ةدوجلا قئافو قومرم جتنم اقفو ،ةملاسلا حئاولل اقفو ةيئاذغلا لئاوسلا ةجلاعمو ،طلخو ،نيزختل ةيلخادو ةيجراخ تاموظنم ءاشنإب Albrigi ةكرش تماق ،جاتنلإا تاجايتحاو قوسلا روطت بقع راجفنلال ةضرعملا تائيبلا هيجوتو ،"PED" طغضلا تادعم هيجوتو ،"FDA" ءاودلاو ءاذغلا ةرادإو ،"HACCP" ةجرحلا مكحتلا طاقنو رطاخملا ليلحت ريياعمل Albrigi تاطلاخو ،جضنلا تلاآو ،تلاعافمو ،تانازخو ،تاموظنمل ةيساسلأا تابلطتملا يلمت يتلا ةيسيئرلا دعاوقلا يهو ،لزلازلا ةحفاكم ريياعمو ،"ATEX" Tecnologie ،لماخلا زاغلاب ةعبشم ،ةيئاوهلاو ةيوديلا تامامصلاو ،رتللا تادادعو ،ةصاخلا ىوتسملاو نزولا راعشتسا ةزهجأو ،بيبانلأاو ،تاخضملاب ةدوزم تاموظنملا عيمج ،يصخشلا رتويبمكلا ةطساوب اهيف مكحتلا متي )ةموظنم يأ ليغشتل اهنع ىنغ لا تاودأ( ءادلأا ةيلاع ةيئابرهك تاحولو ،نوجرلأاو ،نوبركلا ديسكأ يناثو ،نيجورتينلاو نم للقي امم ،تايمزراوخ عم ةصصخم جماربب ةزهجمو ،ايكيتاموتوأو ايودي لمعت يتلاو ،ةجلاعملا وأ لقنلا تايلمع ةرادلإ ،ةجمربلل لباقلا يقطنملا مكحتلا زاهجو %70 ةبسنب ةلماعلا يديلأا تاطحمو ،بيبانلأا لزعو ،ةيرارحلا حاوللأاو ،ةيرارحلا تلادابملاو ،فيواجتلا ناردج عم :ةيلاحلاو ةديدجلا تانازخلا فييكتب ةمظنلأا نم ةعساو ةعومجم حمست عم Albrigi نم ةرارحلا تادلوم مادختسا نكمي .يرارحلا تيزلاو راخبلا تادلومو ،تايلاغلاو ،ديربتلا تادحوو ،ةيرارحلا تاخضملاب ةدوزملا ،ةيرارحلا ةقاطلا نم ردق ىصقأ عم ةقاطلا ريفوت نم ردق ىصقأ نامضل ممصملا ءانبلاو ميمصتلا ةرمث وه زاتمملا ءادلأا ؛ةيلاعلاو ،ةطسوتملاو ،ةضفخنملا ةرارحلا ةجردو طغضلا .ةناتملاو ةيقوثوملا ةجلاعملا نمو ،ةدوجلا ةقئاف ماخلا داوملل قيقدلا رايتخلاا نم أدبت ةيلمع ةجيتن اهنإ .Albrigi تاموظنمل "High Clean Inside" ىمسي صاخ بيطشت مادختسا متي ،تاناوطسأ يف ةفوفلمو ،ةرشقمو ،ةحطسمو ،ةلمخمو ،ةيضمح ليلاحمب ةجلاعم كلذ دعب ،لماك قارتخاب امامت ةبوقثم تاماحللا :ةيندعملا حئافصلا حطسل ةقحلالا ،ةقاطلاو ،هايملا كلاهتسا ديشرت يلاتلابو ،ىندلأا دحلا ىلإ قئاوعلا نم عون يأ ليلقت متي ،ليسغلا تايلمع ءانثأ ،ةقيرطلا هذهب .ةآرملاك ةعملمو ةلوقصم مث ةحفصمو .تافظنملاو .اهلجأ نم تممص يتلا تايلمعلل اهزيهجتو تاموظنملاو تادعملا عيمج فيظنت يرورضلا نمف ،ةياغلل ةمهم ةلحرم لسغلا ةيلمع دعت يقطنملا مكحتلا زاهج ةطساوب ةرادملا ،لماكلاب ةجمربلل ةلباقلا ةتباثلا ةيكيتاموتولأاو ةيوديلا لسغلا تاموظنم قيبطتو ةسارد يف Albrigi Tecnologie صصختت نع امئاد ةئيبلل لاثتملاا عم ،ةيجراخ وأ ةيلخاد ةطقن لك يف ميقعتلاو ريهطتلا لامتكا ىتح ةيلمعلل يتاذلا صحفلا ةمظنأو ،صيصختلل ةلباق جمارب عم ،ةجمربلل لباقلا %80 ىلإ لصت ةبسنب ةيقنتلا فيلاكتو ،ةقاطلا كلاهتساو ،لسغلا تاقوأو ،ثولتلا ليلقت قيرط .رايغلا عطقو تاقحلملا نم ةعساو ةعومجم اضيأ ءلامعلل مدقت اهنكلو ،تاموظنملا دامتعاو ،ينفلا معدلاو ،ميمصتلاو ،ةساردلا يف طقف سيل ةصصختم Albrigi دعت .ةموظنملل ةلماك ةنايصو ءانبل اهنع ىنغ لا ةمدخ اذه دعت يهف .ةيئاذغلا داوملا ةعانص ةمدخ يف ايجولونكتلاو ،بولسلأاو ،عادبلإا :Albrigi BEVERAGE INDUSTRYARABIC EDITION Albrigi Srl Via Tessare, 6/A - 37023 Località Stallavena di Grezzana (Verona) Italy Tel. +39 045 90 74 11 - Fax +39 045 90 74 27 - 18
