TecnAlimentaria Asiatic Edition 2021/2022 - Beverage Industry

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2021 2022

Supplemento a TecnAlimentaria N° 11 Novembre/November 2021 Poste Italiane SpA - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1 comma 1 NE/TV - Anno 26 N°11 - 2021 - ISSN 2498-9541




www.tmcigroup.com www.blendtech-division.com Tel +39 0438 4147 Mail padovan@tmcigroup.com

Plants and equipment for fruit juices and soft drinks production Decades of expierence in beverages processing.

Tailor made solutions, with different levels of automation.

Product portfolio: fruit juices, soft drinks, water, hard seltzer, dairy, etc.

Worldwide coverage, thanks to offices and official distributors.

From single equipment to complete syrup rooms and fruit processing lines.

Filtration and clarification, thermal treatments, blending, aseptic lines.











ntaria www.tecnalime

BEVERAGE Technology Poste Italiane SpA


Industry the Beverage Abbonamento

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in L. 27/02/2004

l magazine

n. 46) art. 1 comma

in Italian/Engli

1 NE/TV - Anno

26 N°11/2021



INDUSTRY ber bre / Novem 2021

N° 11 Novem

- ISSN 2498-9541






Supplemento a TecnAlimentaria Spedizione in N°2 Febbraio Abbonamento 2021 Postale D.L. 353/2003 Poste Italiane SpA Art. 1 comma 1 NE/TV Anno (conv. in 26 N°2-2021 - ISSN 2498-9541 L. 27/02/2004 n. 46)


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353/2003 (conv.

Итальянские технологии в сфере производства напитков

Italiane SpA bre 2021 - Poste 2498-9541 - 2021 - ISSN ia N°8-9 Agosto/Settem - Anno 26 N°8/9 a TecnAlimentar Supplementon. 46) art. 1 comma 1 NE/TV in L. 27/02/2004





Plastics & Rubber

1 202 2 202

r 2021 3 re/Novembe 8-9541 11 Novemb Postale D.L. 353/200 - 2021 - ISSN 249 entaria N° N°11 mento a TecnAlim - Anno 26 in Abbona 1 NE/TV Supplemento SpA - Spedizione 1 comma ne n. 46) art. Poste Italia 27/02/2004 (conv. in L.

TecnAlimentaria supplement N°11 Novembre/November 2021 Year XXVI Publisher: Fabiana Da Cortà Fumei


TecnA Plastics

& Rubber - September

2021 - ISSN 2723-9187

International Magazine for the global Plastics & Rubbe r Industry

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Italiane SpA 2021 - Poste n. 46) a N° 7 Luglio/July (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 a TecnAlimentari Supplemento Postale D.L. 353/2003 - ISSN 2498-9541 Abbonamento Spedizione in 26 N°7 - 2021 1 NE/TV - Anno art. 1 comma

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Plastics & Rubber

.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1 comma 1 NE/TV - Anno 24 N° 4/2019 - ISSN 2498-9541


TecnAlimentaria is a magazine by








Beverage Industry




Beverage Industry




Beverage Industry




Beverage & Food Industry




Beverage Industry




Beverage Industry




Beverage Industry




Beverage Industry




Beverage & Food Industry




Beverage Industry



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Beverage Industry

Technology in technopolimeric material Mould and mould-flow design for thermoplastic articles Mould design for elastomeric articles Print of technical details in thermoplastic materials Print of elastomeric technical details Ultrasound soldering – high frequency – hot blade Quality service: analysis on technical articles produces and test of in/outcoming materials


Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry




quipment for the beverage industry WS offers a wide range of process equipment solutions for the beverage industry. The company, founded in 2005, has achieved a very good reputation in the beverage industry field, managing to cooperate with the major global players and with private investors installing new production facilities, quite often green fields, in emerging Countries. WS continuously improves its standards to guarantee product quality, energy saving and maximum plant output while complying with the strictest criteria for hygiene and safety. All the devices are entirely conceived and designed to guarantee the best requirements in terms of microbiological, physical-chemical and organoleptic properties; the entire production process and software development are managed internally, as well as installations and commissionings which are carried out with WS’ own resources. WS’ products for beverage industry are: - water purification plants (mechanical filtration, microfiltration, reverse osmosis,

Flash pasteuriser

UV disinfection, sterilisation) designed according to the customer’s exigencies and the chemical analysis; - sugar dissolving systems (single batch, double batch and continuous up to 35.000 l/h); - semiautomatic and automatic syrup rooms; - premix units; - flash pasteurising units; - ozone generators; - carbonating equipment (water, wine, beer, soft drinks); - in line syrup blending systems and ingredients mixing systems; - steam sterilisable microfiltering systems (juices, beer, wine);

- mineralising equipment; - equipment for preparation of nonchemical bottles rinsing and disinfecting solutions (such as ozone) and chemical solutions preparing devices (peracetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, chlorine, etc.); - equipments for the preparation of sterile water; - manual and automatic CIP systems. Thanks to its skill and process expertise, today WS is widely present worldwide even

UHT steriliser

A.Water Systems Srl Località Piana, 55/D - 12060 Verduno (Cuneo) Italy Tel. +39 0172 47 02 35 - Fax +39 0173 61 56 33 info@watersystems.it - www.watersystems.it


Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry

Mineral water ozonising unit

with turnkey solutions including ancillary equipment (cooling equipment, boilers, etc.), pipework and wiring. WS’ philosophy is to manufacture high quality and reliable equipment, equipped only with top brand components: ALFA LAVAL, ENDRESS+HAUSER, PALL, MASELLI MISURE, SIEMENS, FESTO, SPIRAX SARCO are the typical components customers will find on their plants. The choice of providing only state-of-the-art solutions has brought WS to be appointed by ALFA LAVAL as officially “Authorized Integrator” some years ago and as “Master Integrator” recently. All the aspects are carefully arranged. Each process is designed according to the customer’s real needs. During the years, WS has been able to develop innovative solutions, sometimes unique in the field. WS considers Customer Service one of the greatest keys to success: entire business, marketing, sales and profits depend on customers’ satisfaction so the after sales team is constantly trained to perform the simplest solution in the shortest possible time to support the customer’s business.

Mineralising unit

Syrup room

A.Water Systems Srl Località Piana, 55/D - 12060 Verduno (Cuneo) Italy Tel. +39 0172 47 02 35 - Fax +39 0173 61 56 33 info@watersystems.it - www.watersystems.it


Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry




n recent years there has been a strong growth in the market of gallon water bottles, both in Italy and worldwide. Dispensers showed a positive trend, apart from the temporary setback caused by the Covid-19, mainly involving offices, factories, warehouses and various communities. The success of gallon bottles, in particular those of reusable PET or PC bottles, obviously involves the need to guarantee the safety of water, and consequently the cleaning of containers and dispensers. Which must be accurately and periodically sanitized. The water used to fill the gallon bottles, which can be natural spring water or water from other sources, must comply with the quality parameters defined in Community legislation on water intended for human consumption. Used empty gallon bottles, if still intact, can be reused. But before being inserted in a new filling cycle, they must be inspected for integrity, absence of discoloration and possible odours. After that, they must be washed with water and specific detergents and rinsed thoroughly with special machines. Like those built by Akomag, for example, an Italian company specialized in the design and production of machines and plants for the bottling industry. Washing, rinsing, filling, capping The Monobloc washer for gallon bottles Sira has been designed by Akomag for washing and sterilizing PET or PC gallon bottles or other bottles of various sizes, to be filled with still water. The washing cycle

adapts to the various production needs of the end customer and is very effective. For this machine Akomag has designed and produced a special spraying and brushing device for gallon bottles that ensures total cleanliness. Through the use of special mobile nozzles furniture (penetrating and rotating), the machine washes the bottle internally at high pressure (5 bar). While the outside is brushed by means of nylon brushes. The machine can be quickly adapted to the different bottle formats by simply setting the type of container to be handled on the control keyboard. The stainless steel control board installed next to the monobloc is easily accessible for the operator. The panel is equipped with a touch screen for the complete management of all line functions, and the display of operating parameters and alarms. The Monobloc features an automatic de-capper

Akomag Srl Frazione Diolo, 15/D - 43019 Soragna (Parma) Italy Tel. +39 0524 59 90 97 - Fax +39 0524 59 90 12 info@akomag.com - www.akomag.com

in stainless steel: a pneumatic system grips the bottle neck while ejecting the cap. The system is safe, but it can be equipped with a system for the selection and ejection of gallon bottles that have not been properly de-capped. The bottles are then filled by means of special inverter- controlled pumps. A valve designed by Akomag guarantees a laminar flow and no contact between the valve and the bottle. The filling is carried out by means of a special metering device that ensures extreme filling accuracy. The capper consists of soundproof vibrating hopper, a descent channel, and a tear-off pick-up head. The closure of the bottle is guaranteed by an inclined pressure belt characterized with adjustable pressure. All adjustments are automatic and managed from the control panel.

