TecnA Plastics & Rubber - March 2023

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TecnA Plastics & Rubber

March 2023

Issue 8 - Year V

Publisher Fabiana Da Cortà Fumei

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Elena Abbondanza

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CMG Granulators: Recycling of plastics with 50% energy consumption reduction

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The PLASTPOL expo is the gateway to new sales markets

The Targi Kielce’s 28th international fair of plastics and rubber processing

PLASTPOL to be held in Targi Kielce from 23 to 26 May 2023, is the destination for companies looking for investment and development opportunities

According to the Plastics Europe Polska Foundation, 2021’s European plastics production increased from 53.9 to 57.2 million tonnes. Poland ranks third in terms of demand for plastics (100 kg/person), right after Germany (140 kg/person) and Italy (122 kg/person). Therefore, it comes as no surprise that PLASTPOL - the Polish expo dedicated to the plastic

processingindustry-hasbeenoneofthemostimportant eventsofthistypeinCentralandEasternEuropeforyears. Poland already boasts of having a highly developed

processing sector, employing over 200,000 people. According to Plastics Europe data, the local plastics production volume is estimated to reach 1.7 million tons. Therefore, PLASTPOL - Poland’s International Fair of Plastics and Rubber Processing - has become a popular destination for companies looking for investment and development opportunities. The upcoming PLASTPOL promises to be a focal point for industry representatives, and business insiders from all around the world; from Turkey,Qatar,Germany,Italy,IndiaandBalkancountries, showcase their products and services. However, the list of exhibitors is really extensive.

“We can already see an avid interest of several important companies”, says Kamil Perz, director of the PLASTPOL project. “This year’s list of exhibitors includes such companies as: ENGEL, ARBURG, WITTMANN, ALBIS, MOLGROUP, LYONDELLBASELL, EXXON MOBIL and STARLINGER.”

Thenextyearintheindustrywillbemarkedbytheclosing production cycles. Current technology makes it possible tomakemachinesthatpracticallyuserecycledplastics. Notonlyisthisapivotalchangebutalsogoodnewsforthe processing sector, because it allows for a fundamental change in thinking about plastics processing.

The analyses of global institutions, which are industry insiders have proven this trend. “The plastics industry

keeps developing and introducing new technologies to the manufacturing process; this encompasses more recyclate, less virgin materials, recyclable designs and better performance designed to protect food and beveragesbetter,asignificantreductionofwaste”,Matt Seaholm, president of Plastics Industry Association

PLASTPOLexpohostsover900companiesfromallcorners of the world, the exhibitors use almost 34,000 sqm of exhibition space. The show is a magnet for 20 thousand visitors. The potential of Polish processing trade show is also recognised by global institutions, both the Embassy of Angola and Qatar Development Bank together with Qatar Financial Centre joined the expo to present their economic potential. Not only did they exhibit at Plastpol,butalsoorganisedaseriesofmeetingsdevoted to investment opportunities as well as these countries’ productionindustries’developmentprospects.Forovera quarterofacentury,TargiKielcehasofferedplasticsand rubber processing industry the space to hold successful business meetings and strengthen personal contacts.

The Targi Kielce’s 28th International Fair of Plastics and Rubber Processing PLASTPOL is held in Targi Kielce from 23 to 26 May 2023.

More information can be found at: www.plastpol.com and on the Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/ showcase/plastpolfair

Plastics recycling show Middle East & Africa launches in Dubai 5-7 September 2023

PRS ME&A will take place on 5 to 7 September 2023 and is the first and only event in the region specifically dedicated to plastics recycling

The launch edition of the Plastics Recycling Show Middle East & Africa (PRS ME&A) will take place at the Dubai World Trade Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on 5 to 7 September 2023. The three-day exhibition and conferenceisthefirstandonlyevent in the region specifically dedicated to plastics recycling.

“The Plastics Recycling Show has grown extremely quickly since its launch in Europe, and we are excitedtobelaunchinganewshow in Dubai specifically for the Middle East & Africa in September of 2023,” said Matt Barber, Event Director at Crain Communications.

“Media Fusion is delighted to partner with Crain Communications on this new exhibition,” said Taher Patrawala, managing director of Media Fusion. “As governments legislate to increase the recycling of plastics and major corporations invest heavily in recycling technologies, there are many diverse opportunities to become involved in the business of plastics recycling in the region.”

The Plastics Recycling Show Middle East & Africa is designed for plastics recycling professionals. It brings togetherkeyplayersfromtheplastics and recycling sectors to showcase innovative technology, share best practice, network and do business.

A broad cross-section of the industry isrepresentedattheeventincluding plastics recycling machinery and equipmentsuppliers,plasticmaterial suppliers and compounders, preprocessors, plastics recyclers, recycling and waste management specialists, regional government and industry associations.

Companies and organisations operating across the region have already signed up to exhibit at the launch event including: Bariq, BASF SE, BritAS Recycling-Anlagen GmbH, C.M.G. Spa, EREMA, FAM Recycling, FIMIC Srl, Horizon Technologies FZE, KronesAG,MagnaInternationalLtd, NGR GmbH, Novelplast Teoranta, Pellenc ST, Polystar Machinery, Rebound Plastic Exchange, Starlinger Co. GmbH, STP Saudi Top Plastic, Tomra Sorting GmbH, Turhan and Vecoplan AG.

Thelatesttrendsintheplasticsrecycling sectorwillbeexploredindepthinthe conference, which provides a holistic view of the whole plastic recycling value chain, drawing together legislators, major brands, recyclers and the plastics recycling and manufacturing industry. International experts will address key themes including the circular economy, regulations,challenges,opportunities, innovations, technologies and trends, and share insights and experiences from across the sector promoting the sustainableuseofplastics.

Plastics Recycling Show Middle East & Africa is organised by Crain

Communications and Media Fusion and is supported by Plastics Recyclers Europe. The event will run annually starting in September 2023. For more information on exhibiting and visiting The Plastics Recycling Show Middle East & Africa, visit: https://prseventmea.com

Three generations of success with Bruno Folcieri

Bruno Folcieri is an important industrial reality in the development, design and construction of systems for the grinding of plastic waste deriving for post-industrial and postconsumer use

Foundedin1946,theBrunoFolciericompany todayoccupiesanimportantpositioninthe international panorama of manufacturers of plastic granulation machines. A 77-years long history that has seen the succession of three generations of the Folcieri family and which today commits Esmeralda together with her father Ezio Zoppi to lead the company. The company operates 65-70% outside national borders. In Europe it is present in a widespread manner and the overseas gaze is focused on America, where there is a strong interest because it is an emerging market in terms of recycling. South America is an equally interesting commercial outlet, where there are important realities. Bruno Folcieri also reaches Asia, a rapidly expanding market. The growth path is unstoppable and marked by important milestonesthathaveseentheItaliancompanybecome one of the reference companies in the plastics sector, establishing itself as an important industrial reality in the development,designandconstructionofsystemsforthe grinding of plastic waste deriving for post-industrial and post-consumer use.

The Bruno Folcieri’s market offer consists of three main ranges: TOP, HF and EASY POWER, whose model 2,000, represents the flagship of Bruno Folcieri production. It is the largest machine in the range, weighing 32 tons, and offers important performance. The weight denotes its significant structural strength and the ability to withstand production efforts. While the internal casing coating in

interchangeable manganese steel plates is effective in resisting the abrasiveness of certain materials and contaminants.


TOP and TOP WET granulators with a high production capacity suitable for particularly intensive applications, such as the grinding of heavy lumps, hard fibers, extremely thin films or simply large quantities of material. The great versatility in grinding operations allows for the management of a very wide range of plastic materials in terms of type and configuration. The machines in this seriesstandoutduetotheirhighlysturdyandheavy-duty construction, whose main feature is the rotor made from

a solid forged monoblock without welding. Another unique feature is the interchangeability of many of the components which are subject to wear over time, such as the rotor blade holders and the cutting chamber protection plates. These machines are also available in the WET water version.


The EASY POWER is the largest capacity granulator built for the most rigorous conditions. It is suitable for tough, abrasive or contaminated materials that can cause high wear. The major feature is the heavy steel construction and the rotor, made from a solid block of hardened steel forged without any welding, as proof of extreme solidity, strength and resistance. Most machine

components are interchangeable, such as the rotor blade holders, blade locking wedges and wearresistant steel protection plates of the cutting chamber, which ensures maximum machine efficiency and duration over time. In addition, the complete opening of the feed hopper and special conformation of the cutting chamber allow for easy access to the heart of the machine, for maintenance purposes. These machines are also available in the WET water version. HF

One-step grinding system specific for pipes and profiles of large diameter and high thickness without the need for pre-shredding. It is possible to continuously grind smooth and corrugated pipes in HDPE, PP and RIGID PVC up to a maximum length of 6m. These are highly robust granulators with rotor diameter from 830 up to 1930mm. The system consists of a loading box with hydraulic closing for loading the tubes which automatically pours them directly into the

loading hopper of the mill. In this, a material pusher acts by advancing the tube towards the grinding chamber. The advancement is controlled according to the load ensuring optimal use of the machine. The entire grinding process is extremely safe because it is completely automated and does notrequireoperatorintervention. All machines can be integrated into 4.0 industrial processes. BrunoFolcieriisactivelyinvolvedinthe scenario of Industry 4.0 with systems that make machines “intelligent communicating entities” even remotely. In integration with the IT andITCworld.Theremoteassistance service allows interventions on the configuration of the control system, through a company tpc/ip network connection and an internet connection.

High-performance innovative automatic dosing system

Color Service presents a certified weighing system that ensures the most accurate calculations while dosing chemicals, and a modular design allows for future modifications

Color Service is the world leader in the production and development of Automatic Dosing Systems for powder and liquid products for compound and masterbatch preparation.

The company’s technology is developed to solve problems associatedwiththemanualweighing of pigments or additives and is designed with the aim to abandon traditional production methods that inevitably would not allow to get a safe, fast and precise dosing.

The necessity of uniformity on the finished products is essential for all kind of industries and weighing raw materials may be an error-prone operation.ThisiswhereColorService steps in with its fully automated dosing system.

The equipment sits in the middle of the production line and automates the entire dosing process, with loading of raw materials being the onlymanualtask.Itcanmanagethe rawmaterialsat360°C,toeffectively reduce the overall production process time, lower the number of workers required, and eliminate the safety risk of operators working in terms of human expositions to dangerous raw materials. In fact, from an ecological point of view, Color Service has designed an innovative Anti-Dust Kit installed on each dosing head, a completely closedandaspiratedsystemableto guaranteezeroemissionsinthework environment,aspiratingthereleased dust during the dosing phase. Furthermore, the aspirated product is recovered and reintroduced into the production cycle with obvious ecological and economic benefits.

The company’s highest priority is to substantiallyminimizeenvironmental and ecological hazards reducing pollution and material waste to create a sustainable finished product for the customer.

A certified weighing system ensures the most accurate calculations while dosing chemicals, and a modular design allows for future modifications. It tracks the status of each recipe while it is being prepared, and every bag is labelled with a thermal transfer printed label that provides traceability to the whole cycle and process. To ensure there are no mechanical flaws or malfunctions,strictqualityassurance is maintained during the system’s manufacturing. All components

are run through electrical and PLC tests to check for proper functioning before they are dispatched to the client. System accuracy is verified at their facility by testing cycle time and Cpks using their products to ensure proper implementation. Customized software programs are developed internally at Color Servicetosupplementtheirproducts and integrate with a client’s existing systems.

Color Service further assists clients with 24/7 customer support. Operating from technological centers in America, Europe, and Asia, it offers remote help desk assistance by directly interfacing withthesystemtofixanyissueattheir factory. If remote assistance is not getting the job done, it guarantees a service executive will be present at the site within 24 hours to directly handle the issue.

Duetoitsdecades-longexperience, Color Service has mastered the art of staying ahead of the curve with innovation at its heart. Its ideology is to improve production efficiency through innovation, and the driving force for its R&D division is derived from the ideas, wants, and needs of its customers.

Color Service’s methodology of keeping customers in mind when crafting highly efficient and innovative solutions gives it an exceptionaledgeinthemarketand enables it to be a world leader in the production of automatic dosing systems.

Quality - Innovation - Reliability

Experience and innovation in the plastic materials sector

araccoSrlisacompany specialized in the creation,development, production, sales and worldwide distribution of machines, spare parts and accessories for the granulation of plastic materials.

BIts growth can be attributed to its founder’s decades of experience in the plastics industry, who between 1983 and 1993 developed his skills working in the field, in a company that designed and manufactured pelletizing machinery. Later, from 1993 to 2017, as co-founder of one of the leading companies in the industry, with responsibility in the technical division for design and

development of die plates and spare parts.

New solution BPW50

The laboratory pelletising system is specifically designed for laboratory development work to produce samples or small batches of pellets from lightweight materials such as polyolefins and others. The system is designed to have a production capacity of up to 100 kg/h (20 – 220 lbs/h), depending on the material. How the Baracco pelletising systems work

This pelletising system, including a centrifugal dryer, is mounted on a single, easily movable frame with

swivel wheels and incorporates unique features for both laboratory useandsmallcontinuousproduction runs.

All necessary electrical controls, based on state-of-the-art touch screen technology, are contained in a modular panel that rests on the system frame.

Benefits of the Baracco BPW systems

• Easy to clean

• Simple and easy to use

• Lightweight, portable

• Designed to be convenient

• Requires few inexpensive spare parts

Baracco Srl promises to offer quality and service through state-of-the-art technology and a qualified facility.

The secret of success knowing how to take on new challenges

In recent years, Plastiblow has expanded its range of blow moulding machines with larger models in response to specific demands of the industrial packaging sector

PLASTIBLOW, a company of the Plastimac group, is recognized worldwide as a qualified manufacturer ofhigh-techextrusionblowmoulding machines(www.plastiblow.it)

The strength of the company is represented by the experience gained in more than 50 years of activity. Plastiblow has been producing electric blow moulding machines for the food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, industrial, chemical anddetergentpackagingsectorsfor over20years.

The company is constantly growing and with commitment and passion has been able to find innovative

ideas and meet market trends and customer needs, expanding its offer with the study of complete turnkey lines and integrated services in cooperation with other partners in the sector.

In recent years, Plastiblow has expandeditsrangeofblowmoulding machines with larger models in response to specific demands of the industrial packaging sector and has paid particular attention to the circulareconomy,proposingsolutions with low environmental impact for a more sustainable packaging that requires less consumption of raw materialsandelectricity.

Particularly successful in Latin America, where it has been present for several decades, Plastiblow has recentlycompletedacontractoften blowing machines for an important Mexican customer, a true colossus of thedetergencysector,veryattentive to respect for the environment, recycling and the use of sustainable materials, as well as the optimization ofproductioncosts.

Among the delivered machines, one of the most interesting one is mod. PB26ED with 1300 mm stroke for the production in 12+12 cavities of 2-layer bleach bottles, equipped withmouldsfordifferentsizes.

An impressive, super-equipped, efficientandfastmachinethatincludes all the latest technical innovations developed by Plastiblow Research & Development Department to improve productivity, reduce energy consumptionandcomplywithcurrent regulationsforIndustry4.0.

Also in Latin America, a new blow moulding machine for industrial packagingwassold,thePB50ES1000

Coex 3 model, presented for the first time at the K Fair in Düsseldorf in October 2022. It was equipped with a double cavity mould for the production of stackable 20-liter containers in three layers and the PWDS system to optimize the radial distribution of the material in the product. With a better material distribution, the product can be lighter, still maintaining the same mechanical properties, and consequently the amount of plastic processedisless.

This machine, capable of producing more than 240 tanks per hour, is characterized by very low energy consumption and extreme compactness.

Fresh from the recent success in Düsseldorf, Plastiblow is enthusiastically preparing its participation in several exhibitions scheduled in 2023: Plastico Brasil (Sao Paulo 27-31/03/23), Plastic Expo (Tunis 13-16/06/23), Equiplast (Barcelona 30/05 - 02/06/23), Plastimagen(MexicoCity7-10/11/23) and especially PLAST in Milan, scheduled from 5 to 8 September 2023, at the exhibition district of Fiera Milano in Rho Pero, as a result of the postponementoftheoriginaldateof 2021,duetotheCovidpandemic.

The challenge for Plastiblow in this case is to achieve a success equal to that of the K Fair, with increasingly evolved, efficient and “green” products, and to contribute to the culture of sustainability worldwide, actively encouraged with commercial proposals that facilitate the migration from single-layer to multilayer version of the machines offered for all customers, where the applicationoftheproductallowsit.


PLAST 2023, five years since the last edition

New projects, new impetus, and new content at the technology showcase for the plastics and rubber industry

The plastics and rubber industry has an appointment at Fiera Milano Rho from the 5th to the 8th of September: PLAST, the international exhibition dedicated to the technologies, materials, and solutions for the sector. With over 800 exhibitors already signed up, expectations are high for one of the industry’s keytradeshows.

Dozens of exhibitors participating for the first time or returning after missing a few editions are clear evidence of the attractiveness of the event and the success of organizers in keeping attention focused on it. Additional importantsignsaretheconfirmedreturnoftheChineseand IranianpavilionsandthedebutoftheFrenchcollective. Registrationsarestillopen,andtheobjectiveistobringeven more international exhibitors and visitors to PLAST. Partly for this reason, the organizer, Promaplast srl, has signed a synergetic agreement with IPACK-IMA to promote PLAST among packaging operators. This is a sector that is tightly related to the plastics industry, representing nearly 40% of demandforpolymers.

There is also a focus on foreign delegations: 30 countries havebeenengagedintheincomingbuyersprogramme, institutedwiththesupportofICE-Agenzia.

TheexhibitionlayoutatPLAST2023comprisessixhalls:Halls9 and11willbeoccupiedbyrawmaterialssuppliers;13and 15willbededicatedtoextrusion;and22and24willfocus oninjectionmoulding,blow-moulding,andauxiliaries.

The 2023 edition will again feature the three satellite fairs dedicated to three sub-sectors of excellence: RUBBER (dedicated to the world of rubber); 3D PLAST (focused on additive manufacturing and related technologies); and PLAST-MAT(forinnovativeplastics).

Furthermore,thankstothecollaborationwithICE-Agenzia, the StartUp area will be implemented again this year to provide merited visibility to innovative solutions by emergingoperators.

The Innovation Alliance – the project implemented in partnership by Plast together with Ipack-Ima, Print4All, Intralogistica Italia – will be featured with a new concept. Due to the rearrangement in the trade fair calendar caused by the pandemic, the organizers are currently conferring about the possibility of reinterpreting the initiative as a convention to discuss issues of relevance to all involved industries in order to continue to develop and transmitaunifiedmessage.

There will thus be much that is new and different at PLAST 2023, which has always been a strategic showcase especially for Italian manufacturers of machinery for the plastics and rubber industry, who achieved growth in 2022 in spite of the troubled world economic situation.

The MECS statistical studies centre of the Amaplast trade association estimates Italian overall production reaching 4.5 billion euros, representing growth of 1% over 2021 and twopointsmorethanthepre-pandemicyear2019.


The 2018 edition of PLAST, marking a temporary break fromtheregular3-yearcycleasaresultofthepandemic, drewinover1,500exhibitorsinanetareaof55,000square

meters, with over 63,000 visitors, a significant proportion from abroad, confirming the event’s drawing power and international appeal. PLAST is a broad technology showcase embracing materials and processes, finished products and services and the most advanced solutions developed by manufacturers of plastics and rubber processingmachinery,equipment,auxiliaries,andmoulds, with over 3,500 units exhibited in the 6 pavilions occupied bythefair.


OR.P. Stampi, a choice of steel

OR.P. Stampi is committed to creating implementations within its Cold Runner Block Systems that will revolutionize the sector in terms of energy consumption and production capacity

When in OR.P. we talk about moulds, it is now customary to include in addition to the raw material or steel, also various equipment for automation, mechanics, cooling/heating and injectionsystemsofallkinds.Precisely for all these elements of daily consumption, the theme of renewal in the transformation of polymers in the district can give great support to the community. A support that should arise autonomously within each company, without waiting for legislations or local impositions.

The study of behaviour of heat dispersion in mould plates, technical rubber articles need a constant thermal stability, maximum variable difference ranging from 1-2°C, maintainedthroughoutthemoulding cycle. Again, the choice of steel, combined with the innovative systems applied to the individual plates, suggested and proposed by OR.P. Stampi for its customers, are able to guarantee a stable homogeneity regarding moulds and its customers.

The study and research undertaken in recent years has involved, in addition to OR.P. Stampi R&D dept., suppliers and collaborators from overseas, world-wide. From these, beneficialresultshavealsoemerged in terms of compound savings and reductionoffrictionofthepart,once installed in its final application. The latest initiative that OR.P. will present to its customers will be conceived, designed and developed exclusively for their productions.Weknowwellhowmuch the cost of energy is now a primary burden. For this reason OR.P. Stampi has committed itself with important studies via thermodynamics centres, to the creation implementations within its Cold Runner Block Systems that will revolutionize the sector in terms of energy consumption, and will also favour production capacity. Atthe‘Up&Coming’exhibitions,ORP willofferitscustomerstheopportunity

to discover a new technology to facilitate the separation of moulded parts, and more. Thanks to the study of these new mechanical processes, the surface of the mould, and of the moulded article will be able to achieve a totally controlled surface finish,roughnessand/oropaqueness. This is not a surface coating, but a specific mechanical process, dedicated exclusively according to the moulding requirement, and of a finished part.


Equiplast has already contracted 90%

of its

exhibition space with five months to go

Spanish event will showcase the solutions developed by the plastic industry to minimise its activity’s impact

Equiplast, the International Plastics and Rubber event, has contracted 90% of its exhibition space, which suggests that this will be one of the best trade shows in recent years. Nowadays, 140 companies representing more than 300 brands have confirmedtheirparticipationasexhibitorsatthetradeshow organisedbyFiradeBarcelona,whichwilltakeplacefrom 30Mayto2JuneattheGranViavenue.Companiessuch as AGI, Alimatic, Arburg, BMB, Centrotécnica, Coscollola, Douma, Ferromatik, Haitian. Luiso, Mateu Solé, Mircan, MKP, Negri Bossi, Lapeyra y Taltavull, Protecnic, Roarsa, Roegele, SeproRobotica and Wittmann, among others, willbepresentingtheirproducts,innovationsandsolutions so that the plastics sector can meet the challenge posed bythelegalobligationsofthenewwasteandpackaging Spanishregulationsthathaverecentlycomeintoforce.

In this sense, Equiplast will be a very important edition in 2023 for the future of a sector that will have to face the new restrictions and limitations on the use of plastics, as wellasthepromotionofrecyclingincludedintheSpanish Law on Waste and Contaminated Soil which, among otherissues,imposesataxonsingle-useplasticpackaging sincethisJanuary.