SIRA, the washing, rinsing, filling and capping monoblock
The monobloc washer for gallon bottles SIRA has been designed by AKOMAG for washing and sterilizing PET or PC gallon bottles or other bottles of various sizes, to be filled with still water. The washing cycle adapts to the various production needs of the end customer and is very effective. For this machine AKOMAG has designed and produced a special spraying and brushing device for gallon bottles that ensures total cleanliness. Through the use of special mobile nozzles furniture (penetrating and rotating), the machine washes the bottle internally at high pressure (5 bar). While the outside is brushed by means of nylon brushes. The machine can be quickly adapted to the different bottle formats by simply setting the type of container to be handled on the control keyboard. The stainless steel control board installed next to the monobloc is easily accessible for the operator. The panel is equipped with a touchscreen for the complete management of all line functions, and the display of operating parameters and alarms. The monobloc features an automatic de-capper in stainless steel: A pneumatic system grips the bottle neck while ejecting the cap. The system is safe, but it can be equipped with a system for the selection and ejection of gallon bottles that have not been properly de-capped. The bottles are then filled by means of special inverter- controlled pumps.
A valve designed by AKOMAG guarantees a laminar flow and no contact between the valve and the bottle. The filling is carried out by means of a special metering device that ensures extreme filling accuracy. The capper consists of soundproof vibrating hopper, a descent channel, and a tear-off pick-up head.
The closure of the bottle is guaranteed by an inclined pressure belt characterized with adjustable pressure. All adjustments are automatic and managed from the control panel.
ةيطغأ بيكرتو ،ةئبعتو ،فطش ةلآ - ةلتكلا ةيداحأ ةلاسغلا ،"SIRA" اريس SIRA نولاجلا تاجاجزل ةدحاولا ةلتكلا تاذ اهتلآ "AKOMAG" جاموكأ مدقت يلوبلا نم ةعونصملا نولاجلا تاجاجز ميقعتو لسغل اهميمصتو ةللآا ةسارد تمت لاكشلأاو ماجحلأا تاذ "PC" تانوبرك يلوبلا وأ "PET" تلااثفريت نيليثيإ اهتممص يتلا لسغلا ةرود فيكتت .دكارلا ءاملاب ةقحلالا ةئبعتلل ريضحتلل ةفلتخملا .بولطملا جاتنلإاو يئاهنلا ليمعلل ةفلتخملا جاتنلإا تاجايتحا عم AKOMAG AKOMAG ةكرش نكت مل نكلو ،ةريبك لسغ ةءافكب ةجتنملا تلالآا عيمج عتمتت اهفيظنتو تاجاجزلا شرل اصاخ ازاهج تعنصو تممصف ،كلذ نع ةيضار متي ،)نارودو قارتخا( ةصاخ ةكرحتم تاهوف مادختسا للاخ نم .ةاشرفلاب يجراخلا ءزجلا فيظنت متي امنيب )راب 5( يلاع طغضب ةجاجزلل يلخادلا لسغلا ةفلتخملا تاقيسنتلا عم ايئاقلت ةللآا فييكت نكمي .