TecnAlimentaria Asiatic Edition 2019/2020 - Beverage Industry

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Supplemento a TecnAlimentaria N° 11 Novembre/November 2019 Poste Italiane SpA - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1 comma 1 NE/TV Anno 24 N°11 - 2019 - ISSN 2498-9541



Since 1912 Frilli has been supplying worldwide in-house designed and manufactured bespoke continuous and batch distillation plants operating from vacuum through to pressurized conditions. These plants range from small to large capacities. Frilli believes that satisfied customers are the only form of advertising worth investing in. When working with Frilli you will be met with courtesy, professionalism, quality advise and all questions answered.

Glen Turner, Scotland - Complete Distillery for 75.000 l day Whisky and Alcohol production

Teeling Distillery, Ireland Pot Stills for Whisky production

FRILLI Srl Loc. Rigoni – Strada dei laghi, 15 - 53035 Monteriggioni (Siena) Italy Tel +39 0577 307011 - Fax +39 0577 307080 - info@frillisrl.com

Workshop Isle of Harris Distillery, Scotland Pot Stills for Gin production

La Versa Distillery, Italy Pot Stills for Grappa production

Taris Tat Distillery, Turkey Pot Stills for Raki production

ABOUT US Frilli Srl is a company specializing in design, construction and supplies of distillation plants and/or complete distilleries, starting from any kind of raw material containing alcohol, sugar or starch for production of distillates, raw alcohol, extra neutral and absolute alcohol, with its own know-how, advanced technologies and experience developed worldwide.

• Cereals: corn, wheat, barley, rice • Other starchy substances: potatoes, cassava, chestnuts, etc. • Other sugary substances: sorghum, grape, cane and beet juice • Fruits: apples, peaches, apricots, cherries, plums • Exotic fruits: dates, bananas, pineapples, papaya, mango, etc. • Soft fruits The company, realizing more than 90% of its turnover • Aromatic herbs, seeds and berries abroad, is constantly and continuously growing, as world-trade appreciates its leading technical and NOWADAYS technological skill. Reliability, honesty, an excellent In recent years, the company has been operating quality/price ratio together with pre- and post-sales with great success in the field of Whisky and Gin, by services are our strength and allow us to be always up designing, manufacturing and supplying both continuous to the situation, giving quick and qualified answers. plants with columns and discontinuous pot stills with traditional onion shape (in Scotland and Ireland). RAW MATERIALS We have realized pot stills in copper from 0,5 up to • By-products of wineries (pomace, lees, wine) 18 m³ of working capacity for our Scottish and Irish • Cane and beet molasses customers.







2019/2020 EDITION

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INDUSTRY BEVERAGE Technology Poste Italiane SpA

Supplemento a TecnAlimentaria N° 11 Novembre/November 2019 Poste Italiane SpA - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1 comma 1 NE/TV Anno 24 N°11 - 2019 - ISSN 2498-9541




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Plastics & Rubber

Supplemento a TecnAlimentaria N° 7 Luglio/July 2019 Poste Italiane SpA - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1 comma 1 NE/TV - Anno 24 N°7 - 2019 - ISSN 2498-9541

International Magazine for the global Plastics & Rubber Industry Supplemento a TecnAlimentaria N°6 Giugno 2019 Poste Italiane SpA - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1 comma 1 NE/TV - Anno 24 N°6 - 2019 - ISSN 2498-9541



TecnAlimentaria Supplement N°11 Novembre/November 2019 Year XXIV Publisher: F. Da Cortà Fumei Editorial staff: Sabrina Fattoretto Management, Editorial Office: Editrice EDF Trend srl Corso del Popolo, 42 31100 Treviso – Italy Tel. +39 0422 549305 Fax +39 0422 591736 redazione@tecnalimentaria.it info@tecnalimentaria.it www.tecnalimentaria.it

Supplemento a TecnAlimentaria N°2 Febbraio 2019 Poste Italiane SpA Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) Art. 1 comma 1 NE/TV Anno 24 N°2-2019 - ISSN 2498-9541



Collaborators: Anita Pozzi Arianna Lenzo Elena Abbondanza Franco Giordano Design: Claudia Bosco Printing: L’Artegrafica

Autorizzazione Tribunale di Forlì n. 5 del 19.01.1996 In questo numero la pubblicità non supera il 45% Sped. in abbonamento postale 45% - Art. 2 Comma 20/B Legge 662/1996 DCI-TV All right reserved.

TecnA Plastics & Rubber N.1 Settembre 2019 Poste Italiane SpA - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1 comma 1 NE/TV - Anno I N°1/2019

Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. The Publisher is not responsible for any materials, nor for writers’ nor contributors’ expressed or implied opinions. Informativa ex D.lgs 196/03 Ai sensi dell’art.2 comma 2° del Codice Deontologico dei giornalisti si rende nota l’esistenza di una banca dati di uso redazionale presso la sede di Corso del Popolo, 42 - Treviso. Responsabile del trattamento dati è il direttore responsabile a cui ci si può rivolgere presso la sede di Treviso - Corso del Popolo, 42 per i diritti previsti dalla legge 675/1996.

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Beverage Industry




Beverage Industry




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Beverage Industry




Food & Beverage Industry


www.enolmeccanica.com 24-25

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Beverage Industry




Food & Beverage Industry



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Food & Beverage Industry



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Beverage Industry




Food & Beverage Industry




Beverage Industry

Beverage Indsutry

A.Water Systems Srl Località Piana, 55/D 12060 Verduno (Cuneo) Italy Tel. +39 0172 47 02 35 Fax +39 0173 61 56 33 info@watersystems.it www.watersystems.it

WS is a company, founded in 2005, working as process equipment supplier for the beverage industry. During these years, WS has achieved a very good reputation in the beverage industry field, managing to cooperate with the major global players, such as Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, Nestlé Waters and Orangina-Schweppes, and with private investors installing new production facilities, quite often green fields, in emerging Countries. WS has met new standards for product quality, energy saving and maximum plant output while complying with the strictest criteria for hygiene and safety. All the devices are entirely conceived and designed to guarantee the best requirements in terms of microbiological, physicalchemical and organoleptic properties; the entire production process and software development are managed internally, as well as installations and commissionings which are carried out with WS’s own resources. WS’ products for beverage industry are: • water purification plants (mechanical filtration, microfiltration, reverse osmosis, UV disinfection, sterilisation) designed according to the customer’s exigencies and the chemical analysis;


• sugar dissolving systems (single batch, double batch and continuous up to 35.000 l/h); • semiautomatic and automatic syrup rooms; • premix units; • flash pasteurising units; • ozone generators; • carbonating equipment (water, wine, beer, soft drinks); • in line syrup blending systems and ingredients mixing systems; • steam sterilisable microfiltering systems (juices, beer, wine); • mineralising equipment; • equipment for preparation of non-chemical bottles rinsing and disinfecting solutions (such as ozone) and chemical solutions preparing devices (peracetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, chlorine, etc.); • equipment for the preparation of sterile water;

Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry

• manual and automatic CIP systems. Thanks to its skill and process expertise, today WS is widely present worldwide even with turnkey solutions including ancillary equipment (cooling equipment, boilers, etc.). WS’ philosophy is to manufacture highquality and reliable equipment, equipped only with top brand components: Alfa Laval, Endress+Hauser, Pall, Anton Paar, Siemens, Festo, Spirax Sarco are the typical components customers will find on their plants. The choice of providing only state-of-the-art solutions has brought us to be appointed as officially authorized integrator by Alfa Laval. Between main technical references, WS can list the supply of two fruit juice tubular flash pasteurizers for aseptic filling to OranginaSchweppes in France; furthermore, it’s significant to point out that WS is included in NESTLÉ WATERS’ authorized suppliers list for water purification systems: recently an important contract for the supply of