WHERE WHERE THERE’S THERE’S ALBRIGI ALBRIGITECNOLOGIE, TECNOLOGIE, ГДЕ «ALBRIGI TECNOLOGIE», ТАМ БОЛЬШАЯ УСТАНОВКА THERE’S THERE’SAAGREAT GREATSYSTEM SYSTEM Мы изучаем, проектируем и реализуем We Wedevise, devise,design designand andconstruct construct установки: equipment: •equipment: для высокой производительности; в том числе • • иfor forhigh highproduction production levels,including including непрерывной 24/24 levels, round-the-clock round-the-clock • для непрерывного и автоматического • • контроля with withcontinuous continuous automatic automatic control controlofof за качеством продукта the the product product quality quality • с отсутствием ручного труда no noбрака manual manual labour •• • без приlabour обработке no noзагрязнения processing processingпродукта waste waste •• • без • • no no product product pollution pollution • с восстановлением и энергосбережением recoveryand andобслуживанием saving savingofofenergy energy •• • сrecovery минимальным экологические • • maintenance maintenance reduced reduced to to a aminimum minimum • с соблюдением первичного сырья и готового • • продукта environmentally environmentallyfriendly friendly respectfor for theraw rawmaterial material and andthe the •• • сrespect обучением иthe подготовкой персонала клиента fi nished fi nished product product • с практиками финансирования • • instruction instructionand andtraining trainingofofthe theclient’s client’s personnel personnel • • loan loanfacilities facilities

FORWARD FORWARD ВПЕРЕД ВО IN IN ВРЕМЕНИ TIME TIME ALBRIGI Tessare 6/a - 37023 Stallavena di Grezzana (Verona) - Italy ALBRIGI ALBRIGIs.r.l. s.r.l. s.r.l.Via Via ViaTessare Tessare6/a 6/a- -37023 37023Stallavena StallavenadidiGrezzana Grezzana(Verona) (Verona)- -Italy Italy


«ALBRIGI TECNOLOGIE» выбирает необыкновенные пути,

ALBRIGI TECNOLOGIE takes extraordinary measures


чтобы гарантировать клиенту неограниченные параметры качества

to guarantee the utmost quality parameters for its clients






Tel. +39 045 907411 (answerphone) - Fax +39 045907427 - info@albrigi.it - www.albrigi.it Tel. +39 045 907411 (answerphone) - Fax +39 045907427 - info@albrigi.it - www.albrigi.it


Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry


lbrigi Tecnologie can today lay claim to the title of global leader in the construction and implementation of stainless steel plants for use with foodstuffs, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, oil and wine products. In recent years, it has invested heavily in the training of its collaborators, workers, technicians and office staff, providing training courses for the personnel and innovative IT process management systems with solutions that enable all the work sequences to be coordinated, from the control of the raw material to the certification of the work processes. Training is an evolving, constructive process, indispensable for a modern company in order to adapt to the new requirements of clients, especially abroad, who are increasingly demanding and knowledgeable. Various collaborators of Albrigi Tecnologie take part in the various stages of this evolving processes covering all sectors that concern the company, bringing the manufacturing,

Albrigi Srl Via Tessare, 6/A - 37023 Località Stallavena di Grezzana (Verona) Italy Tel. +39 045 90 74 11 - Fax +39 045 90 74 27 info@albrigi.it - www.albrigi.it


the quality of the product and service to the client to an enviable level that allows the Verona company to be competitive on both national and international markets. The quality of Albrigi Tecnologie’s product and the service it performs is acknowledged by all clients but, with a higher than average costs, it has always been considered too expensive, until now. The latest developments dictated by increasingly demanding clients, the new technologies introduced in the process systems and the training of the employed personnel have confirmed that, currently, Albrigi Tecnologie’s product, notwithstanding its higher cost, is the only one on the market that guarantees its clients a quality that is already futuristic, to the point that a longstanding client of Albrigi can enjoy an avantgarde product several years in advance of the times, always up-to-date and in compliance with the regulations. In addition to the more complex and technologically-advanced equipment,


Albrigi Tecnologie has always devised, designed and built the most beautiful cellars in the world, exporting them to more than 30 foreign countries: the result is that prestigious clients, not only cellarmen but also people from the world of entertainment such as Andrea Bocelli and other global figures, have demonstrated their preference for the Albrigi Tecnologie firm by choosing its products for their cellars, which are regarded as the most beautiful and “shiny with beautiful welding”. This was how one European businessman, who manufactures trains and has more than 10,000 employees, described Abrigi products when looking for

Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry

a company at a trade fair in Bordeaux that made tanks for cellars to equip his own cellar. He described them as “well made” and, around 28 years ago, he favoured the Albrigi Tecnologie firm over other larger or more prestigious manufacturers or those closer to him. In undertaking research and development, Albrigi Tecnologie has collaborated for years with Universities and research bodies in seeking the most innovative solutions for developing the grape fermentation processes, offering its clients traditional cellars but with additional innovations in order to obtain highly developed processes that enhance the properties of the grapes

in a natural way, with an eye on energysaving and technical solutions that help the cellarman in processing the grapes, enhancing the natural properties of every type of grape to the utmost. For this reason, Albrigi Tecnologie is the only firm in the world that produces 8 different vinification systems suitable for every requirement in terms of quality, space and enhancing the traditional fermentation processes that are the heart of the production phase of a great wine. The ecological aspect is very important for Albrigi Tecnologie: it was the first in the world to commission research at Verona University to reduce the polluting effects of its equipment during the washing or cleaning process through the use of nanotechnology, thereby reducing water consumption, the use of detergents and their purification, with a considerable diminution of washing downtime and greater energy saving, solutions eagerly awaited by wine production companies since these are “dead” costs that impact on company overheads. Albrigi Tecnologie is continuing with its programme of research and training of collaborators covering all the company’s internal departments, with the development of new technologies, as part of a three-year organisational plan, given 2022 is so close and that the future is now in the making.

Albrigi Srl Via Tessare, 6/A - 37023 Località Stallavena di Grezzana (Verona) Italy Tel. +39 045 90 74 11 - Fax +39 045 90 74 27 info@albrigi.it - www.albrigi.it


Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry




ackaging: tailor-made solutions for your plant Not all plants are the same, BBM is a partner that offers 360° support and a personalised tailor-made service. BBM SERVICE is an Italian company with a long-term and widely renowned experience in the beverage market, specialized in the supply of turn-key bottling lines for water and soft-drinks. It collaborates and works for the top brands of the beverage industry, offering the same excellence to large multinational firms and local ones BBM intends to be partner able to offer a 360° support and a personalized service, custom tailor. Flexibility, quickness, and constant presence are only some of strength points that customers recognize it and therefore the reasons for which they continue to choose BBM. From preliminary analysis of the business opportunity, through possible solutions evaluations, up to the final supply: a unique contractor you can rely on for making the right choice for your business. 1. Technical assistance, maintenance, remote assistance and training courses Strong of the competence in over than 20 years of sector experience and with a team of over 50 qualified engineers, BBM offers

you a complete services range to support you during all the life cycle of the machines, working on several machine models of the main leading manufacturers. BBM offers services for maintenance, machine relocation, remote assistance and training. Thanks to their service, customers can rely on quick support to solve emergencies and get production back up and running as quickly as possible, as well as preventive maintenance activities that help minimise and avoid downtime.