As a great novelty, the show will feature the ‘Best in Class’ programme, an initiative that will recognise the best innovation developed in the field of the circular economy, digitalisation and technology transfer by a company in the plastic industry and which is being applied by a client company. Furthermore, in its commitment to promoting sustainability, Equiplast will be exhibiting various products made from recycled material in the Rethinking Plastics exhibition. Forthefirsttime,theeventwillbeheldattheendofMay and beginning of June, in response to the demands of themainindustryagentswhoconsiderthistobeamore suitable month for their commercial, communication and marketing policy.

With the slogan ‘Connecting industry, society & sustainability’, Equiplast 2023, which will showcase the plastics sector’s commitment to minimising the environmental impact of its industrial activity, will focus on the circular economy, technology transfer and digitalisation as the main themes.

ince 1990 MIX s.r.l. has been designing and manufacturingmixingsystemsandindustrial components for bulk solids handling. During these years, MIX has had the opportunity to comeintouchwithmanydifferentproducts, learning that each process is unique and deserves a custom manufactured mixer to fulfill its purpose. Thanks to this continuously growing experience, MIX is able to design and manufacture batch and continuous mixers, dryers, reactors, granulators, sterilizers, heaters, coolers and blenders suitable for the most complicated industrialprocesses.MIXfirmlybelievesintheimportance of research, development and innovation.

SRecently, MIX has enhanced its internal Testing Facility withbrandnewmachineriesandisnowabletoexecute trials with harder parameters as temperature up to +200°C and pressure up to +5bar or vacuum. Powders, granules, fibers, pastes can be tested in the newlaboratory,eveninclassifiedhazardousatmosphere (ATEX).

MIX testing laboratory

MIX new laboratory makes much easier to determine the characteristics of each raw material and identify the most suitable mixing techniques to get the final result we want

The handling of chemical reactions, the measurement of moisture content of the products and the increase or decrease of pressure and temperature in the mixer is now fully automated. MIX laboratory allows the control of all parameters, during every step of the process. As usual, MIX guarantees the confidentiality of the processed information and that the results obtained during the trials in the testing facility are scalable and repeatable with industrial mixers; Thanks to the new laboratory it is now much easier to determine the characteristics of each raw material and, therefore, identifythemostsuitablemixingtechniquesforobtaining the desired final result.

Tecno System: made in Italy and global approach

Tecno System’ success is the result of the wonderful marriage between human values, challenging ideas and professionalism of the people who make up the company: A long journey, begun in the ‘90s in the countryside of the northern Italy and achieving today a global perspective, always focusing on customer satisfaction and top quality production

Tecno System has grown very fast over the years, arriving to formalize in 2014 and 2018 a corporate acquisition and a corporate merger with two Italian historical brands like TPV Mechanical Division and B-TEC and becoming so one of the leading companies in Italy in the development of complete extrusion lines for thermoplastic profile and pipes. These strategic

acquisitions, in fact, consolidated over 60 years of experience in the field of extrusion technologies for thermoplastic materials as well as in the manufacturing of extrusion tooling and allowed Tecno System to offer customized turnkey systems like extrusion lines complete with molds and equipped with special downstream machineries to face any customer’s need.


The company offers its customers specific and consolidated knowhow and constant R&D efforts combined with the professionalism of high-skilled team, in order to give clients the smartest solutions possible. The main focus is to grant the customer satisfaction, which is the linchpin of Tecno System’s mission. To do so, all the

products are completely designed, manufactured and tested in the historicplantinConsandolo(Ferrara, Italy) controlling each stage of the supply chain and applying very stringent quality standards to ensure the full compliance of the product with European regulation.


During these years, Tecno System has grown not just for what concern the organizational point of view but also in terms of sales volume, revolutionising its sales strategy and opening even more into the global market.

In the last few years, indeed, the company has been investing even more energies on international marketsanddevelopingawideand structured sales network in order to simplify customers’ needs. The result of these massive efforts is that today Tecno System exports its products in more than 40 countries all around the world thanks to the daily support of 6 representative offices which promptly service customers respectively in Brazil, Spain, France, Russia and other CIS countries, Turkey and finally India.


ByoptingforTecnoSystem’sextrusion lines clients can satisfy different capacity needs (5-350 kg/h) as well as a wide range of purposes in the field of extrusion of profiles as pipes, technical profiles, profiles for the building industry, medical tubes, thermal break profiles with fiberglass,etc.,andmadeofagreat variety of thermoplastic materials


such as plasticized PVC, rigid PVC, PP, PC, HDPE, LDPE, PP, PMMA, etc.

The lines are also characterized by low energy consumption of the calibrating units and innovative solutions like new cutting units with radial hot blades.

Particular attention is paid to the mainbusinessofPVCprofile,withthe verysolidTecnoSystem’sexperience in designing and constructing of high quality extrusion dyes and calibrators for the extrusion of PVC window frames, roller shutters, panels, cable management ducts, gutters and rainwater pipes, etc.

Another strength is the construction of dedicated single or multi layer extrusion lines for medical pipes made with medical grade raw materials used in clean room environments (soft PVC, TPU, PEBAX, ect.).TecnoSystem’smedicaltubing extrusion lines are becoming very popular among the customers in Italy and abroad for the achievable high-speed extrusion standards which are the results of the most

recent achievements in automation and mechanics, combined with a close cooperation with raw material producers in order to improve and refine screw geometry and design. In addition, there is also the possibilitytohave4.0readyextrusion lines for multilayer pipe complete with OD/wall thickness control, inkjet printer, and a final semi-automatic single our double coiler in order to facilitate and optimize any step of the production process.

It must be said then that the wide range of Tecno System’s products does not end with extrusion lines and tooling systems: Besides these main solutions, in facts, the company can also provide in-thehouse technologies for mechanical processing of profile: for example, the great experience in the field of punching unit systems allowed TecnoSystemtodevelopintegrated and customer tailored solutions for their extrusion lines, which became strategic solutions in the company’s market policy.


The company believes in technological innovation as one of the most important critical success factors to be competitive in the market. In this regard Tecno System has recently invested many efforts and resources in the digitalization andhyperconnectivityofitsextrusion lines, adapting extruders and the other machineries to the Industry 4.0 prerequisites. Obviously, this highly advanced technology includes many different advantages for the customer who can rely, for example, on continuous marking process of the tubes before becoming spirals, a fully automated cutting system and ejection system with any operator during the process, and many other tips through which it’s possible to consistently reduce the waste and costs. This means optimizing processes and maximization of the efficiencyforthecustomer.


AnotherimportantstrengthofTecno System is the continuous adoption of technologies that allow it to face promptly any customer needs, increasing at the same time quality of the products and flexibility within the supply chain. In this regard, many different investments have been accomplished in 2022. Last year,infact,thecompanyacquired two 4.0 ready CNC machines and a new laser welding machine which increase exponentially organizational interoperability as well as the output accuracy throughout operations, but they are not the only ones: Today the company can exploit a new 2D scanner, taking advantage of many opportunities in the testing phase of customer tooling. The company can now measure and digitize any section of the extruded profiles, with the possibility to optimize in realtime and with extraordinary levels of accuracy the final product directly in the testing phase, according to the technical specifications requested by customers. This means much higher process efficiency, less waste of time and costs due to testing activities for the clients and last but not least easy and fast communication with customers around the world due to “digitized real profiles”.

YIZUMI high-speed packaging system

Thin-wall packaging’s new opportunityready-to-eat meals

Recently, as the readyto-eat meals is going viral, the thin-wall packaging system is emerging. Young generationstodayaregettingbusier and spend considerably less time on daily meals. They often prefer to address their needs by having meals in restaurants or by ordering takeaway.

environmental problems caused by thecold-chaintransportalsoneedto beurgentlysolved.

In the last few years, “stay-at-home” policies due to the COVID-2019 pandemic, has triggered the changing of consumption habits and ready-to-eat meals (RTE) have emerged as the fast-paced life of today requires.

RTE meals packaging varies from bowl, box, packet or can. Through different designs, these packaging meet different requirements as the appearance of food. Some should be able to withstand heating up to 121°C, others should be able to bear quick freezing down to -40°C, and othersshouldmeetprecisestandards of food safety. There is plenty of room for innovations on packaging materialsunderthetrendofcategory segmentationofRTEmeals.

At the moment, the packaging materials of RTE meals includes thermoplastic, thermoset plastic, metal, paper, etc. However, the packaging innovation is insufficient and the design is not user friendly, leading to a poor user experience.

Ingredients and seasonings of RTE mealsarepackagedindependently, resulting in a waste of packaging.

In addition, RTE meals have strict requirements for freshness, and the

For the issues mentioned above, the controller from High-speed Packaging Department of YIZUMI said, there are a few ways to breakthrough in terms of the huge needs and high profile for RTE meals packaging. First, to satisfy consumers’ high requirements for the transparency and freshness by inventing transparent high barrier packaging. Second, to pay more attention on packaging design and add more interactive features. Third, to release different material and specification base on different applications. Fourth, to seek for more sustainable approaches to reduce the pollution of packaging. With rich experience in the production of thin-wall products, YIZUMI can provide an integrated solution for RTE meals packaging

based on thin-wall injection moulding machine and mould, like PAC and PAC-K3 series machines. YIZUMI aims to help customers offer more options of packaging and better control the cost.


Helping overseas customers to produce plastic containers is considered crucial for YIZUMI’s business. Plastic containers play an important part in the food and medicine packaging industry and they are widely used in packaging, with high sealing performance and stable quality.

Nowadays, plastic containers have widely been used in food, medicine and other industry sectors. More and more investors have joined this seemingly inconspicuous industry to meet the growing demand in the market.

For this precise market, YIZUMI has customized and integrated solution,


necessary to reach an impeccable final result. This solution incorporates some coordinated technologies including: PAC-K3 high-speed packaging machine, four cavity needle valve mould, IML (In-mould labelling) system, and auxiliary equipment.

The PACK high-speed injection moulding machine is equipped with an efficient and energy-saving system,whichdoublestheproduction capacity, sharply decreases energy consumption, and creates better economic benefits for customers. At the same time, according to product features and in-mould labelling process requirements, YIZUMI specific PACK high speed injection moulding machine with four cavity needle valve mould, can reduce production procedures, shorten the production cycle, and increase production efficiency.

Providing turnkey projects for customers

The turnkey solution enables customers to go into production smoothlyandquickly,creatinggreat economic benefits and effectively reducing technical risks. But for the supplier, equipment integration is not easy, involving product design, mold manufacturing, equipment debugging, and the whole line trial operation. Each process must be carefully verified to avoid low-level problems.

At the beginning, YIZUMI’s highspeed packaging technical team immediately starts new design of injection molding process upon receipt of plastic blister packing samples from the client. Not only considering design details, but also the required mold, the type of automatization needed, the local warehousing, transport process and sales strategy, YIZUMI finally recommend the most mature models as PACK thin-wall injection molding machine, eliminating the customer’s worries of stability.

One of the most relevant aims of YIZUMI’s clients is to combine high-quality products with high production efficiency. Therefore, YIZUMI has specifically upgraded the power system of the machine to increasetheinjectionspeedby30%; newly added a servo system on the mold opening and closing system to improve the operation precision by more than 50%, and to make label placement more accurate. The qualified rate of finished product can exceed 99.8%.

It has been verified by customers that YIZUMI high-speed packaging system is very stable. In the future, YIZUMI will continuously explore and develop new technologies

and products, to broaden the application field and create more value for customers.

Considering the development trend of individualization and high production efficiency of thin-wall containers,YIZUMIPAC-K3serieshighspeed injection molding machines are suitable for molding multi-cavity thin-wall packaging products, with the advantages of high rigidity, high injectionrate,highprecision,etc.

The maximum system pressure of the PACK3 high-speed injection molding machine has been increased by more than 10% and thus reaches 19MPa,anditsoverallmoldclamping rigidity is increased by more than 25%, which facilitates the molding of thin-wallanddeep-cavityproducts.

While realizing the increase in production capacity, customers also care about product quality. Adhering to YIZUMI’s design concept for high-speed molding, PACK3 adopts platen, tie bar, frames of bettermechanicalperformance,and increasesthelength-diameterratioof the screw and barrel to 24:1 L/D for betterplasticizingquality,morestable productsizeandhigherflexibility.

In the production process, a highrigidityandstablemachineframeisa strong guarantee for the continuous high-speedoperationofthemachine.

The frame design of the PACK3 highspeed packaging injection molding machine completely considers userfriendliness, daily maintenance, safety performance and other functional requirements, thereby bringingbettercustomerexperience. Customizedforthebestresult

Most of YIZUMI solutions are customizeddependingoncustomer requirements. With an in-depth understanding of customer needs and market trends, the professional

technical team is familiar with customers’futureproductlineplans, and adopts the best models, molds, materials and auxiliary machines to ensure sufficient expansion margin for customers’ production.

For different customers, YIZUMI can customize different equipment solutions, and can build a turnkey solution for them. From the early plant layout and planning, equipment model selection and auxiliary setting to production line commissioning and personnel trainingandthentothefinalsmooth production, YIZUMI can provide customers with an overall and detailed solution in one stop.


1. The system pressure and injection speed are upgraded to ensure the stable molding of thin-wall multicavity products;

2. Configuration upgrade: PACK3 modelsaregenerallyequippedwith hydraulic synchronous plasticizing function,whichshortenstheproduct molding cycle;

3. The upgraded clamping unit can provide larger clamping force, better facilitating the molding of thin-wall and deep-cavity products;

4. Control system upgrade: The PAC-K3 has faster response and higher control accuracy;

5.The humanized design of the machine facilitates daily operation and maintenance;

6.Widerangeofapplication:widely used in food packaging, beverage packaging, disposable medical consumables and other industries.

The best choice for plastic granules

Plastore is the best choice for those who are looking for plastic granules at truly competitive prices - where others only see plastic, customers, by purchasing from Plastore, will only see profits

Thanks to its employees having more than 35 years of experience in the industry, the company offers a wide selection of all plastic granules, from engineering plastics to commodities. Between first choices, spot lots, slow moving and off grades, one is spoilt for choice.

As of today, Plastore provides its customers with more than 1,000 products, which are stored and ready for delivery in the over 5,000 sqm warehouse in Villamarzana (in the province of Rovigo, Italy), ensuring competitive prices when compared to the market.

The company is UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certified. This is an important certification for quality management system, demonstrating the ability to consistently provide services that

fully meet customer demands and its commitment to continuously increase the quality of the business processes.

Trading plastic granules is very simple, it is truly just a click away. Ifyouwantmoreinformationonany ofthethousandsoftechnopolymers and commodities that Plastore offers, simply visit www.plastore.it, discover all the materials in stock, check the photos of the granules together with the data sheets, and select the desired plastic.

Once you have made your choice, simply request a quote by filling the form at the end of each page, specifying your purchasing needs (e.g. quantity, delivery time and any other requirements) and submit it. Plastore will then reply within a very short time, presenting the customer’srequestatthebestprice on the market.

Ifthecustomerwouldratherhaveamoredirectcontact, they may call +39 0425 16 66 273, or chat live directly from the website.

Furthermore, if a client is looking for plastic granules which are not in stock, Plastore will look for them: armedwiththemagnifyingglassofexperience,among its many suppliers, it manages not only to find what is required on the market, but also to offer it at a very affordable price.

The Rovigo-based company’s activities are not limited to the sale of technopolymers and commodities:

Plastore can also help those who wish to put their leftover stock on sale; not only can Plastore purchase it, but also guarantees payment within 10 days after inspecting the goods.

In this way, the Plastore.it website becomes truly a business marketplace, a staple for all companies wishing to purchase any engineering plastic or commodities at truly competitive prices.

Increase your profits thanks to Plastore: visit Plastore. it now and buy all the plastic granules you need at competitive prices!

The road to success

100-year history of the Hehl family company is unique and tells of pioneering inventions, evolutionary development and disruptive leaps, of people and


he hundred-year history of the Hehl family business is unique – and stands up to any international comparison. The story of the family and so of the company as well – the names Hehl and Arburg are inextricably linked – tells of pioneering inventions and daring, of flashes of inspiration and ever new business ideas, of evolutionary development and disruptive leaps, of people and technology, of regional roots and global growth. A glance at the company’s history soontellsusthatincredibleefforthas been made to build the business, especiallyintheextremelysuccessful field of plastics processing. The entrepreneurial family was and is still – now in its third generation – a pioneer of many innovative processes and applications in injection moulding and industrial additive manufacturing.

Yet if we look at companies with a similarly long history, it also becomes clear that the road to success is rarely a smooth one. The journey is marked by groundbreaking results as well as setbacks, by trials and tribulations, by foresight, and sometimes by coincidence as well. And the development of the Hehl family business is no different. Entrepreneurial family: foundation foracompanywithglobalstanding

As the Hehl family reflects on a century of eventful history, Arburg ranks among the world’s leading manufacturers of high-quality injection moulding machines for plasticsprocessing,andhasdoneso for decades. Family-run Arburg was and remains a prime example of exactly what we imagine a familyrun company to be. Shaped by the ideas and innovative strength of the company’s owners, but also by their social responsibility towards their employees and the region. It now employees around 3,600 people all overtheworldandhasorganisations in 25 countries at 34 locations. With two acquisitions – innovatiQ 3D printers and AMKmotion drive and controller technology – since 2020, the company has evolved into the “Arburg Family”.

Whatthisfamilybusinessisallabout Itsstoryisquiteanunremarkableone, from humble Swabian beginnings. Surgical instrument maker Arthur Hehl, father of Eugen and Karl Hehl, set up his own business in Lossburg,

Germany, in 1923 and from 1926 onwards focussed initially on the manufacture of precision medical instruments. The Black Forest, seen as a rather poor area at the time, was already renowned beyond the region for this trade as well as its tradition of watchmaking. The step into self-employment took place, quite typical for privately-owned businesses in the Black Forest, in the basement of the family home, the “home office” so to speak. The first year of the new venture also saw the birth of the oldest child of the family’s second generation, Karl Hehl. The two younger brothers, Gerhard and Eugen, were born in 1925 and 1929. Gerhard Hehl was not fortunate enough to contribute to the company’s history: he died in 1944 at just 19 years of age during the Allied air raid on Dresden.

And of course, the “FeingeraeteFabrik Hehl”, Gerhard’s parents and two brothers were not spared the turmoil wreaked by the 2nd World War. In 1939, production was switched to precision mechanical parts important to the war effort, and in 1943/44 the company got the name it goes by today: Arburg. Karl Hehl combined the first syllable of his father Arthur’s first name (AR) with the last syllable of the town name of Lossburg (BURG). The unique lettering, which makes the company unmistakable worldwide to this day, also dates from this time and so documenting contemporary history itself. Thingslookup-withproduction conversions 1945 saw the end of the war, and Karl Hehl returned from US captivity in 1948. The two brothers, Karl Hehl then 25 and Eugen Hehl 19 years of age, set about modernising their father’s business straightaway. With foresight, enthusiasm and technical minds, they converted the existing production machines to single drive technology. At that time, the company produced consumer goods for everyday use, such as potato baskets, trivets or screw rings for babies’ bottles, mostly made of metal – and by then, Eugen Hehl was already looking after the sales side. This farreaching production conversion was one of several on which the successoftheentrepreneurialfamily is ultimately based. It was always about identifying what the markets demanded at precisely right time

and making the products as quickly aspossible.Essentially,then,abouta high degree of flexibility.

In the early 1950s, the Hehl brothers recognised that the promising economic miracle happening in Germany, with growth of 9.2 percent, meant large parts of the population could share in greater prosperity. The people of Germany indulged themselves once again: more leisure and new pastimes. Including photography. The family, meaningArburgaswell,anticipated this development by expanding the production of consumer goods and medical instruments with the manufacture of flash units under the “DuoLux” brand – nationally and now also internationally, with immense success, at first.

Closelylinked:greattriumphand majorcrisis

Yet this success also carried a risk that threatened the company’s veryexistence:astheseDuoLuxflash units were exported internationally, especially overseas and hence to tropical regions, complaints and mass returns flooded in. The problem was that the humid climate caused leakage currents to build up, dischargingthebatteriesthroughthe metal connectors used to connect to the camera. The solution was a simple one! The metal connectors had to be insulated. But good advice comes at a cost! Which

material,even?Itdidn’ttakelongfor Karl Hehl’s creative technical mind to realise that the ideal material for insulatingtheconnectorswasplastic. But more problems were just around the corner: it’s true that plastics were already known back then as universal materials, but mostly only as substitutes where primary raw materialswerelacking.Whatpeople thought the material was capable of at the time is summed up like this: “If you know plastic, you’ll take steel!” Consequently, there was no machine on the market capable of overmoulding the small plugs with plastic.

Once again, the situation called for pioneering technical achievements – and the family, driven hard by Karl Hehl, delivered them in a very short time. But it wasn’t all as easy as it soundsrightnow.AquotefromEugen Hehl gets to the point: “We knew as little about plastics as a cow knows about dancing.” And the market lacked not only a small enough machine, but also the technology for injecting the plastic into the mould parting line, a technology essential to overmoulding inserts. But this did not stop “inventor” Karl Hehl from deliberating over how to develop, build and implement such a technology. The solution to the quality problem that threatened the company’s very existence was ready in 1954: Arburg’s first manually

operated small plastic injection mouldingmachine.Thiswasalsothe starting shot for global success with another completely new product: injectionmouldingmachines“Made byArburg-MadeinGermany”.1956 sees the production of the first series machine, over 10,000 sold since 1957. By 1959, the product range includes three machines, and the workforce exceeds 100 employees. Centralisedproductionasakeyto success

Until the anniversary year 2023, the company’s worldwide customers will be served exclusively from its headquarters in Lossburg - on an area that now covers more than 210,000 square meters. A situation that over the years has repeatedly proven to enhance the quality concept – driven not least by the eventsofthepastthreeyears,which have once again demonstrated that a high proportion of in-house production with mostly regionally based supply chains has many advantages. Basisforsuccess:creativity!

The key to this enduring success is the creativity of the entrepreneurial families Hehl and Keinath. The huge numberofpatentsistestimonytothe factthattheownersandemployees face every challenge as a team for thegoodofthecompanyandsolve these challenges in industry-defining fashion. This market pioneering

The new Allrounder 470 H saves energy, conserves resources, is production-efficient, user-friendly and reliable

position is demonstrated by just a few keywords: the development of the Allrounder principle with swivel-mounted clamping and interchangeable injection unit, the realisation of the two-colour and two-component injection moulding technology, as well as metal and ceramic powder processing, the implementationoftheVarioprinciple with horizontally freely movable injection unit, Arburg automation with host computer, automatic mould and cylinder change, proprietary and intuitive Selogica andGesticaintuitivecontrolsystems, Arburg Plastic Freeforming APF and the Freeformer for industrial additive plastics manufacturing, and so the list goes on.