A.Water Systems Srl Località Piana, 55/D 12060 Verduno (Cuneo) Italy Tel. +39 0172 47 02 35 Fax +39 0173 61 56 33 info@watersystems.it www.watersystems.it

a top-technology water treatment plant in the far East has been finalized. Amongst last supplies (early 2016), WS also boasts a complete line for soft drinks production in Las Vegas – USA (Coca Cola co-packer): from water treatment to hot fill pasteurizer, through sugar syrup preparation and ingredients mixing, also including CIP equipment. WS considers Customer Service one of the greatest keys to success: entire business, marketing, sales and profits depend on customers’ satisfaction so the after sales team is constantly trained to perform the simplest solution in the shortest possible time to support the customer’s business. “BLENDSYSTEM M” Premix Unit The growing market’s confidence gained by process plants manufactured by WS, allowed a continuous development of blending technology for carbonated soft drinks (CSD) production to such an extent that it reached a very high level of specialisation



in manufacturing mass controlled blending systems, named BLENDSYSTEM M. BLENDSYSTEM M is a piece of equipment for preparing beverages, completely preassembled on a skid for an easy and quick shipment and installation, conceived mostly for the production of carbonated soft drinks (CSD), but also carbonated mineral water (CMW) and still water (charged with nitrogen in order to increase the mechanical resistance of the bottle). The required quantity of ingredients (water, syrup, and CO2) is carefully measured and dosed in an electronically controlled continuous process. The whole system, realized to guarantee the highest qualitative standards and a qualitatively constant production, also running in conditions of considerable format change, is completely preassembled on stainless steel circular-section skid for an easy and efficacious cleaning. It usually includes the following subsystems: • inlet water deaeration: a vacuum pump removes incondensable gases; the pump is conceived to maintain the dissolved oxygen level below 1 ppm values; • carbon dioxide dosing (or nitrogen in case of still mineral water production): a modulating valve and a mass flow rate transmitter inject carbon dioxide in quantity that is proportional to water quantity loaded to the deaeration tank; the water flow rate is usually measured by a magnetic flow rate transmitter, which may be replaced with a mass flow rate transmitter in case water presents a very low electrical conductivity level. A special gas injecting and mixing system - specifically developed by WS performs a careful mixing with the water to be treated and, hence, best results in terms of product perlage; the carbon dioxide contents is maintained constant in the product receiving tank by a supervising software, which checks possible fluctuations in feeding water temperature and product buffer temperature; the effective dissolved carbon dioxide contents in the product is checked using a carbometric unit, installed in by-pass on the filling machine feeding line;

Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry


A.Water Systems Srl Località Piana, 55/D 12060 Verduno (Cuneo) Italy Tel. +39 0172 47 02 35 Fax +39 0173 61 56 33 info@watersystems.it www.watersystems.it

• syrup dosing and mixing: at first syrup is stored in a small buffer tank, whose atmosphere is modified and enriched with carbon dioxide in order to avoid oxidation occurrence. Syrup injection is made by a sanitary design modulating valve and a mass flow rate transmitter in a quantity which is proportional to the water amount fed from the deaeration tank; furthermore, using the mass flow rate transmitter, it is possible to check constantly the effective density of the inlet syrup and therefore to compensate immediately for the dosing and to stabilize the sugary concentration in the end-product within established bounds (usually ±0,05 °Bx). A specific


refractometer installed in by-pass on the filling machine feeding line, allows the constant check of the product and, if necessary, its adjustment; similarly, the instruments minimize waste of both syrup and product during transitory phases of production, such as start and stop. Furthermore, customized solutions for product cooling are also available, depending on the environmental conditions of the system installation. The supervising software loaded on the mass premix unit - BLENDSYSTEM M - is conceived to guarantee the best results in terms of dosing, offering at the same time an easy control by a friendly user interface;

Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry

this software enables on one hand to set the main production parameters and visualize their state graphically and on the other hand to set the statistics parameters (ca, cp e cpk) connected to that kind of production. Using a more advanced version of this software, associated with specific instruments, it is also possible to control automatically saccharose inversion, so that the need of intervention by laboratory technicians is reduced. The equipment is equipped with field buses (MPI, Profibus or Ethernet) for a complete integration in the bottling line and the control of production, cleaning and sanitizing processes.



Akomag Srl Frazione Diolo, 15/D 43019 Soragna (Parma) Italy Tel. +39 0524 59 90 97 Fax +39 0524 59 90 12 info@akomag.com www.akomag.com Recently, the company has delivered, installed and tested a new machine intended for washing recycled glass bottles. The machine for the PepsiCo Group is a Hydra 8.2, characterised by very high production: 37,500 bottle/h. The new model, the pride of mechanical Made in Italy, reaches a mechanical efficiency equal to 99.4%, successfully exceeding the standards required by the customer in the contractual phase. With this new provision, Akomag confirms itself once again as world leader in the construction of glass bottle washers. The bottle washer has been specially designed in order to minimise the environmental impact, with particular attention to water and steam consumptions, and to the duration of the detergent bath. The completely automated wash cycle includes an initial bottle-emptying station followed by a pre-wash spraying and first pre-soak bath that significantly reduces detergent bath pollution and markedly decreases consumption levels. In the presoak area the project also provides for the installation of a belt filter that allows to automatically remove the main impurities typical of recycled bottles (straws, paper, cigarette butts, for instance). The washing of bottles is completed with the internal and external high-pressure detergent wash sprays, using self-cleaning and self-centring rotating nozzles. In designing Hydra 8.2, Akomag has focused on the final rinsing sprays using mains water. The expedients developed during the design stage have allowed to achieve extraordinary results. By installing a special valve with integrated flow meter on the mains pipe (controlled directly by the control panel), it is possible to detect the instantaneous and daily water consumption required for the proper washing of the bottles. With pride and satisfaction, Akomag technicians declare that thanks to the new design the new machine has a water


consumption equal to 0.098 litres per bottle. A lower value than rigidly imposed in contractual phase by the customer. The supply is completed with many other technological innovations, including sensors for slowing down or stopping the machine in

Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry

case of missing or clogging of the bottles on the conveyor belts; synchronization systems of the bottle washer speed with that of the filling monobloc; control and introduction of detergent and additives in the washing bath and of sequestrants/ disinfectants in the spray tanks; self-cleaning filters in the tanks; automatic bottle loading and unloading, perfectly synchronized with the movement of the main chain. Akomag is a flexible and dynamic company that bases its policy on customer satisfaction, the quality of its systems, its assistance services and technological innovation. For several years, Akomag has been working in the bottling sector and thanks to the proven experience developed in this field, it can guarantee its customers maximum yields, user-friendly operation and minimum operational costs, as well as long working life of its machines built with top-quality materials. From the province of Parma, Akomag aims to meet the needs of all those who are looking for high-quality products.



CFT Spa Via Paradigna, 94/A 43122 Parma (Italy) Tel. +39 0521 277111 Fax +39 0521 798404 info@cft-group.com www.cft-group.com

The best of CFT Group brewing technology at BrauBeviale A constantly growing Group and an increasingly complete offer: this is CFT Group’s business card for BrauBeviale 2019. The company took part in the tradeshow with two booths, in order to better characterize the even wider offer that the Group can provide thanks to the last acquisitions. The first booth was dedicated to CFT and Comac technology, with three machines for keg and can filling that represent a range of solutions suitable for both small-sized and large factories. Master C Tech This monoblock is based on proven counter-pressure filling technology paired with state-of-the-art seaming technology. It is suitable for the filling of carbonated beverages in both steel and aluminum cans. The same machine can be used to fill still products. • Speed up to 80,000 cph • Flowmeter filling technology with high fill point accuracy • High-quality seaming • Available in several configurations and for different speeds. • 19″ multi-touch screen. More power and memory than other standard operator panels: possibility to manage production reports, graphs, historical data, condition monitoring


Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry

Keg washer filler K2 Designed and manufactured by Comac to offer a professional machine to small and medium companies. Smart keg washers/fillers have the same filling head, washing head, process components and instrumentation of bigger Comac plants. K2 consists of two heads – one washing head and one filling head – and comes with one, two or three detergent tanks. Its output is 30 to 36 kegs per hour, depending on the keg size and washing cycle. Robust and user-friendly, it is easy to install and connect, and guarantees hygienic washing and filling operations. Smartcan 8-1 The monoblock rotolineare SMARTCAN 8-1 is the brand new Comac’s creation: an automated can filling-seaming unit for nominal capacity of 3,000cph. The smartcan features: • Easy-installation and easy-maintenance compact body • Electronic seamer with defective can discarding device • Different setting for different types of products through pre-set and selectable charts. The second booth hostes two other CFT Group companies: the German Rolec Prozess- und Brautechnik and the Italian Siapi,



CFT Spa Via Paradigna, 94/A 43122 Parma (Italy) Tel. +39 0521 277111 Fax +39 0521 798404 info@cft-group.com www.cft-group.com

which is the latest arrival in the Group and specializing in blow-molding technologies for PET bottles and containers. Rolec and SIAPI exhibited the most recent developments of their technologies regarding beer processing and kegs blow-molding. Rolec technology at BrauBeviale Rolec Prozess- und Brautechnik participated in BrauBeviale to display its know-how about beer processing, including the Brewhouse and the DryHOPNIK® technologies. ROLEC brewing equipment is well known all over the world for its high value plants mainly in the craft beer industry. Its product range covers brewing equipment from raw material intake until finished beer. SIAPI: “shaping your projects” SIAPI debuted at BrauBeviale 2019: For the first time, this Italian company has participated in an international trade fair as part of a Group. For over 20 years SIAPI has been producing blow-molding machines for large sizes, such as one-way and refillable water containers. SIAPI solutions, from the identification of the preform to the realization of the container, are also suitable for PET kegs for the beer industry as well as wine, water, soft drinks and inedible products. SIAPI 360° solutions include: • Container and preform design development • Identification of preform manufacturer nearest to customer’s production facilities • Complete solution development for both cold and hot filling • Manufacture of blow-molding machine and set-up to optimize production capacity • Design and construction of blower moulds • Routine and extraordinary maintenance and provision of spare parts • Provision of injection molds and production of sample preforms by qualified partners. SIAPI blow-molding machines are fully electric with brushless motors and they can all be configured with a blowing-air recovery system. Thanks to the latest acquisitions and untiring innovation of its technologies, CFT Group has increasingly characterized itself as expert and reliable partner able to offer complete solutions for the entire beverages industry.



Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry


Comei Srl Via dei Colli, 66 31058 Susegana (Treviso) Italy Tel. + 39 0438 1918 117 Fax +39 0438 1918 118 comei@comei.it www.comei.net

COMEI srl is an Italian company with 30 years of experience, certified ISO 9001 and specialized in the design, construction and installation of AISI 304 and 316 stainless steel containers. COMEI is today synonymous with innovation, competence and professionalism. The production plant is located in Corato (Bari), and is located on an area of 10,000 square meters of which 3,000 are covered. The company is able to manufacture tanks without setting technical and dimensional limits, all in compliance with the strict design regulations in force. For two years, it has undertaken a mission for developing the technologies and systems for food drinks with the opening of a branch in Susegana (Treviso), and is spread over an area of 5,000 square meters of which 2,000 are covered. COMEI Beverage Technologies has technicians and technologists able to propose technologies in the enological-soft drink-beer sectors. The company, with the two plants, is able to satisfy the following requests:


Enological sector • Standard and custom-made grape harvesting tanks. • Cochlea for transporting grape-fruit processing waste. • Sloping flat bottom winemakers from 5,000 to 50,000 litres capacity. • Conical bottom winemakers on legs from 50,000 to 200,000 litres of capacity. • Tanks on legs, made on company site, for food and industrial products from 1,000 to 200,000 liters of capacity. • Tanks, built at the customer site, from 200,000 to 2,000,000 litres. • PED tested autoclaves from 1,000 to 60,000 litres. • Cold solution refrigeration plants with relative pumping station. • Tube in tube, multitubular or tube bundle exchangers. • Thermo-vinification plants for the extraction of the colour from red grapes. • Multiple effect concentrators with thermocompressor for reducing energy consumption, from 1,000 to 20,000 litres evaporated hourly. • Sulphur dioxide strippers from 5,000 to 30,000 litres hours, with energy recovery. • Bottle heating rain type tunnel complete with bottle drying system. • 1-2-3-4 stages plate pasteurizers for wine and concentrates. • CIP for cleaning tank and bottling lines. • Saturators.

Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry

Soft drinks • Syrups for the production of soft drinks. • Batch and continuous sugar breakers. • Mixers from 3,000 to 50,000 litres per hour, with on-line control of brix and carbon dioxide. • Water saturators complete with deaeration system. • CIP with 1-2-3-4 tanks, with steam or electric heating system. • 1-2-3-4-5 stages plate pasteurizers with steam or hot water. • Pasteurizing tunnels for glass or pet bottles, cans, jars. • Cooling tunnels glass bottles, PET bottles, cans. • Heating tunnels for glass bottles, pet bottles, cans. • Tanks for sugar syrup and concentrates with stirrer. • Water dispensers, juices. Beer • Brewhouse from 500 to 6,000 liters per brew. • CCT from 500 to 60,000 litres. • BBT from 500 to 60,000 litres. • 3 stages plate pasteurizers with buffer tank output. • Pasteurizing tunnels for glass bottles, cans. • CIP with 1-2-3-4 tanks, with steam or electric heating system. Plants have a level of automation in line with the demands and needs of their customers, offering semi-automatic, automatic or fully automatic systems; equipped with PLC and integrated supervision system, able to meet all the requirements for beverage production. The company is also able to offer turn-key lines and support clients in the study of the processes.



Della Toffola Spa Via Feltrina, 72 31040 Signoressa di Trevignano (Treviso) Italy Tel. +39 0423 67 72 Fax +39 0423 670 841 dtgroup@dellatoffola.it www.dellatoffola.it

Della Toffola Group, the strength of a cross group From raw material to the bottle with just one partner Della Toffola Group is a reference name at world level for the design and production of technologically advanced solutions for the whole wine, beverages and beer production process. Those three divisions successfully go along with the bottling and packing, dairy, water treatment, chemical and pharmaceutical divisions. With eight production facilities and eight branches, Della Toffola Group is present in all continents, employs about 600 people on an overall operation area of 190,000 square metres. These are the figures of a great industrial group that has always considered quality, service and innovation as its fundamental elements. The Beverages Division Constantly innovation-oriented, Della Toffola Group proposes complete beverages production systems covering any processing stage: from raw material inward to process, filtration, bottling and labelling.


Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry



Della Toffola Spa Via Feltrina, 72 31040 Signoressa di Trevignano (Treviso) Italy Tel. +39 0423 67 72 Fax +39 0423 670 841 dtgroup@dellatoffola.it www.dellatoffola.it

The strength of an integrated and cross group of companies enables proposing machines and systems, such as pasteurizers, premixes, C.I.P. units, syrups rooms, fillers, labellers as well as complete plants that are designed, engineered and fully manufactured in-house by the companies the group consists of. Lately, the beverages division of the group has been further implemented with dedicated technical and commercial staff, new production investment and R&D, as to offer complete processing plants for fruit juices and beverages production. The goal is offering a total service, encompassing advice, design, and engineering, thanks to technologies that can really make the difference in terms of flexibility, sustainability and innovation. Innovation and automation are the elements the group has been strongly investing in. Della Toffola Group smart plants – managed by touch screen and integrated PLC – are characterized by high digitalization and possibility of network connection and remote access, thus creating perfect combination with Industry 4.0 and any beverages production technique. The Beer Division In the beer sector for many years, Della Toffola has decided to increase its investments in this sector by launching a new division and its dedicated team. Today, Della Toffola can offer complete beer production plants, both process and packaging.



State-of-the-art innovative technologies, like cooking rooms, are available in Compact version or with 3,4,5 vats and produced with utmost care to details and finishing. Cross-flow filters with ceramic membranes CFK B and OMNIA B, feature the latest technology suitable for any brewery and bringing about remarkable benefits in terms of efficiency, quality, and minimum operation costs. These filters can run for beer filtration and product recovery by means of yield deposit filtration. Bottling and Packaging Though AVE Technologies producing filling systems, OMB (linear labellers), and ZItalia (rotary labellers), Della Toffola Group designs and produces extensive ranges of complete, innovative and technologically advanced systems for the beer, wine and beverages sectors, as well as milk and milk by-products, oil, sauces and foodstuff, chemical, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. From the simplest to the most complex and highly automated machinery, Della Toffola Group always guarantees easy maintenance and safe systems, and assistance service that supports customers during the start-up and throughout the entire life of the machinery. All that gives customers the possibility of Hence, customers can benefit from the support of one partner for its whole production line: from raw material inward, to the bottle ready to be sold. With the guarantee of total quality and high reliability that have always characterized Della Toffola Group solutions.

Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry


Enolmeccanica Vallebelbo Srl Loc. San Bovo, Via Statale 45 12054 Cossano Belbo (Cuneo) Italy Tel. +39 0141 88494 Fax +39 0141 88284 marketing@enolmeccanica.it www.enolmeccanica.it

Green development Enolmeccanica Vallebelbo has succeeded in creating a precise and reliable technology which it is proud of, and that its customers will be proud to use Again this year Enolmeccanica Vallebelbo will present a true surprise for the new and old customers of its equipment: the brand new line of Dolphin rinsing machines completing its range to support customers also in other stages of the production. In fact, its automatic rotary rinsing machines are characterized by extraordinary versatility, effective and rapid sanitization system with reduced consumption and easy and rapid maintenance to be performed at extremely long intervals. Alike the corkers, company’s flagship for over thirty years, the rinsing machines feature high-quality materials, stainless steel and special materials, the perfect design of every detail, and accurate finishing assuring the highest levels of precision, great versatility as well as almost complete elimination of wear of the driving parts, which means no loss of production due to downtimes of the line. Enolmeccanica Vallebelbo has succeeded in creating a precise and reliable technology of which it is proud of and that its customers will be proud to use. Besides, the continuous research aiming at technical improvements in its production processes and reduction of consumption is developed keeping in mind the new and growing awareness of environmental matters of both producers and consumers in the beverage sector who know very well the importance of respecting the resources of our planet to ensure a more ecologic future also to the next generations. With this perspective, Enolmeccanica is promoting a “green” mentality also in its internal organization. As to the sales, after some downturn of recent years, the enological sector and the branch of drinks in PET containers are in upswing with very good forecast for the future. Currently Enolmeccanica Vallebelbo’s presence has become important in Europe, in the USA, in Canada, in South America, in Japan, and in Australia, but it has also implemented a strategy to increase its presence in Eastern Europe and in China, with positive results. The conquest of these markets is and will be extremely important to Enolmeccanica when introducing itself to new customers whose feedback is essential for further progress in today’s global market.


Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry



Esa S.p.A. Via Padre Masciadri 4/A 22066 Mariano Comense (Como) Italy Tel. +39 031 757400 info@esa-automation.com www.esa-automation.com

Operator interface is now ergonomic and customizable Having technological platforms developed upon ergonomic and flexibility concepts, it is crucial to improve the productivity of the operators working on numeric control machines, and to efficiently manage increasingly connected and digitalized production systems. ESA Automation – seated in Mariano Comense, Lombardy, and committed to developing innovative products that make industrial processes faster, safer, more sustainable and intuitive – has taken on this challenge and presents ERGO: ergonomic, expandable and customizable machine control station for those productions requiring the supervision of an operator. ERGO main feature is its broad capacitive panel 21,5”, a touch screen that can be configured to display one or more pages. This way, the operator can get all information at a glance, from production synoptic up to the actions to take. On the back of the display – housed in a fine aluminium chassis there is a state-of-the-art PC to control machine operations. IP65 design enables using ERGO also in case of liquids and dust. The panel can be installed both vertical, thus emulating CNC traditional design, and horizontal; it is provided with a handle so that the operator can move it while always keeping an eye on processing. Machine connection is by either VESA arm or hinge system. It is possible to add one or more extensions on ERGO sides, such as control panel, mechanic keyboard or second display 12,1”, which can work as a capacitive keyboard or offer further information. Control panel and keyboard can be installed on a line with a panel, and an L-design with 120° angle in case of flat design, as to maximise ergonomics. Always loyal to its policy, ESA Automation enables customizing all the elements of the solution, including colours, control boards and keyboards, upon the specific requirements of the application.


Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry



Farck Spa Via Roma, 94 26010 Pianengo (Cremona) Italy Tel. +39 0373 74 144 Fax +39 0373 74 788 farck@farck.com www.farck.com

Farck S.p.A. is an Italian company, UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certified, highly specialized in the design, construction and installation of plant and equipment for the food industry in general, wine and beverage; stainless steel storage and process tanks for all productive sectors; tankers in stainless steel for the transport of food liquids and ADR dangerous liquids. Farck S.p.A. is now synonymous with innovation, competence, passion and expertise. Farck S.p.A.’s production workshop and sales offices are located in Lombardia, in Pianengo (Cremona)

and cover an area of about 40,000 m², of which about 6,000 m² covered. Farck S.p.A., thanks to the acquired specialization, is able to realize installations, equipment and tanks, without posing technical and dimensional limits, all in compliance with the strict planning regulations in force. Concentration and desulphurization plants for the wine, fruit juice and beverage industry with features and advantages such as: product circulation “falling film” type, with vertical pipe-bundle heat exchangers, single or multiple effect (3-6 effects); “TVR” plants using the principle of the “thermal vapor recompression”, which allows a drastic reduction of the energy consumption: less than 1 kg of steam to evaporate 10 kg of water; “MVR” plants using the principle of the “mechanical vapor recompression”; capacity of concentration from 1,000 up to 50,000 liters of water evaporation; maintenance of the organoleptic and chemicalphysical characteristics of the treated product; high flexibility in the liquid flows and process vapours; centralization of all controls in a simple touch-screen panel. Thermovinification plants which offer short process time; continuous cycles and low operating costs; excellent yields in the extraction of the color of the grapes; production of raw material suitable for the vinification, in order to obtain products with fruity taste and attractive colour; possibility to select the product outlet temperature from 35 up to 55°C. Process and storage tanks with stirring system studied for every type of product; temperature control systems and insulation systems designed according to the characteristics of the products to be stored. PED tested autoclaves, fermenters and brewhouses.


Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry



FBF Italia Srl Via Are, 2 43038 Sala Baganza (Parma) Italy Tel. +39 0521 54 82 11 Fax +39 0521 83 51 79 info@fbfitalia.it www.fbfitalia.it

FBF Italia has designed and manufactured since 1987, high pressure homogenizers, positive displacement pumps, laboratory homogenizers, dosing systems and, thanks to the wide experience gained in this field, is now a key point-of-reference for plants manufacturers, suppliers of turnkey equipment and end-users in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical sectors. On-going innovation, exacting experimentation of special materials, strict quality controls and endurance tests allow FBF Italia to guarantee maximum performance, durability, reliability and safety; its mission is to offer to all its customers not only excellent sale services but also continuous relationship with constant, direct post-


sale technical assistance; the target is to keep friendly relationship built on mutual evolution and innovation. FBF Italia’s machines are suitable to process a lot of products and can be inserted into complete process/production, both in sanitary and aseptic design. The main utilization fields of the company machineries are: • dairy industries (milk, cream, cheese, yogurt, caseinates, proteins, soya milk, etc.); • ice-cream industries; • food, processing, preserving and beverage industries (fruit juices, tomato sauces, oil, ketchup, eggs, vegetable greases, emulsions, concentrates, baby food, etc.);

Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry

• cosmetic, pharmaceutical, chemical and petrol-chemical industries (starch, cellulose, wax, colorants, beauty creams, tooth paste, detergents, disinfectants, emulsions, inks, latex, lotions, emulsifiers oils, pigments, proteins, resins, vitamins, etc.). But what about the homogenizing principle? In order to permanently mix one or more substances in a liquid, a homogenizer must be used in such a way as to make it possible to micronize and disperse the suspended particles in the fluid, rendering it highly stable even during successive treatments and storage. The product reaches the homogenizing valve at a low speed and at high



FBF Italia Srl Via Are, 2 43038 Sala Baganza (Parma) Italy Tel. +39 0521 54 82 11 Fax +39 0521 83 51 79 info@fbfitalia.it www.fbfitalia.it

pressure. As it passes through the valve, it is subject to various forces that cause the micronization of the particles: violent acceleration followed by immediate deceleration causes cavitation with explosion of the globules, intense turbulence together with high-frequency vibrations, impact deriving from the laminar passage between the homogenizing valve surfaces and consequent collision with impact ring. Homogenization can occur with the use of a single stage homogenizing valve (suitable for dispersion treatment), or double stage homogenizing valve (recommended for use with emulsions and for viscosity control when requested). FBF Italia’s range of machines can be commonly classified as follows: • high pressure homogenizers: The homogenizer is often necessary to mix one or more substances within a liquid. This machine allows micronizing and scattering the particles suspended in the fluid, so that the product becomes highly stable, no matter the followings treatments and storage the product may undergo. The “Buffalo Series” homogenizers are manufactured according to the UE directives and are available with capacity ranging from 50 up to 50.000 litres/hour; according to the products to be processed, the requested pressure may vary up to 2.000 bars (29.000 psi) • positive displacement pumps: these pumps are used to transfer the products from a storage system or process one to a further part of the plant at a high pressure. These machines are commonly used for feeding of spray driers, tomato paste plants, osmosis plants, etc. • laboratory homogenizers: manufactured to replicate the same homogenization conditions that can be expected in a real production process these machines offer the possibility to execute tests up to very high pressure (1500 bar) and do not need of any other device to work. Easy to use and to move, with the highest reliability, is the best choice for keeping the production always under control. • positive displacement pumps for product containing particles: these pumps are mainly used for product containing particles with a max. sizes of 15x15x15 mm such as tomato cubes, vegetable or fruit pieces. The construction of such a machine is much the same as the homogenizers, except for the compression head which is equipped with special pneumatically controlled valve groups.



Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry


Frilli Srl Loc. Rigoni - Strada dei Laghi, 15 53035 Monteriggioni (Siena) Italy Tel. +39 0577 30 70 11 Fax +39 0577 30 70 80 info@frillisrl.com www.frillisrl.com


Glen Turner, Scotland - complete distillery for 75,000 l/day Whisky and alcohol production

The developments in distillation technology Since 1912, Frilli has been supplying worldwide in-house designed and manufactured bespoke continuous and batch distillation plants operating from vacuum through to pressurized conditions. These plants range from small to large capacities. Frilli believes that satisfied customers are the only form of advertising worth investing in. When working with Frilli you will be met with courtesy, professionalism, quality advice and all questions answered. Frilli Srl is a company specializing in design, construction and supplies of distillation plants and/or complete distilleries, starting from any kind of raw material containing alcohol, sugar or starch for production of distillates, raw alcohol, extra neutral and absolute alcohol, with its own know-how, advanced technologies and experience developed worldwide. The company, realizing more than 90% of its turnover abroad, is constantly and continuously growing, as world-trade appreciates its leading technical and technological skill. Reliability, honesty, an excellent quality/price ratio together with pre- and after-sales services are its strength and allow it to be always up to the situation, giving quick and qualified answers. Raw materials • By-products of wineries (pomace, lees, wine) • Cane and beet molasses • Cereals: corn, wheat, barley, rice • Other starchy substances: potatoes, cassava, chestnuts, etc. • Other sugary substances: sorghum, grape, cane and beet juice • Fruits: apples, peaches, apricots, cherries, plums • Exotic fruit: dates, bananas, pineapples, papaya, mango, etc. • Aromatic herbs, seeds and berries. For some years, the company has been highly successful also in the field of Whisky and Gin, rum, extra neutral alcohol, and bioethanol, by designing, manufacturing and supplying both continuous plants with columns in Eastern Europa, Asia, Africa and South America, as well as discontinuous pot stills with traditional onion shape in Scotland, Ireland, Russia, the USA and Australia. In particular, it is worth mentioning the supply of a neutral alcohol and bioethanol production plant to the company Producargo S.A. in Ecuador.