BBM Service Srl Via Pregalleno, 24 - 24016 San Pellegrino Terme (Bergamo) Italy Tel. +39 0345 23 642 - Fax +39 0345 41 755 info@bbmpackaging.com - www.bbmpackaging.com

Thanks to the introduction of technology, it has been possible to introduce remote assistance, which allows interventions to be managed remotely, optimising intervention times and costs. 2. Excellence in used equipment A wide range of selected machines completely overhauled, updated and offered at really competitive prices.


In BBM production plant of 7.500 m2 is possible to audit the available models, following the over hauling in each single phase up to the FAT with the customer’s products. Many times a bottling company changes its machinery only because it needs to increase production and has new requirements, linked to the format or materials used, but this does not mean that the machinery replaced is old and obsolete. Buying used machinery means to reduce considerably the investment if compared with the purchase of a new one, and therefore minimize the risk of error when you go to invest in a new business or project. Buying a used BBM means taking advantage of the competence of experienced technicians, the flexibility of a solution tailored to the customer’s needs, the guarantee of reliability. 3. Spare parts Whether for scheduled maintenance or emergencies, BBM is a valid alternative for the spare parts supply thanks to the wide available items, to the quickness of delivery and to competitive prices. BBM Service engineers and markets compatible After Market spare parts that allow a saving of 20 to 40% compared to the price of the original. BBM Service ensures a response in 24 hours and guarantees 100% compatibility of parts to the original component. All spare

Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry

parts produced by BBM are tested and manufactured to work best in any condition and in any environment. The specialized technical department is able to realize and find solutions for any need. An independent alternative that allows avoiding long waiting times by after-sales services. BBM Service therefore offers a practical and efficient solution for the replacement of spare parts of the main bottling machines.

4. Engineering BBM offers its know-how, its structure and a qualified team for highly specialized activities, with the goal to innovate, solve the problems and obtain a saving. BBM portfolio is composed by upgrade, revamping, update, change over to put on the models of the main leading manufacturers. Entrust BBM with your goals, and they will be happy to turn them into excellent certainty.

BBM Service Srl Via Pregalleno, 24 - 24016 San Pellegrino Terme (Bergamo) Italy Tel. +39 0345 23 642 - Fax +39 0345 41 755 info@bbmpackaging.com - www.bbmpackaging.com


Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry



OMEI srl is an Italian company with 30 years of experience, certified ISO 9001 and specialized in the design, construction and installation of AISI 304 and 316 stainless steel containers. COMEI is today synonymous with innovation, competence and professionalism. The production plant is located in Corato (BA), and is located on an area of 10.000 square meters of which 3.000 are covered. The company is able to manufacture tanks without setting technical and dimensional limits, all in compliance with the strict design regulations in force. For two years, it has undertaken a mission for developing the technologies and systems for food drinks with the opening of a branch in Susegana (TV), and is spread over an area of 5.000 square meters of which 2.000 are covered. COMEI Beverage Technologies has technicians and technologists able to propose technologies in the enological-soft drink-beer sectors. The company, with the two plants, is able to satisfy the following requests: Enological sector. - Standard and custom-made grape harvesting tanks. - Cochlea for transporting grape-fruit processing waste.

Comei Via dei Colli, 66 - 31058 Susegana (Treviso) Italy Tel. + 39 0438 1918 117 - Fax +39 0438 1918 118 info@comei.net - www.comei.net



Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry

- Sloping flat bottom wine-makers from 5,000 to 50,000 liters capacity. - Conical bottom wine-makers on legs from 50,000 to 200,000 liters of capacity. - Tanks on legs, made on company site, for food and industrial products from 1,000 to 200,000 liters of capacity. - Tanks, built at the customer site, from 200,000 to 2,000,000 liters. - PED tested autoclaves from 1,000 to 60,000 liters. - Cold solution refrigeration plants with relative pumping station. - Tube in tube, multitubular or tube bundle exchangers. - Thermo-vinification plants for the extraction of the color from red grapes. - Multiple effect concentrators with thermocompressor for reducing energy consumption, from 1,000 to 20,000 liters evaporated hourly. - Sulfur dioxide strippers from 5,000 to 30,000 litre/hours, with energy recovery. - Bottle heating rain type tunnel complete with bottle drying system. - 1-2-3-4 stages plate pasteurizers for wine and concentrates. - CIP for cleaning tank and bottling lines. - Saturators. Soft drinks - Syrups for the production of soft drinks. - Batch and continuous sugar breakers.

- Mixers from 3,000 to 50,000 liters per hour, with on-line control of brix and carbon dioxide. - Water saturators complete with deaeration system. - CIP with 1-2-3-4 tanks, with steam or electric heating system. - 1-2-3-4-5 stages plate pasteurizers with steam or hot water. - Pasteurizing tunnels for glass or pet bottles, cans, jars. - Cooling tunnels glass bottles, pet bottles, cans. - Heating tunnels for glass bottles, pet bottles, cans. - Tanks for sugar syrup and concentrates with stirrer. - Water dispensers, juices. Beer - Brewhouse from 500 to 6,000 liters per brew. - CCT from 500 to 60,000 liters. - BBT from 500 to 60,000 liters. - 3 stages plate pasteurizers with buffer tank output. - Pasteurizing tunnels for glass bottles, cans. - CIP with 1-2-3-4 tanks, with steam or electric heating system. Plants have a level of automation in line with the demands and needs of their customers, offering semi-automatic, automatic or fully automatic systems; equipped with PLC and integrated supervision system, able to meet all the requirements for beverage production. The company is also able to offer turn-key lines and support clients in the study of the processes.

Comei Via dei Colli, 66 - 31058 Susegana (Treviso) Italy Tel. + 39 0438 1918 117 - Fax +39 0438 1918 118 info@comei.net - www.comei.net




lsitec is a company based in Verona, Italy, that manufactures many technical items for industrial machines, but not only. Its production range is very wide and it is divided into the following groups: A. Automatic tensioners for chains and belts B. Rubber suspension units C. Oscillating mountings D. Anti-vibration mounts E. Motor bases F. Idler sprockets G. Cylindrical bobbins-buffers H. Support and levelling components Elsitec produces innovation to control-guide-absorb vibrations. All product families from “A” to “E” take advantage of the same operating principle, that is, the elastic deformation of four natural rubber circular inserts, placed inside the space resulting from the coupling of two metal sections mounted at 45° with respect to each other. This Elsitec technology allows the company to dampen vibrations until they are eliminated. These products are characterized by a technology that makes them maintenance-free and silent as there are no metal parts in contact. Elsitec, your partner for vibration control.

Elsitec Srl Via Apollo XI, 9 37057 San Giovanni Lupatoto (Verona) italy Tel. +39 045 87 51 556 Fax +39 045 87 77 218 info@elsitec.it www.elsitec.it

Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry




ounded in the late ‘60s, in Bassano del Grappa, 70 km from Venice (Italy), Elvem Electric Motors is firmly established on the Italian motor market and in more than 40 countries worldwide. The second generation leads the company with a particular focus on technological innovation and development. Thanks to the stock of almost 100,000 finished motors (including electric motors with IE4 energy efficiency, Permanent Magnets, NEMA and Medium Voltage), parts and semi-finished products, Elvem guarantees an excellent service to every industry.