Karl and Eugen Hehl have received numerous awards for their work, ideas and vision, including the Federal Cross of Merit, the Baden-Wuerttemberg Business Medal, honorary citizenship of the community of Lossburg, the Business Management Award of the American Society of Plastics Engineers SPE for their life’s work and inclusion into the Plastics Hall of Fame of the University of Massachusetts in Lowell, USA. At the same time, the company and its owners have always remained true to their humble Swabian roots and followed the family principle of “Be, rather than seem to be”.

Thethirdgeneration:inthebusiness since2005

This motto is still firmly rooted in the DNA of the key players and in the companyasawholetothisday.The thirdgenerationoftheHehlfamilyof entrepreneurs also acts according to this premise: Renate Keinath, the daughter of Karl and Julie Hehl, and Michael and Juliane Hehl, Eugen and Gisela Hehl’s children.

In 2005, the three of them joined the company’s operations, meaning that Arburg had two women in its management team.

In 2010, technical mastermind Karl Hehl passes away at the age of 87. He and his commercially talented brother Eugen have been shaping

the fortunes of the entrepreneurial family and family business for decades, making Arburg a true globalleaderinplasticsengineering. Ithastakenawillingnesstotakerisks, imagination and foresight to get this far. As the new anniversary book on thehistoryoftheHehlfamilybusiness sayssoaptlyattheend:“HadArthur Hehl lacked thecourageto start out amidst the turmoil of 1923, Arburg, dependable employer of thousands of people, would not exist today, and Lossburg would be a different Lossburg. In this spirit, we should look to the future with hope and wish Arburg’s managing directors continued success. “Given the world’s current political situation, there is nothing more to add.


In recent years, however, people and companies have also become increasingly aware of one key determinant: something has to change in the way plastics are handled and, above all, in the way they are (re)recycled. The company anticipatedthisataveryearlystage and implemented appropriate measures for both its products and its production processes.

Thinking out of the box like this is somethingelsetheHehlandKeinath entrepreneurial families do so well. The premise that “the problem to be solved is not the plastic itself, but the way people handle this material” clearly applies to all their entrepreneurial activities. Another quote from the new anniversary book fits this picture: “The way we deal with the material (plastic) still needs to change, like so much else in the consumer sector. From useless excess and throwaway items back to practical and, above all, durable products.”

Theanswersare:“arburgXworld” and“arburgGREENworld”

In Arburg’s case, the change in behaviour is also being achieved through greater production efficiency, sustainability and digitalisation. Examples are the “arburgXworld” digital platform, with its apps and the customer portal of the same name, as well as

the “arburgGREENworld” program, which bundles all activities related to resource conservation, carbon footprint and circular economy. This is precisely where the company’s own efforts, again significantly triggered by the family are made, keeping its carbon footprint as small as possible using state-ofthe-art building technology and resource-conserving construction methods, the use of alternative and regenerative energies and, ultimately, production at just one central location.

100 years of the Hehl family company–what’sleft?

The answer to this question is not all that easy. Through their work, the entrepreneurial family and family business have defined and helped to create lasting values for over 100 years. Including home, quality, people, proximity, awakening, change, self-will, technology and performance. All summed up in the brand promise “Wir sind da.” Meaningthatcustomers,employees and the public alike can rely on the company for the long term.

All generations of the Hehl family were and remain aware that it is not possible to exist and work in a vacuum. This has created high levels of social responsibility and flexibility to keep facing, and overcoming in the best possible way, the challenges of the time. Or as senior partner Karl Hehl always put it: “There are no problems, just unresolved tasks!” Although there have been a few hard lessons in the last hundred years: the company has always had its finger on the pulse of technological trends, even playing a key role in developing and driving them. All this ultimately has also ensured Arburg’s enduring success. Looking back, there is no doubt that this entrepreneurial family has dynamically advanced the plastics industry as a whole. With brilliant flashes of inspiration and entrepreneurial foresight, they brought the best out of themselves and Arburg and created an outstanding family business with a global reputation.

100 anni di azienda a conduzione familiare Hehl. Circa 70 anni di storia per il marchio ARBURG. Il giusto mix per uno dei produttori leader mondiali della tecnica dei materiali plastici presente con successo da anni sul mercato. Cosa ci rende unici? Tradizione, motivazione, innovazione e i giusti collaboratori. Così era, e così è ancora. E via con i prossimi 100 anni!



Lawer introduces its horizontal automatic weighing system that guarantees high productivity, constant quality, and complete process traceability and, at the same time, eliminate the “human error” factor

Foundedin1970, Lawer is an Italian company specialized in industrial weighingsystems.Ithas developed advanced technologies and know-how in the automatic weighingofpowderand liquidproducts, including pigments, additives, and chemicals, as well as single-ormulti-weighingsystems, and equipment for the preparation of compounds, fillers, masterbatch, handling and packaging systems. Its products, solutions and services supply the technical rubber, tire, masterbatch industries to increase reliability, safety, and efficiency.

At the basis of all the production of the rubber industry are the recipes of the compounds. Complex formulations, expertly constructed with the contribution of many substances, whose quantities are rigorously predefined. The qualitative constancy of the final product therefore depends on the ability to feed the machinery of the mixingroomswithperfectlyweighed doses and capable of perfectly respecting the proportions of all the required ingredients: raw materials, additives, dyes and much more. And this is where the competence and technological capacity of Lawer come into play.

Observing an ongoing trend among manufacturers to automate mixing rooms to improve product quality, safety, and hygiene, Lawer launched the second generation of its fullyautomatedweighingsystem for compound and masterbatch preparation, SUPERSINCRO

SUPERSINCRO is a horizontal automatic weighing system for chemicals used in the mixing room. This system guarantees high productivity, constant quality, and complete process traceability and, at the same time, eliminate the “human error” factor. It’s a custom project that feed different materials, storedinsilos,hoppers,big-bag,and interchangeable silos, in a variable size bag produced automatically. Supersincro allows precise and safe automatic weighing operations of the products, required for the preparation of compounds in automatic thermoformed bags, starting from tubular films of EVA. The modular configuration is based on the number of products used, andthephysicalcharacteristicsand the packaging used. At each cycle, the package container is placed on a moving tray and transported on a U route, placing the package under the different weighing units.

When the container is in the correct position for the product, the scale lifts the container and starts the weighing procedure. At the end of the loop the bags are closed and placed automatically in boxes or pallets.

Compared to the first generation, SUPERSINCRO V2 includes:

-Higherproductivity. Output up to one bag every 30 seconds

-Higheraccuracy.Uptoatolerance of ± 0.1 gr

-Higherrepeatability. CPK more than 1.67

-HigherOEE. Overall Equipment Effectiveness

- Higher flexibility & modularity Custom project configuration, different sizes of EVA bags (from 9 to 36 L) proportional to the mixer size, and bag management till the mixing line.

-Lesslabor involved in the daily production

- Environment respect. Latest component version that helps to reduce the equipment footprint.

Flexibility and sustainability

Gamma Meccanica has recently celebrated its 45th year of activity, and today its technologies for regeneration are known for their high level of automation and energy efficiency

The regeneration of plastic materials is an essential element with a view to greater responsibility in the management of the life cycle of products and in respect for the environment. “Succeeding in reducing the impact on the environment is one of the objectives of Gamma Meccanica and of manycompaniesinthesector”,vice president Andrea Burini says.

Gamma Meccanica S.p.A. was founded in 1977 by a group of manufacturersofinsulatingmaterials to provide the maintenance to its machines. Immediately the interest was directed to the acquisition of customers outside of the group, especially foreign companies.

In 1987, the “plastic division” was created, dedicated to the design and manufacture of equipment for the recycling of plastic materials, enriching their staff with a new team of technical and commercial specialists.

Over the years, the company has specialized in the sectors leading it to become one of the market leaders at an international level: the production of plants and machinery for mineral wool, the creation of lines for the regeneration of plastic materials and the production of lines for XPS boards (extruded polystyrene).AllGammaMeccanica lines are produced in the Bibbiano site,whichhasbeenexpandedover the years, increasing the covered area from 26,000 to 40,000 m2

Gamma Meccanica has recently celebrated its 45th year of activity, going on to grow and achieving a solid turnover, expanding in new markets and consolidating its reputation in the reference sectors.

Gamma Meccanica’s technologies for regeneration are known for their highlevelofautomationandenergy efficiency. The recent Tandem and Tandem PLUS technologies have

contributed to the growing success of the company on the market.

GM Tandem lines allow to recycle heavily printed (over 100%), high humidity (up to 12% of humidity) and contaminated materials. The Tandem PLUS line thanks to the combination of a single screw extruder with a twin screw extruder and a special degassing chamber improves the characteristics during the upcycling process, so it is ideal for the production of compounds from recycled materials for special applications.

An example of the Tandem Plus line is a GM180 delivered to a foreign customer. The customer’s need was to recycle heavily printed and contaminated post-consumer PE waste obtaining granules with specific technical characteristics to be used in the pipe production.

The GM180 Tandem Plus is the result of increasingly advanced research by technical staff of Gamma Meccanica and the collaboration of selected partners in the industry. The first part of the line consists of COMPAC feeding system and a single-screw extruder with a diameterof180Ø.Connectedtothe first extruder is a self-cleaning screen changer installed to remove the contaminants present in the melted polymer. The patented Gamma Meccanica high-performance vacuumsystemisinstalledattheexit of the screen changer and allows for removal of up to 10 times more gas and humidity in the melted materialcomparedtoothersystems. The high-performance vacuum chamber is connected to a second co-rotating twin-screw extruder, with 90 mm screw diameter, 44:1 L/D ratio, two standard degassing sections,twolateralinletsformineral fillers and additives and a dosing section for liquids. The fillers and additives are fed into a gravimetric dosing system. At the end of the twin-screwextruderisinstalledaTDA

water ring pelletizer developed and produced by Gamma Meccanica which, in addition to guaranteeing high production performance, makes cleaning operations simple and quick during the changes of production and startup of the system.

The regeneration and “upcycling” process begins with 9 gravimetric dosing stations to feed the materials in a more precise and accurate way to the COMPAC system which has the function of shredding and densifying the waste material to be recycled. From the COMPAC unit, the material is pushed with constant flow from the feeding screw into the extruder.

The melt obtained during the extrusion phase is filtered by the automatic screen changer which removes even the smallest particles of contaminants (down to 80 micron). At the exit of the screen changer, the melt is “degassed” by the high-performance vacuum chamber to avoid defects in the granules such as “air bubbles”. At this point, the polymer is “enriched” with master, carbonate and various additives inside the twin-screw

extruder. The fillers and additives are introduced by the dosing system which guarantees maximum precision. The upcycling process ends with the cutting of the melted material inside the TDA pelletizing system. Installed on the system is an inline measurement of the viscosity and the Gamma UPC digital scale control for the real - time measurement of the productivity andenergyconsumptionoftheunit. Thiscompletesystemhasanaverage production capacity of 1300 kg / hr of enriched PE compound.

With Tandem technology the reclaimers can recycle materials normally mixed with others. Sometimes this can also require the use of additives significantly affecting the final price of the granule as it is re-extruded with high production costs.

Leaf polypropylene (or ground film) from industrial waste is one of these materials: it is difficult to recycle because of print coverage greater than 100% on one side and aluminum on the other. An example of this material is the chocolate and hazelnut cream snack packaging of a well-known multinational food

company. The thickness (or gauge) of this film is very thin: 15 - 20 µm where the external part is printed with several layers of superimposed ink that makes recycling very difficult.

Thanks to Gamma Meccanica’s Tandem lines recyclers or processors can recover this material with a 100% yield, without the additional drying and antioxidant process. The functioning of two extruders arranged in succession ensures a uniform granule composition. With GM degassing system installed on the Tandem lines, the surface of material exposed to the action of vacuum is 10 times greater than in a normal extruder. This guarantees the extraction of large quantities of gas produced during the process avoiding the inclusion of gas in the granules. The process does not stress the material which, as confirmed by laboratory tests, does not degrade, nor requires the use of additives. The final result is a granule of excellent quality at low production costs.

Gamma Meccanica offers different models of Tandem line according to the production needs. The production capacity of a GM 160 Tandem with this type of material is 1200 - 1300 kg / h of recycled PP granules.

Another GM160 Tandem line has been satisfying the needs of a company specialized in the production of sturdy and recyclable disposable plastic boxes for fruit and vegetables. The same company purchases industrial waste both in Italy and abroad and produces high quality recycled granules sold to manufacturers of plastic items in various areas: from the production of outdoor furniture, automotive sector, household goods and packaging. Among the recyclable materials with Tandem technology there are PP waste in neutral or printed films, doubled PP waste as PP + PP, PP + PE, PP metallized film waste, non-woven fabric waste and many others. Thanks to the flexibility and high automation of Gamma Meccanica lines, the customer has increased its production capacity andtherangeofrecycledmaterials.

FIMIC filtration technology for PET recycling

Continuous research for innovation and passion for improvement keep FIMIC constantly growing and developing innovative technologies and tailored solutions in an increasingly demanding market

olyEthyleneTerephthalate or simply PET, is one of the most recyclable plastics, widely used world-wide in many different applications. Light, strong, durable and safe, PET offers a number of advantages being almost uniquely among plastics. Because of PET’s incredible performance and recyclability it is one of the most sustainable packaging materials. It is in fact approved as safe for use in direct food contact all over EU, as well as many other Countries, both in virgin and recycled form. Its uses vary from food, beverage, pharmaceutical and medical sectors, clothing, automotives, outperforming other plastic packaging. 70%ofcarbonatedsoftdrinks,fruitjuices,dilutabledrinks and bottled water are made of PET.

PET is near-infinitely recyclable and because it can be made into new products, lowers the need for virgin PET, reducing CO2 emissions and helping to achieve a fully circular economy. Recycled PET products show a drop of up to 90% in CO2 emissions compared to virgin PET. Most major brands using plastics in their supply chains have started to evaluate their carbon footprint and take mitigating actions like packaging redesign and light-weighting, reducing the use for virgin plastics, increasing reusability, and setting targets for minimum recycled plastic content. As brands strive to meet their targets, they are collectively expanding demand and increasingly competing for available rPET. Another factordrivingthedemandforandsupplyofrPETarethe new regulations and taxes on packaging made from virgin plastics / single-use plastics packaging.

Rising rPET demand and prices are incentivizing investments in new recycling capacity – Europe has seen a 21% increase in the installed capacity for PET recycling - according to a report by Plastics Recyclers Europe, PETCORE Europe, Natural Mineral Water Europe (NMWE), and UNESDA Soft Drinks Europe - at the same time global rPET capacity is forecast to boom over the next five years.

This “run” towards ever increasingly demand for rPET, has led producers of PET packaging products (both food grade and non-food grade applications) to look for more contaminated sources of PET waste.

FIMIC’s melt filters are recognized as one of the best filtration technologies dedicated to contaminated postconsumerplastics;toreachhigh-qualityrecycledplastics from more contaminated waste streams, automatic technologies are needed to filter out impurities and contaminationsfromthemeltflow.FIMIChasbeenworking many years now on improving its filtration technologies in order to meet and satisfy the needs (ever increasing quality needs, different materials characteristics) of recyclers, and expanding its technology to applications that previously did not require the use of continuous scrapingmeltfilterssuchas,precisely,PET.

FIMIC has already installed two units (RAS-type filters) on PET recycling lines to work with more contaminated PET waste streams, i.e. not coming from hot-washed bottle flakes only, such as for example PET lumps from petrochemical waste or from strapping production, waste fibers as well as PET straps. In these cases, the contamination of the input material was way higher than the typical “ppm” contaminations used for food grade applications, reaching levels as high as 5%. The benefits and the advantages of a continuous scraping filtration were significant. Dedicated to different end applications, these filter units are working with an excellent performance and great quality results in both cases: as a pre-filter in the first project (applied filtration is 150 or 120 micron on laser screen) and as the only filtration step in the second one (applied filtration is 80 micron on laser screen). The respective output performances are 2.000 kg/h and 700 kg/h, at very different and sometimes inconsistent iV levels.

At the same time, FIMIC has increased the amount of units installed for the recycling of soft PVC and, also in this case FIMIC melt filters are confirmed to be a winning choice due to the sensitivity of the PVC during the recycling process, as it allows the material to flow without stagnating and therefore without degrading. Most recently, FIMIC has been testing an alternative solution to be applied to hard PVC which we know is one of the most degradation-sensitive as well as the stiffest material in the recycling market.

The continuous research for innovation and passion for improvement keep FIMIC constantly growing and developing innovative technologies and tailored solutions in an increasingly demanding market to achieve its mission worldwide: the protection of the environmentthroughtheproperrecyclingofplasticand its optimal reuse.

Green, Smart, Advance: 3 hot technologies in 1 show at Chinaplas 2023


Smart, Advance are the 3 keywords for most of the industries nowadays, including but not limited to plastics and rubber industries

Green is the commitment for circular economy andsustainability.Smart can inspire innovations and enhance user experience. Advance is the powerful tool for improving productivity and quality. At CHINAPLAS 2023, to take place from April 17-20, 2023 in Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center (SWECC),Shenzhen,PRChina,visitors will for sure immerse in these 3 hot technologiesunderoneroof,helping inspire new ideas and explore new opportunities.

Intensifies Innovations Towards a Circular Economy

There is no denying that plastics consumption – especially for singleuse plastics – has created a huge challenge to our environment. Plastics industry now spares no effort to intensify innovations towards a circular economy for sustainability development.

The plastics industry has long been applying the linear model, or “takemake-dispose” approach. Circular economyconceptaimstoreducethe amount of plastic waste generated by applying a “closed loop” system, redesigning how plastic products are taken, made, used and reused to alleviatetheplasticwasteproblem.

One of the main thrusts of circular economy is the increased rate of recycling. Post-industrial waste and post-consumer waste need to undergo recycling in order for them tobere-used.Recyclingtechnologies haveseentremendousimprovements intermsofspeed,efficiencyandcostsavingadvantages.

Under the theme “A Brighter and Shared Future, Powered by Innovation”, CHINAPLAS 2023 will providevisitorswithawholespectrum of sustainable solutions in 3 theme zones, including Recycled Plastics Zone,BioplasticsZone,andRecycling Technology Zone. With over 14,000 sqm, 200+ machine makers and materials providers, including Erema, Starlinger, Avian, Tomra, Topcentral, Guolong, NatureWorks, BiologiQ, Ruian are to showcase latest environmentally-friendly plastic materials and processing technologies.

Plastics and Rubber Industries Go Smart Industry4.0,hascreatedaremarkable impact on the production of a huge range of products. Plastics industry, yet having a history of 160 years, also goes smart with cutting-edge technologies for greater efficiency and cost reduction in the era of Industry4.0.

Through digitalization, manufacturing systems for plastics industry have become much more intelligent. The adoption of smart manufacturing process in all aspects of production – from product design, actual production, supply chain, distribution and sales, and delivery – has made it possible for companies to withstand currentandfuturechallenges.

Digitalization has been increasingly applied particularly in plastics productionprocesses.Thereisgrowing need for advanced machinery and auxiliary equipment, sensors, process

control software and other products to transform a plastics production facility into a smart manufacturing plant.

In the rising trend of digitalization among plastics and rubber industries, CHINAPLAS 2023 will bring together almost 330 solution providers around the world in Injection Molding and Smart Manufacturing Solutions Zone with over 60,000 sqm. Besides international big names like Siemens, Keba, B&R, Beckhoff, Baumaueller, Staubli, Motan, ENGEL, SHI & Demag, Fanuc, Wittmann Battenfeld, etc., plentyofleadingChinesesupplierslike

Haitian, Chen Hsong, LK Machinery, Borch, Yizumi, CML, Inovance, etc., are about to showcase full array of smart manufacturing solutions and machines at the theme zone, to facilitate the adoption of smart solutions and technologies and achieve the targets of digital manufacturingtransformation.

Advance: Automation + 3D Printing Automation and 3D Printing are the two key enablers for technology advancement. Despite the perception that robots will take the jobs of humans, automation in the plastics industry is not a zero-sum

game to decide between an allhumanworkforceoranall-automated one. A number of plastics processes can apply automation. Investing in automation would be a means to do more with the equipment plastics manufacturers currently have. In the medical devices industry, for example, manufacturer may use automated process to insert plastic partsintoamedicalcomponent,and measurethecavitypressuretoensure thepartsareproperlyinsert.

3Dprinting,oradditivemanufacturing, markethasseenatremendousgrowth andinnovationsinceitisfirstinvented in the early 1980s. After the expiration of a key patent in 2009, allowing manytechnologycompaniestooffer low-cost consumer-level 3D printers, 3D printing is no longer a niche technology. The global 3D printing plastics market reached USD 786.9 million in 2021 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 23.9% from 2022 to 2030. Personalization products development and government incentives, coupled with the rising demand from the end-user industries such as automotive, medical, and aerospace, shall boost the market to expand further over the coming years.

Not to mention the advanced automationandroboticstechnologies in the Injection Molding Solutions Zone, a 3D Tech Zone will also be set up in CHINAPLAS 2023. At the theme zone, visitors shall discover new 3D printing materials, technologies and hardware from Yizumi, Bright Laser Technologies, ZWSOFT, Hanbang, DMACandothersolutionproviders.

A 60-year journey: A story of family, plastic and recycling

For the 60th anniversary, the Como-based Caldara Plast company kicks off the celebrations with a round table organized during the local “Fornitore Offresi” fair to talk about its experience in the field of recovery and regeneration of plastic materials and production of customized thermoplastic compounds

Caldara Plast is specialized in the recovery and regeneration of plastic materials, with guests some players and stakeholders recounted its evolution over these decades. The occasion was also propitious and important to talk about the prospects of the plastic rubber sector, a sector that includes more than 5,500 companies throughout Italy, over 140,000 employees and generates a turnover of 23 billion euros, equal to 1.3% of the national GDP (source Truenumbers, November 2022), numbers that confirm the considerable importance of the sectoronthenationalterritory. From the recovery of plastic waste to the production of green technopolymers, that of Caldara is a story of people, passion and tenacity that from a small family business has transformed into a solid and performing SME, capable of giving its customers a 360-degree personalized service on the finished product and the correct recovery of waste according to the law. A truly sustainable business that allows plastic to have a new life and drasticallyreducewasteproduction.

For an ever greener future. But let’s startfromthebeginning…

60 years in pills

It was in 1963, in the midst of the economic boom, that “Pontiggia & Caldara” was born thanks to the intuition and enlightened vision of InnocenteCaldaraandhisbrother-inlaw Mario Pontiggia. Sixty years later this small company would become the Caldara Plast we know today. At the time, Mr. Innocente Caldara tirelessly toured Italy with his truck, an OM Tigrotto, in that period of great innovation in all sectors. Those were theyearsinwhichevenplasticbegan totakethefirstimportantanddecisive steps that would characterize the economic and social development ofthelastcenturyandtheprogressive replacement of metals. It is in this context that Caldara Plast’s business develops based on the idea of the circular economy: waste can becomeanewresource.