ةصاخ نوليان شرف ةطساوب .مكحتلا حيتافم ةحول ىلع ةبولطملا ةيواحلا عون ديدحت قيرط نع ،اهتجلاعم دارملا ةلتكلا راوجب ةدوجوم ،أدصلل مواقملا ذلاوفلا نم ةعونصم ةرادإو مكحت ةحول ةشاش" ـب ةدوزم ةحوللا .اهيلإ لوصولا لغشملا ىلع لهسي عضو يف ،ةيداحلأا تاملعم ضرعو ،طخلا فئاظو عيمجل ةلماكلا ةرادلإا لجأ نم "سمللاب لمعت .تاراذنلإاو ليغشتلا ذخلأ يئاوه ماظن .أدصلل مواقملا ذلاوفلا نم لكيهب ةيكيتاموتوأ ةيطغأ ةلازإ ةلآ تاجاجزلا درطو رايتخلا ماظن ريفوت اضيأ نكمي .ءاطغلا درطو قنعلا نم ةجاجزلا .حيحص لكشب اهءاطغ كف متي مل يتلا .تلاوحم ةطساوب اهيف مكحتلا متي ةصاخ تاخضم ةطساوب تاجاجزلا ةئبعت متي مدعو ايقئاقر اقفدت AKOMAG لبق نم اصيصخ ممصملا ديدجلا مامصلا نمضي ةرداق سايق ةدحو ةطساوب ةئبعتلا ةرادإ متت .ةجاجزلاو مامصلا نيب سملات دوجو .ىوصق ةئبعت ةقد نامض ىلع ،لوزن ةانقو ،توصلل لزاع يزازتها سوداق نم ءاطغلا بيكرت ةدحو نوكتت طغض عم ،لئام طغض مازح للاخ نم ةجاجز قلاغإو ،يطيرش كاسمإ سأرو .مكحتلا ةحول نم اهترادإ متتو ةيئاقلت طبضلا تايلمع عيمج .يرايعم
Diolo, 15/D - 43019 Soragna (Parma) Italy
+39 0524 59 90 97 - Fax +39 0524 59 90 12
- 14
ذنم تابورشملاو ةيذغلأا عاطق يف 1984 ماع ملاعلا ءاحنأ عيمج يف عيبلا دعب ام ةمدخ - صيصختلا - راكتبلاا - ةيقوثوملا ةجلاعم ةمظنأ ذيفنتو ميمصتب "Aeraque" يوكأ ريإ ةكرش موقت ةمئاقلا هذه يف درت .تاقيبطتلا فلتخم يف ةمدختسملا تازاغلاو لئاوسلا صحف ىلع بردم ينفلا انبتكم نكلو ،لعفلاب اهانذفن يتلا تاموظنملا :انئلامع تاجايتحلا لح داجيإو ةددحم تابلطتم هايملل ةقبسملا ةجلاعملا • .برشلل ةحلاص اهلعجل هايملا ةجلاعم • .برشلا هايم ميقعت • عئاضبلاو نيزختلا قطانم ريهطت • ةيذغلأا فيلغت داوم ميقعت • ديربتلا تاموظنم ميقعت • يحصلا فرصلا هايم ةجلاعم • ةنايصلا تامدخو ةددحملا تابلطلل ةيروف تلاخدت ءلامعلا ةمدخ نمضت .ةلودجملا 57 يف نوزولأل عنصم 1400 نم رثكأ .ملاعلا لوح ةلود
Technology in technopolimeric material Mould and mould-flow design for thermoplastic articles Mould design for elastomeric articles Print of technical details in thermoplastic materials Print of elastomeric technical details Ultrasound soldering – high frequency – hot blade Quality service: analysis on technical articles produces and test of in/outcoming materials FIELDS OF APPLICATION OF OUR PRODUCTS BOTTLING PACKAGING AUTOMATION LABELLING PAPER TRANSFORMATION PHARMACEUTICAL VALVES AND FITTINGS PNEUMATICS
WS is a company, founded in 2005, working as process equipment supplier for the beverage industry. During these years, WS has achieved a very good reputation in the beverage industry field, managing to cooperate with the major global players, such as Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, Nestlé Waters and Orangina-Schweppes, and with private investors installing new production facilities, quite often green fields, in emerging Countries.