The food and agricultural industries have always been ones of its main markets, in particular for motors mounted in machinery such as automatic mixers, planetary mixers and winemaking plants. Thanks to decades of experience, Elvem is able to adapt its motors to the specific needs of the customers, designing tailored products. Particularly for the food industry, Elvem can supply motors made of sandblasted aluminum, with other specific paints or AISI 316L with IP69K protection rating. Encapsulated electric motors can be proposed for environmental where the continuous washes and sanitation generate humidity. Elvem’s motors can also be mounted where high or low temperature are reached, for example

Elvem Srl Via delle Industrie, 42 - 36050 Cartigliano (Vicenza) Italy Tel: +39 0424 51 39 72 +39 0424 35 410 - Fax +39 0424 35 405 mail@elvem.it - www.elvem.it

ovens or conditioning systems. At the same time, the company has invested in the design of the casing, with an aim to make it more compact, easy to use, with efficient heat dissipation. In recent years, motors with built-in inverters have been very successful, since they allow remote monitoring and programming, under the valuable guidance and support of Elvem’s technical staff. The website features several sections providing more details about the complete range of motors and all customized solutions that the company is able to propose. Elvem’s focus is offer high-performance products with low energy consumption, reduced business management costs and low environmental impact.

Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry




UROSTAR, the future arises from tradition Thanks to the deep knowledge of traditions and the great passion for the territory that characterizes Italians, for more than 25 years EUROSTAR has been designing, manufacturing and installing bottling systems based on state-of-theart filling technologies and turn-key lines according to the most advanced packaging know-how.

EUROSTAR serves primary companies worldwide in all major markets: water and beverage, beer, wine and spirits, food products, oils, personal care, home care, pharmaceutical and chemical. More than 1200 EUROSTAR bottling systems are installed worldwide and assisted by the after-sales service network. The “core” of EUROSTAR machines is made up of components that are designed and manufactured internally; this allows proposing and implementing high quality tailor-made solutions that satisfy all needs such as, for example, those of the fine liquor market. EUROSTAR technologies cover all the major needs of liquid filling, up to medium

Eurostar Srl S.P. Regione Leiso, 86 - 14050 San Marzano Oliveto (Asti) Italy Tel. +39 0141 856032 eurostarinfo@eurostar.it - www.eurostar.it

viscosity: from light depression to high vacuum, from counter-pressure (mechanic and electro-pneumatic) to volumetric (mechanic and electronic with flowmeters). EUROSTAR counter-pressure technology is now available on a new range of canning machines equipped with the seaming devices designed and manufactured by EUROSTAR itself because its goal has always been to evolve, improve and differentiate. The production capacity of EUROSTAR bottling systems ranges from 1000 up to 24000 BPH for glass, PET and all other polymers containers, covering all the capping options available on the market.


Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry





he developments in distillation technology Since 1912, Frilli has been supplying worldwide in-house designed and manufactured bespoke continuous and batch distillation plants operating from vacuum through to pressurized conditions. These plants range from small to large capacities. Frilli believes that satisfied customers are the only form of advertising worth investing in. When working with Frilli you will be met with courtesy, professionalism, quality advice and all questions answered. Frilli Srl is a company specializing in design, construction and supplies of distillation plants and/or complete distilleries, starting from any kind of raw material containing alcohol, sugar or starch for production of distillates, raw alcohol, extra neutral and absolute alcohol, with its own know-how, advanced technologies and experience developed worldwide. The company, realizing more than 90% of its turnover abroad, is constantly and continuously growing, as world-trade appreciates its leading technical and technological skill. Reliability, honesty, an excellent quality/ price ratio together with pre- and after-sales services are its strength and allow it to be always up to the situation, giving quick and qualified answers.

Valentine Distilling, Michigan, USA - pot stills for Bourbon production

Glen Turner, Scotland - complete distillery for 75,000 l/day Whisky and alcohol production

Taris Tat Distillery, Turkey - pot stills for Raki production

Frilli Srl Loc. Rigoni - Strada dei Laghi, 15 - 53035 Monteriggioni (Siena) Italy Tel. +39 0577 30 70 11 - Fax +39 0577 30 70 80 info@frillisrl.com - www.frillisrl.com


Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry

Tawse Winery, Canada - pot stills for Whisky, Brandy, Gin and Vodka production

Raw materials • By-products of wineries (pomace, lees, wine) • Cane and beet molasses • Cereals: corn, wheat, barley, rice • Other starchy substances: potatoes, cassava, chestnuts, etc. • Other sugary substances: sorghum, grape, cane and beet juice

• Fruits: apples, peaches, apricots, cherries, plums • Exotic fruit: dates, bananas, pineapples, papaya, mango, etc. • Aromatic herbs, seeds and berries. For some years, the company has been highly successful also in the field of Whisky and Gin, rum, extra neutral alcohol, and bioethanol, by designing, manufacturing

and supplying both continuous plants with columns in Eastern Europa, Asia, Africa and South America, as well as discontinuous pot stills with traditional onion shape in Scotland, Ireland, Russia, the USA and Australia. In particular, it is worth mentioning the supply of a neutral alcohol and bioethanol production plant to the company Producargo S.A. in Ecuador.

Teeling Distillery, Ireland - pot stills for Whisky production

Frilli Srl Workshop

Loc. Rigoni - Strada dei Laghi, 15 - 53035 Monteriggioni (Siena) Italy Tel. +39 0577 30 70 11 - Fax +39 0577 30 70 80 info@frillisrl.com - www.frillisrl.com



Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry


aligani Filtri is a leader in the design and construction of filter presses and relevant filtration systems. Since 1958, the company has boasted over 3,000 installations in 5 continents, created with skill and professionalism, in order to offer a high-quality product and a support service for users, installers, and designers. The company is based in Italy, located in a modern facility in the heart of Tuscany, where it makes use of the most modern systems of research, study, and design so as to best solve the problems of each individual application, as well as provide adequate pre- and post-sales assistance through its qualified technicians. Furthermore, the company is also equipped with a laboratory for filtration testing on samples supplied by clients to determine all the necessary parameters

required for sizing the filter press that is most suitable for their needs. Production includes filter presses and pumping units that feed the filter presses. The wide range of filter presses varies from manual discharge machines to fully automatic machines run by modern PLCs. Galigani Filtri manufactures filter presses for all types of applications: food, chemical, pharmaceutical, explosive atmospheres (ATEX), purifying waste water, acid filtration, aggregates, mining, galvanic industries, recycling industries, and so on. All machines are equipped with the most advanced safety devices. The press filters and filtration systems that are manufactured by Galigani Filtri carry out “mechanical” filtrations, and therefore the liquid does not undergo chemical changes.

Galigani Filtri Srl Strada Provinciale Colligiana, 50 - 53035 Monteriggioni (Siena) Italy Tel. +39 0577 30 50 04 info@galiganifiltri.com - www.galiganifiltri.com


Filtration can occur on the synthetic filter cloth, which retains solid particles up to 1 micron, or on cardboard for particles that measure less than or equal to 1 micron. When it comes to the most technologically advanced systems that Galigani Filtri can provide for filtration and clarification before bottling, the Diatom and the Clearness systems are in the forefront. The Diatom system is comprised of a filter cloth for the filter press and is equipped with all the necessary parts (tanks, pumps, valves ...) that are required for filtration processes using various aids (fossil shell flour or cellulose flour, perlite...). The Clearness system is a filter press with an Aisi304 or Aisi316 structure, which uses cardboard filters and a plate pack that is entirely sealed and protected from contact with the external environment.

Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry



ince 1971, LCZ has been proposing fire-tube steam boiler with high performance for current needs. Welcome to LCZ, dedicated to design, manufacturing, installation, service and maintenance of industrial boilers for standard and special applications since 1971: plug in solutions, package solutions, site erected plants. Over the years, LCZ has been able to adapt the proposal to market evolutions, thanks to constant and continuous improvement, regarding the product as well as the fabrication processes, without forgetting the hallmark: careful analysis of customer’s requirements by its technical department aimed at drawing up the most focused, customized and detailed answer. A manufacturing system, organized in two manufacture plants both in Italy and one of these with a covered area of more than 40.000sqm, is well-characterized by automated welding processes, nondestructive tests (X-rays-L.P.), a home production of the furnaces FOX (corrugated) all supported by management using software as SAP ERP. These are some evidences of capacity and productive process that allow LCZ to be one of the best manufacturers of boilers worldwide. Its internal technical department provides process and mechanical design in compliance to PED, TS-TR and ISO 9001 certifications; according to European standards. One of the products, pride of the company, is the fire tube steam boiler model “CS” completely “Made in Italy”. This boiler is characterized by: • Three effective smoke turns, • Semi-fixed, • Wet bottom, • Furnace FOX model, • Steam production from 350kg/h up to 25Ton/h (higher on demand),

L.C.Z. Srl

• Pressure up to 20bar (higher on demand), • Steam water ratio 98% (higher on demand), • Efficiency up to 96% with economizer (up to 105% in several applications), • Available to use gaseous and liquid fuels, • Superheated steam on demand. The fields of application of this type of boiler could be food and beverage (main focus on canning and milk companies), pharmaceutical, tyre, tobacco, gas&oil, etc. The main advantages of the fire-boiler LCZ mod. “CS” are: • High-efficiency reducing consumption, • Long lifetime, • Steam high-quality fulfilling sudden demands of steam, • Low Nox emission. LCZ boiler model “CS” can be configured with efficiency up to 96% (in specific application up to 105%) and for operating without continuous supervision up to 72 hours and/or with a global control system of the plant or the whole boiler room by a PLC or a multichannel electronic control device. In one of the most important companies of Italy’s canning industry, with the aim of extending the supply to the whole site, LCZ has provided its best technologically advanced configuration plant able to grant the minimum impact on running expenses, by reducing power, gas and water consumption down to the minimum. Steam boiler CS12000 for steam production of 20 t/h and 15 bar, is characterized by yield up to 96%; it is managed by an automatic control system that enables the plant to run safely as long as 72 hours without requiring constant supervision of operators. LCZ carried out in house engineering and manufacture of the boiler, and steam distribution collector; moreover, it also supplied boiler water treatment, as follows: • inverse osmosis plant to produce 10mc/h of osmotized water • pressurized thermophysic degasser LCZ also provides its customers with customized solutions to help them exploit process and combustion residual heat as much as possible, by building condensation water recovery systems, pre-heating system for edible water, chimney heat recovery for process water production. The system enables to get efficiency up to 105%, granting the optimization of temperature of flues into the atmosphere and producing saturated steam and hot water to be used in the process. LCZ also acts on steam plants and boilers already in use, examining the possibility of operating interventions that improve overall system performances, reducing emissions and consumption. In addition to energy audit, the technicians also analyze the operation parameters of the plant to work out a proposal of interventions to get significant: • Fuel saving; • Energy saving; • CO2 emission reduction;

Via Canvelli, 21 - 43015 Noceto (Parma) Italy Tel. +39 0521 25 87 23/4 - Fax +39 0521 25 87 17 info@lcz.it - www.lcz.it


• Covering of investments on White Certificates. LCZ’s commitment extends to the management of processing waters, for which it provides water treatment turnkey plants: from process water pretreatment to discharged water recovery, with the optimization of the percentage of recycled water. As regards process waters, the company also supplies the best technology for demineralization processes (ionic exchange, inverse osmosis, etc.) and degassing (atmosphere degassers and pressurized thermophysic plants).


Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry



GM Motori Elettrici is the leader in brake motor technology, manufactured in Italy and consolidating its reputation and presence in the market for over 70 years in Europe and in the world. MGM Motori Elettrici’s facilities in Italy include the main production plant in Serravalle Pistoiese (Pistoia) and a warehouse with commercial offices in Assago (Milan). Further plants in Montreal (Canada), Detroit (USA), Chennai (India) and Izmir (Turkey) complete a global presence further enhanced by a network of distributors for sales and assistance in more than 70 countries. The success of MGM AC brake motors is owed to the ingenuity of an innovative design created in its laboratories. With great ambition, three years ago MGM Motori Elettrici set out to further upgrade its brake motors. The first step was to discuss and receive feedback from consultations with over 100 technical departments at its customer sites around the world. With focus on the features and improvements they would like to find in their ideal brake motor. MGM Motori Elettrici’s goals were not only to meet the recommendations provided by its customers but even to extend the

life cycle of our motors, to increase the average energy efficiency and to give priority to the use of recyclable material with low environmental impact. Since 2008, the average amount of energy MGM Motori Elettrici products need to operate has steadily decreased. In addition, by rethinking and redesigning materials and the production process, MGM Motori Elettrici has reduced the energy needed for the manufacture of its brake motors with a significant reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions. MGM Motori Elettrici felt it appropriate to speed up this process.

MGM Motori Elettrici Spa S.R. 435 Km. 31 - 51034 Serravalle Pistoiese (Pistoia) Italy Tel. +39 0573 91511- Fax +39 0573 518138 mgm@mgmrestop.com - www.mgmrestop.com

All single-speed motors are available with the level of energy efficiency in accordance with the new European regulation that has entered into force since July 1st 2021, the brake coils are undergoing improvements in terms of reducing energy consumption and increasing performance. Motors with IEC frame sizes 100 and 112 are the first to be presented in the market with most of the planned upgrades. The dimensions compared to the current production will be reduced, the frame offers an optimal heat dissipation capacity and allows, thanks to two dedicated lifting eyes, greater ease of handling. The terminal board has been made more accessible, simplifying the connection and reducing the installation time for the benefit of the end user. MGM Motori Elettrici then designed and realized, by patenting it, a new methodology that allows it to use rotors with larger active parts for the benefit of efficiency but without increasing the moment of inertia of the motor. All this has allowed to improve the dynamics and maintain the capacity of a huge number of starts per hour. The remainder of the motor frame sizes will receive the same improvements during this year. For MGM Motori Elettrici sustainable development and respect for the environment have always been very important goals. In the Serravalle Pistoiese plant almost 100% of the electricity consumed is produced by the photovoltaic panels placed on the roof, the air conditioning is supported by a geothermal system and the consumption of drinking water has been reduced.

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amiliar atmosphere, global attitude Familiar spirit and high levels of specialization are the concepts on which OMBF bases its work. Established in 1998 in Canelli (Asti) thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of the brothers Bene, OMBF could improve year after year its experience in the supply of machines for the oenological branch, by using extremely flexible and simplified mechanical technologies. The constant research of innovation and cutting-edge solutions is the fil rouge leitmotif of the story of the company, a constant feature the brothers Angelo and Giuseppe Bene passed on to the second generation who entered the business. This peculiar feature enabled designing and manufacturing the first 4.0 machines, with characteristic that offer the operator a totally automated and interlocked production. But the wide offer of OMBF includes solutions able to meet all bottling needs - corking, capping, and wire- hooding - with stand-alone equipment, monoblock and triblock machines (in automatic and semi-automatic versions) for wineries that produce from 300 up to 7000 bottles/hour. Besides specific machines for the processing of sparkling wines with classical method and the bottling of beer, the range of products includes also packaging machines, to add further elements to the “turnkey” lines, completed with their accessories. OMBF offers products, but does not limit to products, it is characterised by the great passion increased during the 20 years’ experience of its founders, the deep knowledge of the sector and the continuous research




that led to a growth aimed at meeting the requests of an international market in continuous evolution. The range of OMBF includes: • Stand-alone machines such as corkers, wire-hooding machines, universal capsuling mono-blocks (picture 1) suitable for any type of capsules and uncorking machines for straight corks. The various models are designed for the insertion in a bottling line. • Complete line for champagne method composed by riddling machines, disgorging monoblocks, corkers, wirehooders and liqueur mixers. • The new OMBF isobaric line for small to medium enterprises that want to equip themselves for the rinsing, filling and the different closures for bottles (picture 2), cans and kegs (picture 3). All of OMBF machines are available in both versions: automatic and semiautomatic. Services | support at 360° The flexible and multitasking approach of OMBF is aimed at offering its customers a complete service starting from the careful advice during the stage before the purchase, to find the most suitable equipment for the most diverse needs, until designing customized machines. The mechanics and the internal movements are simplified to ensure easy maintenance and use. Besides ensuring a long life of the