In those first tiring but exciting years, the company carried out transport for various companies located in the province of Lecco and operating in the distillation of methacrylate, bringing the monomer to the customers of these companies. The modus operandi was simple but effective: the waste products were collected from these companies that produced methacrylate slabs and subsequently resold to companies thatdealtwithdistillation.

With the evolution of both the market and the materials initially treated, polycarbonate, ABS, polyamide and polystyrene scraps were soon added. In the 1970s, not without a few sacrifices, the shed was built in Caslino d’Erba (CO), the town of origin of the Caldara family, which was now necessary to contain all the collected waste. Herethefirstmillspurchasedtogrind the different types of material and store the ground ready to be resold were positioned.

The nineties arrived quickly and now the company became “Innocente Caldara snc” All his sons began to work alongside Mr. Innocente. In 2001 the company moved to Erba.

The new shed was built in a short amount of time, again with a little

tightening of the belt, aware of having a more suitable location for the increasingly growing business and in a place far from inhabited centres.

Having more and more adequate space available, the Caldara brothers let themselves be convinced by a supplier friend to buy an extruder to begin the adventure of producing granules from all those scraps that in the meantime continued to arrive to be ground.

However, it was necessary to learn how to produce granules, with the help of suppliers with whom the Caldara brothers still collaborate today with “learning by doing” method.Thefirstqualitativelycorrect and salable compound was a white ABS produced for a large Friulian company active in the Automotive sector.

After that first success in 2002 a new extruder was introduced and the Caldaras began to experiment with the extrusion of other materials such as polycarbonate. In the meantime, the production lines became 4 with higher production volumes and obviously downstream all the quality controls in the first “small” testing laboratory that had been implemented.

In 2006, still in Erba, the Caldaras decided to further expand by incorporatingawarehouseadjacent

to the one in use. The business increases considerably and, aware and eager to meet new potential customers, the Caldaras participate for the first time in a sector fair, the Plast. This was the first way to make themselves known in a market, that of regenerated compounds, which they had recently entered and where they still had a lot to know.

The rest is recent history: from the 2008-2012 crisis that fell just as the Caldaras were once again broadening their horizons. In fact, it was in 2011 that the Compound Division of Alzate Brianza was inaugurated,atownnottoofarfrom Erba,inaneasilyaccessibleindustrial area. The division dedicated to recovery and grinding remains in Erba, from where, still today, the materials arrive which, once ground and selected, constitute the secondary raw material destined for the productions of Alzate Brianza. The 4 extruders complete with bagging area are installed and the production of those compounds that still form the heart of the Caldarafacilitybegins:ABS,PC,PC/ ABS, PS.

In 2012, three new extruders were addedtocomplementthe4already existing ones. Now with these new “twin-screw” type machines, the Caldara brothers launch themselves into the production of PA, PBT, POM. The crisis also persisted in

2014 but in the meantime the company laboratory was enlarged by equipping it with new testing instruments, a new technician with many years of experience was hired and production was reorganized more efficiently. New collaborations with the university and research world are underway, as is the process of certifying quality in the

company which leads to obtaining ISO 9001:2015 and subsequently ISO 14001:2015.

At the same time, the need arises to give the regenerated plastic used for compounds a recognized status.

By now companies are looking for regenerated granules to produce their products and ask for this aspect to be highlighted. This is why

Caldara Plast embarks on the path to certify its products with the PSVPlasticSecondLifeandGRS-Global Recycle Standard brands included in the “Caldara 2nd life®” product line.

The new certifications allow us to approach new markets and new customers. The laboratory is enriched with new instruments and new specialized personnel and the productionsiteismademoreefficient by improving the storage of the materialwiththeinstallationof7silos and the improvement of production with the addition of new extruders. Thewarehousesforfinishedproducts andstocksofgroundmaterialswere also expanded in order to always guaranteestandardpolymersready for delivery.

External communication in the BtB sector is also intensified and there is no lack of participation in trade fairs in Italy and abroad. Support begins for projects to raise people’s awareness of recycling dedicated in particular to schools that are welcomed into the company to make even the youngest aware of the fantastic world of plastic and its potential and to start instilling an ecological conscience in them.

The second life of plastic is the first step towards an increasingly greener future where companies and the local area are more and more connected.

Binova: Success on Italian and European markets

With recycling and compounding plants for ABS and PS scraps (WEEE)

ithitsprovenexperience in the design and construction of plants for the recycling and compounding of thermoplastic materials, Binova has recently achieved excellent commercial and technological results in the sector of ABS and PS scraps (WEEE) containing high percentagesofpollutions.

Binova installed in 2020 a first plant foracustomerinFrance,whichthen decided to buy four more; later also a new Italian costumer (Stena Recycling)boughttwoplantsforthe same purpose.

This proves that more and more companies, having understood the convenience coming from the treatment of scraps internally, rather than reselling it to third parties, are interested in investing in plants of this type, also considering the very high quality results obtained from the use of the material in various market applications. The new trend of recyclers is in fact increasingly

to consider scraps as a precious resource by offering the market a qualitatively impeccable final product.

Binova recycling and compounding line for ABS and PS is based on state-of-the-art components, managedbysophisticatedsoftware applications, using 100% Made in Italy technology.

The plant consists of only one extruder,withco-rotatingtwin-screw technology, able to guarantee excellent polymer mixing and high degassing of the raw material.

Unlike a traditional single-screw technology plant, this type of extruder allows significant energy savings up to 30%. It is also able to

process material containing small percentages of different polymers.

The extruder’s degassing systems extract any material formed during the process, such as vapors, monomers,etc.,underhighvacuum.

In just one step and with minimal handling of the materials inside the factory, a double result is thus achieved, usually obtained through two steps: recycling and compounding. The product obtained is a homogeneous material of high quality that not only promotes an environmentally sustainable process, but also offers important application opportunities in the market.

Industry 4.0 - Engineering and future for a circular economy

Binovahaslongbeendesigningand manufacturingitsownrecyclingand compoundingplantswithco-rotating twin-screw extruders, integrating them with industrial automation based on new technologies to improve working conditions and increase plant performance and productionquality.

The total control of the process is by means of application software developed on a PLC platform and an operator panel, for the following functions:

• Line configuration management (alloperationsareperformedonthe operator panel, eliminating most of the selectors, buttons and lamps)

• Speedandsynchronismmanagement

• alarm management

• Technological parameters

• Working parameters

• Remote control.

To reinforce its already established working methods, Binova has obtained the Industry 4.0 certificate of conformity through a favorable opinion signed by the industry experts of AMAPLAST.

This certification will allow its buyers to benefit from the Industry 4.0 capital goods tax credit.

Reduce Reuse Recycle:

This is Binova’s slogan and the core ofthecirculareconomy:topromote intelligent and productive recycling, benefiting both the environment and business growth.

Binovaintroducesthenewoperational headquarters

In order to satisfy at the best the growing market demand, Binova has invested in new operational headquartersofapproximately2,000 squaremetersintheindustrialareaof Mezzomerico (Novara). The structure is located few kilometers from the current production site of Oleggio (Novara), in a strategic position easily reachable from Malpensa airportandtheLakesandMilan-Turin highways. This is a further step in the growth strategy of the company, whichintendstoexpanditsmarket.

The new headquarters will make it possible to respond to the need

for more space, to reorganize warehouse management through theuseofnewITtools,tostrengthen the assembly and testing processes of several plants simultaneously and to increase the workforce, thanks to the availability of large spaces dedicatedtooffices.Theinvestment also provides for the updating of all corporateinformationtechnologies, in order to streamline the design and procurement processes and to better plan the flow of materials and assembly activities, as well as to improve cost control. This will also make it possible to further improve the after-sales and spare parts services.

BD Plast filtering systems

BD Plast supplies a complete range of products to extrusion plant manufacturers and plastics transformers all over the world and specific solutions capable of processing any kind of polymer

iltrationsystemsareacrucialcomponentof extrusion, re-manufacturing, and recycling lines of polymeric materials. The finalproductqualityandtheprocess’sefficiency depend on them.

BD Plast supplies a complete range of products to extrusion plant manufacturers and plastics transformers allovertheworldcomposedbymanualscreenchangers, static filters, hydraulic screen changers, extrusion components (adapters, elbows, pipes, static mixers, diverter valves, strand dies), continuous flow screen changers,continuousflowself-cleaningscreenchangers, accessories (hydraulic power units, undercarriage supports,elastomers,hydraulicdiechangers).

Thanks to these screen changers’ versions, BD Plast’s technology can supply specific solutions capable of processing any kind of polymer while maximizing production and reducing at minimum material waste.

The strategy that has allowed BD Plast to grow and develop over the years, becoming from a small national company to a strategic partner of important manufacturers of extrusion plants in Europe, Canada, and the United States, is to engineer and produce all the machines and their components internally, to keep every aspect of the production process under control,thusofferingthemarketuniqueandcustomized solutions, capable of responding to even the most demanding requests.

It was 1986 when a family business opened its doors in Bondeno, in the province of Ferrara, immediately engagedintheproductionandsaleofscreenchangers

forplasticextrusionlines,consolidatingitspositioninItaly over time through downstream technology, with the awarenessofbeingabletocompetebytheflexibilityof its systems and the ability to customize products.

Thirty-sixyearsofinnovation,developmentofideas,and proposals for innovative solutions have characterized BD Plast’s approach to the market, with a propensity for renewal not only as regards the supply of systems but also for strategic choices aimed at responding to various changes in the production context.

The Emilian company now employs fifty highly qualified employees, capable of contributing to the growth of the company through the design and construction of new lines of machines and products such as adapters, elbows,andpipes,consolidatingimportantinternational partnerships over time and enhancing the service, intended as a real added value for maximum customer satisfaction BD Plast can provide complete platforms that are grouped with screen changers of any type integrated with volumetric or gear pumps, complex solutions in which the company can supply all the downstream, excluding the extrusion heads.

Manyrequestsfromthemarketalsoconcerncontinuous flow screen changer, capable of perfect continuity of the melt flow, according to a high technology developed to minimize waste in the production cycle.

“Oursisarealitywhichdoesnotworkthroughupheavals, but follows a logic of continuous improvement and, in this sense, we are also working on traditional plants to make them economically better and safer. We have a complete line of reliable and high-quality screen changers, guaranteed by the internal mastery of the entire process, from machine design to assembly at the customer premises - said Dante Boicelli, CEO of BD Plast - We manufacture 1400 systems per year, and this commits us a lot also from the point of view of our Technical Office, which is focused on making products of different sizes and deeply customized.”

BDPlasthasreachedthethirdgenerationofmanagement and still employs the founding entrepreneurial family.

Clarissa Frazzoli, the wife of Dante Boicelli, has always led the administrative area with the utmost attention and,since1988,hasstartedtheITdevelopmentprocess of the company, bringing it nowadays to the daily use of software and IT technologies best positioned in the Magic Quadrant for the various areas, Cybersecurity among the priorities.

The son Dino Boicelli, after a degree and a master’s degree in business administration, attended Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan and oversees the company’s marketing management.

Through the most recent IT platforms and CAD-CAM integrated design systems, the engineers of the company exploit all the experience and professionalism gained in the sector to offer the market the best technologies, allowing BD Plast to act as an extrusion partner, looking at the entire extrusion process, to grasp its problems and needs, to experiment with new responses modeled on different systems and to react in real-time, guaranteeing speed at every level of intervention, from the economic offer to the sharing of the project, up to aftersales assistance.

“We have also grown a lot in terms of information technology and customer services, using the new telematicstoolstoreachcompanies and end users in difficult times, such as the one we are going through, because of the known emergencies that have marked the last two years – added Dante Boicelli - the engineer Stefano Gallieni, our new General Manager, is favoring the generational transition by guiding the company towards a mediumindustrial dimension and offering, to those who choose our expertise, a high-level service, and a very important consultancy, to analyze and solve every type of problem that arises within the production process,inarathercomplexmarket, like today’s one.”

Customer service, both in the purchaseandafter-salesphase,has alwaysbeenonestrengthofBDPlast. This sensitivity has developed thanks to constant and punctual attention that has been implemented over the years at all levels: technical assistance, availability of spare parts and components, speed of deliveries, and prompt intervention. Alltheseingredientsmakeitpossible to keep the equipment efficiency and to avoid production stops.

The self-cleaning continuous flow screen changer, CleanChanger©, is currently at the top of BD Plast’s range of products. This product’s major strength is carrying out the self-cleaning cycle at particularly low back pressure. Added to this is the fact that this is continuous flow equipment in which, unlike what happens with other types of screen changers, the replacement of the filtering elements takes place without stopping the extrusion line, thus avoiding waste of time

and waste of materials typical of the stopping and restarting phases of the line. In addition, on CleanChanger© the replacement of the screens takes place with the automatic ejection of the breaker plates, allowing easy replacement of the filtering elements and further timesaving. The self-cleaning capacity at low back pressure, the automatic ejection of the breaker plates, and the reduced purge times are the key elements that allow up to 300 self-cleaning cycles to be reached before having to change the screens. Currently, over twenty-five CleanChanger© are operating at plastics transformers and on extrusion plants assembled by the mostimportantItalianandEuropean manufacturers. Some players who purchased CleanChanger© subsequently implemented a second model, a sign of high satisfaction that BD Plast product gives to the customers.

Constant evolution


– The Sirmax Group’s family of compostable bioplastics –broadens its horizons with formulations optimized for thermoforming, extrusion, and injection moulding

The world of plastics is constantly evolving, not only in terms of product or process technology, but also when it comes to regulation. In recent months, there has been frequent talk about the proposed regulation on packaging that Frans Timmermans, the European Commissioner, presented last November, and which has been under the consideration of the European Commission in recent weeks. The regulation includes significant developments – some of which have a strong impact on the industrial production chain – that also affect bioplastics. In fact, alongside the regulation, the European Commission presented a communication on biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics, clarifying where these materials can provide an environmental benefit.

With this prospect in mind, companies have not been caught unprepared and are increasing their research and development activities on new products for the market. Sirmax has always been one step ahead when it comes to anticipating market demands.

The Group, which specializes in the production of polypropylene compounds, engineering polymers, elastomers, post-consumer circular polymers and bio compounds, is focusing with conviction on its family of Biocomp® branded compounds. This is a family of totally biodegradable and compostable materials, with physical and mechanical characteristics that make it usable in various fields as a replacement for traditional plastics suchaspolyethylene(LD-PE,HD-PE), polypropylene (PP) and polystyrene (PS). Its composition, which is partially derived from plant-based biomass, includes the additional (if

not obvious) advantage of being bio-based by nature, with high percentages of bio-based materials for some types of formulations.

Recently, R&D engineers at the Group’s Venetian headquarters (where Biocomp® is made), have fine-tuned and optimized multiple formulations which are specifically dedicatedtotheextrusionofreadymade products or sheets to be thermoformed. The granules, which are bio-compostable, are intended for the manufacturing of plates, cutlery, glasses, take-out trays, and, more generally, anything involving rigid food packaging, which can then be disposed of along with the organic waste. It is also available in an injection moulding version, that can be used, for example, for coffeecapsules.Thesematerialsare commercially recognized by the IM abbreviation.

“Recent field tests, carried out both through in-house laboratories and thanks to the foresight of some of our main clients, have shown how the new range for extrusion and thermoforming is perfectly in line with the final characteristics that the manufactured product must have,” commented Alberto Zanon, Biocomp® Sales Manager. “The option to use the same moulds and equipmentastraditionalrawmaterials means the company can offer its target clients a ‘green’ product at no additional cost. Moreover, our engineers are accustomed to supporting clients across all machine set-up phases, helping them identify the best solutions to meet their productionneeds.”

“IM” Grades ensures also the production of several models of coffee capsules
Massimo Pavin – President and CEO – Sirmax Group

Finally, historical products in the Biocomp® range, denoted by ‘BF’ codes, cover a wide variety of applications in the flexible packaging sector, and therefore lend themselves to being processed through blown extrusion to make bags for fruit and vegetables, various types of carrier bags, and organic waste collection bags.

All BioComp® products comply with the UNI EN 13432 standard and the entire range is OK Compost Industrial certified. This means that, once the manufactured product has been disposed of and sent to the appropriate composting centre, it will be turned into fertilizer along with other organic waste, so that it can be used to grow new crops and have a positive effect on soil composition.

Specific grades, which are currently mainly used for packaging film, are OK Compost HOME certified, which means they can be disposed of with domestic food waste. This is a very old, as well as simple, technique to generate fertilizer independently through home composters.


We never stopped innovating, despite what happened in the world and the repercussions on the global economy,” says Massimo Pavin, Sirmax Group president and CEO. “For us, sustainability means investment in all stages of the production process with an eye to future dynamics. Thanks to our expertise and scientific approach, in addition to upcycling solutions made possible by our range of ennobled compounds containing raw materials derived

from urban waste collection, we were able to offer a wide range of compostable materials that can replace traditional plastics in packaging, agriculture and consumer goods. These generate a positive impact in our ecosystem since they will become natural fertilizers. Our goal is to be closer to our clients by offering them up-todate solutions, and to be mindful of the environment with a view to true proximity compounding.”

In addition to its range of biocompounds,Sirmax–inkeepingwith itsmission,whichisentirelyfocusedon projects that are inextricably linked to sustainability – is also investing heavilyinrecycledplasticsfrompostconsumer sources, particularly for the manufacture of durable goods like components for the automotive, household appliance, electrical

and electronic sectors. Here, too, research on new products is making manyinnovativeadvances.

Sirmax has 13 production plants: Six in Italy, two in Poland, one in Brazil, two in the US, and two in India. It has gained significant market share in Europe, the Americas and Asia, making it a global reference on the international market. Its clients includes global OEMs from automotive and home appliance sectors to electrical & electronics, power tools and furniture fields. In 2021, the group generated a turnover of €480 million, employing more than 850 people worldwide.

Alberto Zanon – Sales Manager Biocomp®
Biocomp® core business includes “BF” grades for grocery bags with 60% content of renewable sources
Biocomp® “IM” Grades for Thermoforming of sheets to create trays, spoon, cutlery and plates
Biocomp® compounds by Sirmax Group

ECOBLOC® ERGON KL HC: Big bottles, big savings

SMI presents its ECOBLOC® ERGON KL HC integrated systems, the ideal solution to bottle liquid food and beverages at the maximum output of 7,200 bottles/h in high-capacity containers, which are 100% recyclable and environmentally sustainable

Producing and filling PET high-capacity containers up to 10 L with a single machine is more and more often theoptimalsolutionformineralwater and edible oil manufacturers.

With the ECOBLOC® ERGON KL HC integrated system supplied by SMI, the whole wet section of the bottling line is grouped into a single system that performs the stretchblow moulding, filling and capping functions. This compact and flexible solution offers several advantages in terms of production cost reduction, asthesystemdoesnotrequirearinser.

Furthermore, the ECOBLOC® ERGON systemdoesnothaveconveyorbelts between the blow moulder and the filler and the related accumulation, thus ensuring a controlled and flexible production process; this results in greater efficiency for the

management of the whole wet sectionofthebottlinglinebyasingle operator on an extremely compact surface, improving at the same time the production sustainability thanks tothereducedenergyconsumption.

The combi solution supplied by SMI also offers advantages in terms of structure compactness compared to the other integrated systems available on the market, since the machine preform heating and stretch-blow moulding sections are integrated into a single module.

The space-saving design of the ECOBLOC® ERGON range: - Easily adapts to small-sized bottling lines -Enablestoreducethetransportcost, asacontainerisenoughtohandleit - Cuts the installation and start-up costs, as these operations can be easily and quickly carried out in a few working days.

Green solutions for the primary packaging of highcapacity containers

Inthebeverageandfoodindustry,thecontainerdesign plays a key role for enhancing the brand and reducing thecarbonfootprintofthecompanies,thatincreasingly use packaging containers and materials with a low environmental footprint in the production, use and disposal phases.

ECOBLOC® ERGON KL HC integrated systems are the ideal solution to produce and bottle liquid food and beverages at the maximum output of 7,200 bottles/ hour (according to the features of the container) in high-capacity containers, that are 100% recyclable, environmentally sustainable, light, unbreakable, safe, with a high hygiene level and suitable for the conservation of the qualities of the product contained inside them.

Main advantages of ECOBLOC® ERGON KL HC systems:

• The preform heating tunnel is equipped with a system of thermo-reflective panels made of highly energyefficientcompositematerial,placedinthefrontandthe rear of IR ray lamps aimed at heating the preforms. This system ensures a high reflection of the heat generated by the lamps and therefore ensures a more uniform

distribution of the heat over the surface of the preforms. An aluminium diffuser is also integrated into the tunnel to ensure the optimal control of the temperatures and avoid overheating problems.

• The stretch-blow moulding section is equipped with an AirMaster double stage air recovery system, that allowstoadd,besidesthestandardairrecoverysystem, a second circuit to recover and recycle part of the air coming from the high-pressure blowing process. This ensures a considerable saving on the compressor energy consumption.

• The blow moulding unit is equipped with motorized stretch rods, controlled by an electronic drive and withouttheuseofmechanicalcams,foramoreprecise managementofthepathofthestretchrod,itsaccurate position and a considerable energy saving compared to traditional solutions. This system allows to modify the stretch speed without mechanical interventions (cam replacement).

• The mould mechanical unit is equipped with its own motorization,thatperformswiththeutmostprecisionthe up/down motion of the mould bottom and the opening and closing operations of the mould-holder unit.

• The machine adopts high-performance low dead volumes valves that enable to reduce energy consumption and compressed air. The optimization of the blowing cycles also allows high operational performances.

• The isolation system between the dry section of the blower and the wet section of the filler ensures the perfectseparationbetweenthetwo modules.

• The introduction of the bottled product and the return of the washing product take place in the lowerpartofthemachinebymeans of a ceramic collector equipped with two gaskets (a sealing and a


safety)withinspectionlight.Thisleadsto the separation between wet collectors (product and CIP return) and dry collectors (electric and pneumatic), besides a high durability.

• Thefillingandcappingmoduleshave a modular frame, without welding and equipped with highly resistant, long-lasting access doors made of tempered glass.

• Filling module equipped with electronic meters to ensure a high filling precision.

• The machine areas in contact with the product to be bottled are made of stainless steel and glass, for a high hygiene level.

• The optimization of the placement of the carousels inside the frame has enabled to obtain reduced dead angles, with advantages in terms of plant productivity.

• Fast format changeover of the bottle guide equipment.

• The filling module is equipped with automatic insertion dummy bottles to ensure a fast format changeover and reduce the operator’s intervention.