Valentine Distilling, Michigan, USA - pot stills for Bourbon production


Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry



Frilli Srl Loc. Rigoni - Strada dei Laghi, 15 53035 Monteriggioni (Siena) Italy Tel. +39 0577 30 70 11 Fax +39 0577 30 70 80 info@frillisrl.com www.frillisrl.com

Taris Tat Distillery, Turkey - pot stills for Raki production


Teeling Distillery, Ireland - pot stills for Whisky production

Tawse Winery, Canada - pot stills for Whisky, Brandy, Gin and Vodka production



Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry


Galigani Filtri Srl Strada Provinciale Colligiana, 50 53035 Monteriggioni (Siena) Italy Tel. +39 0577 30 50 04 Fax +39 0577 30 50 19 info@galiganifiltri.com www.galiganifiltri.com

Galigani Filtri, company leader in the production of filtration systems, celebrates 60 years of business activity in 2018. Since 1958, it has been operating competently and professionally as to offer a high-quality products and service support to users, installers and designers. With over 3000 installations on the 5 continents, Galigani Filtri boasts specific experience in the field of solid-liquid separation. The company is located in Siena countryside and its modern facilities are equipped with the most modern research, study and design systems in order to solve the problems of every single application, as well as providing a timely pre- and after-sales assistance thanks to with its qualified technicians. An in-house laboratory carries out filtration tests on samples provided by customers to determine all parameters needed for the most appropriate filter sizing. Galigani Filtri production includes filter presses and pumping units for filter presses. The wide range of models encompasses from machines with manual discharge up


to fully automatic machines managed by modern PLC that can be interfaced with other machines present in the process and that can be monitored with tele-assistance systems. The press filters and filtration plants built by Galigani Filtri run “mechanical� filtration, removing the solid particles which are inside various types of liquids. With this type of filtration, the liquid does not undergo any chemical alteration. You can create special filters to retain solid particles of varying size and nature; to this end, the filtration can

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be done through a synthetic filtering cloth or cardboard filter for particles the size of 1 thousandth of a millimetre or less. The filter press is a batch type machine featuring a number of filter elements operating in parallel. Each filter press is characterized by a filtering surface and volume which, in function of its size, may be more or less big. With equal application one can say the greater filtering surface and the greater the amount of fluid that can be filtered, the greater the volume and more quantity of solids can be retained inside. To comply with EC requirements, all machines are provided with the most advanced safety equipment, such as fully-sealed filtering package protected by sliding doors and rotating wings; hydraulic stop valve just in the cylinder (as to avoid incidental opening in case of tube break).



GEA Via da Erba Edoari, 29/A 43123 Parma - Italy Tel. +39 0521 96 54 11 Fax +39 0521 24 28 19 gea.com/contact

GEA high pressure homogenization technology in Food & Beverage applications GEA is the technological leader for dynamic high pressure homogenizers and plungers pump for all industries and applications. This is the result of specific know-how and a spirit of innovation that is constantly focused on innovation and process performances. Thanks to a strategy of development of both established and potential applications often based on cooperation with our customers’ Research and Development Centers, GEA homogenizers can offer highly specific and customized process solutions to always meet, ensure and repeat over time product quality excellence. The latest set-up and continuous improvements on production technologies allow the company to offer a complete range of homogenizers, from laboratory up to the industrial scale. The most important key of success consists in the close collaboration with customers to implement innovative and tailormade solutions to maintain continuous product development and to guarantee efficient operations and excellent results on the final products. The Laboratory and the Innovation Center, based in Parma (Italy) next to the production plant, is a unique resource to test homogenization technology, refine


Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry



GEA Via da Erba Edoari, 29/A 43123 Parma - Italy Tel. +39 0521 96 54 11 Fax +39 0521 24 28 19 gea.com/contact

receipts, develop high efficiency homogenizing valves and evaluate the performance of installed machines. Highly qualified staff can support customers in the development of new products, to test maximum process efficiency conditions and product scalability to industrial production processes. The benefit of high pressure homogenization is well known in dairy, food & beverage, to subdivide particles or droplets present in fluids to reduce them to the smallest possible size, down to nanometer range. Thus, the process creates a stable emulsion, which improves the product shelf life, viscosity, colour, taste and consequently its performance. In addition, the use of high dynamic pressure and homogenizing valves designed and sized based on different applications allows particles to be subdivided at the required micronization and ingredients to be well mixed at the lowest possible pressure with energy and cost savings. All GEA homogenizers are designed CIP and SIP, they are available with cGMP documentation and approved FDA and 3-A certification; GEA is also able to support clients for the IQ/OQ qualifications and product test (FAT-SAT). The quality and the reliability of GEA homogenizers are well known all around the world, find out all the information on the website www.gea.com.



Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry


Grec Srl Via Copernico, 3 20082 Binasco (Milano) Italy Tel. +39 02 36 64 50 50 Fax +39 02 36 64 50 54 info@grec.it www.grec.it

Mixers in the beverages industry Why should we use GREC mixers in tanks and autoclaves for oenology products? Just because all the major Italian producers have been doing so for decades, and sometimes they are even unaware of this because, after being installed, the GREC mixers haven’t caused any problem. Featuring simple construction and ample size, the machine is therefore highly reliable. Owing to its extensive experience, GREC knows every application and provides the right movement inside the tank, regardless of its shape. GREC has successfully settled any problem deriving from the fact that in recent years autoclaves have been built taller, thus the distance between the machine on the floor and the farthest point to mix is now considerably longer. GREC has done such by decreasing the power applied to the liquid, thus reducing any risk of excessive product mixing. GREC has provided very important information, such as inclination and maximum length of the tank outlet, in such a way as to help designers as much as possible. It has also proposed different size solutions. The electric motor can be upright, downward or sideward. Each solution has been studied to cope with ever smaller room in today’s cellars.

GREC has also paid attention to the new safety norms for production facilities and difficulty to get into the tank for maintenance operations. That is why it has developed specific solutions tailored to tank size. In conclusion, for particularly wet environments, it is possible to operate surface treatments or use special materials to guarantee that GREC mixers remain nice to the eye for long. Ask GREC to know if it is possible, and how much it will cost, to improve a special situation; on the other hand, if you need new tanks, the company will be able to select the best machine to your requirements. GREC needs to know tank diameter, top height of the liquid inside the tank, construction material and finishing requested, other information on viscosity, density and solid content. GREC always suggests that powders and crystals are dissolved in a separate small tank, by means of vertical mixers, which may be fast or slow depending on the product to be mixed or the shape of the tank.


Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry



L.C.Z. Srl Via Canvelli, 21 43015 Noceto (Parma) Italy Tel. +39 0521 25 87 23/4 Fax +39 0521 25 87 17 info@lcz.it www.lcz.it

Since 1971, LCZ has been proposing firetube steam boiler with high performance for current needs. Welcome to LCZ, dedicated to design, manufacturing, installation, service and maintenance of industrial boilers for standard and special applications since 1971: plug in solutions, package solutions, site erected plants. Over the years, LCZ has been able to adapt the proposal to market evolutions, thanks to constant and continuous improvement, regarding the product as well as the fabrication processes, without forgetting the hallmark: careful analysis of customer’s requirements by its technical department aimed at drawing up the most focused, customized and detailed answer. A manufacturing system, organized in two manufacture plants both in Italy and one of these with a covered area of more than 40.000sqm, is well-characterized by automated welding processes, nondestructive tests (X-rays-L.P.), a home production of the furnaces FOX (corrugated) all supported by management using software as SAP ERP. These are some evidences of capacity and productive process that allow LCZ to be one of the best manufacturers of boilers worldwide. Its internal technical department provides process and mechanical design in compliance to PED, TS-TR and ISO 9001 certifications; according to European standards.