O.M.B.F. Snc Regione Leiso, 113/F - 14050 San Marzano Oliveto (Asti) Italy Tel. +39 0141 831252 info@ombf.it - www.ombf.it

machines, the materials and components used (304 and 316 stainless steel, steel alloys, alimentary graded plastic materials, high quality mechanical and electrical components) are chosen to meet the highest international standards. The know-how of the company, acquired in many decades, is put at disposal of the customers also at the stages of installation, starting up of the production system, for the whole period of warranty and later on, for a complete after-sales service. 3

Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry



.E. LABELLERS S.p.A.: the Italian leadership in labelling

Founded in 1974 in Mantua (Italy), P.E. Labellers is a global leader in the design and manufacture of entirely modular and ergonomic automatic labelling machines. The developed solutions offer all available labelling possibilities, even reciprocally combined, through independent and interchangeable machines and stations. The company’s lean production is

inspired by the concept of total flexibility: with this Design Innovation approach, P.E. Labellers produces 450 machines each year, both rotary and linear, for the beverage, wine&spirits, food&dairy, but also personal&home care, pharma, chemical and pet food sectors. Today, 10,000 P.E. machines are installed worldwide and widely managed remotely thanks to continuous support and maintenance services. P.E. Labellers features a global dimension: 8 production

P.E. Labellers Spa Via Industria, 56 - 46047 Porto Mantovano (Mantova) Italy Tel. +39 0376 389311 - Fax +39 0376 389 411 pelabellers@pelabellers.it - www.pelabellers.com


sites distributed amidst Italy, US, Brazil and 500 employees all over the world. The company is part of the multinational group ProMach, a world leader in Packaging. The 2021 editions of FachPack in Nuremberg, Pack Expo in Las Vegas and Vinitaly in Verona have just finished. Among the world’s leading trade fairs in the Packaging and Wine&Spirits sector. What news was on show at Vinitaly | Enolitech 2021? Let’s start with the latest exhibition, organized in Verona from October 19 to 21. The Special Edition of Vinitaly | Enolitech was the showcase to officially present the new MODULAR CM labelling solution. Official launch for the new completely ergonomic and modular automatic labeling machine, whose layout can be reconfigured quickly and easily. Compact and solid, it is available in 4 sizes from small to medium, up to 6 labelling stations. It is no coincidence that P.E. Labellers has chosen to present the new labelling solution at Vinitaly 2021: the Modular CM is ideally suited to meet the needs of wineries and bottlers requiring labelling solutions even of small to medium size. In addition to Wine&Spirits, Modular CM also satisfies the production needs of the Oil, Beer, Food&Dairy industries. It features labelling stations with pressure sensitive technology and cold glue, reciprocally interchangeable; they are replaceable in a few steps according to any production needs.


The Modular CM is a machine that provides the highest standards of safety for the operators: it has up/down protections that, when raised, instantly stop the machine’s operation. What news was on show at Pack Expo 2021? Pack Expo was held in Las Vegas from September 28 to 30 and was the showcase for the official launch

Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry

of SIMPL-CUT™, the revolutionary labeling solution that changes the rules of Roll-Fed technology. This solution represents a true innovation: it overcomes the limits of traditional Roll-Fed labellers thanks to its cutting system, the extreme ease in replacing the blades and many other additional, unprecedented features. These additional features didn’t go unnoticed: In fact, Simpl-Cut™ won

PMMI’s coveted Technology Excellence Award at Pack Expo in Las Vegas, receiving the first prize for the most innovative solution in the General Packaging category. A very important goal achieved by P.E. Labellers. What news was on show at FachPack 2021? For the Nuremberg trade fair, held from September 27 to 29, P.E. Labellers showcased MODULAR SL, the fully flexible multi-configuration and multi-technology machine. This labelling solution can perform multiple configurations and application technologies: completely interchangeable labelling stations are installed, which can be replaced in a few steps. The labelling stations can be either fixed or on independent carts, therefore modularity is expressed both in the technologies available and in the configurations that can be obtained. Modular SL is a machine with a vocation for safety, which makes the protection of the operator another of its strong points.

P.E. Labellers Spa Via Industria, 56 - 46047 Porto Mantovano (Mantova) Italy Tel. +39 0376 389311 - Fax +39 0376 389 411 pelabellers@pelabellers.it - www.pelabellers.com


Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry





ietribiasi Michelangelo Srl was established between the end 1960 and the beginning of the next decade. From the beginning the family-run company specialized in the construction of equipment for the dairy industry and developed later into the field of soft drinks, juices and beverages in general. Today, the Pietribiasi name is among the more well-known in the dairy and beverages sector and the company is internationally acknowledged, particularly in the realization of “turn-key” projects regarding process of liquid foods. Looking more closely at the company’s product ranges, the Pietribiasi division covers the research, project design and supply of complete systems for the process of milk (HTST – ESL – UHT), cream – fermented products from milk process (yoghurts in the various known versions, sour cream, Smetana, kefir, labneh, etc.), fresh soft cheeses, as well semi and hard cheeses, “pasta filatapizza cheese” (such as mozzarella, caciocavallo, etc.) and other products processed from cow, sheep and goat milks. Pietribiasi Michelangelo is also very well-known for its ice cream mix preparation and pasteurization plants. In this field the company has wide experience and can cover all equipment needs from small to bigger plants for the production of pasteurized drinking milk, yoghurt, different kinds of cheese, butter, etc. Complete equipment means starting from milk receiving or recombination to final product including packaging. The same for juice processing, from juice preparation to filling. Pietribiasi designs and produces plate and tubular heat exchanger for pasteurization and thermal treatment (cooling and/or heating) of

different liquid foods (milk, cream, ice-cream mix, fruit juice, eggs mixture, beer, wine, and many others). Skid mounted pasteurizers can be completed with degassing unit, separator, homogenizer. In the beverage field, the range includes pre-mix units, sugar dissolving systems, filters, mixing and storage tanks as well as of course the complete thermal treatment up to the filling. These kinds of plants are “tailor-made” and designed according to customer’s specific demands. The company is also renowned and appreciated for following products: Batch pasteurizers; discontinuous cream pasteurizers; butter churns (available in a wide range of models from 20 L to 3000 L total capacity); semi-automatic butter forming machines. Its fifty-year experience in the food-stuff field, its long-lasting cooperation with many European organizations and companies, the specialized knowledge in these processing fields, equipment and technologies, skilled level of staff operating in Pietribiasi, a flexible and friendly management and lead of company by ownership, are the powerful basis of the success of Michelangelo Pietribiasi company.