• Reduced maintenance and management costs of the plant. Environmentally sustainable containers for big productions

In terms of size, high-capacity containers, such as 5, 8 and 10 L containers, arouse growing interest, especially in the companies that pay attention to green and efficient solutions. By using high-capacity bottles, in fact, fewer containers are required to reach a certain product volume and therefore, logistic, handling and disposal costs are reduced. SMI has decades of experience in the manufacturing of machines for the production of highcapacity containers, as well as in the design of bottles that meet customers’ functional and aesthetic requirements. ThankstoanadvancedCADcentrefor

the3Ddesign,SMIhasbeeninvestingin innovative solutions for producing rPET bottles of different sizes and shapes, that are 100% recyclable, resistant, light and energetically virtuous. Neck-in-bottle solutions

SMI has been developing innovative containers, such as stackable “neckin-bottles”, that, thanks to a particular design of the hollow of the bottom, enable to:

- Optimize the space on the pallet

- Reduce the packaging costs (cardboard interlayer pads are not required)

- Lower transport and storage costs, thanks to the higher number of bottles on each pallet

- Reduce the waste: the necks of the bottles are subject to fewer breakages during the palletizing phase

- Improve the aesthetic aspect of the pallet, that results more compact and can be graphically customized. Solutions for tethered caps Tethered caps, that remain attached to the bottle after they have been opened, will become an object of everyday life for European consumers starting from 2024, when EU 2019/904 directive will enter into force. This new provision of the European Union establishes the minimum percentage of recycled material, that has to be present in the plastic bottle used for the beverage bottling and requires the use of tethered caps in order to be recycled together with the bottle, so that they do not get lost in the environment.

Aware of the challenges that this new law poses to food and beverage manufacturers, SMI has developed a series of innovative solutions for realizing rPET containers in compliance with 2019/904 directive, supporting customers in the choice of the type of bottle and tethered cap that best meets their specific needs.

Enthusiasm for plastics at Fakuma 2023

Fakuma is a technology signpost for plastics production and processing and will highlight further solutions dealing with the issues of sustainability, circular economy and recycling

ItisfillingupattheFriedrichshafenExhibition Centre: The 28th Fakuma international trade fair for plastics processing will take place from the 17th through the 21st of October, 2023. Innovations from the fields of injection moulding, extrusion technology, thermoforming and 3D printing will be at the centre of attention. The internationally esteemed trade fair brings the entire plastics industry together. This top event is a technology signpost for plastics production and processing and will highlight further solutions dealing with the issues of sustainability, circular economy and recycling.

At the end of January 2023, trade fair promoters P. E. Schall had already registered 1169 exhibitors from 38 countries. “Halls A1 to A7 and B1 to B5, as well as the east and west foyer areas, including the east concourse, are already full,” reports Fakuma project manager Annemarie Schur. “We’re very pleased to announcethatninemonthsbeforethetradefairbegins, it’s already becoming apparent that the halls will be full againatFakuma2023,”saysSchur.42%oftheexhibitors registered thus far come from outside of Germany –

Manyeveryday objectsare madeofplastic (photo:Schall)

more than at the last Fakuma in 2021. “One senses the significance of issues like environmental protection and the digital transformation, as well as sustainable and efficient plastics processing,” explains the project manager. “Expert visitors can expect to find essential innovations for pioneering, future-oriented solutions.” In Focus: Circular economy and energy efficiency Fakuma2021onceagainmadeitplainlyevidentthatthe trend towards digitalisation has accelerated and that future-oriented concepts are being developed in order toestablishacirculareconomyforplasticproducts.And thus as a recognised business platform for innovations throughoutthevaluecreationchain,Fakumaistheideal setting for presenting new products and technological solutions, as well as for discussing forward-looking issues andaddressingrelevanttopicsinaconcisemanner.For example at his technical presentation to an auditorium full of trade press and guest listeners, Professor Dr.-Ing. Martin Bastian, director of the SKZ Institute in Würzburg, pointed out impressively what needs to be done in the industry: “We have to take on more responsibility for what’s happening with plastics. We have to ensure that plastic isn’t just accepted, but rather used with


Fakumaoffersacomprehensiveoverviewofall plasticstechnologies(photo:Schall)

enthusiasm as well. And we have to do a lot more to educate people about its benefits,” says Bastian. User-Oriented, Highly Practical and Technically Competent

“As perceived in general, plastics are not understood,” observed Dr. ThomasProbst,keynotespeakerofthe German Association for Secondary Raw Materials and Waste Disposal.

Awareness concerning plastics needs to be raised on a broad basis toamuchgreaterextent.Theenergy transition will not be possible without plastics.Circulareconomyisthusalso oneofthemajorthemesofthisyear’s trade fair. “Once again, Fakuma 2023 will provide a suitable platform for discussing current challenges facedbytheindustryandaddressing them in a targeted manner,” notes Bettina Schall, managing director of trade fair promoters P. E. Schall GmbH & Co. KG. Expert visitors and exhibitors will meet again this year and conduct discussions on an equal footing at high levels of expertise in an informal atmosphere. Fakuma will demonstrate the indispensability of plastic products

against the background of sustainability and the efficient use of resources. Trade fair visitors can look forward to experiencing the extent to which a pioneering spirit and a targeted strategy can be leveraged to produce plastic parts in a competitive, sustainable and digitallynetworkedmanner.

“Plastic is a Resource, not a Waste Material”

Preparations for this year’s edition of the Fakuma international trade fair for plastics processing are running at full bore. As representatives of the entire exhibitor community, the exhibitor advisory board is also looking forward to the event.

“Fakuma is a technical event that you shouldn’t miss under any circumstances,” explains Rüdiger Dzuban, marketing and sales manageratOniinLindlar,Germany.

“We’ll experience the immense value of plastics here, because plasticisaresourceandnotawaste material,” observes Dzuban.

The world’s leading trade fair for injection moulding, which also serves as a technology and industry

barometer for extrusion technology, thermoforming and 3D printing, is thus being eagerly awaited and will provide new impetus for circular economy. The transformation to a circular economy will be discussed on various levels at Fakuma – during numerousexpertpresentationswithin the setting of the exhibitor forum as well. “Fakuma 2021 was highly acclaimed and we’ll build upon this in 2023. The event will once again demonstrate that cost-effectiveness and sustainability aren’t mutually exclusive,” says Bettina Schall. “Efficientuseofresourcesalsomeans reducing energy consumption and thus costs as well. Advances in the field of automation will help to increase product quality as well as processingefficiency.Technological developments give rise to new solutions for current challenges. For this reason, we cordially invite all industry players to the 28th Fakuma to discuss important current and future issues from the 17th through the 21st of October, 2023.”


61 Years of trade fairs for markets –Schall Trade Fairs’ recipe for success Schall has developed successful businessplatformswithinternationally recognised trade fairs for quality assurance (Control), optical technologies, components and systems (Optatec), stamping technology (Stanztec), automation in production and assembly (Motek), bonding technology (Bondexpo), plastics processing (Fakuma), sheet metal working (Blechexpo) and joiningtechnology(Schweisstec).This hasgivenrisetoentirelynewmarkets invarioussectors,whoseprotagonists are distinguished by tremendous innovative strength, comprehensive systems competence and practical applicationsolutions.


WateringCans:Sample productmadeof recyclate(photo:Schall)

Tovo Gomma celebrates its 15th anniversary

The important half-century turning point will be celebrated with a series of initiatives that will unfold throughout the year and will be an important opportunity to introduce plans and expectations for the future

In2023,TovoGommaSpawillcelebratethe fiftiethanniversaryofitsfoundation.Infact, it was 1973 when Sergio Tovo, supported a few years later by his business partner Enrico Conti, founded the homonymous company, in the same place where it then grew up to become what the market today knows as one of the most solid and reliable companies in the sector of rubber compounding, sheet and foam manufacturing. Tovo Gomma SPA is characterized by a solid and stable corporate structure with a family character, never changed in its composition; now it has reached its third generation.Processmanagementistodayoverseenand furtherstrengthenedbyateamofprofessionalmanagers with solid experience in various industrial sectors

The important half-century turning point will be celebrated with a series of initiatives that will unfold throughouttheyearandwillbeanimportantopportunity to introduce to customers and supplier above all the plans and expectations for the future.

Tovo Gomma’s productions are divided into four product lines:

• Black and colored compounds based on NBR, SBR, EPM/EPDM, CR, NR, IR, IIR, B/CIIR, BR, CSM and HNBR organic elastomers;

• Vulcanized sheets, black and colored, made not only by the here above listed elastomers but also FKM and VMQ;

• Foam products, based on EPDM, CR, PE and PVC, supplied in sheets, rolls and profiles (with or without adhesive);

• Silicone-based compounds, produced in the latest born division, but already in step with the other divisions, in terms of technical skills, delivery reliability, constant quality and efficiency.

With the purpose of meeting the above-mentioned goals,therewillnotbemissed,asithasalwayshappened in the company’s history, important investments to keep the plants updated and reliable, under the supervision of industrial and management software that assure process control, efficient and punctual supervision of high level of service.

The reliability of the supplies is guaranteed by a high degree of redundancy of the dosing, mixing, straining and vulcanization plants and by a strategy for the purchase and management of raw material stocks which has proved to be extremely resilient, even in

the harsh tests to which the global supply chains were subjected during the pandemic emergency and the most recent geopolitical crises.

The ability to highly customize the products and the flexibility in the use of the most varied materials, which havealwaysbeenthestylistichallmarkofTovoGomma, havebeenreallypreciousbymakingpossiblethesearch (alwaysinagreementwiththecustomers)foralternative solutions when, as it has happened in the last difficult seasons, there have been tensions or unavailability of some raw materials on the markets.

To guarantee over the next fifty years as well the same level of skills, technical and qualitative reliability, and high service, Tovo Gomma also expects to continue to letitsstaffgrow,throughamassivetrainingprogramthat involves all company levels. The Lean Manufacturing program supports to involve all personnel in improving processes and eliminating waste, to the advantage of cost-effectivenessforthecustomerandpunctualityand reliability of deliveries.

The ultra-modern laboratory, available for the release testsandfortheset-upofnewcompounds,guarantees, in all phases of the product life cycle, the rigorous application of the rules foreseen by the Integrated

Management System, which also ensures safe work and particular attention to the environment, to ensure continuity of production and service.

State-of-the-art and constantly updated and maintained production lines, production capacity properly redundant to guarantee flexibility and high level of service, laboratory instruments complete for tests release carried out in real time on each single lot, skilled, trained and motivated personnel, information systems state-of-the-art, protected by huge investments in Cybersecurity, processes in constant improvement, a proven Supply Chain with diversified sources of supply. This is the summary of what Tovo Gomma wants to go on doing to continue to be the reliable, flexible, and qualitative partner that its customers, suppliers and employees have been able to know and appreciate… in its first fifty years.


Promeco® Chemical Recycling

The plant of the Italian company aims to close the loop of the plastics industry

t is over 10 years now since Promeco®, an Italiancompanyworking worldwide and member of Chemical Recycling Europe since 2020, has developed its plant for the chemical recycling of plastics.

The plants manufactured and supplied between 2010 and 2013 are currently not open to visitors also because the globalization has brought competitors closer and clients, generally speaking, do not allow any potential competitor to visit their sites.

There was also a pilot plant in Italy in 2011-2012 in cooperation with Universities and under an

experimental authorization; it has been sold in 2013 to a foreign group that settled in Italy with ambitious goals. Then the group decided to give up the activity in order not to undergo to the policies of local suppliers and bureaucracy.

We must say that the plant can be considered as a combination of “known” Promeco processes that are usually involved singularly in other applications.

The process know-how is very remarkable in light of the tangible experience in manufacturing the plants supplied, along with all data gathered during the experimental phaseandduringthecommissioning of the plants supplied.

At the beginning, the Promeco plant was labelled as "catalytic conversion of plastics into fuel", and it was definitely pioneering. Notwithstanding the optimal revenue of the capital invested, it did not meet the relevance and the interest it achieved recently.

Today the producers of polymers sufferahighpublicandlawpressure in finding ways to recycle plastics that are more efficient from the technical and economical point of view. In other words, this means the production of polymers not from the exploitation of natural resources as oil and gas, but from post-consumer plastic.

Promeco® ChemicalRecyclingisthe opportunity for plastic industry to be sustainable and close the loop of plastic recycling at 360°.

“Plastics back to plastics” has a higher significance, both from business and sustainability points of view,ifcomparedtothemerewaste plastic recycling and to the use of the products out from the plant as raw fuels, to be used internally in the plants or to be sold outside for similar uses (i.e. for vessels’ engines as happened for the plants supplied toaSingaporeancompanyin2010).

Promeco® Chemical Recycling plant allows to close the loop of plastic industrybyofferingtherealopportunity to chemically recycle the waste plastics, by breaking them down into their original chemical components and allowing the moving to a more sustainable, circular economy

The main features of the turnkey plant Promecobranded are:

•Promeco® ChemicalRecyclingplantworkscontinuously and not in batch as other similar technologies do

• The feedstock can be “waste plastics”, mainly polyolefin, with moisture up to 10%

• It is sized starting from an input of 10.000 t/year of plastic waste

• It can operate about 7,000 h/year

• • The area needed is 1,500 sqm only

• All the components of the process are located on independent platforms and are managed singularly by an electronic control system PLC. The remote control is available as well through a SCADA system.

• Promeco process is not a pyrolysis one, where heat leads to very high loss in yield, but is based on the catalytic cracking: It is a peculiar additive that allows the breakage of the complex hydrocarbons and their conversion into simpler molecules.

• With this method, that is the alternative to the more known pyrolysis, the process temperatures decrease down to 400-500°C and the pressure is around 30mbar. Eventheyieldincreasesuptoabout80%andtheoutput hydrocarbon oil, if compared to other outputs, is much better in terms of lightweight and quality.

• The safety of the system is guaranteed by a closed circuit system, designed to prevent any dangerous

gas emission. Several detectors constantly track the temperatures of the process phases.

• The incondensable gasses are conveyed into a dedicated boiler for the thermal valorisation •Theplantcomplieswiththemostseverenormsinterms of fire prevention as well as the ATEX regulations.

Without chemical recycling, the increase of plastic recycled will remain limited and the demand of the polyolefin product with recycled plastic content equal to 25% won’t be met, thus not fulfilling the expectations of UE in terms of packaging sustainability within 2025-30. Promeco’s expectation is that Governments and EuropeanUnionmayeasetheregulationsandsosimplify theadministrativeprocessesrelatedtotherealizationof this kind of plant in the near future.

Promeco line in Gronowo Gorne, Poland
Promeco line in Ljubljana, Slovenija

Power on demand

Magic defines its mechatronic system as ‘power on demand’ for it uses energy only as much as needed, with obvious advantages in terms of energy consumption, working cycle repeatability, and long life

Electrically driven accumulator head

Compared to a hydraulic system, the new Magic system with electrically driven accumulator head generates an average energy saving of 60%. In addition, Magic can define its mechatronic system as ‘power on demand’, i.e. it uses energy only as much as is needed, with obvious advantages in terms of energy consumption, but also major benefits in terms of repeatability of working cycles and long life. The system Magic has adopted has an efficiency of approximately 95%. This efficiency remains consistent at any load and speed. Magic has adopted a motor torque capable of developing, under the heaviest conditions, a combined power of 28 kW, generating, where requested, a pressure in the accumulation chamber of approximately 200 bar at a movement speed of 90 mm per second.

Finally, we must consider the following: most productions only utilise part of the system’s power, generally between 30% and 60%.

Energycostisautomaticallyreduced inthemechatronicsystem,whilethe hydraulic system always compresses theoiltoitsnominalvalue.Asaresult, the further the system operates away from its maximum potential, the more energy is saved by the new mechatronic system.

Other advantages of the mechatronic system:

- Increased safety, oil free machine: Magic mechatronic system has no oil under pressure. This means the non-existence of the risk of breakage of the pressurised system components, and therefore also the absence of related safety systems. Thermoplasticsprocessingmachines have heating elements that heat the extrusion system parts up to 300 degrees. Accidental spillage of pressurised oil from an ‘old’ hydraulic system atomises the oil to such an extent that its contact with the incandescent heating elements can lead to a fire hazard. This is not the case with Magic new patented electrically driven system. Safe and oil-free machines.

- Machine suitable for medical and food industry. Any “old” hydraulic system includes a tank from where oil is drawn by a pump and sent to the circuit. Then the oil returns to the tank to be cooled and filtered. The tank must be sized to contain the variation in oil level within certain limits. Because of the return flows, it must be equipped with air exhaust valves, which are filtered but still cannot 100% retain the sprayed oil, thus some may leak into the environment.

Magic new mechatronic system allowstoworkwithoutcontamination, soitisperfectlysuitedforthemedical and food industry.

Magic quick mould changeover and SAM technology

Compared to the fast mould change-over modes known up to now, Magic new system will differ from all the others because it will be able to carry out a full change-over

in double head with the peculiarity that the following components (which until now have conditioned the total change-over time, meant as fast) will be changed electrically, automatically and not manually.

Here are the 8 points that will make your machines more profitable:

1. Automatic head centre distance adjustment.


3. Automatic clamping force adjustment without manual intervention on the tie-bar bolts.

4. Automatic parison centring.

5. Mould holding plates with Stäubli magnetic centring system and bayonet couplings for mould cooling.

6. Automatic parison cutting vertical adjustment.


8. Automatic extruder platform adjustment for head height setting. All this will be managed by a camera that will read a QR code applied to the mould. The system will automatically process all the previously pre-set data to switch from a 10-litre stackable container with handle to a 5-litre F-style container with handle.

At this point the machine will selfadjust with the points listed above: head centre distance, blowpin centre distance, parison centring, post cooling centring and clamping force setting, if needed. You can then go from 240 mm to 280 mm centre distance with completely different bottles.

For what concerns dummy moulds and deflashing adjustments, these will be managed by state-of-the-art manual systems that will also speed up format changeover.

So, at this point, the new Magic technologyhasmadethemachines adjustable in self-learning, a technology called SAM (Self Adjustment Machine).

It is estimated that with the new Magic systems, changing from a 10-litre bottle with handle to a 5-litre F-Style bottle, including blowpin centre-distance, deflashing and the various equipment needed to complete the format change, will only take 45 minutes.

Vector sT series machine

Negri Bossi’s Vector sT series of machines are probably the most energy efficient machines in this size range available in the market today, with several outstanding features for high productivity and efficiency

Negri Bossi’s Vector sT series of machines are probably the most energy efficient machines in this size rangeavailableinthemarkettoday, with several outstanding features for highproductivityandefficiency.

A low centre-line height provides easy access to the moulding area during mould and operation, and the low overall build height is a particular advantage in the case of low factory head room situations especiallywhenthemachineisused together with a cartesian beam robot. An Automatic tie-bar removal system is also available as an option toallowhigherflexibilityduringmould changes in difficult conditions, such asalowceiling,bulkymould,etc.

All Vector sT Machines are fitted with two pumps with individually controlled servo electric drives. This advanced drive system allows

simultaneous movement of the clamp unit, ejector and cores without any reduction in the overall machines speed or performance. The servo pumps incorporate the latest state-of-the-art technology. Energy consumption & cooling requirements of the machine are significantly reduced giving improved all round machine performance with lower noise and dependingoncycletime,upto30% reduction in energy consumption when compared to conventional variablepumpsandupto60%when compared with fixed displacement drives. Even when the machine is used at maximum performance levelstypicalenergyconsumptionis equivalent or better than 0.42kWh/ Kg.

From a mechanical perspective the Vector sT Series utilises the “Smartflex” clamping unit. Clamping units have large tie bar spacing’s

and the kinematic design of the toggle system provides an ideal opening and closing behaviour for the machine. This results in faster opening and closing speeds but with more precise and gentle mould protection. The mechanical advantage of the toggle lever also means that locking and opening forces are significantly higher compared to a fully hydraulic direct lock or pressure cushion machine. The powerful injection unit incorporatesarobust“InLine”design giving faster injection speeds with higher injection pressures, typically raised by over 15% for the industries latest engineering materials.

Bi-Metallic barrels and ceramic heater bands are fitted as standard, and a wide range of screw geometries are available for more specialized materials and applications.

Electric screw drives are now availableallowingforoverlappingof plasticizing, mould opening/closing, ejectionand/orcorepullingmaking faster cycle times possible, whilst maintaining the full performance and control of each movement.

Control / Electronics

All Vector sT machines are fitted with the “Motus” 21.5”, Negri Bossi’s latest multi touch screen control, this

graphic interface offers a modern slim design. Navigation is achieved usingswipe,scrollandzoomfunctions with smart phone familiarity with significantly enhanced technical features in line with the current requirementsoftheindustry.

Inter process communication is by an Ethernet based Powerlink System thisismorethanfourtimesthespeed of the other control systems and allows for fast transmission of large data streams making it more easily configurable for applications with complex automation, multi shot machines and management of peripheral equipment. The result on the machine is faster valve response times leading to improved shot to shot, positional repeatability and improved quality.

Robots, guarding and conveyors

In addition to Injection moulding machines Negri Bossi supplies a wide range of cartesian and six axis robots to suit the most demanding applications, these are manufactured by its wholly owned sister company Sytrama who have over 30 years’ experience of supplying robots and automation systems to the industry. The Sytrama Robot uses same Ethernet based Powerlink System as Negri Bossi machines. This is more than twice the speed of a Can Bus communication system and allows

for fast transmission of large data streams between the controller, robot drives and the injection moulding machine. Thus, it is easy to configure for applications with complex automation and extensive peripheral equipment. The connection between robot, safety guarding, and conveyor system is a simple “plug and play “connection, into the Robot Electrical control cabinet.

Amico 4.0 Service Support

All Negri Bossi machines are prepared for interfacing with the Amico 4.0 monitoring system and with the addition of a hard wired Negri configured central PC connection to its remote service network can be enabled. Amico 4.0 provides customers with a true Industry 4.0 solution offering remote technical assistance. Machine status, machine parameters, diagnostics and machine changes can all be made from a remote location. This is especially useful in lights out situations where the machines can be monitored and interrogated from any location with internet access. In cases of service support Negri Bossi engineers can also view your machines from the company’s service centres ensuringfasterdiagnosisofmachine / processing issues and software updates in many cases eliminating the need for an engineer to attend. www.negribossi.com

Guided by the bright side of energy

For 50 years ELVEM has been guided by the bright side of energy, to provide customers with customized, highly technological solutions

ELVEM, a leading manufacturer of electric motors, has always operated at the forefront of innovation and technology.

ELVEM is the result of the passion and dedication of a family that has been in the industry for more than 50 years, supported and flanked by excellent employees.

From day one, ELVEM has acted by providing customers with customized solutions, meeting their every need with reliable and sustainable technological solutions.

With a highly specialized team of engineers and technicians, ELVEM has a wide range of electric motors that cater to various applications, including the food&beverage industry.