One of the products, pride of the company, is the fire tube steam boiler model “CS” completely “Made in Italy”. This boiler is characterized by: Three effective smoke turns, Semi-fixed, Wet bottom, Furnace FOX model, Steam production from 350kg/h up to 25Ton/h (higher on demand), Pressure up to 20bar (higher on demand), Steam water ratio 98% (higher on demand), Efficiency up to 96% with economizer (up to 105% in several applications), Available to use gaseous and liquid fuels, Superheated steam on demand. The fields of application of this type of boiler could be food and beverage (main focus on canning and milk companies), pharmaceutical, tyre, tobacco, gas&oil, etc. The main advantages of the fire-boiler LCZ mod. “CS” are: High-efficiency reducing consumption, Long lifetime, Steam high-quality fulfilling sudden demands of steam, Low Nox emission. LCZ boiler model “CS” can be configured with efficiency up to 96% (in specific application up to 105%) and for operating without continuous supervision up to 72 hours and/or with a global control system of the plant or the whole boiler room by a PLC or a multichannel electronic control device. In one of the most important companies of Italy’s canning industry, with the aim of extending the supply to the whole site, LCZ has provided its best technologically advanced configuration plant able to grant the minimum impact on running expenses, by reducing power, gas and water consumption down to the minimum. Steam boiler CS12000 for steam production of 20 t/h and 15 bar, is characterized by yield

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up to 96%; it is managed by an automatic control system that enables the plant to run safely as long as 72 hours without requiring constant supervision of operators. LCZ carried out in house engineering and manufacture of the boiler, and steam distribution collector; moreover, it also supplied boiler water treatment, as follows: inverse osmosis plant to produce 10mc/h of osmotized water pressurized thermophysic degasser LCZ also provides its customers with customized solutions to help them exploit process and combustion residual heat as much as possible, by building condensation water recovery systems, pre-heating system for edible water, chimney heat recovery for process water production. The system enables to get efficiency up to 105%, granting the optimization of temperature of flues into the atmosphere and producing saturated steam and hot water to be used in the process. LCZ also acts on steam plants and boilers already in use, examining the possibility of operating interventions that improve overall system performances, reducing emissions and consumption. In addition to energy audit, the technicians also analyze the operation parameters of the plant to work out a proposal of interventions to get significant: Fuel saving; Energy saving; CO2 emission reduction; Covering of investments on White Certificates. LCZ’s commitment extends to the management of processing waters, for which it provides water treatment turnkey plants: from process water pretreatment to discharged water recovery, with the optimization of the percentage of recycled water. As regards process waters, the company also supplies the best technology for demineralization processes (ionic exchange, inverse osmosis, etc.) and degassing (atmosphere degassers and pressurized thermophysic plants).



Metalnova Spa Via Mercalli, 4/a 43122 Parma, Italy Tel. +39 0521 60 75 68 Fax +39 0521 60 75 76 info@mnmetalnova.it www.mnmetalnova.it

BASELESS Rinsing filling capping monoblock

METALNOVA SpA has been engineering and producing bottling machines since 1981. The company’s greatest news of recent years has been the BASELESS project, the new philosophy of engineering and making bottling machines. The new design features the machine carrousels hanging from an upper structure where motorization and gear elements are installed; hence, there is nothing below the bottles for remarkably

easy interventions and cleaning operations to be carried out. The following filling solutions are present in different beverage sectors: • SCS gravity-level filling machines for noncarbonated products, developed to reduce contamination risk in sensible products like still water. • LG-EP isobaric filling machines with electro pneumatic controls for carbonated DELTA L-VMAG Linear filler/capper for one-way PET bottles


Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry

products, studied to fill various kinds of soft drinks avoiding foaming. • VMAG electronic volumetric filling machines for conductive non-carbonated products, studied to guarantee highly precise dosing and avoid any contact between bottle and filling valve. Versions for PET bottles of 5 to 12 litres and 5 gallons are also available. • LG-VMAG electronic isobaric volumetric filling machines for carbonated products studied to guarantee filling precision, simplify operations of change of formats and sanitization. • VMAS weight filling machines with mass meters for oil, studied to guarantee filling precision and reduce any cleaning problem about oil. • HVR/LVR vacuum recirculation filling machines with external tanks for hot and/ or highly viscous filled products; studied to guarantee filling temperature and ease CIP operations. METALNOVA range of products also consists of complete lines for 5-gallons bottles (available for returnable polycarbonate containers and one-way PET containers) and turnkey bottling lines for which METALNOVA provides an engineering line lay-out service and integration with machines from specialized subcontractors. Attention to cleaning operations in its filling machines, and accurate and flexible customer service from purchase right to after-sales assistance are the pivotal points of the corporate strategy.



PCT Europe Srl Via Pordenone, 8 31046 Oderzo (Treviso) Italy Tel. +39 0422 17 88 181 Fax +39 0422 17 88 185 info@pcte.it www.pcte.it

PCTE was founded in 2008 to create a specialized technical service centre for PET preform and caps hot runner moulds. PCTE’s dedicated engineering team supports leading packaging converters with any hot runner and mould need in more than 30 countries. PCTE represents a true alternative to OEM. PCTE founders come from a long experience in developing and installing turn-key industrial equipment for the production of rigid plastic packaging (PET preforms, bottles, caps, containers) for the beverage industry. This experience and knowledge of the sector allowed PCTE to be focused and develop dedicated and practical solutions for the beverage industry. Through the years, PCTE has consistently invested in human resources, training, and equipment to develop the necessary skills and experience to offer additional valuable services and products which are highly requested by the dynamic beverage plastic packaging industry. PCTE constantly searches for innovative solutions to ensure quick lead times, consistent quality, and competitive prices. Today, PCTE represents a unique partner capable to deliver the following services and products:


• Hot runner parts (PET preform and caps): PCTE is one of the largest suppliers of replacement part for PET preform and caps hot runners. The parts include nozzle tips, nozzle tip insulators, valve pins, heaters, valve bushings, cylinders, thermocouples, nozzle housings, spacers, seals, etc. PCTE keeps in stock a large volume of parts that can be shipped immediately. • Hot runner maintenance and refurbishing (any hot runner): PCTE helps its customers to keep their hot runners working at maximum efficiency. PCTE’s team of specialists provides customized solutions to any hot runner need: melt channel cleaning, preventive maintenance, electric retrofit, manifold leak test, inspection of all components and replacement of worn out parts. Its thermochemical cleaning techniques assure excellent, safe, fast cost-effective, environmentally friendly metal cleaning results. • PET moulds and caps moulds refurbishment: Efficient and quality production requires regular maintenance and scheduled refurbishing programs. PCTE’s team is dedicated to specific aspects: on-site

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preliminary inspection, mould status report and audit, troubleshooting, replacing of worn out components, upgrading of outdated mechanical and electronic system, cleaning and repair of components, training, start-up and process set-up. • PET moulds conversion and light weighing: Through a solid partnership with a leading mould maker PCTE provides full support in designing new preform designs and in converting client’s existing moulds with top of the quality and cost-effective changeover kits and parts. Preform development and prototyping activities are also feasible. • Blow moulds and adaptation parts (stretch blowing) In partnership with a leading mould maker, PCTE provides bottle design services and blow moulds with adaptation parts for any PET blowing machine. Rapid prototyping, bottle mock up and full laboratory testing are also part of the services that PCTE is able to offer. • Spare parts for blowing and filling machines PCTE supplies high value replacement parts (made in Europe) for first class PET blow moulding machines and filling lines. PCTE possesses a network of specialized suppliers with many years of experience in the PET blowing and filling industry. PCTE’s data base includes thousands of OEM codes and part numbers. PCTE has also the capacity to reverse engineer, design and supply any new part. • Energy saving solutions for blowing machines In partnership with Technoplan Engineering, PCTE manages complex energy saving projects for rotary and linear blowing



PCT Europe Srl Via Pordenone, 8 31046 Oderzo (Treviso) Italy Tel. +39 0422 17 88 181 Fax +39 0422 17 88 185 info@pcte.it www.pcte.it

machines with leading international bottlers. PCTE’s solutions are proven to be the most advanced and performing in the market reaching up to 50% saving. PCTE’s engineering staff will make the preliminary audit of client’s equipment and will calculate the real saving before starting the project. PCTE’s commitment on results is absolute, if real savings are below the promise PCTE will take back the system and refund the investment. • High performance maintenance products “food grade” to improve mould and production efficiency PCTE’s products are designed to work as an integrated family of products with the purpose of making the plastic injection moulding process more efficient. This simplified grouping is formulated to eliminate waste and inefficiencies caused by the traditional mould maintenance products. No other company in the market has the products to make the moulding process run as productively as PCTE. PCTE’s family of maintenance products includes grease lubricants, rust & corrosion preventatives, cleaners & degreasers, specialty cleaners, sprayon mould releases, purging compound in cream. Each product is formulated to simplify mould maintenance and improve production efficiency. Mission PCTE’s mission is to supply its customers full support and assistance with the best quality, price and delivery possible ensuring continuing top performance of their equipment.



Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry


Siat Spa Via G. Puecher, 22 22078 Turate (Como) Italy Tel. +39 02 96495389 siat@siat.com www.siat.com www.maillis.com

SIAT is the well-known brand of strapping hand tools, s/a wrappers and case handling machines, part of the Maillis Group. With its completely made in Italy production, using only highquality level components aims to design and supply high-tech equipment, auxiliary material and industrial packaging services in the application of adhesive tape, wrapping and strapping, proposing technical solutions for cost optimization, maximizing safety, performance, creating shared added value at the service of our partners. Whit its experience in several applications and thousands of customers worldwide, Siat will help you optimize your packaging line, catalyzing all the know-how acquired over the years. To define best-in-class solution for a specific industry, it is fundamental to consider its specific requirements, in terms of loading: wine industry will have its own. First critic aspect is the timing: the complete wine production process is shrunk in a short period when all its equipment must work hard and efficiently, without downtime and issues. From recent researches emerged that the most expensive activities for wineries are bottling and packaging. Siat can provide the right solution in order to reduce and optimize the packaging for each company, from the biggest to the smallest, ensuring the right protection of the load that commonly is quite expensive. Thanks to its expertise and application-driven approach, Siat team can lead its partners to their best solution, working with the customers in order to give them reliable and complete packaging line, and services to face everyday challenges. Siat can offer different packaging solutions based on required customer needs and effective packaging line usage: For small/medium companies with a production volume lower than 200,000 bottles/year, machines can support operators guaranteeing a safer sealing of boxes and wrapping of loads. The most suitable configuration that we suggest a line made by: SIAT semi-automatic Case Erector F105 folds the bottom flaps of boxes inserted into the machine by an operator, realizing a time saving of 50% compare with a manual operation. The box with the bottom flaps folded remains in vertical position for filling operation after which it could be pushed through a pneumatic cylinder in a “fixed format” case sealer machine for sealing with adhesive tape. Siat Semi-automatic case sealer SK20, with double top and bottom drive belts, allows to control the carton box also during the incoming process before sealing it. Thanks to the robust “H” frame dual masts and the premium quality components, machine Configuration for small/medium companies


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is extremely reliable. Due to flexible adjustments, SK20 is the perfect choice for industries where the height of the box is bigger than its width (as winery is). SIAT semi-automatic stretch wrapping machine OneWrap is designed according to the highest safety standards and it can improve customer productivity thanks to the automatic operating mode (up to 25 pallets/h). The sturdy structure (up to 2.4 tons payload!) increases the service life of the machine. The userfriendly control panel, is easy to use and able to manage the different customer scenarios in terms of lay on force, ensuring perfect load stability. It can be equipped with powered pre-stretch carriages. For big companies with a high production volume of more than 200,000 bottles/year, where the operator manages only the filling of the box with bottles, Siat experience suggests using the line made by: Siat automatic Case Erector F344 is designed to form and seal with adhesive tape boxes on the bottom part. The machine can process up to 1100 boxes/hour according to box dimensions. Machine adjustments are simple and fast: the setting can be done in few minutes. It is available in different versions, designed for small boxes (model F344/4) and bigger carton sizes (models F345 and F346). Siat automatic Case sealer SM11 has manual adjustment so it’s perfectly suitable to be inserted in an automatic high-speed production line where required changes are relatively few, served by our automatic case erector. The machine is designed to automatically apply a “C” shape strip of adhesive tape to the top and bottom of boxes. Adjustments and use of the SM11 case sealer are intuitive, simple and fast. The SM11 is also available in a special version for small boxes, the SM11/4, and for mediumsized and large boxes (model SM116) SIAT ProWrap is the new versatile and scalable turntable semiautomatic machine for intensive and demanding stretch film applications, able to optimize film consumption and to guarantee full control of all wrapping parameters throughout the cycle. Highend machine designed in accordance with Industry 4.0 concept, it guarantees saving of resources and time and supervision of machine productivity (up to 35 plts/hour), its working time and film consumption. The list of options available, such as pressing unit, roping device or a variable pre-stretch up to 400% (with double motor carriage), 12 programs to record etc. allows to configure the SIAT ProWrap according to the business needs. Configuration for big companies



Smi Spa Via Carlo Ceresa, 10 24015 San Giovanni Bianco (Bergamo) Italy Tel. +39 0345 401 11 Fax +39 0345 402 09 info@smigroup.it www.smigroup.it

SMI: The new age of smart manufacturing The SMI Group is today one of the world’s largest manufacturers of bottling and packaging plants, able to meet production requirements up to 36,800 bottles/hour, devoted to food and beverage, household cleaning, personal hygiene, chemical and pharmaceutical products. With the launch of the ERGON technology, SMI has initiated a design and engineering revolution, which can be summarized through three new concepts: “new age of packaging”, “new age of bottling” and “new age of smart manufacturing”; with the innovations applied to the ERGON systems, SMI has showed again its new extraordinary capability of proposing on the market new advanced solutions for the bottling and packaging industries inspired by the Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things (IoT) principles, with improved efficiency, flexibility, eco-friendliness, ergonomics and with easier management and control. SMI produces the latest technological solutions for the supervision and automation of complete lines, the


production cycles monitoring, the data collection and the management of the industrial process in a more efficient and environmentally sustainable way. For over 30 years, continuous innovation has been the driving force of SMI success as it has allowed to design, manufacture and provide thousands of customers all over the world technologically advanced machines and systems, able to meet easily and efficiently the requirements of a constantly evolving market. With over 6,500 machines delivered in the world, SMI has a long experience in this sector and offers a wide range of solutions able to meet all customer needs. The importance of investing in R&D Investments in advanced technologies and innovations are the main driver of SMI success. In order to maintain and develop its technical skills, every year SMI is used to investing a considerable part of its income in Research and Development activities. These investments have allowed the company to launch on the market an even more diversified and innovative range of

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plants and machines featuring a very hightechnological content. Automatic shrink wrappers and case packers for every need In the secondary packaging industry, SMI provides a wide range of high-performance automatic packaging machines able to satisfy every production need. The LSK ERGON, CSK ERGON, AFW ERGON and SK ERGON series represent the best that shrink wrap film technology can offer for packaging a wide range of PET and other types of plastic, glass, metal and cardboard containers in packs in film only (F version), in cardboard pad+film (P version) or in corrugated cardboard tray + film (T version). The available models permit to automate the secondary packaging process within production plants from 30 up to 450 packs/minute (the second figure refers to film only in triple lane). Moreover, SMI also offers a wide range of case packers (LWP ERGON, CWP ERGON and WP ERGON series) and combined packers (LCM ERGON, CM EGON and CM FP ERGON) to pack PET, glass, metal



Smi Spa Via Carlo Ceresa, 10 24015 San Giovanni Bianco (Bergamo) Italy Tel. +39 0345 401 11 Fax +39 0345 402 09 info@smigroup.it www.smigroup.it

and cardboard containers in wrap-around cases, in tray only or in tray+film (LCM and CM series) or in packs in film only, pad+film, tray+film, tray only and wrap-around cases (CM FP series). The available models allow to automate the secondary packaging process within production plants from 30 up to 80 pack/minute (depending on the series and the capacity of the container to pack). New EBS K ERGON blow moulder: the SMI solution devoted to the “smart factory” Among the solutions for the blowing and bottling solutions, SMI has recently introduced the new ultra-compact rotary stretchblow moulder EBS K ERGON, available both in stand-alone and in combined version, combined with an electronic filler and a capper; it is a fully electronic system, which represents another important landmark in the “new age of bottling” and the Industry 4.0-compliant solutions devoted to the smart factory.



Starting from the countless technical innovations applied to the EBS (Electronic Blowing System) ERGON, SMI has developed the new EBS K ERGON series of very compact rotary machines, able to meet production requirements from 1,000 up to 9,200 bottle/hour. The new models are available in 2, 3 and 4-cavity versions and exploit all advantages of the rotary technology in a speed range, traditionally served by linear blowers; indeed, thanks to the employment of advanced solutions, the EBS K ERGON range is able to manufacture PET containers up to 3 L with an output up to 2.200 bottles/hour per cavity from the 0,5 L capacity. Flexible market-driven organization In a global market where competition is getting fiercer and fiercer, the possibility to guarantee a “next door” service is for SMI a key factor to effectively and successfully support customers wherever they are. Thus, over the years SMI has set up a widespread network of branches and representative offices in order to extend the service to the widest number of clients. In the Asian continent SMI operates through two wholly-owned subsidiary companies: SMI Asia Services Sdn Bhd based in Malaysia and SMI Machinery Beijing Co. Ltd based in China (with offices in Beijing, Nanjing and Guangzhou). Local staff’s expertise and know-how ensure an accurate and qualified support to Asian customers.

Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry


Supercap Srl Via Cairo, 83 61024 Mombaroccio (Pesaro) Italy Tel. +39 0721 47 05 07 Fax +39 0721 47 12 43 info@supercap.it www.supercap.it

Not only simple closures A closure may seem like an unimportant product, but the quality and the success of the product, wine or spirit, in the bottle greatly depends on it. That is the reason why they are much more than simple closures. Supercap studies the best solutions that protect and preserve the product in the bottle, to let you enjoy your unique moments. Supercap accurately designs the closure, studying the most suitable solution to your requirements, for packaging that stands out for fine design and quality raw materials. It takes care of final products and their use, granting the safety of a production system that is BRC Packaging & Packaging Materials certified, one of the most advanced standards in the packaging sector in the world. Supercap is environmentally friendly and fully conscious of the impact it may have on the environment; therefore, in 2017, it installed photovoltaic panels on the roof of its Italian factory, for a capacity of 100,000 kw/h. Moreover, Supercap has also increased its recycling by recovering and reusing the water used in production plants. Waste materials from closure production are reintegrated into the process and transformed into other industrial


products. The company is so close to the environment as to invest its resources to create new green, safe and conform material: Supercap ECO®. This material is composed of renewable polymers of vegetable origin deriving from sugar cane.

Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry

The extraction process of this green polyethylene has zero impact on the environment, thereby significantly reducing CO2 emissions, which is on the other hand largely produced by traditional, carbonderived plastics. Supercap also invests resources into research, to improve its products, also thanks to the close cooperation with universities. This has enabled them to create, test and improve Supercap Nature®, a glue-free closure composed of micro-granules that represents the combination of tradition and innovation in closures for wine and spirits. To Supercap, this is not merely work, but rather real passion in the creation of a closure whose purpose is not only “capping” a bottle. All of this has enabled Supercap to extend its sales network and enrich its customer portfolio. Today, it boasts a second production location in Mexico and many agents in various areas, such as the USA, Russia, Baltic States, Scandinavia, and Greece.



Treesse Progetti Srl Via Brondi, 18 31055 Quinto di Treviso (Treviso) Italy Tel. +39 0422 960811 Fax +39 0422 960850 info@treesseprogetti.it www.treesseprogetti.it

TREESSE Progetti was born in 1986 as a software company for automation systems for production processes. After thirty years on the market, it has become a leading company in automation engineering at the industrial process field and offers a very high-quality standard for its services and products. By continuous development of new systems and collaborations with Italian and international companies, Treesse Progetti has developed a specific know-how for technical process of production. Company’s mission is to increase the productivity of its clients and improve the efficiency of their processes. TREESSE Progetti success is based on the wealth of experience acquired through the years of activity in process automation. TREESSE Progetti in the beverage sector In the handling and processing system for the various “food liquids”, TREESSE Progetti acts on the automation engineering and supervision aspects, and thanks to their extensive experience in this sector they are able to provide client/server communications systems, multilevel communications networks and automation systems with high level configurations upgraded to the components and structures requested by the market. The proposal begins with managing the raw materials and continues through to the interface with packaging, after passing through the typical process in each sector. Beer, spirits, wine, soft drinks, mineral water, fruit juices and sauces are the main business fields. The skills that have been obtained by the relevant technologists and the exceptional technical/managerial preparation of the engineers working on the various projects, enables the company to create high level automation control rooms.


Know-how of processing the raw materials, mixing and cooking the mixtures, fermenting the must and filtering the beer is just one example that TREESSE Progetti is known and appreciated for. TREESSE Progetti Srl, leader company in the automation sector established in 1986, entered the beverage sector with software development projects for the automation of water, fruit juice, beer and soft drinks bottling lines. Knowledge of raw material treatment, mixing and mixture cooking, must fermentation and beer filtration, is just something the company is well-known and highly appreciated for in Italy and in the world. Extensive experience enables creating more complex lines to manage various formats and flows towards different types of packaging. The beer sector has been particularly important in the company’s more than thirty years of experience, during

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which it has created many process and utilities applications. The technologists’ expertise gained in the sector combining with engineers’ technical/ managerial skills have enables TREESSE Progetti to create highly automated control rooms. Development and start-up of complete automation and control software guarantee the coordination of the entire supply process, from the logistic and technological points of view, in case of revamping of an old system or new plant, riding the wave of Industry 4.0 and smart factory, including Manufacturing Execution System - MES systems, and dialogue with enterprise resource planning software or other cross software in shopfloor, such as WMS – warehouse management system), laboratory software, etc., including electric equipment such as electric boards and systems.



Treesse Progetti Srl Via Brondi, 18 31055 Quinto di Treviso (Treviso) Italy Tel. +39 0422 960811 Fax +39 0422 960850 info@treesseprogetti.it www.treesseprogetti.it

High-level industrial automation in the production process is a turning point to complete and monitor the efficiency of the plants, while guaranteeing maximum capacity of every machinery or system, thus reducing downtime and collecting all information necessary to all the departments and promptly inform operators about production reduction or alarms. Always in step with the times, with IT development, the company has equipped itself with state-of-the-art systems that help whenever interface systems between office and workfloor need MES systems on a server, also virtual and accessible by smartphone/tabled, also with cloud support to manage multisite plants.

TREESSE Progetti in Indonesia PT TREESSE Progetti Indonesia was born in Jakarta in 2017. Technicians, supported by local staff, will have the objective of creating new state-of-the-art systems and supporting Italian companies that decide to export, or which already export, to Southeast Asia. The offices are located within the Talavera Office Park, Unit 7, 10Th Floor, J.L. T.B. Simatupang Kav 22.26 12430 in Jakarta. Over the years TREESSE Progetti has recorded great successes where a high level of automation and control is required, ranging in different sectors: from the beverage and food industry to the chemical and energy industry. You can contact the Jakarta office at the following addresses: asia@treesseprogetti.it Phone: +62 (21) 22 702385 Fax: +62 (21) 22 702221 www.treesse-automation.com



Asiatic Edition 2019 / 2020 • Beverage Industry


Velo Acciai Srl Via San Lorenzo, 42 31020 San Zenone degli Ezzelini (Treviso) Italy Tel. +39 0423 96 89 66 info@veloacciai.com www.vlstechnologies.it

The markets of wine, beer, spirits, juices and soft drinks are constantly evolving, and the technological solutions adopted for the filtration of liquids must keep up with innovation and growth. VLS Technologies represents worldwide a single reference point for the client for both the aspect of filtration and more complex needs that involve the whole process of liquid treatment: that is made possible by the production plant in San Zenone degli Ezzelini in the Province of Treviso, northeast Italy, as well as by an established worldwide network of agents, authorized reselling and assistance. In addition to traditional applications, as sheet filters or pressure leaf filters, the focus of VLS Technologies is the development of innovative solutions as cross-flow filtration systems and reverse osmosis. Innovative technologies guarantee a number of advantages. For example, in cross-flow filtration the liquid is pushed by means of pressure through the particular pores of a membrane: thanks to this system the clients are able to improve the obtained quantity of product, decreasing energy consumption and production costs, for example avoiding the usage of clarifiers and adjuvants. Among technologies based on cross-flow filtration, the most valued are Unico and Lees-stop. Unico Filter Unico filter is a solution designed for small/ medium manufacturers that need to filter their products (wines and lees) with a single solution, obtaining a filtered product of


excellent quality with a turbidity below 1 NTU. That is why VLS Technologies has created Unico filtration system: thanks to our filter it becomes possible getting a good filtration of the product and reducing the microbiological flora; all of this by saving all the organoleptic characteristics of the product. The filtering media can stand repeated regenerations with warm water and detergents: this means a longer lifespan. Unico won the “Innovation Challenge Lucio Mastroberardino” at SIMEI Drinktec 2017. Lees Stop Lees -Stop Filter enables to free users from the daily use of rotary drum vacuum filters and offers an automatic, economical filtration without using earth. The filtered wine is perfectly brilliant and clear (< 1 NTU). It can directly be added into the

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filtered batch without undergoing any additional treatment (fining and filtration). The recovery, depending on the load of the filtered products, is higher than the one obtained with rotary drum vacuum filters. In addition, the filtered product is of better quality (analytic parameters are maintained, and wine is in a “pre-bottling” quality). This cross-flow filter specifically dedicated to the treatment of “tank bottoms” is equipped with a stainless steel membrane with a selectivity adapted to very clogging products such as fining lees (bentonite, …) and centrifuge sludge. This membrane has the characteristics to be long lasting and resistant to pressure, temperature and chemical products. Those features are as many assets for the reliability of the filtration and the capacity of regeneration of the membranes. “Tank bottoms” are filtered through a series of 2 to 8 membranes of 7.5 m² each. Lees – Stop Filter exists with 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 membranes. Clogging is contained on the surface of the membrane which allows for more consistent removal of solids from filterable area, thus allowing for longer, more productive filter cycles. The filter is more productive than a classical rotary drum vacuum filter, and will not lose quality or alcohol. Moreover, residues, still containing alcohol, can easily be valorized in a distillery. VLS Technologies, thanks to its 35-year experience in the market, can guarantee a dynamic and flexible approach, realizing long-term partnerships with both medium and small production companies as well as with major brands worldwide. www.vlstechnologies.it





Supplemento a TecnAlimentaria N° 11 Novembre/November 2019 Poste Italiane SpA - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1 comma 1 NE/TV Anno 24 N°11 - 2019 - ISSN 2498-9541



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