Pietribiasi Michelangelo Srl Via del Progresso, 12 - 36035 Marano Vicentino (Vicenza) Italy Tel. +39 0445 62 10 88 - Fax +39 0445 6216 31 pietribiasi@pietribiasi.it - www.pietribiasi.it

Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry




MI: even more functional and sustainable packaging Nature plays an increasingly important role in the everyday life of all of us! Thanks to investments in industrial plants equipped with smart and green technology, like the machines supplied by SMI, food & beverage companies will save on energy, reduce the production environmental impact and use recyclable and biodegradable packaging materials to manufacture packs in film or cardboard. Future is always full of challenges. SMI solution for competitive market! The companies influenced by the trend of strong product diversification, need very flexible and efficient bottling and packaging plants in order to reach high levels of optimization and competitiveness of production lines. Furthermore, in an economic environment that is increasingly oriented towards ecofriendly solutions in the use of plastic packaging, a growing number of companies have chosen to use rPET (100 % recyclable PET) bottles and cutting-edge technical solutions, like those supplied by SMI, Design of sustainable containers Today all the main food and beverage manufacturers aim at promoting sustainable lifestyles in compliance with circular economy and support the importance of the responsible use of resources and recycle. Their commitment starts from the use of PET plastics: a 100% recyclable and regenerable material. Thanks to an advanced CAD center for 3D design, SMI supports companies in the design and graphic realization of a wide range of 100% recyclable PET containers, featuring high quality and lightweight in order to save energy and material.

in order to save energy and reduce the production environmental impact. Recent studies clearly show the advantages related to the use of PET plastic bottles, containers that are unbreakable, safe, with great barrier properties, light and above all recyclable. When compared to other packaging materials, like glass or aluminium, traditional PET and, above all, its 100 % recyclable version (rPET), has a good environmental profile, especially thanks to its lightweight, that results in less material to be produced, less material to be disposed of, less energy used to manufacture it and less fuel used for the transport of packed products. SMI manufactures bottling plants and packaging machines with an innovative design, equipped with IoT technology, providing to its customers, located all over the world, with smart solutions, able to meet their requirements in terms of competitiveness, production efficiency, operational flexibility, energy saving, easy management and monitoring of the whole production process. The EBS ERGON series of stretchblow moulding, available both in “stand alone” version and in “combi” version, integrated with filling and capping systems (ECOBLOC® ERGON series), ensure high performances in the stretch blow-moulding of rPET, and PET bottles of different shapes and capacities from 0.10 L up to 10L mainly used for the food, beverage and detergent industries, able to meet production requirements up to 36,800 bottles/hour. Thanks to high-tech components, low maintenance and running costs and great quality/price ratio, SMI machines are the best solution for producing plastic containers. SMI, aware of the challenges posed by this directive to beverage manufacturers, offers solutions for producing containers with a percentage of recycled PET in compliance with

Smi Spa Via Carlo Ceresa, 10 - 24015 San Giovanni Bianco (Bergamo) Italy Tel. +39 0345 401 11 - Fax +39 0345 402 09 info@smigroup.it - www.smigroup.it

2019/904 and supports customers in order to evaluate the right tethered cap solution. Green solutions for the primary packaging. Main advantages of EBS series - compact, ergonomic and functional frame, capable to considerably simplify its running, cleaning and maintenance operations and to ensure significant space saving in the bottling line; - new preform heating module, characterized by compact dimensions, horizontal frame of the preform-holding mandrel chains (37 mm pitch for the production of bottles up to 3 L) and an optimized ventilation system. The new heating module is equipped with heat-reflecting, high energy efficiency panels made of composite materials positioned both on the front and to the rear of the heat lamps in charge of preforms heating. It ensures a high reflection of the heat generated by the lamps and its more uniform distribution on the preforms surface - blow-moulding module equipped with motorized stretching rods whose functioning is controlled by electronic drives with no need of mechanical cams. This new technology enables a precise descent of the stretching rod, an accurate control of its position, remarkable energy savings along with a reduced stress generated by the vibrations of mechanical components. Moreover, this new technology enables to adjust the stretch-blowing speed without mechanical interventions (cams replacement) - high performance, low dead volume valves system which has reduced the pre-blowing and blowing times with the subsequent great advantage in terms of machine’s efficiency and quality of the final bottles - automation and control by Motornet System®, which ensures the constant keeping of optimal working parameters during the whole production cycle and directly adjusts the machine’s settings, simplifying format changeovers

Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry


The advantages of the ECOBLOC® ERGON integrated solutions of blowing-filling-capping. The ECOBLOC® ERGON series offers the end user countless economic benefits such as: - modular and compact design, which combines in a single block the stretch-blow moulding, filling and capping modules; - low consumption of water and energy, thus allowing low running and maintenance costs and safeguarding the environment; - excellent accessibility and easy maintenance operations; - automation and control system allowing the management of the system by only one line operator through a simple and user-friendly man-machine interface; - high precision system, for the application of screw caps and pressure caps; - cap hopper feeding placed outside the machine at a height easily accessible by the machine operator; - electronic filling system: no contact between the bottle and the filling valve (in case of still products). Green solutions for secondary packaging Within secondary packaging, SMI offers a wide range of automatic machines for packing in an efficient and ecosustainable way several types of containers with an output up to 450 packs per minute (in triple lane) and applications that ensure energy saving. Depending on the type of product to be packed and on the reference market, it is possible to choose the most appropriate packer among a wide range of automatic shrink wrappers for secondary packaging in stretch or recyclable film or among packers that use corrugated, kraft or Arcwise® cardboard. All automatic packers produced by SMI are inspired by Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things (IoT) concepts and ensure cost reduction, energy saving, environmental sustainability and increase in competitiveness. Interactive tour to discover sustainable solutions SMI still thinks about all those customers who, due to restrictions related to Covid-19, cannot travel to go to the Italian headquarters or to take part in trade fairs. In order to find out the advantages of SMI complete lines, customers are invited to access the interactive tour, available on the web site www.smigroup.it: a journey inside two complete line solutions featuring sustainability and compliance with Industry 4.0, that allow to discover the cutting-edge technology to reduce the carbon footprint, energy consumption and waste material. Flexible market-driven organization In a global market where competition is getting fiercer and fiercer, the possibility to guarantee a “next door” service is for SMI a key factor to effectively and successfully support customers wherever they are. Thus, over the years SMI has set up a widespread network of branches and representative offices in order to extend the service to the widest number of clients.

In the Asian continent SMI operates through two wholly-owned subsidiary companies: SMI Asia Services Sdn Bhd based in Malaysia and SMI Machinery Beijing Co. Ltd based in China (with offices in Beijing, Nanjing and Guangzhou). Local staff’s expertise and know-how ensure an accurate and qualified support to Asian customers. About SMI The SMI Group, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of bottling and packaging plants for production requirements up to 36,800 bottles/hour, has been continuously looking for new technical solutions that adapt to the changing market needs and that ensure customers production performance and ecosystem protection. The environment has become a common good everyone has to take care of and this objective can be achieved by investing in industrial plants equipped with green technology that allow to save energy and reduce the production environmental footprint. With 6,800 packaging machines in operation in more than 130 countries, SMI offers a wide range of machines that meet these needs in terms of flexibility and versatility and are able to combine safety, sustainability and innovation.

Solutions for tethered caps The tethered caps, that stay attached to the bottle after having been opened, will become an object of everyday use for European consumers from 2024, when 2019/904 directive will enter into force. The EU directive establishes the minimum recyclate percentage in plastic beverage bottles (25% starting from 2025 and 30% starting from 2030) and states that the caps of PET bottles have to be attached to the container, so that they can be recycled together with the bottle, thus avoiding they end up as waste in the environment.

Smi Spa Via Carlo Ceresa, 10 - 24015 San Giovanni Bianco (Bergamo) Italy Tel. +39 0345 401 11 - Fax +39 0345 402 09 info@smigroup.it - www.smigroup.it


www.tmcigroup.com www.blendtech-division.com Tel +39 0438 4147 Mail padovan@tmcigroup.com

Plants and equipment for fruit juices and soft drinks production Decades of expierence in beverages processing.

Tailor made solutions, with different levels of automation.