WS has met new standards for product quality, energy saving and maximum plant output while complying with the strictest criteria for hygiene and safety
All the devices are entirely conceived and designed to guarantee the best requirements in terms of microbiological, physical-chemical and organoleptic properties; the entire production process and software development are managed internally, as well as installations and commissionings which are carried out with WS’s own resources.
WS’ products for beverage industry are:
• water purification plants (mechanical filtration, microfiltration, reverse osmosis, UV disinfection, sterilisation) designed according to the customer’s exigencies and the chemical analysis;
• sugar dissolving systems (single batch, double batch and continuous up to 35.000 l/h);
• semiautomatic and automatic syrup rooms;
• premix units;
• flash pasteurising units;
• ozone generators;
• carbonating equipment (water, wine, beer, soft drinks);
• in line syrup blending systems and ingredients mixing systems;
• steam sterilisable microfiltering systems (juices, beer, wine);
• mineralising equipment;
• equipment for preparation of non-chemical bottles rinsing and disinfecting solutions (such as ozone) and chemical solutions preparing devices (peracetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, chlorine, etc.);
• equipment for the preparation of sterile water;
• manual and automatic CIP systems
Thanks to its skill and process expertise, today WS is widely present worldwide even with turnkey solutions including ancillary equipment (cooling equipment, boilers, etc.).
WS’ philosophy is to manufacture high-quality and reliable equipment, equipped only with top brand components: Alfa Laval, Endress+Hauser, Pall, Anton Paar, Siemens, Festo, Spirax Sarco are the typical components our Customers will find on Their plants. The choice of providing only state-of-the-art solutions has brought us to be appointed as officially authorized integrator by ALFA LAVAL
Between main technical references, WS can list the supply of two fruit juice tubular flash pasteurizers for aseptic filling to ORANGINA-SCHWEPPES in France; furthermore, it’s significant to point out that WS is included in NESTLÉ WATERS’ authorized suppliers list for water purification systems: recently an important contract for the supply of a top-technology water treatment plant in the far East has been finalized.
Amongst last supplies (early 2016), WS also boasts a complete line for soft drinks production in Las Vegas –USA (Coca Cola co-packer): from water treatment to
ARABIC EDITIONBEVERAGE INDUSTRY 11 A. Water Systems Srl Località Piana, 55/D - 12060 Verduno (Cuneo) Italy Tel. +39 0172 47 02 35 - Fax +39 0173 61 56 33 -
hot fill pasteurizer, through sugar syrup preparation and ingredients mixing, also including CIP equipment.
WS considers Customer Service one of the greatest keys to success: entire business, marketing, sales and profits depend on customers’ satisfaction so the after sales team is constantly trained to perform the simplest solution in the shortest possible time to support the customer’s business.
The growing market’s confidence gained by process plants manufactured by WS, allowed a continuous development of blending technology for carbonated soft drinks (CSD) production to such an extent that We reached a very high level of specialisation in manufacturing mass controlled blending systems, named BLENDSYSTEM M.
BLENDSYSTEM M is a piece of equipment for preparing beverages, completely preassembled on a skid for an easy and quick shipment and installation, conceived mostly for the production of carbonated soft drinks (CSD), but also
carbonated mineral water (CMW) and still water (charged with nitrogen in order to increase the mechanical resistance of the bottle). The required quantity of ingredients (water, syrup, and CO2) is carefully measured and dosed in an electronically controlled continuous process.