With a stock of more than 160,000 finished motors (including electric motors inIE4efficiency,andPermanentMagnetsynchronousmotors),components and semi-finished products, ELVEM guarantees ready solutions to every product sector.

ELVEM is committed to providing support to all customers in more than 40 countries around the world, working closely with each customer every day to gather feedback and understand their needs.

The motors supplied are accompanied by certifications and technical support, ensuring maximum reliability at all times.

ELVEM is always looking for new solutions to expand its current boundaries, aimingtobeaconcreteandsolidreferenceintheworldofelectricmotors.

That’s why it is constantly oriented to invest in machinery and technologies thatallowittoinnovateanddevelopnewproductstooffertoitscustomers, consolidating its reputation.

ELVEM strives each new day as if it were the first, guided by light, the bright side of energy.

Innovation, sustainability, and ability to renew

These are the ingredients for FILTEC’s success in the field of plastics treatment

ith thirty years of experience, FILTEC is today one of the most solid Italian companies at the forefront of development of systems for plastics materials processing.

It was in fact in 1993 when Gianfranco Baracco, with a long career in the plastic granulation sector,laidthefoundationsofanew company, FILTEC. Starting from a small warehouse and a single office, thecompanywasabletodistinguish itselffromtheverybeginning.

Today,aftermorethantwentyyears, thehelmofFILTEChaspassedintothe hands of his son Giovanni Baracco. With the same determination and professionalism, he carries on the growthofthecompanywithasingle

and clear objective: to make FILTEC thebestpartneronthemarketinthe fieldofplasticstreatment.

Based in Badia Polesine, a strategic junction in the Emilia Romagna and Venetoarea,FILTEChasalwaysbeen committed to the research and developmentofsolutionscapableof anticipating market demands. Able to meet different needs for different customers, FILTEC implements customization with few equals: the ability to develop highly customized solutions sets it apart, allowing it to increase the competitiveness of eachplantandtobettersupportthe customerthroughoutthesalescycle.

FILTEC therefore offers a wide and varied range of products: the complete series of pelletizers, from Underwater to Water Ring cutting systems, is certainly the company’s flagship product. We are talking aboutveryversatilesystems,capable of processing different materials, suchasmasterbatches,compounds, glues,resinsandmuchmore.

In addition to these, FILTEC also offers vibrating screens, horizontal and vertical centrifuges, screen changers and water filtration and cooling systems. Each phase of the production of these machines, from design to construction up to the management of spare parts, is carriedoutinternallyinthecompany in the name of the best Made in Italy style. This therefore allows full autonomy and complete control overtheproductionchain.

The importance of recycling plastic materials

FILTEC’s attention and commitment tothegreeneconomyhavebecome, over time, a source of great pride for Giovanni Baracco and his entire team. The machines designed by FILTECcanbeusedinplasticmaterial recycling lines and are chosen by recyclers committed to giving new life to plastic. Waste is in fact treated through FILTEC technologies in order to avoid unnecessary waste and the dispersion of plastic in the environment.

In this sense, FILTEC centrifuges, in great demand on the market and sold all over the world, can be placed both in washing and in drying systems for flakes or pellets, allowing high results in cleaning and drying of the product. Different filtration systems, on the other hand,

are designed to treat the contaminants present in the plastic material: single or double plate screen changers are a high-quality solution for melted material filtration in granulation lines, blown film extrusion, cast, flat head sheets,pipesandprofiles.

FILTEC is therefore at the forefront of sustainability, not only with its machinery but also through interesting projects aimed at raising awareness of environmental protection. Among these “ARE YOU R”, an initiative to raise awareness and educate the European population into the correct use and recycling of plastic. “ARE YOU R” disseminates the correct plastic recovery procedures with the aim of creating sustainable and economically convenient practices, in which plastic waste is seen not somuchaspollutantsbutaspreciousresourcesthatcan beexploited.

But FILTEC’s commitment to promoting a sustainable business culture does not end there: concluded in January 2023, the ECO DPI project, promoted by the VenetoRegion,hasallowedthecompanytocontribute to the spread of new methodologies for disposing and reusing disposable products used in the workplace. Following the health emergency, the demand for PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) such as gloves, masks, protective visors, plexiglass dividers and sanitizer bottles has in fact grown considerably, leading to the need to recycle these materials. FILTEC’s contribution was to design a new prototype line that will lead to the “discovery” and granulation of new polymers and biopolymers, with which to produce PPE that is 100% recyclable.

FILTEC in the world

1,600 installations all over the world, 700 customers and 400 suppliers: these are the numbers of FILTEC underlying that the company knows how to get people talking beyond national borders. The secret of FILTEC’s success is certainly due to many factors, first of all the possibility of having available technologies that ensure excellent performance. These solutions, designed by a technical team of engineers, maintain their efficiency over time and guarantee a maximum level of reliability. Here, then, is the strong return of the concept of Italian craftsmanship, a real guarantee recognized at home and abroad, synonymous with the highest quality and cutting-edgetechnology.

But FILTEC also shows a willingness to experiment and to stepoutsidethetraditionalschemes,toofferatypicaland flexible solutions, designed to cover every need in every part of the world. The inclusion of a CRM has certainly allowed FILTEC to effectively manage all requests and daily assistance, regardless of the geographical area of origin. So, the implementation of a help desk in several languages has also significantly facilitated relations with foreign customers, allowing FILTEC to establish itself outsideEuropeaswell.

However,intheend,successcannotbeseparatedfrom human factors, such as the ability to know how to listen. This is very clear to FILTEC which recognizes this skill as fundamentaltoitssuccess,animportantvalueonwhich to leverage to create the correct synergy and empathy withcustomersandbusinesspartners.

The ability to know how to renew

In the last year, FILTEC has also worked on the renewal of its image, starting with the change of the historical logo. The company has laid the foundations for a new way of communicating, updating the graphic design of thewebsite,andpromotingitsbusinessalsoonthemain socialmedia,investingindigitalmarketingactivities.

In fact, it is no coincidence that the potential of these tools has not escaped many companies in the B2B sector, which have understood how fundamental it is to know how to master these resources. This is to get more in touch with the target audience, to increase the opportunity to acquire new leads and cultivate professionalrelationships,evenonline.

In doing so, FILTEC has therefore shown that it knows how to renew itself both in the technological and communicative fields, starting an evolution capable of enhancing the past, evolving in the present aiming to thefuture.

Filtec will exhibit at:

bfm looks to 2023 with optimism

Thanks to utmost attention to the inputs from the market and customers, bfm presents machines that always feature new characteristics

The year 2022 was a positive year for bfm also considering the worldwide difficulties due to the war in Ukraine, the global problems in the supply of raw materials and last but notleasttheenergycrisis.

bfm, present in the field of plastic machinery for over 48 years, is today acknowledged as one of the leading companies in the “Made in Italy”fortheconstructionof“takeoff

& automatic winders” for extrusion blown film lines, and “Flexo printing machines” central drum up to 10 coloursandstacktypeupto8col. In 2023, in addition to events and Open Houses at its headquarters, bfm also plans to participate in important trade fairs in the sector, including, Saudi PPP 2023 in Saudi Arabia and PLAST 2023 in Milan. During the exhibitions and events, bfm will have the pleasure of presenting in the Flexo Stack type sector the stack Sirio 8 Col S-Plus with some news linked to energy saving, as well as the possibility of printing with water-based inks, in line with bfm’s commitment to global sustainability.

The proposed machine - 1200 mm - wide will also be available at the company’s production site in Solbiate Olona, thus giving interestedcustomerstheopportunity tovisititssiteandseethemachinein operation.

The machine will be presented with an un-winder with hydraulic levers for reels up to a maximum diameter of 1000 mm, 8 colours printing group with motorized counter-printing axis, electric grinding and pneumatic inking.Thedryinggroupiscomposed ofanintercoloursystemandadrying box with gas heating and a turret typewinder.

The automation platform of this machine has been designed using the proven application experience of Bosch Rexoth, the industry leader



The Sirio S-Plus is equipped with Easygear and automatic printpresetting,thankstothesefeaturesjobchangecan becarriedintotalsafety.

AmongthenoveltiesofS-Plusthenewgraphicinterface, designed on 22”, simple and intuitive but at the same time complete for the management of all the machine functions.

Still in the stack type sector bfm will present a “Line for industrial bags” complete with printing, gusseting and embossing for tubular (FFS), a line that has recently had agreatsuccess.

The industrial bag (FFS) is a flat tube with an embossed area and side gussets. This type of bags is normally used for the packaging of granules of plastic polymers (LDPEHDPE-PP),fertilizers,salts,bulkgoods.

ThisFFSline(Form,Fill&Seal)iscomposedofamotorized unwinder suitable for reels with a maximum diameter of 1500 mm, a 4-colour flexo printer (which can also be with 2 and / or 6 colours depending on the customer’s request) width 800 mm, gusseting and embossing and finallyanautomaticwinder,mod.W400-width800mm.

This line can also be equipped with corona treatment (refreshing or total) automatic filming guides and microperforators.

In the central drum flexo printer field, bfm will have the pleasure of offering to potential customers its Marte 8-colour gearless flexographic printing machine, designed using the proven application experience from Bosch Rexroth, the industry leader in the automation of printingandconvertingmachines.

The Marte printer is available in different printing widths; standard repeat length from 350 mm up to 800 mm (or 1200mmPlusmodel).

All bfm machines are also suitable for being connected to the network and allow to take advantage of the expected benefits and resources allocated by the National Industry 4.0 Plan, which has as its purpose the digitaltransformationofcompanies.

The continuous improvement of bfm machines is a daily task:Everymachinealwaysshowssomethingnew,thanks to the company’s attention to the inputs coming from themarketandfromitscustomersandthischaracteristic isprobablytheguaranteeofsuccess!

CMG Granulators: Recycling of plastics with 50% energy consumption reduction

All CMG units for recycling applications feature the Adaptive Motor Power (AMP) function, which allows optimizing the quality of the regrind material to the maximum and minimize the use of electricity

Energy efficiency at the highest level: Adaptive Motor Power

All CMG units for recycling applications, with capacities from 800 kg/h to over 5,000 kg/h, feature the Adaptive Motor Power (AMP) function,uniqueinthesizereduction industry. The granulator is able to autonomouslyestablishwhichpower level to adopt to carry out its work, according to quantity of material to beground,shape,weight,thickness, type of plastic, and temperature of thepiece.TheAMPallowstooptimize the quality of the regrind material to the maximum (dimensional and physical homogeneity of the regrind particle and absence of dust) and minimize the use of electricity. From 20to25Wh/kgisthesmallamountof energy that a CMG granulator uses, compared to over 50 Wh/kg that a conventionalunitconsumes.TheROI fortheAMPislessthan12months. Robustness and dependability CMG provides technologies and solutions designed to meet all the unique and innovative demands

of the Circular Economy. The post-industrial and post-consumer recycling processes have renewed connotations that aim at the reintroduction of recycled materials in the production processes on large scale. CMG’s solutions for the world of recycling include granulators, shredders, integral feed conveyors, evacuation and regrind transport systems, dedusting units, dust management and air filtration. CMG’s installed base is considerable: over 30,000 units supplied to its customers in the company’s 41 years of activity.

Supergranulators for post-consumer recycling

With the new Evoluzione series, CMG presents the EV916 and EV616 models, solutions suitable for the mostcriticaloperatingconditions,for wetordrygranulation,whichrequire high-performance characteristics, such as granulation capacity from 2,000 to over 5,000 kg/h, versatility, efficiency and sustainability. The Evoluzione series guarantees operational consistency and wear resistance of a higher degree, with

its construction solutions that involve the use of harmonic steel, Hardox and assembled modular structures. In addition to the precision to the hundredth ofamillimeterontheconstructionofthenewcuttingchamber,whichallows a much longer duration of the blades when compared to conventional models, all the Evoluzione are equipped with advanced controls, in the Industry 4.0 style, to make the machine functions 100% monitorable and manageable.Operatingtemperature,bladewear,productivity,operational efficiency, energy use, all functional parameters managed on the machine orremotely,withconnectivitybasedontheOPC-UAprotocol,arejustsome distinctivefeatures.

Service 4.0:

With Headquarters, Production Site and Technical Center in Italy, and the largest distribution network in the plastics industry, CMG is active all over the world with localized technical service, spare parts and sales centers. FindthenearestCMGservicecenteratthefollowinglinkhttps://www.cmggranulators.com/en/contacts-3/

Plastics Recycling Show Europe expands into second hall

The Plastics Recycling Show Europe (PRSE) will grow even more dramatically this year, with a great mix of both established and first-time exhibitors

The Plastics Recycling Show Europe (PRSE), the pan-European exhibition and conferencededicated to plastics recycling, returns to the RAI Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 10-11 May 2023, expanding into two halls for the first time(Halls11and12).

“PRSE was such a success in 2022 with record numbers of exhibitors and visitors,” said Matt Barber, Global Events Director at Crain Communications.“Weareseeingthe event grow even more dramatically this year, with a great mix of both establishedandfirst-timeexhibitors.”

“ThePRSEexhibitionandconference isthefocalpointofplasticsrecycling in Europe,” says Ton Emans, Plastics Recyclers Europe President. “It is the perfect place to discover all the latest technical innovations and commercial developments, and stay up to date with the legislative landscape for the circular use of plastics.”

The Plastics Recycling Show Europe is designed specifically for plastics recycling professionals. It brings together key players from the plastics and recycling sectors to showcase innovative technology, share best practice, network and do business.

A broad cross-section of the industry is represented at the event including plastics recycling machinery and equipment suppliers, plastic material

suppliers and compounders, preprocessors, mechanical and chemical plastics recyclers, waste management specialists and industry associations.

A new chemical recycling feature areainHall11willguidevisitorsthrough the history of and latest innovations in chemical recycling in a timeline with video displays. The feature area is sponsored by Plastic Energy, Mura TechnologyandEastman.

Over 250 companies and organisations from across Europe have already signed up to exhibit including: Berry Global, Bollegraaf, Dijmex Europe, Ettlinger, FIMIC, Interzero Plastics Recycling, Krauss Maffei, Krones, Milliken, Pellenc ST, Starlinger, Suez and Veolia. Poly to Poly is platinum event sponsor, while silver sponsors are Axens, BASF, BB Engineering, Eastman Chemical, EREMA, Kraton Polymers, Mura Technology, Nestlé and Tomra Recycling.

The latest trends in the plastics recycling sector will be explored in depth throughout the free-to-attend,

two-day conference, which provides a holistic view of the whole plastic recycling value chain, drawing together political leaders, major brands, recyclers and the plastics recyclingandmanufacturingindustry.

Conference sessions taking place in two theatres will cover the latest politicalandlegislativedevelopments in plastics recycling in Europe as well as the outlook for energy supply in the EU. Materials focus sessions will explore the challenges, issues and opportunities within the sector for mechanical recycling, covering PET, PVCandTechnicalPlastics,polyolefin waste streams and polypropylene (PP)recycling.

The winners of all seven award categories at the Plastics Recycling Awards Europe 2023 will be announced at the event on 11 May and all finalists will be showcased in the exhibition.

Register to visit the free-to-attend eventat: https://www.prseventeurope.com/

ArabPlast 2023 – The success journey continues...

The trade show has had a historic success story since its 1st edition and continues to attract global players with India, Europe, Taiwan, and China being the largest contributors

The 16th edition of ArabPlast is scheduled from 13 to 15 December 2023 at the Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates! The premier international trade show in the Middle East is dedicated to the plastics,petrochemicals,packaging and rubber industry and will be attended by the bigwigs and who’s who of the industry.

The UAE offers unmatched and unlimited opportunities for new businesses as well as the established ones to step up the ladder. Its

strategic location in the Middle East, also provides exporters a smooth access to the EMEA region and ArabPlast is a perfect platform for manufacturers, recyclers, businessmen and traders alike.

ArabPlast, a biannual B2B trade show, brings together professionals and decision-makers from the most resilient industry. It offers a unique platform to present innovations and technology, establish new businesses, exchange know-how, and to interact for a productive enhancement that will increase business profitability and add value to the industry. The trade show has

had a historic success story since its 1st edition and continues to attract global players with India, Europe, Taiwan,andChinabeingthelargest contributors.

For the regions of Europe and the West, ArabPlast is supported by their International Associate, Messe Düsseldorf, the organizers of the largest plastics trade fair in the world titled, K, while the Indian sub-continent is supported by The Plastics Export Promotion Council (PLEXCONCIL).

The present changing dynamics of the industry has set focus on circular economy for more efficiency and sustainable environment. The term waste economy is becoming past, as plastics have made its way into

most industrial sectors viz. building & construction, food & beverages, aviation, automobiles, logistics, healthcare, sports, to name a few, due to its various properties, adaptability, and advantages.

The global market is expected to expand at a CAGR as below:

• Plastics: 3.4% - US$ 750.1 billion by 2028

• Petrochemicals: 6.4% by 2028

• PlasticsPackaging:4.8%-US$441.6 billion by 2030

• Rubber: 5.3% by 2027

• Synthetic Rubber: 4.9% by 2029

The UAE oil and gas market is expected to register a CAGR of more than 2.0% during 2022 to 2027 while the plastics and packaging market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.0% during the period 2022 to 2027. The country is currently witnessing significant manufacturing developmentsintheplasticsindustry.

The15theditionofArabPlastwasthe first ever live & in-person trade show post-pandemic with a gathering of 271 exhibitors from 30 nations of the world, and 6 country pavilions, attendedby11230tradevisitorsfrom 129 countries. The 4 open days of the trade show was successful, and it witnessed several new business alliances, signing of contracts, and sale deals for machineries.

The 16th edition in December 2023 is more than doubled in floor space and we are expecting a high volume of global exhibitors and trade visitors to attend the 3 open days of the show.

VisittoArabPlastisfreebyregistration. Fill out the form at https://arabplast. info/visitor/#register-to-visit and you will be enrolled to visit the trade fair for all the 3 days on a single visitor badge.

For more information on the show visit www.arabplast.info or write to rasheed@alfajer.net

drupa 2024: Exhibitors from 45 countries already on board

Some one and a half years before the start of the trade fair, drupa has reached an important milestone: over 100,000 sqm of net exhibition space have already been booked by around 900 exhibitors from 45 nations. This clearly underlines the relevance and the USP of drupa as the world’s No. 1 trade fair for print technologies

From renowned global players to up-andcoming new entrants – the list of registered exhibitors is impressive and reads like the ‘Who’s Who’ of the print and packaging industry along the complete value chain. Well-known and longstanding exhibitors like Bobst, Comexi, Duplo, EFI, Epson,

ESKO, Fujifilm, Heidelberg, Horizon, Koenig & Bauer, Kolbus, Komori, Konica Minolta, KURZ, Landa, Müller Martini, Screen, Windmöller & Hölscher, to name but a few, have registered and will be showcasing their innovations, technology trends, product portfolios and global launches in Düsseldorf from 28 May to 7 June 2024. So already today, participants can look forward to a

unique customer journey because complex, automated workflows, processes and new machinery will again be presented in operation. An overviewofallexhibitorsregisteredso farisavailableatwww.drupa.com.

Even now, after the official deadline forregistrationsattheendofOctober, MesseDüsseldorfcontinuesregistering astrongdemandforexhibitionspace, which can still be accommodated. At present, Germany is again the strongestexhibitingnationamongthe top 10 followed by such countries as Belgium, China, India, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the USA.

“Current booking levels and the positive verdict received by exhibitors make us very confident and optimistic – despite the

geopolitical and economic challenges – that drupa 2024 will againbetheworld’smostimportant industry meeting place,” confirms SabineGeldermann,Directordrupa, Portfolio Print Technologies Messe Düsseldorf, and adds: “With around 75% international attendance on the exhibitor side, drupa occupies an outstanding position by global standards. The range, variety and staging of innovations are unique and will once again provide a glimpseintothefutureofthisindustry. With ideal prerequisites for exhibitors and visitors to network intensely and drive forward-looking projects.”

The in-depth knowledge transfer and interaction with experts from all over the world on the impacts of global megatrends and the associated new business models as well as opportunities for the sector will be in focus here. Special forums like the drupa cube (conference area), drupa next age (dna), the exhibition area for Newcomers, Startups, Young Talents alongside long-established exhibitors of crosssectoral technologies as well as the touchpoint‘packaging’forvisionary and smart packaging solutions, the touchpoint ‘textile’ including the installation of a textile micro-factory, and the touchpoint ‘sustainability’, which is dedicated to sustainability and circular economy themes, all provide highly relevant and valuable insights into tomorrow’s high-potential themes at the event. With its agenda, drupa hits the tempo of the time and reflects an industry that is highly creative and constantly taps into new vertical markets in the field of industrial and functionalapplicationsandsolutions – thereby bearing witness to its high degree of future proofness.

In addition to this, the drupa blog (https://blog.drupa.com) allows you to take a glance at industry trends, solutions and inspiring best cases from throughout the world. Furthermore, all interested parties are recommended to subscribe to the drupa Newsletter at https:// www.drupa.com/en/Home/ Newsletter featuring exciting news and stories from the drupa blog plus the latest news related to drupa in Düsseldorf and the international trade fairs forming part of the drupa Global Portfolio.

Exhibitor testimonials for drupa 2024: Ken Hanluec, VP of Worldwide Marketing, Electronics For Imaging “EFI delivers vital innovations and opportunities for customers through digital print and, for us, drupa is a venue for digital’s best ideas. At drupa 2016, we launched a Nozomi single-pass inkjet press that is transforming the corrugated space. The 2024 show will be just

as important for anyone seeking the next level of success in many segments of digital print.”

Dirk Schröder, Sales Division Manager Paper / Film / Special Markets, Erhardt+Leimer

“’We create the future’ – the drupa sloganisalsoourclaim.Asaleading process automation provider, we are constantly working on forwardlookingsolutions.Wecanhardlywait to present to trade fair visitors our new EL.NET-technology based on a digital, connectable, IoT-enabled andweb-basedsystemarchitecture in addition to our drive technology or inline inspection products.”

Markus Gorlt, Head of Global Marketing & Network, Ferag Deutschland GmbH

“In our view the situation of the industry is currently very tight due to the higher costs of materials and energy, for example. Precisely for this reason our objective and message for the coming drupa 2024 is clear: our customers should feel that Ferag is a reliable and innovative partner in the long term especially in the fields of service, support and spare parts supplies. The trends and innovations driving us include flexible and sustainable manufacturing technologies,newdisruptivebusiness models, automation and increased efficiencyforourcustomersaswellas futureleasingmodelsforourplants.”

Ken Zhao, Co-founder of HanGlory Group

“drupa is a very important event for HanGlory Group, which helps us to standonthebigstageoftheprinting industry to show the world our development and achievements in thefieldofdigitalinkjetprinting.Now,

facing the constantly changing and evolving future, HanGlory Group has decided to participate in drupa 2024 again, which is a very valuable opportunityforustofurtherintegrate into the international market of digital inkjet printing to create more excellent products, services and solutions that are more in line with international market requirements. Seizing opportunities to embrace the potential future, HanGlory Group sincerely looks forward to communicating and cooperating withyouonsite!”