Product portfolio: fruit juices, soft drinks, water, hard seltzer, dairy, etc.

Worldwide coverage, thanks to offices and official distributors.

From single equipment to complete syrup rooms and fruit processing lines.

Filtration and clarification, thermal treatments, blending, aseptic lines.

Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry



Tubular aseptic pasteurizer


MCI Padovan is an historic Italian company, based in Italy’s North East area (near Treviso), leader for 102 years in food and beverage technology sectors worldwide. The company’s evolutionary path has oriented its business towards alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The first sector in which TMCI has specialized is the oenological one, up to becoming the reference point for many wineries throughout Italy and around the world. Padovan division is still a cornerstone today, but it is not limited to providing machinery for the wine process: distillates, oils, vinegars, ciders, carbohydrates, industrial filtration and much more are the application fields of the division. Filters, pasteurizers, cleaning systems, refrigeration or heat exchange systems: the range offered by Padovan is varied and custom made. In 1985, the company decided to expand by acquiring an English company called Chemtech International. Chemtech, based in Theale, was the division dedicated to “liquid food”. The division is specialized in the production of

machinery for gelatine, margarine, cocoa butter, oils and fats and products for pastry and bakery. The products that characterize this division are certainly the scraped surface exchangers (Chemetator), but no less important are the deodorizers, pilot plants, process tanks, pasteurizers, and much more. Another end-product on which TMCI wanted to focus is beer, both craft and industrial. Starting with single machines (filters and pasteurizers) it gradually built his reputation, which was undoubtedly strengthened when the VELO brand was acquired in 2014. In 2018, the team multiplied, thanks to the acquisition of the Vicenza-based company Impiantinox;

from that moment Easybräu-Velo brand is the undisputed protagonist in the brewing market. The range of products offered is vast: brewhouses from 1 to 100 hl, auxiliary accessories (dry hop, yeast propagators, etc.), fermentation and maturation tanks, cleaning systems (CIP), and filters and pasteurizers for the industrial world. As far as non-alcoholic beverages, such as soft drinks, fruit juices, energy drinks, nectars, syrups, flavored and non-flavored waters, milk and derivatives, and slightly alcoholic drinks such as hard seltzer, kombucha, fruit cocktails, alcopops and various, Blendtech division comes into play. Like the other divisions, Blendtech


Tunnel pasteurizer, cooler or warmer

TMCI Padovan Spa Via Caduti del Lavoro, 7 - z.i. - 31029 Vittorio Veneto (Treviso) Italy tel. +39 0438 41 47 - fax +39 0438 50 10 44 padovan@tmcigroup.com - www.tmcigroup.com

Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry


Syrup room

Syrup room

designs and creates customized solutions according to the customer’s needs. The heart of the division is certainly the syrup room, which follows the product in the entire process phases: sugar dissolution, which can be continuous or discontinuous, syrup clarification treatment, dosage of micro-components and aromas, preparation of the final syrup and realization of the finished product. To complete the range of Blendtech products we have filters, tunnel and in-line pasteurizers (plate or tubular), evaporators, desulfurizers, CIP, aseptic lines and machinery for blending and mixing, such as premix, carbonators, mixers-pasto-carbo and much more! TMCI Padovan company is present all over the world, with two production sites in Italy and many offices scattered around the four corners of the earth. The company’s strengths, across the four divisions, are certainly: - the speed of reaction at the time of the first contact with the customer, - the ability, thanks to the preparation of its technical department, to identify customer needs and produce the offer that best suits the needs of the individual, - versatility, which allows TMCI to obtain customized products, - the possibility of offering semi or fully automatic machines, thanks to a dedicated automation office, - the speed of analysis, response and intervention of its after-sales office, which accompanies the customer in every necessary step.

TMCI Padovan Spa Via Caduti del Lavoro, 7 - z.i. - 31029 Vittorio Veneto (Treviso) Italy tel. +39 0438 41 47 - fax +39 0438 50 10 44 padovan@tmcigroup.com - www.tmcigroup.com


Asiatic Edition 2021 / 2022 Beverage Industry




n approach to innovative cross-flow filtration of tank bottoms with VLS Technologies The markets of wine, beer, spirits, juices and soft drinks are constantly evolving, and the technological solutions adopted for the filtration of liquids must keep up with innovation and growth. VLS Technologies represents worldwide a single reference point for the client for both the aspect of filtration and more complex needs that involve the whole process of liquid treatment: that is made possible by the production plant in San Zenone degli Ezzelini in the Province of Treviso, northeast Italy, as well as by an established worldwide network of agents, authorized reselling and assistance. In addition to traditional applications, as sheet filters or pressure leaf filters, the focus of VLS Technologies is the development of innovative solutions as cross-flow filtration systems and reverse osmosis. Innovative technologies guarantee a number of advantages. For example, in cross-flow filtration the liquid is pushed by means of pressure through the particular pores of a membrane: thanks to this system the clients are able to improve the obtained quantity of product, decreasing energy consumption and production costs, for example avoiding the usage of clarifiers and adjuvants. Among technologies based on cross-flow filtration, the most innovative one is the TLS filter. TLS Filter, cutting-edge technology TLS Filter is VLS advanced solution for cross-flow filtration of products, such as lees and wine musts. The filter enables to free users from the daily use of rotary drum vacuum filters and offers an automatic, economical filtration without using earth. The filtered wine is perfectly brilliant and clear (<1 NTU). It can directly be added into the filtered batch without undergoing any additional treatment (fining and filtration). The recovery, depending on the load of the filtered products, is higher than the one obtained with rotary drum vacuum filters. In addition, the filtered product is of better quality (analytic parameters are maintained, and wine is in a “pre-bottling” quality). Thanks to machinery remote control, the presence of the operator is minimal, thus ensuring easier and automatic operating process. Membranes, filtration and advantages This cross-flow filter specifically dedicated to the treatment of “tank bottoms” is equipped with a stainless steel membrane with

a selectivity adapted to very clogging products such as fining lees (bentonite, …) and centrifuge sludge. This membrane has the characteristics to be long lasting and resistant to pressure, temperature and chemical products. Those features are as many assets for the reliability of the filtration and the capacity of regeneration of the membranes. “Tank bottoms” are filtered through a series of 2 to 12 membranes of 16 m² each. TLS filter exists with 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 membranes. Clogging is contained on the surface of the membrane which allows for more consistent removal of solids from filterable area, thus allowing for longer, more productive filter cycles. The filter, steam-sterisable, is more productive than a classical rotary drum vacuum filter, and will not lose quality or alcohol. Moreover, residues, still containing alcohol, can easily be valorized in a distillery. Areas of application Thanks to its high-performing technology and the possibility of full customization, TLS Filter can be used to treat a great variety of products. TLS is especially recommended for the filtration of sweet lees from continuous or discontinuous flotation and static sedimentation, and for wine and musts with high contents in solids. In addition to wine treatment, TLS can be used for fruit-juice concentrates and sugar solutions (sugar syrups, glucose, etc.), and for post-fermentation lees and fermented lees post clarification. Other fields of application of TLS Filter are the treatment of spirits (Atex execution) and of hard products with high concentrations of filtering aids (bentonite, gelatine and charcoal). VLS Technologies, thanks to its 35-year experience in the market, can guarantee a dynamic and flexible approach, realizing long-term partnerships with both medium and small production companies as well as with major brands worldwide. Find out more at www. vlstechnologies.it

Velo Acciai Srl Via San Lorenzo, 42 - 31020 San Zenone degli Ezzelini (Treviso) Italy Tel. +39 0423 96 89 66 info@veloacciai.com - www.vlstechnologies.it



2021 2022

Supplemento a TecnAlimentaria N° 11 Novembre/November 2021 Poste Italiane SpA - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1 comma 1 NE/TV - Anno 26 N°11 - 2021 - ISSN 2498-9541



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