The whole system, realized to guarantee the highest qualitative standards and a qualitatively constant production, also running in conditions of considerable format change, is completely preassembled on stainless steel circular-section skid for an easy and efficacious cleaning. It usually includes the following subsystems:
• inlet water deaeration: a vacuum pump removes incondensable gases; the pump is conceived to maintain the dissolved oxygen level below 1 ppm values;
• carbon dioxide dosing (or nitrogen in case of still mineral water production): a modulating valve and a mass flow rate transmitter inject carbon dioxide in quantity that is proportional to water quantity loaded to the deaeration tank; the water flow rate is usually measured by a magnetic flow rate transmitter, which may be replaced with a mass flow rate transmitter in case water presents a very low electrical conductivity level. A special gas injecting and mixing systemspecifically developed by WS - performs a careful mixing with the water to be treated and, hence, best results in terms of product perlage; the carbon
dioxide contents is maintained constant in the product receiving tank by a supervising software, which checks possible fluctuations in feeding water temperature and product buffer temperature; the effective dissolved carbon dioxide contents in the product is checked using a carbometric unit, installed in by-pass on the filling machine feeding line;
• syrup dosing and mixing: at first syrup is stored in a small buffer tank, whose atmosphere is modified and enriched with carbon dioxide in order to avoid oxidation occurrence. Syrup injection is made by a sanitary design modulating valve and a mass flow rate transmitter in a quantity which is proportional to the water amount fed from the deaeration tank; furthermore, using the mass flow rate transmitter, it is possible to check constantly the effective density of the inlet syrup and therefore to compensate immediately for the dosing and to stabilize the sugary concentration in the end-product within established bounds (usually ±0,05 °Bx). A specific refractometer installed in bypass on the filling machine feeding line, allows the constant check of the product and, if necessary, its adjustment; similarly, the instruments minimize waste of both syrup and product during transitory phases of production, such as start and stop.
Furthermore, customized solutions for product cooling are also available, depending on the environmental conditions of the system installation.
The supervising software loaded on the mass premix unit - BLENDSYSTEM M - is conceived to guarantee the best results in terms of dosing, offering at the same time an easy control by a friendly user interface; this software enables on one hand to set the main production parameters and visualize their state graphically and on the other hand to set the statistics parameters (ca, cp e cpk) connected to that kind of production.
Using a more advanced version of this software, associated with specific instruments, it is also possible to control automatically saccharose inversion, so that the need of intervention by laboratory technicians is reduced. The equipment is equipped with field buses (MPI, Profibus or Ethernet) for a complete integration in the bottling line and the control of production, cleaning and sanitizing processes.
BEVERAGE INDUSTRYARABIC EDITION A. Water Systems Srl Località Piana, 55/D - 12060 Verduno (Cuneo) Italy Tel. +39 0172 47 02 35 - Fax +39 0173 61 56 33 - 10
Hall 3 Stand S2-F41
Translation into Arabic
Dal Nilo di Ossama Salama
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TecnAlimentaria is a magazine by INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINES .it TECNOLOGIE PER L’INDUSTRIA DEGLI ALIMENTI E MANGIMI PER ANIMALI FOOD ET ANIMAL FEED & TECHNOLOGY Postale D.L. 353/2003 (conv. 27/02/2004 46) art. comma NE/TV Anno 24 N° 4/2019 ISSN 2498-9541 Plastics Rubber&
EDITRICE EDF TREND SRL INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINES year XXVII TecnAlimentaria supplement N°8-9 August/September 2022 - Year XXVII Publisher Fabiana Da Cortà Fumei Editorial Staff & Design
Fattoretto Claudia Bosco
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Pozzi Franco Giordano
Management, Editorial Office Editrice EDF Trend srl Corso del Popolo, 42 31100 Treviso – Italy Tel. +39 0422 549305 Fax +39 0422 591736 Supplemento TecnAlimentaria 11 Novembre/November 2021Poste SpA Spedizione Abbonamento D.L. 353/2003(conv. in 27/02/2004 n. 46) comma NE/TV 26 N°11 2498-9541 ITALIAN TECHNOLOGY FOR THE BEVERAGE INDUSTRYASIATIC & PACIFIC EDITION INTERNATIONAL N° 8/9 Agosto Settembre 2022 Technology for the Beverage Industry - International magazine in Italian/English Poste Italiane Spedizione Abbonamento Postale 353/2003 (conv. 27/02/2004 comma NE/TV N°8-9/2022 2498-9541 BEVERAGE INDUSTRY ITALIAN TECHNOLOGY FOR THE BEVERAGE INDUSTRY TECNOLOGÍA ITALIANA PARA LA INDUSTRIA DE BEBIDASAMERICAS EDITION Supplemento TecnAlimentaria N° Luglio/July 2022 Italiane SpA Spedizione Abbonamento 353/2003 L. 27/02/2004 NE/TV 2022 2498-9541 2022/2023 MAGAZINES .it INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINES .it Supplemento a TecnAlimentaria N°8-9 Agosto/Settembre 2022 - Poste Italiane SpA Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1 comma 1 NE/TV Anno 27 N°8/9 - 2022 ISSN 2498-9541 2022/2023 ITALIAN TECHNOLOGY FOR THE BEVERAGE INDUSTRY
INDEX - Beverage Industry