Dr. Ludwin Monz, Board Chairman/ CEO, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

“For us, drupa is a showcase for our leading technologies and innovations in commercial and packaging printing. HEIDELBERG wantstocontinuetoshapethefuture of the print media industry and we look forward to seeing our customers again in Düsseldorf in 2024 under the motto‘wecreatethefuture’.”

Dr. Andreas Pleßke, Spokesman of the Board/CEO at Koenig & Bauer AG and Chairman of the drupa Committee

“2024stillsoundsfarawaybutdrupa is already pretty near for Koenig & Bauer. There is great anticipation to be able to experience exciting innovations hands-on again at the world’s most relevant industry trade fair.

Many things have changed compared to planning in previous years. The gap between the digital world and the machinery in operation needs to be bridged. For visitors this means new worlds to be experienced.

Asanexhibitorwewilldoourutmostto maketheleadingtopicsDigitalisation and Sustainability graspable. Fortunately, the industry is pulling in the same direction here and Messe Düsseldorfsetsthestageforthis”.

OlafLorenz,GeneralManagerGlobal Brand Management, Konica Minolta, Inc.

“drupa is the bedrock for our industry. Educational, informative and inspirational – there is a real appetite for live events, and we can’t wait to be there.

As a global technology leader, Konica Minolta will again have a major presence at the exhibition. With our commitment to sustainability and social responsibility goals, we are looking forward to welcoming visitors to our stand to help them rethink possibilities, ignite their creative ideas, andseethepotentialinprint.

drupa provides a perfect platform for us to demonstrate the latest technology and improvements to further identify and unlock the digitalisation potential for our customers.”

Mr. Swapnil Patel, Management Executive, Line O Matic Graphic Industries

“drupa 2024: The world’s leading trade fair for Printing & Packaging provides an excellent networking opportunity. We expect groundbreaking innovations and sustainable solutionsinlinewithglobalchallenges.

We are already counting the days and are excited to showcase our new range of products to the world market at drupa 2024. Our product

range will help our customers gain high production volume with lower runningcosts.Inaway,itwillcreatea competitive edge to sustain a highly competitiveworldmarket!”

Hermann Veismann, General Manager Business Unit Printing and Finishing,Windmöller&Hölscher

“drupa is the most important leading tradefairfortheprintindustry.Whichis ofcoursewhywewillalsobepresentin Düsseldorf in 2024 again. There, W&H willbeshowcasinginnovativesolutions for a wide variety of challenges on the basis of its unique printing press portfolio.Inadditiontolaunchingnew products we will demonstrate how much print technology contributes to greater sustainability and flag up the potentialdigitalisationholds.”

Economic and environmental sustainability

By introducing its new series of machines, Automa by Magic aims at reduction of energy consumption and plastics, while always maintaining the best mechanical characteristics of the final product

On the occasion of the latest edition of K 2022 in Düsseldorf, Automa by Magic presented its new line of extrusion blow molding machines called EVO LIN.Thisnoveltyoccurredjust4years after its establishment.

Although the last few years have been dominated by the Covid 19 pandemic,itispreciselyinthisperiod that Automa by Magic doubled its turnover, reaching those targets set at the beginning of the company project. A plan that saw the joining of two of the leaders in the Extrusion BlowMoldingsectorwhohavebeen competitorsformanyyears,andcan boast a worldwide presence, with numerouscustomerswhopurchased both Magic and Automa machines.

The over 30 machines produced sincetheestablishmentofAutomaby

Magic, together with the after-sales services such as the sale of original Automaspareparts,theoverhauling of any brand of EBM machines at its plant in Imola (BolognaItaly), the over 130 PLC controller replacements and upgrades with its own SoftWare tailor-made for the EBM sector known as UNIKO 2.0® , brought Automa brand back on top of blow molding stage again.

The machines produced and sold in this period include continuous extrusion, single and double station models, in addition to the ones with accumulation head technology, up to 50T of clamp force, thanks to the renewed interest of the market for this sector.

Themostrepresentativeprojectshave beenthesaleofmachinesproducing with special resins such as clarified Polypropylene and Polycarbonate

for the creation of 19L (5G) water containers, together with the more traditionalandordinaryHDPE.

Several machines have been also set up in the COEX 3 version to fully satisfy the most recent requests for sustainability and reduced ecological impact, using recycled materials (PCR) between the layers ofvirginplastic.Allthisinmulti-cavity, and for high productivity of very low weight containers.

The new range of machines EVO LIN has been developed by targeting low consumption, while keeping a minimum quantity of hydraulics to allow the clamping force and the production flexibility.

The double station model AT08HY with continuous extrusion is a machine with electric movements and with an innovative solution for the clamping system.

It is distinguished for its flexibility of mold adaptation, definitively less restrictive than the classic mold sizing required by actual machines. This machine has a mold closing force of 80 KN and a carriage stroke of420mm;themodelpresentedwas equippedwithadoublecavityhead and an 80mm extruder for HDPE.

The second model, AE25HY with accumulation head, is an absolute innovation on the market, due to the very strong use of both electric and hydrostatic solutions (Patent Pending) that considerably reduce the high consumption which is typical of this kind of energyintensive machines.

This new machine has severely reduced the presence anduseofoilbecauseofthetechnicalsolutionsapplied.

The oil reduction is in the average of -60% with great improvement of its ecologic sustainability. The exclusive employment of brushless motors to manage the high efficiencypumps,impliesthattheelectricalconsumption is practically zero ed in certain specific phases of machine cycle. Consequently, even the cooling of the little employed oil will be drastically reduced to reach levels very similar to the ones of Full Electric machines. The accumulation machine presented at the show was the model AE25HY with 250KN of clamping force, 2 Kg accumulation head and extruder with 80mm screw.

Tounderlinetheonceagainsustainabilityofthenewline of machines, the AE25HY model was using PCR material in order to employ low environmental impact polymers, with a circular economy perspective.

As a matter of fact, both for the necessary technical evolution, using new and technologically advanced components, and to fight the ever-increasing management costs influenced by post-pandemic energy factors, it became necessary to redirect the designhelmofAutomabyMagicinthedirectionofecocompatibility energy and electricity low consumption, which are so afflicting the world economies and the European ones particularly.

As an alternative to the novelties, the traditional models and best-known by the sector operators, are always available.

This to satisfy the requests of those plastic transformers who, for many years, have been used to operating with simple and consolidated technical solutions such as the hydraulic machines that contributed to the global image of Automa brand.

Thesemachineshavebeensynonymofquality,reliability and solidity undeniably identified with Automa name during the last 50 years.

Among the latest history cases, Automa by Magic includes new experiences with the supply of a special machine to produce Polypropylene containers for


products designed for laboratories. These productions, made with accumulation machine technology, allow the manufacture of high weight containers to satisfy the characteristics required by the medical and pharmaceutical sectors to which these products are intended for. The productions reach volumes of 50L with container weight up to 4 Kg net.

The advanced technology of the employed molds, in combination to blowing solutions with air at 4°C, allow very significant productions, reducing the cost of the product itself and creating, at the same time, a containerthatperfectlymatchestherequiredtechnical specifications.

Automa By Magic machines are addressed to all industrial sectors such as packaging, food & beverage, automotive, homecare and detergents products, medical and pharmaceutical, and all those technical applications that identify Blow Molding as the ideal solution for the production of items at unmistakable advantageous costs.

Automa by Magic target is to maintain the same objectives that characterized its previous name for over 45 years of activity, selling more than 3.500 machines all over the world, that even today are remembered and sought for their indistinguishable solidity and manufacturing quality.

Automa by Magic makes available to its customers more than thirty years of experience in the sector, as its staff is made of technicians and experts who gained their valuable experience with Automa, and other manufacturers, thus allowing Automa by Magic to assist clients on various brands of the blow molding extrusion market.

AutomabyMagiccombinestheexperienceandreliability oftwobrandsthathavetechnicallyandtechnologically influencedtheExtrusionBlowMoldingworldwidemarket.

All this can only be a great advantage for the industry and for customers who still have these machines in their plantsandwhocancontinuetousethemformanymore years of production, thanks to the possibility of renewing and replacing obsolete components and retrofitting them with alternative solutions.

The future of our world requires economic and environmental sustainability.

By introducing its new series of machines, Automa by Magic confirms its commitment in this direction. The target is to reduce energy consumption and propose solutions that use the minimum possible amount of plastic while maintaining, at the same time, the best mechanical characteristics of the final product. https://www.automabymagic.it

A trade fair for everyone: An overview of interpack 2023

Lost in the exhibition halls?

Not at interpack. In order to help our visitors find everything they are looking for, the fully booked interpack 2023 features a concept for the halls that is based on clear focal points for each industry

No other industry trade fair can compare when it comes to representing the global market in its entire variety and scope. interpack will again offer the packaging and related process industry the biggest international overview of the market, thereby more than earning its motto “simply unique”

To help visitors not get lost in 18 trade fair halls, the halls feature a custom concept based on the core target groups food, beverages, confectionery and baked goods, pharmaceutical products, cosmetics, non-food andindustrialgoods.

Around2,700companiesfromaroundtheworldwillmeet in Düsseldorf from 4 -10 May, 2023, to present cutting edgetechnologiesandpackagingtrendsfromalongthe entirevaluechain,demonstratechancesforgrowthand respondtothechallengesoftheindustry.

Confectionery and baked goods

Visitors will find processes and machines for packaging confectionery and baked goods especially in halls 1, 3 and4ofinterpack.Ifyouneedpackagingforsomething sweet, ask consultants from companies like Sollich, Aasted, Theegarten-Pactec, Chocotech, Bühler or Winkler and Dünnebier, and many others. The baking sector will meet with exhibitors like Hebenstreit, Rheon Automatic Machinery, Colussi Ermes, Tonelli, TT Italy or ReadingBakerySystem.

As in many other sectors, concerning the packaging of confectionery, baked goods, snacks and cereals, much has changed over the recent years. One important issue are sustainable solutions. Mechanical engineering companies, for example, are adapting their portfolio to include packaging made from mono material or novel materials. Digital technology is another focus – as it is for theentireindustry.

Food, beverages, non-food and industrial goods

The food sector is among the most favoured target groups of visitors to interpack, and this shows in the breadth of their presentation. The global demand for

packaged foods is increasing. In saturated markets with strong incomes, conscious consumption and consumer behaviour also shifts towards sustainability, regional produce, organic food or fair trade, and this includes packaging.Likethecurrentchallengesposedbyenergy managementandconservationofresources,thiscauses a process of transformation within the sector. A similar observation can be made for beverages and non-food products, which are presented together with the food sector in halls 5 and 6, as well as in 11 and 14. Around 20 percentofvisitorstointerpackareespeciallyinterestedin solutions for industrial goods. These, too, are to be found inthesamehalls.

Starting in hall 5, there is a focus on the food sector and big names like Multivac Sepp Haggenmüller, Ulma Packaging, Weber Maschinenbau and Fuji Machinery. In hall 6, for example, Fawema, Coesia, Syntegon TechnologyorDuravantpresenttheirinnovationsinmany areasofapplicationforprocessing&packaging.

Halls 11 and 14, which are ideally suitable for a walk, will host exhibitors like Omori Machinery, Mettler-Toledo (hall 11),ExtendGreatInternationalandHaver&Boecker(hall 12), KHS, Krones, Aetna Group, Sidel and ProMach (hall 13),aswellasGerhardSchubertVerpackungsmaschinen, IshidaEuropeLimited,Loesch-Hastamatandtnasolutions (hall14).Inhall13,thereisaspecialfocusonbottlingand packagingsolutionsforthebeveragessector.

Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics

In light of global demographic changes, the industry’s development opportunities are excellent. Increasing requirementswithindrugdevelopmentresultinaparallel increaseinthosewithinsystemsandmachinetechnology concerning packaging and bottling of medicines. The pharmaceutical companies need universal solutions, and these are found in halls 15 to 17 at interpack, where the focus is on presenting processes and machines for packaging pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Visitors can meet the likes of IMA Industria Macchine, the Marchesini Group, the Optima packaging group, Romaco Holding, Körber Medipak Systems and companies from Excellence United. The requirements for machines and systems producing pharmaceuticals and cosmetics are by necessity strict concerning product safety, protection against counterfeit manufacture and traceability. Cosmetic products are also a focus for the sustainability movement.

Packaging materials and packaging Halls7and7a,8a,9and10ofinterpackareofthehighest importanceforthesector.Thisiswherevisitorscanviewat leastathirdofallexhibitorswithalltheirmaterialsandtheir finished packaging products. This presentation, which is not only for users, of packaging, packaging materials and packaging aids is already the largest packaging trade fair in the world. This also makes interpack unique. Here is where all packaging materials are represented and there is an especially high number of innovations in

the field of sustainability and conservation of resources, for example in using new materials, sustainable raw materials, or increasing the amount of recyclates used in packaging.

Exhibitors in this area are numerous and international –among others, you can visit Sappi Europe, Sonoco, Mayr MelnhofPackaging,BerryGlobal,SchützGmbH,theS.I.T. GrouporSedaInternationalPackaging.

Labelling, marking, finishing Inform, decorate, customise – packaging carries information. How to implement this for different products and requirements, is presented by the exhibitors in halls 8a and 8b. Here, there are machines for labelling and marking technology, for example at Bluhm Systeme, Langguth, Domino Printing Sciences, Videojet Technologies, Herma or Possehl. This offer is completed by solutions from packaging production and integrated packaging printing. Here you can visit companies like Starlinger, Totani, Fujifilm Europe, the Brückner Group or HPGermany.


“Every part counts” is the motto of the components trade fair, which takes place parallel to interpack as its own event. This is where you find companies offering technology for drives, control units and sensors, products for industrial imaging, handling technology, industrial software and communication as well as comprehensive automation systems for the packaging industry. There are also machine parts, components and equipment, peripheral devices as well as components and aids for packaging. Among the exhibitors are, e.g., Pilz, Gimatic, Igus, Voestalpine Edelstahl and Mädler. The temporary hall 18, situated between halls 10 and 16, makes the trade fair accessible from a central location, and visitors to interpack have direct access to the components fair andvice-versa.

The best preparations

Exhibiting companies can present their businesses individually and introduce their contact persons at interpack and their product innovations in the exhibitor and product database in the run-up to the trade fair. The exhibitor and product database is now available at www.interpack.com and is constantly being updated withnewinformationandproducts.

AL.MA. exceeds your expectations

AL.MA. designs and engineers tailor-made and high-tech solutions for the blister packing of industrial products and consumer goods

AL.MA.focusesonthemanufactureofstrictly made-to-order thermoforming and blister packaging machines. Each of AL.MA. product is customized and equipped with the components actually required by the customer’s specific needs: this approach allows this company to optimize packaging efficiency on each single product, at the same time minimizing waste on used materials.

AL.MA.’s packaging machines are the result of an ongoing research process, always aiming at significant increase in flexibility, versatility and cost-effectiveness. EachmachineAL.MA.deliverstooneofitscustomershas been designed with their specific needs in mind, both from a performance and from a functional standpoint –inthefood,medical,orindustrialsector–whetherituses thermoforming or blister packing technology.

In-line automatic blister packing machines for industrial products & consumer goods

AL.MA. designs and engineers tailor-made and hightechsolutionsfortheblisterpackingofindustrialproducts andconsumergoodslike:toothbrushes,stationary,small metal goods, sim cards, cosmetics, air fresheners, car air fresheners, spare parts of various types, household articles,electricalandelectronicproducts,do-it-yourself products, products for children, personal care articles, household products and much more.

AL.MA.offersin-lineautomaticblisterpackingmachines for the production of the following types of packaging:

• Plastic/plastic blister with printed top film or with blank top film including a leaflet inside

• Plastic/cardboard blister with valve having the same dimensions of the blister card or with die-cut card having valve with smaller dimensions compared to the blister card

Acquired competence and high-tech technology enable AL.MA. to produce blisters in as many different shapes as possible, with or without euro hole. There is the possibility to install in-line labelling systems in order to apply labels both above and below the package and printers of different types.

Automatic blister packing machines for disposable medical devices

AL.MA. provides on a daily basis tailor-made and hightech solutions for the blister packing of disposable

medical devices and pharmaceutical products like syringes, needles, catheters, filters, gauzes, surgical kits, valves, cannulas, phials and much more.

It offers automatic blister packing machines designed and built in order to be used in cleaning rooms.

You have the possibility to use rigid films, flexible films, multi-layer aluminum films, medical paper and Tyvek® in order to be able to access to the following sterilization procedure.

You can choose the option to get only trays up to 1 mm of thickness, without top sealing.

AL.MA. has a wide range of printers depending on the required application such as inkjet printers, flexographic printers or thermal transfer printers. There is the possibility

to install in-line labelling systems in order to apply labels both above and below the packages. If necessary, AL.MA. can offer machines that produce packages in modified atmosphere and/or under vacuum for particular applications.

Thermoformingpackingmachinesforfoodproducts (HFFS)

Experience and knowledge acquired in almost 40 years of business activity enable AL.MA. to provide on a daily basis tailor-made and high-tech solutions for the packing of food products in modified atmosphere, under vacuum, with skin or with simple sealing.

AL.MA. thermoforming packing machines for food products are completely made in stainless steel in order to respond to typical requirements from this field.

With AL.MA. lines you can pack different products, such as: fresh pasta, filled fresh pasta, gnocchi, ready meals,bakeryproducts,pizza,flatbread,bread,snacks, pieces of salami, sliced salami, olives, fruit, vegetables, cakes, sliced cheese, soft cheese, hard cheese, meat, fish, sandwiches, croissants, dairy products, dried fruits and much more.

AL.MA. has a wide range of printers depending on the required application, such as ink-jet printers, thermal transfer printers, … with personalized solutions. There is the possibility to install in-line labelling systems in order to apply labels both above and below the packages. In case of need, AL.MA. can install in-line gas analyzers

(oxygen/carbon dioxide) and gas mixers. The acquired competence and high-tech technology enable AL.MA. to produce packs with euro hole, if required.

Are you looking for a competent and reliable partner to boostthepackagingofyourproducts?ContactAL.MA.! Together you will find the best fit solution to your requirements.

AL.MA. will design your tailor-made machine that will satisfy your current production requirements.

AL.MA. will consider your future goals and exceed your expectations.

Solids landing in Italy

Solids, the trade fair dedicated to the process industry, lands in Italy: appointment on 14 and 15 June in Parma

Solids, the trade fair dedicated to technologies for granules, powders and bulk solids, is coming to Italy for the first time. It will showcase solutions for the handling, processing, storage, analysis and transport of fine and coarse granular materials at the Fiere diParma exhibition centre.

The event is organised by Easyfairs (a company specialising in the organisation of international events) and will take place in Parma on 14 and15June2023.Thisisnotarandom choice for the organisers, who have identifiedEmiliaRomagnaastheideal location for the first Italian edition of the event.

“Following a careful analysis of the Italian market, we identified Parma as the ideal venue for our events focusing on the process industry,” explains Daniel Eisele, Group Event Director Easyfairs.

In addition to the particularity of the area - a concentration of the most

important industrial districts in Italy, hometomorethan35,000companies active in the process industry - the choice was also determined by the collaborationestablishedwithFieredi Parma.

“For the expansion of the European Solids series in Italy, we chose a collaboration with Fiere di Parma as a reliable and experienced partner. SolidsParma,ournewItaliantradefair

for powder, granulate and bulk solids technology,representsthefoundation stone of a strong cooperation,” adds Eisele.

Solids Parma, industries and technologies

Solids is already an internationally known event thanks to the European eventsofthefair,whichisaimedatthe followingindustries: food, agriculture

andanimalfeed,rubberandplastics, chemicals, metalworking, machine building, mining, pharmaceuticals. The first Italian edition of the fair has already garnered considerable interest from exhibitors-150are expectedtoattend - who will be showcasing solutions for the entire value chain of powder,granuleand

bulksolidsprocessingtechnology in Hall 8 of Fiere di Parma.

Specifically, visitors will be able to observe solutions for metal processing, storage, handling and transport, to which will be added: solutions aimed at process safety and sustainability; analysis and automation solutions; and services

(materialanalysis;laboratorytesting; online measurement; simulation; quality control).

In addition to the technologies on show, visitors - some 2,500 are expected by the organizers - will be able to learn more about industry trendsandtechnologiesmostrelevant totheirsector,thankstoa programme ofthematicpanels (stilltobedefined). The aim of the exhibition days is to establish exchanges, relationships andbusinessagreements between decision-makers and industry leaders.


In addition to the Italian edition, a number of European editions of the fair will also take place in the coming months. In chronological order the next events will take place in:

● Dortmund, 29-30 March 2023

● Parma, 14-15 June at Fiere di Parma 2023

● Rotterdam, 4-5 October 2023

● Krakow, from 18 to 19 October 2023

● Antwerp, 20-21 November 2024

Request your free ticket to visit SOLIDS Parma here, by entering the code 1403: https://register.visitcloud.com/ survey/0bf86w4xg95y3/start?action code=1403&translation=2osctdwd2 hreg&

Target 2035: Energy transition and mobility of the future

MECSPE, the leading exhibition dedicated to industry, returns to BolognaFiere from 29 to 31 March, 2023, with a new exhibition centre, many conferences and initiatives dedicated to sustainability: from renewable energy to electric motors, all the solutions to help companies in their green transition

Energy price hikes and inflation are not affecting total industry turnover, which, as measured by Istat, had a +18.0 per cent tendential growth in September. This is a positive fact that encourages companies to continue on their path of growth, which, however,mustcometotermswithnationalandEuropean sustainability targets. Indeed, among the ambitious goals in support of the environment is the one set by the European Union to eliminate, by 2035, all diesel and gasoline cars and replace them only with zero-emission cars (e.g., electric or hydrogen), a truly green revolution for the automotive sector that implies major investments and innovations in the industrial field. In November, car production increased by +14.7 per cent—although it does not hold a comparison to 2019—and more and more automakers are trying to adopt new ways of making nonpolluting cars. In Italy we are talking about 4.2 per cent of the total production, a figure still below the European average of 20.4 per cent. There is therefore still some way to go by 2035.

Withtheaimofhelpingcompaniesinthesupplychainfind therightsolutionstoimplementthisrenewal,MECSPE,—the leading Italian trade fair dedicated to the manufacturing industry organized by Senaf, scheduled from 29 to 31 March, 2023, at BolognaFiere—dedicates the core of its 21st edition precisely to these issues, with a 2,000-squaremeter area entitled Energy Transition and Mobility of the Future. At the centre of this large exhibition area, experts, professionals, entrepreneurs, and institutional figures will have the opportunity to discuss the technologies and solutions for the new mobility, from electric vehicles to hydrogenonesandbiofuels,andvisitorswillbeabletovisit functioning demonstration units created by the exhibitors, which will showcase technologies and processes

intended for the sustainable mobility sector from design to production, all in a logic of circularity and optimization of energy efficiency. AUTOMOTIVE, BUT NOT ONLY. The debateonalternativeenergysourceswillreachacrossthe supplychainthroughnew,moresustainableavenuesand will also be extended to include current topics within the manufacturing sector such as reshoring, remanufacturing, and metal replacement, with a focus on new materials. Theseareallissuesthatarealreadyofinteresttocompanies that are increasingly looking for new ways to help protect the environment: in fact, the latest MECSPE Observatory dataonthesecondquarterof2022revealthatfouroutof tenentrepreneursalreadyconsidertheircompaniesgreen and sustainable. The main measures put in place are the

useofenergy-efficientdevices(61percent),thepurchase of efficient and next-generation machinery (51 per cent), and the installation of renewable energy production systems (42 per cent).

“Despite the efforts already undertaken by many companies,therearestillquiteafewentrepreneursfacing theenergytransitiontoday,ataparticularlycomplexstage for the economy. Therefore, we decided to dedicate the core of MECSPE, which for years has been a hub for new technologiesfortheindustryinourcountry,totheseissues, with a rich program of meetings and initiatives on the subject.” comments Maruska Sabato, Project Manager of MECSPE, “Sustainability is an indispensable element of doing business, and it is encouraging to see how green awareness is spreading in the industry sector, not least because the link between innovation and sustainability is inseparable in order to achieve ambitious international environmental targets.”

In fact, sustainability in the industry is one of the three main strands, along with education and innovation, on which the substantial program of events and initiatives of MECSPE 2023 unfolds. In particular, there will also be of Ecofriendly – I do more in 2023, a real and virtual journey among exhibitors who in their business practices stand out fortheirspecialattentiontotheenvironmentwithnewand inspiring solutions for visitors.

AnewfeatureofthiseditionwillbetheGreenPlastixArena, an area where companies will present their innovations based on the concept of circular economy where digitization is a key factor for resource management efficiency.Withinthearena,severalsectorswillbeinvolved: packaging, food, mobility and transportation, medical/ health care, consumer goods, electrical, and electronics. Concurrently to MECSPE will take place METEF, the international expo dedicated to Senaf’s aluminium supply chain, a central sector for industrial production in a sustainable way. Finally, in 2023, MECSPE will double its date and will also be held in Bari from 23 to 25 November with “Focus Mediterraneo” at the Nuova Fiera del Levante, with an edition dedicated to the development of 4.0 technologies and a proposal increasingly focused on sustainability and innovation of production processes.


393,48 professional visitors, 92,000 sq m di exhibition area, 2,000participatingcompanies,2,000sqmoftheExhibition

Core MECSPE LIVE ACADEMY, 16 special events and conferences.


Machines and Tools – Machine tools, Equipment, Tools and Design Software; Machines, Materials and Sheet Metal Working – Bending, Stamping, Cutting, Assembly, Welding,MaterialsandSoftware;DigitalFactory–Industrial Informatics, IoT, Industrial Sensing, Cloud – manufacturing, Automatic Identification Technologies, Applications, Devices, Instrumentation and Intelligent Components for Process Interpretation and Interconnection; Logistics –Packaging, Packing, Handling, Material handling, Lean manufacturing,Warehousemanagementsoftware,Supply chain management, Safety systems, PPE, Outsourcing; Mechanical Subcontracting – Precision mechanical processing, Metal carpentry, Mechanical construction, Fasteners, Foundries, Small parts, Wire processing, Contractindustrialprocessing,Micromachining;Electronic subcontracting–Cem(contractelectronicsmanufacturer), Wiring harnesses, Ems (electronics manufacturing service), PCB (printed circuit board manufacturers), Engineering and design offices; Eurostampi, Machines and plastic, rubber and composites subcontracting – Plastics, rubber andcompositesprocessing,Machinesandplants,Auxiliary equipment, Innovative materials, Moulding, Extrusion, Packaging, Blowing, Moulds, Models, Standardized components for molds, Design, Simulation and design software, Micromachining; Additive Manufacturing –3D printing, Rapid prototyping, Rapid Manufacturing, Systems and services for reverse engineering, Additive technology, Materials, Services, Hardware: 3D printers and scanners, accessories, Simulation and design software; Treatments and Finishes – Surface Treatment Plants, Furnaces, Electroplating, Chemical and Electronic Processes, Washing, Metallization, Enamelling, Galvanizing, Products and accessories for treatments, Heat Treatments, Painting; Non-Ferrous Materials and Alloys – Processing of non-ferrous materials (Aluminium, Titanium, Magnesium, Light Alloys), Die Castings, Foundries, Contract Industrial Processing, Technologies, Design, Engineering; Automation and Robotics –Automation and Robotics, Assembly, Assembly and Handling; Control and Quality – Certification and quality control, Metrology, Measuring instruments, Laboratory testing, Calibration, Analytical equipment, Vision; Power Drive – Mechanical power transmission devices, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Mechatronics, Motion control, Maintenance, Compressed air. For more information visit www.mecspe.com

A real shift to virtuous economy

Bausano innovation opens up to circular economy for the processing of increasingly green plastics

Today, more than ever, the plastics industry is showing increased sensitivity to environmental issues with a view to fostering a circular economy, in terms of plastic productionandconsumption.Focus that also translates into concrete actions by the European Union, which has included this material among those with the highest priority for action in the framework of the Action Plan for the Circular Economy. In more detail, the socalled Plastics Strategy and the Single Use Plastics (SUP) Directive were developed to guide the move towards a more sustainable model.

In this sense, the need emerges to adoptaunifiedstrategythattackles the challenge in a synergetic manner, focusing on three pillars: reducing the consumption of virgin polymers, recycling post-industrial and post-consumer waste, and replacing its use with bioplastics made from plant-based raw materials.

“Wearefacingarealparadigmshift that is influencing the development of the latest generation of extrusion

machines capable of operating withevengreenerformulations”says Massimiliano Fenili, the company’s Technical Manager, who continues: “Our customers are becoming increasingly environmentally aware and are investing in advanced technologies and in a virtuous policy of recovery and recycling.”

And he concludes: “In this scenario, Bausano is at the forefront, alongside the sector’s operators, to respond to the market’s new requirements, with ad hoc designed technologies that implement innovative transformation methods, which are also energy-saving.

ThisisarolethatBausano-aleading international player in the design and production of customised extrusion lines for plastics processing - successfully fulfils, by virtue of its indepth knowledge and expertise of the pros and cons of each material and production process. A platform of solutions that Bausano, starting from the same technological root, constantly enhances to achieve ever higher levels of sophistication thatmeeteverytechnicalchallenge related to the different formulations. Withthisinmind,Bausano,inaddition to the already popular plant fibre-plastic composites, designs innovative extrusion lines that can also process blends that integrate environmentallysustainableplastics,

suchasPLA,withtheplantcomponent (rice husks, coffee grounds, banana peels, seaweed, almond shells, avocado kernels, cork and other plant residues). A further case of excellence, in terms of sustainable innovation by Bausano, is the processing of an even more sustainable formulation of Wood Plastic Composite (WPC), no longer only obtained from a combination of PVC and sawdust, rice husks, etc., but also from plastic waste together with the plant component.

In such a scenario, Bausano’s added value, in addition to the technological core of its extruders, lies in product engineering with tests aimed at creating customised configurations capable of securing a competitive advantage for its customers, such as:

• ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) terpolymer derived from the recovery, post-consumer, of electronic equipment (WEEE) undergoing testing with an unprecedented experimental line under the banner of maximum production performance;

• LDPE (low-density polyethylene) thermoplastic polymer from bottle caps with up to 60 per cent postconsumer material, for an output of 750 kg/h by twinscrew extruders of the MD series;

• High-density polyethylene HDPE, derived from bottles, with up to 60 per cent post-consumer component and productivity equivalent to 200 kg/h using E-GO series single-screw extruders;

• PLA-basedWPC, with polylactic acid component required by the customer between 60-80% and sawdust component between 20-40%, for an output of 100 kg/h with MD series twin-screw extruders;

• Biodegradable PBAT (adipic acid copolyester) thermoplastic, generates 900 kg/h for the production of flexible packaging.

Several critical issues have been resolved by Bausano in the course of these extrusion processes. Firstly, postconsumer waste, besides being characterised by a great variability of characteristics, is often affected by oxidation-degradation processes, which can alter its physical and mechanical properties. Secondly, materials from renewable sources pose just as many challenges, stemming from the complex handling of theirrheologyandthelimitedthermalprocessingrange.

“The most recent guidelines issued at European level show that the reduction of virgin plastic consumption is one of the cornerstones of the new directives. Among the sectors in which plastics volumes remain particularly high is packaging. In order to limit the exploitation of natural resources, it is therefore essential to promote the use of viable alternatives, which are both environmentally friendly and high-performance,” says MassimilianoFenili,TechnicalManageratBausano,who continues, “In this context, corporate strategies must also be renewed to contemplate long-term sustainable development goals, considering these changes as an opportunity to search for novel and pioneering solutions.”

Founded in 1946, Bausano is a leading international player specialising in designing and manufacturing custom extrusion lines for processing plastics. Quality, flexibility, and attentiveness to the individual needs of every customer: these are the company’s distinctive

features in developing tailor-made solutions for the extrusion of pipes, granules, profiles, and WPC for a wide variety of applications, as well as materials used in the medical sector. Bausano is a strategic partner in both the domestic and international markets thanks to its complete control of the value chain and the support of highly qualified pre-sales consultancy and after-sales service with specialised operators, ready to intervene on-sitewithin24hoursfromtherequest,anywhereinthe world. Headquartered near Turin, the Company has 100 employees, an ever-increasing turnover of more than 20 million euros and a widespread presence thanks to production units in Brazil and India and a commercial branch in the United States. www.bausano.com

K 2022: highly satisfied exhibitors in the exhibition halls

“K is simply the most international, the most dynamic and the most forward looking not only trade fair, but actually platform in the industry”

Lotsofvideos,interviews and highlight tours still available after the fair!

K 2022, The World’s No.1 Trade Fair for Plastics & Rubber, came to a close at the fairgrounds in Düsseldorf. In 2022, for the first time, those who could not be on site every day were also taken live to the trade fair: Daily live highlight tours provided exciting insights into what was happening at the fair and also captured innovations, products and statements by exhibitors. These tours, interviews and impressions can still be experienced now: https://www.k-online.com/en/ Review/K-LIVE/K-LIVE

Meanwhile, the exhibitors in the exhibition halls were highly satisfied with the international trade visitors, their willingness to invest and the greatinterestinthethreehottopicsof circular economy, climate protection and digitalisation.

Herearesomeoftheexhibitors’ testimonials:

“For Asahi Kasei K 2022 was by far the biggest trade fair – measured by stand size, product range and visitor numbers. In addition to our AKXY2 concept car, our plastic solutions for automotive interiors as well as our particlefoamsforbatteryapplications were clearly the focus of interest among visitors to our stand.” Martin Aeschlimann, General Manager EngineeringPlasticsDivision,Asahi KaseiEuropeGmbH

“K is simply the most international, the most dynamic and the most forward lookingnotonlytradefair,butactually platform in the industry. It is the beginning of a new era, it is really the beginning of the era of sustainability in the plastics industry. Everywhere you go here at K you can really sense and feel that.” RichardAmberger, Group Leader Communications PerformanceMaterialsEurope,BASF

“SABIC was very excited to be part of the K 2022 which turned out to be a greatsuccess.Itwasnicetomeetour customers again in person. Visitors to our booth were particularly interested in SABIC’s BLUEHERO electrification and TRUCIRCLE circular solutions and applications.” HilmarBacker–Senior ManagerGlobalCommunicationsat SABIC

“The K exhibitors from the plastics producing industry are very satisfied. Customers and partners from many sectors were especially interested in developments and projects related to the circular economy and climate neutrality since all industries are urgently looking for solutions to reduce emissions and save resources.

Regardless of the current crises, plastics producers draw confidence from their world-leading trade fair. For us K 2022 was the perfect platform to accelerate the journey into a sustainable future with plastics. Over the whole duration of the trade fair we experienced strong international interest, enriching encounters and a noticeable sense of optimism. Add to this the in-depth dialogue with policy-makers and the media, which helped carry K’s messages and content beyond the exhibition halls. K demonstrated once again: we delivertherightanswerstothepivotal questions of our time.” Ingemar Bühler,ManagingDirectorPlastics EuropeGermany.

“K 2022 also draws to a close with a clear commitment to sustainability and the circular economy for the rubber industry, too. Nearly all raw and auxiliary materials suppliers to the rubber industry represented at K are on the path to climate neutrality.

The same applies to mechanical engineering. Since the last K a global supply chain platform for sustainable natural rubber has been established; this opens up new avenues for re-use of rubber products after their first use such as the ‘Allianz Zukunft Reifen’ (Alliance Future Tyres) (AZuR). The RubberStreetinHall6ofK2022andthe positive feedback we received there confirm the interest of the elastomer industryinre-useandrecyclingoptions for rubber products as well as in living the circular economy. We can look forward to the concepts presented herebeingputintoeverydaypractice byK2025.BorisEngelhardt,Managing Director wdk e.V. (German Rubber Manufacturers’ Association)

“Jomar found K 2022 to be quite successful and although we had less overall visitors than in years past, the quality of the visitors was greatly increased.” Ron Gabriele, Global SalesandMarketingManager,Jomar Corporation

“We are highly satisfied with the results of the trade fair. Recycling and the circular economy have been embraced 100% by the plastics industry. We notice this both in the

high visitor footfall at our stand and in the Circonomic Centre, as well as in the very pleasing number of sales deals concluded overall.” Manfred Hackl,CEOEREMAGroupGmbH

“Microban witnessed a surge in demand for sustainable antimicrobial technologies that are compatible with plastic packaging - and we were thrilled to be able to offer innovative solutions that address such requirements. We look forward to commencing some exciting new projects in this space as a result of our interactions at K 2022.” Graham Harvey, Global Group Director, MicrobanInternational

“Plastics and rubber machinery producers arrive at a very positive verdict: they have succeeded in presenting their technology innovations to a broad professional audience and in closing many good business deals. K 2022 has given the circular economy an enormous boost. The interest taken by national but above all also international trade visitors clearly exceeded machinery producers’ expectations; they showcased their innovations specifically geared to the circular

economy at VDMA’s Circular Economy Forum in addition to their exhibition stands. With the Circular Economy Forum we have sent out a clear signal and made a clear commitmenttothecirculareconomy. This was received very well by visitors. The exhibitors themselves were a little surprised by the strong interest taken by the trade audience.” Thorsten Kühmann,GeneralManagerPlastics andRubberMachinery,VDMA

”K 2022 exhibition was extremely successful for SIKORA. Contrary to the subdued expectations of Messe Düsseldorf, we were able to register a significant increase in visitors compared to 2019. As expected, most visitors came from Germany, but also international guests, for example from India, Italy, Poland and Turkey, were represented. The discussionsatourboothwerenotonly numerous, but also characterized by a high quality, which gives hope for a good follow-up business. The focus was clearly on quality and efficiency increase as well as circular economy and sustainability. We are already looking forward to the next K in 2025!” HolgerLieder,DirectorofSales/Interim

“The plastic converting industry gives a positive verdict on K 2022. Once again, a high-calibre international trade fair audience with decisionmaking authority found its way to Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre to attend K 2022. The first major event in the plastics industry held since the beginning of the Covid pandemic had been eagerly anticipated by many exhibitors and trade fair visitors. K2022passedthisacidtest.Itbecame evident again that K as the world’s No. 1 trade fair serves not only as a “projection screen” and showcase for the latest innovations in plastics technology but also as a unique worldwide forum for discussions and exchange for the entire plastics value chain. K 2022 has served both these purposes in an outstanding way.”

Dr.OliverMöllenstädt,General ManagerGermanPlasticsConverters Association(gkve.V.)

Our booth entertained visitors from 82 countries who were keen to know about our expanded PP and PE solutions. Many also showed interest in exploring investment opportunities at our Ladayn Polymer Park in Oman. Congratulations and thank you Messe Dusseldorf for hosting such a marvelous and long-standing tradeshow.” Ron Reago, Marcom Head,OQ

“Our team is satisfied with the number of visitors and even more so with the quality of the interaction. We were especially happy to be able to meet them on site again and to have good conversations with them. By our assessment, German and European visitors were more dominant this time, but North and South Americans and various Asian countries were also

stronglyrepresentedagain.Customers and partners were particularly interested in our developments and projects related to the circular economyandclimateneutrality;after all, all industries are urgently looking for solutions to cut emissions and save resources. Despite all other restrictions caused by the current crisis, we are confident that the plastics industry as a solutions provider will continue focusing on answers to the major globalchallengesformanyconsumer industries.” Dr. Frank Rothbarth, Corporate Trade Media Relations, Communications,Covestro “We are very satisfied with K 2022. We recorded an enormous run on our trade fair stand and the arburgGREENworld pavilion in VDMA’s Circular Economy Forum throughout the course of the trade fair,includingattheweekend.Under the current circumstances we had notexpectedsuchastrongresponse in terms of the quantity, quality and international origin of visitors. Our communications strapline “There is only a Plan A” obviously hit the bull’s eye: the interest in our focal

themes sustainability, digitalisation and resilience was enormous. We presented great applications and innovative technology and demonstrated that our portfolio and services offer everything to strengthen our customers’ resilience, not only during these challenging times. We are also very proud of

our trainees who “rocked” the arburgGREENworld Pavilion and with great commitment discussed sustainableandresource-conserving solutions and the future of plastics especially also with young visitors.”

“Participating to K2022 was very special for DOMO in many ways. After years inside Hall 5, we decided for an outdoor pavilion, co-hosted with our partner Circularise - and the decisionpaidoffinfull.Wewelcomed key decision-makers and partners to the booth and registered more interest overall across all regions and continents. As a supplier of technical polyamides, we offer highperformance solutions for a genuine and sustainable circular economy. It is great to see that this is a joint ambition of the entire chemical and plastics industry, already delivering concrete results for CO2 reduction. One thing became clear this year: K, at 70 years old, is younger and more innovative than ever!” Ludovic Tonnerre,ChiefCommercialOfficer, DOMOChemicals

“Nearly all nations without exceptions were represented, both on the sales side and on the customer side. Our European launches and the Medical Machine garnered particularly strong interest. A predominant topic in the discussions was the subject of energy.” Dominik Wiesner, Marketing & Communications Europe, Haitian International Germany GmbH Next K in Düsseldorf will be held from 8 to 15 October 2025.


TIRE TECHNOLOGY EXPO (Hannover, Germany) – 21-23 March - www.tiretechnology-expo.com

MECSPE (Bologna, Italy) – 29-31 March - www.mecspe.com

CHINAPLAS (Shenzhen, China) – 17-20 April - www.chinaplasonline.com

COSMOPROF (Bologna, Italy) 16-18 May www.cosmoprof.com

INTERPACK (Düsseldorf, Germany) 4-10 May www.interpack.com

PRSE (Rai - Amsterdam, The Netherlands) 10-11 May www.prseventeurope.com

PLASTIC EXPO (Osaka, Japan) - 17-19 May - www.plas.jp/en-gb.html

EQUIPLAST (Barcelona, Spain) 30 May - 2 June - www.equiplast.com

PLASTIC EXPO (Osaka, Japan) 17-19 May - www.material-expo.jp

PLASTPOL (Targi Kielce, Poland) – 23-26 May - www.targikielce.pl/en/plastpol

ARGENPLAS (Buenos Aires, Argentina) – 6-9 June - www.argenplas.com.ar

SAUDIPLAS (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) 12-15 June www.saudipp.com

PLASTICS RECYCLING WORLD EXPO (Essen, Germany) – 14-15 June - eu.plasticsrecyclingworldexpo.com

SOLIDS (Parma, Italy) – 14-15 June - www.solids-parma.de/it

PLAST (Milan-Rho, Italy) – 5-8 September - www.plastonline.org

PRS MEA (Dubai, UAE) 5-7 September www.prseventmea.com

POWTECH (Nuremberg, Germany) - 26-28 September - www.powtech.de/en

INTERPLAS (Birmingham, UK) – 26-28 September - www.interplasuk.com

FAKUMA (Friedrichshafen, Germany) – 17-21 October - www.fakuma-messe.de

PLASTIC EXPO (Tokyo, Japan) - 4-6 October - www.material-expo.jp

ARABPLAST (Dubai, UAE) – 13-15 December - www.arabplast.info


ARABPLAST2023www.arabplast.info 96,100-101

ARBURGSRLwww.arburg.com 38-41

AUTOMAbyMAGICSRLwww.automabymagic.it 105-107

BARACCOSRLwww.baracco.biz 16-17



BFMSRLwww.bfm.it 90-92

BINOVASRLwww.binovapm.it 4,56-57

BRUNOFOLCIERISRLwww.brunofolcieri.it 11-13

C.M.G.SPAwww.cmg-granulators.com 93-95

CALDARAPLASTSRLwww.caldara.it 52-55

CHINAPLAS2023www.chinaplasonline.com 50-51

COLORSERVICESRLwww.colorservice.net 14-15

COSMOPACK2023www.cosmoprof.com 86


ELVEMSRLwww.elvem.it 84-85

EQUIPLAST2023www.equiplast.com 24,36

FAKUMA2023www.fakuma-messe.de/en/ 58,70-71

FILTECSRLwww.filtec.it 87-89







MECSPE2023www.mecspe.com 116-117

MIXSRLwww.mixsrl.it 25

NEGRIBOSSISPAwww.negribossi.com II^COVER,81-83

OR.P.STAMPISRLwww.orpstampi.com III^COVER,22-23

PLASMECSRLwww.plasmec.it 97

PLAST2023www.plastonline.org 20-21,29

PLASTIBLOWSRLwww.plastiblow.it 18-19

PLASTORESRLwww.plastore.it 33-35

PLASTPOL2023www.targikielce.pl/plastpol 8-9,80

PPISRLwww.ppisrl.com 30-32

PROMECOSPAwww.promeco.it 75-77

PROPAKCHINA2023www.propakchina.com 99

PRSEUROPE2023www.prseventeurope.com 98,62

PRSMIDDLEEAST&AFRICA2023www.prseventmea.com 10,44

SIRMAXSPAwww.sirmax.com 5,63-65

SMISPAwww.smigroup.it 66-69

SOLIDS2023www.solids-parma.de 110,114-115

SPSITALIA2023www.spsitalia.it 128

TECNOSYSTEMSRLwww.tecnosystemfe.it 2,26-28

TOVOGOMMASPAwww.tovogomma.com 1,72-74

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